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6526. If the temp. of fish raised, micro- Totally inhibited

organism can be

6527. Benefactor of Humanity Nicholas Appert (French


6528. Method of canning was inverted by Nicholas Appert (1809)

6529. Nicholas Appert called his invention as The Art of Appertising

6530. Head space of can should be 6-9 mm (5-7.5 mm)

6531. Most common additive in canned fish Brine

6532. Best and most reliable way of producing Pleat exhausting

necessary vacuum in fish cans

6533. Average temperature for sealing heat 60-700C

exhausted can

6534. Loading in cans is done using Embossing machine

6535. Sealed cans are washed (can washing) at Hot detergent (1-1.5%
about 800C by sodium polyphosphate)

6536. Most important bacteria in canning Clostridium botulinum

6537. Most common and oldest type of retorting Batch retort

method in heat processing canned food

6538. Period of storage of cans before marketing 1-3 months

6539. Most desirable storage temp. for cans 100C

before marketing

6540. Spoilage in quality, or accelerated Stack burning

corrosion as a result of retention of heat in
the stack of can for long period is

6541. Container used by Nicholas Glass container

6542. Most popular container used for cans Tinplate

6543. Composition of tin plate 98% steel & 2% tin

6544. Thickness of steel plate 0.19 to 0.3 mm

6545. Thickness of tin coating is express as gm/sq.m (GSM)

6546. Same tin coating thickness on either Even coating



6547. Most commonly employed types of Differential coating


6548. Which side of surface is given higher Food contact side


6549. Recommended differential tin coating for D11-2/5.6’

fish can

6550. Same coating thickness on either side is E

denoted as

6551. Types of lacquer used (1) Acid resistant (AR) – for


6552. (2) Sulphur resistant (SR) –

for Meat, Milk, Fish

6553. Lacquering is done Before tin is cut & made into


6554. Most common lacquers used for fruit can Oleoresinous lacquer

6555. Most common lacquer used for fish can Oleoresinous C-enamels

6556. Synthetic lacquer used are Phenolic, epoxy, vinyl or

6557. Colour of can provided by Oleoresinous Gold colour
6558. When lacquer is used without added R (regular) or F (Fruit)
pigment, it is called enamel
6559. When Zincoxide is added (to 10-20%) to C (corn) enamel
oleoresin, it is called as
6560. Ideal container for beer & soft drinks Vinyl lacquer
6561. Sealing compound largely used in food Solvent based lining
can compounds
6562. Which part of can cause rotation of can Chuck
while seaming
6563. Two piece can are called Drawn
6564. Drawn & wall ironed (DWI) can was first Alluminium
developed with
6565. Most important & most extensively used Allunimium


alternate to tinplate is

6566. Most commonly used Alluminium Alluminium alloyed with


6567. Aluminium foil is used as a laminate with Thermoplastics

6568. Most commonly used Retort pouch 3-ply pouch

6569. In 3-ply pouch, barrier properties as Outer ply of polyester

mechanical strength is given by which ply

6570. In 3-ply pouch, protection from gas, light, Middle alluminium layer
water & adequate shelf life is provided by
which ply

6571. In 3- ply pouch, sealing medium is Innerpolyolefin film

provided by (polypropylene)

6572. Most easiest & common method to control Chlorination (4-5 ppm)
bacterial population is

6573. Most heat – resistant food poisoning Clostridium botulinum


6574. Principal organism responsible for “Flat Bacillus stearothermophilus

Sour” spoilage in low acid canned food (Aerobic spore former)

6575. Organism causing swell of cans Clostridium

(Anaerobic spore former)

6576. Organism most involve in spoilage of low Clostridium sporogenes

& medium acid food (Meat & fish)

6577. Heat-resistance of bacterial spores is At or near neutral pH


6578. Spores are less resistant to Moist heat that dry heat

6579. Spores are more resistant to heat when Fatty or oily media
they are in

6580. Bigelow & Esty method is also called Single tube method

6581. Method of Esty & William also called Estimating heat-resistance of

Multiple tube method is used for spores

6582. Townsend method of heat-resistant Thermal death time in raw


estimation is used to determine food product

6583. Stumbo method use Thermoresist meter design for

heat destruction studies in

6584. In Schmidt method, accurate measurement Thermocouple

of temperature is made using

6585. Change in temperature necessary to cause Z-value

ten fold change in D-value is

6586. Value of ‘Z’ for Clostridium botulinum is 100C

6587. C. botulinum spore Thermal Death Time 2.52 mins at 121.10C

(TDT) of

6588. 2.52 is Minimum botulinum cook

6589. Point of greatest temperature lag i.e. Cold point

Slowest heating point inside the container

6590. Time required to vent the retort & bring it Come up time
to the processing temperature

6591. A can showing bulged ends Swell or blower

6592. A can with permanently & firmly Hard swell

distended ends

6593. A bulged end of cans can remove with Soft swell

thumb pressure, but cannot be forced back
to original position

6594. A bulged end of cans can be forced back Springer

to original position but opposite end

6595. A can with normal appearance, but one Flipper

end flips out when it struck against solid

6596. Cans which swell as a result of hydrogen Hydrogen swell

formed due to internal corrosion

6597. With every 100C increase in temperature Doubled

the rate of oxidation of fat

6598. Vitamin which is stable to heat, but Riboflavin (Vit.-B2)


sensitive to light

6599. Bacterial flora of marine fishes Gram –ve, non-spore forming

(asporogenous) rod or cocci

6600. Bacterial flora of f/w fishes Gram +ve

6601. Bacteria which cause spoilage in ice Psychotrophs

storage of tropical fishes are

6602. Most resistant bacteria to action of Gram +ve cocci


6603. Most sensitive bacteria to freezing Salmonella typhimurium

6604. What bacteria is more resistant to freezing Gram +ve bacteria

& frozen storage

6605. Rational method of prevention of food HACCP

borne disease

6606. Practical implementation of HACCP Codex Alimentarius

system in food industry is encouraged by commission (CAC) in 1991

6607. HACCP was set up in 1993 (WHO)

6608. Two types of bacterial food-borne disease Intoxication & Infection

6609. Intoxication is due to Ingestion of food containing

pre-formed bacterial toxins

6610. Infection is due to Ingestion of food containing

viable cells

6611. Paratytic Shell fish poisoning (PSP) is due Saxitoxin (produced by algae
to Alexandrium)

6612. Toxin in Ciguatera poisoning is produced Green algae

6613. Neurotoxic shell fish poisoning (NSP) is Brevetoxin produced by red
caused by (Gambierdiscus toxicus) tide algae (Gymnodinium
6614. Amnesic shell fish poisoning (ASP) is Algae (Nitzchia pungens)
caused by producing domoic acid
6615. ASP was demonstrated in Canada in 1990 to cause


