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Medical Parasitology

in the Philippines
Medical Parasitology
in the Philippines

Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr.

Winifreda U. de Leon

The University of the Philippines Press

Diliman, Quezon City
The University of the Philippines Press
E. de los Santos St., UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City 1101
Tel. Nos.: 925-3243, 926-6642 / Telefax No.: 928-2558

© 2013 by University of the Philippines Manila ???? (Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Winifreda U. de Leon ???????)
All rights reserved.
No copies can be made in part or in whole without prior written permission from the author and the publisher.

The data in this book have been verified with reliable sources, and treatment modalities suggested have been
utilized in clinical practice. However, new researches and changes in the medical sciences should be considered.
Readers are advised to consult other sources such as drug information sheets and dosage, contraindications to
administration, and other relevant data.

The National Library of the Philippines CIP Data

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ISBN 978-971-542-________

Book Design by Zenaida N. Ebalan

Printed in the Philippines

To our fellow Filipinos,
from whom we derive inspiration and learning,
especially those who are poor and neglected,
suffering from the burden of parasitic diseases
vi Medical Parasitology in the Philippines
Table of Contents

Foreword to the Second Edition..............................................................................................x
Foreword to the First Edition..................................................................................................x
List of Figures.............................................................................................................................x
List of Plates...............................................................................................................................x
List of Tables...............................................................................................................................x
Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Parasitology..................................................................x
General Considerations.......................................................................................................x
Host-Parasite Relationships.................................................................................................x
Immunology of Parasitic Infections.....................................................................................x
Groups of Parasites with Medical and Public Health Importance........................................x
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections...............................................................................................x
Intestinal Amebae...............................................................................................................x
Commensal Amebae...........................................................................................................x
Free-living Pathogenic Amebae...........................................................................................x
Ciliates and Flagellates........................................................................................................x
Other Intestinal Protozoans................................................................................................x
Plasmodium spp..................................................................................................................x
Babesia spp..........................................................................................................................x
Blood and Tissue Flagellates................................................................................................x
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections................................................................................................x
Intestinal Nematodes..........................................................................................................x
Tissue Nematodes...............................................................................................................x

viii Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Chapter 4: Cestode Infections...................................................................................................x

Intestinal Cestodes..............................................................................................................x
Extraintestinal Cestodes......................................................................................................x
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections...............................................................................................x
Blood Flukes.......................................................................................................................x
Lung Flukes........................................................................................................................x
Intestinal Flukes..................................................................................................................x
Liver Flukes........................................................................................................................x
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance.................................................x
Introduction to Arthropods of Medical Importance............................................................x
Arthropods as Direct Causes of Injury................................................................................x
Arthropods as Vectors of Disease.........................................................................................x
Introduction to Medical Malacology...................................................................................x
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology..........................................................................................x
Examination of Stools and Body Fluids...............................................................................x
Examination of Tissues.......................................................................................................x
Recent Advances in Diagnosis of Parasitic Infections...........................................................x
Quality Assurance in a Parasitology Laboratory...................................................................x
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology..................................................................................x
Parasitic Zoonoses...............................................................................................................x
Immunocompromised Hosts and Parasitic Infections..........................................................x
Neglected Tropical Diseases.................................................................................................x
Preventive Chemotherapy...................................................................................................x
Emporiatrics for the Filipino Traveler..................................................................................x
WHO Bench Aids for the Diagnosis of Intestinal Parasites.................................................x
WHO Bench Aids for the Diagnosis of Filarial Infections...................................................x
WHO Bench Aids for the Diagnosis of Malaria Infections..................................................x
Treatment of Parasitic Infections.........................................................................................x
List of More Recent National Policies and Guidelines on Parasitic Diseases........................x
Index ...........................................................................................................................................x
List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Life cycle of Entamoeba histolytica......................................................................x

Figure 2.2 Life cycle of commensal amebae.........................................................................x
Figure 2.3 Life cycle of Acanthamoeba spp..........................................................................x
Figure 2.4 Life cycle of Naegleria fowleri.............................................................................x
Figure 2.5 Life cycle of Balantidium coli.............................................................................x
Figure 2.6 Life cycle of Giardia duodenalis
Figure 2.7 Life cycle of Trichomonas vaginalis
Figure 2.8 Life cycle of Cryptosporidium spp.
Figure 2.9 Life cycle of Cyclospora cayetanensis
Figure 2.10 Life cycle of Cystoisospora belli
Figure 2.11 Life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii
Figure 2.12 Life cycle of Sarcocystis spp.
Figure 2.13 Life cycle of Dientamoeba fragilis
Figure 2.14 Life cycle of Plasmodium spp.
Figure 2.15 Diagram of the course of malaria infections showing the primary attack, relapses,
and recrudescence
Figure 2.16 A WHO field test for response of malaria parasites to chloroquine
Figure 2.17 Global distribution of malaria
Figure 2.18 Distribution of malaria in the WHO Southeast Asia Region
Figure 2.19 Distribution of malaria in the WHO Western Pacific Region
Figure 2.20 Malaria cases per 100,000 population in the Philippines from 2000 to 2009
Figure 2.21 Malaria-related deaths per 100,000 population in the Philippines from 2005 to
Figure 2.22 Macrostratification of provinces in the Philippines according to category by average
malaria cases
Figure 2.23 Life cycle of Babesia spp.
Figure 2.24 Life cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi
Figure 2.25 Life cycle of Trypanosoma brucei

x Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 2.26 Life cycle of Leishmania spp.

Figure 3.1 Life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides
Figure 3.2 Global distribution of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections and proportion
of children requiring preventive chemotherapy for STH infections in each country
Figure 3.3 Schematic life cycle of soil-transmitted helminths
Figure 3.4 Comparison of cumulative prevalence in San Vicente Elementary School (SVES)
and sentinel schools in Biñan, Laguna from 1999 to 2010
Figure 3.5 Life cycle of Trichuris trichiura
Figure 3.6 Life cycle of hookworms
Figure 3.7 Life cycle of Strongyloides stercoralis
Figure 3.8 Life cycle of Enterobius vermicularis
Figure 3.9 Life cycle of Capillaria philippinensis
Figure 3.10 Life cycle of Wuchereria bancrofti
Figure 3.11 Distribution and status of preventive chemotherapy for lymphatic filariasis,
worldwide, 2010
Figure 3.12 Map of lymphatic filariasis-endemic provinces in the Philippines, distribution in
the three major island groups, and provinces declared lymphatic filarisis-free by
the Department of Health
Figure 3.13 Life cycle of Parastrongylus cantonensis
Figure 3.14 Life cycle of Trichinella spiralis
Figure 3.15 Life cycle of Anisakis spp.
Figure 3.16 Life cycle of Toxocara canis
Figure 4.1 Life cycle of Taenia spp.
Figure 4.2 Life cycle of Taenia solium (cysticercosis)
Figure 4.3 Life cycle of Hymenolepis nana
Figure 4.4 Life cycle of Hymenolepis diminuta
Figure 4.5 Life cycle of Dipylidium caninum
Figure 4.6 Life cycle of Diphyllobothrium latum
Figure 4.7 Life cycle of Echinococcus spp.
Figure 4.8 Life cycle of Spirometra spp.
Figure 5.1 Life cycle of Schistosoma spp.
Figure 5.2 Map of Schistosoma japonicum-endemic provinces in the Philippines
Figure 5.3 Life cycle of Paragonimus westermani
Figure 5.4 Life cycle of Fasciolopsis buski
Figure 5.5 Life cycle of Echinostoma spp.
Figure 5.6 Life cycle of heterophyids
List of Figures xi

Figure 5.7 Life cycle of Fasciola spp.

Figure 5.8 Life cycle of Clonorchis sinensis
Figure 5.9 Life cycle of Opisthorchis spp.
Figure 6.1 A generalized diagram of an adult Cyclorraphan fly
Figure 6.2 Parts of an insect head
Figure 6.3 Chewing type of mouthparts
Figure 6.4 Sponging type of mouthparts
Figure 6.5 Piercing-sucking type of mouthparts
Figure 6.6 Chewing-lapping type of mouthparts
Figure 6.7 Walking leg of an insect
Figure 6.8 Spiracle
Figure 6.9 Cercus
Figure 6.10 Diagram of an insect showing the arrangement of the circulatory system
Figure 6.11 Diagram showing an insect spiracle and trachea
Figure 6.12 Diagram of an insect showing the arrangement of the nerve cord
Figure 6.13 The digestive and excretory systems
Figure 6.14 Reproductive systems of an insect
Figure 7.1 SYBR Green detection in real-time PCR
Figure 7.2 TaqMan real-time PCR
Figure 7.3 Mode of action of antigen-detecting malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs)
Figure 7.4 The importance of ensuring quality of laboratory diagnosis of parasitic infections
Figure 8.1 Direct zoonoses
Figure 8.2 Cyclozoonoses subtype 1: man as an obligatory (definitive) host
Figure 8.3 Cyclozoonoses subtype 2: man as a non-obligatory (optional) host
Figure 8.4 Metazoonoses subtype 1: one vertebrate host (definitive) and one invertebrate host
Figure 8.5 Metazoonoses subtype 2: more than one invertebrate host (first and second
intermediate host) and one vertebrate host
Figure 8.6 Metazoonoses subtype 3: one invertebrate host (intermediate) and two invertebrate
hosts (one definitive and one intermediate)
Figure 8.7 Zaprozoonoses
Figure 8.8 Life cycle of microsporidia
Figure 8.9 Distribution of malaria
Figure 8.10 Global distribution of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) by number of NTDs
per country
xii Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 8.11 School teachers administering deworming tablets to students in a public elementary
school in Biñan, Laguna
Figure 8.12 Cumulative STH prevalence and heavy intensity infections in school-age children
in Aklan, Antique, and Capiz, 2007-2009
Figure 8.13 Process, performance, and impact indicators for helminth control
Figure 8.14 Checking for tongue discoloration after administration of deworming tablets to
school children to ensure compliance
Figure 8.15 Former DOH Secretary Francisco Duque III and former Antique Governor
Salvacion Perez administering anthelminthics to school children in Pandan Central
Elementary School, Antique during the launch of the War on Worms—Western
Figure 8.16 Parade of school children and teachers during the launch of War on Worms—Biñan,
List of Plates

Plate 2.1 Entamoeba histolytica cyst

Plate 2.2 Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite
Plate 2.3 Entamoeba histolytica quadrinucleate cyst
Plate 2.4 Charcot-Leyden crystal observed in stool specimen of a patient suffering from
Plate 2.5 Agarose gel showing the 100bp PCR products of Entamoeba histolytica-positive
stool specimens (lanes 2–15)
Plate 2.6 Ultrasound showing a solitary hypoechoic mass at the right lobe of the liver
suggesting ALA
Plate 2.7 Entamoeba coli trophozoite
Plate 2.8 Iodamoeba bütschlii cyst
Plate 2.9 Acanthamoeba trophozoite exhibiting characteristic acanthopodia
Plate 2.10 Naegleria fowleri trophozoites in ameboid and ameboflagellate forms
Plate 2.11 Giardia duodenalis trophozoite
Plate 2.12 Giardia duodenalis cysts
Plate 2.13 Immature oocyst of Cystoisospora belli recovered from stool sample,
showing a single sporoblast
Plate 2.14 Toxoplasma tachyzoites
Plate 2.15 Binucleate forms of trophozoites of Dientamoeba fragilis stained with trichrome
Plate 2.16 Plasmodium falciparum ring forms
Plate 2.17 Ixodes sp.
Plate 2.18 Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigote in thin blood smears stained with Giemsa
Plate 3.1 Ascaris unfertilized egg, fertilized egg, and embryonated egg
Plate 3.2 Ascaris in the liver
Plate 3.3 Intestinal obstruction with Ascaris
Plate 3.4 Ascaris in the brain
Plate 3.5 Trichuris male and female
Plate 3.6 Trichuris egg

xiv Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Plate 3.7 Rectal prolapse in a 9-year old female seen at the Philippine General Hospital with
heavy Trichuris infection
Plate 3.8 Buccal capsules of hookworms
Plate 3.9 Hookworm filariform larvae
Plate 3.10 Hookworm egg
Plate 3.11 Cutaneous larva migrans
Plate 3.12 Strongyloides stercoralis rhabditiform larva
Plate 3.13 Enterobius cephalic alae
Plate 3.14 D-shaped eggs of Enterobius vermicularis
Plate 3.15 Male Capillaria philippinensis
Plate 3.16 Female Capillaria philippinensis
Plate 3.17 Capillaria philippinensis egg
Plate 3.18 Capillaria philippinensis second stage larva from the feces of a person with intestinal
Plate 3.19 31-year old female with intestinal capillariasis before treatment and 1 year after
Plate 3.20 Proper excreta disposal is important for prevention and control of intestinal
helminthiases including capillariasis
Plate 3.21 Brugia malayi microfilaria
Plate 3.22 Wuchereria bancrofti microfilaria
Plate 3.23 Dermatolymphangioadenitis (acute lymphatic filariasis)
Plate 3.24 Elephantiasis
Plate 3.25 Hydrocele
Plate 3.26 Small and big hydroceles in 2 patients suffering from filariasis
Plate 3.27 Farmer in abaca plantation
Plate 3.28 An axil of abaca: a breeding site of Aedes poecilus
Plate 3.29 Parastrongylus adults
Plate 3.30 Achatina fulica, the intermediate host of Parastrongylus cantonensis
Plate 3.31 Trichinella spiralis larvae in muscle
Plate 4.1 Taenia saginata scolex
Plate 4.2 Taenia saginata gravid segment
Plate 4.3 Taenia egg
Plate 4.4 Taenia solium scolex
Plate 4.5 Cysticercus cellulosae from pork
Plate 4.6 Hymenolepis spp. scolex
Plate 4.7 Hymenolepis spp. gravid segment
List of Plates xv

Plate 4.8 Hymenolepis nana egg

Plate 4.9 Hymenolepis diminuta egg
Plate 4.10 Dipylidium caninum gravid segment
Plate 4.11 Dipylidium caninum egg capsule
Plate 4.12 Raillietina garrisoni adult
Plate 4.13 Flour beetle (Tribolium spp.), the intermediate host of Raillietina garrisoni
Plate 4.14 Diphyllobothrium latum scolex
Plate 4.15 Diphyllobothrium latum egg
Plate 4.16 Hydatid sand
Plate 5.1 Schistosoma japonicum male and female
Plate 5.2 Schistosoma japonicum egg
Plate 5.3 Schistosoma japonicum adults in copula
Plate 5.4 A boy from Leyte with portal hypertension and ascites secondary to schistosomiasis
Plate 5.5 Schistosoma egg in the brain
Plate 5.6 Oncomelania h. quadrasi, intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum
Plate 5.7 Paragonimus westermani adult
Plate 5.8 Paragonimus westermani egg; note the flattened operculum and the abopercular
Plate 5.9 Antemelania asperata, first intermediate host of Paragonimus westermani
Plate 5.10 Sundathelphusa philippina, the second intermediate host of Paragonimus westermani
Plate 5.11 Paragonimus westermani metacercaria in crab heart muscle
Plate 5.12 Trapa bicornis, second intermediate host of Fasciolopsis buski
Plate 5.13 Pila luzonica, second intermediate host of Echinostoma ilocanum
Plate 5.14 Echinostoma ilocanum adult
Plate 5.15 Artyfechinostomum malayanum adult
Plate 5.16 Heterophyid fluke adult
Plate 5.17 Heterophyid egg
Plate 5.18 Fasciola egg
Plate 5.19 Opistorchis viverrini adult
Plate 6.1 Bee (Bombus sp.)
Plate 6.2 Wasp
Plate 6.3 Bee stinger
Plate 6.4 Kissing bug (Triatoma sp.)
Plate 6.5 Caterpillar, dorsal view
Plate 6.6 Caterpillar head and thorax, lateral view
xvi Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Plate 6.7 Centipede

Plate 6.8 Centipede head
Plate 6.9 Scorpion
Plate 6.10 Black widow spider (Latrodectus hasselti)
Plate 6.11 Blackfly (Simulium sp.)
Plate 6.12 Midge (Culicoides spp.)
Plate 6.13 Sandfly (Phlebotomus spp.)
Plate 6.14 Horsefly (Tabanus spp.)
Plate 6.15 Louse (Pediculus humanus capitis)
Plate 6.16 Pubic louse (Phthirus pubis)
Plate 6.17 Bedbug (Cimex sp.)
Plate 6.18 Butterfly scales
Plate 6.19 Dust mite (Blomia tropicalis)
Plate 6.20 Dust mite (Glycyphagus sp.)
Plate 6.21 Dust mite (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus)
Plate 6.22 Dust mite (Cheyletus malaccensis)
Plate 6.23 Maggots
Plate 6.24 Mosquito (Aedes aegypti)
Plate 6.25 American cockroach (Periplaneta americana)
Plate 6.26 German cockroach (Blatella germanica)
Plate 6.27 Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis)
Plate 7.1 Cysticercus in brain
Plate 7.2 Ovary with incidental finding of Schistosoma japonicum ova
Plate 7.3 Fallopian tube with incidental finding of Schistosoma japonicum ova
Plate 7.4 Colon with adenocarcinoma and Schistosoma ova
Plate 7.5 Adult filaria with microfilaria in an inguinal lymph node
Plate 7.6 Adult Trichuris identified by ova in genital tract
Plate 7.7 Cysticercus with calcareous corpuscles
Plate 7.8 A fungal spore in a wet mount stool may look like a cyst of Entamoeba spp.
Plate 7.9 A mite egg in a formalin-concentrated stool specimen may look like a hookworm
Plate 7.10 A plant cell in a concentrated wet mount of stool may look like a helminth egg
Plate 7.11 A pollen grain in a concentrated wet mount of stool may look like a fertilized egg
of Ascaris lumbricoides
Plate 7.12 Plant hair in a concentrated wet mount of stool may look like a hookworm or
Strongyloides stercoralis larva
List of Plates xvii

Plate 7.13 Howell-Jolly bodies in a thin blood smear stained with Giemsa may look like
malaria parasites
Plate 7.14 A nucleated red blood cell may look like a schizont of Plasmodium spp.
Plate 7.15 Fungal spores of Helicosprorium may be mistaken as microfilariae in stained blood
Plate 8.1 Balantidium coli from pig
Plate 8.2 Sarcocyst in sectioned esophageal muscle of water buffalo
Plate 8.3 Cysticercus cellulosae freed from muscle of pig
Plate 8.4 Strobilocercus fasciolaris freed from liver of field rat
Plate 8.5 Anisakis larva from fish
Plate 8.6 Fasciola gigantica and F. hepatica from water buffalo
Plate 8.7 Fasciola metacercariae
Plate 8.8 Schistosoma cercariae
Plate 8.9 Dipylidium caninum from dog
Plate 8.10 Dirofilaria immitis from dog
Plate 8.11 Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus from pig
Plate 8.12 Echinostoma lindoense from field rat
Plate 8.13 Eurytrema pancreaticum from cattle
Plate 8.14 Philophthalmus gralli from duck
Plate 8.15 Plagiorchis philippinensis from rat
Plate 8.16 Sparganum of Spirometra from muscle of frog
Plate 8.17 Gnathostoma doloresi from pig
Plate 8.18 Gnathostoma larva from frog muscle
Plate 8.19 Toxacara canis from dog
Plate 8.20 Toxocara canis embryonated egg (infective)
Plate 8.21 Mammomonogamus laryngeus in copula from water buffalo
xviii Medical Parasitology in the Philippines
List of Tables

Table 1.1 Classification of protozoan parasites

Table 1.2 Classification of metazoan parasites
Table 2.1 Comparison of bacillary and amebic dysentery
Table 2.2 Selected Philippine data on giardiasis
Table 2.3 Selected Philippine studies on trichomoniasis
Table 2.4 Millennium development goals: eight goals for 2015
Table 2.5 Comparison of morphological features of malaria parasites
Table 2.6 Clinical features and laboratory findings in severe malaria infection
Table 2.7 Comparison of sign and symptoms of sever malaria in adults and children
Table 2.8 Macrostratification of malaria endemic provinces according to annual incidence
Table 2.9 Treatment of malaria infection
Table 2.10 Summary of human cases of babesiosis reported in some Asian countries
Table 3.1 Core indicators of mass drug administration for soil-transmitted helminth infections
Table 3.2 The WASHED framework for a comprehensive control of soil-transmitted
helminth infections
Table 3.3 Comparison of microfilaria of Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi
Table 3.4 Algorithm for the diagnosis of the probability of acute trichinellosis in humans
Table 4.1 WHO classification for hepatic echinococcal cysts
Table 5.1 Prevalence of schistosomiasis stratified by province (2005-2007)
Table 6.1 List of immediate diagnostic features of arthropods
Table 6.2 Specific injuries and their causative agents
Table 6.3 Principal differences between mites and ticks
Table 6.4 Arthropods as pests of stored products, food and water sources
Table 6.5 Identifying characteristics of some myiasis-producing larva
Table 6.6 List of arthropod-associated diseases and their corresponding agents and vectors
Table 7.1 WHO classification of intensity of infections with soil-transmitted helminths and
Schistosoma spp.
Table 7.2 Organs and parasites isolated

xx Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Table 7.3 Special stains and corresponding parasites

Table 7.4 Antibody detection tests offered at CDC
Table 7.5 Commercially available parasite antigen detection tests
Table 7.6 Recommended stool examination techniques for specific situations
Table 8.1 Philippine fishes found harboring anisakine larvae (from various authors)
Table 8.2 Philippine fishes found harboring metacercariae of heterophyid species
Table 8.3 Protozoans and helminthic organisms of special importance to immunocompromised
Table 8.4 Microsporidial infections in immunocompromised patients
Table 8.5 Neglected tropical diseases targeted by the WHO
Table 8.6 Target population, drug recommended, and mass drug administration frequency
of health programs in the Philippines
Table 8.7 Categories, usage, and frequency of collection of indicators
Table 8.8 Vaccines for travelers
Table 8.9 Vaccines for selective use by travelers
Table 8.10 Recommended drugs used in the prophylaxis for malaria
Table 8.11 Specific infectious diseases involving potential health risks for travelers

N o other book published by the University

of the Philippines Manila (UPM) has been
as widely patronized both by UPM constituents
the book all the more relevant to policy makers,
practitioners, students, and health workers
involved in eradicating parasitism in highly
and other health students and professionals affected communities.
throughout the country than the Philippine To this day, parasitic infections are still
Textbook on Medical Parasitology, now entitled considered a major public health problem in
Medical Parasitology in the Philippines. the Philippines and the rest of the Asian region.
That the response to the first two editions For a developing and tropical country like the
of the book has been overwhelming affirms Philippines, the prevalence of parasitic diseases
the value and significance of the material in is worsened by high population density, hot
complementing meager publications on medical and humid climate and other environmental
parasites with special focus on the local setting. factors, poverty, and socioeconomic conditions
Dr. Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr. and the that provide a conducive setting to the parasites.
contributors of the book for both editions Notwithstanding the difficulties and
deserve commendation for responding to the struggles of fighting parasitism, all sectors
need for a locally compiled comprehensive should come together and join efforts to
material on parasitology through their combat the disease because of its grave effects
painstaking work on this book. on the health, productivity, and well-being of
It is good to know that the book that first the people.
came out in 1998 has been updated again I am confident that his latest edition of
through this third edition. The additional the book will serve as an accurate and valuable
data and information, fresh insights, and reference material in the continuing war against
new experiences shared by the authors at the parasites.
global, regional, and national settings, make Thank you again for this gem of a textbook.
University of the Philippines Manila

xxii Medical Parasitology in the Philippines
Foreword to the Second Edition

T he preparation of this Philippine

Textbook of Medical Parasitology merits
commendation for many reasons. It is a precious
health in the Philippines. It must be a valuable
reference for those involved in the eradication
of parasitism in communities especially among
product of collaborative effort among the school children and for all with interest in
top parasitologists in the country, including tropical diseases.
faculty members from different medical and Our teachers have been used to prescribing
science colleges. The comprehensive biological foreign textbooks in tertiary education and
presentation (gross, microscopic and molecular) professional courses. This is primarily due to
and the extensive and updated epidemiological a mindset that we are not capable of making
data on each parasite speak of the rigorous our own. This textbook is proof that Filipino
scholarship of the contributors and the editors. authors can and should provide the information
It should have a special place in all public and needed by our students, professionals and policy
private health libraries. makers. Learning, practice and policy making
This book makes accessible to medical, should, after all, be in the context of what is
public health and other paramedical students obtaining in the life and the environment of
and to various health professionals and policy the learner and user.
makers important and relevant scientific UP Manila is particularly proud to be the
information on parasites that impact on human publisher of this textbook.
University of the Philippines Manila

xxiv Medical Parasitology in the Philippines
Foreword to the First Edition

I t is a great pleasure and honor to write

the foreword of a book which addresses a
significant need for information. Definitely,
Parasitic infections constitute a major
public health problem in the Philippines
and many parts of the world. No geographic
there is a need to make information on area is spared from colonization by parasites.
medically important parasites more accessible. The seriousness of the problem is not only
The first Philippine Textbook of Medical confined to the morbidity and mortality that
Parasitology is relevant because it is focused on parasites can cause. Its effects are also linked to
medical parasites which are found in our local different aspects of societal life such as decreased
setting. It is therefore an excellent complement productivity and growth, mental retardation,
to existing books on parasitology which are and malnutrition.
foreign in orientation. All attempts should be made to control
This book is a welcome addition to parasitic diseases because of their overwhelming
locally published learning resources which at ill effects. These have to be a multidisciplinary
the moment are quite meager. We realize the undertaking requiring, contributions from
difficulties and travails of editors and authors. parasitologists, anthropologists, ecologists,
I congratulate Dr. Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr. and immunologists, clinicians and economists, to
his team for their commitment and dedication name a few.
to our countrymen. It is timely that this book It is my wish that this book receive the
is published in 1998, the 100th year of the attention it deserves because the knowledge
Republic and the 90th year of the University it contains is a powerful means to combat
of the Philippines Manila. parasitism in our country.
University of the Philippines Manila

xxvi Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

P arasitic infections remain as a major

challenge to public health especially in
developing countries like the Philippines. While
Health Organization are included for reference
purposes. For the first time, relevant policies and
guidelines from the Department of Health are
there have been significant advances in terms listed for the guidance of the readers.
of a better understanding of the epidemiology The production of this book would not
of these infections, improved diagnostic tools have been possible if not for the major efforts
and newer approaches to control, in many of the members of the Editorial Team as well
areas where these infections are encountered, as the various contributors of the chapters and
barriers to early diagnosis, treatment, control sections who are themselves experts in their
and prevention remain. own respective fields. Prof. Winifreda de Leon,
The development of this learning resource, with her long experience in parasitic infections,
Medical Parasitology in the Philippines, is a remains the Co-Editor of this book, while Dr.
response to these continuing challenges. More Edsel Maurice Salvaña and Dr. Francis Isidore
than providing basic information for students Totañes served as Associate Editors. Mr. Paul
and trainees in medicine, public health, nursing, Lester Chua provided vital assistance to push
medical technology, and other allied health this book writing project forward. The Editorial
professions, this book provides important Team is very grateful to Johnson & Johnson
updates of chapters included in the first two Corporate Contributions Committee that
editions of the Philippine Textbook of Medical provided a grant for the book writing initiative
Parasitology as well as an introduction to in a similar way that it provided support for
important subject areas like neglected tropical the development of the first two editions of
and parasitic infections and emporiatrics. This the book.
book therefore may be considered as the third With the launching of this book, may there
edition of the book. be hope that parasitic infections in this beloved
In this edition, the life cycles developed by country would be better understood, diagnosed,
the United States Centers for Disease Control treated, controlled and prevented for a healthier
and Prevention are utilized, and as in the other and more productive populace.
earlier editions, Bench Aids developed by World

xxviii Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

T he Third Edition of the Philippine

Textbook of Parasitology was made
possible through a generous educational grant
will lay the foundation for a life of learning in
medical parasitology for the next generation of
leaders in this field. Working with you has been
from Johnson & Johnson (Philippines) Inc., a great honor and privilege.
through its pharmaceutical division, Janssen Our deepest gratitude to the University of
Pharmaceutica, our stalwart partners in this the Philippines Press for providing the technical
undertaking. expertise and know-how to produce an excellent
The editors would like to acknowledge the learning resource.
invaluable contributions of the new associate Very special thanks to the Chancellor of
editors, Dr. Edsel Maurice Salvaña and Dr. the University of the Philippines Manila, Dr.
Francis Isidore Totañes for their able assistance in Manuel B. Agulto, for his wholehearted support
this revision. We would also like to acknowledge of this book writing initiative that will provide
the herculean efforts of the Editorial Team for a valuable reference and guide for students
the countless hours spent revising, reviewing, and health professionals in the service of the
and re-revising manuscripts as well as meeting Filipino people.
the tight deadlines. In addition, we recognize We are most grateful to our respective
the contributions of Dr. Carlos Miguel Perez, families for their understanding and
Dr. Timothy Ting, Dr. Ernesto Balolong, Jr., encouragement in the course of preparing this
and Amelia Breyre in providing inputs for the book. Thank you for allowing us to work more
improvement of selected articles. than the usual office hours and beyond the
We are tremendously indebted to the confines of our workplace.
individual chapter and section contributors. And finally, we give thanks for the
Your expertise and dedication to your profession enlightenment and guidance from the Almighty,
of teaching and research are the heart and soul to Whom this work is humbly offered.
of this book. The chapters and sections herein

Chapter 1

Introduction to Medical Parasitology

General Considerations
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr.

P arasitology is the area of biology concerned

with the phenomenon of dependence of one
living organism on another. Medical Parasitology
protected from harm, while it does not cause
any damage to the tissues of its host. Mutualism
is a symbiosis in which two organisms mutually
is concerned primarily with parasites of humans benefit from each other like termites and the
and their medical significance, as well as their flagellates in their digestive system, which
importance in human communities. Tropical synthesize cellulase to aid in the breakdown
Medicine is a branch of medicine that deals of ingested wood. Parasitism is a symbiotic
with tropical diseases and other special medical relationship where one organism, the parasite,
problems of tropical regions. A tropical disease lives in or on another, depending on the latter
is an illness, which is indigenous to or endemic for its survival and usually at the expense of the
in a tropical area but may also occur in sporadic host. One example of a parasite is Entamoeba
or epidemic proportions in areas that are not histolytica, which derives nutrition from the
tropical. Many tropical diseases are parasitic human host and causes amebic dysentery.
Biological Relationships
Parasites are often described according to
Organisms may develop unique relationships their habitat or mode of development. A parasite
due to their habitual and long associations living inside the body of a host is known as an
with one another. These relationships are very endoparasite, whereas a parasite living outside
important to their survival. Symbiosis is the the body of a host is an ectoparasite. The
living together of unlike organisms. It may also presence of an endoparasite in a host is called an
involve protection or other advantages to one infection, while the presence of an ectoparasite
or both organisms. on a host is called an infestation. A parasite is
Different forms of symbiosis may be considered erratic when it is found in an organ
distinguished on the basis of whether or not which is not its usual habitat. Most parasites
the association is detrimental to one of the are obligate parasites in that they need a host
two organisms. Commensalism is a symbiotic at some stage of their life cycle to complete
relationship in which two species live together their development and to propagate their
and one species benefits from the relationship species. Obligate parasites such as tapeworms
without harming or benefiting the other. depend entirely upon their host for existence.
For example, Entamoeba coli in the intestinal A facultative parasite may exist in a free-living
lumen are supplied with nourishment and are state or may become parasitic when the need

2 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

arises. A parasite, which establishes itself in a Vectors

host where it does not ordinarily live, is called
Vectors are responsible for transmitting the
an accidental or incidental parasite. A permanent
parasite from one host to another. A biologic
parasite remains on or in the body of the host
vector transmits the parasite only after the
for its entire life, while a temporary parasite lives
latter has completed its development within
on the host only for a short period of time. A
the host. A biologic vector is therefore an
spurious parasite is a free-living organism that
essential part of the parasite’s life cycle. When
passes through the digestive tract without
an Aedes mosquito sucks blood from a patient
infecting the host.
with filariasis, the parasite undergoes several
Hosts stages of development from first stage larva
to third stage larva before the latter (infective
Hosts can be classified into various types
stage) is transmitted to another susceptible
based on their role in the life cycle of the
host. A mechanical or phoretic vector, on the
parasite. A definitive or final host is one in
other hand, only transports the parasite. Flies
which the parasite attains sexual maturity. In
and cockroaches that feed on fecal material
taeniasis, for example, humans are considered
may carry enteric organisms and transfer these
the definitive host. An intermediate host harbors
to food, which could be ingested by humans.
the asexual or larval stage of the parasite. Pigs or
cattle serve as intermediate hosts of Taenia spp., Exposure and Infection
while snails are hosts of Schistosoma spp. If there
Majority of parasites are pathogens
is more than one intermediate host, these can be
which are harmful and which frequently
classified as first and second intermediate hosts.
cause mechanical injury to their hosts. A
A paratenic host is one in which the
carrier harbors a particular pathogen without
parasite does not develop further to later stages.
manifesting any signs and symptoms. Exposure
However, the parasite remains alive and is able
is the process of inoculating an infective agent,
to infect another susceptible host. For example,
while infection connotes the establishment of
Paragonimus metacercaria in raw wild boar meat
the infective agent in the host.
can pass through the intestinal wall of humans
The incubation period is the period between
and complete its development. In this case, the
infection and evidence of symptoms. It is
wild boar serves as a paratenic host transferring
sometimes referred to as the clinical incubation
the infective stage to humans. Paratenic hosts
period. The pre-patent period, also known as the
are important because they widen the parasite
biologic incubation period, is the period between
distribution and bridge the ecological gap
infection or acquisition of the parasite and
between the definitive and intermediate hosts.
evidence or demonstration of infection.
There are also other animals that harbor
Autoinfection results when an infected
the parasite other than definitive, intermediate,
individual becomes his own direct source of
and paratenic hosts. These are known as
infection. In enterobiasis, infection may occur
reservoir hosts. They allow the parasite’s life
through hand-to-mouth transmission. Infective
cycle to continue and become additional
eggs may end up in the hands by scratching
sources of human infection. Pigs are reservoirs
the perianal areas where the gravid females lay
of Balantidium coli, field rats of Paragonimus
their eggs. Alternatively, parasites may multiply
westermani, and cats of Brugia malayi.
internally, such as Capillaria philippinensis.
Humans are not always the final host.
Superinfection or hyperinfection happens when
Humans may be the most important host in
the already infected individual is further
the spread of the disease or an incidental host of
infected with the same species leading to massive
parasites prevalent in other animals.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Parasitology 3

infection with the parasite. An alteration in of infection. Autoinfection where the infected
the normal life cycle of Strongyloides results in person himself is the source of infection is seen
a large increase in worm burden, which may in the life cycles of Capillaria philippinensis,
lead to severe debilitation or even death due to Enterobius vermicularis, Hymenolepis nana, and
an increase in the proportion of rhabditiform Strongyloides stercoralis.
larvae that transform into filariform larvae while
Modes of Transmission
in the gut.
Since the most common source of parasitic
Sources of Infection
infection is contaminated food and water,
There are various sources of parasitic the most likely portal of entry is the mouth.
infections. The most common sources are Majority of infections with cestodes, trematodes,
contaminated soil and water. Lack of sanitary and intestinal protozoans are foodborne: Taenia
toilets and the use of night soil or human solium, Taenia saginata, and Diphyllobothrium
excreta as fertilizer allow the eggs to come in latum from eating food harboring the infective
contact with the soil and favor the development larval stages; Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia
of Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, lamblia from drinking water contaminated with
Strongyloides stercoralis, and hookworm. Water cysts; and Clonorchis, Opistorchis, and Haplorchis
may be contaminated with cysts of amebae or through ingesting raw or improperly cooked
flagellates, as well as cercariae of Schistosoma. freshwater fish containing infective larvae.
Another possible source of infection is food, Skin penetration is another route of
which may contain the infective stage of transmission. Hookworms and Strongyloides
the parasite, as exemplified by a number of enter via exposure of skin to soil, while
trematode and cestode infections. Consumption Schistosoma species enter skin via water.
of undercooked or raw freshwater fish can Arthropods also serve as vectors and
result in several intestinal and liver fluke transmit parasites through their bites. Examples
infections. Raw crabs are considered a delicacy are agents of malaria, filariasis, leishmaniasis,
in areas where paragonimiasis is endemic, trypanosomiasis, and babesiosis.
while raw Bullastra snails are associated with Another way of acquiring infection is
Artyfechinostomum malayanum infection. through congenital transmission. Toxoplasma
Arthropods can also transmit infection. gondii trophozoites can cross the placental
Mosquitoes are vectors of malaria and filarial barrier during pregnancy. In transmammary
parasites. Triatoma bugs are carriers of infection with Ancylostoma and Strongyloides,
Trypanosoma cruzi causing Chagas disease. the parasites may be transmitted through
Sand flies (e.g., Phlebotomus spp.) are the mother’s milk.
natural vectors of all types of Leishmania. Other Other ways of acquiring the infection
animals, whether wild or domesticated, may include inhalation of airborne eggs of Enterobius
also harbor parasites. Cats are direct sources of and sexual intercourse as in the case of
Toxoplasma infection, while rats may be infected Trichomonas vaginalis.
with Hymenolepis nana.
Other sources of infection include another
person, his beddings and clothing, as well as the Animal parasites are classified according
immediate environment he has contaminated, to the International Code of Zoological
or even one’s self. Asymptomatic carriers of Nomenclature. Each phylum is divided into
Entamoeba histolytica working as food handlers classes, which are further subdivided into orders,
in food establishments may be important sources families, genera, and species. At times, the
4 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

further divisions of suborder, superfamily, and number of worms per infected person. This may
subspecies are employed. Scientific names are be measured directly or indirectly and is also
latinized; family names are formed by adding referred to as the worm burden. In the case of
-idae to the stem of the genus type; generic soil-transmitted helminths, it can be measured
names consist of a single word written in initial directly by counting expelled worms during
capital letter; the specific name always begins treatment, or indirectly by counting helminth
with a small letter. The names of the genera eggs excreted in feces. The latter is expressed as
and species are italicized or underlined when the number of eggs per gram (epg).
written. Clinical consequences of infections or
diseases that affect an individual’s well-being
Life Cycle
refer to morbidity.
Through adaptation to their hosts and the
external environment, parasites have developed
life cycles, which may be simple or complicated. Deworming is the use of anthelminthic
Most parasitic organisms attain sexual maturity drugs in an individual or a public health
in their definitive hosts. Some spend their program. Cure rate refers to the number
entire lives within the host with one generation (usually expressed as a percentage) of previously
after another, while others are exposed to the positive subjects found to be egg negative
external environment before being taken up on examination of a stool or urine sample
by an appropriate host. The larval stage of the using a standard procedure at a set time after
parasite may pass through different stages in an deworming. Egg reduction rate (ERR) is the
intermediate host before it reaches a final host. percentage fall in egg counts after deworming
As the life cycle becomes more complicated, the based on examination of a stool or urine sample
lesser the chances are for the individual parasite using a standard procedure at a set time after
to survive. the treatment.
The perpetuation of a species of parasite Selective treatment involves individual-level
depends upon its ability to ensure transmission deworming with selection for treatment based
from one host to the next. The parasite must, on a diagnosis of infection or an assessment of the
therefore, adapt to protect itself from the host’s intensity of infection, or based on presumptive
defenses and the external environment, and it grounds. This strategy can be used in whole
must overcome the attrition in the species by populations, or in defined risk groups. Targeted
producing numerous progeny. treatment is group-level deworming where
the (risk) group to be treated (without prior
Epidemiologic Measures
diagnosis) may be defined by age, sex, or other
Epidemiology is the study of patterns, social characteristics irrespective of infection
distribution, and occurrence of disease. status. Universal treatment is population-level
Incidence is the number of new cases of deworming in which the community is treated
infection appearing in a population in a given irrespective of age, sex, infection status, or other
period of time. Prevalence is the number social characteristics. Preventive Chemotherapy is
(usually expressed as percentage) of individuals the regular, systematic, large-scale intervention
in a population estimated to be infected with involving the administration of one or more
a particular parasite species at a given time. drugs to selected population groups with the
Cumulative prevalence is the percentage of aim of reducing morbidity and transmission of
individuals in a population infected with at selected helminth infections.
least one parasite. Intensity of infection refers Coverage refers to the proportion of the
to burden of infection which is related to the target population reached by an intervention. It
Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Parasitology 5

could be the percentage of school-age children reservoirs of disease. It also covers the provision
treated during a treatment day. of safe drinking water and food safety; housing
Efficacy is the effect of a drug against an that is adequate in terms of location, quality of
infective agent in ideal experimental conditions shelter, and indoor living conditions; facilities
and isolated from any context. Effectiveness for personal and domestic hygiene; as well as
is a measure of the effect of a drug against safe and healthy working conditions.
an infective agent in a particular host, living Sanitation is the provision of access to
in a particular environment with specific adequate facilities for the safe disposal of human
ecological, immunological, and epidemiological excreta, usually combined with access to safe
determinants. Effectiveness is usually measured drinking water.
by means of qualitative and quantitative
Eradication versus Elimination
diagnostic tests which detect eggs or larvae in
feces or urine after an optimal time interval, Disease eradication is defined as a permanent
which is variable for each parasite. Cure rate reduction to zero of the worldwide incidence of
and egg reduction rate are indicators that are infection caused by a specific agent, as a result
commonly used to measure the reduction of deliberate efforts. Once this is achieved,
in prevalence and reduction in intensity of continued measures are no longer needed. On
infection, respectively. the other hand, disease elimination is a reduction
Drug resistance is a genetically transmitted to zero of the incidence of a specified disease in a
loss of susceptibility to a drug in a parasite defined geographic area as a result of deliberate
population that was previously sensitive to the efforts. Continued intervention or surveillance
appropriate therapeutic dose. measures are still required.
Prevention and Control References

Morbidity control is the avoidance of illness Beaver PC, Jung RC, Cupp EW. Clinical
caused by infections. It may be achieved by parasitology. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Lea and
periodically deworming individuals or groups, Febiger; 1984.
known to be at risk of morbidity. Markell EK, John DT. Medical parasitology.
Information-education-communication 8th ed. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders
(IEC) is a health education strategy that aims Company; 1999.
to encourage people to adapt and maintain Markell EK, Voge M, John DT. Medical
healthy life practices. parasitology. 7th ed. Philadelphia: W. B.
Environmental management is the planning, Saunders Company; 1992.
organization, performance, and monitoring Muller R. Worms and disease: a manual of
of activities for the modification and/or medical helminthology. London: William
manipulation of environmental factors or their Heinemann Medical Books Limited; 1975.
interaction with human beings with a view to Neva FA, Brown HW. Basic clinical parasitology.
preventing or minimizing vector or intermediate 6th ed. Connecticut: Appleton and Lange;
host propagation and reducing contact between 1994.
humans and the infective agent. Walter-Beck J, Davies J. Medical parasitology.
Environmental sanitation involves 3rd ed. Missouri: The C. V. Mosby
interventions to reduce environmental health Company; 1981.
risks including the safe disposal and hygienic World Health Organization. Prevention and
management of human and animal excreta, control of schistosomiasis and intestinal
refuse, and waste water. It also involves the nematodes. Geneva: World Health
control of vectors, intermediate hosts, and Organization; 2002.
6 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Host-Parasite Relationships
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr.

