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At the end of the lesson, the students will:
a. analyze technical and operational definitions of a term
b. explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment and other
factors through a web; and
c. show how one character in the story can react on a particular situation.


A. Text
“The Hunchback of Notre Dame” by Victor Hugo
B. Materials
Instructional Materials, Visual Aids, Power Point Presentation, Video Clip,
Ball, Envelops.
C. References
Celebrating Diversity through World Literature English Grade 10
Retrieved on November 03, 2018 to

D. Skill Focus
Listening Skills, Reading Skills, Critical Thinking Skills, Viewing Skills,
Cooperative Skills


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Greetings

“Good morning Afternoon Class!” “Good Afternoon Ma’am”

“Can someone lead the prayer?” (The student will lead the prayer)

“Kindly pick up the pieces of paper, candy (The students will pick all the trash
and keep it)
wrappers and other kinds of trash under your
B. Checking of Attendance
(Class monitor check the attendance
“Class monitor, is there any absentees from and report it before the class.)
our class?”

“Ma’am, technical definition means

C. Checking of Assignment
defining a term on how it supposed
to work. While operational is how it
“Last meeting, I told you to differentiate really works.”
between technical and operational definition
of terms. Who would like to share his/her
answer with the class?” “Parliament is a technically defined
as formal conference for a
discussion, and for its operational
“Who would like to give me an example of a definition, it is the legislative body.
term defined technically and operationally.

“Very Good!”

“Now, to fully understand the difference

between the two, I have here words taken
from the selection we are about to read later. “Yes, ma’am!”
All you have to do is to place the definition
of the terms either under technical or
operational. Is it clear?”

The students will come up to the following

words and terms and definitions.

Terms Technical Operational

definition definition
1.Cathedral A dome- A house for
shaped worship
of a
2.Hunchbac A crooked Person
k posture with a
hump on
his back
3.King Monarch, Ruler
4.Sanctuary A place of Book, to be
refuge and omen of
5.recluse A person A hermit
who lives

D. Motivation

“This time, I will play a video. All you have

to do is to watch it carefully and be ready to
answer the questions later. Is it clear?”

“Ma’am it is all about a Thailand

(The teacher will play the video) transgender who became an internet
sensation in our country because of
“So, what is the video all about?” how she dances and it looks like she
does not belong to the beauty
standards of the Filipinos. But later
on, Filipinos found out that this girl
helped those Yolanda victims

“Ma’am it simply shows us that we

should not judge one person based
on his/her physical appearance.
Because the real beauty lies beyond
“Nice! So what do you think is the message the physical appearance. What
of this video?” matters most is how pure the heart

“Very well said! The story that we will read

this afternoon is all about a man who also
experienced discrimination because of his
ugliness. So, are you ready?”

2. Discussion

“Before we proceed to the story, I will first

introduce to you the famous author of the
story. He is Victor Hugo.”

(The teacher will post on the board picture

of Victor Hugo and a paragraph with
information about the author. The students
will process the information by completing
the sentence corresponding to the
information given.)

They will come up to the paragraph:

Victor Hugo’s full name is

____________________ and he was born
on ____________________ and died on
____________________. Hugo first became
famous in Paris, ___________ because of Victor Marie Hugo
his poetry, as well as his novels and his February 26, 1802
plays. Outside of France, his novels Les May 22, 1885
Misérables and Notre-Dame de Paris France
(known in English also as The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Notre Dame) are his most famous works.
Hugo published the story “The Hunchback
of _____________” on March 16, 1831.

“So, Victor Hugo is not only good in novel

but also he is famous in his poetry

“In line with that, I also want to give some

background about Notre Dame.”

(The teacher will post picture of Notre Dame

and give some background information
about it.)

“Notre-Dame de Paris, which means Our

Lady of Paris, and also called Notre-Dame
Cathedral, is cathedral church located in
Paris, France. It is also the Capital of Paris
and the most famous Gothic cathedrals, and
the history of Middle Ages is shown on its
structure. Notre Dame is the political and
culture center of Paris. Environment of the
churches becomes the backdrop of the city.”

“With this background, we will travel Notre

Dame with the famous bell ringer named

“Have you read the story at home?” “ Yes, ma’am!”

