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A wireless telegraphy was invented in Later period of 20th Century

5345. The simplest & the oldest model is the Catamaran

5346. Only rowing & oaring were used till 8th Century

5347. Soil came into existence only after 8th Century

5348. Iron & Steel replaced - Wood & Steem 19th Century
replaced soil in the
5349. Norwegian explorer used a papyrus sail 144 days (Prof. Thor Heyerdahl)
boat (Tigris) and traveled 6720 Km,
sterting from Aden Pakistan – Djibouti
(1977) and Completed the journey in
5350. An attempt to navigate vessels below the 15th & 16th Century
water surface was during the
5351. American French Engineers started Early 19th Century
producing a number of Model of
submarines in the
5352. About 400 submarines were developed 1st world war
during the
5353. When the difference between two Good weather
thermometer reading is about 100C
5354. To find the angle between 2 objects both A sextant is used
vertically & horizontally
5355. To fix the position of ship Station pointer is used

5356. Dead compass or dump compass is called Petorus

5357. VHF Radio Very High Frequency Radio

5358. DN system Decca Navigation system

5359. The satellite system is called as GPS (Global positioning system)

5360. The largest system is The omega system

5361. Pokkali is the name of a Paddy variety

5362. Abalone is also known as Winkled

5363. The biggest gastropod in the world is Conch

5364. Vibriosis is caused by Gm-ve bacteria

5365. The filamentous bacteria effecting larvae Leucothriz mucor, Flexibacter
& post larvae are
5366. The protozoan disease Flavobacteria is Zoothamnium Vorticello, Euphelota,
caused by Carchesium, Acineta
5367. In prawn food intake decreases as the age Increases

5368. Ideal size of pellet is Length 3-5 mm dia 1.5 mm (dry form)

5369. Mineral additives Starmin, Ovomin, Eggomin

5370. Vitamin additives Rovimix & Rovisol

5371. The nauphilus stage of larvae do not need Yolk sac

any food because they have
5372. The protozoea of prawn feed on algae i.e. Skeletonema Chaetoceras
Thalassiosira, Mitzschia
5373. The favourite food item of marine shrimp Diatoms

5374. Dry cysts of brine shrimp attain umbrella 49 hours

stage in
5375. The nauphli of brine shrimp have Positive phototactive behaviour

5376. The best time of harvesting the algae Exponential phase

culture is during
5377. The aquatic shrimp production began in 1960

5378. In the western hemisphere which Equador (Central America)

contributes maximum aquaculture shrimp
production is
5379. The modification of the endopodite of the Petasma
first two pairs of pleopod as copulatory
organ is called
5380. The sperm storing organ is called Thelycum

5381. The fecundity of the following are as P. indicus - 7,31,000 eggs

5382. P. monodon – 3,00000 – 7,00000 eggs

5383. M. dobsonii – 35,00 – 1,60,000

5384. Examples of prawn breed in deep water Pindicus, M. monoceros

5385. Breed in shallow water M. dobsonii, Parapenecopsis stylifera

5386. The range of larval development in Marine 12-17 days
prawn is
5387. The range of larval development in Fresh 45-50 days
water prawn (Scampi) is
5388. M. affinis is a Slow grower

5389. Prawns have wide tolerance at an Early stage

5390. M. monoceros achieves 85 mm in 10 months

5391. P. indicus achieves 80 mm in 6 months

5392. P. monodon achieves 170 mm in 6 months

5393. M.affinis achieves 40 mm in 4 months

5394. In case of female the genital duct opening Coxa of 3rd pair of pereopods
is located at the base of
5395. In case of Male the genital duct opening is Coxa of 5th pair of pereopods
located at the base of
5396. The ovary is extending from base of the Last abdominal segment
rostrum to the
5397. The testis lies on the dorsal surface of the Heart
hepatopancreas below the
5398. The maturity can be identified by P. indicus – 130 mm
observing the size of the ovary
5399. M. dobsoni – 64 mm

5400. The ratio of Male & Female in the 1 (♂) : (♀)

maturation tank is
5401. SEAFDEC is located Phillipines

5402. Nauplius stage have 6 nauplius sub-stage

5403. The active swimmer is Protozoea

5404. The non active swimmer is Mysis

5405. Myis have 3 substage

5406. M1 Nopleopod

5407. M2 Pleopod bud

5408. M3 2 segmented pleopod bud

5409. The mysis have Tiltering mechanism

5410. Mysis stage is completed after 3-4 days

5411. P. indicus give 25,000 PL/Spawning

5412. The marine sea bird such as the sea gull Guano

5413. Zone of Estuary & Range of salinity

5414. i) Limnetic (River) 0.5

5415. ii) Oligohaline (Head) 0.5-5

5416. iii) Mesohaline (upper reaches) 5-18

5417. iv) Polyhaline (middle reaches) 18-25

5418. v) Polyhaline (lower reaches) 25-30

5419. vi) Euhaline (mouth) 30-40

Dictionary of Oceanography

5420. A large bivalve which can grow up to 30 cm Albalone

long is

5421. The large flat area that forms much of the ocean Abyssal plain

5422. A chemical which is made from brown sea Algin

weed is

5423. A cup-shaped animal which has a ring of Sea Anemone

tentacles around its mouth is

5424. A device that allows a diver to breathe under Aqualung

water is

5425. A group of islands is called Archipelago

5426. The worlds smallest ocean is Arctic

5427. An instrument used by early astronomers & Astrolabe


5428. The worlds second largest ocean is Atlantic ocean

5429. A ring shaped coral islands or group of islands, Atoll

which surrounds a lagoon is

5430. The bacteria that live in plankton is called Bacterioplankton

5431. A heavy material such as gravel or sand is Ballast

called a

5432. A dam built across the mouth of an estuary is Barrage


5433. A long ridge of sand that forms a low island Barrier island
along or parallel to the coast is

5434. A Manned vehicle used to explore under the sea Bathy scaphe

5435. An instrument which is used to measure the Bathythermograph

temperature of the water at various depths is

5436. A large bay in the north east Indian ocean is Bay of Bengal

5437. The extension of the Atlantic ocean is Bay of Fundy

5438. The scale that is used to measure the force of Beaufort Scale
the wind

5439. A part of the Arctic ocean is Beaufort sea

5440. A type of a whale which is also known as the Beluga

white whale is?

5441. The name given to the fatty layer beneath the The blubber
skin is

5442. Whales are hunted for oil which can be Ambergris

extracted from their blubber is

5443. The bluegreen algae or cyanobacteria is a type Bacteria

of a

5444. A wave that breaks on the coast or over the Breaker

coral reef

5445. A catamaran is a boat with Two hulls

5446. Catamarans were first used in Polynesia & Indonesia

5447. The lowest part of the marianas trench is Challenger deep

5448. The deepest point in the ocean is Challenger deep

5449. Chimaeras are also sometimes collect as Ghost shark or rabbit fish
5450. A very accurate clock which helps sailors to Chronometer
calculate longitude accurately is

5451. The largest living ray which weighs 1,600 kgs Atlantic manta
& its wing span can be more than six meters is

5452. The word cephalopod means “Head feet”

5453. Cuttle fish contains a spongy, chalky internal A cuttle bone

shell called

5454. The deepest diving sea mammal is The sperm whale (at least 1 km)

5455. The coelacanth is the only survivor of an Over 400 million years old
ancient group of fish

5456. The coelacanth is found only in the extremely Africa & Madagascar
deep waters of

5457. The meeting of the two ocean currents flowing Convergence

towards each other is

5458. When the corals die then occurs Coral bleaching

5459. The coriolis force makes the ocean currents Gyres

travel in huge circles called

5460. An ocean explorer & inventor who invented Jacques Cousteau

aqualung & designed underwater television
cameras is

5461. An organism which is also called as the “Jewels Diatoms

of the sea” is

5462. A dog fishes are also sold as Rock salmon or huss

5463. The area of the ocean where the winds are often Doldrums
light is called

5464. The movement of the water going away from Ebb tide
the shore when the tide is falling is

5465. The body of the water between England & English channel
France is

5466. A deep narrow inlet of the sea is Fjord

5467. Trawl nets are used to catch fish which live On the sea bed
5468. Purse seines are used to catch species of fish In shoals
that move

5469. The only predator of the giant squid is Sperm whale

5470. Gobies are of long 102 mm long

5471. The fish which use their barbels to catch their Hag fish
prey is

5472. The another name of King Crab is Horse shoe Crab

5473. A hot spring on the deep ocean floor is Hydrothermal vent

5474. Ice fishes are also called as White blooded fish

5475. The deepest part of the Mediterranean sea is Ionian sea

5476. The deepest part of the Indian ocean is the Java trench (7,725 metres)

5477. The egg case of a skate is called as Mermaids purse

5478. The another name of moon fish is Opah

5479. An ocean current that flows eastwards near the Equatorial counter current

5480. An ocean current that flows westwards near the Equaterial current
equator is

5481. A surface current in the north pacific ocean is Oyashio current

5482. Sail fish are the fastest fish in the sea reaching a 109 kg/hr.

5483. A bony fish which has a tail fin divided into two Telecast
equal parts and a gas filled swim bladders

5484. A part of the Arctic ocean is The white sea

5485. Which nutrient is sparse in aquatic medium Carbohydrate

5486. Carbohydrates are better adopted by Omnivorous & hervivorous

5487. Widely used carbohydrate source in fish field Starch

5488. Poor utilization of starch in carnivorous fish is Low amylase

due to

5489. Cellulose & chitin are digested by those fish Microorganism in digestive tract
5490. Is not well digested by prawn Glucose

