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LED Lamp powered by DC Motors

A Project Research

Presented to

The Faculty of College of Education

An Extension Program of

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College

Zamboanga City

In Partial Fulfillment
of The Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Technical Teachers Education

Major in Food Service Management


Ariel T. Tumalon

Jose Venus B. Famisaran

Francis Earl Luigi B. Glimada

March 2019


This research entitled “LED Lamp Powered by DC Motor” prepared and

submitted by Ariel T. Tumalon, Jose Venus B. Famisaran and Francis Earl Luigi B.

Glimada in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of

Technical Teacher Education, has been examined and is recommended for

acceptance and approval for Oral Examination.



Approved by the Committee of Oral Examination with the rating of ___________.





Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE).

Date: ___________________


Led Lamp Powered by DC Motor was made for finding new ways in providing

lightespecially those people in the remote areas which there is no availability of

electric current. It can provide light through the use of battery and DC Motor.

This project shows the importance of DC Motor as the main material use to

light up the LED Lamp.

Led Lamp Powered by DC Motor was evaluated by the Electrical Technology

Instructors of Kabasalan Institute of Technology, FL. Pena, Kabasalan,

ZamboangaSibugay with positive comments and they agreed that this project is very

effective and useful in every household. The supplies and materials of this project

are available locally.



The researcher would like to extend their deepest thanks to the persons who

always offer their help and contributed a lot when it comes on financial and

emotional support just make this project a successful one.

To their adviser, Mary Ann L. Quirante for the full support that she exerted to

this project. The encouragement and motivation that you lend to the researchers and

for all the time, effort and patience for editing this project;

To the authors of various sources (electronic books, electrical books and

learning modules) for giving additional information in making this project;

To their friends, who always there to give full support for this project;

The researcher would like to thank there family for their moral support and

sympathy through good and bad times to continue this study;

The researcher would like also to thank the panel of examiners and

evaluators for checking and suggesting some information for the improvement of this


Above all, the researchers would like to give their deepest thanks to the

Almighty God, thank you for the guidance, strength, and power of mind, protection,

skills and healthy life. All of these, we offer to you.



This research project is wholeheartedly dedicated to my beloved parents, who

have been our source of inspiration and gave us strength when we thought of giving

up, who continually provide their moral, spiritual, emotional and financial support. To

my friends, classmates and mentors who always shared their words of advice and

encouragement to finish this study.

This project research is dedicated to my family, friends and classmates who inspired

me to work well and encourage me in pursuing this project research, especially to

my family who give financial support.

Jose Venus

This project research is dedicated to all of my friends, teachers, especially Sir Philip

Trayvilla and Sir Sangcom who supported us. And I would like to thank my family for

supporting me financially, etc. All of them encouraged me to pursue this subject and

finish it with no regrets.


This project research is dedicated to my family, friends and classmates that gives me

wisdom to work well and study hard to finish this subject


Table of Contents

Page No.

Title Page I

Approval Sheet II

Abstract III

Acknowledgement IV

Dedication V

Table of Contents VI

List of Tables VII

List of Figures IX

Chapter I. Introduction

Origin and Justification of the Study

Objectives of the Study

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Chapter II. Conceptual Framework

Review of Related Study and Literature

Related Study

Related Literature

Significance of the Study

Operational Definition of terms used in the Study



Tables Page No.

Bill of Materials

Tools and Equipment and Respective Uses

Defects Noted and Revision Made

Work Activities and Time Allotment

Expert’s Evaluation Rating



Figure Page No.

Conceptual Model of the Study 9




This chapter introduces the origin and justification of the study, objectives and

its scope and delimitation.

Origin and Justification of the Study

As we know that in any industry, the system easily monitoring and controlling

is the first requirements. A system which is wirelessly monitoring industrial

parameters such as voltage fluctuations and power failure condition using ZigBee. If

voltage increase or decrease in certain value than device automatic off. It is also

monitoring a circuit or connection is properly grounded or not. If not the red light will

indicate and load will remain off (cut off). About DC Motor summary speed control of

DC motor many methods are available which are either be a mechanical or

electrical, for example armature control method etc. but these methods required

size hardware to implement.

