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Lecture and compiling
by Ar.A.Sivaraman, M.Arch, MCA, AIIA.

Elements of Human Settlements – human beings and settlements – nature shells& Net work – their functions and Linkages – Anatomy &
classification of Human settlements – Locational, Resource based, Population size & Occupational structure.


Structure and form of Human settlements – Linear, non-linear and circular – Combinations – reasons for development – advantages and
disadvantages – case studies – factors influencing the growth and decay of human settlements.


Planning concepts and their relevance to Indian Planning practice in respect of Ebenezer Howard – Garden city concepts and contents –
Patrick Geddes – Conservative surgery – case study – C.A. Perry – Neighborhood concept Le Corbusier – concept and case studies.


Scope and Content of Master plan – planning area, land use plan and Zoning regulations – zonal plan – need, linkage to master plan and land
use plan – planned unit development (PUD) – need, applicability and development regulations - Urban Renewal Plan –
Meaning,Redevelopment, Rehabilitation and Conservation – JNNURM – case studies.


Globalization and its impact on cities – Urbanisation, emergence of new forms of developments – self sustained communities – SEZ – transit
development – integrated townships – case studies.
AND developing COUNTRIES
Structure |

• Introduction
• city
• city forms
• Types of city forms
• The Radio centric city
• The gridiron city
• The linear city
• City growth
• Ecological models of urban land use model
• Concentric Model
• Sector Model
• Multi nuclei Model

 A city is a group of people and a number of permanent structures within a limited

geographical area, so organized as to facilitate the interchange of goods and
services among its residents and with the outside world.
 The settlements grew into villages, villages transformed into cities.
 Cities created when large number of people live together, in a specific geographic
location leading to the Creation of urban areas.
 Cities exist for many reasons, and the diversity of urban forms depends on the
complex functions that cities perform.

What is meant by cities?


 Urban Form refers to the-

• physical layout and design of the city
• spatial imprint of an urban transport system
• adjacent physical infrastructures.
Jointly, they confer a level of spatial arrangement to cities.

 Urban form or city form defined as-

‘ the spatial pattern of human activities at a certain point in time’.

What is urban form ?

Factors influencing city form|


Impact of
Period of

Social , political
Trade practiced and economic
What is meant by factors ?
Types of city form|
The Radio centric (concentric) city
• Geographical possibilities of spreading in all directions.
• Radio centric - Radiate outward from a common centre.
• Inner Outer ring roads linked by radiating roads.
• Core has business area.
• Industrial area interspersed within the residential.
• Periphery has green belts.
• Example : Washington DC, Pre-industrial Baghdad in Iraq.

Advantages- Disadvantages-

• A direct line of travel for centrally • Central congestion ,

directed flows, • local flow problems ,
• economics of a single- centralised • difficult building sites
terminal or origin point.

What is concentric?
| CASE STUDY Types of city form|
The Radio centric (concentric) city- MASCOW
Moscow, the world biggest
Megapolis (Russian Moskva) is
the capital of Russia.
The city grew in a pattern of
rings and radials that marked
Moscow's growth from
ancient time to modern
The center of all rings is
Moscow Kremlin and famous
Red Square.

Moscow, 1893
What is case study ?
| CASE STUDY Types of city form|
The Radio centric (concentric) city- MASCOW
• Successive epochs of
development are traced
by the
• The Boulevard Ring
• The Garden Ring,
• The Moscow Little
Ring Railway,
• And the Moscow
Ring Road.

Moscow, at present
What is case study ?
Types of city form|
The Grid iron city

• It is composed of straight streets crossing at right angles to

create many regular city blocks.
• This form is typical of cities built after the industrial
revolution – because only then did cities place such
importance on economic activity.
• A city grid iron plan facilitates the movement of people and
product throughout the city.

Advantages Disadvantages
• High accessibility, • Requires flow hierarchies,
• minimum disruption of flow, • limited in its adaptability to the terrain,
• expansion flexibility, • potentially monotonous
• excellent psychological orientation,
adaptability to level or moderately
rolling terrain.
What is grid iron ?
| CASE STUDY-1 Types of city form|
The Grid iron city - chandigarh
 The population of a sector
 The primary module of city’s
varies between 3000-20000
design is a Sector, a
depending upon sizes of plots
neighbourhood unit of size
and topography of the area.
800 m X1200 m.
 It is a self-sufficient unit having
 The shopping street of each
shops, school, health centres and
sector is linked to the
places of recreations .
adjoining sectors thus forming
one long, continuous ribbon .

 The central green of each

Sector also stretches to the
green of the next sector
What is case study ?
| CASE STUDY-2 Types of city form|
The Grid iron city - San Francisco
 Downtown San Francisco is
San Francisco was designed to extremely dense.
accommodate outrageous number
of people that came to the city  The planning commission
during the Gold Rush. split downtown into four
separate zones with different
It was laid out in a grid pattern purposes.
imposed on a city of hills built on
the end of a peninsula.  Office District

Both grids and irregular forms can  Retail District

be seen in San Francisco.
 General Commercial

 Support District

San Francisco
What is case study ?
Types of city form|
The linear city

What is linear ?
Types of city form|
The linear city

 Initially proposed by Soria Y Mata.

 Expand the city along the spine of transport
 The Linear City concept is a Conscious Form Of Urban
Development with Housing And Industry Growing Along
The Highway Between existing cities and contained by the
continuous open space of the rural countryside.

