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Hi is _______ there?

RIGHT? Hey ______ This is Andre calling?, calling from 1st place
marketing over in Atlanta

MAN TO MAN How are you today?


REAL QUICK, JUST SO YOU KNOW Now ______, you’ve probably

heard of 1st Place Marketing? CERTAINTY We’re one of the fastest
growing digital marketing agencies working with med spas in all fifty
states to help them explode their business through Facebook.

MYSTERY / SCARCITY Now, the reason for the call today is right now
we have over 20 new customers each week right in your area and
we’re looking for a couple of spas we can send business too

Are you interested?

You would take a look if it was the right thing for your business right?

The only reason I gave you a call is because you didn’t know who I
was, I wanted to reach out to ya, give this information and show you a
way to be able to help out your company and show you something
that you’re not doing right now.

Ok awesome, what’s the best email address for you?

(This is obviously the next step) Okay, great! Just have a couple of
quick questions so I don’t waste your time in the future?

As far your role goes, do you usually handle the marketing decisions?

T: I really want to know

So what’s currently getting customers in the door right now?

T: I care And about how many clients are you getting in a week?

T: I really care
And honestly if i had to ask, what would be your biggest headache
with your spa right now, in terms of clients?

T: I really care
(no big deal, I’m not prying I’m just asking the right questions)I see,
and how long has this been an issue for you?

T: I really want to know:

(no big deal) Cool and in the realm of facebook ads, have you ever
tried any forms of online marketing. Facebook ads, anything like

T: I really want to know (It’s just a formality) On average what would

you say is your budget for advertising a month? Just a ball park?

T: Disarming, then no big deal: Just for suitability purposes, how

much revenue would you say your brought in last year?

And what would you say is the lifetime value of a client/Let’s say
yearly to start small/ What’s the average sale worth?

And given your current workload how many more customers could
you handle a month?

Split Test: So if you did bring in let’s say, 50% more clients in a
month, what do you think that would mean for your company. In
terms of specific wins.
(certainty, wow I’m just realizing how perfect this is) Well _____, let
me say this, based on everything you just said to me, this DEFINETLY
a perfect fit for you.

Let me send you the information over, and we can discuss things at
another time next week. Sound good? Great! And this is your cell
phone I’m calling correct?

Ok So I’m available ______

Well let me say this, ____, based on everything you just said to me
this is definitely a perfect fit for you. If you have sixty seconds, I’d
share the program with you. You got a minute?

Excellent! CERTAINTY So, plain and simple what we do here at 1st

place is get your business booming like crazy with a flood of new
customers. We sift through 1.4 billion people on Facebook and find
people in the market specifically for what your spa has to offer and we
place your ad right in front of their eyes so they find you instead of
your competitor. Does that make sense?
Okay, great! Now you said you’d like to add at least _____ new
customers a month to grow your business. Is that correct?
Okay, great! Well, getting you those customers is going to be very
simple. ENTHUSIASM It’s just a question of some very basic
information, and we can launch your online campaign. SINCERITY
From beginning to end, the whole thing takes less than 48 hours, and
from there we can have your spa begin to explode with new
And, believe me, _________ (name), if you do even half as well as the
rest of the other spas in this program, you’re going to be very, very,
impressed. Sound fair enough?
Okay Great! Well, let me take you through it step-by-step It’s very
So quick question for you ________. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW
When you drive to work, do you see alot of billboards, signs, or
sometimes flyers, anything of that nature?
Right and _____, I’m pretty sure you would agree with me that you
don’t remember most of them right?
Customer: (I don’t remember)
Exactly. And let me tell you this ______. No one does. MYSTERY
INTRIGUE And that’s because in order for someone to trust and
remember a brand, especially a (_____) they need to see it multiple
times.REASONABLE MAN So let’s look at the facts here. Unless your
McDonalds or Coca-Cola, these old styles of marketing for people
like you and I, really aren’t effective anymore. Would you agree?
LAUGHINGLY They provide no capability to track results, and most
importantly they no longer provide an ROI.
Are you with me so far?
Awesome!I REALLY CARE Now ____ as a business owner, wouldn’t
you like to know exactly how much it costs to acquire new
customers? Exactly. Let’s be real here, most marketing platforms out
there, just want you pay thousands and thousands of dollars, without
being able to track the results month after month. With Facebook’s
outrageous targeting features, we target the best possible client that’s
suitable for your practice. And with that, not only do we get the exact
clients you need, but we view key components such as cost per click,
cost per lead, and most importantly cost per customer when we
launch your campaign. These key components allows us to make
adjustments hour by hour or even minute by minute to make sure
every penny you spend counts towards gaining new clients.
MYSTERY INTRIGUE.And _____, we’re talking anywhere as high 12
dollars or as low as 17 cents to acquire new customers through
Facebook. I REALLY CARE That way all of your marketing budget
isn’t going to waste on something that isn’t cost effective, not
trackable and not providing results.
Are you with me?
Great. And ______, wouldn’t you agree that returning customers
are just as or even more important than new ones? I REALLY WANT
TO KNOW Exactly because the longer someone remains a client, the
more profitable they are right? Right. PRESSUPPOSING So not only
does Facebook allow us to narrow down to a specific audience, but
we also re-target the same audience of people that buy from
you!PRESUPPOSING This allows you to not only get your clients
back in the door, but it also allows you to upsell them if you didn’t the
first time, and create a steady stream of long-term clients. Because
____, you know as well as I do that customer retention is one of the
biggest issue for business owners, and with our retargeting tactics
we literally have your clients running back in the door, with very little
effort expeneded on your end. Does that make sense?
Ok, great! Now the cash outlay to manage these ads for you is very
small- and is regularly priced at $1999 with a one time set up fee of
$500 -and we’ll have it up and running for you in less than forty-eight
Then the next step is to actually, place your advertisement in front of
everyone in the _____, area that is in the market for your services.
Atlanta’s only area you serve correct?
Okay, great! So what we do here at 1st Place marketing, is get really,
really defined on who would be a great potential customer for your
spa, by using Facebook’s WIDE array of information on its users.
MYSTERY And here’s the best part ______ (name), by placing these
ads in front of a specific audience you gain a MASSIVE edge on larger
businesses. I REALLY CARE You don’t have to worry about large spa
or salon companies driving up the cost of advertising as you would
with Google Ad words. CERTAINITY With Facebook it’s just you and
your target audience. US Essentially you move into a place where
the competition becomes non existent, and the worry of gaining new
clients becomes a problem of yesterday.