In our situation nowadays, the cost of electricity continues to rise and thus, we

should now be willing to use generators in case of emergency such as power

shortage and also the unavailability of the electricity of a certain place. In order to

spare cheap, we must be practical in our situations. Be wise enough to spend

money. By the use of this generator you can minimize your current usage in your

domestic houses.

In this project, the researcher comes up the idea to make LED Lamp powered

by DC Motors compose of a LED Lamp, DC Motor, Battery (12V), and switch. In his

way by using DC Motor it can produce electricity to the LED Lamp.


Objectives of the study

The objectives of the study were:

1. Innovate LED Lamp powered by DC Motor;

2. Perform basic connection of LED Lamp powered by DC Motor;

3. Appreciate the importance of LED Lamp powered by DC Motor.


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is centered in the design, resourcefulness, creativeness and quality

on utilizing LED Lamp powered by DC Motor. This project is to be evaluated by the

Electrical Installation and Maintenance instructors of Kabasalan Institute of

Technology, FL Peña, Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay during the second semester

of the school year 2017 – 2018.




This chapter covered the review of related studies and literature, presentation

and conceptual model of study, significance of the study and operational definition of

the terms used in the study.

Review of Related Study and Literature

This view of related study and literature is composed of unpublished papers,

electricity books, related websites and other resource materials to obtain relevant

Related Studies

DC Motors requires a basic understanding of the design and operating

Characteristics of the various type available: the series motor; the shunt motor; and

the compound motor. Each type has unique operating characteristics and

applications. The relationship between torque vs speed is linear as the load on a

motor increases, speed will decrease. However, using the motor outside this range

will result in high temperature rises and deterioration of motor parts. If voltage in

continuous applied to a motor in a locked rotor condition, the motor will heat up and

fail in a relatively short time. Therefore it is important that there is some form of

protection against high temperature rises. A motor’s basic rating point is slightly

lower than its maximum efficient point. Load torque can be determined by

measuring the current drawn when the motor is attached to a machine whose actual

load value is known.

LED (Light Emitting Diode) are semiconductor devices or say type of diode.

Like transistor and other diodes, LED are made up of silicon. What makes a LED

give off light are the small amounts of chemical impurities that are added to the

silicon, such as gallium, arsenide, indium, and nitride. When current passes through

the LED, it emits protons by product. Normal light bulbs produce light by heating a

metalfilament until it is white hot. LEDs produce protons directly and not via heat

are far from efficient than incandescent bulbs

( motor/).

Related Literature

A speed and direction control apparatus for DC motors supplied from an AC

power line. The control apparatus include a trigger able bi-direction current

conducting element selectively triggered to pass either positive or negative half

cycles of the incoming AC signals to control the direction of motor rotation.

Triggering of the bi-directional current conducting element maybe accomplished by

using a photo electric switch control circuit. In the specific embodiment of the

invention the DC motor in combination with the control apparatus is adapted to

operate as a servo system (http//

At the most basic level, electric motors exist to convert electrical energy into

mechanical energy. This is done by way of two interacting magnetic fields on

e stationary, and another attached to a part that can move. A number of types of

electric motors exist, but most use DC motors in some form or another. DC Motors

have the potential for very high torque capabilities (although this is generally a

function of the physical size of the motor, are easy miniaturize, and can be “throttled”

via adjusting their supply voltage. DC Motors are also not only the simplest, but the

oldest electric motors.

The basic principles of electromagnetic induction were discovered in the early

1800’s by Oersted. Gauss and Faraday. By 1820, Hans Christian Oersted and

Andre Marie Ampere had discovered that an electric current produces a magnetic

field. The next 15 years saw a flurry of cross-atlantic experimentation and innovation,

leading finally to a simple DC rotary motor. A number of men were involved in the

work, so proper credit for the first DC motor is really a function of just how broadly

you choose to define the word “motor”.


