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Milk can be defined as clean, whole, fresh lacteal secretion obtained by
complete milking of one or more healthy animals, excluding in at obtained
within 15 days before and 5 days after calving or any such period that may be
necessary to render the milk partially colostrums free and containing minimum
prescribed percentage of milk and solid not fat (SNF).


WATER 86-85 86 82-83
FAT 3-5 4 6-8
PROTEINS 3 3.4-3.5 3-4
LACTOSE 4.5 4.9 4-5
MINERALS 0.7 0.7 0.7-0.8
SNF - 9 9-10



RMRD section is the part of the milk industry where the raw milk is received
from 325 societies & 3 chilling centers in Kalanour, Batala, Tugal wala. Can of
different societies are received at this station. Cow milk cans are marked with
yellow color and buffalo milk cans are marked with red color. In RMRD section
good quality of milk is received. In RMRD section, milk is received in cans and
vans are put on the conveyor belt. Here each can is properly smelled and
mixed with the plunger.



QUALITY EVALUATION (Organoleptic Testing)








2. Flow chart Can Washer




4. • DRAIN








For a good quality product proper processing is very important. Processing is done in
a sequence. The sequence operations in processing are as given below:
All incoming milk is chilled first and then it is diverted to milk store tanks. Milk is
chilled below 4°C. The raw chilled milk is utilized for various products processing
operations. The chilled milk is stored in tanks called silo.
Milk is pasteurized to 80°C for 15 seconds & then immediately cooled below
4°C. The pasteurizer has the following sections:
✓ Chilled water Section.
✓ Regeneration 1 and 2.
✓ Hot air section
✓ Holding section.
The pasteurizer is plate heat exchanger type consisting of many conducting plates
arranged parallel to form a network of many plates lying side by side. Alternate
plates are for carrying milk and hot water. The length & breadth of plates flow rate
are so adjusted to give proper contact time to milk for proper pasteurization. The
high temperatures short time (HIST) method is being used here.
Pasteurization & Standardization of Milk
Purpose: To pasteurize and standardize milk Scope: Respective product
section Responsibility:

Production and Quality Assurance department

1. Ingredient:

1.1 Raw Milk- Raw milk quality shall be checked for each silo / storage tank
and certified by QA before feeding to pasteurizer.

2. Equipments & Utilities Required

2.1 Storage Tank / Silo

2.2 Milk pasteurizer

2.3 In-line duplex filter

2.4 Cream separator

2.5 Cream Pasteurizer

2.6 Homogenizer

2.7 Pumps, Valves & Pipe lines

2.8 C.I.P system

2.9 Chilled water (0 to 1°C)

22.10 Compressed Air (6 Kg / cm pressure)

22.11 Steam (2.5 to 3 Kg / cm pressure)

2.12 Soft water (hardness < 10 ppm)

2.13 Electricity (Power Supply-3 phase 415 volt & single phase 230V)

3. Procedure
3.1 For pasteurization milk should be heated at 76±2°C and cream should be
heated at 88±2°C with holding time of minimum15 seconds.

3.2 Plant operators will not change heating temperature without approval of
production Manager / Incharge.

3.3 Cream separator and Homogenizer should be kept in line.

3.4 Before pasteurization, operation of flow diversion valve should be checked.

3.5 Controls and measuring instruments should be calibrated in fixed interval.

3.6 The online recording of temperatures and forward flow should be

monitored by the Manager / Incharge production.

3.7 The pasteurized milk should be stored in the cleaned milk storage tank /

3.8 Pressure head of hot water, chilled water & product should be maintained as
per the design parameters of the pasteurizer.

3.9 Milk can be standardized by using cream, skim milk, concentrate &
reconstituted milk.

3.10 C.I.P of pasteurizer should be done before and after its use however the
intermediate C.I.P should be done after 6-8 hours of its continuous use. This
time may vary depending upon the quality of incoming milk.

3.11 Complete pipe line, filters and storage tank / silo should be properly
cleaned and sanitized before the storage of pasteurized milk. Quality assurance
staff will certify its cleanliness before its use.

3.12 All the CCP should be strictly maintained by production department and
certified by the quality assurance at the start of every shift.

3.13 MBRT and Phosphatase test will be conducted at fixed interval.

3.14Manual cleaning of pasteurizer should be done after every six months

however this time period may decreased depending upon the quality of
incoming milk and flow of milk.

3.15 Guidelines of GMP (as per IS 16021:2012) should always be applied

during Processing & Standardization.

4 Process Flow Chart

(<5ºC) Pasteurizer Balance Tank

Regeneration 1

Regeneration 2 Homogenizer
Cream Separator

Regeneration 3
Heating Temp: 76 ± 2 ºC
Cream Pasteurizer

Cream Storage FDV set at < 74ºC
Milk Temp: 76 ± 2 ºC
Holding Time: 15 sec

Regeneration 3 Regeneration 2 Regeneration 1

Chilling: Milk Temp: <5 ºC Pasteurized Milk Storage Tank Buffer Tank

Cold-store (Temp < Packing Machine Milk chiller


Dispatch in insulated / refrigerated van

Note: Regeneration efficiency of pasteurizer should not be less than 90%.

