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This RENT AGREEMENT executed on this the 2nd day of December, Year Two
Thousand seventeen (2-08-2017) at Bangalore
Sri. K. N. Prakash,
Son of Sri K.V. Nanjappa,
Aged about 62 years,

Residing at No.57, ‘Hombelaku’,

6th Cross, Shakthiganapathi Nagar,
Raj Nagar,
Bangalore-560 079.

Hereinafter called the “LANDLORD”

Sri, U.Mohd Nooruddin,
S/o Umar Khatab,
Aged about 56 years
No.49, E-Street,
Arvakurchi Taluk, Karoor District,
Tamil Nadu.

Hereinafter called the “TENANT”

(which terms landlord and tenant shall mean and include their heirs, the legal
representatives, administrators, executors and assigns of the respective party)

WHEREAS the landlord is the kartha of the joint hindu undivided family of the
residential flat – F.2, constructed on property, bearing No.51, ‘Sarvamangala
Apartment’, 7th Cross, Sirsi Road, Chamarajpet, Bangalore-560 018.

AND WHEREAS the tenant offered to the landlord to take on month to month
tenancy the residential flat (which premises is more fully described in the schedule
hereto and hereinafter referred to as the schedule premises) on rent on month to
month tenancy being English calendar month subject to certain terms and conditions;

AND WHEREAS the landlord accepted the said offer;

AND WHEREAS it is desirable and expedient that a rent agreement
containing the terms and conditions of the tenancy be executed by the parties so as
to avoid dispute or confusion at a future date;


1. The landlord has given to the tenant, and the tenant has taken from the
landlord, the schedule premises on month to month tenancy, on a monthly rent of
Rs.19,500=00/- (Rupees Nineteen thousand and Five Hundred only), excluding
electricity charges. The landlord has put the tenant in possession of the schedule
premises. The period of tenancy is fixed for eleven months to be extendable by the
consent of both the parties, and the tenancy month being English calendar month
commencing from 1st day of the month.

2. The quantum of rent payable shall be increased by 5% P.A. from 1st

of November, 2017, if the tenancy be subsisting as on 1st of November, 2018, the
quantum of rent shall stand increased by 5% of the immediately prevailing quantum
of rent; similar increments shall be effected annually.

3. The tenant has deposited with the landlord a sum of Rs. 2, 00,000/- (Rupees
Two lakh only) by way of cash as security for the due performance of the terms and
conditions of the tenancy, which sum the landlord acknowledges. The said deposit
shall not bear any interest and shall be repaid by the landlord to the tenant at the
time of the latter delivering vacant physical possession of the schedule premises
subject to deduction/adjustment towards any arrears of rent, and the cost of repairs
in the schedule premises, arrears of electricity and any other demand by the relevant
authority regarding the use of the electricity and others by the tenant.

4. The tenant shall pay the electricity charges as a separate meter has been
provided for. In addition he shall also pay the charges for pumping the water from
the sump/bore-well to the overhead tank in addition to the charges payable to the
security, sweeper and other common utility charges as maintenance charges which
is presently fixed at Rs 2000/- (two thousand only). This amount of maintenance
charges is payable regularly along with the rentals.

5. The tenant shall -

(a) Pay the rent at the applicable rate to the landlord on or before 5th day
of the month following the one which it shall have become due;
(b) Bear and pay the electricity charges to the relevant authority; and pay
the proportionate water charges payable to BWSSB along with
maintenance charges.

(c) Not sub-let, under-let or otherwise part with the possession of the
schedule premises in favor of any other person;

(d) Not make any structural alteration to the schedule premises;

(e) Use the schedule premises purely for residential use

(f) Not store any obnoxious, pollution causing, hazardous, dangerous,

explosive or contraband goods and material in the schedule premises;

(g) Not prevent, obstruct or otherwise interfere with the landlord’s rights of
ingress to and egress from, or of dealing with other persons in respect
of the other portions of, the property of which the schedule premises
are a part,

(h) Not park vehicles, or throw or spread dust, dirt, garbage, refuse etc.,
in passages and means of ingress and egress;

(i) Maintain the schedule premises and the amenities provided therein in
good and tenantable condition by attending to repairs or effecting
replacements as and when necessary, and shall not allow these to
suffer adversely in nature or value, except what shall be wear and tear
attributable to prudent use.
(j) Permit the landlord or his authorized representative to inspect the
schedule premises at all reasonable times.