6616. Diarrhetic shell fish poisoning (DSP) is Okaolaic acid and/or

caused by dinophysis toxin produce by

6617. Word Clostridium means Spindle – like

6618. Type of C. perfringens which cause food Type A

poisoning in man

6619. C. perfringens Type C cause severe food Enteritis necroticans

borne disease of

6620. C. perfringens Type C was first isolated Home canned rabbit in

from Germany

6621. Mortality rate of C. perfringens Type C is 35-40%

6622. Most dangerous food intoxication Botulism (by C. botulinum)

6623. Most common cause of human botulism C. botulinum Type A

6624. C. botulinum Type E is associated with 1936

fish & fishery product and first isolated in

6625. C. bolulinum do not produce toxin in pH of < 4.5

6626. Sausage industry (Technology) started in Japan (1953)

6627. Paste product & sausage technology was Kamoboko


6628. Form of packaging material for sausage Rubber hydrochloride

product during pre-world war II

6629. Stuffing machine for sausage Hand stuffer, Air/oil press

types Semi-automatic, Fully

6630. Casing is of two types Natural & synthetic casing

6631. Natural casing (1) Reconstituted collagen

casing (animal protein from
animal bone)

(2) Collulose casing (Plant


(3) Fibrous casing (Plant



6632. Sausage are mostly stuffed with Synthetic casing

6633. Synthetic casing (1) Kurehalon (polymerized

compound of vinyl chloride
& vinylidine chloride)

(2) Saran (PVC-polyvinylide


(3) Ryphan (Rubber chloride)

6634. Best synthetic casing material Ryphane (but give chlorine


6635. Most important ingradient added to Starch

sausage product

6636. Extraction of myosin from fish meat with Sol

salt is called

6637. 1 molecular wt. of NaCl is equal to 5.8 gms of meat

6638. Best dose of salt addition in sausage 2.5%

6639. Elasticity of fish meat is maximum at 7.3-7.5

6640. Most impt. factor effecting elasticity of Myosin globular protein

fish meat (MGP)

6641. Chemical used for treating spices Ethylene oxide

6642. Spices extracted with alcohol & acetone Oleoresin

are called

6643. Oleoresin are coated with Arabic gum

6644. Most important taste enhancer used in Monosodium glutamate

sausage (Succinates, Nucleotide also

6645. Stage of starch, when heated to Dextrinished starch (Viscous

temperature of 70-750C is in nature)

6646. Viscosity of starch is maximum in 88-900C

6647. Most important colour in sausage Red (orange)?

6648. Red colour iso-electric point of fish 5 to 6

6649. Book published by Appert The Art of preserving all


kinds of Animal & vegetable

substances for several years

6650. Use of tinplate canister was introduced by Peter odum

6651. Double seaming method of canning was Charles Ams & Max Ams
developed by (USA)

6652. Most common method of filling of can Vegetable oil pack

6653. Different cans based on acidity (Bigelow (1) Non acid food (pH –
& Cameron, 1932) above 6)

(2) Semi acid food (pH – 4.5

to 6)

(3) Acid food (pH – less than


6654. First seaming operation of cans is Clinching

6655. Closed air-tight cans are called Hermatically sealed cans

6656. Most advanced stage of cans swell Hard swell

6657. Most common chemical method of Estimation of TMA

assessing quality of fish

6658. Paper pulp for packaging is produced Wood chips by acid or

from alkaline hydrolysis

6659. Kraft paper is made from Sulphate pulp

6660. Grease proof paper is from Sulphate pulp

6661. Grease proof paper is from Glassine

6662. Thick paper is called Paper board

6663. Paper board are used for Carton marking

6664. First commercial film Cellophanes

6665. Cellophanes is manufactured from Highly purified cellulose

derived from bleaching
sulphate pulp

6666. Most commonly used packaging material LDPE

6667. LDPE has resistance temperature between 400C to 850C


6668. Material consumed in largest quantity by Polyethylene (Polythene, PE)

packaging industry

6669. Density of LDPE 0.916 to 0.925 gm/cm3

6670. Density of HDPE 0.95 gm/cm3

6671. LDPE produced by low pressure method Linear low density

polyethylene (LLDPE)

6672. Polypropylene (PP) is produced by Polymerization of propylene

6673. Polystyrene is manufactured from Ethylene & Benzene

6674. Condensation product of di-acid & Polyamide (Nylon)


6675. Most commonly used film Polyester

6676. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) is made by Addition of reaction between

Acetylene & Hydrochloric

6677. Mostly commonly used PVC type Ester of phthalic acid ?

6678. Aluminium foil is generally used as Inner layer

6679. Thickness of Aluminium foil 0.006 inches

6680. Most common method for manufacture of Adhesive lamination


6681. Storage using high pressure system Hyperbaric storage

6682. Most functionally effective film for 10 micron biaxially oriented

packaging of IQF product polypropylene (BOPP)

