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Label Web Server Control

The Label web server control is one of the simplest control. The output of label web
server control is the HTML <span> tag. In this discussion we will see the following

 How to display/assign a text with Label Web server control?

 How to assign a borderwidth?
 How to give colors for our text?

Label - How can we declare a Label control?

In the following example the usage of label web server control is explained. The property "Text" is
used to assign a value (label) to the label control.

<title>Label Web Server Control</title>

<body style="font: 10pt verdana">

<h3 align=center>ASP.NET Label Server Control</h3>

<form ID="Form1" runat=server>

    <asp:label id="label1" Text="This is my FIRST ASP.NET Page!"
runat="server" />


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Label - How to dynamically assign text to a Label?

In our next example, we can observe that, we assign the text dynamically to the label control. In the
page load event, the value "This is my FIRST ASP.NET Page!" is assigned to the property text.

<title>Label Web Server Control</title>

<script language="VB" runat="server">

Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    Label1.text = "This is my FIRST ASP.NET Page!"
End Sub

<body style="font: 10pt verdana">
<h3 align=center>ASP.NET Label Server Control</h3>
<form ID="Form2" runat=server>
    <asp:label id="label1" runat="server" />


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Label - How to show tooltip, borderwidth, forecolor, bgcolor etc.

In our final example, we will see how can we make use of other properties of the label control. The
properties which is shown in the following example include tooltip, borderwidth, bordercolor,
backcolor and forecolor. The property, borderwidth expects a unit. That is why we have declared a
variable called "bdw", which is of type unit. And to assign colors for border, background and
foreground, we use the Color object. By default, the color object is not available, since we import the
namespace, "system.drawing".

<%@ Import Namespace="system.drawing"%>

<title>Label Web Server Control</title>

<script language="VB" runat="server">

Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    Dim bdw as unit
    Label1.tooltip="This is my FIRST ASP.NET page!"
    Label1.text = "This is my FIRST ASP.NET page!"
    Label1.bordercolor = Color.Black
    Label1.backcolor = Color.Red
    Label1.forecolor = Color.White
End Sub

<body style="font: 10pt verdana">
<h3 align=center>ASP.NET Label Server Control</h3>

<form ID="Form1" runat=server>

    <asp:label id="label1" runat="server" />


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Textbox Web Server Control

We can get inputs from user in variety of ways. One of the way is through textbox.
In this session, we will see how to ..

 Get an input from the user

 Create a textarea
 Get passwords as input

Textbox and Button

In the following example the usage of label web server control is explained. The property "Text" is
used to assign a value (label) to the label control. We also have a button control which is used to
submit the value back to the page.

<title>Textbox Web Server Control - by Das

<script language="VB" runat="server">

Sub MySub(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
     lblMsg.text = "Is Your First Name, " & txtFname.text & " ?"
End Sub

<body style="font: 10pt verdana">
<h3 align=center>ASP.NET Textbox Server Control</h3>

<form ID="Form1" runat=server>

     First Name <asp:TextBox id=txtFname Runat=server />
     <asp:Button Text="Submit" OnClick="MySub" Runat=server />
     <asp:Label id=lblMsg ForeColor="#ff0000" Runat=server />


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If we have web application, then we will definitely have a Login module. For any
login password is a must. In ASP .NET we have to make use of the property,
textmode=password. We can access the password value by saying, txtPwd.Text,
were txtPwd is a textbox of type password. It should be also noted that, to
concatinate a string, we can use the operator += just as in C/C++.

<title>Textbox Web Server Control - by Das</title>
<script language="VB" runat="server">
Sub MySub(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
     lblMsg.text = "<br>Is Your First Name, <b>" & txtFname.text & " </b>?"
     lblMsg.text += "hmmm, you typed the password, <b>" & txtPwd.text & "
</b>right ?"
End Sub

<body style="font: 10pt verdana">
<h3 align=center>ASP.NET Textbox Server Control</h3>

<form ID="Form1" runat=server>

     First Name <asp:TextBox id=txtFname Runat=server />
     Password <asp:TextBox id=txtPwd TextMode=Password Runat=server />
     <asp:Button Text="Submit" OnClick="MySub" Runat=server />
     <asp:Label id=lblMsg ForeColor="#ff0000" Runat=server />


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In Classic ASP, we have the tag <textarea> to accept values in text area. The
same can be achieved in ASP.NET using the textbox web control. We have set the
property, "textmode", to "multiline", such as textmode=MultiLine. You can also specify
the rows and columns that you may need.

