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Details of Assessment
Term and Year 3, 2019 Time allowed 5 weeks
Assessment No 1 Assessment Weighting 50%
Assessment Type Knowledge Evidence & Continuous Improvement Plan
Due Date Week 5 Room 609/611/710
Details of Subject
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
Subject Name Innovation
Details of Unit(s) of competency
Unit Code (s) and
BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and continuous improvement
Details of Student
Student Name
College Student ID

Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my

own and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person Student’s
or source. I acknowledge that I understand the requirements Signature: ____________________
to complete the assessment tasks. I am also aware of my
right to appeal. The feedback session schedule and Date: _____/_____/_________
reassessment procedure were explained to me.

Details of Assessor

Assessment Outcome
Competent Not Yet Competent Marks / 50
Feedback to Student
Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive

Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted

a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student. Assessor’s
Signature: ___________________
Student attended the feedback session.
Student did not attend the feedback session. Date: _____/_____/________

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Purpose of the Assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the Competent Not Yet
following learning outcomes: (C) Competent
1.1 Establish strategies to monitor and evaluate performance and
sustainability of key systems and processes
1.2 Undertake detailed analyses of supply chains, and operational,
product and service delivery systems
1.3 Identify performance measures, and assessment tools and
techniques, and evaluate their effectiveness
1.4 Analyse performance reports and variance from plans for key result
areas of the organisation
1.5 Identify and analyse changing trends and opportunities relevant to the
1.6 Seek advice from specialists, where appropriate, to identify technology
and electronic commerce opportunities
2.1 Brief groups on performance improvement strategies and innovation
as an essential element of competition
2.2 Foster creative climate and organisational learning by promoting
interaction within and between work groups
2.3 Encourage, test and recognise new ideas and entrepreneurial
behaviour where successful
2.4 Accept failure of an idea during trialling and recognise, celebrate and
embed success into systems
2.5 Undertake risk management and cost-benefit analysis for each option
or idea approved for trial
2.6 Approve innovations through agreed organisational processes
3.1 Promote continuous improvement and sustainability as essential to
doing business
3.2 Address the impact of change and consequences for people and
implement transition plans
3.3 Ensure objectives, timeframes, measures and communication plans
are in place to manage implementation
3.4 Implement contingency plans in the event of non-performance
3.5 Follow up failure by prompt investigation and analysis of causes and
manage emerging challenges and opportunities effectively
3.6 Ensure that learning from activities are captured and managed to
inform future work
3.7 Regularly evaluate continuous improvement systems and processes
3.8 Communicate costs and benefits of innovations and improvements to
relevant groups and individuals
Assessment/evidence gathering conditions

Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student
can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment”
section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each
assessment. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment.

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Resources required for this Assessment

 Computer with relevant software applications and access to internet

 Weekly eLearning notes relevant to the tasks/questions
Instructions for Students
Please read the following instructions carefully
 This assessment has to be completed In class At home
 The assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
 Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved.
You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other
feedback will be provided by the end of the term.
 Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps
in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be
deemed competent for this unit of competency.
 If you are not sure about any aspects of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your
 Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information (Student Handbook).

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Note: The organisational details used in this assessment have been mostly sourced (and to some
extent paraphrased) from the organisation’s website and other relevant external sources. The
information used here is solely for educational purposes.

This assessment comprises both the knowledge evidence and performance evidence as a
summative assessment. You are required to respond to the knowledge questions and prepare a
continuous improvement plan. To complete this assessment, you are required to follow the structure
and template as provided to complete the continuous improvement plan (PART B).


This assessment comprises the knowledge evidence of the unit BSBMGT608. You are required to
respond to the 9 (nine) knowledge evidence questions that you must respond in order to be evaluated
for the underpinning knowledge requirements attached to the unit.

This part of the assessment has been established with the aim to measure your knowledge, skills and
attributes in identifying quality management and continuous improvement theories, risk management
concepts, sustainability practices, organisational learning principles and cost benefit analysis


Using the Continuous Improvement Plan template provided in this assessment, develop a
continuous improvement management plan for
± An enterprise of your choice (within Australia), or
± Use the simulated organisational context of AAT Kings.

To demonstrate competency will be working towards facilitating innovation and continuous

improvement within the simulated organisation or the organisation you are involved in. To innovate
and make improvements in organisation, you will be required to analyse the existing organisational
systems, processes, policies and methods to develop a continuous improvement plan and
communicate the plan to relevant stakeholders.

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The activities and questions in this PART require short answers. Please use your own words to
answer the questions and avoid directly copying your responses from your learning resources.

You will need access to the following resources:

- BSBMGT608 Learner Guide (in e-learning)
- Relevant Internet resources and resources in subject e-learning.

