Diagnostic Examination in Law Enforcement Administration

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CRIMINOLOGISTS Licensure Examination

Second Day 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following
questions. Mark only one answer for each item by marking the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet
provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.


1. When was automobile patrol introduced in Manila?

a. 1934 B. 1944 C. 1954 D. 1964
2. What is the document issued by the CPNP or his duly
authorized representative authorizing a person to engage in
the occupation, calling or employ as security guard or
detectives, or a juridical person to establish, engage,
direct, manage or operate an individual or a private
detective agency or private security agency/company
security force after payment of the prescribed dues or
a. Permit to operate D. Business permit
b. License to operate E. All of these
c. A and B
3. RA 4864 was enacted on
a. September 8, 1966 c. March 17, 1954
b. July 1, 1901 d. July 24, 1968
4. This includes any person who offers or renders personal
services to watch or secure either a residence or business
establishment or both or buildings, compounds or areas, for
hire or compensation or as employee thereof.
a. Blue army c. Personal body guard
b. Security guard e. Guard for hire
c. All of these
5. This is a person who does detective work for hire, reward
or commission, other than members of the AFP, BJMP,
Provincial guards, PNP or any law enforcement agency of the
a. Secret agent c. Private detective e. Tagasiyasat
b. Tiktik d. Undercover
6. A personnel of the police department who has taken oath of
office and possess the power to arrest is called.
a. Arresting officer c. Commanding officer
b. Sworn officer d. Superior officer
7. The uprightness in character, soundness moral principles,
honesty and freedom from moral delinquencies is referred to
a. Integrity c. Discretion
b. Loyalty d. Moral
c. Perseverance
8. Who is authorized to classify top secret matter?
a. Chief of Police c. Regional Director
b. Sec of DND d. Provincial Director

9. Going east while foot patrolling and turning right after
reaching the end of your beat and turning right after
reaching the other end of the road and again turning right
until you completed the cycle by reaching back to your
origin of patrolling. What patrol pattern have you applied?
a. Clockwise d. Counterclockwise
b. Straightway e. Free-wheeling
c. Criss-cross
10. While patrolling at night time, absence of animals on the
road may indicate that the
a. Community is not pond of animals
b. Dog found unit of the local health department is very
effective in holding stray animals
c. Animals have been scared off by a prowler
d. People have no pets because of the prevalence of
e. All of the above
11. While patrolling, PO2 Ganado observed the following: a. a
young good looking man stalking a lady who seems unknown to
him b. an unknown old man watching a parked car inside a
carpark,c. a man wearing torn clothing while selling
“balut” d. an unknown person walking while window shopping.
If you are PO2 Ganado, who among the stated persons whom
you are going to be considered suspicious?

a. a c. b e. All of them
b. c d. d
12. Which theory of patrol state that police visibility
increases the opportunity to apprehend criminals by
soothing them and letting them believe that their crimes
will not be detected?
a. Low profile theory c. Theory of police omnipresence
b. High visibility d. Team policing
13. Based on the fundamental theories of patrol, suppression
of the desire of offenders to commit a crime refers to
a. Criminal jurisdiction c. Patrol activity
b. High visibility d. Crime prevention
14. While conducting patrol at the central business district
during the night shift
a. Walk near the road curb.
b. Stay on high ground such as roof top.
c. Walk near the building.
d. Stay in the shadows or the building.
e. None of these
15. Compared to human’s ability to smell, a dog is capable of
recognizing an odor
a. 10 hundred times c. 10 million times
b. 10 thousand times d. 10 billion times
16. Without air force capability, patrol operation that
covers large park areas, grassy fields or wooded areas
requires the use of
a. Bike patrol c. Marine patrol
b. Horse patrol d. Helicopter patrol

