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A Lesson Plan in Teaching Types of Sentence according to Function

Name: Dumpa, Angelie D. Year and Section: Grade-7

Time: 08:00-08:30 am
Time Frame: 30minutes

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students should be able to:

a. Distinguish the types of sentence through oral recitation

b. Construct a declarative, imperative, interrogative and exclamatory
sentence and
c. Present a short presentation depicting different situation

II. Subject Matter

A. Content: Types of Sentence according to Function

B. Reference: Retrieved from


C. Materials: Visual aids for discussion

D. Approach: Discussion Method, Oral recitation, and Collaborative learning

E. Value Integration: Use sentence in an ethical way.

III. Procedure

A. Preparation

 Class Prayer
 Greetings
 Review of previous lesson

B. Motivation

The teacher will divide the class into four; each group will be given
pieces of cut cartolina with words written on them. They will be asked to
arrange the words in order to make a sentence.

These are the sentences:

1. Violet is my favorite color.

2. Meet me at the town square.
3. Will you come with me?
4. I cant wait for the party!

C. Presentation of the lesson:

The teacher will present the four types of sentence according to

function by using the constructed sentences in the activity as an
 Declarative Sentence - used to convey information or make statements
 Imperative Sentence - used to issue orders or directives
 Interrogative Sentence - used to asks questions
 Exclamatory - used to make exclamations


Violet is my favorite color. - Declarative

Meet me at the town square. - Imperative
Will you come with me? - Interrogative
I cant wait for the party! - Exclamatory

D. Enrichment:

The teacher will present a picture on the board. The teacher says “Using
the picture shown on the board, I want you to form different types of
sentences according to function.”

E. Generalization:

Now, class, let us remember that sentences have four functions. They
can be declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory. Can you
again tell me the differences of the four?”

F. Application

Group Activity: The class will be divided into four. The students
will do pop corn activity. They will make a short presentation
based from the situation that they picked. The students will make
sure to use all types of sentences.

These are the situations:

1. A famous actress visited your town.
2. Your missed your long exam.
3. Your teacher informed you of being the valedictorian.
4. You and your friends are watching basketball game.
G. Evaluation

Direction: Identify the function of the given sentences whether declarative,

imperative, interrogative and exclamatory.

1. Where did she get so many flowers?

2. I'm glad to see you.
3. Isn’t her dress gorgeous!
4. The sun is the center of the solar system.
5. How intelligent you are!

IV. Assignment
Write a short narrative about your most unforgettable experience. Use at least 4
declarative, 4 imperative, 4 exclamatory and 4 interrogative sentences.
Prepared by:

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