T he relationship between parasite and host

has gradually evolved through the ages. The
process has produced changes in the parasite
spp. are hermaphroditic, that is, they contain a
complete set of male and female organs capable
of producing thousands of ova. Furthermore,
and in its life cycle, consequently affecting the flukes undergo asexual reproduction in the
life of its host. intermediate hosts to increase the number of
Adaptation causes changes in the molecular progeny.
biology, biochemistry, immunology, and Parasitic existence may also result in
structure of the parasite. Parasites that are more profound biochemical adaptations. Such
specialized have shown the greatest changes, changes include loss of certain metabolic
most of which are essential for survival. pathways common to free-living organisms.
The most noticeable adaptations are This process is called streamlining, that is the
found in the locomotory and digestive inability of the parasite to synthesize certain
organs. Protozoans belonging to the Phylum cellular components and the need of the parasite
Apicomplexa have no locomotory organelles, to obtain these from a host. Streamlining
and these organisms are mostly parasitic. Free- is exemplified by hemoflagellates and other
living flatworms have cilia on their epidermis, helminth parasites. These changes in metabolic
while parasitic cestodes and trematodes do pathways may become the target of future
not have any. Cestodes and trematodes obtain chemotherapeutic strategies.
nutrients through their tegument, which is Some parasites have developed specialized
provided with microvilli. Flatworms have mechanisms needed for entry into the body
highly specialized organs of attachment, such or tissues. The trophozoites of Entamoeba
as hooks and suckers, which anchor the parasite histolytica secrete cysteine proteinases, which
inside the body of the host and facilitate tissue allow the parasite to penetrate the mucosa and
migration. The size and shape of the parasite adhere to the underlying layer and surrounding
are also adapted for maintaining its hold in tissues. No such enzyme has been found in the
the host. Adult Ascaris worms maintain their commensal Entamoeba coli. The cercariae of
position inside the intestinal wall by constant Schistosoma contain penetration glands, which
movement. The integument is thickened to produce an enzyme capable of digesting the skin
resist enzymes and juices in the digestive tract allowing entry into the body of the host. All
of humans and to protect against dessication cestode embryos have six hooklets, which aid
and physical injury. In intestinal flukes, the them in tissue penetration before developing
tegument is covered with spines to prevent into encysted larvae.
abrasion. Special coverings of ova, larvae, and
Effects of the Parasite on the Host
cysts protect the parasite during its free-living
stage. These coverings also aid in resisting Some organisms may live inside the body
digestive juices once the parasite is ingested by of the host without causing any damage, but
the host. in most instances, they have the ability to
Reproductive systems of flatworms are inflict damage to their host. There are several
highly elaborate and complicated. All tapeworms mechanisms by which parasites cause injury
and flukes, with the exception of Schistosoma to the host. The most common mechanism
Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Parasitology 7

is by interference with the vital processes of blood factor increases the susceptibility of an
the host through parasitic enzymes. Secretory individual to Plasmodium vivax infection.
and excretory products elaborated by many Another important aspect is the nutritional
parasites allow them to metabolize nutrients status of the host. A diet rich in protein is
obtained from the host and store these for not suitable for the development of intestinal
energy production. This is best exemplified by protozoans, while a low-protein diet favors
Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites that secrete the appearance of symptoms of amebiasis
cysteine proteinases, which do not only digest and complications of the disease. A high
cellular materials but also degrade epithelial carbohydrate diet favors the development of
basement membrane facilitating tissue invasion. some tapeworms.
Another mechanism is through invasion Immune processes play an important role in
and destruction of host tissue. One example host-parasite relationships. Absolute immunity
is Plasmodium, which invades red blood cells. to reinfection occurs rarely following protozoan
After multiplication, the host’s red blood cells infections, and probably never happens with
rupture resulting in the release of merozoites. helminth infections in humans. Acquired
In Schistosoma japonicum infection, cumulative immunity may be very important in modifying
deposition of eggs in the liver stimulates an the severity of disease in endemic areas.
immune response mechanism resulting in
granuloma formation and then fibrosis which
leads to portal hypertension and massive Beaver PC, Jung RC, Cupp, EW. Clinical
hemorrhage in the venules. Hookworms have parasitology. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Lea and
cutting plates, which can attach to the intestinal Febiger; 1984.
mucosa and destroy the villi. Large numbers of Crompton DW, Savioli L. Intestinal parasitic
worms such as Ascaris form tangled masses that infections and urbanization. Bull World
can lead to intestinal obstruction. An Ascaris Health Organ. 1993;71(1):1–7.
worm in the intestine may invade other organs Markell EK, John DT. Medical parasitology.
like the appendix and bile ducts and may cause 8th ed. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders
a surgical emergency. Company; 1999.
Parasites can also deprive the host of essential Markell EK, Voge M, John DT. Medical
nutrients and substances. Heavy hookworm parasitology. 7th ed. Philadelphia: W. B.
infection causes massive intestinal bleeding which Saunders Company; 1992.
results in chronic blood loss and iron deficiency Muller R. Worms and diseases: a manual of
anemia. Diphyllobothrium latum competes with medical helminthology. London: William
its host for the available supply of Vitamin B12, Heinemann Medical Books Limited; 1975.
thus resulting in megaloblastic anemia. Neva FA, Brown HW. Basic clinical parasitology.
6th ed. Connecticut: Appleton and Lange;
Effects of the Host on the Parasite
There are several factors which determine Que X, Reed SL. The role of extracellular
the outcome of an infection. The genetic make- cysteine proteinases in pathogenesis of
up of the host may influence the interaction Entamoeba histolytica invasion. Parasitol
between host and parasite. In falciparum Today. 1997;13(5):190–3.
malaria, possession of sickle-cell trait confers Walter-Beck J, Davies J. Parasitology. 3rd ed.
some protection, while the presence of Duffy Missouri: The C. V. Mosby Company;
8 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Immunology of Parasitic Infections

Edsel Maurice T. Salvaña, Winifreda U. de Leon, Katerina T. Leyritana

T he function of the immune system is

to protect the body from invasion by
potential pathogens. It is a tightly-controlled
The ability of the parasites to cause
infections has evolved through the process of
natural selection, since only a proportion of
balancing act, in the sense that dysfunction parasites are able to accomplish this. In the same
of the immune system can lead to either a way, the host’s ability to defend itself against a
permissive environment for infection on one parasite’s invasion is also selected for. Some life
hand, or to unchecked activation which can cycles are so complicated that the parasite has
harm the organism on the other. Immunity adapted means to survive immune assault in
to parasites, especially eukaryotes such as not just one but a variety of hosts, including
helminths and protozoans, is complicated the definitive host, intermediate hosts, and
by the fact that, unlike bacterial pathogens, reservoir hosts.
eukaryotic organisms are similar in make- The host-parasite relationship remains
up and physiology. Moreover, parasites have dynamic, and while some parasites become
evolved strategies to evade the immune system specific to some hosts over time, accidental
over millions of years, and some are so successful infection of erstwhile non-susceptible hosts
that these organisms not only survive but thrive may eventually lead to establishment of a new
in the bloodstream (e.g., Schistosoma sp.) where reservoir, intermediate, or definitive host which
they are subjected to constant and intimate in time may even become the dominant host for
exposure to the body’s immune system. that organism. This is exemplified by zoonoses
Parasitic infections in humans and animals such as infections with Trypanosoma sp., and
occur when the parasite successfully establishes the newly discovered human malaria parasite
itself in the host and is not eliminated by many Plasmodium knowlesi.
host defense systems and is able to continue its
Host-Parasite Interactions
life cycle. However, not all interactions between
the host and parasite relationship result in injury Natural physical barriers to the entry of the
and pathology. It can result in the following parasite into the body constitute the first line
outcomes: of defense against pathogens. The skin provides
effective surface protection against invasion
• Parasite fails to become established in
from parasites that initiate infection through
the host.
skin penetration. Adaptive mechanisms of
• Parasite becomes established and the
some helminths allow them to overcome these
host eliminates the infection.
defenses. The filariform larvae of hookworms
• Parasite becomes established, and the
and Strongyloides can synthesize a protein that
host begins to overcome the infection
aids in the entry through the skin. Schistosoma
but is not totally successful.
spp. cercariae are capable of skin penetration
• Parasite becomes established and
because of the presence of glands in the anterior
the host, in trying to eliminate the
part of the parasite that secrete lytic enzymes.
organism, becomes damaged itself.
The mucous membranes lining the
• Parasite becomes established and kills
respiratory, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary
the host.
tracts provide external barriers to parasite entry
Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Parasitology 9

as well. Tight junctions between epithelial cells defenses rely on humoral and cell-mediated
serve to prevent passage of all but the smallest mechanisms of action.
molecules. The low pH of vaginal secretions The innate response happens when the
and gastric juices present a hostile environment body detects and eliminates pathogens through
to many microorganisms. For instance, the non-specific mechanisms that use mechanical,
trophozoites of Trichomonas vaginalis are unable chemical, and cytokine-mediated methods to
to survive the acidic environment of the vagina, destroy or disrupt invading organisms with
and once intestinal secretions envelope Giardia little or no delay from the time of invasion. One
lamblia, its motility is greatly diminished method is through phagocytosis by macrophages
reducing injury to the host. To evade this type and dendritic cells with subsequent pathogen
of host defense, the infective stages of helminths elimination through oxidative killing and use of
that are ingested, like embryonated eggs of toxic peptides. Some intracellular pathogens are
Ascaris, Trichuris, and Taenia spp. are protected able to invade and multiply inside macrophages,
from the acidic environment by thick egg shells. like Leishmania spp., Toxoplasma gondii, and
The cystic wall of intestinal protozoa like the Trypanosoma cruzi, in which case cell-mediated
Entamoeba and Giardia are also resistant to immune mechanisms (whether non-specific
acidic pH. such as natural killer cells, or acquire cell-
Chemical components of body fluids play mediated immunity through T-lymphocytes)
a major role in the protection of the host. The are required to identify and destroy them.
lipase content of breast milk, for example, has Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize
been found to be toxic to Giardia lamblia in specific molecules that are non-native to the
vitro. Lysozyme found in tears and saliva is able body and so represent some of the earliest
to destroy microorganisms, along with secreted recognition mechanisms for pathogens. To
IgA immunoglobulins in these fluids. date, ten TLRs have been identified and each
Physiologic functions of the body also is activated by a bacterial components [e.g.,
inhibit parasite invasion. Peristalsis, motion LPS (TLR4), diacylated lipoprotein (TLR2
of cilia, and human reflexes all serve to expel and 6) and triacylated lipoprotein (TLR 1
parasites. Coughing enables expectoration of and 2), flagellin (TLR5)], viral RNA (TLR3),
aberrantly situated adult Ascaris lumbricoides and other unfamiliar components. Binding of
and eggs of Paragonimus westermani, and the a specific ligand to a TLR causes a cascade of
flushing action of urine decreases the numbers reactions down a common signaling pathway
of Trichomonas vaginalis. which produces cytokines such as interferon
In the event that the parasite is able to gamma and interleukin-1. These cytokines
overcome physical barriers, a second host activate natural killer cells and macrophages,
defense comes into play. The penetration of stimulation of which leads to further production
the body’s barriers results in a series of events of inflammatory cytokines, and co-stimulatory
that facilitate sensing of the invading parasite molecules. TLRs are therefore largely responsible
via pathogen-associated molecular patterns, or for triggering the initial inflammatory response.
through pattern recognition responses which They function as pyrogens and synthesize
enable the body to mount an immune response inflammatory response proteins, which then
that acts towards eliminating or limiting the increase the number and function of phagocytic
infection. cells.
The host, once infected, is exposed to the
Host-Immune Response
parasite antigens, which in turn can stimulate
The host possesses both innate and the host to mount an acquired specific response
acquired immune defenses. Both kinds of against the antigen. The expression of acquired
10 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

immunity is the result of a complex series of Th1 lymphocytes produce gamma

immunoregulatory events: activation, induction interferon and interleukin-2 which activate
through proliferation, differentiation, and cytotoxic lymphocytes (with CD8 surface
effector function. The effector function may molecules) and macrophages. This brings about
be at the end point of a response or it might the cell-mediated immune response.
serve a regulatory function that modulates other Cell-mediated immunity has been observed
functions. in many parasitic infections. Parasite-specific
The parasitic antigens may originate from antigens induce clonal expansion of parasite-
the surface, from secretions and excretions, and specific T-lymphocytes. They may act by direct
from somatic tissues of the parasite. Following cytotoxicity on the parasite or indirectly by
initial contact with antigen (immunologic acting on natural killer cells or the antibody
priming), subsequent antigen exposure leads producing B-lymphocytes. Migrating larvae of
to more rapid and vigorous immune responses, Toxocara canis are killed through cell-mediated
leading to immunologic memory. The response activity.
of acquired immunity is either antibody- Th2 lymphocytes produce interleukins
dependent or cell-mediated. 4, 5, and 6 that enhance the proliferation and
Most of the time, immunity is directed differentiation of B-lymphocytes into plasma
against the antigen that induced the response. cells, which are responsible for immunoglobulin
Cross-reactivity does occur. The antigen may production. The antibodies that are produced
be present in just one developmental stage or bind with specific parasite antigens and can
in just one species of the parasite. There are activate complement and include the following
antigens, however, that have been detected in classes: IgE, IgG, IgM, and IgA.
all of the stages of parasite development or in all In helminthic infections, the most common
members of a genus. It is therefore important responses include eosinophilia and elevated
to remember that an immune response does serum IgE. With lumen-dwelling Ascaris
not always equate with protection, and that lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura, however,
conversely, immunity to one pathogen may the immune response is not as intense compared
confer immunity to another closely related with lymphatic dwelling Wuchereria bancrofti
species. and Brugia malayi since contact with both
recognition and effector elements of the
Acquired Immune Response
immune system is less intimate. Immunologic
The immune response to parasitic response is also marked in visceral larval
infections is under well-defined genetic control infections with Parastrongylus cantonensis and
and has a strong influence over the outcome of Toxocara canis which are less likely to have
infection in terms of resistance, susceptibility, immune-evading mechanisms since they are not
and pathology. The major histocompatibility specifically adapted to the human host.
complex (MHC) gene products help regulate IgE antibodies that are bound to the
T-lymphocyte activities. Human leukocyte mucosal mast cells, eosinophils, and goblet
antigen (HLA) is also a factor. cells can mediate the eventual expulsion of
The specific immune response to the adult gastrointestinal helminths. IgE has also
parasite begins when parasitic antigens are been identified on inflammatory cells involved
processed and presented to the CD4 T-helper in the cytotoxic action on some parasites
lymphocytes, which either belong to the Th1 like Schistosoma spp. referred to as antibody
or Th2 subset. These subsets of T-helper dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC).
cells are responsible for producing different There are a variety of activating molecules
lymphokines. expressed by the eosinophils that mediate
Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Parasitology 11

ADCC. Among these are eosinophil activating parasite life cycles, location within body sites
factor (EAF), interleukin-5, and granulocyte- that are relatively protected from the immune
monocyte colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF). response, and antigenic complexity.
Destruction of microfilariae among patients In addition, natural selection and
with tropical pulmonary eosinophilia has been adaptation have resulted in deployment by
attributed to ADCC mediated by IgE and the parasite of various mechanisms to avoid
eosinophils. Cells like neutrophils and platelets the destructive effect of the host response.
have been found to participate in ADCC as well. These major mechanisms include induction of
With homocytotrophic IgG1, IgE can immune suppression, antigenic variation, host
act on mast cells and basophils, which can mimicry, and sequestration among others.
lead to degranulation and eventual release
A. Resistance to Immune Response
of pharmacologically active substances.
Unregulated activation can result in an Protozoa and helminthic parasites that
anaphylactic Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction enter the blood stream or tissue are often
as seen during the rupture of Echinococcus able to survive and replicate because they are
granulosus hydatid cysts. The same immediate resistant to the host innate immune response.
hypersensitivity reaction has been observed at Parasites in humans are usually resistant to
the site of the bite of several arthropods like complement. Macrophages can phagocytose
mites and ticks. protozoa, but the cuticle and integument of
The combined activity of IgG and IgM helminthic parasites make them resistant to
can prevent penetration of erythrocytes by the cytotoxic effects of both neutrophils and
Plasmodium spp. and Babesia spp., but are macrophages. This may be due to the loss of
generally ineffective against gastrointestinal surface molecules that bind complement or
helminths. In the presence of complement acquisition of host regulatory proteins such as
activity, these antibodies can mediate lysis of decay accelerating factor. Trypanolytic factors
trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi and, even such as apolipoprotein L-1 (APOL1) destroy
in the absence of the complement, are involved non-human trypanosomes except Trypanosoma
in the rapid phagocytosis of the same parasites. brucei which has evolved resistance through
Secretory IgA in the intestines protect against expression of serum resistance-associated
metacestode and gastrointestinal infections. IgM protein. A frameshift mutation in the APOL1
with secretory IgA mediate ADCC in Giardia gene enables a non-human trypanosome (T.
lamblia infection. Among immunocompetent evansi) to infect a human, and addition of
individuals, Cryptosporidium infection is self- recombinant APOL1 restored trypanolytic
limited due to the combined action of IgA and activity.
lgG with cell-medicated immunity, which helps
B. Immune Suppression
cleave the parasite from the enterocytes.
In many infections, be it microbial or There are parasites that can reduce
parasitic, the host can activate its non-specific, the immune function of macrophages that
specific, humoral, and cell-mediated defenses result in lower capacity of phagocytosis and
all at the same time. defective processing of antigen, as in the case
of Plasmodium spp. infection. In Trypanosoma
Parasite Evasion Mechanisms
brucei infection, the trypomastigotes can
Parasites have several characteristics that produce large amounts of surface glycoproteins.
make it difficult for the host to detect and This affects the processing of the proteins
eliminate them: parasite size, complicated due to antigenic competition and at the
12 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

same time impairs the B- and T-lymphocyte Malarial parasites, especially Plasmodium
activities resulting in diminished production of falciparum, exhibit antigenic diversity. The
lymphokines and immunoglobulins. mechanism is through repeat variation of the
Entamoeba histolytica suppresses macrophage encoded polypeptides, which contain tandem
respiratory burst and consequent nitric oxide sequences of amino acids, as observed in
production, produces a suppressor factor that merozoite surface antigen (MSA) and ring-
can inhibit movement of monocytes to the site infected erythrocyte surface antigen (RESA).
of invasion (monocyte locomotion inhibitory These repeat sequences are antigenic epitopes,
factor), and inhibits complement assembly. In which stimulate antibody production. With
Fasciola infection, there is down regulation of variation, therefore, antibodies fail to recognize
Th1 lymphocytes. In filarial infections with the antigen.
Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi, there
D. Host Mimicry
is polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia where
antibodies lack specificity against these parasites. The larval stage of Echinococcus granulosus
This has also been observed in Plasmodium spp. in the hydatid cyst has been found to carry
infection. P blood group antigen, and the tegument of
Blocking antibodies produced by several Schistosoma spp. adult can acquire antigenic
parasites like Wuchereria bancrofti can also molecules from the host. Antibodies produced
dampen the effect of immune responses. In against the parasite then fail to recognize non-
Necator americanus infection, the immune self from self-antigens.
response is directed against the deeper layers
E. Intracellular Sequestration
of its cuticle but the immune response is
diverted to the rapidly changing surface of its Amastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi and
integument. Leishmania spp. proliferate in macrophages
Immune complexes produced in cysticercus in various organs. Toxoplasma gondii multiply
cellulosae infection suppress inflammatory inside macrophages as well as in other nucleated
response through inhibition of complement cells. Once intracellular, they are able to evade
activity. Infection with Plasmodium spp. the host immune response.
and Trypanosoma cruzi can also lead to The late intracellular stages of Plasmodium
immunosuppression through the production falciparum are sequestered from the circulation
of immune complexes. In Schistosoma spp. in deep vasculature beds. This is mediated by
infection, complement cannot participate in the the presence of knobs on infected erythrocytes
destruction of the parasite; it has been found that enable them to attach to endothelial cells of
that the complement is consumed by the soluble capillaries. This sequestration process excludes
antigens of the Schistosoma spp. the parasitized red blood cells from splenic
filtration and the action of antibodies.
C. Antigenic Variation
Adverse Effects of the Immune Response
In Trypanosoma brucei infection, the initial in the Host
host response against the surface glycoproteins
of the trypomastigotes is very effective. But in Under normal circumstances, orderly
the subsequent releases of trypomastigotes, the progression of host defenses through the
immune response is no longer effective since different phases results in a well-controlled
the parasites have changed the antigenic profile immune and inflammatory response that
of their surface coat through variant surface protects the host from the offending antigen.
glycoproteins (VSG). Surface protein variation However, dysfunction of any of the host defense
has also been observed in Giardia lamblia. systems can result in damage to host tissue and
Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Parasitology 13

produce clinical disease. The normal immune The main clinical manifestations of
response itself might contribute substantially to Schistosoma spp. infection are related to the
tissue damage as one of four types of reactions: host immune response to eggs that are trapped
Type 1 (Immediate type hypersensitivity), in various organs of the host. This usually
Type 2 (Immune complex formation), Type 3 results in hepatosplenomegaly, fibrosis, portal
(Cytotoxic reactions of antibody), and Type 4 hypertension, and esophageal varices. High
(Delayed-type hypersensitivity). levels of Schistosoma spp. circulating antigen in
In acute infection with Trypanosoma cruzi, immune complexes can produce a condition
the intense immune response to the parasite is very similar to serum sickness. T-cell mediated
accompanied by massive damage not only to the delayed-type of hypersensitivity lymphocytes,
infected cells but also to the surrounding cells when stimulated such as in Schistosoma spp.
including nerve cells and myocytes. It is believed infection, can produce attractants and activators
that this is partially responsible for heart failure of other cells that form destructive granulomas
and meningoencephalitis. Moreover, it has around Schistosoma spp. eggs. In Leishmania
been postulated that antibodies to T. cruzi may spp. infections, more macrophages are damaged,
activate adrenergic and muscarinic receptors be it the cutaneous, mucocutaneous, or visceral
because of similarities between these and parasite type of infection.
antigens, leading to autonomic dysfunction and
Practical Applications
predisposition to arrhythmias. In Wuchereria
bancrofti, there is an overproduction of IgM Understanding the host immune response to
(polyclonal hypergamma-globulinemia) due parasitic invasion is useful in immunodiagnosis,
to the functional T-suppressor cell (T8) defect, and predicting the resulting pathology.
which explains the formation of a large amount Current concepts on immunoregulation and
of immune complexes in Tropical Pulmonary immunomodulation are products of intense
Eosinophilia (TPE). and meticulous studies on these immune
In recurrent Plasmodium spp. infection, mechanisms. These insights may hold the key
immune complexes are associated with for potential control through vaccination and
a condition called hyperactive malarious development of novel anti-parasitic drugs.
splenomegaly (HMS). There is a disturbance
in the ability of T-lymphocytes to control the
humoral response resulting in polyclonal IgM Blum JA, Zellweger MJ, Burri C, Hatz C.
antibodies. Patients suffer from persistent Cardiac involvement in African and
splenomegaly and anemia. In patients with American trypanosomiasis. Lancet Infect
Plasmodium malariae infection, these immune Dis. 2008;8(10):631–41.
complexes may be deposited in the basement Garcia LS, editor. Diagnostic medical
membrane of the glomeruli leading to parasitology. 5th ed. Washington DC:
kidney failure and nephrotic syndrome. This ASM Press; 2006.
phenomenon may also occur in schistosomiasis. Kasper DL, Braunwald E, Fauci AS, Hauser SL,
While the sequestration of late Longo DL, Jameson JL, editors. Harrison’s
intraerythrocytic Plasmodium falciparum principles of internal medicine. 16th ed.
from the circulation and their attachment to New York: McGraw-Hill; 2005.
endothelial cells is protective to the parasite, MacDonald AS, Araujo MI, Pearce EJ.
this is also believed to be the main cause of Immunology of parasitic helminth
manifestations of cerebral malaria. infections. Infect Immun. 2002;70(2):427–
14 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Maizels RM. Parasite immunomodulation and Ndam NT, Deloron P. Molecular aspects
polymorphisms of the immune system. J of Plasmodium falciparum infection
Biol. 2009;8(7):62. during pregnancy. J Biomed Biotechnol.
Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, editors. 2007;2(5):43785.
Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s principles Rasmussen SB, Reinert LS, Paludan SR. Innate
and practice of infectious diseases. 7th ed. recognition of intracellular pathogens:
Philadelphia, PA: Churchill Livingstone detection and activation of the first line of
Elsevier; 2010. defense. APMIS. 2009; 117(5–6):323-37.
Moncada DM, Kammanadiminiti SJ, Chadee Sacks D, Sher A. Evasion of innate immunity
K. Mucin and toll-like receptors in host by parasitic protozoa. Nat Immunol. 2002;
defence against intestinal parasites. Trends 3(11):1041–7.
Parasitol. 2003;19(7):305–11. Takeda K, Akira S. TLR signaling pathways.
Moreau E, Chauvin A. Immunity against Semin Immunol. 2004;16(1):3–9.
helminths: interactions with the host Vanhollebeke B, Truc P, Poelvoorde P, Pays
and the intercurrent infections. J Biomed A, Joshi PP, Katti R, et al. Human
Biotechnol. 2010;428593. Trypanosoma evansi infection linked to a
lack of apolipoprotein L-I. N Engl J Med.
2006;355(26): 2752–6.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Parasitology 15

Groups of Parasites with Medical and Public Health Importance

Winifreda U. de Leon, Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr.

A ll parasites can be classified according to

the Linnaean hierarchical scheme in order
of decreasing generality. It starts with Kingdom,
infective stages called cysts, which are relatively
resistant to environmental changes compared
to the vegetative stages, called trophozoites.
Subkingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, The parasitic species are capable of multiplying
Genus, and finally, Species. This hierarchical within the host and may be transmitted through
classification is mainly based on morphological a biological vector within which they can also
characterization found in the different stages of multiply (Table 1.1).
parasite development. All protozoa fall under Kingdom Protista,
Currently, however, there are powerful which is a diverse group of eukaryotic
tools based on molecular studies which microorganisms. They have been divided
may provide elucidation of the taxonomic into several phyla, but the major organisms
relationship of parasites at the subcellular level. causing disease in man belong to Phylum
Molecular techniques such as DNA extraction
and sequencing, proteome analysis, RNA Table 1.1. Classification of protozoan parasites
interference, and polymerase chain reaction
are being used to show structural differences Sarcomastigophora
Sarcodina Acanthamoeba castellani
among parasites. These are especially useful in Endolimax nana
the identification of cryptic protozoan parasites Entamoeba coli
Entamoeba dispar
and their sibling species. Currently, there is a call Entamoeba gingivalis
for parasitologists to integrate molecular and Entamoeba histolytica
Iodamoeba butschlii
morphological approaches in the identification Naegleria fowleri
of parasites. This chapter will not elucidate on Mastigophora
these molecular advances, but the reader is Atrial flagellates Chilomastix mesnili
Dientamoeba fragilis
enjoined to explore the included references at Giardia lamblia
the end of the chapter for further details. Trichomonas hominis
Trichomonas tenax
Protozoa Trichomonas vaginalis

Hemoflagellates Leishmania braziliensis

Parasitic infections are either due to the Leishmania donovani
unicellular protozoan or the multi-cellular Leishmania tropica
Trypanosoma brucei complex
metazoan. Generally, protozoan parasites are Trypanosoma cruzi
provided with a nucleus or nuclei, cytoplasm, Ciliophora Balantidium coli
an outer limiting membrane, and cellular Apicomplexa Babesia spp.
elaborations called organelles. Among these Cryptosporidium hominis
Cyclospora cayetanensis
are locomotory apparatus, which include cilia, Cystoisospora belli
flagella, and pseudopodia. There is increasing Plasmodium spp.
Toxoplasma gondii
knowledge about the presence of an apical
Microspora Enterocytozoon bieneusi
complex found to aid the organism in the Encephalitozoon spp.
penetration of target cells. Vittaforma cornea
Trachipleistophora hominis
Many of these protozoa require a wet Pleistophora spp.
environment for feeding, locomotion, Anncaliia vesicularum
Microsporidium spp.
osmoregulation, and reproduction. They form
16 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Sarcomastigophora, Phylum Ciliophora, varying stimuli from the gastrointestinal tract,

Phylum Apicomplexa, and Phylum Microspora. extrudes, forming a polar tube that, in turn,
Under Phylum Sarcomastigophora are two penetrates the host cell. These parasites have
subphyla, namely, Subphylum Mastigophora, received more attention recently due to the
whose organelles of locomotion are whip-like increasing number of opportunistic infections
structures arising from the ectoplasm called associated with immunocompromised states,
flagella, and Subphylum Sarcodina, whose particularly AIDS.
organelles of locomotion are hyaline foot-
like extrusions from the ectoplasm called
pseudopodia. Subphylum Mastigophora Metazoan parasites are either helminths
includes the atrial flagellates and hemoflagellates, or arthropods which fall under the Kingdom
namely, Giardia, Chilomastix, Trichomonas, Animalia (Table 1.2). Helminths causing
Dientamoeba, Trypanosoma, and Leishmania.
Subphylum Sarcodina includes the amebae,
Table 1.2. Classification of metazoan parasites
namely, Entamoeba, Endolimax, Iodamoeba,
Acanthamoeba, and Naegleria. Phylum Nematoda
Ciliophora, whose species have organelles of Intestinal Ascaris lumbricoides
Capillaria philippinensis
locomotion that are hair-like projections from Enterobius vermicularis
the ectoplasm called cilia, which includes only Hookworm
Strongyloides stercoralis
one parasite of medical and public health Trichuris trichiura
interest, Balantidium coli.
Extraintestinal Lymphatic filarial
Members of Phylum Apicomplexa have an Parastrongylus cantonensis
apical complex at the anterior end which consists Trichinella spiralis

of polar rings, subpellicular tubules, conoid Cestoidea Dipylidium caninum

Cyclophyllidea Echinococcus spp.
processes, rhoptries, and micronemes. These Hymenolepis diminuta
structures are involved in the penetration and Hymenolepis nana
Raillietina garrisoni
invasion of target cells. All members are parasitic. Taenia saginata
Very important groups of parasites fall under Taenia solium

Class Sporozoa, namely, Plasmodia, Babesia, Pseudophyllidea Diphyllobothrium latum

Toxoplasma, Cystoisospora, Cryptosporidium, Spirometra sp.

and Cyclospora. These organisms have been Trematoda Artyfechinostomum malayanum

Clonorchis sinensis
reported practically from all organ systems Echinostoma ilocanum
of both humans and animals, specifically in Fasciola hepatica
Fasciolopsis buski
the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, Heterophyids
central nervous system, respiratory tract, Opisthorchis felineus
Opisthorchis viverrini
reticuloendothelial system, blood and blood Paragonimus westermani
cells, eyes, skin, and even the oral cavity. Schistosoma haematobium
Schistosoma japonicum
Phylum Microspora, which includes Schistosoma mansoni
Enterocytozoon and Encephalitozoon, consists Arthropoda Mites
of spore-forming parasites of both vertebrates Arachnida Scorpions
and invertebrates. Though the phylum contains Ticks
more than 100 genera, the members are similar, Chilopoda Centipedes
in that they possess a unique extrusion apparatus Crustacea Copepods, Crabs
which enables them to insert infective material Diplopoda Millipedes
Insecta Flies, Flea, Beetle, Bees, Lice,
into the host cell. The apparatus includes a Wasp, Bugs, Mosquitoes
highly coiled polar filament, which, due to Pentastomida Tongue Worms
Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Parasitology 17

infections in man belong to three groups, Larvae of Trichinella are encysted in the host
namely, annelids, nematodes, and flatworms. muscles.
Under the annelids, only the leeches are There are various ways by which
considered to be of medical importance. humans acquire these helminths. Ingestion
The nematodes are also known as of embryonated eggs is the mode of infection
roundworms because they are elongated and of Ascaris, Trichuris, and Enterobius. Skin
cylindrical in shape, with bilateral symmetry. penetration by filariform larvae is the mode
Generally, they have a complete digestive tract of infection of hookworms and Strongyloides,
and a muscular pharynx that is characteristically while the bite of mosquito vectors is the
triradiate. They are provided with separate mode of transmission of Wuchereria and
sexes, although some may be parthenogenetic. Brugia. Ingestion of infective larvae is the
There are sensory organs in the anterior and mode of infection for Capillaria from fish,
posterior ends of the worm called amphids Trichinella from pork, and Parastrongylus from
and phasmids, respectively. The latter are very snails. Autoinfection occurs in Capillaria,
useful in the grouping of the nematodes. Those Strongyloides, and Enterobius. Transmission
roundworms with phasmids are described as through inhalation of embryonated eggs is
phasmid nematodes, while those without them possible for Enterobius and Ascaris.
are described as aphasmid worms. Among
the nematodes of medical and public health
importance, only three are aphasmid worms The two other groups of worms are
(Adenophorea). These are Trichuris, Trichinella, tapeworms or cestodes, and flukes or trematodes.
and Capillaria. The rest of the nematodes are, These belong to Platyhelminthes or the
therefore, phasmid nematodes (Secernentia). flatworms. Members of Platyhelminthes, in
The phasmid worms belong to several general, are dorso-ventrally flattened with
orders in the scientific taxonomic classification bilateral symmetry. The cestodes are segmented,
of the worms. Ascaris belongs to Ascaridida, with a ribbon-like appearance, while the
Parastrong ylus and the hookworms to trematodes are leaf-like and unsegmented.
Strongylida, Strongyloides to Rhabditida, Cestodes do not have a digestive tract, while
Enterobius to Oxyurida, and the filarial worms trematodes have an incomplete one. Both
to Spirurida. A more extensive discussion of cestodes and trematodes do not have a
the taxonomic groupings of these worms can circulatory system.
be found in other references. Adult tapeworms are hermaphroditic. They
These nematodes can be grouped on the are found in the intestines of the definitive
basis of the habitat of the adult worms. Most host, and the larval stage is encysted in the
of these nematodes are found in the small and tissues of the intermediate host. They have an
large intestines, while some are found outside anterior structure called the scolex, which is
the intestines. the main organ of attachment of the worm to
Those typically found in the small the definitive host. After the scolex is the neck,
intestines are Ascaris, hookworms, Strongyloides, which is then followed by the strobila. The neck
and Capillaria, while those usually located is considered the region of growth, because
in the colon are Trichuris and Enterobius. segmentation or strobilization originates from
Extraintestinal nematodes like Wuchereria and it. Segments or proglottids that are nearest to
Brugia have been recovered from the lymph the neck are the most immature, followed by
nodes and lymph vessels, whereas Parastrongylus increasingly mature segments, and the most
has been reported from the eyes and meninges. distal are gravid segments.
18 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

The cestodes are grouped together into various species of Taenia produce the cysticercus
different orders, just like the nematodes. type, while Hymenolepis, Dipylidium, and
However, there are only two orders of tapeworms Raillietina produce the cysticercoid type. A
with medical and public health significance, third type called the hydatid is produced by
namely, Order Pseudophyllidea and Order Echinococcus spp.
Cyclophyllidea. These two orders differ in terms Infection with adult tapeworms is generally
of the morphology of the scolex, segments, and acquired through the consumption of infected
eggs, as well as in the number of intermediate intermediate hosts. There are cases, however,
hosts and the type of encysted larvae that where humans are infected with the larval stage
develop in the intermediate hosts. of Taenia solium, called cysticercosis, and of
Pseudophyllidean tapeworms have a Echinococcus spp., called hydatid cyst.
spatulate scolex with sucking grooves, called
bothria, while the Cyclophyllidean scolex
is globular with four muscular suckers. The other group of flatworms is composed
Segments of both orders have genital pores of the flukes or trematodes. Adult trematodes
but Pseudophyllidean segments, in addition, are equipped with an oral sucker, and a
have a uterine pore which allows release of eggs ventral sucker called an acetabulum. A third
from the gravid uterus. Since Cyclophyllidean sucker called a genital sucker or gonotyl is
segments do not have the uterine pore, they observed only among the heterophyids. They
undergo the process of apolysis whereby gravid are all hermaphroditic. All trematodes require
segments are detached from the main body two intermediate hosts in their life cycle.
of the worm and eggs are eventually released. All trematodes have operculated eggs, and
For diagnostic purposes, in Cyclophyllidean the infective stage for all these trematodes
infections, both eggs and segments are recovered is the encysted larva, the metacercaria, that
from the patients, while in Pseudophyllidean develops in the second intermediate host. These
infections, segments may not be found. characteristics are observed in all medically
Non-operculated Cyclophyllidean eggs are important trematodes, with the exception of
passed out readily, containing the hexacanth the schistosomes in which the infective stage is
embryo. On the other hand, Pseudophyllidean the cercaria. While the first intermediate host
eggs, which are operculated and immature, is always a snail, the second intermediate host
require aquatic development of the embryo, may be a fish, crustacean, another snail, or fresh
called the coracidium. water plants.
Pseudophyllidean worms generally require Trematodes are generally grouped together
two intermediate hosts in their life cycle. based on their habitat. Adult schistosomes are
In the first intermediate host, eggs encyst found in the mesenteric veins; hence they are
as procercoid larvae, then into plerocercoid called blood flukes. Adult Paragonimus worms
larvae in the second intermediate host. This are found in the lung parenchyma. There is
group of tapeworms is best represented by a group of flukes that inhabits the liver and
Diphyllobothrium, which utilizes humans as bile passages. This group includes Fasciola,
definitive hosts, and Spirometra, which employs Clonorchis, and Opisthorchis. Another group
humans as an intermediate host. composed of Fasciolopsis, Echinostoma, and
Cyclophyllidean worms require only one heterophyids inhabits the intestines.
intermediate host, but different species of Mature eggs contain an embryo called the
Cyclophyllideans produce different types of miracidium. Eggs passed out by an infected host
encysted larvae in the intermediate hosts. The may be mature, as in the case of Schistosoma,
Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Parasitology 19

Clonorchis, Opistorchis, and heterophyids; while References

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segmented and jointed appendages. The
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body is covered with a chitinous exoskeleton.
Cavalier-Smith T, Chao EE. Phylogeny
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spiders, scorpions, centipedes, millipedes, and
(Protozoa). Protists. 2003;154(3-4):341–
crustaceans. Pentastomids or pentastomes may
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Crofton HD. Nematodes. London: Hutchinson
the attributes of both arthropods and annelids.
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Arthropods affect human health in
Heinz M. Parasitology in focus: facts and trends.
various ways, like envenomization through
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bites of spiders, flies, bugs, mites, and ticks.
Jahn FF, Jahn TL. The protozoa. Dubuque,
Introduction of venom can also occur with
Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Co. Publishers; 1949.
stings of scorpions, ants, wasps, and bees.
Levine ND. A newly revised classification of
Exposure to arthropod allergens has recently
the protozoa. J Parasitol. 1980;27:37–58.
been recognized as a health hazard. There are
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climate change: molecular tools for tracking
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shifting boundaries. Trends Parasitol.
to become biological vectors to some disease
agents like Plasmodium, filaria, trypanosomes,
Roberts LS, Janovy J. Foundations of
Babesia, and Leishmania. On the other hand,
parasitology. 5th ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm.
flies and cockroaches, which inhabit unsanitary
C. Brown Publishers; 1996.
environments, can be mechanical vectors of
Schmidt GD. The tapeworms. Dubuque, Iowa:
microbes and parasites.
Wm. C. Brown Co. Publishers; 1969.
Some arthropods, such as fleas and lice,
de Leon GP, Nadler SA. What we don’t
can cause dermatologic manifestations due to
recognize can hurt us: a plea for awareness
prolonged contact with the human hosts. Fly
about cr yptic species. J Parasitol.
larvae can cause infestation and invasion of
human tissues, a condition known as myiasis.
Traub RJ, Monis PT, Robertson ID. Molecular
epidemiology: a multidisciplinary approach
to understanding parasitic zoonoses. Int J
Parasitol. 2005;35(11–12):1295–307.
Chapter 2

Protozoan Infections

Intestinal Amebae
Pilarita T. Rivera, Windell L. Rivera, Juan Antonio A. Solon

S even species of amebae occur in humans.

These include the pathogenic Entamoeba
histolytica, and the commensals E. dispar, E.
reaction (PCR) restriction fragment length
polymorphism (RFLP), and typing with
monoclonal antibodies, these three species are
moshkovskii, E. hartmanni, E. coli, Endolimax now differentiated. E. hartmanni, formerly
nana, and Iodamoeba butschlii. Entamoeba referred to as “small race” of E. histolytica, is
polecki is an intestinal ameba of pigs and differentiated primarily on the basis of size.
monkeys that has been occasionally detected
Parasite Biology
in humans, and is a probable cause of diarrhea.
They are mainly differentiated on the basis of Entamoeba histolytica is a pseudopod-
structure and size. Trophozoites divide by binary forming non-flagellated protozoan parasite. It
fission. Most cyst-forming amebae go through is the most invasive of the Entamoeba parasites
nuclear division, and then divide again after (which includes E. dispar, E. moshkovskii, E.
excystation in a new host. hartmanni, E. polecki, E. coli, and E. gingivalis),
and the only member of the family to cause colitis
Entamoeba histolytica
and liver abscess. The life cycle of E. histolytica
Entamoeba histolytica is currently classified consists of two stages: an infective cyst (Plate
within the subphylum Sarcodina, superclass 2.1) and an invasive trophozoite form. No host
Rhizopoda, class Lobosea, order Amoebida, other than humans is implicated in the life cycle,
family Entamoebidae, and genus Entamoeba.
The members of this genus are characterized
by having a vesicular nucleus, a centrally (or near
central) located small karyosome, and varying
numbers of chromatin granules adhering to
the nuclear membrane. These nuclear and
other morphologic differences distinguish
the species of Entamoeba except E. histolytica,
E. dispar, and E. moshkovskii (previously
known as the Laredo strain). The three said
species are morphologically identical and of
the same size. It was only recently that this
E. histolytica species complex was resolved. Plate 2.1. Entamoeba histolytica cyst (Courtesy
Through isoenzyme analysis polymerase chain of the Department of Parasitology, UP-CPH)

Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 21

although natural infection of primates has been Infection with E. histolytica occurs when cysts
reported. The quadrinucleate cyst is resistant to are ingested from fecally-contaminated material
gastric acidity and desiccation, and can survive (Figure 2.1). Other modes of transmission
in a moist environment for several weeks. include venereal transmission through fecal-oral

Figure 2.1. Life cycle of Entamoeba histolytica

(Accessed from
22 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

contact or direct colonic inoculation through

contaminated enema equipment. Excystation
occurs in the small or large bowel, where a cyst
undergoes nuclear followed by cytoplasmic
division to form eight trophozoites. The E.
histolytica trophozoites are highly motile and
possess pseudopodia (Plate 2.2). They vary in
size from 12 to 60 μm in diameter (about 20 μm
in average). Microscopic examination of fully-
passed stool specimens reveals the characteristic
progressive and directional movement of
trophozoites, with pseudopodia as locomotory
Plate 2.2. Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite
organelles. The hyaline pseudopodium is (From World Health Organization. Bench Aids for
formed when the clear, glasslike ectoplasm, the Diagnosis of Intestinal Parasites.
or outer layer is extruded, and the granular Geneva: World Health Organization; 1994)
endoplasm flows into it. Ingested red blood
cells are observed as pale, greenish, refractile
bodies in the cytoplasm of the ameba. Cysts are
usually spherical, and the size may vary from 10
to 20 μm. They are characterized by a highly
refractile hyaline cyst wall, one to four nuclei,
and rod-shaped (or cigar-shaped) chromatoidal
bars. Trophozoites have the ability to colonize
and/or invade the large bowel, while cysts are
never found within invaded tissues. E. histolytica
trophozoites multiply by binary fission. They
encyst producing uninucleate cysts, which
then undergo two successive nuclear divisions Plate 2.3. Entamoeba histolytica quadrinucleate
to form the characteristic quadrinucleate cysts cyst (From World Health Organization. Bench Aids
(Plate 2.3). for the Diagnosis of Intestinal Parasites. Geneva:
E. histolytica is a eukaryotic organism but World Health Organization; 1994)
has several unusual features, including the lack
of organelles that morphologically resemble lack of glutathione metabolism, the use of
mitochondria. Because nuclear-encoded pyrophosphate instead of ATP at several steps
mitochondrial genes such as pyridine nucleotide in glycolysis, and the inability to synthesize
transhydrogenase and hsp60 are present, E. purine nucleotides de novo. Glucose is actively
histolytica, at one time may have contained transported into the cytoplasm, where the
mitochondria. There is no rough endoplasmic end products of carbohydrate metabolism are
reticulum or Golgi apparatus, although cell ethanol, carbon dioxide, and under aerobic
surface and secreted proteins contain signal conditions, acetate.
sequences, and tunicamycin inhibits protein Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
glycosylation. Ribosomes form aggregated
crystalline arrays in the cytoplasm of the The proposed mechanisms for virulence
trophozoite. Some differences in biochemical are: production of enzymes or other cytotoxic
pathways from higher eukaryotes include the substances, contact-dependent cell killing,
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 23

and cytophagocytosis. In vitro, amebic killing study involving 206 patients with probable
of target cultivated mammalian cells involve ALA as diagnosed by ultrasound, the two
receptor-mediated adherence of ameba to most frequent manifestations were fever in
target cells, amebic cytolysis of target cells, 77% and RUQ pain in 83%. Pain is either
and amebic phagocytosis of killed or viable localized in or referred to the right shoulder.
target cells. E. histolytica trophozoites adhere The liver is tender, especially in acute cases,
to the colonic mucosa through a galactose- and hepatomegaly is present in 50% of cases.
inhibitable adherence lectin (Gal lectin). Then, Chronic disease (>2 weeks duration) is found
the amebae kill mucosal cells by activation of in older patients and it involves wasting with
their caspase-3, leading to their apoptotic death significant weight loss rather than fever. Only
engulfment. 30% of ALA cases have concurrent diarrhea.
Recent studies have shown that susceptibility However, daily stool cultures revealed that 72%
of humans to E. histolytica infection is associated harbored trophozoites even in asymptomatic
with specific alleles of the HLA complex. infections. Mortality in uncomplicated ALA is
Majority of cases present as asymptomatic less than 1%.
infections with cysts being passed out in The onset of amebic colitis may be sudden
the stools (cyst carrier state). The recent after an incubation period of 8 to 10 days, or
differentiation of E. dispar and E. histolytica after a long period of asymptomatic cyst carrier
by PCR has confirmed the high prevalence state. ALA may have all acute presentation of
of non-pathogenic E. dispar compared to the less than 2 weeks duration or a chronic one of
pathogenic E. histolytica. However, studies also more than 2 weeks duration. The recurrence
revealed that most E. histolytica infections in rate was found to be 0.29% in a five-year study
endemic communities are asymptomatic. of ALA in Mexico.
Amebic colitis clinically presents as gradual The most serious complication of amebic
onset of abdominal pain and diarrhea with or colitis is perforation and secondary bacterial
without blood and mucus in the stools. Fever peritonitis. Colonic perforation occurs in 60%
is not common and it occurs only in one third of fulminant colitis cases.
of patients. Although some patients may only In ALA, the most serious complications are
have intermittent diarrhea alternating with rupture into the pericardium with a mortality
constipation, children may develop fulminant rate of 70%, rupture into the pleura with
colitis with severe bloody diarrhea, fever, and mortality of 15 to 30%, and super infection.
abdominal pain. Intraperitoneal rupture, which occurs in 2 to
Ameboma occurs in less than 1% of 7.5% of cases, is the second most common
intestinal infections. It clinically presents as complication. However, it is not as serious as
a mass-like lesion with abdominal pain and colonic perforation because ALA is sterile.
a history of dysentery. It can be mistaken for Secondary amebic meningoencephalitis
carcinoma. Asymptomatic ameboma may also occurs in 1 to 2%, and it should be considered
occur. in cases of amebiasis with abnormal mental
Amebic liver abscess (ALA) is the most status. Renal involvement caused by extension
common extra-intestinal form of amebiasis. of ALA or retroperitoneal colonic perforation is
The cardinal manifestations of ALA are fever rare. Genital involvement is caused by fistulae
and right upper quadrant (RUQ) pain. Several from ALA and colitis or primary infection
studies have shown these two as the most through sexual transmission.
frequent complaints, particularly in acute Natural or innate immunity to E. histolytica
cases (<2 weeks duration). In a Philippine in the intestines involves mucin inhibition of
24 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

amebic attachment to the underlying mucosal Acute amebic colitis should be differentiated
cells. In the systemic circulation, the mechanism from bacillary dysentery of the following
is that of complement-mediated killing of etiology: Shigella, Salmonella, Campylobacter,
trophozoites. Acquired immunity primarily Yersinia, and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli
involves cell-mediated responses, although (Table 2.1). Although stools may be grossly
humoral responses may also contribute to bloody or heme-positive in both conditions,
anti-amebic immunity. Activated T-cells kill fever and significantly elevated leukocyte count
E. histolytica by: a) directly lysing trophozoites are less common in amebic colitis. Another
in a contact-dependent process; b) producing differential is inflammatory bowel disease.
cytokines which activate macrophages and other Amebic colitis should be ruled out before
effector cells (neutrophils and eosinophils); and steroid therapy for inflammatory bowel disease
c) providing helper effect for B-cell antibody is started because of the risk of developing toxic
production. In vitro studies using activated megacolon.
murine and human T-cells demonstrated The differential diagnoses of ALA include
significant killing of trophozoites in a contact- pyogenic liver abscess, tuberculosis of the liver,
dependent and antibody independent manner. and hepatic carcinoma. On the other hand,
Cytokine studies revealed that interferon (IFN) genital amebiasis should be differentiated
and interleukin (IL-2) may have a role in from carcinoma, tuberculosis, chancroid, and
activating macrophages for amebicidal activity. lymphogranuloma venereum.
More recent studies demonstrated that activated
macrophages produce nitric oxide (NO) which Table 2.1. Comparison of bacillary and amebic
was lethal to trophozoites. Tumor necrosis factor dysentery
(TNF) was shown to stimulate NO production.
Bacillary Dysentery Amebic Dysentery
Although it is known that antibodies are
May be epidemic Seldom epidemic
produced against amebic antigens, there has
Acute onset Gradual onset
been no direct evidence of T-cell help for
Prodromal fever and No prodromal features
B-cells. Studies have revealed that the principal malaise common
antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity (ADCC) Vomiting common No vomiting
did not work against amebae. Antibodies which Patient prostrate Patient usually ambulant
were detected by seroepidemiologic studies and
Watery, bloody diarrhea Bloody diarrhea
secretory IgA isolated in the gut may merely
Odorless stool Fishy odor stool
be an indicator of current or recent invasive
Stool microscopy:
amebiasis. numerous bacilli, pus
Amebic modulation of host immune cells,
responses exists. For instance, infected human macrophages, red cells, Stool microscopy: few
no Charcot-Leyden bacilli, red cells,
subjects and animals have been shown to be in crystals trophozoites with
a state of immunosuppression during the acute ingested red blood
cells, Charcot-Leyden
stage of amebiasis. This state, characterized crystals
by T-cell hyporesponsiveness, suppressed Abdominal cramps Mild abdominal cramps
proliferation and cytokine production, depressed common and severe
delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH), and Tenesmus common Tenesmus uncommon
macrophage suppression, is favorable for amebic Natural history: Natural history: lasts for
survival. It is the reversal of these modulatory spontaneous recovery weeks; dysentery
in a few days, weeks or returns after remission;
effects, which is the key in controlling amebiasis. more; no relapse infection persists for
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 25

Diagnosis following morphologic structures are noted:

size of the cyst, number of nuclei, location and
The standard method of parasitologic
appearance of the karyosome, the characteristic
diagnosis is microscopic detection of the
appearance of chromatoid bodies, and presence
trophozoites and cysts in stool specimens.
of cytoplasmic structures such as glycogen
Ideally, a minimum of three stool specimens
vacuole. E. histolytica can, thus, be differentiated
collected on different days should be examined.
from the non-pathogenic species, E. hartmanni,
For detection of trophozoites, fresh stool
E. coli, E. nana, and Iodameba bütschlii. Stool
specimens should be examined within 30
culture using Robinson’s and Inoki medium is
minutes from defecation. Using the direct fecal
more sensitive than stool microscopy, but is not
smear (DFS) with saline solution alone, the
routinely available.
microscopist can observe trophozoite motility.
Differentiation between E. histolytica and
Unidirectional movement is characteristic
E. dispar is not possible by microscopy. This
of E. histolytica. Using saline and methylene
can only be done by PCR, enzyme-linked
blue, Entamoeba species will stain blue, thus,
immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and isoenzyme
differentiating them from white blood cells.
analysis. The last is primarily a research
Using saline and iodine, the nucleus and
technique. On the other hand, an ELISA-based
karyosome can be observed to differentiate E.
assay for stool is now commercially available
histolytica from the non-pathogenic amebae
and studies have demonstrated a sensitivity of
(E. hartmanni, E. coli, Endolimax nana).
80% and specificity of 99%. The use of PCR
The detection of E. histolytica trophozoites
is limited by the requirement of sophisticated
with ingested red blood cells is diagnostic of
equipment. A Philippine study (n=497 stool
amebiasis. Charcot-Leyden crystals (Plate 2.4)
samples) looked into the reliability of stool
can also be seen in the stool.
ELISA with PCR as gold standard (Plate 2.5).
Sensitivity and specificity were 91% and 97%,
Detection of antibodies in the serum is
still the key in the diagnosis of ALA. It must
be noted that in ALA, microscopic detection
cannot be done because aspiration is an invasive
procedure, and trophozoites are missed because
they are located in the periphery of the abscess.