Milk after regeneration l-passes to cream separator. The cream from cream
separator goes to cream pasteurizer & from cream pasteurizer to cream storage
tank where as the skim milk diverted to pasteurizers. Fat % in cream=35-40%
Fat % in skim milk = 0.05-1% Separator efficiency = 65-70%
It is a plate exchange type of pasteurizer specially designed to pasteurize cream
at 90°C for 15 second. The pasteurized cream is then pumped in the cream
storage tanks, from here cream is sent to the butter section or it could be sent to
the balance tank when milk is standardized.
Homogenization is the process of making stable emulsion of milk serum by
mechanical treatment. It is referred to as the process of forcing the milk through
homogenizer with the object of subdividing the fat globules. Homogenizer is a
high pressured piston pump which is designed to subject the liquid milk to a
high pressure & and allow the product to pass through a very special valve. This
process breaks up the fat globules & increases the ability of protein to hold
water of hydration and also soften the curd. The temperature of the
homogenization is so chosen that is above the melting point of fat (33°C) &
lipase is deactivated (55°C). In routine practice the temperature of
homogenization chosen is 6570°C. Homogenization is carried out in two stages.
In the plant, milk is homogenized for preparation of VERKA premium milk.


To protect contamination retard or prevent losses of the milk products

have to be properly. In the plant liquid milk is filled in the pouches made
of LDPE . it can be sealed at 150oc. The packaging is done by
automatic fill & seal machine called pre-pack machine. Capacity of the
machine is 3000 pouches per hour.
 Package material – LDPE
 Film width – 325mm
 Film Thickness-55 microns


4.1 Processed standardized milk quality should be certified by QA to meet the

required specifications before packing.

4.2 Complete pipe line, balance tank and pouch filling machine should be
properly cleaned and sanitized before starting the milk filling and completion of
filling. Quality assurance staff will certify its cleanliness before its use.

4.3 All the CCP should be strictly maintained by production department and
certified by the quality assurance at the start of every shift.

4.4 Operator will check all operational parameters and working of the machine
as per the checklist displayed and supervisor / in-charge will certify.

4.5 Weighing scale should be calibrated with the standard weights in every shift
by the operator and will be certified by the supervisor / in-charge.

4.6 Pipe line and filling tubes should be flushed with milk before starting the
filling of milk in the pouches. After segregating the first two pouches the third
pouch of the machine should be tested for its proper sealing. Also check the
composition of milk filled in the pouch. After confirming the composition of the
milk packing should be continued.

4.7 Before stacking the pouches in the crates, supervisor / in-charge will ensure
that crates are properly cleaned (inside and outside).

4.8 Hygienic conditions of equipment and filling area should be maintained.

4.9 During the packing, the production staff will check the weight, length,
coding and sealing of pouch after every half an hour which will be counter
checked and certified by the QA after every an hour.

o4.10 The temperature of incoming milk for filling should not be more than 3 C.

04.11 The packed milk should be transferred to cold-store and dispatched at

below 5 C.

4.12 Filled crates should be stacked up to 10 crates in the cold store and
temperature of the cold store oshould be maintained at < 4 C. 4.13 Guidelines of
GMP (as per IS 16021:2012) should always be applied during packing and

5 Clearance Procedure:
5.1 Milk quality (As per Specifications PS-QA-01 to PS-QA-07) shall be
checked and certified by QA before feeding to pouch packing machine.

5.2 Testing of packaging material (Polyfilm and Crate) should be done by QA

& Quality approval should be done by the four member committee.

5.3 The final product to be dispatched for market only after verifying its quality
by QA Section.

6 Transportation requirement:

Pasteurized packed milk shall be transported in insulated / refrigerated vans

depending upon the distance. Before loading it should be assured by the
marketing section that vehicle is properly cleaned (inside and outside) and
certified by the QA section.

1. Whole Milk Powder (W.M.P.)/Skimmed Milk Powder (S.M.P)
2. Raw Milk
i. Full Cream Milk(F.C.M.)
ii. Standard Milk (S.M.)
ili. Double Toned Milk (D.T.M.)
3. Dahi (Curd)
4. Ghee
5. Panjeeri
6. Lassi
7. Kheer
8. Paneer (Cheese)

1.Whole Milk Powder (W.M.P.) or Skimmed Milk Powder

Milk powder is made in the powder plant, the plant consist of two parts.

In the evaporator, the milk is concentrated at about 48% solid. The evaporation
from the milk takes under vacuum, which is maintained by the vacuum steam.
Steam is supplied as heating medium. The concentrated product at desired
concentration is continuously taken out from the evaporator. The concentrate is
then brought to spray drying chamber by spraying it to the spray nozzle with the
help of pressure pumps. The droplets of feed are atomized with the help of high
pressure nozzle & change to powder when they come in contact with the hot air,
which is supplied from the top the chamber. Fine powder is sucked through the
exhaust fan along with the exhaust air & is then separated in the cyclone
separator. Fine powder is received at the bottom of the conical portion of
the drying chamber. Powdered milk is then collected and packed


1. Cyclone For Calinderia

2. Cyclone For Chamber

3. Suction Pump

4. Atomizer

5.Recipeocating feed pump

6. Bottom valve of Drying Chamber

7. Calinderia 1.

8. Calinderia 2

9. Air Control Valve

10. Packing section

Process Flow Chart

Pasteurized Skimmed Milk/Milk

High heating at 90 +\- 5 ᵒc

75+/- 2ᵒc

Concentrate Tank/Vat


Drying Chamber

Vibro Fluidized Bed

Cooling of Powder through filtered cool air

Testing (Moistuer)

Filling & Weighing

Milk powder 10 kg,1 kg

tin/Laminated 500g With
Stitching of KP Bags Stitching & transfer to Nitrogen Gas flushing.