Question 1: Describe the following methods of analysing and evaluating programs, systems
and processes in an organisation to ensure sustainability in an organisation.
Benchmarking is the process of evaluating one factor by comparing it
to another factor

The evaluation of the different costs and expenditures of a business

and the budget of the company
Financial Analysis

A direct face to face interaction with the aim of gaining qualitative data
Questionnaires and

Use to analyse the position and service of competitors

Mystery shopping visits

Gain information from the different social media blogs such as

facebook, twitter.
Social media monitoring

Direct face to face interaction between the internal stakeholders of a

Business Meetings

Question 2: Explain performance management used in organisations.

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Question 3: Describe each of the following evaluation tools which can be used to
measure performance.

An analysis of the strengths,, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a

SWOT analysis particular factor or organization.

It is a tool that helps in analysing the flow in which a work is being done.
Process mapping

It establishes some aims and objectives and analyses the extent to which the
Management by employees and members are working towards the fulfilment of those aims.

Forced ranking is the process of performance management where a systematic

Forced ranking process is integrated to mark the best employee on top and worst employee at

Brainstorming It is the process of involving a number of members in a meeting and taking idea
from each of them.

Question 4: Describe the following continuous improvement theories.

Kaizen This theory states that small changes would lead to the success of an

Six Sigma It analyses the numerical variables and aims to decrease the different variations
in the business process of a company

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Question 5: What does ‘organisational learning’ refer to? List at least six organisational
learning principles.

Organisational learning:
It is the process of gaining and transferring data and information in a business.

Six organisational learning principles:

- Development of knowledge
- Transfer of knowledge
- A positive environment
- Organizational memory
- Resolution of barriers
- Constituting to profitability

Question 6: Explain three methods you could use to inspire and reward innovative and
creative ideas within an organisation.

- Consider Offering Incentives

- Expose Employees to open Innovation
- Embrace Failure

Question 7: Read the linked Internet article below and answer the two questions.
Link: Technology Innovation Management Review, Robert J. Sternberg, 2016, ‘Creativity, Linking
Theory to Practice for Entrepreneurs’, retrieved from:
What is the relationship between innovation and creativity?

There is a common relationship between creativity and innovation and as such, the first factor leads to
the other.

Do you think that you need to be creative to have sustainable practices? Explain with your
own viewpoints.

Creativity is the most important factor in sustainability as that allows an organization to stand in a
market with competitive advantage.

Question 8: Read the linked Internet resource below on risk management and explain
the following risk management concepts.

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Risk Management Concept Description & Purpose

Risk Management Process

Risk management is defined as the process of identifying,
monitoring and managing potential risks in order to minimize the
negative impact they may have on an organization.

Matrix that is used during risk assessment to define the level

Risk Rating and Assessing of risk by considering the category of probability or likelihood
Matrix against the category of consequence severity. This is a simple
mechanism to increase visibility of risks and
assist management decision making.

Risk is a consequence of an action taken in spite of uncertainty.

Risk Consequence Risk is the product of the consequence and the probability of
occurrence of the unpleasant /undesired event. In order to
determine risk both the consequence and the probability should
be indentify.

Risk register is used to identify potential risks in a project or an

Risk Register organization, sometimes to fulfil regulatory compliance but
mostly to stay on top of potential issues that can lead to intended

Question 9: Explain cost-benefit analysis. Outline the steps in cost benefit analysis
Cost-benefit analysis:

Cost benefit analysis (also known as a benefit cost analysis) is a process by which organizations can
analyze decisions, systems or projects, or determine a value for intangibles. The model is built by
identifying the benefits of an action as well as the associated costs, and subtracting the costs
from benefits.

Steps in cost-benefit analysis method:

 - Specify the possible options for action

 - List all the possible outcomes (i.e. sets of consequences)
 - Determine the probability of each outcome
 - Assign a value (positive or negative) to each outcome
 - The sum of the values times probabilities for each option is the expected value .

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(Trainer/Assessor use for assessing & marking purposes)

The learner will be assessed on the following knowledge Marks Marks

evidence and performance evidence allocated received

Q1: Describe the following methods of analysing and evaluating 2.5

programs, systems and processes in an organisation to ensure
sustainability in an organisation.

Q2: Explain performance management used in organisations. 1

Q3: Describe each of the following evaluation tools which can be 2.5
used to measure performance.

Q4: Describe the following continuous improvement theories. 1

Q5: What does ‘organisational learning’ refer to? List at least six 1
organisational learning principles.

Q6: Explain three methods you could use to inspire and reward 2
innovative and creative ideas within an organisation.

Q7: Read the linked Internet article below and answer the two 1
questions on creativity and innovation.

Q8: Read the linked Internet resource below on risk management 2

and explain the following risk management concepts.

Q9: Explain cost-benefit analysis. Outline the steps in cost benefit 2

analysis method.

