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Lees aya Lb FoP pithy) 2-5 Sel frsweH bi tv Phd iL vio! Bahjendorrn rok (ple Up Ay Shas s Ab Gp Bib ea 2 BIBI seo ASE Lb, rbd hiolie at wen iforaarer Laliberte weh Ware ies Lopbipeha hayes ww Lupton. Susisstihy a bLve plow Ste PE cISdA be ftiecbr Fader faire Ms) My Beitrr, witrerager &. girl ye PL Late Sonrett; pb L bi Steafuk Bee th bay Prvibeghodsbals daidne PE NAb AAP Pace Bevipp led nrrL Pe pee $ LiPipeerbobucis? bypribeseF hed ne Lv El eitpeph isp h2d oI Gow hog o£. 4 PEL hyn stented gl yresicipepy tel ertL yp pBesGelyrcrrgns iis Deel Se : walla wheel Wiest Pie Lhe y Ba sreigt Aplin I flat pliers fena cies eB Bug" prepa thp Me Ah bi jf esa teudbypenapcl 4 pele pds Ld Lgu cyst nse Looe Ss Jeb esbyps lesb 0S asi yp noPh EAT ted ab 2 Sp bea ps2 oh GWE Dos? sPceLie ele lab rlgsi! LA SMa Bons 2 Soper gle webs tispase sofa Vapi BO gsi” pk Clos alah Lie doe See Gti bleV LS Sb 4 EU Sar Le AL ILA spo Si ety toby Lhera hie (Pal EI iiy ABS Ala) SPILL Py. Ob gL ber Liu bets a Preys ape elias. m. Kare 1 wn AL tk Ber Ye eA LLLS IP CFM Lest Wht Cor wt Fuad het Fhe po wih Lebsfor pro L i, Lyd Hick SIL rb lee-ep feb. esi by 2 RISO CPA L orn purl fi? eGo g fat Bee eho ASAE! Saprlebeode SFba 2! Je ISI EE eaaP iayehor Lrbuecrtrt 4 FSM ah wsSoprtirsal nS LE HI ng¢ a) Le huerridpiibee PLa © eneindutheet/S. Mu Katee | “ RPM Le We biseag PLT gett “WoL vuitGio es La Bhsllle Creo AA fillets Eber ARMs (LF SeuntreUMaLesoh hugh ero BLP GARE AMG 0. Lyatt Pigiitely totes LLLBIINS feb {peel fe sisSisrve De, Agrep bord lin $507 Pyrilr dsc Fabsbbisp Ql ARAL LPL Gh fo eck ricil Pe elf Lbsg Livrey Sp 5 EPbOE bette oietlart : ool Beuite ploy I0£ Ser a Srjrje HILLEL MEPIS bedirLey tae Pl BH “1 dewey, John, How We Thiak, Boston D.C. Heath & Coy 1955. 18 Dewey, John, The Quest for Certainty, Lendony George Allen and Urwin Li, 1930. 9 Gatner,Elit 6M. and Corda, Francesc, esearch and Report Writing, Eighth Printing, Now York, Barnes and Noble, Ine.» 1960. 10 Good, Carter V, and Seates, Douglas By IMatheds of Research, New York, Appleton entory= Crafts, Tne 1994 ty Wat, FW, A Companion to Classical Tots, onford, Clarendon Press, 1918 2 Katee, SM, Introduction to Indian Textual Criticism, Bombay, Karnatak Publihing House, wom. 15 Kelley, Truman Lee, Scientific Method, lew York, The Maenitian Co.y 1922. M4 Lucas, EL, Style, London, Pan Books bt, 1964, ts. Murty, J. Middleton, ‘The Problem af Style abi GAd 4 Adler, Mortimer J, How to read» ek, Nas Now York, Simon and Schuster, 1940. 2 Aimack, John Cu, Research and Thesis Writing, Boston, Houghton Miflin C., 1980. 3 Best, John Woy Research in Edveation, Sixth Printing, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Pre Ines 196 Hal, 4 Bowen, Catherine Drinker, Francis Bacon, Londen, Hamis Hamilton, 1968 5 Cole, Arthur H., and Bigelow, Kal W., A Manual! of “Thesis-Writing, Bigth Printing, New York, John Wiley & Sens, Ine, 1956. © Darwin, Francis(¢d), Life and Letters of Charles Darwin London, John Murray, 1687 4 w Foglith Language, Second edition, Springfield, Mas USA, G., B.C. Merriam Con 1948, mul > wesseeiab Ade bounce ye? eblelf de sare SER th ore & ” sigan 2ivlesith eh wn Blesebrgy ee mage ed Bh grey utynvol inne eal PPh chalet pre BP cans nse Gri a Greg abet 2b @ capaeres rede tlie ox fea! cio eae oh py cna ag 2 an bP re a 6 2 i London, Oxford University Press, 1961. Pearson, Karl, The Grammar of Science, London, JiM Dent 8 Sons. Lad, 1943, University of Oxford, members of the Faculty of English Language and Literate, Notes on the Presentation of Theses on Literary Subjects, Second edition, London, Rupat Hark-Davis, 195 Winey, Fredech Lamson, The Elements of Restarch, First Indian Eton, Bombay, Asia Pabishing House, Wet Witiams, Ccit Band. Stevenson, Aton M.A esearch Manat Fiat editn, New York, Marpor and. Brothers, tao Revised editi, Ho York Marper ad B others, 1854 cal Pings, Yet. vit, Oxford, Clarendon Pret, 110. 1, Chicago, A New English Dictionary on Mit Eneyclopecdia Brikamiea, Wittam Benton, 1260. 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