De Jure: Josh Sean Kervin N. Sevilla 10-SJ

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Josh Sean Kervin N.

Sevilla 10-SJ

Just recently, House Minority Leader Bienvenido Abante Jr. has supported

President Rodrigo Duterte’s renewed call to reimpose the death penalty in the

Philippines. As debates about capital punishment continue, people need to

take a side in the issue .Capital Punishment or Death Penalty is an issue in which

a government-sanctioned practice whereby a person is killed by the state as a

punishment for a crime which affects every individual in a society. Capital

Punishment is not and will never be the solution for the problem of crime; it is

ineffective, unfair, and turns people barbaric.

Capital Punishment has little to zero effectiveness in dealing the problem of

the state’s crime rate when implemented. In the United States, Some states

have implemented death penalty as a form of punishment for crime, however

according to 24/7 three out of five most dangerous states has

death penalty which is Nevada, Louisiana, Tennessee. Conversely, according to only one out of the five safest states has death penalty

which is Idaho; hence just because a place has capital punishment doesn’t

make the place safer. Moreover, many countries that have abolished capital

punishment have had an experience of decline on its crime rate. According to, since abolishing the death penalty in 1976, Canada’s murder

rate has steadily declined and as of 2016 was at its lowest since 1966. In the
Josh Sean Kervin N. Sevilla 10-SJ

same way, shows Australia’s homicide incident falling by

22% for the last 25 years since death penalty was taken down. To add, killing

cost more than keeping prisoners, having to spend 1.2 million to buy supplies.

The state could’ve used that amount to have implemented a change in the

system. The effectiveness of is not the only one of the reason why capital

punishment is a result for a county’s obstacle to progress, there are other

reasons to support the case.

Capital Punishment worsens a system full of unjust, unfair, and bias justice

system. There will never be a perfect judicial system where court judges fair and

wise. Consequently, if we implement capital punishment it worsens an already

flawed system of justice, this in result causes the system to be more unfair and

unjust. As researched by the shows, 4% of people sentenced

to death are innocent, 77% of the death row is men and 90% are in the lower

class. These show that the system many innocents are sentenced to death

having no chances to be proven not guilty, others experienced the bias

judgement, judging them by their race, gender, and class. The worsening of the

system is truly a problem subsequently there is a change in the society’s

behaviour which is also a problem.

Capital Punishment encourages a society of blood thirst and immorality. As

death penalty normalizes in the society, people’s approach to the problem

changes; people would rather have the punishment in public. An execution

makes a public spectacle of an individual’s death. Executions are often

Josh Sean Kervin N. Sevilla 10-SJ

undertaken in an extremely public manner, with public hangings in Iran or live

broadcasts of lethal injections in the US. In Saudi Arabia, public beheading is a

form of entertainment and mass execution is encouraged. “All executions

violate the right to life. Those carried out publicly are a gross affront to human

dignity which cannot be tolerated,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Amnesty

International’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa. According

to UN human rights experts, executions in public serve no legitimate purpose

and only increase the cruel, inhuman and degrading nature of this punishment.

Capital Punishment corrupts the mind of the people, they would rather see

people die as a form of justice and forgetting the right judgement, since the

option of capital punishment is now available

No matter how hard life is, death will never be a good solution, whether it may

be unto you or unto other. In a nutshell, Capital Punishment as a form of

punishment is neither effective nor good for the people or for the state.

Although capital punishment possesses benefits it does not outweigh the harms

that one brings. Now, are you really just going to stand and watch as the state is

trying to bring back this punishment in your country? Or are you going to voice

out your concern with this problem?

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