17. In hostage taking plan the very purpose is the safety
release of hostage so it is important that the first step
to take in the operation is
a. Attack the hostage taker c. Rescue
b. Investigate d. Make a negotiation
18. Which attempt by the administration to allocate
anticipated resources to meet anticipated service demands?
a. Goal c. Plan
b. Police planning d. Operation plan
19. Which of the following refers to the long range planning?
a. Intermediate c. Medium
b. Strategic d. Short
20. The operational plan which is designed to meet every day
or year around needs is called?
a. Meeting unusual needs c. Regular operating programs
b. Extra office d. Special operating programs
21. Tactical plans involves all but one of the following:
a. Community events c. Arrest of offenders
b. Attack against a building d. None of these
22. Patrol officer is said to be the semblance of the patrol
officer. Semblance in this statement means:
a. Backbone c. Representation
b. Most effective d. Most popular
23. Which of the following is the oldest type of patrol?
a. Horse c. Canine
b. Foot d. Police
24. Which of the type of patrol capable for pick up license
number of fleeing automobile?
a. Horse c. Foot
b. Television d. All of these
25. The act of expelling a squatter by the legal process is
a. Demolition c. Eviction
b. Squadron d. Tear down
26. Which of the following is not a commissioned officer?
a. Inspector c. Asst.Chief
b. Senior superintendent d. Chief superintendent
e. All of these
27. Which of the following words has the same meaning as the
word credibility?
a. Ability c. Believability
b. Capacity d. Vulnerability
e. All of these
28. Which of these pertains to a letter of directive designed
to guide PNP personnel?
a. Police operation c. Police relations
b. Police operational procedures d. None of these
29. Shire means
a. Shine c. Ruler
b. Counties d. King
e. All of these

30. If you are a patrol officer, which of the following is
then last action that you are going to do before leaving
your beat?
a. Take your coffee in the nearest canteen, anyway it is
b. Buy a “pasalubong” or your loveones
c. Make a counter – clockwise tour of your beat
d. Conduct a clockwise patrol to your beat
e. All of the above
31. Which of the following is an internal factor affecting
patrol performance?
a. Higher pay
b. Promotion opportunity
c. Promotion by higher authorities
d. None of these
32. The factor influencing decision making at an operational
level where the condition is “if the citizens do not report
crimes to the police when service is needed” fails under
a. External factor c. Higher pay
b. Community output d. Support of the
barangay officials
33. Which of the following best defines the word self –
a. Loyalty c. Trust to one another
b. Confidence d. Faith in God
34. The police patrol work in a 24-hour basis. This statement
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. Confusing
35. What is the primary purpose of patrolling?
a. Observation c. Called for service
b. Crime prevention d. Criminal
36. Among the following subdivisions of management planning,
which one is concerned to establish expenditures reports to
assist in making administrative decisions within the
a. Personnel
b. Specification and Purchasing procedures
c. Organizations
d. Accounting procedures
37. All but one are the powers of the police officers:
a. Prevent the commission of the crime
b. Arrest criminal offenders
c. To investigate the commission of the crime
d. To attain an acceptable degree of peace and order
38. What is the step in planning which attempts to develop a
plan and all facts relating to it have been gathered?
a. Frame of reference c. Clarifying the facts
b. Analyzing the facts d. Collecting the facts
39. Which of the following should “preservation of physical
evidence” fall?
a. Operation procedures d. Field operations
b. Headquarters procedures e. None of these
c. Special operating procedures

40. All but one are the primarily line operation in police
a. Patrol d. Traffic
b. Records e. None of these
c. Investigation
41. In the middle ages of police history a system was
introduce which the community was divided into citing or
group of ten men, each member of which was responsible for
the conduct of the other members of his group and form the
assurance that a member charge with the violation of would
be produced in court. This system is known as the
a. Medjay c. Shire rieve
b. Hue and cry d. Frankpledge
42. What is the operational plan designed to meet every day
or year around needs?
a. Meeting unusual needs c. Extra office
b. Regular operating programs d. Special operating
43. Which of the following statement is not true?
a. The common meaning of the word decoy is bait
b. The common meaning of the word decoy is induce
c. The common meaning of the word decoy is trap
d. The common meaning of the word decoy is trade
44. Criminals can hear the sound of the helicopter coming and
surprise is lost which is one of the ________ of air
a. Advantages c. Disadvantages
b. Features d. Importance
e. Errors
45. What is the patrol used to locate prowlers, burglars
hiding in large buildings or stores, and the control of
unruly crowds and riots?
a. Foot c. Bicycle
b. Horse d. Dog
46. The first action for the police patrol officer to do upon
arriving on his AOR is
a. Make tour of his beat c. Visit the coffee shop
b. Watch movies d. Smoke his cigarette
47. Which of the following laws established the police
organization under the DILG?
a. RA 5487 c. RA 1174
b. RA 8551 d. RA 6975
48. What is meant by the word omnipresence in the sentence:
“police omnipresence deters opportunity for would be
a. Present overtime c. Present anywhere
b. Anytime d. Crime prevention
49. Upon arriving at his AOR, a police officer should conduct
what pattern of patrolling at the start of his 8-hour duty?
a. Clockwise d. Zig-zag or free wheeling
b. Counter clockwise e. Criss-cross
c. Straightway
50. Who is the most important officer in the police
a. General d. Traffic
b. Investigator e. The Chief of Police
c. Patrol

