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Alessandro de Alarcon, MD, Robin T. Cotton, MD,
and Michael J. Rutter, MD

Advances in the management of critically ill infants with distal airway may provide additional information on
extreme prematurity, complex congenital anomalies, air- vascular compression, bronchiectasis, and assessment of
way trauma, and infectious diseases concomitantly created aspiration by BAL. (See Chapter 66 for a more detailed
a new subset of patients with complex airway problems. discussion.)
The overall management of these patients often includes
surgical airway intervention. Evaluation requires a global Microlaryngoscopy and Rigid
perspective, with assessments of both the airway and the
child's overall health status. This broad-based approach
provides information that is crucial to the success of air- Microlaryngoscopy and rigid bronchoscopy are performed
way reconstruction. with the primary goal of identifying anatomic levels
We have found that minimizing the risk of opera- of airway obstruction from the larynx to the carina. The
tive failure can best be achieved through the collabora- supraglottis is evaluated with attention given to the possi-
tive efforts of a well-coordinated interdisciplinary team. bility of supraglottic obstruction such as laryngomalacia
Thorough clinical and operative examinations should and supraglottic stenosis. The vocal fold level is then eval-
be performed, with involved health professionals being uated for posterior glottic stenosis, anterior glottic web,
aware of conditions and risk factors that can significantly and laryngeal cleft. If vocal fold immobility is suspected
impact clinical outcomes. or seen on the fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swal-
This chapter presents an overview of the critical aspects lowing (FEES) or on voice evaluation, the cricoarytenoid
of otolaryngologic management of this complex patient joints should be palpated to determine if there is any fixa-
population in the context of the collaborative model used tion of the joint.
at our institution. We briefly discuss the initial assessment, Rigid bronchoscopy is performed using a combina-
mitigating factors that can affect airway reconstruction, and tion of Hopkins rod telescopes and rigid bronchoscopes.
perioperative management of specific airway pathology. The subglottis is evaluated initially. If subglottic stenosis
is present, it is classified by the Cotton-Myer scale1 and
sized using appropriate endotracheal tubes (Table 69-1).
Additionally, the length of stenosis and the proximity to
The operative evaluation is performed by the interdis- the vocal folds is assessed and documented. If a trache-
ciplinary team, with input from each physician being otomy is in place, attention is paid to the evaluation of
crucial. This evaluation comprises three endoscopic pro- the suprastomal area, considering the possibility of supra-
cedures performed consecutively with the patient under stomal collapse, granuloma, intratracheal skin tract, and
a single anesthesia: (1) flexible bronchoscopy with bron- high tracheotomy. The trachea is evaluated to the level
choalveolar lavage (BAL); (2) microlaryngoscopy and of the carina, looking for additional pathology, including
rigid bronchoscopy; and (3) esophagoduodenoscopy tracheal stenosis, complete tracheal rings, tracheoesopha-
(EGD) with biopsy. For patients in whom gastroesopha- geal fistula (TEF), TEF pouches, vascular compression,
geal reflux (GER) is suspected or in whom GER would and tracheomalacia.
have negative consequences on subsequent management,
objective evaluation of GER is recommended. Each com- Esophagoduodenoscopy
ponent of this endoscopic evaluation is aimed at identify-
ing possible pathology and risk factors that can affect the Evaluation of the upper gastrointestinal tract can provide
success of airway reconstruction. information that is crucial in decision making as to future
surgery. Inflammation in the laryngotracheal complex
can be caused by conditions of the upper gastrointestinal
tract, resulting in an “active” (i.e., inflamed) larynx. Poor
Flexible Bronchoscopy
wound healing and scarring is more likely to occur in this
Flexible bronchoscopy offers several advantages over setting. The two gastrointestinal conditions associated
rigid bronchoscopy. It can identify particular areas that with laryngeal inflammation are eosinophilic esophagitis
can cause airway obstruction and that may be under- (EE) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The
appreciated or missed with a rigid bronchoscope. More diagnosis of EE is made by esophageal biopsy. Laryngeal
specifically, flexible bronchoscopy provides better assess- inflammation may resolve with appropriate treatment of
ment of disorders such as glossoptosis, laryngomalacia, the underlying condition, permitting surgical reconstruc-
tracheomalacia, and bronchomalacia. Evaluation of the tion with a lower risk of complication.
970 Aerodigestive Disease


