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As I continue with the report it would be only fair to acknowledge the
Support and guidance I received throughout the training period at Narora
Atomic Power Station which led to the successful completion of my training.

Thanks are due to Mr. A.K DUTTA, Station Director and Mr. Gaurav Sharma,
Training Superintendant for allowing me the opportunity to work in the

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude towards Mr. Khagesh Chandra

Rakesh, Mr Rajeev Pandey and other officers who were instrumental in
Providing this training facility. I would also acknowledge the inspiration,
guidance and motivation I received during these 4 weeks.

I would be unfair if I do not acknowledge the resourcefulness of the Mechanical

Department and the guides Mr. SS Shekhawat, Mr.R.K Chauhan, Mr Sanjeev
and Mr Rajkumar, for it was because of their untiring and dedicated efforts
that I was able to gain much insights into the functioning of Power Industry
and moreover my knowledge about the subject was improved.
Last but not the least I would thank my parents and also my friends at NAPS
for being a constant source of support.






















The Narora Atomic Power Station is situated at the banks of river Ganga in
Bulandshahr district of Uttar Pradesh. It is 60 kms away from Aligarh which is
the closest substantial population centre.

The Narora Atomic Power Station (NAPS) is a twin unit module of 220MWe
each of pressurized heavy water reactors. The reactors use natural uranium
available in India as fuel & heavy water produced in the country as moderator
& coolant. The station is connected to high voltage network through five 220
kV lines, one to Moradabad, one to Harduaganj, one to Simbholi, & two to
Khurja. It is designed for base load operation as a commercial station.

The foundation stone of the plant was laid on 4th January 1974 and it was
dedicated to the nation as Nuclear Power Plant in the early 90s, ever since it
has stood as an epitome of safe and secure Power Source.

With the synchronization of the Narora Atomic Power Station with northern
grid through five lines of 220kV, it has occupied an important place on the
power map of the India. With this, yet another important milestone in the
Indian nuclear program has been achieved, as NAPS is an effort towards
standardization of PHWR units & a stepping-stone to the 500MWe units. A
significant & unique feature of this project has been the evolution of the
design suitable for seismic sites.

Narora Atomic Power Plant is the fourth Atomic Power Plant installed in India
preceded by Tarapur in Maharashtra, Rawatbhata in Rajasthan and
Kalpakkam in Tamil Nadu. One peculiarity about NAPS is that it is the first
indigenous Power Plant of the country.

Layout of NAPS
NAPS have the following main parts: -

1. Administration Building.

2. Overhead Water Tank.

3. Natural Draft Cooling Towers (NDCT).

4.220KV Switch Yard.

5. Stack.

6. Service Building.

7. Reactor Building.

8. Purification Building

9. Turbine Building.

10. Pump House.

11. Station Training Centre

12. Waste Management Plant

Reactor Building houses the Reactor Primary Heat Transport System,

Moderator System, Reactivity System, Fuel Handling System & some of
the Auxiliaries

The Turbo-generator & itsassociated conventional equipment, Emergency

Diesel Sets, Control & Power MG Sets, Station Batteries, Electrical Switch Gear
Compressors, Chillers and Main Control Room are located in Turbine Building.

There are two 220kV units in NAPS and both share common facilities such as
Service Building, Spent Fuel Storage Bay (SFSB) & other Auxiliary Devices such
as Heavy Water Upgrading & Waste Management Facility.

NAPS have two natural draft cooling & two induced draft coolingtowers.


Sr.N Data Specification

1. Transmission Lines Five:
a)220 kV Narora-Moradabad Single line
b)220kV Narora-Harduaganj Single line
c)220kV Narora-Simbholi Single line
d)220kV Narora-Khurja Double line
2. Stack Height 142 Meters

3. NDCT Height 128 Meters

4. NDCT Top Dia. 58 Meters
5. NDCT Base Dia. 107 Meters
6. NDCT Throat Dia. 53 Meters
7. Steam Flow 1314 Ton/hr
8. PHT Flow 12700 Ton/hr
9. Steam Pressure 48-40 kg/cm2
10. PHT Pressure 87 Kg/cm2
11. CCW Flow 39000 Ton/hr
12. Coolant Tubes 306
13. Fuel Bundle in 1 channel 12
14. Fuel Bundle Weight 15 Kgs
15. Condenser Pressure 680mm of hg
16. R B Design Pressure 1.25 Kg/cm2
17. Station Load 18-20 Mwe
18. Generator Power 220 MWe
19. Grid Voltage 220 Kv


Nuclear Power Plants generate electricity from nuclear heat. A Thermal Power Plant burns coal
to produce heat. The heat converts water to steam, which in turn drives the turbine and the
generator to produce electricity. The main difference between the Nuclear Power Plant and the
Thermal Power Plant is that Thermal Power Plant gets heat energy by burning coal whereas the
Nuclear Power Plant produces heat by the process of Fission of uranium Nuclei. The heat
produced is used to convert water into steam. The steam runs the turbine and generator and the
electricity is generated by the generator which is then transmitted to grid.

The fission energy is transported from the fuel bundle with the help of high-pressure heavy
water called Primary Heat Transport (PHT). The PHT System takes away the heat from the fuel
bundles and exchanges this heat to the Dematerialized water (Feed water) into the steam
generator and the steam at a pressure of 40-48 Kg/cm2 is generated in the steam generator.
This steam is then transported through pipes to turbine hall where the turbine and the generator
are installed. This steam is then admitted to the turbine, which runs at a speed of 3000 rpm. The
generator also runs at the same speed as both are coupled together.

The generator rotor is excited here with the DC voltage and EMF is produced at the stator of
generator at 16.5 KV. This generated voltage is then stepped up from 16.5 KV to 220 KV by a
three phase transformer and this stepped up electricity is then sent to the station switchyard for
the further transmission to the Northern Grid. This steam after working in the turbine is
condensed into a surface type of condenser and the condensed steam are again fed back to the
steam generator through a chain of six re-heaters.

The probability that a high energy neutron emitted in a fission reaction can directly cause
fission is quite low. In order to build a system in which fast neutrons sustain the chain reaction,
highly enriched uranium is needed, which is very expensive. A more easily feasible way is to
use materials that slow down the neutrons to such low energies at which the probability of
causing fission is significantly higher. These neutrons slowing down materials are the so called
moderators. With the aid of some adequate moderator one might as well achieve chain reaction
using natural (0.7% U235 content) uranium.

If we simplify things a little, there are two major requirements that a moderator material should
meet: it should have as low atomic mass number as possible and its neutron absorbing ability
should be as low as possible. In practice four elements meet these requirements: water (H2O),
heavy-water (D2O), graphite (C) and beryllium (Be). Among these water is the most widespread
moderator. The properties of heavy-water are actually better but its disadvantage is the very
high price.