<title>Textbox Web Server Control - by Das</title>

<script language="VB" runat="server">

Sub MySub(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
     lblMsg.text = "<br>Is Your First Name, <b>" & txtFname.text & " </b>?"
     lblMsg.text += "<br>Well, your hobbies seems to be, <b>" & txtHobby.text &
End Sub

<body style="font: 10pt verdana">
<h3 align=center>ASP.NET Textbox Server Control</h3>

<form ID="Form1" runat=server>

     First Name <asp:TextBox id=txtFname Runat=server />
     Your hobbies <asp:TextBox id=txtHobby TextMode=MultiLine Rows=10
Columns=60 Runat=server />
     <asp:Button Text="Submit" OnClick="MySub" Runat=server />
     <asp:Label id=lblMsg ForeColor="#ff0000" Runat=server />

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Another aspect that you may need to note in these examples is, when we click the
submit button, all the values are retained in the form without any additional coding.
This is the most important feature, Maintaining State, of ASP.NET

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Listbox Web Server Control

Listbox web server control is equivalent to the <Select> tag in HTML. This control
will be very useful to get inputs from user, were all values are pre-defined. For eg:
inorder to accept the "State in which the user is living", we can have a list of all
states available. In this session, we will learn how to populate a listbox control.

 How to populate a Listbox control

 Populating the listbox during runtime, using Databinding
 Selecting Multiple items in a Listbox
 How to Remove items
 Insert items to a particular position

ListBox - How to populate a Listbox control?

Populating a listbox control is very simple. It is the same way as we do in Classic ASP. In classic
ASP, we use the <option> tag to add an item to the listbox. In ASP .NET, we use the tag
<asp:ListItem> to populate the Listbox.

<title>Listbox Web Server Control - by Das</title>

<script language="VB" runat="server">

Sub mySub(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
     If lstStates.SelectedIndex > -1
          lblMsg.Text = "You selected: " + lstStates.SelectedItem.Text
          lblMsg.Text = "Didn't like any state?"
     End If
End Sub

<body style="FONT: 10pt verdana">
<h3align=center>ASP.NET Listbox Server Control</h3>

<form ID="Form1" runat=server>

     <asp:ListBox id=lstStates Rows=1 runat="server">
     <asp:button Text="Submit" OnClick="mySub" runat="server" id=Button1 />
     <asp:Label id=lblMsg ForeColor="#ff0000" Runat=server />


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How to dynamically populate a Listbox control?

We can add items to a Listbox control during run time. This is achieved by populating an arrayList.
Once we have an arrayList, we can assign this arrayList to the Listbox control. Actually, we have
to bind the arrayList to the listbox control. Binding is done using the method DataBind. Before
any binding to take place, we should assign a datasource, in our case, it will be the arrayList. The
following example does this.

<title>Listbox Web Server Control - by Das</title>

<script language="VB" runat="server">

     Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

     If Not IsPostBack
          Dim arrState As New ArrayList()
          lstStates.DataSource = arrState
     End If
End Sub

Sub mySub(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

     If lstStates.SelectedIndex > -1
          lblMsg.Text = "You selected: " + lstStates.SelectedItem.Text
          lblMsg.Text = "Didn't like any state?"
     End If
End Sub

<body style="FONT: 10pt verdana">
<h3align=center>ASP.NET Listbox Server Control</h3>

<form ID="Form1" runat=server>

     <asp:ListBox id=lstStates Rows=1 runat="server">
     <asp:button Text="Submit" OnClick="mySub" runat="server" id=Button1 />
     <asp:Label id=lblMsg ForeColor="#ff0000" Runat=server />


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Selecting Multiple items in a Listbox

To allow users to select multiple values from a listbox, you need to set two
properties, such as rows and SelectionMode. The value for rows can be any
integer and for Selectionmode, it will be Multiple. To retrieve the all the values
selected by the user, we need to make use of the properties such as
Items.Count. And the property, selected will tell us whether the item have been selected
or not. See the following example.