Plate 2.4. Charcot-Leyden crystal observed

in stool specimen of a patient suffering from
amebiasis (Courtesy of the Department of
Parasitology, UP-CPH)

Concentration methods such as Formalin

Ether/Ethyl Acetate Concentration Test
Plate 2.5. Agarose gel showing the 100bp PCR
(FECT) and Merthiolate Iodine Formalin products of Entamoeba histolytica-positive
Concentration Test (MIFC) are more sensitive stool specimens (lanes 2-15)
than the DFS for detection of cysts. The (Courtesy of Dr. Windell Rivera)
26 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

To date, serological tests for amebic disease Treatment and Prognosis

include indirect hemagglutination (IHAT),
The treatment of amebiasis has two
counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIE), agar gel
objectives: a) to cure invasive disease at both
diffusion (AGD), indirect fluorescent antibody
intestinal and extraintestinal sites; and b) to
test (IFAT), and ELISA. The IHAT can detect
eliminate the passage of cysts from the intestinal
antibodies of a past infection even as long as 10
lumen. Metronidazole is the drug of choice
years ago. In contrast, the antibodies detected by
for the treatment of invasive amebiasis. Other
ELISA, AGD, and CIE are of short duration,
5-nitroimidazole derivatives such as tinidazole
lasting for a few months. Antibodies have
and secnidazole are also effective. Diloxanide
been demonstrated in asymptomatic intestinal
furoate is the drug of choice for asymptomatic
infections so that serology can be used in the
cyst passers. It is also given after a course of
monitoring of a cyst carrier.
metronidazole for invasive amebiasis.
Ultrasound, computerized tomography
Percutaneous drainage of liver abscess is
(CT scan), and magnetic resonance imaging
indicated for patients who do not respond
(MRI) are non-invasive and sensitive methods
to metronidazole and who need prompt
in early detection of ALA. Ultrasound (Plate
symptomatic relief of severe pain. It is also done
2.6) typically shows a round or oval hypoechoic
for those who have left lobe abscess that may
area with wall echoes. In 80% of cases, this
rupture into the pericardium, large abscesses in
finding is seen in the right lobe of the liver.
danger of rupture, and multiple abscesses with
Multiple lesions occur in 50% of acute cases,
a probable associated pyogenic etiology.
and aspiration may be required to differentiate
amebic from pyogenic abscess. Using serological Epidemiology
methods (IHAT and IFAT) as gold standard, a
For a long time, the species-complex
Philippine study has shown that the sensitivity
referred to as E. histolytica was believed to
and specificity of ultrasound were 95% and
infect 500 million people, or 10% of the
40%, respectively. However, as the results of
world’s population. However, with the recent
the study still revealed some limitations in the
redescription into three different species: the
use of ultrasound in the diagnosis of ALA,
pathogenic E. histolytica, and the commensals, E.
additional diagnostic ultrasound findings have
dispar and E. moshkovskii, the true prevalence of
yet to be identified.
amebiasis is approximately 1 to 5% worldwide.
There are 50 million E. histolytica infection
cases, and 40,000 to 100,000 deaths due to
amebiasis in the world per year. Thus, amebiasis
is the third most important parasitic disease,
after malaria and schistosomiasis, and second
to malaria as the top cause of mortality among
parasitic protozoans.
Humans are the major reservoirs of
infection with E. histolytica. Ingestion of food
and drink contaminated with E. histolytica
cysts from human feces, and direct fecal-
oral contact are the most common means of
Plate 2.6. Ultrasound showing a solitary infection. Amebic infection is prevalent in the
hypoechoic mass at the right lobe of the liver Indian subcontinent, Africa, East Asia, and
suggesting ALA (Courtesy of Dr. Pilarita Rivera) South and Central America. In developing
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 27

countries, prevalence depends on the level of cases should be done. Food handlers should be
sanitation, crowding, socio-economic status, screened for cyst carriage, and asymptomatic
cultural habits, and age. In developed countries, cyst carriers should be treated.
infection is usually caused by E. dispar, and Vaccines can be a cost-effective and
is prevalent in certain groups: immigrants, potent strategy for amebiasis prevention
travelers from endemic countries, homosexual and eradication. Unlike in other protozoan
males (men having sex with men), HIV patients, infections, amebic vaccine development has
and institutionalized people. fewer problems. The ameba life cycle is simple,
A microscopic study of diarrheic stools in and no intermediate hosts are involved. Amebae
Australia (n=5,921) revealed 177 (3%) positive are extracellularly located, and do not undergo
samples. PCR detected 5 E. histolytica, 63 E. antigenic variation. All these characteristics are
dispar, and 55 E. moshkovskii infections. The supportive of an achievable amebic vaccine.
latter two species, which are both commensals, Studies have also demonstrated the
are 10 times more prevalent than E. histolytica. acquisition of protective immunity to amebae,
A stool survey done in Iran (n=16,592) showed particularly that of mucosal immune response.
226 positive samples. Only 101 isolates were Trials with recombinant amebic antigens as
successfully cultured in Robinson’s medium. vaccines have proven to be more advantageous
Of these isolates, 93 (92.1%) were E. dispar, than inactivated/attenuated amebae. The
and only 8 (7.9%) were E. histolytica or mixed candidate vaccine molecules which have been
infections by PCR- RFLP. most intensely studied are the serine-rich E.
A field study in Northern Philippines histolytica protein (SREHP), the adherence
(n=1,872) showed 137 (7.3%) E. dispar, and lectin (Gal/GalNAc lectin), and the 29 kDa
18 (0.96%) E. histolytica by PCR. A study in a cysteine-rich amebic antigen. However, most
mental institution (n=113) showed E. histolytica of these studies have utilized animal models
or E. dispar in 43 subjects (38.1%), while PCR and artificial infection during challenge.
detected 74 (65.5%) E. histolytica-positive Testing these candidate vaccines in humans
samples, and 6 (5.3%) E. dispar/E. histolytica and developing them as food-based vaccines
mixed samples. will be in the forefront of future directions of
amebiasis control.
Prevention and Control
The prevention and control of amebiasis
depends on integrated and community-based Ali IK, Clark CG, Petri WA Jr.. Molecular
efforts to improve environmental sanitation, epidemiology of amebiasis. Infect Genet
and to provide for sanitary disposal of human Evol. 2008;8(5):698–707.
feces, safe drinking water, and safe food. These Diamond LS, Clark CG. A redescription of
efforts become more sustainable through health Entamoeba histolytica Schaudinn, 1903
education and promotion. The proper use of (Emended Walker, 1911) separating it
latrines and practice of proper hygiene, such from Entamoeba dispar Brumpt, 1925. J
as washing of hands, should be emphasized. Eukaryot Microbiol. 1993;40:340–4.
In communities where potable water is not Farthing M, Cevallos A, Kelly P, Cook G.
available, drinking water should be boiled or Manson’s tropical disease. 20th ed. London:
filtered. Vegetables and fruits which are eaten WB Saunders Co. Ltd.; 1996. p. 1255–69.
raw should be thoroughly washed. The use Fotedar R, Stark D, Beebe N, Marriott D,
of night soil for fertilizer should be avoided. Ellis J, Harkness J. PCR Detection of
Prompt diagnosis and treatment of amebiasis Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba dispar,
28 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

and Entamoeba moshkovskii in stool samples histolytica and Entameba dispar in the
from Sydney, Australia. J Clin Microbiol. Northern Philippines as detected by the
2007;45(3):1035–7. polymerase chain reaction. Am J Trop Med
Garcia E, Tiu W. Immunodiagnosis of some Hyg. 1998;59(6):916–22.
parasitic infections in the Philippines. Rivera WL, Tachibana H, Kanbara H.
Taguig: National Academy of Science and Application of polymerase chain reaction
Technology; 1998. p. 23–8. (PCR) in the epidemiology of Entamoeba
Hira PR, Iqbal J, Al-Ali F, Philip R, Grover histolytica and Entamoeba dispar infections.
S, D’Almeida E, et al. Invasive amebiasis: Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 1999;23:413–5.
challenges in diagnosis in a nonendemic Rivera WL, Tachibana H, Silva-Tahat MR,
country (Kuwait). Am J Trop Med Hyg. Uemura H, Kanbara H. Differentiation of
2001;65(4):341–5. Entamoeba histolytica and E. dispar DNA
Hooshya H, Rezaian M, Kazemi B, Jeddi- from cysts present in stool specimens
Tehrani M, Solaymani-Mohammadi S. by polymerase chain reaction: its field
The distribution of Entamoeba histolytica application in the Philippines. Parasitol
and Entamoeba dispar in Northern, Res. 1996;82:585–9.
Central, and Southern Iran. Parasitol Res. Salazar N, Pasay C, Avenido A, Macapsir S,
2004;94:96–100. Lena M, Maguinsay V, et al. Detection
John DT, Petri WA. Markell and Voge’s medical of Entamoeba histolytica in routine stool
parasitology. 9th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier examination. Phil J Microbiol Infect Dis.
Saunders; 2006. p. 22–36. 1990; 19(23):57–66.
Petri WA Jr. Recent advances in amebiasis. Crit Stark DJ, Fotedar R, van Hal SJ. Prevalence of
Rev Clin Lab Sci. 1996;33(1):17–23. enteric protozoa in HIV-positive and HIV-
Ravdin JI. Amebiasis: series on tropical negative men who have sex with men from
medicine: science and practice. London: Sydney, Australia. Am J Trop Med Hyg.
Imperial College Press; 2000. p. 65–159. 2007;76:549–52.
Rivera PT, Rivera WL, Escueta AS, Villacorte Van Hal SJ, Stark DJ, Fotedar R, Marriott
EA, Limlingan ET, Lazaro CM, et al. D, Ellis JT, Harkness JL. Amoebiasis:
Prevalence of serologically positive amebic current status in Australia. Med J Aust.
liver abscess cases in the Philippines. Acta 2007;186(8):412–6.
Med Philipp. 2007;41(2):31–6. Walsh JA, Ravdin JI. Prevalence of Entamoeba
Rivera WL, Kanbara H. Detection of histolytica infection. Amebiasis. Human
Entamoeba dispar DNA in macaque feces Infection by Entamoeba histolytica. New
by polymerase chain reaction. Parasitol Res. York: Wiley; 1988. p. 93–105.
1999;85:493–5. World Health Organization. Entamoeba
Rivera WL, Tachibana H, Kanbara H. Field taxonomy. Bull World Health Organ.
Study on the distribution of Entameba 1997;75:291–2.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 29

Commensal Amebae
Pilarita T. Rivera, Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Juan Antonio A. Solon

T he presence of commensal amebae in the

stools of an individual is significant for two
reasons: (a) the amebae may be mistaken for the
(Figure 2.2). These amebae are non-invasive
and do not cause disease.
Reproduction is by binary fission of the
pathogenic Entamoeba histolytica; and (b) it is trophozoites. Encystation occurs as amebae pass
an indication of fecal contamination of food through the lower colon where colonic contents
or water. Accurate identification of commensal are more dehydrated.
amebae is therefore crucial.
Entamoeba dispar
Parasite Biology
Entamoeba moshkovskii
Commensal amebae must be differentiated Entamoeba dispar is morphologically
from pathogenic E. histolytica to avoid similar to E. histolytica, but their DNA and
unnecessary treatment of patients infected ribosomal RNA are different. The former’s
with non-pathogenic species. The three genera isoenzyme pattern is different from that of E.
of intestinal amebae can be differentiated histolytica.
through the morphological features of their Entamoeba moshkovskii isolates, although
nuclei. The genus Entamoeba has a spherical first detected in sewage, have been reported
nucleus with a distinct nuclear membrane in some areas, such as North America, Italy,
lined with chromatin granules and a small South Africa, Bangladesh, India, Iran, and
karyosome found near the center of the nucleus. Australia. It is a non-pathogenic species
Trophozoites usually have only one nucleus. The that is morphologically indistinguishable
genus Endolimax has a vesicular nucleus with from E. histolytica and E. dispar, but differs
a relatively large, irregularly-shaped karyosome from them biochemically and genetically. E.
anchored to the nucleus by achromatic fibrils. moshkovskii is also physiologically unique—it
The genus Iodamoeba is characterized by a large, being osmotolerant, able to grow at room
chromatin-rich karyosome surrounded by a temperature (25-30°C optimum), able to
layer of achromatic globules and anchored to survive at temperatures ranging from 0 to 41°C.
the nuclear membrane by achromatic fibrils. It has limited pathogenicity in experimental
All species have the following stages: trials in animals, but is non-pathogenic to
trophozoite, precyst, cyst, and metacystic humans. All human isolates have been found
trophozoite; with the exception of Entamoeba to belong to one group “ribodeme 2.”
gingivalis, which has no cyst stage, and does not
inhabit the intestines. Humans are infected by Entamoeba hartmanni
commensal intestinal amebae through ingestion The appearance of E. hartmanni is relatively
of viable cysts in food or water. Cysts pass similar to that of E. histolytica apart from its
through the acidic stomach and remain viable smaller size. Trophozoites of the former measure
because of protective cyst walls. Excystation from 3 to 12 μm in diameter (compared to E.
occurs in the alkaline environment of the histolytica measuring 12-60 μm). Mature cysts
lower small intestines. Metacystic trophozoites measure 4 to 10 μm, are quadrinucleated like
colonize the large intestines and live on the E. histolytica, and have rod-shaped chromatoid
mucus coat covering the intestinal mucosa material with rounded or squared ends. Unlike
30 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 2.2. Life cycle of commensal amebae

(Accessed from

E. histolytica, E. hartmanni does not ingest red by the following features: 1) a more vacuolated
blood cells. or granular endoplasm with bacteria and
debris, but no red blood cells; 2) a narrower,
Entamoeba coli
less-differentiated ectoplasm; 3) broader and
Entamoeba coli is cosmopolitan in blunter pseudopodia used more for feeding
distribution, and is considerably more common than locomotion; 4) more sluggish, undirected
than other human amebae. Trophozoites of E. movements; and 5) thicker, irregular peripheral
coli measure 15 to 50 μm in diameter. It can chromatin with a large, eccentric karyosome in
be differentiated from E. histolytica trophozoite the nucleus (Plate 2.7).
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 31

Entamoeba chattoni, which is found in apes

and monkeys, is morphologically identical to
E. polecki. More recently, it has been detected
in eight human infections. Identification of E.
chattoni was done via isoenzyme analysis.
Entamoeba gingivalis

Entamoeba gingivalis can be found in

the mouth. The trophozoite measures 10 to
20 μm. It moves quickly, and has numerous
blunt pseudopodia. Food vacuoles that contain
cellular debris (mostly leukocytes, which is
characteristic of this species) and bacteria are
numerous. E. gingivalis lives on the surface of
Plate 2.7. Entamoeba coli trophozoite (Courtesy gum and teeth, in gum pockets, and sometimes
of Department of Parasitology, UP-CPH)
in the tonsillar crypts. They are abundant in
cases of oral disease. This species has no cyst
An E. coli cyst may be differentiated from stage. Transmission is most probably direct:
E. histolytica by: 1) its larger size (10 to 35 μm through kissing, droplet spray, or by sharing
in diameter), 2) more nuclei (eight versus four utensils.
in E. histolytica), 3) more granular cytoplasm,
and 4) splinter-like chromatoidal bodies. Iodine Endolimax nana
staining reveals dark-staining, perinuclear Endolimax nana occurs with the same
masses, which are actually glycogen. Its location, frequency as Entamoeba coli. Trophozoites
surrounding the nucleus, is more characteristic are small, with a diameter of 5 to 12 μm, and
of E. coli compared to E. histolytica. exhibit sluggish movement. They have blunt,
Entamoeba polecki hyaline pseudopodia, and the nucleus has a
large, irregular karyosome. Food vacuoles found
Entamoeba chattoni
in the cytoplasm may contain bacteria. Cysts
Entamoeba polecki is a parasite found in measure about the same size as trophozoites,
the intestines of pigs and monkeys. Rarely, it and are quadrinucleated when mature.
can infect humans, though a high prevalence Iodamoeba bütschlii
(19%) was reported in some parts of Papua
New Guinea (n=184 children). In these areas, The trophozoite averages 9 to 14 μm
both pig-to-human and human-to-human in diameter (ranging from 4-20 μm). It is
transmission may exist. Like E. coli, motility identified by its characteristic large, vesicular
of trophozoites of E. polecki is sluggish. A nucleus with a large, central karyosome,
small karyosome is centrally located in the surrounded by achromatic granules. There
nucleus. E. polecki can be distinguished from E. are no peripheral chromatin granules on the
histolytica in that the former’s cyst is consistently nuclear membrane. The cyst is about 9 to 10
uninucleated, and chromatoidal bars are μm in diameter (ranging from 6-16 μm), is
frequently angular or pointed. In stained fecal uninucleated, and has a large glycogen body
smears, the nuclear membrane and karyosome which stains dark brown with iodine (Plate 2.8).
are very prominent.
32 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

1998. A study on intestinal parasitic infections

among food service workers in a tertiary
hospital in Manila revealed that 20.3% were
infected with Endolimax nana and 13.6% with
Entamoeba coli. Another study of food handlers
in selected school canteens in Manila showed
infection rates of 22.8% for Endolimax nana,
17.9% for Entamoeba coli, and 0.8% each for
Entamoeba hartmanni and Iodamoeba bütschlii.
Prevention and Control

Contraction of the organism may be

prevented through proper disposal of human
Plate 2.8. Iodamoeba bütschlii cyst waste and good personal hygiene.
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
UP-CPH) References

Ali IK, Clark CG, Petri WA. Molecular

Diagnosis Epidemiology of Amebiasis. Infect Genet
Di a g n o s i s i s d o n e t h ro u g h s t o o l Evol. 2008;8(5):698–707.
examination. Formalin ether/ethyl acetate Antonio R. Conservative management of two
concentration technique (FECT) and iodine cases of hepato-pulmonary amebiasis. Bull
stain are useful to differentiate the species. For Quezon Inst. 1954;2:263–74.
E. gingivalis, a swab between the gums and teeth Avila MS, Garcia MR, Narcelles MV, Serra
is examined for trophozoites. Cysts are recovered FB, Tejida GM. Prevalence of intestinal
from formed stools, while trophozoites are helminth and protozoan infections among
recovered from watery or semi-formed stools. foodhandlers in selected school canteens
Trophozoites are best demonstrated by direct in Manila [undergraduate special study].
fecal smear. In recovering cysts, the use of 2003. Located at: College of Public Health
concentration techniques like FECT and zinc Library, University of the Philippines
sulfate flotation is useful. Manila.
Beaver PC, Jung RC, Cupp EW. Clinical
Treatment parasitology. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Lea &
No treatment is necessary because these Febiger; 1984.
amebae do not cause disease. Belding DL. Textbook of parasitology, 3rd
ed. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts;
Epidemiology 1965.
In single stool examinations of over Clark CA, Diamond LS. Pathogenicity,
30,000 Filipinos, the prevalence of Entamoeba virulence and Entamoeba histolytica.
coli was about 21%, Endolimax nana, about Parasitol Today. 1994;11(2):46–7.
9%, and Iodamoeba bütschlii, 1%. Intestinal Cross JH, Basaca-Sevilla V. Biomedical surveys
protozoan cysts were observed in 13.5% of in the Philippines. Manila (Philippines):
overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) screened by U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No.
the Department of Parasitology, UP Manila in 2; 1984.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 33

Diamond LS, Clark CG. A redescription of Neva FA, Brown HW. Basic Clinical Parasitology.
Entamoeba histolytica Schaudinn, 1903 6th ed. Connecticut: Appleton & Lange;
(Emended Walker, 1911) separating it 1994.
from Entamoeba dispar Brumpt, 1925. J Phillips SC, Mildvan MD, William DC, Gelb
Eukaryot Microbiol. 1993;40(3):340–4. AM, White MC. Sexual transmission
Esparar DG, Belizario VY, Relos JR. Prevalence of enteric protozoa and helminths in a
of parasitic infection among food-handlers venereal disease clinic population. N Engl
in a dietary service of a tertiary hospital in J Med. 1981; 305(11):603–6.
Manila. Phil J Microbiol Infect Dis. 2004; Roberts LS, Janovy J. Foundations of
33(3):99–103. parasitology. 5th ed. Dubuque: Wm. C.
Imperato PJ. A historical overview of amebiasis. Brown Publishers; 1996.
Bull N Y Acad Med. 1981;57(3):175-87. Salazar NP, Pasay CJ, Avenido AO, Macapasir
John DT, Petri WA. Markell and Voge’s medical SR, Lena MJ, Maguinsay VM, et al.
parasitology. 9th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier Detection of Entamoeba histolytica in
Saunders; 2006. p. 36–48. routine stool examination. Phil J Microbiol
Mahmoud AA. Tropical and geographical Infect Dis. 1990;19(2):57–60.
medicine companion handbook. 2nd ed. Van Hal SJ, Stark DJ, Fotedar R, Marriott
Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book Co.; 1993. D, Ellis JT, Harkness JL. Amoebiasis:
Martinez-Palomo A, Espinosa-Castellano M. current status in Australia. Med J Aust.
Amoebiasis: new understanding and new 2007;186(8):412–6.
goals. Parasitol Today. 1998;14(1):1–4. World Health Organization. Amebiasis. Wkly
Epidemiol Rec. 1997;72(14):97–100.
34 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Free-living Pathogenic Amebae

Edsel Maurice T. Salvana

Acanthamoeba spp.
Parasite Biology

A canthamoeba is a ubiquitous, free-living

ameba that is the etiologic agent of
Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) and granulomatous
amebic encephalitis (GAE). Acanthamoeba is
characterized by an active trophozoite stage
with characteristic prominent “thorn-like”
appendages (acanthopodia); and a highly
resilient cyst stage into which it transforms when
environmental conditions are not favorable.
It is an aquatic organism that is found in a
myriad of natural and artificial environments,
and can survive even in contact lens cleaning
solutions. Motile trophozoites feed on gram- Plate 2.9. Acanthamoeba trophozoite exhibiting
negative bacteria, blue-green algae, or yeasts and characteristic acanthopodia (Accessed from
reproduce by binary fission, but can also adapt
to feed on corneal epithelial cells and neurologic
tissue through phagocytosis and secretion of The presence of naturally-occurring
lytic enzymes. bacterial endosymbionts in Acanthamoeba
M o r p h o l o g i c a l l y, A c a n t h a m o e b a spp. has been reported. Although the presence
trophozoites exhibit a characteristic single of bacterial symbionts is widespread among
large nucleus with a centrally-located, densely small, free-living amebae, the significance
staining nucleolus; a large endosome; finely of this association is not known. Recently,
granulated cytoplasm; and a large contractile Acanthamoeba spp. have been implicated as
vacuole. Small, spiny filaments for locomotion possible reservoir hosts for medically important
known as acanthapodia are evident on phase- bacteria such as Legionella spp., mycobacteria,
contrast microscopy (Plate 2.9). and gram-negative bacilli such as E. coli.
Acanthamoeba has only two stages, cysts and Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
trophozoites, in its life cycle. No flagellated stage
A. Acanthamoeba Keratitis
exists as part of the life cycle. The trophozoites
replicate by mitosis (nuclear membrane does Acanthamoeba was first described as an
not remain intact). The trophozoites are opportunistic ocular surface pathogen causing
the infective stage, although both cysts and keratitis in 1974. AK is associated with the
trophozoites gain entry into the body through use of improperly disinfected soft contact
various means. Entry can occur through the lenses, particularly those which are rinsed with
eye, the nasal passages to the lower respiratory tap water or contaminated lens solution. An
tract, or ulcerated or broken skin (Figure 2.3). immunocompromised state contributes to
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 35

Figure 2.3. Life cycle of Acanthamoeba spp.

(Accessed from

increased susceptibility to infection, and may fluorescence microscopy. GAE usually occurs
lead to disseminated disease in the lungs and in immunocompromised hosts including
brain (GAE). the chronically ill and debilitated, and
Symptoms of AK include severe ocular those on immunosuppressive agents such as
pain and blurring of vision. Corneal ulceration chemotherapy and anti-rejection medications.
with progressive corneal infiltration may occur. The acquired immune deficiency syndrome
Primary amebic infection or secondary bacterial (AIDS) epidemic in the 1980’s dramatically
infection may lead to hypopyon formation. increased the numbers of person with GAE,
Progression of infection may cause scleritis and but these numbers have since fallen with the
iritis, and may ultimately lead to vision loss. advent of highly effective antiretroviral therapy.
Major differentials which need to be ruled out Signs and symptoms of GAE are generally
include fungal and herpetic keratitis. related to destruction of brain tissue and the
associated meningeal irritation. Systemic
B. Granulomatous Amebic Encephalitis
manifestations early in the course include fever,
Acanthamoeba was documented as the malaise, and anorexia. Neurologic symptoms
causative agent of human GAE by Stamm in may include increased sleeping time, severe
1972. Amebae were demonstrated in brain headache, mental status changes, epilepsy, and
sections of a GAE patient using indirect coma. Neurologic findings depending on the
36 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

location of the lesions include hemiparesis, Diagnosis of GAE is usually made post-
blurring of vision, diplopia, cranial nerve mortem in most cases. The rarity of the
deficits, ataxia, and increased intracranial disease and unfamiliarity of most physicians
pressure. with the pathogen contribute to frequently
Entry of Acanthamoeba into the central missed diagnosis. Signs and symptoms of
nervous system is still incompletely understood. disease are usually attributed to more common
From a primary site of infection in the differentials. Moreover, recovery of ameba from
skin or lungs, the likely route of invasion is cerebrospinal fluid is exceedingly rare, and
hematogenous. Direct infection through the imaging results are generally nonspecific.
olfactory valves has also been proposed, but Immunocompromised patients such
not conclusively demonstrated. Recent reviews as those with AIDS are at the highest risk
have focused on blood-borne invasion, with for acquiring GAE. While opportunistic
a combination of host factors, elucidation of infections of the central nervous system such
serine proteases, and parasite adhesion using as Cryptococcus meningitis and toxoplasmosis
a mannose-binding protein all contributing to are much more common than GAE, the lack of
brain endothelial cell damage and subsequent response despite appropriate treatment should
breakdown of the blood-brain barrier. prompt a more thorough evaluation for more
Gross examination of neural tissue post- esoteric organisms.
mortem reveals cerebral hemispheres that are Specific diagnosis depends on demonstrating
edematous and soft, with areas of hemorrhage the trophozoites or cysts in tissues using
and focal abscesses. The most affected areas histopathologic stains and microscopy. The
of the brain are the posterior fossa structures, organisms can rarely be demonstrated in the
thalamus, and the brainstem. In the affected cerebrospinal fluid and can be cultured for
areas, the leptomeninges are opaque and exhibit further studies.
purulent exudates and vascular congestion.
The incubation period from initial
inoculation is approximately 10 days, with a Medical treatment of AK has been met
subacute and chronic clinical course of infection with increasing success in recent years. While
that lasts for several weeks to several months. historically, only surgical excision of the infected
The clinical manifestations of disease include cornea with subsequent corneal transplantation
decreased sensorium, altered mental status, was curative, early recognition of AK coupled
meningitis, and neurologic deficits. The natural with aggressive combination anti-amebic
course of the disease eventually results in coma agents can preclude the need for extensive
and death. surgery. D’Aversa and his colleagues have
achieved acceptable results with clotrimazole
combined with pentamidine, isethionate,
Acanthamoeba keratitis is diagnosed by and neosporin. Other agents that have been
epithelial biopsy or corneal scrapings for used include polyhexamethylene biguanide,
recoverable ameba with characteristic staining propamidine, dibromopropamidine isethionate,
patterns on histologic analysis. Amebae have neomycin, paromomycin, polymyxin B,
also been isolated from the contact lens and lens ketoconazole, miconazole, and itraconazole.
solution of patients. Species-specific identification Topical corticosteroids should be avoided, as
can be made from culture and molecular analysis this retards the immune response. Advanced
through PCR. Known species that have caused AK usually requires debridement, but complete
AK include A. castellani, A. culbertsoni, A. excision of the cornea can be avoided if the
hutchetti, A. polyphaga, and A. rhysoides. infection is confined to more superficial areas.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 37

Deep lamellar keratectomy is the procedure of of the risk of infection, and physicians treating
choice. these patients should maintain a high index
Clinically apparent neurologic disease in of suspicion in the presence of compatible
GAE usually heralds a fatal outcome within signs and symptoms of infection which do not
3 to 40 days. A few patients have shown good respond to conventional antimicrobial therapy.
responses to combinations of amphotericin
B, pentamidine isethionate, sulfadiazine,
flucytosine, fluconazole or itraconazole. D’Aversa G, Stern GA, Driebe WT Jr. Diagnosis
One liver transplant patient survived after and successful medical treatment of
decompressive frontal lobectomy and treatment Acanthamoeba keratitis. Arch Ophthalmol.
with amphotericin, cotrimoxazole, and 1995;113(9):1120–3.
rifampin. Poor prognostic factors include severe De Jonckheere JF. Ecology of Acanthamoeba.
immunosuppression and advanced disease. Rev Infect Dis. 1991;13(Suppl 5):S3857.
Enriquez GL, Lagmay J, Natividad FF, Matias
GA. Pathogenicity of two human isolates of
Acanthamoeba spp. have a protean Acanthamoeba keratitis in mice. Proc. IXth
distribution, having been isolated from a International Congress of Protozoology;
multitude of natural and artificial aquatic 1993. Berlin, Germany.
environments including fresh and salt water, Fung KT, Dhillon AP, McLaughlin JE, Lucas
sewage, hospital equipment, and contact lenses SB, Davidson B, Rolles K, et al. Cure of
and lens solution. Acanthamoeba cerebral abscess in a liver
De Jonckheere first diagnosed Acanthamoeba transplant patient. Liver Transpl. 2008;
GAE in a living patient in 1991. Previously, 14(3):308–12.
diagnosis of GAE was post-mortem. AK was Khan NA. Acanthamoeba and the blood-
recognized earlier in the 1970s and has been brain barrier: the breakthrough. J Med
reported in the United States, Europe, South Microbiol. 2008;57:1051–7.
America, and Asia. The first case of AK was Matias R, Schottelius J, Raddatz CF, Michel R.
recognized in the Philippines in the 1990s Species identification and characterization
from a patient from the Philippine General of an Acanthamoeba strain from human
Hospital, and samples obtained from the patient cornea. Parasitol Res. 1991;77(6):469–74.
was shown to cause GAE in mice. Multiple Salvana EM, Matias RR. Histopathology of
environmental isolates have likewise been well- mouse brain infected with Acanthamoeba
characterized from all over the Philippines, isolate IB-17 [undergraduate thesis].
including a few containing endosymbionts. Quezon City, Philippines: University of
the Philippines Diliman; 1996.
Prevention and Control
Visvesvara GS, Moura H, Schuster FL.
The ubiquitious nature of Acanthamoeba Pathogenic and opportunistic free-living
spp. makes exposure unavoidable. A robust amoebae: Acanthamoeba spp., Balamuthia
immune system is able to prevent infection, mandrillaris, Naegleria fowleri, and Sappinia
except in relatively immunocompromised diploidea. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol.
sites such as the cornea. Meticulous contact 2007;50:1–26.
lens hygiene is essential in avoiding infection, Yagita K, Matias RR, Yasuda T, Natividad FF,
and rinsing contact lenses in tap water should Enriquez GL, Endo T. Acanthamoeba sp.
be avoided. Prolonged heating and boiling from the Philippines: electron microscopy
kill amebic trophozoites and cyst forms. studies on naturally occurring bacterial
Immunocompromised persons should be aware symbionts. Parasitol Res. 1995;81(2):98–102.
38 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Naegleria spp.

Parasite Biology 10 to 35 µm but when rounded are usually 10

to 15 µm in diameter. In culture, trophozoites
N aegleria spp. are free-living protozoans
with two vegetative forms: an ameba
(trophozoite form), and a flagellate (swimming
may get over 40 µm. The cytoplasm is granular
and contains many vacuoles. The single nucleus
is large and has a large, dense karyosome and
form). A dormant cyst form is produced when
lacks peripheral chromatin.
conditions are not favorable. Transformation
Naegleria spp. are thermophilic organisms
from the trophozoite to the flagellate form
which thrive best in hot springs and other warm
may facilitate more rapid movement toward
aquatic environments. Both nonpathogenic and
food sources.
pathogenic forms exist. Only Naegleria fowleri
There are two forms of trophozoites of
has been reported to consistently cause disease
Naegleria fowleri: ameboid and ameboflagellate,
in humans, although some non-fowleri species
only the former of which is found in humans
may cause opportunistic infections.
(Plate 2.10). The ameboid trophozoites measure

Plate 2.10. Naegleria fowleri trophozoites in ameboid (left) and ameboflagellate (right) forms
(Accessed from

Naegleria fowleri has three stages, cysts, by penetrating the nasal mucosa and migrating
trophozoites, and flagellated forms, in its life to the brain via the olfactory nerves. N. fowleri
cycle. The trophozoites replicate by promitosis trophozoites are found in cerebrospinal fluid
(nuclear membrane remains intact) and can turn (CSF) and tissue, while flagellated forms are
into temporary non-feeding flagellated forms, occasionally found in CSF. Cysts are not seen
which usually revert back to the trophozoite in brain tissue (Figure 2.4).
stage. Trophozoites infect humans or animals
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 39

Figure 2.4. Life cycle of Naegleria fowleri

(Accessed from
40 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations shows a fibrinopurulent exudate consisting

mostly of neutrophils in the leptomeninges
N. fowleri is the causative agent
and brain tissue, and pockets of amebae with
of a rare but rapidly destructive and fatal
scant inflammatory exudates in necrotic areas.
meningoencephalitis termed primary amebic
Death usually occurs as a result of cerebral or
meningoencephalitis (PAM). In contrast to
cerebellar herniation as a result of increased
GAE which is predominantly an opportunistic
intracranial pressure.
infection, PAM usually occurs in previously
healthy adults with a history of swimming. Diagnosis
Therefore, in contrast to Acanthamoeba which
Diagnosis of PAM is usually suspected in
is largely an opportunistic organism, N. fowleri
persons with a compatible history of exposure
is considered a true pathogen.
and a rapidly progressive meningoencephalitis.
N. fowleri is able to survive in elevated
In the past, definitive diagnosis of PAM was
temperatures and reproduces rapidly in
based on demonstration of characteristic
temperatures above 30°C. Aside from naturally
trophozoites in the brain and cerebrospinal
occurring hot springs, warm geothermal plant
fluid. Aspirates from suspected infections, when
effluent into lakes and streams can lead to
introduced into bacteria-seeded agar culture
proliferation of amebae.
medium, will exhibit active trophozoites within
Most cases of PAM have occurred in young,
24 hours.
healthy persons who swim in contaminated
Naegleria trophozoites can be identified by
water. The route of entry is through invasion
the presence of blunt, lobose pseudopodia and
of organisms through the olfactory bulb after
directional motility. Flagellation tests have poor
accidental inhalation of water containing
sensitivity for identification since amebae which
the organisms. The sustentacular cells of the
test negative have been subsequently identified
olfactory neuroepithelium are thought to
as Naegleria spp. and Naegleria fowleri with more
phagocytose the amebae and transport these
sensitive and specific molecular techniques such
through the cribriform plate and into the brain.
as PCR and immunostaining. Serology utilizing
Multiple mechanisms then come into play,
ELISA is less useful in diagnosing active
producing a cytopathic effect on host tissues.
infection since healthy individuals especially in
These mechanisms include secretion of lytic
endemic areas have been shown to have positive
enzymes, membrane pore-forming proteins,
antibody titers.
factors which induce apoptosis, and direct
feeding on cells by the amebae. Treatment
In humans, PAM presents as fever, nausea,
Most persons infected with Naegleria die
vomiting, headache, nuchal rigidity, and mental
prior to institution of effective treatment.
status changes, with rapid progression to coma
Symptoms of PAM are indistinguishable from
and death. Characteristic cerebrospinal fluid
bacterial meningitis. Initial CSF results are
findings include elevated white blood cell count
suggestive of a bacterial etiology, and so patients
with neutrophilic predominance, high protein,
are typically treated with antibiotics which have
and low glucose.
no activity against Naegleria.
Post-mortem examination of infected brain
Amphotericin B in combination with
shows hemorrhagic necrosis, particularly of
clotrimazole is synergistic, and has been
the olfactory bulbs, congestion and edema of
successfully used to treat PAM. Amphotericin
neural tissue. Leptomeninges are inflamed and
B produces deleterious changes in the nucleus
congested as well. Microscopic examination
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 41

and mitochondria of the ameba, decreases Prevention and Control

the number of food vacuoles, and increases
The ubiquitous nature of Naegleria, in
the formation of autophagic vacuoles. Ameba
contrast to the rarity of infection seems to
exposed to amphotericin B exhibit decreased
indicate that incidental exposure is unlikely to
pseudopod formation and form blebs on
lead to disease. Most instances of infection are
the plasma membrane. Newer agents such
related to invasion of the ameba through the
as azithromycin and voriconazole have been
olfactory bulbs, and so avoiding immersion
shown to be active against N. fowleri, both in
of the head and accidental inhalation of water
vitro and in vivo.
should be practiced in endemic areas and in hot
Epidemiology springs. No known cases of PAM have resulted
from drinking ameba-infected water.
Distribution of Naegleria in freshwater
Naegleria fowleri is easily killed by
lakes and ponds has been correlated with
chlorination of water at 1 ppm or higher.
physical, chemical, and biological parameters.
Infection has been reported from swimming
Strains have been frequently isolated from
in contaminated water with inadequate
thermal effluents, hot springs, and water with
chlorination, and so recommendations for
naturally or artificially elevated temperatures.
appropriate decontamination of swimming
Fecal coliform contamination provides a ready
water should be followed, especially in areas of
food source for ameba, and may increase the risk
high prevalence.
of infection due to higher density of organisms.
Studies on local Naegleria have identified References
a new species which is morphologically
Behets J, Seghi F, Declerck P, Verelst L, Duvivier
indistinguishable but biochemically distinct
L, Van Damme A, et al. Detection of
from other known species. Isolates from a
Naegleria spp. and Naegleria fowleri: a
thermally-polluted stream, an artificially-heated
comparison of flagellation tests, ELISA and
swimming pool, and from the brain aspirate of
PCR. Water Sci Technol. 2003;47(3):117–
a young patient have all yielded a single species,
N. philippinensis. This has been extensively
Enriquez GL. Studies on Naegleria isolate
studied by Castro et al., and Matias et al. Only
from a reported case of PAM from the
one case of PAM has been reported locally, in
Philippines. 1989. Located at: College of
a young male with a history of swimming in
Public Health Library, University of the
fresh water. He responded well to amphotericin
Philippines Manila.
B infusion.
Matias RR, Enriquez GL, Schotellius J. Surface
Two Philippine isolates of Naegleria
lectin receptors on a Naegleria species from
(NSzu and RITM strains) have been evaluated
the Philippines. Lectins Biol Biochem Clin
for pathogenicity. Massive doses of amebae
Biochem. 1990;7:329–33.
successfully established infection in the brain
Visvesvara GS, Moura H, Schuster FL.
and caused death in some mice within two to
Pathogenic and opportunistic free-living
six days post-inoculation. Clinical features of
amoebae: Acanthamoeba spp., Balamuthia
infection and histopathology were compatible
mandrillaris, Naegleria fowleri, and Sappinia
with PAM.
diploidea. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol.
42 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Ciliates and Flagellates

Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Francis Isidore G. Totañes

Balantidium coli Human infection results from ingestion

of food and/or water contaminated with B.

I nitially identified as Paramecium coli by

Malmsten in 1857, Balantidium coli was
later described and placed under a separate
coli cysts. The incubation period is normally
from 4 to 5 days. Ingested cysts excyst in the
small intestines and become trophozoites.
genus in 1863. B. coli is the causative agent Trophozoites inhabit the lumen, mucosa, and
of the zoonotic disease called balantidiasis, submucosa of the large intestines, primarily
balantidiosis, or balantidial dysentery. It is the cecal region. They cause pathologic
considered as the largest protozoan parasite changes in the colonic wall and mucosa.
affecting humans and is the only ciliate Parasite reproduction occurs asexually through
known to cause human disease. It is capable of asymmetric binary fission, although sexual
attacking the intestinal epithelium, resulting in reproduction through conjugation has been
ulcer formation which, in turn, causes bloody reported. Cysts are formed principally as
diarrhea similar to that of amebic dysentery. protection for survival outside the host. The
This organism is primarily associated with pigs, parasites encyst during intestinal transport or
its normal host. after evacuation of semi-formed stools. Cysts
are the infective stage, and they may remain
Parasite Biology
viable for several weeks (Figure 2.5).
Balantidium coli trophozoite measures
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
30 to 150 μm long and 25 to 120 μm wide.
For locomotion, trophozoites are covered Balantidium coli trophozoites are capable of
with cilia arranged in a longitudinal pattern attacking the intestinal epithelium and creating
extending from the oral to the caudal region. a characteristic ulcer with a rounded base and
It has a cytostome, an oral apparatus at wide neck, in contrast to the flask-shaped,
the tapered anterior end, through which it narrow necked ulcers of amebiasis. Ulceration is
acquires food, and a cytopyge at the rounded caused by the lytic enzyme hyaluronidase which
posterior end through which it excretes waste. is secreted by the trophozoite. The trophozoites
It has two dissimilar nuclei. The macronucleus are abundant in exudates on mucosal surfaces;
is usually bean-shaped and can easily be while inflammatory cells and trophozoites are
identified in stained specimens, while the numerous in the base of the ulcers. Trophozoites
micronucleus is round and lies in the concavity also invade the submucosa and the muscular
of the macronucleus. B. coli has two contractile coat, including blood vessels and lymphatics.
vacuoles that act as osmoregulatory organelles. Intrinsic host factors including nutritional
The parasite also contains extrusive organelles status, intestinal bacteria flora, achlorhydria,
called mucocysts which are located beneath the alcoholism, and presence of chronic disease
cell membrane. contribute to host susceptibility to and severity
B. coli cysts are spherical to slightly ovoid of B. coli infection. It has been suggested by
in shape and measure 40 to 60 μm in diameter. some investigators that B. coli mucocysts might
They are covered with thick cell walls (double- have a function in the adhesion of parasitic
walled). Unlike amebae, encystation does not ciliates that may contribute to parasite virulence,
result in an increase in number of nuclei. although no definitive study has proven this. In
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 43

Figure 2.5. Life cycle of Balantidium coli

(Accessed from
44 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

one study, it was shown that mucocysts in B. Diagnosis

coli trophozoites obtained from symptomatic
Diagnosis is made by microscopic
pigs were more numerous compared with
demonstration of trophozoites and cysts in
trophozoites obtained from asymptomatic hosts.
feces using direct examination or concentration
In addition, co-infection with other organisms
(sedimentation or flotation) techniques.
may also contribute to severity of B. coli infection.
Repeated stool examinations may be done to
The presence of Salmonella in the intestines
increase sensitivity. Demonstrating the presence
has been shown to aggravate balantidiasis by
of trophozoites in biopsy specimens from lesions
invading the ulcers caused by the protozoan.
obtained through sigmoidoscopy is likewise
Balantidiasis has three forms of clinical
diagnostic. Bronchoalveolar washings may
manifestations. Asymptomatic carriers are
also contain B. coli trophozoites in the case of
those who do not present with diarrhea or
pulmonary infection.
dysentery, but may serve as parasite reservoir
in the community. Fulminant balantidiasis, Treatment
or balantidial dysentery involves diarrhea with
The treatment of choice for balantidiasis
bloody and mucoid stools, which is sometimes
is tetracycline or metronidazole. Treatment in
indistinguishable from amebic dysentery. Acute
adults and older children is with tetracycline
cases may have 6 to 15 episodes of diarrhea per
500 mg or 40 mg/kg/dose divided in four doses
day accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea,
for 10 days. Tetracycline is contraindicated
and vomiting. This form of balantidiasis is
in children less than eight years of age and in
often associated with immunocompromised
pregnant women. Metronidazole 750 mg three
and malnourished states. The third form of
times daily, or 35 to 50 mg/kg body weight/
balantidiasis is the chronic form wherein
day in three divided doses, may be given for
diarrhea may alternate with constipation, and
5 days. Iodoquinol may also be given at 650
may be accompanied by nonspecific symptoms
mg, or 40 mg/kg/dose, divided in three doses
such as abdominal pain or cramping, anemia,
for 20 days. Other alternative treatments
and cachexia.
for balantidiasis include doxycycline and
B. coli can spread to extraintestinal sites
nitazoxanide. Currently there are no reports of
including the mesenteric nodes, appendix, liver,
B. coli exhibiting drug resistance.
genitourinary sites, pleura, and lungs. One
case report involved the detection of a cavitary Epidemiology
lesion in the right upper lobe of the lung on
chest radiograph in a patient who presented The distribution of B. coli is cosmopolitan
with hemoptysis. The patient had a history of and is more prevalent in areas with poor
insulin-dependent diabetes and organic farming sanitation, close contact with pigs or pig feces
using pig manure as fertilizer. Bronchoalveolar (e.g., farms, abattoirs), and in overcrowded
lavage revealed B. coli trophozoites. Another case institutions (e.g., asylum, orphanages, prisons).
presented with pulmonary hemorrhage and iron Warm and humid climates in tropical and
deficiency anemia, and revealed numerous B. subtropical countries can also contribute to
coli trophozoites by bronchial biopsy and lavage. the survival of cysts. High prevalence levels
Complications of balantidiasis include in pigs have been reported in regions in Latin
intestinal perforation and acute appendicitis. America and the Middle East, as well as in the
Cases of mortality related to balantidiasis Philippines, Papua New Guinea, and the West
were reported to be associated with intestinal Irian province of Indonesia.
hemorrhage and shock, intestinal perforation, There is an estimated 1% worldwide
or sepsis. prevalence of human B. coli infection. Pigs
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 45

are the major host of balantidiasis, although Dodd LG. Balantidium coli infestation as a
primates have been reported to harbor infection. cause of acute appendicitis. J Infect Dis.
Prevalence studies in the United States and in 1991; 163:13–92.
Europe have reported infection rates ranging Goldberg JE, Parasitic colitides. Clin Colon
from 5% to as high as 100% in some areas. In Rectal Surg. 2007;20:38–46.
a study done in two (northern and southern) Karanis P, Kourenti C, Smith H. Waterborne
sites in the Philippines, an examination of pigs transmission of protozoan parasites: a
revealed 66.1% prevalence of B. coli infection. worldwide review of outbreaks and lessons
There has been a single report of an outbreak learnt. J Wat Health. 2007;5:1–38.
of balantidiasis that occurred in the Truk island Koopowitz A, Smith P, van Rensburg N,
in Micronesia in 1971. Rudman A. Balantidium coli-induced
pulmonary haemorrhage with iron
Prevention and Control
deficiency. S Afr Med J. 2010;100:534–6.
Control measures for balantidiasis include Ladas SD, Savva S, Frydas A, Kaloviduris
proper sanitation, safe water supply, good A, Hatzioannou J, Raptis S. Invasive
personal hygiene, and protection of food from balantidiasis presented as chronic colitis
contamination. Measures to limit contact of and lung involvement. Dig Dis Sci.
pigs with water sources and food crops may 1989;34(10):1621–3.
also contribute to reducing transmission La Via MV. Parasitic gastroenteritis. Pediatr
and infection. Use of pig feces as fertilizer Ann. 1994;23(70):556–60.
should also be avoided. Though cysts may Lee JL, Lanada EB, More SJ, Cotiw-an
be resistant to environmental conditions and BS, Taveros AA. A longitudinal study
may survive for long periods of time, they are of growing pigs raised by smallholder
easily inactivated by heat and by 1% sodium farmers in the Philippines. Prev Vet Med.
hypochlorite. Ordinary chlorination of water 2005;70:75-93.
is not effective against B. coli cysts. Nakauchi K. The prevalence of Balantidium coli
infection in fifty-six mammalian species. J
Vet Med Sci. 1999;61(1):63–5.
Beaver PC, Jung RC, Cupp EW. Clinical Nilles-Bije ML, Rivera WL. Ultrastructural and
parasitology. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger; molecular characterization of Balantidium
1984. coli isolated in the Philippines. Parasitol
Belding DL. Textbook of parasitology. 3rd Res. 2010;106:387–94.
ed. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts; Sharma S, Harding G. Necrotizing lung infection
1965. caused by the protozoan Balantidium coli.
Borda CE, Rea MJ, Rosa JR, Maidana C. Can J Infect Dis. 2003;14(3):163–6.
Intestinal parasitism in San Cayetano, Schuster FL, Ramirez-Avila L. Current world
Corrientes, Argentina. Bull of Pan Am status of Balantidium coli. Clin Microbiol
Health Organ. 1996;30(3):227–33. Rev. 2008;21(4):626–38.
Farthing MJ. Treatment options for the Skotarczak B. Cytochemical identification of
eradication of intestinal protozoa. Nat mucocysts in Balantidium coli trophozoites.
Clin Pract Gastroenterol Hepatol. Folia Biol. 1999;47(1-2):61–5.
2006;3(8):436–45. The Medical Letter. Drugs for parasitic
infections [Internet]. Available from www.
46 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Giardia duodenalis
Juan Antonio A. Solon