Are you with me?

Okay great! Now let me explain how our special offer works, because
it’s really powerful. And again, this is available just for today.
(stretch just)
Now remember the monthly fee I mentioned of $1999 to get your ads
running? Well, what we’re actually doing today is running a
promotion of 25% off which brings the total fee to ONLY $1499. And
with that not only will you gain a ton of new leads from our advanced
targeting strategy; but on top of that we’ll also include our new and
improved landing page funnel that massively increases your
conversion rate by nearly two times. And here’s the best part, there’s
no long-term contract. We don’t hold you hostage like other agencies
out there. If you don’t like the results, which is highly unlikely, you
can walk away whenever you decide. But here at 1st place, we’re
focused on long term relationships, not monthly. And most
importantly _____, I’ll be there to hold your hand and guide you
every step of the way.

_____, you give me one shot! And believe me, you’ll be very glad you
did. Sound fair enough?

First Looping Pattern:

Answer: “Let me think about it”

Well let me ask you a question, do you like the idea of Facebook ads?

(Money Aside)

Exactly! You see the true beauty of the program is that unlike any

other advertising strategy out there, this is the only one that puts you

right smack in front of people who are already looking for you. These

people are targeted based on their demographic, specific interests,

and get this _____, even recent buying behavior. This alone creates a

seemingly unfair advantage against your competitors, allowing you to

only pay for exposure towards an audience that has to power to buy.

But more importantly it saves you a gazillion hours of scrambling

through countless leads, trying to convince people you have a

practice worth visiting. Basically, we keep your pipeline full of people

that only see the value in your spa and would willingly become long

term clients.

Are you with me?

Awesome and as far as the actual cost of the program goes, your

monthly and yearly return on investment will be absolutely

staggering! Now follow me real quick, while I go through the numbers.

Now, you said each sale is worth ______, correct?

And you’re yearly/ lifetime value of a customer is _____, correct?

Okay, great. Now let me ask you this, if I send you 10 leads, how many

do you think you could you close.

Ok, fair enough. So let’s be very modest here and let’s say you only

close 3 out of 10.

That’s around ______ dollars, would you agree?

So let’s be very conservative here and let’s say I send you 50/100

leads a month, which is fairly on the low side. You’ll get much more

than that but let’s just say 50/100 for right now.

And if you close 3 out of 10, which equates to 15/30 out of 50/100

you’ll be making atleast _____.

Are you with me?

So let’s do the math here: At 30 clients a month with a value of 300

per customers, *not including upsales that comes with retargeting,

you’re making back ______ for a program that only costs a _____

month. It’s a truly an amazing return! You see what I’m saying here?
Optional: x3, x4, x5 the return

Now let me ask you this: If I’d been running Facebook ads for you for

the last three or four years, making you money on a consistent basis,

and gave you client, after client, after client, after client, and each one

made you a ton of money, then you probably wouldn’t be saying let

me think about it (or let me call you back), you’d probably be saying

let’s increase your ad spend or let’s run another campaign. Am I

right?(reasonable man)

Answer from prospect: No.. or anything along those lines

(Give-me-a-break tone.)

