PMBR Flash Cards - Constitutional Law - 2007 PDF

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CUl'\'f;ghl' 1007 by


11~' PMIIIl , .....,.... "",1''',,11, .lJ(' U1~"l:hll'd .1111.1

m,l\ n"l h., "1"""...1, ,(oprodu«..1 or ,~,Id
,,'lh"UI Ilw ""II,·" ,,~ .... 'n1 'If \lulTl~Wl.· [\.'gal
Sludll'<. hI< "'"lto'I,'l" L~11 <;lud,,,, 'Un fll
,"ll,~',-, 111.· ("I''''l:ln ,n' It- '"1<'11\'(1",,1 P"1M"'\
!'MUIl 'HM~'tII' 10,,\.., J n'K~., hll'n-.<' til "f,I<,,'
I'MUIt U>\l, ....' nl"!<'",,I, HI P",ltlun lor Ih,'"
1,,11 ,'\,m•. I'MUII 'Iu,~'m~ du ""I h.l\[' ,\lult,,'.ll.,
L''I:,11 ..Iud".... ""111"''','1'011 In "1""'f. '(1"0'
d",,', ,,, ,,'St'III'MIIII (0l'i,il:hl('(1 """.... m,lf,·"
" I,

Mtlll,>I·\11 1[(,,\1 '>llIDlr" 1.... <
12·1 hlh \11('('1
>10101 Mo"ca, ell 904111
;S76 "'Ullr(;lIll' (.our( Jurhdh. lioll

Dcscril>c the situations in

which a case may be heard
by (he Supreme Court.
Ttl<" "'UPf~"lk' (', 'un h... "flll",,,1 ",1>,.,..1 m,llI~'r
~m"h.I~'1lln ,~ ......... tte..(IA~ ..Ulh•.I ....... O<>f,

I'uhlo, Illlno".·", .",.1 ".n... ul ",oJ I "II",.. I '"

II....· Ih-"'mh I,Tk·o< rh · '" "hl<"'_,
".II<;".j p..m. Ilk.. '>"1""1110-- (~ .... n ha_ "11,d
It//.· IUrl"J,,1,'1Il to tl,,' '·...I...m pI''' Ilk",) 1'"

I \ IIIi'll
... l~"f"-·rt. " .._ ......... ..., .. ' • .-l In ""/'- " ...... "lI-'U....
'CL"" .b/nuJ'K ,lui tI", l.o<l4' , , ,0( ~ *"n •
....~.'" ,.,L"-ol/lr ".~"~. <lu<- 1", ''fP'" .,,.,.,....
•,,,,l<l ,I • ,"'..... \ , J... ~,. .. ",.10..."".
Ibo· ~ ... ,,~ I"'''' "'
,,,.,,.,,1,1......,•. "..,,, J" .,.'" ili,,', U.t ... ,t.., ..... 1"•.,.....

_I ' H I " \ llO' 111' O'"RN'>J' cmm," I~",rl, I

("., '1/IIIIJIl' Ib<- 'lIpn'''/<' Own .j f"'f~//l1l1
,"1>1'''( I "UIII, 'r plll,.dlC tro/l

_I" '\11' '11(1' 111', <":",11/11.", /'(/" 11o,·.·.ld"

'II, {"m,'" II 11M" It., }II","/< I/wUlllimll.<,
lu f I ! , fl",lI<, '''I/\'rI, ./,'01"
,mnt,. 1"1<1
(.!J <1,1, -'mlllt' 1I1~ -II UIII/NN ,,'~"'1 /I bid,
(II'"'' m (II ~/(II, - UJlln\, OJ' (/0 mj.'n<l'j. 'd
('rrll emIl1._. mflr II(' (//1",(11"11,, 1/'" .\1'/1'1"11(-'

11:1...11 C Inl ...

~77 "'uhIC(;1 \Iilttcr .luri..di(:lhll1

Describe the COllstiullional

Limitations upon the
subject Imlller jurisdiction
of federal courts.

"111<' 1\ IX:' or u "nn" ",,>,,', wIll< h f,-.:k·r;lI

n>un, 111.1\ IR'JI_ If '>l'"""ll1"H""-.J I>y Con
,L:"''''. II1dude
(II (";',"," "" ,,1\'iTl~ ., ,,",[, 'f.<I <1""-" ,u" (, ,. ~
d.IIIll rd.Hi"}! to tl,.- {Alll'lIlu!lon, .1 k,krJI
1.1", nr.1 I .. (n:JI' J,
r ! I • .,-.e._ In "Ill< h Ihe I :ntlm _1.11,... "" J f<;:d-
prJI 011" ,', ... r",~ In i", ntll, ,.d ,.'p.« it} I " ,I

p.m< _
OJ C,~, "'·m,..,,, I,) .• ,1.11,' ",duding 'l' "m·
tl.,1> JU II\g "irlllrl rhl"'T oltiuJI ,'al..,,,,l \ .",.1
fiil url/,",,_ or .Il1< ~h,:r -1.:11" l'uhjo..U tu ril.,
EI"H:mh \m,,,nUnwnll.•md
(-II C",...... b"rw''C1l dr'll'n_ (~ diffcrnu '1.11<"

1\ nil'"
('~IjIJ'" I"""" ~ 1"" ~p..,.,. Ul~
1- .. ,,,,••'f» t" u,', Jnd
",. ",~',I ,~hk.,.,I "~,,, """,db, ,I. lh." .., P'" ,~ ,1.1",
,," ,.",1 Pu,_u..u '" dO', ''''WI<" Ii " ..." m k.Io:,.1
,-'>Un l<~ ,,,,,,n~>n"," frJwJ \ arK! \ ~"·I,,.~ c~'"c'"

Ct.,,, n' tK-" .,,.""...

,~,I." ".""'~ I ''f'L' ""' •• \..<~,~"""
,."",11, J't'rnlJ! • IroorJI
~ ,'~' "
,..,..,. ,..,. ,,,,,
,...."','" 'if II,~ _Q'~'" <I"'~ .. Iud, Im,~'~ ,.,,..1 'I"':'
'."'. do.·. '''' .... ouJ..l I", db""........
578 Ucn:1I1 h \ mend 1Ill' n t

Describe the bar to

actions in federal court
embodied in the ElcvcnLh
n.. t 10..... n\lh ",,,,,,.,.1,,,,·,,, nonJi"lr;l.. pR·d·rOo.....
" ~ ,.,. t< ....~J-'fl "tLn.."".'" .....""kmKd.lmal't""
'" 'mU"'-l.lH" nhd JIlJUN J 'IUK on /<~It'TUI
,_.,n n", ......".,.,,1> ""........,....." .I<~'" ,,," hn"
"",.. h.Jr
f1, "U,., _"(-1"'-.1 "-II<" ,~h,-uh r'>r "'1"""1/ II
rd ... f, "h...,., It", !.lIln JI\" .,Ik.1.'l'.Jh ;0<1"'1( I' ~l
,r.. r'\· w,ll<' I , C,>n'1,'\ll"m fok ......11:<" 0' "
l .. ' ......11\
I!, "'Ull, JlIJlIl.'>! ,,,lxll' ,,'"'''' "f .. '>l.u" t J ...
n"'Ill ....... mUllJ<.II"'hl"-.... ,1.11" "-"P',r:lll",,-,. ,"I, '.
r,~1 "",I; a.~"n".f _la,,' lor '13 "Ilk,.. b 'lung on
th... " ul!lUJI up-.... It.. , "Iudl h..", h........ "",-
-..,m"d ttl ~ Ill<: lanl'f. ,IT
(11 'UIl' "",110",,,<:11,,- C''''lol''-''' p'H"",,am lU
""dll>n ~ (~ th., Fuun''''n1h Am""dm<:nl
F1r:ojJtllrf,-'·' !J!lz,'r
\ '....,. I.... ".'" ,~ .. In, ,mo"" ,~ .•. ",1<1 " . I 'I Ill"''''
IA''''.' ."n"'ll ,<""'" .,...."", I" do< '<.01, , IlUKm",
, ....... ,.1 v • ..ul.~ 11k' "",,- "UomtJtld..", "lc..lL..... 1 « ..",
,. ,~~1lI<'d u' d"..",. ,IY ...-uno n"" 0""1.>., 'OOIlIpl.l,k..,J
.1.... <1." "., ., OM"'''''''' "'" \."'-..........,. " .... ~.,.-...I
l,o" ," , t ~ '''·.>It 'I\~",/>""" ~1h' Sd• ..r (' I~ Of"I,d ,
•.• ""', ,"~.k>" ....."'tI,1>< 1_.. "'" .,
Ink.,.1 "...,., •• do..", '" "'..",. .." , r,.. 1.01 "
do......... ' 111.'\' ~.uwI< .......,C'\! '" l _ _ ~ .. h
..~"'" _*' . . =.
11. I" .ul, ""'f'; ......... ~ "'.",,'"'...'"
.. I..0'....... _ _ 'Uan ",-.III." 1>caLo'" (""M~
.. ""~"'fl
.u<I\."'" ..-. . . . . I,,*,-" "" ......1 ...
,I", 'UI, 1111, ......'fIdn.". """""""') I" I,,\. <II

D~cribc Original
Jurisdiction of lhe United
States Supreme Court.

fl m.· c..,1t h..~ '''''1&1"",1 .......'.lfl.O

", ..
hi. 11 ~Q ..._ ""'~""l'l .," ~'" put>!,,-
m"" .nn.ui.~ ..oo .h · .. t-,;.*, .. 'UI<'
ro .. furry

., \\It \T1<"TlP'I \"·II~lt(""~n.... ht,,

1t" •." <",..-,,'""', f'lni<'"'''''''' /" Ir",~". jo,,1
•"'ll"""" /" "'nit' fl. ,.d~ U"". l'Xupt fi".
'.11, 'I/II<I//f'" r,.f' hof,""", ;J "r Hf<.'"
",II,.. II.. , / \\c "''"' ",*111<111 ",", ",\ IUSII ..
)"11....1.. " .. ,,

I \ 'IfI'"
_f,,~ '~'''f'
~~ ...... I,.~".," I~,........ 'I
" _ ...
" ......
.... _ 'n <he' .... "",~ ,... 10<',,,1 lAl11j '" ,....
380 "upn·lIll..' (uurt Rn it:l\

Describe Appellate
Jurisdiction of the United
States Supreme Court.

Th., I'''' I11111>,,,1.. III '1'1',.'11 'I," !"n....J"'\Io" an-

'II t" \l;f1l "I ('nM 'n ,noll (.lIt,,' 'pp,:.. l
,,," ..,11, ,1111 "-.l l,,',b) ,. I" Ill<' I",·
,""" lit.... n 1M JI "nl • >I ",tiM or.." 'II< II
n'\lI-''' 1I-..1I...k...
l 1) \J........ h. >m .'1011,' ..",rl-> J I \\ "co: th,' I' >fl-""-
rull"":IIM\ ,,' J h..'<Io..-r.1i I.i". (",at', , .. -UtI.'
"'.11<11,- " I" "'11", PI' h. ,,110.''''':;1. -':.,t.-I.", pur
I"'''''''U, '''>lat.... Ink-ral!
(!I,,11 , h"m , .... ultln.. t~ apr..."d
lht·tl \\llIdl~I... lhc(·~_ I,.,

.11'1"',11 "'''''' h,c h.,,,,,1 -n".....

lJ'"'' an.. lunJl ..d
,,10... . '-'1."'-, ,~ tim:.: tuJ......· It""'r:1l <.I.... ,,, 1
"OU"' .. h... h '"">/,,, mlUn,Jih' ",1-..1
\, ~""",,,,, .......
" ... ·:\un.ItIa, .. t<:.k'nl
~,,,,,, .. ~""" .",,' ••u ,~
'~ .11 i'........ __
fW 'flO'" l .. _ , I ......

~>\T .. ~r
"""'"..... .. II II>< ' ••1. pn, ''''''''''0'
.~ he< r Pn_ '>ltl Iho. , ••..-.....
\ ~..... hod, ,,.,, I ~ 1_•• , .nd .fpkloN<
l .. ( ......" •• """"""" \ I\u ,... ' <lIhl ''1'1'"'' "'" a-..
,~ ,~,.'" .' lh< 'lfl'<"I'"
La.l.I1 ll.... ,..... ~ , . Mol< 'I~t~ II: <>tNt t'" ,"io~ ...
381 ~,\dc(luatc, IndcpclIl!("111
'itatc (.rtlUll(h~ J)OdriUl"

Describe the "adequate,

independent slate
grounds" doctrine.
\"Ii'" fH
111l.> ~"I'R'f1k' (~"'" ,,-,II nc" ~"M."Vl '3n odx.'Y
,,'...... r~" .."" ~hk I .,Ute.' loun do..", ..", '" n.:'l'
lhl'fl' l' ~n '''...... Ill.l.C. ,ndt.:p.:ndcfll 'WI': lJ"
t'~~l' hlf Ih,:,uJj:Jll('m t, c Ill<: UI'Ull-ll" "UI
HItl'" ""ukl nul h<' :l!lc'''''''. , " If the' tklet'-
nlllUlIOIl nt lhc ledcr;tl l,..ue .l-........ cr'.c.1J
1 U 111'1/ ,
\ ..-.Jo1l ·.l"<Mc"\ ,-..-_""
" ........ 'I \ I .. { . _ II "'"' .....>t
....... , . - " ,._., 1.0"".", , "I"'"
t..u. llI'.....u... " ~ "'" tlnc.. . ",~, Ih< 'Ul"ntk
c. ", IL........... -(I _ . I ~ . oulo.l,"'-
d u"""",,, ._ 0" d••, ....... to<

'm._' ,' .......... ,,...."
1.._ ...'.'._.ol"'''Wlll'''..
1-.1 'P'"'
... "'~ ruk-- 'h." I••h dol"'" .. r~ ,,,••,

\ uri .If'p<C''

" ~ " <"R>l ul ,11< j, .1<-<....
, , ,1.0"" ! " ....... "' \

_, '- HII''' H10' II~ 1"h.' _~lI!m(",,· (.(}IIft will

(Ii,,, nft.·'>I' /u rcl'll'lI «al<' COllrt dfXl5lml5l"
wi", h ,1>1' joy" rat '1'I<'<li"" 11 m ""/ nI~",-yl ill
{f Prr.1"·r, 1'111.11' "wmu'r. ""I<....
il ,I<,,.'rmm'"$
(bill f / J II,,· >1m,' pn.u,.II,ml n,I., u ,u ""S"!)-
pori. ~I III ("'1' "'RI/"mlle pW1JOW or r.l! 1/'"
<lfII,' ,-mIlT <1,,1 "01 'lei In !?,<Od /"i/II III "!>flll"
"'R ii' !/"rmul/ln.,;,,,IIo1/1 n,I,'., (i" l/
<lll. ·IUIJI.~1 III 111l...1",/., I/It' 'K</"TI<>II "/(/ J.'"
Nul dmm!

tl.lsh urd~
582 "'undilt!-t

Describe the general

requirement for standing
in a federal courl.
r" h..,., ,,~ ....hnM In .. l •..: r.,l « ...,1 Ih,' {'LUll'
lilt II"N "",,, 111.11111 _h ~III ",II... ,1",'(1
......III",,"..lull- 1Il1\"......' .. ""1....'1".''''-'' "f 11...•
<"<",JUt1 ..1"".11 '" Iud, ,.h,: ~, ,u."pl:"nm~ ... nd
(~I hUIl'IFUI) ",U I", n.,J"-..........J IJ) II", ",l.d

F\' 11".,1 \
, rb' "'" .. II<. 1""""",1} I"-.,j,..- ..1--..._ Iu.
"" ,11.0110.""111" ..... ,,,'~ .. ""'h prot.;hl,
""""'_ _ lUll ... "1"""~ ,...,' ..
"*" pt ........
• , ' " "' ...... ,~ 'UOM. . . . ." " ll\lo ..... j

\ 1""."" .. I.. ~ .. otJ,., ~.. ' , ,,f "" . _

1"...., pl.on: .'.1, .. ,.......... ~"'., .... ~I'
.1.. )1..-"" .. oUI1.O" I""""'ll b... I..!>U, R-.uluntt ID""
_10." ............ ' t_*/.",,.,c. ,. ut"I,,,,, EN"""
_",I \/>o/J " ....,.,
" .... _ ,t..>Iln_ .. -... "'''' ''''llI<h ...
I."'~ -.J .,. .......'" "'..._ "" wllO-uh'
_"" " .., .~tl .......""""'"' ~ ,~
"""",.",..1 ro" '" ", • ,ton "".uk! hr "' ~, f'Ul\1I.o...,
• 11.. ....., • "' '" 01.., .,,'.