Milk Powder 10 kg with
soldering and Nitrogen CBX
Gas Flushing 13
1. Ingredients
1.1 Pasteurized Skimmed milk for skimmed milk powder
manufacturing with following specification:
a) Fat (Max):0.10%
b) SNF (MIN):8.0%
c) MBRT (MIN): 6:00 Hrs
d) Phosphatase test : Negative
e) Alchol test (70%v/v):Negative
f) Acidity:0.13=+\- 0.01% L.A
1.2Pasteurized standard milk for milk powder with following
a) Fat : SNF_1:2.69
b) MBRT(Min):6.00 hrs
c) Phosphatase test : Negative
d) Alchol test (70%v/v):Negative
e) Acidity:0.13=+\- 0.01% L.A
2.Equipments & Utilies Required
.Silo/storge tank
.Condensing & spray Drying Unit
.Powder sifter
.Powder Packing machine
.Hot air
.Compressed air (6 kg/cm2)
.Chilled Water
.C.I.P system
.Electricity (415 v 3-phase & 230 v single phase)
3. Packaging Requirme
1 Primary Packing :Poly-liner, Poly-pack/ Laminate and Tins
2 Secondary Packing: CBX, Kraft paper bag

 Decomposition of pressurised skim milk standard maths should be tested
and certified by a to required specification before condensing.

 Control and measuring instruments should be calibrated in fixed interval.

 All the CCP should be maintained by Production department and certified

by quality assurance.

 Weighing scale should be calibrated with the standard wing in the every
shift by the operator and will be carefully by the supervisor shift

 Hygenic condition of equipment and feeling areas should be maintained.

 Operator will check all operation parameters and working of the machine
as per the checklist display and supervisors in shift incharge will carefully

 Complete pipeline storage tanks in low balance and condensing June

2013 black and green unique should be properly clean and sanitize before
starting and after complete the operation Quality Assurance staff will
certified is cleanness before its use.

 Pasteurized skim milk standardized milk should be heated in high

temperature at 90 plus minus 5 degree centigrade.

 The outlet temperature of the product after condensing should be a 47 + -

3 degree centigrade and banner reading should be maintained at 22 + - 34
SMP and 15 + - 24 milk powder the concentrate should be stored in the
concentric tank/Vat.

 The Concentrated Standardized/ skimmed milk increase milk should be in
10 sec to the Optimizer spray nozzle through feed pump.
 The Drying of powder should be done by adjusting the inlet and outlet for
a temperature.

 Powder Fins should be blown Back to Drying chember through Virgo

fluidized bed if agglomerates connected powder has been prepared.

 Cooling of powder should be done with flat in coal air at the outlet of the
Jaya skim milk powder should be back in the KP bag with poly linear and
milk powder should be packed in either paper bag with pollen grains
which should be stitched or intense with shoulder and Nitrogen gas

 See IP of condensing unit should be done after every 10 hour this time
may vary depending upon the quality of the incoming milk.

 Dry cleaning of there should be done after every 20 hour of continuous


 This sample should be tested periodically to confirm the final

composition by QA final products shall also be tested by QA for its
organoleptic test before dispatch.

 Guideline of GMP (as per IS 16021: 2012) should always be applied

during manufacturing packing and dispatch.

Clearance procedure
1) Raw material the passphrase skim milk scanjet Mila Ke Pite back
poly poly linear and thin quality shall be checked by QA.

2) Final product: define production be tested time to time to ascertain

the specification of the product.

3) The final product should be this page for market only after
verifying its quality by QA sections.

Transportation requirement
It should be transport by ambient temperature.

Shelf life:-minimum 12 month for SMP and milk powder in the

form date of packing at ambient temperature

2. Raw Milk

Specifications for Pasteurized Standardized Milk

Physical Properties

Parameters Standards
Colour White
Flavour and Taste Clean and Fresh
Dispatch Temperature <5° C

Chemical Specifications

Parameters Standards
Fat % (min) 4.5
SNF % (min) 8.5
Acidity % L.A. (max.) 0.135
MBRT in hours (min.) 6.00
Phosphatase Test Negative
Protein% 3.00
Total carbohydrates % 4.80


Parameters Standards
TPC (cfu / ml) (max) 30,000
Coliform / ml (max) Nil
E. coli / ml Absent
Salmonella / 25 ml Absent
Staph. aureus / ml Absent
Listeria monocytogenes / ml Absent

. Specifications for Pasteurized Double Toned Milk

Physical Properties
Parameters Standards
Colour White
Flavour and Taste Clean and Fresh
Dispatch Temperature <5° C

Chemical Specifications

Parameters Standards
Fat % (min) 1.5
SNF % (min) 9.0
Acidity % L.A. (max.) 0.140
MBRT in hours (min.) 6.00
Phosphatase Test Negative
Protein% 5.10
Total carbohydrates % 3.15


Parameters Standards
TPC (cfu / ml) (max) 30,000
Coliform / ml (max) Nil
E. coli / ml Absent
Salmonella / 25 ml Absent

Specifications for Pasteurized Cow Milk

Physical Properties

Parameters Standards
Colour Yellow
Flavour and Taste Clean and Fresh
Dispatch Temperature <5° C

Chemical Specifications

Parameters Standards
Fat % (min) 4.0
SNF % (min) 8.5
Acidity % L.A. (max.) 0.135
MBRT in hours (min.) 6.00
Phosphatase Test Negative
Protein% 4.60
Total carbohydrates % 3.10


Parameters Standards
TPC (cfu / ml) (max) 30,000
Coliform / ml (max) Nil
E. coli / ml Absent
Salmonella / 25 ml Absent
Staph. aureus / ml Absent
Listeria monocytogenes / ml Absent

3. Dahi (Curd)

Preparation Of Culture For Dahi

Purpose: Procedure to prepare culture for Dahi / Lassi

Scope: Respective Product Section

Responsibility: QA Section

Procedure to prepare Dahi / Lassi culture with 200 U DVS culture (Varies from

manufacturer to manufacturer):
For example standard unit of DVS culture of 200 U for 2000 liters of milk; following

instructions should be followed:

1. One pouch of DVS culture of 200U should be taken.

2. Distilled water should be sterilized in two inoculation bottles of 2 liters capacity with

1 liter water in each bottle.