If we start to put together more and more uranium (of course mixed with some moderator), the
expected chain reaction will not start for a good while. The reason for this is that in the case of a
small amount of fissile material large part of the neutrons that originate in fission will leak out of
the pile and therefore they will not be able to cause fission. By increasing the amount of fissile
material there will be a moment when we reach the so called critical mass and a self sustaining
reaction starts.
For example, for pure metal U235 (without moderator) the critical mass is somewhat less than
50 kg. Because of the very high density (19.2 g/cm3) this amount of uranium makes a sphere
whose diameter is about 17 cm.
At the fission of U-235 on the average 2.5 neutrons are released but not all of these cause
fission. The neutronic state can be characterized by the so called multiplication factor (k). This is
the ratio of the number of neutrons in a neutron "generation" and the number of neutrons in the
preceding generation. If the value of the multiplication factor is 1, we talk about a critical reactor.
In this case the number of neutrons in the system is constant, i.e. they cause the same number
of fissions in every second. If k<1, the reactor is subcritical and the number of neutrons is going
down. On the other hand, if k>1, the system is supercritical

Obviously, the number of neutrons present in the reactor must be regulated or controlled since
this determines the rate of fission and thus the energy released per second. In order to control
the chain reaction one should use materials which tend to capture neutrons at a high probability.
The most widespread neutron absorbers are cadmium (Cd) and boron (B). At NAPS cadmium
sandwiched stainless steel rods have been used. Because due to low strength cadmium alone
can not be used

The so control rods are important tools to control reactor. These are made of neutron absorbing
materials and can be moved between the fuel assemblies. For example, if one wishes to
decrease the power of the reactor it is sufficient to push a control rod a little inner. The control
rods are particularly useful for the short term control and stopping the reactor chain reaction. For
long term regulation usually boric acid dissolved in the moderator is used.

Heavy Water as a Moderator

Moderation is the process of the reduction of the initial high kinetic energy of the free neutron.
Since energy is conserved, this reduction of the neutron kinetic energy takes place by transfer
of energy to a material known as a moderator. It is also known as neutron slowing down, since
along with the reduction of energy comes a reduction in speed.

Heavy water is used both as the moderator and coolant. Heat energy is transported by coolant
from reactor to the vertical, integral U-tubes in shell type of heat exchangers, which functions as
a boiler to produce steam and
drives Turbo Generator.

Moderator system
The moderator system is a heavy water and helium system. Calandria is
always full of moderator up to 96% and remaining volume is covered by
helium gas, which act as cover gas. Moderator is used to slow down the
speed of fast neutron. Moderator (D2O) system circulating pump take suction
from bottom of calandria and discharge back to calandria through moderator
heat exchanger for maintaining moderator temp. Working pressure and
temperature of moderator system are 8kg/cm 2 and 63oC respectively.

Primary Heat Transport System

The fuel coolant system is called Primary Heat Transport system. It is a high
pressure and high temperature circuit. The heat generated in the fuel
bundles, as a result of uranium fission, is removed by the heavy water
serving as primary coolant. Four pumps maintain the circulation through
pressure tubes around the fuel bundles, each having capacity of 3560 m3/hr.
A pressure pump maintains the system pressure using automatic feed and
bleed principle instruments relief valves and suitable regulating and
protective system. High pressure high temperature heavy water areas have
been separated from high pressure high temperature light water for recovery
of high isotopic purity of heavy water.

Shutdown System
NAPS have two diverse & independent shut down system, one of them is fast
acting & other is slow acting.

Primary Shutdown System

The system is meant to shut down the Reactor whenever any operating
parameter crosses a set limit. The system operates automatically & can
also be operated manually. The system has 14 rods of cadmium sandwiched
in stainless steel as neutron absorbing element. Any trip signal actuates the
mechanical drum assembly and the criticality is reduced to sub criticality in a
span of 2.3 seconds

Secondary Shutdown system

The Secondary Shutdown system comes into action when the primary
shutdown system fails to operate. It is provided as a backup protective
system. It consists of 12 liquid poison tubes which remain empty during
normal course of operation. But during operation the system enables the
filling of tubes with a neutron absorbing liquid. The principle is such that
four when liquid filled tanks are pressurized than the liquid rises up in liquid
tubes located inside reactor. It makes the reactor sub-critical in 1.4 seconds.

Automatic Liquid Poison Addition System

The primary and secondary shut down systems are unable to maintain the
state of sub criticality for long enough therefore an additional system known
as Automatic Liquid Poison Addition System is employed. Liquid poison is
added in the moderator This poison will absorb the neutrons and thus will
interrupt chain reaction. Poison can be added either manually or

The turbine is an impulse reaction type, designed for saturated steam, revolving at 3000 rpm
with steam condition of 40 kg/cm2 (g) pressure and 0.26% wet and 250oC at inlet to stop valves.
After expansion in a single flow high-pressure turbine, moisture is extracted in separator cum re-
heater units where steam is reheated to 233oC before it enters the double flow low-pressure
turbine. Steam is extracted from suitable stages of the turbine to provide for 6 stage
regenerative feed heating, with a final feed water temperature of 170oC.

The total quantity of steam flow to the turbine is around 1333.58 tones/hr and design rate of
heat turbo-generator is 2758 Kcal/KWh. The generator is rated 264 MVA, 16.5 KV, and 0.9 PF.
Stator conductors are water-cooled. The stator core is cooled by dematerialized water and rotor
are cooled by hydrogen, since excitation current requirement is large with a maximum of 5000

amps, inductor-type high frequency exciter is chosen to avoid commutation problems which are
experienced in DC exciters.

NAPS has two 128m high natural draught cooling towers, the most imposing civil structures at
site. These are used for dissipation of heat from the condensers and non-active auxiliary coolers,
in addition, two induced draught cooling towers are provided to remove heat from the heat
exchanger of the active process water system. To ensure containment of potentially active
cooling water with the provision of cooling towers. Small amount of water has been taken for
make up water losses from the Ganga.

The initial steam temperature and pressure has been set at 250oC & 40 Kg/cm2g depending
upon the primary side and fuel design consideration. This saturated steam is available for
expansion in H.P. turbine. The steam leaving HP turbine after moisture removal again reheated
at 250oC at 6 Kg/cm2g and 250oC and passed on to LP turbine for expansion. The cycle also
employs 6 nos. of feed heaters as regenerative cycle. The No. of feed water heater has been
chosen to optimize basis to have economical boiler feed water temperature at the boiler entry.

It can be seen from the philosophy of the regenerative cycle that if infinite no. of heaters were
employed it would have been possible. The temperature differences between the heating steam
and inlet feed water becomes zero and thus achieving of carnot cycle efficiency. But it is not
feasible in practice because of feed water heater cost and space availability. The extraction
points permitted by the turbine manufacturer also limit the heating steam available for those

heaters. It has also been found out that gain in thermal efficiency is marginal if an additional
heater is being put and it is actually out-weighted by the cost of that additional heater.

The cycle used in Nuclear power plants is Reheat rankine cycle. The moisture content
is quite high when steam leaves the high pressure turbine , which can cause serious
erosion of the turbine blades thus the moisture is reduced by reheating the steam in a
moisture separator and thus a steam with low moisture content reaches the low
pressure turbine and this increases the efficiency of the system.

At normal full load a flow of 1.33 ×106 kg/hr of 0.26% of wet steam at a pressure of 40
kg/cm² is delivered to the turbine throttle valve. After expansion in H.P. turbine, steam is
exhausted at a pressure of 6.0 kg/cm² with a wetness of 11.5%. Then it passes through
external moisture separator reheated.