_, " \ Ill' \ no, 111': 1'' .,

"'Ju,,' ~llj)i.'f{'tI
111111/1(' '.c'S/hdlC ur n1.'f.'lIllul/(llltl IItl/lIn~
\J,'ml 0111, I I/urt,m
383 T;t"pa)cr ~Iandifl!-:

Describe when a u.s.

taxpayer has standing to
challenge a federal
spending measure which
docs not directly ..ffe<.'t
I .. ,'10;<'" W~P:I\'t'r'l ILlY<' ...." ... IUlloll" ",W,."t
~ \ ,,"Io:f<-....wonaJ 'p<'ndm~ "Io.:.,...,r.· h·".. n
,IK"-'lolh " h...., no' ,jUl.'" ""1""\ "1M'" ,h.:",)
\\ Il<"n ,ll<' '·~r>("n.h" Ill' ,.~. <1.,j., ~ ',,,'. lI,,- t. >/l-
'llll,Il(IIUllnnll..ll'''11 I,ll II...· ""·.,,I"'~J"""'"
11''/'''1 I (."1",,,1

........' ''''~. ~ L1........ <," " M~""' •• ~,,~, 'v I ",bMh
l( •• ,,,.,...ul» ..... ""~ 1." nJ' ,n !,ImUnM ·1",r.
,...... ~I_ Z ,I k ' lod •.... lIu, tI"" "'1'"'
"'rJj L~"'"
,I u,,· ........ .,..""'.... lonlld~u"""L~ tb.clt'-""'-'"I
"dl..", ,_ "'it -.1 t"l IbD "1<1-. ..... "". 'I>. '\ .... .lJ I•
...........'d!Un<llnR "
,,, .......'1'.......
ty, ~ ",,~.J
,.,)....·."" ~'''n~I."
.. ,
, ".".,. t.... Ie- -.....1<'1& ", ,"no .., IU.... ''''''" ,~ I•
• r~1 lo,,,t,,,. IcI,>lJUUO ...... ,It Tho:,... ......' , I , "'.
rru.Jo- pw .. ,,,. ,,, , " ....",.• 11;«1<..1 h\; '_.i<"""" ....t
r ~, I....." "('''n ,Ik· I~,., ...", 0,".....'
"',t.... '!un ,I .. T..
_ "" 'f'<"'hn~ '~.l"""'. 1,"1r; ""'11.<' {I·".r>.w ( '1<>1'
, i _ "". , " ....1fi". "1""""'"'' of Ch,,<'l~ .1,./ \wi,'

_. '\ ~ \11 .. \ l U" I Il~ A "WI.. IfUl""l'l" /IIf, jI

(',u/.'<I /1 null /<,1<.,-,/1 .<pt'I/lIIlw, m. ,1.'\//,",' if
,b.' ,,/!//"I" t., 'II/tvl.'mmhk"1 hw·...m I IJ,,,,,,I
It) /j/rK.II"",1
584 "'...odatjull ')tanllilllol:

Descdbc when an
association has standing
to assert tile claims of its
·\n ~~ "" m3\ ~ ........,., ,.... nWu. "I II,
,,\<'111h i\ lIt "".: ,..- ".'" ,~ ,I> Illt"ml"",..
"'~lld h~, l' '!:In,hllg. I ~ 1 til.., 1111"1' J.!I<·n.....1 .-
p""'",-'''1 '0 Ih..: """,,,-< 'f\' pUlp'....,. ~n.J l i I
1l<'"Ill't !I ..· d,im .1'...."lnl, nur n:h." n."IU,-~",t
''''luor" m.hHdll.,II1,.,ml ......... t" p:lrl""I"'I., 'n
d,., _"il

"""- '\ I ....... ~"" h.'h J I' ....,. I",,,,,· ..
"'1....., ,'11 I 'I"""'.u'''' ''I 1..,.. 11 ... " 1,- \( Il.<r
\ •", ,..I. _ ''''~ -,. '" I~'''''''' ,h., ,', ,,,,,,r,,,
......1-1 lito _ ,~ , " ..""......' ." .1<'.'" Lb. dl
, 1 ~I, ,U"'''''M 11,.<1 ,I .., kw'L..."" , ......1<...
II '" ,wi ,•• ' - ' ...,... ,~ •• "",,,11,,-,,, ~t """"rJUIJfl
~ .. "'- "'" "OIl,.., lh.- \._ ",.'" I" ,,,,,'J>J.,
1> .... '" lI>C' ~_~. """""'..'.....1 ..... ",j'''<

. . . . . ,_.b........

1~'..."J ''''
h ..
1.....Jr...J _
If. "II' . (luI>
./"1' I,... ,. ,ho.... .....,.,..-.J .-J<ln l1>c '-Ill:
,,,,t'kh I..... ,.' lllo-. . .., ""." '" 1 t....-001 ,,><In
",,",.,><!u>ll ,he "'" ............. Il> IIf'!
\I...~k~' ",.lk~ n,.. \/It. '-"'" '''' h l ~ ....,..!lo>JI
I, .. , ....., .pr """',' l'or ,,~ .... UN'" , ~ ...
........... nlO'ml...... .. '" ~ """'..... I ro- .••" ......,
385 \IOulm:.... UO('triIU.'

Describe Lhc lllOOU1CSS

' ....."IM
\ k<l,..r..ll tl ",1M
nUl ,dll'<: ll. lW:lf " , t.n'"
"llIdll' I1l<M~ 1I0"~H'1 .1 nurkl m.l) b.,
.ld""I,'(I...1 I,' ~ t,,: n""'1 "h.,,,· I I) • ,,11.'10"' Jl
, "n.,.,:qu<·Il< r< -.ul1 mil In Nn r!~ I'"'" IlI,l" 1_.1
J"('"TII1"I.I[" "I 'l1Ilo1tll • nllur' • ,., ." "I, "r
(2' Itw ,1.11'" ",..Ip_,hk- ,~ ,,· lrnnjl. H.1 II .,d
m>t rwo.. 1.11 n', ...,,,

I U 1/1'11
\ , ...."Tkb 'L.",' \ ) •....-., "- lu~t"I' ..'fl<' ''''I''''''1$t •
"' "1,,,,,,,, '~I ... ' "" I hJ 1"""" , ~ ~. t~, ",I~
",-,,,,,,,' "'" flI"u nw", II ob.- In"", <i .nd h..j
WlJLn,«J h." 4'- ~ " ...' .. ,. I.. ""I ,h,- "'f'I" ,,~. , ,~,~
".hI ,~, ""-"'1",,,,- u"",," '" "x.~

.! '\ \\11 ... \ 1111' III" II <-"",mUlI ,'Ol/l',e/l,,/i I.>

",,' "".." I.•n'tIII'''''Rh 1",- .',IlI,-'K'- 1>11., /~~"I
"'11\11 '/11(....! m/;.!hlllf' /;pJ(tll/'ml 'WI'"
'flll'lIe," (, P., 1/ Ib,- ,/tj.'IIII,/1iI 1/ IIUI< <I ,,'iI
'1<"" ;',11 jllIl" i(/I/,'T....·,...·,/lIIJ/. Iw 11I1(1.111/)('
im{>t't'lfh{'f'/IJ,' II.., ':/JI" '1< m,11 (II" JJ J '1IJfJl,,~1
jor "ml""pll<'n/ b.~ /J";(lr t 11111/111I/ "u,'TI
,m~hl 11<51111 ill (I" lId,,,n., ,(,'I.'mlll/(i//(,")

-, \..\" ,.. \ Ilt~ .. TI" "..101m 11>(1/ fI J",m" "/111'

"/" 111)11 p.....c;,·dlln· I.• I'lu/ild ",\~hl 'flp" J".
hI"(!feIVl,lfllR /\'11,'/1 ifll,,' /lUIII,'1 m>t./d
urr/nwnl)' ,](' dl.'ruil..d 11111.1' lifter 1M.' Cfl'CllIJIJ
had 1>t\'11 hiM
386 .\h..Il:lIlion !)\lCll"iIl("

Describe the abstention

\\ h"o\ on .1 t...-de..a i "JUn. (11 i1 ,~ ....,.,"'0.'<1 11>:11
,I,ll,' '" 1"•. ,llcJ.:I.,I:II'<~l b un(on~IlIU(l"IliJL
,",,1 ~ 21 till' ",'Ie rc"h upon an 1I1l-,,"\lkd <IU'''''
1~1l1 (~'!.<I,'j.", "h,.h mlJl,tul", K'">I.,,d hI' J
UJr:,l" t" 'OI<·I1>1'.·I,.I".n or Ihe ,unll" '''' 01\ ,-d.
a feJer.1I ,uun m..). m II~ J",Ul:!lO'I. :1lJ..I.OIn
[n,m ]w.mnj,t til<' m.llIer unlil.,fl"' .• d,·..."'Oli j,
,<:od,·,,-'<.I ,n _I.UI.' {UUn (Hmlf(J<I(/ (.('111/111."""11
,- Hi/lnl(,.,J,

1\ "Wr \ ....."u,· 1""0"" "01 ...'<1,' do,,,..,.,!,,,-.<,,,,,,,,· ... 1'''
" ...1. , ... ,..,.J ""~~~n~ "".n"
Jun, ... 1><> ,'" '''' • >holp
1""11 ,~n"~. .'","-~~ \' ." ...
1>,,,, in ft.-doul ,m" He
"",,<"rJW. ,"-'"h<- 1.<" ,~~."., hI- m,h '''''''',,In..~ll ,jUt'
I"""'''' ",.t>c' ,;... ,I."" tu. I",,·" • "tJll"~- .~ hi, I"''P"
...... ""I""" '''''"I'<'''''''!M.'' ,,,,,",, It", "-""'""'''''' •
.....,.' '''''l r"'flnd do.'mO"-"'.'M""'" 1"','''c1,- 0'1''-'''-'<1
""'Pl""8 ",>t<~. V _h ><'" ........ W not w"~..""",,Nl
'~"1'l= ",.11 0 ... l.<,~~ .... ,~~" \1....,,~ b .. 11<'1"-"'\
_,ncr, """" \ <,~'n ".llJ "'1"'1"" ,II< ,,,,,u., ,•.le,1\
llo....,".."r..""" I" "."ph ",ll, the M~'''''r ,'.,'>IiI.. .
,1..",,1 ..."..1.",1" r ,u .,.1"",,.. ".,1" ",1" U.... "h. h
<lkJ [1(' U"...~""""h.h ,n,n!",.. ""h 0", I."""",,,,,', "...,
<~ h.. '''''I''''''')
~ 1c'fkr.J ",un """"I .h....'" ,""" h"",·
In)oi 0>< , ...' If. ""'e \ mun '~LI> l<> '''''''l'''-1 tI"-'
'WIW<' ih .. ,,,,,",,,u,,,,,,,,J nunncr, Jun <'tJUld then '1'f'C.1
,t" "1<,,,
<1<... tu .. bk.1.1 coun

_I- "'--'-\IJ'\ \11()'\ lIP, Fet/eml cull/1" 1'/1 ....1\

<l1"'lIIll U bl'rt' 1/ F;r</ AIIIl'm/IIII'III i.'lS1Il' i.,

387 ( nmit) Due.. trine..'

Describe the comity

\\ I",", ~"Ol t.", ... " " " " " nn'l'i!n ~ l ~ ,,,,,n
.rh-' •• "",m.d ,~'" t, .... p"........... hnlC .~'" r" a
umun.d ...... t h". h.:Jot\.JO '" ,I "',Ire, Of '''',1i " .. "1
!tl<: f...•....,••] «>Uri ",II U'U,lJl, .h/.ul/ll'''<1\ h.: IJ\Il
,I,,: II' """ lIn"II'''' _1-11<- ,~ ..'" ,,,,,,,... -d,,~ h.,
I.....·" ', ..."luUo.... J 11",,,,1.'-" /I."",.
, \ 111/'/1
l1><o ""'''' '\ IU, \'''' u""" .",...... • 0.1,.. '1"""""
. , 0• •, ,~.", ... \• J""... ., "''''' 'If'! • """, n "'I" In
,n '" .. lui ,"..,..... II........ ,to n "'... ,.t>t-.. "ll '''01
."'. ,,, .. ,... "'1"."4, "'n ........ "" Ii", ,It. I"'~
,."1",,, "''' I, < <l..~"""""'" "lid' .. ' .... fI' d. ,I...
.......'" "'II .. J' F"""""'oJ ,.. ,1M' I ,," ',r.,",~' "'H . .·'"
.. oJ.... 'rl '.."\ p~",..,hn... ,. J'" ~ .• ,~",","'I, ,
It.,),,''')' .. ~ ",,,.J I"" ."'~' M",,- ~, h. ~r , ',l ~
oon, """I ......". "",,, Iud n,Io.,1 ,., ,to,- "...,,,..
• I "-\1\.11' \ Il( I' n I'· 1/ " 'liII,' c. "101 .-nmw"I"l'"
f "r" u,~llm.. ,.,111'1{ "!~,, I"" """"",1 w •.-I "
("''''..,......,,1 1'11"1' W, II< U<'" fi... ii, d,um, '':l "..Iuj
"'" "'••" J~1. ,I "'f",II!"'" ,,,,,,to
/'lIl I"j"n' "" f'
<1,h5immu' I"' ...." ,"tII~, hmo' 1""11 IIIld,-tt"A>'" III
11',- 1111/,'1' ml",ml!. II~'fi '<1"ml ,,,,,IT It 1/1 ",""uml1
d,,"u~, 111<' ,,,1''''1 ,mol I"""'U u /" h" /l'hf /II II~'
WI" a",n I JJf<h,' U"'''''''11
• I '-\\U" \111" Ill', liN' ""'1U1' ,1'1<./"'1'- "'''
I",·" "{'('" ,I II) ,la',' "",,,t
1m......,d,,'11~ 11<'n"",J,,1'
10 ( I , II,,· <I".,.,.,:
tof" ml,II<' II" -"I<.,.
''''''URn'l'''/< )lI"..1"''''''/111/1,> " ,0,hI" "",.,u",
.'''''''1,· t/J"I'..!I, ",/,/ ," II~lr 1,,"'It...... {,I"I, 'Ill'"''
" " I~,,'>h ,I<.. n",,-
I""1,,,-, I~,I/""", I .''''''' U {In'.
lO IU, " 11<""''''./,..'" ,·/lIm,,//. u /<,1,·...1 ,,,un II< "
, u.1 pkmmJj ",," "'''11> 1'1II' I"" A' '" .Im,· ,u,m I~'
{j < """",,1,k{<.. ,,1<m'fi ... riO 1»'" ,
~ JIt/,'r 1~,II""",
Ill(! I"k"" ",u" """"'J jun5lI'<I"," ".,.,...".
"".1,... !<'''''IP''' II ,I<>N "'"
11.1 . . 1 em.l...
388 1'llliticlI Quc.. tiol\

Descrihe the pollikat

question doctrine.
F~-o..·r~1 "'IlIh ",II
rdu,"" In h•..-~r ~I.urll:'
on",j'II1J.(.1 1",hlo<-.I1 f,;',"1r,,\t.. ~\ In ,"1.'rmln·
'"~ ,[ ,I ""u"",-", ._ -fl!,lnl<.Ir on n.:u".., lho.-
1,,11, '" '''Il I....."', .In: ,~"""kf<d
(II .\ llkh.uldt.... "'.-'n "'"uld unduly ml"rf..."
wllh Ill" ''f''-''r.lll'''' lIf J uK"( ,.
10('" ,".. "'\t-rll
I!I TIle"'" " .• b," ,. rrun.~jo:"-Jhk.- "Jnd:ml. f,"
<!..-r",,,,,,,,,,jot ill<' """",,1.111(,",,,111'.. ,,' til<" .1.11""
on <IU,-..l'<,)1l
(\. Th...,." " .r ,w,.,.1 f"r [,,,,<In, {, C I." 'Olp'"
1..,. tllJ! ttk.· ,,'(1...,..,1 ~""'fIl11l'-nl -f>\Jk "Mh.l
"11j.:k' ,,,...... ",,11 n:.'pl" t In ,h.: """h.'1"
111'''1\ ...... '. And
(·tl h "'>oJd hi: tLlr .. uh '" d"\" ....m .·!t.... h'"
Iud" 1.11 R-m<:<k lor II", J.lkltC-'l.111 un,on_lUu
11.)[1;1\ .1<1" >1\ l/klh-rl (.,/m

I \-UII'I n
""....1,...,. . ' ...... h,o. <11"""" ..k'l"...J. "_,,••••,.1
_ _ _ ," "'. ,•• 1"*"'.11 , _ ,..., , - . ..... ,
'1"'"'''''''' I' -t•• ,~J u,..,.,..,"" "" ~n«l I" (.,.......
• (,*,-" , lJlI....
II ,~." ..., ',.oln.ll .~....-..Jn,..,",1"'1.-'<1 I" ,''''''-
.. ...,.-~, I", ."'..... ' ................ 1" 01< ......-... .w...
1-•• 1<"~""~"'''''' 11lll.~1
(hI' 1..... tf ,~ m. I're-Mkm ", k'flt\IlI;ll<' ~fI ~.'''tII~
",'",v". f"~ ...~1 ~ .... '(Mo/JW"_' (."IT""
389 -Fnumc:r;tH:d I,<ml.'''''- lkxlrillC