3. DVS culture pouch should be aseptically cut and poured in one of the bottles having

one liter distilled water at room temperature.

4. It should be mixed thoroughly for 5 minutes by shaking the inoculation bottle and

volume should be make up to 2 liter by adding 1 liter sterilized distilled water and

should be mixed properly.

5. This 2 liter culture should be divided in to 1 liter + 1 liter in bottles.

6. Each 1 liter bottle is now ready for inoculation in 1000 liter milk.

7. Such prepared culture should be used immediately

Dahi Manufacturing

Purpose: To manufacture and pack dahi as per the specifications.

Scope: Respective Product Section.

Responsibility: Production and Quality Assurance Department.
1. Ingredients:

1.1 Pasteurized Homogenized Milk: The milk shall be standardized, pasteurized &

homogenized and shall meet the product specifications. 1.2 DVS Culture: As


2. Equipments & Utilities Required

2.1 Milk storage tank

2.2 Homogenizer o

2.3 PHE with 10 minutes holding and milk outlet temperature 45-50 C

2.4 Double Jacketed inoculation vat (capacity matching with packing machine so as to
pack cultured milk within 35 minutes after proper mixing)

2.5 Pouch, Cup & Bulk filling & sealing machine o

2.6 Incubation Room to hold filled product at 42-44 C up to 4-4.5 hours.

2.7 Cold-store with blast room

2.8 Pumps, Valves & Pipe lines

2.9 Electricity (Power Supply 3-phase 415 V& Single phase 230V)

2.10 Voltage stabilizer

2.11 Soft water (hardness < 10 ppm)

22.12 Steam (2 to 3 Kg / cm )
22.13 Compressed air (6 Kg / cm )

2.14 C.I.P system

3. Packaging Requirements:-

3.1 Primary packing: Cups with aluminum foil as lid, Poly film & Bulk filling with
aluminum foil & plastic lid.

3.2 Secondary Packing: Corrugated Boxes with holes for all cup variants and Crates

for pouches.

4. Procedure:

4.1 The quality of the pasteurized standardized milk (As per PS-QA-08) shall be tested

by QA for its sensory, chemical and microbiological tests.

4.2 Complete pipe line, balance tank, PHE, inoculation tank / vat and filling machine

should be properly cleaned and sanitized before and after completion of operations.

Quality assurance staff will certify its cleanliness before its use.

4.3 Operator will check all operational parameters and working of the machine as per

the checklist displayed and supervisor / in-charge will certify.

4.4 All the CCP should be strictly maintained by production department and certified

by the quality assurance on daily basis.

4.5 Manual cleaning of PHE should be done after every six months however this time

period may decreased depending upon the quality of incoming milk and flow of milk.

4.6 Controls and measuring instruments should be calibrated fortnightly.

4.7 The online recording of temperatures and forward flow should be monitored by the

Manager / Incharge production.

4.8 Weighing scale should be calibrated with the standard weights in every shift by the

operator and will be certified by the supervisor / in-charge.

4.9 Pasteurized standardized milk should be heated at 90 ºC for 10 minutes and the

temperature of milk coming out of the PHE should be at 45-50 ºC.

4.10 Temperature of milk should be 42-44 ˚C in the inoculation vat at the time of
inoculation of culture.

4.11 Addition of DVS culture (refer SOP for culture preparation) @ 100 units for 1000

liter milk (varies from manufacturer to manufacturer). The culture shall be mixed
properly for 10 minutes.

4.12 The inoculation tank should be cleaned with hot water after every empty out and

proper C.I.P should be done after 8 hours along with pipes, PHE and packing machine.

4.13 Cultured milk shall be filled in the clean cup / Pouch / Bulk pack and should be

sealed properly.

4.14 Hygienic conditions of equipment and filling area should be maintained.

4.15 The filled cups should be packed in corrugated boxes and pouches should be

stacked in clean perforated crates.

4.16 During the packing, the production staff will check the weight, coding and sealing

of packs after every half an hour which will be counter checked and certified by the QA

after every an hour.

4.17 The packs should be transferred to incubation room maintained at 42 to 44 ºC

with proper circulation of hot air.

4.18 The acidity development should be checked by QA section time to time at

different points from each lot to ascertain that the acidity reaches to 0.60 ± 0.02%.

4.19 The product achieved required acidity should be transferred to blast cooling room

where temperature of dahi will come down at about 20ºC within 2 hours & then it

should be transferred 0 0to cold-store (< 4 C) to bring down the temperature of product

up to 4 C.

4.20 The product should be dispatched at temperature less than 5 C with final acidity
of 0.85 ± 0.05% L.A. The final product shall also be tested by QA for its body, texture

and organoleptic test before dispatch.

4.21 Guidelines of GMP (as per IS 16021:2012) should always be applied during

manufacturing, packing and dispatch.

5. Clearance Procedure:

5.1 Milk Quality: The quality of standardized milk of required specification (As per
Specifications PSQA-08) shall be checked and certified by QA section before

inoculation of the culture.

5.2 During manufacturing: The filling of cup / pouch / bulk pack should be completed
within 45 minutes after culturing. The control on acidity development in the filled packs

shall be monitored from the incubation room to ascertain development of required

acidity level (0.60% ± 0.02% L.A.).

5.3 Final product: The final product shall be tested for each lot to ascertain the
product parameters meeting the specifications of the product. The required acidity of

the final product should be 0.85 ± 0.05% of L.A.

5.4 The final product shall be released for market only after verifying its quality by QA


6. Shelf life: Shelf life should be declared minimum 5 days from the date of packing

when stored ounder refrigeration below 5 C.