(k) Maintain the schedule premises in good repair and tenantable

condition, natural wear and tear excepted, and carry out color and
white washing before delivering vacant physical possession of the
schedule premises to the landlord at the time of vacating the same on
termination of the tenancy for any reason whatsoever or alternately to
pay a sum of Rs 25,000 being the charges for painting and colour
(l) Not accommodate any other members other than the family members
which are five in number.
(m) Not to allow any pet animals to reside with them.

6. The landlord shall -

(a) Pay the taxes and other levies in respect of the property of which the
schedule premises are a part and keep the tenant free from demand
in this behalf;

(b) Not interfere with the occupation and enjoyment of the schedule
premises by the tenant so long as the latter shall not violate any of the
terms and conditions of the tenancy in general and of the provisions of
clause (5) in particular.

7. Notwithstanding the tenancy of the schedule premises being a month to

month one, the tenant may, after giving the landlord a notice of two months in writing
in this behalf, vacate the schedule premises and deliver to the landlord vacant
physical possession of the schedule premises in the same condition in which the
same were given to him at the time of commencement of the tenancy.

8. The tenancy shall stand terminated if the tenant shall commit breach of any
terms and conditions of the tenancy in general and of the provisions of clause (5) in
particular and fail to rectify such breach despite notice of two months given in writing
in that behalf by the landlord, and any forbearance in this regard by the landlord shall
be without prejudice to his rights to terminate the tenancy in accordance with this
clause for any subsequent breach, whether such breach shall be similar or different;
provided that the provisions of this clause shall not apply if the tenant shall fail to pay
the rent within the stipulated time and the tenancy shall stand terminated without
recourse with the expiry of the month following the one in respect of which the rent
shall have become due.

9. On termination of the tenancy, and before delivering vacant physical

possession of the schedule premises, the tenant shall carry out colour washing and
white washing and restore the schedule premises to the condition these shall have
been at the time of commencement of the tenancy for the first time (normal wear and
tear attributable to prudent use excepted).

10. This rent agreement is prepared on the requisite stamp paper and the original
is with the landlord and a copy of the same with the tenant.
List of Fixtures and Fittings
Kitchen: Cabinets and loft, one tube light with fittings.

Hall: T.V.Stand of 2’ X 5’ with draws, tube light with fitting, ceiling fan, one calling bell,
one 40 W bulb in balcony, one CFS bulb, curtain rod with brackets.
Bedroom 1: Wardrobes, loft, tube light with fittings, one dressing mirror, and curtain
rod with brackets.

Attach-bathroom: one 25 liter Johnson Geysers, one Towel rod, one soap box, one
60W bulb, one corner stand, one wash basin and one wall mixture and head shower
with sanitary fittings, one bath tub, with sanitary fittings.

Bedroom 2: wardrobes, loft, tube light with fittings, one dressing mirror, one 60W
bulb, one fixed computer table, curtain rod with brackets.
Common Bathroom: One towel rod, one soap box, one 60W bulb, one corner stand,
and one wall mixture and head shower with sanitary fittings, one wash basin.
The keys in respect of Main door, other doors, and ward-robes also provided.

All that piece and parcel of shop premises bearing No. F-2 constructed in
first floor on property, bearing No.51, “Sarvamangala Apartment”, 7th Cross, Sirsi
Road, Chamarajpet, Bangalore-560 018. The said premises consisting of a living-
cum –dining room, two bed rooms one with attached bath room, kitchen, bath room
and utility and provided with fittings and fixtures listed herein above with supply of
electricity through an independent meter and shared water supply and utility of lift
and a car parking area in the stilt portion.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement on the

day, month, and year first above written in the presence of witnesses at Bangalore.




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