Descrihe Ihc "cllumeraled

powers" doclrine.
,.m'Il"'''' nldY
["Ili'blt- onl)' ,,,,h rc'po.~ 1<> 'h,,...,
I~""·" 'I" "r" ,Illy .'",,,ncr .",,,1 ill At'lK I,· T. ....,,-
'i"" II ,~ ,h........ ~l-'H1u!l,>n.
1I ,lbo h.I'. ho"",,·,
III<' p""," tU m.lkc ~Ill"", "h',h a,,, n<....., ......'"
"nd pn.op<'r" for Om ,nil '"" ,h.; ,["-,,,.rot.i111 "nU
rn.:ral''<1 p'''".....
• I '\ \ \11",. \ no, 111', (11"o,,~h 110/ ,pl'<lj,a,//,
"\1"-''',,,,~1 '" II..• c."'>t1"'110t/ 11K' 11<11"",,01 ~""
"rlm"',,1 I"t, /1,,' 11I1~'rr.',,1 ",,,I ",IX /Ij'/I " '''''' ,,,. I"
c<",r1,,~1 ,hi., ,.",1"''''.,
j''''lWI "ff"'~ / ",11'•.,/
V"I," , OmL<$ \1"..../:11' JS(1<Jt1 C"'P1
~£"" (,UIIJ:"-"" ""'1' ,I, 1''1<,,1.> p"nl(J".' of It, «,,,,
",.-n,' I~""'" ", IIH> 1"'I!Si.l.~1/ .IV IlvlI b<> mal'
w."I"a fi,rt~.~" {/fj",~ t I ,. O,"~,,-""i"'l<d
• I "-'-\11" \ no, riP: C""II"'" m(ll "ek~,,'c II>
1'1I,bl"/II'- ,,,,t!>only '" ",,,,,,,,,1..,:
ojJk"" '"
ml""",..tml"., "/,:<"1,,,... {ln~ 'uu,,1 ('11,"/1<01,' <I,m·
d,ml, /<".,1..- ,''>'l'n: i,.- <111/1> f~JIlI'r /U'~ <U1/<."
I"" ,I n,,,<. II,., Imentale O,mmcrre wmml.'.<IO"
lu.. "'-'<I" ell/liDII""') Wpnmllllfl,<lf., ff'R"I,mm.,
{",'I1",'''''!/ I" 1,,1""/111,' m",'llmd w",m,'f{,'
• f '- \ \11-' \ III '" Ill-', I'II~,,(I,,' 10 lilt- S....·. ....,,,.
111/(1 J'r<~~'r Chm.'" OJlI,!I",'<;I ""'I' CIlN')' "'I"
''9<'' I ''''I' of /1,\' e"'''''''mted f.i'.'<' "n; 7r... ,\<"-t~·
"".,. "",I I'rope,. elm,...• ... ,wI ifSl'1[ "" ""J.~
pt',,,I,,m .<{,lI'"Ct' "/1)('"'(''' 1"'1 ",",,<I IN' ' ....1 '"
('''''Jlmam" ,nib ~",,<, ulb<:r .',,",," ml,'" /J<J,n'r
(j.f' , (',,"""'>rrt' p''''""" 'a."""Jl mill .«"~III",!/
I)(JU'I'r "'II" {iVlh'r!
tlash cards
Describe LIte commerce
11k' lL"lkr,,: .."om" rO;" po ,'"'' '" pi,"",," II
«"), on. po "r (h",~ flul m,,,,'"
."".....' " ,' 111\<"', 3n<.l1l JI'I',....... ", hili. t, ·,lt'l
.h "..II .1, d""'l"lll "~"n",n", 1h., uonun rn-
I'l'''" "1'1':1<'" ,,, ..11. h.l!U1':"_ 1..,-,lIu...... "nJ
IIhmmK."nl.lhu,.... >I ml,'........ I" ""IUIJ<:n:", l"n-
W...., nu\' ")luLu.· ,lll' .Ill" III "Iud) 11.1-,.1
'U1N.,lnlLl1 "n<'mil .,fl"","'!", '" llllt'NJ'"
C<1l,utleft". J' "ell.", ~'" ,'mud. Imr-J.""l"
.1(1'\]1) "hKh II.. , .. lUlI1ul..IJIc' IInll:tU (on
"'1.....1.11,· .' '''lin,'''','
(:..,'1"..... 1'.., ....... ,l.o .. J1"'~"I"~",, l!>< t"~".' ~ ..
I,,~ 'rm '" ",,,,, " ... I•• ~ ""'" ,,,,h. I." ,,-, .. LJ t>.
,tI"""".""." 1 ,,00.,. '""m.""",, 0. d •..dJ""I"-'
'''Ii'' INn 1" '_ ""' In h .~ ""'" d" ",I...... ,.
'ull, .. 11,',1 "" "" (T""""",,~ (I \ , h'f"'~' "", 'h.'
I"J ,h "'e...Jd<,d ~)C ... ,.ru. -~ 'h.... t"e""n'I,..]
~..." I""' ....J ", ... "'-1 Ih""'1(1I an In>IruJ..,.•• I,,, ,"
"It,,,,,,,,,' .,...,_" ~ 'I.... ",..m ".. Jul,J F"',oI .. loI, I.. ,~
........ ,,"'r~

et "'\\11' \HO' UP" P,""5IIf1'" 1'/ Ow (.<1/>1

m,'ft-(' elm._,,'. 6m!l.""" "1I~r f"'''' 101ljsl/ll/l,n
".\"(:I'lflb.~ /X'''''''l' 11""l:~ or /lljuntlll/j(",
jn,m 1'11,',",,(1/,' ,",,11/"',,11:,'

Describe the t;:lXjng and

spending power.
I , .. >:"-"'~ h... rl ...• IX "'~.,. to -by ~nd (:olk<;,
t~,~... II' ru' tlk: <kiJL' .lfld pTf>\l<k' 1<" til,'
","Wl~ OIl ..k1",n..., .mJ llt:rlt'rJJ "dJ~r,· ,.j tl]('
1 nlletl"'l~k'" 11 ffi.O\ f"l(j(. h,,", ....·, l.,~ I",
UJ'Il "'1"-"'"
_, ... \'11' ,TIC!, TIl', nl(' (;e,,,"rl/lr.>{frlll-
(.lum,,· 1..' <I Imm,m"./ W/ lb<· /fU1'!R poI. "r
f i .•' . CAlli!!.""'" "'''I' I'U' uu1l"fi'" II,,· ("''1'"''''
,if1,"",d/1l.~f"r11>1.'J.,"-'"CrvJ ""'j,m', 11<>1 fi.r
Ibl' f>"'1~'''f' '>/ 11'Rllk,f/llJl ,,/I ("fln/ll 1/'#1
<'/\ 'r; if lIIl ""Inn e,,,,I<I lA' I1'1ulfnl,,1 "",I, 'r
rI" .'IIU""'fflt"r/ "'iii
.'r If mIn Ill.., /l;' n}111
1<11,,<1 ,hl1m}!,l, /(/x,m",/ 11><: C""If'ml Ii ,11im'
(.If/ll.'" I. ",,1 WI ImIt1Jl-'lId,',,/ '''"fL'''1
IXJlj ..'/: 1/1/1 "".... iI' ,"'n¥~ ", II IImtl,III,.n ,,"
II", "{(U-"'II lI>/d ",,,-',,,b"11 H.u,'"
-, ... \\!" \ no, 111'- "''''11' (.""R~ I~
<'.\1)'1':>.,11' III(t1U/ri/"" ,1011/ ..,A·C:Ij'u:.III1\·/lJ"......
prim,yl!u mi.' /11111<1 I", '1/1'.,' III(' """$,<1,'111
cmml;l njil-\4.' I" milk.' II",...., '-\71<-mhuuy.">
_I '\\11' \ \10' • IP' Gimlin-If ""II' ",,,dill"'l
IlII t!.V/"-'Ililllll'" "p.,,/ ("<'11111'1 tl.'[/Ul!>lI,~ II."'JI
-.l1I1<fiI',J hr (/ '1m,' (/ I' h(~I'lllIrfim(h"",....
,tII,'[II" " .•WI,' /1',111)<, f{'l/t"c<1 hI' 'i' "III",
1""1)111,1/"'1 /It-,-W'I.> p..'fM'"S IIlIdl'r Ibt' ,,_~, "/
.! I II' I'''n btl".' uk"b,,/ic 1"'1 "w}.!.">· J nw
'ljKlldUlJ( /tII11!T .. /luu, C!mJ//b.f If! rlllud}
-tf'/llf<_' fUJI/mll,- t.lfi-<!eml motll'!'
.;92 1-'l.'i.Ulhc 'PpOillllllt:111 alld
Kelllu\ al ['un l'J""o

Describe the executive

powers of appointment,
removal and pardon.

til., 1'"... ,,1. 'N m..ll "1'1" ~n' (I • ;un~"..... k ""

""'",1>,." ,,' th., ""I'''..''.... f "uIT JmJ kO.TJI
,~h.....h "l~ >,.... "<1. ..... "l'l'uf""JlI .1\1lh''''I\,
"uh lht" .. ,""" III of .1 1lI"~"'1" ,~ lh,: '><:,..;U<:.
,ukl I! I k ",,'r Ie, d lcJ<..'T,l1 "/II<uh I unk,,,
C..nJUl. " 11.1-" J,.·'lJot'UI,.,,1 fll,.. h"'t.1 h"Jd". or
(", Ill.. t kTJI1OOk ~If\ 1(, nuk" ....... h "1'1""1'1-
Ifl\"fll.) ('IflWl-....' nUl "' ....... ,,"'·lh<" p",n-
dun.... , '''' ludlnl( <1,,-,III,c1I1""'" 1"'l'U.l1lt tn
" tll<. h /''11<'" k.. cl roll \~ Ii<:ub .In:
Jproo:Hn".. J
TIll: I'rc,,,II:Ol 1J;.l._ .In ..1,.,.Jlnt..· nw't co 1\."'1(""
'pun'h \ ,,:""'UI1", \llf"'ul~ "PI""n1,...J 11\ 111m
F..- .kr.. l ,~IK I.d, Ix-r1.xmml( 1111..... lud,,-ul
',c .. 1!;.11 U.un" {"'Ullll'''''WkT' (~qu,,-_,­
J'"W'IJli"·lr..-u.:r.,1 lr,.. k C.Jrnnli""Jn' hln..
1~>r'I-" nu\ ", .... h..• n:mmnl h\ Ih.: Pn..",denl.
o'\u'PI "h••.,." '-'1'''''''' (Jm'lR""~>Il;I1 JUllu... \
1<1 do '<, 11.1' 1.......:1'1 1....-.ln'.......1 upon h"o
!,,"tk-r ~I 1',,11ot\-'" "rf'"onK.,J pUNuIll 1U \Jl ... 1,-
III of In..: u N~'lI'U'M'" ~~ntlf~ 'II I... r'.... 'h. ,.,J
dunn!! Iloud I>d,," II", ,,, 11 I h.J • ., the.. "'I.....",
11...· f'n·,,,knl nu~ "union ~"\lIf!<' l'h~'l-',:d
,,~h. ,or ","' "I,-d. ,,f ","",1'''''',1( 3J,yh.,...1
• nnll.
393 lmp;linm:nt Ilf (.t111lr.1(·L" ( 1:111......·

Oescribe the Impairment

of ContraclS Clause.
:\" "'lit: Ill." f'-'-'~ ~ I.,,, "hl(.h sul"lJnt'JII,
I1np." .... (ohhl(.'lI.>rl._ <I' ., 11 u\lhl.lndUlIl • "otn" I
All" I" I ""'Cl" ,,' 10
_. '"\\11"\ \TIO' 'III', ·Vb"/lllU,,,,~" mdml, ...·
1/1(&' I,'nll.' /r/lid, /lulld he Iml'",,<I Hit" toc
c"nlmd br [tlli' if //", ,t"t" • .' IlIIW,' of Ilmi
tfllmn' ,,.,tb n'5/"~:I /0 fl purt'n,lar c:c."lr"",
i5 I('f:,t<l<llll ~'Il' dm"'n<h,~1 Jm'" 3 J"Wl' 10
I l'ell'. ,m impt"rul<'IIt h{/~ o.... 'jrr''lf

_\ '-\\11' HIO' I'll', \0 ~lImlmlll{/1 modifl

<,lIwlI ,,<:, II r... 1/Wt I'X(,II>I~ ,otllm, I ;" otll"
IItdin'Cllr uhi, 1<'1II'l" ~1lI1"Il'8i>!(/Ii()" X <lltd
I "W',., Ibtll X UVII'" dd"~'r 'f /)(IT1KII/Uf
/1"[1<' (if 1/(J",'l"O J 1/011 t:/'f'r: 1J(":m•.Y,' II",
1)(.'1'\ Imm II'hlch 1/,,-, '''''KirK! 15 ,/emw (ltl!
CWISrdcred dal/go nll/.C, Ilwlr /""'-"f'!oSl<!I/ I'
<Jtllfllllw/l)\'/I>{' SlIlle 1'''!'.'/fIIUI't' 7/),' 1m/Kill'
1/11'/11 ({ C"'I/I"tJ< I., e}<I1I,,-' bu;' ",,( Ix.>"
.1 JX"ic<' !HJI'\'f -"'Ollifit:nl;(tI/"
m~lIm('m IISlIulll'pfrauL, Uloef (I Cummas
('/ml'«' ml/XI/I"/I",m - "rguIIlI'm

_\ '\'11' ,nu' Ill', Thf? Cfmlmd' G(mM'

0,,11' (If'P/i.,., 10 IIlI' '(ttl" nUl 10 Ib.'Ji'rI."ml
!lUler",,,,..,,' IlolI't'l\'r,Ji'rkml "IU~" uhf,/>
,<11/'" /we'IUI/: ,:Olllmos (;o"ld I}f! (1/I"d.:t'tJ
IIl/(ler /h" DlI,' I'rt/t.'('Sl; C/'m.,,' ({ Ilw Fifib

Ib ...h (:trd...

Describe an ex-post facto

\n e'-pt.... fJ("IV I.", ~">fIt" hI< h f 11 fllln-
,-he-- In.'uUlIuul "r r-°rullYl;lnll<-r ~n In,l'
I, ...11..,1 to Of "'''Of
tlmtlu•., "h" h " ..' 1o:1l'.1 .... I,.."
"Il(kn.. ~.... ." f :1 ....ILlnn.... ,,,,. I,TTnun..l u
I'",ul pUIU·.hm':ll1 f"r .I jlfl<" .111. IJf ,;\,
dt-....~.,"'-.., It.....II"oum d' ",,!<kn'-< flrt"\k..I,,,

L \.'1 IIl'll ~

\ ...."n''' .. t",,~ ""*,,-,,, I .. k"'''''·

I-k. ""-" ....'tIIl)
ll'''~ ,•• t....... t,.~ .",1 1"........ th<: ..... t.
~ IbJ .'>.Am
Ik... ,· 1", .. <10.'11"-.,] ~IID'''''' ", the ""'.. , 11.1,.< ..
,,,,,,,It ' b" _ ........." ~ X ,nmpk~.,j 1:.0 ..... h..~
1'''''''''''''''/1 ~, 1. ~n> In.,, lJo.u,"""" """",. n,." ,,'
"",,,,,,,,,,,I p<ohd"",," '!l>'"'' _--.. I'"" , '" La"" ", ~,~l
,..uI........ ",. bo' .,'~ .. .J1>k n.., 1"'"''1".....''' ,,,,,,kll..•
, ",'''''oJ .' h..,,1jl ." ~ ""1>,,.. 'h.>n ("n,,,,,,1 '. 1\'-.,.01' If'
\ ,h..... n""'" ..'It"..M til« """""'"m ~ t. l
'f,lI' ptJ~ .. """.....'<1
11<1",,," ,,,, " ... , ',,"" ......,.
, "r." f1"·""tu",-Np"",."""""""",,.LIid',., '\
''''''0.1 I", """'"",'N In .. "'"" of no ....."'" dun ~ 'c.,"
.I~\ \1 I ' \ IIU' riP, Th,' nil., t1Rflj"", '~".I'/,,,,t
/fldu k",·, (4",,1;<'5 I{I burh trn.'fi'tI~'rll wid
./'4'" 1I'"enmWI/I"' #-."{ p"SI/flU/,} kun (m.'
m"·ulI'tmm""lIt mul/,utl fI/plr t4 ,nm,- i.,
'Ill/ • ",11.".\1
nill of \It.till(it"r

Describe a bill of
\ 1,,11 "j JllJu",k-, ,_ k")lt IJn'c JltUI.,hRk-m
"nh.out ,1<>1",' ,.. Iw.mnll

In " .... "" ••, ~J ,,"'-otl.l ,.... ,,'-~"" ,""'~
ilK "'"'" \ kllO'lo"'h.· 1" " .... ",1 10 ~ ...
, .• ~ ''''''''''~'!'''l ''''()' "".~ n ,~ ......
....."" ~'I'" \IR' J I " .. O>l ....... ,~",,~ d.. ,"'NIl _ ,h.:
".,....... ~, """""
,............... :an .' 1.1
'"',4" ...~",_k""'" "n...
. _ • 11>< "4.JIOo \
.... " ....1 .,." tor "• .010.1 ~ '" ,...,...... J",l to on""
-., ... ,~ \~,,"'I\ ~" , _...... ''''<,~
...._, , _ on '.... ".......... ,"'... "
h 'n'''... '" n.JIun' ,

, 1""-'1 I" ( ......_ I ' h """ _ •• c ,~

o:,~. "..",..
o.oIflc".! "", "'..., M'.'''- nu.
.... " ..· .... ~.Ioillw"'.~ lM_,,~ ~ """""" ....
.. -.·""'.. rn '·po "' ~ k-"',"""',h.., ,
........ \1, " .. b. to '

_, ""II' \llU.., III' 17...• /.~lSlm"lII ("...... nb(~(

III Jrru t;'.mmpJ,· IIMI4Ilx' im'<lIi(1 (I:j <I b,1f 'i
/lUIU"d,... lit,,"',...· j/ IS ,"~iH"'~1 '" I"""'"
.'.11 Irodo,II,Z<.'u.-

el '\. \\11 ... \ nc ,... III' 7b.' ""uhl/'II,,,,, 1'fi!(11".'/

1>l1I~ ,,/ ,111m ",I...,. fll'f1l"'), ,,, ""//1 fit/.-ml <llId
,Wf,' Itm~
396 l'ril ik~e.. and IJIIllluultic.. ( lau..\:

Describe the Privileges

and Immunities Clause
contained in Article IV,
Section 2, of the
11lo.. l'fl' ,1'")1<"' and lmmun~_ Cb.......· ,.of "'fl>-
dt: 1\ ........ ,~"'!. l'......... ludo.... 3 'iGlll' In"." J,....
cnJllln.lunlC .'l:oIlfN ,he n':llur:1l ulw.'"" "I,d""
_wto:, "h,'", ~ 1>;"...,- nr -fundullcnt.:11 rqtlu ••
m".oI\','<.I, un""'" II' .Il<" '>WI'- l\a.'o ~ _ul».umul
rt'""-",,,, I"r ...'htenmll nUn-n, of .If>ntM "!..lIe
to ,1,11'-"-01 " ...... Ilk.." l. and I! I the <.h. nnlln.,
lll>l',>r,l,lkt'd "lV-"''ol ,,,m'''"'J<ktll' 1-.. "' ..
'UIN,lll1l.l1 r"I.llII,Hl.,h'l} (0 lh.u 'll ~'JH·
I. 'mpT• .",.-!.",,,.,
uf,\.~. Hmn!NJI · l ' l'l1Jn'l

\ ....". lJ,. ",~"nn~ ,.... , .' n"""" rn....·c 1"<1,""-",,,
III ,-"'pl,n ""'....... f> ""1"-"
~> <cr~ "1"" ,,j ~...", .,''''
"..' 1M p'"'''''''' III<J.lm' oro..-I,
, '< I "'1"'""11 ''''~~-'UI<' .."...,~" '" ~ on
,,.., ', tUf ,.. " \ ..... l;. I".c "'~,~ ,h" "'"' <',.u""Ul.~,
" u,,,,,,,,,.,,,",,,,,1
'>I"" "hwkl, .. ",,"'.. pUn! ''''''It cl, ,,-, ",.n t.l'
f'.ll'" ",no!>, til< n ~,,<:. h1lltlll Jlf'.", ,.......... ",,1NJIo...
u· _,.,,_ 1\ ",,.J,;:,,,-, Il<-.... h Co>I,.... "l><~_._.n"'''1'
",on '" Ill" !I"'" r,.) ",k', uoJ,.'t Il1o.. ",,",.Il• ..J -.'\hIM P.,-
'" 'J'-'ru Ilc"u.,.'· '1I.. 't.~" ""l"l

_F,\'n',nn, 111" _lmd.-II ">eli,,,,.!