Okay, to check whether everybody read it at

home, we will play a game called Pass the
Ball. As you pass this ball from a classmate
to another, a music is played. Once the
music stops, whoever holds the ball will take
turn in telling the summary of the
Hunchback of Notre Dame, until we finish
telling the story. We will start with the
characters, important events, then ending.
Is that understood?” “Yes Ma’am”

(The teacher will start to pass the ball and

they will start summarizing the story. After
this activity the teacher will ask questions)

“So now, how do you find the story?” “Ma’am the story is a tragic one.
The main character and the woman
he loved died in the end”

“Very Good!
The story we just read is a complete package
of history, culture, environment and other
factors. We will organize the interconnection
of these factors in a diagram. I want you to
think of the answers to complete the diagram
emphasizing the factors given earlier.
Can you do it?”
“Yes Ma’am.”

(The teacher will call three different students

to complete the diagram posted on the

They will come up with the diagram like


“This diagram summarizes the important

factors of the story. Who would like to read (The teacher calls learners to
the diagram? read/interpret the diagram.)
“Great! So now, what do you think is the
significance of the structure of Notre Dame “Ma’am the cathedral inspired
Cathedral in the setting of the story?” Hugo to write the novel. He used
the history of the church as a
backdrop for the novel’s action.”

“Bravo! In what ways do you think this

story would have been different if the setting “Ma’am there is no structure in
were changed to Contemporary America?” America as confusing/ mysterious
as the Notre Dame that can be
associated to Quasimodo's

“Excellent! What Social strife that can be

found in the story? “Ma’am, physical looks and class
differences are the social strife
shown in the story.”
“What would you suggest to resolve the
issue?” “I will tell to Quasimodo to ignore
those who bully him only because
of his physical deformities, as long
as he lives a decent life, and as long
as he does not cause others any

“Is there another answer aside from that?”

“Ma’am I will tell him that no
matter how poor he is as long as he
faces the challenges that comes in
his life, he should not be ashamed
whatever class he belongs.”

“Good! How character’s experience taught

you about the value of accepting differences “Ma’am La Esmeralda taught me
in people?” that true love comes in any form.
And in her case, it comes in a
distorted yet purest form, ready to
sacrifice everything for her..”

“Awesome! What else?”

“Ma’am her character taught me
that we should not look on the
physical appearance but to value
what is in the heart.”
“Can you think of a a story similar to the
story of Quasimodo?” “The story of Crispin and Basilio
from the novel written by Rizal,
The Noli Me Tangere is comparable
to the story we just read. Both of the
stories used church as the main
setting and social strife as the
“Fantastic! It looks like you understand our
topic very well. So is there any question “Nothing Ma’am!”
about the story?”

“Okay! So let’s proceed to the activity I

prepared for the class.”

3. Engagement Activities

“I will group you in to four groups.

Therefore, the first two lines on my right
side are the first group, the third and fourth
will be the group 2, while the first and
second line in my left side will be the third
group and the last two lines will be the last
group. Is that understood?”
“Yes ma’am!”
(The teacher will give brown envelopes each
group that contains differentiated activities)

They will come up to the following tasks:

Group 1: (Mime)
The characters in the story face problems
when others opposed or strive against them.
Explain how a particular character suffered
the effects of discrimination. Then suggest
how the character could overcome this

Group 2: (skit)
Choose two characters from the story who
made snap judgments about other people.
What would each of this character have to
learn in order to be more understanding.

Group 3: (tableau)
Which characters face challenges bravely?
Name two characters for their bravery in
difficult situation.

Group 4: (Sketch)
Draw an alternative ending of the story on a
character’s perspective.

“Is there any clarification about the tasks?”

“None, Ma’am!”
(Rubrics for each task are found on the
attachment. Each group will be given a copy
of the corresponding rubrics.) (The students will do the given

“How Quasimodo deal with differences?”

“Quasimodo deal with differences
by proving to anyone that no matter
how ugly he is; he has a big heart to
“If you were Quasimodo how do you deal
with differences?” “If I wear Quasimodo, I will face all
the differences that the society will
throw to me, I will be proud on
what I have even if it’s not beautiful
to others.”

