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This is the digital age. There has been a huge boom in the usage of digital products.

This can be
movies, apps, softwares like OS, music, graphics; and there is no end to this infinitely growing list.

But what hasn’t changed is our perception of theft. More precisely, digital theft needs to be
recognised as a legitimate crime, is has been by the law, but it needs to be by people too. As per the
original definition of theft, the displacement of the property from it’s original position is called theft.
But digital products can be easily cloned, or as more commonly known copied. This is why digital
theft is dubbed ‘Piracy’.

Now people agree that owing something stolen is wrong. But these same people indulge in pirated
copies of the digital goods, without even batting an eye. Why is that?

This is due to the lack of awareness about the actual production of digital goods. The reason that
physical products have their value in the perception of people is that they are manufactured from
real raw material and are transported to the market. But digital goods are manufactured on
computers and like machines and transported digitally.

What remains true that both are manufactured and both are transported. Why is there a difference
in perception?

The paper seeks to answer this and similar questions.

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