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Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St.

of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of




“ Moral virtue is within our soul; Mischievous and unruly are within


School policy has embrace the students as their rules and regulation, It has

a big role that affects our behavior. School policy tends to lead students in moral

conduct for better and good companionship. Behavior depends on oneself, being

aggressive, violent and bully.

Moreover today’s youth are undisciplined and harmful some teenagers

use violence to get more attention, to be fame, and maybe because of

depression. Family is the primary foundation for good personality but somehow

family are the reason why unruly behavior comes out. On the other aspect

parents are the most suspect for being adverse of their child, loosing attention

focusing on works jealousy, fighting in front of child, and luxury than time.

Additionally, school policy helped students discipline theirselves and

controls that is gained by requiring that rules or orders be obeyed and punishing

bad behavior. It is molding students for better development, be responsible on

responsibilities, and determining rude and right.

Behaviors can destroy because of our habit we do not know were hurting

others and also can make much better relationship with family and others. Too

much kind has a possibility to be abused and too much aggressive maybe

become avoided. School policy can apply on intrapersonal and interpersonal,

Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

maintaining good relationship with others, and teaching yourself being

accountable. Students attitude on learning determine their ability and willingness

to learn.

Changing students negative attitudes toward learning is a process that

involves determining the factors driving the attitude and using information to bring

about change. First, rules are important because they tend to protect the weaker

class of the society as they might be disadvantages is rule are broken. When

rules are use in the right way they provide a stable environment and human

coexistent in a country, which leads to peace and development. Policies are

important because they help a school to establish rules and regulation and create

standards of quality for learning and safety, as well as expectations and

accountability. Without these, schools would lack the structure and function

necessary to provide the educational needs of students.

Policy also helps open bridges of communication between Parents and

Teacher association. A set of policies are principles, rules, and guidelines

formulated or adopted by an organization to reach is long-term goals and

typically published in a booklet or other form that is widely accessible. Policies

and procedures are designed to influence all major decisions and actions,

and all activities takes place within the boundaries set by them. Procedures are

the specific methods employed to express policies in action in day-to-day

operation of the organization. Together, policies and procedures ensure that a

Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

point of view help by the government body of an organization is translated into

steps that result in an outcome compatible with the view. School policies helps

professonals govern our system of education in an orderly fashion. Since

every school policy affects a child’s education, each decision that is made is

carefully considered by the school board.


The purpose of this is to nurture students and prepare them to make meaningful

and positive contributions to their school, community and society.


The purpose of the study is to determine the effects of the school policy to

the behaviors of grade 11 tvl students of SASN – Lipa. This study specifically

sought to answer the following question.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex;

1.3 Year-level

2. What are the effects of the school policy to the grade 11 tvl students in terms

of their;

2.1 Behavior


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

2.2 Attitude

2.3 Lack of confidence

3. What plan of action could be developed to support the students regarding the

school policy?

3.1 Seminars

3.2 Orientation

3.3 Action plan

4. How does the students handle the rules and regulation of school policy.


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of


This study data gathering are the effects of school policies in terms of
behavior, attitude and lack of

confidence. Researcher will use the interview and survey or an instrument. The
expected out come is to


Profile of the

* Age * Survey
* Sex * Seminar
* Interview
* Behavior
* Attitude
* Lack of confidence


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of


The study focused on the Effects of the School policy to the Behavior of

Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN-Lipa. The elements of school policies that were

considered included conduct within the classroom regulation between and

among students. These are the key in far as student discipline in school is

concerned. The general intent of this study is to know the school policy practices

of adolescents behavioral and attitude characteristics and unruly prevention.

This study will mainly identify different researchers to be more morally

good, respectful, and true. This study will be conducted with limited numbers of

students on SASN-Lipa.

However, this study was delimited to G12 students, other strand, other

strand, other schools in Lipa.


The result of this study is to determine the effect of the school policy to the

grade 11 student of SASN-Lipa. This study may help the student to grow more. It

is very important to identify the effects, so that you know the action to be made.

Through this study it can help the following beneficiaries.

STUDENTS. By the use of this research, it can help them to have a basic

knowledge about school policies.

TEACHER. By the use of research, It can help them to organize and manage

their students.

PARENTS. By the use of this research, it can help them motive their children in

good way.
Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

RESEARCHER. This study will guide them and preparing them to the real world

and life experiences.