Moisture separator section of separator reheater reduces the wetness to 1%.

Subsequently the steam is reheated in bleed steam reheater and live steam reheater
sections to a temperature of 233ºC.

The steam enters the low-pressure double flow turbine at this temperature and pressure of 5.68
kg/cm² where it expands to a backpressure of 0.1185 Kg/cm² abs (0.9147 Kg/cm2 (g) or 672.8
mm Hg). The condenser parameters have been optimized and a condenser pressure has been
selected for cooling water temperature of 32ºC at condenser inlet.
The steam is condensed in a surface condenser and the condensate is withdrawn from the
condenser at approx. saturation temperature.

Heat is recovered by the condensate from the steam air ejector inter after condenser and
turbine gland steam condenser before entering the L.P. feed water heater train. This train
consists of a drain cooler, three (3) low-pressure tubes in shell type heaters namely LPH 1, LPH
2 and LPH 3 are with integral drain cooling zone.

The feed heating train also consists of the direct contact type deaerating heater with external
vent condenser and two tubes in shell type HP heaters namely HPH 5 and HPH 6. While
passing through the feed heating trains the feed water is heated to a temperature of 170.8ºC.

The feed water returns to the main and auxiliary feed nozzle of steam generators having
individual sets of flow control system. The reheater drains from both the live steam reheaters
tube nests are collected in a live steam reheater drain tank and pumped back to the steam

Provision of dumping the live steam in the condenser in bypassing mode is also there. This
dumping operation is made by means of steam dump valves. Steam pressure is further reduced
by break down orifice and the steam is desuperheated before entering the condenser by
injecting water. These steam dump valves take signal from boiler pressure controller.

The boiler steam pressure is programmed to rise linearly from 40 kg/cm² (g) at 100% load to
48.6 kg/cm² (g) at no load from swell and shrinkage considerations in the PHT system heavy

The design pressure of the steam system has been taken as 50 kg/cm² (g). considering
transient pressure variations over no load boiler pressure of 48.6 kg/cm² (g). The design
temperature of 264ºC is the saturation temperature corresponding to the above design pressure.
The main steam headers have been designed to allow a total steam flow of 1.33×106 kg/hr and
to limit the pressure drop to 0.32kg/cm². Considering the turbine capability, loss and cost of
pipes arrives at this pressure drop. The steam main headers are of 711.2 mm OD × 17.5mm

The number of headers has been chosen as two considering the number steam generators,
their layout, the size of the individual and the two feeding points required for the turbine. The
main steam has been designed for SSE (safe shut down earthquake) and has been dynamically
analyzed for both SSE and OBE (operating bases earthquake) conditions by response spectrum
Two 500mm NB steam outlet connections, one each from the two steam generators are
connected to a 700 mm NB header in each bank with no intervening valves. These mains carry
steam from the two boiler banks from reactor building to the turbine building.

Inside the reactor building each main is suitably anchored at the boiler end. The design of
anchors take into considerations apart from the load due to thermal expansion and earthquake,
the thrust exerted upon it is eventuality of the main steam pipe rupture.

Further to prevent the pipe whip of the main steam pipe in the reactor building in case of
severance occurring to the west of the anchor, a limit stop has been provided at the end of the
pipe header to stop excessive movement of the pipe.
The limit stops will allow a deflection of 10mm and are designed to take a load of 200 tones.

The steam mains leave the reactor building through wall penetrations on the perimeter wall.
These penetrations are closed by steel plates 25mm thick and are attached through pipe
sleeves and penetration bellows to the steam mains. The steam mains before entering to the
turbine building are laid over a pipe bridge and on another outdoor run carry the controlled
steam discharged valves and safety relief valves

The main headers enter the turbine building and both mains are inter connected by an
equalizing line of 400 mm NB just before the connections of the CIES valves (combined
isolating and emergency stop valve). The equalizing line permits the testing of the CIES valves
one by one for up to 60% load. Connection for this dumping has been taken from the equalizing
branch. The steam lines are provided with adequate slopes so that moisture can be drained
during warm up. Drain points have been provided on the steam mains for ensuring drainage for
starting and power operation.

Steam required for reheating in live steam reheaters, air ejectors and turbine gland sealing
systems under normal operating conditions have been tapped at suitable locations from these

However during part load below 55% and steam dumping operation, main steam is also
supplied to the deaerator for heating the condensate to the desired temperature and to
pressurize the deaerator a bit more than the saturation pressure corresponding to deaerator
temperature to avoid boiling of water.


The main function of primary heat transport system is to transport the heat produced in the fuel
to steam generator, in which the steam is generated from ordinary water (i.e. Demineralised
Water) to run the turbine.
The heat transport medium is pressurized heavy water and is circulated through the main circuit
by Primary circulating pumps (PCP’s). PHT system is pressurized to 87 kg/cm2 to carry more
heat with out boiling.

The following features are incorporated in PHT system: -
(1). Continuous circulation of coolant through the reactor at all times by various modes as listed
(a). In normal operations circulation of coolant is by primary circulating
Pumps (PCP’s).
(b). Flywheel is provided in the PCP motors to extend the pump rundown
time so that in case of loss of power the flow reduction is gradual.
(c). After loss of power to pumps, adequate circulate would be maintained
through thermosyphoning.’
(d). When main circulating pumps are not operating, arrangement for
cooling the fuel is done by means of shutdown cooling pump below

(e). In case of major leakage of coolant, there is provision for emergency injection
of heavy water from D2O accumulator (a large tank contain15 ton D2O) when the
pressure falls down to 55kg/cm² and if continues to fall by light water injection at

PHT system is pressurized heavy water system (Pr = 87 Kg/cm²).It forms closed loop.
Heavy water (PHT) passes over the fuel bundles through 306 coolant tubes and gets
heated. Each coolant tube is connected to outlet feeder. All feeders are connected to
reactor outlet header (ROH). From reactor outlet header (ROH) PHT passes through
steam generator (SG) in tube side. Shell side of SG is filled with light water, which gets
heated up and converts into steam. Thus PHT transfers its heat and gets cooled. Cold
D2O outlet from steam generator is pumped by primary coolant pump (PCP) to reactor
inlet header (RIH). From reactor inlet header PHT passes through reactor inlet feeders
and through coolant tubes. While in coolant tubes D2O picks up heat. Hot PHT reaches
in ROH through outlet feeders. It again passes through SG and transfers its heat to light
water. Cool D2O is pumped to reactor inlet. Thus heavy water is continuously circulated
through coolant tubes and steam generators.

NAPS PHT system has four PCP and each PCP is connected to one steam generator. There
are two-reactor outlet header one on north side and another one on south side of reactor.
Similarly two reactor inlet headers are also in either side. There is bi-directional flow through
coolant tubes. Out of 306 tubes, PHT flows from north side to south side in 153 tubes and from
south side to north side in 153 tubes. Adjacent tubes have reverse flow direction. PHT inlet and
outlet temperature to and from calandria are 249ºC and 293ºC respectively.

PHT is kept constantly pressurized at 87kg/cm² to keep it in liquid form at 295ºC. Emergency
core (fuel) cooling system has been provided for cooling the fuel if there is any break in PHT

system. Shutdown cooling system provides facility for heat removal during shutdown period to
remove decay heat.