(//'1>11/'> '''''.' '" ,wflu'(lI /'t'O{)l/S 1/-1>" fir.' .I/f-
Zt'II< u/tm"lIJt'r .,m.' // (/O('S "'" lIf!urll pro-
"'t:llUII /" <u"..,mllo'~ "r lIlj£"I~

Ha.. . h C 1ft! ...

397 "rh ikl-;~·" .md Immunilit: .. ( I.lu_

OL--scribe the Privileges and

Immunities CI:IUSC of the
fourteenth Amendment.
11.., 1'". ilq......... J'KI hnmU""Il'" CbtN' 0' ,hl'
fnun'....'flIh ",roo.rolll.. >l 1m ." 1"<1<,,, ",u,,,I.. ,,,,
'"'l.."r",~ ~n ,ncl" Idudr~ ""'"' ,II ,w"",,,,1
"lrttn._hlp_ 11...."ped' {~l ~. <'llI.~'tur 1'[<>-
1'...."1.·1.1 ~. th" pnl\',-"U" ml.Juoc 11>0.: flJo:lll to

{II 1"-"" ~ Ifl C. mllf\-""

I J l pt..", '":Ihl, d.,,,,,nhl.. t'>I lilt." 1"111'1 N" • of
dl>o<."....' IlIJ!; [W~"l.lll..'.ll<.... ,

1.\' "'" "~"j.:.lNr "d'"m..l\'_

r 'I lr." d ,Kw,.., ,m"N;JIl: lJIk-....
1"'1 'VII: on fn"'r..1 d"elK"I.'.,
161 "I,ll,,· ,h.: \\'il "fll"h,-." CO'I""', .md
I ~ I d •.,,,, Lh" h.:nd'it- (Or t' ~ Ire .n,,,.. IlLld"
WIth forc-,gn ,ounlm"

_I .. \'11" \ nll'\ III', \/rJlJ..r"Il'. lbi- '''',.,k,,'l~·

m"ll"",,,,,,iI..,,, a",w '1Ih,-' NII/nt'-',I/;
,1nlC',uJmt'lIl 1..' m,.<'Ir Il"'" 11.", 11,,· \/1/'... ·11I'
("w1I>(I~ ""''',,'/,rill''l/1lr IIpWI tllt-Ihw
I,"xt."'-, "m' 1'.A/lulll'lY,[n./",,, (.11/11)('> I" .'i1{1'''-
[.I"'ITti sta/l'lJr "xu! m/rin»'''''·''1 "p<m ",(/._
mJ!m! 11I1<'11""

tla<.;h C Inl...
398 lnh:rg()\ lTIlJnl"IIl.lllmmunilit"..

Describe the
jmmUiuties" doctrine.
\','lidl' "'1",lt'<l k ..1t'r.l1Iql...~I;'I,,,n t><. tn,,,'
'JI'....·'H"tl b, th..., ",He,. ""'"n II ;1 l!1lcrfut:'
wnh lr.u!ll1nn.-.J loc.,llunCl~>n' (('f"...W ,"
'<lit A ,!I,m", ,lIt"""p"""",TmlUl/ ,lll/bonn ,
\1", ,'.'11,·1a", "hi<:h di..... rin'jn,u..· ~j.i::"" .... _'"
unJuJy hurde". f.."<kr:t1 prupt'nr Or .K1"-'tl".,
d'" in,,~hd
I \ 11/1'11 ..

""" '( "'1""'" "h<, ur,dt'fUke <TIt"""" "''''

",tit", ,h." ",,,...J.:,.,,,
to> "hUm ~ '''',k ...",,,.... 1~....J
J'''' ., "-'~- \ ~"" rM'''''' or"" ~ It' ~~".,,"',. ,. "",."
", "",-",...., , oJ""" ,.,. I•..l<ul ."", 1,,-,,· ..... w \
fl'n."l~\ ,,,ukl ~ ",f.•,". '10" "'~", .." .. ,~ ~"""'" (,""
.~ J.~,.·",I PO'" ,-.1, ,- ,"npk~'~'" .. "'.. "'4""''<.1 ,,, ........ '"
~ ..... ,,, <1m c"-'" 1...""-",, ,,, OJ""f""" b<, ""'~ lJU<k I /<.10",.."
, "",.,~",dl

• I '\ \\11 ... \ 110.., riP, 1",- Ix/llS luI" 1/)1, do<--
In'''' ,~. Ib" .\tI/Jrellwcr (,1"".';1-'

• LX-\ \lI ....o\-no:-; 111', Sltl!<- /{L.Wdion ofj,Y:lerll!

/lrr>{"-',1;e< (II" aawil/t'S 'if Ihl' fi.'llt'ml XOI\'rII
(11,..·ndel» .., prohlhil'-'ll Stare
IIIi'll! f ur ,,~
II/CU'III' or >tIl", tUI',', whi,-h filII IIP"'/ fi.·dcml
emplfJl\"-"" or lI}WIII,< I" <I ~('>I('f(" 11 (/1' (m,'

Describe the
slIl>crsession doctrine.
1'",I<-r Ow 'Urn'n\;ln C;IJU'iC.;l "'H~ O[ 1(... ~1
1.1" i, ',Old if it (1), '>oni< l' ",th ;l f.~kr;ll j;",
'" C.!/ I1111J.Ui' .Iu"rnl'h'hllt..,)! "f rhl' ,,1'1<.'<;
II...,,, "j .. fL'tk,.,,1 b\\

r,~I<-<.1 Lo" ,... 'u,...... 1~.,...,,,,,,,, ,,, .... 1,............. ,11 ,,,,,.....
.I, "",I<-., "",,~ ,''''''-' A".. I<' " 1.,",·•..,,_ '..I''''.....
,,, 10:"... !II ~I~r*'l'....... to, '"...' ..... II (" oIJlK"' n".. "'.ol.'
Ll" b p<.l"I~,· """""",,,,,,,1 It '" "mpl, ........, _,""''''
lh.J.n tbo.> fc>do.~ .. J k~,-<btion. I r""""a. d tile "'''U'L"> arc
~,.." " " , l l L.t'. ,!>t. f..'<knIl>... ,,,,,o,,,,,,.!11 WOfk.:f> '" 1>0..
p"'- ',.". ,,11.1... tho.- ""'~ <I".,:t,,,,,,,, m..nd>."" onl) I ~,
11., '.' 1I" ""'I"-""-'<lN I,., ~'o>, ....... ,menI
~ 'c ... " " .... JUlA... """I>cn'K"'~ • dn"T' 1>0.""", oj th.:
,,,.j,,-idu.:, do<p"" ,"'..,,, ,nil .. d,.... h.<"'"
LJI h,"krupl...".
I. ..", ",,,,h.. "'~IM-"'n'" >Jl"n~ 'lUI "I dill P"'''" ,,'hk'"
...,-Kkn" nl<' <'fl.OC~""""" U",-(","~"'o<>n.,1 under ,h..
' ..l ....."u"· {I.." ...· II LJlkT1,-'''' ""t,
,t", I"'''''''''' d ,tlO:
h,.kr.r l1.mkn,I"'" ~"'" w'r J"'f" 'f" tllon~ N"""'I"'""
.0 ''!'P'><1',"D'I h ~ • "r,,,,,, ".," -,/"...... ,- CAlrybr{l)

.r' \'II' \ I II)' Ill" Tne Jllpll'J/lULy CllWM'

Ilml'ldes lbe (,usilluillmal /xlSlS' {I,' Iu I/'hy ('
/edemfllll/' "/(I)' ,<u/w"wde f,r pll'l.'mpt (I ._1(1(,'
f(lll 1IIIIIIIe '/lp'v'IU/,y 0,/11'<11 rl><,f! t' HOI
1m IIIdt1J<"ldem fi',I£'1ll1 /",1/ ','r

Ilish c:ln.b
400 1·~l.:lltpli(J1I InK-trill\'

Describe the
preemption doctrine.
h ~ .. ,>O.":,,,u<'fK'e.1f ,he ""PfenlilO CJ~l""
""'WI'- (,,,..~,, ....,, .,hdl, '-'l,I< b k"lo("I~l">fl ",'h
lh.: "".'Tlllh.ll I' h.' It", , h""·,.,,l, .~ I.",
It, ~n'J Jill' "...11<: , I'''-dl '-UIUI''''I'':t1,''''
m!llfJ Ilw '"hll."'<1 m.m 0/ .h.: ( ... l&...l',

F\ tlt/'/ F
Al" ",,,,,,,,,,,~'I,,,,h.,l ok.J...-bt-t ...... wt.,
d"" ...... ,n,J ,,""~"'" poT., oh "'_ 1-0 _
_"",,-,I u"'l'p,,,,,1 .. ~h ....,,' ~ p<n..--Iu ...
KU',_ \"'''''-'1'''''''' I,,"'f"""--.
'I" ...."
'0 _'f'" ~'" "',r" .". I'r..l... l~l "" 1.1 ,~ • no' ..
..", .. ","", ... "h til< (,.,j, ,I" ,..... t ( ...""A",
IIh.• ~~ ,

•I \\11" \ llll'\ Ill', III d.,,, .,.",jl/il/,II IJ ('m-

Ilft.., lIItt'",I. 10 11/"~'l/Ifl1 (j !x/IT'culllr fw/d
In..- ~I/I'''-''II.· CfJlm u ',I1""li.'ul,'r ( I J td'<'I/><.'r
It..· 111/11I•.,./"" hJffurl«/lh 1>0.\'" d(l..'-'ifit'd m
vI I"'-fli '-, ,I/«'r/I ,or "ot. (;}I .'/(/1"
I,('lll.l/ •• ,1<'
",om 111/1"" flot'fiv..'nu ~I(//,U<' Ult!.H.' wm-
/"'-'I,"1<>M of ,1>., fi,Ji!'11/ fl.~"k'l(Jrl' 5clx'"w,
,/1/,1 l.j, tlw ",m"mll UI/('n!!ol m hm 'm.~ II
,,"Ifi.rm _'WillI' ""til "f Iml' j" Ib<ll pW1/<'''

III Llnl...
",01 l)ormalU Conun~rn.· ( I:IU"'~

Describe the "'Dormant

COllllllcrce Clause"
, -t.,,,. L.., " ""~I,,l "I>o.'n' 01 d nr""~ll. 'If
p...H .... ~n u....h'" ..""It'll "P'~I cN~I.. """.
n,.'" " I,,' It,,- ~ .. ~1 "'".".... ""Id" lU ",. I"'"
In I.... hi ,Ilo.. k>/l-...u'LU" ,. OOI""'~ hi !I,...
h"r,Jo.·n "h.. h It F'l~u", "I"'" lh., ""'''~1'''''1'~
p"....." " ll"n~'" Inj,,",,", K'" A' n ",• ..wlt 1"",.. 1

I \ 1111'"
......,. " I...' ....... : """ .... /'PI....... ""'" '" • ..
... h;ut> '" .., 1"" ..J ..oIIK • 1"''''' ,>Iou "['< ~ I"'
lui.... oJ<> ... lhio ..__ ..... ""~v .....rf'!',,-..l,
.. h' ""'" I'..nt' ",,,d _ill ,r ,he' "" _.' ~
.II1«l<~ rho 1.1 1 ........ """ • I' II><" <k t-
..'''*1''- 1 '.'''''.-......, _ ("' ...

.on<! ,~, 1><. ""'" """"" I....... ' '''' I ....

... " ... ,..,. •• <10.. Ikm •• .,... ~ .....u-:
',< . _ ",
_,"'''' I.,.....,~ It\.II "". "''' , b .. ,,"'" ' ........ It>t
u ,,-

_, "HIl" \ "'" III', fJr"",,,",,. '',..,.... fll,m" If,·

f rul/>o... II"", 1I1f/....... '".,..'"J ..
"'lh' II> lb",""W
Ihl> ,I<,,-In"~ 'l$ " ",,,/fl. "J W, ,II01'M/Hl/( " _·1«1,..
(II' /(,,,./ kll'
-., "HIl" \ 110' I II' 1;'" JJ""'IJ/ ....m.... "I ",,,,,,
1'''...... 'In' , II /)"..,,,,,,,, (., """,,'rt..
c..kll~· " ...1
f,!, "''/1<<' f1"" ,.,. 11... (lfJ..(- p"" ,... "~IIkll.... ,m)"
11<,,11" ';,'J."!' ~~'ift'rr!. ,,~.mb "rllt'VI>t".. , ",1fT
"'I 11>1"1' ... ",,/<_4_11"""<' ""'lOT
_I ...., \II' 'Il.n, I"~ ,4"•.,"'... c<rn,,~.- '</ s/"'..
I.""'" jo 11... TI. ,'II" I"N .1 """,,1,,,..,,1 "I....,.."·,,
"II'" I~", ""."".'" ,r I" , ",,<I It"" /,,""fl"''''N ,,,
1N.'/It>111NIIH." '-d lI/fllUr '" It) pm$dUIIUII (I' R
\1•• /0' \ I""" "U ""'1"",4"'J ,1<lt"'UlS I" ....",b/••,,,
""',1/ II, "".. ,</ bJ' I"" U,,<r I._ ....,,' j 11<,.".,.'
""Q2 I) i"'l'ri III i 0:11 inn
.\1o::tin.. t
Illll"r"'latc CUllunc;.'n:e

Describe the effect of a

state or local Jaw which
(1) f,tcialJy discriminates
agajnst, or (2) has a direct,
discrintinalory effect upon,
interstate commerce.

1\ ,,:u.' ,n lo<;.d 1:1\\ winch (I) f'l<ulll' dNnml-

n.'l." J;:."n.... '" (11 h.I' J dircrt. .iI....·o""".,
!Of)" dk..., Up'''1. illh:N.IlC "m",,,..,,,,.'. l'
un."Il.... llut ...mal. Iml.", the lun>dH.11Ul1 Gill
,h"" .,) In u".. rrn.llnj( l~ndll "","ulunl( ,,,
it, nUzen, from the j"iV"IJuon. :md tilllhc
.,h"""..:" of .my non.ui"oimin.ll<J1) "''''''b 10
.Ich,,,, <: lh:n min,,"'!.
,--\' Iiii'll ..
l '!.O'e 1.0... ['f' ~","",,~ ,h.: ,jur''P'''lI ,,( '".. ~~-....'C ""'t'
pn.ducL_ m h .•II,,,>dl,lh b uo<.l'\>lU",. .ull<"tl',I
1¥o,~,J.Ipi"" I \", k","," ....... 11. b .. dh",irrun " ..
all""'" 'm'........ '" """,mo."'" b¥ bunkmnJl Ul>,..,(· 'c
~..rtxo,ll""' I"",. 011<><::11 'r,'"
\ ,I.", I", "'~...tI 1'":'<1,,.1<...1 'ppI<_ In.... ""_".,~ '''1
"",do: "~ho..,- ,I'A" dw k,k'r."\' <k'<'l'n.n-u ",.,eJ .lo>-
mr""'''',... .,.on," ,,,,,-uf.,,,,,..
1<fO"'<n '.,1" · pR~hlCC
,""'" '" tl.... ,"<l • 1""..... t,) '10.. 101)1I fcd<.,.,1
""nd.mI (
.. ,,'
If'IU>''l,l/AH'l "'''~ """." "'1"'01'>0''11

• F'\.\ \11 "."110:'11 TIl', \\.'h<.".... Ibl' SI(l/e Is (lelll1g

m II /1/1IIi.:;'1 j)lIrti"ptlIll (I.e" (1)' II ""-Wr.
tlS<'ifJ. II nm d1Ol'w 1<1<O<'fmm IV<-'(li
11I1<"\':\.1) flllll' A S/(I/,' /lUll' (liso f/'(II' on' Ib(l/
"-, (/ ,/,plllfllf')I/ fi ,r I'!/l<'nng Iwo <I,"'lmt'-
/iv" pro}<'t.I) /l'lIh 1/. tl/ Im..' / baif'111>i'II''''*
<'rl> 1Jt, ",'S;f{,'11/S oflhl' iii I' ill wl!idJ Ihl' u'OrM
~ rx;wrri.rg ( 11'1;1/(' I .\{(lMtI,bu,;eIl.\ COlli""'!
ojCVJWn/Clioll HmplOl~'I~i

lb.. . h card...
..03 " 1.1'\..ulon elf I ord~11 (onullt.'"rc.l:

Describe the circumstances

pursuant to which a
state may tax foreign
I nle" ~u,h..rurtl "' UIlI<U"-'" nil ""Il' m.1\
I~\ .Im '"'1""" ," d,I[~'" '''' ''''1'''11' 'If
"'p<III' ""q1l ,,11.11 "u~· ho:: ~l""""ull:ll "'-"'-,....
"1'\ I, r ""~ "un~ il' ""1"-.... 1~ ... 1a"" \nod,"
I. ... ·n~ ,n III. t.L,I.·.... !