Total 15

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SIMULATED WORK ORGANISATION (if not using an organisation of your choice)

(Information about the organisation has been sourced from the organisation’s website and other
relevant internet sources)

About the organisation:

Founded in 1912, AAT Kings has been operating as a tour operator and has been helping travellers;
tourist and people from all over the world who plans to discover and explore Australia and New
Zealand from top to bottom. With a broad range of holiday options including Guided Tours, Short
Breaks and Day Tours, AAT Kings are the holiday experts. The organisation has claimed to have over
100 years of experience in taking care of absolutely everything so that people can get on with creating
great new memories. The organisational website is at

Vision & Mission: (sourced from Internet and organisational sites)

Our vision is to Change the Way People See the World. We will be customer obsessed, driven by
passion, expertise, trust and a sense of fun. We will have the widest range of adventure travel
experiences and continuously introduce innovative product. The organisation will continue to have a
purpose beyond profit, with sustainability being at the core of what we do, and a focus on developing
local economies through sustainable tourism.

At AAT Kings we strive to represent the very best that Australia and New Zealand have to offer. Our
people are warm, friendly, engaged and enthusiastic. We love a laugh and a good story. We celebrate
our great characters and our authentic personalities. We are always respectful, we deliver brilliant
service and we are proud of our heritage and culture. Our goal every day is to share Australia and
New Zealand with our guests and to bring these two amazing countries to life.

People and Employees: (sourced from Internet and organisational sites)

AAT Kings has assembled a range of fun, passionate, quirky, knowledgeable and talented people to
help make holiday great and one to remember forever. The team has people who share their passion
and knowledge for Australia and New Zealand in ways beyond expected. Since the organisation is
mostly measured by the success of its tour services, the most important people of the organisation
are travel directors, driver guides and local guides.
The travel directors provide the commentary, stories and local insights behind each destination to
truly get a feel for the places people visit. They share advice, provide personal recommendations and

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reveal some ‘Hidden Gems’ along the way. The driver guides provide exceptional service every step
of the way. Each and every Driver Guide has extensive on road experience and driver training with a
safe driving track record. Along with passion and local insight these genuine Aussie characters will
enhance your AAT Kings experience. In some trips and tours, travelling on a Short Break customers
may be joined by a different Driver Guide each day so people can benefit from the breadth of their
combined knowledge and years of experience for a more independent style of travel. The local guides
have specialist knowledge of their hometown and local traditions. Theyl take the sightseeing
experience to a whole new level as they share their passion and stories in an engaging and
entertaining way.

Links with Indigenous Culture: (sourced from Internet and organisational documents)
AAT Kings has forged strong relationships with indigenous communities throughout Australia and
New Zealand, including the Anangu people and Uluru Aboriginal Tours in Central Australia, as well as
the Tamaki Family Marae on the outskirts of Rotorua, New Zealand. AAT Kings has also partnered
with Alice Springs indigenous artist Kathleen Buzzacot and Maruku Arts to create a specially
designed Aboriginal artwork featured on all coaches in Central Australia. Bone and pounamu
(greenstone) carver, Lance Ngata, from Uawa (Tolaga Bay) and Turangi in New Zealand's North
Island has also created exclusive artwork that features on all coaches in New Zealand.

Social responsibility and sustainability initiatives: (sourced from Internet and organisational sites)
AAT Kings and the parent company The Travel Corporation focuses on exploration of the world and
gain a deeper understanding of each destination, its history and culture, through enriching
experiences. The organisation also recognizes that it is a responsibility to help protect the places we
visit and take care of the world around us. The various initiatives that the organisation has in place in
regards to social responsibility and sustainability are:
High technology coaches - Compared to cars, planes and trains – coaches have the lowest carbon
emissions and are by far the most carbon efficient way to travel. The fleet of vehicles includes some
of the newest coaches on the road. They are fuel efficient and exceed strict fuel emission regulations.
Carbon Footprint Offset - As part of their continuing sustainability journey, the company feel it’s
increasingly important to provide guests and the team with the necessary tools and information to
allow them to make responsible travel choices whenever possible. With this in mind, they are now
happy to provide with opportunities to carbon offset customers’ travel experience. They have
partnered with not-for-profit TreadRight Foundation has identified four leading carbon offset programs
- Conservation International Carbon Fund, myclimate, The Nature Conservancy, and Rainforest
Concern – Forest Credits - that provide travellers with a number of ways in which to offset travel
experiences and a variety of carbon offset projects to choose from.
Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors - AAT Kings and the TreadRight Foundation, the Australia Zoo Wildlife
Hospital has treated over 2,000 koalas since 2014. As Australia’s busiest koala hospital, the facility is
at the forefront of koala research and conservation.

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Office sustainability - AAT Kings, as part of The Travel Corporation, is proud to be using 100%
recycled paper for the body of our brochures. Some of the positive impacts of this include saving
more than 48,000* trees per year and reducing landfill waste that produces harmful greenhouse
gases. In addition, the paper used is rated 'Excellent' by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
environmental benchmarking tool. The organisation is proud to commit to using one of the most
environmentally friendly coated recycled papers on Planet Earth.

The graphs below illustrate the organisation’s office and trip emissions in 2016 and 2017 as a
comparison and to reduce in future years.

