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Among the total respondents 34.

2% of the respondents age are between 26 years to 35 years

followed by 30% of the respondents are between 36 years to 45 years, 24.2% of the
respondents are between 15years to 25 years and 11.7% of the respondents are above 45
57.5% of the respondents are female and 42.5% of the respondents are Male.

37.5% of the respondents are under graduate followed by 30.8% of the respondents are
post graduate, 27.5% of the respondents are passed higher secondary and 4.2 % of the
respondents are qualified with other qualification.
39.2% of the respondents are employed followed by 23.3% of the respondents are doing
business and home makers and 14.2% of the respondents are professionals.

48.3% of the respondents earns above RS 30001 followed by 21.7% of the respondents
earns between Rs. 10001 to Rs. 20000, 19.2% of the respondents earns below Rs.10000
and 10.8% of the respondents earns Rs. 20001 to Rs. 30000.
52.5% of the respondents are married and 47.5% of the respondents are unmarried.

36.7% of the respondents have 3 to 5 members in their family followed by 33.3% of the
respondents have 5 to 7 members in their family, 24.2% of the respondents have 2 to 3
members and 5.8% the respondents have above 7 members in their family.
35% of the respondents purchase once in a month followed by 33.3% of the respondents
purchase weekly, 18.3% of the respondents purchase daily and 13.3% of the respondents
purchase occasionally.

39.2% of the respondents get information about the organic products through their friends
and relatives followed by 32.5% of the respondents get information through TV
Advertisement, 16.7% of the respondents get information through newspapers and 11.7%
of the respondents get information about the organic products through radio.
41.7% of the respondents purchase organic products through organic stores followed by
31.7% of the respondents purchase through super market, 15% of the respondents
purchase through retail or direct shop and 5.8% of the respondents purchase through
producer farms and through other sources.
38.3%of the respondent consuming organic products for the past 1 years followed by
28.3% of the respondents consuming organic products for 3 years, 22.5% of the
respondents consuming it for 2 years and 10.3% of the respondents consuming organic
products more than 3 years.
31.7% of the respondents spend Rs. 501 to Rs.1000 for purchasing the organic products
followed by 27.5% of the respondents spend Rs. 1001 to Rs. 2000, 25.8% of the
respondents spend below Rs. 500 and 15% of the respondents spend above Rs. 2001 for
purchasing the organic products.

Objective 2

preference and consumption of “Vegetables” (mean = 4.53) (t=34.181) “Fruits” (mean =

4.44) (t = 34.012) “Dairy products” (mean = 3.98) (t = 22.613) “Millets, Pulses and
Cereals” (mean = 3.49) (t = 15.286) “Oil and ghee “(mean = 3.28) (t = 9.638) and
“Masala mixes” (mean = 3.22) (t = 10.948) are statistically significant at 5% level.

the reason for consumption of organic food products “Safe to consume” (mean = 4.53)
(t=44.950) followed by “Chemical free” (mean = 4.15) (t = 21.027), “Support local
farmers” (mean = 4.09) (t = 24.053), “Quality of product” (mean = 4.02) (t = 20.226),
“Rich nutrients” (mean = 3.89) (t = 21.593), “Protect the environment” (mean = 3.65)
(t = 19.989), “Controls weight” (mean = 3.64) (t = 15.338), “Prefer the taste/texture etc”
(mean = 3.65) (t = 18.739), “Health conscious” (mean = 3.62) (t = 12.728), “Ideal for
children/elders” (mean = 3.60) (t = 16.113), “Guaranteed due to their label” (mean =
3.58) (t = 17.786), “Fashion to consume” (mean = 3.43) (t = 12.645) and “Always like
to consume the fresh food” (mean = 3.35) (t = 11.259) are statistically significant at 5%
Obje 3

no significant found among the age of the respondents towards the level of satisfaction in
organic food products.

no significant found among the gender of the respondents towards the level of
satisfaction in organic food products
education qualification of the respondents towards Taste of the organic food (f= 4.272, p
= 0.007) and Quality of the organic food (f=3.497, p= 0.018)are statistically significant
@5% level. This leads to the mean wise comparison.

no significant found among the occupation of the respondents towards the level of
satisfaction in organic food products
monthly income of the respondents towards Health of the organic food (f= 3.408, p =
0.020is statistically significant @5% level. This leads to the mean wise comparison.

no significant found among the marital status of the respondents towards the level of
satisfaction in organic food products

that members in family of the respondents towards quality of the organic food (f= 2.554,
p = 0.050is statistically significant @5% level. This leads to the mean wise comparison.
Obj 4

The calculated p value is greater than the 0.05 significant level, the null hypothesis is
accepted and concludes that age category of the respondents does not significant factors
that influenced to purchase the organic food product.

The calculated chi-square of “Better appearance and taste” is 9.727, with p-value of
0.045. As the p-value is lower than 0.05 significant levels, the null hypothesis is rejected
and concludes that gender category does significant on better appearance and taste.
The calculated chi-square of “Less packages are recyclable” is 18.130, with p-value of
0.034. As the p-value is lower than 0.05 significant levels, the null hypothesis is rejected
and concludes that educational qualification category does significant on less packages
are recyclable.

The calculated chi-square of “Longer shelf life” is 23.482, with p-value of 0.024. As the
p-value is lower than 0.05 significant levels, the null hypothesis is rejected and concludes
that occupation category does significant on longer shelf life.

The calculated chi-square of “More recognizable label and products” is 24.288, with p-
value of 0.019. As the p-value is lower than 0.05 significant levels, the null hypothesis is
rejected and concludes that monthly income category does significant on More
recognizable label and products.

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