"',"',·"'",,po .... ~t,., ..... I .. "......~""_
""'''',, It .. It"", .",oJ .... I ''''0.0''<-.1 "" • (Yo •• ,..-. .

,,-,.•• 1 '", "" • ,. n""d 11>' "'" nr.:

'I' ", •.1 "~ ". 1 1 ,,~ ...., l •• '" "' ,,,,,
,1>.:".1' ,n: _"I"." n okI ,""......... , ,'Ill 1in.. J.I.
I·h~,"l" I l~"""'"'(,~,,,f1'
I .. lI' •• 1_ .. h. h I ,,· ,'Il • nI ...., ' I ..-.....-t.--
,,'" ".... ,,, _"''''1< ,I, 'l<fI I.." ,.. n.." tc l.>.\L.J
1<0 ,.,
'~"nl.", \,,,,,.,.J/(.,hl4'l "..( I

_, , \ \II' \. It l " Ill'. n", (.("1)111.""-,, (,k", ...,

,'n'dwl" ",m' '"WII/"'I (if /f"/l1.> or fld'111'f$
II'''. I. mwl>t 'm/M,lr II,,, "hili/I" if IIo"Jtv/"m!
~Jt,·r.,,,,..tIIl" 'l"IIItKlfi"l'If<1/ pO/KI' 11m.<
<1<1,.' /(1..\"(1/1"" oj '~flll/'/11I'11/pt'rmfllwlII/l' 'II
IItU,~J 111/1... 1~ hll/ 11'/",111< ('11'11<'11 (/1111
II ....~J ",rdll,.I/\'/l' III 111/,'1':>1,11,' ,umm.'n,' br r/
f,,(d~" .",,,,Ir.., ... WI'"UlbI,IIII'QlIlIll j,,1"'"
/m,,, Uti, (.i"mtl"olJ.«;.~II~'k':<)
404 IIL",tnllllcut;ditic.. uf
Inll'r-I.lle (OlllmC:rC4:

Describe the circumstances

pursuant to wruch a stale
may tax instrumentalities
of interstate commerce
(i.e., equipment typicaUy
utilized by its owner in
interstate commerce, such
as airplanes, railroad cars,
sh.ips, trucks, etc.)
' .........1'11 ""'fl'''''' "'hod, ... U1~I",-d '" ."'""'~"
~u.,m"-~",, " '''~, '" an .I<l • ~k"~.,,. 1."-" '''' , II
,,'" fU"........ tk.' ..
h..h u"'''lluI,.. tI", "'~I""'" ,
1'"""1"" l'l. ~ h"-,"'...•••• .moJ (1) I" ....... <-.... III
.. hl<.l, .1"" ., , lu, ;1<""",-<1 ~ ,rot' I" ,h,
"~lL'" ,!l..n ,l.., L"/U'l"',,-",Il ~"'-, ~L'-IWlL'Il ~
",u, """,,'" ,~ th.· T~'f'i'.n·' f'lmo. If'II J....... '4
I...,,'......,. I... '" ,,"llllal to >rt"'l"'~"'"""ll ,~-.IIl<.
I"", ,n tho.· .. <1 '.I,,,,·m u, ." 'Il tJo, <lI"n",1,h.
Ur\ " ..I" h.I"·1h", ,. n<~ .",.I<l ,..k""", W "
..,"...II,·I,,·'nll ....." ".......,J h,c ,h... btl..., ~"L-JKI"""

~n.ol "".,·m '" ... ~,,,,, ...., I ""","" ,I... olI,I"'~ \I"
'1"I'i''''~ ,,, ~. '<>1<' "-lA!JL, IM""',""' ......, ,~I ......,
"""" H"" "''''' ~ .m,' ...r
AElL-, _",,-/( Iu" ....<jWt"" ,
,.."I"" ,"," In .. ~,,, ,_ ~IIC h , .. "hi ," .. n,J"" ..., "
"..- '~I, .. "' .... "-"""",,,I ~~"'" _I>t. -U... " , ..I"",
,,, n ~· "'. ~n '!'P' 01'"'''''''''' ,......" ,h.- IJuo.
.,,'" (rom""',,-,' 0,,,.......
_,'If'",\\/" \'ll" nl'- Pr't;1JI'T1Y IJCqI"""" {/ I,,-"nlll.!
a )"n«l/<:I"''' ""bide <>j /11(! 111.'11(')\"':'
!,""efPi,1 pi<kP of 1"'5"'''''''' .. />en' II .. elllx., ( II
NlhJlr",111' ,·mpk;.l'R1 oW I .!! ",,,,,,,,,,,,,111, Ioom,,'-
III (hal.<l,II.,
_, \ \ '11\ \nn, TIl', bLl-fn",,,'ntaJ,,,c,' a"'I-..........-
"Ill- """,,,,,,,}"-,,,, .<1"1.', '" .. bile 11x-l' an'
,,, d!<' ,-"",.." <J/ m/t'rSl,,,... n"''''....,..,',
bUf '" ...,....
"""""I~"" ",....'"
j " 1,.<111511 a .<IIlIt'
"'''-\ /'u: I'<~ e.m",pI<!. !/ .V<11<' ,\. sblf'J " "a",h.wl
if I""~ ,roo;>-<.·",auq '" '(lIl<! /. muf 1b<'I't'IIIl
"",L.... ""I)" ""..
>1 fJ 10 ,ml,,,," blilf (hr 1m.,> III
):,11" 1. II", hlT1 I'/ljJ' 1ll' f>":1JO¥flv'lUldjl<.lX>'ll hI'
all !l' ....' >//1(<'5

Describe when a state may

uupose a sales or usc ta....::
on the seUcr of an item.
0\ ,,-.,1,- 1Il~' mol ow"....i"- Imp....... J
"£II<, lJ~
un J tl~n'.."\1"" "Io.. h '~U"'''"Jn."'Il.-.J oul
_Ilk.- ,~. lh.. 1 11111-,<11,11"" \ -.1"1" 111.1\ h""""\',"r.
..,,11<....1 .. WI" hl" lre"l1 till-" purd "" 01 .In 'h''''
"hl<h "'1I1 hl: l.lllh'....lmlh.1l1ur If'

_, '\\11' \ no, nPc .i /.... /11.'1: nJllI ,,01

en" ,11m' "iflen'lIn- IJc:mu.'/l ( , J /fo.. ,uk"
1(1.'0: II/lIt:h If.mld NIl" 1/(\." I"I/IIN'(/ bt If,.,
,'/tll" III 111",1> II.... ,1.. /lId /1 til I,,· 111,/1;;,,1 I '.1
/1", IIn'l b.ttl 1/('1.'" pmd"N,llh.'", I, tl",1
( .!I //1•• ,;.u,,'" 1"'\"' 'f lUll tI"""U<V"'R'-"""'n.-
",.//,.,. hI' ,,,,• .'IUI,· III 1/ hit h I"" m/ll~I<.'f<m
//"11."1/>/1111111,11,.1 '>Ifill' \ m.............. III>
_,u1<'. 1,1..\' "I)tm til"'; ,<,,'d u11hm ""11)11"",1...
''''or. wh,I" '>Wi<' I 1"11"0.",,", ,.,,1\ (/~.... ,,14.,
/1"": If II 'lWI,' \ ,,,,,Id.,1It I", .... ,>tb<... U Hili J'"
II.><.' III \l<j'" .\' 1/11 I \/(II('.\' COllld,I>o><'U
.. 11""'/.\' U{III"" 4

_, .. \ \11' \ no' rll~.l )I,/fl' " ' " 'n/"ln' ( " I

",,/..>/-.'/('1,· ,,-,/I•.,. 1(. nJk'f I II Ill<' ,,"l: Ilf'rUl11I
"'/ol'() (11/ IhWI Pl/f\J"ti<~J hl' (I n"ukm (I,I,,·
""\1'l!f WlI,' m.~' if/be n:nd"r( I; .... pb)'".
u,lI1' I~"'/ll '1"1'1 /1,,· 1'l,\'IIW )I(ll<' (,r I.!'
/,hl~lwllr ,·,jh¥1.'fI/beJ"fbtl"tkm '" "'b,,h
lilt! II/II"' 15 fvt.(1/('(i Itl .'uillli rht'S<lft' 11/ qUl'fi'
(1/'.,,1 ,\<'!s(m I <"'f113> Nu(:IHlc!t {' 0, I
406 "'L!tt" \lIinn Ilourill{'

Describe the ';statc action"

nil: IIl(hllluJI n~hb r'''''~''''''-u ht Ilk: h ..,,-
'....·mh IIm.;ll<lm,:m JPI"'\' 011.1\ ,,, !!,".. mm.-n
ul hJ!h..", th.m 1'fl\.IW I J(1~'11 II, n'rlll....1
,l. 'MM' ,. lltl."'<:nr .. h..'n III JI'""nUlllnul

oIhu.... ' ....' ..'" to) l'o...-i.>nn the., rlilK-LII h",.,-

h"n.~ call",. In;l." UflI,.Ifl'>lItUIK,",,1 "'..n ....."
r! I I'"' .u," P:',"k~ umJ,.,n,lk., .. puhl... func.IKIl'1
('x J{!lUII,,'" Iu.. h hot..: -rrJUll_,""Uj t>n."
sI... t"\( I""'''l'"'k'''>jlal,n' ("II lh..· -.lal... ·1. ",
( .~I th..~ ... h.h 1'1....." .. ,,(:,"11'''01 ""'<li> Cm.. nt ,,'
.. n<' ... r.. /otl-', ....,"Il'\ .1~........." ...... t.·m'I' ,II pO'
, .. Ie Uroll..,

ry IIIJ'II t

n.. ,,,,..........,.4 ""'....., .....'nO'd ""''"''''~ ............

"' -t.. """-M I"'*- fu...~ .....
n.. ' 11 ~ pm .." ....."" .11 *' lKnlW.K .....' I>
..,...1.00<-.1 '" "'" Zl tfiC1'o"' pt.""",.", ,. II>
""' h RUn' r ,..... "w ,,, I'""
' Ul<.lo> , f "'...., .. ~ do." ,•• II......
~ Itul "., lao"'",, "' ......

• ''\..\\11'\110' 111~ "~UI"ljCI"'" {",u-om·

fla...",,> (1)11' "'.11I111' ",,,M.·tf(lU',, Ill' a ",11-
till Ur('" "I' ,j >lUI.. (I l' 'I (I/}', aJlml!'.
""mlt l{1<lfh-QIIII(~/......,'ortl/lfl'l. NC , TIN
rr...." FOllrtb, FVlm",.",h, fwd F!fI.~,,,,h
!l IIlt'l"(lIIl'lll.l nT/IIIn> .'/(lft' (/I..'WII
407 I i!ult.lliun.. ( pun I IIdllt.'111 I)olll;liu

I)cscribe the limitalions

on the ~ovcrnl11cnwl
power of cmjnenl domain.

t' ",k,. 11I~- 1,tlh .1(1<1 r"",w\"T1lh AlIl\ IlIlh""m"

r'''~I<" 1""1 ·1'(\ Il~" \.., ~1'I""r.Uk'U tll' ~
puhh< ..ull " .. tll ,I tI' ......"ulI..'T\I..1 <"nllt) II 1U'Ol
""Ill',..n'k\hvn l i t , Ih... r.ur "1.111.'"1 ul t "r the
pn.llC"\'Ik'>I'."d"'u,,'.... n,r \ UllOlo: "
,klllk...1 ,'~" n"Io:Ull1ll>ll "'luo.b ,10.:"1<-'" 11.....
"'''I<."r all r".'''''1.Ihl,- ,,,"">ml<.llh '1.1l>le """
l>l lu, Lmd I /.ll<l(' I ",,,,(/, (",.>1",,,. t"on"
,',.,...d , :1 .. !l'1\nn,,-..,nl n't:uL,l"otI ""'1*
' ..... n· ~ ......... Ilk: ,.,1".: 01 .1 '" 1'<>1'\ ' pr' ~><. n,
Im.,.t" ., n"'nl:
_ I '- ~ \11' \1111' liP, '0...110("" ~'''-t.,.",m,,,I,,1
n~"/tll"",_, U l"dJ Iml"I\lllp<m 1m flU 1/<''''
U)<' "I I..·,. l>n,,~"rn" , 1<'''/11111,"'' luL'j"H' r1"-
11I,'/1' "'llll,m"u I '''11o'//(}' "!"'" 'I 1I\'~/""Jl
"III...· ( t I "JlII!fiHlIIU' 'I"tb<' ,,,.1>1., 1"'rprlJ,t'
11I,.11, , ....} (lml (1 J ",,,'<lm.'tII -hrl< ft.1 ,~"
I.m, ,II. 'I" II,,· '"I II,.,. ( ""tm u·lI/mJ I'mtt>
,'''''11I1'''' {.i. I \"11 1",*(.111'1
_ f '- \ ... " \ 11(I ' Ill': .... {X'mllmt'llI /'''I';«f'
,'" .. rtJtI, ''''w"t I.~ t'" ,[ "oftI/1l1'h mill"" III
IItllull' 1111"'" pOI tll"«III<I ... '''-'11I111.... If
ftllm/il- I ltd) .//" I "'of<prr,ml","r IfmrJl(.fl</II
el1' "£.0'111
_I '\\11 \l10' III' ~I(//" "n}''fnl '/'''''t1l<lI",'
'ifmfiocl.'t'In'f':l willeh /I \'ft" wfI<lhk "I
'pflll<fm>.: a,,·I,. <ll.S<11-'<' /1) II/II/' pllJlr
l'/'fl' rt,,,.. HOI .. ,11 /lIW., if IllL~"JI t ,11II1."r "
:",i"" 1/1'1

Describe an individual's
right to procedural due
"'.... rJ cho I"" r.. ~ n~ (.tI...... ,J Ih.
,,~ ,~ ....... ~t.~
t~lh ~od f,>un""mh .\l,,,,,,oc.b,,,,,,,
"I...., Uo.1><""u
,J lrl", lll~ Oc P«'P""v """""'-, I.., l"" ell " ..·"...1
~Uk"'. ~n It> odu.>1 " •.,.,,,,k...l,,, "''',e.., ~uJ ~

I \.llll'/J'
Pn~"""t"'_"'1J' '
<k",,,nl,~ I ''''''<1''' ....cH..... """""",1 """0''''
oj. ,.,. • ,.,....... '"' ~In, n to...,
~,~ 11",.,." 1l",,1>1'" "flI> , .. ,,,, I, .'n.- I.kll t
"" ,1'1<" ..Jlc -.J mJI,. ....... l., .. ..., .. ""',- ,~ ,,,.,,,,... , ""
"" "..,""'" Ie..J ... ,,t><.J, J f'ri' k I" f1"ll f. '1,<11>0.. , ,
tJJn,'8<" _~ dn,,_. lIo".",., ',nnoo I", "" -..11 ~."''''1lI
.n lOu kl<n1 "'.lIh<.....
""'' ',">""........, !><J" ,,,

LiI..-rr, ,,""",", '''' l....k .""to .fl'";L' "' ",.,. ""I" ,., , ...,.
m.a ,I><" " " ...., ' ,,, """~,,I "'0'1 .....,""" ••,Nl't...·
nld'>< ,,, "1 · un" .", \ ,n,.<I" .11l....""'..
_" \\11' \lln.. Ol' 1/,,,, "PJi".. \,lpw'll '.'
nlll//cl/ /(l " " ''1'f~''1rI'''ll 10 nfi"" R'".'r"'''cW,,1
,/,>.),'l1''''1> aw,"wl",,. "d"'" "<'Wh.' 11",\
j",:/"", 'I/><' ''''f'''''(/'I' ,. 'If /1>" prtl <ltf' ,,,,,,'' ',,>/
d(fi'f-I<!flth.·I,hofd".....: llh<ll ("ldil""",I/ln,...,·
dun'S 'n/l III ""( " " '''''''''''''1< d,·/, .,."''''"''',,,
"",I ,1)<' 'ur"""t;lm/ll" /"''''k'' II b" II fI~' pnK~
d,m", deotulI"kYl In Ih,' pkmmiJ u,mld m,!,,'~
If!,,'" 11x· 1<I",·rl/>.".III,,1 , "ittI'I UI d"I"'''Jlm''lI
f II IN' ""W .... I{'/'I' 1'..... '('(("'-11 f' ,. >J>.",kJ II,.,
"ffix1",1 (".I(.id,,,,1 bl'''' lb.' "11/01'" r,i,m, ,-,1/, ".
"of m,,1 flbltI'" nx,.",b P.-!itll"htR ,,, b" >t(""
"",,'/. "",I f 2' ,d,,'!"'''' 'Ix' /,""""'d",,~ "''' /
o<wr bt:fQn! lb.' l/bNfl' or JWr'fJl"f) ,,1I.'r<'il <-

tl1sh t .lfds
409 11Int..l:lln~nl::l1 Hi~ht.,

Describe when govern·

mental conduct which
impacts upon fl.lndamenwl
right') is unconstitutional.
( .( ",·mJ111-t\1.I1 ~"i"" "h..-h tn'f'U'rI a lundl-
" .. mal fl~ll nlll'\! ..:Ill'" .... ""I ...:roun' (l-<'.,
Illler..· mu'" b,: a n>llIpt"lhnllll''',·mm,·N.ll
III<.,r,..,r .<IIt! nn ",,-, hurd,,'n"''',\(" !t"-.IO'
," a, ulfllpll\hlnll lllal "''I<'' '" C'1 In h,-
.~"No(U1"lIl.." 11II1O.lUUt' n¢ll' ,no..l...J.:
I II ~ IN \",.,llh'Il,..I n~:hb of pttA."<.k'<i
"'.......... h. C!I d,,' Ro~l 101 \01<:. C~llhc RoJJu I"
rr.l\ d I to .-..u.I>I.,h a dom"-'k'-I, .!IId I II tlk:
R,;:lllltl '''''',11)
I \.11IJ>ll \
\ ..... __ ",,'uoJ<' _II.", .., ..ll""""" on' •
'II- "'.. I'I"_~"' ..... "'.................. prop. ...
.....1 I ' no" "_,, oJe.d'"ll .. oiI L/>< foal><., ~ ..
"'l<lolo- mmlnaun 01" IJLU>I1ILOIII " ~

_ .. p;n ~"'l~. DIU"""it" " '_

""mr .... ,'II... •.. ,,, t,., ,I ......