(Imaginary data used for simulated workplace)

Carbon emissions goal:

By the end of 2025 the organisation aims to lighten overall environmental footprint and reduce carbon
emissions per full time employee in offices by 5%,
 5% reduction in energy use per full-time employee
 5% reduction in water consumption per full-time employee
 5% reduction in staff flights per full-time employee

New investments in coaches: (sourced from Internet and organisational documents)

In 28 April, 2013, AAT Kings (, has made a significant investment, valued at $8.5
million, in acquiring top of the range luxury coaches. In order to uphold a high level of service across
its Day Tours, Short Breaks and Guided Expeditions, AAT Kings has purchased 17 premium Scania
coaches, bringing its overall fleet size to 81 vehicles.

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New Marketing Strategies, Innovation and Continuous Improvement: (sourced from Internet)
The organisation, has distributed a “taster” brochure to hundreds of thousands of households across
the country featuring product from its newly-released 52 Brilliant Breaks program. Radio has featured
heavily in the fresh promotional drive, with its own staff again used in the adverts.
The first wave of marketing kicked off late last year to coincide with the brand relaunch, with the
operator claiming early signs of a rejuvenated business were encouraging. Sales for this year are
25% ahead of the same time last year, managing director Anthony Hayes said. “That is off the back of
some pretty ordinary years, and it is not back to where we want it to be, but we are heading in the
right direction,” he told Travel Today.
The direct mail blitz, timed to coincide with people’s return to work – a time when we typically want to
book another holiday – is designed to “get consumers excited” about the idea of a domestic short
break, he said. The tours, from two to nine days in duration, are based around experiences, rather
than being destination-led, with six product categories drawn up; food and wine, nature and wildlife,
culture, family, active adventures and winter escapes. Fifteen tours are new, 12 in Australia and three
in New Zealand.
Hayes said the brochure launch, and associated consumer campaigns, will help rebuild brand equity
in the market. While AAT Kings has remained well known in the trade, knowledge among consumers
had been “drifting away”, he admitted. While the turnaround of AAT Kings was progressing, Hayes
acknowledged there remained much to be done and described the next 12 months as getting "back to
basics". Improving the bottom line – it turned a small profit last year – remained the end-game after a
number of lean years, he said.

Boom in Chinese tourists visiting Australian wineries:

(Sourced from

Australia is experiencing a boom of Chinese tourists visiting wineries. According to AAT Kings,
between 2015 and 2016, Chinese interest in their Australian wine tours increased by over 300 per
cent. Between 2013 and 2014, interested increased by over 600 per cent. AAT Kings predicts the
interest to continue growing in 2017 if current booking trends established in the first quarter of the
year continues. With the interest in Australian wine from the Chinese market continuing to grow, they
expect the numbers of Chinese guests on tours that include wine regions to increase year-on-year.

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Relevant Statistics and Data for the simulated organisation: (imaginary data used for simulated
Area of concern (last year) Number/Amount/Percentage
Earnings before income tax $10 million
Total numbers of employees/contractors/guides 880
Overall employee engagement score 81%
Gender equity 38% staff are female
Fundraising for charity $990,000
Overall customer experience 4.5 / 5
Total number of customers travelled 51,000
Growth/Decline in passenger numbers from previous year 4% increase
Predicted growth for next year in international tourist arrivals 5%
Overall 80% score and rating
KPIs for customer service engagement of 4.6/5
Return customer percentage 8%

Relevant organisational documents for completing the simulated workplace tasks: (imaginary
data used for simulated workplace)
Document Name File

AAT Kings Digital

Digital Marketing Policy Marketing Policy.pdf

AAT Kings
Performance Review Policy PerformanceReview Policy.doc

AAT Kings
Professional Development Policy Professional Development Policy.doc

AAT Kings Risk

Risk management Policy, Procedures and Templates Management.doc

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Additional research links on the case organisation

You are also encouraged to conduct further Internet research on the case organisation for specific
tasks that may require review and analysis of existing organisational information. For example,
generic organisational information can be identified from the organisational website and from the
annual reports. The following are some links to the organisational information.

The parent organisation of AAT Kings -

People and Employees:
Travel instructions and about AAT Kings -
AAT Kings awards -
Brochures -
AFTA travel trends -
AAT Kings Privacy policy -
AAT Kings FAQ -
AAT Kings online and website performance data -
Social media pages of the organisation –

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You have recently joined the simulated organisation (or work within the organisation of your choice)
as the Marketing, Sales and Continuous Improvement Manager for AAT Kings head office. Your job
role has numerous responsibilities and you are to analyse, review the current systems and processes
and then develop some options for continuous improvement and eventually implement the innovative
processes that you have developed.