G iardia duodenalis is an intestinal parasitic

flagellate of worldwide distribution. It is
known to cause epidemic and endemic diarrhea.
Cysts are ovoid and measure 8 to 12 µm
long by 7 to 10 µm wide. The young cysts have
two nuclei, while the mature cysts have four.
This protozoan is also known as Giardia Cysts are characterized by flagella retracted into
intestinalis or G. lamblia. It was first discovered axonemes, the median or parabasal body, and
in 1681 by Antoine van Leeuwenhoek in his deeply stained curved fibrils surrounded by a
own stools and was first described by Lambl in tough hyaline cyst wall secreted from condensed
1859 who called it Cercomonas intestinalis. It was cytoplasm.
later renamed Giardia lamblia by Stiles in 1915. Cysts from animals or human feces are
The disease caused by this parasite is called transferred to the mouth via contaminated
giardiasis, and this manifests as a significant hands, food, or water. Once mature cysts
but not life-threatening gastrointestinal disease. (infective stage) are ingested, they pass safely
through the stomach and excyst in the
Parasite Biology
duodenum (in about 30 minutes) developing
Giardia duodenalis is a flagellate that lives into trophozoites which rapidly multiply and
in the duodenum, jejunum, and upper ileum attach to the intestinal villi causing pathologic
of humans. It has a simple asexual life cycle changes. The trophozoites may then be found
that includes trophozoites and quadrinucleated in the jejunum. As the feces enters the colon
infective cyst stages. Molecular typing of isolates and dehydrates, the parasite then encysts. After
shows that those which parasitize humans can encystment, mature cysts are passed out in the
be classified as belonging to either assemblage feces and are infectious (Figure 2.6).
A or B genotypes based on specific sequences
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
in the small subunit of their ribosomal RNA.
The trophozoites measure 9 to 12 µm Infection with G. duodenalis occurs when
long by 5 to l5 µm wide. They are pyriform the host ingests food or water contaminated
or teardrop shaped, pointed posteriorly, with with the mature cysts. Depending on the strain
a pair of ovoidal nuclei, one on each side of involved, infection can occur with one ingesting
the midline. The dorsal side of the organism is as few as 10 cysts. The ability of the parasite to
convex, while the ventral side is concave with cause disease can be traced to its ability to alter
a large adhesive disc used for attachment. It is mucosal intestinal cells once it has attached to
bilaterally symmetrical, with a distinct medial the apical portion of the enterocyte. The parasite
line called the axostyle. The parasite is propelled attaches to the intestinal cells via an adhesive
into an erratic tumbling motion by four pairs sucking disc located on its ventral side, causing
of flagella arising from superficial organelles in mechanical irritation in the affected tissues.
the ventral side of the body. Trophozoites divide Several studies have investigated this mechanism
by longitudinal binary fission and are found in of attachment. In monolayer studies, it was
diarrheic stools. Antigenic variation results in noted that attachment was influenced by certain
the entire surface of the parasite being covered physical factors such as temperature and pH.
with variant-specific surface proteins (VSPs). Attachment was observed to be maximal at
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 47

Figure 2.6. Life cycle of Giardia duodenalis

(Accessed from
48 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

body temperature and stable at a pH of 7.8 be asymptomatic. For acute cases, patients
to 8.2. The parasite may also produce a lectin experience abdominal pain, described as
which, when activated by duodenal secretions, cramping, associated with diarrhea. There is
is able to facilitate attachment. Once attached, also excessive flatus with an odor of “rotten
the organism is able to avoid peristalsis by eggs” due to hydrogen sulfide. Other clinical
trapping itself in between the villi or within the features include abdominal bloating, nausea,
intestinal mucus. and anorexia. Diarrhea is the most common
Upon attachment to the intestinal cells, symptom, occurring in 89% of cases. It is
G. duodenalis is able to cause alterations in followed by malaise and flatulence. Spontaneous
the villi such as villous flattening and crypt recovery occurs within 6 weeks in mild to
hypertrophy. These alterations lead to decreased moderate cases. In untreated cases, patients may
electrolyte, glucose, and fluid absorption, and experience diarrhea with varying intensities, for
cause deficiencies in disaccharidases. Studies on weeks or months.
Giardia muris-infected mice showed diffuse loss Chronic infection is characterized by
of microvillous surface area which investigators steatorrhea, or the passage of greasy, frothy
also correlated to decreased maltase and stools. In some cases, periods of diarrhea have
sucrase activities. The physiologic disturbances been observed to alternate with normal or even
subsequently result in malabsorption and constipated bowel periods. There may be weight
maldigestion, which in turn cause the signs and loss, profound malaise, and low-grade fever. In
symptoms experienced by the patient. Bacterial developing countries, it has been described as a
colonization of the area may further worsen the cause of the failure-to-thrive syndrome.
damage already caused by the parasite.
In other studies, G. duodenalis was shown
to rearrange the cytoskeleton in human colonic Diagnosis is made by demonstration of G.
and duodenal monolayers. Cytoskeleton is duodenalis trophozoites (Plate 2.11) and/or cysts
essential for proper cell attachment to the (Plate 2.12) in stool specimens. Trophozoites
extracellular matrix and the other neighboring in direct fecal smears may be characterized as
cells. Changes observed in apoptotic cells having a floating leaf-like motility. To detect
include disruption of the cytoskeleton that leads
to structural disintegration and detachment
from the substrate. Hence, the parasite has
been suggested to cause enterocyte apoptosis.
This finding was strengthened by another study,
which showed the ability of the parasite not
only to disrupt cellular tight junctions but also
to increase epithelial permeability, thus, leading
to the loss of epithelial barrier function. With
this loss of barrier function, luminal contents
may penetrate the submucosal layers causing
more damage in the intestinal tissue.
From ingestion of the cysts, it takes about Plate 2.11. Giardia duodenalis trophozoite
1 to 4 weeks (average of 9 days) for the disease (Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
to manifest. Half of the infected patients may UP-CPH)
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 49

the highest combination of sensitivity and


Giardiasis may be treated with

metronidazole 250 mg three times a day for 5
to 7 days (pediatric dose: 15 mg/kg/day in three
divided doses). Metronidazole is usually well-
tolerated in adults and has a cure rate of 90%.
Alternative drugs include tinidazole (single
dose of 2 g for adults; 50 mg/kg in children)
and furazolidone (100 mg four times daily
Plate 2.12. Giardia duodenalis cysts for 10 days for adults; 6 mg/kg/day in four
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, divided doses for 7 to 10 days). Albendazole
UP-CPH) is an alternative at 400 mg/day for 5 days in
adults and 10 mg/kg/day for 5 days in children.
cysts in stools, concentration techniques are A meta-analysis has shown that albendazole is
recommended. At least three stool examinations equally effective as metronidazole at the above
on alternate days are recommended because of doses. Although not available in the Philippines,
spotty shedding of cysts. If the parasite is not nitazoxanide has likewise been used effectively
found in the feces, duodeno-jejunal aspiration in drug-resistant cases.
may be done. Examination of the duodenal Prompt treatment of asymptomatic
contents for trophozoites gives a higher individuals reduce cyst passage and possible
percentage of positive findings compared to transmission especially among high risk groups
examination of feces. In a patient with chronic such as food handlers, institutionalized patients,
diarrhea, giardiasis should be considered as a children attending day-care, and day-care
possible cause. workers.
Aside from duodenal aspiration, the
Enterotest® (HDC Mountain View, CA) may
demonstrate Giardia trophozoites. The patient Giardia has a worldwide distribution. In
swallows a gelatin capsule attached to a nylon the Philippines, the prevalence of giardiasis
string, with one end of the string attached to ranges from 1.6 to 22.0% depending on the
the patient’s cheek. After about 4 to 6 hours, population group being studied. From the local
the string is removed, and any adherent fluid is data, it can be clearly seen that the groups in
placed on the slide for microscopic examination. areas with poor sanitation and hygiene practices
Presently, antigen detection tests and have a higher prevalence of giardiasis.
immunofluorescent tests are already available Notably, Giardia is not commonly found
as commercial kits. Immunochromatographic in patients with diarrhea. In this symptomatic
assays detect the presence of Giardia antigen population, the prevalence was similar between
in stool. Cyst wall protein 1 (CWP1) is one children (<18 years old) and adults. However,
of the antigens used for these diagnostic tests. the prevalence of giardiasis was significantly
Direct fluorescent antibody assays have been higher in male adults than females, a trend also
considered by many laboratories as the gold seen in other countries (Table 2.2).
standard in diagnosis as such assays have
50 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Table 2.2. Selected Philippine data on giardiasis

Reference Population (n) Prevalence

Cross and Basaca-Sevilla (1986) Community (n=30,000) 6.0%
Auer (1990) Urban poor, 8 months – 15 years (n=238) 20.0%
Bustos, et al. (1991) Mentally ill patients (n=176) 17.0%
Lee, et al. (1999) Children (Legazpi City) n=64 7.8%
Belizario, et al. (2000) Patients from the community suspected with capillariasis
(Brgy. Awao, Compostela Valley) (n=72)
Belizario, et al. (2000) Community (Brgy. San Isidro, Compostela Valley) (n=242) 7.4%
Avila, et al. (2003) Food handlers, school canteen (n=123) 3.3%
Esparar, et al. (2003) Food handlers, tertiary hospital (n=59) 3.4%
Kim, et al. (2003) Community (n=301) 0.0%
Baldo, et al. (2004) Institutionalized children (Metro Manila) (n=172) 11.6%
Belizario, et al. (2005) Mall employees (Cebu city) (n=256) 0.8%
Natividad, et al. (2008) Diarrheic patients (n=3,456) 2.0%
UP-CPH Department of Parasitology Referred patients (n=667)
Laboratory (2006-2010)
Yason and Rivera (2007) Urban poor (n=2,354) 22.0%

The first published study on Giardia or by infected food handlers. Normal water
genotypes in the Philippines showed that the chlorination will not affect cysts, but usual
majority (86%) of the isolated genotypes belong water treatment modalities should be adequate.
to assemblage B.
Direct oral-anal sexual contact among men
who have sex with men may increase the risk Adam RD. Biology of Giardia lamblia. Clin
of giardiasis and infection with other intestinal Microbiol Rev. 2001;14(3):447–75.
protozoans. Adam RD, Nigam A, Seshadri V, Martens
Outbreaks of giardiasis are more frequently CA, Farneth GA, Morrison HG, et al.
reported outside the Philippines. Most of these The Giardia lamblia vsp gene repertoire:
are water-borne (recreational water or drinking characteristics, genomic organization, and
water). Foodborne outbreaks have also been evolution. BMC Genomics. 2010;11:424.
reported. The low infective dose, prolonged Auer C. Health status of children living in
communicability, and relative resistance to a squatter area of Manila, Philippines,
chlorine facilitate the transmission of Giardia with particular emphasis on intestinal
through drinking and recreational water, food, parasitoses. Southeast Asian J Trop Med
and person-to-person contact. Pub Health. 1990;21(2):289–300.
Prevention and Control
Avila MS, Garcia MR, Narcelles MV, Serra
FB, Tejida BM. Prevalence of intestinal
Methods of prevention and control include helminth and protozoan infections among
proper or sanitary disposal of human excreta food-handlers in selected school canteens
to prevent contamination of food and water in Manila [undergraduate special study].
supply. The former can be contaminated 2003. Located at: College of Public Health,
by the use of night soil as fertilizer, by flies, University of the Philippines Manila.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 51

Baldo ET, Belizario VY, de Leon WU, Kong Esparar DG, Belizario VY, Jr., Relos JR.
HH, Chung DI. Infection status of Prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections
intestinal parasites in children living in among food handlers of a tertiary hospital
residential institutions in Metro Manila, in Manila using direct fecal smear and
the Philippines. Korean J Parasitol. formalin ether concentration technique.
2004;42(2):67–70. Phil J Microbiol Infect Dis. 2004;33(3):1–
Beaver PC, Jung RC, Cupp EW. Clinical 6.
parasitology. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lea and Faubert G. Immune Response to Giardia
Febiger; 1984. d u o d e n a l i s . C l i n Mi c r o b i o l Re v.
Belding DL. Textbook of parasitology. New 2000;13(1):35–54.
York: Appleton-Century Crofts; 1965. Gardner TB, Hill DR. Treatment of Giardiasis.
Belizario VY, Jr., de Leon WU, Esparar Clin Microbiol Rev. 2001;14(1):114–28.
DG, Galang JM, Fantone J, Verdadero Jones JE. String test for diagnosing Giardiasis.
C. Compostela Valley: a new endemic Am Fam Physician. 1986;34(2):123–6.
focus for Capillariasis philippinensis. Kim BJ, Ock MS, Chung DI, Yong TS, Lee
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health. KJ. The intestinal parasite infection
2000;31(3):478–81. status of inhabitants in the Roxas City,
Belizario VY, Jr., Bersabe MJ, de Leon WU, the Philippines. Korean J Parasitol.
Bugayong MG, de Guzman AD, et al. A 2003;41:113–5.
new look at heterophyidiasis (intestinal Korman SH, Hais E, Spira DT. Routine in
fluke infection): a food-borne parasitic vitro cultivation of Giardia lamblia by
zoonosis in the Philippines. In: Department using the string test. J Clin Microbiol.
of Health research compendium 1993– 1990;28(2):368–9.
2001. Manila (Philippines): Department Kuntz RE. Intestinal parasites of man in the
of Health; 2001. p. 60–1. republic of the Philippines. J Philipp Med
Belizario VY, Diaz AB, Esparar DG, Bugayong Assoc. 1963;39(7):590–600.
MG. Parasitologic screening of mall Lee KJ, Ahn YK, Yong TS. A small-scale
employees applying for health certificates survey of intestinal parasite infections
at a local health office in Cebu City: among children and adolescents in Legaspi
implications for policy and practice. Phil J City, the Philippines. Korean J Parasitol.
Microbiol Infect Dis. 2005;34(2):65–70. 2000;38:183–5.
Bustos MD, Salazar N, Espino FE, Montalban Nash TE. Antigenic variation in Giardia
CS, Sabordo D, Laurente M. Ornidazole in lamblia and the host’s immune response.
the treatment of giardiasis in an institution Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci.
for the mentally retarded. Phil J Microbiol 1997;352(1359):1369–75.
Infect Dis. 1991;20(1):13–6. Nash TE, Herrington DA, Losonsky GA,
Cross JH, Sevilla VB. Biomedical surveys in Levine MM. Experimental human
the Philippines. Manila (Philippines): US infections with Giardia lamblia. J Infect
NAMRU Unit No. 2; 1984. Dis. 1987;156(6):974–84.
Dib HH, Lu SQ, Wen SF. Prevalence of Giardia Natividad FF, Buerano CC, Lago CB,
lamblia with or without diarrhea in South Mapua CA, de Guzman BB, Seraspe
East, South East Asia and the Far East. EB, et al. Prevalence rates of Giardia and
Parasitol Res. 2008;103(2):239–51. Cryptosporidium among diarrheic patients
52 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

in the Philippines. Southeast Asian J Trop Yason JA, Rivera WL. Genotyping of Giardia
Med Public Health. 2008;39(6):991–9. duodenalis isolates among residents of slum
Oberhuber G, Stolte M. Giardiasis: analysis of area in Manila, Philippines. Parasitol Res.
histological changes in biopsy specimens of 2007;101(3):681–7.
80 patients. J Clin Pathol. 1990;43(8):641– Yoder JS, Harral C, Beach MJ. Giardiasis
3. surveillance—United States, 2006-2008.
Upcroft P, Upcroft JA. Drug targets and MMWR Surveill Summ. 2010;59(6):15–
m e c h a n i s m s o f re s i s t a n c e i n t h e 25.
anaerobic protozoa. Clin Microbiol Rev.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 53

Trichomonas vaginalis
Juan Antonio A. Solon

T richomonas vaginalis causes a sexually

transmitted disease called trichomoniasis
which has a worldwide distribution. Its
of the tissue layer. The trophozoites infect the
surface but do not appear to invade the mucosa.
The acute inflammation caused by the parasite
incidence correlates strongly with the number results in the characteristic liquid vaginal
of sexual partners. It was first observed by secretions, greenish or yellow in color, that
Donne in 1836 in purulent secretions of male cover the mucosa down to the urethral orifice,
and female urogenital tracts. It is now often vestibular glands, and clitoris. The vaginal
described as the most prevalent non-viral secretions are very irritating and may cause
sexually transmitted infection. intense itchiness and burning sensation. As the
acute condition changes to the chronic stage, the
Parasite Biology
secretion loses its purulent appearance due to a
Trichomonas vaginalis exists only in the decrease in the trichomonads and leukocytes, an
trophozoite stage. It has a pyriform shape, increase in epithelial cells, and the establishment
measuring 7 to 23 µm with four free anterior of a mixed bacterial flora. Aside from the
flagella that appear to arise from a simple common symptoms of vaginal discharge,
stalk, and a fifth flagellum embedded in the vulvitis, and dysuria, trichomonads appear to
undulating membrane. This membrane extends be associated with an increased incidence of
to about half the organism’s length. The parasite postpartum endometritis. Complications in
has a median axostyle and a single nucleus. women include secondary bacterial infection
The parasite is found in the urogenital of the urogenital tract.
tract. In women, it is found in the vagina but Speculum examination reveals punctate
may ascend as far as the renal pelvis. The parasite hemorrhages of the cervix, the so-called
can be isolated from the urethra, prostate, and strawberry cervix, which is observed in only
less frequently, in the epididymis in men. The 2% of cases.
trophozoites multiply by binary fission in the Trichomonas infection in males may be
host and are transferred passively from person latent and essentially asymptomatic. In some
to person (Figure 2.7). The usual mode of cases, it is responsible for an irritating persistent
transmission is by sexual intercourse. and recurring urethritis. Prostatitis is the most
common complication.
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa occurs
several days after the inoculation of T. vaginalis Saline preparation of vaginal fluid is
trophozoites. T. vaginalis cannot live without the quickest and most inexpensive way to
close association with the vaginal, urethral, diagnose trichomoniasis, but the sensitivity
or prostatic tissues. Four to 28 days after of this technique is low at 60 to 70%. The
introduction of viable T. vaginalis into the vagina, accepted gold standard is culture which
proliferating colonies of the flagellate cause takes 2 to 5 days. The unstained wet drop
degeneration and desquamation of the vaginal preparations may be fixed and stained by
epithelium followed by leukocytic inflammation Giemsa, Papanicolau, Romanowsky, and
54 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 2.7. Life cycle of Trichomonas vaginalis

(Accessed from

acridine orange stains. Trichomonas can also be detection tests and polymerase chain reaction
cultured using Diamond’s modified medium, (PCR) assays are commercially available, but
and Feinberg and Whittington culture medium. not widely used locally. PCR among females
The Pap smear may also show trichomonads does not seem to offer an added diagnostic
(sensitivity 60%; specificity 95%). Antigen advantage. Among males, however, diagnosis is
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 55

more difficult. For culture, the best results are Epidemiology

seen with a combination of cultures of urethral
Trichomonas infection occurs worldwide. It
swabs and urine sediment. PCR appears to
is estimated that there are 170 to 190 million
detect more cases than culture among males.
individuals with trichomoniasis. Prevalence is
The InPouchTM TV Test is a novel transport
higher among women of child-bearing age.
and culture test system which allows the
About 5 to 20% of women and 2 to 12% of
specimen to be inoculated into a sealed pouch
men in developed countries are infected. Higher
with culture media. Growth can be monitored
prevalence is associated with greater frequency
microscopically directly through the pouch.
of sexual intercourse with multiple partners and
This test has a comparable sensitivity to
with commercial sex workers. Trichomoniasis is
Diamond’s modified medium culture.
often associated with other sexually transmitted
Treatment infections. In a study in the United States, 70%
of male partners of women with trichomoniasis
Trichomoniasis can be treated with
were likewise infected and the majority of the
metronidazole or tinidazole 2 g as a single
infected male partners were asymptomatic
dose. The reported cure rates of these drugs
range from 86 to 100%. Sexual partners must
In the Philippines, the prevalence of
be treated concomitantly to prevent reinfection.
trichomoniasis among commercial sex workers
If metronidazole treatment failure occurs and
varies with the method of diagnosis used,
reinfection is ruled out, a seven-day regimen of
from 15% in studies using only microscopic
500 mg metronidazole three times a day may
examination of vaginal swabs to 37% in studies
be considered. If either this regimen fails, a 2
using culture. One study surveyed 421 male
g daily dose for 5 days of either metronidazole
sex workers and there were no positive cases
or tinidazole can be used. In pregnancy,
among them based on microscopy (Table
metronidazole remains the drug of choice for
2.3). Local isolates of T. vaginalis have been
Table 2.3. Selected Philippine studies on trichomoniasis

Reference Population (n) Method Prevalence

Arambulo, et al. (1977) Waitresses/hostesses and Microscopy Among waitresses/hostesses: 15.0%
housewives (n=560) Housewives: 2.7%
Overall: 5.9%
Basaca-Sevilla, et al. (1986) Total=1371 Microscopy and 24.0% on initial examination; 37.0%
commercial sex workers culture after 5 days of culture
expectant mothers (n =87)
Jueco, et al. (1998) n=368 (women) Microscopy Overall prevalence: 12.0%

150 women from a private 8.0% from private clinic

gynecologic clinic
(housewives, workers,
students, vendors, factory
workers, business women,

218 commercial sex workers Among sex workers: 14.8%

from a social hygiene clinic
Monzon, et al. (1991) Total=1,357 commercial sex Microscopy Females: 3.8%
workers; Males: 0.0%
females (n=936)
males (n=421)
56 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

characterized molecularly showing low genetic Gumbo FZ, Duri K, Kandawasvika GQ,
polymorphism. Kurewa NE, Mapingure MP, Munjoma
It is relevant to discuss trichomoniasis in the MW, et al. Risk factors of HIV vertical
context of HIV. In Zimbabwe and South Africa, transmission in a cohort of women
trial participants diagnosed with trichomoniasis under a PMTCT program at three peri-
were more likely to test positive for HIV in their urban clinics in a resource-poor setting. J
next visit. Perinatal transmission of HIV was Perinatol. 2010;30(11):717–23.
likewise more likely if the mother had vaginal Ju e c o N L , A r a n e t a C A , Ta d i n a E G .
infections. Epidemiology of Trichomonas vaginitis
among selected group of women in Manila.
Prevention and Control
Acta Med Philipp. 1988;24(3):85–6.
Prevention is best achieved by reducing Mavedzenge SN, Pol BV, Cheng H, Montgomery
the risk of exposure. Limiting the number of ET, Blanchard K, de Bruyn G, et al.
sexual partners, and proper use of protective Epidemiological synergy of Trichomonas
devices such as condoms and spermicidal foams vaginalis and HIV in Zimbabwean and
may help prevent infection. To prevent “ping- South African women. Sex Transm Dis.
pong” or recurrent infections, there should 2010;37(7):460–6.
be simultaneous treatment of sexual partners. Monzon OT, Santana RT, Paladin FJ, Bautista
Prompt follow-up of patients and their contacts, A, Fajutagana L, Eugenio S. The Prevalence
as well as health and sex education about of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and
venereal disease are also important. human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
infection among Filipino sex workers. Phil
J Microbiol Infect Dis. 1991;20:41–4.
Arambulo PV, Cabrera BD, Osteria TS, Baltazar Rivera WL, Ong VA, Masalunga MC. Molecular
JC. A comparative study of Trichomonas characterization of Trichomonas vaginalis
vaginalis prevalence in Filipino women. isolates from the Philippines. Parasitol Res.
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2009;106(1):105–10.
1977;8:298. Schwebke JR, Burgess D. Trichomoniasis. Clin
Basaca-Sevilla V, Cross JH, Alquiza L, Lacap T. Microbiol Rev. 2004;17(4):794–803.
Prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis in some Spence MR, Harwell TS, Davies MC, Smith JL.
Filipino women. Southeast Asian J Trop The minimum single oral metronidazole
Med Public Health. 1986;17(2):194–6. for treating trichomoniasis: a randomized,
Beaver PC, Jung RC, Cupp EW. Clinical blinded study. Obstet Gynecol. 1997;89(5):
parasitology. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Lea and 699–703.
Febiger; 1984. Van der Pol B. Trichomonas vaginalis infection:
Belding DL. Textbook of parasitology. New the most prevalent nonviral sexually
York: Appleton-Century Crofts; 1965. transmitted infection receives the least
Cudmore SL, Delgaty KL, Hayward-McClelland public health attention. Clin Infect Dis.
SF, Petrin DP, Garber GE. Treatment 2007;44(1):23–5.
of infections caused by metronidazole- Wendel KA, Workowski KA. Trichomoniasis:
resistant Trichomonas vaginalis. Clin challenges to appropriate management.
Microbiol Rev. 2004;17(4):783–93. Clin Infect Dis. 2007;44(Suppl 3):123–9.
Gerbase AC, Rowley JT, Mertens TE. Global
epidemiology of sexually transmitted
diseases. Lancet. 1998;351(Suppl 3):2–4.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 57

Non-Pathogenic Flagellates
Juan Antonio A. Solon

Trichomonas hominis Diagnosis is made by swabbing the tartar

between the teeth, the gingival margin, or

A s with other Trichomonas species, T. hominis

occurs only as a trophozoite which has a
pyriform shape and measures 7 to 13 µm. It has
tonsillar crypts.
Pulmonary trichomoniasis has been
reported among those with underlying chronic
five anterior flagella and a posterior flagellum pulmonary disease, entering the lungs most
projecting from an undulating membrane. The probably by aspiration. The parasite is probably
cytostome and the nucleus are situated at the unable to cause disease on its own. The presence
anterior end. An axostyle extends from anterior of bacteria most probably allows it to proliferate
to posterior along the mid-axis. Transmission profusely. In most of these cases, treatment with
occurs rapidly through fecal contamination of metronidazole results in rapid improvement.
food and drinks.
Its habitat is the cecal area of the large Chilomastix mesnili
intestine of human and other primates. It is non-
invasive. Trophozoites pass out with diarrheic This organism inhabits the cecal region
stools. The prevalence in the Philippines is less of the large intestine. It has well-defined
than 1%. trophic and cystic stages. The trophozoite is
asymmetrically pear-shaped as a result of a
Trichomonas tenax spiral groove extending through the middle half
of the body. Its size ranges from 6 to 10 µm.
Trichomonas tenax is a pyriform flagellate The characteristic boring and spiral forward
which has been observed only in the trophozoite movement is made possible by the three anterior
stage. It measures 5 to 12 µm, and is smaller and free flagella and a more delicate one within the
more slender than T. vaginalis. It has four free prominent cytostome.
equal flagella and a fifth one on the margin of The cyst is pear- or lemon-shaped, broadly-
an undulating membrane which does not reach rounded at one end and somewhat bluntly-
the posterior end of the body, and lacks a free conical at the other end which has a knob-like
posterior extension. It has a single nucleus and protruberance that is visible occasionally.
a cytostome. The organism multiplies by binary Internally, hematoxylin and eosin stained films
fission and thrives on the microorganisms found clearly demonstrate the single large vestibular
in its environment. nucleus and the cytostome, which is almost
Exposure results from droplet spray as long as the encysted organism. Good
from the mouth, kissing, or common use of preparations reveal a fibril on either side of the
contaminated dishes and drinking glasses. cytostome.
Trichomonas tenax is a harmless commensal of Transmission occurs through ingestion
the human mouth, living in the tartar around of cysts in food and drinks. Prevalence in
the teeth, in cavities of carious teeth, and in the Philippines is less than 1%. This is a
necrotic mucosal cells in the gingival margins. It harmless commensal diagnosed by microscopic
is quite resistant to changes in temperature and examination of feces and demonstration of
will survive for several hours in drinking water. either trophozoites or cysts. No treatment is
58 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

indicated. Preventive and control measures Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health.
include improved sanitation and personal 1981;12(1):12–8.
hygiene. Carney WP, de Veyra VU, Cala EM, Cross
JH. Intestinal parasites of man in
Bukidnon, Philippines, with emphasis on
Beaver PC, Jung RC, Cupp EW. Clinical schistosomiasis. Southeast Asian J Trop
parasitology. 9th ed. Philadelpha: Lea and Med Public Health. 1981;12(1):24–9.
Febiger; 1984. Cross JH, Banzon T, Wheeling CH, Cometa
Carney WP, Banzon T, de Veyra VU, Dana E, H, Lien JC, Clarke R, et al. Biomedical
Cross JH. Intestinal parasites of man in survey in North Samar Province, Philippine
Northern Bohol, Philippines, with emphasis Islands. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public
on schistosomiasis. Southeast Asian J Trop Health. 1977;8(4):464–75.
Med Public Health. 1980;11(4):473–9. Hersh SM. Pulmonary trichomoniasis and
Carney WP, Banzon T, de Veyra VU, Papasin Trichomonas tenax. J Med Microbiol.
MC, Cross JH. Intestinal parasites of 1985;20(1):1–10.
man in Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Lewis KL, Doherty DE, Ribes J, Seabolt JP,
with emphasis on schistosomiasis. Bensadoun ES. Empyema caused by
Trichomonas. Chest. 2003;123(1):291–2.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 59

Winifreda U. de Leon

T he coccidian parasites are the largest group

of apicomplexan protozoa falling under
Class Conoidasida. Coccidia is a subclass of
reported that the only species that infect
mammals was C. parvum and was believed
to be the species infecting humans. However,
microscopic, spore-forming, single-celled molecular tools, especially DNA analysis,
obligate intracellular protozoan. Members described the existence of another species,
of Phylum Apicomplexa are provided with Cryptosporidium hominis found mainly in
a cluster of secretory organelles made up of humans.
rhoptries, micronemes, and polar rings with
Parasite Biology
microtubules. In some species, a conoid may
be found within the polar rings as well. The All stages of development are completed in
secretion allows the parasite to enter the host the gastrointestinal tract of the host. Oocysts
cell. when passed out are already infective. Oocysts
Coccidians infect the intestinal tract of produced by C. hominis are found in the feces
most phyla of invertebrates and all classes of of humans and other animals. The oocysts are
vertebrates including humans. They fall under round and measure 4 to 5 µm in diameter.
Order Eucoccidiorida Suborder Eimeriorina. Each oocyst contains four sporozoites, which
The disease called coccidiosis is recognized as are present at the time of passage into the feces.
one of the major problems in animal farming The oocyst is infectious and when ingested, the
and in zoo management. Among humans, sporozoites attach to the surface of epithelial
they are considered to be opportunistic in cells of the gastrointestinal tract. The sporozoites
immunocompromised and immunodeficient develop into small trophozoites and become
individuals. Species with medical and veterinary intracellular but extracytoplasmic, and attach
significance include Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, to the brush borders. The trophozoites divide
Cystoisospora, Sarcocystis, and Toxoplasma. by schizogony producing merozoites that infect
In the coccidian life cycle, there is an other cells. Macro- and microgametocytes are
alternation of sexual and asexual multiplication. eventually produced, and the macrogamete
It is typically characterized by three sequential is fertilized by the microgamete to produce
stages, namely: sexual cycle or sporogony a zygote. There are two types of oocysts
producing oocysts, asexual cycle or schizogony resulting from the zygote: the thin-walled
(merogony) producing merozoites (meronts), and the thick-walled oocysts. The thin-walled
and gametogony resulting in the development oocysts infect other enterocytes thus resulting
of male (micro) and female (macro) gametocytes in autoinfection, which is possibly responsible
(gamonts). The complexity in the life cycles of for the chronicity of the infection among the
coccidians is a challenge in terms of taxonomy. immunocompromised. On the other hand, the
thick-walled oocysts are passed out with the
Cryptosporidium hominis feces that may contaminate food and water,
which are ingested by the same or another host
There are several species of Cryptosporidium
(Figure 2.8).
that are currently recognized. It was initially
60 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 2.8. Life cycle of Cryptosporidium spp.

(Accessed from
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 61

Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations Treatment

Cryptosporidiosis hominis was not well There is presently no acceptable treatment

recognized prior to the occurrence of acquired for cryptosporidiosis. Nitazoxanide, however,
immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). In has been reported effective in preliminary trials.
the immunocompetent host, the disease may Bovine colostrum as well as paromomycin and
present as a self-limiting diarrhea lasting for clarithromycin have shown promise in treating
2 to 3 weeks, and less commonly, abdominal severe diarrhea. Azithromycin may also be of
pain, anorexia, fever, nausea, and weight loss. value. In addition to chemotherapy, body fluid
In immunocompromised persons, the diarrhea replacement and symptomatic treatment are
becomes more severe, progressive, and may recommended for both the immunocompetent
become life-threatening. The bile duct and gall and immunosuppressed patients.
bladder may become heavily infected and lead to
acute and gangrenous cholecystitis. Respiratory
infections lead to chronic coughing, dyspnea, Cryptosporidiosis hominis has a universal
bronchiolitis, and pneumonia. distribution with infections reported worldwide.
The villi of the intestines become blunted Epidemics are unusual in North America,
and there is infiltration of inflammatory cells although there was a report of an epidemic
into the lamina propria and elongated crypts. involving over 400,000 cases in the state
There may be varying degrees of malabsorption of Wisconsin in the United States. This
and excessive fluid loss in immunocompromised epidemic was attributed to the use of a faulty
patients. Death may occur in disseminated water purification system. Most epidemics
infections. are associated with water, and in many cases,
the water was contaminated with calf feces.
Cryptosporidium parvum of calves has been
There are several methods of stool reported to cause infection among veterinary
examination that will reveal C. hominis oocyst. attendants and visitors in dairy farms and
Sheather’s sugar flotation and the formalin petting zoos.
ether/ethyl acetate concentration technique Swimming in contaminated recreation
are commonly used. Kinyoun’s modified acid- water may result in accidental ingestion of
fast stain is routinely used with the oocysts infective oocysts. Swimming pool disinfection
appearing as red-pink doughnut-shaped circular with 3 to 5 mg/L of chlorine does not kill
organisms in a blue background. Intestinal the oocysts. The most common mode of
biopsy material may also be examined under a transmission is from one person to another.
light microscope and stages of the parasite can Infected food handlers may likewise transmit
be seen at the microvillus region of the infected oocysts during handling of beverages, raw
enterocyte. In cases of pulmonary involvement, vegetables, and other food that may be eaten
the parasite may be recovered from the sputum, raw. Unpasteurized milk, freshly pressed apple
although transbronchial and broncheo-alveolar cider, potato salad, and sausages were found
lavage can yield a better result. sources of infection. Nosocomial infections have
Indirect fluorescent antibody, enzyme also been reported among health workers caring
immunoassay, and DNA probes specific for C. for AIDS patients.
hominis have been developed. Acid-fast staining In developing countries, prevalence
is probably the quickest and cheapest method ranged from 3 to 20%. The prevalence in the
of diagnosis. Philippines has been reported to be low at 2.6%.
62 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

A study done in San Lazaro Hospital attempted gametes. The microgametes fertilize the
to describe Cryptosporidium among diarrheic macrogametes to produce oocysts, which are
patients and reported a prevalence of 8.5%, passed out with feces when the host cells are
while a study done in the Philippine General sloughed off from the intestinal wall. The
Hospital on diarrheic patients had a much lower oocysts undergo complete sporulation within
prevalence at 1.7%. 7 to 12 days in a warm environment.
It is assumed that the oocyst is the infective
Prevention and Control
stage and when ingested, the sporozoites are
Water-borne transmission is the most released and enter intestinal cells to go through
common source of cr yptosporidiosis. schizogony and gametogony. The different
Chlorination does not affect the parasite. The developmental stages of the parasite may be
synergistic effect of multiple disinfectants and found in the intestinal tissue (Figure 2.9).
combined water treatment processes may reduce
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
C. hominis oocysts in drinking water. Natural
water and swimming pool water should not be Initial symptoms include malaise and low
swallowed. Contamination of drinking water by grade fever, which may occur 12 to 24 hours
human and animal feces should be prevented. after exposure. Chronic and intermittent watery
diarrhea occurs early in the infection and may
Cyclospora cayetanensis alternate with constipation. The diarrhea
may continue for 6 to 7 weeks with six or
When first associated with diarrhea,
more stools per day. Other symptoms such as
this organism was thought to be a
fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, nausea, vomiting,
me m ber o f cyan ob a c t e r i a b e c a use i t
abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating, and
showed photosynthesizing organelles and
dyspnea may develop. D-xylose malabsorption
autofluorescing particles characteristic of the
has been found to develop in some of the
blue green algae.
patients. Infections are usually self-limiting
Parasite Biology and immunity may result with repeated
infections. No death has been associated with
Cyclospora cayetanensis was originally cyclosporidiosis.
called a cyanobacterium-like body (CLB)
but upon careful study, it was found to be Diagnosis
a coccidian parasite. Similar to the other
Direct microscopic examination of fecal
intestinal coccidians, the life cycle begins with
smears under high magnification (400x)
the ingestion of sporulated oocyst, which
is recommended. Various concentration
contains two sporocysts with two sporozoites
techniques and acid-fast staining (Kinyoun’s
each. The released sporozoites invade the
stain) are also useful. Oocysts are auto-
epithelial cells of the small intestines, although
fluorescent and under fluorescent microscopy,
the site of predilection was found to be the
they appear as blue or green circles depending
jejunum. Multiple fissions of these sporozoites
on the filter (365-450 DM). This technique
take place inside the cells to produce meronts,
is useful for screening. Safranin staining
which contain 8 to 12 merozoites during the
and microwave heating are also helpful. A
first generation, and only four merozoites in
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique has
the second generation. Some of the merozoites
been developed to differentiate Cyclospora from
develop into male (micro) and female (macro)
closely related Eimeria species.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 63

Figure 2.9. Life cycle of Cyclospora cayetanensis

(Accessed from
64 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Treatment followed to prevent the infection. Only water

that has been subjected to adequate treatment
The disease is self-limiting and treatment
procedures should be consumed. In most
is not necessary if the symptoms are mild. If
endemic areas, boiling water seems to be the best
pharmacologic treatment is warranted, the only
method since chlorination is not effective. Fruits
effective drug is trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
and vegetables should be washed with clean
160/800 mg twice daily for 7 days. There is
water, but it would be prudent to avoid eating
no alternate treatment if patients are unable to
fruits and vegetables that have been exposed
tolerate sulfamethoxazole. Oocysts disappear
to natural untreated water. In Guatemala, it
from the stools a few days after treatment.
was believed that raspberries were exposed to
However, recurrence of symptoms was noted
oocysts in places where creek water was used
in about 40% of patients within 1 to 3 months
to dilute insecticides sprayed on the plants.
post treatment.
Similarly, in Nepal it is believed that cabbage
Epidemiology became contaminated when watered with raw
irrigation water.
Cyclosporidiosis has been described in
many countries, with epidemics reported in Cystoisospora belli
Nepal, Peru, Haiti, and the United States.
Infections were reported to appear in Nepal in This is the causative agent of a medical
late May and June and continued until October condition affecting the small bowel called
to November, the rainy season. Most cases in cystoisosporiasis. The other known species
Nepal were reported in expatriates and tourists, Isospora hominis is now taxonomically grouped
and more recently in Nepali children and adults. under the genus Sarcocystis.
In Peru, infections are commonly reported in
Parasite Biology
children, while in Haiti, infections affect more
homosexual males. Epidemics involving over The sporulated oocyst contains two
1,000 persons were reported in the United sporocysts each containing four sporozoites
States in 1996 and 1997. Raspberries imported (infective stage). When ingested via contaminated
from Guatemala were incriminated in the water or food, the sporozoites excyst in the small
infections in the United States. Leafy vegetables intestine releasing sporozoites, which penetrate
have been found to contain oocysts in Peru and the epithelial cells, thus starting the asexual
Nepal, while lettuce and basil-pesto salad has stage or the schizogonic phase of the life cycle
been incriminated in other cases in the United (Figure 2.10). The sporozoites develop in the
States. Contaminated water is thought to be the epithelial cell to form a schizont, which ruptures
main source of infection. No animal reservoirs the host epithelial cell liberating merozoites into
have been found and, therefore, cyclosporidiosis the lumen. These merozoites will then infect
is presently considered mainly as a human new epithelial cells and the process of asexual
disease. In the Philippines, a study of diarrheic reproduction in the intestine continues. This
stools from children in 2005 at the College of process may continue for weeks or months.
Public Health, University of the Philippines Some of the merozoites undergo gametogony
Manila, revealed a prevalence of 3.1% using to produce macrogametes and microgametes
safranin staining heated in a microwave. (sexual stages), which fuse to form a zygote that
eventually matures to form an unsporulated
Prevention and Control
oocyst. Sporulation usually occurs within 48
Since the direct source of C. cayetanensis hours after passage with the stool.
is unknown, good sanitary practices should be
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 65

Figure 2.10. Life cycle of Cystoisospora belli

(Accessed from
66 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations Other concentration techniques that can also
be used include zinc sulfate and sugar flotation.
Among the immunocompetent, infection is
Oocysts are thin walled, transparent, and ovoid
generally asymptomatic or may present as a self-
in shape. They appear as translucent, oval
limiting gastroenteritis. However, in more severe
structures measuring 20 to 33 μm by 10 to
infections, severe diarrhea and fat malabsorption
19 μm. Alternatively, oocysts can be seen in a
can occur. Symptoms include low-grade fever,
fecal smear stained by a modified Ziehl-Neelsen
anorexia, vomiting, general body malaise,
method, where they stain granular red color
anorexia, weight loss, and flatulence. Stools
against a green background. Phenol-auramine,
usually contain undigested food, mucus, and
as well as iodine staining of the specimen
Charcot-Leyden crystals.
can help visualize the organism. Acid-fast
Infection in immunocompromised
stain, such as Kinyoun’s stain or an auramine-
individuals ranges from a self-limiting enteritis
rhodamine stain, is also useful. A considerable
to severe diarrheal illness resembling that of
amount of stool may have to be examined
cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis or cyclosporiasis.
because oocysts in the samples are often few in
Mucosal bowel biopsy may reveal flattened
number. Charcot-Leyden crystals may be seen
mucosa and damaged villi. Infiltration of the
in the stool specimen. In blood examination,
lamina propria with lymphocytes, plasma cells,
peripheral eosinophilia is common. String
and eosinophils has been reported. However,
capsule (Enterotest®) and duodenal aspirate
the mechanism by which the parasite produces
examinations may be of value. Molecular based
these lesions is still not clear.
techniques may prove useful as an additional
Diagnosis diagnostic tool.
The oocysts of C. belli may be detected Treatment
in the feces by direct microscopy or formalin-
Asymptomatic infections may be
ether/ethyl acetate concentration (Plate 2.13).
managed with bed rest and a bland diet,
while symptomatic infections, such as those
occurring in AIDS patients, can be treated with
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 160/800 mg
four times per day for 10 days, then two times
per day for 3 weeks. Combination therapy with
pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine for 7 weeks has
also been used successfully.