"' ....,.,..."'. "'I"

, 'J rd.',.! ~ til ,,.
.e_"""h.:t" ' ,
I..,. .. \ ." •• Il. "".., , 1, " .-.,.,....
,~ ' "'


_, .. \.\11" \. no' liP- .\/l11slmlllll' O'l{' l'roc•.,...,

il ,I>;. /,'rm "" "/t<l dINt/I' the .,<JU''Ct. /n,/./
u'!'lc:h tl>;· jill/llm,,,,,,I,,1 '1Rhl< (lent... hll/d«
"wtlwl "!>lhl.' my' /ml/,'CIr:d hOlh bl' Eqllfl/
''Jl''hlwu "nd !'J"I"""""" Ihll' I'nJl;l'» .\,,1,..
,IIlIwn' 1)/1" In" ''''' '1IUlII~I,' l.> II",-~I Wlli't'l! 'I
filii fljfl'f.l) 1111 /K'IYlmS EI/""I ''I' ",'dUlII
wmli ,'j> l' 14....'1/11'/1.','1' II IWI IIffi'f;b ,~""'"
I J {' ,/)f'r'irm., mlll/"ril
/,.'/";OI/.' ;IIIW/l'd an'
"WI/, 'II (1rffi-"','lIIh' J
410 R.adal ( I.L....ilk:uillll..

Describe when govern-

menwl cl:L'iOsifications
which have an adverse
impact upon a particular
group based on a "suspect" arc unconstitutional.
t;<wnnnll,u.d :leun" "hkh 1)l."lx)<o(;lull)
d,.,.". lfllUl.!tc'" ure '" til<" I..."" ,>I r.ll ,.. Il.lll< ,n.,1
"n!:,o, "I' "he",llIl' Illll" "111,1\ "0<, ... nllm,-
II.•' !h..'f<' ""U"" I.... ~ "~"I',-,II"'II ~~'H ""'Il'Il\.I1
"'I,"R" ",,,>1,,'<.1 ~I"l "" k.", h.... "I;:"",",II.'
nJt:~rt' "I .",'~lll'h,llIn!llh",,>1,,,,""10:) IV I",
,,,n'olIlUl"'n.o I

f \ 11l1'1l
~"ll<.· ",~.on , rth<",.k, """'t'. dl<' ". X l<1<I-.1~
",,, .....Iuu .... .ill " ' '" 1>.0.... Ihu 11> ,,1Oi.~, 1 ..
",'10 -I, I II"J,..,.. ,~ I""' ''''''''Il ~l>o~~ II" .. " I
'1''''''',.1,".. ,oj d... ' ''''''~. ~I ~. '\~" 'M ,...1t..
""k"" ,1,,,,~ 11l'1""" ,~'~l. tI...· '" .. 1~,01""~. ,,~''''
IUI"~... J Th.~,· l> "" ulll... ,.~\ ,J," In'~I. t.,
,b .... ,to,
""" '1l""''' 110"",,,,, ,,,,b,"k.. l. A... I "". ~.,,",. '-', ,t.....
,I,," "'.n,1 n L.oI~"',h,p w""
_I '.\ "1'.\ flU' nl~ n"lx.><flll (Ils<:mllitw-
/1"11 <'(/II /},. 5J><JI/'1I ('I Illrf~' IUI\~' II! til.., Iml
fi/( If/II, ,h", mlllll<lI,o;, (.! III 1Il'l,/nllllUl I>m
IJI.'('II lItlmlll/'I"n~/11l (111t"rlmIUtI/Oll 11"1/1
Or /} II/w 1''f.Il.>ltI/,,~> bo:.lfJ'1' ",til< ,./0'5 (l d,s-

• I ... \\11' \flO' III" .'1/1 1m, " (Ill' pr'''ilfll,.',1 '0
IJp ,'olul II",,,"/l'r ulI,',-
U plmll/'fl ,b/Ow.
'"01IO,'(,',{,,1 d~'t< nmll/flll"'l Ih,- Imrd,'{/ '1
pnOf/,btjls II> II", ~OfI'r"ml'IIf11I"lI/m'llI~I/
tifr Ib,> .>In< I " flltllll' ~/lIlI/l(//rl
\fl"inllathc \<-liun

Describe when affirmative

action by a Slale is 1101
violative of E<llmJ
"p.W) q~l'lI

"~'ltm"I'O')1'.".0' ~ "'I ' IN"lla , '".........

"".N" ...... ",,"\o.'I'lU'~
'I......."" d"," 'Mp , ~~ ••1
>lJ' r.. .
,"~"'" l'fI'o" 11" 1"" '~'< .....' '.,.r
",~u>d "'!' 'f'l'
f''''''P'l' 'I "~" IU'""I ~""l" \
....'".-1 , , I'
,",,"P'"'''''''''''1"'lU,."p~Iw'" ~'''f».,.,...j" .Al
"I',nd-w.r '" I'...... ,,,r~ '" f'3II"'"'Io' ~,,~, ,,, ,,,,,
(ON 'pr~ ..., J""I",,:I'" .'''....''11 l"fil""" ' ,.."'" ,•
.,.",~." .llUllmlw ,.,.,,,, In "I." •.'.• "1"\1'11' '1Ij'
"'~ ... 'I,...
I"'~"''' I"'.
,,~". ~"'" _nor I' ''"'
_ , ""'I' \f1' ,_dnlll ....., I....... 1'..·...I1"'.'.r« •.".'\1 \\
1~" '''1 \1'L1l ·nto
.. .......-.t l"!"'''''''llJ'lll ""i I...."' ... • ... " 1_."~1. ~
, 'II • ,oq ...... ""'ll ... >111"11"11 • .."J,J_). 1""-"1""."" "m
.-~ "'.""'I"''''I.~ .. >nJ. I,' ,.,_,.
.... , I. II'&! .-,t!''fOI "".,,") '..' 1·"'1 I" ...... ".....
"I _ ' " , , ''''1 ,,,,,, '·-~"i'".l


\"".......',) ./ ,'''''W.,'IN I \\"11>.1'" ~IlJI' UI

I',~!n, CUt " ..·1<1 ..... 1',- .H'lrWJ'Il" p.... ,.<J~~~'"
''-'-'''''!' 11""'f'll! JU "rl '''11 \<1 IU,.lnunp""I'.>q
1lJ1Ilrn '"'" " ..........11IL.'.",>U", .H .... I.,., \I"I'U"
'OU ''-''If' '" 1/"''' ',' ". "''''-I'' lnu... uuJ,;>" lli
llll'lpd".. " r '1"1' huu' ... '" .I""-~ '1'1"1 'I '" WI'U
,"'II·nu, 'd'>4ut1 "'I""/ll'<l ,.... <1"':'/,, U<>lIl'UUlID'
"I' '!,if"" ./J",} ,.,,'<1
II' ''1.'1.'11-' ....'1 ~II' \p.""~>.J
I" P-'Wlr. '" fl. 'l·"''l'' .... ,,1.""
nu.'u'u",,, ,. 1

lX"SCribe the stand.trds to

be appUcd in determining
whether or nol slate
legislation impacls leg;,1
OrJin;tnll. ~UlC .lnlOn ,,11,,'11 'IU'1HN'fidll ,!I._.
I rlm""'I.,, ;{j.(.IIO_' 1<11.•1,lh...L_ ml~<I ,,,n,fy .•1rkt
""11m) II"""\,-r, "h,·,,· 1"~,,I.dM·l" ;<"'1'_"
rinp." inlot '" .l< 1""1,,.' ",," h "" nl. to ,h, 'h""
Honing "I ,IolmClIur..:n1, rh<"1l lh,' 'iJI'" 11<......<1
unl\l '''ll~tl' """"""m r;I(;<>r1:l1 ha,,~ ,<"'11m

F'LI 111'1 E>

TI", 1m ,~ " I..' ....."" ...... 1Il~ .. h" to l.... mrt< ,ai, l' <
• Ill""'" ,.,""'C"m,, ,.....
pIo." <v'" ,t", mum", I'.d ,," ",,-.:I
"'.1"\ """f"n\' I'." kw] "Lh,'n tJ.: m:,'" I~<,>m.·"
""",~ ,C.><Jr1 Iv< X '''''-r' I' 'h" 'UML .. l..l",U\ <I"..
C1un""'ltl"', ,00 '~I """'-T '<.'3<h<ljt .. pmIlo.l>Ij no< ..
·",~ ,r ".. 'N,.. l':'~<~",,"""J.I' !""'-';on, X"K'.,. .....·
l-f; ,h "J'l<1 ..-rultn~ ,......

<.on,~ _,10,: '''Ie m.<"

d',,-"'nlUUl~ .p"'.. k'l"l
.Hen' lrom ""'-... 'mm~ I"~.....,..,.,n. [....oJ,.,.,., or ".", ,n~
on • ''''' ,of !","pn'",~ ""n," 'I'" r 'oc-c ..,to' " d"
m"'~'" p"110:'I"' ••' m1I<,''',"",'""n' Onl)' -"" 1 I",,,.
",,,I( nl ."",1<1 'PI""
.!J: 15 11ll1ll i~lt iUII......lIurali".llion ;llld
( ilul'n"hip

Describe Congress's
power over immigration,
naturaHz:ltion and

Cn,,~,,-..., ha, l'k·ll.Il) Jl'''''''''''' Wel'''''''''''- lht,

II) ,.I:lIld.f\h I'Uro,U,ml III ..... h,d•.•11",,, nUl I,,·
~dn"ll"-'<l ,mn. f .. "'' '.111\ ,,,llu,,. ,hi,: t nllt.,J
"l.ll.... ..00 f! I po." e,' 0/ nJlur.. IIl.;l!oc:on <J In-
W<."'-' .. I"" UrI....""........ dlt: '1.lnUJ'<.b p....... u.,nl
10 "h,cl> t , "h>.<:o,.. h,p mi'l h., to'" and
~Ikl~' Ut'I""\<"!

_r'l\\U'\I1U"lll' {'~ Imn(J)p,,'nlUftrll,q

II,,· AUunl<'1' (,{'/wr,lllo (/"111' m/ml"lOlI /u
rob.,,,-,. I"....~/I/{XJ" cDu/uwnIO(II/'yomu,I'OIl
Ilul/ II,., III"" 'Ibml U\""" ,"'ld"'lJ<"Y ,wl/ullill
.\(~' 1/11/1. ,wd t 21 ~m"IJ1/~ Ilnfo·"",,, " '" <l'r-
/lim f111L:'i o!pm,/,,-'<.lIw mll'll.l(,wlb, I>w't'
IJH'Ij upbdtJ

-. '-\,' I" \ no, Ill', "7n,"' Ibf'f~tl"I"11}lllI

Prill/Will ,hsc.nJIIlllml''; (/!I'lill£II''W11 11/"'/10;
(JII/I' mll"'1lI111/1"~ f .WI .-I"U) M mtf,,),
aM>!"'), 'I1J<.'1t~kml XlII '{'rmll,'III III« I' /I!!//\
1I,'(lwm.. IJe",fi/$ If! {''R<l1 l//{"II-' 1111/11 (l,fi,.'
)....Ir "-"'ul<'II")' R'V/ur'l'''WIi/ IS "/Il$Ji,'f/, pm-
I'/th..I//x' ,It '//ltll /,\ mUll/mill' r.'/III<'tI/fJ (/
"1<IIImUll" J.,,,,, • .,.,lIIu'lI/ f"It,,.,..~1

flash <-.lrel"

Describe when govern-

mental classifications
which are based upon
gender arc constihltional.
\'''\\1 It
l..e):I'wh.'" "llId, p""......1IfUI',k nmlnoll....
'~1 die' 1>.1", ,~
1I''flIk.'r mu', h., 'I....Mm~IH\
n..l.u,... llo, .." ""I''''''.1r'11 It',,,·rnllu:nr.d ,"",,,""
n · Il'",'mnwnl ""II"! -.I.. "" ,.n ··,''' ....... 1''''~)
pc. ,,\<. . "'.....
~' h"l1 1< ... h., d'.... nn"'I.lI~ln
III I", 'Vn.-Ill\IlMonJl

rx, liN I \
uI<' .. h,d. l"-~ .. uIt-..,. """ .. .-on
11.>I> "",-n .. "" ..... , .r,,(// if, t>
.II .trI

... l/,_.,.,.., ,,_,

\. I.~.' I """"~ IIUk- "" ~ r-<"'uhr
__ t.
10". p. '*"'" I~ ..
G1....t.o \1 11 "",.",*' _"II I _ ,n.
.....1 >to.."-'JIP."I"d .>II f~ ..,.
om.•hl v ... "~....,, ~~ "",k t."., Il<TII "I>b<W
\ ... or -uruo<' " J'R.~ ..
II"".. ,. <" I , I <WI' lh< "" ~ 'u.
JIf'""1' ,,.......,,~ ,,"'" 1.1",-._ ", ,~,,_1oJo

,. ,
..... , Nr-I "', 1""I>il"cl' ,_no ........... n
...... /\ 1",.._ ...... 11I.•• d;.""''f''.... ~ -..1,,_

• J '\ \. \U, \. IIU III', ~IJJ(ftl<'l/ '11m /(fA.>.