5491. Carbohydrate level in commercial semi- 25 to 30%

intensive culture prawn is

5492. Most complex amino acid Tryptophan

5493. Longest chain amino acid Arginine

5494. Protein requirement in semi-intensive system 35 to 40%

5495. Protein requirement in carnivorous species 50 to 55%

5496. The essential amino acid deficient in Leucine & Lysine

conventional feed

5497. The essential amino acid deficient in plant Methionine & Lysine

5498. Highly digestible protein Contractile protein (Actin, Myosin,


5499. Protein extracted with help of water Globular protein (Serum protein,
hormone, enzyme

5500. Insoluble & indigestible protein Fibrous protein (Collagen, Keratin,


5501. Dry weight content of fish flesh protein 60 to 75%

5502. Wet weight content of fish flesh protein 16 to 22%

5503. Protein level in conventional feed 20 to 25%

5504. Conventional feed Rice bran & oil cake

5505. First to studied fish amino acid (Cassia & Flalver, 1957

5506. 2 non-essential amino acid used as essential Cystine for methionine

5507. Tyrosine for phenylalanine

5508. Plays important role in synthesis of collagen in Vitamin C


5509. Usual amino acid content of protein 22 to 26

5510. Fatty acid important in brain & nerves activity HUFA

5511. Digestibility of lipid 80 to 95%

5512. Vitamin which prevent oxidation of fat in the Vit-E


5513. Toxic compound produced on high oxidation of Cyclopropetoic compound


5514. Fish oil having high n-3 PUFA Menhaden oil

5515. Source of HUFA Oil sardine, shark liver oil, cod

liver oil

5516. Lipid requirement of Indian & Chinese carp 50 to 80 gm/kg feed

5517. Lipid required of common carp 70 to 180 gm/kg feed

5518. Father of Nutrition Lavosier

5519. FAO was established in 1944

5520. A concavity in the coastline which form a large Bight

open bay

5521. Mud mainly composed of H2S Black mud

5522. A wave whose wave length is less (< 1.7 cm) Capillary wave

5523. A large land mass rising abruptly from deep Continental block

5524. A graphic representation of currents Current rose

5525. Deep scatter layer 50 to 200 metre

5526. Horizontal flow of water in different direction Divergence

from a common centre

5527. Having character of both plant & animal Dinoflagellates

5528. Theoretical representation of current Etman** spiral

5529. An area of sea surface generated by wind Fetch (generating area)

5530. Sea ice either as single unbroken piece or Floe

individual pieces

5531. Process of aggregation of small hemps Flocculation

5532. An artificial dam-like structure of desirable Groin


5533. Water wave of length > 1.7 cm Gravity wave

5534. Organism whose life cycle is completely passed Haloplankton

in floating state
5535. The other name of yellow sea Marginal sea

5536. Lantern fishes Myctophida

5537. An elevation rising less than 1 km from ocean Knoll


5538. Early development stage occur in floating state Meroplankton

& adult benthic

5539. Vertical change in density Pycnocline

5540. A land area that has been claimed from ocean Polder

5541. Current that flow in approximately opposite Reversing tidal current (occur in
direction River & straits)

5542. Small groove, furrow or channel made in and or Rill

sand on beach

5543. Agitation in water caused by meeting of current Rip

5544. A wave controlled to a significant degree by Ripple

surface tension & gravity

5545. Downward & sideward erosion of sediment by Scour

wave or current

5546. Energy in a feed is measured by Bomb calorimeter

5547. Metabolising chamber is also known as Fish respiremeter

5548. Heat increment is also called as Specific dynamic action

5549. Fat digestive enzyme are called Lipase

5550. Phospholipid is split into glycerol & fatty acid Lacithinase


5551. Liver meal is a rich source of B group of vitamin

5552. Moisture level of wet feed 45 to 70%

5553. Moisture level of moist feed 25 to 45%

5554. Moisture level of dry feed 7 to 13%

5555. Feed formulation is done by Linear programming technique

5556. The export (quality and suspection) Act 1963

5557. Bureau of Indian Standard Act 1954

5558. MPEDA Act April, 1972

5559. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1954

5560. Indian fisheries Act 1897

5561. Agriculture Produce (Grading & Marketing) Act 1937

5562. Essential Commodity Act 1954

5563. Sea Custom Act 1937 (A.P. Govt. Act)

5564. Most fish bacterial pathogens are Gram –ve bacteria

5565. Natural antioxidant Ascorbic acid and vitamin E

5566. Most widely used preservatives Sodium and calcium propionates

5567. Universal feeding stimulant Mixture of L-amino acid, Glycine

– bacteria inosive or inosive – 5

5568. General term for organism living on sand Psammon

5569. Collection name for* marine flowering plan Sea grass


5570. Flagellated photosynthetic organism of the class Silicoflagellates

Chrysophyta with an interal skeleton of Silicon

5571. Light producing organ of deep sea fishes Photophose

5572. That point during the orbit of moon around the Perigee
earth when moon is closest to the earth

5573. That point during the orbit of moon around the Apugee
earth when moon is farthest to the earth

5574. Plankton with a size range from 2 to 20 m Nanoplankton

5575. Benthic organism below the size of 0.1 mm Microfauna

5576. Plankton with a size range from 20 to 0.2 m Microplankton

5577. In bony fishes, with no open duct between gas Physoclist

bladder & digestive tract
5578. In bony fishes with open duct between gas Physotome
bladder & digestive tract

5579. The sexually produced larval of many cnidarian Planula

5580. An animal that is not parasite but lives attached Epizoite

to another

5581. Ratio between intensity of light at a given depth Extinction co-efficient

with intensity at the surface

5582. Condition where drag is propotional to the cross Form resistance

section area of the object in contrast with the

5583. A species that has a life history characterized by Fugitive sp/opportunistic sp

short life span to reach maturity, high death rate

5584. In mammal, a group of female controlled by a Hasem ?

single male during the breeding season

5585. A reef building coral with symbiotic


5586. Nektonic animal that spend their entire lives in Haloepipelagic

open ocean

5587. Benthic organism within the size range of 1 to Meiofauna

0.1 mm

5588. A deep sea sediment composed of skeletal Ooze


5589. Dropsy is caused by Aeromonas sp.

5590. Non-parasitic diseases Asphyxiation

5591. A metabolic product of sperm whale formed in Ambergeros

its intestine

5592. Raw fish fillet are also call Sashimi

5593. Fresh & dead sea cucumber are known as Namanko & Jrika (Japan)

5594. Fermented viscera of Sea cucumber Knowata (Japan)

5595. Indian Beche-de-mer are exported to Singapore (don’t produce) & H.K.

5596. Largest grower of Tilapia Philippines

5597. Eel consumed as a typical sp** dish call Kabayaki (Japan)

5598. of Rigor mortis ? Phosphoric acid

5599. Duration of Rigor mortis control by Lactic acid

5600. Hypoxanthene content 25  gm/100 gm of fish

5601. Histamine content 50 to 60 mg/100 gm of fish

5602. Overall earning of from export of Marine 4%


5603. During Rigor mortis stiffening starts from Head region

5604. Riger mortis last longer in Smaller fish

5605. Sublimation temperature of Dry ice -780C

5606. Boiling point of liquid nitrogen -1960C

5607. Vacuum contact plate drying developed in Denmark

5608. Advantage of freeze drying No shrinkage

5609. Separation of duplet from smoke without Electrostatic vapour

affecting vapour

5610. Mechanical was first designed by Torry biln*, 1939 (Britain)

5611. Commercial freezing of fish begin in America, 1860

5612. True water freeze at 320F (Fish at 300F)

5613. Spores of Closrtridium botulinum destroyed in 32 min (2300F) & 8.7 min (2400F)

5614. Common name of Milk fish Bandong (Indonesia)

5615. Common name of Milk fish Bangos (Phillippines)

5616. Small oyster about 50 mm (2 inch) suitable for Bedding oyster


5617. Leaves of higher plant (e.g. Thallasia, Ruppia) Digman

which grow in pond and eaten by large milk fish

5618. Complexes of aquatic plants which include Lab-lab (milk fish)

algae, bacterian, protozoan, diatoms forming a
dense mat on pond bottom

5619. The term lab-lab was given by Filipinos

5620. Complexes of about six algae species Lumut (Phillippines, milkfish)

5621. Plant which lives on the surface of another plant Epiphyton
or animal

5622. Part of sea extending inland, usually long & Fjord

narrow bordered by step cliffs

5623. Last larval stages in crustacean before they Mysis

transformed into juveniles

5624. A larval stage of mollusks with a band of small Veliger larvae

hairs called cilia, help in locomotion

5625. Common name of P. monodon in Philippines Jugbo

5626. Phenomenon occur in many estuary where size Abyssal gigantism

increase with increasing depth

5627. Anchoveta Engraulos ringens

5628. A free moving deep submersible designed to Bathyscape

carry human observes into the deep sea

5629. The layer of lipid that serves as an insulating Blubber

layer under skin of whales and other marine

5630. Disease of humans caused by consumption of Cigantera

tropical fishes

5631. The larval stage of a copepod which follow the Copepodite

nauplius and metanauplius and proceed to adult

5632. In water column that point at which light Compensation intensity

intensity is equal to 1% of surface intensity

5633. The cup into which a coral polyp fits Corallite

5634. The direction is to the right in northern Corioles force

hemisphere & left in southern hemisphere

5635. A poisonous material secreted onto the surface Crinotoxin

of an organism

5636. Deep sea animal consuming living & dead Groupper

animal smaller than themselves

5637. Pattern which mimic the background Cryptic coloration

5638. Concentration of mid water organism that Deep sea scattering layer
reflect sound wave produced by sonar device
5639. An animal that feeds by consuming particles Deposit feeder