Advantages Disadvantages

• High accessibility • Very sensitive to blockage requires

• adaptability to linear growth control of growth
• useful along the limited edge. • lacks focus,
• The choice of connection or of
direction of movement are much less.

What is linear ?
| CASE STUDY-1 Types of city form|
The linear city – Navi Mumbai
The growth of Mumbai city is constrained by sea As a result a large population of
at south, east and west. As a result total land area service class and middle class
available for development of Mumbai is limited.
population shifted to
The cost of real estate and housing in Navi Navi Mumbai.
Mumbai is much less than costs in Mumbai and
sub-urban areas.

Many government and corporate offices have

been shifted from Mumbai to Navi Mumbai .

the Taloja and Thane Belapur Industrial Belt of

Navi Mumbai offer job opportunities of every
conceivable kind - from engineers to mechanics
to clerks to peons.

Navi Mumbai
( an alternative to Navi Mumbai ) What is case study ?
| CASE STUDY – Copenhagen city Types of city form|
Radial City, Finger City, The Urban Star
| CASE STUDY Types of city form|
Map of the fortress in the 17th century

Radial City, Finger City, The Urban Star

| CASE STUDY Types of city form|
Tokyo with two Loop structure

Lobe structure
| CASE STUDY Types of city form|
Ebenezer Howard’s GARDEN CITY

decentralized concentration

Satellite city
| STUDY Types of city form|
Land Use Pattern-Shapes

Usually the result of natural topography which restricts growth; may also be a transportation

A linear span with connecting arms.

A vast urban area with little or no articulation.

Articulated sheet
A sheet accented by one or more central clusters and several subclusters.

A series of nearly equal sized cities in close proximity

Constellation of cities around a main cluster
City growth|

 According to urbanist HANS BLUMENFELD, cities can grow in any of three ways:
Outward (expanding horizontally)
Upward (expanding vertically)
Toward greater density (expanding interstitially)

 As long as intra city traffic moved only by foot or hoof, possibilities of horizontal and
vertical expansion were strictly limited.
 Growth was mainly interstitial, filling up every square yard of vacant land left between
 With the advent of the elevator and the steel frame, the vertical growth of skyscrapers
 Suburbs spread out horizontally along streetcar and bus lines and around suburban
railroad stations, surrounded by wide-open spaces.

What is growth ?
Ecological urban land-use Model|
Concentric zone model

Developed in 1925 by Ernest w. Burgess.

 Cities grow radially outward away from a single centre.
 Different land uses are distributed like concentric rings around the city centre.
 They are: CBD, zone in transition, low-class residential zone, middle-class residential
zone, high-class residential zone.

 Criticisms about concentric zone theory

• Physical features - land may restrict growth of certain sectors
• Commuter villages defy the theory, being in the commuter zone but located far from the
• Decentralization of shops, manufacturing industry, and entertainment
• It assumes an isotropic plain - an even, unchanging landscape

What is model ?
Ecological urban land-use Model|
Concentric zone model

What is model ?
Ecological urban land-use Model|
Sector model

 Developed in 1939 by Homer Hoyt ,states that a city develops in sectors, not rings
 All land uses except the CBD form sectors around the city centre.
 The land use zones are influenced by radial transport routes.
 High-rental and low-rental areas repel one another.

 Criticisms about sector model

 Applies well to Chicago.
 Low cost housing is near industry and transportation proving Hoyt’s model
 Theory based on 20th century and does not take into account cars which make
commerce easier
 With cars, people can live anywhere and further from the city and still travel to the CBD
using their car. Not only do high-class residents have cars, but also middle and lower
class people may have cars.
What is model ?
Ecological urban land-use Model|
Sector model

What is model ?
| CASE STUDY-1 Ecological urban land-use Model|
Sector model- Gandhinagar
• GANDHINAGAR is planned to function mainly  They are planned on the
as administrative center for the state. neighborhood concept in
 The sectors are numbered from 1 to 30 and two phases:
they are formed by seven roads running in First Phase - The basic
each direction and cutting each other amenities were
perpendicularly. constructed.
Second phase -
constructions of capital
complex, sports complex,
town halls, research
institution, cinemas,
cultural centers,
residential bungalows etc.

What is model ?
Ecological urban land-use Model|
Multiple nuclei model

 A model of urban land use in which a city grows from several independent points rather
than from one central business district.
 Apart from the CBD, there are several separated, secondary centres.
 Certain functions require specialised facilities or sites, e.g. a port district needs a suitable
 Similar functions may group together for agglomeration economies.

Criticisms about the Multiple nuclei model

 Negligence of height of buildings.
 Non-existence of abrupt divisions between zones.
 No consideration of influence of physical relief and government policy.
 The concepts may not be totally applicable to oriental cities with different cultural,
economic and political backgrounds.

What is model ?
Ecological urban land-use Model|
Multiple nuclei model

What is model ?
Ecological urban land-use Model|
Multiple nuclei model

Advantages Disadvantages

• Optional locations for focal • Depends on stability to key

activities and system points,
terminals , • potential accessibility
• good psychological problems
orientation • tendency to dilute focal
• adaptability to existing activities

What is model ?
Ecological urban land-use Model|
Radial to multi-nuclei or polycentric city form Delhi

Website and books

Cities and Urban Life – By John J. Macionis And Vincent N. Parrillo

Good City Form – Kelvin Lynch › Courses › Architecture

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