Speech Material Language and Culture

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Good morning,
Your honorary judges, teachers, and my beloved friends.

First of all, let us thank God for this beautiful moment that we could be here together today.

I’m standing here to deliver you a speech about “THE ENCHANTING INDONESIA: DO WE STILL

As all of us know, Our beloved country, Indonesia, has a lot of cultures and languages. The cultures
consist of many different customs, dances, traditional clothes and houses, and many more. The
languages we have from Sabang to Merauke, according to research done by __________________,
are about ____________ languages.

However, the same research shows that by 2015, many native languages in Indonesia have
disappeared. It’s just gone. Many traditional dancing have no longer existed. These parts of
Indonesian cultures seem to be vanished and gone.

Why is that happening?

Dear teachers and friends,

Based on researches, there are lots of reasons to answer the questions. But, the main reason can be
drawn is that a low concern of the Indonesian people, especially us, young people to preserve our
enchanting cultures. Let’s see the facts:

Young people prefer to do modern dances or K-pop dances.

Young people prefer to speak slang languages.
Young people prefer to spend their time with their gadgets.
Young people would spend their time in malls rather than visit the cultural museum.

For me, it’s a huge problem.

My teacher once told me that Indonesia has enchanted cultures and we, young people, have to
preserve our cultures.

So, another question comes up? What should we do? What do we have to do to preserve our

Well, we could do many things.

One of them is what we do today. Tarsisius school has given a true example of preserving our
cultures. Another thing, visiting cultural museum or tourism spots, like TMII, would inspire us of how
rich Indonesia is. Learning the dances is another one. And, practicing our mother’s and father’s
languages. Where are you from? Java? Sunda? Bali? Batak? Kalimantan? Practice your native
Those things; the different languages, the different dances, the different cultures;
YES, the diversity! It shapes our country
YES, the diversity! It forms the strength of our country
YES, the diversity! It unites all of us….Who are we? (audience: INDONESIA!!) 3x

Finally, I would like to ask all of you:

Let us preserve our enchanted cultures!
Let us learn about our cultures!
Let us prove that young people like us can do the best for our beloved country, Indonesia!

Thank You.

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