5640. Daily or once every 24 hours Diet

5641. An area of integration between 2 biological Ecotone


5642. Poikilothermic one also call Ectotherms

5643. Warm blooded able to regulate body Endotherm/Homotherms


5644. Indicator species of mid tide zone Barnacles (Balanus sp.)

5645. Horse-shoe crab belong to order Xiphosure?

5646. Cage culture of C. carpio Indonesia

5647. Fish species : Catla Size of egg & colour of yolk

5648. Rohu 5.3 – 6.5 mm light red

5649. Nain 5.5 Reddish

5650. L. calbasu 3.4 Bluish

5651. Used for treatment of goiter in China Digenea

5652. Black spot disease is caused by Digenetic trematode -Diplostomum

5653. Caused during starvation period Pin head

5654. Clubbed gill filament is due to deficiency of Vi B5

5655. Abdominal dropsy in carp is caused by Aspergillus punctata

5656. Boil disease/ulceration is caused by Myxobolus (sporozoan)

5657. Whirling disease is caused by Myxosoma cerebralis

5658. Epsum salt Magnesium sulphate salt

5659. Accessory organ of gill present only in plankton Palatine fold


5660. Nasal bone is well developed in Common carp

5661. One gm of O2 produced during photosynthesis 3.68 K cal

5662. Cobalt present in (Vit B12) is used as Growth promoter

5663. Deposition of CaCO3 in fresh water Marl

5664. Most important group for predator Siluriformes

5665. For controlling floating aquatic weed 2-4-D @ 4.5 to 6.7 kg/ha Paraquat
@ 0.02 kg/ha kerosene : Urea @

5666. For controlling marginal aquatic weed Dalapon @ 25-30 kg/ha

5667. Amitrole @ 8 kg/ha

5668. For controlling algal bloom CuSO4 @ 0.025-0.05 ppm

5669. Simazine @ 0.5 – 1 ppm

5670. Under water spawning is also call Muffled (e.g. Bighead/Black carp)

5671. Yolk sac is absorbed in 3 days or 72 hours

5672. An arbitary unit of measuring spawn in WB Kunka (capacity 1 lakh)

5673. Green manure is China is known as Docao or Totsao

5674. IOS diversity contribution 31% (highest)

5675. Weberian apparatus is found in Cypriniformes & Siluriformes

5676. Fisherman community of collecting egg in WB Savar

5677. Usual range of gill epithelium thickness 1 to 5 

5678. Fully saturated blood contain 10 to 20 times more O2 than water

5679. In fish digestion is started from Stomach

5680. Gastric acid secretion in fish is stimulated by Cholinergic agent

5681. Solubility of CO2 than O2 in water 20 to 30 times

5682. R.B.C. count for O2 uptake 99%

5683. Optimum P4 for pancreatic chitiase 8-10

5684. Muscle contraction time in fishes 10 to 45 Sec

5685. Blood volume in chondricthys 6.6%

5686. Urea level in the blood of marine elasmobranch 2 to 2.5%

5687. Haemoglobin affinity for O2 Bohr effect

5688. O2 carrying capacity of haemoglobin Root effect

5689. Pulse pressure of dorsal aorta 50% of ventral aorta

5690. Blood volume in teleost 3% (range 1.5 to 3%)

5691. Thermocline of Bay of Bengal Below 50 to 56 m (sometimes 100-

125 m)

5692. Surface temperature of Arabian Sea 23 to 290C

5693. Surface temperature of BOB 27 to 290C

5694. First steroid compound Pregenenolone

5695. Source of NAD+ Ascorbic acid

5696. Establish 2 cell model in fish Kagawa et al. (1982)

5697. MIS Maturation Indressing steroid


5698. Antigonadal hormone Prolactin (found in Mummichog)

5699. Surface area of blood vessel in the skin of 0.5 to 1.5 gm body wt.
variety of teleost*
5700. P.monodon contribution to total world prawn 33%
production (culture)

5701. Chodai fishery represent fishery of Lesser sardine (T.N. coast)

5702. Maximum NPK is found in Poultry manure

5703. Main food for spawn & fry of IMC Rotifer

5704. First director of CIFE Dr. Pal

5705. Method for induced breeding of common carp Vinerowich method

5706. The main shrimp supplier Japan then Indonesia

5707. EUS first appear in Australia, 1972

5708. Causative agent of EUS Fungus (Aphanomyces invasaram)

5709. AICRP All India Coordinated Research

Project, 1972

5710. Personal waste washing excluding faecal matter, Sullage

urine & kitchen waste

5711. White spot disease (SEMBV) come in India 1993-94

5712. Hard jewel Elostidium thermosachrolyticum

5713. Bacterial count in sewage 3 to 16 million/ml

5714. Combined effect of toxicants is called Autagonism

5715. Separate effect of toxicant is called Synergism

5716. Mutant microorganism (bacteria) deficit of Auxotrophs


5717. Water spread area of Loktak lake 4480 ha(390km sq.)

5718. Diurnal tide occur in Gulf of Mexico, Florida coast

5719. Semi diurnal tide occur in N. Atlantic Part, S.E. Asia

5720. Mixed tide occur in US pacific part

5721. Maximum tide range occur in Bay of Fundy

5722. Largest continental shelf area in the world Off Siberia,Arctic ocean (1000 km)

5723. Minimum value of salinity Equator

5724. The surface water salinity is highest at Middle latitude

5725. Method of food analysis studied by Hynes (1950),Pillay (1952)

5726. Method of food analysis Point method or numerical method

and volumetric method

5727. Index of preponderance & relative importance Natrajan & Jhingran, 1961

5728. International for exploration of sea 7 maturity stage


5729. For topical & sub-tropical 5 maturity stage

5730. Index used for studying the spawning season Gonosmtic index

5731. Net used in Peterson or size frequency Non selective act (Bagnet )
distribution method

5732. Size frequency method in suitable for Temperate water fish

5733. Covering current leads to Sin?

5734. Carrasius corrasius was introduced from U.K 1874

to Ooty

5735. Tinca tinca was introduced from UK to Ooty 1874

lake in

5736. Brown trout was introduced from UK to Nilgiris 1899


5737. Brown trout was introduced by T.N Govt. from 1968 (Nilgiris)

5738. Rainbow trout introduced from New Zeland to 1901


5739. Rainbow trout was introduced from Japan to 1968


5740. Salmo salar introduced from N.America to 1969


5741. The 1st Himalyan river is Tethyas sea

5742. The important trout hatchery of H.P. is Fettikuhal, Chirgaon, Sangla,

Mahil Barot

5743. The important trout hatchery of J.K. is Laribal, Achabal & Harwan

5744. The important trout hatchery of U.P is Kalayani & Talwari

5745. The important trout hatchery of T.N is Avalanch

5746. The important trout hatchery of Kerala is Rajamally

5747. The important trout hatchery of AP is Bomdilla

5748. The important trout hatchery of Meghalaya is Shillong

5749. South of the Tethyas sea is a big land mass Gond wana land
known as

5750. The cold water fisheries centre was established 1963 – 64


5751. The trout hatcheries in India is 12 nos.

5752. The head portion of the stream is called Rithorn

5753. The tail portion of the stream is called Potamon

5754. Common carp was introduced & noticed in the 1954


5755. The feeding habit of trout is Carnivorous

5756. The feeding habit of rainbow trout is Detriphagus

5757. The feeding habit of mahaseer is Omnivorous

5758. The breeding season of brown trout is Late winter (Dec – Jan)

5759. The spawning temperature of Rainbow & 180 C – 21.50C

Brown trout

5760. The maximum trout farming was done in H.P

5761. The 1st trout hatchery was done in Avalanche (T.N) 1905-1906 by

5762. The 1st Fish form was done in Fish lab farm (Madras) 1945 by
H.B Wilsen.

5763. Largest recorded length of mahaseer was 274 cm & weighing 170 pound

5764. Nainital Research Centre on cold water fisheries Bhimtal

5765. The word Mahaseer is derived from Mahasheer

5766. Seine nets in H.P. is also known as Bigha

5767. Stake nets in HP is also known as Barbatta

5768. Bay nets in J & K is also known as Kochbi or Saggan

5769. The term plankton was coined by Victor Hensen (1887)

5770. The plankton found in lake are Limnoplankton

5771. The planktons found in running water are Rheoplankton

5772. The planktons found in pond water are Heleoplankton

5773. The planktons found in Marine water are Haloplankton

5774. The planktons found in Brackish water are Hypal myroplankton

5775. Neuston can be divided into two Epineuston & Hyponeuston

5776. The organism which is related to surface film is Neuston

5777. The organism related to above on surface water Epineuston

5778. The organism related to lower surface of water Hyponeuston

is called

5779. The peak season of plankton is Autumn (March) & Spring


5780. One peak of plankton is called Monocyclic

5781. Two peak of plankton & rang peak is called Dicyclic & Polycyclic

5782. The vertical movement of the plankton during Durinal movement

day time is

5783. The maximum pH of the water occurs during Mid day


5784. The minimum pH of the water occurs during the Early morning & late evening

5785. The term benthos was coined by Hutchinson (1967)

5786. Rooted at the bottom but other parts are Rhizobenthos

extended in the water

5787. Attached with substrates Haptobenthos/Periphyton

5788. Organism growing or moving through mud is Herpohenthos

5789. Boring in the substratum is Endobenthos

5790. Organism feeding on variety of food is Euryphagic

5791. Organism feeding on selected type of food is Stenophagic

5792. Organism feeding on single type of food is Monophagic

5793. For the study of Benthic organism the most Ekmans dredge (for soft bottom) &
commonly samplers used as Hardy or Petersons dredge (for
head bottom)