6683. Japaneses term for mechanically deboned Surimi

fish mince from white flesh of fish

6684. Basic raw material for fish sausage Surimi

6685. Processed item presented in ‘Ready to Fish curry

serve’ style

6686. Chitin/Chitosan are packed with HDPE woven gusseted bag

laminated with 100 gauge



6687. Traditionally shark fin are packed with Jute sacks

6688. Modern packing material for shark fin HDPE woven sack or
polypropylene woven sack

6689. Fish curry is packed with Thermoformed tray made of

polystyrene or PVC

6690. Short term storage material for fish Duplex carton lined with
sausage plastic film

6691. Amount of fish catch consumed as cured 20% of total catch


6692. Method of fish curing is developed by CIFT, Cochin

6693. Curing type, in which body fluid is Kench curing

allowed to drain off

6694. Curing type, in which body fluid is not Pickle curing

allowed to drain off

6695. Moisture content of Bombay Duck 85-90%

6696. Most common bettle in India Dermestens after

6697. Most common Mites in India Lardoglyphus sp & Suidasia


6698. Quality standard for cured fish product Bureau of Indian Standard
was set up by (BIS)

6699. India export fish pickles to Middle East

6700. Pickle are exported in Sealed glass or plastic bottles

6701. Most popular fermented fish product Fish sauce

6702. In china, fish sauce are called Yu-lu

6703. In Vietnam, fish sauce are called Nuoc-man

6704. In Malaysia fish sauce are called Budu

6705. Thailand fish sauce are called Nampla

6706. In Philippines fish sauce are called Patis


6707. In Japan fish sauce are called Shottu Suru

6708. Salt content of fish sauce 20-30%

6709. Fermented fishery product is very popular South-East Asia


6710. Fish sauce is mainly exported to Europe & America

6711. Salted & Brine Cured fish is called -

Marinated fish

6712. Oldest method of fish preservation Preparation of Marinated fish

6713. Marinated fish is delivered in South – East Asia

6714. Marinated roasted fish is popular in China

6715. Marinated hard dried product Fish satay

6716. Deboning device used for mating minced Badder 694


6717. In India, block frozen fish mince is Integrated Fisheries Project ,

marketed by Cochin

6718. Surimi is usually prepared from Alaska Pollack

6719. Fish sausage is popular in Japan

6720. Excellent raw material for sausage Alaska Pollack & Threadfin
production bream

6721. Packaging material for fish sausage Polyvinylidiene chloride

6722. Earlier packaging material AF-2 (banned in 1974 by


6723. Voltage used in electrostatic smoking 40,000 volt

6724. Smoke in a smoking kiln is termed as Aerosol

6725. Size of solid smoke 10-5 to 10-7 cm

6726. Size of liquid smoke 10-3 to 10-5 cm

6727. All the smoke are +vely charged

6728. Colour of electrostatic smoke product Golden colour


6729. Most active antioxidant of wood Vinylpolyhydroxyphenol

6730. Highest antioxidant actively is exhibited 4-methyl syringal & 4-vinyl

by syringal

6731. Component of wood which is most Phenolic component

important in imparting smoke flavour

6732. Most carcinogenic component of wood 3,4-benzopyrene

6733. Smoke constituents are more concentrated Surface of meat (60 mg/100
at gm of fish)

6734. Smoke constituent in Centre of meat 2 mg/100 gm of fish

6735. Fermented fish product of Thailand Pedah-Siam

6736. Fermented fish product of Burma Ngapi

6737. Fermented fish product of Malaysia Belachan

6738. Fermented fish product of Philippines Bagoong

6739. By-product obtained during bagoong Patis


6740. Fermented fish paste of Thailand Karapi

6741. Fermented fish sauce of Cambodia & Nuoc-man


6742. Fermented fish sauce of Thailand Nam-pla

6743. Best fish sauce is prepared from Anchovy


6744. Brown mussel Perna indica (Green): P. viridis

6745. Mussel filter water at the rate of 3L/hour

6746. A mature mussel can released 15 million eggs

6747. Induced breeding of mussel can be done thermal shocking &

by shaking ?

6748. Optimum size of spat for seeding 20 to 35 mm

6749. Bouchet culture was first devised by Patrick Walton


6750. Culture of mussel most suitable in India Raft culture


6751. First mussel raft was used in Spain

6752. Crops of mussel which can harvest in a 2 to 3 times


6753. World mariculture production is growing 5 to 7% annually

@ of

6754. Crabs are exported to other countries Madras port


6755. Groundwork for culture of crab has been Org kak sin
laid by

6756. S. serrata Mud crab or green crab

6757. Crabs are Omnivores

6758. Largest edible crab of Indian water S. serrata (weighs – 2 kg)

6759. Substance release by female crab to attract Pheromone

6760. Major problem in crab rearing Cannibalism
6761. Crab larvae exhibit strong Positive phototropism
6762. Out of total aquaculture production Over 35%
mollusc accounts
6763. Oysters are Protandrous
6764. Larval development of oyster takes upto 3 weeks
6765. Discovery of oyster spat settle on upright Japanese, Gorohachi Kooshiya,
bamboo stakes 1673
6766. Stone bridge method of oyster is practiced China
6767. Ocean pond 9.3 ha body of brackish water
connected to the sound by a
narrow channel
6768. Hatchery culture of oyster was first started W.K. Brooke, 1879
6769. Commonly used oyster hatcheries Wells-Glancy method Milford
technique method


6770. Dry measure of weight having 8 gallons Bushel = 35.2 l


6771. Chemical used for treating fouled oyster Victoria blue B

6772. Chief predator of oyster Oyster drills & star fish

6773. Most sophisticated & productive oyster Japan


6774. Most wide cultured species of oyster Crassostrea gigas (Pacific


6775. Long-line culture of oyster first introduced Japan, 1947


6776. Largest pearl oyster Pinctada maxima

6777. Costliest pearl oyster P. margaritifera

6778. Best pearl in the world is found in Gulf of Mannar (Orient pearl)

6779. Pearl oyster bed are call Paars

6780. Pearl oyster bed found in Gulf of kutch Khaddas

6781. Gave the method of formation of pearl Tokichi Nishikawa

6782. Emperical formula of phytoplankton C106N15Si40P

6783. Mother of pearl Nacreas (Calcium carbonate )

6784. India’s continental shelf 51200 km2

6785. Sea weeds are grown abundantly in T.N. & Gujarat

6786. Abundant large sized sea weeds Aquatic forest

6787. P.C. used of sea weed for chemical 50% (by wt.)

6788. Other name of Porphyra Laver (Eup, America), Nori


6789. Porphyra : Carpospore/terarpore Monospore – Plumule

6790. Laminaria joponica Kombu (Hadai in China)

6791. Stone casting System practise for bottom


culture of Laminaria

6792. Fast & efficient method of zoospore Dark dry technique

collection of Laminaria

6793. Types of integrated farming Horizontal & vertical

6794. Cage culture was & started (200 yrs back) Kampuchia (Vietnam)

6795. First species cultured in cage Cat fishes (in bamboo busket)

6796. First purposeful culture of carp In River Yamuna (1976)

6797. Size range of cage 1 to 100 m2

6798. 3 side are enclosed & 4th side is land mass Pen

6799. 3 sided water culture system Ranches

6800. Metabolites secreted by algae around its Allelopathy

surrounding hampering growth of other

6801. Most suitable dimension for cage Circular cage

6802. Species in cage culture : US Cat fishes

6803. Far east Milk fish

6804. Germany Salmon

6805. Netherland Trout

6806. Economical species of bamboo 20 to 30 nos. (out of 1000 spp)

6807. Life span of bamboo F/w – 12 to 18 months
M/w – 18 to 24 months
6808. Integrated farming is based on concept “There is no waste”
6809. P.C. of undernourished rural population of 83%
6810. Rice field aquaculture started in Indonesia (19th centaury)
6811. Water level for Rice field aquaculture 10 to 25 cm
6812. Some deep water rice variety PLA-2, Jaisuria, TNR-2,
Jalandhi-2, ADT6, Raharahan,