FUTURE RESEARCHER. The data that the researcher will gathered can help

the people involved in the school premise. The data that will be gathered can

give information that can help other researcher who do some or related study.


MISCHIEVOUS – a. harmful; injurious; fond of mischief; annoying of trouble;

teasing; playful. (Webster Standard Dictionary)

;intended to harm a person’s reputation, minor harm or damage

RUDE – a. unformed by art; taste or skill; having coarse manners; discourteous;

violent or boisterous, as the weather. (Webster Standard Dictionary)

; not having or showing concern or respect for the rights and feelings

other people: not polite.

ADVERSE -.a. acting in a contrary direction; opposing; hostile; unfortunate;

unprosperous. (Webster Standard Dictionary)

; bad or unfavorable: not good

SOUGHT - v. past tense and past participle of seek. (Webster Standard


; attempt to find answers


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of


Review of Literature

This chapter presents the different researchers from conceptual and

research literature which reflected to the study that substantiated this research.

This study comes from these materials that are believed to be useful where the

Concept of this work will be based and formed.

Conceptual Literature

This study presented the related materials where the concepts are

relevant to the study.

According to Adams (2003), students perceive that school rules and

regulations are among strategies design to instill good conduct of students. This

implies self-control, orderliness, good behavior and obedience to school

authority hence create a sense of cooperation and harmony in the school.

(Okumbe, J.,2008) these rules and regulations specify what school members

should do and what they should not do.

Students behavior are affected by schools which leads to crisis such as

removal of the students from classroom, aggression, bullying and violence and

low academic performance (Roger 1995). Educators must appreciate the

relationship between instruction and student conduct. When students are

engaged in meaningful work and experience learning success, they are not much

inclined to disrupt a class. But if students are bored, or if they believe that they


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

are about embarrassed or humiliated, they may actually prefer being sent to the

office to staying in class.

Disciplines and academic performance are the core of our today’s

education. Some scholars have attributed poor performance of students in

academic to high level of indiscipline among students while others disagreed.

Nevertheless, it becomes imperative in recent times that many schools have

traded away discipline and as a result led to poor academic performance of

students. This study was carried out to establish the relationship between

schools discipline and students’ academic performance. The study employed

cross section research survey design in which questionnaire was the main

instrument of data collection in addition to interview guide and document review.

Some students respond to punishment. They stop using unacceptable

behavior if they know they’ll face consequences for breaking the rules. School

have sets of rules, and many schools have improvement teams that study

behavior’s effect on learning and adjust rules accordingly. It’s helpful to gain

support from parents, colleagues and community members to identify problem

behavior, set a good example to teach students to practice proper behavior.

Positive School Discipline provides a systemic approach that helps

communities work together to overcome these challenges, creating environments

in which students can thrive and succeed.


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

School discipline relates to the action taken by the teacher or school

organization forwards a student ( or group of students) when the student’s

behavior disrupts the ongoing educational activity or breaks a rule created by the

teacher or the school system. Discipline can guide the children’s behavior or set

limits to help them learn to care of themselves, other people and the world

around them.

School systems set rules, and if students break these rules they are

subject to discipline. These rules may, for example, define the expected

standards of clothing, timekeeping ,social conduct, and work ethic. The term

“discipline” is applied to the punishment that is the consequence of breaking the

rules. The aim of discipline is to set limits restricting certain behaviors or attitudes

that are seen as harmful or against school policies, educational norms, school

traditions, etc. The focus of discipline is shifting and alternative approaches are

emerging due to notably high dropout rates and disproportionate punishment

upon minority students.

Disciplining children is important to create a safe and fun learning

environment .Discipline requires knowledge, skill, sensitivity and self-confidence;

like any art, it is something that one will acquire through training and experience;

it becomes easier with practice. Many people confuse discipline with classroom

management; discipline is one dimension of classroom management and

classroom management is a general term. Discipline can also have a positive

influence on both the individual and classroom environment. Utilizing disciplinary


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

actions can be an opportunity to reflect and learn about consequences, instill

collective values, and encourage of the diversity of values within communities

can increase understanding and tolerance or different disciplinary techniques

.Promoting positive correction of questionable behavior within the classroom

dynamic, as opposed to out-of-class punishments like detention, suspension, or

expulsion, can encourage learning and discourage future misbehavior. Learning

to own one’s bad behavior can also contribute to positive growth in social

emotional learning.