Conceptual Model

The conceptual model which aided this study illustrated in the paradigm

shown in figure 1.


 LED Lamp
 Related Studies  Diagramming Powered by DC
and Literature

 Lay outing

 Books and Learning

Modules  Installing

 Ideas/suggestion

from Instructors  Testing and

checking the

 Supplies/Materials connection

 Tools, Equipment
 Energizing
and work place

 Cost

 Labour Figure 1. Conceptual Model of the Study


This project research followed the input-throughput-output approach.

The inputs of the study were the concepts gained from the related studies and

literature, books and learning modules, supplies and materials, tools, equipment and

workplace, cost and labour.

The throughput of the study demonstrated the installation process which

includesdiagramming, lay-outing, performing the installation, testing and checking

the connection, and energizing the installation if no fault detected.

The output of this study was the complete installation of LED Lamp Powered

By DC Motor.

Significance of the Study

The significance of the study indicated the benefits/advantages, beneficiaries

and disadvantages of the research project.


 The operation of LED Lamp powered by DC motor is simple

 It is very resistant

 It is suitable for household

 The materials needed can be purchased relatively cheaply at the local

 Hardware store.

 Environmental friendly

 Safe to use

 Fits in a small place

 Minimum maintenance cost


 people in the remote areas

 people in the community


 Limited Lamp will be light up

 There is durability in battery

Operational Definition of Terms Used in the Study

The terms and operational definition are as follows.

LED Lamp – is an electric light or light bulb use in light fixtures that produce light

using light-emitting diodes. In this study it is used in light fixtures.

DC Motor – is any of a class of rotary electrical machines that converts direct current

mechanical to electrical energy. In this study it is used to light up the LED Lamp.

Battery – is a container consisting one or more cells, in which chemical energy is

converted into electricity and used as a source of power. In this study it is used to

generate the motor.

Switch – is a device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit. In

this study it is used to control the lamp.


Chapter III


This chapter presented a brief description of the Supplies and Materials, Tools

and Equipment, Construction, Procedure, Trial and Revision, Construction time

frame, and Total cost of the project.

Supplies Materials and Cost

Table 1 showed the quantity, unit and name and description of the supplies

and materials necessary of the project.

Table 1, Bill of Materials



1 Pcs. DC Motor 12V 198.00 198.00

1 Pcs. DC Motor 5.9V 135.00 135

1 Pcs. Toggle switch 28.00 28.00

1 Pcs. LED Lamp 195.00 195.00

1 Pcs. Battery 12V 500 500

1 Pcs. Battery Socket 28.00 28.00

Labor Cost --------------------------------------------------------------------- 222

Grand Total-------------------------------------------------------------------1,306

Tools and instrument

Table 2 showed the tools used in constructing the project and their respective

uses and function.

Table 2. Tools and their Respective Functions

Tools Uses and Function

Long-nose pliers It is used to hold the wire while splicing

Side cutting pliers It is used to hold, cut and splice wires

Diagonal pliers It is used to cut wires

Philip screw driver It is used to tighten and loosen the screw


Multi-tester it is an instrument used to check voltage,

continuity and the consistency of the


Constructing Procedure

The procedures in constructing the assembly are as follows:

Step 1. Prepare tools,

materials and the diagram

of the installation.

Step 2. Lay-out the specified

location of the diagram of the


Step 3. Make a battery frame on

the control board.

Step 4. Connect the wires in

to the receptacle socket using

screw driver.

Step 5. Fasten the receptacle socket

on the control board using screw


Step 6. Connect the two DC Motor

using a connector and place it on

the control board using stick glue.


Step 7. Place the toggle switch

on the control board using shoe


Step 8. Place the battery on its

frame in the control board.