'""I",I"<tllllif)i,......,,... 111m tlCnm m 7111')""
{I',lf l/ "lI/." ,Iw/Ili/ur "1511I<111< t' ,q,/.'m
«", l"d,,,1 pn1-),,"m \' mu/t/"M/"rll, fn,'"
«(01\·... (~..' u "'ft (11)4:"11I'''11/''''' I C"..(lIklll/. ,
Atdl/,' l1lf!rt' 1111.> 110 n)Il!",m lIvrtb nll'''
", 11' Jm>l<:l-I• ..t ''''I 111III/(.. , /1\.,.,' IWI

Describe the vagueness

\ ... ~"", ..... [3<",,11, '-:lj(U~ .... hcn
3 p;."""", "I "n!;·
""') UV:dhll<-"l't" "">ukl "'en "" I<no ~ ,-"
'J' '13" 1,,· ... 101. ' ..... 111 3' lO .. h I>,:, ..' d'''''l ot..h'<.l
,.nlu<, .. ~, J'f''''''nl....-d ,... "'~ \ ... ~l e ... ''''h ....
u, ",Ih uJ.:' ...·, 3n"'lt «'n,' "" d.. h:i of JIl'"....
",,-.. "~I ... '''' '" II.' '" " ...11, un;."',' I , • I.' "II....
quo:..,I1, inl... ~nl,n ~ ".on">l""lIn.ull\ IW,~ .....
"".rI<I<"I. ,,,,If I 2, ,h... part} .lff ,."Il
bo, tI>c Ll.. Iud
",~"'on '" ."'''''1'-'''' ,t..· n'..." "1"'Tpn""'''~'
, '.""~""'~'''Il.,I~"lI''I''' "n.. " , .. ,.It,.,.., ,., ....
r'-""'~" '" ~ ,>ul~M ....... ,- l'"hoI>I, "'~"''''''"' t ,·
'\ , " ""'~In~" "~',,""II h....,,Io.Io..lI: ,,"'''' "oll Ie""''''
m' b. """"I:<' III ,",x",1 ..oroJu,.. mJ.,tIl.\1>... Po:
"",""",...",. .,••.11\ '.jlOC r I " ",.",11 «""",,-, .. .,lJ
"" hILI<' lI...,... ~I"'"'' '.. l"lIll!.. >I<"....'
_ 1 "-\ \ll~ \ no... II p, As.<III/Ji' Ibm. i" II", >('umd
I•.."",ph'. Ih,' Il"rm ....uUlI ,,,,,,I,,,, /l',1S ....,,-
,1M"", ("pd 1/).· <"md"a III '1''''>/1"" /1,.<1
,... ""ntl bm prior I/J lb.: rn,,1 I. U5 /",rtm,l/tw I"
j",.."«m,,,, '''''l" (I " . fl nm.<tllulw,,,,II\' .."mill,'
''''crp'l'lm"", I ," Sllt'h ,.. ""I. II,.. UI."",'>f'<1 "'mid
I~' "'e< ,..;;fi.lh pttJ><.. ,,1,,1 ",uk'rlb<' ",,,1,,,,,. if I",
I,...! n ..'",," I" (01111....1"11..' rhu ""rrtlI""1I w'l
SIn,<'W'" (IJombmu"<k., lfi-<'",,-)
_, ,-,\\1 '- \l }O'- nl', Of/"'"/a, ,,,I wluclD me/"'I..'
( / I flto rl....."/II>- I.< h •" .<1<11",(, I""'uh<'> I'""
h...",.1 u.., tid/ II, 'mIHl.J I..,) 'I"'.....h, (.! II""''''
h-;lroj"l>-- ... "'"n"".. ,." fr ,'{ICt'f-h 1>1 '''11.111....
,{1",III u'""r (","'''1)1 r, b<' "'tI"",ul ol" <lfltl ..
",..J, J" ",..I ( 'II "'tfi-~I.. 'n'"
di>Cmj",_I.< t..,,.,,
tlllu ,ni"l1 'If"- "" III<'tI" .. ,,'tfi'r ", tJ,"'1 II {1I'OlIff
(t/ It", ,1"","1",,, :Sul"'l 1Ifu...1"" 111<' ''''~11''''''' ./
11,<' .p..u..-r

Describe the overbreadth
,\ 'l.uute ,,111,,:11 ~~ "",l:N.lnualh- <J\ mllU.'<.l \, c
,,,,,,,,. nh<.... «'n._lt!u"o,ull)' r"~l..,(... l 'I""'" h '"
"""1",,, ", "ell .1' hdw.\ "" ,,!I.d, • ~ ~lkl tx'
1'n>luhnc-d1 ,m ,,, /<IU· ... ,,01<.1, unle'" t II a
''''Nllnll<'n.tIl\ ...n';IlIH" 1Jl1cfl',c1a\lI>n uJ II..,
I.," k' nLlo., pnur (U It.., tkt"nUanr, Ina!. anJ
'!l , ...II a u>n>lrul1JUn ""', R''''''lflahl~ fon:-
..... .,"hl..• (Bn""lnck ,. n/d"I><JnlUl

I , 1'/1'/1
"-', ,-, " ..... ~,~ d .. cnn", 10' II .,.~"" 1\ ".,... ,"
" ' ' f ,,, u"" 01"".,.,.., ". '~'pr<-.hT"." l.o""~,,,,,
t"", on!. .,,, I" "" ,,,,Un "Mo· ~l ,,.. 1',,,1< ." "". ,. ," I" ..
,~~, "f '!J '", "'l\ ' ....","" '''"."",,, ."n P'~'''''''''' ,"
III< ""~1"."'~ I", JUI' .". r"'4<1n ·,,,rI.....1. ,,00
n~"' I
/I",,,,,,,, ,-
'110: <l0.1,,,,<I.,,,, ..
"'r.I """,.,.j,n.,"
• I '\ \'11' \ HI" 111' if(/ <{(lIm,- if I/lJllm /,,111'
(J/"'~Irvud. /1>('111'.\1 '1II,'SlIolI i5 'WeI, lb.:
d':fi.-·mlmu 'f • om/IIC1 proteCf..d h,' 11>(' f.'irsl
11ll;.·,,,b,,('IIl r II-~<!. '!If' _~/'/ll/Ir: ,"~ 1>1 ~'rl",,,/d
(t< "pplied mulll,.. ~J/ '('rm7l<"m'll (Ie liu" "
""'"m '11/III',-,11<1 f

.," \\11' HIO' Ill'" _~ <Ul/lile U-hld'JlII," I'lf

"Ulflr 11,,1"1/1/,.1 fir.... re /'011 1<1 Ib<- '1I/lI)<,r'l/I<-"
III del< rmm",~ if it >lxJuld b;.' t"yrlf\t·,f vr '101
Is '~uIJS/ml/i,,1f1 oH-'rbrfJtJd
417 Judki.ll (ktk"

Describe when a judicial

order (ordinarily an
injunction) must be

, nk·..., 11 \ r~,(<:I)(1\ "",d "n ,,.• t.ln- t1.~· ",u(-.:I

I"~ ~ ,,,un l.1<i<",l' ,ubi--,<;{ null", lun",ji<;t'\H'I.
Of (2) 01 "'" l1f~ Ix"",I'k' tilT the cll"f",mJ"nll\>
o/)I"in prom!,' Illlll<,ul ,t."'WW. " l'IIIlICtnpl ,'on·
, "'t,,n I, lr ,h"~",,, 11l~ " luul<lLl "nk" b , .• 1;<..1
k,,~' it th,- "rdc, ";I~. in (':Il'''l''''! nOlprop
c.1\ ",,,,.(1).

\ ",,-~I "rum..,. c ";0O,... llul I"'r.o<k I'"n"", nUl ht"

,lo:n.-..I d ,I>...... ,~" """'"'"" (" Ik rul~~ ",,·11 or,',
1" ,. "f..., 1,,·..IIIl. ,.." ........., ,,.. n.""I_ "'I~-n, ~,
,oft" I, 10m ,tUI (J ) • C1"~ 1111I'" ,,"-''''h'W''''''''' I•
•, '" '''-'-"u/ .. rod I ~J ,.., I"-TnHt I....J ""-",, """",.I. Il,,:,
,,' ,n dlt "'","""'" f"'''',l>llJn~ th" .... to"" A!lhouJolh
the ,>«let "a, ""pt<>pml ,,,,ua1 (1.C lhr "'JWK1 ..... "
,,,,,,-'<I.'r'""" ,U'Uk" f.KulIy ,,,,,,,hrn,,dl, • m,," hoc
uhq'O'd'",.."""" J'">mpl ...h<1.II ...,'........ I'""d>l."
Pn-.:"', ...... ,'''n~ u.., "",n nnIor "'" mlpah...· I.,.. m"
(.~ I \I.l/~,' CIl,'vflJ",,,,',,",,,,,,'

_l.X- Ull:'\i ~n()" l"lf>, if{/ P"'l 'i"I/~II' $£J>('flu/rd

m(ln::h or !'1)i,~~-" ~< t/t'//I}(!rti/dl' fmjn;Il~'t1 ", (l
I'/all'wr Uhwl> 1I/1I/1p,; l/ diffiellit for til('
d"m"'lS/rti/,,'" I" 1,1>/lIi" <ffi'C tfl\' jwlld<1I
n~ In, (1.('., Ib,' orden-"p;ullll-: Ih,' nail'll\,
~, s,'n ~ ..I /n,t prior IfJ n!1llmel1...."",'tl/ (if tb<'
d""W",lrtll,,,'U, Ibl! COli 11 order fOllld I,ml",-
~I' l.ot'd,sn'1l(/l7kd

fbsh card:-.
418 Ih.. farmHioll Prindph.·...

Describe the constitutional

limitations which have
been imposed upon the
law of defamation.

n .... I. ~I"", IIlIt ,t on""IU~ ~l:ll lImll.nlcK" h..,,,

1I"',:n I,u..<...l "I"'" II,.. u ... ,( tlt;r..lI1,lhtlll",
lik: .... ul'rI.'fl1O.· ~'''.m
\\ h"'n: th.: ,)J,llfUlll '" .I'lUlll... hl:\1f<" 'Of" puhbc
"rr... uL _h..· m"",, I"""" tI'''1 rh.: dd .. "I:1[( ....
puhh.....".., "." [U.lJ.. "'ib ~lu.d 'll.Il,,-"'t" ILC.
"'Ih "'"'-'" 1....1,:<· llul Ilk: puhh...,.........h "U< •
.. ur. >1" ",10k.,. "Il,'\JlJl>,U.......... In '" h.. h li,.·
'kk .lml . . n.1U1J tu, .. t"m~HlI.-d ......·n"l'"
Un..h! ...' I" 11' .,(nlr:,,"'"
\\ h,'ro' lhe' "...."1"11 ":. "." .."·Ill.......'" .. ,10.1,1 ....
'1.. 1"'11'''' on'nIH..... "W''''" ,II publ..: n'",u:m,
,h.: ",,,mull m,," llfilH' lll:ll Ii", .. 1J.:J«.'\!I,
Ut:l.lmJlu,) '>l.J.1'. . ' ............. (II f,"-'>C. and
l!l "'''''" In .lllc.. o;l .. IM:lth~1 Ill.mlll"
\\ here ,II(' pt"'llllli "' .. I'mJ.IC PC""'" .. 00 lhc
'i.l't'1ll<'1l1 In' nh ...... !lUll...,. rl 1"" .. 1,- .. , 'rK ,.,-n
lllle pLlJfIldl ......-.xl "nJ~ PO:J\t' th<' -0[''01<.'01

_, .. \ \11'" \ 011' 111'" 11m, ,U.'/It'r1;(m 1>l<",,'r.U

"". r n ... I.IH",!",,,it,,,· dlJmt/J.:. ~ f~ 1f\'U
U bt"n' ''''fItH' I., ."",1/'1/
Describe when material is
A'\i"'""'o1. U~

,\"I<:ri;J.I" PI.........,,,(' la'KII)I<.'rdfJ~ 1l'1W1.1hlel

"h<:n 11 \ l~k<:n as,' "hpl,;, [0 ,h", "'''''''1:''
1"'-''''0, it •• pp..·.lb ,,, Ill<' pruncrll uu"r"" in
, ... ~, (ll ,1 portT]'" ><:\u;,1 {"'n<lUl-'IIn" p.:lIcntl'
, ~tt:I"" " \\ .11 ;.mu (.'1 11 bdL' '><--..Iou, hI,"' .Il''''
'un.... ;' . 1',,111" "I <>r ,,-,mlltl. ,.Iluo; IIAf"o1

., -.: HlI ... 'TIn, Ill" 71"," willulllw /",mg' "j

II", 11'.'/1/1"(' 1I~lIalil' "I~I{uw<,d hy (1/'/1/)'11111
<1'II/COlI/pO/lIn' dill/lim lilli' ",mdflnl, 71",
hlSl prw1K Is d"/en"",,,d Ill' <'I ""'>Uf/{,/)/e !JU'
,."" .~Im"'l/rtl ( P"P'-' ,- IIIw(",}

_, '.\\1I'\" nu, TIP- /'O:;,;('1$u", (if ohs....,Ill·

"'flI/'rials ~1' .m m"I" t-" ""0/ lx' "I(u/" '-'l1'1J
'UI/ ( 1111111<" I' rl<~,'RU")' /JII/ it, (/i,ltllmli""
or 'l'C{'lfJl (1'1t'" for fJi'rsw/a!ww I nUl I",
",ad(' ill''R,,1

_1."--,-'It... \ nu, 111': 71J(' di~lnlJlI/ifm u/ll/lI(,,·

n<ll. II'h,,;!> .<1",11' dlllilrcl/ <"IR"R\yJ ill ~.\1t(l1
tlCIS cml I}I' pml"bw'(l "Il''' if I/}<' "wu'n~,I.,
un' 1101 1('(;lmlcally OllSCt'lle (\('/1 )"rk I
Fl'1'I,,'1'/ Cblld fA''''''
'1/.mph I· is (/II <111'(1 "j
,,"!>mk'<.J<,<1 10".,,/ ,11111'11"",,,1/1 S{l<'('( b

Il;lSh Gm.! ...


Describe when "'fighting

words" and the advocacy
of illegal conduct may
be constitutionally

L",~uaf,'" ",luell tl) 'I_ Hoy UU"r:lnCl'. would

ha\\.' J d"L-c11<:l1dclK\' to ""-'1<: an ,"'''......h.•l.·
viflk'nI fl·'l,.",....·
hI 111,- 1'....... >0 {u ""h•.""
<an t-< ",."k <mwnal 'O"'I)/"J"kl' to
\,.", H(""/~I)ln' "FiRh1iufl \l; on1,- d", 'm",'
'n"" a,h '>cle',' ,,/ ill"!lal 0 ",dUCI 3,., a "'''.m> of
;ILL' 'IllI'Ii.,1 "11j.l polol;, al " .. S( ~ ul (~oj<..,;, .... C:'"
I'l," Itl"t!.' nlt"lml ,t (1) It wa, '''''''''d''ll 1<> un""
lmmm,'nI. un);",j,,1 0'001>(1, arK! t~) II W3'
1ikdr 10 I'l'l>dUI~' dUl ''''>lilt .. /Jr",ule"b"'1l.1'
( )I>w- -C1"ar An<.! 1'~"'nL ,)"anger" t,,_()
c..U'''ll ,om,..,,,,,, -. ili,nnc<J I.....""· or • "damn.:tl
=k",,,,-.,.- 1nI\ bo.- a<.1"""'I>I<:
\ ""Ik, ,,~,> a p"l~~ l,-"k >n<J r,t , !l.l f"''f'k "'W>
h.orrrn '0 he 01 ,he "k "'.\ In ., ~, ..... gun, ~nd <.......
0IIl """""'11 11",'. ,I", '~~l "'Y'" 1'1'",1 ow 1,1,,·I'l~'"
f""" h!~ llO"'nnl1""" ' '" "'" ,,",-,fut ,nm"...1 fl" ...., "'~~\
,.-nvld pml"''''' .".. . ,'" tWo. ,'~~ nl<.tt" 1m'" hMh.... ~"j
,I", X-, aU<l"''''''~ .." ..kl ""IJOfI<l on ,h~ nlan"", all,.,.
....,ed by him

• r."-Ull~,\ TlO' Ill>, S/(/I"I,'5 "hid; {1I/,'ml'l IfJ

(;nmm"ilzt! fighl"'/(, words" {'" ,1/'1I{11 IId,l;-
CllC.I' {lrt' (1/<'" overbroud or IUU 1U8rll'

• £'--"'-~It, \ 110' n..,

77,(, I//{'rt'/u</ Ibm 1m'
!K:,wns 10 rrborn '-,\1H'('$.)';'\' {lCt/rill' Is
{u/drC:5S'.xi "'til' Ill! I'f:hell/emll' ('f>{JOIi£'ti 10 liS
ron/I'm is /10/ 1/ crm,luliliOlWIlI' I '{Ilid }1(lSis
jor 'l~'lncll/ll{ il (Term",j('/Io I' ChkagoJ

l1a . . h card.. .
421 I r.tditlnn:lll'uhJi( IUf"um"

Describe the "'traditional

pubLic fonlln" doctrine.

