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Introduction to Psychology

Partial Final Exam Spring 2017

The ______________________________________ personality disorder is characterized by

1. patterns of excessive emotionality and attention seeking. People with this disorder may engage in
inappropriate sexual or seductive behavior.

2. Which of the following items is out of place?

a. "shoulds," "oughts," and "musts"
b. Albert Ellis
c. Albert Bandura
d. rational-emotive therapy

3. An attributional psychologist is most likely to look for the causes of behavior in

a. either the material self or the spiritual self.

b. the future.
c. the present.
d. either the person or the situation.

Friends are joking about "being crazy"; the newspaper labels a mentally ill person as potentially
dangerous; the couple next door denies that their son has autism. Each is an instance of
a(n) ______________________________________ , a set of negative attitudes that place people
apart as unacceptable.

To increase the likelihood that treatment gains during therapy will carry over to the client's real-life
setting, therapists will
teach the clients to expect that tangible rewards will always be forthcoming after
engaging in a particular behavior.
b. teach behaviors that are likely to be reinforced naturally in a client's environment.
make sure to give rewards to their clients each and every time appropriate behaviors
d. make certain clients do not develop the habit of making reinforcing self-statements.
In a study that is described in the textbook, when individuals had more personal contact with those
who they believed suffered from a mental disorder, all but which of the following occurred?
a. They were less likely to physically distance themselves from those individuals.
b. They were less likely to direct anger toward those individuals.
c. They were less likely to develop a mental illness themselves.
d. They were less likely to direct blame toward those individuals.

A stereotype is a generalization about a group of people in which the same characteristics are
assigned to all members of a group.
a. False
b. True

For the last two years, a 7-year-old child has shown a degree of inattention that is not consistent
with his level of development, and his teachers complain of a history of behaviors such as squirming,
fidgeting, excessive talking, blurting out answers, and interrupting. These symptoms are most
consistent with the diagnosis of ______________________________________ .

The fundamental attribution error refers to the tendency of people to overestimate ________ factors
and to underestimate ________ factors.
a. incorrect; situational
b. situational; dispositional
c. distinctive; dispositional
d. dispositional; situational

One of the best-known methods of Gestalt therapy is the empty chair technique, in which two
10. clients are asked to sit in a room with one empty chair. The therapist observes how the clients
determine who shall stand and who shall sit.

a. True
b. False

Social roles are patterns of behavior that are expected of a person who is functioning in a given
setting or group.
a. False
b. True
The self-help concept applied to community group settings was pioneered by Alcoholics
a. True
b. False

Central to the theory of reciprocal inhibition, which Joseph Wolpe applied to treatment of fears and
phobias, is the idea that the nervous system cannot be relaxed and agitated at the same time.

a. False
b. True

14. Which of the following statements is LEAST likely to be an example of faulty thinking?
a. If I'm not perfect, I'm a failure.
b. I must do what people tell me to do.
c. If I do what people want, I will be popular.
d. I will feel good if I succeed at this task.

Someone's expectations about another person may actually influence the second person to behave
in ways that confirm the original hypothesis.

a. True
b. False

When using the technique known as flooding, a therapist might have a client who is afraid of the
dark sit in a darkened room.
a. False
b. True
Repetitive and ritualistic behavior is often a part of ______________________________________
, which, along with related disorders, is estimated to afflict 1 out of every 150 children.

Mary Cover Jones used the behavior therapy technique of ________ to treat Peter, a little boy who
was afraid of rabbits.

a. flooding
b. counterconditioning
c. insight therapy
d. implosion therapy

Imagine a hypothetical situation in which a teenage child has begun to exhibit the first symptoms
of schizophrenia. Based on prospective studies of schizophrenia, parents should

a. increase the child's allowance and reduce the child's family workload.
b. reduce their criticism, hostility, and intrusiveness toward the child.
institute a "family meeting" program in which parent grievances with the child can
be raised.
d. arrange for the transfer of the child to a suitable foster home.

Individuals who believe that they have physical illnesses despite assurances from medical
20. practitioners have________. Individuals who experience paralysis or blindness without a medical
cause have ________.

a. hypochondriasis; conversion disorder

b. dissociative disorders; phobias
c. conversion disorder; hypochondriasis
d. phobias; panic disorders

Research presented by your author suggests that when patients with a phobia of cockroaches were
21. exposed to a new type of therapy, they showed improvement in their ability to approach
cockroaches for up to 12 months after the treatment. What was the basis of this technique?
a. This technique involved a virtual reality system.
This technique involved large doses of antianxiety medications combined with
exposure to real cockroaches.
c. This technique involved what is called the "empty chair" intervention.
d. This technique combined behavioral therapy with cognitive therapy.