8. Process flow chart:

Pasteurization and Standardization

Storage at below 5ᵒc

Heating of milk by PHE at 90ᵒ for 10 min outlet temp of milk 45-
50ᵒc Homogenization at 2000 & 500 psi

Inoculation Vat- Culturing at 42-44 °C or as per recommendation of supplier of

Addition of culture Add 100 units / 1000 liter of milk. Mix well by keeping the agitator “ON” for
10-15 minutes before filling starts.
DVS Culture

Pouch / Cup / Bulk filling, coding and sealing machine

CBXs / Crates

Incubation at 42 to 44° C or as per recommendation of

supplier of culture till acidity reaches 0.60 ± 0.02%

Blast cooling & Cold Storage till the product temperature reaches less than 5
˚C & acidity reaches 0.85% ± 0.05%.

Dispatch in insulated /
Refrigerated Van

Lassi Manufacturing

Purpose: To manufacture and pack Lassi as per the specifications

Scope: Respective product section

Responsibility: Production and Quality Assurance department

1. Ingredients:

1.1 Dahi made from Standardized Milk: The milk shall be standardized, pasteurized &

shall meet the specifications (As per PS-QA-13).

1.2 DVS culture: As recommended

1.3 Pasteurized Soft water (hardness < 10 ppm)

1.4 Sugar As per IS 1151:2003 1.5 Spiced powder – Spiced Lassi Seasoning 160410 P /


1.6 Edible common salt – As per IS 253:1985

2. Equipments & Utilities Required

2.1 Storage tank / silo

2.2 Multi-purpose storage tank / vat

2.3 PHE (With holding time / Temp. 10 minutes / 90°C)

2.4 Milk chiller

2.5 Pouch packing machine

2.6 Lassi thermizer (pasteurizer)

2.7 Shear Pump

2.8 Cold storage to maintain less than 4°C

2.9 Pumps, valves & pipe lines

2.10 Crate washer

2.11 Crate conveyor

2.12 Chilled water (0 to 1ºC).

2.13 Electricity (415 V 3-phase & 230 V single phase)

2.14 Voltage stabilizer

2.15 Soft water (hardness < 10 ppm)

22.16 Steam (2 to 3 Kg / cm )

2.17 C.I.P system

22.18 Compressed air (6 Kg / cm )

3. Packaging Requirements:-
3.1 Primary packing: Poly film

3.2 Secondary Packing: Crates

4. Procedure:
4.1 Refer procedure (4.1 to 4.11) for dahi manufacturing.

4.2 The temperature and acidity development of the milk shall be monitored

periodically till dahi is formed in the tank / vat with acidity level reached

0.85 ± 0.05%. 4.3 15% (of dahi) pasteurized chilled water should be added

in the tank / vat to break the dahi with agitator. It should be circulated

through shear pump. Product should be cooled inside the tank / vat by

circulating chilled water in the jacket of the vat / tank. 4.4 Further addition of

pasteurized chilled water (85% of dahi for plain lassi, 157% of dahi for low

fat lassi, 156% of dahi for spiced lassi, 147% of dahi for sweet lassi including

water used for sugar syrup preparation).

4.5 In case of spiced lassi; addition of spice powder and edible common salt

@ 0.5-0.7% & 0.45% of lassi respectively and in case of sweet lassi addition

of sugar @ 10% of lassi (sugar to be dissolved in hot water at 70 ºC and


4.6 Product should be tested for chemical & sensorial properties by QA.

4.7 The product should be thermized at 65± 2° & filled with packing

machine at 3 ˚C.

4.8 During the packing, the production staff will check the weight, length,

coding and sealing of pouch at regular interval and will be counter checked

and certified by the QA.

4.9 The C.I.P of filling machine should be done after every 8 hours along

with pipe lines.

4.10 Before stacking the pouches in the crates, supervisor / in-charge will

ensure that crates are properly cleaned (inside and outside).

4.11 Hygienic conditions of equipment and filling area should be maintained.

4.12 Filled crates should be stacked up to 10 crates in the cold store and temperature of

the cold store oshould be maintained at < 4 C.

4.13 The packed lassi should be dispatched at below 5 C.

4.14 Guidelines of GMP (as per IS 16021:2012) should always be applied during

manufacturing, packing and dispatch.

5. Clearance Procedure:
5.1 Raw materials: The pasteurized milk (As per PS-QA-13) and Dahi quality shall be

checked and certified by QA Section.

5.2 Final product: The final product shall be sampled and tested for each lot to

ascertain that the product should meet the product specification (As per PS-QA-14).

5.3 The final product shall be dispatched to market only after verifying its quality by

6. Transportation requirement: Product shall be transported in insulated /

refrigerated vans depending upon the distance. Before loading it should be assured by

the marketing section that vehicle is properly cleaned (inside and outside) and certified

by the QA section.

7. Shelf life: Shelf life should be declared minimum 5 days from the date of packing
when stored ounder refrigeration below 5 C.

Process Flow Chart

Standardized and pasteurized milk

Heating of milk by PHE at 90˚ C for 10 min with outlet temperature of milk at 45-50˚C

Inoculation of culture in MPST @ 100 units/ 1000 liter of milk at 43±1°C or as per
recommendation of supplier of culture & setting the dahi (acidity 0.80 – 0.90% L.A).

