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B4 Media Guide 

Stay Connected in Multiple Ways 

Application  Description & Link  Benefits 
Email  - Daily/weekly/monthly reminders, updates, & 
- Communication school <-> home (7:30am-3:00pm 
Mrs. Juna Dulog  response, or next day)  -Parent & student use 
  -Best method of communication 

Phone (school phone only)  - Daily/weekly/monthly reminders, updates, & 

messages VIA phone call 
- Communication school <-> home (7:30am-3:00pm 
808 733 4880 x 242  response, or next) 
-Parent use 

Class tag  - Daily/weekly/monthly reminders, updates, & 

messages VIA text message 
Mrs. Dulog can send you the invite to join 
- Communication school <-> home (7:30am-3:00pm 
  our class!  response, or next day) 
  -Parent & student use 
    -Recommended method of communication 
Download the app on iTunes or PlayStore 

B4 Class Website  -“Classroom window” for families  

-All about B4 
-Multiple Resources   -Updated daily/ weekly 
-Student/parent use  

Instagram (private account)  -“Classroom window” for families  

-Current pictures & videos of classroom learning 
-Updated daily/ weekly 
@B4wpcs  -Parent & student use  
#b4wpcs #grade4 #waialaepcs 

Google Classroom   - Digital assignments 

(Templates also provided) 
*Students must log in with Wai’alae (.edu) 
- Multiple resources 
email account  - Updated daily/ weekly 
  - Student use  
B4 2019-2020 
Code: ​jcp46ju

OTHER Programs/Apps   

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