Section XI


Normal Normal
Patient age ID OD Percentage of obstruction with actual endotracheal tube size
(mm) (mm) ID  2.0 ID  2.5 ID  3.0 ID  3.5 ID  4.0 ID  4.5 ID  5.0 ID  5.5 ID  6.0
Premature 2.0 2.8 0%
2.5 3.6 40% 0%
3.0 4.3 58% 30% 0%
0–3 mo 3.5 5.0 68% 48% 26% 0%
3–9 mo 4.0 5.6 75% 59% 41% 22% 0%
9 mo to 2y 4.5 6.2 80% 67% 53% 38% 20% 0%
2y 5.0 7.0 84% 74% 62% 50% 35% 19% 0%
4y 5.5 7.6 86% 78% 68% 57% 45% 32% 17% 0%
6y 6.0 8.2 89% 81% 73% 64% 54% 43% 30% 16% 0%
ID – Inside diameter, OD – Outside diameter

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV

No detectable lumen

No 50% 51% 70% 71% 99%

obstruction obstruction obstruction obstruction obstruction obstruction

Swallowing and Voice Evaluations

the status of vocal cord mobility. In some cases, operative
Preoperative swallowing and voice evaluations can be planning can be modified to offer a better balance between
crucial, as both assessments may alter an otherwise sound long-term voice and airway concerns. When vocal fold
surgical plan. immobility is noted on the voice evaluation, the surgeon
If there is a suspicion of ongoing aspiration, if surgery should search for the specific etiology of the immobility, as
will involve the glottis, or if surgery will repair a steno- various conditions may appear similar on voice evaluation
sis that may be preventing aspiration, then a swallowing but may be treated differently (e.g., posterior glottic steno-
evaluation should be pursued. The two most commonly sis, vocal cord paralysis, and fixation of the cricoarytenoid
used evaluations of swallowing are videofluoroscopic joints). This assessment is best done during microlaryn-
swallow study (VSS) and FEES. These complementary goscopy and bronchoscopy. Counseling families about the
evaluations can assess ongoing aspiration with swal- impact of airway surgery on future voice quality and the
lowing as well as the likelihood of future aspiration.2,3 options of voice therapy is also an important part of the
The advantages of FEES are that the laryngeal protective overall process.
mechanisms can be visualized by the surgeon, vocal fold
motion can be documented, and the potential risk of aspi-
ration can be assessed prior to airway surgery. MITIGATING FACTORS
Another evaluation that may be useful in children who
Bacterial Colonization
have a tracheotomy is dye testing. Through the use of
green food coloring, aspiration in general as well as spe- Because of the prevalence of colonization by methicillin-
cific causes of aspiration can be assessed as follows: dye resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Pseudomonas
can be placed on the tongue to evaluate aspiration of aeruginosa in our patients with complex aerodigestive
saliva or secretions; a particular consistency of food can problems (approximately 30%), we recommend screen-
be dyed to assess for consistency-specific aspiration; and ing for these bacteria by culture of the nares and tracheal
gastrostomy tube feeds can be dyed to assess aspiration aspirate. Both MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosa have
of refluxed feeds. Aspiration is suspected if stained secre- a predilection for infecting cartilage and can lead to oper-
tions or feeds are noted from the tracheotomy during ative failure. Patients who are found to be positive are
feeding or at any time after feeding. Dye testing provides treated with perioperative and postoperative antimicro-
no value in the evaluation of aspiration in children with a bial therapy (Table 69-2). In our experience, this protocol
grade IV (complete) stenosis. Information obtained from decreases the risk of infection-related morbidity (authors’
a swallowing evaluation becomes crucial in planning the unpublished data).
operative procedure and in counseling the family about
the potential risk of aspiration.
Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Because many airway reconstructive procedures
involve a compromise between voice quality and airway EE is an uncommon disorder that, if left untreated,
improvement, preoperative voice evaluation has become may have a significant effect on the aerodigestive tract.
increasingly important.4–6 This evaluation provides key Many patients who have EE also have esophageal,
information regarding the impact of the initial surgery on laryngotracheal, and sinonasal complaints; however,
voice, the potential impact of further surgery on voice, and some patients are asymptomatic.7 The diagnosis of EE is
Laryngeal and Tracheal Airway Disorders 971