Adding 15% (of dahi) pasteurized water & agitation with circulation of chilled water in
jacket &circulation through shear pump
For spiced
Addition of remaining Pasteurized chilled water (85% of dahi for plain lassi, 157% of dahi for
powder and
low fat lassi, 156% of dahi for spiced lassi, 147% of dahi for sweet lassi including water used for
salt @ 0.5- sugar syrup preparation)
0.7% & 0.45%
of lassi resp
Thermization at 65±2 C and chilling to 3-4 C

For sweet lassi; Storage Tank

suger @ 10% of

Pouch Packing at <3ᵒc

Cold Storage at <4ᵒc

Dispatch in Insulated/Refrigerated Van

Kheer Manufacturing

Purpose: To manufacture and pack Kheer

Scope: Respective product section

Responsibility: Production and Quality Assurance department

1. Recipe:

Ingredient In kg %
Pasteurized Toned milk: 3.0 100 kg The product is boiled to
± 0.05% Fat, 10.0±0.05% concentrate till it reaches 24
to 25% TSS when measured
with refractometer. (Final
weight 84 to 86 kg)
Rice 4.5 kg
Suger 8.0 kg
Cardamom 0.05 kg
Sodium Benzonated 0.01 kg
Total 112.56 kg
2. Ingredients:

2.1 Pasteurized Standardized Milk which shall meet the following specifications:

a) Fat 3.0% ± 0.05 %,

b) SNF 10.0% ± 0.05 %

c) MBRT: Min 6.00 hrs.

d) Phosphatase test: Negative

e) Acidity % (L.A) max. 0.145

2.2 Rice – Basmati half piece of reputed brand (6 months to 12 months old). It should be free

from extraneous matter.

2.3 Sugar– As per IS 1151:2003

2.4 Green Cardamom: As per IS 1877:1985

2.5 Sodium Benzoate- (IP grade / IS 4447:1994)

3. Equipments & Utilities Required

3.1 Milk storage tank

3.2 Kettle with surface scrapper

3.3 Double jacket hopper with facility of cooling and stirring

3.4 Kheer filling and sealing machine

3.5 Cold-Store

3.6 Steam (2-3 Kg/cm)

3.7 Tap Water

3.8 Chilled water (0-1ᵒc)

3.9 Compressed air (6 Kg/cm²)

3.10 Electricity (415V 3-phase & 230 V single phase)

4. Packaging Requirements:

4.1 Primary packing : Cups, Aluminum lids for cups.

4.2 Secondary Packing : Corrugated boxes.

5. Raw Material:-The pasteurized milk,rice,suger,green cardamom and sodium benzoate quality

shell be checked and certified by QA and production section.

Final Product:- The final product shell be tested for each lot to ascertain the product meeting the

specification of the product.

The final product should be dispatched for market only after verifying its quality by QA Section.

6. Process Flow Chart:

Pasteurized standard Milk(Fat 3.0%±0.05%) in Kettle

Boiling for about 10 min with continous stirring

and scrapping

Rice Sorting & Addition of Rice


Suger+Grounded Green + Boiling with continous stirring and scrapping till it

attains desied concentration or T.S.S (15-16%)
Sodium Benzoate

Gentle boiling with continuous stirring cum

scrapping is continued for about 10-15 min.till
concentration.(when TSS is around 24-25 % as per
refractometer reading)

Plastic Crates Transfer to double jacket hopper with facility of

cooling of product to 70±2ᵒc

Kheer Filling Machine

Storage at < 4ᵒC

Packing in corrugated Boxes

Dispatch in
refrigerated/insulated vehicles

it is a sweet snack, treated as a nutritional is given specialy to pregnant

ladies,nursing mother and children.


 Aata=125 kg

 Vesan = 55.6 kg

 Sugar = 83.3 kg

 Ghee = 27.5 kg

 Vitamin = 0.55%

 Fat = 10.44 g per 100 g

 Mineral =1.353 kg

Paneer is a solid ,soft,& moist full mik product.Which is used for prepared

sweets like Rasgulas, Gulabjamun and also used used for prepare some

delicious Vegetables like Palak Paneer,Matar Paneer etc.

Contents in paneer:-
 Moisture :60%( Max)

 Milk Fat :50% of dry matter (Max.)

 Acidity : 0.50% (Max)

 Bacterial Count :5*10 /gm (Max.)

 Coliform Count : 90/gm(Max.)

 Yeast & Mould :250/gm (Max.)

Process flowChart:

Pasteuruzed and
Standaedization.Fat 5.0%±0.05%
& SNF 8.60%±0.05%


Citric Acid @ 0.18%±0.2% in water (1 % strength
of citric Acid) at 74±2ᵒc
Straining Vat for getting

Straining of coagulum & draining

of whey

Hooping in Musin cloth-lined


pressing 6 kg/cm² for 10-12 min


Cooling of paneer in pasteurized

chilled water(At less then 10ᵒc
for minimum 90 to120 min)

cutting weighing and packing a Shredding of Extra piece &

less then 15ᵒc
immerse in 80-90ᵒc water

cold storage (4ᵒc)



1. Milk
Each milk sample is tested for desired standard of different components such as

Fat, SNF & Suspected samples are tested for adulteration. Quality tests are

performed to prevent processing of bad quality milk that spoils whole process.

I. Fat test:- Fat content of each sample is tested by two method.

A. By Electric Milk Tester

B. By Gerber Method Procedure for Gerber Method

a. Take 10 ml of conc. H2SO4 (92%) in Butyrometer.

b. Add 10.75 ml of milk sample.

c. Add 1 ml iso Amyle Alcohol (C5H11OH).

d. Shake well & place in centrifuge for 5min

e.Note the reading directly from Butyrometer. It gives fat content in

percentage per 100 ml of milk.

II. Correct Lactometer Reading (CLR)

a. Fill the cylinder with Milk.

b. Cool to 15.5°C.

C. Dip the Lactometer be stable.

d. Note the

reading directly from Lactometer.

III. Solid Not Fat (SNF):- SNF is calculated by the formula:-

SNF = CLR/4+0.2 x Fat+0.29 However SNF chart is available in lab. Milk
Products are paid on

the basis of Fat content & SNF of Milk.

IV. Titratable Acidity
a. Take 10 ml Milk sample

b. Add 1ml Phenolphthalein.

c. Titerate with N/9 NaOH.

d. Volume of NaOH used gives the acidity of Milk.