Currently there are some systems, policies & procedures that are in place for the organisation but
based on the predicted goals and objectives of the company, you will need to improve on these
systems and policies to ensure that the goals are being met. Refer to the simulated organisation
information (especially Relevant Statistics and Data for the simulated organisation) to identify the
future goals of the organisation. You are being advised by the company’s CEO to increase all
predictions and expectations by five to ten percent for the next year. To do this you will:
 analyse and evaluate systems and performance in key areas of the organisation and identify
opportunities for improvement, seeking advice from experts as appropriate
 promote the value of creativity, innovation and sustainability and recognise successes
 support the testing of new ideas and undertake risk management and cost-benefit analysis
 plan for and implement improvements using organisation’s processes for approvals, project
management and change management
 facilitate effective contributions to and communications about continuous improvement and
 capture insights, experiences and ideas for improvements and incorporate them into the
organisation’s knowledge management systems and future planning

Various stakeholders in this context (for the simulated organisation AAT Kings)
 Marketing, Sales and Continuous Improvement Manager – You
 Director, Digital Marketing Specialist, Expert – Your trainer
 Stakeholders, Specialists, Team members, and External People – Your fellow learners

You trainer will act as your supervisor/specialist for this simulated assessment. You will be
progressively completing tasks one after another within the simulated environment (or your preferred
business) to complete this assessment task.

What is required?
Using the CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE provided in this assessment, you are
required to manage and develop a continuous improvement plan for your sales and service team for
an enterprise of your choice (within Australia) or use the simulated workplace context of AAT
Kings. Whether you choose your own workplace or the simulated work environment, to demonstrate
competency you will complete all tasks following the exact structure and template as provided next.

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(Trainer/Assessor use only for marking purposes)




1A) Establish strategies to monitor and evaluate performance and 3

sustainability of key systems and processes

1B) Undertake detailed analyses of supply chains, and operational, 3

product and service delivery systems; identify performance
measures; analyse performance reports and variance; and identify
changing trends and opportunities.

1C) Seek advice from specialists to identify technology and e- 1

commence opportunities



2A) Brief groups on performance improvement strategies and 1


2B) Foster creative climate and organisational learning, by 6

promoting interaction within and between work groups; encourage,
test and recognise new ideas; accept failure of an idea


3A.Promote continuous improvement and sustainability and 3

address the impact of change and consequences for people

3B.Develop a continuous improvement plan and a communications 10

plan for the individuals and teams of your organisation that includes
objectives, measures and communication to manage

3C.Review, evaluate and implement innovative process and 4

contingency plans

3D.Undertake risk analysis, cost benefit analysis and communicate 4

costs/benefits to stakeholders

APPENDIX 1 (references, evidence and external resources) N/A N/A


“CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN” template follows next. You are required to complete
every section of the template.

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Organisation Name

Prepared by:

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In TASK 1, you will be reviewing existing programs, systems and processes in your work area either
in your chosen workplace or the simulated workplace (AAT Kings). To do this, you will need to
establish strategies, evaluate performance and sustainability, analyse supply chain, identify
performance measures, analyse performance reports, analyse changing trends and seek advice from

You are required to:

A. Establish strategies to monitor and evaluate performance and sustainability of key systems
and processes
B. Undertake detailed analyses of supply chains, and operational, product and service delivery
systems; identify performance measures; analyse performance reports and variance; and
identify changing trends and opportunities.
C. Seek advice from specialists to identify technology and e-commence opportunities

1A: In this task, you will review and establish strategies to evaluate performance of key
systems and process of your workplace (or the simulated workplace).
Briefly describe your The company which has been selected in the current research is a
simulated/ chosen workplace. coffee selling company which sells coffee products to the customers.
E.G. Organisation details, The products of the company is not limited to coffee only, but also
staff, location, products and snack products such as sandwich, ice creams and pastries. The
services. services of the company provide building of a social connection
between the people who visit the stores and also with the

Process, program or system

to be reviewed
Describe the existing process, Despite the good facilities provided by the company, a few things
program or system that needs are there that are required to be changed. As such the company
to be reviewed. What is the aims to provide fine quality coffee to the customers, however, there
need for reviewing this are a number of companies growing up in the industry which cause
process, program or system? threats to the company. Furthermore, huge turnover of the
employees is also a major productivity issue faced by the company.
Refer to the organisational
documents within the
simulated organisation or use
own organisational documents
and policies. (use at least 2

Innovative process, The innovative system which shall be integrated in the company
program or system: includes the appointment of Human resource department and also a
What is the new innovative marketing manager for the understanding the needs of the
continuous improvement will customers to create range of new products in the market. Moreover,
you introduce for each of the the HR manager would look after the needs and specifications of the
policies or procedures of the employees. In order to decrease the turnover of the employees, they
organisation? This could be a shall be provided with rewards and incentives which change the
program, processes or system performance of employees. That would help gain their positive
improvement. confidence.