Pattambi 15
6813. Chemical used for root zone application of Carbofuran
rice crop

6814. Carbofuran is not accumulated in fatty Tilapia

tissue of

6815. Shrimp cum rice culture is practise in West coast

6816. Species culture in Rice cum fish culture C.C., Tilapia, Trichogaster

6817. Monoculture of C.C. is popular than Indonesia

polyculture in

6818. Culture of fish was first start in 35,00 to 40,00 years back

6819. P.C. cost fertilizer out of total input cost in 60%

fish culture

6820. Size of fingerlings in duck cum fish 10 cm


6821. Indian ducks Sylhet, Mate, Nagesware

6822. Animal having highest feacal matter per Duck

body weight

6823. Pen culture was originated from Japan (1920’s)

6824. Economic size of cage 5 m2 to 50 m2

6825. Mostly adopted size of cage Square or rectangular

6826. Best species combination for pen culture Rohu, Catla, Mrigal
in breeds

6827. Cage culture in brackish water lagoon & Prawn

lakes is ideal for

6828. The cheapest lime Hydrated lime

6829. Putting of lime into pond should be before 2 weeks

6830. Tawes Puntius javanicus

6831. Water colour change from green to clear Phytoplankton are not producing


enough O2

6832. Names of some field kits Hach, LaMotte

6833. Tilapia can tolerate pH range of 3.7 to 10.5

6834. Hardness range for best fish growth 50 to 300 ppm

6835. Alkalinity range for best fish growth 50 to 200 ppm

6836. Diameter of Secchi disc 30 cm

6837. Disappearing of secchi disc in productive 20 to 30 cm


6838. Vegetable matter used as fertilizer 5000 kg/ha

6839. Household scraps are also known as Night soil

6840. 100 m2 = 1 are; 1 are = 4 acres; 1 ha = 2.5


6841. NPK ratio : 8-8-2 and 20-20-5

6842. Increase in weight of fish to weight of Food quotient

food given

6843. Fecundity of Labeo rohita 0 to 2.5 lakhs eggs/kg body

6844. Fecundity of C. mirgala 1.25 to 1.5 lakhs eggs/kg body

6845. Silver carp was introduced from Japan to Cuttack in 1959

6846. Fecundity of silver carp 1.45 to 20.44 lakhs eggs/kg body

6847. Grass carp is also called White Amur (USSR; Amur river)

6848. Fecundity of Grass carp 3.09 to 6.18 lakhs eggs/kg body

6849. Rostral formula of Scampi 1 D/V 12-15/10-14

6850. Tilapia was first brought from Bangkok

6851. Method used for formulation of feed Pearson square method

6852. Amino acid essentiality can be test by 14 C labeling higher level of

PUFA in fresh water fish than –

6853. P.C. of lipid which give optimum growth 10 to 20%


6854. No. of prawn seed require per annum 600 crores

6855. Successful culturist of M. rosenbergii S. Fiyimusa (1969)

6856. Marine hatchery in India started by mid 1970’s

6857. Element necessary for shrimp culture Calcium


6858. Instrument used for counting algal cells Sedzwick Rafter

6859. X-organ is located in Base of eye stalk

6860. Ovipositing setae are found on the Coxae of the 3rd to 5th periopod

6861. Ovigerous setae are found on Medial surface & basses of the
protopodites of 1 to 4th pleopods

6862. Prawn have 11 larval stages

6863. Green water system Bloom dominated by Chlorella


6864. Blended product of hen’s egg and dry Egg custard


6865. Salinity for culturing prawn 14 +- ppt

6866. Carp which breeds in confined water Cyprinus carpio

6867. Size of needle used for injecting bigger B.D. needle No. 19

6868. Size of needle used for injecting smaller B.D. needle No. 22

6869. Fertilized eggs hatch out after 15 to 18 hours

6870. Physical quality of stone of gravel 10%

shouldn’t exceed

6871. Rate of seepage < 1 m/annum

6872. Depth of nursery pond 0.5 to 1.2 m

6873. Storage tank is also known as Ante tank

6874. Breeding tank is also known as Ward tank


6875. Male female ratio ante tank 1:2

6876. Average weigh of female for 3 to 6 kg


6877. Breeding tanks of circular shape are of Chinese origin

6878. Glass jar hatchery was developed by CIFRI (early 70’s)

6879. Capacity of each glass jar 6.35 litres

6880. One glass jar can accommodate 0.5 lakhs of eggs

6881. Flow rate of Glass jar for IMC 600 to 800 ml/min

6882. Flow rate of glass jar fo silver & grass 800 to 1000 ml/min

6883. Zonj jar derive its name from Lake zonj (Switzerland, 1938)

6884. Cannibalism in carps occur when PL & larvae of different size are

6885. Movement of Hatchling Vertical

6886. Swimming movement of PL Horizontal & vertical

6887. TAN and TAP of soil should be > 0.1%

6888. Total organic carbon of soil be > 1%

6889. N and P ratio be in the range 4 : 1 to 8 : 1
6890. Quantity for emulsion 18 kg soap and 56 litre of cheap
6891. No. of tier in fish culture system 3 tier
6892. Mahua oil cake Bosia latifolia
6893. Poisoning effect of MOC persist for more 3 weeks

6894. Application of soap emulsion before 24 hours


6895. Stocking density of fry in rearing pond 2 lakhs/ha

6896. ‘Costless fertilizer factories’ Pig


6897. Pig excretes contains of digestible food 70%

for the fish
6898. Floating weeds Water hyacinth, Spirodella,
Lemna, Azolla, Wolfia, Salvinia
sp., Pistia s
6899. Emergent weeds Nymphea, Nelumbo, Trapa
6900. Submerged weeds Hydrilla, Naja, Ottelia,
Vallisneria, Potamogeton
6901. Marginal weeds Ipomea, Typha, Phragmites,
Cyperus, Colocasia

6902. Commonly used weedicides in fish pond 2,4-D, Ammonia, Paraquat,


6903. Chemical used in fish pond Bleaching powder, Tatadrin 20,

Aldrin, Dieldrin

6904. Organophosphate used in fish pond DDVP (Dimethyl dichlorovinyl


6905. Plankton having diameter < 80 m Euplankton

6906. Herbicides used in fish pond Diuson & Simazine

6907. Gill spot disease is caused by Theloharellus sp

6908. Scale and body spot disease is caused by Myxobolus sp

6909. Trichodiniasis is caused by Tripartiella sp

6910. Ergasilosis is caused by Copepod
6911. Genetic transformation was encountered Frederick Griffith (1928)
6912. Bacterial transformation is popularly Griffith effect
6913. States with biggest beels area Assam (1 lac), WB (46,000)
6914. Thermocline doesn’t occur in Tropical reservoirs
6915. Chemical stratification recorded in T.N.
reservoir of
6916. No. of fish species reported from W.B. 94 nos.