Wait a second! You mean to tell me that, if three years ago I got you

nearly 30 clients a month, and you a made a humongous fortune with

them, you wouldn’t be saying where do I sign up? I mean c’mon


Exactly!RM Now that I can understand. SINCERITY You don’t know

me, and I don’t have the luxury of a track record. So let me

reintroduce myself. My name is Andre Jackson, and I’m the proud

owner of 1st Place Marketing. , I pride myself in actually going out

there and going after people that I know I could help, ok? And one

thing I do is I put my clients needs above everything else. And I

keep it simple, I’m not here to just to put you into any program, but to

hold your hand every step of the way, guide you in, guide you out,

and I’m just a phone call away .Growing my agency is very important

to me and I’m not gonna grow by being wrong, I’m not gonna grow by

not getting my clients the exact result that they want, SINCERITY and

most importantly I'm not going to grow if my clients don't give me

tons of referrals because they love me. US I’m a big family person and

I’m pretty sure my family views me as reliable, trustworthy guy and

guess what ____ I treat all my clients like family.

And as far as 1st place marketing goes, we pride ourselves on

consistent communication with our clients and providing great

results. Here at 1st place we’re focused on long term relationships, so

we obviously didn’t get here by burning our clients for 30 days then

saying see ya later. Obviously we’ve earned our clients trust by being
right, being diligent, by not risking their money and also being there

when there’s a problem.

_______, my company and I, are here to add tremendous value to your

business and to help you exceed your goals and reach new heights

that you never thought were attainable. DEEP RM So let me make a

suggestion, why don’t you do this, ______ (name of prospect): Enroll

in this program right now, and let me go to work for you. Again with a

simple investment of $1500 with a one time set up of $500, we’ll be on

the way to exploding your business in a way you never thought was

imaginable . And believe me, _______ (name of prospect), when you

start making more money, the only problem you’ll have is that I didn’t

call you six months ago and get you started then. Sound fair


Second Looping Pattern

Objection:I still need to think about it and call back:

______, your intention will be to get back with me. But from

experience, I know for a fact the last thing on your mind will be to

call me back. You and I both know that investing a very small
amount into a service that will bring you customers, (when your

lifetime customer value is_____) is extremely unlikely to fail. Let’s

look at this

Let me say this.... along with advanced targeting, where we can target

people based on their age, hobbies, income, and even buying

behavior, we also include our second to none retargeting system. So

____, with the program by itself, you’ll land a bunch of new clients,

but beyond that we’ll also re-target your website visitors and people

that have bought from you in the past to dramatically increase your

upsells and your conversion rate. So, not only will people see your

ads on Facebook, these ads will follow them around the internet to

places like youtube, amazon and really any other website you can

think of. w. _____, you’re not just paying for Facebook ads

(Laughingly), your paying for exposure in places around the internet

your competitors, would normally have to pay top dollar for. It’s about

time that we even playing field, don’t ya think?

Are you with me?

And ______ let me ask you a question what’s the worse that could

possibly happen? Let’s say I do a terrible job and I only get you 50

leads a month I don’t come anywhere close to providing the results

I promised and you break even on your investment, is that going to

put you in the poorhouse? Exactly it’s not going to kill you. But on

the upside, let’s say I’m right, which I know I am ok and I over

deliver on value and flood your spa with new customers and you

gain a ton of new loyal clients and your like “Oh my gosh, this guy

actually saved me alot of money on marketing”. Is that going to

make you a billionaire tomorrow?. Right. Not gonna make you rich,

not gonna make you poor. But what it will do is serve as a

benchmark for future business and then you’ll know your working

with a guy who knows what he’s doing and from there, we can work

bigger and better down the road and virtually make your spa the

busiest med spa in ____,to the point where you have to literally start

sending clients to your competitors because you can’t possibly

handle all of the new business. Just imagine having unlimited

qualified leads that turn into clients at the fraction of the price, and

no more uncertainty when it comes to gaining new clients. ____,

how long are you willing to let this issue persist. continue of

asking for is one shot. In fact to honor our new relationship, not

only will you receive 25% off regular price, but as a personal favor

_____ I’ll also waive the one time set up fee of $500. Look ___, I’m

not getting rich here but I know that you’re going to do really well

with our program and you’ll give me tons of referrals and that’s how

my business grows. Fair enough?

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