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Review the existing system, policy or process by completing the following SWOT analysis
(Use at least 2 organisational documents provided in the simulated organisation AAT Kings or use
your own organisational documents or systems).
Organisational Policy or System
Strengths The current process pays excessive focus to only building a strong
What are the relationship with the customers. The company has a chain of
strengths of the employees who look after the brewing process of the coffee which
current process, helps in ensuring that the coffee qualities are healthy and safe for the
program or customers. Therefore, this has helped the company gain the
system? confidence of the customers.
Weaknesses The current program has paid excessive focus to the customers and
What are the therefore, has forgotten needs and demands of the employees. As a
strengths of the result of that, the company has lacked the confidence and positive
current process, impact of its employees resulting in huge employee turnover. Thus, in
program or order to provide a better service and facility to the customers, it is
system? important to have production facility for the customers.
Opportunities Some of the opportunities which can be implemented for the
What are some betterment of the currently prevalent program are segmenting the
ideas you could market demographics on the basis of their needs and demands. This
implement to would help the company provide service and facilities to the
make consumers to meet their demand. Moreover, providing rewards to the
improvements to employees, works as a motivational factor for the employees which
the current helps them better their performance. Furthermore, the betterment of
process, performance of employees add to the service and facilities provided to
program or the customers and as a result, the company enjoy competitive
system? advantage in the long run.
Threats The new program which shall be initiated in the company has a
What are the number of risks such as the reward system sometimes be monetary
threats and risks which is likely to incur an economic adversity on the company. In
to the process, addition to that, the plan is to also understand the demands of the
program or market on the basis of the segmentation. That might lead to the
system? misunderstanding of the exact needs of the customers.

After completed with the previous two tasks and have identified with some issues and problems, you
will now put some of your strategies and action plans to improve on these Organisational Policies or
Strategies, Improvements and Action Plans

Organisational Policy or System

Name: Diversify cultural team Diversified cultural members would help discussing the
varieties ideas and aspects. Moreover, customers of a
company also belong to different backgrounds and it shall
only be helpful for the company to understand the needs of
the customers in presence of a diversified cultural team.

Organisational Policy or System The company can also build a comment box on its website for
Name: Customer comment box the customers to share their opinions, ideas and feedback.
Thus, the company understand the services and facilities they
need to integrate from the end of the customers.

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1B: Undertake detailed analyses of supply chains, and operational, product and service
delivery systems; identify performance measures; analyse performance reports and variance;
and identify changing trends and opportunities.

Problem Scenario & Context: At this point you have completed some of the strategies and
improvements in some of your systems and policies of the organisation. Since you are the
responsible person for this innovation and improvement plan, the operational manager at the head
office has provided you with some additional information in regards to existing systems of supply
chain, operations and service delivery systems. Your are required to analyse and identify new
changes and innovations to these systems and processes. Information on those systems is provided
in the table below.

System or Processes Current Performance measures (KPI)

Supply chain  Receive guest meals at least one hour before the trip. Supplier
Company/Restaurant is responsible.
 Tour related service products (e.g. headphones, tissues, lollies,
first aid, etc) must be ready inside vehicle 12 hours before the trip.
 Vehicle servicing and check up to be completed 6 hours before a
day tour and 12 hours before a long tour.
 If a third party vehicle and driver is used, it should be organised at
least one day before the tour.
 Promotions, campaigns, social media promotions, deals and offers
to be published to public a week before the event starts.
 Tour related ticketing for guests (where applicable) should be
organised with the ticketing offices (wherever applicable) at least
24 hours before the trip based on confirmed guests.

Operations  Driver and tour guide must sign in to tour start point at least 2
hours prior to the tour starting time.
 Arrival and departure times should not exceed by 30 minutes.
Except for extraordinary circumstances such as medical and other
 Receive a 4.5 rating out of 5 overall. Ensure at least 50% of tour
guests have completed the electronic survey.
 Tour guide to cross check all accessories and service related
products after the trip. For issues and damages, report using the
form on same day.
 Tour driver to verify vehicle after the tour and report for any issues
in vehicle to the repair workshop on same day.

Service delivery &  Eligible customer refunds to be processed within the Service
booking systems delivery and booking conditions.
 Prices and concessions to be processed within the Service
delivery and booking conditions.
 Bookings and cancellations to be processed within the Service
delivery and booking conditions.
 All other booking related conditions to be followed within the
Service delivery and booking conditions.

AAT Kings - Service

Delivery and Booking Conditions.docx

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After completed with the analysis of systems and processes of these three areas, you will now need
to identify new or innovative performance measures and assessing methods for these three areas.
Most importantly you modify at least THREE current KPIs from each system or process with new
innovative changes. To show your innovation and improvements, you are also required to include the
use of digital services, electronic payments, digital marketing, digital communication process, etc to
exhibit the use of technology in your new innovation.

System or Processes New Innovations, changes, and opportunities identified

Supply chain


Service delivery systems

1C: Based on current trends and opportunities that you have identified for your organisation in the
previous tasks, you are now required to seek advice from digital marketing specialist(s) (your trainer
and your fellow learners can play the role of your specialists if you are using the simulated workplace)
of the organisation on how to tap on these technology and electronic commerce opportunities.