Normal range = 0.16% Above this milk clot on boiling

V. Clot on Boiling test (COB test) Principle:-This test used to determine acidity

developed during transportation of milk Procedure

a. Heat 5ml Milk for 3-4 min. b. Clotting indicates poor quality of Milk.

VI. Methylene Blue Reduction Time test (MBRT test)

Principle:- This test is based on the principle that MBRT dye which is Blue in colour in its
oxidized state is reduced to a colourless compound as a result of Metabolic Activities of
Bacteria in Milk.


a. Take 10ml Milk sample in test tube.

b. Add 1 ml MB dye (Blue Colour).

C. Place test tube in Water Bath at 37°C.

d. Note time for decolouration of Milk.


MBR Time(hours) Quality

5 or above Very Good
3-4 Good
1-2 Fair
30Min or below Poor

VII. Adultrants in Milk

Milk received in cans is tested first organoleptically. In this test experienced

person taste milk in each can. Any can with abnormal taste, smell, colour is

rejected & further tested for confirmation. Following Adultrants are tested.

►Sugar test ► Salt test ► Urea test ► Ammonium compound test ►Glucose

► Neutralizers

► Sugar test

1. Take 15ml milk in test tube

2. Add 1 ml conc. HCl and shake well

3. Add 0.1 g


4. Put test tube in boiling water bath for 5 min

Reddish colour would indicate the presence of sugar.

Salt test
1. Put 5ml silver nitrate in a test tube
2. Add 2-3 drops of potassium dichromate solution which gives brick red colour
3. Add 1 ml milk.
Yellow colour confirms presence of salt.
► Urea test
1) Add 2 ml milk in a test tube
2) Add 2 ml dehydrated DMAB (dimethyl amino benzene) solution
Appearance of yellow colour confirms presence of urea.
› Ammonium compound test
1. Take 1 ml milk in a test tube
2. Add 2 ml Nessler's reagent
Brown colour appearance confirms the presence of ammonium compound.
→ Neutralizers 1. Take 2ml milk sample.
2. Add 2ml Rosolic acid.
Pink colour appearance confirms the presence of Neutralizers.

VIII. Phosphatase test (For Pasteurized Milk)
Pasteurization is process of boiling Milk at 65°C for 30 min or at 71°C for 15 min and
then cooling immediately to 4°C. In this process Bacteria of Milk are killed and milk
do not spoil for long time
Principle:- Phosphates is an Enzyme in milk and destroyed during pasteurization. It
convert P-Nitrophenol Phosphate to P-Nitrophenol giving yellow colour which give
measure of Phosphate Enzyme in milk.
1. Take 5ml Milk sample in test tube.
2. Add 1 ml of P-Nitrophenol Phosphate.
3. Note time for colour development.
Development of colour after 2h or more indicates proper Pasteurization of Milk
2. Curd
Acidity test This test is an indicator bacterial contamination and storage
quality. High free acid concentration can damage the quality properties
of Curd.
Procedure 1. Take 10 ml curd sample in china dish
2. Put 5-10 ml water in dish
3. Mix properly
4. Add few drops of phenolphthalein indicator to it
5. Titrate with NaOH
6. Light pink colour marks the end
1 4.9
2 7.3
3 6.3

A. Free fatty acid test
B. Ghee Adulteration test
C. Richert Meissel Value
A.Free Fatty Acid test
This test is an indicator of dairy cow nutrition, milk straining, its bacterial
contamination and storage quality. High free fatty acid concentration can damage the
quality properties of milk products.

Apparatus and reagents
1) O.1 IN and/or 0.5N potassium hydroxide
2) Isopropanol, neutaiized to phenolphthalein endpoint
3) Erlenmeyer flask, 250 ml
4) Phenolphthalein indicator

1) An appropriate size sample is weighed to 0.1gm accuracy into 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask.
2) Dissolve in approximate 50ml neutralized isopropanol.
3) Add 5 drops of phenolphthalein solution as an indicator and titrate with standardized 0. IN
or 0.5N potassium hydroxide to a pink red point.

Acid Value = 1 ml KOH * N *56.1
Wt of sample in gms

Free Fatty Acid %= ml KOH XN XMW (fatty acid)

10 x wt of sample in gms
Under AGMARK, it should be 0.30(max)

B.Ghee Adulteration test

This test is done to detect the animal fat present in Ghee.
1) Take one part of ghee sample.
2) Add 2.5 parts dilute carbolic acid.
If it is pure ghee sample will get dissolved in this, otherwise, in case of
adulteration by animal fat, pure ghee will form a top layer on the animal
C.Richert Meissel Value
It means no. of ml of deci-normal alkali needed to neutralize steam volatile and water soluble
fatty acids obtained from 5g fat in the standard apparatus. Its minimum value should be 27.9

1) Add 20ml glycerol to 5gm ghee sample.
2) Add 2 ml NaOH (50%).
3) Mix well.
4) Do saponification on hot plate.
5) Mix 90 ml distilled boiled water to clear solution.
If the value is came near about 27.9. It's mean Ghee have good RM value

a. ACID Value of Paner


1) To 10g sample, add 90ml distilled water.

