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September 28, 2018

Title of Research: Development of Solar-Powered Water Purifier with Triple

Filtration and Double Ozonation

Name: Gerry L. Prado

Adviser: Prof. Ma. Ian P. De Los Trinos


The fabrication has three stages and it covers the months of August to January,

this is to give ample time for testing and evaluation procedures. During the first stage

of the development period (August to September), the preliminary procedures were

made such as finalizing; the circuit network design and its balance (power rating and

signal transmission); the filtration and ozonation process (number of filtration stages

and ozone dosage); and the overall design of the project’s body (engineering design

for metal fabrication). Then, the first stage ends with the acquisition of the modules,

components, and materials that are needed according to the overall design

(microcontroller and peripherals, filters, ozone generator, and water processing

accessories). Before proceeding to the next stage (October to November), three water

samples taken from three different deep wells, were brought to the water laboratory.

The laboratory result will conclude which source of water can be used on the

preliminary testing of the modules before going to the fabrication of the stainless steel

body and final assembly of the whole project.


Photovoltaic System

The maximum power output of the system which can be measured on

the inverter is 1000w. This is enough to power all the loads including the

ozone generator and to sustain the starting power surge of the water pumps.

The charge controller that will regulate the input or output energy of the

photovoltaic array, battery, and inverter has a rating of 500w. This is enough

to sustain the power coming from the photovoltaic array and the battery. The

battery that is used in the project is 12v and 25Ah. To sustain this battery

rating, a monocrystalline solar panel with a rating of 100w is used. This will

enable the system to sufficiently charge and sustain the battery capacity. All

the mentioned modules and components were bought in Santa Cruz, Manila.

DC Power Supply

There are two DC power supplies used in the project. The first one is

rated 12v and 8.5A. This is responsible for powering most of the modules and

components such as the water pumps, air-valve, exhaust fans, and LED

indicators. The second DC power supply is rated 9v and 250mA. This is only

intended to power the microcontroller because of its input power rating. The

power supplies were purchased in Makerlab Electronics at Santa Cruz, Manila.

Microcontroller and Relay Module

The microcontroller unit used in the project is Arduino Mega. It is

selected because of its ideal number of analog and digital pins which can be

used for interfacing the peripherals to the controller. It is powered by a 9v DC

power supply that is connected to the inverter. The output signal of the

microcontroller unit is only ranging from 1v to 6v, this would not be enough
to operate the other components. Hence, an 8-channel 5v relay module is used

to interface the microcontroller unit with the actuators such as the water

pumps, air-valve, ozone generator, and LED indicators. The microcontroller

and the relay module were bought in Makerlab Electronics at Santa Cruz,


Sensors, Actuators, and Indicators

The type of water level sensor used in the project is contact-type

magnetic switch. Holes are needed to be drilled to the sides of the acrylic

glass tanks for the sensors to be attached. The type of water pump that is used

in the machine is non-submersible pump with a rating of 12v and 0.67A. It

has enough power to force the water coming from the source or the tank

through the multi-media filter.

The air valve used to control the path of the air flow is a 3-way 2-

position electronic valve. It has a rating of 12v and 0.25A. The mechanical

force of the valve is just enough to hold the air pressure brought by the ozone


The circuit container has an exhaust system which is composed of two

DC fans with ratings of 12v and 0.25A.

The operation of the machine or its processes are indicated by LED

strips. All the LED strips are rated 12v and 0.16A. The indicators are placed

at the back of the glass tanks to provide illumination to the tanks. The green

LED strips indicate the ozonation process; the blue ones indicate the filling of

the water tanks; and white indicates the completion of the purification process

or an idle operation.
The sensors, actuators, and indicators were bought in Makerlab

Electronics, and Deeco at Santa Cruz, Manila.

Ozone Generator and Multi-media Filter

The ozone generator used in the project is rated 220v and 0.036A. It

has a capacity of 400mg/h. The circuitry of the generator was modified to

meet the circuit requirement and operation of the machine. The ozone dosage

of the device is sufficient to purify the water inside the glass tanks.

The type of multi-media filter used in the project has three canisters.

Each of the canister represents a filtration stage and it contains a unique filter

medium than the other stages. The first stage has a sediment filter; the second

contains a multi-granular filter; and the last stage has a pure granular activated

carbon filter.