Unlike the other coccidians, humans are

the only known hosts of C. belli, which has
a worldwide distribution. It is however more
common in tropical and subtropical countries
with poor sanitary conditions. The actual
incidence of cystoisosporiasis is not known but
C. belli has been tagged as the causative agent
Plate 2.13. Immature oocyst of Cystoisospora of diarrheal episodes in day care centers and
belli recovered from stool sample,
showing a single sporoblast
mental institutions. The disease is common
(Accessed from among patients with AIDS. In Africa, 2 to 3%
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 67

of those with AIDS were infected; in South Microsporidia, Isospora and Cyclospora. Ann
America, 10%, and in Haiti and Africa, a range Intern Med. 1996;124:429–441.
of 7 to 20% was observed. The disease has also He y w o r t h M F. Pa r a s i t i c d i s e a s e s i n
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leukemia, and organ transplants. Considered cr yptosporidiosis, isosporiasis and
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Prevention and Control
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p. 251. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2010;23(1):218–234.
Goodgame RW. Understanding intestinal Ro s e J B . E n v i r o n m e n t a l e c o l o g y o f
spore forming protozoa: Cryptosporidia, Cryptosporidium and Public Health
68 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

I m p l i c a t i o n s . A n n u R e v Pu b l i c S m i t h H V, R o s e J B . Wa t e r b o r n e
Health.1997;18:135–161. cryptosporidiosis: current status. Parasitol
Serchand JB, Cross JH, Jimba M, Serchand M, Today. 1998; 14:14–22.
Shresta MP. Study of Cyclosporacayetanensis Soave R. Cyclospora an overview. Clin Infect Dis.
in healthcare facilities, sewage water 1996;23:429–437.
and green leafy vegetables in Nepal. Stuart RL. Cryptosporidiosis in patients with
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. AIDS. Int J STD AIDS. 1997;8:339–341.
1999;30:58–63. Taylor AP, Davis LJ, Soave J. Cyclospora. Curr
Clin Top Infect Dis. 1997;17:256–261.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 69

Toxoplasma gondii

T oxoplasma gondii is a coccidian that belongs

to the Phylum Apicomplexa. It is a parasite
that has a worldwide distribution and that
into a tachyzoite (Plate 2.14). Tachyzoites are
found during the initial and acute stage of the
infection, but as host immunity to the parasite
infects humans and many species of animals. is developed, the fast multiplying tachyzoites
give rise to slow multiplying bradyzoites that
Parasite Biology
form cysts. Only these two stages are present
The infective stages include the tachyzoite, in humans and other animal intermediate
the bradyzoite, and the oocyst. The complete hosts. Asexual multiplication is by a variation
life cycle occurs only in the members of the cat of binary fission called endodyogeny. This is
family (Felidae), which serve as definitive hosts. characterized by the formation of the plasma
It follows a typical coccidian life cycle consisting membrane by the two new daughter parasites,
of schizogony, gametogony, and sporogony in even before the division of the nucleus. Cells
the intestinal epithelium. The extraintestinal in which endodyogeny occur eventually burst,
stages are the asexual stages: tachyzoites and thus liberating trophozoites that invade other
bradyzoites. cells. It is possible that tachyzoites can be
In the intestinal epithelium of the cat, transferred from one person to another by
merozoites multiply (schizogony) and then granulocyte blood transfusion. Tachyzoites
differentiate into microgametocytes and can be transferred from the newly infected
macrogametocytes (gametogony). Fertilization mother to the fetus during the first trimester
of the macrogamete by the microgamete gives of pregnancy by passing through the placental
rise to an oocyst. The oocyst is ovoidal in shape, barrier. Tachyzoites and bradyzoites can be
has a thin wall, and measures 10 to 13 μm by transferred by organ transplant especially bone
9 to 11 μm. marrow, and bradyzoites can be acquired by
These oocysts are passed out with the feces eating meat of infected animals.
of the cat in the unsporulated stage. These can The trophozoite measures 4 to 8 μm
be ingested together with contaminated food in length, 2 to 3 μm width. It is crescent-
or water by another host. The oocysts complete shaped with a pointed anterior and a rounded
sporulation within three to four days. Inside posterior end. Organelles, such as rhoptries
the mature oocyst, two sporocysts are formed, and micronemes, which are associated with
each having four sporozoites. When the mature cell penetration, are found in a short conoid
oocyst reaches the intestine of the new host, it on the anterior end. A spherical nucleus is
excysts and releases four sporozoites which can found in the posterior end. In the infected
penetrate the lamina propria. The parasites macrophage, the parasites prevent the fusion of
gain entry to the lymphatics then spread to the the parasitophorous vacuole that contains the
different organs, tissues, and fluids of the body parasites, with the lysosome and are, thus, not
(Figure 2.11). killed by the lysozyme. Pseudocysts containing
Toxoplasma is an intracellular parasite, proliferating tachyzoites are seen in tissue
which infects different kinds of nucleated cells sections taken from patients suffering from
including macrophages. Following the entry acute infection. These do not have well-formed
of the sporozoite into a new cell, it transforms walls unlike cysts containing many bradyzoites
70 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 2.11. Life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii

(Accessed from

that are seen during chronic infections. Cysts

are found in muscles and in the central nervous
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations

Toxoplasmosis is commonly asymptomatic

as long as the immune system of the patient is
functioning well. Many surveys have shown
the presence of antibodies in a large portion
of the population, although the proportion of
patients exhibiting characteristic symptoms of
Plate 2.14. Toxoplasma tachyzoites
toxoplasmosis is very low. Once stimulated,
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, the immune system quickly responds to the
UP-CPH) parasites, which, in turn, adapt by transforming
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 71

into bradyzoites that are protected by a cyst antibodies against T. gondii. A seroconversion
wall and proliferate at a slower rate. Cysts to a positive titer or a four-fold increase in titers
can be found in the brain, skeletal and heart is indicative of an infection. The Sabin-Feldman
muscles, and retina. Clinical manifestations methylene blue dye test is very sensitive and
become apparent when the immune system specific but it requires the maintenance of
is suppressed as in old age, drug-induced live organisms in the laboratory. High titers
immunosuppression after organ transplantation, (>1,024), although usually indicating an acute
or in the case of AIDS. More often, symptoms infection, may also be seen in chronic cases,
appear when there is relapse of chronic hence the need for IgM antibody detection
infections as a result of a suppressed immune through either the IgM indirect fluorescent
system rather than as a response to an acute antibody technique or through a double
infection. Among the immunocompromised sandwich IgM enzyme immunoassay. Handling
patients, the most common manifestation is of live trophozoites may result in accidental
encephalitis. Myocarditis and focal pneumonia infection of the laboratory personnel. Other tests
have also been reported. It is also possible are the indirect hemagglutination test, indirect
that the immunosuppressed patient acquires fluorescent antibody test, and enzyme-linked
the infection from blood transfusion or immunosorbent assay. Latex agglutination test
organ transplantation. Clinical manifestations is also available. Differentiating pre-existing
include retinochoroiditis, lymphoreticular antibody from passively transferred antibody
hyperplasia with enlargement of the posterior from the mother or antibody related to illness
cervical lymph node, hepatitis, splenomegaly, is important in the assessment of serological
pneumonia, extramedullary hematopoiesis, and test results.
failure to gain weight. Better diagnostic assays are being developed
Stillbirth and abortion may result when because toxoplasmosis has been recognized
mothers acquire the infection during the first as an important disease associated with
trimester of pregnancy. Babies may exhibit AIDS. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has
clinical manifestations like chorioretinitis, been successfully used in the diagnosis of
epileptic seizures, jaundice, hydrocephaly, and toxoplasmosis using samples taken from the
microcephaly. Death of the infected newborn patient, which include serum, amniotic fluid,
babies is usually due to anemia with pneumonia. cerebrospinal fluid, and broncheoalveolar
There are cases when clinical manifestations lavage, especially in cases where there is very
may not be apparent during the neonatal little amount of specimen available.
period, but will appear later in childhood. Most
babies will harbor the infection and grow up
without any clinical manifestation until such Treatment consists of pyrimethamine
time later in life when their immune system is (25-100 mg daily) and sulfadiazine (1-1.5 g
suppressed and there is reactivation of chronic four times daily) used in combination for one
toxoplasmosis. month. These drugs keep the Toxoplasma under
control but do not kill it. Since pyrimethamine
can lower blood counts in most people, it
Identification of the parasite can be done should be given together with leucovorin (folic
through examination of tissue imprints stained acid). Sulfadiazine may cause serious allergic
with Giemsa. Tissue sections can be processed reactions like fever and rash, but it can be
and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. substituted with clindamycin. Spiramycin,
Serodiagnostic methods are used to detect azithromycin, clarithromycin, dapsone, and
72 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

atovaquone may also be used. Corticosteroids References

are sometimes given to prevent occurrence of
Cross JH, Basaca-Sevilla V. Biomedical surveys
hypersensitivity reactions. Prophylaxis with
in the Philippines. Manila (Philippines):
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole may be given
US Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2;
for the immunocompromised.
Epidemiology Eduardo SL. Food-borne zoonoses in the
Philippines. Southeast Asian J Trop Med
Toxoplasmosis is endemic worldwide in
Public Health. 1991;22:16–22.
humans and in domestic and wild animals as
Frenkel JK, Hassanein KM. Transmission of
well. Disease due to this parasitic infection is not
Toxoplasma gondii in Panama: a five-year
manifested except in cases of immune deficiency
prospective cohort. Study of children, cats,
or suppression. Determination of the prevalence
rodents and soil. Am J Trop Med Hyg.
of infection is based on serodiagnostic tests,
although these tests are not readily available
Jackson MH, Hutchison WM. The prevalence
in the Philippines due perhaps to a lack of
and source of Toxoplasma infection in the
demand since clinical toxoplasmosis is not
environment. Adv Parasitol. 1989;28:55–
common. According to surveys by Cross and
Basaca-Sevilla, only 2.4% of the population is
Nantulya VM. TrypTect CIATT—a card
seropositive for Toxoplasma gondii. Pigs and rats,
indirect agglutination trypanosomiasis test
however, have a higher prevalence of positive
for diagnosis of Trypanosoma gambiense and
titers for Toxoplasma antibodies at 19% and
T. rhodesiense infections. Trans R Soc Trop
8.1%, respectively.
Med Hyg. 1997;91:55l–553.
Prevention and Control Neva FA, Brown HW. Basic clinical parasitology.
6th ed. Connecticut: Appleton & Lange;
Fo o d s h o u l d b e p r o t e c t e d f r o m
contamination with cat feces. Meat and eggs
Roberts LS, Janovy J. Foundations of
should be well cooked. Unpasteurized milk
parasitology. 5th ed. Dubuque: Wm. C.
should be avoided. Pregnant women should
Brown Publishers; 1996.
avoid contact with cats. Laboratory workers
World Health Organization. WHO Fact
should be very careful in handling the parasite.
Sheet no. 116. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 1996.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 73

Sarcocystis spp.
Alice Alma C. Bungay, Raezelle Nadine T. Ciro

S arcocystis is a genus of intracellular protozoa

reported to infect humans and animals
worldwide. Infection with this parasite is known
environment suitable for parasite growth and
Sporulated oocysts and individual
as sarcosporidiosis or sarcocystosis. Species sporocysts can be passed out in the feces of an
belonging to this genus infect a wide variety of infected definitive host. The sporulated oocyst
animals such as birds, reptiles, and mammals. undergoes sporogony creating two sporocysts.
While majority of the species infect mammals, Once sporogony is complete, the oocyst itself
about a dozen are known to infect snakes. undergoes lysis, releasing the sporocysts into
This parasite was first reported in 1843 by the environment. Sporocysts of most species
Miescher as white threadlike cysts in striated measure 15 to 19 µm by 8 to 10 µm, and contain
muscles of a house mouse. It was simply referred four sporozoites and a discrete refractile residual
to as Miescher’s tubules until 1899, when the body. Sporocysts are capable of surviving on
name Sarcocystis miescheriana was proposed to the ground and infecting intermediate hosts
identify the said parasite. Since its discovery, it (Figure 2.12).
has been debated whether Sarcocystis spp. were After oocysts and/or sporocysts are ingested
protozoa or fungi. The debate was resolved by a susceptible intermediate host (usually
only in 1967 when bradyzoites in the sarcocysts cows or pigs), the sporocysts pass to the small
were studied under the electron microscope and intestine. The plates forming the sporocyst wall
were seen to possess organelles found in other separate, releasing the four sporozoites into
apicomplexan protozoa such as Toxoplasma and the intermediate host’s body. The sporozoites
Eimeria. migrate through the gut epithelium and
There are about 130 recognized species eventually enter the endothelial cells in small
under Sarcocystis including S. hominis and S. arteries where they undergo the first two
suihominis. Humans serve as definitive hosts for generations of asexual reproduction (called
the two species, but occasionally, humans can schizogony or merogony). These cycles result
act as intermediate hosts. There is an ongoing in the development of meronts. This stage lasts
revision of the taxonomy of this genus, and it is about 15 to 16 days after ingestion of sporocysts.
possible that all the currently recognized species Merozoites emerge from the second generation
may be fewer or may in fact be a single species meronts and enter the mononucleate cells
that can infect multiple hosts. where they develop. Subsequent generations of
merozoites develop in the direction of blood
Parasite Biology
flow to arterioles, capillaries, venules, and
Sarcocystis can take several forms. The veins throughout the body. The third asexual
simplest form is called a zoite. It is a banana- generation appears as multinucleate schizonts
shaped cell, with a pointed anterior end, also in capillaries throughout the body. Merozoites
known as the apical complex, which possesses from this generation form metrocytes and encyst
micronemes, micropores, and rhoptries, in the muscles, initiating sarcocyst formation.
and believed to be associated with host cell Sarcocysts begin as unicellular bodies
penetration and creation of an intracellular containing a single metrocyte. Through
74 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 2.12. Life cycle of Sarcocystis spp.

(Accessed from
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 75

repeated asexual multiplication, numerous anorexia, nausea, abdominal pain, distension,

metrocytes accumulate and the sarcocyst diarrhea, vomiting, dyspnea, and tachycardia.
increases in size. As sarcocysts mature, the All symptoms were transient and lasted about
small, rounded, non-infectious metrocytes give 36 hours.
rise to infectious, crescent-shaped bodies called Sarcocystosis has also been associated with
bradyzoites. About two and a half months after acute fever, myalgias, bronchospasm, pruritic
infection, sarcocysts are already mature and are rashes, lymphadenopathy, subcutaneous
able to infect the definitive host. nodules with concurrent eosinophilia, elevated
Humans, as well as other definitive hosts, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and elevated
are infected by consumption of uncooked or creatine kinase levels. Symptoms may last as
undercooked meat of intermediate host that long as 5 years. Segmental necrotizing enteritis
contains sarcocysts. Once the intermediate has also been reported in one study.
host is eaten by a definitive host such as dog
or human, the parasite undergoes sexual
reproduction within the intestines. After Presumptive diagnosis of human intestinal
sarcocysts are ingested and the wall is digested, sarcocystosis is based on symptoms manifested
bradyzoites become motile. Active bradyzoites by infected individuals and a history of recent
enter intestinal cells and change into the consumption of raw or undercooked meat.
male and female forms, microgamonts and Identification of sporocysts in feces may
macrogamonts, respectively. Fusion of a require several stool examinations done on
macrogamont and a microgamont creates a separate days during the infection. Sporocysts
fertilized cell called a zygote, which develops of S. hominis are first excreted 14 to 18 days
into an oocyst (containing two sporocysts). after ingesting beef, and those of S. suihominis
The oocyst is passed through the feces of the are excreted 11 to 13 days after ingesting
definitive host. Most definitive hosts do not pork. A fecal flotation wet mount is usually
show any clinical signs or symptoms. done to visualize sporocysts using bright-field
More recently, a second life cycle has been microscopy. Flotation methods based on
described whereby carnivores and omnivores high-density solutions incorporating sodium
pass the infectious stages in their feces. Ingestion chloride, cesium chloride, zinc sulfate, sucrose,
of this contaminated material may lead to Percoll, Ficoll-Hypaque, and other density
successful infection. gradient media are preferred over formalin-
ether/ethyl acetate and other sedimentation
Pathology and Clinical Manifestations
methods. Species cannot be distinguished
The pathology is of two types: a rare from one another solely by microscopy because
invasive form that presents with vasculitis and sporocysts of different species overlap in size
myositis, and an intestinal form that presents and shape.
with nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Definitive diagnosis can be made through
While normally mild and lasting under 48 biopsy of an infected muscle. Sarcocysts of S.
hours, the intestinal form may occasionally be hominis are microscopic in muscles of cattle,
severe or even life threatening. The invasive whereas those of S. suihominis are macroscopic
form may involve a wide variety of tissues in muscles of swine. Sarcocysts are identifiable
including lymph nodes, muscles, and the larynx. with hematoxylin and eosin stain. Confirmatory
In studies where volunteers ingested staining with the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) can
infected beef, symptoms appeared 3 to 6 be performed as the walls stain positively. The
hours after eating. These symptoms included walls of the sarcocyst may be used in species
76 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

diagnosis. Currently, 24 wall types have been America, China, India, Tibet, and Southeast
identified in 62 species. S. hominis and S. Asia.
suihominis both have walls of type 10. The wall Of fecal specimens examined from children
of S. hominis is up to 6 µm thick and appears in Poland and Germany, 10.4% and 7.3% were
radially striated from villar protrusions that are found positive, respectively. In Tibet, Sarcocystis
up to 7 µm long. The wall of S. suihominis is was detected in 42.9% of beef specimens
4 to 9 µm thick, with villar protrusions up to examined from the marketplace, and S. hominis
13 µm long. and S. suihominis were found in stool samples
Recently, polymerase chain reaction of 21.8% and 7% of 926 persons, respectively.
(PCR) amplification of the 18S rRNA was Stool examination among Thai laborers showed
demonstrated to be useful in distinguishing S. that Sarcocystis infection had a prevalence of
hominis, S. fusiformis, and S. cruzi sarcocysts about 23%; all cases were asymptomatic which
and oocysts. The technique makes possible probably explained the lack of recognition. A
amplification and identification of species- study of 100 human tongues obtained post
specific gene sequences based on DNA extracted mortem in Malaysia revealed an infection rate
from as few as seven excreted sporocysts (the of 21%. There was no sex difference and the age
equivalent of 3 ½ oocysts) from freshly prepared range was 16 to 57 years (mean 37.7 years). A
material, or as few as 50 sporocysts from fecal seroepidemiological survey in West Malaysia
samples that had been stored in potassium found that 19.7% of 243 persons had antibodies
dichromate (K2Cr2O7) for as long as 6 years. for Sarcocystis.
In the Philippines, studies involving
the examination of muscle tissues obtained
Because infection is often asymptomatic, from water buffaloes, cattle, pigs, and goats
treatment is rarely required. There have been revealed the presence of S. cruzi in backyard
no published trials so treatment remains cattle (Bos taurus) possessing a type 7 sarcocyst
empirical. Agents that have been used include wall, S. levinei in water buffaloes (Bubalus
albendazole, metronidazole, and co-trimoxazole bubalis) possessing a type 7 sarcocyst wall
for myositis. Corticosteroids have also been used with similarities to S. cruzi, S. miescheriana in
for symptomatic relief. domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) with a type
10 sarcocyst wall, and S. capracanis in domestic
goats (Capra hircus) with a type 14 sarcocyst
There are very few large-scale population wall. There is a lack of local studies on human
surveys that have been conducted for Sarcocystis sarcocystosis.
in humans. Prevalence data for Sarcocystis Prevention and Control
infections often come from case reports and
findings of physicians, public health workers, Intestinal sarcocystosis can be prevented
and scientists with specific interests. by thoroughly cooking or freezing meat to kill
Human infection is considered rare with bradyzoites in the sarcocysts. Alternatively,
less than 100 published cases of invasive freezing the meat at –5°C for several days
disease (approximately 46 cases reported by will kill the sporocysts. Where contaminated
1990). These figures may represent a gross drinking water is suspected, boiling should be
underestimate of the human burden of disease. considered to ensure disinfection.
Sarcocystosis has been reported in Africa, The administration of anticoccidial
Europe (Germany, Spain, and Poland), the drugs, amprolium and salinomycin, as
United States (California), Central and South chemoprophylactic agents was effective
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 77

in preventing severe illness and death in Research@DLSU-Manila:_Continuing_

experimentally infected calves and lambs. the_Cycle. 2007;100.
The risk of foodborne zoonoses warrants Croft JC. Nonamebic protozoal enteridities.
prevention and control in food animals. To In: Hoeprich D, Jordan MC, Ronald AR.
avoid infection of food animals, they must be Infectious processes. 5th ed. Philadelphia,
prevented from ingesting the sporocyst stage Pa: Lippincott; 1994. p. 769–74.
from human feces in contaminated water, feeds, Dubey JP, Speer CA, Fayer R. Sarcocystis of
and bedding. If such measures cannot be assured animals and man. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC
and meat is suspected to harbor cysts, the extent Press, Inc.; 1989.
of infestation must be considered. In heavy and Herenda D, Chambers PG, Ettriqui A,
widespread infestations with visible cysts, the Seneviratna P, da Silva TJ. Manual on meat
whole carcass must be condemned. In lighter inspection for developing countries. Rome,
infestations, those parts of the carcass which are Italy: FAO; 2000.
not affected are passed for human consumption. Leek RG, Fayer R. Experimental Sarcocystis
No vaccines are currently available. ovicanis infection in lambs: salinomycin
Experimentally inoculated pigs appear to chemoprophylaxis and protective
develop a persistent immunity, hence, vaccine immunity. J Parasitol. 1983;69:271–6.
development may be explored. Ohio State University. Sarcocystis spp [Internet].
2010 [cited 2010 Mar 1]. Available from
Bruckner DA, Garcia LS. Diagnostic medical sarcocystis.html
parasitology. UCLA Medical Center, Payer R. Sarcocystis spp. in human infections.
Department of Pathology: Elsevier Science Clin Microbiol Rev. 2004;17(4):894–902.
Publishing Co., Inc; 1988. Xiang Z, Chen X, Yang L, He Y, Jiang R,
Charleston WAG, Pomroy WE. Sarcocystis Rosenthal BM, et al. Non-invasive methods
species: self-teaching manual for veterinary for identifying oocysts of Sarcocystis spp.
parasitology. Massey University: VPPH from definitive hosts. Parasitol Int. 2009;
Publication; 1995. 58(3):293–6.
Claveria FG. Survey of Sarcocystis spp. infection Yu S. [Field survey of Sarcocystis infection in the
in Philippine livestock animals: light Tibet autonomous region]. Zhongguo Yi
microscopic and ultrastructural studies. Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao. 1991;13:29–
32. Chinese.
78 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Other Intestinal Protozoans

Winifreda U. de Leon

Blastocystis hominis Parasite biology

The life cycle is unclear. It has been

B lastocystis hominis is an intestinal protozoan
found in a vast array of animals, including
humans. The classification of Blastocystis has
proposed that the life cycle begins with ingestion
of cysts from contaminated food or water. Upon
ingestion, the cyst possibly develops into other
been a long-standing problem for taxonomists.
forms, which may in turn re-develop into cyst
It was previously classified as yeast under
forms. When excreted with stools, the cysts
the genus Schizosaccharomyces, while other
contaminate the environment and are eventually
taxonomists suggested that it was related to
transmitted to humans and other animals
Blastomyces based on its glistening appearance
through the fecal-oral route, repeating the cycle.
in a wet mount and the absence of any organelle
Because the life cycle is not fully understood,
of locomotion.
validation of this proposed life cycle and the
Correlative light electron microscopy has
mode of transmission needs experimental
since shown that the organism lacks a cell wall. It
confirmation. Multiplication of B. hominis is
possesses nuclei, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
by binary fission.
complex, and mitochondrion-like organelles
B. hominis is known to occur in four
that are compatible with protozoan morphology.
morphological forms: (a) vacuolated, (b) ameba-
It is capable of pseudopodial extension and
like, (c) granular, and (d) multiple fission. More
retraction. Moreover, the organism does not
recently, additional cyst and avacuolar forms
grow on fungal culture media. It responds to
have been recognized.
anti-protozoal drugs. Studies with cultured
Vacuolated forms are the most predominant
organisms have shown that reproduction
forms in fecal specimens. These are spherical in
is asexual, either through binary fission or
shape, measuring 5 to 10 μm in diameter. A
sporulation under strict anaerobic conditions.
large central vacuole pushes the cytoplasm and
Optimal growth is at 37°C in the presence of
the four nuclei to the periphery of the cell.
bacteria. All the above findings supported the
Sometimes, a very thick capsule surrounds
reclassification of B. hominis from a yeast to an
the vacuolated forms. The prominent central
emerging human protozoan parasite.
vacuole has been found to be a reproductive
There are new research findings on the
organelle. The vacuolar forms are considered
taxonomic classification of B. hominis. In
to be the main type of Blastocystis that cause
1996, Silberman et al. completed a study of
the small subunit rRNA (SSUrRNA) gene
Ameba-like forms, usually measuring
of the organism, and the results showed
between 2.5 to 8 μm, are occasionally observed
that it belongs to an informal group called
in stool samples. They exhibit active extension
Stramenophiles, which is a recently recognized
and retraction of pseudopodia. The nuclear
group of microscopic parasites. This includes
chromatin, when visible, characteristically
heterogenous protists like brown algae, diatoms,
shows peripheral clumping. The amebic form
and water molds, to name a few.
appears to be an intermediate stage between
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 79

the vacuolar form and the precystic form, as flatulence, mild to moderate diarrhea without
this stage allows the parasite to ingest bacteria fecal leukocytes or blood, nausea, vomiting, low
in order to enhance encystment. Studies grade fever, and malaise. Symptoms usually last
of Tan and Suresh have revealed that the about 3 to 10 days, but may sometimes persist
ameboid forms predominated in isolates from for weeks or months.
symptomatic cases. It has been found that in subjects suffering
Granular forms are multinucleated and from immunosuppression, Blastocystis showed
are mainly observed from old cultures. The a significant association with gastrointestinal
diameter of the cell varies from 10 to 60 μm. symptoms. Other studies have also provided
The granular contents develop into daughter evidence of changes in the cellular immune
cells of the ameba-form when the cell ruptures. function of infected individuals.
Multiple fission forms arise from vacuolated
forms. It is believed that these multiple fission
forms produce many vacuolated forms. Specific diagnosis based on clinical
The size of the resistant cystic form is presentation alone may prove difficult, because
about 3 to 10 μm in diameter, and has one or the spectrum of symptoms is seen in other
two nuclei. It has a very prominent and thick, intestinal infections. Laboratory detection of
osmophilic, electron dense wall. It appears the organism from stool is needed to confirm
as a sharply demarcated polymorphic, but the diagnosis. Multiple stool samples should
mostly oval or circular, dense body surrounded be collected from patients showing clinical
by a loose outer membranous layer. This signs and symptoms. Microscopic examination
membranous layer seen in phase contrast using direct fecal smear is useful, but sensitivity
microscopy corresponds to the fibrillar layer is increased when concentration techniques
described around the cyst at the ultrastructural are used. Hematoxylin or trichrome staining
level, and is the easiest diagnostic feature to offers a very convenient and easy method to
identify. differentiate the various stages of Blastocystis.
It is postulated that the thick-walled cyst Leukocytes are usually seen in fecal smears and
may be responsible for external transmission, stool eosinophilia may also be observed. The
while those cysts with thin walls may be the organism can be cultured using the Boeck and
cause of reinfection within a host’s intestinal Drbohlav’s or the Nelson and Jones media.
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
Blastocystis is difficult to eradicate. It hides
Infection with B. hominis is called in the intestinal mucus, as well as sticks and
blastocystosis. B. hominis as a cause of holds on to intestinal membranes. The drug of
gastrointestinal pathology is controversial. choice is metronidazole given orally, 750 mg
Several studies have shown that the presence three times daily for 10 days (Pediatric dose:
of the parasite in a majority of patients was not 35-50 mg/kg/day in three doses for 5 days)
associated with symptoms; or, it was found or iodoquinol given at 650 mg three times
with other organisms that were more likely to daily for 20 days. However, there have been
be the cause of the symptoms. However, other reported cases of resistance. Trimethroprim-
studies have concluded that the presence of sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) has also been
Blastocystis in large numbers produces a wide found to be highly effective against Blastocystis.
variety of intestinal disorders, such as abdominal Nitazoxanide has been clinically tested on
cramps, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, patients with blastocystosis, and was found to
80 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

resolve symptoms in 86% of patients after 3 Blastocystis similar to those found in humans.
days of administration. Evidence has also shown that Blastocystis is
present in house lizards and cockroaches,
raising the possibility that food and water
Blastocystis hominis has been reported contaminated by fecal droppings of these “home
virtually worldwide, with infections occurring visitors” may transmit Blastocystis.
most commonly in tropical, subtropical, and In the Philippines, studies of 32
developing countries. Studies from developed morphologically similar isolates from different
countries have reported approximately 1.5 to hosts: 12 from humans, 12 from pigs, and 8
17.9% overall prevalence of B. hominis. All from chickens, using the restriction fragment
ages are affected, but symptomatic cases are length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of small
more often found in children and in those with subunit rDNA (SSUrDNA), have shown
weakened immune systems. A prevalence of up extensive genomic polymorphism.
to 11.6% was reported from Stanford University
Prevention and Control
Hospital. Prevalence rates of 32.6 % and as high
as 52.3% had been reported from China and Available data on B. hominis indicate that
Malaysia, respectively. the disease can be prevented by consuming safe
Occurrence of the parasite in temperate drinking water. While food has not been fully
countries is generally associated with recent implicated, provisions for sanitary preparation
travel to the tropics and consumption of may be of value in efforts to prevent and
untreated drinking water. This indicates that control this infection. The cysts of B. hominis
infection is possibly through the oral route, can survive up to 19 days in water at normal
and it is more likely to occur in crowded and temperature, and have shown resistance to
unsanitary conditions. Outbreaks of B. hominis chlorine at the standard concentrations.
in day-care centers have been reported in Spain
(5.3-10.3%), Brazil (34.7%), and Canada
(13.4%). Avila MS, Garcia MR, Narcelles MV, Serra
In the Philippines, examination of FB, Tejida GM. Prevalence of intestinal
772 stools from consecutive patients at the helminth and protozoan infections among
Department of Parasitology, College of Public food handlers in selected school canteens
Health, University of the Philippines Manila, in Manila [undergraduate special study].
showed a prevalence of 20.7%, sometimes with 2003. Located at: College of Public Health
concomitant infection with other intestinal Library, University of the Philippines
parasites. Studies have also shown prevalence Manila.
rates of 40.6% among food service workers Department of Parasitology. Diagnostic
in a tertiary hospital, and 23.6% among Laboratory Records. 1997. Located at:
food handlers in selected school canteens College of Public Health Library, University
in Manila. Stool surveys conducted by the of the Philippines Manila.
Field Epidemiology Training Program of the Department of Parasitology. Diagnostic
Department of Health in Tapel, Gonzaga, Laboratory Records. 1998. Located at:
Cagayan Valley, and Talavera, Nueva Ecija College of Public Health Library, University
showed prevalence rates of 20% and 44%, of the Philippines Manila.
respectively. Doyle PW, Helgason MM. Epidemiology and
Some animals, like pig-tailed macaques, pathogenicify of Blastocystis hominis. J Clin
chickens, dogs, and ostriches may harbor Microbiol. 1990;28:116–21.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 81

Diaczok BJ, Rival J. Diarrhea due to Blastocystis Mclure HM, Strobeft EA, Healy GR.
hominis: an old organism revisited. South 1980 Blastocystis hominis in a pigtailed
Med J. 1987;80(7):931–2. macaque: a potential enteric pathogens
Esparar, DG, Belizario VY. Prevalence of for non-humans primates. Lab Anim Sci.
parasitic infection among food-handlers 1980;30(5):890–4.
in a dietary service of a tertiary hospital Rivera W, Tan MA. Molecular characterization
in Manila. 2003. Located at: College of of Blastocystis isolates in the Philippines
Public Health Library, University of the b y r i b o p r i n t i n g . Pa r a s i t o l R e s .
Philippines Manila. 2005;96(4):253–7.
Garcia LS, Brucknel DA, Clancey MN. Clinical Rivera WL. Phylogenetic analysis of Blastocystis
relevance of Blastocystis hominis. Lancet. isolates from animal and human hosts in the
1984;1:1233–4. Philippines. Vet Parasitol. 2008;156:178–
Guirges SY, Al Waili NS. Blastocystis hominis: 82.
evidence for human pathogenicity and Rossingnol JF, Kabil SM, Said M, Samir H,
effectiveness of metronidazole therapy. Clin Younis AM. Effect of nitazoxanide in
Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 1986;4:333–335. persistent diarrhea and enteritis associated
Haresh H, Suresh K, Khairul A, Saminathan with Blastocystis hominis. Clin Gastroenterol
S. Isolate resistance of Blastocystis hominis Hepatol. 2005;3(10):987–91.
to metronidazole. Trop Med Int Health. Silberman JD, Sogin ML, Leipe DD, Clark CG.
1999;4:274–7. Human parasite finds taxonomic home.
Jiang JB, He, JG. Taxonomic status Blastocystis Nature.1996;380(6573):398.
hominis. Parasitol Today. 1993;9(10):2–3. Tan KS. New insights on classification,
Kain KC, Noble MA, Freeman HJ, Barteluk identification, and clinical relevance
RL. Epidemiology and clinical features of Blastocystis spp. Clin Microbiol Rev.
associated with Blastocystis hominis infection. 2008;21(4):639–65.
Microbiol Infect Dis. 1987;8(4):235–44. Tan TC, Suresh KG. Predominance of Ameboid
Koutsavlis AT, Valiquette L, Allard R, Soto J. forms of Blastocystis hominis in isolates
Blastocystis hominis: a new pathogen in from symptomatic patients. Parasitol Res.
day-care centers? Can Commun Dis Rep. 2005;98(3):189–93.
2001;27:76–84. Valido E, Rivera W. Colony Growth of
Long HY, Handschack A, Konig W. Blastocystis Blastocystis hominis in simplified soft agar
hominis modulates immune responses and medium. Parasitol Res. 2007;101(1):213–
cytokine release in colonic epithelial cells. 7.
Parasitol Res. 2001;87:1029–30. Yoshikawa H, Yoshida K, Nakajima A,
Markell EK, Udkow MP. Blastocystis hominis: Yamanari K, Iwatani S, Kimata I. Fecal-
pathogen or fellow traveler? Am J Trop Med oral transmission of the cyst form of
Hyg. 1986;35(5):1023–6. Blastocystis hominis in rats. Parasitol Res.
Matsamuto Y, Yamada M, Yoshida Y. Light 2004; 94(6):391–6.
microscopical appearance and ultra- Zierdt CH. Blastocystis hominis-past and future.
structure of Blastocystis hominis, an intestinal Clin Microbiol Rev. 1991;4:61.
parasite of man. Zentrabl Bakteriol
Mikrobiol Hyg B. 1986;264(3–4):379–85.
82 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Dientamoeba fragilis
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Timothy M. Ting

D ientamoeba fragilis was first discovered by

Wenyon in 1909 but was first described
in the scientific literature by Jepps and Dobell
debris. No cyst stage has been identified. Except
for the absence of a flagellum, this protozoan is
closely related to and resembles Trichomonas.
in 1918. It remains neglected despite evidence D. fragilis lives in the mucosal crypts of
supporting its pathogenicity. It has been the appendix, cecum and the upper colon. The
identified in practically all regions of the world exact life cycle is unknown, although several
in which satisfactory iron-hematoxylin stained assumptions have been made from clinical
films have been carefully examined. data (Figure 2.13). Direct human to human
transmission is probably via the fecal-oral route
Parasite Biology
or via transmission of helminth eggs particularly
On the basis of electron microscopic, that of Enterobius vermicularis. Dientamoeba-
immunologic, and molecular phylogenetic like mononucleated and binucleated forms
findings, this protozoan, which was originally have been observed in the lumen of Enterobius
described as an ameba, is actually a flagellate adults and eggs present in the intestines. More
with only the trophozoite stage known (Plate recently, stools from macaques, gorillas, and
2.15). The organism measures about 7 to 12 µm swine were found to carry D. fragilis, thus
with one or two (rarely three or four) rosette- animal reservoirs may also be potential sources
shaped nuclei. The nuclear membrane does not of human infections.
have peripheral chromatin, and the karyosome
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
consists of four to six discrete granules. The
cytoplasm may contain vacuoles with ingested Dientamoeba fragilis does not invade
tissues, but its presence in the intestines
produces irritation of the mucosa with secretion
of excess mucus and hypermotility of the
bowel. Infections are usually asymptomatic. In
symptomatic individuals, the onset of infection is
usually accompanied by loss of appetite, colicky
abdominal pain, and intermittent diarrhea with
excess mucus, abdominal tenderness, a bloating
sensation, and flatulence. Another common
symptom, reported in 11% of the patients,
was anal pruritus. This may partially be due
to the co-infection with Enterobius. Peripheral
eosinophilia can be observed in 50% of the
cases. Chronic infection of this organism can
mimic the symptoms of diarrhea-predominant
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and some
Plate 2.15. Binucleate forms of trophozoites of experts have suggested ruling out infection with
Dientamoeba fragilis, stained with trichrome this organism first before diagnosing a patient
(Accessed from as having IBS.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 83

Figure 2.13. Life cycle of Dientamoeba fragilis

(Accessed from

Diagnosis of the fresh specimen with polyvinyl alcohol

fixative or Schaudinn’s fixative has been found
Diagnosis of this organism is by observation
to be helpful.
of binucleate trophozoites in multiple fixed and
stained fresh stool samples. Fresh stool samples Treatment
are necessary since the trophozoites degenerate
Antimicrobial therapy is followed by
after a few hours of stool passage. Multiple
resolution of symptoms and eradication of
samples increase the sensitivity of detecting
D. fragilis. Treatment is done with iodoquinol
the organism. Unless the laboratory examiner
at 650 mg three times daily for 20 days. The
is aware of the possibility that D. fragilis may be
pediatric dose is 40 mg/kg/day in three doses,
present in the fresh fecal films, the protozoan
also for 20 days. Tetracycline and metronidazole
is easily overlooked. Purged stool specimens
have also been found to be effective.
provide more suitable material for examination
than the average formed stool. Even when Epidemiology
formed, D. fragilis may be misdiagnosed as
The organism has a world-wide distribution
other amebae. This organism is not detected by
with varying infection rates ranging from 0.4 to
stool concentration methods. Prompt fixation
84 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

as high as 42%. In contrast to many pathogenic population: a preliminary investigation. Vet

protozoa, which have a high prevalence in Parasitol. 2007;145:349–51.
developing countries, high prevalence rates of Girginkardesler N, Kurt O, Kilimcioglu A,
D. fragilis have been reported from developed Ok U. Transmission of Dientamoeba
countries with high sanitation standards. Using fragilis: evaluation of the role of Enterobius
adequate culture techniques, the rates were as vermicularis. Parasitol Int. 2008;57:72–5.
high as 18% in Israel, 36% in Holland, and Johnson E, Windsor J, Clark G. Emerging
41.5% in Germany. from obscurity: biological, clinical, and
diagnostic aspects of Dientamoeba fragilis.
Prevention and Control
Clin Microbiol Rev. 2004;17(3):553–70.
Specific recommendations for prevention Johnson J, Clark C. Cryptic genetic diversity
and control cannot be made until there is more to Dientamoeba fragilis. J Clin Microbiol.
specific information concerning the method of 2000;38(12):4653–4.
transmission. Proper sanitation and disposal of Katz D, Taylor D. Parasitic infections of the
human waste are essential. gastrointestinal tract. Gastroenterol Clin
N. 2001;30(3):797–815.
Lagace-Wiens P, Van Caeseele P, Koschik C.
Banik G, Birch D, Stark D, Ellis J. A Dientamoeba fragilis: an emerging role
microscopic description and ultrastructural in intestinal disease. Can Med Assoc J.
characterization of Dientamoeba fragilis: an 2006;175(5):468–9.
emerging cause of human enteric disease. Stark D, Barratt J, Roberts T, Marriott D,
Int J Parasitol. 2012;42:139–53. Harkness J, Ellis J. A review of the clinical
Banik G, Barratt J, Marriott D, Harkness J, presentation of dientamoebiasis. Am J Trop
Ellis J, Stark D. A case-controlled study of Med Hyg. 2010;82(4):614–9.
Dientamoeba fragilis infection in children. Stark D, Philipps O, Peckett D, Munro U,
Parasitol. 2011;138:819–23. Marriott D, Harkness J, Ellis J. Gorillas are
Barratt J, Harkness J, Marriorr D, Ellis J, a host for Dientamoeba fragilis: an update
Stark D. A review of Dientamoeba fragilis on the life cycle and host distribution. Vet
carriage in humans: several reasons why Parasitol. 2008;151:21-6.
this organism should be considered in the Stark D, Beebe N, Marriott D, Ellis J, Harkness
diagnosis of gastrointestinal illness. Gut J. Dientamoeba fragilis as a cause of traveler’s
Microbes. 2011;2(1):3–12. diarrhea: report of seven cases. J Travel
Barratt J, Harkness J, Marriott D, Ellis J, Stark Med. 2007;14(1):72–3.
D. The ambiguous life of Dientamoeba Windsor J, Macfarlane L. Irritable bowel
fragilis: the need to investigate current syndrome: the need to exclude
hypotheses on transmission. Parasitol. Dientamoeba fragilis. Am J Trop Med Hyg.
2011; 138:557–72. 2005;72(5):501.
Crotti D, Sensi M, Crotti S, Grelloni V, Windsor J, Johnson E. Dientantoeba fragilis:
Manuali E. Dientamoeba fragilis in swine The unflagellated human flagellate. Brit J
Biomed Sci. 1999;56(4):293–306.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 85

Plasmodium spp.
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Carlos Miguel P. Perez

M alaria remains the leading parasitic disease

that causes mortality worldwide. With
655,000 malaria-related deaths reported in
Table 2.4. Millennium development goals: eight
goals for 2015

Millennium Development Goals

2010 and an estimated 3.3 billion people at
1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
risk for infection, the disease has been identified
2 Achieve universal primary education
by the World Health Organization (WHO)
3 Promote gender equality and women
as one of the three major infectious disease empowerment
threats, along with human immunodeficiency 4 Reduce child mortality
virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome 5 Improve maternal health
(HIV/AIDS) and tuberculosis, which together
6 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
cause more than 5 million deaths each year.
7 Ensure environmental sustainability
Malaria leads to decreased social and economic
8 Develop a global partnership for development
productivity and contributes to a vicious cycle
Source: United Nations. General assembly, 56th session. Road
of disease and poverty. Young children and map towards implementation of the united nations millennium
declaration: report of the secretary-general (UN Document no.
pregnant women are the population groups A1561326). New York: United Nations, 2001.
mostly affected by malaria. Chronic malaria
leads to anemia, which is associated with
impaired physical and mental growth and treated. The group of parasites causing malaria
development in children. In pregnancy, anemia belongs to the genus Plasmodium that is
is a leading contributor to maternal morbidity transmitted by the bite of an infected female
and mortality, and is associated with risk of mosquito belonging to the genus Anopheles.
cardiac failure and adverse perinatal outcomes. The four species that are medically important
Anemia from malaria is also exacerbated by to humans are Plasmodium falciparum, P.
anemia from concomitant helminth infections vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae. The first two
in both children and pregnant women. are responsible for over 90% of all human
In 2000, the United Nations (UN) adopted malaria cases. More recently, P. knowlesi has
the Millennium Declaration, serving as a been described in humans in the Philippines
blueprint for the eradication of extreme poverty and most of Southeast Asia. P. knowlesi,
through eight quantifiable time-bound targets considered the fifth human malaria parasite,
known as the Millennium Development Goals is normally a parasite of long-tailed macaques
(MDGs) (Table 2.4). MDG 6 aims to reduce (Macaca fascicularis), but humans working in
the burden of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other nearby forest fringe pose great risk for infection.
diseases. The malaria component of MDG 6 The first naturally acquired human infection
includes reducing incidence and mortality rates was reported in 1965 in Sarawak, Malaysia;
of the disease, increasing insecticide-treated bed other foci of infection have been reported in
net coverage among children below 5 years of Thailand and China as late as 2008. In the
age and increasing anti-malarial coverage among Philippines, the first reported case of P. knowlesi
children below 5 years of age. was described in 2006. Since then, the Research
Despite the high figures in mortality, the Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) has
disease is curable if promptly and adequately reported nine cases of mixed malaria infection,
86 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

positive for P. knowlesi. The life cycle of P. in humans consists of schizogony, which leads to
knowlesi is microscopically indistinguishable the formation of merozoites, and gametogony,
from P. malariae, and differentiation is only which leads to the formation of gametocytes.
achieved through polymerase chain reaction The sexual cycle in the mosquito involves
(PCR) assay and molecular characterization. sporogony, which leads to the formation
These protozoans are pigment producers of sporozoites. The life cycles of all human
and are ameboid in shape, with some being species of malaria are similar. The infected
more ameboid than the others. Their asexual female Anopheles mosquito bites and sucks
cycle occurs in humans, the vertebrate and blood from the human host. In the process,
intermediate host, while the sexual cycle occurs salivary fluids containing sporozoites are also
in the Anopheles mosquito, the invertebrate and injected. These sporozoites, the infective stage
definitive host. of the parasite, are immediately carried to the
liver and enter the parenchymal cells. The
Parasite Biology
parasites then commence exo-erythrocytic
Various processes comprise the life cycle schizogony, which produces the merozoites
(Figure 2.14) of the parasite. The asexual cycle in varying duration and amounts, depending

Figure 2.14. Life cycle of Plasmodium spp.

(Accessed from
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 87

on the species. Merozoites proceed to the gut as an ookinete, which then develops into
peripheral blood to enter the erythrocytes. Some an oocyst. The oocyst grows and produces
merozoites of P. vivax and P. ovale re-invade the sporozoites, which escape from the oocyst and
liver cells forming hypnozoites, while the other enter the salivary glands of the mosquito. These
species do not. These dormant exo-erythrocytic sporozoites may be injected into another human
forms may remain quiet for years. Within host when the mosquito takes a blood meal.
the red blood cell, the merozoite grows as a The entire developmental cycle in the mosquito
ring form developing into a trophozoite. The takes 8 to 35 days, depending to some extent
trophozoite has an extended cytoplasm and on ambient temperature.
a large chromatin mass which further divides Morphologically, the early trophozoite
to form more merozoites within schizonts. form is ring-shaped with a red chromatin dot
The merozoites of P. falciparum develop in the and a scant amount of blue cytoplasm when
parasitophorous vacuolar membrane (PVM) stained with Giemsa or Wright’s stain. The
within the mature red cells and modify the trophozoite form has a large chromatin mass
structural and antigenic properties of these and a prominent ameboid cytoplasm, which
cells. The parasites feed on the hemoglobin is spread through the erythrocyte. The parasite
resulting in the production of pigment known develops into a schizont when the chromatin has
as hematin. Soon after, the erythrocytes rupture divided into two or more masses of chromatin
and the merozoites are released into the blood, with small amounts of cytoplasm, the so-called
ready to enter new erythrocytes. This asexual merozoites. The number of merozoites is species
cycle is synchronous, periodic, and species- dependent. Clumps of pigment accumulate in
determined. the middle of a mature schizont.
Some merozoites develop into The gametocyte stage fills the entire
microgametocytes (male) or macrogametocytes red blood cell and is characterized by a large
(female) which are picked up by feeding female chromatin mass and a blue cytoplasm with
mosquitoes for completion of the life cycle. In pigment. It is round to banana-shaped. The
the gut of the mosquito, the male gametocytes microgametocyte has a lighter blue cytoplasm,
exflagellate and produce eight sperm-like while the cytoplasm of the macrogametocyte
microgametes which may fertilize the female is a darker blue. Species identification depends
macrogamete to form a zygote. The zygote on various characteristics of these stages of
becomes motile and penetrates the mosquito’s development as described in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5. Comparison of morphological features of malaria parasites

Plasmodium species
Parameter P. falciparum P. vivax P. ovale P. malariae
(malignant tertian) (benign tertian) (benign tertian) (quartan)
Infected red blood Normal: multiple Larger than normal, Somewhat larger than Larger than normal,
cells (RBC) infection of RBC pale, often bizzare; normal, often with pale, often bizzare;
very common Schüffner's dots fringed or irregular Schüffner's dots
are often present; edge, and oval in are often present;
multiple infection shape; Schüffner's multiple infection
of RBC not dots appear even of RBC not
uncommon with younger uncommon
stages; stains more
readily and deeply
than in P. vivax
88 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Plasmodium species
Parameter P. falciparum P. vivax P. ovale P. malariae
(malignant tertian) (benign tertian) (benign tertian) (quartan)
Small trophozoite Same as P. vivax Signet-ring form with Small, darker in Same as P. vivax
but with small heavy red dot and color, and but with blue
threadlike blue blue cytoplasmic generally more cytoplasmic circle,
cytoplasmic ring solid than those smaller, thicker and
circle with one of P. falciparum; heavier
or two small red Schüffner's dots
chromatin dots; regularly present
double chromatin in almost 100% of
common; infected cells
marginal forms
Growing trophozoite Remains in ring Like small trophozoite, Resembles closely Chromatin rounded
form but grows as above, same stage of or elongated;
resembling small with increased P. malariae but cytoplasm
trophozoite of P. cytoplasm is considerably compact or in
vivax in size; usually and ameboid larger; pigment narrow band
the oldest asexual activity; small- is lighter and less across cell:
stage seen in yellowish brown conspicuous dark brown
peripheral blood pigment granules granules may
in cytoplasm, have peripheral
increasing with arrangement
age of parasite
Large trophozoite Seldom present Large mass of Seldom present Chromatin often
chromatin; elongate,
loose, irregular, or indefinite in outline;
close compact cytoplasm dense,
cytoplasm with compact, in
increasing amount rounded oblong
of fine brown or band forms;
pigment; parasite pigment granules
fills cell in 30 to 40 larger, darker than
hours P. vivax parasite fills
cells frequently
Schizont Not present Chromatin divided; About 25% of Same as P. vivax
(presegmenting) cytoplasm shows infected cells are except parasite
varying degrees definitely oval is smaller, shows
of separation shaped: usual less chromatin
into strands and picture is that of a division, more
particles; pigment round parasite in delayed clumping
collects in parts of the center of an of pigment
the parasite oval cell; many
cells with indefinite
fringed outline;
pigment lighter
and less coarse
than in P. malariae
Schizont Rarely present; 8-24 12-24 merozoites; Usually eight 6-12 (average of
(mature) merozoites; smaller pigment in one merozoites 8-10) merozoites
than other species to two clumps; arranged around in rosette form;
parasite almost fills a central block of parasite almost
enlarged cells pigment fills cell

Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations species involved, this may range from 11 days
to 4 weeks. The average pre-patent period for
The interval from sporozoite injection to
P. falciparum is 11 to 14 days, for P. vivax, 11
detection of parasites in the blood is referred
to 15 days, for P. ovale, 14 to 26 days, and 3
to as the pre-patent period. Depending on the
to 4 weeks for P. malariae. The incubation
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 89

Plasmodium species
Parameter P. falciparum P. vivax P. ovale P. malariae
(malignant tertian) (benign tertian) (benign tertian) (quartan)
Gametocyte Present in peripheral Microgametocyte: Distinguished from P. Same as P. vivax
blood stream, light red to pink malariae by size except smaller; fills
similar to P. vivax; chromatin, of infected cells or almost fills cells
crescent or diffuse, central; and by Schüffner’s
sausage shape gives tint to light dots; less easy to
blue cytoplasm; differentiate from
yellowish P. vivax
brown pigment
cytoplasm; usually
round and about
the size of normal
small, compact,
dark red eccentric
cytoplasm dark
blue, no vacuoles;
abundant dark
brown pigment
throughout the
Stages in peripheral Ring forms and All stages present All stages present All stages present
blood gametocytes;
other stages rare
Length of asexual 48 hours or less 48 hours 48 hours 72 hours
Note: P. knowlesi is microscopically indistinguishable from P. malariae.

period, the time between sporozoite injection with the associated asymptomatic intervals.
and the appearance of clinical symptoms, is Prodromal symptoms may include: a feeling
typically 8 to 40 days, depending again on of weakness and exhaustion, a desire to stretch
the involved species. For P. falciparum, it lasts and yawn, aching bones, limbs, and back, loss
an average of 8 to 15 days, for P. vivax, 12 to of appetite, nausea and vomiting, and a sense of
20 days, for P. ovale, 11 to 16 days, and for P. chilling. At the onset, symptoms may include
malariae, 18 to 40 days. The incubation period malaise, backache, diarrhea, and epigastric
may range from 9 days to 3 years, depending discomfort. The classical malaria paroxysms
on the parasite strain, the dose of sporozoites have three stages: the cold stage, the hot stage,
inoculated, the immune status of the host, and and the sweating stage. The cold stage starts
the host’s malaria chemoprophylaxis history. with a sudden inappropriate feeling of coldness
Partial or incomplete prophylaxis may prolong and apprehension. Mild shivering quickly turns
the incubation period several weeks after to violent teeth chattering and shaking of the
termination of medication. Any person who entire body. Although the core temperature is
has traveled to a malaria-endemic area must be high or may be rising quickly, there is intense
considered at risk of developing malaria up to peripheral vasoconstriction. The patient may
2 years and even longer upon leaving the area. vomit and febrile convulsions may ensue at
There are no absolute clinical features of this stage in young children. These rigors last
malaria except for the regular paroxysms of fever for 15 to 60 minutes after which the shivering
90 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

ceases, and the hot stage or flush phase begins. distribution. They also depend on the age,
The patient becomes hot and manifests with genetic constitution, state of immunity, general
headache, palpitations, tachypnea, epigastric health and nutritional status of the host, and
discomfort, thirst, nausea, and vomiting. The on any chemoprophylaxis or chemotherapy
temperature may reach a peak of 41°C or even previously used.
more. The patient may become confused or There may be a tendency to recrudesce or
delirious, and the skin may be notably flushed relapse over a period of months to several years.
and hot. This phase lasts from 2 to 6 hours. In Recrudescence is the renewal of parasitemia
the sweating stage, defervescence or diaphoresis or clinical features arising from persistent
ensues with the patient manifesting with undetectable asexual parasitemia in the absence
profuse sweating. The temperature lowers over of an exo-erythrocytic cycle. Relapse is renewed
the next 2 to 4 hours, and symptoms diminish asexual parasitemia following a period in which
accordingly. The total duration of a typical the blood contains no detectable parasites
attack is 8 to 12 hours. The classic periodicity (Figure 2.15). Relapses, which occur with vivax
of attacks develops only if the patient is left and ovale malaria, result from the reactivation
untreated until the time when the life cycle of hypnozoite forms of the parasite in the liver.
phases become synchronized and sufficient Cold, fatigue, trauma, pregnancy, and infections
numbers of red blood cells containing schizonts including intercurrent falciparum malaria may
rupture at about the same time. The interval precipitate reactivation.
between attacks is determined by the length of The pathological processes in malaria
the erythrocytic cycle. For P. falciparum, it is are the result of the erythrocytic cycle. Once
48 hours. For P. vivax and P. ovale, paroxysms the merozoites of P. falciparum invade the
occur on alternate days. For P. malariae, they erythrocytes, the cells reduce their deformability,
occur every 72 hours, causing paroxysms on the degree of which is directly proportional
days 1 and 4, hence the term, quartan malaria. to parasite maturity. This reduction in
Due to the lack of an exoerythrocytic stage in deformability is due to changes in the red
P. knowlesi, fever follows a quotidian pattern, or blood cell cytoskeleton and the increase in
is noted to be non-relapsing. membrane stiffness and cytoplasmic viscosity.
The five species also differ in the age of In the course of invasion, electron-dense sub-
infected erythrocytes. The non-falciparum membranous structures appear and enlarge.
species infect erythrocytes only of a certain These become the so-called “knobs” which are
age: P. vivax and P. ovale infect only young red important in cytoadhesion. They contain several
blood cells, while P. malariae infects only aging proteins such as rosettins, riffins, histidine-
cells. This limits the number of red blood cells rich proteins (HRP), and the Plasmodium
that can be parasitized to less than 3% of all falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1
erythrocytes. P. falciparum, as well as P. knowlesi, (PfEMP-1), which is the most adhesive protein
may infect erythrocytes of all ages. As the among the knobs. PfEMP-1 is encoded by a
infected erythrocytes rupture, more falciparum multi-gene family termed var and is clonally
malaria parasites are released to infect more red variant enabling it to evade specific immune
blood cells. The severity of complications and responses. Rosettins and PfEMP-1 are the
mortality increase as the level of parasitemia ligands for rosette formation. They adhere to
increases. The course and severity of the attack parasitized and non-parasitized cells as well
of malaria depend on the species and the strain as blood platelets. In more recent studies, it
of the infecting parasite; therefore, geographical has been suggested that febrile temperatures
origin of infection plays a major role in disease induce the cytoadherence of the ring-staged
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 91

Figure 2.15. Diagram of the course of malaria infections showing the primary attack, relapses,
and recrudescence (From World Health Organization. Chemotherapy of malaria and resistance to
antimalarials: report of a WHO scientific group. Technical report series no. 529.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 1973.)