Impurities like corrosion products, crud and fission products (if comes to PHT water) are
removed from the system by purification. The circuit also helps to achieve a pH value between
9.5 to 10.5 and maintain the conductivity of D2O to 30 µsiemens/cm to avoid corrosion as PHT
system pipe lines, made of carbon steel.

Stand By Cooling System

For reactor core cooling when the system temperature is below 150ºC and for holding
the system at low temperature during plant maintenance (shut down) an auxiliary
cooling system is provided which is known as standby cooling system or shutdown
cooling system. The system is connected between the reactor outlet and inlet header at
each end of the reactor.

Once the reactor has been operated at significant power the fuel will continuously supply heat. If
normal heat removal fails and normal pressure control fails or their capacities are exceeded, the
increase in coolant volume caused by the reactor heat, would be passed out through primary
system relief valves (RV’s), one relief line connects the pressurized end of south shutdown
cooling loop to the bleed condenser through 3 instrumented relief valves in parallel.

Leakage from potential leak source in the system e.g. valve stem packing, double
gasket joints, flanged connections and pump seals etc. is collected in a tank and then
returned to the system through purification circuit or sent to heavy water transfer system.


PHT system relief valves are designed to open simultaneously at system pressure of 93.90
Kg/cm² (at ROH). These control valves (CV’s) are “Air to close” and “spring to open” type. Air
being supplied to the CV’s through solenoid valves (SV’s).


Primary circulating pumps (4 nos.) are vertical centrifugal single stage, radial impeller, double
volute casing, bottom suction and horizontal radial discharge type. Each pump is coupled with a
2.8MW, 6.6 KV motor. The coupling between pump and motor is self-aligning curved tooth
gears coupling and hence require lubricating oil supply.
They are designed to provide a flow of 3560 m³/hr at a system temperature of 266ºC with 180 m
operating head. The PCP’s are equipped with 3 mechanical seals and a back up stein seal. At
each mechanical seal, pressure drops occurs nearly 2/3rd of its initial value.


Primary feed pumps (2 nos.) are fourteen stages, vertical centrifugal pumps. Each pump is
rated at 1140 lpm at 945 meters head. The motor is powered by 6.6 KV supply. Purpose of PFP
is to keep PHT system pressurized at 87 kg/cm2.

The main steam lines described above terminate at the common inlet chamber of CIES
valve steam chest in which two CIES valves are housed. From the common outlet
chamber of the CIES valve steam chest, two-loop pipe lead the steam to two governor
valves located on either side of the H.P. turbine. From the governor valves, two more
loop pipes lead the steam to the H.P. cylinder (H.P.Turbine). All these loop pipes are
sufficiently flexible to allow the thermal movements in the system without creating
excessive forces and moments.

The turbine is a tandem compound horizontal impulse reaction type, which when running at
3000 r.p.m. Will drive a 235 MW generator. It consists of a single high-pressure cylinder and
one double flow low pressure cylinder (L.P.Turbine). The high-pressure section has five
sections (stages) in one cylinder. Steam is bled for feed heating. The 0.26% wet steam at
pressure of 40 kg/cm² and 250ºC is supplied to CIES valves (combined isolating and
emergency stop valves). The turbine is pressure compounded to expand the steam in two
cylinders, HP and LP. After expansion in HP cylinder the steam is exhausted into two
separators cum reheaters where moisture is separated and steam is reheated to 233ºC before it
enters the double flow low-pressure turbine.

The exhaust steam from H.P. cylinder is led to the two moisture separator cum reheaters units
(Separator – Reheaters). Steam from separator-reheater is taken to the LP cylinders. One L.P.
interceptor emergency and governor valve is installed in each reheat line. Bellow type steam
expansion joints are provided on H.P. cylinder exhausts, separator- reheater inlet and outlet
side and at L.P. interceptor valves to take care of thermal expansion of the pipes. LP cylinder
has five stages in each flow. Steam is from various stages of L.P. cylinder for feed heating.

The exhausts from the L.P. cylinder are led through the diffuser to the condenser. Steam
extracted from suitable stages of HP and LP turbine to provide for 6 stage regenerative feed
heating with a final water temperature to 170.7ºC.

The rotating element of the turbine consists of the H.P. rotor and L.P. rotor solidly coupled
together to form a single shaft. This shaft is rigidly coupled to the rotating element of the
generator on the L.P. out board bearing side. The thrust bearing is provided in the pedestal
between the H.P. and L.P. outer cylinder.
Cooling water sprays are provided at either end of the L.P. cylinder, which automatically come
into action in case of excessive rise in exhaust hood temperature.
Gland seals are provided to prevent the leakage of steam to atmosphere from the high-
pressure ends of the turbine and ingress of air into the turbine at the low-pressure ends
between rotary and stationary components. Live steam is tapped from the steam line and
supplied to the L.P. and H.P. turbine glands through pressure regulating valves.

An A.C. motor barring gear is provided for turning the turbine rotors when starting up and
shutting down so as to prevent rotor distortion due to unequal heating or cooling. Because of the
use of saturated steam, special provision has been necessary to limit erosion. H.P. casing is
made of 2-1/4" Cr., 1% Mo steel castings. L.P. casings are made of mild steel fabrication. HP
rotor and LP mono block rotor are made of Ni, Cr, Mo, V steel. HP and LP moving blades are
made of stainless steel 12-14% Cr.. Internal passages of turbine cylinders are arranger to avoid
removal of water with steam bled off for feed water heating and reheating of steam. The last row
of moving blades on the LP side is welded with stellite strips on the leading edges by electron
beam welding to protect the blades from erosion.
High chrome stainless steel metal has been deposited on the internal surface of HP cylinder
and CIES valves seats are stellited to reduce the effect of suspended water in steam impinging
on these surfaces. Each turbine rotor has been dynamically balanced and over speed tested at
20% above rated speed.

A single oil system serves both the turbine hydraulic control system and lubrication
system. During normal operation of the turbine, the main oil pump, the impeller shaft of
which is directly coupled with turbine shaft, takes suction from the oil tank, provides the
oil to the oil system. A portion of the main oil pump discharge drives the oil turbine
driving the booster pump and discharge into lower pressure header for bearing
lubrication oil.

This oil system provides oil for bearing lubrication and high-pressure oil for the turbine control
gear and generator shaft sealing system.


(1).Combined Isolating And Emergency Stop Valve (CIES)

The CIES valves may be operated either by hand wheel provided on the turbine
operating floor or by electric motor remotely operated from control room or from turbine
gauge board.

The CIES valves are a single seated valve with venturi type steam passage. The valve
seat assembly incorporates a steam strainer. The valve body contains an integral
bypass valve, capable of passing sufficient steam for starting and light loading.

The CIES valve is provided with built in safety feature against the inadvertent opening of
the valve after the turbine trip. When the turbine trips, both the valves get close
automatically. They cannot be opened again even after the turbine is reset unless the
CIES valve is itself reset by bringing its hand wheel to the fully closed position.

