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-Hengky dan ewal berkendara motor di jalan

-sesampai di indomaret berbelanja Snack dan Minuman

Hengky: what you want to buy?

Ewal: I want to buy some drink and Snack


-Naik mereka berdua naik motor lagi untuk bersantai di dekat sawah

Hengky; This drink is great


Hengky; Why?

Ewal : Some food

Hengky: waw

Ewal:you want?

Hengky: yes I want

Ewaldi; wow is good (sambal membuka snack)

Hengky; Hey ewal whay do you thing abaou the few year?

Ewal; emm I think this few year is very nice and awesome


Ewal: wait… look.. look at there (sambil enunjuk si Rony (farmer) )

Hengky: yeah. I see Isee


Hengky: hey give me the drink why your drink alone

Ewal: (tertawa) hahaha sory-sory I give you (tertawa lagi)

Hengky: this is delicious

Ewal:yess ( sambal minum)

Hengky: sambal merenggangkan badan

Ewal: wahat the time now?

Hengky; (sambal nengok hp) now is past six

Ewal:oh.. goo home right now?

Hengky: yess

Ewal: okay lest go..

(mereka berdua pergi) dan (si ewal menendang botol kaleng dan mengenai si petani(roni)

Rony; WOOI WHO IS THAT.... HEY DON’T throw this trash here!!! (sambil menunjukkan
pisau ke mereka berdua)

Hengky,ewal : I don’t care (langsung lari dan melemparkan sampah ke petani lagi)

Rony: hey don’t throw trash this is my place!

Rony: sambil menunjukan pisau(I want to kill you

Hengky,ewa; run… run.. (sambil lari)

Rony: I want to killing you now

( hengky dan ewal lari ke motor mereka dan kabur)

Rony: (sambil melihat sampah yang mereka tinggalkan) di video minit ke 5.00

(Si Juliana menggunakan motor menghampiri si petani(roni)

Juliana: what are you dong?

Rony: I cleaning a trash

Juliana:oh.. cant I help you

Rony: okay thank you

Juliana: cleaning the trash togater (sambil mengangkat sampah)

Rony:this is some people throw trash here

Juliana: lest go to clean

(di video menit ke 5.54)

Hengky:sambil mengetuk pintu dan memanggil nama ewal)

Gregoria: ehh Hengky (sambil jalan menemui hengky)

Gregoria: yeah? What happen?

Hengky: I looking for your brother

Gregoria: oh ewal??

hengky: yess

Gregoria: his still sleep

Hengky: haa?

Gregoria: emm can I help you? To wake him up?

Hengky:oh yes thank you

Gregoria: ok come on

(sambil jalan ke depan pintu rumah) (menit ke 6.33)

Gregoria; Still here


Gregoria: heii ewall wake up wake up ( sambil membangunkan ewal)

Ewal your friend here

Ewal: what happen?

Gregoria: your friend here.. wake up

(ewal bangun dan menemui Hengky)

Hengky:hey come on

Ewal: oh hengky whare you go now?

(blm selesai dialog nya Lanjutan dialog ada di menit ke 7.

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