Step 9. Connect all the terminals

using soldering iron according to

the specification of the diagram.

Step 10. Put the LED lamp in

the receptacle socket.


Step 11.Check all the connections

using Multi-tester.

Step 12. Energize the Installation


Figure 2. Schematic Diagram of LED Lamp Powered By DC Motor.



Power Source:



DC Motor

Table 3.Effectivity and Durability of LED Lamp Powered by DC Motor

FREQUENCY Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
5 4 3 2 1
1. The LED Lamp powered by DC
motor is easy to install. Excellent

2. The LED Lamp powered by DC

motor functions smoothly and Excellent

3. The LED Lamp powered by DC

motor is safe to use. Excellent

4. The LED Lamp powered by DC

motor has a simple connection in less
expensive way
5. The LED Lamp powered by DC
motor is environmental friendly

Overall Mean

Verbal Interpretation Excellent


Rating Scale: Description Rating:

1 Poor

2 Fair

3 Good

4 Very Good

5 Excellent

Construction Time Frame

Table 4 showed the work flow of activities and the time allotment for each


Table 4 Work Activities and Time Allotment

Work Activities Time Allotment (in hours)

Gathering tools and materials 1 hr.

Constructing of control board 2hrs.

Project installation and circuit testing 2 hrs.

Try-out and Revision 1 hr.

Total number of work hours 6 hrs.

As revealed in table 4. The project was constructed in the period of 6 hours

which is approximately equivalent to almost 1 working day.


Chapter IV

Description ofthe Completed Project

This chapter discussed the structure of the innovation and the several

processes involved in its operation, maintenance and control.


The LED Lamp, switch, DC Motor, battery, and wire and innovation of

industrially design of LED Lamp powered by DC Motor. The innovation lies in the

substitution of most part with locally and affordably materials.

The structure of the project included the features, parts and function,

capabilities and limitations.

Features of the project

The features of the project are enumerated and briefly discussed below.

a. LED lamp

A LED Lamp is an electrical light or light bulb for use in light fixtures that

produces light using light-emitting diode.

b. DC Motor

A DC motor is any of the class of rotary electrical machines that converts


direct current mechanical into electrical energy.

c. Battery

An electric battery is a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells

with external connections provided to power electrical devices such as

flashlights, smart phone’s, and electric cars.

d. It can be produce locally.

Since all the required materials of this installation are available locally.

Parts and Functions

Table 5 revealed the major parts of the completed project and the

corresponding functions of each part.

Table 5. Parts of the completed project and their respective functions

it is an electric light or light bulb for use in light fixtures that produce

LED Lamp light using light-emitting diodes. In this study it is used in light


it is a container consisting one or more cells, in which chemical

Battery (12)
energy is converted into electricity and use as a source of power. In

this study it is used to generate the motor

DC Motor It is any of the class of rotary electrical machines that converts

direct current mechanical into electrical energy. In this study it is

used to light up the LED Lamp.


Parts and Functions

The LED Lamp Powered by DC Motor consisted the following parts:

a. Wire is a type of stranded conductor use to connect the terminals of the

devices to the other as specified in the diagram.

b. Switch it is a device for making and breaking the connection in an electric



The LED Lamp Powered by DC Motor functions the whole duration of

operation. It consisted with two DC Motor to generate the LED Lamp.


The LED Lamp Powered by DC Motor has a unique type of connection, but it

has also limitations when it comes to operation because the battery will not long last.


This process includes the operating procedure, safety and control measures

and maintenance whereby the LED Lamp Powered by DC Motor was made as one.

Operating Procedures

a. Turn ON the toggle switch to start the operation of the DC Motor.

b. Turn OFF the toggle switch to stop the operation of the DC Motor.

Safety and Control Measures

a. Always stick to the operating procedures when using the installation to

avoid possible damage circuit.