P. falciparum erythrocytes, and that the factor cytokines at the time of schizont rupture.
responsible for this heat-induced cytoadherence The combination of altered red cell surface
is PfEMP-1. HRP, on the other hand, localize to membranes and the host’s immunological
the cytoadherence ligands making the adhesion response to the parasite antigens bring about the
more effective. pathologic changes such as alteration in regional
Infected erythrocytes also undergo blood flow in the vascular endothelium, altered
altered membrane transport mechanisms. biochemistry, anemia, and tissue and organ
The hemoglobin is digested forming the hypoxia. Other destructive tissue processes
pigment hematin, and variant strain-specific include increased capillary permeability which
neoantigens are expressed. The soluble antigens allows fluid to leak into surrounding tissues, and
of P. falciparum are potent inducers of pro- congestion in blood vessels resulting in tissue
inflammatory as well as anti-inflammatory infarction and necrosis.
cytokines from monocytes and macrophages. In severe forms of malaria, impairment
Glycosylphosphatidyl inositol (GPI) moieties of consciousness and other signs of cerebral
that are seen covalently linked to the surface dysfunction, such as delirium and generalized
antigens of these protozoans act like the convulsions, are commonly observed. Other
endotoxin of gram-negative bacteria, manifestations are severe hemolytic anemia
lipopolysaccharide (LPS). They stimulate the with a hematocrit less than 20%, hemoglobin
monocytes to release tumor necrosis factor levels less than 7 g/dL and hyperbilirubinemia
(TNF) or cachexin, which is implicated as with levels more than 50 mmol/L (Table 2.6).
the cause of malarial fever. The fever, febrile Cerebral malaria generally manifests with
paroxysms, headache, various aches and pains, diffuse symmetric encephalopathy. Other signs
and prostration, which are the more familiar and symptoms include retinal hemorrhage,
symptoms of an acute malarial attack, are bruxism (fixed jaw closure and teeth grinding),
probably the result of the release of these and mild neck stiffness. Pouting may occur or
92 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Table 2.6. Clinical features and laboratory findings in severe malaria infection

Clinical features Laboratory results

• Impaired consciousness or coma • Hypoglycemia (blood glucose <2.2 mmol/L or <40 mg/
• Prostration dL)
• Failure to feed • Metabolic acidosis (plasma bicarbonate <15 mmol/L)
• Multiple convulsions* • Severe normocytic anemia (Hb <5 g/dL, packed cell
• Deep breathing volume <15%)
• Respiratory distress • Hemoglobinuria
• Circulatory collapse or shock (systolic blood pressure • Hyperparasitemia (>2% or 100 000/μL in low intensity
below 50 mmHg in children) transmission areas or >5% or 250,000/μL in areas of high
• Clinical jaundice stable malaria transmission intensity)
• Other evidence of vital organ dysfunction • Hyperlactatemia (lactate >5 mmol/L)
• Abnormal spontaneous bleeding • Renal impairment (serum creatinine >265 μmol/L)
• Pulmonary edema (radiological)
*more than two episodes in 24 hours Note: Severe P. falciparum infection, one or more clinical feature and
laboratory finding

Source: World Health Organization. Management of severe malaria: a practical handbook. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2000.

a pout reflex may be elicited by stroking the affected. Malaria ARF is defined as having a
sides of the mouth. Lumbar tap usually reveals serum creatinine of more than 265 mmol/L
a normal to elevated opening pressure, clear (3 mg/dL) and a 24-hour urine output of
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) with fewer than 10 less than 1 ml/kg/hr, despite rehydration, in
leukocytes/mL, and slightly elevated protein and patients with asexual forms of the parasite
CSF lactic acid concentration. If left untreated, present in their peripheral blood smear. The
symptoms progress to persistent coma and patient may also present with hyperkalemia
death. The neurological complications, once and hyperuricemia earlier in the course.
promptly and adequately treated, are reversible The cytoadherence, rosette formation, and
and a majority of the patients make a complete sequestration of parasitized erythrocytes lead
recovery. to a decrease in tissue perfusion resulting in
Respiratory findings are also a major decreased renal blood flow. The increase of TNF
feature of severe malaria. Altered pulmonary in tubular epithelial cells leads to inflammatory
function is common, and it includes air flow cell infiltration in the interstitium and altered
obstruction, impaired ventilation and gas tubular transport, which result in tubular
transfer, and increased pulmonary phagocytic damage and dysfunction. The presence of GPI
activity. In African children, pneumonitis from and other falciparum malaria antigens lead to
sequestered, parasitized RBC and inflammatory release of cytokines and mediators that decrease
cells are seen in postmortem pulmonary the systemic vascular resistance and increase
vasculature, while in adults, non-cardiogenic renal vascular resistance. All these changes
pulmonary edema and acute pulmonary distress eventually lead to acute tubular necrosis causing
syndrome (ARDS) may be observed. There is a acute renal failure.
high mortality rate (over 80%) when pulmonary Malaria in pregnancy increases the risk of
edema develops in a patient with severe malaria. maternal death, maternal anemia, intrauterine
Factors which predispose to pulmonary edema growth retardation, spontaneous abortion,
include hyperparasitemia, renal failure, and stillbirth, and low birth weight associated with
pregnancy. risk for neonatal death. Non-immune pregnant
The incidence of acute renal failure (ARF) women are susceptible to all complications
reaches up to 60% of patients with severe associated with severe malaria such as cerebral
falciparum malaria, with more males being malaria, hypoglycemia, and pulmonary edema.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 93

For partially immune pregnant women, Not everyone infected with the malaria
especially primigravid, severe anemia may parasite becomes seriously ill or dies. In areas
develop but the other complications of severe where endemicity is stable, repeated exposures
malaria are unlikely to occur. Falciparum to the parasite lead to specific immunity.
malaria may induce uterine contractions, thus This restricts occurrence of serious problems
may push the patient to premature labor. In in young children, while older patients have
severe malaria, the prognosis of the fetus is poor. relatively mild febrile illness. In people who are
Falciparum malaria in a young child is exposed to malaria for the first time, possible
considered a medical emergency for it can be outcomes may range from apparent resistance to
rapidly fatal. The initial symptoms may be death. Any resistance, therefore, is nonspecific.
atypical and difficult to recognize, but within It also does not necessarily depend on prior
hours, life-threatening complications may start exposure to malaria and may be either acquired
to occur. The most common complications or innate. Poor prognostic factors in falciparum
of severe malaria in children are cerebral malaria include hyperparasitemia defined as
malaria, severe anemia, respiratory distress, and a peripheral count more than 250,000/µL or
hypoglycemia. Children with severe malaria more than 5% of the RBCs infected, and the
most commonly present with seizures. These presence of mature or immature schizonts in
convulsions are common before or after the a peripheral blood smear. It has been shown
onset of coma and are significantly associated that a peripheral count of 10% or more of
with neurologic sequelae. Opisthotonos may red blood cells infected has a mortality rate
also be observed in some children. As much as of 50%, particularly in non-immune cases,
10% of children who survive cerebral malaria despite treatment. The clinical indicators of
will develop sequelae such as hemiparesis, poor prognosis include deep coma, absence
cerebellar ataxia, speech disorders, generalized of corneal light reflex, respiratory distress
spasticity, or some behavioral disturbances (acidosis), circulatory collapse, decerebrate
(Table 2.7). or decorticate rigidity, opisthotonos, and age

Table 2.7. Comparison of sign and symptoms of sever malaria in adults and children

Sign or symptom Adults Children

History of cough Uncommon Common
Convulsions Common Uncommon
Duration of illness 5-7 days 1-2 days
Resolution of coma 2-4 days 1-2 days
Neurological sequelae <5% >10%
Jaundice Common Uncommon
Pretreatment hypoglycemia Uncommon Common
Pulmonary edema Uncommon Common
Renal failure Common Uncommon
CSF opening pressure Usually normal Usually raised
Respiratory distress (acidosis) Sometime Common
Bleeding/clotting disturbances Up to 10% Rare
Abnormal brainstem reflex (e.g., oculovestibular, oculocervical) Rare More common
Source: World Health Organization. Management of severe malaria: a practical handbook. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2000.
94 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

below 3 years. Other laboratory indicators of

poor prognosis include blood glucose <2.2
mmol/L, raised venous lactic acid (>5 mmol/L),
more than three-fold increase in serum enzymes
(aminotransferases), hemoglobin concentration
less than 5g/dL, blood urea more than 60 mg/
dl, serum creatinine more than 265 mmol/L,
peripheral polymorphonuclear leukocytes
with visible malaria pigment (>5%), low
antithrombin III levels, and very high plasma
concentrations of TNF.
Diagnosis Plate 2.16. Plasmodium falciparum ring forms
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitolgy,
Prompt and adequate diagnosis of malaria UP-CPH)
is necessary for the disease to be managed
effectively, thus preventing the life threatening are not seriously ill, monitoring once daily
complications. Though malaria may present may be sufficient. Seriously ill patients should
with the classic paroxysms of fever with be monitored two to three times daily until
asymptomatic intervals, initial symptoms are significant improvement occurs. Monitoring
non-specific and are not reliable in clinching the should be continued until there is clearance of
diagnosis. In fact, treatment based on clinical parasitemia.
findings alone usually results in unnecessary and Although microscopic diagnosis is the
irrational drug use. established diagnostic method, technical and
Microscopic identification of the malarial personnel requirements often cannot be met,
parasites in thick and thin blood smears stained particularly facilities in the periphery of the health
with Giemsa or Wright’s stain is still important care system. This has led to the introduction of
in making the definitive diagnosis and remains the malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs). These
as the gold standard. Specimens may be taken tests make use of immunochromatographic
any time and all blood stages of the parasite may methods in order to detect Plasmodium-
be found. In falciparum malaria, only the ring specific antigens in a finger prick blood sample.
forms (Plate 2.16) may be found, but 10 days Currently, the antigens being targeted by these
after the symptoms begin, gametocytes may be RDTs include: histidine rich protein II (HRP
found as well. Although there are no standard II), which is a water soluble protein produced
recommendations on how often the blood by trophozoites and young gametocytes of P.
smears should be taken in order to diagnose falciparum; Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase
malaria, obtaining smears every 6 to 8 hours (pLDH), which is produced by both sexual
is usually appropriate. This may have to be and asexual stages and can distinguish between
continued until a diagnosis of malaria is made P. falciparum and non-P. falciparum, but not
or until malaria can be confidently ruled out. among the non-P. falciparum species; and
When malaria is a serious condition, this may Plasmodium aldolase, an enzyme in the parasite
require repeated testing for several days in order glycolytic pathway expressed by the blood
to demonstrate a positive result. Even after the stages of all Plasmodium species. Together
diagnosis of malaria has been made, peripheral with HRP II, Plasmodium aldolase has been
blood smears should still be obtained to monitor used in a combined immunochromatographic
the response to treatment. In individuals who test targeting the panmalarial antigen (PMA).
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 95

These tests can be performed in 15 to 30 differentiate between current and past infections
minutes without the use of electricity, special and are therefore most helpful in epidemiologic
equipment, or any training in microscopy, and studies. Current studies are using PCR to
most kits have more than 90% specificity. More significantly enhance microscopic diagnosis of
recent studies have shown that test kits based malaria especially in cases of low parasitemia
on HRP II have a sensitivity and specificity of and in cases of mixed infection.
92.5% and 98.3% respectively, while kits based
on the pLDH antigen have a lower sensitivity
(88.5%) albeit a higher specificity at 99.4%. Antimalarial drugs have selected actions
The use of RDTs can be easily taught to village on the different phases of the life cycle of the
health workers and the results can likewise be malaria parasite. These drugs may be classified
easily interpreted. The main disadvantages into causal prophylactic drugs, which prevent
of RDTs compared to microscopy are: the the establishment of the parasite in the liver,
lack of sensitivity at low levels of parasitemia; and blood schizonticidal drugs, which attack
the inability to quantify parasite density; the the parasite in the red blood cell, preventing
inability to distinguish among P. vivax, P. ovale, or terminating the clinical attack. Tissue
and P. malariae, as well as sexual and asexual schizonticides act on pre-erythrocytic forrns
stages; the persistently positive tests (for some in the liver. Gametocytocidal drugs destroy
antigens) despite parasite clearance following the sexual forms of the parasite in the blood.
chemotherapy; and the relatively higher cost Some drugs are hypnozoitocidal or antirelapse
per test. drugs, which kill the dormant forms in the liver.
In recent studies conducted in various areas Sporonticidal drugs inhibit the development
of the Philippines to describe the validity of a of the oocysts on the gut wall of the mosquito,
few specific malaria RDT kits, results showed which has fed on a gametocyte carrier so that
sensitivity and specificity levels below the the mosquito cannot transmit the infection.
WHO recommended ideal of 95% and 90%, The main uses of antimalarial drugs are:
respectively. Reasons for these findings could be (a) protective (prophylactic), (b) curative
manufacturer-related problems, the instability (therapeutic), and (c) preventive. Drugs for
of the substances used in the diagnostic prophylaxis are used before the infection occurs
technique to varying environmental conditions or before it becomes evident, with the aim of
such as extremes of temperature and humidity, preventing either the occurrence of the infection
and user-related problems. Quality assurance of or any of its symptoms. A blood schizonticidal
these malaria RDT kits is, therefore, necessary drug may have minimal effects on parasites
before they are deployed on a larger scale in growing in the liver, but if it is still present in
remote and rural areas. More recent studies are the blood when the merozoites leave the liver
now concentrating on quality assurance of these and invade the blood cells for the first time, it
tests and on identifying the factors which may will effectively prevent symptomatic malaria.
affect RDT performance in the field. Curative or therapeutic use refers to action on
Malaria can also be diagnosed serologically the established infection, which involves the use
but presently available methods are not of blood schizonticidal drugs for the treatment
capable of making a definitive diagnosis of of the acute attack and in the case of relapsing
acute malaria. Available serologic tests like malaria, radical treatment of the dormant liver
indirect hemagglutination (IHA), indirect forms. Prevention of transmission means the
fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), and enzyme- deterrence of infection of mosquitoes with
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) cannot the use of gametocytocidal drugs to attack the
96 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

gametocytes in the blood of the human host. It be given in pregnancy and in children less than
also means the interruption of the development 4 years of age.
of the sporogonic phase in the mosquito when In contrast with falciparum malaria, vivax
it feeds on the blood of an infected person who malaria remains sensitive to chloroquine. Clinical
has been given the appropriate sporonticidal studies and extensive in vitro observations have
compound. shown that P. vivax is still generally sensitive to
Chloroquine was the mainstay of chloroquine, although resistance is prevalent
antimalarial treatment for the last 50 years. and increasing in Indonesia, Peru, and Oceania.
Because of emergence of multidrug-resistant Moreover, vivax malaria is sensitive to all other
(MDR) strains, subsequent chloroquine use antimalarial drugs albeit slightly less sensitive to
has been rendered ineffective against falciparum artesunate plus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine. The
malaria, and the current DOH Malaria asexual stage of P. vivax remains susceptible to
Control Program (MCP) recommends the use primaquine; therefore, combination treatment
of artemisinin-based combination therapies with chloroquine and primaquine affords blood
(ACTs) for severe and uncomplicated falciparum stage and liver stage treatment, respectively.
malaria, replacing the chloroquine plus Often referred to as radical treatment, the use of
sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine combination. The primaquine, together with chloroquine, allows
following drug combinations are recommended: for the prevention of relapse in vivax malaria. In
artemether plus lumefantrine, artesunate plus comparison with no primaquine treatment, the
amodiaquine, artesunate plus mefloquine, risk of relapse decreases for every additional mg/
and artesunate together with sulfadoxine- kg of primaquine given. Repeated vivax malaria
pyrimethamine. For severe malaria, parenteral relapses are debilitating at any age, hence they
antimalarial treatment should be started must be prevented. At least a 14-day course of
without delay after rapid clinical assessment and primaquine is needed for the radical treatment
confirmation of the diagnosis. The following of P. vivax.
antimalarial drugs are recommended: artesunate Resistance of P. malariae and P. ovale
intravenous (IV) injection or intramuscular to antimalarials is not well characterized,
(IM) injection, quinine IV or IM, or artemether and infections with these species are still
IM. In a placebo-controlled trial, patients with considered sensitive to chloroquine. The
severe malaria who could not be treated orally treatment for relapsing fever caused by P.
and where access to IM and IV treatment was ovale is similar to that of vivax malaria (i.e.,
unavailable, a single artesunate suppository at chloroquine and primaquine). In the case of
the time of referral reduced the risk of death or mixed malarial infections, ACTs remain the
permanent disability. mainstay treatment. Moreover, the use of
Current guidelines also recommend artemisinin-based compounds and a partner
the use of gametocytocidal drugs to reduce drug with a long half-life (i.e., artesunate
transmission. Seen in the context of malaria plus amodiaquine and dihydroartemisinin
elimination, the use of primaquine 0.75 plus piperaquine) has been effective against
mg base/ kg body weight single oral dose in chloroquine-resitant vivax malaria. Radical
demonstrates an added benefit to artemisinins treatment with primaquine should also be
in eliminating gametocytes. The addition of a considered in cases of confirmed P. vivax and
single dose of primaquine to current ACTs is P. ovale infections.
therefore recommended provided that the risk Artemisinin and its derivatives (Qinghaosu
for hemolysis in G6PD deficient patients is derivatives), artesunate, and artemether produce
considered. Moreover, primaquine should not rapid clearance of parasitemia and rapid
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 97

resolution of symptoms. Because artemisinins of therapy. Resistance of a parasite to drugs

are rapidly eliminated in the body, the duration is graded according to the patterns of asexual
of treatment is dependent on the partner parasitemia after initiation of treatment (Figure
drug being short acting or long acting. When 2.16). RI is the mildest form of resistance which
partnered with rapidly eliminated drugs is characterized by initial clearance of parasites
(tetracyclines and clindamycin), a 7-day course but recrudescence occurs within a month after
of treatment is usually required. Treatment the start of treatment. It can be classified as
duration can be reduced to 3 days when either early, when clearance occurs for the first
artemisinins are given in combination with 48 hours and recrudescence takes place within
slowly eliminated drugs such as mefloquine the first 14 days after start of treatment, or late
and amodiaquine. An additional advantage when there is also clearance within the first 48
from a public health standpoint is the ability hours and recrudescence occurs within the 14th
of artemisinins to reduce gametocyte carriage, to the 28th day from the start of treatment. RII
thus reducing the transmission of malaria. This
form of malaria control is particularly useful in
areas of low to moderate endemicity.
Quinine sulfate plus doxycycline or
clindamycin serves as the second line drug when
artemisinins (e.g., IV artesunate) are unavailable
or when there is failure to respond to artemisinin
therapy. The tetracyclines and clindamycin are
known to be effective antimalarials, although
they kill the parasite rather slowly. Quinine
has the disadvantage of producing toxic side
effects such as cardiotoxicity and cinchonism,
characterized by tinnitus, headache, and
blurring of vision. Also, rapid administration
of quinine is unsafe. Each dose of parenteral
quinine must be administered as a slow rate-
controlled infusion, and electrocardiographic
(ECG) monitoring and frequent assessment of
vital signs are required if quinines are used. Due
to the risk of congenital defects, tetracycline
is contraindicated in pregnant women and
children below 8 years. Rather, quinine plus
clindamycin taken for 7 days remains the
antimalarial of choice in pregnancy.
The problem of drug resistance involves
mainly chloroquine plus sulfadoxine- Figure 2.16. A WHO field test for response of
pyrimethamine and certain strains of P. malaria parasites to chloroquine
falciparum. Such strains are often MDR. (From World Health Organization. Chemotherapy
of malaria and resistance to antimalarials:
Asexual parasites are normally cleared from report of a WHO scientific group. Technical
the blood three days after the start of treatment report series no. 329. Geneva: World Health
and are definitely cleared 6 or 7 days after start Organization; 1973.)
98 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

shows an initial reduction in parasitemia after without previously meeting any of the criteria
treatment but there is failure to clear the blood of ETF; and (b) presence of parasitemia and
of asexual parasites and soon after an increase an axillary temperature of 37.5°C (or history
of parasitemia follows. RIII is the severest form of fever) on any day from Day 4 to Day 28,
of resistance in which parasitemia will either without previously meeting any of the criteria
show no significant change with treatment or for ETF. Late parasitological failure for intense
will eventually increase. transmission areas is defined as presence of
MDR malaria is considered when treatment parasitemia on Day 14 and axillary temperature
failure occurs with three or rnore antimalarial of 37.5°C without previously meeting any of the
agents. In this case, a combination of artesunate criteria for ETF or late clinical failure.
has been combined with mefloquine and is now For low to moderate transmission areas,
the first-line regimen for MDR malaria in some late parasitological failure is defined as presence
Southeast Asian countries. of parasitemia on any day from Day 7 to Day
Classification of response to malaria 28 and axillary temperature of 37.5°C without
treatment can be divided into early treatment previously meeting any of the criteria for ETF
failure, late treatment failure, and adequate or late clinical feature. Adequate clinical and
clinical and parasitological response. Early parasitologic response for intense transmission
treatment failure (ETF) is present when there areas is defined as absence of parasitemia on Day
is: (a) development of danger signs or severe 14 (Day 28 for low to moderate transmission
malaria on Day 1, 2, or 3 in the presence of areas) irrespective of axillary temperature
parasitemia; (b) parasitemia on Day 2 higher without previously meeting any of the criteria of
than the Day 0 count irrespective of axillary ETF, late clinical failure, or late parasitological
temperature; (c) parasitemia on Day 3 with failure.
axillary ternperature of 37.5°C; and (d) In cases of renal failure in severe malaria,
parasitemia on Day 3 which is 25% of count dopamine may be given at 3 to 5 μg/kg/
on Day 0. This classification of ETF holds for minute. If the patient remains unresponsive
both intense transmission and low to moderate despite adequate rehydration and other forms
transmission areas. Late treatment failure (LTF) of therapeutic management, and blood urea
is further divided into late clinical failure and and creatinine are rising progressively, dialysis
late parasitological failure. The definitions for is indicated.
these two would differ depending on whether For control of seizures, diazepam may be
the area is an intense transmission area or a given at 10 mg intravenous (pediatric dose at
low to moderate one. Late clinical failure for 0.3 mg/kg IV up to 10 mg) or in cases of status
intense transmission areas is defined as: (a) epilepticus, phenytoin at a loading dose of 13
development of danger signs or severe malaria to 18 mg/kg and a maintenance dose of 3 to 5
after Day 3 in the presence of parasitemia, mg/kg per day (pediatric dose: loading dose of
without previously meeting any of the criteria 15-20 mg/kg slow IV push and maintenance
of ETF; and (b) presence of parasitemia and dose of 5 mg/kg in two divided doses). The
axillary temperature equal to or greater than following are now not considered useful and are
37.5°C on any day from Day 4 to Day 14, therefore not recommended in the management
without previously meeting any of the criteria of cerebral malaria: corticosteroids, other anti-
for ETF. For low to moderate transmission inflammatory agents, low molecular weight
areas, late clinical failure is defined as: (a) dextran, epinephrine, and heparin.
development of danger signs or severe malaria Proper management of malaria also
after Day 3 in the presence of parasitemia, includes general and supportive measures
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 99

especially in P. falciparum infections. If fluid malaria have shrunk considerably over the past
replacement or blood transfusion is necessary, 50 years, but control is becoming more difficult,
it must be administered with care to avoid and past gains have been threatened. The spread
pulmonary edema. Antipyretics and sponging of the disease is linked to activities like road
for high fever are important especially in building, mining, logging, and new agricultural
children to prevent convulsions. Blood sugar and irrigation projects, particularly in “frontier”
should be monitored regularly especially in areas (e.g., forest fringe, mountain valleys and
severe malaria. If hypoglycemia develops, 50 reclaimed areas). Elsewhere, disintegration
mL of 50% dextrose (1.0 mL/kg for children) of health services, armed conflict, and mass
diluted in an equal volume of infusion fluid movements of refugees have worsened the
should be infused over a 5-minute period, malaria situation.
followed by a continuous intravenous infusion Malaria remains a public health problem
of 5 to 10% dextrose. today in more than 90 countries inhabited by
a total of some 3.3 billion people (Figures 2.17
to 2.19). Of these, 2.1 billion are at low risk
Malaria is the world’s most important (<1 case per 1,000 population), 94% of whom
tropical parasitic disease. The disease kills live in areas outside the WHO African region.
more people than any other communicable The 1.2 billion at high risk (>1 case per 1,000
disease except tuberculosis. In many developing population) live in the WHO African (47%)
countries, especially in Africa, malaria has an and Southeast Asian Regions (37%).
enormous toll on lives, medical costs, and days In 2010, the WHO reported an estimated
of labor lost. The geographical areas affected by 216 million cases of malaria, of which 81% or

Figure 2.17. Global distribution of malaria: malaria-free and malaria-endemic countries in phases of
control, elimination and prevention of reintroduction (From World Health Organization. World Malaria
Report 2009. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2009.)
100 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 2.18. Distribution of malaria in the WHO Southeast Asia Region: areas in red indicate malaria-
endemic countries (Accessed from

deaths occurred in 2010, 91% of which were

in Africa, and approximately 86% of these
deaths were children under 5 years of age.
The estimated incidence of malaria has fallen
by 17% globally between 2000 and 2010.
Large percentage reductions were seen in the
European (99.5%), American (60%), and
Western Pacific (86%) WHO regions. Likewise,
malaria specific mortality rates have fallen by
25% between 2000 and 2010.
According to the World Malaria Report
2011, the WHO cites a decreasing number
of malaria cases in a majority of countries
belonging to the Western Pacific Region. A
greater than 50% decrease in cases were reported
for China, Philippines, Republic of Korea,
Figure 2.19. Distribution of malaria in the WHO Solomon Islands, and Vietnam, while a 25-50%
Western Pacific Region: areas in red indicate decrease in the number of cases were seen in Lao
malaria-endemic countries People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, and
(Accessed from
Vanuatu. No notable change in the number of
malaria cases were seen in Cambodia and Papua
171 million cases where in the African region, New Guinea.
with the Southeast Asian Region accounting for In the Philippines, malaria has not been
another 13%. An estimated 655,000 malaria included among the 10 leading causes of
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 101

Figure 2.20. Malaria cases per 100,000 population in the Philippines from 2000 to 2009
(From Department of Health-National Center of Disease Prevention and Control. Malaria medium term
development plan 2011-2016. Manila (Philippines): Department of Health; 2011.)

morbidity since 2006. Cases have been notably reported in 2009 (Figure 2.21). Similarly, the
decreasing as reported in 2009 (Figure 2.20). malaria morbidity rate has decreased by 58.3%,
However, disease prevalence, seen in the 2010 with 18,781 malaria cases reported in 2009.
DOH-Malaria Control Program (MCP) Among blood smears examined from 2005 to
report, remains markedly high in Regions 2009, 69.4 to 80% of patients were diagnosed
IV-B, Caraga, III, XII, and II. There remains with P. falciparum, 17.0 to 23.4% with P. vivax,
an estimated 10.8 million people still at risk approximately 1% with P. malariae, and a small
for the disease, consisting mostly of farmers, number of cases (0.5%) were diagnosed to have
indigenous cultural groups, miners, forest mixed malaria infection, falciparum and vivax
product gatherers, and soldiers. Fifty nine out of malaria being the usual mixed infection.
the 80 provinces in country are endemic for the Macrostratification of malaria endemic
disease, with 60.4% of the endemic provinces areas serves to classify the different provinces
located in Luzon, 39.5% in Mindanao, and based on annual incidence of the disease
0.1% in Visayas. As of 2009, the provinces of in each respective province (Table 2.8).
Cagayan, Isabela, Palawan, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi Macrostratification provides an opportunity
comprise the five provinces having the highest for planning, policy making, and resource
number of malaria cases reported. allocation of the provincial MCP. The number
It appears that in areas of low malaria of provinces in Category A has been reduced
endemicity, there is a clustering of cases, from 26 in 2000, to nine in 2005 and finally to
resulting in pockets of high endemicity. five in 2008. The values reported for Category
Mortality rate for malaria has markedly B provinces have changed from 22 in 2000 to
decreased by 88.2% from 2005 figures to values 31 in 2005, and to 27 in 2008. Malaria-free
102 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 2.21. Malaria-related deaths per 100,000 population in the Philippines from 2005 to 2009
(From Department of Health-National Center of Disease Prevention and Control. Malaria medium term
development plan 2011-2016. Manila (Philippines): Department of Health; 2011.)

Table 2.8. Macrostratification of malaria Philippines, the principal malaria vector is

endemic provinces according to annual Anopheles minimus var. flavirostris, a night biter,
incidence of malaria
which prefers to breed in slow flowing, partly
Category Annual incidence of malaria shaded streams that abound in the foothill areas.
A ≥1000 cases
Occasionally, it has the ability to adapt to or
B 100 to <1000 cases
utilize new habitats such as irrigation ditches,
C <100 cases
rice fields, pools, and wells. In Palawan, it was
observed to be mildly exophagic and zoophilic.
D No documented indigenous case for the
past 5 years Its horizontal flight range has been reported
Source: Department of Health. Administrative Order no. 14 series to be about 1 to 2 km. Anopheles litoralis is
of 1996: Technical guidelines on stratification of areas. 1996.
associated with malaria transmission in the
coastal areas of Mindanao, particularly in Sulu.
provinces have increased from 13 in 2000, to Anopheles maculatus coexists with A. flavirostris
22 in 2009. Four provinces in Category A, eight in the portion of streams exposed to sunlight.
provinces in Category B and eight provinces They appear to be responsible for malaria
in Category C have been reclassified to the transmission at higher altitudes. Anopheles
immediate lower categories respectively, from mangyanus has the same breeding habitats and
2005 to 2009. Nueva Ecija is noted to have seasonal prevalence as A. flavirostris but appears
shifted into a higher category (Figure 2.22). to prefer habitats located in forest fringe.
Peak transmission occurs at the beginning Malaria can also be transmitted through
and at the end of the rainy season. In the blood transfusion from infected donors, and
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 103

Figure 2.22. Macrostratification of provinces in the Philippines according to category by average

malaria cases: note that the Isabela, Cagayan, Palawan, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi remain
Category A provinces as of 2008 (From Department of Health-National Center for Disease Prevention
and Control. Malaria control program. 2009.)

by contaminated needles and syringes. Blood breeding sites, and estimation of mosquito
from semi-immune donors without clinical density.
symptoms may contain malaria parasites. In
Prevention and Control
congenital malaria, infected mothers transmit
parasites to their child before or during birth. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment
The evaluation of the amount and of malaria are essential for malaria control.
conditions of transmission of malaria in a Breeding sites of Anopheles flavirostris should
given locality is called the malaria survey. be detected early and contained. Personal
Disease control efforts must always take into protection measures against mosquito bites
consideration the findings of the malaria are also helpful and cost-effective. The use
survey. The survey involves looking into of insecticide- (permethrin or deltamethrin)
epidemiologic data regarding the disease, such as treated nets (ITNs) and long lasting insecticide-
malaria mortality and morbidity, investigations treated nets (LLIN) remains the major vector
relating to the human host, and investigations control strategy coupled with indoor residual
relating to the insect vector. Investigations spraying (IRS), with the latter used in epidemic
relating to the human host include blood and situations, areas with stable transmission but
spleen examinations. Investigations relating without reduction of malaria incidence, and
to the vector, on the other hand, may include areas of displaced populations. Wearing of
identification of mosquito vectors and their light colored clothing, which cover most of the
104 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Table 2.9. Treatment of malaria infection

Common name Chemical class Clinical use Resistance

Artemisinins Sesquieterpine lactone In artemisinin-based Possibly emerging
(artemether, artesunate, endoperoxide combination therapies
dihydroartemisinin) (ACTs)
Lumefantrine Arylamino alcohol Most common first line No evidence of high level
anti-malarial therapy in resistance
Africa, in combination
with artemether
Artemether plus
lumefantrine (AL) –
most common drug
combination used
in uncomplicated
falciparum malaria
Amodiaquine 4-aminoquinoline In combination with Limited cross resistance with
artesunate in parts of chloroquine
Piperaquine Bisquinoline In combination with Observed in China following
dihydroartemisinin in single drug therapy
parts of Southeast Asia
Mefloquine 4-methanolquinoline In combination with Prevalent in Southeast Asia
artesunate in parts of
Southeast Asia
Pyronaridine Acridine type Mannich base Being registered for No cross-resistance with
combined use with other drugs
Quinine/quinidine 4-methanolquinoline Mainly used for the Exists at a low level
treatment of severe
malaria, often in
combination with other
Drug of choice in severe
Atovaquone Naphthoquinone In combination with Has been observed
proguanil (a biguanide) clinically
for treatment or
Chloroquine 4-aminoquinoline Former first line treatment, Widespread
together with sulfadoxine-
pyrimethamine (SP)
of uncomplicated
falciparum malaria
Remains drug of choice for
vivax malaria
Pyrimethamine Diaminopyrimidine For intermittent preventive Widespread
treatment, combined
with sulfadoxine (a
Primaquine 8-aminoquinoline For eliminating liver-stage Unknown
parasites, including
dormant forms of P. vivax
Drug of choice for
gametocytes and
Source: Fidock DA. Drug discovery: priming the antimalarial pipeline. Nature. 2010;465: 297-298.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 105

body (since dark colors attract mosquitoes), and rice fields and bacterial insecticide (PG-14
using insect repellants containing DEET Bacillus thuringiensis), and chemical control
(N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide, optimally as a 35% such as the use of mosquito repellants and
concentration lotion) on exposed parts of the insecticide treated mosquito nets.
body, using a insect spray containing pyrethrum In the field of molecular entomology,
in living areas, and use of permethrin insecticide stable germline transformation of the Anopheles
as a repellant spray for clothing have known to mosquito is being investigated. This research
be effective personal protection measures as well. involves inserting genes (e.g., immune response
Chemoprophylaxis may be protective to genes) that will inhibit the development of
travelers who have no immunity to malaria, the parasite in the mosquito. With the recent
although no chemoprophylactic regimen sequencing of the genomes of Plasmodium
ensures 100% protection. Because of this, falciparum and of the Anopheles mosquito,
precautions to avoid mosquito bites are new areas of research for malaria treatment and
needed even if antimalarials have been taken. prevention are now being explored.
Prophylactic drugs should be taken with good
compliance for the duration of the stay and
should be continued four weeks after the last Anstey NM, Jacups SP, Cain T, Pearson, T,
possible exposure to infection since the parasites Ziesing PJ, Fisher, DA, et al. Pulmonary
may still emerge from the liver after this period. manifestations of uncomplicated
An exception would be atovaquone/proguanil falciparum and vivax malaria: cough, small
which can be stopped one week after return. airways obstruction” impaired gas transfer,
Chloroquine is only recommended for areas and increased pulmonary phagocytic
where malaria is exclusively due to P. vivax or activity. J Infect Dis. 2002;85(9):1326–34.
where there is low risk of chloroquine-resistant Beeston JG, Brown GV. Pathogenesis of
P. falciparum. Those traveling to areas where Plasmodium falciparum malaria: The roles
levels of resistance to chloroquine are high may of parasite adhesion and antigenic variation.
use mefloquine, doxycycline or atovaquone/ Cell Mol Life Sci. 2002;59(2):258–27.
proguanil. Strategies implemented to control Belizario VY, Pasay CJ, Bersabe MJ, de Leon
malaria in pregnancy include the use of ITNs WU, Guerrero D, Alcantara S, et al.
and intermittent preventive treatment, which Field and laboratory evaluation of rapid
involves providing all pregnant women with at diagnostic test for malaria. Final report
least two preventive treatments of an effective 2003. Geneva: World Health Organization;
antimalarial drug. 2003.
Work is on-going for the development of Belizario VY, Saul A, Bustos MDG, Lansang,
an effective malaria vaccine. Among the vaccine MA, Pasay, CJ, Gatton M, et al. Field
types being developed are the “sporozoite” epidemiologic studies on malaria in a
vaccines, “asexual” vaccines, and the “altruistic” or known endemic community in Bataan.
“transmission blocking” vaccines. Combination Acta Trop. 1997;63:257–66.
vaccines derived from multiple parasite life stages Bustos, MD. Clinical aspects, chemotherapy,
are also being developed. and drug resistance. In: Philippine Council
Malaria control also includes proper for Health Research and Development.
vector control. This can be done through State of the art: malaria research in the
environmental modification, biological control Philippines. Taguig: Department of Science
which includes using larvivorous fish in streams and Technology; 1999.
106 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Bustos MD, Saul A, Salazar NP, Gorres NA. Myjak P, Nahorski W, Pieniazek NJ, Pietkiewitcz
Profile of Morong, Bataan, an area of low H. Usefulness of PCR for the diagnosis of
malaria endemicity in the Philippines. Acta imported malaria in Poland. Eur J Clinl
Trop. 1997;63:198–208. Microbiol Infect Dis. 2002;21(3):215–8.
Cabrera BD, Ramos OL, Cruz LT. Malaria Serghides L, Kain KC. Mechanism of protection
transmission by Anopheles littoralis, a salt induced by Vitamin A in falciparum
water breeder in Pangutaran, Sulu, Republic malaria. Lancet. 2002;359(9315):1404–6.
of the Philippines. Southeast Asian J Trop Warrell DA, Molyneux ME, Beales PF. Severe
Med Public Health. 1997;193–204. and complicated malaria. 2nd ed. Trans R
De Las Llagas LA. Malaria vectors and vector Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1990;81:521.
control. In: Philippine Council for Health World Health Organization. Antimalarial drug
Research and Development. State of the policies, report of an informal consultation.
art: malaria research in the Philippines. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1994.
Taguig: Department of Science and World Health Organization. Chemotherapy of
Technology; 1999. malaria and relapses and recrudescences:
Department of Health-National Epidemiology Report of a WHO scientific group.
Center. Field health service information Technical report series no. 529. Geneva:
system annual report 2008. Manila World Health Organization; 1993.
(Philippines): Department of Health; 2008. World Health Organization. Malaria diagnosis:
Department of Health. Administrative order new perspectives. Geneva: World Health
2009-0001: Revised policy and guidelines Organization; 2000.
on the diagnosis and treatment for malaria. World Health Organization. World malaria
Department of Health. Philippine malaria report 2009. Geneva: World Health
information system (PhilMIS) standard Organization; 2009.
operating guidelines. Manila (Philippines): World Health Organization. World malaria
Department of Health; 2009. report 2011. Geneva: World Health
Department of Health-National Center of Organization; 2011.
Disease Prevention and Control. Malaria World Health Organization. Management of
medium term development plan 2011– severe malaria: a practical handbook. 2nd
2016. Manila (Philippines): Department ed. Geneva: World Health Organization;
of Health; 2011. 2000.
Fidock DA. Drug discover y: Priming World Health Organization. Monitoring
the antimalarial pipeline. Nature. antimalarial drug resistance. Geneva:
2010;465:297–8. World Health Organization; 2001.
Hotez PJ. The “biblical diseases” and U.S. World Health Organization. Guidelines for
vaccine diplomacy. Brown World Aff J. the treatment of malaria. 2nd ed. Geneva,
2006; 12:247–58. Switzerland: World Health Organization;
Malaria Atlas Project. Clinical burden of 2010.
Plasmodium falciparum in 2010 globally. World Health Organization Western Pacific
2010 [cited 2012 Jun 5]. Available from Regional Office. Focus 2: Malaria, other vector borne and parasitic diseases. 2010
Medana LM, Day DP, Hien TT, Mai, NT, [cited 2012 Jun 5]. Available from: http://
Bethell D, Phu NH, et al. Axonal www.wpro.who
injury in cerebral malaria. Am J Pathol.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 107

Babesia spp.
Florencia G. Claveria

B abesia spp. is a hemosporidian parasite

that causes babesiosis, a hemolytic disease
commonly referred to as tick, splenic, redwater,
that infect red blood cells (RBCs) are generally
smaller and can easily be misidentified. Babesia
spp. are largely host-specific, and non-host
Texas, or Nantucket fever. Babesia was first specific species utilize only a narrow range
documented in cattle in 1888 by Dr. Victor of mammalian hosts like cattle and rodents.
Babes, a Romanian scientist, who described Some species infecting mammals exhibit cross-
symptoms of severe enzootic hemoglobinuria. infectivity and induce cross-immunity between
Babesia has a worldwide distribution and host species.
comprises approximately 73 to 100 species Hard ticks (family Ixodidae) are the
infecting wild and domestic animals, as well known biological hosts of Babesia, however,
as humans. Babesia spp. are generally specific transmission of Babesia by the soft tick,
to their vertebrate hosts, and are transmitted Ornithodoros erraticus has been reported. Tick
by Ixodidae or hard ticks. In humans, species that have been established as putative
transmission through blood transfusion, organ vectors are Boophilus spp., Rhipicephalus spp.,
transplantation, and transplacental route have Ixodes spp., Hyalomma spp., Haemaphysalis
been documented. spp., and Dermacentor spp. Of the 53 tick
As babesiosis affects a wide range of species incriminated as vectors, only 17 have
domestic animals, it undeniably brings about been recognized. The transmission to humans
huge economic losses to agriculture. The of the rodent B. microti and the cattle forms of
increasing association between man and animals Babesia is generally associated with Ixodes spp.
has resulted in increased infection, not only Unlike the genus Plasmodium and Theileria,
among the immunocompromised individuals Babesia does not undergo exo-erythrocytic
but also among the general populace. To merogony; daughter progeny are not housed in
increase public health awareness, a better parasitophorous vacuoles; and residual bodies
understanding of the parasite biology and are usually non-existent in infected RBCs.
its tick vector, the disease it causes, and its The Babesia life cycle undergoes three
epidemiology particularly in the Asia-Pacific, developmental phases. In the mammalian
is imperative. host, (a) merogony in the RBC; and in the tick
vector, (b) stages of gamogony in the gut and
Parasite Biology
epithelium; and, (c) sporogony accompanied
Babesia is a heteroxenous parasite requiring with multiple fission in various cells and organs
mammals as primary hosts, and ticks as forming sporokinetes, and the development of
intermediate hosts or vectors. On account of infective sporozoites. A few hours after blood
the disparity in the morphological features ingestion, the intra-erythrocytic merozoites in
of the intra-erythrocytic forms in different the gut of engorged ticks undergo morphologic,
host species, there exist about 100 species or physiologic/metabolic, and antigenic
forms. The tendency of Babesia spp. to take on changes, and differentiate into gametocytes
pleomorphic forms in different hosts obscure that eventually develop into gametes. Post-
their identification at the species level. For fertilization, the zygote begins to infect the
example, its close relative, the Theileria spp. gut epithelial cells where it undergoes multiple
108 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

fission, and eventually forms sporokinetes. Once the organs of the larva, nymphs, and adult
the sporokinetes are released, they continue to ticks. With the stage-to-stage (transstadial)
infect and multiply in various organs, including transmission, each of the developmental stages
the ovaries of the replete tick, until death ensues. is generally capable of parasite transmission to
The transovarian route represents one pattern mammals. The complicated phase of Babesia
of parasite transmission in the vector, which life cycle in the tick vector ends with the
terminates with the death of the vector. formation of the infective sporozoites in various
With the passage of sporokinetes to eggs organs or in the salivary glands, for subsequent
(transovarian), similar cycles of multiple fissions transmission to the mammalian hosts during
continue to take place in the embryo and in blood feeding (Figure 2.23).