Read each statement below carefully. Place a T on the line if you think a statement it TRUE.
Place an F on the line if you think the statement is FALSE. If your answer is false underlined
what makes it wrong and write the correct answer.
__________1. Victor Hugo played an important part in the Romantic movement and he
published the novel “The Hunchback of Notre Dame on 1821. Answer. F/1831
__________2. Victor Hugo wrote this novel to preserve the American Architecture since the
people in that place didn’t appreciate it anymore. Answer. F/Gothic
__________3. Quasimodo’s fate is sealed when he is abandoned at birth by his mother.
Adopted by the Archdeacon Claude Frollo.
__________4. Frollo is consumed by forbidden lust for the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda, who
dances on the square below the cathedral.
__________5. The Hunchback of Notre Dame presents vivid tableau of life in fifteenth-
century Paris, history of Middle Ages influence Hugo to this novel.
__________6. Notre Dame De Paris means our lady of Fatima.Answer. F/Paris
__________7. Quasimodo is, in fact, a symbol for the forgotten Gothic Architecture of Paris.
__________8. Quasimodo is a timer prince who tricked Esmeralda and being killed by Frollo
because Archdeacon discover that the gypsy wants him. Answer. F/ Prince Phoebus
__________9. Pierre Gringoire is deformed, and he's the bell-ringer of Notre-Dame.Answer.
__________10. The story “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” will teach you to face
differences in life.
1. If you were given a chance to become one of the character in the story who would it be
and why? Explain your point in a paragraph with three to five sentences.
2. Search for the definition of explicit and implicit information on the library or research it
on a trusted page on the internet.


Student Teacher

Cooperating Teacher

Principal I
Got it! Getting there! Give it a little more time!
10 pts 7 pts 5 pts

Miming Got it! Getting there! Give it a little more time!

According to the script, you According to the script, You There is some evidence that,
effectively created and mimed created and mimed a character according to the script, you
your character using using attempted to mime a character
1. facial expressions, 1. some facial expressions, by using
2. effective gestures and 2. some gesture and movement 1. facial expressions,
movement for your character 3. You demonstrated some 2. gestures and movement.
and your story. miming skills to enhance story However, you only used them
3. You effectively used miming telling to the audience. sporadically.
skills to enhance story telling to 4. You attempted to remain in 3. You demonstrated little to no
the audience. character through the entire miming skills to enhance story
4. You remained in character performance. telling to the audience.
throughout the entire 4. you attempted to remain in
performance. character.

Environment and Imaginary Got it! Getting there! Give it a little more time!
According to the script you: According to the script you: According to the script
1. consistently used correct 1. used correct physical position 1. You did not use correct
physical position based on based on written directions, but physical position based on
written directions. not throughout the entire scene. written directions during the
2. effectively used imaginary 2. attempted to use imaginary scene.
object(s), in addition to being object(s), but you were not 2. You did not attempt to use
aware of its placement, size, effective with regards to the imaginary object(s).
weight, shape, etc. object's placement, size, weight, 3. You did not appear to
3. understood the structure of shape, etc. understand the structure of your
your mimed story. 3. mostly appeared to mimed story.
understand the structure of your
mimed story.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A)

Tableau Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Facial Expressions Student used none Student used one Student used two Student used all three of
Body Positions of these elements of these elements of these elements these elements
Body Levels effectively to effectively to effectively to effectively to express the
express the express the express the scene.
scene. scene. scene.

Tableau Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Concentration Student used none Student used one Student used two Student used all three of
Strong Focus of these elements of these elements of these elements these elements
Holding the effectively to effectively to effectively to effectively to express the
Position express the express the express the scene.
scene. scene. scene.
Creativity Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Student Student Student Student demonstrated a
demonstrated little demonstrated demonstrated great amount of
to no creativity in some creativity in creativity in the creativity in the tableau.
the tableau. the tableau. tableau. Costumes Costumes and props
Costumes and Costumes and and props were were extremely
props were not props were mostly effective. effective.
used effectively. somewhat

Effort Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Looks like no effort Limited effort put Effort is evident. It is easy to tell that lots
was put into the into scene. of effort was put into the
tableau. tableau.

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