The ozone generator was purchased from Pure-O3 Ozone Philippines

at Sta. Cruz, Manila and the multi-media filters were bought in Water Element

at Sta. Rosa, Laguna.


Photovoltaic System Capacity Calculation

The ratings of the modules and components used in the system were

calculated and designed based on the articles made by altE (n. d.) and Leonics

(n. d.). The maximum total power to be consumed by the whole project is

120w. Based on this power rating, together with the number of operating

hours (modules and components) and the days that the prototype should run

without the support of the AC-line or grid, the size of the battery was

calculated. Thus, the rating of the battery is 12v and 25Ah or 300w. On

determining the wattage of the solar charge controller, at least 25% watts is

added to the rating of the battery for safety purposes. Hence, a 500w solar
charge controller was selected. Similarly, on determining the wattage rating

of the inverter, same procedures should be followed. In addition, because the

project has motors, the capacity of the inverter should be at least 300% greater

than the battery to withstand the starting current surge of the motors. Thereby,

a 1000w 60Hz inverter was selected for the project. Also, to sufficiently

charge the battery, a 100w solar panel array is used.

DC Power Supply Selection

A 12v 8.5A capacity was selected for the main power supply of the

project. It has a total power of 102w which is enough to supply the total

power demand of the processor and actuators which is 60w. The excess

capacity is intended for other peripherals that may be added to the system

(Leonics, n. d.). The capacity of the second power supply is 9v and 1A, it is

based on the suggestions of the microcontroller experts in Makerlab

Electronics at Sta. Cruz, Manila.

Multi-media Filter Considerations

Several multi-media filters were considered on selecting the suitable

set of filters for the project. The selected type of filter is a food-grade 3-stage

inverted multi-media filter. This is based on the suggestions of the water

specialist of Water Element at Sta. Rosa, Laguna. A food-grade filter will be

ideal for a dispenser type water purifier because its media on the filter

canisters are easy to be replaced and maintained; and because it is already

food-grade, the quality integrity of the whole filter to process water for

drinking is ensured.

Preliminary Testing (3rd to 4th week of October)

Once the results of the laboratory tests on the water samples arrive, the

preliminary testing of the prototype will take place. One of the deep wells,

where the three samples were taken, would be selected. Another sample

would be taken from that particular well then it would be processed in the

machine. Then, the treated water would be brought to the laboratory for

testing. The results which will come from the first and second laboratory tests

would be compared and analyzed. If the laboratory results of the treated water

sample will pass the standards for safe drinking water, then the fabrication of

the stainless steel body of the project will begin.

Body Fabrication (November)

The construction of the stainless steel body can only proceed if the

design of the internal system is final. The design and dimensions of the body

adjust with the size and arrangement of the modules, circuitries, and filters.

Once it is absolute, then the design would be sent to a firm to be fabricated.

Project Final Assembly (December)

The final assembly of the circuitry and the whole system would

commence after the fabrication of the stainless steel body. Then, the wirings,

connections, and the water and ozone piping would be laid out. Modular

testing would be followed on doing the connections of the circuits.

Final Testing (January)

The final testing would initialize when the body as well as the internal

system is completed. Water samples would be taken from different deep wells

then it would be treated in the project. The processed water samples would

then be brought to the laboratory for testing. Then, the results would be

documented and analyzed.


altE Store. n.d. 6 Steps to Designing an Off-Grid Solar Power System. Making
Renewable Do-Able. The altE Blog. Retrieved February 6, 2018, from

Leonics. n.d. How to Design Solar PV System. Retrieved February 6, 2018, from


Figure 1. Mircrocontroller Unit

Figure 2. Relay Module

Figure 3. Water-Level Sensor

Figure 4. Electronic Air Valve

Figure 5. DC Water Pump

Figure 6. LED Strips Indicator

Figure 7. DC Exhaust Fans

Figure 8. 12v DC Power Supply

Figure 9. 9v DC Adopter

Figure 10. 400mg/h Ozone Generator

Preliminary Testing

Figure 11. Deep Well A

Figure 12. Deep Well B

Figure 13. Deep Well C

Figure 14. Water Sample A

Figure 15. Water Sample B

Figure 16. Water Sample C

Figure 17. Water Samples

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