22. Attitudes are better predictors of behavior when the attitudes remain stable over time.
a. False
b. True

When you evaluate the group you belong to as better than others, you are demonstrating what is
called an in-group bias.

a. True
b. False

24. Which of the following statements best illustrates the concept of self-efficacy?
a. I know I am going to have trouble.
b. The therapist does not act fearful.
c. I did what I wanted to.
d. I can do this well.

A clinical version of existential psychology assumes that, given the bewildering number of realities
25. faced by people today, ________ syndromes reflect a retreat from these realities; and ________
syndromes reflect exploitation of these realities.
a. depressive; obsessive
b. sociopathic; narcissistic
c. sociopathic and narcissistic; depressive and obsessive
d. depressive and obsessive; sociopathic and narcissistic

26. Traditional psychoanalysis is probably most appropriate for patients who have
a. little motivation.
b. poor verbal skills.
c. little time and money.
d. long-standing repressed memories.

Systematic desensitization, flooding, and aversion therapy are forms of psychodynamic therapies
developed by successors of Sigmund Freud.
a. False
b. True

After a close play at the plate during a baseball game, one fan believes that the runner was safe
28. while another fan sitting next to him believes the runner was out. Social psychologists would say
that the two fans differ in

a. their knowledge of baseball.

b. their personalities.
c. their use of logic and reason.
d. the way they construct social reality.

A girl has an unreasonable fear of heights. If a therapist were to use the technique of flooding, the
girl would be
a. required to talk about what she fears most about high places.
b. brought to the top of a mountain.
c. asked to imagine herself hang-gliding.
d. made to watch a video of rock climbers.

When a husband blames himself for not having enough interest in engaging in sexual activity with
his wife, the rational-emotive therapist he is seeing is most likely to

interpret the symbolic meaning of the husband's refusal to engage in sexual

activity with his wife.
dispute the husband's thinking and examine alternative reasons for his lack of
sexual interest.
c. listen politely and paraphrase what the husband has just said.
d. look at the reinforcers that are missing in the husband's sexual activities.
31. A key element in the use of social-learning therapy to modify behavior is
a. contingency management.
b. the observation of models.
c. the use of punishment.
d. unconditional positive regard.

32. Clinicians worry that through the mechanisms of psychotherapy therapists will

a. prevent their clients from expressing memories fully.

b. encourage clients to repress their memories.
instigate clients' efforts to find repressed memories and verbally reward them
when the memories "come to light."
d. encourage clients to disbelieve any memories of the past they may have.

According to the ______________________________________ hypothesis, genetic factors

33. predispose an individual to a certain disorder, but environmental stress factors must impinge in
order for the potential risk to manifest itself.

They know the young man well at the police station. Although only in his twenties, he has been
arrested many times for a variety of unlawful behaviors. He usually denies any involvement, but
eventually says that his victims are losers and that their loss is his gain. He would most likely be
classified with ________ disorder.

a. antisocial personality
b. histrionic personality
c. anxiety
d. posttraumatic stress

A panhandler approaches you and your friend for some money. When your friend gives him a
35. dollar, you attribute your friend's behavior to her inherently generous spirit. Fritz Heider would say
that you made a(n) ________ attribution.
a. incorrect
b. external
c. dispositional
d. situational

A friend who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia has recently isolated himself from others and
avoids most social contact. In addition, he rarely shows any emotion. These changes in his
behaviors are considered part of the ________ category of symptoms associated with

a. negative
b. active
c. acute
d. positive

A man who is very overweight is trying to cut down on the amount of food that he eats. He wears a
37. thick rubber band on his wrist and whenever he finds himself in the kitchen, he snaps the rubber
band, causing a sharp pain. The man is using a technique that has a strong similarity to

a. aversion therapy.
b. flooding.
c. self-injurious therapy.
d. systematic desensitization.

38. A behavior therapist would be LEAST likely to use

a. free association.
b. systematic desensitization.
c. relaxation training.
d. flooding.

The college counseling center is having a workshop to teach students how the principles of learning
39. can be applied in a systematic way to increase desired behaviors or decrease unwanted behaviors.
It sounds as though the workshop will be dealing with the
a. principles of behavior modification.
b. client-centered therapy.
c. psychodynamic model.
d. object relations therapy.

In family therapy, the "client" is a whole nuclear family, and each family member is treated as a
member of a system of relationships.
a. False
b. True

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