Email Communication

<Organisation name>




Dear specialists and stakeholders,

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<Insert your name>

<Insert your position>

Advice and Suggestions from Specialists: (use bullet points to list the advice received)


In TASK 2, you will be developing options for continuous improvement in your work area either in your
chosen workplace or the simulated workplace (AAT Kings). To do this, you will need to brief others on
performance, promote interaction, encourage new ideas from teams, accept failure during testing of

You are required to:

A. Brief groups on performance improvement strategies and innovation
B. Foster creative climate and organisational learning, by promoting interaction within and
between work groups; encourage, test and recognise new ideas; accept failure of an idea

2A: Based on your previously completed TASK 1, you are now required to provide the
performance improvement brief to all staff members, individuals, and teams on their specific
roles in achieving the improvement strategies. You must list and cover and all the new and
innovative changes and improvements made to your organisational processes in this brief to
the employees.

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Company Name

Performance Improvement Plan Brief

Recipient Name
Your Name

<Brief details>

<Justify and explain on why these improvements and innovations are necessary>

2B: In this task you will foster creative climate and organisational learning by promoting
interaction within and between work groups. You will also inform that you encourage new
ideas, and will accept any failures for new innovation.

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To do this you will first create an account (use AATKings123 or similar to open a free account) in
Workplace by Facebook. The purpose is to ensure that you have fostered creative climate and
organisational innovation where employees are encouraged to provide news ideas to everyone using
this collaborative technology application.

1) Provide a screenshot of your AATKings or chosen company account.

2) Provide a screenshot that you have Included at least two individuals/teams within this
account. For this your fellow learners can also play the role to be included.
3) Provide a screenshot that you have posted a message to everyone within the application that
the two best ideas of the month voted will be rewarded with one week of paid leave from the
4) Provide a screenshot that you have posted a message to everyone that if a new idea is
implemented and fails, everyone will accept it since your organisation is promotion innovation
and continuous improvement.

Screenshot 1 (use enter to increase the size of this section)

Screenshot 2 (use enter to increase the size of this section)

Screenshot 3 (use enter to increase the size of this section)

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Screenshot 4 (use enter to increase the size of this section)

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In TASK 3, you will be implementing innovative processes in your work area either in your chosen
workplace or the simulated workplace (AAT Kings). Based on the previous tasks that you have
completed, you will now promote continuous improvement and sustainability, address impact of
change and consequences, ensure all plans are in place for implementation, and approve innovations
through an organisational process. You will also implement and communicate contingency plans,
undertake e risk management and cost benefit analysis within this task.

You are required to:

A. Promote continuous improvement and sustainability and address the impact of change and
consequences for people
B. Develop a continuous improvement plan and a communications plan for the individuals and
teams of your organisation that includes objectives, measures and communication to manage
C. Review, evaluate and implement innovative process and contingency plans
D. Undertake risk analysis, cost benefit analysis and communicate costs/benefits to stakeholders

3A: Using an organisational e-Notice, promote continuous improvement and sustainability and
address the impact of change and consequences for people


Explain the sustainability of this innovation plan.

Develop a flow chart for the organisational employees to show the process of implementing your new innovation.

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Inform, instruct and guide on how the company will address the impact of change and consequences for people

3B: Using a tour team or any team (use your fellow learners to be a team in this simulated
workplace role-play), develop a continuous improvement plan and a communications plan for
the individuals and teams of your organisation that includes objectives, measures and
communication to manage implementation. No script necessary for role-play but full
completion of this plan is required.


TO: (insert employee’s name)

FROM: (insert manager’s name)

DATE: (insert date)

The purpose of this Continuous Improvement Plan is to define serious areas of concern, gaps in your work performance,
reiterate the company’s expectations, and allow you the opportunity to demonstrate improvement and commitment.

Areas of Concern: (Bullet point issues and how employee’s lack of performance and/or behaviour has affected his/her co-
workers, the company and clients/customers.)

Observations, Previous Discussions or Counselling: (Recap dates/times you have addressed the issues in the
recent/relevant past. Reference previous documents when applicable)

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Step 1: Improvement Goals: These are the goals related to areas of concern to be improved and addressed:




Step 2: Activity Goals: Listed below are activities that will help you reach each goal:

Goal # Activity How to Accomplish Start Date Projected

Completion Date

Step 3: Resources: Listed below are resources available to you to complete your Improvement activities (may include
other people’s time or expertise, funds for training materials and activities, or time away from usual responsibilities.)


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Management Support: Listed below are ways in which your manager will support your Improvement activities.
[This can be also incorporated as part of Step 3: Resources, above]



Step 4: Expectations: The following performance standards must be accomplished to demonstrate progress towards
achievement of each Improvement goal:






Step 5 Progress Checkpoints: The following schedule will be used to evaluate your progress in meeting your
Improvement activities.

