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Trezevant High School Afternoon/ Morning Duties

PLEASE make sure all students know the following:

2. All students who play sports or have tutoring should report to the GYM door and
remain at the GYM door until they are allowed back in the GYM. Sports specific coaches
will be standing at these doors.
3. Detention students report to the cafe doors. Ms. McFarland and Ms. Jackson and are at
these doors.

Morning Duties
Teams will rotate out every week.
Team A- 6:45am Cafe Upon student arrival, monitor metal
detectors and check students
Mr, Abid backpacks and or student purses for
Ms. Lipford unauthorized materials. Monitor
Mr. Mathis students entering lines for breakfast.
Ms. Tavani Monitor students at tables once
Ms. Patrick breakfast is received.
Mr. Reed
TAT Team Members
Team B 6:45am Cafe Upon student arrival, monitor metal
detectors and check students
Mr. Coules backpacks and or student purses for
Ms. Thomas unauthorized materials. Monitor
Ms. Fletcher students entering lines for breakfast.
Ms. Dennis Monitor students at tables once
Ms. Gatley breakfast is received.
Mr. Jenkins
Ms. S. Jackson
TAT Team Members

Team C 6:45am Cafe Upon student arrival, monitor metal

detectors and check students
Ms. Black backpacks and or student purses for
Mr. Dyson unauthorized materials. Monitor
Mr. Derung students entering lines for breakfast.
Ms. Payton Monitor students at tables once
Coach Jones breakfast is received.
Ms. Cates
TAT Team Members
Team D 6:45am Cafe Upon student arrival, monitor metal
detectors and check students
Mr. Quinlan backpacks and or student purses for
Mr. Arnold unauthorized materials. Monitor
Ms. Stewart students entering lines for breakfast.
Ms. Brown Monitor students at tables once
Mr. Harbin breakfast is received.
Mr. Tanner
Ms. Gilmore
TAT Team Members
Ashley Jackson Upstairs, 6:45am daily Monitor hallway activities and make
Stairwell A sure students are not upstairs prior to
morning Dismissal
Ryan Harris Downstairs, 6:45am Daily Monitor hallway activity and make sure
Stairwell A students are not our side of the Café
prior to morning dismissal.
Ms. Hayes, Ms. Ellis-Clark, Café 6:45 Daily Upon student’s arrival, group will
Ms. Coleman- Davis, Coach monitor students and retrieve
Tyson, and Coach Harris; exceptional students so they may
Coach Greg Williams report to class upon dismissal.
TAT Team Members

Afternoon Duties
Teacher Time to report Assigned Comments
to your monitoring
assigned area area
(already be at
your spot at
this time)
Immediately At cellphone Make sure students are in an orderly line
Coach Smith; Ms. Gillum; After Afternoon door/ and they are to remain orderly throughout
and Coach Nelson; Coach Announcements the entire process. There should only be
Hunter (Teachers on one line of students standing at the
door…extra students should not be
planning will also assist)
allowed to hang out. Detention students
should not be in your line at all. They are
to automatically report to the Library to be
greeted by Ms. McFarland. Ms. Jackson will
retrieve student cell phones and bring
them to the library.
Coach Harper, Coach Immediately Gym Parking Take any students you have with you. They
Hunter, and ROTC After Afternoon lot should be given their cell phones and
Announcements watched as they walk off campus. Coach
Harper, Coach Hunter and ROTC will
monitor the student to the bus and make
sure they get on safely.
Coach Green and Mr. Immediately Front Monitor student activities as they
Kelly After Afternoon Entrance dismiss.
Ms. Sherrod, Immediately Main Also Make sure students do not enter
Ms. Moore After Afternoon Lobby/ the back into the building.
Dr. White Announcements Front office
area (Ms. McFarland and Ms. Jackson will
assist with guarding the doors to the
front of the school and make sure no
student enters.)
Ms. Jackson and TAT Immediately Detention Take any students you have with you. They
Team Members After Afternoon receiving should be given their cell phones and
Announcements watched as they walk off campus. You will
line stand at the detention door, allow detention
students to enter and monitor them until the
people assigned to detention arrive.
Coach Little Immediately 1st Floor After Dismissal, Coach Little will report to
After Afternoon Dismissal the Café to assist with cell distribution and
Announcements Detention students.
Mr. Brent Immediately Teacher Monitor Student as they exit the
After Afternoon Parking lot campus.
Ms. Sherrod 3:10pm Dismiss Dismiss students after announcements are
from completed
Coach Jones Immediately between Take the students you have with you when
After Afternoon GYM/ A you leave. They should exit the building
Announcements through the cafeteria doors. You should
Hallway and stand between main entrance and the GYM
main doors and make sure students are not
entrance loitering.
Ms. Williams and Ms. Immediately A Hallway Monitor and direct student to the cafeteria
Cromwell After Afternoon to collect cellphones and exit for the day.
9th Grade Academy Immediately Escort Take the students you have with you when
Teachers After Afternoon students to you leave. They should exit the building
Announcements the Café and through the MAIN doors. These students
after students must WALK WITH YOU through the
Cafeteria doors as they exit
receive their
phones and
escort them
All Teachers Immediately Hallway All Teachers will walk their students
After Afternoon down to the Cafeteria to collect phones
Announcements and out of the building after cellphones
are collected.
Tavani/Lipford Immediately Girl’s Tavani will check upstairs and Lipford
After Afternoon Restroom will check downstairs.
Mr. Brent/ Coach Harbin Immediately Boy’s Brent will check upstairs restrooms
After Afternoon Restroom Coach Harbin will check downstairs
Announcements restrooms.

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