The following steps are vital to consider maintaining the smooth operation of

the installation.

a. Check the operation before starting the operation

b. Before energizing the installation, check if the terminals are connected

tightly and check the continuity of the wire to prevent loss connection

during operation.

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presented the summary, conclusion, and

recommendation of the study.


This study was made possible that suited to the needs of the industrial

establishments which corresponds to the requirements of the research project. This

study would encourage the students to do the same thing in innovating devices

which may promote or enhance or put into practice of what skills did the students


The LED Lamp powered by DC Motors was innovated by the researchers

for residential establishments. The main objective of this study is to create a DC

Motor generating LED Lamp in a safe and affordable way.

The project was developed to meet the needs of residential establishments

owners to minimize their expenses when they decided to install electric motor circuit

controller and this was designed to prevent fluctuation of current during operation.


The result of this study revealed that the innovation and installation of LED

Lamp powered by DC Motor was less expensive and easy to install. It was more

applicable for residential establishment. It gives unique style of installation design to

start the DC Motor smoothly and hassle free.


Base on the conclusion of the study, the following recommendation are hereby


1. Since LED Lamp Powered by DC Motor has its limitations. Further study is

to be conducted to enforce is quality and capability.

2. A study is to be conducted to determine the innovation of LED Lamp

powered by DC Motors is possible installation for residential


3. The best thing to do for the DC Motor was to correct the first DC Motor as

the controller of motor operation.


Appendix E


NAME: Ariel T. Tumalon

DATE OF BIRTH: June 29, 1996


Zamboanga Sibugay Province



FATHER: Isidro T. Tumalon

MOTHER: Teresita T. Tumalon


DEGREE: Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education

COLLEGE: Kabasalan Institute of Technology – An Extension

Program of Zamboanga City Polytechnic College

F.L. Pena, Kabasalan, ZamboangaSibugay

2018- 2019

VOCATIONAL: Kabasalan Institute of Technology

F.L. Pena, Kabasalan, ZamboangaSibugay

2015 – 2016

SECONDARY: Kabasalan Science and Technology High School

F.L Pena, Kabasalan, ZamboangaSibugay

2012– 2013

ELEMENTARY: Kabasalan Central Elementary School

Poblacion, Kabasalan, ZamboangaSibugay

2007 – 2008

Appendix F


NAME: Jose Venus B. Famisaran

DATE OF BIRTH: March 3, 1997

PLACE OF BIRTH: PoblacionTitay

ZamboangaSibugay Province



FATHER: Venus N. Famisaran

MOTHER: Graciosa B. Famisaran


DEGREE: Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education

COLLEGE: Kabasalan Institute of Technology – An Extension

Program of Zamboanga City Polytechnic College

F.L. Pena, Kabasalan, ZamboangaSibugay

2018- 2019

VOCATIONAL: Kabasalan Institute of Technology

F.L. Pena, Kabasalan, ZamboangaSibugay

2015 – 2016

SECONDARY: Titay National High School


2013– 2014

ELEMENTARY: TitayCentral Elementary School

Poblacion, Titay, ZamboangaSibugay

2008 – 2009

Appendix G


NAME: Francis Earl Luigi B. Glimada

DATE OF BIRTH: July 22, 1997

PLACE OF BIRTH: Purok B, Cainglet, Kabasalan,

Zamboanga Sibugay Province



FATHER: Francisco D. Glimada

MOTHER: Victoria B. Glimada


DEGREE: Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education

COLLEGE: Kabasalan Institute of Technology – An Extension

Program of Zamboanga City Polytechnic College

F.L. Pena, Kabasalan, ZamboangaSibugay

2017- 2018

VOCATIONAL: Kabasalan Institute of Technology

F.L. Pena, Kabasalan, ZamboangaSibugay

2015 – 2016

SECONDARY: Kabasalan National High School

F.L. Pena, Kabasalan Zamboanga Sibugay


ELEMENTARY: Kabasalan Central Elementary School

Poblacion, Kabasalan ZamboangaSibugay

2008 – 2009

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