(2) Non-Return Valves (NRV’s) On The Turbine Extractions

Non- return valves are provided in the bleed steam lines to prevent turbine over speed
due to back flow of the steam into the turbine which is likely to occur during turbine
unloading. The valves are solenoid air to open type. Solenoid valve will be energized
normally. Solenoid valve will get deenergises to drain the compressed air and NRV
will be closed by spring force acting until the turbine speed falls.


Three pressure relief valves are provided in each main steam header set at 50kg/cm2,
50.75 kg/cm2 and 51.5 kg/cm2 for over pressure protection.

And three pressure relief valves are also provided in Re-heater shells to protect from
internal excessive pressure. Relief valves are set to open at a pressure of 6.0 kg/cm²
are provided on the left hand side of the hot reheat pipe and one bursting diaphragm to
burst at a pressure of 7.05 kg/cm². The Pressure relief valves are usually spring loaded
and valve opening pressure is adjusted by tightening and loosening the spring. The
valve is activated by static pressure under the disk. When the line pressure exceeds the
preset of the spring the valve is opened and the excess fluid go out of the system itself.

Some Important Devices In Turbine Governing System
Function of the governing system is as follows:

(a). To run up the turbine up to the rated speed.

(b). Maintain the speed, while no load.

(c). When connected with grid, it should be able to follow the reactor power.

(d). To trip or safeguard the turbine under any abnormal condition.

To perform the above functions, the turbine oil of various pressures is used to control
various units. The oil, which is used to drive CIES valves, is called relay oil.

Main Components are:
(1). Speeder gear: -

The speeder gear is mounted in the front pedestal (near turbine). It is used to raise and
lower the compensating sleeve of the governor pilot valve, thus varying the H.P.
sensitive oil pressure to control the degree of opening of the H.P. governor valves and
thereby the output of the governor. Actually HP governor valves are controlled by HP
sensitive oil pressure signal and this pressure is governed by a piston cylinder (sleeve)
assembly. Piston is controlled by speed governor and speeder gear is connected to

(2). Speed governor: -

It is of centrifugal type. It consists of two weights, which are connected by spring. On

change in speed, centrifugal forces causes the weights to swing outwards or inwards on
their pivots against the tension of the spring in turn changes the position of H.P. & L.P.
pilot valves.

Mounted above the speed governor and thereby varying the H.P. & L.P. sensitive oil
pressure to control the opening of the H.P. & L.P. governor valves respectively.

(3). H.P. governor valves: -

H.P. governor valves regulate the steam admission to the turbine. These are opened or
closed as per the H.P. sensitive oil pressure. This pressure is adjusted by the action of
centrifugal governor or by the action of speeder gear. Centrifugal governor gets signal
either from the turbine speed when turbine is unsynchronized or from the grid frequency
when turbine is synchronized.

Each HP governor valves is provided with a steam strainer. The valve is provided with
spindle leak off arrangement. The force of relay oil pressure opens the valve and the
closing force is obtained by powerful springs on draining of relay oil pressure.

(4). L.P. interceptor emergency stop valves(LPIESV):-

These valves are of the butterfly design operated by a spring loaded power piston. The
valves are fitted with mechanical stops at each end of their strokes. Relay oil trip valves
directly control these valves. With relay oil established they open and when relay the trip
valves they automatically close under spring force cut off oil.

(5). L.P. interceptor governor valves:-

These valves are also of the butterfly design. The L.P. sensitive oil pressure controls
interceptor governor valves. L.P. sensitive oil transmitter unit depends only on the
speed of the turbine. These valves are never disturbed by the operation of the turbine.
L.P. sensitive oil pressure starts dropping above 103% above the rated speed and
valves start closing. At 106% above the rated speed, L.P. sensitive oil pressure reaches
a minimum value and valves are fully open and closed.

(6). Acceleration governor:-

The acceleration governor is incorporated to reduce the speed rise of the turbine on
sudden loss of the load. On constant speed, H.P. and L.P.sensitive oil supply ports
provided on acceleration governor are not open to drain, when rotor acceleration high, it
will temporarily open both the H.P. and L.P. sensitive oil system to drain, thereby
closing all H.P.and L.P governor valves in less time than is possible under normal
governor action.

The main turbine speed is measured in to ranges. Turbine high speed channel
measures the speed between 0-4000 RPM and turbine low speed channel measure the
speed between 0-75RPM.Barring gear motor speed is also measured in the range 0-
2000 RPM (local instrument).

The main turbine high speed, low speed and barring gear motor speed are measured by
separate proximity probe detectors. The proximity probe detector for turbine low speed
and high-speed measurement are mounted in the front pedestal adjacent to the flywheel
of the acceleration governor, which has 24 teeth. Barring gear motor speed is mounted
adjacent to the 4-start worm on main turbine barring gear.

The proximity probe detector, which is, mounted close to a toothed wheel, experiences
a sudden change in the air gap when a tooth is in the target area of the probe. This
sudden change of air gap is converted into a square wave with a magnitude
independent of tooth velocity but with a frequency, which is a function of shaft speed, by
electronic circuit.The frequency represents turbine and barring gear motor speed.


Separator Drain System


The exhaust steam from the high pressure turbine contains a large quantity of moisture so
before admitting the steam to low pressure turbine. It is passed through combined moisture
separator and reheater unit, which remove the moisture from the H.P exhaust steam.

The large quantities drain produces from the moisture separator section is drained into tanks .
The drain from TK-1 is normally pumped to H.P. drain cooler by means of two pumps Separator
drain pumps P1 and P2. In case H.P, drain cooler is not available or deaerator level is high the
drain is returned to condenser through flash tank.

The small baffles of the moisture separator section in MSR ensure an even distribution before
steam passes through the separator pad.

The separator pad is designed to remove moisture from the steam, this moisture is collected
from each unit of MSR via drain connection fitted at bottom of the shell.

Description of the Control

Two 100% capacity pumps (Separator drain pumps P1 & P2) are there to take suction from the
moisture separator drain tank (TK-1) to and to discharge through control valve (CV-30). A drain
tank level controller (LC-2) regulates this control valve. Two level switches LS-67 and LS-68 are
provided for low level pump trip and other for high level annunciation and opening of the bypass
valve MV-26 to flash tank.

Reheater Drain System


The exhaust steam from the high pressure turbine is initially passed through the moisture
separators of combined separator and reheater units which remove the moisture from the H.P.
exhaust steam. The outlet steam from the moisture separators is routed inside the shell foe
reheating in two stages first in bleed steam reheaters and subsequently in the live steam
reheaters. The bleed steam and live steam give their latent heat to the H.P. exhaust steam and
in turned get condensed.

The drain condensate from bleed steam reheaters is collected in two bleed steam drain tanks
TK-1 and TK-2 and condensate from live steam reheaters in live reheaters drain tank TK-3. The
drain from the TK-3 is normally pumped back to the boilers. The drain from TK-1 and TK-2 is
returned normally to H.P. heater #6. No drain pumps are used for this purpose. The differential
pressure between TK-1 and TK-2 and H.P. heater #6 is utilized for transferring the drain
condensate to H.P. heater # 6 is out of service due to any reason, the drain is returned to
moisture separator drain tank.

