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Jalan Kihajar Dewantara, Wirotho Agung, Rimbo Bujang, Telepon (0747)31032


Most Indonesian people work in agricultural sector. Some of them have their own farms. Others
do not. They work as farm workers.

Mr. Andi is a farmer who owns a field. He plants rice in the field. Early in the morning he works
in his fields. He usually works using a hoe to loosen the soil. His son, Yudi, helps him to work in the field.
Sometimes Yudi helps his father to push a plough, drown by a buffalo.

Mrs. Andi also help her husband. Sometimes she waters the plants. At other times she pulls out
the weeds. They all work hard to cultivate their land. But they can not increase their harvest. Mr. Andi
and his family do not have time for resting and enjoyment. And he can’t afford so send his son to Junior
High School.

Mr. Yunus is also a farmer. He owns a farm. He plants rice, corn and several other crops. But he
doesn’t have to work as hard as Mr. Andi. He has been using modern methods of cultivation. Besides
using hand tools, he also uses mechanical tools.

1. The next talks about …

a. Tools using in the farm
b. Tools using in the house
c. Mr. Yunus
d. Mr. Andi
2. What does Mr. Andi plant in the field ?
a. Cassava
b. Vegetables
c. Corn
d. Rice
3. Mr. Yunus doesn’t have to work as hard as Mr. Andi because …
a. He plant rice and corns
b. He uses mechanical tools
c. He owns a farm
d. He uses traditional tools
4. Who has achieved great success as a farmer ?
a. Yudi
b. Mrs. Andi
c. Mr. Yunus
d. Mr. Andi
Last Thursday was a holiday, so the students did not have any classes. They all took a trip to Lake Toba.

Ali and Ani left their house at five o’clock on Thursday morning. When they came near the school, Ali
said, “Look, Ani. I see one –two – three – four – five buses.” Ali and Amir were on the same bus but Ani
was in a different one.

“What did you bring for lunch, Ali?|” Amir asked.

“I brought some meat and rice, “ answered Ali.

“Did you ? I did, too. “ Said Amir.

“Ani brought some ‘nagasari’ for us, “ said Ali.

“That’s good!

I like ‘nagasari’ very much ,”replied Amir. Just then one of the students said,

“Let’s sing.”

“Good ! Let’s sing, “ Where is John “ replied Amir.

“All right,” said the other students and they began to sing.

Where is John ? The old grey hen has gone again. Where is John ? The cows are in the corn again. Oh,
John ? They got to Prapat at ten o’clock. They played together by the lake and were very happy.

Some of the boys went swimming. They had lunch by the lake, too. They watched the boats on the lake
while they ate. At two o’clock in the afternoon they left Lake Toba, and went home. Ali and Ani got
home at seven o’clock.

5. Ali saw five buses when …

a. He was not on the same bus with Ani
b. He was on the same bus with Amir
c. He came near the school
d. He left the house
6. Who brought some meat and rice ?
a. Ali and Amir did
b. Ali did
c. Ani did
d. Amir did
7. Who like nagasari very much ?
a. Amir does
b. Ani does
c. Ali and Amir do
d. Ali and Ani do
8. “Ani brought some nagasari for us.” (paragraph 3)
The word underline refers to …
a. Ali and hisfriends
b. Ani and Ali
c. Amir and Ani
d. Ali and Amir



The people of Torajan are one of the 350 ethnic groups in Indonesia. They still hold very fast to
their traditions. One example is the funeral. To them, the funeral has a particular meaning in their way
of life. It is very interesting to wacth, too. The ceremonies take place within three or more days.

The first breaking of news telling that someone has just died is marked by the slaughter of water
buffalo. It is the sign to the contry people in the neighbourhood that a member of certain family has
passed away. They blood that pours out is cought in bamboo tubes. The more important the person who
dies, the more animals they kill.

When an old women who was known by people in her village and its surroundings as
“Grandmother Nimpa” died, the small square of the village of Ba’tan began to seem like the the
slaughter ground of a big town. On her trip to the next world, this woman of eight-four was followed by
seventy-five heads of the killed animals. The slaughter party is meant to honour the spirit of the dead
person. Toraja people regard the funeral ceremonies as having the most important value in their
culture. Adapted form Window On The World, March 1997.

9. How old was Grandmother Nimpa when she died ?

a. Three hundred and fifty
b. Eighty-four
c. Seventy-five
d. Fifty
10. Paragraf two tells us about …
a. The death of Grandmother Nimpa
b. The Torajan people
c. The slaughter of a buffalo
d. The Toraja way of life
11. How do we know that the dead person is more important then the others ?
a. The blood of the buffalo caught in bamboo tubes
b. The more interesting ceremonies they watch
c. The coming of people of the neighbourhood
d. The more animals people slaughter
12. Why was Grandmother Nimpa followed by killed animals ?
a. She was the member of Ba’tan village
b. She was respected by every one
c. The Ba’tan village was a big town
d. Nimpa was a rich man
13. The world in the text which means “dead” is …
a. Slaughtered
b. Passed away
c. Killed
d. Buried

It is true that newspapers are an important source of information. Many people begin their day
by reading the papers. In this way, they learn what is going on in the world. Something, however, they
don’t have time to read the newspapers carefully. They only have time for a quick look at the front page;
at other times, they may be in such a hurry that they only have time to glance at the headlines.

There are different newspapers to satisfy every reader. In big cities, where various people live,
there are many types of papers, with several different editions every day. In small towns, there are
fewer newspapers and perhaps only one editions each day. In some areas the paper is printed weekly.

Most newspapers have several sections, especially on Sundays when the edition is large than
usual. There are, in addition to the front page with the most important news, the sports section, the
society page, the comics, the amusement section, the business page, and the editorials.

14. Why are newspapers important ?

a. They have a lot of advertisements
b. They are a source of information
c. They have nice pictures
d. They are interesting
15. The readers usually don’t have time to read in the morning because …
a. The information is too long
b. It’s too early to read
c. They have to work
d. The weather is hot
16. What is the main idea of paragraph three ?
a. There are some sections in the newspaper
b. The editorial section is the most important
c. The headline has the most important news
d. There are different newspapers to read
17. “In this way, they learn what is going on the world” (paragraph one).
a. The important information
b. The source of information
c. By reading the paper
d. Many people
What is a radio ? a radio is an electronic medium of communication . it uses the electromagnetic
waves. The waves are trough space. The electromagnetic waves are similar to light. Men have attemted
to speed communication. By the invention of the radio the messages can reach many people faster than
before. Since its appearance radio has had a great influence to the people’s lives. People in remote areas
are able to follow the news and information through radio. And the universal events can be reported to
the entire globe a few second after they happen.

How does a radio work? The information transmited by radio carried by electromagnetic waves.
Through a transmiting antenna the waves are launched into space. And they are captured by another
antenna at the receiving site. Then the waves are fed to the radio receiver. In the radio the information
is converted into sounds that we can hear.

18. What does paragraph one tell about ?

a. An electronic medium of communication
b. The speed of communication
c. The waves in the space
d. The electromagnetic waves
19. How can the messages reach many people faster than before ?
a. By electromagnetic waves
b. By the speed of communication
c. By the invention of the radio
d. By the influence of people’s lives
20. What is the main idea of paragraph two ?
a. The radio receiver
b. The antenna at the receiving site
c. The way how a radio works
d. Information transmitted by radio

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