5794. Chlorophyceae commonly known as Green algae (biggest group)

5795. Bacillariophycese commonly known as Diatoms/Jewels of plant kingdom

5796. Myzophycese or cyanophyceae commonly Blue green algae

known as

5797. Phaenophycese commonly known as Brown algae

5798. Rhodophyceae commonly known as Red algae

5799. Mehod of isolation for algae Pipette method, photactic

movement, centrifuge method

5800. Media used for algae Scheibens medium

5801. Media for microalgae (Nanoplankton) Miquel media

5802. Media for phytoflagellates Nolneu media & con way media

5803. The life cycle of Rotifers have No larval stage

5804. Cladocerans have three major family Chydoridae, Bosomonidae &


5805. The members of cladocerons show a Cyclomorphis

phenomenon called

5806. Copepods is classified into three important Cydopoida, Calanoida &

families Harpacticoida

5807. Cyclops are Carnivore

5808. Mollusk are Filter feeder

5809. Lake is a microcosm according to Forbes (1887)

5810. The flow of energy is uninidirectional

5811. Thermal stratification does not occur in Lotic water

5812. Temporary to permanent thermal stratification Lentic water


5813. Productivity is low in Lotic water

5814. Productivity is high in Lentic water

5815. The flow of energy in lotic water is Heterotrophic

5816. The flow of energy in lentic water is Autotrophic

5817. Detritus food chain occurs in Lotic water

5818. Gravity food chain occurs in Lentic water

5819. Photosynthesis does not take place in Lotic water

5820. Photosynthesis takes place in Lentic water

5821. Brown water lake with low lime content & very Dystropic lake
high humus content is

5822. Animals which gain attachment or shelter Epizoans

without using the tissue of host organism as a
source of food is

5823. A series of wave from the some direction is Wave train

5824. The temperature differences within a layer of 1 Thermal gradient

cm thick is

5825. The ration between birth & death rate is Vital index

5826. The fish which receives injection is called Recipient fish

5827. The production at heterotophic level is Secondary production

5828. Rows of floating debris winged in the wind Wind row

direction is

5829. Wind row is due to Langmuir orculation

5830. Wave steepnes Wave height (H); Wave length (L)

5831. In the thoracic region of copepods, 5 pains of Swimming legs

appendages occur known as

5832. Zooplankton is an ideal food for Post larva of fish

5833. A special type of organ is present in all rotifers Corons

in the anterior region called as

5834. Zooplanktons comprises of three major groups Rotifer, Cladocera & Copepods

5835. Zooplankton was first studied by Leuweenhoek

5836. Area of sport fishing 8310 Km2

5837. Singhi is Omnivorous

5838. Magur is Carnivorous

5839. Tilapia & Gauramis are Herbivorous

5840. Tench (Tinco tinco) Omnivorous

5841. Milkfish, Pearl spot, mullet, Lady fishes are Herbivorous

5842. The largest marine gastropod is Conch

5843. The fishes migrating against the current is Contranatant


5844. The vertical water movement is called Convection

5845. The horizontal water movement is called Advection

5846. The forced vertical mixing is called Dynamic convection

5847. The formation of cyclone in atmosphere is Cyclogenesis


5848. The measurement of sounding of sound is called Decibel (dB)

5849. The spreading of sound waves between surface Cylindrical spreading

bottom is called

5850. The instrument used for measure of temperature Bathy thermograph

at different variations of depths called as

5851. Salinity of sea water is calculated by Chloronity

5852. The age class of a species is called Cohort

5853. Air mass boundary between cold & warm air in Cold front
which cold mass is pushing back the warm air is

5854. Full form of ABC is Acceptable Biological catch

5855. 1 Bar is equal to 750 mm of Hg.

5856. 1 Hb is equal to .750 mm of Hg

5857. When constant pressure & constant density are Barotrophic

identical is

5858. Both fykenet loop net and pound nets are Trap nets

5859. True teeth is present only in Elasmobranch

5860. C. carpio is a native fish of China

5861. Cray fishes are F/W Decapod crustraceans

5862. The largest of all Cray fishes is Astacopsis gouldi

5863. The largest invertibrate living in fresh water is Cray fish

5864. All species of Cray fish have tendency to Red clow

construct & burrow except

5865. Highest % of production of cray fish in the Louisisiana (USA)

world is

5866. The young Cray fishes moult in Ztozweeks ?

5867. The plague of Cray fish is caused by a Fungus (Aphanomyces astoci)

5868. Cray fish can be induced to moult by injection Ecdysial hormone


5869. The Riverine Research of Institute of India is West Bengal (Haringhata)

located in

5870. Silkworm pupae is a pupae of Tasar silk work

5871. The 1st country to develop technology of Brazil

hypophysation is

5872. Equal pressure refers to Isobars

5873. Equal temperature refers to Isotherm

5874. Equal salinity refers to Isohaline

5875. The organs which enable the fish to sense of Mechanoreceptor

currents is

5876. MLD stands for Integrated global ocean station


5877. Benthic organism buried in sediment is Infauna

5878. Routine of synoptic oceanography is Hydropsis

5879. Climatology of the oceans is Hydrocline

5880. Endothermal or warm blooded animal is called Homothermal

5881. Indjuk is a kind of a Fibre

5882. Bemax is a kind of a Rice bran

5883. An ecosystem containing all biota, environment Holistic ecosystem
& all essential processes within an ecosystem is

5884. Migrating along with the current is called Denatant

5885. Detritus are also known as Tripton

5886. Benthic organism living on the surface of sea Epifauna


5887. Fish hydrography is also called as Fisheries oceanography

5888. The fishes which like their life in moving fresh Fluvial
water is

5889. TSD stands for Temperature salinity depth


5890. Mobile with own power Vagile

5891. KBT or EBT stands for Expendable bathy thermography

5892. The sense of touching is Tectile sense

5893. The depth range where the sound speed is surface & SLD?
minimum & occurs between

5894. Response of the fish to current is called Rheotaris

5895. Minimum O2 layer is observed in Tropical seas

5896. Fresh water living salmon as anadromous trout Parr

is called

5897. The impounded walls just above dam is called Fore bay

5898. Spent phase of Salmon is called Kelt

5899. Newly hatched larvae of Trout & Salmon is Alavin


5900. Fertilized eggs of trout are Green egg

5901. An animal prefers to live in flowing water is Rheophilic


5902. The young of Salmon is called a Smolt

5903. Fishes that occur both in bottom & surface layer Benthopelagic
is called
5904. Newly emerged trout after complete absorption Swim-up try
of yolk is called

5905. Lake dwelling fishes are called Adjuvial

5906. Marker buoy with a flag pole is called Dhan

5907. Light gallow used for lifting life boat on desk is Davit

5908. CRT stands for Cathode Ray Tube

5909. Point cut is a Vertical cut

5910. Mesh cut is a Horizontal cut

5911. Span manila twines are called Ossels

5912. Bottom trawl is done by 2 seam net

5913. Mid water trawl is done by 4 seam net

5914. On sea bed, heavy gravels mingled with broken Shingle

shells called as

5915. In scandivanian a wing trawl is called as Vinge trawl

5916. VD gear stands for Viguiron Dahl gear

5917. A hybrid of circular & Raceway pond is called Foster – Lucos pond

5918. HWMOST stands for High water mark ordinary spring


5919. The portion of stream just below dam is called Tail race

5920. Nest of Salmonidae in gravels or stones called Redd


5921. The old name of a tapered part of a trawl net is Batings


5922. A loop of a rope is called Bight

5923. A bull trawl is a Japanese 2 boat trawl

5924. Independent wire is known as Pennant wire

5925. Mackerels are having no Air bladder

5926. LORON Long Range Radio Navigation

5927. The old practice of salting & icing of herring is Klondyking

5928. 3 leg knot or mesh knot with one bar broken is Halfer

5929. The larvae of porifera is Amphiblastula

5930. The larvae of Annelida (Neris) is called as Trocophore

5931. The larvae of Mollusca is called as Alochidium

5932. The larvae of Amphibia (Ambystoma) is called Axolotal


5933. The larvae of protochordata (Balanaglossus) is Tarnaria


5934. A mackerel is a Oceanodromous

5935. Zoea is having Thoracic propulsion

5936. Swim bladder inflammation is caused by a Virus

5937. The first brackish water form constructed in Tuticorin

India is

5938. The full form of SOFT Society of Fisheries Technologies

5939. Last larval stage in crustracean is Mysis

5940. Lab-lab is famous in Philippines

5941. Tai-air is famous in Indonesia

5942. Lumut is famous in Philippines

5943. Filamentous algae is Enteromorpha & Chactomorpha

5944. The eggs of Gouramy is Floating egg

5945. The eggs of Gold fish Adhesive egg

5946. The eggs of Angle fish is Adhesive egg

5947. Cat-fishes have Simple amino acid chain

5948. Marine fishes contain mainly n-3 fatty acids

5949. Antibody is absent in Crustaceans

5950. During maturity sea horse show Camouflage

5951. Most favourable food for aquarium fishes is Tubifex

5952. India’s 1st oceanographic research vessel is Gaveshani

5953. A crab which is considered as a living fossil is Horse shoe crab/King crab

5954. Mechanized boats in India is 147,000

5955. Motorized crafts in India is 36,000

5956. The most poisonous fish is Stone fish

5957. The most intelligent invertebrate is Octopus

5958. All sea snakes are Poisonous

5959. Traditional seine net in Kerala is called Thanguala

5960. Sea cucumber belongs to family Holothuridae & Stichopodidae

5961. The largest importer of sea-cucumber is China

5962. Beche-de-mer is also known as Trepany

5963. A sea cow which feeds on sea grass is Duogong (Dugon dugon)

5964. A plant like animals in the sea is Sea fan/Sea whip

5965. Manure cannon was described by Woynorovich (for uniform

spraying of Pig manure)