Description of the control

Two 100% capacity pumps Reheater drain pumps P-1&P-2 are arranged to take suction from
the live steam reheater drain tank TK-3 and to discharge through two control valves (CV-48 and
CV-47) to boilers. A drain tank level controller LC-1 regulates these two valves. Two switches
(LS-66 and LS-65) are provided for high and low annunciations. When both the pumps trip, MV-
20 valve will be opened for allowing the condensate to go to L.P. flash tank.

As already stated from bleed steam drain is collected in two bleed steam reheaters drain tanks.
The level of TK-1 is controlled in split range by CV-49& 50. Depending on the level of TK-1

LC#3 allows condensate to discharge through CV-49 or CV-50 to H.P. heater #6 or to moisture
separator drain tank.

As the steam expands in H.P. cylinder, the moisture content of steam goes up to about 11-12%
at the H.P. exhaust. Pressure of so high moisture would de detrimental to L.P. blades and would
adversely affect the efficiency of the cycle. Hence the steam is reheated before allowing it to
enter the L.P. stage by means of two combined MSR’s, which are provided in each of the two
crossover lines from H.P. turbine to L.P. turbine.

The MSR’s are of single shell design having two parallel circuits. In each circuit there is one
moisture separation stage followed by 1st and 2nd reheating stages. The moisture separators are
of demister stainless steel mesh type. The moisture content of the steam after passing through
the separator stage reduces to 1%. The first reheating is done by means of four bled steam tube
nests in each MSR getting steam from extraction No. 7. The 2nd stage reheating is done by of
two live steam tube nests in each MSR’s. Live steam and bleed steam tube nests are made up
of U bent, finned, mild steel tubes.

In order to protect the tube nests from damage due to impingement of steam coming out of
moisture separator an item called 'Vent Element' is provided between moisture separator and
bled steam tube bundles on main steam path. There are two vent elements in each MSR placed
below each bled steam tube nest. The vent element is formed of one layer of mild steel finned
tubes through which vent steam from bled steam tube header is circulated.

Three relief valves are provided on one of the hot reheat lines i.e., one of the MSR’s outlet lines
with a set pressure of 6 kg/cm² g for protecting the MSR’s from high pressure. The relief valves
are designed for 10% capacity only. Two bursting diaphragms on each MSR shell is also
provided as extra protection device. The bursting pressure of these discs is 7.05 kg/cm². The
bursting diaphragm is designed for 90% capacity. The MSR shell design pressure is 9.36

The internal layout of equipment within the reheater shell is listed below in order.
1. Steam distribution plates.
2. Moisture separator mesh.
3. Vent element heater tubes.
4. Bleed steam heater tube nest.
5. Live steam heater tube nest.

(1). Shell: -
Support foot shell is provided by 4 pairs of fabricated support feed welded to the shell. The unit
is anchored in position by one fixed support foot. The remaining support feed is of the sliding
type to allow for the expansion and contraction of the shell.

(2). Distribution plates: -

Distribution plates are fitted below the separator pad and above the cold reheat steam inlet
connections to ensure an even steam distribution through both separator pads and reheater.

(3). Separator pads: -

The separator pad is made up from a number of woven stainless steel pads six inches deep and
supported on a stainless steel grid. They are placed horizontally.

(4). Vent element heaters: -

Vent element heater is fitted above the separator pad and comprises a single row of tubes.
Steam and non-condensable gases are supplied to the vent element from the bleed steam
heater header. After passing through the vent element, the steam and gases are finally vent to
the deaerator.

(5). Bleed steam reheaters: -

Four steam heaters operating from bleed steam supplied from the HP turbine are fitted to each
reheater shell.

A feed water heater is a power plant component used to pre-heat water delivered to
a steam generating boiler Preheating the feed water reduces the irreversibility’s involved in
steam generation and therefore improves the thermodynamic efficiency of the system. This
reduces plant operating costs and also helps to avoid thermal shock to the boiler metal when
the feed water is introduced back into the steam cycle.

In a steam power plant (usually modeled as a modified Rankine cycle), feed water heaters allow
the feed water to be brought up to the saturation temperature very gradually. This minimizes the
inevitable irreversibility’s associated with heat transfer to the working fluid (water).

The Feed water Systems have two major functions:
 Supply adequate high quality water to the steam generator.
 Heat the water from about 490 C to about 1700 C.

Water comes from condenser to a Condensate pump, then to Low Pressure Feed
water Heaters (usually 2 sets of 3-5 heaters), then to a Feed water pump, then to
the High Pressure Feed water Heaters (usually 2 sets of 1-2), then to the steam
generators . In that case the water is supplied to the reactor.

Between the Condenser and Feed water Pump, the water is called condensate; between the
Feed water Pump and the Steam Generator, the water is called Feed water.

Major Components

Condensate Pump

 Raises pressure from almost vacuum levels to about 350 pounds per square inch.

Low Pressure Feed water Heaters

 Heat condensate water flowing through the tubes with steam exhausted from turbine.
Temperature is raised from about 90F to about 350F

Feed water Pump

The Feed water Pump increases the water pressure from about 350 pounds per
square inch (psi) to about 1200 pounds per square inch. Each unit typically will have 2
or 3 Feed water pumps.

The feed pumps may be electrically or turbine-driven. For the pump shown, a large
electric motor is located at the backwater is being supplied by the large right hand
pipe in the foreground, and leaves by the large left hand pipe.

Feed pumps usually rotate at about 5000 revolutions per minute and have an oil
lubricating system. Typical flow rates are 5000 to 10000 gallons per minute.

The Feed water Pumps take a suction from both the Condensate and Heater Drains
Systems. Condensate is routed from the condenser, where the steam from the low

pressure turbine is condensed to water in a vacuum. Condensate pumps raise the
pressure to over 350 psi. Typically the Condensate water passes through 4 to 6 stages
of heater drain coolers and feed water heaters which recover heat from steam
exhausted from the various turbine stages and heat the Condensate water temperature
from 490C to approximately 1700C. The condensate passes on the inside of tubes in
the feed water heaters; the heater drains pass on the outside of the tubes (shell side) of
the heat exchangers.

The Feed water pumps then raise the pressure to about 1100 psi. The water then
passes typically through 1 stage of High Pressure Feed water heater. After passing
through the HP Feed water heater, the water is at about 1700C and then passes to
through regulating, or control, valves and then to the steam generator.


Circulating water system is mainly for removing the latent heat from the turbine
exhaust and maintains the desired exhaust pressure in the condenser.

Some portion of circulating water is supplied to

 Turbine oil coolers
 Hydrogen coolers
 Boiler blow down coolers


The circulating water is supplied by three vertical mixed flow type ‘Kirlosker’ pumps
driven by 960 kW. 66kv ‘BHEL’ motors at 493 rpm. Each pump is capable of
supplying 15,850 m3/hr at total head of 8.9 meters.

Condenser cooling water system is a closed loop, consists of one natural draft cooling
tower for each unit, from where cold water flows by gravity through tunnel to the
pumps house. Each cooling water pump taking suction from the sump of pump house
discharges water through motorized butterfly valve in to a common header, which
split into two headers up to turbine building and then each headers split into further
two headers and thus four headers feed cold water boxes of the condenser each header
having a motorized butterfly valve.

