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About Us
University School of Law & Legal Studies (USLLS) is one of the
constituent schools of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha
University and ranks 10 in 2016 India Today-Nielsen survey.
USLLS is currently being headed by Prof. Kanwal D. P. Singh.
USLLS is an institution dedicated to law and prides itself in being
the first State Government Law School to be established in Delhi.
Founded in 2001, it was the first law college providing an
integrated five-year programme in the vicinity of the Supreme
Court, Delhi High Court, various subordinate courts,
commissions, tribunals and various monitoring offices of
national and international voluntary organizations.
USLLS' objective has always been to serve as an institution of
advanced legal studies and augment academic and professional
excellence among its students. USLLS seeks to open new vistas
in the arena of legal studies, theoretical and clinical legal
education and endeavours to develop academic potential, critical
analytical ability, advocacy, counselling and mediation skills so
as to fully equip the students with learning which is intellectually
stimulating, socially vital and professionally enriching.


About the Conference

In Today’s era legal profession is one of the most blooming fields

of our society. In the last few decades, there has been a spurt in
the number of law aspirants in the country, which in itself is a
sign of hope for our country and our legal system, which is the
prerequisite for any country to get strong in the perspective of
Quality as well as Quantity. But with this sudden surge in the
field of legal profession, there come certain drawbacks or hurdles
that makes survival for a novice law aspirant a little troublesome.
This conference aims to highlight the issues that today's legal
professionals face in the country and attempts to find
recommendations and solutions that might be helpful for them.

Purpose of the Conference

Role of lawyer and judges shaping the present legal system

The sole purpose of this conference is to take cognizance of

various obstacles faced by the legal professionals in the
contemporary world, and to attempt finding recommendations
and solutions to deal with such hardships. This will help generate
quality advocates and judges, and thus, a better legal
environment in the future. A country requires skilled and adept
law professionals to sail it through the times of uncertainty,
adversities, distress and instability. In this background, USLLS
has organised this conference, covering a variety of sub-themes.

To Give mileage to our institution we are organising

this conference


The Conference shall feature panel discussions and speeches by
eminent practitioners, academicians, policy makers. Each panel
discussion will be followed by an interactive session with the
participants of the conference. In addition to this, paper
presentations will also be held at the Conference.

Conference Themes

 Economic Pressures on the Practice

The legal profession faces unprecedented economic pressures
fuelled by many factors, including societal changes and
economic downturn. These pressures often dovetail with other
challenges facing the profession. In today’s buyer’s market,
clients determine what services are needed and at what cost.
They will continue to demand efficiency and responsiveness
from their lawyers – and for less cost.

 Technology and the Practice of Law

Advances in technology are occurring exponentially. These
advances increase the pace of practice and client expectations,
forcing lawyers to adapt or face extinction. Understanding and
implementing new technologies are difficult and time-
consuming for lawyers. Clients are often ahead of lawyers in
implementing new technologies, and they have increased access
to legal information, much of it readily available on the Internet.
However, technology also is the “great leveller,” allowing
innovative solo and small-firm practitioners to compete with
larger firms.

 Regulation of the Legal Profession

Rapidly evolving technological advances, changing expectations
on the part of the public concerning access to information and
services, as well as sociologic and economic globalization,


combine to require a reconsideration of traditional ethical rules

and regulation mechanisms for the legal profession. Ari Kaplan,
in The Evolution

of the Legal Profession: A Conversation with the Legal

Community’s Thought Leaders, opines that these issues will
force the legal profession to restructure how it delivers legal
services. In order for the profession to stay relevant and thrive,
lawyers must examine who can invest in firms, models for
publicly traded firms, and lawyer partnerships with other
professionals. “The profession is practising on a 100-year-old
platform that is out of date,” say attorneys Frederic S. Ury.

 New Lawyer Training/Development

The reality of today’s economy means fewer opportunities for law
school graduates. With fewer clerkships, internships, and law
firms hiring new graduates – and access to mentors – law
schools are graduating more lawyers with less experience.