5966. Reservoir of Ganga river are Sardasagar, Nanaksagar, Matatila

& Rihand

5967. Reservior of Indus river is Govindsagar (Punjab)

5968. In Loktak there is formation of floating swamp Phundi

or mat known as

5969. Burnt or semiburnt vegetation is called Jhummy

5970. The recent proposed ancestor of Teleost is Leptolepis

5971. Single median external nostril is present in Agnatha

5972. A club shaped claspers on the head is found in Bradiodontidae

5973. A parasitic marine fish is Petromyzon marinus

5974. Summer sleep cacoon formation is found in Protopterus

5975. Protopterus belong to family Lepidoserinidae

5976. Mystus Tengra belong to family Bagridae

5977. The S.N. Name of Golden mahasheer Tor putitora

5978. The fish which breathes through skin is Amphipnous cuchia

5979. The author who wrote a book on the culture of ?

common carp is

5980. The pH value below which the fish cannot 4

survive is

5981. Whirling disease is caused by Myxosoma

5982. True crab comes under the sub-order Brachyura

5983. A weed fish is Esomus danricus

5984. Mohua oil cake contains Saponin

5985. Life span of frog is 10 years

5986. Life span of whole is 32 years

5987. Life span of Tortoise 152 years

5988. The specific gravity of fish 1.02 – 1.06

5989. The specific gravity of bone is 2.0

5990. Mud crab Hatchery located in Tamil Nadu

5991. Mussel hatchery is situated in Kerala (Kalias)

5992. Polyethylene webbing is used for Trawl net

5993. Nylon filaments are used for Gill net

5994. Echosounders have ultrasonic sound wave of 50 Khz

5995. CSMCRI (1962) stands for Central Salt & Marine Chemical
Research Institute

5996. The type of estuary not found in India is Fjord

5997. A foreign gene is a Transgenic gene

5998. Bombay duck fish distribution is Discontinous

5999. The national Maritime day is 5th April

6000. The world commission on ocean is located in Tokyo (1995)

6001. Under ICAR there are 40 Central Institute

6002. Under ICAR there are 4 National Bureau

6003. Under ICAR there are 30 National Research Centre

6004. Under ICAR there are 28 States of Agricultural University

6005. Under ICAR there are 4 Deemed University

6006. International year of the ocean is 1998

6007. IIOE (International Indian Ocean Expenditure) 1965

6008. Department of Ocean technology is situated in Delhi

6009. Algin extraction is done from Brown algae

6010. Agar extraction is done from Red algae

6011. Editor of fishing chimes is Dixitulu

6012. Maximum no of mud bank is situated in Kerala

6013. Minimum concentration of salt during canning 2%


6014. Wuchang fishery is situated in Kanya Kumari

6015. A false stomach is present in family Cyprinidae

6016. Bacterial dropsy is caused by Pseudomonas

6017. The largest brackish water lagoon is Chilka lake

6018. Point method was discovered by Hynes

6019. The optimum salinity requirement for larval 12-14 pH

survival is

6020. Carps egg are Demersal

6021. The best hatchery is Chinese hatchery

6022. For Malaria control the fish used is Mosquito Gambusia attinis

6023. Minimata disease is caused due to Hg poisoning

6024. Acid rain is Nitrous oxide

6025. For sea bass culture the secchidisc reading 25-40 cm

should be

6026. TED stands for Turtle excluder device

6027. Brackish water is Taiwan is known as Wun

6028. Brackish water pond of Indonesia for milk fish Tambak

culture is

6029. The biggest Reservoir in Rajasthan is Rang Prata Sagar (Chambal river)

6030. IRSS stands for Indian Remote Sensing Satellite

6031. The great burrier reef is situated in Australia

6032. Turtle culture first started in Thailand

6033. Convention on intervention trade of Endangered Vienna (Australia)

species (CITES, 1973) is in

6034. Pieces of Tuna with vegetable is called Sisma

6035. TRC stands for Tuticorin Research Centre

6036. Sponges are cultured in Minicoy island

6037. Cooperative Movement started in 1844

6038. Gill net is also known as Phasijal

6039. Encircling net is known as Berjal

6040. The ideal timber for construction of wooden Teak

craft is

6041. Sand paper disease is caused by Icthyophorus hofferi

6042. The 1st national Marine Park is Guly of Kutch

6043. The indicator species of SW Monsoon is Epinephalus dicanthus & Johnius


6044. Fish seed commitee was established in 1966

6045. IDRC stands for International Development

Research Centre


6047. Poly-(1,4) – N-acetyl-D-Glucosamine Chitin

6048. Poly- (1,4) – glucosamine Chitosan

6049. In chitin, acetamine group bond at position of Second carbon

6050. In chitosan, acetamine groups of chitin is Amino group

substituted by

6051. Chitin is present in marine invertebrates as Conjugated form

6052. Chitin is extracted from Shell of crustacean

6053. Second most abundant natural biopolymer Chitosan

6054. First step in production of chitin is Deproteinisation (NaOH 3%)

6055. Combined washing and extract of chitin Shrimp extract

production, which is concentrated as pasty form

6056. Second step of chitin production is Dechloronization [1.25 (N) HCl]

6057. Major mineral removed in de-mineralization of Ca & P


6058. Chitosan is a product of De-acetylization chitin (with


6059. Major use of chitin & Chitosan Water purifier & medicine

6060. Shark fin ray are used for preparing Soup

6061. Fin rays obtain from blue shark fin Dark yellow in colour

6062. Fin ray obtain from white shark fin Light yellow & transparent

6063. Among shark fin, preferred fin are Pectoral & Dorsal fin

6064. Shark fin rays is great demand particularly in China

6065. More preferred shark fin rays White

6066. Ratio of salt to fin, during dusting with salt 1 : 10

6067. Moisture content of shark fin < 10%

6068. Species used for manufacturing fin ray Hammer headed shark, Blue shark,
White shark, Tiger shark

6069. Hydrolysis of chitin with concentrated HCl Glucosamine hydrochloride


6070. Glucosamine hydrochloride is used for curing Osteoarthritis

6071. Chitin on carboxymethylation gives water Carboxy methyl chitin

soluble derivatives called

6072. In FPC (Fish Protein Concentrated) protein is More concentrate than original fish

6073. FPC of odourless, tasteless powder with FPC Type A

maximum total fat of < 0.75 percent is

6074. Fish meal made under hygienic condition FPC Type

6075. FPC powder with no specific limit on odour FPC Type B

with fishy flavour and maximum fat of 3% is

6076. Ideal FPC should be White

6077. Protein content of ideal FPC is 80%

6078. Fat content of ideal FPC is < 1% (i.e. 0.75%)

6079. Solvent used in FPC production is Ethanol

6080. Stage of FPC production are 1) Dehydration 2) Lipid extraction

6081. FPC Type A is Solvent extracted

6082. FPC Type B is Non extracted

6083. Fish meal is lack of Methionine & Tryptophane

6084. Amino acid that is lack in Cereal Lysine

6085. Amino acid that is limited in Milk & Meat Methionine

6086. FPC is mainly prepared from Lean fish

6087. Fortification rate of FPC to other food 5-10%

6088. FPC made of biological method (i.e. using Fish Protein Hydrolysate (FPH)
biological enzyme) is

6089. Physical method of FPC preparation is suitable Lean fish


6090. Physical method of FPC preparation is Incomplete

6091. FPC prepared by physical method is not free Fat & Odour

6092. FPC prepared by physical method have Short storage life

6093. Most effective method for FPC preparation Chemical method

6094. Total plate count (TPC) in FPC should not be More than 10000/gm
6095. Protein in 1 part of FPC is equivalent to 5 part of fresh fish

6096. Moisture content of FPC should be < 10%

6097. In Indian Process 0.5% acetic acid is used

6098. When FPC is prepared with acid & alkali, it is Deodorized meat
called partially hydrolysed

6099. When FPC is fortified in > 10%, it effect Basal metabolism

6100. Fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) prepared by Loss of nutritive value

Acid hydrolysis result in

6101. Most convenient & cheapest technique for Enzymatic hydrolysis

making FPH is

6102. Taste of protein hydrolysate Bitter

6103. Flavouring agent used in FPH Malt, cocoa, Sugar

6104. Most important hydrocarbon in shark liver Squalene (C30H50)

6105. Shark liver contain squalene in Unsaponifiable portion

6106. Squalene derive its name from Liver oil of Squalus sp

6107. Richest source of squalene in nature Deep sea shark liver

6108. Occurance of squalene was first reported by Tsujimoto (1906)

6109. First to recognized beneficial effect of squalene Ancient shogun of Japan

from liver of deep sea shark were

6110. Specific gravity of squalene 0.8559 at 650F

6111. Japanese used squalene for survival in sea & Samedawa


6112. Squalene is referred as “Miracle working shark Island of Micronesia

liver oil” in

6113. Spanish mariner called squalene as Aciete de bacalao or oil of the

great fish

6114. This squalene was recorded in china’s Honzokomuko

pharmaceutical book

6115. Fish which contain highest amount of squalene Blue dog fish

6116. Structural formula of squalene was given by Dr. Calour, Swiss Chemist
6117. Depth of sea where Dog shark live 3000 feet