Figure 2.23. Life cycle of Babesia spp.

(Accessed from

Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations bigemina (4-5 µm by 2-3 µm) and B. caballi (3
µm by 2 µm) are less virulent. Several factors can
Smaller forms like Babesia bovis (2.4 µm
influence the susceptibility of hosts to infection,
by 1.5 µm) and B. equi (2 µm by 1 µm) are
like the age and breed of farm animals, and the
more pathogenic, while larger forms such as B.
health and immune state of humans.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 109

Both innate and acquired immunity Diagnosis

contribute to the resolution of the primary
Babesia parasites are usually detectable in
infection and provide protection against
blood smears only during the acute stage of the
subsequent exposures. The importance of the
infection, and animals that survive the initial
spleen in the elimination of both the parasites
infection can become lifelong carriers. Previous
and infected RBCs is seen in the increased
infections can be demonstrated serologically.
susceptibility of splenectomized or inherently
Definitive diagnosis requires direct
asplenic mice to infection. Murine hosts
microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained
depleted of macrophages exhibit either high
peripheral blood smears for the presence
mortality or become unprotected when exposed.
of Babesia, showing its established unique
The transfer of primed macrophages, as opposed
morphological features. To rule out the
to transfer of primed T-cells, provides protection
misdiagnosis from closely related hemosporidians
against B. microti in naive mice. The resolution
like Plasmodium spp., and the causative agents
of babesiosis is principally mediated by gamma
of Lyme disease, and granulocytic erlichiosis
interferon produced by CD4+ T helper-1 cells,
infecting humans, the parasite dimensions
alongside macrophage activation. While B
and pleomorphism (ring form, pear-shaped,
cell-depleted mice are capable of controlling
and “Maltese cross” or tetrad form) need to be
primary infection, antibodies are still useful
ascertained, including the absence of pigments
in the clearance of extracellular parasites in
in infected RBCs. In cases of low-grade
circulation. Despite low parasitemia in the
infection or parasitemia, detection can be very
peripheral circulation among infected cattle,
difficult, thus, appropriate serological assays,
infected erythrocytes are sequestered in the
molecular gene analyses, and epidemiologic
capillary beds causing cerebral babesiosis, a
data, including data on ticks and reservoir
similar manifestation of falciparum malaria.
or carrier hosts (epizootiological), may be
In humans, infections with B. microti or
extremely useful.
B. microti-like species may be asymptomatic
Several serological tests are generally
or may result in mild to severe clinical signs
employed for the detection of babesiosis. The
and symptoms. Fatigue, malaise, anorexia, and
immunofluorescent assay (IFA) is widely used
weight loss begin to manifest approximately
in acute cases and in epidemiological studies.
one to six weeks post-exposure followed
Although sufficiently sensitive, IFA has the
by non-periodic or intermittent fever (38-
following drawbacks: non-differentiation
40°C), chills, and sweats accompanied
between active and past exposures, possibility
with headache, myalgia, arthralgia, nausea,
of cross-reactivity between antigens of
vomiting, and prostration. The patient may
closely related species, and subjectivity in the
also manifest emotional lability, depression,
quantification of the intensity of fluorescence.
and hyperesthesia. In severe cases, hemolytic
At lower dilutions and during the acute phase,
anemia and hemoglobinuria with jaundice
anti-B. microti antibodies cross-react with
become apparent, with pulmonary edema being
antigens of other Babesia spp. Also, antigens of
the most frequently observed complication
B. microti occasionally cross-react with sera of
of the disease. The severity of infection with
confirmed malarial cases with a >1:16 antibody
possible fatal outcome is generally associated
titer. To rule out possible cross-reactions, a 1:64
with the elderly, the splenectomized and
serum dilution is highly recommended. In cases
immunocompromised, and those manifesting
of low parasitemia, experimental inoculation of
evidence of Lyme disease.
specific pathogen-free hamsters with infected
110 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

blood or NOD/sch-scid mice with the patient’s The drug combination azithromycin and
blood can be useful in parasite detection and atovaquone is as effective as clindamycin-
identification. quinine, with less adverse effects. Both drug
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is combinations are ineffective in suppressing
highly specific and is generally considered to disease progression in immunosuppressed
be the gold standard for Babesia detection. It is, patients. Very recently, there have been reports
however, unrealistic for epidemiologic surveys of immunocompromised patients who,
because it is time consuming and expensive. during 28 days of uninterrupted treatment
The current practice is the use of PCR in the with azithromycin-atovaquone, manifested
isolation of the SSU rDNA from asymptomatic recurrence of marked parasitemia, suggesting
patients, followed by gene sequencing and its the development of drug-resistant B. microti.
comparison with known SSU rDNA gene Ar temisinin, pyrimethamine, and
sequences from pathogenic strains. pamaquine can strongly inhibit the growth of
The continued work on the isolation of B. equi and B. caballi in vitro. Pyrimethamine
specific and highly immunogenic antigens can indirectly interrupt the parasite life cycle
of Babesia species and isolates, and their through its inhibitory effect on dihydrofolate
intended utilization in the development reductase, essential in folate metabolism, while
of immunochromatographic test (ICT) is pamaquine can interfere in the recycling of
practicable for epidemiologic surveys in the endosomal proteins into the plasma membrane
field. ICT is simple, quick, reliable, sensitive, by direct interaction with the endosomes.
and inexpensive, and has gained acceptability in
the diagnosis of both acute and latent infections.
Currently, there are ICT strips or dipsticks Babesiosis is essentially a zoonotic infection,
employed in the detection of infected livestock. regarded of major economic importance
to livestock, particularly in the cattle and
horse industry. Its documentation in humans
The standard treatment of human babesiosis worldwide has increased its recognition as
utilizes a drug combination of clindamycin and a disease of public health concern. The first
quinine, or azithromycin and atovaquone. The human case attributed to the cattle form was
clindamycin and oral quinine combination reported in 1956, in Europe, and followed
was first used in 1982 in a newborn infant with reports of more cases in Europe and in
suffering from babesiosis, and since then, this North America, including the discovery of
combination has become the drug of choice. the transmission of a B. microti-like species to
Clindamycin is given 1.2 g intravenously twice humans in 1970. A review of the 136 human
a day or 600 mg orally three times a day, and cases examined in New York (1982-1991)
combined with oral quinine at a dose of 650 revealed almost all cases were among those
mg three times a day. Clindamycin-atovaquone living in Suffolk, Long Island. Of the 103
combination is efficacious in clearing the (76%) who were hospitalized, seven patients
parasites in normal individuals and prevents previously underwent splenectomy, 31 patients
recurrence of infection, but produces adverse had symptoms of babesiosis and Lyme disease,
effects like vertigo, tinnitus, and gastrointestinal and seven died. The Asian cases reported have
symptoms. Supportive and symptomatic been few and sporadic with the first records in
management is important. In severe cases where 1984, in Yunnan, China, and a recent report
there is progressive exacerbation of hemolytic in Japan attributed to B. microti (Table 2.10).
anemia, total blood exchange may be indicated.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 111

Table 2.10. Summary of human cases of babesiosis reported in some Asian countries

Location Signs and Symptoms Diagnosis

Yunnan, China Fever, jaundice, anemia, cutaneous edema; Initially malaria, then babesiosis
myalgia, malaise, nausea, prolonged and
repeated illness; periodic fever (39.5-41.0°C),
with renal transplantation prior to onset of fever
Taiwan Headache, malaise, fatigue, dull pain in upper Gallstone with hepatosplenomegaly
abdomen, and frequent mild fever, chill for a and babesiosis
few months, hemolytic anemia
Mongolia High fever, chill, nightly sweating, myalgia, low Babesiosis
grade parasitemia
Japan Fever, malaise, excretion of dark-colored urine, Babesiosis
progressive hemolytic anemia

The Centers for Disease Control and habitation with livestock and wild animals,
Prevention, USA has confirmed more than and where ticks were abundant. The parasites
40 human cases that contracted the disease detected were pyriform-shaped, suggestive of
from transfusion of packed RBC and tested Babesia. One case recorded in the rural area
positive for anti-B. microti antibodies. In Asia, in Southwestern Taiwan was serologically and
the two cases have been associated with renal morphologically diagnosed with a chronic and
transplantation and blood transfusion. Thus, subclinical infection of a geographic isolate
subclinical or asymptomatic cases cannot simply of Babesia named Taiwan isolate (TW1). The
be ignored, considering their potential role in detection of anti-Babesia antibodies in 83%
the spread of human babesiosis. Rattus coxinga endemic in the locality where the
Phylogenetic analyses of the gene sequences Taiwanese patient lived, suggested the rodents
of the SSU rDNA of Babesia spp. obtained as the highly likely source of infection. The SSU
from human cases helped clarify three patterns rDNA isolated from the Japanese patient and
or groupings, worldwide, namely: (a) human from the NOD/sch-scid mice inoculated with
babesiosis attributed to the B. divergens-related the patient’s blood revealed 99.2% sequence
parasites in Europe; (b) human babesiosis caused homology with the US B. microti SSU rDNA
by B. microti principally in the Northeastern (Genbank/EMBL/DDBJ: U09833).
USA; and (c) human babesiosis caused by newly In Japan the wild rodents, Apodemus
emerging species, the WA1-type in the Western speciosus and A. argenteus, are infected with B.
USA, tentatively grouped with B. microti or microti-like forms. In Taiwan, the bandicoot
alternatively with Theileria spp. Recently in rats, Bandicola indica, and the spiny rat, R.
Italy and Austria, parasites obtained from coxinga, carry morphologically similar B.
splenic cases revealed SSU rDNA sequences microti-like forms. The TW1 isolated from
more closely related to B. odocoileus, a species the first human case in Taiwan is serologically
that bears morphological, molecular, and related to the US B. microti SSU rDNA.
immunological similarities with B. divergens. In the Philippines, studies on animal
The B. divergens-related species now has been babesiosis have been limited and mainly
expanded to include B. odocoileus and possibly concentrated on hematological parameters and
B. bovis. In Asia, the etiologic agent of human clinical manifestations in cattle B. bigemina and
babesiosis has been identified as B. microti or B. argentina (syn. B. bovis), and B. canis. Using
B. microti-like isolate or strain. the ICT, 13 (28%) stray dogs in an impounding
Human cases recorded in China were facility in Dasmarinas, Cavite tested positive for
generally among farmers living in close anti-p50 truncated B. gibsoni antigen. The dogs
112 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

had infestation mainly with Rhipicephalus ticks, In Europe and the USA, the Ixodes ricinus
suggestive of their putative role in the spread of and Ixodes triangulicep, and the Ixodes scapularis
canine babesiosis in the country. and Ixodes pacificus are the principal vectors,
Slaughtered and race horses in the respectively. In Asia, the tick vectors are poorly
Philippines tested seropositive for B. caballi established. The predominance of Ixodes
and/or B. equi infection, using ICT containing a granulatus in Southeast Asian countries makes
recombinant B. caballi 48-kDa rhoptry protein it a favorable vector, though this warrants
(rBc48) and a recombinant truncated B. equi confirmation (Plate 2.17). In Japan, Ixodes
merozoite antigen 2 (rEMA-2t). Serological ovatus has been suggested as a highly likely
data correlated well with the detection of the tick vector of human babesiosis for its human
morphologies of the specific etiologic agent(s) biting activity.
in blood smears.

Plate 2.17. Ixodes sp. A. Non-engorged female. B. Engorged female. C. Mouthparts showing
the hypostome (H), pedipalp (P), and scutum (S). (Courtesy of Ms. Mary Jane Cruz-Flores
and Dr. Florencia Claveria)

Prevention and Control serological surveys reveal more of subclinical or

asymptomatic cases. Human cases of babesiosis
Babesiosis is essentially a zoonotic infection,
are generally associated with splenectomized
and its transmission to man through the
and immunocompromised patients, and
bite of the tick vector is incidental. Effective
noteworthy are the cases acquired through
prevention strategies include avoiding tick-
blood transfusion and organ transplantation.
infested areas, remaining covered with clothing,
There may be a need to consider the inclusion
and immediately removing any attached ticks.
of screening procedures for B. microti for blood
As the parasite is capable of stage-to-stage
and organ donors in high risk areas.
passage, each of the developmental stages is
capable of parasite transmission to mammals. References
The application of bug repellents in clothes
Allsopp MT, Allsopp BA. Molecular sequence
like N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET)
evidence for the reclassification of some
and acaricides like permethrin may be useful.
Babesia species. Ann N Y Acad Sci.
The rodent population should be controlled as
well, as they are major carriers or reservoirs of
Clark IA, Allison AC. Babesia microti and
the parasite.
Plasmodium berghei yoelli infections in
In low grade and chronic infections,
mice. Nature. 1974;252:328–9.
babesiosis is generally asymptomatic. Worldwide,
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 113

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116 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Blood and Tissue Flagellates

Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Julius R. Migriño, Jr.

L ocally acquired infections due to the blood

and tissue flagellates have not yet been
documented in the Philippines. However,
get infected include the skin, gonads, intestinal
mucosa, and placenta.
It has been well established that the
because of fast and easy travel, as well as arthropod vector responsible for propagating
increased human migration, imported cases this parasite are the reduviid bugs, belonging
from endemic countries may become future to the genera Triatoma, Panstrongylus, and
sources of local infection. This scenario is Rhodnius. These arthropods thrive under
possible because the vectors of Trypanosoma squalid housing conditions such as thatched
cruzi, Triatoma and Rhodnius bugs, are found roofs and mud walls, commonly seen in poor
in the country. In the same manner, the rural communities. Zoonotic mammalian
Philippines has a number of Phlebotomus spp., reservoir hosts have been identified, including
which can serve as vectors for Leishmania spp. domestic animals, armadillos, raccoons,
rodents, marsupials, and even some primates.
Trypanosoma cruzi T. cruzi exhibits all four stages of
development: amastigote, promastigote,
Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiologic agent of epimastigote, and trypomastigote. In humans,
Chagas disease or American trypanosomiasis. trypomastigotes are found in the bloodstream,
This is the only parasite that was discovered and amastigotes in tissue cells (Figure 2.24).
and studied before it was known to cause a Inside its insect vector, the amastigote,
disease. More than 100 years ago, Carlos Chagas epimastigote, and promastigote forms occur
found that the trypanosomes he dissected from in the midgut, while the infective metacyclic
the intestine of a triatomid bug were the same trypomastigote appear in the hindgut.
parasites found in the blood of a child suffering Amastigotes are round or ovoid in shape
from fever and enlargement of the lymph nodes. and measure from 1.5 to 4 µm in diameter. They
Since then, the understanding behind the are usually found in small groups of cyst-like
disease that this protozoan causes has shown collections in tissues.
profound changes in terms of pathophysiology, The long slender trypomastigotes are 16
diagnosis, and treatment. to 20 μm in length while the short, stumpy
Parasite Biology forms measure around 15 µm (Plate 2.18).
The posterior end is usually pointed. The
T. cruzi belongs to the trypanosome undulating membrane is narrow with two to
group Stercoraria. Trypanosomes under this three undulations, and a single thread-like
group multiply within the mammalian host flagellum originating near the kinetoplast
in a discontinuous manner. Unlike other provides the parasite with mobility. In stained
trypanosomes, it is an intracellular parasite, with specimens, trypomastigotes are characteristically
myocytes (particularly myocardial tissues) and C-shaped. They have also been described as
cells of the reticuloendothelial system being the U- or S-shaped with a prominent kinetoplast,
most heavily infected cells. Other tissues that characteristic of the species.
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 117

Figure 2.24. Life cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi

(Accessed from

The trypomastigotes of T. cruzi do not

multiply in the bloodstream. Soon after their
entry into the human host, the metacyclic
trypanosomes are engulfed by macrophages
of the reticuloendothelial system and multiply
through binary fission as amastigotes.
Amastigotes develop into trypomastigotes,
and the cells lyse in 4 to 5 days. The released
trypomastigotes enter the bloodstream, ready to
replicate again once they enter another cell or
are ingested by an insect vector. Once ingested
by the intermediate host, the trypomastigotes
pass through the posterior portion of the
insect’s midgut and become epimastigotes,
where they multiply via longitudinal fission.
Infective metacyclic trypomastigotes appear
Plate 2.18. Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigote in
thin blood smears stained with Giemsa
in the insect’s rectum 8 to 10 days after
(Accessed from infection, and are passed in the bug’s feces.
The metacyclic trypomastigotes gain entry
118 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

into the body through broken skin, or through result in cardiomegaly, congestive heart failure,
mucous membranes that are rubbed with fingers thromboembolism, and even arrhythmias. Less
contaminated with the bug’s feces. severe signs and symptoms associated with
the chronic phase of the disease include chest
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
pain, palpitations, dizziness, syncopal episodes,
Chagas disease can be divided into an abnormal electrocardiogram findings, achalasia
acute and a chronic phase. The acute phase is associated with megaesophagus, and chronic
characterized by a focal or diffuse inflammation constipation associated with megacolon. About
mainly affecting the myocardium. Non- one-third of patients in the latent stage develop
specific signs and symptoms, such as fever, some manifestation of chronic Chagas disease
malaise, nausea, vomiting, and generalized after several years or decades. The majority of
lymphadenopathy often accompany the acute symptomatic, chronic patients manifest with
phase. Cutaneous manifestations of the disease the cardiac form, while the rest develop the
can sometimes appear during this phase, gastrointestinal form.
usually associated with a localized inflammatory
reaction at or near the site of inoculation.
Chagomas are furuncle-like lesions associated A complete patient history is the primary
with induration, central edema, and regional tool for diagnosing Chagas disease. Possible
lymphadenopathy. These lesions represent exposure to T. cruzi should be established, and
the site of entry of the parasite. If the parasite risk factors such as place of residence or work,
penetrates through the conjunctiva, eyelid recent blood transfusion in an endemic area,
swelling called Romaña’s sign may form. This and contact or exposure to T. cruzi intermediate
lesion is characterized by unilateral painless host should be evaluated.
bipalpebral edema and conjunctivitis, and may The definitive diagnosis of Chagas
involve the lacrimal gland and surrounding disease during its acute phase relies on direct
lymph nodes. After 1 or 2 months, symptoms visualization of the parasites in thick and thin
resolve, and the patient goes into a latent or blood smears using Giemsa stain. Cerebrospinal
indeterminate, but usually asymptomatic phase. fluid (CSF), tissue samples, or lymph can also be
During this phase, patients infected with T. used for parasite visualization. However, only in
cruzi are still capable of transmitting it to others the first two months of acute disease can T. cruzi
through insect vectors, blood transfusion, or trypomastigotes be seen by direct examination.
organ transplantation. Other diagnostic techniques include
The pathophysiology of the chronic concentration methods (microhematocrit),
phase of the disease was initially thought to blood culture, and polymerase chain reaction
be autoimmune in nature; however, this is (PCR). Xenodiagnosis, wherein laboratory-
controversial. Newer evidence shows that reared triatomine bugs are allowed to feed on
chronic Chagas disease is multifactorial, suspected patients and are later examined for the
and dependent on the interaction between presence of T. cruzi metacyclic trypomastigotes,
parasite and host. Nonetheless, the chronic may also be utilized as a diagnostic modality.
phase is manifested by fibrotic reactions that During the chronic phase, a variety of
cause injury to the myocardium, cardiac serologic tests may be used, such as enzyme-
conduction network, and enteric nervous linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), indirect
system (decrease in nerve ganglia leading to hemaglutination, indirect immunofluorescence,
megasyndromes). The heart is the primary and PCR. The WHO recommends using at
organ affected during this phase, which may least two techniques with concurrent positive
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 119

results before a diagnosis of Chagas disease The prevalence and distribution of

is made. For the cardiac form of the disease, American trypanosomiasis has been continually
ECG and echocardiography may show atrial shifting. Endemic regions include most of
fibrillation/flutter, low QRS voltage, dilated Central America and the southern cone of South
cardiomyopathy, and tricuspid and mitral America. Several factors tend to determine the
regurgitation. The gastrointestinal form is changes in prevalence of the disease in endemic
usually diagnosed by barium esophagogram countries. In certain regions in Mexico, delayed
(esophageal dilatation) and barium enema control policies and mobilization probably
(megacolon of the sigmoid and rectum). contributed to an increase in prevalence. In
the past 25 years, there have been several
international efforts to control and prevent the
Two drugs are recommended for the disease in these endemic areas, most notably
treatment of acute phase Chagas disease: vector control strategies, and improved blood
nifurtimox and benznidazole. These drugs are transfusion safety regulations. Brazil, Chile,
usually associated with severe side effects: (a) Uruguay, and several areas of Argentina and
nifurtimox may cause weight loss, anorexia, Paraguay have eliminated the vector Triatoma
behavioral changes, and an antabuse effect; (b) infestans. However, the disease persists due to
benznidazole may cause rashes, bone marrow emergence of secondary domestic vectors, and
suppression, and peripheral neuropathy. vector resistance to insecticides.
Other classes of drugs, such as allopurinol Initially thought to be confined within the
and itraconazole, have been shown to halt the Latin American region, countries such as USA,
progression into cardiomyopathy, although no Canada, Spain, France, Switzerland, Japan, and
form of treatment has been shown to reverse Australia have seen a number of cases, primarily
damage caused by the disease. Newer drugs due to human migration patterns as well as from
such as triazole derivatives (posaconazole, blood transfusion, organ donation and vertical
ravuconazole) and cruzipain inhibitors transmission. However, these countries are still
(a parasite protease) are currently under regarded as non-endemic, and majority of the
development. cases are attributed to imported infections from
Symptom-specific management is used endemic areas.
to treat patients with chronic manifestations. Chagas disease is included in the WHO list
Cardiac manifestations are controlled by of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), and is
pacemakers and antiarrhythmic drugs, such the leading cause of parasite-related deaths in
as amiodarone, while megasyndromes are Latin America. In 2003, it ranked 3rd as the
managed with special diets, laxatives, and leading cause of parasitic infection in the world,
surgical procedures. behind malaria and schistosomiasis.
Epidemiology Prevention and Control

Chagas disease is estimated to have infected There have been major breakthroughs
more than 10 million people worldwide. Most in the control and prevention of American
cases are reported in the Latin Americas, where trypanosomiasis, particularly by Brazil, Chile,
more than 25 million people are at risk for the and Uruguay. Vector control and blood
disease. Serologic techniques have identified that transfusion regulations have delivered positive
up to 13% of populations in certain endemic outcomes, in terms of disease prevention in
regions are positive for T. cruzi antibodies. An these countries. Spraying of insecticides, use
estimated 10,000 to 12,000 people die of the of insecticide-treated bed nets, and house
disease annually. improvements to prevent vector infestation
120 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

have been proven cost-effective. International highly fatal disease caused by two subspecies of
organizations such as the WHO and the Trypanosoma brucei: T. brucei gambiense and T.
manufacturers of the antiparasitic drugs are brucei rhodesiense. A third subspecies, T. brucei
working in tandem to ensure the availability of brucei, primarily affects wild and domestic
drugs for the treatment of the disease. animals; collectively, the three subspecies
In Mexico and non-endemic countries represent the Trypanosoma brucei complex. The
near endemic countries, the coverage, quality earliest reports of sleeping sickness in Africa
and safety of blood transfusion screening date back to 1734, while the formal correlations
is being evaluated as avenues for disease between the symptoms, the parasite in blood
prevention. Vaccine development has not and CSF, and the relationship between the
yet been successful, but the advent of newer parasite and its insect vector were established
technologies and characterization of the T. cruzi during the early 1900s.
genome may aid in future vaccine research.
Parasite Biology
Trypanosoma brucei gambiense Members of the T. brucei complex belong to
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense the trypanosome family Salivaria. The parasite
is usually transmitted via the bite of the blood-
Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), sucking tsetse fly (Glossina spp.) feeding from an
also known as African sleeping sickness, is a infected mammalian host (Figure 2.25). Since

Figure 2.25. Life cycle of Trypanosoma brucei

(Accessed from
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 121

the disease relies heavily on the tsetse fly for its through mechanical methods (accidental needle
transmission, HAT cases are localized in regions pricks, other blood sucking insects), as well as
of sub-Saharan Africa, primarily in remote rural vertically, via mother-to-child infection through
areas where tsetse fly habitats are located. the placenta.
T. brucei gambiense is localized mostly in
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
the western and central regions of sub-Saharan
Africa. It primarily affects humans, but utilizes Human African trypanosomiasis has two
dogs, pigs, and sheep as reservoir hosts. It is types, acute and chronic, depending on the
responsible for the chronic type of sleeping subspecies causing the disease. Trypanosoma
sickness, and accounts for 95% of all HAT cases. brucei gambiense sleeping sickness manifests
T. brucei rhodesiense is found in east Africa months or years after initial infection, while
and is primarily a zoonosis of cattle and wild symptoms of T. brucei rhodesiense sleeping
animals, with humans being accidental hosts. sickness may appear just weeks after infection.
It causes the more acute and rapidly fatal form The initial lesion of African trypanosomiasis
of sleeping sickness, and accounts for the begins as a local, painful, pruritic, erythematous
remaining 5% of HAT cases. chancre located at the bite site, progressing
Only the epimastigote and trypomastigote into a central eschar, and resolving after 2 to
forms are exhibited by the T. brucei complex. 3 weeks. This trypanosomal chancre is more
The trypomastigotes are polymorphic: there common in Gambian sleeping sickness. Several
are typical slender forms, and short, stumpy days after the development of the chancre,
forms. They are flattened and fusiform in usually within 3 to 10 days, the next stages of
shape, 14 to 33 µm in length and 1.5 to 3.5 the disease manifest.
µm in width. The body tapers anteriorly and is Both types of HAT undergo two stages:
blunt posteriorly. The centrally located nucleus early and late. During the early phase of HAT,
contains a large central karyosome. There is an called the hemolymphatic stage, the parasites
undulating membrane, and a single flagellum proliferate in the bloodstream and lymphatics.
that runs along the edge of the undulating The patient may manifest with irregular bouts
membrane and becomes free anteriorly. of fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, and
Once ingested by the intermediate malaise. Anemia, myocardial inflammation,
host, Trypanosoma brucei trypomastigotes disseminated intravascular coagulation, and
undergo several developmental changes from renal insufficiency may occur. Frequently,
trypomastigote into procyclic forms in the in Gambian trypanosomiasis, the posterior
insect’s midgut. After multiplying for 15 to 20 cervical lymph nodes are enlarged, non-tender,
days, the epimastigotes migrate to the foregut and rubbery in consistency (Winterbottom’s
into the insect’s salivary glands, where they sign). Other lymph nodes, such as axillary
mature into metacylic trypomastigotes. When and supraclavicular lymph nodes, may also be
the infected fly bites another mammalian host, involved in both types of sleeping sickness. The
these infective trypomastigotes are injected into signs and symptoms manifested within this
the new host where they multiply and mature phase are due to tissue damage, either from
in blood and connective tissue. In humans, parasitic toxins or immune complex reactions
T. brucei lives in the blood, in the reticular that target organs and RBCs. The early systemic
tissue of lymph and spleen, and the CSF. The phase lasts from 1 to 6 months.
long, slender trypomastigotes multiply by The late phase of the disease, known as
longitudinal binary fission. the meningoencephalitic stage, marks the
Though mostly transmitted through its involvement of the central nervous system.
insect vector, the disease can also be transmitted The brain and meninges become involved
122 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

as the parasites find their way into the CNS due the relative higher levels of parasitemia.
through the bloodstream. This usually occurs Serial examinations may be necessary due
3 to 10 months after initial infection in to varying levels of parasitemia. Other
Gambian infections, but can manifest after diagnostic techniques include enzyme-linked
just a few weeks in Rhodesian trypanosomiasis. immunosorbent assay, immunofluorescence,
Neurologic symptoms become evident, such indirect hemagglutination test, mini-anion
as apathy, behavioral changes, headache, and exchange centrifugation technique, and PCR.
sleep pattern changes. These may be followed CSF examination is mandatory in patients
by more severe symptoms, such as convulsions, with suspected HAT to detect CNS involvement.
tremors, speech defects, disturbances in speech Abnormal CSF findings include increase in cell
and reflexes, and even paralysis. Kerandel’s sign count, opening pressure, protein concentration,
may manifest as a deep, delayed hyperesthesia and IgM levels. The latter is considered
(delayed bilateral pain out of proportion to pathognomonic for the meningoencaphalitic
the extent of tissue injury). In the later stages, stage of the disease.
somnolence manifests, followed by a deep coma. Card agglutination test for trypanosomiasis
Death eventually follows either from the disease (CATT) detecting circulating antigens in
itself, or from intercurrent infection due to persons infected with T. brucei complex is
immunosuppression. available commercially and can be used in the
Areas of the CNS usually involved in the field setting to screen at-risk populations. This
meningoencaphalitic phase include the frontal technique provides a rapid and highly specific
lobes, pons, medulla, and perivascular areas. method of screening for HAT cases; however,
Parasites may also be seen in the CSF. Autopsy the method has low sensitivity for certain strains
of HAT patients reveals edema and numerous, of T. brucei gambiense in certain areas of West
small, and confluent hemorrhages. Africa.
Trypanosomes are able to evade the immune
response of the host through a process called
antigenic variation. This refers to the ability Treatment of African sleeping sickness
of the trypomastigote to continuously change depends on the stage of the disease. For the first
its surface coat, composed of variant surface stage, intravenous suramin sodium for both T.
glycoproteins, so that the host’s antibodies brucei gambiense and T. brucei rhodesiense, and
cannot recognize the parasite in subsequent intramuscular pentamidine for the Gambian
recurrent waves of parasitemia. form can be used. These drugs have side effects,
which include fever, rash, renal insufficiency,
muscle pain, and paresthesia for suramin; and
Diagnosis of human African trypanosomiasis tachycardia, hypotension, and hypoglycemia
depends upon the demonstration of highly for pentamidine. These drugs do not cross the
motile trypomastigotes in expressed fluid from blood-brain barrier, and so, they cannot be used
a chancre, lymph node aspirate, and CSF. for the CNS stage of the disease.
Thick and thin blood films can be stained Once CNS involvement occurs, intravenous
with Giemsa. Buffy coat concentration method melarsoprol is the drug of choice for both types
is recommended to detect parasites when of sleeping sickness. This arsenic-containing
they occur in low numbers. Examination for drug can cause fatal arsenic encephalopathy
trypomastigotes is usually done during the (usually prevented by co-administration of
hemolymphatic stage of the disease, and is more corticosteroids), and resistance to the drug
useful for the diagnosis of T. brucei rhodesiense has also been observed. A febrile episode
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 123

called a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction due do their laundry. Rhodesian trypanosomiasis

to trypanosome lysis may occur following is an occupational hazard for persons working
melarsoprol treatment. in game reserves, and may also be a threat to
A second-line drug, nitrofurazone, is used visitors of game parks. Cattle and game animals
in cases of melarsoprol treatment failure. A like antelopes can serve as reservoir hosts for
newer drug, eflornithine, is less toxic than the parasite.
melarsoprol, and can also be used during
Prevention and Control
the hemolymphatic stage; however, it is only
effective against T. brucei gambiense. Recent Vector control is the primary method used
evidence has shown that a combination in the control and prevention of African sleeping
treatment of oral nifurtimox and intravenous sickness. Tsetse fly trapping is the main strategy
eflornithine is of similar efficacy compared to employed to decrease the vector population.
longer intravenous monotherapy with either Use of insecticides and protective clothing are
agent. Combination therapy is advantageous recommended to prevent contact with the insect
due to the relative ease in administration, and vector. Regulation and treatment of reservoir
a decreased risk of developing drug resistance. hosts such as cattle and game animals are also
Although nifurtimox is currently registered as being looked upon as an effective means of
a drug against American trypanosomiasis, its preventing disease transmission.
use in the nifurtimox-eflornithine combination Several programs developed to eliminate the
treatment (NECT) has been included in the insect vector have been in place in Africa. The
WHO List of Essential Medicine. Kwando-Zambesi Regional Tsetse Eradication
project started in Botswana, and in 2000, the Pan
African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication
Sleeping sickness affects around 300,000 Campaign (PATTEC) was established. Aerial
to 500,000 people in 36 countries within sub- and localized spraying of insecticides in Angola,
Saharan Africa. It is estimated that more than Botswana, Namibia, and Zambia has eradicated
50 million people are at risk of infection. In the the tsetse fly in these African countries.
last 10 years, most reported cases came from The WHO has established partnerships
the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), with private companies such as Aventis Pharma
followed by the Central African Republic. (Sanofi-Aventis) and Bayer HealthCare to
Other countries such as Angola, Cameroon, provide surveillance and management support
Chad, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, to endemic countries.
Gabon, Guinea, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria,
Sudan, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Leishmania spp.
Zambia, and Zimbabwe have also reported
Early descriptions of leishmaniasis have been
found as early as the first century A.D., where
During the turn of the century, between
American Indians documented the disease in
10,000 and 40,000 annual cases of HAT were
pottery figures. Cunningham studied the “Delhi
being reported. However, newer data from the
boil” in India back in 1885, and Leishman had
WHO has estimated more recently that new
properly identified the intracellular parasites in
cases have dropped below the 10,000 mark, a
1903. Leishmania braziliensis was later identified
first in 50 years.
in 1911 by Gaspar Viana, as was the insect
Tsetse flies live near the banks of rivers and
vector which transmitted the parasite in 1922
streams, therefore transmission can readily occur
by Henrique Aragao.
when people frequent these areas to swim and
124 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Parasite Biology Mexico, Central America, and some parts of

South America, as well as the Amazon rain
Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by infection
forest, and is usually caused by L. mexicana, L.
of the diploid protozoa belonging to the genus
amazonensis, L. guyanensis, L. braziliensis, and L.
Leishmania. This genus is actually divided into
chagasi. Arthropods, particularly sandflies of the
two subgenera, differentiated from one another
genera Phlebotomus (Old World) and Lutzomyia
by the location of their development inside
(New World), act as the insect vector for these
the insect vector, as well as the areas in which
parasites. Dogs are the primary reservoir in
they are endemic. Currently there are about
urban areas, and rodents also act as reservoirs
15 species of Leishmania which cause clinical
in both urban and rural areas.
manifestations in humans. This diverse pool
Leishmania spp. produce amastigotes
of different species is historically divided and
intracellularly in the mammalian host, and
classified based on their biological, clinical,
promastigotes in the hindgut (Viannia subgenus),
geographic, and epidemiological characteristics.
midgut (Viannia and Leishmania subgenera),
Epidemiologically, the Leishmania spp.
and proboscis (Viannia and Leishmania
are divided into Old World and New World
subgenera) of the insect vectors. Amastigotes are
leishmaniasis. In the Old World, the common
ovoid or rounded bodies measuring 2 to 3 µm
species involved are L. tropica (Asia and
in length and live intracellularly in monocytes,
Eastern Europe), L. aethiopica (Africa) and
polymorphonuclear leukocytes, or endothelial
L. major. New World leishmaniasis affects
cells. The nucleus is large, while an axoneme

Figure 2.26. Life cycle of Leishmania spp.

(Accessed from
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 125

arises from the kinetoplast and extends to the incubation period ranges from two weeks to
anterior tip. several months. An erythematous papule or
Promastigotes have a single free flagellum nodule, called an “oriental button,” is produced
arising from the kinetoplast at the anterior end. at the inoculation site. The lesion has raised
They measure 15 to 20 µm in length and 1.5 to edges and a central crater. During the course
3.5 µm in width. The infective promastigotes in of several weeks, the papule forms a violaceous
the proboscis of the sandfly are injected into the ulcer as it enlarges in size. The lesion may heal
host’s skin during feeding (Figure 2.26). They spontaneously after a few months, leading to
then invade the cells of the reticuloendothelial a disfiguring scar; in the case of New World
system, transform into amastogotes, and leishmaniasis, CL may progress to other forms
multiply via binary fission. When the parasitized of leishmaniasis.
cell ruptures, the amastigotes that are released
B. Diffuse Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
either invade new cells, or are taken up by
sandflies during feeding, where they transform The manifestation of DCL, also called
into promastigotes in the gut, multiply by anergic or lepromatous leishmaniasis, is
binary fission, and migrate to the foregut. characterized by a localized, non-ulcerating
Leishmania spp. may also be transmitted papule, eventually developing numerous
congenitally, through blood transfusion, by diffuse satellite lesions that affect the face and
contamination of bite wounds, and by direct extremities. This type of leishmaniasis may be
contact with contaminated specimens. initially diagnosed as lepromatous leprosy.
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations C. Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis

Clinically, leishmaniasis can be divided Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis develops

into four categories: cutaneous leishmaniasis in about 2 to 5% of persons infected with L.
(CL), diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL), braziliensis, either concurrently or even several
mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL), and years after the resolution of skin lesions. It
visceral leishmaniasis (VL). The wide spectrum may be also due to the contiguous spread of
of symptoms manifested by leishmaniasis is cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by L. tropica.
often compared to leprosy, where the localized Involvement of the mucous membranes of the
CL is similar to tuberculoid leprosy, and DCL nasal and oral cavities results in nasal stuffiness,
is similar to lepromatous leprosy. discharge, epistaxis, and destruction of the
The immune response of the host against nasal septum. This disfiguration is often called
the infection depends on Leishmania-specific espundia. Progression into the pharynx and
Th1-type CD4+ T-cells, macrophages, and larynx may threaten the airway passage, and
cytokines. However, other factors such as may lead to dysphonia, dysphagia, and even
genetics, nutritional status, and environmental aspiration pneumonia.
factors may affect the outcome of infection. Lesions usually manifest with few parasites.
Systemic Th1 response is strong in cases of
A. Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
MCL, with increased levels of peripheral
Cutaneous leishmaniasis is the most mononuclear cells in the blood.
common form of the disease, and is caused D. Visceral Leishmaniasis
by several species of Leishmania, including L.
tropica (dry or urban oriental sore), L. major Visceral leishmaniasis (or kala azar), is a
(moist or rural oriental sore), and L. mexicana disseminated parasitosis primarily caused by L.
(chiclero ulcer, usually affecting the ears). The donovani complex: L. donovani, L. chagasi, and
126 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

L. infantum. It has an incubation period of 2 to found useful. Animal inoculation using

8 months, but clinical symptoms in previously hamsters could detect low intensity of infection.
infected but asymptomatic persons may The leishmanin skin test (Montenegro
appear during immunocompromised states. skin test) can be used to identify exposure to
This manifestation of the disease stems from the parasite. It is usually positive in cases of CL
the spread of parasites into the bone marrow, and MCL, but is negative in cases of DCL and
spleen, and liver. kala azar.
In the acute phase, twice-daily fever spikes Immunologic assays such as ELISA and
(double quotidian), with accompanying chills rk39 antigen dipstick test have demonstrated
may be present, which might be mistaken for high sensitivity and specificity for VL in
malaria. During the subacute and chronic certain immunocompetent patient populations.
course, common signs and symptoms include Direct agglutination, urine antigen assays, and
fever, weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, newer techniques such as flow cytometry and
hemorrhage, and abdominal enlargement molecular diagnostic modalities (polymerase
associated with hepatosplenomegaly. chain reaction, RFLP analysis) are also being
Phagocytosed amastigotes are present only used; the latter may be used to identify the
in small numbers in the blood. However, they species of Leishmania.
are numerous in the reticuloendothelial cells of
the spleen, liver, lymph nodes, bone marrow,
intestinal mucosa, and other organs. In patients Primary pharmacologic treatment is
with VL, Leishmania-specific Th1 response is based on antimony compounds, notably the
usually low or absent. VL, if left untreated, has pentavalent antimonials: sodium stibogluconate
a greater than 95% mortality rate. and n-methyl-glucamine (meglumine). These
Post-kala azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) drugs are still being used in areas where
is a sequela of visceral leishmaniasis, usually seen susceptibility is still good, due to its low
in endemic areas. It manifests as a cutaneous cost. However, primary treatment failure and
eruption resulting in hypopigmented macules, relapses are often observed using these drugs,
malar erythema, nodules, and ulcerations. These especially in patients with AIDS. Side effects
lesions usually manifest a few months to several such as abdominal pain, nausea, arthralgia,
years after treatment. and even fatal arrhythmias are high using
these drugs, and treatment should only be
done after consultation with infectious disease
Diagnosis of active leishmaniasis is based on experts. Treatment with the antimonial drugs
the microscopic demonstration of Leishmania requires daily intramuscular or intravenous
from lesion and tissue scrapings, aspirates, or administration for up to 4 weeks, and hospital
biopsy. Giemsa and hematoxylin-eosin stains confinements are necessary.
are often used in microscopic and histologic In cases where there is treatment failure
samples, and the demonstration of amastigotes with antimonials, or in areas where resistance
confirms the diagnosis of leishmaniasis. Cultures is high, intravenous amphotericin B is the drug
are unreliable due to the difficulty of isolating of choice. Amphotericin B has a high cure rate;
the parasites, especially in old lesions. There are however, the associated side effects, as well as the
however reports of successful primary isolation cost and availability of the drug are significant
of the New World cutaneous leishmania using limiting factors. Lipid-based preparations of the
the Novy, MacNeal, and Nicolle medium drug (AmBisome) are currently being utilized as
(NNN). The Schneider’s medium was also a highly effective, better tolerated, and overall
Chapter 2: Protozoan Infections 127

cost-effective drug formulation for cutaneous mostly poor and malnourished children below
and visceral leishmaniasis. 15 years old.
In India, where sodium pentavalent Leishmaniasis is primarily a disease of
antimony resistance is high, the antineoplastic poverty. It affects people living in squalid
drug miltefosine was introduced in 2002 to treat conditions, and is associated with poor housing,
VL. Miltefosine is the only oral drug currently malnutrition, a weak immune system, and
given to VL patients. lack of resources. Environmental changes such
Pentamidine is another second-line drug as deforestation, new irrigation schemes, and
for cutaneous as well as the visceral form of the urbanization are also linked to changes in the
disease. However, due to side-effects and the epidemiology of the disease. In urban areas
development of drug resistance, pentamidine where leishmaniasis occurs, there is a greater
use has been limited. For the cutaneous form of epidemic threat.
leishmaniasis, topical paromomycin has shown Visceral leishmaniasis is an important
efficacy in certain areas. opportunistic infection in AIDS patients. VL/
Combination therapy using two or more of HIV co-infection is currently a major threat in
the anti-leishmanial drugs is being studied. The the control and prevention of either disease.
presence of drug resistance especially towards Immunosuppression from HIV predisposes
the pentavalent antimonials, poor treatment to VL, while VL infection accelerates HIV
outcomes of complicated cases (such as HIV replication and progression to AIDS. VL/
coinfection), the potential for greater efficacy, HIV co-infection has been documented in
better compliance, and fewer side effects are 35 countries, with most cases coming in from
reasons why combination therapy for VL Ethiopia, southern Europe (Spain, Italy, France,
is the current consensus. Among the drug and Portugal), and Brazil.
combinations currently being used or under In the Philippines, there have been
clinical trials are: sodium stibogluconate plus imported cases of cutaneous lesions referred
paromomycin, and liposomal amphotericin B to the University of the Philippines—College
plus either miltefosine, or sodium stibogluconate. of Public Health, where amastigotes were
identified from the patients.
Prevention and Control
Leishmaniasis is a global disease distributed
across 88 countries in four continents. It affects Preventive measures against leishmaniasis
more than 12 million people worldwide, and include usage of insect repellants containing
more than 350 million are at risk for the DEET and permethrin, insecticide-treated
disease. New cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis clothing, and fine-mesh bed nets. Use of fine
number between 1 to 1.5 million per year, the mesh screens and spraying of houses and
majority of which occur in Afghanistan, Brazil, buildings are also being done in certain areas.
Iran, Peru, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. American However, interval spraying predisposes to
soldiers deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq have resistance of sandflies to the insecticides, not
also demonstrated cases of CL. Mucocutaneous to mention the impact of insecticides on the
leishmaniasis occurs in Bolivia, Brazil, and environment.
Peru, while half a million new cases annually Regulation of reservoir hosts is another
of visceral leishmaniasis occur primarily in important aspect in the control and prevention
Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Nepal, and Sudan. of leishmaniasis. Insecticide-treated dog collars,
In 2009, there was a noted upsurge in VL cases mass testing of domestic dogs, and even
in Sudan compared to previous years, affecting extermination of infected dogs are current
128 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

strategies that address zoonotic transmission Markell EK, Voge M, John DT. Medical
of the disease. parasitology. 9th ed. Philadelphia: W. B.
At present, there is no commercially Saunders Company; 1992.
available form of either active or passive Nantulya VM. TrypTect CIATT a card indirect
chemoprophylaxis against leishmaniasis. agglutination trypanosomiasis test for
However, in immunocompetent individuals, diagnosis of Trypanosoma gambiense and
a form of immunity persists after resolution T. rhodesiense infections. Trans R Soc Trop
of active lesions. Certain countries, such as Med Hyg. 1997;9(1):551–3.
endemic areas in the Middle East, have been Neva FA, Brown HW. Basic clinical parasitology.
using live parasites either from infected insect 6th ed. Connecticut: Appleton & Lange;
vectors, or in recent years, from cultures, to 1994.
inoculate inconspicuous areas (such as the Roberts LS, Janovy J. Foundations of
buttocks) so as to protect themselves from parasitology. 5th ed. Dubuque: Wm. C.
disfiguring facial lesions from future infections. Brown Publishers; 1996.
Commercial vaccines are currently under Wilson WR, Sande MA. Current diagnosis
development. and treatment in infectious diseases. USA:
Lange Medical Books, McGraw-Hill; 2001.
p. 842–53.
Beaver PC, Jung RC, Cupp E.W. Clinical World Health Organization. WHO Fact
parasitology. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Sheet no. 116. Geneva: World Health
Febiger; 1984. Organization; 1999.
Leyritana, KT, Saniel MC, Carpo BG, Murray World Health Organization. Chagas disease:
HW. New world cutaneous leishmaniasis interruption of transmission. Wkly
in a traveler: the first documented case in Epidemiol Rec. 1998;73(1-2):1–4.
the Philippines. Acta Med Philipp. 2011; World Health Organization. Leishmaniasis:
45(3):73–6. second generation vaccines. TDR news.
Mahmoud AA. Tropical and geographical 2001;65:13.
medicine companion handbook. 2nd ed. World Health Organization. Miltefosine—1,200
Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book Co.; 1993. patients in Phase IV trial in Inidia. TDR
news. 2002;69:12.
Chapter 3

Nematode Infections

Intestinal Nematodes
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Francis Isidore G. Totañes

Ascaris lumbricoides two spicules. Females have paired reproductive

organs in the posterior two-thirds, while males

T he most common intestinal nematode of

man is Ascaris lumbricoides or the giant
round worm, which occurs most frequently
have a single, long, tortuous tubule. The adults
reside in but do not attach to the mucosa of the
small intestines. Larval morphology is similar
in the tropics. It is estimated that more than 1 to the adult. Ascaris has been shown to produce
billion individuals are infected, 70% of whom pepsin inhibitor 3 (PI-3) that protects worms
are from Asia. from digestion and phosphorylcholine that
Ascaris is a soil-transmitted helminth suppresses lymphocyte proliferation.
(STH), along with Trichuris trichiura and The infertile eggs (Plate 3.1a) measure 88
hookworms, which means that the soil plays a to 94 μm by 39 to 44 μm, longer and narrower
major role in the development and transmission than fertile eggs, with a thin shell and irregular
of the parasite. It causes varying degrees of mammilated coating filled with refractile
pathology: (a) tissue reaction to the invading granules. These infertile eggs may be difficult to
larvae, (b) intestinal irritation to the adult, and identify and are found not only in the absence
(c) other complications due to heavy infection of males. They are found in about two of five
and extraintestinal migration. STH infections infections.
are diseases of poverty, and contribute to Fertile eggs measure 45 to 70 μm by
malnutrition and impairment of cognitive 35 to 50 μm (Plate 3.1b). There is an outer,
performances. They, likewise, reduce work coarsely mammilated albuminous covering
capacity and productivity of adults. which may be absent or lost in “decorticated”
eggs. The egg has a thick, transparent, hyaline
Parasite Biology
shell with a thick outer layer as a supporting
This worm has a so-called “polymyarian structure and a delicate vitelline, lipoidal, inner
type” of somatic muscle arrangement in which membrane, which is highly impermeable. At
cells are numerous and project well into the oviposition, the fertile eggs have an ovoid mass
body cavity. The whitish or pinkish worms are of protoplasm, which will develop into larvae
large, with males measuring 10 to 31 cm and in about 14 days.
females 22 to 35 cm in length, with smooth The infective stage is the fully embryonated
striated cuticles. The worms have a terminal egg (Plate 3.1c). When these eggs are ingested,
mouth with three lips and sensory papillae. they hatch in the lumen of the small intestine,
Males have a ventrally curved posterior end with releasing the larvae. The larvae then migrate

