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Current Technology


Limestone products are commonly used in industrial processes and are naturally
occurring consisting of high levels of calcium, magnesium carbonate and minerals
Lime is used in many industries to neutralize acid waste and as an alkali for
chemical processes, in agriculture, soil stabilization, building, and industrial
purposes such as cement and steel production. 

Lime Production Process involves four steps:

1) Mining or Quarrying
Limestone material is extracted
carefully to maintain its purity
in underground mines and
quarries all over the world. 

2) Stone Preparation
In this step, the limestone is crushed and screened to further wash and remove

3) Lime
(Conversion of
(CaCo3) to lime
Limestone is a
source of
carbonate and is
heated to
convert the
calcium carbonate into calcium oxide. This process is generally carried out in large
rotary kilns or vertical shaft kilns where high temperature is required. Quicklime
is produced in the calcination process, which can be crushed depending on it's use.

4) Hydrating
In this step, hydrated also known as slaked lime is produced by reacting quicklime
with water.
CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2

Applying Le Chatelier's Principle in the Production of Limestone:
Limestone as a source of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is created from lime as a
source of calcium oxide (CaO) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
CaCO3(s) + heat <--> CaO(s) + CO2(g) (ΔH = +178 kJ mol-1)

Kc = [CO2]1
The equilibrium constant expression is Kc = [CO2]1 since the concentration of the
solids is constant which means that the only properties that can affect equilibrium
is change to the concentration of carbon dioxide or heat. Since the enthalpy is
positive, this makes the forward reaction endothermic, therefore 178kJ of heat
energy is absorbed for every mole of calcium oxide produced. 

When the reaction is carried in a ventilated lime kiln at normal atmospheric
pressure, the pressure of carbon dioxide (CO2) is reduced, which consequently
reduces the chances of a backwards reaction. In this process, only one mole of gas
is formed, so the net of the moles increase in the formation of lime since there are
no gaseous products, therefore by decreasing the pressure, it will favor the
production of more carbon dioxide molecules, ultimately shifting towards the right
(products) side and producing more lime.

Since the reaction is endothermic, this means that this reaction is favored by high
temperatures. According to Le Chatelier's principle, by increasing the
temperature of the system, the position of equilibrium will shift in the forward
direction in order nullify the change, where more amounts of CaO and CO2 will be
obtained and the concentration of CaCO3 will decrease at equilibrium.This means
that the position of equilibrium will move to the right as to decrease the
temperature again. However, if the temperature is reduced, the position of
equilibrium will shift accordingly to counteract this change, so in other words, it
will shift to the left to increase the temperature again. 

In order to produce more lime for society in the industry, the reaction is
manipulated so that the position of equilibrium is able to shift more to the right in
order to produce more lime. By disrupting equilibrium for the sole purpose of
producing more lime, society is able to benefit since lime can be used in several
useful ways.


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