Discipline is a set of actions determined by the school district to remedy

actions taken by students that are deemed inappropriate. Some scholars think

students misbehave because of the lack of engagement and stimulation in

typical school setting, a rigid definition of acceptable behaviors and a lack of

attention and love in a student’s personal life. Recently, scholars have begun to

explore alternative explanations for why students are being disciplined ,in

particular the disproportionate rate of discipline towards African American and

minority students.

School discipline practices are generally informed by theory from

“psychologist” and educators. There are a number one of theories to form a

comprehensive discipline strategy for an entire school or a particular class.

Positive approach is grounded in teachers respect for students. Instills in

students a sense of responsibility by using “youth/adult partnerships” to develop


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

and share clear rules, provide daily opportunities for success, and administer

in-school suspension for noncompliant students. Based on Glasser’s “reality

therapy”. Research ( e. g., Allen ) is generally supportive of the PAD program.

Teacher effectiveness training differentiates between teacher-owned and

students-owned problems, and proposes different strategies for dealing with

each. Student are taught problem-solving and negotiation techniques.

Researchers (e.g., Emmer and Aussiker) find the teachers like the

program and that their behavior is influenced by it, but effects on student

behavior are unclear.

“Adlerian” approaches is an umbrella term for a variety of methods which

emphasize understanding the individual’s reasons for maladaptive behavior and

helping misbehaving students to alter their behavior, while at the same time

finding ways to get their needs met. Named for psychiatrist “Alfred Adler”. These

approaches have shown some positive effects on self-concept, attitudes, and

locus of control, but effects on behavior are inconclusive (Emmer and

Aussiker).Not only were the statistics on suspensions and vandalism

significant, but also the recorded interview of teachers demonstrates the

improvement in student attitude and behavior, school atmosphere, academic

performance, and beyond that, personal and professional growth.

Appropriate school learning theory and educational philosophy is a

strategy for preventing violence and promoting order and discipline in schools,

put forward by educational philosopher “Daniel Greenberg and practiced by the

Sudbury Valley school.


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

Research Literature

According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (2005) the

term ‘discipline’ comes from the word ‘discipulus’ in latin which means teaching

and Learning. The term has the essence of control in it and means “to teach

someone to obey rules and control their behavior or to punish someone in order

to keep order and control” and thus it is mostly connected with punishment in

case of disobedience.

Similarly, were (2006) stated that the word discipline means a system of

guiding the individuals to make reasonable decision responsibly and also part of

moral education which is important in the development of the child change his or

her behavior. In all institutions of learning, discipline is very important because it

trains individuals to develop responsible behavior, leading to self-disciplined

person. Discipline expose students to the art of self-control, and social chaos can

only be avoided if restraint are built into the character of students. Discipline

exposes children to ways of handling the challenges and obligations of living and

equips them with the personal strength needed to meet the demands imposed to

the students by the school and later in adult responsibility.

Meanwhile, American federation of teacher (2000) stated that solving

school violence and discipline problems isn’t easy, but it can be done. It requires

a commitment by administrators to forge a cooperative effort with school


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

employees aimed at educating students, parents and members of the community

about the need for taught but fair discipline policies.

For Closson, (2002)Student they develop n’s discipline problems can

pose a great problem to the teaching and learning process if it is left unchecked.

Teacher needs to tackle any discipline problems from the early stages before

they develop into serious threats to the teaching and learning process. Besides,

in their study they assert that in order for a teacher to be effective in disciplining

students, the teacher is likely know more about his students’ interest and needs

and the students start to know their teachers expectations better. In this way, the

teacher is able to have more influence and control over his students’ discipline. In

other words, both teacher and students must have a good relationship in order to

decrease the gap between them and consequently prevent the occurrence of

discipline problems.

In 2009, dinkes, stated that schools typically respond to disruptive

students with external discipline, which consist of sanctions and punishment

such as office referrals, corporal punishment , suspensions, and expulsions. For

example at least 48% of public schools took a serious disciplinary action against

a students during academic year 2005-2006. Among these action, 74% were

suspended lasting 5days or more, 5% were transferred to specialized school.

Such responses present a short-term fixed to what often is a chronic and

long-term problem. Little evidence supports punitive and exclusionary

approaches, which may be iatrogenic for individuals and schools.