Chapter 69

Methicillin-resistant Bactrim DS: Vancomycin: 15 mg/kg 1 h before Bactrim DS:

Staphylococcus aureus 6-12 mg/kg/day, 72 h incision followed by q6h × 2 doses 6-12 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks;
before; Bactroban (maximum) Vancomycin 15mg/kg/24 hr × 48 h
intranasal 72 h before

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Ciprodex: Piperacillin/Tazobactam: 100 mg/kg Ciprodex: Begin 1 week after surgery
intratracheal 72 h before 1 h before incision followed by q6h through tracheal tube;
dosing Piperacillin/Tazobactam 100 mg/kg q6h
for 1 week after surgery

made by histologic examination of biopsies taken from including unrecognized but significant aspiration, bron-
the esophagus at the time of esophageal endoscopy. In chopulmonary dysplasia, tracheomalacia, bronchoma-
patients who have active EE, the laryngotracheal com- lacia, cystic fibrosis, and reactive airway disease. Failure
plex is often inflamed. Surgery in the presence of active to identify any of these disease processes, even when the
EE often elicits a brisk inflammatory response that can commonly found subglottic stenosis is identified and
lead to graft failure or re-stenosis. If EE is present, the treated, can result in significant airway obstruction and
authors recommend medical management followed by operative failure. Collaboration with a pediatric pulm-
repeat endoscopy with biopsies. Once biopsies dem- onologist is important, not only in the diagnosis, but
onstrate no active EE, surgery may be performed. (See also in both the short- and long-term management of
Chapter 68 for a more detailed discussion on EE and its these patients. When significant pulmonary disease is
treatment.) identified, it is crucial that surgery be delayed until this
pathology is treated.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Inappropriate Patient Selection
The evaluation for GERD can include esophagoscopy
with biopsies, esophagram, impedance probe, and dual Patient selection can significantly affect overall clinical
pH probe testing. Because of the potential impact of this outcome. Although the goal of creating an anatomi-
condition on postoperative healing, the authors routinely cally normal airway at the site of reconstruction may be
administer prophylactic preoperative and postoperative achieved from a technical perspective, if a child remains
therapy to patients undergoing airway reconstruction. dependent on a tracheotomy because of oxygen or venti-
Most patients are managed with a daily proton pump lation requirements, or suffers from chronic aspiration,
inhibitor and nighttime H2 blocker therapy. Patients then in a more global sense the operation has failed.
continue the antireflux regimen for up to 1 year fol-
lowing successful reconstruction. Nonacidic reflux also OPTIMIZATION
can play a role. The authors believe that in some cases
non-acidic reflux can cause damage in the reconstructed Optimizing patient status before surgery plays a cen-
airway and potentially lead to operative failure. When tral role in airway management and is crucial to the suc-
medical treatment fails or nonacidic reflux is suspected, cess of surgery. This point cannot be overemphasized.
a Nissen fundoplication should be considered before air- Many of our patients have multiple comorbidities that
way reconstruction.8–10 complicate treatment. Inadequate management of the
­aforementioned mitigating factors can have a negative
impact on an otherwise well-conceived and well-executed
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
surgical plan.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can be difficult to diag-
nose and treat, and it can cause failure in an otherwise
well-executed operative plan. In children who have multi- MANAGEMENT OF AIRWAY
level airway obstruction, including a known fixed airway PATHOLOGY
lesion above a tracheotomy, OSA may be difficult to iden- Laryngomalacia
tify because the tracheotomy cannot be capped during a
sleep study. In these cases, a two-stage airway reconstruc- Laryngomalacia is the most common cause of stridor in
tion is often performed, leaving the tracheotomy in place, newborns.11 Symptoms are usually observed at birth or
which allows for later assessment of OSA. within the first few days of life. Stridor is generally mild,
but it typically worsens with feeding, crying, and lying
in a supine position. In 50% of patients, stridor wors-
Pulmonary Disease
ens during the first 6 months of life. A subset of children
Unrecognized or untreated pulmonary disease can with severe laryngomalacia (5%) may present with a
increase the risk of operative failure. This broad clas- spectrum of symptoms, including apnea, cyanosis, severe
sification of pathology encompasses numerous diseases retractions, and failure to thrive. Also, many patients suf-
that affect the upper and lower respiratory systems, fer from clinically significant reflux. In extremely severe
972 Aerodigestive Disease