<title>Listbox Web Server Control - by Das</title>


<script language="VB" runat="server">

Sub mySub(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
     If lstStates.SelectedIndex > - 1
          Dim ctr as Integer
          For ctr=0 to lstStates.Items.Count()-1
               If lstStates.items(ctr).selected
                    lblMsg.Text += "<br> You selected <b>" &
lstStates.items(ctr).Text & "</b>"
               end if
     End If
End Sub

<body style="font: 10pt verdana">
<h3 align=center>ASP.NET Listbox Server Control</h3>
<form runat=server>
<asp:ListBox id="lstStates" Rows="5" SelectionMode="Multiple"
<asp:button Text="Submit" Tooltip="To select multiple items hold the CTRL KEY
and then select the items" OnClick="mySub" runat="server" /><br>
<asp:Label id="lblMsg" runat="server"/>


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How to Remove items and to Insert items to a particular position?

If we allow a user to add item to a listbox, then we also may need to allow them to
delete items from the listbox. The method remove is used to remove a selected
item from the list box. Also, to insert a value to a particular position, say 2nd
position, we need to use the method called insert. In the coming example, we will see
how to remove an item, insert an item into a particular position and also another method to
popopulate a Listbox.

<title>Listbox Web Server Control - by Das</title>


<script language="VB" runat="server">

     Sub mySub(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

          Dim myItem as New ListItem

          myItem = New ListItem


          myItem = New ListItem

     End Sub

     Sub myRemove(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

     End Sub

     Sub myInsert(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

          if Len(Trim(txtAt.text)) > 0
               If IsNumeric(txtAt.text) and Cint(txtAt.text) <=
                    lstStates.items.Insert(txtAt.text, "Inserted item")
               end if
          end if
     End Sub

<body style="font: 10pt verdana">
<h3 align=center>ASP.NET Listbox Server Control</h3>

<form runat=server>
     <asp:ListBox id="lstStates" Rows="5" SelectionMode="Multiple"

     <asp:button Text="Populate" OnClick="mySub" runat="server" />

     <asp:button Text="Remove" Tooltip="To remove an item, select and then
click this button" OnClick="myRemove" runat="server" />
     <asp:button Text="Insert" Tooltip="To insert an item, type the position in
which you would like to insert." OnClick="myInsert" runat="server" /> at
     <asp:textbox id="txtAt" runat="server" />


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Listbox control will be useful to get inputs, which has a pre-determined number of
values. Also, you should note that, in the method, PageLoad and mySub we have
IF statements. Have you noticed that, we don't have the keyword "Then" for IF
statements. "Then" is not mandatory, as it was in classic ASP.

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DataGrid and DropDownLists

Written on: July, 18th 2002.


DropDownLists are very useful controls which can be used to accept input
from users. This control can be better used, if we know the range for the
input. User feels more comfortable with DropDownLists (combo boxes) rather
than textbox, since keyboard should be used to provide input to the latter. In
this article, we will see how can we use a dropdownlist inside a datagrid. We
will take the table, "stores" which is available under the database pubs
(SqlServer 2000).

One of the field in the table, "stores" is state. We will create another lookup
table to store the values of states available in United States. We are going to
create an editable datagrid. In the view mode, we will have just Labels. When
we switch to the edit mode, we will allow the user to modify the state, by
means of dropdownlist.

I assume that, the reader knows to create a simple datagrid with

TemplateColumn and ItemTemplate tags.

Things that we will be learning in this article

 How to populate a DataGrid?

 How to populate a dropdownlist within a datagrid?
 How to pick the Selected Item from a dropdownlist?
 How to preset items in a dropdownlist (which is in the edit mode)?

Populating the DataGrid

For our example, we will take the table STORE in the PUBS Database. Since
stored procedures are very much better than inline query, we use a stored
procedure called, sp_stores_sel, which contains a single SQL statement. The
SQL statement would be Select * from stores.