6118. Ability of Dog fish shark in deep water Due to contents of squalene

6119. No. of oxygen reliant cell in human 6 bilion

6120. Indian shark which contain Squalene Centrophaus scalpraus

6121. Shark liver contain over 70% of Squalene In glassy white colour

6122. Squalene is a precursor of Synthesis of cholesterol

6123. Squalene is used as Treatment of cancer

6124. Squalene is also used as Antioxidant

6125. Squalene is used as Carrier of perfumes, for filling


6126. Ambergris is a product from Whole intestine (Sperm whole)

6127. Cholesterol in ambergris 80%

6128. Ambergris is formed in intestinal tract of sperm When it feed on Cuttle fish

6129. Poorest quality ambergris Black

6130. Good quality ambergris Soft, waxy & grey in colour

6131. Use of ambergris Use in perfumes

6132. Amount of Sarcoplasmic protein 20-30% of total muscle protein

6133. Sarcoplasmic protein is soluble in salt solution Low ionic strength ( = 0.05)

6134. Sarcoplasmic protein are Mostly enzyme

6135. Sarcoplasmic protein is rich in Tyrosine & Phenylalanine

6136. Sarcoplasmic protein is higher in Pelagic fish

6137. Coloured protein are Myoglobin & Cytochrome – C

6138. Molecular weight of Sarcoplasmic protein 4,00,000 – 7,00,000

6139. Major factor of sarcoplasmic protein Parevalbumin

6140. Heat stable Ca++ binding protein, acidic Parevalbumin

6141. Most important group of protein in fish Myofibrillar protein

6142. Group of protein responsible for texture of fish Myofibrillar protein

6143. Myofibrillar protein is soluble in Salt of high ionic strength

6144. Myofibrillar protein is accounts for 65-75% total protein in fish

6145. Most important biochemical characteristics of Its enzymatic reaction with

Myosin hydrolysis of ATP

6146. Enzymatic acitivity of Myosin in ATP Engelhardt et al. (1939)

hydrolysis is discovered by

6147. Main reaction in gel setting-aggregation of Protein interaction

myosin heavy chain by protein

6148. Gel forming ability of fish muscle is effected by Chain length of Myosin (Serine

6149. Thermal degradation of fish gel at temperature Modori phenomenon

above 60)C is called

6150. Actin accounts for 20% of total myofibrilar protein of


6151. Main reaction in muscle contraction Interaction of actin with myosin

6152. Relaxing protein Tropomyosin Troponin complex

6153. Tropomyosin was first isolated by Bailey (1948) from rabbit muscle

6154. Tryptophan is lacking in Tropomyosin

6155. Paramyosin is first discovered by Bailey (1956) in Molluscan muscle

6156. The unique properties of paramyosin X-ray diffraction pattern

6157. Paramyosin is also described as Tropomyosin A

6158. Trigger mechanism in muscle contraction is Tropomin with tropomyosin

formed by

6159. Troponin was first isolated by Ebasbi & Kodama

6160. Troponin acts as Ca++ binder

6161. Troponin does not bind directly to Myosin

6162. Protein responsible for joining the ends of actin -actinin

to the adjoining sarcomere

6163.  - component is isolated by Liwen lee & Shizuo Watanabe

6164. Connective tissue is insoluble in Salt solution, dilute acid & alkali

6165. Teleost muscle contain 3% stroma

6166. Elasmobranch contain 10% stroma

6167. Fish muscle stroma is constituted mainly by Collagen

6168. Collagen in fish muscle stroma is rich in Hydroxyproline

6169. Fish muscle collagen is noted for Easy gelatinization

6170. Protein on the outer side of muscle cell Stroma

6171. Elastic fibre in outer side of muscle cell contain Connection

6172. Fish muscle stroma is important for Role in gaping

6173. Phenomenon by which connective tissue Gaping

(Myocommata) fails to hold myotomes (muscle
Segment) together

6174. Gaping causes formation of slit in Fish fillets

6175. Gapping caused bad appearance to Frozen fish fillets

6176. Most notable change in frozen fish Development of tough texture

6177. Tough texture of fish muscle is due to Protein denaturation

6178. Amount of total water of muscle, tightly bound 4-5%

to muscle protein

6179. Fish muscle has the lowest water holding Isoelectric point of contractile
capacity (WHC) in protein (i.e. at pH 5)

6180. Breakdown of ATP release Ca++ ions

6181. Protein not effected significantly during Sarcoplasmic protein

freezing & frozen storage

6182. Slow freezing result in formation of Large ice crystal

6183. Slow freezing result in Greater damage

6184. Sarcoplasmic protein is higher in Red meat than white meat

6185. Protein affected most during frozen storage of Myofibrillar protein


6186. Main method for protein denaturation Solubility technique of Dyer et al.
6187. Measure of protein denaturation Loss of solubility

6188. Maximum protein damage in freezing observed 0 to –50C

when the temperature is

6189. Lipid hydrolysis is maximum when temperature 0 to –50C


6190. Lipid hydrolysis theory of protein denaturation Dyer (1951, 1953)

was suggested by

6191. Temperature upto which protein coagulation 550C

reaction dominate

6192. Polypeptide chain undergo on uncoiling in 55-600C

6193. Oxidation of - SH group & associated changes Above 700C

6194. Actin is more resistant to heat denaturation than Myosin

6195. Stablest form of myofibrillar protein Tropomyosin

6196. Heat denaturation of sarcoplasmic protein result Gel formation


6197. Sugar & amino acids reacts at above 800C Maliard reaction

6198. Mallard reaction result in Non-enzymatic browning

6199. Mallard reaction leads to Loss of nutritional quality of

product [Making Certain essential
amino acid unavailable)

6200. Richest source of energy Lipids

6201. Storage are mostly triglycerides which are refer Depot fat

6202. Most common fatty acid in fish lipid C12-C22 straight chain
monocarboxylic fatty acid

6203. Fish muscle are Cist configuration

6204. Distinctive features of fish lipid Fatty acid with 5 or 6 double bond

6205. Richest fatty acid in lipid of fish PUFA

6206. Odd nos. & branched chain are rare in Fish lipid

6207. Fish liver oil is rich in Vitamin A (also Vit. –D)

6208. Depot fat are mostly Triacyl glycerol or Triglyceride

6209. Phospholipids are mostly found in Cell membrane

6210. Major phospholipid in fish Phosphatidyl choline (50-60%)

6211. Indian fishes contain saturated fatty acid of 35-45% of total fatty acid

6212. Highest saturated fatty acid in Indian fishes Palmitic C16 : O

6213. Saturated fatty acid which are rare in fishes Below C12 & above C18

6214. MUFA in marine fishes 25%

6215. MUFA in f/w fishes 35%

6216. Two major MUFA of fish lipid Palmitoleic (C16 : 1n-7); Oleic (C18 :

6217. Triglycerides are rich in MUFA & saturated fatty acid

6218. Triglycerides are poor is PUFA

6219. Phospholipids are rich in PUFA

6220. Method used for lipid analysis Gas Liquid Chromatography

6221. MUFA content is low in Tropical fish lipids

6222. Fish lipid are beneficial to patient suffering Cardiovascular problem


6223. Atherosclerotic & Thrombatic problem can be Dietary fish lipid (high n-3 PUFA)
reduced by

6224. Lipid (high PUFA) reduce Serum cholesterol level

6225. PUFA are known precursor of Prostaglandin & Prostacyclin

6226. Prostaglandin Prevent blood clotting

6227. Fatty acid essential for development of nerve & C22 : 6n-3 docosahexacnoic acid
brain cell (PUFA)

6228. Fatty acid essential for proper functioning of C22 : 6n-3 docosahexacnoic acid
retina (PUFA)

6229. Enzyme which bring lipid hydrolysis Lipases

6230. Lipid hydrolysis result in Hydrolytic rancidity

6231. Major lipid oxidation product Malonaldehyde

6232. Accepted method for index of lipid oxidation Estimation of Malonaldehyde and
peroxide value
6233. Complex used in Malonaldehyde estimation Thiobarbituric acid (TBA)

6234. The word hormone is derive from Greek word “Horman” meaning
“To excite”

6235. Main function of hormone To be catalyse & control metabolic


6236. Enzyme acts on The site where they are produced

6237. Hormone are not used in The site where they are produce

6238. All enzyme are Protein

6239. Non protein components of cell, which acts as Co-enzyme


6240. If non-protein part is firmly attached to enzyme Prosthetic group

protein, they are called as

6241. If non-protein part of Co-enzyme is not attached Olfactory group

firmly in enzyme protein, they are called

6242. General test for carbohydrate Action of acid (HCl)

6243. Changes in specific rotation of optically active Mutarotation

solution without any change in other properties

6244. Interconvention of related sugar by dilute Van Ekenstein rearrangement

alakali is termed as Lobry de Bruyn

6245. When the first carbon at one of aldolase is Aldonic acid

oxidized by carboxyl group, it is

6246. When the terminal carbon atom of aldolase is uronic acid

oxidized by carboxyl group, it is

6247. When both the first & terminal carbon atom of Saccharic acid
aldolase is oxydase by carboxyl group, it is

6248. Glucose on reduction gives Sorbitol

6249. Fructose on reduction gives Sorbitol & Mannitol

6250. Process of confining the vibration of electroc Polarization of light

light to one direction

6251. Substances which confine the light in one Polaroid


6252. Device used to study optical activity of Polariscope (or Polarimeter)


6253. Handerson Haselbalch equation [H+] [A-]

K= (or)
Proton acceptor
PH = PK + log
Proton donor

6254. Major intracellular buffer Orthophosphate buffer

6255. Major extracellular buffer of blood & interstitial Bicarbonate buffer

fluid of vertebrate is

6256. Non-physiological buffer used in biochemistry Tris and heps


6257. Most important carbohydrates Glygose

6258. Compound with same structural formula but Stereoesomers

different configuration

6259. When a beam of light passes through optical Dextrorotatory isomerism

isomer and rotated to right, it is

6260. When a beam of light passes through optical Laboratory isomerism

isomer and rotated to left, it is

6261. The mixture (12 ampount of DL-isomers) which RACEMC (OM) DL-mixture
have no optical activity

6262. Carbohydrate matabolism Glycolysis

6263. Most abundant organic compound in the Carbohydrate


6264. Carbohydrate which cannot be hydrolysed into Monosaccharides

simpler form

6265. Glucose is also known as Dextrose

6266. Glucose, Galactose, Ribose, Xylose Monosaccharide

6267. Chief and product of digestion of ‘di’ and Glucose


6268. Carbohydrates which yield 2 or more Disaccharide

monosaccharide (10) on hydrolysis

6269. Sucrose (Table sugar), Lactose (Milk sugar), Disaccharides

Maltose (Malt sugar)
6270. Carbohydrates which yield > 10 Polysaccharide
monosaccharide on hydrolysis