cases, cor pulmonale is seen. Although laryngomalacia children, thyroid surgery is an additional risk factor.
Section XI

usually resolves spontaneously by 1 year of age, severe Unlike children with bilateral vocal cord paralysis, most
disease necessitates surgical intervention. children with unilateral disease have an acceptable air-
Diagnosis is confirmed by flexible transnasal fiberoptic way, but a breathy voice. These children are at a slightly
laryngoscopy. Characteristic findings include short ary- higher risk of aspiration.
epiglottic folds, with prolapse of the cuneiform cartilages. The diagnosis of vocal cord paralysis is established
In some patients, a tightly curled (Ω shaped) epiglottis with awake flexible transnasal fiberoptic laryngoscopy
is observed. Because of the Bernoulli effect, characteris- or stroboscopy. Once paralysis has been confirmed,
tic collapse of the supraglottic structures is seen on inspi- management depends on a number of factors. Children
ration. Inflammation indicative of reflux laryngitis may with acquired vocal cord paralysis (whether unilateral or
also be seen. bilateral) may experience spontaneous recovery several
Determining whether or not to intervene surgically months after nerve injury; however, this occurs only if
is based more on the severity of symptoms than on the the nerve is stretched or crushed but is otherwise intact.
endoscopic appearance of the larynx. Patients with laryn- Children with unilateral paralysis can be initially
gomalacia rarely present with acute airway compromise. managed with observation, temporary injection medial-
In the 5% who require surgical intervention, this may be ization, or speech and voice therapy. Determining the
planned within 1 to 2 weeks of presentation. Preoperative appropriate option is based on a discussion with the
management of GER is recommended. patient's family, taking into account the need for resto-
Supraglottoplasty (also referred to as epiglottoplasty) ration of normal voice and improvement of aspiration.
is currently the operative procedure of choice. This pro- Regardless of which option is chosen, these children
cedure is quick and effective and can be adapted to the should be observed for at least 1 year prior to any per-
infant's specific laryngeal pathology. Both aryepiglot- manent intervention. If paralysis persists after this period
tic folds are divided, and one or both cuneiform carti- of time and there is a functional deficit, long-term inter-
lages may also be removed. If the aryepiglottic folds ventions such as ansa-cervicalis re-innervation, perma-
alone are divided, postoperative intubation is generally nent medialization laryngoplasty, or long-term injection
not required. However, if more extensive surgery is per- medialization (fat or Radiesse) are considered. These
formed, overnight intubation is prudent. options are discussed with the family and are often
Following supraglottoplasty, patients should be influenced by the age of the child and the presence of
observed overnight in the intensive care unit. In some comorbidities. Medialization laryngoplasty is best per-
children, obstruction persists postoperatively. Repeat formed after puberty.
fiberoptic laryngoscopy at the bedside is valuable in For patients with bilateral paralysis associated with
determining whether this can be attributed to laryn- an underlying disease process, successful treatment of
geal edema or persistent laryngomalacia that necessi- that disease may reverse the paralysis; however, up to
tates further surgery. Reflux management is helpful in 90% of these infants ultimately require tracheotomy
minimizing laryngeal edema. Occasionally, although placement. Given that up to 50% of children with con-
the postoperative appearance of the larynx is ade- genital idiopathic bilateral vocal cord paralysis have
quate, obstructive symptoms are ongoing. Such cases spontaneous resolution of their paralysis by 1 year of
may have an underlying neurologic component, which age, surgical intervention to achieve decannulation is
becomes more evident with time. Supraglottoplasty in almost always delayed until patients are older than 1
these children often fails, thus requiring tracheotomy year of age.
placement. Several surgical options have been used for patients
with bilateral paralysis, and no particular option offers
Vocal Cord Paralysis a universally acceptable outcome. The aim of surgery is
twofold: (1) to achieve an adequate decannulated air-
Vocal cord paralysis is the second most common cause way while maintaining voice and (2) to prevent aspira-
of stridor in newborns, and it may be either congenital tion. Surgical options include laser cordotomy, partial or
or acquired.12 Congenital vocal cord paralysis generally complete arytenoidectomy (endoscopic or open), vocal
manifests bilaterally. Although it is usually idiopathic, it process lateralization (open or endoscopically guided),
is sometimes seen in children with central nervous system and posterior cricoid cartilage grafting. In a child with
pathology (e.g., hydrocephalus and Arnold-Chiari mal- a tracheotomy, it is often prudent to maintain the tra-
formation of the brainstem). Most children with bilateral cheotomy to ensure an adequate airway prior to decan-
paralysis present with significant airway compromise, nulation. In a nontracheotomized child, a single-stage
though with an excellent voice. They usually do not aspi- surgical procedure can be carried out. Acquired bilat-
rate. Acquired disease is generally, though not always, eral vocal cord paralysis that does not resolve spon-
a unilateral condition arising from iatrogenic injury to taneously is usually less responsive to treatment than
the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Because of the length and idiopathic vocal cord paralysis. In these cases, more
course of the left recurrent nerve, this is far more likely than one operative intervention may be required to
to be damaged than the right recurrent laryngeal nerve. achieve decannulation. In patients who have undergone
As such, acquired disease usually affects the left vocal such interventions, postextubation stridor may respond
cord. Risk factors for acquired paralysis include patent to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or high-
ductus arteriosus repair, the Norwood cardiac repair, flow nasal cannula. The postoperative risk of aspiration
and esophageal surgery, particularly TEF repair. In older should be evaluated by a VSS before the child returns to
Laryngeal and Tracheal Airway Disorders 973