Four headers from the outlet water boxes are coming out warm condenser discharge
water and each header having a motorized butterfly valve. Again these four headers
from two headers by joining two headers in one header. The two headers carrying
condenser warm water is sprayed in the natural draft tower basin. The circulating
water system require some amount of blow down in order to maintain the
concentration of dissolved solids and alkalinity of the water with in limit. The blow
down required is 800m3/hr which is down from the discharge headers of condenser.
Evaporation and drift loss from natural draft tower is 875m3/hr at full load. So make
up is done for these losses at the tunnel between NDCT and pump house sump from
Raw Water Pump House.

Non- active process water system is divided into two categories.

1. Non-active high pressure process water system (7134)

2. Non-active low pressure process water system (7132)

This division is done due to the following reasons:-

1. Requirement of high pressure in reactor building.

2. Requirement of equipments water class III power and under OBE (Safe
shutdown earthquake) condition.
3. Requirement of equipment under class – IV power and under OBE (Operation
basis earthquake) condition.
4. The HP system is safely oriented, therefore utilized pumping system with
rephrase standby pumps for each unit has been adopted. In case of LP system
common pumps for both the units are acceptable.


Purpose: This system supplies cooling water to:

1. DG set coolers.
2. Air compressors.
3. Aux BFP.
4. Aux CEP.
5. F/M vault cooler.

6. PHT pump room cooler.


These pumps are locked in CW pump house and located in IDCT loop.

HP piping consists of supply to reactor building from pump house and connecting the
return from RB and the return header for active process water cooling system.

A part of the supply goes to turbine building to meet the requirement of DG, air
compressor and Aux BFP.

Underground pipes in the HP system is laid in trenches, instead of being directly

buried in order to protect them better during earthquake.
Discharge header size is 500 mm. A small portion of the supply piping is increased to
600 mm in order to restrict the pump head. The size of the common return header is
1200 mm considering the total HP process water flow and active process water
cooling pump flow. Return header goes up to IDCT.
The static head IDCT w.r.t. the basin water level is 12MWC. Pressure at the outlet of
RB is about 12.7 MWC at 98M.
Motor for NAHP water pumps are 145 KW rating, 415V, 50 cycle/sec power supply.
These are led from class III buses. head required is 37.5 MWC.



This system supplies cooling water to:-

1. Main BFP
2. Main CEP
3. Live steam re-heater drain pumps.
4. Moisture separator drain pumps.
5. Main transformer oil pump.
6. Status water cooler.
7. Seal oil coolers.
8. Chiller.
9. Analysis panel.


Locked in CW pump house and take water from pump which is for CCW pumps.
These are located in NDCT loop. Low pressure system starts from pump discharge
forming a common header for both the units. Common header size is 800 mm. The
header size for chiller units is 600 mm. Return header of 700 mm is bifurcated for
each unit in two branches of 500 mm for connection with 2 Nos. of 2000 CW system
header of each unit.

Pipelines from the header are provided for feeding various auxiliaries.

Total head of pump = 28.5 MWC.

Total requirement of lp process water for 2 units is about 3010m3/hr.

Motor for NALP water pumps are 150 HP, 415V, 50 cycle/sec power supply. They
are fed from class IV buses.



This system is meant for the extraction of heat load from various reactor auxillaries
located in reactor building and service building which handle radioactive process
fluids. For removal of heat, DM water is circulated in closed loop.

Design Basis
APW system is used to cool various coolers in RB and service building i.e. moderator
heat exchanger, calanderia, end shield coolers, spend fuel bay cooler etc.
System utilities DM water as a cooling agent in a closed loop which imparts the heat
picked up from these cooler to APW cooling water system through plate type Hx. The
final disposal of heat is in IDCT.

Main role for this system is:

To remove heat from various components and heat exchangers and reject the heat into
plate type heat exchangers and to act as a secondary barriers to the potential release of
radioactivity to the environment from there system handling reactor coolant for other
active fluids which are cooled by process water system.
Total flow requirement per unit during normal operation is 6591 m3/hr and during
class-III operation 608 m3/hr against heat load of 58.872 MW thermal and 1.65 MW
thermal. There are 2 horizontal centrifugal pumps with 6875 m3/hr flow and 31.5
MWE are provided.
Two numbers emergency LPPW pumps are provided with capacity of 615 m3/hr and
TDH 49 MWC are provided.


Total flow requirement per unit during normal operation is 680 m3/hr and class-III
operation is 1692 m3/hr against head load of 7.5 MW and 12.453 MW respectively.
Five horizontal centrifugal pumps with capacity of 440 m3/hr each and TDH 49 MWC
are provided.
Return header of active LP and active HP process water system is joined together and
led to the plate type heat exchanger where it is cooled by active process water cooling



APW cooling system is for cooling of active process water which gets heat from
various equipments in reactor building and service building. Active process water is
cooled by this system in plate type HX. Cooling water is finally dispose its heat in

This system is provided to supply cooling water to NAHP process water system which
cools DG compressors, DG coolers, Aux-BFPs and RB vault coolers.

There are two pumps of centrifugal vertical pull out type each for both the units. One
other pump is kept as stand by. Capacity to the pump is 7225m3/hr with 20.1 MWC
head mother for this pump is 535 KW, 50 Hz, class-IV, 750 rpm.
These have thrust pad arrangement attached to column opp. to discharge flange
connection. Thrust pad is provided to take pressure due to provision of expansion joint
at the pump discharge.


There are two pumps:

Vertical non-pull out type

Capacity 1575 m3/hr
Head 15.4 MWC
415 V, 50 Hz, Class III

At non availability of class-IV power supply. Total quantity of CW required through

plate type hx is 1530 m3/hr.
One pump with another as stand by is running under class – III operation.


This is selected due to moderate heat duty. This is generated for safe shutdown
earthquake condition as this system will be used to remove reactor decay heat after a
Available pumps for IDCT are heat load, PW side flow and desired CW tank
temperature for PW after coming out from plate type HX.


For removal of heat at APW, plate type Hx are selected instead of tube and shell type
Hx because of following reasons:
1.They are compact as heat transfer co-efficient is very high.
2. These are flexible in design since Hx surface and heat transfer capacity can be
increased or decreased as required by adding or removing plates.

3. Because of high degree of turbulence existing in a plate Hx, the fouling tendency is
much less.
4. Leakage in gaskets can be easily detected since the gaskets are open to atmosphere
mixing of hot and cold fluids due to leaking gaskets is thus avoided.
5. Plate type Hx are economical as compared to shell and tube type Hx.


Chillers are used to cool the water. Chilled water system provides a continuous supply
of low temperature water (6.1ºC) at a predetermined rate as required for Air-
Conditioning, ventilation system as well as cooling process in various other
equipments of system.

Chilled water is required in following areas of NAPS: -

(1). For Air-Conditioning load and other process cooling in reactor building.
(2). For Air-Conditioning and associated area in service building.
(3). For Air-Conditioning and associated area in turbine building.
(4). Chilled water is required in D2O upgrading plant.

For NAPS I & II combined operation 2/3 units of 550 TR will be required to
function with 2/3 No’s chilled water pumps.

The chilled water system consists of three No’s centrifugal water chilling units with
one stand by, each chiller has net refrigeration capacity of 550 TR and volume
capacity of 600m³/hr.

