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Freshman Orientation 2019

Education Committee
Bicol University
Freshman Orientation Laboratory Exam
August 2, 2019

Name: _______________________________________ Score: _______

IDENTIFICATION: This is a 30-item test. Read each question written per station and write your answer
on the blank corresponding to the number of your station. You will be given 45 seconds to answer per

Gross Anatomy Histology

1. _________________________________ 1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 5. _________________________________

6. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 7. _________________________________

8. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 9. _________________________________

10. ________________________________ 10. ________________________________

11. ________________________________ 11. ________________________________

12. ________________________________ 12. ________________________________

13. ________________________________ 13. ________________________________

14. ________________________________ 14. ________________________________

15. ________________________________ 15. ________________________________

Anatomy Laboratory Questions
1. Identify the marked structure

Ans: Fibula

2. The identified bone above serves as a proximal attachment for how many muscles?
Ans: eight (8)

3. (true/false) The bone identified in number 1 greatly functions in weight bearing.

Ans: False

4. Identify the marked structure:

Ans: Capitate

5. Which of the carpal bones gets fractured frequently?

Ans: Scaphoid
6. Fill in the blank the correct anatomical directional term: The transverse colon is __ to the diaphragm.
A: Inferior

7. Identify the structure pointed

A: Deltoid muscle

8. Identify the muscle pointed

A: Gastrocnemius muscle

9. The carpal bones are wrist bones that connects the forearm to the hand. How many bones is it
comprised of?
A: 8

10. Identify the pointed lower limb bone.

A: Tibia

11. This muscle arises from the 3rd-5th rub and is inserted into the coracoid process of the scapula. What
is it?
Ans: Pectoralis minor

12. What is the name of the triangular plate of bone which is located at the side and back of the chest
Ans: Scapula

13. The only layer of skin that can be found on palms and soles of skin
Ans: Stratum lucidum

14. This is also called the kneecap and the largest sesamoid bone of the body.
Ans: Patella

15. This is the major nerve of the lower limb and the largest nerve of the body
Ans: Sciatic nerve
Histology Laboratory Questions

1. Human brown skin c.s. (HPO)

Q: Give the classification of the epithelium.

A: Stratified squamous epithelium

2. Human Scalp v.s. (LPO)

Q: Identify the pointed structure.

A: Hair cuticle
3. Palmar skin (LPO)

Q: What epidermal layer is found only in thick skin and not in thin skin?
A: Stratum lucidum

4. Striated muscle c.s. (HPO)

Q: What is the functional unit of this tissue?

A: Sarcomere
5. Developing cartilage, bone section (HPO)

Q: Identify the type of ossification.

A: Endochondral ossification

6. Identify the organ. Identify B.


1. Skin
2. Dermis
7. Name at least 2 cells found in the epidermis

Melanocytes, Langerhans cells, merkel cells or epithelial tactile cells



1. Axillary skin
2. Thin
3. Stratum lucidum


1. Stratum germinativum
2. Stratum spinosum

A. Monocyte (with vacuole)
B. Neutrophil (3 lobes)

11. Identify the pointed structure.

Answer: Goblet cell

12. Identify the specific type of tissue pointed.

Answer: Simple Columnar Epithelium

13. Identify the structure.

Answer: Hyaline cartilage

14. Identify an organ where this type of epithelium can be found.

Answer: Skin

15. Identify the type of epithelium pointed by the arrow.

Answer: Simple Cuboidal epithelium

To be printed:
Anatomy Laboratory Questions

1. Identify the marked structure.

2. The identified bone above serves as a proximal attachment for

how many muscles?

3. (true/false) The bone identified in number 1 greatly functions in

weight bearing.

4. Identify the marked structure.

5. Which of the carpal bones gets fractured frequently?

6. Fill in the blank the correct anatomical directional term: The

transverse colon is __ to the diaphragm.

7. Identify the structure pointed.

8. Identify the muscle pointed.

9. The carpal bones are wrist bones that connects the forearm to the
hand. How many bones is it comprised of?

10. Identify the pointed lower limb bone.

11. This muscle arises from the 3rd-5th rub and is inserted into the
coracoid process of the scapula. What is it?
12. What is the name of the triangular plate of bone which is
located at the side and back of the chest wall?

13. The only layer of skin that can be found on palms and soles of

14. This is also called the kneecap and the largest sesamoid bone of
the body.

15. This is the major nerve of the lower limb and the largest nerve
of the body.
Histology Laboratory Questions

1. Give the classification of the epithelium.

2. Identify the pointed structure.

3. What epidermal layer is found only in thick skin and not in thin

4. What is the functional unit of this tissue?

5. Identify the type of ossification.

6. Identify the organ. Identify B.

7. Name at least 2 cells found in the epidermis.

8. Identify the organ (with specific part). Thin skin or thick skin?


11. Identify the pointed structure.

12. Identify the specific type of tissue pointed.

13. Identify the structure.

14. Identify an organ where this type of epithelium can be found.

15. Identify the type of epithelium pointed by the arrow.

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