a normal diet. During the initial postoperative weeks, Children with mild acquired SGS may be asymptom-

Chapter 69
some children have an increased risk of aspirating with atic or minimally symptomatic. Observation rather than
certain textures, especially thin fluids. intervention may therefore be appropriate. This is often
the case for children with grades I or II SGS. Those with
Laryngeal Webs more severe SGS (grades III and IV), however, are often
symptomatic, with either tracheal dependency or stridor
Laryngeal webs result from a failure of recanalization of and exercise intolerance.
the glottic airway in the early weeks of embryogenesis. Radiologic evaluation of an airway that is not intu-
In severe cases, as recanalization commences posteriorly bated may provide the clinician clues about the site and
and progresses anteriorly, complete laryngeal atresia may length of the stenosis. Useful imaging modalities include
occur. In less severe cases, a thin anterior glottic web may inspiratory and expiratory lateral soft-tissue neck films,
be the only remnant of the recanalization process. The fluoroscopy to demonstrate the dynamics of the trachea
web is typically thickened anteriorly and thins out toward and larynx, and chest radiograph. However, the single
the posterior edge. most important investigation is high-kilovoltage airway
Although some anterior glottic webs are gossamer thin, films. These films are taken not only to identify the clas-
most are thick and generally associated with a subglot- sic “steepling” observed in patients with SGS, but also to
tic “sail” that compromises the subglottic lumen. Patients identify possible tracheal stenosis. The latter condition is
have varying degrees of glottic airway compromise, which generally caused by complete tracheal rings, which may
usually manifests in an abnormal cry or respiratory dis- predispose the patient to a life-threatening situation dur-
tress. Thin webs may elude detection, as neonatal intuba- ing rigid endoscopy.
tion for airway distress may lyse the web. Whether SGS is congenital or acquired, evaluation
Thick webs require open reconstruction with either requires endoscopic assessment, which is considered the
reconstruction of the anterior commissure or placement gold standard. Endoscopy is necessary for the diagnosis
of a laryngeal keel.13 The presence of thick membranous of laryngeal stenosis. Precise evaluation of the endolarynx
webs requires placement of a tracheotomy in approxi- should be carried out, including grading of the subglot-
mately 40% of patients. tic stenosis. Stenosis caused by scarring, granulation tis-
sue, submucosal thickening, or a congenitally abnormal
Subglottic Stenosis cricoid cartilage can be differentiated from SGS with a
normal cricoid, but endoscopic measurement with endo-
Subglottic stenosis (SGS) can be either congenital or tracheal tubes or bronchoscopes is required for an accu-
acquired. Congenital SGS in the neonate is defined as a rate evaluation.
lumen 4.0 mm in diameter or less at the level of the cri- In a patient with congenital SGS, the larynx will
coid cartilage. SGS is thought to result from a failure of grow as the patient grows. As such, after initial man-
the laryngeal lumen to recanalize, and it is one of a con- agement of SGS, the patient may not require further
tinuum of embryologic failures that include laryngeal surgical intervention. However, if initial management