How to populate a dropdownlist within a datagrid?

The important aspect that is to be noted is that, we cannot explicitly bind the
dropdownlist from the page_load event or any other method. The
dropdownlist control in a <EditTemplateColumn> is only accessible to the
Update Method (which is specified in the OnUpdateCommand event).

But, while declaring the dropdownlist, we can invoke a method/function

which will return the datasource for the dropdownlist. We should also specify
values for the properties DataTextField and DataTextValue. The contents of
the field specified in DataTextField will be used to fill the text section of the
combo box. And the property, DataTextValue will be used to fill the value
property of the combo box (HTML Select tag). </FONT< p>

<EditItemTemplate> of the DataGrid

        <asp:Label ID="lblTempState"
            Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "state") %>'
            Runat=server />

        <asp:DropDownList id="cboState"
            DataSource="<%# BindState() %>"
            runat="server" />

How it works?

The most important piece of code in the above example is DataSource="<%#

BindState() %>". We invoke a method called BindState, which in turn will
return the DataSource for the DropDownlist. We will be looking into this
method shortly. Also, we need to specify the text that will be displayed in the
dropdown and so as the value for each text. We can assign the text by setting
the property, DataTextField and the value can be specified using the
property, DataTextValue. We have to specify the field names for both the
fields. In our example, we use the field, StateName for both properties.

DataSource for the DropDownList

    Private Function BindState()

        Dim myConnection As SqlConnection = New
        Dim myCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_das_state_sel",

        myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

        Return myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
    End Function
How it works?

The method BindState just executes a stored procedure called

sp_das_state_sel. The last statement in this method, the return statement,
actually returns a DataSource. This is how we set the DataSource for
DropDownList, which is in the Edit Mode of a DataGrid. The above sample did
not have any error handling. But I have provided the entire aspx page at the
download section. You can also see the sample output and a demo.

How to pick the Selected Item from a dropdownlist?

In this last section, we will see how to get the selected/updated item from the dropdownlist. We
know that, we show the dropdownlist only during the edit mode. When the user clicks the update
button, we have to get the selected item in the combo box. The following two lines of code does
this. First let us take a look at the code.

Dim cboStateTemp As DropDownList = CType(e.Item.FindControl("cboState"),

Dim strTemp as String = cboStateTemp.SelectedItem.Value

How it works?

First, we use the Findcontrol method to get the combo box object. After the
first statement, we have a dropdownlist object named, cboStateTemp. Note
the type casting done using the Ctype method. Once we have a dropdownlist
object, we can work with all properties and methods that are available in in
this object. The property to get the selected value is SelectedItem. We need
the value, so we have to say, SelectedItem.Value. If you need the text, then
you have to say, SelectedItem.Text.

How to preset items in a dropdownlist (which is in the edit mode)?

This is the most tricky part of this article. The event that will be helpful for us
to do this operation in the ItemDataBound event. So, in the datagrid, you
should invoke a method for this event. Then, in the event, all we need is to
find the control "cbostate" and set the SelectedIndex property. Apart from
this, we need to know which item we need to preset. Well, we can get this
value from the edit event. If you do a FinControl on the Edit Event for the
column that we need the value (in our case, the state column), we will get the
value that needs to be preset. Plese see the following piece of code in the
ItemDataBound event.
ItemDataBound Event

Private Sub DG_ItemDataBound(s as object, e as DataGridItemEventArgs)

    If e.item.itemType = ListItemType.EditItem Then
        Dim myDropDown as DropDownList
        myDropDown = Ctype(e.Item.FindControl("cbostate"), DropDownList)
        myDropDown.SelectedIndex =
    End If
End Sub

How it works?

In the above event, we just have three lines of code. The first two statements
inside the IF statement is pretty straight forward. The third one is the
important line, which presets the item in the combo box. The string variable,
strCurrentState is populated in the Edit event and is a global variable. You
can download the complete code later in this article.

Sample output of our scenario

Fig: DataGrid with Combo Box.

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Download the code

Click here to download the ASPX page

Click here to download the Stored Procedure


I have used stored procedures in all places. For your convenience, I have
also included source code for these stored procedures. If you have any
questions regarding this article or any of my article please feel free to email
me at


How to Edit a DataGrid?