6917. Fish yield range of shallow bheels 150 t 350 kg/ha

6918. Fish yield range of deep bheels 250 to 475 kg/ha

6919. Fish yield range of medium bheels 500 to 1000 kg/ha

6920. Fish yield range of stocked bheels 107 to 12610 kg/ha

6921. Total water spread area of reservoir 2 million ha

6922. Total no. of reservoir (including large & 975


6923. Area of medium reservoir 1000 to 5000 ha

6924. Instrument used for measuring map Cartometer

6925. Lake volume equal to hypothetical cone DV = 1

6926. Intergeneric hybridization was first Kowtal and Gupta (1984)

attempted by

6927. Vitamin which lack in fish Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)

6928. Protein content of shell fish (crustaceans) 17.8%

6929. Protein content of Mollusks 13%

6930. Protein content of fatty & semi-fatty fish 20% & 19%

6931. The forerunner of hooks Gorge

6932. Gorge are used in the Paleolithic era

6933. When did organised fishery started in 1911 (H.B. Wilson)


6934. ICAR was formed in 1929

6935. CIFRS Central Inland Fisheries Research

Station (Calcutta)

6936. Institute which led the nation in fisheries CIFRS


6937. No. of ponds in India 0.825 million

6938. P.C. of fish eating Indian population 56%

6939. Farakka barrage was constructed in 1972


6940. Hilsa fishery contribution to total riverine 35%

catch before Farakka barrage construction

6941. Combined length of river & main 27,359 km


6942. Overall capture fish yield from the river 80%

6943. ‘The backbone of the culture fisheries’ Ganga river system

6944. Total carp seed production of Ganga river 89.5%

6945. The richest fresh water capture fisheries Ganga’s Hardwar to Lalgola
(1600 km) (Warm water)

6946. Largest lake Chilka (1,03,600 ha)

6947. Rivers which drains to Chilka lake Daya and Vargavi

6948. Vembanad Lake is in Kerala

6949. Indian major contribution to total catch of 20%

the plains

6950. Pigments required by ornamental fish Carotenoids

6951. Composition of carotenoid Astaxanthia & Canthaxanthia

6952. Protein, lipid & carbohydrate requirement 30-45%, 4-8% and 30-50%
of fish

6953. Live feeds are generally consider as “Living nutritious capsule”

6954. Protein content of Moina 60 to 65%

6955. Dry weight protein content of unicellular 40 to 50%


6956. Group of organism comprise of Infusoria


6957. Blood worm : Family – Chironomidae Order –

Diptera, Class – Insecta

6958. Highest production of chironomid when Chicken manure

culture in


6959. Brachionus is highly nutritious Pelagic rotifer

6960. Infusoria comes under Phylum – Protozoa, Class –


6961. Origin of keeping ornamental fishes as pet China (gold fish)

6962. Hobby of keeping ornamental fishes in Taraporevala aquarium (Mumbai,

India bloomed with the opening of 1951)

6963. Species saved from extinction because of Stiffia francesae


6964. Chromosomes are brought together by a Amphinosis


6965. Division of the egg into successively Blastomere

smaller cells

6966. Major nitrogenous waste product excreted Ammonia

by fish

6967. Concentration of urine Sharks and ray

6968. Ova and Testis mature at same time Synchronous (Hypoplectrus

6969. Male change to female Protandrous (Gonotoma gracile)
6970. Female change to male Protogynic (Centropuge potteri)
6971. The earliest stages of development of Oogenesis
ovaries (similar to spermatogenesis)
6972. Type of chromosome which is Autosomes
morphogically same

6973. Largest fresh water fish family Characidae (Lebiasinidae)

6974. Spine loaches belongs to family Cobitidae

6975. Live bearer belongs to family Goodeidae

6976. Glass fish belongs to family Centropomidae

6977. Fishes in family Anabantidae are known Labyrinth fish


6978. Alkalinity capacity for combining with SBV



6979. Organism inhabiting deeper waters of a Profundal


6980. PCR of fish than cattle and sheep 2 times more

6981. Oldest coastal aquaculture Japan (Oyster)

6982. Seed of mussel Glochidia

6983. Pearl culture was practiced by Chinese (1200 AD) in lake Tahu

6984. Nutrients for pearl culture Ca (16 ppm) and Mg

6985. Chemical used for glossiness of pearl H2O2 (3-5%) or dil. HCl

6986. Fish-cum-Pearl culture is also call Synergestic culture

6987. Doctors prefer air-breathing fish for weak High protein & iron, less fat

6988. Stocking rate of Magur 50,000/ha

6989. Singhi 70,000 to 1,00,000/ha

6990. Bacterial disease of air – breathing fish Terramycin

can be control by

6991. Amount of sewage produced in India 3.6 mm3/day

6992. Composite fish culture has emerged from China

6993. India’s total length of river, canals & 64121 km

irrigation channel

6994. Type of farming ideal & recommended Semi-intensive farming

under Indian agroclimatic condition

6995. Red tilapia Cross of O. mossambiues and/or

O. hornorum

O. niloticus and/or O. aureus

6996. Tilapia can survive upto D.O. level of < 0.5 mg/L

6997. Tilapia can survive at 0 mg/L for 6 hours

6998. Amino acids which lack in plant protein Methionine & lysine

6999. Method of measuring & analyzing the Morphometry

physical dimension of any water body


7000. Aquarium fish may excrete ammonia in 0.3 to 4 g/kg/day

the range

7001. Maximum size of M. rosenbergii 320 mm & 200 g

7002. Ectodermal up growth where Rathke’s pouch

adenohypophysis originates

7003. Bundh breeding originates from Bakura & Midnapur (W.B)

7004. Male female ratio in bundh breeding 20 : 1

7005. No. of operation in one dry bundh 5 to 6 operation

7006. Type of bundh breeding where injection is Dry bundh


7007. Hormone responsible for development and FSH and LH

maturity of sex organs and spawning of

7008. P.C. of common salt used to make 0.3%

pituitary solution

7009. Commercial name of H.C.G. (Human Somach

Chorionic Gonadoptropin)