Goal # Activity Checkpoint Type of Follow-up Progress Notes

Date Expected

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Follow-up Updates: You will receive feedback on your progress according to the following schedule:

Date Scheduled Activity Conducted By Completion Date

30-day Update Memo [Supervisor/Manager]

45-day [or 60-day] Update Memo [Supervisor/Manager]

60-day [or 75, or 90 – Day] Status [Supervisor/Manager]


Timeline for Improvement, Consequences & Expectations:

Effective immediately, you are placed on a (insert 60, 75, or 90)-day CIP. During this time you will be expected to make
regular progress on the plan outlined above. Failure to meet or exceed these expectations, or any display of gross
misconduct will result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination. In addition, if there is no significant
improvement to indicate that the expectations and goals will be met within the timeline indicated in this CIP, your
employment may be terminated prior to (insert 60, 75, or 90) days. Furthermore, failure to maintain performance
expectations after the completion of the CIP may result in additional disciplinary action up to and including termination.

The CIP does not alter the employment-at-will relationship. Additionally, the contents of this CIP are to remain confidential.
Should you have questions or concerns regarding the content, you will be expected to follow up directly with me.

We will meet again on as noted above to discuss this Performance Improvement Plan. Please schedule accordingly.

Signatures: (For team goals, use the second signatory section)

Print Employee Name and Signature:


Team Details:

Team member Names and Signatures:


Supervisor/Manager name and Signature:


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In order to implement new innovations, you will need to communicate the plan to the team. Develop a
communication plan to ensure that the continuous improvement strategies are communicated to all
stakeholders. Include the stakeholder, communication strategy (e.g. newsletter, email, meeting etc.)
and then describe what you will include in the strategy.

Communication Plan
Stakeholder Communication Strategy Description
e.g. staff, general e.g. email, training, meeting, What information will you include in the strategy?
manager, team leader, newsletter,
project manager etc.
Employees Intranet, emails One to one interaction which make the employees
comfortable in sharing their views.

General manager Formal letters, meetings General manager must be informed of the numbers
and statistics of employees performance

Emails and meetings Project manager must know about the time and the
Project Manager total budget of the project. Moreover, he must also
know the aims, objectives and the people who shall
be benefitted from the project and thus, he shall work

3C: Review, evaluate and implement innovative processes and contingency plans

Plan Name:


Team/Individual Name:

Review Manager:

Review Date:

Planned Outputs Intended Outcomes Strategic Objective(s)

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Improvement Plan Performance

(consider at least 3 issues – deadline, budget and quality)
Planned Actual Variance

Failures and Lessons Learned

(mention at least 4 lessons learned from the project)

Contingency plan for the continuous improvement

(Based on the previous sections identified, variance from your expected and actual and also from the failures and
lessons learned, list at least 4 contingency actions to modify the process)

3D: Undertake risk analysis, cost benefit analysis and communicate costs/benefits to

Develop risk management analysis for your innovation and continuous improvement plan. Complete a
SWOT analysis for the continuous improvement plan you have developed to identify the potential
risks. This includes looking at all areas of the plan, including operations (such as under-performance)
and outcomes.

What are the strengths There would be betterment of the performance of employees and productivity.
of your continuous The primary purpose is to analyse the performance of employees and thus, this
would ensure that the employees are continuously bettering their performance.
improvement plan?
What are the The weakness of the plan includes the excessive focus on the employees’
performance and thus, there is no scope on customer service.

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weaknesses of the
improvement plan?
What are some ideas There could be improvement of productivity which would help in better
you could implement to profitability and therefore, the shareholders and investors would be benefitted.
make improvements
improvement plan?
What are the threats
and risks continuous There shall be similar tasks performed by the employees and therefore,
improvement plan? individual performance analysis shall be difficult

List each of the risks identified in the SWOT analysis on the Risk Management table below. Then,
assess the level of risk by assessing the likelihood and the possible consequence by using the Matrix
below. Once you have assessed the level of risk, suggest one control measure you could implement
to help manage the risks.
Risks Likelihood Consequence Control Measure

Individual performance Moderate Dearth of performance There would be more

analysis betterment face to face

Customer service Moderate Lack of confidence of Low profitability


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Risk Matrix: Source: National Museum Australia, retrieved from,

Conduct a cost-benefit analysis for the innovations and improvements that you have identified.
Imaginary samples provided within the table below. Please modify, rewrite and adjust the information
within the sample template based on your organisational information.
Cost-Benefit Analysis Template
Costs in one year Technology: $140000 Total Costs - $235000
Meetings: $21000
Recruitment: $9000
Training: $10000
Customer Services: $25000
Employees rewards: $30000

Benefits in one year (Tangible) Cost savings in training - $25 Total Benefits - $45000
Cost savings in marketing - $

Benefits in one year (Intangible)

Motivate employees to
contribute better employees
work performance
Comparison of cost and benefits The difference of costs and benefits is $190000
Overall outcome of analysis In 1 year, the e-commerce investment will pay back its
original cost and generate additional income.

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Using the data and information from the risk and cost benefits analysis, you are now required to
communicate through email on the costs and benefits of innovations and improvements to relevant
Email Communication Template

<Organisation name>



Dear All Stakeholders,

<Insert your name>

<Insert your position>

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