atresia, stenosis, and webs. Congenital SGS is often asso- requires intubation, the risk of developing an acquired
ciated with other congenital head and neck lesions and SGS in addition to the underlying congenital SGS is
syndromes (e.g., a small larynx in a patient with Down considerable.
syndrome). Acquired SGS is far more common and is typ- Unlike congenital SGS, acquired SGS is unlikely to
ically a sequel of prolonged neonatal intubation, often resolve spontaneously and thus requires intervention.
with an inappropriately large endotracheal tube. Other Reconstruction of the subglottic airway is a challenging
cofactors for the development of acquired SGS include procedure, and the patient's condition should be opti-
reflux and EE. mized before undergoing surgery. In children with mild
Levels of SGS severity are graded according to the symptoms and a minor degree of SGS, endoscopic inter-
Myer-Cotton grading system (see Table 69-1). In its vention may be effective. Endoscopic options include
mildest form (no obstruction to 50% obstruction), radial incisions (cold steel or laser) through the steno-
congenital SGS appears as a normal cricoid cartilage sis, laryngeal dilatation, the application of topical or
with a smaller than average diameter, usually ­elliptical injected steroids, and topical mitomycin. More severe
in shape. Mild SGS may manifest in recurrent upper forms of SGS are better managed with open airway
respiratory infections (often diagnosed as croup) in reconstruction. Laryngotracheal reconstruction using
which minimal subglottic swelling precipitates airway costal cartilage grafts placed through the split lamina
obstruction. In a young child, the greatest obstruction of the cricoid cartilage is reliable and has withstood the
is usually 2 to 3 mm below the true vocal folds. More test of time.14,15 Costal cartilage grafts may be placed
severe cases may present with acute airway compromise through the anterior lamina of the cricoid cartilage, the
at delivery. If endotracheal intubation is ­successful, the posterior lamina of the cricoid cartilage, or both. These
patient may require intervention before extubation. procedures may be performed as a two-stage procedure,
When intubation cannot be achieved, t­racheotomy maintaining the tracheal tube and temporarily placing
placement at the time of delivery may be life-saving. a suprastomal laryngeal stent above the tracheal tube.
It is important to note that infants typically have sur- Alternatively, in selective cases, a single-stage procedure
prisingly few symptoms. Even those with grade III SGS may be performed, with removal of the tracheal tube
(71% to 99% obstruction) may not be symptomatic for on the day of surgery and with the child requiring intu-
weeks or months. bation for 1 to 14 days.16,17 Higher decannulation rates
974 Aerodigestive Disease

have reportedly been achieved with cricotracheal resec- Until the airway normalizes, children who are persistently
Section XI

tion than with laryngotracheal reconstruction in the symptomatic may require stabilization with a tracheot-
management of severe SGS.18,19 Cricotracheal resection omy. Tracheal stabilization with the use of intratracheal
is, however, a technically demanding procedure that car- stents is alluring, but the incidence of complications
ries a significant risk of complications. under such circumstances is nevertheless high. Placement
of a temporary tracheotomy is thus a more desirable
Vascular Compression alternative.20