7010. Synthesized induced breeding inductant Ovaprim

7011. First successful hypophysation in fish Brazilian (1934)


7012. Pituitary gland of same species is used Homoplastic

7013. Pituitary gland of different species is used Heteroplastic

7014. First attempt for induced breeding in India Hamid khan (1937)

7015. Father of genetics Mendel

7016. First law of Mendelism Law of segregation (monohybrid


7017. Second law of Mendelism Law of independent assortment


7018. Phenotype (external expression) 3:1

7019. Genotype (Gene expression) 1:2:1


7020. Gene responsible for lethality Lethal gene

7021. Contrasting gene pair occupying the same Allele

locus of homologous gene

7022. Transmission of chromosome into Linkage

heredity with changing their position or
arrangement of chromosome

7023. When one factors influences the other Epitasis


7024. Heterogenous condition in F1 dominant Incomplete dominance

character are partially expressed in the

7025. Heterogenous condition in F1 dominant Co-dominance

character are expressed simultaneously

7026. When male in F1 generation receive half Criss -cross in heritance

the gene of parent

7027. Any coded message is commonly called Cryptogram

7028. DNA portion specifying single Cistron

polypeptide chain

7029. Revolution related to fish Blue revolution

7030. Sex ratio of fish 1:1

7031. First sex linked inheritance in fish was Johns Schmidt (1920)

7032. Test for goodness of fit Chi-square test (X2-test)

7033. Fishes produced as a result of injection of Transgenic fish

foreign gene

7034. Transgenic fish in India Dr. T.J. Pandian at madhurai

Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu

7035. Development of fishes with only the Gynogenesis


maternal chromosome

7036. Developing fishes inherit only paternal Androgenesis


7037. Artificial induction of mutations by Mutagenesis

irradiation & chemical

7038. Trophic depression last for 25 to 30 years

7039. The portion of lake basin beneath sea level Cryptodepression (Zc)

7040. Country whose culture fishery exceeds China

capture fishery

7041. Chemical name of useful PUFA in fish Eicosapentanoic acid

7042. Culture days of nursery pond 15 days

7043. Rate of dry cow-dung in nursery pond 10,000 to 15,000 kg/ha

7044. Stocking density of nursery pond 1 million/ha

7045. Supplementary feed for nursery pond GOC and rice bran @ 1:1

7046. Size of fry ranges from 2 to 2.5 cm

7047. Size of fingerlings ranges from 10 to 15 cm

7048. Culture days of rearing pond 3 months
7049. Rate of urea & SP in rearing pond 80 to 40 kg/ha (15-20 days
7050. Stocking density of rearing pond 5,000 to 1,50,000/ha
7051. P.C of protein content in artificial feed 40%
good for carps

7052. Stocking density of carps fingerlings in 10,000/ha

production pond

7053. Fecundity of IMC 2 lakh egg/kg body weight

7054. Fertilized eggs of IMC Transparent & non-adhesive
7055. Size range of fertilized eggs of IMC 3 to 5 mm
7056. Spawning take place after induced 3 to 6 hours


7057. Induced: Egg hatch out in 15 to 18 hours (26 to 300C)

7058. Fecundity of S.C. and G.C 70,000 eggs/kg body weight
7059. Colour of S.C. & G.C. egg Pale blue with light tinge of
yellow & deep brown or golden
brown colour
7060. The eggs of common carps are Adhesive
7061. Fecundity of common carp 1,20,000 eggs/kg body weight
7062. Best anesthetic used during transportation Carbonic acid
7063. Other anesthetic Quinaldine, MS 22, Sodium
amytal Tertiary, amyl alcohol,
Phenoxy ethanol
7064. Mussels attain maturity in 2 years (breed throughout the
7065. Fertilized cat fish egg are (1-1.5 mm) yellowish brown
7066. Fertilized egg of trout are known as Green
7067. Fertilized egg of M. rosenbergii get Pleopod of female
attached to
7068. Fecundity of M. rosenbergii 10,000 to 5,00,000 egg
7069. R. catisbiana introduced In India, Cuttack (CIFRI, 1968)
7070. Rotational culture of fish & prawn in rice Kerala (Pokkali)
7071. Protein requirement of fish 20 to 60%
7072. Protein requirement of carps 35 to 40%
7073. Amino acid requirement of fish 10 to 15 g/kg of feed
7074. Owing to reduction of Ca salt or release of Acidosis
humic acid from the soil
7075. Formation of calcium oxide with Alkalosis
elimination of CO2

7076. Area covered by shrimp farm in CRZ 11.91%

7077. P.C. occupied by culture shrimp segment 50%

to total shrimp catch

7078. Scientists of CMFRI have succeeded in F4 generation

raising tiger shrimp upto


7079. No. of shrimp hatcheries along the coast 222

line of India

7080. P.C. of hatcheries located in A.P. 62% (64% PL production of


7081. Main feed of shrimp hatcheries for PL Artemia


7082. Deputy Director General of ICAR Dr. K. Gopakumar

7083. Name of PCR labs in India Santir Aqua (Ex.)

7084. Environmental ‘terrorism’ started in 1990

7085. Total area brought under shrimp culture 142,000 ha

7086. Current level of PL requirement 5 PL/m2

7087. Technique available for mass Oral, spray, direct immersion,

immunization of fish hyperosmotic infiltration,
intraperitoneal injection

7088. Experimental immunization of IMC has CIFA

been tried

7089. Intraperitonial method fish reported Vibriosis (Hayashi, 1964)

7090. Oral vaccination first demonstrated for Trout (Duff, D.C.B., 1980)
7091. Oral vaccination of IMC Nayak. K., 1990
7092. Hyperosmotic immunization developed in Rainbow bout, 1976
7093. pH of fish stomach ranges from 1.5 to 6.6
7094. Bacterial disease most encountered in A. hydrophila
Indian Fresh water Aquaculture
7095. First 5-year plan was launched during April, 1951
7096. Mechanization & introduction of nets First 5 year plan
made of synthetic
7097. Indo-Belgian and Indo-Norwegian project 2nd 5 year plan