How to capture a Double Click event in DataGrid?
Checkbox Web Server Control
Retrieving Images from SqlServer in ASP .NET
Retrieving Images from SqlServer and displaying it in DataGrid

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8:42:11 PM
CheckBox Web Server Control

Checkbox web server control is equivalent to the <input type=checkbox> tag in

HTML. This control can be used to get multiple answers for any given question. In
this session, we will see, how can we get the hobbies of any user. We will see the
following aspects.

 How to assign a text to Checkbox control?

 How to know whether the checkbox has been checked or not?
 How to assign a value to Checkbox control?
 How to add an attribute to a CheckBox Control?
 How to retrieve an attribute from a CheckBox Control?

Checkbox - How to assign a text to Checkbox control and how to know the checkboxes that
are selected?

Creating a checkbox is very easy indeed. The following line creates a Checkbox
control. <asp:Checkbox Runat=Server />. To assign a text to this checkbox
control, we can either do it in the declaration itself, or we can generate the text from
server side itself. To assign a text while creating, all you have to do is to use the
property text. The following example depicts how to create checkbox web server control and
how to assign values from the server side.

<title>Checkbox Web Server Control - by Das </title>

<script language=vb runat=server>

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

     'Put user code to initialize the page here
     chkMusic.Text = "Music"
     chkDriving.Text = "Driving"
     chkFishing.Text = "Fishing"
     chkBoating.Text = "Boating"
     chkEating.Text = "Eating"
End Sub

Public Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

     Dim strResult As String = "So, you like <br>"

If chkMusic.Checked Then
     strResult += chkMusic.Text & ", "
End If

If chkDriving.Checked Then
     strResult += chkDriving.Text & ", "
End If

If chkFishing.Checked Then
     strResult += chkFishing.Text & ", "
End If

If chkBoating.Checked Then
     strResult += chkBoating.Text & ", "
End If

If chkEating.Checked Then
     strResult += chkEating.Text
End If

     lblResult.Text = strResult & " right?"

End Sub


<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">

     <asp:Label ID=lblHobby text="What are your hobbies?" Runat=server />

     <asp:CheckBox ID="chkMusic" Runat=server />
     <asp:CheckBox ID="chkDriving" Runat=server />
     <asp:CheckBox ID="chkFishing" Runat=server />
     <asp:CheckBox ID="chkBoating" Runat=server />
     <asp:CheckBox ID="chkEating" Runat=server />
     <asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" Text="Submit" OnClick="btnSubmit_Click"
Runat=server />
     <asp:Label ID="lblResult" ForeColor="#ff0000" Font-Bold="True"
Runat=server />



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The above example is very simple. There are two things to learn from the above
example. First, to assign a text to the textbox web server control, you have to use
the property text. And to know whether the checkbox has selected or not, you have
to use the property checked.

Checkbox - How to assign a Value to the Checkbox control?

By default, checkbox control does not support the property value. In classic ASP,
we used this property to assign any value to the checkbox control. So, in ASP
.NET, how to assign a value to the checkbox control. We have to make use of the
Attributes method. We have to add an attribute to every checkbox web control. The
following line, adds an attribute to the checkbox, Music.
chkMusic.Attributes.Add("Value", 1). So, the method add takes two parameters.
The first parameter is the attribute name. And the second parameter is the Value
for this attribute. In the above example, we have created an attribute called Value.
The following example exaplains how to assign attributes and how to retrieve them.