51. No policemen shall be entitled to salary subsidy unless
he is qualified as such. Qualified in this rule means
a. Possession of the minimum qualification
b. Position of minimum qualification
c. Possession of the maximum qualification
d. Position of maximum qualification
e. All of these
52. When individual come to question or criticize the PNP
police and procedure, what should the police man do?
a. Direct the complainant to his superior
b. Discuss the matter with the complaint
c. Kept silent when criticism is false
d. Inform the public on regulation and policies
e. A and b
53. To ensure the systematic and effective utilization of all
members, the PNP force should focus in the prime
consideration in determining:
a. Promotion d. Transfers
b. Appointment e. Assignment
c. None of these
54. What plan is needed to accomplish the purpose of patrol,
crime investigation, traffic, vice, etc?
a. Tactical plan c. Management plan
b. Extra office plan d. Operational plan
c. B or D
55. Aggressive patrol tactics plus continuous appeal for
citizen contain and cooperation can reduce possible crime
a. Honor d. Property
b. Security e. None of the above
c. All of these
56. The type of raid according to time
a. Planned and spontaneous
b. Raid in small or large group of men
c. Raids in open area or building
d. None of these
e. A and B
57. What is the act of compelling or fulfillment of the law
in order of obedience thereto
a. Duty c. Obligation
b. Regulation d. Enforcement
58. In the conduct of inspection to a police department, the
inspector shall be
a. Strict and detained in minor matters
b. Rigid and fault finding
c. Complacent and friendly
d. Cooperative and suggest corrections
e. None of these
59. “Spot promotion may be extended to any member of the
police force for acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry
at the risk of his life over and beyond of call of duty.”
This provision is found in the
a. Police act of 1996 c. Police manual
b. PD 765 d. PD 448

60. The essence of both organization mission and values
statements that gives employees the attitude to perform at
their highest levels is called
a. Mission application c. Empowerment
b. Enforcement d. Commitment
c. All of these
61. Act No. 175 provided the organization mission and values
statements that gives employees the attitude to perform at
their highest levels is called
a. July 9, 1901 c. July 15, 1901
b. July 18, 1901 d. July 8, 1901
62. Which of the following is the oldest warning device?
a. Trumpet c. Radio
b. Horn d. Siren
63. What is the integrated system of underground and overhead
piping, designed in accordance with fire protection
engineering standards, and connected to one or more
automatic water
a. Alarm system c. Standpipe system
b. Sprinkler system d. Ionization device
64. Which of these uses a photoelectric cell where in some of
these detectors, smoke that enters obscures a steady beam
of light, in others, the smoke scatters a light ray from a
diode so that the cell can detect it?
a. Alarm system c. ionization device
b. Smoke detector d. Sprinkler system
65. What is the simplest form of lock?
a. Ward lock c. Cylinder
b. Yale lock d. Combination lock
66. Which of the following persons is not a VIP?
a. State president c. High ranking public
b. Private officials d. High ranking military
67. Which of the following conducts prophylactic operations
in the area of engagement?
a. Perimeter security c. Route security
b. Area security d. Reserve security
68. What is the evaluated and interpreted information
concerning organized crime and other law enforcement
a. Information c. Intelligence
b. Police intelligence d. None of these
c. A and C
69. What of these could be obtained without resorting to
special effort or clandestine operation?
a. Open sources c. Close sources
b. Intelligence information d. None of these
c. A and B
70. The accomplice of associate of the subject of
surveillance is
a. Convoy d. Decoy
b. Made e. Lost
c. All of these

71. Who is the best-known spy in history, yet she was one of
the worst?
a. Mata Hari d. Belle Boyd
b. Baden – Powell e. Maugham
c. None of these
72. This is derived from organized information available in
the police records division which is concerned with nature,
size, and distribution of the police problems of crime vice
and traffic
a. Strategic c. Departmental
b. Counter d. Undercover
73. What type of cover uses actual or true background?
a. Artificial c. Natural
b. Multiple cover d. Cover within a cover
74. What is the law provides the National Police Commission
to conduct police examination.
a. RA 2260 c. RA 4864
b. RA 6040 d. RA 6141
75. What is the maximum tenure of office of the Chief of PNP
or the Director General of the PNP?
a. 4 years c. 5 years e. None of these
b. 6 years d. 7 years
76. If the CPNP assumes his office in July 8, 2005, his last
day in office as the CPNP will be on
a. July 7, 2009 c. July 7, 2010
b. July 7, 2011 d. July 7, 2002
77. In the attrition system of the PNP, the maximum tenure of
the PNP regional director is
a. 4 years c. 6 years e. None of these
b. 5 years d. 9 years
78. What is the standard operating procedure that is intended
to be used in all situations of all kinds, and shall be
outlines as a guide to officers and men in the field?
a. Headquarters procedures c. Special operating
b. Field procedures d. Characteristics of
79. The study of the processes and conditions of the Law
Enforcement pillar that is also called police in action
a. Police management c. Police organization
b. Organizational structure d. Police administration
80. Which of the following pertains to the extent to which an
authority is concentrated or dispersed?
a. Unity of Direction c. Centralization
b. Scalar of chain d. Delegation of authority
81. What is the principle of organization suggesting that
communication should ordinarily go upward and downward
through establish channels in the hierarchy?
a. Chain of command c. Unity of command
b. Span of control d. Delegation of authority