7098. Importance to fisherman welfare was 3rd 5 year plan

given in

7099. 3 annual plans along with 5 year plan 1966 to 1969


7100. First used of Mexican trawler 5th 5 year plan (1974 to 1979)

7101. FFDA’s (Fish Farmers Development 5th 5 year plan


7102. FFDAS idea was given by J.V.H. Dixitulu

7103. Founder editor of Fishing Chimes Journal J.V.H. Dixitulu

7104. FFDA was first set up at Mysore, Karnataka
7105. Exploitation of deep sea fishery EEZ & 7th 5th year plan
introducing of FRP
7106. 2 annual plans were implemented after 7th 5-year plan (1990-91-92)
7107. Maximum allocation of total has never 0.5%
gone beyond
7108. Laws of the sea also known International Maritime Laws
7109. UNCLOS – UN conference on Law of the sea
7110. First UNCLOS held on 1958
7111. Important out come of UNCLOS Formation of EEZ
7112. ICES International Council for
exploitation of Sea, 1902
7113. IPFC Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council,
7114. NPFC North Pacific Fur-Seal
7115. IPHC International Pacific Halibert
7116. IATTC Inter American Tropical Tuna
7117. PSC Pacific Salmon Commission
7118. CMFRI started in 1847, Cochin

7119. CIBA started in 1957, Cochin

7120. CIPE started in 1961, Mumbai

7121. NRCCF National Research Centre on


Cold Water Fisheries Haldwani,


7122. NBFGR started in 1983, Lucknow

7123. CIFNET started in 1963, Cochin

7124. IFP started in 1952, Cochin

7125. MPEDA started in 1972, Cochin

7126. EIA Export Inspection Agency, New

Delhi, 1963

7127. One yard 3 ft = 0.91 m

7128. Crawfish/Crayfish belongs to phylum Arthropoda

7129. Fish culture of that species for direct New Zealand

consumption is forbidden by law in

7130. World Aquacultue is a Magazine

7131. Similar to tilapia with respect to its M. rosenbergii

intolerance to cold water

7132. Highest intensity & production Closed recirculating system

aquaculture system

7133. Equipments are depreciated to zero after No more than 7 years

7134. Many filtration system operates at 2.1 to 3.5 kg/cm2


7135. Bouchet culture is a type of mussel culture French


7136. Properties of water that can be affected by Non conservative

biological activity

7137. CNP ratio requirement of phytoplankton 106 : 16 : 1

7138. Fading of dark pigmented bars leaving Smoltification

silvery in colour

7139. Smoltification occur when Fish increasingly tolerant of salt


7140. Cancer of the liver Hepatocarcinoma/hepatoma


7141. Removal of the pituitary gland Hypophysectomy

7142. 1 gallon 3.8 litres

7143. First fish on which environmental control Carp

of spawning practiced

7144. Area under fish culture 0.6/million ha

7145. Level of a pond bottom soil concerned 2 to 5 cm

with nutrient-ion exchange

7146. Concentration of phosphate : Lower – Diatoms

Medium – green algae

High – Blue green algae

7147. Inhibition the penetration of Sunlight Autoshading

7148. Commercial detergent for making Teepol B-306


7149. Standard combination of N : P : K as 18 : 8 : 4

7150. Mollusks can be controlled by stocking Pangasius pangasius

the fish

7151. No. of cranial nerves in carps Ten pairs

7152. Original distribution of Catla was in Northern river

7153. Catla generally spawn at Night

7154. P.C of fish inhabiting fresh water 41.2%

7155. P.C of fish inhabiting marine water 58.2

7156. Father of Natural history Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)

7157. The first writer on Indian fishes Bloch

7158. Toxin release by algae during their life Exotoxins

7159. Toxin release by algae after disintegration Endotoxin

of parent cell

7160. A huge water mammal weighting 250 to Manatee

1000 kg


7161. Fish paste made from small fishes Hida Kunda

(Nowgong fisherman)

7162. Fish paste made of dried fish (in Assam) Shida sukti

7163. First to inject human insulin gene to Zhu

produce transgenic fish

7164. City sewage is used for fish culture in Kolkata

7165. Eggs float passively Planktonic eggs (Mackeral,
7166. Eggs neither float nor settle on bottom Semi buoyant eggs (eggs of shad)
7167. Eggs sink to the bottom Demersal egg (Biterling,
7168. Fishes which spawn on hard, stony surface Lithophils (Salmon)
7169. Fishes which lay eggs among aquatic Phytophils (Carp)

7170. Fishes which deposit egg on sand Psammophils (Coach)

7171. Fishes which deposit egg inside a bivalve Ostracophils (Chilogobio)

7172. Fishes which spawn freely in column of Pelagophils (Cod)

water & the egg float
7173. Black carp is cultivated in China
7174. Singhi, Magur & Koi are also known as Mud carp
7175. The name aquarium was first used by English naturalist Henry Gosse,
7176. Aquarium in derived from latin word “Water”
7177. The pressure of sea surface measures 15 lbs
7178. Group of sharks possessing numerous tiny Squalidae
light producing organ scattered all over
the skin
7179. Fishes which produced red light Malacotus & Pachystomias
7180. Failure to produce primary oocytes Artesia


7181. Life span of carps 15 years +

7182. In term of value highest rank fisheries Crustacean fisheries
7183. Perception of chemical or taste in prawn Gustatory
7184. Crustacean dorsal region of ring is called Tergite

7185. Chelated legs First three pereopods (Penaeids)

7186. The simplest of crustacean larva is the Nauphlius
7187. Phyllosoma is the larva of Lobster (Palimsus)
7188. M. rosenbergii female lay eggs 6 to 20 hours after mating
7189. One hold batch of M. rosenbergii egg is 20 min
laid in
7190. Spawning of M. rosenbergii in nature 3 or 4 times a year
7191. Swimming behaviour of M. rosenbergii Tail first, ventral side up
7192. Salinity requirement for M. rosenbergii 20% to 40% sea water
7193. Chelated legs First two pereopods (Non-
7194. Main catch of non-penaeids comes from Maharashtra & Gujarat coast
7195. Main catch of penaeids prawn Southern coast (mainly Kerala)
7196. Two peak spawning period of prawn Nov. to Dec. & Feb to April
7197. Most primitive wooden craft used in India Catamaran
7198. Net is called as : Vala – Kerela & AP, Valai – T.N.,
Bale – Mysore, Jal-Maharashtra
& Bengal, Jalo – Orissa, Jharia –
7199. Fishing done by dolnet a few fathoms Khunt fishing
above the bottom
7200. Prawn catch in Chilka Lake 95% by traps
7201. Temperature suitable for larval rearing of 280C
7202. Salinity suitable for larval rearing of 24 to 34%
7203. Mud bank is also called Chakara (Malayalam)