6271. Starch, Dextrin Polysaccharide

6272. Storage form of carbohydrate in plant Starch

6273. Animal starch Glycogen

6274. Amino acid in protein link together by Peptide bond (Amide Linkage)

6275. Protein which on hydrolysis yield only Amino Simple protein


6276. Protein which on hydrolysis yield other organic Conjugated protein

or inorganic or inorganic components with
amino acid

6277. Protein with 2 or more polypeptide chain Oligomeric protein

6278. First amino acid isolated from protein Glycine obtained from Gelatin in
hydrolyzate 1820

6279. Non-protein amino acid -alanine, D-glutamic acid

6280. Building block of vitamin, pantothenic acid -alanine

6281. Applied Nutrition programme (ANP) started in 1966-67

6282. Total flow of saliva 1-1.5 lts/day

6283. Amylase is also called as Ptyaline

6284. Among body fluid lysozome is high in Tears

6285. Enzyme which help in lubricating the food & Mucin

further help in swallowing of food
6286. Gastric juice contents of HCl 0.45%
6287. Quality of gastric juice in adult 1500-2000 ml/day
6288. Inactive form of pepsin Zymogen 9also called pepsinogen)
6289. Disease caused by excess amount of fat soluble Vitaminosis
6290. Niacin deficiency can be avoided by feeding a Tryptophan
diet high in
6291. Biotin is made by Intestinal bacteria
6292. Vitamin C contain Cytochrome P450
6293. Vitamin which is most heat level Vit C

6294. Choline can be synthesized by animal if there is Methionine in diet


6295. Vit.-A, is common in Marine fishes

6296. Vit.-A2 is common in F/W fishes

6297. Dietary source of Vit-A -carotene

6298. Amount Vit-D, fishes can use only Vit-D3 (Cholecalciferol)

6299. Vitamin which is protected by heat Thiamine (Vit-B1)

6300. Bitot’s spot or keratomalacin Vit- A deficiency

6301. Phyrnoderma can be cured by Vit B complex

6302. Angular stomatitis is due to Vit B2 deficiency

6303. Beriberi is Vit-B, deficiency

6304. Pellagra Niacin deficiency

6305. Scurvy Shortage of fresh fruit &


6306. Osteomalacia is Calcium & Vit-D deciency

6307. Lathyrism (Cripple disease) Due to lathyru sativus plant

6308. Flourosis Consumption of water with high


6309. Ketonic Rancidity is caused by Aspergillus niger (fungus) &

Penicillium glaucum (Mould)

6310. Good source of natural nucleic acid & Milt of salmon


6311. Protamin from Salmon sperm Salmin

6312. Protamin from Herring sperm Clupein

6313. Protamin from Sturgeon sperm Sturin

6314. Protamin from Carp sperm Cyprinin

6315. Use of protamin Treatment of diabetis (with insulin)

6316. Streptogenin Growth promoting factor

6317. Streptogenin is refered as Protein utilisation factor

6318. Bile salt is produced in Liver

6319. Bile salt is concentrated in Gall bladder

6320. Sex-hormones are synthesized from Bile acid

6321. Shark leather are produced from Shark skin

6322. Roe, fish egg is also called as Cavior

6323. Most valuable roc comes from Sturgeon

6324. White fish roc is referred as Golden cavior

6325. Red salmon roc is marketed in Japan

6326. Capelin roe fishery from Scandinavia, export to Japan

6327. Roe contain 30% protein & 90 calories per


6328. Amount of cholesterol in undsaponifiable part 500% on an average

of salmon egg

6329. Beech-de-mer is a product from Sea cucumber (Holothorian)

6330. In India, Beech-de-mer product is packed in Gunny bag

6331. Fish meal is rich in b-complex vitamin

6332. Main mineral in fish meal are Calcium & phosphorus

6333. Unknown growth factor in rich in Fish meal

6334. In India, amount of catch consumed in fresh 67%


6335. Amount of catch used for fish meal production 30%

in world

6336. Fish soluble is obtained in which method of fish Wet reduction method
meal production

6337. Main raw material for fish meal Oil sardine (West coast)

6338. Indian Standard specification (IS) for fish meal Indian Standard Institute (1967)
as ivestock feed is brought by

6339. Protein content of fish meal 50-70% (60%)

6340. Moisture content of fish meal 6-10% (8%)

6341. Fat content of fish meal 5-10%

6342. Mineral contents of fish meal 12-33%

6343. Dry-reduction method of fish meal production Lean or non-oily fish

is for

6344. Wet reduction method (continuous method) of Oily or fatty fish

fish meal production is for

6345. Press liquor of fish meal in its residual is Stick water

6346. Stick water and suspended solids Fish soluble

6347. Most often limiting amino acid in fish Methionine

6348. Method used for measuring unknown growth Pepsin digestibility method &
factor in fish meal chick assay method

6349. Fish meal are made palatable for human Butter – milk
consumption by

6350. The word Rigor mortis is taken from Latin word

6351. Rigor mortis determine Spoilage in freshly caught fish

6352. Rigor mortis usually develop within 1-7 hrs after death

6353. Rigor mortis process quicker in Active fish

6354. Oxidation of every molecule of Glucose result 3b molecule of ATP

in synthesis of

6355. Break down of glucose after death is Anaerobic breakdown

6356. Greater struggling of fish Lesser glycogen reserve (Rapid

onset of rigor mortis)

6357. Our knowledge on rigor mortis is based on the Bate Smith & Bendall (1956)
study of

6358. Ultimate and product of ATP break down Urea

6359. Fish is considered spoiled when the value of 8 micro moles/gm

hypoxantene is

6360. Break down of IMP to hypoxanthene is slow in Enzyme hyoxanthene

some fishes due to phosphoribosyl transferases

6361. K-value is used as Index of freshness of fish

6362. K-value method is proposed by Saito et al. (1959)

6363. K-value is calculated from the value of Hypoxanthene, ionosine & total

6364. Freshly caught fish have K-value of 0

6365. Moderate quality fish have K-value of 10-20

6366. Spoiled fish have K-value of 90

6367. Bacterial load in skin of fish 103-105 nos/cm2

6368. Bacterial load in gills of fish 104 – 106 nos/gm

6369. Bacterial load in gut content 105 – 108 nos/gm

6370. Freezing of fish caused death of bacteria to an 60 to 90%

extent of

6371. Survivors of freezing of fish are mainly Gram +ve bacteria

6372. Hypoxanteene content of muscle increase on Storage of fish

6373. Objective test of quality of fresh fish Estimation of hypoxanthene

6374. Form of food poisoning caused by histamine Scombroid poisoning

6375. Symptoms of Scombroid poisoning Facial flushing, rashes, headache

gastro-intestinal disorder

6376. Level of TMA in fish which is acceptable 1.5 mg of TMA nitrogen per 100
gm of fish

6377. Level of TMA in fish which is too spoiled 10-15 mg TMA nitrogen per 100
gm of fish

6378. Level of total volatile Bases (TVB) of good 35 –40 mg/100 gm

quality fish

6379. Level of Total volatile Bases (TVB) of inedible 50-70 mg/100 gm


6380. Oxidative rancidity in fish is determined by Estimation of peroxide value (PV)

6381. Fish smell rancid when peroxide value is > 20

6382. Good quality fish should have PV of < 10

6383. Media used in total plate count (TPC) of ocean Sea water Agar (SWA) media
fresh fish
6384. Media used in TPC of process fishery product Tryptopan Glucose best extract
Agar (TCA) media

6385. Bound water in fish muscle are removed by Humectant

6386. Important humectant Salt, sorbitol, Glycerol, sugar, salt


6387. Amount of water which support microbial Water acidity


6388. Pure water has water activity of 1

6389. Water activity (aw) Vapour pressure of solution

Vapour pressure of solvent
6390. Bacterial growth is inhibited at ‘aw’ of 0.9

6391. Fungal growth is inhibited at aw of 0.63

6392. Moisture content of Intermediate Moisture Food 20-40%


6393. ‘maw’ of Intermediate Moisture Food (IMF) 0.85-0.75

6394. Pioneer of Water activity (aw) Scott (1936)

6395. Case hardening happen in Fish drying

6396. Case hardening occur when humidity of Too low

surrounding is

6397. Bacteria which survive when aw is below 75% Halophilic bacteria

6398. Commercial aw meter LLUFT

6399. Instrument for measuring humidity Hygrometer

6400. Instrument which gives accurate result for Vaisala Humicap (Electric
research purpose hygrometer) give within 30 mins

6401. Instrument for measurement of high level of aw Aqualab CX2 water Activity Meter
in food (Dewpoint Instrument)

6402. A curve in which Moisture content is plotted Sorption Isotherm

against aw at particular temperature

6403. Sorption Isotherm give Sigmoid curve

6404. Amendment of irradiated food product act was 1994

introduced in India in
6405. First radiation in India was done to inhibit Nasik (Maharastra)
sprouting of potato & Onion in