T",ditl(ln;ll puhlK fi>fllm, (, l' ,tr~""'. , ...k--

"al~,. path. ", '''''''' I..' ",~d., ."all.,hl<: '0
P' ·..... 'n' " i,h"'1{ I" «~'llT,u"i<·.Ol,- Ih'-;, ......,,,
Ate.." Tll.l.\. h"'\C'",·r. I", 'l,lh,,"l I" "'.'" mahle
"'''fl"Io'n, "I'''n lh,' 1m,,' pl ...-e .nd m;",,,ef "I
"""h e~prt.·"',"n G"'~"f"U"'1l! r<')..'"I.""", "I.
J'uhli, fo",n, ",,,>I hI' '~''''''n, n~'UI r:'I. 1I.,m '" I,
l"U."c<J 10 ...,,,... """I".Ull w"",mut."fll ,nl,..,
" ,h,· 'c~ulouK'" must 1.,-.".
"f><'n .l.l'C,t1.l-
mc dunne!. of ",>mmunicarMHl.
I \ 111/'1/ \
""-'-I",lu~ 1"-""""" f",nl .....'-f'I"~ f"Hru~ht
on, PU""
p"rk ' . n·.... '''d>k """",,",,, I
,'n """'!d'
th.: '1": h.,.
dur Ih.· "nh, "n, ,11·,,1 ." f"'n ,. til<" C'I~''''
'. '" 01 ho, ", ,,,'
J.oJ .......... ~.<Ir<l,. mol ...') lx<M.... .....,j 1"",11<. "'~," p.. ...
IUI"W1 "hoJ> .>Ill'" ,,,'c 1""""" AI'<: " ' " I"'hoIOL t, <UU",
""".~ ....Ji'.' ,,,,hi..·.". "".r. , I' ..~,ntu,

1n>1" on p""'''' <If (111"'hlic
...·,.. ",1,-
,,,,,h,I,· a .. ,n ....
''''''', """ .... ,-1<,....'<1,,, r,,,,,,..,,," ,,>n<IU<1 .. h,,'" ,1>0_
""I'~ ,.",kt I""". <\""'11<1\" th, up'01,I", l"',hoI"
fu,1t , h<,n~ und<n.~"". (~"c"'"""" t<'~ul.'k'" , ••
non I"'hoI,., I.......'" u""" b" ,...." JIO'''' """,...1.,00 r."", "
"'~, rdAt,'" ",. "''Illl",''''~ """""''''''1''''1'''''''
• 1'- \ \tl '- \ nu", 1"I1', W/J,/.· fX-'r'5()I/~ "'"<rn'l~
10 lIS<' 11 pUb/I< !CJn/m I/IlIl' Ix! 11.',/11;'(,<1 I"
"'J/,'bl "/)"rmlll"l<>" Iv <'II1.'II,li"'.': III <,X{I"''';-
.,itt' rl<' 1"-1/}' ru"<11 m("-rl. 'if '-nil N' /1", .'/rl/lIl"
'-' n'"f{/cwll)' IrlJii"" VI' CJ,.'rl)rv{/d I. mlY
,It/e./lpI If) tit'< ums< rl/Jt· (11-'/"/«("'1 • t1l'-'~',~'
I~ IIII(O!l.<II/rIlimlllll HI'IIl"1 t' I!mv/r oj
"t4:l1li I'uhlit I UnlllL"

Describe the wrnuited" or

w!'ocnti-public forum"
\;'~'" I K
Onl~' .1110,Hl'Jdi\i''''.11 rohk ron'm I, n'.I'\(>
Jlaibhl" Ill.' n'nJlllllp" of ~'~P'"'''''' .luI>
"}. '"mJM fornl' of C'r,e~N"n mal' no ~ hi'
r"",d,,,",,,l, unk" ( 1) .I ~uhlt.llll'JI I\"'·..rnm"ll
,.,1 ,m,",'" ,., ,,,,,,h,,·d. Cll "hK h ,,'lTlfl·I.<Ic.,J
'" 11.... "m",m 01 Ihe 'I'<"" h. Jntl ( ,1) ,h"
,,·...uK-'IIon " no )0(''':11''' Ih.m "'-......,.""" u>
:II "~npli,h lilt- ~'" "rnIlICIlL!I '>ht<-......u\<·
WI.."" .. ', .."do,""wn" or"'''''c.,J I >,,,,1.,, ..
",,,,, .. ,><I
i< pu,k >\.<llhk-Ino lbo.' ro ....."11.l1I <>f pUl ' • , ..,,,,..
,""'-....' 'n PC'flJlJ1 lht' rcrtormar.." , dlr211oa1 e'en!
""'''''\ , ..........'" "I<: IC"H-m'''ll t"... ,d d".'I'P",.-'.... ,4 d.
""'''~''' lohr.",·.," hr.>I, .. ,,<I .",...., ,.... "',n.ol. to..,,· ".-
tIl,,,,,,,,,nl b.",,, ! k........J 1> I",,;our pubI"- "0"''''
• f--... \ \11' \TIl" 111>, (i(H~"'1""'III/If (''IIIIi,','
""')' de( i(f" IIh" III")' .'{H..,k <Ii"'.. IfI' to /II<
<:,.,pfayees lIm~. (j 1IV""rI!nl<'>I",1 <:tm/l' may
docid'! Ibm ",,11, I fl om' w,i",,- or ( .!) pm"" 1I
k" dHlrill<"; /fUll' /ttili:'! lUI illf,'rlwl 'IU'I/ ,<I'
I"'" "{IICl' 1/>(' 'f"n/ll~' hili (, 'IO! /J<'('1/ '>jJt"""/
10 tlH' pl/bli.. , lin: d",Hnctlflll drrlll''I "1'
tin' goI L
I""",,,m,,/ t>mll1 IwnJ on/r bt' fl'IJrolillbl,"
((.'nrIl<:/l1I.< I' \.-IIKI' /.LW;,f I'Jt'j"''I5<' (md Ed/l
'fuiona/ hmd /1"1
_I' '\ \ ,It, \no, np,
J,'..,I,olluhl,'" gIJlt'f~III1l'''t
"'S,,lllIiOIlS 11"-' 1'(·rmW•..:(/0' {ml'aI<' /"m",,<-
<lIcb 11.< II /JI.·rmn ', l"lme, to l'IVteel pn',nC)'lmd
/mllt <I. H'M, "-8' pn,bib,tllls "Il.<tm,,{,,'£/ 1/,'m,<
/() Ix I'll/cell Hlllllj,IIItlX(~, /JrobJlJttlllg tlcor-IO-
door wlicl/a/iQIJ Im/c$s bomf'Oll'l/f'r~ permi,<-
"jOll l'llram,~1
413 "t·Aut.lion uf I'ThOlI\:. I·'pn·.... i\c

Describe the extent to

which governmental
action may funit a private
entity's c.xprcssivc
Gm .:rnm<:1ll.ll ,1dll.lfl "hK h h 'OfilcOl-Ot"\llr,l1
,111<1 ""'"1<"1,11'''' "xl"'....'I\<: UII<lly b.,. .. f'"\.1(,.
pol"' In ,,,h..,, (!un .In Ill< 1d<-0l.I1 nm"
( II " .... ,• .1 'ulN..lIlll.d plllJl<"'-' l!l 1'00.' [),II
'"'' 1\ u..." n •• , .... "",ph"l It ..· }e''' '-"""""1,11
(01",.."",.:, .1m. (.\1 n", u".....·,1".. uh1llullll ,lit...,.
1U1I\<' ... ,,,........... <'OOlunurl1<:JIIOI1 I Nr,U,," ,
1'1",1"'''' T1x.'1I.Tl' Ju, •

1\ IIf/'II \

~ '~ , ""'~ ........ _ " ' P"""'" "'"

~, •."., I ", <d>'d _dl", I.'''' k.... d MI' ,..-..1<....
....1,. ""', " 1 1.... ~."!"Ift ~~ find,"
"e I....,."'.. "~ l""l· I ' ""~
,..... '1..- •." InI,k- .. nd n a ,"' ", ,.t<c-,
(I ,I~ «1. _ ..I J>UfJ""" .....t .. "" ...... t-
,"' ,_ ,. ,,,,,.._ n-,..",. I ,
~ 1 "ne ...........,"""'" _abel ,""'"
.. ,her~· ,-Il.>onclo ut ."""""""'....'"
' nt'
.,~, 1<"./, /J<. . . . u{.~" Ep/'...."" .."
_l '1...\'11' \ 110' llP, tnl('rt' !,",'(JI,· ":'fJn~'Io"
1 II C"'I/(m" IIUlt'U'111 kmRlU'1W (uul ( .? I U'
1J(~11 I.. ,,,. /,n$ />~ ~Y'" /,-1" hillin'''. II
WIll /I""I1«/)/\, OlU'Ut' (I {'.....I·m..1ffl'Rrt't· /{
,ml$I,/I/Ii/>,ml/"fllt'tIKm , FCC' I' p«(( /fio,
I'<m ml(jffmO

11hh elrels

Describe when an
individual may engage in
expressive activity at a
privately owned shopping
"lh.-n" ,~ "" ~'N Al1I,,.rxlnll'fIl "~ll I" "n~J:':
1Il c'~llf''''''''' .... 11""·
~r "I"""K p..n,··, romo-
,....... t "",Iilt'll"
\J.RH. It,,,,,,\'O,.,,,. a '>Ule RU\'
."llh lI....·\I"....""...o<U\oI\ al., fIn'all'l}
"", n 1 ,t" ~Il'lflll "."'.... 1'''''
I<k.'-' It ._ ",,,10.',
l.1\.. , HI.' "Unn... "llId, <Jolt..", ""I Ufln'a....Ifl-
,.hll- UIl'O'I•...., ".h"~ """'1.11 ,'1'.......11<."' vr
lilt" flI\'llU"'.... I/"WI•.."",/ ~JIR''R Wl/fT'
."" ...... 'hi 'II 1 l " " _ Iodol ~ ~ ......... "'
ft"OK . ' ' ' ' ' ' .t .. I ...""... ~ "1,.;h,,oId
.. , ,**,,,,,, ...-",'- __ , F.....
\" _ _ '" Ilwo "po. .In<J I:, <he-.kmo ....
_ <lod ••• , '>tt t J, k ",,,,,,,,,
III "".1"
1"..... -.11..
". 1"'
," ......
uould ........"
_, \ \\11 ... \ no... tI,,, III fJ'f' mmc'i'ml ,'JI(J/1-
I'll//(, ( ,'>11. r Cll-«' ,I,,' .,/nw" I/,h(' "",d
"~Itl.J ,"'" hI) 1-/"" Aml'nd",.,,,, "",bb ""ft'
,...,flR I ",1<11••11,,-/1 .'Ml., mI., 1/ breh jJf.'n'llI-
/1,/ (H·I/I,.IIIlmlwll' III 51"uPf/lIIR (;t'r/I,'n: II '"
p,-,f'iI"'~ />h,,'n "~1/ Ill(' {HTiI.~ "'~", {/-",lIm"
IIVl/ I~ ,m IIl'r 11Th m (1}I",,''''l'1I1 U'1I1! 11'('
11I't1" ,·"1m.......", I'l' II", tI""''''I<lrttl""J 71".
<If~" 1110:/11 Jill/..II"'''lII'''' IL,,' WI II", ('<",1<1
11ft« 'W" mdiwlwH 1m dlSl.lllfmll'lIlll'l/1! II,,·
11.1']Juml'~\l,,·."""TI /}I·lb.! ,kmuIWrrllm,<;

Describe when
govcrntllcilial action
contraven<..'S the
Establisluncnl Clause.
(j'''<:'fTl<T>L'11l.I1 ~nlllO "h"h aft"ll' rd'Jo:~lll
,,,nl(~I"O<'" th.: F..... hl.,lml.:nt Cl~'l"", unl....'
111 it h~~ .. "" "l~, pu,p.....·. 121 til<' pu11.'"
dlnl "I th.· .10"'" ,,,"uh.:, a.han< .... Ill ..
lIlh~J"I' ..... Ji.:i..n, .IlIU Ii) II ""II "'~ " ....,1' '"
" " .....' " <: "nunl\k..lI.:n1 .. ull n'hR" III I I.·..,""
" }\""':"'"I/I.

I \ t II/'tT\
.....10.' "",ut.. ,.~""h, I) prulut... ,hi , ,,1'''Ill.J ,~"
100,., , ~, ""'l''''': th< ,.a,b<t>I<.>I " .
,.1.. "' tho· ~ ..,"" tl .... luI.'" ".,hl, bal" "".."I
.po:'" "-/" •• Ill>I',-, , boLl'" ",,~Id<,.,<l .. I"" '''~
, "·h~ ,, u!h<, Ill.>" .." ...." I~"P.""·
" , II, " 'I" "'~"....]up ," • "'u"'\, .. ~ 1<'lIh fIU
n .. u..... " pU..... '~'f. mil •.....,.. .. "'" t ,"' ,,\~,
1>.1" "'. 1... ",""", UI"":"l.. "''''''''.''"11 'h.
h< ~ od,o I ...
........ 'Il m h, n. ."..'II,! Il " .... , ".,! '" ,k",m."" ."
t.u1>lJ..llm<nI l.Lu ... '-' '" b ",>cd",•• "' ..,..hl<
,lb,...",·, 1<.",1<1 "",,-Iudo.· 11", ll'''.m'''.',. h",,~ "..
_I '\. \.\11' \ III l'\. n p, II ""n) rm 11I1,'''/ lu pn'f"r
UI/<? rd'~"JlII 1'1<"11 fII~'" m""I...r 1.1 d<'l. ,-1.'<1
/0/"1\""1111"111<11 (/dUoI/ ,,,lIIrt1l\'/I(·.' 1/1(' 1'"llI/1
Iw'melll <.11110<' ""I<",, I I 1 II ,omlJt'/IW/oI
1II1"n'S, l~ f"'~""tJ. w,d (.1) lb... ""~"'.' (11(,-
.<en tI""·
.k",'/r fitkd,,, lbi.. (~,n"'!I'Iw."'J('''1
0/ ,"m (>/'1'-'1.11'" / /"""'''', I l 'uk-III,'1
.. 26

l>cscribe when
government:11 financial
a,.. ~istancc conLr;:tvcncs the
EstabLishtncnt Clause.
'ith.,r.- .'l'''.·mmo.,lul.II(II -frt, ,,",'.111; n'lI
J:lM '''~ ... "'" >l~ on .!II 11... 1", ' n "n.,...,><I do .....
t"l1 "~r""- , ~"' .. ,lIll"~'ll"nn!l If ,,111 ,,,,j,.
t~lfll) I..• "ph.· 1

"" ••I«l ~
... to",I""'"
"'"" r.......".'I· 1 . ' ~. ~tl f"I .~ .. ,.1
t>-', ~
......... ~.l . ' ~,,~~ 1_,_ ',.,. I ".1
" ~aQ'''''' _ """-'_' ~.~. ,haftft In pno-a!••
... I><.~ "'",ouIt_.,J,(bh<,..- • ..u,.",
"'"'''' "'11010 t.' 1 • le.><ton••• --..w .""",.,
OTl_.l<u", " ........ ~ ..... u.""'"..-I I~,_
...........""'" 'Ul.I 10.. ~"'~.. , ~, £ m. tl>o ....
..... I 'n .~ ' rI" 1.0"
" It>1~'1...,... A"m_J

1 """,.,,,11"_"'1"''''' "........ •
• • ," ..........1 ~ ,,",,, 1>....,. l.>u.u- on do<
......~ I", ....... . - , .olI.".-..J' 1l/>o,."
<\1 - ,1'>, tl«r _ •• Ii",
"'I"""'C'" "",,,,,.,j 1. JUt "'_ ,...,I>o .onoJ It'''''P....
t • .,'" "'...." ...1 ......... '''''''l'i' '" .• 11.. 1"*"....
..1>0.~~, '" doc 'OUI<' . . .~ •••-,......-.1 ...
.. no.'\', II ' ,1~
."".' ~ ~ 111 "" ......... ot.onoJ.anJon.-d ..
...-. 1 '", ""'.... .........uJ ~ II LiL<.'I1 ....
...... "'on
"'.N ,,,,,I k.
'I ,,'" '/""".""~""N>.~"',,"
I.hrlf , III.},,,,'
.. Z7

Describe the Fn.'"C Exercise

,,, ..."TN
1\ r"'I"'(Jfl' rdjl:lOO~ hdit:f, ~r" ~I_~,,'t:h fl'....·
I<,I,-d, "I""r,,~, ~~>l1dUd 10 furtll<'r;uK<' (~. ,h"",
!>oclld' 'Hay I", ""g"I.,I<,1 (;tw,'r"'''''1,1 ")t,,b
I,,," .. Imh hI"den._ If<-'" c.\<:Rc'>C ollJl1> nt" no'
hI: rd,~i"",h' ,n'''",1I,,,1
I,), ht:l<: a 1.", purpu_d' "uetf,.,.", Wlt)o 'd'lli"'"
1''''...,,(",..... "0,1 .... n.llio} ",II h,: •• pplk<l Co 'n-
'"",,-,ly "II"',,-,.r ,l(C'k'r;,lIy aPJ>llC~hk I~"
":"",1(.'" "....,..:1\ "" inet,,,·,,,,,l b"rtl"" on fTt.~
.,.""rct.", n~hh, th"" r~laiflal ha>,' ",ll be
~I'Ph ..,d

r\' t If/" I ~

". . " ,~~, ""m"'" l~rl1"'t." r<:h"."", '<:\' t"

I" "'''""', ...... 11 ",uJ ...... "f... " ".h,,, ,h" 'i" I",,,,,. IU,
'If,.. k dooo n (tll ",h if L,,~'''''' IJ.,/x<l" .il'- III. ,.
1J",J."h' I,),I...."" .. 1.0" ''''''''''11.11 u", ,A i" ......
" ......" do: «, I.d.... ,<: ......." .. nJ ,,..,,,,,-. "!t.,.".",,....
"'.., "phdd, ""<"<I 'hnY,Wl' palUc-uLof h un IIi"" ..
Lilac'" pn-'("f\I«! ,mill """1I1".......·~ «"h"."" "",.1,
I bn{IIo""",,,, fII, 1>."" \'m"b'
M.ln.l.!",., ,,,,,",,,,. ur I",.,,.. ....... ,~, ~un<L;, <J<>o:.; "'~
"nn....H...., It.... f"" E.~''1'l:'''<' nlll'" ,j.l,ol......n,
'""en uW"'ll.h tOO' 'uti..... """"',,,,,.. h.>rthltip .> to,..,,,
' ........... '~ h""'lI ,~~1jt<..,j 10 ;k'<l~.l 'Mb., "til ... """
Ilj"'''''f</.I, II"... "I
Th" F"",· t.:."'n"· ,,~hr,,~. "hhoI.l""" ....."... ,-101,,<'<1
I» .l ",I" b" .. h"'h <1'''l... J~,,--<l t..... hurt, oto.l''''''M
u",,",J>Iol'1JlL'flI ,,,mp,,,,,,"..m (n, ,d'u "'II '0> ,,,-,,l ""
""ltd. I" '\htTI>... " 1......·"
• t " \ ~I t' ,Til I'llI', "hll" fI ...",n mtil' nol
C.'WIIl"" Ibt> ....~"'-'II"b/pt ..._" "r
",1111.'''''' h';/",/>, II
mn Sllll!f!I' II.,.:!!11"'1 /f.><. all''8<><//){'I.../ /" i" fi,a,
r I) " 1,,,,,('1 "rlbe "f!pltwbl,' rd'!l"Jrl ",,,1/21
R<''''''''r!ll' !>dJ h) II., "l</lL"I,,,,lt~t1"'J<It

tbsh card..

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