<title>Checkbox Web Server Control - by Das </title>

<script language=vb runat=server>

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

     'Put user code to initialize the page here
     chkMusic.Text = "Music"
     chkDriving.Text = "Driving"
     chkFishing.Text = "Fishing"
     chkBoating.Text = "Boating"
     chkEating.Text = "Eating"

     chkMusic.Attributes.Add("Value", 1)
     chkDriving.Attributes.Add("Value", 2)
     chkFishing.Attributes.Add("Value", 3)
     chkBoating.Attributes.Add("Value", 4)
     chkEating.Attributes.Add("Value", 5)
End Sub

Public Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

     Dim strResult As String = "Values for your selections are <br>"

If chkMusic.Checked Then
     strResult += chkMusic.Attributes("Value") & ", "
End If

If chkDriving.Checked Then
     strResult += chkDriving.Attributes("Value") & ", "
End If

If chkFishing.Checked Then
     strResult += chkFishing.Attributes("Value") & ", "
End If

If chkBoating.Checked Then
     strResult += chkBoating.Attributes("Value") & ", "
End If

If chkEating.Checked Then
     strResult += chkEating.Attributes("Value")
End If

     lblResult.Text = strResult
End Sub


<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">

     <asp:Label ID=lblHobby text="What are your hobbies?" Runat=server />
     <asp:CheckBox ID="chkMusic" Runat=server />
     <asp:CheckBox ID="chkDriving" Runat=server />
     <asp:CheckBox ID="chkFishing" Runat=server />
     <asp:CheckBox ID="chkBoating" Runat=server />
     <asp:CheckBox ID="chkEating" Runat=server />
     <asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" Text="Submit" OnClick="btnSubmit_Click"
Runat=server />
     <asp:Label ID="lblResult" ForeColor="#ff0000" Font-Bold="True"
Runat=server />



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Check box controls are very useful control for getting inputs for multiple choice

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CheckBoxList Web Server Control

CheckboxList web server control is the same as Checkbox control. Before reading
this article, please read my article on CheckBox Web Server Control. In this article we will
see how to use the CheckboxList Web server control

 How to assign text and retrieve values from a CheckboxList control?

 How to go through all the elements inside a CheckBoxList?
 How to find the selected items in a CheckBoxList?

CheckboxList - How to assign a text to and how to retrieve the values?

CheckBoxList is almost equivalent to the Listbox web server control. The following example
explains how to declare a CheckboxList web server control and how to assign and retrieve values
depending upon the values selected by the user.

<title>CheckboxList Web Server Control - by Das </title>

<script language=vb runat=server>

Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

     Dim ctr As Integer
     lblResult.Text = "The values for your selection are: "
     For ctr = 0 To chkBoxList.Items.Count - 1
          If chkBoxList.Items(ctr).Selected Then
               lblResult.Text += chkBoxList.Items(ctr).Value & ", "
          End If

End Sub

<body style="font: 10pt verdana">

<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">

     <asp:Label ID=lblHobby text="What are your hobbies?" Runat=server />

     <asp:CheckBoxList ID=chkBoxList Runat=server>
     <asp:ListItem Value=1>Music</asp:ListItem>
     <asp:ListItem Value=2>Driving</asp:ListItem>
     <asp:ListItem Value=3>Boating</asp:ListItem>
     <asp:ListItem Value=4>Fishing</asp:ListItem>
     <asp:ListItem Value=5>Eating</asp:ListItem>
     <asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" Text="Submit" OnClick="btnSubmit_Click"
Runat=server />
     <asp:Label ID="lblResult" ForeColor="#ff0000" Font-Bold="True"
Runat=server />



Test this Script

The above example is very simple. There are two things to learn from the above
example. First, to create an item for checkbox, you have to use the <asp:ListItem>
tag. Then we use the attribute Value to assign values to the individual checkbox
item. This is the same as the ListBox Server control.


CheckBoxList controls are very useful control for getting inputs for multiple choice

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RadioButton Web Server Control

RadioButton Web Server Control is perfect for questions who has only one answer.
The RadioButton web server control is almost the same as the CheckBox web
server control. The only thing that is different here is that, you have to use a
property called GroupName to the collection of your radio buttons. Other than that
it is the same as the Checkbox control.

 How to assign a text to Radio Button control?

 How to know which RadioButton has been selected by the user?

RadioButton - How to assign a text how to know radio button have been selected?

To assign a text, we need to use the text property and to know whether the radio button have
been selected, we need to use the selected property, which returns either true or false.