7204. Oxygen requirement of trout 9 mg/litre


7205. Oxygen requirement of Major carp 5 to 6 mg/litre

7206. Oxygen requirement of common carps 2 to 3 mg/litre

7207. Grass carp contribution to total fish 20 to 30%

production in China

7208. The largest specimen Black carp found 70 kg

7209. Pharyngeal teeth formula of carp (grass 2,5/4,2


7210. In carps intestine appear in Early stage under 15 mm length

7211. Temperature range of IMC 17.5 to 380C

7212. Optimum temperature for spawning of 22 to 280C


7213. Cheer fishing in Tapti is seen in Winter (Nov. to Jan)

7214. Density of pond water 1.001 g/cc

7215. Density of sea water & protoplasm 1.028 (35 ppt) & 1.028

7216. Density of air (at sea level) 0.0013

7217. Acid soil zones ponds Manipur and Assam (pH – 6.0)

7218. Hardness equivalent to dividing line 50 ppm CaCO3

between soft & hard

7219. Dead plankton are called Animalcules

7220. Phosphorus & Nitrogen utilized for 3:1 to 6:1

plankton growth

7221. Crude protein contain of plankton 24%

7222. C:N ratio in plankton 12:1

7223. Black soil is also called Regur

7224. Phosphorus recycling in water column Internal or metabolic-P-cycle

7225. Phosphorus recycling through the Geochemical-P-cycle



7226. Other scientific named of MOC Madhuca indica

7227. Teleost spermatozoa can be 5 parts

morphologically divided into

7228. Multi-spawners Black and Sand gody

7229. Pioneer experiment of hypophysation Argentina, Houssay (1931)

7230. Intramuscular method of injection Brazil and India

7231. Intraperitonial/Coelomi method of USA and China


7232. Quality of syringe used for injection 2 ml hypodermic (0.1 ml


7233. Egg which have large amount of yolk Telolecithal

7234. Egg which have no yolk Alecithal

7235. Egg which have moderate yolk Mesolecithal
7236. The thickened blastoderm edge takes a Germ ring
ring shaped
7237. Downward extension of periphery of Epibody
7238. Blastomeres accumulate on the top end of Morula stage
the yolk
7239. Layer of cell form after division of Periblast
7240. Process by which 3 germinal layers Gastrulation
(ectoderm, mesoderm & endoderm) are

7241. Incurling and spreading of cells of Involution

embryonic shield

7242. Sheet of cell formed below the blastoderm Hypoblast

by involution
7243. The place where incurling of cell initially Dorsal blastoporal lip


7244. Layer of cell above the segmentation Epiblast

cavity proper
7245. Movement of blastoderm cell (top & side) Convergence
toward dorsal blastoporal lip as
blastodermal cells multiply
7246. The medium rod of cells form by Notochord
separation of hypoblast from the rest of
7247. Upper sheet of splitted hypoblast toward Mesoderm

7248. Lower sheet of splitted hypoblast toward Endoderm


7249. Name of epiblast after formaion of Ectoderm

mesoderm & endoderm

7250. The colour of pond water is always Flexible


7251. Pond water is fertile but not turbid Crips

7252. Among the carps the most widely studied Common carps
species by nutritionists

7253. Essential nutrient required by fish Above 40

7254. Pigments which can impart coloration to Biochemics

skin, fish

7255. Groups of biochemics are called Biochromes

7256. Digestibility is known as Assimilation efficiency

7257. Standard metabolism is known as Metabolic scope

7258. Metabolized energy of carbohydrates for Near zero (for cellulose) to 3.8 K
fish range from cal/gm

7259. Main energy source for carp Protein & lipid

7260. P.C. of dietary lipids digestible by fish 85 to 90%

7261. HUFA is essential for Marine fish

7262. Feed ingredients responsible for Anti-nutritional factors

deteriorations effect to fish


7263. Most important of the anti-nutritional Trypsin inhibitor

substance in soybean

7264. Substance responsible for haemagglutinins Lactins


7265. Plant substances causing irritation & Saponins

damage to digestive tract

7266. Affect digestion of crude fibres, lose of Tannises (rape-seed, mustard,

mucous, irritation & damage to digestive sorghum, sunflower)

7267. Increased respiration, irritation, Oxalic acid


7268. CPFA (Cydopropane Fatty Acid) is found Cotton seed


7269. Most known toxin produced by Ochratoxin A and Vomitoxin

Aspergillus & Fusarium

7270. Fine nutrient particles held together by a Microbound diet

carbohydrate or protein binder

7271. Coating a small particle or of beadlet of Microencapsulation (reduce

feed with a thin layer of a compound dissolving & leaching)

7272. Nutrient particle coated with digestible Microcoated diet (impervious to

material H2O)

7273. Microdiet are commercially available in 5 and 300 microns

size range

7274. Feeder mainly used in cage Sub-surface feeder

7275. Type of heat which is not measurable Latent heat
7276. The oldest and most basic installation on Mast
7277. The smallest and simplest winches Capstan & line hawler
7278. Effect produced on some sounders to help White line
detect fish schools lying close to the
7279. Maximum range of radar varies from 10 to 60 miles


7280. First series of satellite for oceanographic Seasat – ANASA, 1978

7281. Family of fishes best known for intensive Salmonids
7282. The name koi in Japanese means Carp
7283. Rotary freezer is mostly used in Commercial sea food processing
7284. Air blast freezer use Freon & Ammonia
7285. Freezer used for making IQF in sea food Belt freezer
processing Industries
7286. Freezer used in fishing vessel Immersion freezer (for tuna)
7287. Liquid Nitrogen freezer is also called Cryogenic freezer
7288. Process of removal of water by Freeze drying
sublimation from frozen food under
vacuum is
7289. Water boils at 1 atmospheric pressure (Bar)
7290. Point where, ice (solid) water & vapour Triple point of water
(gas), three stages of water are in
7291. Temperature at Triple point of water is 00C (0.006 bar)
7292. Most critical phase of freeze drying Triple point of water


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