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

For San Beda Department of Discipline System (2016), discipline is an

integral part of the entire teaching experience. Their objective is to strengthen

discipline, pupils must be taught to make responsible choices and helped to

understand that they have some control of the event that happen to them. By

fostering critical thinking and promoting shared decision making, teacher and

administrators can encourage pupils to be self-responsible and fully functional; to

develop the pupils to become moral person by promoting and strengthening

values; to inculcate in the minds and hearts of the pupils the love of god as

shown by their concern and responsibility toward all members of the community;

to provide learning experiences that will increase the child’s awareness and

responsiveness to the just demands of society; to promote and safeguard the

welfare and interests of pupils by defining their rights and obligation; to

encourage pupils to exercise their right responsibly by making them aware that

they are accountable for any infringement of the public welfare; to establish

sound relationship between pupils and the members of the school community.

According to DepED Order No.1 (2003) School officials and teachers

shall have the right to impose appropriate disciplinary measures in case of minor

offenses or infraction of good discipline. However, no cruel or physical harmful

punishment shall be imposed or applied against any pupil or student.

In 2009,DepED stated in section 74, authority to maintain school

discipline that every private school shall maintain good school discipline inside


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

the school, campus as well as outside the school premises when pupils or

students are engaged in activities authorized by the school. In Legal Basis of

School’s Authority to Discipline, the school must ensure that adequate steps are

taken to maintain peace and order within the campus premises and to prevent

the breakdown thereof.” Section 78. Authority to Promulgate Disciplinary

Rules. Every private school shall have the right to promulgate reasonable norms,

rules and regulation it may necessary and consistent with the provisions of this

manual for the maintenance of good school discipline.

According to DepED Child Protection Policy (2012), all school or

educational institutions shall impose policies or regulation that will improve the

discipline and behavior of the students, but it should not harm the students

physically, verbally and emotionally; ensure that all pupil, school personnel,

parents, guardians or custodians and visitors must be aware about the policy;

also ensure the participatory and other rights of children are respected and

upheld in all matters and procedures affecting their welfare.

Furthermore, In the book A Positive Discipline Primer for Filipino

Teachers (2013), it is stated that teachers must impose positive discipline as an

approach to teaching that will help children to succeed, it gives them the

information they need to learn and support their development, also positive

discipline respects children’s rights to have a healthy development, protection

from violence, and active participation in their learning .It supports the DepED

Order No.40 s.2012 which prohibits the use of corporal punishments and


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

promotes the use of positive discipline.

Foreign Studies

According to Doyle, (2006) school discipline addresses school wide

classroom and individual student needs through bored prevention, targeted

intervention, and development of self-discipline. Schools often respond of

disruptive students with exclusionary and punitive approaches that have limited

value. The article surveys three approaches to improving school discipline

practice and student behavior: ecological approaches to classroom management;

school wide positive behavioral supports; and social and emotional learning.

Similarly, Bear (2005) stated the social discipline entails more than

punishment; it is complex and includes developing student’s self-discipline.

Discipline and its opposite indiscipline, are transactional phenomena nested in

classroom, school, and community ecologies. The interactions that produce

disciplined behavior (or indiscipline) are mediated and/or moderated by the

developmental needs of students; teacher, student, and school culture; student

socioeconomic status; school and classroom composition and structure;

pedagogical demands; student and teacher role expectations and capacity to

meet the institutionally established expectations for their roles; and school


Meanwhile, Arum (2003) stated that much of the modern statistical


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

research supports the idea that student disciplinary problems are increasing and

becoming more of a burden on educators, especially educator with little

experience in the classroom. Not only are more students being disciplined, but

also the specific behavior being displayed are presenting a more serious threat to

student’s health and safety. One study of cases that have reached the court

systems found that student discipline as a result of drug used increased by 12%

from 1960 to 1992. The same publication noted a general occurrence of student

violence making a similar jump (11%) within the same time frame. Finally, in

relation to the brand of student misbehavior in occurrence, he also found that

weapon violations went from non-existent to 6%. It is easy to see that a shift in

the statistics. Two well-known disciplinary procedures are that of expulsion and

corporal punishment. From 1969-1992, the corporal punishment of students rose

from four percent to nine percent, while expulsion cases made a ten percent


Furthermore, Osher, (2009) stated that schools are facing a lot of

challenges related to disruptive and antisocial students that deal with the range

of discipline issues that include horseplay, rule violation, class cutting, cursing,

bullying, sexual, harassment, refusal, defiance, fighting, and vandalism. The

behavior of these students interferes with learning that diverts administrative time

and contributes to teacher’s burnout and failure to deal effectively with this

low-level aggressive behavior.