For condenser cooling, non-active low-pressure process water at a temperature of
34ºC is used.

One expansion tank is used, located on roof of turbine building. This tank is used for
initial filling of system and provides positive suction head to pump. A make up line
connects to it.

The cycle used in chiller is Vapour Compression refrigeration cycle. The main
components of chiller system are:

(1). Compressor: -
Compressor used in chilled water system is Open type single centrifugal compressor.
The impeller and capacity control device are located in spiral casing and speed
increasing gears and lubricating system contained in gear box.

(2). Condenser:-
Upper part of unit cooler is condenser. Non-active low-pressure water flow through
tubes of condenser to which heat of compression is rejected.
(3). Expander or Throttle valve: -
In the throttle valve, the refrigerant converts into partially vapour form at the
evaporator temperature.

(4). Evaporator: -
The unit cooler is of horizontal shell and tube type. It is divided into two by
partitioning plate. The bottom section is the evaporator. Chilled water flows through
coil of evaporator, shell side of which refrigerant flows.


Refrigerant used in previous system was Freon-11 (R-11) i.e. CCl2F2
(Dichlorodifluoromethane) but in new chillers refrigerant is R-134a. Refrigerant boils
at low pressure to pick up heat and it dissipates the picked up heat during
condensation at higher pressure.
Above principle is accomplished by having a compressor, condenser, expansion or
throttling valve and an evaporator. At NAPS chiller has a centrifugal compressor,
which sucks vaporized refrigerant from evaporator and discharges to condenser. It
maintains positive pressure in evaporator and hence avoids the problem of air ingress
and purging. In condenser vapour refrigerant changes to liquid refrigerant by giving
its heat to process water.
In evaporator refrigerant pick up latent heat from the water circulated through
evaporator. This water becomes cool. Heat picked up by refrigerant in evaporator is
easily dissipated in condenser to process water. The operation of chiller is controlled
by microtech unit controller which is microprocessor based control panel.


The compressed air system provides L.P. and H.P. instrument, service air and the
mask air for both units of the station. The dry and wet air is supplied to the various
areas of station.

Six No’s air compressors each having separate air receiver are located in turbine
building. The compressors are horizontal opposed balanced type double acting having
two stages. Capacity of each compressor is 14.85 Nm³/min.
There are three No’s air drying unit of capacity 20 Nm³/min. each have been provided
with two No’s adsorbing towers, filled with silica gel, electric heater with blower for

regeneration of silica gel towers, two No’s prefilter and two No’s after filter. The
instrument air should be moisture and oil free, having dew point of


Suction valves are provide in the inlet of the suction filter which sucks the air from the
atmosphere and sent it to suction filter, which filters the dust particles in the air and
passes it to LP cylinder.

(2). LP STAGE:-

From suction filter the air enters into the LP cylinder, where the compression of the
air takes place and it is up to 2.8 Kg/cm².


Now the low-pressure compressed air passes through the delivery valve to the water-
cooled inter cooler. There air is cooled very near to atmospheric temperature.

(4). HP STAGE:-

Now air is sucked by the 2nd stage i.e. HP stage through the suction valves and is
compressed to 8.5 Kg/cm².


After Hp cylinder, air is again cooled in after cooler and finally passes to air receiver
through a non-return valve. High-pressure water is used for cooling.


With the help of discharge valve, which gets opened because of pressure gradient, the
compressed air is discharged to receiver. The capacity of air receiver is 4.5m³. Air
receiver is provided to dampen the pulsation from the discharge line and also serve as
a reservoir to take care of sudden unusually heavy demand or in emergency.
The air receiver capacity is being selected in such a manner that it will be able to
supply air for not less then 5minutes at a rate of 13.75 Nm³/min.and pressure does not
drop below 5.0 Kg/cm². Local air receivers have also been provided near the point of
sudden high consumption. They are as follows: -
(a). Air receiver near DM plant, capacity is 0.38m³.
(b). Air receiver, one for each unit near steam discharge valve, capacity is 2.5m³.
(c). Air receiver, 3 for each unit, capacity is 3.7m³.
Automatic moisture drain traps are provided for draining the moisture from inter
cooler, after cooler and receiver.

Lubricating oil is supplied by gear pump, which is driven directly by crankshaft. The
lubricating oil pumps feeds lubricating oil to the main bearings, connecting rod
(7). AIR DRYER: -

Air-drying plant is provided to supply dry air (Dew point= –40ºC) for instruments to
avoid the malfunctioning of instrument by moisture and dirt. This is achieved by
passing air through Pre-filters, Absorbers (filled with silica gel), after filters. There are
three air dryer units one for each unit and one common to both (can be connected to
any unit). Two prefilters and two afterfilters are connected to every dryer out of them
one remains in service and other standby.

Trainee’s Training Experience at NAPS

My training experience at NAPS was quite fruitful and beneficial as it was a golden
opportunity for me to visit Narora Atomic Power Station from inside which would not
have been possible any other time as for security reasons.
From Day One itself we were exposed to Industrial Working Procedures like
visiting the Mechanical Workshop. The experience we had at the field training was
also very vibrant. Starting
from Turbine Building Visit to visiting individual component section gave an
actual feeling of how huge machineries are handled and maintained.

One of the best moments was visiting the .TURBINE BUILDING I reckon the best
place to clear all doubts one has is to visit the turbine building and understand its
working. To see installed LP heaters , HX condensers, HP LP turbines
at one place in service condition- what more one could ask for
as an Mechanical Engineering student.

. I was really satisfied by the strictness and Alertness of CISF security. I really
appreciate the way security is beefed up owing to its strategic importance.
Not to leave the wonderful subsidized canteen which was a harbinger of new
energy whenever we were given short tea breaks.

All in all, my experience at NAPS was full of learning and understanding

Power System concepts and had its twists and turns which were beautiful in
their own way.

I just wished I had some pictures standing beside the humongous NDCT
Tower as a souvenir of what transpired in the one month training which I


The nuclear power has come of age with comprehensive capabilities in all
aspects of nuclear power and is poised for a large expansion program. The
challenge is to pursue the three-stage program, develop and commercially
deploy technologies for utilization of thorium and ensure the country’s
long term energy security.

At present nuclear reactors has an increasingly important role to play in the

generation of electricity and in the other areas such as defense (Plutonium
based atomic weapons) where radio nuclides are required. Needless to say,
when pursuing such a program, it is paramount importance that health and
safety of the plant personnel and member of the public are fully ensured.
The pressurized heavy water reactor, which will be the main source of the
nuclear power in India for present as well as future, have several safety
features. This Design provides redundancy in protective and safety system
and adopts the concept of defense in depth. The double containment feature
provides an added level safety level.

Operation of nuclear power station is characterized by the strict adherence

to a set of prescribed limits and guidelines .The operation personnel are
carefully selected, trained and qualified. Environmental releases and
exposure of personnel are routinely monitored so as to ensure that they are
within stipulated limits. The regulation authorities critically review the
design and procedure for manufacture, construction and operation, prior to
issue of appropriate licenses. Experience with Narora atomic power station
has demonstrated that the pressurized heavy water reactor system are
capable of operation with high reliability while ensuring safety of plant
personnel and the surrounding population ,and with the with minimal
impact on environment.



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