6406. Wave length of Ionization radiation < 20000 K

6407. Radiation process of food is also called Cold sterilization

6408. Irradiated product recommended as safe for 10 kilo gray

human consumption is having

6409. Prevention of food Adulteration (PF) was 9th August 1994

amended in

6410. Low dose radiation (0.3 – 0.15 K Gy) is for Inhibition of sprouting of potato &

6411. Medium dose radiation (1-3 K Gy) is for Inhibition of Microorganism

6412. High dose radiation (20-70 K Gy) is for Sterilization of hospital accessories

6413. Vitamin sensitive to radiation Vit-B1 & C

6414. Vitamin stable on radiation Vit B2 & D

6415. Vitamin relatively sensitive to radiation Vit A, E, K

6416. Radiation is done by using Gamma, X-ray

6417. Energy source for radiation Cobalt 60 & Cesium 137

6418. Cobalt 60 release 2 gamma ray

6419. Cesium release Gamma & beta ray

6420. Energy level of electron beam for food 10 million electron Volt (MeV)

6421. Energy level of X-ray for food irradiation 5 McV

6422. Most important process by which gamma & X- Compton scattering

ray interact with matter

6423. Electron ejected in Compton scattering Compton electron

6424. S.I. unit of Irradiation dose Gray (Gy)

6425. Most sensitive vitamin to irradiation Vit-B1 (Thiamine)

6426. Which type of bacteria is more sensitive to Gram –ve bacteria (Salmonella &
irradiation Shiegella)

6427. Most radiation sensitive cell of bacteria Vegetative Cell

6428. Dose required to kill 90% of bacterial D10 value
population is express as

6429. Medium use for determination of radiation Trypticase Say Broth Medium
resistancy of bacteria (Listeria monocytogenes) (TSB)

6430. Most resistant group of micro-organism Virus

6431. Dose of radiation to control Mould in dried fish 3-5 K Gy

6432. Dose of radiation to disinfect the fishery 0.25 to 1 K Gy

product (dried) from insect pest

6433. Group of micro-organism mostly responsible Gr-ve bacteria

for spoilage of fishery product

6434. Irradiation for extension of shelf life of fishery Radurization

product in ice or refrigeration

6435. Radurization is done in the dose of 1-3 K Gy

6436. Two irradiation plant in India Nasik (maharastra) & Bhaba

Atomic Research Centre (BARC)

6437. Dose which completely eliminate Salmonella 4 K Gy

from frozen prepackaged shrimp

6438. Sanitization of frozen product by eliminating Radiation

pathogenic organism by radiation

6439. Radiation sterilization of thermal canning in Radappertization

achieving shelf stability of process product at
ambient temperature

6440. IQF product is radiated at a dose of 25 Kg which removed the off-


6441. Hot smoking is done at a temperature range of 30-800C

6442. Cold smoking is done at a temperature range of 18-300C

6443. Most important contents of wood Carbonyl (give colour, flavour,


6444. Most common & simplest alcohol in wood Methanol (carrier of volatile

6445. Types of hydrocarbon present in wood Polycyclic hydrocarbon

6446. Carcinogenic hydrocarbon in wood Benzpyrine & Dibenzanthracine

6447. In liquid smoking Citric acid/Vinegar is used

6448. Type of smoking in modern smoking plant Liquid smoke

6449. Cold smoke fish has a shelf life of 7 days in 250C & 6 months in 300C

6450. Hot smoked product has shelf life of 6 month in ambient temperature

6451. Masmin is smoke cured product of Lakshadweep & Maldives

6452. Raw material of Masmin Tuna fish

6453. Colour of Masmin Brown to black (mostly brownish)

6454. Two trade mark herring marinades in Europe Bismark herrings & rollmops

6455. Columbo curring is a method practiced in South Canara & Malabour of


6456. Columbo curing is Marinated product

6457. Columbo curing derive its name As it was exported in Colombo, Sri

6458. Preservative used in Colombo curing Tarmarind (Garcinia cambogia)

6459. Fishes mostly used in Colombo curing Mackerel & Sardine (Fatty fishes)

6460. Coating of fish product (ovary food) Enrobing

6461. Coating material (most common) Carboxy- Methylhemicellulose

(also egg yolk)

6462. Dark band of muscle A band (Anistropic to polarized


6463. Light band or muscle I band (Isotropic to polarized light)

6464. A bond contain Myosin filament (1200A thick &

1.8  long)

6465. I band contain Actin filament (600A thick & 1 


6466. I band is divided by Z band (krausl’s membrane)

6467. A band is divided by H band (Hansen line)

6468. Middle lighter region of A-band H-zone

6469. Antibiotics was first used in fish in 1980’s

6470. Safest technology of preservation of food by Probiotics

6471. Homofermentative lactic acid Bacteria End product is only Lactic acid &
alcohol (Ex-lactobacillus)

6472. Heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria End product is alcohol with CO2,
water & others (Ex-leuconostoc)

6473. In preservation, probiotic effect is attain when 108 cell/me

concentration of lactic Acid Bacteria is

6474. Enteric disease caused by Clostridium Botulism (toxin is – Botulinin)


6475. Class – I preservative Not harmful (Ex. Salt)

6476. Class – II preservative Harmful effect (Ex-Benzoic acid)

6477. Natural preservative Vit-E & Vit-D

6478. Synthetic preservative TBHQ, BHT, PG, BHA

6479. Electrostatic smoking develop in Soviet union (by kieve fish

packaging plant in 1937)

6480. In every 100C increase in temperature of food, ½ to 1/3

the chemical reaction can be brought down from

6481. Belly burst occur in Fatty fish (due to self digestion)

6482. Amount of unfrozen water when the freezing 20% (8% unfrozen when
temperature is –5 C temperature is –300C)

6483. Thermal arrest period/Maximum ice -10C

crystallization zone temperature is

6484. Rate of Slow freezing 2 mm/hr

6485. Rate of quick freezing 5-30 mm/hr

6486. Rate of rapid freezing 50-100 mm/hr

6487. Rate of ultra rapid freezing 100-1000 mm/hr

6488. Ice crystal location in slow freezing Extra cellular

6489. Ice crystal location in rapid freezing Extra cellular & Intracellular

6490. A type cell damage (3-4 big crystal) in Air blast freezer at –300 to –350C
6491. A-type cell damage occur when time taken to 40 minutes
reduce temperature from 0 to 50C is

6492. B-type cell damage occur when freezing is 80-85 mins (One ice crystal)

6493. C-type cell damage occur when freezing time is > 90 mins. (extracellular ice

6494. Freezing temperature for food -10 to –80C

6495. Freezing temperature for common vegetable -0.90 to –2.80C

6496. Freezing temperature for fruit -0.8 to –2.80C

6497. Depression of freezing point is proportionate to Raout law

the solute density

6498. Depression of freezing point is influence by True solution of food

6499. Lowest possible freezing point where maximum Eutectic point/cryohydric point
solidification take place

6500. Index of freezing grade MIC Zone

6501. Air blast freezer is Slow process of freezing

6502. Air blast freezer is also called Tunnel freezer

6503. Speed range air circulation in air blast freezer 3-8 m/second

6504. Most ideal speed 5 m/second

6505. Time taken in air blast freezer 6-8 hrs

6506. Temperature maintained in air blast freezer - 350C (-230 to –300C)

6507. Plate freezer is Compact system

6508. Temperature in plate freezer is maintained at -400C

6509. Time taken for freezing in plate freezer 2-2½ hrs.

6510. IQF product is made from Fluidized Bed Freezer (FBF)

6511. Bed in Fluidized Bed Freezer 1-5 inches

6512. Air velocity in Fluidized Bed Freezer 375 ft/min

6513. Temperature in Fluidized Bed Freezer -350C

6514. Liquid immersion Freezer NaCl

6515. Eutectic point of NaCl -210C

6516. For freezing of fish, freezer with operational -400C is used


6517. Recommended level at which the temperature -300C with interior part of –200C
of fish should be brought down is

6518. Recommended cold storage temperature for -300C

frozen fish

6519. Cold storage of India are maintained at –20  20C

Temperature of

6520. A point within the product which has warmest Thermal Centre
temperature at the end of freezing

6521. Condition at which no heat is either added or Adiabatic condition (use of

abstracted from environment Insulated container)

6522. Water content of fish flesh 70-80%

6523. Temperate at which freezing start Cryoscopic temperature (< 00C)

6524. Cryoscopic temperature for lean fish -10C

6525. Freezing rate of Bulk freezing in batch air blast 1 mm/hr


6526. Freezing rate of Quick freezing in tunnel air 3-15 mm/hr

blast freezer

6527. Freezing rate of Plate freezer 12-25 mm/hr

6528. Freezing rate of quick freezing in continous air 15-20 mm/hr

blast freezer

6529. Freezing rate of liquefied gases 30-100 mm/hr

6530. International Institute of Refrigeration was set 1986

up in

6531. Recommended storage temperature for fatty fish -300 (-230F)

6532. Recommended storage temperature for frozen -240C

shrimp & lean fish is

6533. Blanching is done at a temperature of Between 850C (1850F) – 1000C


6534. Application of layer of ice to frozen fish Glazing (0-30C)

6535. Ideal size of product for contact freezer <60 mm thickness

6536. Freezer used for producing frozen block product Plate freezer

6537. Freezer used for small layer of paste on fish Band freezer
fillets (Thickness 15 mm) is

6538. Liquid paste are frozen in Drum freezer

6539. Rotary freezer is mostly used in Commercial sea food processing

6540. Air blast freezer use Freon & Ammonia

6541. Freezer used for making IQF in sea food Belt freezer
processing Industries

6542. Freezer used in fishing vessel Immersion freezer (for tuna)

6543. Liquid Nitrogen freezer is also called Cryogenic freezer

6544. Process of removal of water by sublimation Freeze drying

from frozen food under vacuum is

6545. Water boils at 1 atmospheric pressure (Bar)


6546. Point where, ice (solid) water & vapour (gas), Triple point of water
three stages of water are in equilibrium

6547. Temperature at Triple point of water is 00C (0.006 bar)

6548. Most critical phase of freeze drying Triple point of water

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