<title>RadioButton Web Server Control - by Das </title>

<script language=vb runat=server>

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

     rd1.Text = "Doctor"
     rd2.Text = "Software Engineer"
     rd3.Text = "Lawyer"
     rd4.Text = "Business Man"
     rd5.Text = "Other"
End Sub

Public Sub btnSubmit_OnClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

     If rd1.Checked Then
          lblResult.Text = "So, you are a " & rd1.Text & " (Any surgeries so far?)"
     ElseIf rd2.Checked Then
          lblResult.Text = "So, you are a " & rd2.Text & " (So you work with
Computers, right)"
     ElseIf rd3.Checked Then
          lblResult.Text = "So, you are a " & rd3.Text & " (How may cases have you
attended so far?)"
     ElseIf rd4.Checked Then
          lblResult.Text = "So, you are a " & rd4.Text & " (Self employeed, huh)"
     ElseIf rd5.Checked Then
          lblResult.Text = "So, you are a " & rd5.Text & " (What else you are, just
          lblResult.Text = "OOPS! you selected nothing! Try again."
     End If
End Sub


<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">

     <h3>ASP .NET Tutorial: Working with Radio Button Control.

     <asp:Label ID="lblMsg" Text="What is your profession?" Runat=server />
     <asp:RadioButton ID="rd1" GroupName=profession Runat=server />
     <asp:RadioButton ID="rd2" GroupName=profession Runat=server />
     <asp:RadioButton ID="rd3" GroupName=profession Runat=server />
     <asp:RadioButton ID="rd4" GroupName=profession Runat=server />
     <asp:RadioButton ID="rd5" GroupName=profession Runat=server />
     <asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" Text="Submit" OnClick="btnSubmit_OnClick"
Runat=server />
     <asp:Label ID="lblResult" ForeColor="#ff0000" Font-Bold="True"
Runat=server />



Test this Script


You can also add attributes and retrieve attributes for this control. To know more
about adding and retrieving attributes, please read my article on Checkbox web
server control.

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Panels" can do wonders!

This article was contributed by Rajiv. R and he can be reached at

I saw my team mates develop wizards in our web-based application development

project, that involved multiple steps, back & forth movement (with "next" and "back"
buttons), and data being saved only in the last step.

I saw them code to persist data across pages (steps of the wizard) and in the process
loaded the Session object.

I always wondered if ASP.NET's viewstate capabilities be put to good use! Some

conceptual thinking resulted that use of "Panel" web control could be a boon!

Zooooom came an opportunity, thanks to an enhancement request from the client! :)

I was assigned a fairly simple wizard with about 4 steps. The methodology, I followed
was this.

1. For every step of the wizard, I put a Panel web control.

2. One Set of "Cancel", "Next", "Back" & "Save" buttons at the bottom.
3. In the event handlers of these buttons, hide/unhide the panels and hide/unhide the
4. In the last step, unhide Save button and in the event handler, you have access to all
the data across steps with no hassles!

The user gets a feel that each step is a different page, but as a developer, I had an
easy time! Across the steps, I did just nothing to persist data. ASP.NET ViewState did it
for me!

And at the last click, I had all the data in page to be saved! No hassles!


WizardDemo.Zip (22 KB)

This article was contributed by Rajiv. R and he can be reached at

Other articles written by Rajiv.R

Displaying Files with a Hyperlink to dowload it

Click here to read articles written by other contributors.

How to Create a text file in ASP .NET? Written on: May, 13th 2002.


One of the frequent task in any web application is dealing with the text files. In classic
ASP, we used the FileSystemObject to deal with files. In this article, we will see how to
create text files in ASP .NET.

Things that we will be learning in this article

 The namespace that is required to deal with Files

 The StreamWriter Object

 Creating a Text File

 How to capture errors which may occur while creating a text file?

The Namespace that is required to deal with Files

We require the namespace, System.IO to work with files. So, we should import this
namespace in our ASPX page such as

<%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %>

How to Create a text File?

To start with, we need to create an instance of the object, StreamWriter. The instance
will be the file pointer for us. Once we have a File Pointer, we need to invoke the
method, CreateText method of the object, File. The method, CreateText takes a
string as an argument. The string is nothing but the path of file that is going to get
created. Now, let us see an example. Let us assume, we have a textbox with textmode
set to MultiLine and a button. On the click event of the button, we need to create a text
file. The code within the Click event is shown below. </FONT< p>

Code in the OnClick event of button.