2) Boil
3) Titrate with NaoH
b. Moisture test for Paneer
1) Take an empty dish and take its Weight as W1
2) Put 3g Crushed paneer in it and mark it as W2
3) Put dish in Oven for 4 hour
4) Measure weight and mark it as W3


Boiler is the equipment used to produce steam. This steam is used for various
process such as pasteurization, milk powder production etc. in plant. There are
two type boilers in plant:-
a. Coal based drum small boiler
b. Rice husks based large boilers
Water used to produce steam is regularly tested for TDS, CL ion, acidity,
alkalinity and hardness. Water fed to boiler is softened by passing through ion
exchanger. Ion exchanger consists of a cylinder having alternate layers of
concrete and sand and a layer of Zeolite-225 on the top. Zeolites are
aluminosilicate minerals that contain metallic ions like Na,K, as well as water
molecules in their structure network. Zeolite-225 is ion exchanger and remove
Ca & Mg ions from water thus soften the water.
Each boiler has a Heat Retention Unit (HR.U.) or Economizer to increase the
efficiency of the boiler. It consists of a chamber in which hot effluent gases pass
through tubes and this heat is used to warm the surrounding water that is
recirculated to boiler.
The effluent gases released into atmosphere through a 100m long chimney.

2. Air Pollution Control Devices

To prevent the hazards of harmful effluent gases, the plant has installed Wet
Scrubber neat the each boiler. Wet Scrubber is an air pollution control device. It
consists of a cylinder having effluent gas inlet slightly above the base, an outlet
for ash & dirty water at the base and an outlet at the top for clean gas. At middle
it has a mesh for spraying water.
Effluent gases enter the Wet Scrubber rise up and meet the fine spray of water.
Ash and other dust particles attach with water droplets and removed through an
outlet at the base. Clean gases pass out from the top. The ash and dust laden
water is moved to filter bed. The filter bed consists of concrete tank having
alternate layers of sand and pebbles. The ash and dust remain on the top, water
filters out and recirculated to Wet Scrubber.
The waste water produced from industry is treated in E.T.P. to attain desirable
limit of various components in discharging water. The overall treatment is divided
into Primary and Secondary treatment the various pr
Secondary treatment the various processes and reactor involved in treatment of
waste water are as follows.
1. Primary Treatment
The units involved in primary treatment of waste water are Equalization
Tank and Neutralization Tank.
Equalization Tank
Generally all waste water plants receive unsteady flow in term of volume and strength.
However improved efficiency, reliability and control of treatment of plant are possible when
physical, chemical and biological processes are operated at or near uniform conditions. For
this reason Equalization tank is provided. All waste water from production unit (whey,
coagulated, spoiled milk, curd flakes, ghee droplets) chemicals from lab, toilets, transport
section (grease, oil & diesel) & other sources is collected in equalization tank. Bar screen is
fitted in equalization tank to prevent the entry of bigger material such as product pouches,
paper and pieces of cardboard, leaves etc. into other units of E.T.P.
Neutralization Tank
After screening waste water enters Neutralization tank. Sample for pH testing is
taken from this tank. If pH of waste water is below 6 or above 8, Neutralizations
are added in this tank to bring pH range 6-8. Aeration grid (air blower) provided
for proper mixing of waste water and prevent the deposition of suspended solids in
the basin and becoming septic.
2. Secondary Treatment
Secondary treatment is carried out in Aeration tank, Clarifier tank and Sludge beds.
Aeration tank
The primary purpose of this unit is to stabilize the organic matter present in the
waste water by biological oxidation. The bacteria in Aeration tank decompose
organic matter and other biodegradable material in the waste water. High power
impeller used to skim and aerate (to dissolve oxygen) in waste water.

Clarifier tank
In this unit biological mass (sludge) is separated from stabilized (treated) waste
water by gravity separation. Settled, thickened bio mass is recycle back into
aeration tank, as activated sludge to maintain designed MLSS concentration sludge
Sludge Drying Beds
To dewater the sludge settled in clarifier tank, drying beds are provided. The
sludge drying beds have alternate layers of concrete and sand. Thickened sludge
from clarifier tank is pumped to these beds. Sludge remains at the top of beds and
water filters through sand and concrete and re-enters the aeration tank.
3. Tests for Efficiency of E.T.P.
a. pH of raw water
 pH of raw water is tested with pH strip or pH meter.
 pH of good quality water is 6-8. Bacteria grow well at this pH.
 pH paper gives red colour in acidic water (pH<6).
 Lime (about 5-10kg) is added to bring pH to 6-8 in neutralization tank.
 PH paper gives blue colour in basic water(pH>8). Alum (fitkri) is added to bring pH
to normal level
b.Bacteria test
Brown colour of waste water in aeration tank indicates sufficient bacterial
count for biological treatment. If bacteria are les, 10kg urea and 2kg DAP is
added per day.
Mixed Liquid Suspended Solids in index of bacteria & suspended solids.
Sludge water returning from clarifier tank into aeration tank is taken as sample in
calibrated cylinder and allowed to stand for 30min. Note the level of settled solids
directly from cylinder. Normal range – 10-20% If MLSS in more than 20%, sludge
is passed to sludge drying beds.


Treated water coming out of E.T.P. is tested for following parameters to attain
legal standard and prevent water pollution.
a. pH:- pH of treated water is tested directly with pH meter/pH paper.
b. Solids :- Treated water is tested for suspended solids and dissolved solid.
c. Oil & Grease :- Butter, ghee from production unit and lubricants, diesel

from transport unit are collectively called Oil & Grease. These should not
be more than permissible limit in treated water.
d. COD :- It is Chemical Oxygen Demand and defined as amount of oxygen
required by organic matter in a sample of water for its oxidation by strong
oxidizing agent such as K2Cr207. It is expressed as ppm of oxygen taken
from K2Cr207 in hours.
e. BOD - It is Biochemical Oxygen Demand and is defined as amount of
oxygen required by the micro-organisms to decompose the biodegradable
organic matter in a water sample over period of 5 days at 20°C. BOD of water
sample is calculated by subtracting initial dissolved oxygen from dissolved
oxygen in water sample after 5 days.
Tolerance Limits for Treated Water/Liter
Grease & Oils : < 10mg
C.O.D. : < 250mg
B.O.D : < 30mg
S.S : < 100mg
pH : < 6.5-8


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