Although vascular compression of the airway is not Posterior Laryngeal Clefts

uncommon, most affected children are either asymptom-
atic or only minimally symptomatic. Forms of vascular Posterior laryngeal clefts result from a failure of the
compression affecting the trachea include innominate laryngotracheal groove to fuse during embryogenesis. In
artery compression (most common), double aortic arch, a widely used anatomic classification system, these clefts
and pulmonary artery sling. While symptomatic vascu- are divided into four subtypes associated with varying
lar compression of the trachea or bronchi is rare, it is levels of severity; type 1 cleft is the least severe and type
associated with marked symptoms, including biphasic 4 cleft is the most severe.21 Other associated anomalies
stridor, retractions, a brassy cough, and “dying spells.” are common and may be divided into those that affect
Symptoms tend to exacerbate when the child is distressed. the airway and those that do not. Associated airway
Vascular rings that result from a retroesophageal subcla- anomalies include tracheomalacia (>80%) and TEF for-
vian artery and a ligamentum arteriosum are less likely to mation (20%). Non-airway associations include anogen-
be associated with airway compromise. Bronchial com- ital anomalies and GER. The most common syndrome
pression by either the pulmonary arteries or aorta may be associated with posterior laryngeal clefting is Opitz-Frias
significant, but in the absence of associated major cardiac syndrome, which is characterized by hypertelorism, ano-
anomalies, it is typically a unilateral problem. genital anomalies, and posterior laryngeal clefting.
The diagnosis of airway compression is best established Although aspiration is the hallmark clinical feature of
with rigid and/or flexible bronchoscopy. Thoracic imaging this disorder, signs and symptoms may be nonspecific,
is then useful in assessing the intrathoracic vasculature. making the diagnosis elusive. Symptoms may also include
Imaging modalities generally include high-resolution apnea, recurrent pneumonia, feeding difficulties, and air-
computed tomography (HRCT) with contrast enhance- way obstruction.
ment and 3-D reconstruction, magnetic resonance imag- VSS and FEES may suggest the risk of aspiration for
ing (MRI), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), and children with clefts, however a definitive diagnosis
echocardiography. In some cases, angiography is required. requires rigid laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy, with the
In a neonate with acute airway compromise, intubation interarytenoid area being specifically probed to determine
may be required to stabilize the airway prior to defini- if a posterior laryngeal cleft is present.
tive treatment. In some cases, CPAP offers a degree of Initial management decisions should consider whether
temporary improvement, as segmental tracheomalacia the infant requires tracheotomy placement, gastrostomy
may be present in the region of the vascular compres- tube placement, or Nissen fundoplication. Although none
sion. Prolonged intubation should be avoided because of of these procedures is essential, each increases the likeli-
the risk of forming an arterial fistula from erosion of an hood of successful cleft repair. Protection against aspi-
endotracheal tube into the area of compression. Similarly, ration is also crucial, and nasojejunal feeding may be a
while tracheotomy will establish an unobstructed airway, useful way of stabilizing an infant. Surgical repair may be
there is also an increased risk of an arterial fistula into performed endoscopically for most type 1 and some type
the airway. II clefts; however, longer clefts that extend into the cervical
The surgical management of symptomatic vascular or thoracic trachea require open repair. The transtracheal
compression varies, depending on individual pathology. approach is advocated in that it provides unparalleled
Strategies for managing innominate artery compression exposure of the cleft while protecting the recurrent laryn-
include thymectomy and aortopexy; however, if little thy- geal nerves. A two-layer closure is recommended, with the
mus is present, an alternative procedure is re-implanta- option of performing an interposition graft if warranted;
tion of the innominate artery more proximally on the a useful interposition graft is a free transfer of clavicular
aortic arch. A double aortic arch requires ligation of the or tibial periosteum, or costal cartilage. Because all clefts
smaller of the two arches, which is usually the left. A pul- are prone to anastomotic breakdown, repeat endoscopy
monary artery sling is transected at its origin, dissected and postoperative swallow studies should be performed
free, and re-implanted into the pulmonary trunk anterior to evaluate persistent aspiration and confirm a successful
to the trachea. There is a high incidence of complete tra- functional repair.22
cheal rings in children with a pulmonary artery sling, and
these should be repaired at the time of vascular repair. Tracheomalacia
Although alleviating vascular compression improves
the airway, it takes time for the airway to completely Tracheomalacia is the most common congenital tracheal
normalize. This is a consequence of long-standing vas- anomaly. Most children are either asymptomatic or min-
cular compression having adversely affected the normal imally symptomatic, and most cases involve posterior
cartilaginous development of the compressed segment of malacia of the trachealis, with associated broad tra-
trachea, with resultant cartilaginous malacia or stenosis. cheal rings. Commonly associated abnormalities include
Laryngeal and Tracheal Airway Disorders 975