 New competition in the legal market

Globally, the legal industry is experiencing an era of
transformation. The changes are unmistakable and diverse. Such
o Technological
o Work culture
o Artificial intelligence

 The corporative interaction between lawyer

and judges: bench bar relation
The judicial setup contains many dynamic relations but none is
more central than the Bar-Bench relation. While the Bar
represents the lawyers, the Bench is the manifestation of the
judges. The judges, although, tasked with administering the law,
are assisted by the lawyers, in their endeavour to achieve
excellence in the task. A sense of mutual respect is present
between the two making their relation so dynamic.


 Public perception of the lawyer

Lawyers have one of the most important jobs of being crusaders
of social change. They have been burdened with one of the very
important tasks to not only provide justice to the wronged, but
also to make sure to prevent such injustice in the future. Still, the
public perception of the lawyers is not a positive one.

 Vicarious Trauma in Legal Profession

The Legal Professionals are known to be at risk of developing
vicarious trauma (like PTSD) through exposure to their client's
traumatic narratives despite not having exposed to those events
directly. Vulnerability to vicarious trauma is an acceptable norm
in the Legal Profession but we need to safeguard our mental
health by fostering certain tolerant qualities.

 LPO (Legal Process Outsourcing)

Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) is the industry in which in-
house legal departments or organizations outsource legal work
from areas where it is costly to perform, such as the United
States or Europe to areas where it can be performed at a
significantly decreased cost, primarily India. Legal Process
Outsourcing is a high end industry that has been growing
rapidly in the recent years.
The most commonly offered services have been agency work,
document review, legal research and writing, drafting of
pleadings and briefs, and patent services.

Any other topic related to the theme of the event will be

appreciated as well.


Guidelines for The Paper Submission:

The soft copy of the contribution, as attachments in MS Word
format (.doc) or (.docx), must be sent to, where;

1. An abstract should be typed in TIMES NEW ROMAN 12 Font

Size with 1.5 spacing (Title in 15 Font Size) Abstract (not
exceeding 300 words) should reach latest by, 20th November
2018 in Soft Copy.

2. The Final paper (not exceeding 3000 words) should reach

latest by, 20th December, 2018 in Soft Copy.

3. The citation should strictly conform to the rules in The

Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th edition).

4. Submission should include separate Title Page which clearly

indicates the name(s) of the author(s), complete mailing address
(es), Telephone No. and e-mail address(es)

5. The text of the full paper and abstract must include title of the
paper, but must not include the name(s) of the author(s) as the
papers will be blind reviewed.

6. Co-authorship is allowed subject to a maximum of two co-


7. Acceptance of the Abstract would be notified within a week of

the receipt of the same. The complete paper should reach us
latest by 20th December, 2018.

8. Only original unpublished work is sought. Any proposal

submitted to present identical or substantially similar work
already published under review for any other publication will not
be considered.


9. The best papers will be rewarded in every technical session.

10. All submission has to be made on the following email id:

Guidelines for Paper Presentations

 The Conference shall have paper presentations
(including articles, notes and comments) that shall be
selected after a blind review procedure to be conducted
by the Editorial Board of the University School of Law
and Legal Studies, GGSIPU, New Delhi.
 The presenters will present their papers before a panel of
experts who shall adjudge the paper presentations.
 The participants may adopt any suitable means for
presenting the papers including audio-visual aids,
PowerPoint presentations etc.
 The presenters at the Conference will be issued a
Certificate of Participation and a Certificate of
Presentation of Research Paper by the University School
of Law and Legal Studies, GGSIPU, New Delhi.
 Authors whose papers are selected for presentation in the
Conference shall be required to pay an amount of ₹
1,000/- for single author entries and ₹ 2,000/- for co-
authored entries.
 The University will provide accommodation to all the
authors who are selected to present their papers at the
 The mode of payment will be communicated to the
participants via email after they have submitted their
registration form.


The School invites academicians, practitioners and students of
law pursuing their LL.B (Hons.)/ LL.B/ LL.M from any
recognized university to register as a participant or to submit
research papers for paper presentations to be held at the

Contacts Information




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