    Sub WriteToFile(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

        Dim fp As StreamWriter

            fp = File.CreateText(Server.MapPath(".\Upload\") & "test.txt")
            lblStatus.Text = "File Succesfully created!"
        Catch err As Exception
            lblStatus.Text = "File Creation failed. Reason is as follows

" & err.ToString()


        End Try

    End Sub
How it works?

We are first creating an instance of StreamWriter, which is termed as fp (file pointer).

Then, in the Try block, we invoke the CreateText method. To write the content, we use
the method, WriteLine. Actually, we have just three lines of code which writes data to a
text file. Once we have successfully written to the text file, we close the StreamWriter
by invoking the Close method of StreamWriter.

Sample output of our scenario

Fig: Creating Text Files in ASP .NET

Test this Script

Download the code

Click here to download the ASPX page


Creating a text file is very easy. We can easily create a text file in just 3 lines of code.
To read content from a text file, visit my article Read data from Text File


Textbox Web Server Control

Reading data from a Text File

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Populating DropDownList - The key aspect

Written on: Sept 5th 2002.
that needs to be noted

Some times you may notice that, you are getting the following values in your

When binding to the DropDownList (and some of the other controls), you need to
specify the DataTextField and DataValueField (if you don't specify the DataValueField
then the control will automagically use what you specified for the DataTextField).

Something like this....

DropDownList1.DataTextField = "FieldNameThatIsToBeDisplayedForEachItem"
DropDownList1.DataValueField = "FieldNameThatRepresentsTheValueOfTheItem

 Copyright © 2000-2003  Page Rendered at 12/23/2009 5:11:14 PM

DataGrid with Multiple DropDownLists Written on: Aug 16th 2002.


This article is continuation of DataGrid and DropDownList.

In this article, we will discuss about populating a DropDownList based on the

SelectedItem from a different DropDownList. In other words, how to populate
DropDownLists which has a master detail relationship.

BackBone of this article

<asp:DropDownList id="cboState"
          runat="server" />

How it works?

The above declaration pertains to the master DropDownList. Please note that, the
AutoPostBack is set to true. This is the key aspect. When a user changes the current
value in the master DropDownList, we should populate the child DropDownList. That is
why, we have set the OnSelectedIndexChanged property.

Public Sub PopulateNextCombo(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
     Dim tmpcboState2 As DropDownList
     Dim tmpDropDown1 as DropDownList
     Dim myConnection As SqlConnection = New
     Dim myCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_das_state_sel",
     Dim myDataReader As SqlDataReader

     myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
          myDataReader =
          tmpcboState2 =
          tmpcboState2.DataSource = myDataReader
          tmpDropDown1 =
          tmpcboState2.SelectedIndex = tmpDropDown1.SelectedIndex

     Catch SQLexc As SqlException

          lblStatus.Text = "Error while Generating Data. Error is " & SQLexc.ToString()

          If Not myDataReader Is Nothing Then
          End If

          If Not myConnection Is Nothing AndAlso ((myConnection.State And

ConnectionState.Open) = ConnectionState.Open) Then
          End If
     End Try
End Sub

How it works?

The above method, populates the second (child) DropDownList. cboState2 is the ID of
our second DropDownList. The third statement inside the Try block gets the reference for
the second DropDownList. Fourth and fifth statements in the Try block populates the
second DropDownList. In this example, we are setting the SelectedItemIndex for the
second DropDownList the same as the master DropDownList.

Sample output of our scenario

Fig: DataGrid with Combo Box.

Test this Script

Download the code

Click here to download the ASPX page

Click here to download the Stored Procedure


I have used stored procedures in all places. For your convenience, I have also included
source code for these stored procedures. If you have any questions regarding this article
or any of my article please feel free to email me at


DataGrid with Single Combo box

How to Edit a DataGrid?
How to capture a Double Click event in DataGrid?
Checkbox Web Server Control
Retrieving Images from SqlServer in ASP .NET
Retrieving Images from SqlServer and displaying it in DataGrid

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