laryngeal clefts, TEF, and bronchomalacia. Presenting utmost caution, using the smallest possible telescopes,

Chapter 69
symptoms include a brassy cough, wheezing, respira- as any airway edema in the region of the stenosis may
tory distress when agitated, and dying spells. Diagnosis turn a narrow airway into an extremely critical airway.
is established with rigid or flexible bronchoscopy while If the stenosis is severe, the stenotic airway should not
maintaining spontaneous respiration. The key elements be instrumented, even with the smallest telescope. The
of diagnosis include: (1) ascertaining the severity of the initial bronchoscopic view is often sufficient to establish
malacia; (2) ascertaining the location of the malacia, the diagnosis, thereby avoiding the risk of airway edema.
particularly the possible presence of associated broncho- Because 50% of children have a tracheal inner diame-
malacia; and (3) determining whether positive ­pressure ter of approximately 2 mm at the time of diagnosis, the
support improves the malacia. standard interventions for managing a compromised air-
Although mild tracheomalacia is watched expec- way are not applicable. More specifically, the smallest
tantly and anticipated to improve with time, more severe endotracheal tube has an outer diameter of 2.9 mm, and
symptoms warrant intervention.23 The most common the smallest tracheotomy tube has an outer diameter of
intervention is tracheotomy placement, with the tip of 3.9 mm; hence, the stenotic segment cannot be intubated.
the tracheotomy tube bypassing the malacic segment. This may leave extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Positive pressure support delivered through the trache- (ECMO) as the only viable alternative for stabilizing the
otomy tube assists with the management of associated child. This situation is best avoided by performing bron-
bronchomalacia. While there is currently no definitive choscopy with the highest level of care. Over 80% of chil-
surgical approach to repair tracheomalacia, this is an area dren with complete tracheal rings have other congenital
of active research. anomalies, which are generally cardiovascular in origin.
As such, investigation should include a contrast-enhanced
chest HRCT scan and an echocardiogram. Specifically, a
Complete Tracheal Rings pulmonary artery sling should be excluded, as this is a
common association, and if present, should be repaired
Complete tracheal rings are a rare, though life-threatening concurrent with the tracheal repair. Most children with
anomaly that presents with progressive worsening of complete tracheal rings require tracheal reconstruc-
respiratory function over the first few months of life, stri- tion.24 The recommended surgical technique is the slide
dor, retractions, and marked exacerbation of symptoms tracheoplasty.25 This approach yields significantly better
during intercurrent upper respiratory tract infections. results than any other form of tracheal reconstruction
Children with distal tracheal stenosis usually have a char- and is applicable to all anatomic variants of complete
acteristic biphasic wet-sounding breathing pattern that tracheal rings.
transiently clears with coughing; this pattern is referred
to as “washing machine breathing.” The risk of respira-
tory failure increases with age. References
An initial high-kilovolt airway radiograph may indicate
tracheal narrowing; however, the diagnosis is established The complete reference list is available online at www.
with rigid bronchoscopy. This should be performed with

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