In addition, The MATTER teacher, Inc (2002) asserted that discipline can


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

be defined as the adjustment of unacceptable behavior according to our

individual standards and measures. They also believe that an effective discipline

program need to be accompanied by three teacher’s actions such as program

discipline; it must teach self-discipline, students must know what the standards

are in our classroom and the adjustment of behavior must fit the occasion and

the environment.

Local Studies

According to Crispolon, (2013) discipline is a term used to refer to action

resulting from both failure to meet scholastic standards and from infractions of

rules or violations of social code. Student Discipline refers to the desired and/or

expected norm of conduct of students and the corresponding administrative

sanctions for violations thereof, as set forth in the duly approved and

promulgated school rules and regulations.

As stated by Hernandez, (2012) the school primarily, is a place for

learning, gathering information and skills that are essential to a child’s integration

to the adult world. It aims to develop moral character, personal discipline, civic

conscience, vocational efficiency and to teach the duties of citizenship. The

school as zone of peace (DepEd Order No. 2005) provides the special

environment for the formal, physical, mental, emotional and moral growth of the



Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

Meanwhile, to Castelo, (2013), schools have the moral and legal authority

To discipline students, if and when their acts affect good order, moral, good

name and reputation of the educational institution. He field House Resolution

2350 urging the Department of Education (DepEd) to authorize schools

to adopt measures to discipline their students. He cited a legal issue raised when

school authorities denied graduation rights to five female high school students

who posted their photos in bikinis on their Facebook accounts. Likewise ,he said

six high school boys were also denied graduation rights by their schools

administration after they uploaded photos of them kissing each other while in

school uniform. The High Trinubal stated that common sense dictates that the

school retains its power to compel its students in or off-campus to a norm of

conduct compatible with their standing as members of the academic community.

“The power of the school over its student does not case absolutely when they

leave the school premise.”

As stated by Perez,(2014) schools officials and teachers shall have the

right to impose appropriate and reasonable disciplinary measures in case of

minor offenses and infractions of good discipline. However, no cruel or physically

harmful punishment shall be imposed or applied against any pupil or students,

that; the teachers and administrators have to be cautious on means they are

going to give the disciplinary measures.

In 2011, Muyot stated that there should be a change in the mind set on

discipline. Our kind of discipline is mostly punitive but we’re proposing is more


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

positive discipline. The teachers should explain what the student has done

wrong. “You expect 8-year-olds to be playful. You expect 15-years-olds won’t be

able to keep still in their seats” Teachers found liable for abuse face suspension

or dismissal. He said some who had been tagged in some cases had already

resigned. Asked how far teachers could go in terms of discipline, as long as

there’s no physical, emotional, psychological or sexual abuse. If a student has

done something wrong, he can be penalized by reprimand or expulsion. The

official said that while teachers undergo training on the bounds of student

discipline, measures in place still fall short.


The coherent and related studies have provided by the researchers with

significant knowledge regarding to the problem and helped to enrich the

interpretation of the findings of the present study.

The study conducted by Adams, Roger and Dinkes discussed the

school strategies and students behavior towards the disciplinary action. The

researcher’s study have few similarities, it both stated that school is the

reason children’s doing wrong because of their excessive disciplined which is

the behavioral of the students are affected. The researchers said, school

strategies are somehow not good it may provide problems while the present

study said those school strategies are designed to instill the good conduct of

students. The gathered study concluded that educators must appreciate the


Effects of the School Policy to the Behaviors St. Augustine
of Grade 11 TVL Student of SASN - Lipa School of

relationship between instruction and student conduct.

The MATTER teacher, Inc asserted that discipline can

be defined as the adjustment of unacceptable behavior according to our

individual standards and measures. While in the present study, discipline

helped students control theirselves and molding students for better

development, be responsible on responsibilities, and determining rude and right.

Both study discussed that an effective discipline program need to be

accompanied by teachers and students. The findings of the study conclude that

discipline is much better created by the cooperation of the parents, students and



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