82. What type of organizational structure in which quick
decisions are made because of direct line authority and
discipline is easily administered?
a. Line and staff organization
b. Functional organization
c. Line organization
d. Functional and staff organization
e. All of these
83. The placement of subordinate into the position for which
their capabilities best fit them is referred to as
a. Staffing c. Directing
b. Organizing d. Planning
c. None of these
84. What is the optional retirement for officer and new
officers of the police service?
a. 15 years c. 30 years d. 35 years
b. 25 years d. 20 years
85. What is the method of separation from the police service
after completing the required age for length of service?
a. Retirement c. Demotion e. All of these
b. Dismissal d. AWOL
86. Which of the following is not considered minor offenses
that may be committed by a PNP member?
a. Neglect of duty d. Extortion
b. Habitual drunkenness e. Gambling while on
c. None of these
87. What is the term of office of the four regular and full –
time commissioner of the NAPOLCOM?
a. 6 years c. 4 years e. None of these
b. 5 years d. 9 years
88. Complaints against personnel of the Internal Affairs
Office shall be brought to the
a. NAPOLCOM d. Internal Affairs office
b. PLEB e. Inspector’s office
c. Prosecutor’s office
89. Who is the ex-officio chairman of the NAPOLCOM
a. Chief of the PNP
b. Secretary of DILG
c. Commissioner from the civilian sector
d. Secretary of DOJ
e. None of these
90. The reorganization of the PNP is made by the NAPOLCOM who
shall conduct management audit, and prepare a proposed
reorganization plan. Who shall approve the said plan?
a. DILG Secretary c. C/PNP e. All of these
b. Congress d. President
91. What is the required age for the grant of waiver of age
requirement for initial appointment in the PNP?
a. Not below 25 nor over 35 years of age
b. Not below 20 nor over 35 years of age
c. Less than 25 but not more than 32 years of age
d. More than 22 but less than 32 years of age

92. Under RA 8551, any personnel who has not been promoted
for a continuous service shall be retired or separated if
the said period of non – promotion gained with in
a. 20 years c. 10 years e. 15 years
b. 18 months d. None of these
93. A PNP member may be dismissed from service if he/she will
go on absence without official leave for a continuous
period of
a. 30 years c. 90 years e. 45 years
b. 60 years d. 6 months
94. Governors and mayor; upon having been elected and having
qualified as such, are automatically deputized as
representatives of the
a. NAPOLCOM b. DND c. PLEB d. None of these
95. What is the equivalent rank of a Senior Police Officer IV
in the AFP?
a. Master Sergeant d. Lieutenant
b. Captain e. None of these
c. Technical Sergeant
96. As provided by the Phil. Constitution of 1987, the PNP
shall be
a. Absorbed by the former PC and shall become a national
b. National in character and civilian in scope
c. National in scope and civilian in character
d. The leading law enforcement agency in the country
e. None of the above
97. Patrol members who are first on the scene of an accident
are expected to:
a. Call for a qualified medical aid and provide the
necessary first aid
b. Just call a doctor and leave the victim alone
c. Immediately lead the victim to vehicle and bring him
to the nearest hospital
d. Investigate who was responsible for the accident
e. None of these
98. Which of the following commonly means bait, trap or
induce usually undertaken by plainclothes police personnel?
a. Decoy c. Investigation e. All of these
b. Deception d. Trick
99. The strategy wherein the members of the force in plain
clothes patrol areas on foot or in unmarked police cars
where the street crimes becomes high risk crimes refers to
a. Low visibility c. High visibility
b. Psychology of omnipresence d. Clockwise patrol
100. It is the maximum security measure applied to prevent
possible decryption of encrypted data on radio
a. Transmission c. Cryptographic
b. All of these e. Computer security

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