130 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Plate 3.1. Ascaris unfertilized egg (a), fertilized egg (b), and embryonated egg (c)
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, UP-CPH)

to the cecum or proximal colon where they of the infection. Ascariasis was estimated to have
penetrate the intestinal wall. These larvae enter contributed to a total of 1.85 million disability-
the venules to go to the liver through the portal adjusted life years (DALYs) in 2004.
vein, on to the heart and pulmonary vessels The varied pathology of ascariasis includes
where they break out of capillaries to enter the the reaction of tissues to invading larvae,
air sacs. In the lungs, larvae undergo molting irritation of the intestine by the mechanical
before migrating to the larynx and oropharynx and toxic action of the adult, and complications
to be swallowed into the digestive tract. This arising from the parasite’s extraintestinal
hepato-tracheal migration phase takes about migration (Plates 3.2–3.4). The usual infection
14 days, while the development of egg-laying of 10 to 20 worms may not show symptoms,
adult worms takes about 9 to 11 weeks after hence, may go unnoticed by the host unless
egg ingestion. The life span of an adult worm it is discovered by stool examination or the
is about 1 year. spontaneous passing of worms in the stool.
A female Ascaris produces about 200,000 During lung migration, the larvae may
eggs per day, but this number decreases with cause host sensitization resulting in allergic
increasing worm load. The eggs are deposited manifestations such as lung infiltration,
in the soil when a person with Ascaris infection asthmatic attacks, and edema of the lips.
defecates indiscriminately. In the soil, it takes Symptoms of difficulty of breathing and fever
about 2 to 3 weeks for eggs to develop into the similar to pneumonia may occur as a result
infective stage (embryonation) under favorable of penetration by several larvae through the
conditions with suitable temperature, moisture, lung capillaries as they enter the air sacs.
and humidity. The larvae undergo two molts to The most frequent complaint of patients is
reach their 3rd stage within the egg and become vague abdominal pain. Eosinophilia is present
embryonated. Only when this infective egg is during larval migration. Moderate infections
swallowed can humans become infected with may produce lactose intolerance and vitamin
Ascaris (Figure 3.1). The embryonated eggs can A malabsorption. Heavy infections are likely
survive in moist shaded soil for a few months to cause bowel obstruction (due to bolus
to about two years in tropical and sub-tropical formation), intussusception, or volvulus that
areas, but for much longer in temperate regions. may result in bowel infarction and intestinal
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
Serious, and at times, fatal effects of
A majority of Ascaris infections are ascariasis are due to erratic migration of adult
asymptomatic, although an estimated 120 to worms. They may be regurgitated and vomited,
220 million cases exhibit morbidity as a result may escape through the nostrils or rarely, inhaled
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 131

Figure 3.1. Life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides

(Accessed from

into the trachea. The worms may invade bile abscesses. Penetration of the worms through
ducts through the ampulla of Vater and enter the intestinal wall into the peritoneal cavity
the gallbladder or liver. Patients with biliary may occur and result in either acute peritonitis
ascariasis experience severe colicky abdominal or chronic granulomatous peritonitis.
pain, which is brought about by the movement Complications brought about by the larvae
of the worms inside the biliary tract. Worms and adult worms are a cause for concern. The
may also lodge in the appendix or occlude the continuous biting or pricking of the intestinal
pancreatic duct and cause acute appendicitis or mucosa for food by a few Ascaris adults may
pancreatitis, respectively. Intestinal bacteria may irritate nerve endings in the mucosa and
be carried to these migration sites producing result in intestinal spasm leading to intestinal
132 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Plate 3.2. Ascaris in the liver Plate 3.3. Intestinal obstruction with Ascaris
(Courtesy of Dr. Benjamin Cabrera) (Courtesy of Dr. Benjamin Cabrera)

In the laboratory, direct fecal smear (DFS),

Kato thick Smear, Kato-Katz techniques, as well
as concentration techniques, such as formalin-
ether/ethyl acetate concentration technique
(FECT), are stool examination techniques
used to diagnose ascariasis by confirming the
presence of eggs in the feces.
DFS is less sensitive compared to the Kato
thick Smear and Kato-Katz techniques. The last
two methods are useful for both individual and
mass screening in schools or in the community.
Kato-Katz technique also provides quantitative
diagnosis in terms of the intensity of helminth
infection in eggs per gram (epg) of stool that is
Plate 3.4. Ascaris in the brain useful in monitoring the efficacy of treatment in
(Courtesy of Dr. Benjamin Cabrera)
clinical trials, as well as public health programs.
A study in China comparing the sensitivity of
obstruction. Hence, a child need not harbor
different diagnostic techniques for helminth
hundreds of Ascaris adults to produce intestinal
infections showed that Kato-Katz had a
sensitivity of 98%, while sodium acetate-acetic
Diagnosis acid-formalin (SAF) concentration technique
had a sensitivity of 93% for the diagnosis of
Clinical diagnosis of ascariasis is rather Ascaris infections. In a local study, the sensitivity
inaccurate because the signs and symptoms are for the detection of Ascaris through single and
quite vague and are indistinguishable from those double Kato-Katz stool sample/s were 96.9%
of other intestinal nematode infections or from and 99.9%, respectively. In addition, in a local
non-parasitic infections. Hence, the clinical study comparing the sensitivity of DFS and
diagnosis of ascariasis should be confirmed FECT for the screening of food handlers, FECT
or established by microscopic examination of was shown to have a higher sensitivity and
a stool sample. The disease should be highly detection rate for intestinal parasite infections
suspected in a child who reportedly passed out compared with DFS.
the worm with his feces.
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 133

Treatment Integrated Helminth Control Program (IHCP)

of the Department of Health (DOH), is being
Individual infections are cured by a single
conducted in elementary schools every January
dose of any of the broad-spectrum anthelminthics
and July for school-age children through the
such as albendazole, mebendazole, and pyrantel
Department of Education (DepEd). MDA for
pamoate. A recent systematic review and
preschool-age children is being conducted under
meta-analysis revealed that a single-dose
the Garantisadong Pamabata program through
oral albendazole, mebendazole, and pyrantel
the DOH and the local government units. In
pamoate had cure rates of 93.9%, 96.5%, and
filariasis endemic areas, MDA with albendazole
87.9%, respectively. Albendazole is given at
and diethylcarbamazine every November also
400 mg single dose (200 mg for children 12-23
contribute to the control of STH. The IHCP
months), mebendazole at 500 mg single dose,
targets an MDA coverage of at least 85% of the
and pyrantel pamoate at 10 mg/kg (max. 1 g)
target population.
also as a single oral dose. Ivermectin has been
The WHO recommends targeting other
shown to be as effective as albendazole if given
high-risk groups such as women of child-
at a dose of 200 μg/kg single dose. Nitazoxanide
bearing age and pregnant women. Pregnant
may be given at 500 mg twice a day for 3 days
women in their 2nd or 3rd trimester, as well
(100 mg twice a day for 3 days for children 1-3
as lactating women may receive albendazole or
years old; 200 mg twice a day for 3 days for
mebendazole. Children less than one year old
children 4-11 years old).
and pregnant women in their first trimester
Benzimidazoles, such as albendazole
are ineligible for MDA with albendazole or
and mebendazole, bind to the parasites’
b-tubulin resulting in the disruption of parasite
Recent studies have revealed that the
microtubule polymerization. This binding
benefits of regular deworming in the school-
eventually results in the death of adult worms
age group include improvements in iron
that takes several days. Adverse reactions to these
stores, growth and physical fitness, cognitive
anthelminthics are rare, mild, and transient.
performance and school attendance. In
These are epigastric pain, headache, diarrhea,
younger children, studies have shown improved
nausea, vomiting, and dizziness, among
nutritional indicators such as reduced wasting,
others. These reactions may be minimized by
stunting, and improved appetite.
administering the deworming tablet after a
Use of anthelminthics to control helminth
infections in livestock resulted in anthelminthic
In 2001, the World Health Assembly
resistance to all drug classes. Although there
recommended preventive chemotherapy among
have been a few reports on the reduced efficacy
high risk groups (e.g., preschool- and school-age
of anthelminthics in humans, these reports
children) for morbidity control in communities
were unable to show evidence of genetically
where the cumulative prevalence of STH
transmitted drug resistance. Currently, drug
infections is greater than 20%. Preventive
resistance monitoring involves the identification
chemotherapy is done through mass drug
of molecular or genetic markers for resistance
administration (MDA) with anthelminthics,
specific to each of the anthelminthic drug
either alone or in combination, among target
populations, even without the benefit of stool
examination. The World Health Organization Epidemiology
(WHO) recommends coverage of at least
Ascaris has a cosmopolitan distribution
75% of the target populations during MDA.
(Figure 3.2). About 1.2 billion people globally
In the Philippines, MDA, as part of the
134 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 3.2. Global distribution of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections and proportion of children
requiring preventive chemotherapy for STH infections in each country
(From World Health Organization. Helminth control in school-age children: a guide for managers of
control programmes. 2nd ed. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011.)

are estimated to have ascariasis, and about 2,000 reported an overall prevalence of 27.7%
die annually. The disease remains endemic in among school-age children and 30.9% among
many countries of Southeast Asia, Africa, and preschool children. Prevalence rates are parallel
Central and South America. Children ages with those of trichuriasis due to similar modes
5 to 15 years have the highest intensities of of infection and risk factors.
infection with Ascaris compared with the other The level of transmission of Ascaris and
age groups. Children are particularly vulnerable other STH from soil to humans depends on
since they are at risk of ingesting embryonated socio-economic factors more than on physical
Ascaris eggs while playing in soil contaminated factors. The main factors appear to be a high
with human feces. density of human population, involvement
Worldwide estimates reveal that the in agriculture (including use of night-soil as
highest number of cases of ascariasis is found fertilizer), illiteracy, and poor sanitation. Poor
in East Asia and the Pacific Islands, although health education on personal, family, and
A. lumbricoides is also known to be able to community hygiene are also important factors
survive colder temperatures compared with contributing to the transmission of Ascaris.
Trichuris and hookworm. In many low and
Prevention and Control
middle income countries like the Philippines,
the prevalence may reach 80 to 90% in certain Surveillance and monitoring are important
high risk groups like public elementary school components of an STH Control Program.
children. Recent local sentinel surveys have Baseline cumulative prevalence and prevalence
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 135

of heavy intensity infections should be compared using Kato-Katz method. Monitoring is

with follow-up (pre-treatment) data (Table recommended every 2 years. Reinfection is
3.1). The WHO recommends parasitologic usually observed four months post-treatment
monitoring involving the selection of 5 to 10 and full reinfection appears at 6 or 7 months
schools to represent a district or municipality. after treatment; although in communities with
Stool samples from 50 school children from poor environmental sanitation (Figure 3.3),
each school will be collected for examination reinfection may take place immediately after

Table 3.1. Core indicators of mass drug administration for soil-transmitted helminth infections

Indicator Calculation (x 100%) Target Frequency

Treatment Coverage Numerator: Population treated DOH-IHCP: 85% among In every round
Denominator: Total population children 1–12 years of of treatment
age, adolescent females, administration
pregnant women, and
treatment of other special
population groups
WHO: 75% among all
preschool- (1–5 years) and
school-age children (6–14
Parasitologic evaluation Cumulative prevalence of STH Cumulative prevalence of Before the start of MDA
infections in a population STH infections: and before next round
group: DOH-IHCP: <50% of MDA in intervals of 2
Numerator: # of individuals WHO: <20% to 3 years
positive for any STH infection
Denominator: # of individuals

Heavy intensity infection Heavy intensity infection

rate of STH infections in a rates of STH infections:
population group: WHO: 0%
Numerator: # of individuals with
moderate and heavy intensity
STH infection
Denominator: # of individuals

Prevalence rates per STH

species in a population
Numerator: # of individuals
positive for a specific STH
Denominator: # of individuals

Proportion of heavy intensity

infection per STH species in
a population group:
Numerator: # of individuals with
moderate and heavy intensity
Denominator: # of individuals
positive for Ascaris/Trichuris/
hookworm infection
(a) Department of Health. Administrative Order no. 2006-28: Strategic and operation framework for establishing Integrated Helminth Control
Program (IHCP). 2006.
(b) World Health Organization. Helminth control in school-age children: A guide for managers of control programmes. 2nd ed. Geneva: World
Health Organization; 2011.
136 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 3.3. Schematic life cycle of soil-transmitted helminths

(From World Health Organization. Prevention and control of schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted
helminthiasis. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2002. p. 145.)

deworming. Nutritional status and school framework (Table 3.2) for the control of STH
performance may also be monitored alongside infections. When mass treatment is being
parasitologic parameters. undertaken, submission to the said intervention
Prevention and control measures for Ascaris should be a goal of health education.
and other STH infections involve provision of War on Worms (WOW) approach in
safe water, environmental sanitation, hygiene Biñan, Laguna is a school-based, school teacher-
education, and regular deworming, which assisted mass drug administration led by the
are the components of the WASHED (water, Local Government Unit (LGU) which started in
sanitation, hygiene, education, deworming) 1999. The approach was initially supported by

Table 3.2. The WASHED framework for a comprehensive control of soil-transmitted helminth infections

• Access to potable water

Water • Drainage and disposal/re-use/recycling of household wastewater (also referred to as gray
Sanitation • Access to safe and sanitary sanitation facilities
• Safe collection, storage, treatment, and disposal (feces and urine)
• Management/re-use/recycling of solid waste
Hygiene Education • Appropriate information regarding prevention and treatment of STH infections
• Dissemination of key messages to promote the following practices:
a. Safe water storage
b. Safe handwashing and bathing practices
c. Safe treatment of foodstuffs
d. Latrine use
e. Use of footwear
Deworming • Regular mass drug administration (twice a year for school-age children)
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 137

Johnson & Johnson, Inc. (J&J) and eventually do not reach the point of eradication due to
taken over by LGU and the Department of implementation challenges and the limited
Education (DepEd) District of Biñan. Part of practice of the WASHED strategies in the
the WOW experience was that STH infections communities (Figure 3.4).

Figure 3.4. Comparison of cumulative prevalence in San Vicente Elementary School (SVES) and sentinel
schools in Biñan, Laguna from 1999 to 2010 (Courtesy of Dr. Vicente Belizario, Jr.)

References or in combinations against Ascaris and

Trichuris spp. Bull World Health Organ.
Albonico M, Crompton DWT, Savioli L.
Control strategies for human intestinal
Bethony J, Brooker S, Albonico M, Geiger
nematode infections. Adv Parasitol.
SM, Loukas A, Diemert D, et al. Soil-
transmitted helminth infections: ascariasis,
Belizario VY, Totañes FG, de Leon WU,
trichuriasis, and hookworm. Lancet.
Lumampao YF, Ciro RT. Sentinel
surveillance of soil-transmitted
Brooker S, Clements RC, Bundy DA. Global
helminthiasis in preschool-age and school-
epidemiology, ecology and control of
age children in selected local government
soil-transmitted helminth infections. Adv
units in the Philippines: follow-up
Parasitol. 2006;62:221–61.
assessment. Asia Pac J Public Health.
Cabrera BD, Caballero B, Rampal L, de Leon
Forthcoming 2013.
W. Control of ascariasis through targeted
Belizario VY, Amarillo ME, de Leon WU,
chemotherapy, ascariasis and its prevention
de los Reyes AE, Bugayong MG,
and control. London, New York and
Macatangay BJ. A comparison of the
Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis; 1989.
efficacy of single doses of albendazole,
p. 169–83.
ivermectin, and diethylcarbamazine alone
138 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Children Without Worms (CWW). A infections: systematic review and meta-

comprehensive strategy for STH control analysis. JAMA. 2008;299(16):1937–48.
[Internet]. 2011 [cited 2012 Mar 5]. Available Ng KK, Petersen JF, Cherney MM, Garen C,
from Zalatoris JJ, Rao-Naik C, et al. Structural
Department of Health. Integrated helminth basis for the inhibition of porcine pepsin
control program. Mass treatment guide, by Ascaris pepsin inhibitor-3. Nat Struct
conceptual framework, and 2006–2010 Biol. 2000;7:653–7.
Strategic Plan. Manila (Philippines): O’Lorcain P, CV Holland. The public health
Department of Health; 2006. importance of Ascaris lumbricoides.
Department of Health. Guidebook for a Parasitol. 2000;121:S51–72.
disease prevention and control program for Sinniah B. Daily egg production of Ascaris
soil-transmitted helminth infections and lumbricoides: the distribution of eggs in
diarrheal diseases. Manila (Philippines): the faeces and the variability of egg counts.
Department of Health Philippines; 2010. Parasitol. 1982;84:167–75.
Disease Control Project Priorities. Deworming Sinniah B, Subramaniam K. Factors influencing
c h i l d re n b r i n g s h u g e h e a l t h a n d the egg production of Ascaris lumbricoides:
development gains in low-income countries relationship to weight, length and diameter
[Internet]. 2008 [cited 2012 Mar 3]. of worms. J Helminthol. 2009;65:141–7.
Available from Solon FS, Sarol JN, Bernardo ABI, Solon
file/162/dcpp-helminths-web.pdf JAA, Mehansho H, Sanchez-Fermin LE,
Dold C, Holland CV. Ascaris and ascariasis. et al. Effect of a multiple-micronutrient-
Microbes Infect. 2010;13(7):632–7. fortified fruit powder beverage on the
Esparar DG, Belizario VY, Relos JR. Prevalence nutrition status, physical fitness, and
of intestinal parasitic infections among food cognitive performance of schoolchildren in
handlers of a tertiary hospital in Manila the Philippines. Food Nutr Bull. 2003;24
using direct fecal smear and formalin-ether suppl.(4):s129–40.
concentration technique. Phil J Microbiol Steinmann P, Du ZW, Wang LB, Wang
Infect Dis. 2004;33(3):99–103. XZ, Jiang JY, Li LH, et al. Extensive
Evans B. Securing sanitation: the compelling case multiparasitism in a village of Yunnan
to address the crisis [Internet]. 2005 [cited Province, People’s Republic of China,
2012 Mar 3]. Available from http://www. revealed by a suite of diagnostic methods. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2008;78(5):760–9.
securingsanitation.pdf Stoltzfus RJ, Chwaya HM, Montresor A,
Geerts S, Gryseel B. Drug resistance in human Tielsch JM, Jape JK, Albonico M et al. Low
helminths: current situation and lessons dose daily iron supplementation improves
from livestock. Clin Microbiol Rev. iron status and appetite but not anemia,
2000;13(2):207–22. whereas quarterly anthelmintic treatment
Gilleard JS, Beech RN. Population genetics improves growth, appetite, and anemia
of anthelmintic resistance in parasitic in Zanzibari preschool children. J Nutr.
nematodes. Parasitol. 2007;134:1133–47. 2004;134:348–56.
Horton J. Albendazole: a review of anthelmintic Tarafder MR, Carabin H, Joseph L, Balolong
efficacy and safety in humans. Parasitol. E, Olveda R, McGarvey ST. Estimating
2000;121:S113–32. the sensitivity and specificity of Kato-Katz
Keiser J, Utzinger J. Efficacy of current stool examination technique for detection
drugs against soil-transmitted helminth of hookworms, Ascaris lumbricoides and
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 139

Trichuris trichiura infections in humans World Health Organization. Preventive

in the absence of a ‘gold standard.’ Int J chemotherapy in human helminthiasis:
Parasitol. 2010;40:399–404. coordinated use of anthelmintic drugs in
World Health Organization. Prevention control interventions: a manual for health
and control of schistosomiasis and soil- professionals and programme managers.
transmitted helminthiasis. Geneva: World Geneva: World Health Organization; 2006.
Health Organization; 2002. p. 63. World Health Organization. Helminth control
World Health Organization. The global burden in school-age children: a guide for managers
of disease 2004 Update. Geneva: World of control programmes. 2nd ed. Geneva:
Health Organization; 2008. World Health Organization; 2011.
140 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Trichuris trichiura
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Francis Isidore G. Totañes

T richuris trichiura or the whipworm is a

soil-transmitted helminth, and is classified
as holomyarian, based on the arrangement of
somatic muscles in cross-section where the cells
are small, numerous, and closely packed in a
narrow zone.
Parasite Biology

The male worm (Plate 3.5a) measures 30

to 45 mm, slightly shorter than the female,
which is 35 to 50 mm long. The female (Plate
Plate 3.6. Trichuris egg
3.5b) has a blunt posterior end, while the male (Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
has a coiled posterior with a single spicule and UP-CPH)
retractile sheath. The worms have an attenuated
anterior three-fifths traversed by a narrow yellowish outer and a transparent inner shell.
esophagus resembling a string of beads. The Fertilized eggs are unsegmented at oviposition
robust posterior two-fifths contain the intestine and embryonic development takes place outside
and a single set of reproductive organs. A female the host when eggs are deposited in clayish soil.
lays approximately 3,000 to 10,000 eggs per day. Compared with Ascaris eggs, Trichuris eggs in
soil are more susceptible to desiccation.
Larvae are not usually described probably
because soon after the embryonated eggs
are ingested, the larvae escape and penetrate
intestinal villi where they remain for 3 to 10
days. Trichuris worms inhabit the cecum and
the colon. The worms secrete a pore-forming
protein, called the TT47 that allows them to
imbed their entire whip-like portion into the
intestinal wall. After copulation, the female
worm lays eggs, which are passed out with the
feces and deposited in the soil. Under favorable
conditions, the eggs develop and become
Plate 3.5. Trichuris male (a) and female (b) embryonated within 2 to 3 weeks. If swallowed,
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, the infective embryonated eggs go to the small
UP-CPH) intestine and undergo four larval stages to
become adult worms. This process takes about
The approximate measurements of the 12 weeks (Figure 3.5). Unlike Ascaris, there is
egg are 50 to 54 μm by 23 μm. It is lemon- no heart-lung migration. Each female worm can
or football-shaped with plug-like translucent produce about 60 million eggs over an average
polar prominences (Plate 3.6). The egg has a lifespan of 2 years.
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 141

Figure 3.5. Life cycle of Trichuris trichiura

(Accessed from

Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations is common. The lumen of the appendix may be
filled with worms, and consequent irritation
The anterior portions of the worms,
and inflammation may lead to appendicitis or
which are embedded in the mucosa, cause
granuloma formation.
petechial hemorrhages, which may predispose
The intensity of infection is important in
to amebic dysentery, presumably because the
understanding the clinical picture. Infections
ulcers provide a suitable site for tissue invasion
with over 5,000 T. trichiura eggs per gram of
by E. histolytica. The mucosa is hyperemic and
feces are usually symptomatic. In patients with
edematous; enterorrhagia or intestinal bleeding
heavy intensity infection, the worms may be
142 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

found throughout the colon and rectum, and patient suffers from frequent blood-streaked
may result in Trichuris dysentery syndrome diarrhea, abdominal pain and tenderness, and
manifested by chronic dysentery and rectal rectal prolapse where adult worms attached to
prolapse (Plate 3.7). Such cases of heavy chronic the rectal mucosa can be seen. In light infections
trichuriasis are often marked by frequent blood- where symptoms are absent, laboratory diagnosis
streaked diarrheal stools, abdominal pain and is essential.
tenderness, nausea and vomiting, and weight Laboratory diagnosis may be done by
loss. Anemia is strongly correlated to heavy direct fecal smear (DFS) with a drop of saline.
intensity trichuriasis, and blood loss from such An alternative diagnostic technique is the Kato
infections can range from 0.8 to 8.6 ml per day. thick smear method that uses about 20 to 60
Furthermore, infection with over 800 worms mg of stool sample. This method is highly
can result in anemia in children. On the other recommended in the diagnosis of trichuriasis.
hand, light infections are moderately associated The Kato-Katz technique is a quantitative
with anemia, although these infections are method that employs egg counting to determine
usually asymptomatic and the presence of the the intensity of helminth infection. This
parasite may be discovered only in routine stool technique can be used to assess the efficacy of
examinations. Trichuriasis has also been shown anthelminthic drugs in terms of cure rate (CR)
to result in poor appetite, wasting, stunting, and egg reduction rate (ERR). This technique
as well as reduced intellectual and cognitive can also be used for epidemiological surveys for
development in children. the monitoring of a helminth control program.
Both Kato thick and Kato-Katz techniques are
simple and low-cost methods that have high
sensitivity and specificity for the detection of
Trichuris eggs, as well as eggs of other soil-
transmitted helminths. A single Kato-Katz
examination has a sensitivity and specificity for
the detection of Trichuris of 91.4% and 94.4%,
The acid-ether and the formalin-ether/
ethyl acetate concentration techniques can also
be used for the diagnosis of trichuriasis. The
FLOTAC technique has also been shown to be
more sensitive in the diagnosis of trichuriasis
Plate 3.7. Rectal prolapse in a 9-year old female compared with Kato-Katz and ether/ethyl
seen at the Philippine General Hospital with
heavy Trichuris infection
acetate concentration techniques.
(Courtesy of Dr. Benjamin Cabrera) Treatment

The prognosis of trichuriasis is very good. The drug of choice in the treatment of
Because there is no larval migration through the trichuriasis is mebendazole given 100 mg twice
lungs as in Ascaris and hookworm infections, no a day for 3 days. Albendazole may be used as
lung pathology occurs. an alternative drug. Both are benzimidazole
derivatives and are available as chewable tablets.
Administration of mebendazole 500 mg once a
Clinical diagnosis is possible only in very day for 3 days has been shown to have the highest
heavy chronic Trichuris infection where the cure rate (71%) compared with albendazole 400
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 143

mg given once a day for 3 days (56%). For the Prevention and Control
purposes of preventive chemotherapy through
Strategies for the prevention and control
mass drug administration, mebendazole is given
of Trichuris infection are similar to those for
as a 500 mg single dose, while albendazole is
Ascaris infections. The WHO recommends
given as a 400 mg single dose. In recent local
biannual mass drug administration with
studies, it has been shown that albendazole in
mebendazole 500 mg or albendazole 400 mg
combination with ivermectin, a drug that is
among school-age children in communities
also used to treat filariasis, exhibited better cure
where the prevalence of STH infections is
and egg reduction rates than albendazole alone.
≥50%. Treatment of other high-risk groups such
A contraindication for mebendazole
as preschool children, women of childbearing
and albendazole is hypersensitivity and early
age, including pregnant women in the 2nd
pregnancy (within the 1st trimester). Adverse
and 3rd trimesters as well as lactating women,
effects of these two drugs are usually mild and
adults in certain high-risk occupations should
transient and may present as headache, nausea,
also be considered. On the other hand, once a
vomiting, gastrointestinal discomfort, and
year treatment is recommended in communities
with STH prevalence <50%. Other strategies
Deworming of children has been
such as provision of safe water, environmental
shown to contribute to improved motor and
sanitation, and hygiene education are also
language development, as well as to reduced
important in STH control.
malnutrition. Nutritional status and intellectual
development have also been shown to improve References
after deworming.
Bates I, McKew S, Sarkinfada F. Anaemia: a
Epidemiology useful indicator of neglected disease burden
and control. PLoS Med. 2007;4(8):e231.
Trichuriasis occurs in both temperate
Belizario VY, Amarillo ML, de Leon WU,
and tropical countries but is more widely
de los Reyes AE, Bugayong MG,
distributed in warm, moist areas of the world.
Macatangay BJ. A comparison of the
Approximately 604 to 795 million are infected
efficacy of single doses of albendazole,
globally. In tropical and subtropical regions,
ivermectin, and diethylcarbamazine alone
Trichuris is most prevalent in East Asia and
or in combinations against Ascaris and
Pacific Island regions, and least prevalent in the
Trichuris spp. Bull World Health Organ.
Middle East and North African regions. Among
the different age groups, children 5 to 15 years
Bethony J, Brooker S, Albonico M, Geiger
of age are most frequently infected, and have
SM, Loukas A, Diemert D, et al. Soil-
the highest intensities of infection. In a recent
transmitted helminth infections: ascariasis,
sentinel survey in the Philippines, the prevalence
trichuriasis, and hookworm. Lancet.
of Trichuris ranged from 4.5 to 55.1% in
preschool children, and from 8.1 to 57.9% in
Cabrera BD, Cruz AC. A comparative study
school-age children. Distribution of trichuriasis
on the effect of mass treatment of the
is similar to that of A. lumbricoides. Prevalence of
entire community and selective treatment
co-infections with the two helminths is 19.1%
of children alone in the total prevalence
in a recent sentinel survey.
of soil-transmitted helminthiases in two
144 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

communities, Mindoro, Philippines. In: Keiser J, Utzinger J. Efficacy of current

Yokogawa M, Hayashi S, editors. Collected drugs against soil-transmitted helminth
papers on the control of soil-transmitted infections: systematic review and meta-
helminthiases. Vol 2. Tokyo: APCO; 1983. analysis. JAMA. 2008;299(16):1937–48.
p. 266–87. Layrisse M, Roche M. The relationship between
Cornell University-Division of Nutritional anemia and hookworm infection. Results
Sciences. Worm control: a low cost, high of surveys of rural Venezuelan populations.
yield intervention for improving health, Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1964;79:279.
nutrition and welfare: proceedings of a Nokes C, Grantham-McGregor SM, Sawyer
workshop “intestinal parasites: a priority for AW, Cooper ES, Bundy DAP. Parasitic
primary health care.” New York: Cornell helminth infection and cognitive
University; 1991. function in school children. Proc Biol Sci.
Disease Control Project Priorities. Deworming 1992;247(1319):77–81.
c h i l d re n b r i n g s h u g e h e a l t h a n d Steinmann P, Utzinger J, Zun-Wei D, Jin-
development gains in low-income countries Yong J, Jia-Xu C, Hattendorf J, et al.
[Internet]. 2008 [cited 2012 Mar 3]. Efficacy of single-dose and triple-dose
Available from albendazole and mebendazole against soil-
file/162/dcpp-helminths-web.pdf transmitted helminths and Taenia spp.: a
Drake L, Korchev Y, Bashford L, Djamgoz randomized controlled trial. PLoS ONE.
M, Wakelin D, Ashall F, et al. The major 2011; 6(9):e25003.
secreted product of the whipworm, Steinmann P, Zun-Wei D, Li-Bo W, Xue-Zhong
Trichuris, is a pore-forming protein. Proc W, Jin-Yong J, Lan-Hua L, et al. Extensive
Biol Sci. 1994;257:255–61. multiparasitism in a village of Yunnan
Ezeamama AE, Friedman JF, Acosta LP, Province, People’s Republic of China,
Bellinger DC, Langdon GC, Manalo DL, revealed by a suite of diagnostic methods.
et al. Helminth infection and cognitive Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2008;78(5):760–9.
impairment among Filipino children. Am Tarafder MR, Carabin H, Joseph L, Balolong
J Trop Med Hyg. 2005;72(5):540–8. E, Olveda R, McGarvey ST. Estimating
Glinz D, Silue KD, Knopp S, Lohourignon the sensitivity and specificity of Kato-Katz
LK, Yao KP, Steinmann P, et al. Comparing stool examination technique for detection
diagnostic accuracy of Kato-Katz, Koga of hookworms, Ascaris lumbricoides and
agar plate, ether-concentration, and Trichuris trichiura infections in humans
FLOTAC for Schistosoma mansoni and soil- in the absence of a ‘gold standard.’ Int J
transmitted helminths. PLoS Negl Trop Parasitol. 2010;40:399–404.
Dis. 2010;4(7):e754. World Health Organization. Prevention
Hadju V, Stephenson LS, Mohammed HO, and control of schistosomiasis and soil-
Bowman DD, Parker RS. Improvements transmitted helminthiasis. Geneva: World
of growth, appetite, and physical activity Health Organization; 2002. p. 63.
in helminth-infected school boys 6 months
after single dose of albendazole. Asia Pac J
Clin Nutr. 1998;7(2):170–6.
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 145

Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Francis Isidore G. Totañes, John Robert C. Medina

Necator americanus has a broad, membranous caudal bursa with

Ancylostoma duodenale rib-like rays, which are used for copulation. The
buccal capsule has a ventral pair of semilunar

T he hookworms that infect humans are

Necator americanus and Ancylostoma
duodenale, which are soil-transmitted helminths.
cutting plates (Plate 3.8a). The head is curved
opposite to the curvature of the body, which is
like a hook at the anterior end.
They are blood-sucking nematodes that attach The adult A. duodenale is slightly larger
to the mucosa of the small intestines. They than N. americanus. Each adult has single-paired
are most commonly found in tropical and male or female reproductive organs. Unlike the
subtropical countries where they occur as single N. americanus, the head of the A. duodenale
or mixed infections. adult continues in the same direction as the
curvature of the body. The buccal capsule has
Parasite Biology
two pairs of curved ventral teeth (Plate 3.8b).
All hookworms have the meromyarian type Rhabditiform larvae of N. americanus
of somatic muscle with two to five cells arranged and A. duodenale are indistinguishable. They
per dorsal or ventral half. resemble those of Strongyloides stercoralis, but are
N. americanus adults are small, cylindrical, somewhat larger, more attenuated posteriorly,
fusiform, grayish-white nematodes. Females (9- and have a longer buccal cavity. The genital
11 mm by 0.35 mm) are larger than males (5-9 primordium is smaller in hookworms compared
mm by 0.30 mm). The posterior end of the male with S. stercoralis.

Plate 3.8. Buccal capsules of hookworms: N. americanus (a) and A. duodenale (b)
(Courtesy of Dr. Benjamin Cabrera)
146 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

The buccal spears of the N. americanus

filariform larva (Plate 3.9) are conspicuous
and parallel throughout their lengths. There
are conspicuous transverse striations present
on the sheath in the tail region. In contrast,
the filariform larva of A. duodenale has
inconspicuous buccal spears and transverse
striations on the sheath in the tail region.

Plate 3.10. Hookworm egg

(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,

and transforms into the non-feeding filariform

larva (L3), the infective stage of the parasite.
Filariform larvae penetrate the skin and
enter venules. They migrate to the heart and
lungs, and then into the alveoli. The larvae then
ascend to the trachea and are finally swallowed,
and passed down to the small intestine where
the worms become sexually mature and the
female will start laying eggs.
Plate 3.9. Hookworm filariform larvae
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
The pathology of hookworm infection
It is quite difficult to distinguish the eggs of involves: (a) the skin at the site of entry of the
A. duodenale from those of N. americanus. The filariform larvae, (b) the lung during larval
eggs have bluntly rounded ends and a single thin migration, and (c) the small intestine, the
transparent hyaline shell. They are unsegmented habitat of the adult worms.
at oviposition, and are in the two- to eight-cell Penetration of the filariform larvae through
stage of division when passed out with fresh the skin produces maculopapular lesions and
feces (Plate 3.10). localized erythema. Itching is often severe, and
The hookworm life cycle (Figure 3.6) it is known as “ground itch” or “dew itch,” as
is direct and begins with the adult worms it is related to contact with soil, especially on
copulating while attached to the mucosa of the a dewy morning. Itching, edema, erythema,
small intestines. Female worms oviposit into and later papulovesicular eruptions can last for
the intestinal lumen and the eggs are passed out 2 weeks. If the larvae migrating through the
with human feces. In the soil, the embryo within lungs are abundant, bronchitis or pneumonitis
the egg develops rapidly and hatches after 1 to 2 may result. In the course of migration, these
days into the rhabditiform larva. After 7 to 10 larvae produce minute hemorrhages with
days, the larva undergoes two stages of molting, eosinophilic and leukocytic infiltration, but
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 147

Figure 3.6. Life cycle of hookworms

(Accessed from

these manifestations seem to be rare in the lymph, and protein. Other symptoms are
tropics. In the stage of maturation of the exertional dyspnea, weakness, dizziness, and
worm in the intestine, there is abdominal pain, lassitude, while signs include rapid pulse,
steatorrhea, or sometimes diarrhea with blood edema, and albuminuria. Unlike in ascariasis,
and mucus, as well as eosinophilia. the complications in hookworm infection are
Hookworm infection is usually chronic, quite mild, and remedial measures are readily
hence patients often show no acute symptoms. applied. In general, the prognosis of hookworm
Studies have shown greater blood loss per worm infection is good.
per day in A. duodenale infection compared with During the migration of the larva in the
N. americanus infection. Chronic moderate human body, the parasite continuously presents
or heavy hookworm infection results in a diverse immunogenic challenges to the host.
progressive, secondary, microcytic, hypochromic Extensive humoral responses are produced
anemia of the iron-deficient type, due primarily against the larva and the adult hookworm,
to continuous loss of blood. which share many antigens. Cellular immune
Hypoalbuminemia is another manifestation response is primarily mediated by eosinophils,
of hookworm infection. There is low level mast cells, and Th2 cells. Despite all of these,
of albumin due to combined loss of blood, there has been no clear evidence that the
148 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

host develops perpetual immunity against one end immersed in water. Culture
hookworm infection; however, polyvalent IgE methods are recommended for species
antibodies have been suggested to provide some identification.
protective roles.
Molecular approaches, which include
Diagnosis PCR-based detection of hookworm DNA in
feces and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
The clinical picture, though characteristic,
(ELISA) for the detection of secretory/excretory
is not pathognomonic to permit differentiation
coproantigens, have also been developed.
from other helminth infections. Final diagnosis
depends on the identification of parasite Treatment
ova in the feces. The following techniques
All diagnosed cases of hookworm infections
are inexpensive and can be applied to both
should be treated; however, where the risk
individual and mass screening:
of reinfection is high, mass screening before
1. Direct fecal smear is of value only when treatment may be impractical. As with other
the infection is quite heavy. It may not soil-transmitted helminth infection control, the
detect the parasite in light infections WHO recommends mass drug administration
(i.e., egg count of <400 eggs per gram among school-age children at least once a
feces). year for communities with cumulative STH
2. The Kato thick or Kato-Katz method prevalence greater than or equal to 20%.
may increase detection rates since Treatment of other high-risk groups such as
more stools are examined using these preschool children, women of childbearing age,
techniques. The latter technique may including pregnant women in the second and
also provide quantitative diagnosis by third trimesters and lactating women, should
determining the intensity of infection also be considered.
in terms of number of helminth eggs Albendazole, the drug of choice, is
per gram of feces. The disadvantage of larvicidal and ovicidal against N. americanus
these methods is the rapid clearance of and A. duodenale. It is given as a 400 mg single
hookworm eggs after 30 to 60 minutes dose for adults and children over 2 years old.
with the use of glycerine as a clearing Chewable tablets or suspension preparations are
agent. available. Mebendazole for children and adults
3. Concentration methods like zinc is given as a 500 mg single dose. These drugs are
sulfate centrifugal flotation and both benzimidazole derivatives that block the
the formalin-ether/ethyl acetate uptake of glucose by most intestinal and tissue
concentration method use greater nematodes. Adverse effects for both drugs are
quantity of stool that may contribute rare, and are usually mild and transient. These
to the increase in sensitivity. FLOTAC, include epigastric pain, diarrhea, headache, and
which is also a centrifugal flotation dizziness, among others.
method, has been shown to have a Anemia and hypoproteinemia should also
higher sensitivity for the diagnosis of be addressed by giving iron supplementation
soil-transmitted helminths compared and adequate diet.
with multiple examinations of Kato- In recent years, tolerance and resistance of
Katz smears. human hookworms to these drugs had been
4. Culture methods like the Harada- reported in countries where regular deworming
Mori allow hatching of larvae from is the main control strategy. Studies had shown
eggs on strips of filter paper with that the use of the recommended single dose
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 149

of the drugs led to low cure rate. Monitoring high. Among pregnant women and adolescent
the efficacy of and drug resistance to these females, the prevalence rates are 5.5% and
benzimidazole derivatives has not yet been done 2.8%, respectively. A study among military
in the local setting. Baseline data are necessary and para-military personnel showed that
for the evaluation and adjustment of the 46.9% had the infection. In indigenous people
treatment regimen. Cure rates, egg reduction communities in Davao del Norte, 13.6% of
rates, and reinfection rates are important the school children were found to be infected.
parameters in drug monitoring. Among food handlers, 22.7% in Metro Manila
and 14.8% in Cebu had hookworm infection.
Factors that contribute to the distribution
About 576 to 740 million people in and transmission of hookworms are: (a)
tropical and subtropical countries are estimated suitability of the environment for eggs or
to be infected with either A. duodenale or N. larvae: damp, sandy or friable soil with decaying
americanus. Associated anemia causes at least vegetation, and temperature of 24 to 32°C, (b)
50,000 deaths annually. mode and extent of fecal pollution of the soil
Geographical distribution of the two (through open defecation or the use of night soil
human hookworms used to be relatively as fertilizer), and (c) mode and extent of contact
distinct. A. duodenale was prevalent in Europe between infected soil and skin or mouth.
and Southwestern Asia, while N. americanus Whereas the method of human infection
was prevalent in tropical Africa and the in necatoriasis is purely percutaneous, in
Americas. But now, both species have become ancylostomiasis, it is both percutaneous and
widely distributed throughout the tropics and through the oral route. The latter occurs upon
subtropics, and rigid demarcations are no longer eating raw vegetables contaminated with
present. infective larvae and probably also through
In the Philippines, local studies on ingestion of raw or insufficiently cooked infected
speciation of human hookworms revealed that meat, although it is not clear whether infection
out of 1,958 samples positive for hookworm in through eating raw meat occurs in humans. A.
cultures, 97% were identified as N. americanus, duodenale may remain dormant in the intestines
1% as A. duodenale, and 2% were mixed or in the muscles, resulting in a prolonged
infections. incubation period and creating problems in
The local distribution of human hookworm treatment. Transmammary transmission has
infection is greater in agricultural areas. Farmers also been reported.
are prone to the infection because they work In the Philippines, the first human case of
in rice fields and vegetable gardens, and they Ancylostoma ceylanicum was reported in 1968
are not properly protected from contact from a 53-year old woman from Ilocos Norte
with infective soil. In agricultural areas of where 23 adult worms were collected. There
Compostela Valley province, infection rates are also animal hookworms like Ancylostoma
have been shown to be more than 50% in the braziliense (cat hookworm) and Ancylostoma
late 1990s. Recent surveillance in sentinel sites caninum (dog hookworm) that can infect
in the Philippines revealed an overall prevalence humans causing “creeping eruption,” also
of hookworm infection at 1.1% and 1.9% known as cutaneous larva migrans (CLM)
for preschool children and school children, (Plate 3.11).
respectively. Much of the necessary information about
In other high-risk groups, the prevalence hookworm infection and the disease, i.e,
of hookworm infection remains relatively morbidity and mortality rates, are still lacking
150 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

of vaccines has been initiated by the Human

Hookworm Vaccine Initiative—Sabin Vaccine
Institute. In fact, a vaccine against a secretory
antigen of hookworm had undergone a Phase
I clinical trial on human volunteers. There
were also on-going feasibility studies on the
possibility of administering the vaccine along
with anthelminthic drugs, Vitamin A, and
micronutrients, as an intervention package for
school children.
Plate 3.11. Cutaneous larva migrans
(Courtesy of Dr. Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr.) Albonico M, Bickle Q, Ramsan M, Montresor A,
Savioli L, Taylor M. Efficacy of mebendazole
and levamisole alone or in combination
in the Philippines. These are grounds for further against intestinal nematode infections after
local studies on the epidemiology of hookworm repeated targeted mebendazole treatment
infection. in Zanzibar. Bull World Health Organ.
Prevention and Control 2003;81(5):343–52.
Belizario VY, Totañes FIG, de Leon WU,
Regular mass drug administration in Lumampao YF Ciro RNT. Sentinel
schools as part of the national control program surveillance of soil-transmitted
had resulted to a decrease in the prevalence helminthiasis in preschool-age and school-
of soil-transmitted helminths among school age children in selected local government
children in a number of areas in the Philippines; units in the Philippines: follow-up
however, coverage of deworming is limited to assessment. Asia Pac J Public Health.
preschool- and school-age children, leaving Forthcoming 2013.
other high-risk groups vulnerable. Belizario VY, Totañes FIG, de Leon WU,
In the Philippines, the WASHED approach Lumampao YF, Ciro RNT. Soil-transmitted
is being advocated for a more comprehensive helminth and other intestinal parasitic
control of STH infections. This approach refers infections among school children in
to improvement in access to clean water and indigenous people communities in Davao
sanitation, promotion of hygiene education, del Norte, Philippines. Acta Trop. 2011;120
and regular deworming. Highlighting behavior Suppl 1:S12–8.
change among the people and promotion of Belizario VY, Totañes FIG, de Leon WU,
sustainable sanitation through community-led Naig JR. Baseline Prevalence Survey of
total sanitation may result in greater impact on soil-transmitted helminth infections in
helminth control. Open defecation should be adolescent females and pregnant women
discouraged and sanitary disposal of human in selected local government units in the
feces, as well as wearing of shoes, slippers, and Philippines. Final report 2011. Department
boots should be advised. of Health-National Center for Disease
Because of the reported high rates of post- Prevention and Control. 2011.
treatment reinfection, diminished efficacy of Belizario VY, Velasco JM, de Leon WU, Esparar
benizimidazole drugs, and concerns for drug DG, Bugayong PG. Hookworm in the
resistance in many countries, development military: a parasitologic survey of military
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 151

and para-military personnel in a Philippine faecal specimens. Acta Trop. 2011;20:206–

Military Camp in Northern Luzon. Phil J 10.
Intern Med. 2005;43:169–74. Knopp S, Rinaldi L, Khamis S, Stothard JR,
Blaxter M. Genes and genomes of Necator Rollinson D, Maurelli MP, et al. A single
americanus and related hookworms. Int J FLOTAC is more sensitive than triplicate
Parasitol. 2000;30:347–55. Kato-Katz for the diagnosis of low-intensity
Bungiro RD, Cappello M. Detection of soil-transmitted helminth infections. Trans
excretory/secretory coproantigens in R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2009;103:347–54.
experimental hookworm infection. Am J Knopps S, Glkinz D, Rinaldi L, Mohammed KA,
Trop Med Hyg. 2005;73(5):915–20. N’Goran, EK, Stothard JR, et al. FLOTAC:
Cabrera BD. Species determination of human A promising technique for detecting
hookworm using the polyethylene-tube helminth eggs in human faeces. Trans R
culture technique in selected areas in the Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2009;103:1190–4.
Philippines. Acta Med Philipp. 1981;12(1). Loukas A, Prociv P. Immune Responses in
Flohr C, Tuyen LN, Lewis S, Minh TT, Hookworm Infections. Clin Microbiol Rev.
Campbell J, Britton J, et al. Low efficacy 2001;14(4):689–703.
of mebendazole against hookworm in Loukas A. Bethony J. Brooker S. Hotez P.
Vietnam: two randomized controlled trials. Hookworm vaccines: past, present, and
Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2007;76(4):732–6. future. Lancet Infect Dis. 2006;6:733–41.
Gasser RB, Cantacessi C, Loukas A. DNA Mitreva M, McCarter JP, Arasu P, Hawdon J,
technological progress toward advanced Martin J, Dante M, et al. Investigating
diagnostic tools to support human hookworm genomes by comparative
hookworm control. Biotechnol Adv. analysis of two Ancylostoma species. BMC
2008;26:35–45. Genomics. 2005;6:58.
Gazzinelli MF, Lobato L, Matoso L, Avila R, Soukhathammavong PA, Sayasone S, Phongluxa
Marques RdC, Brown S, et al. Health K, Xayaseng V, Utzinger J, Vounatsou P, et
education through analogies: preparation al. Low efficacy of single-dose albendazole
of a community for clinical trials of a and mebendazole against hookworm and
vaccine against hookworm in an endemic effect on concomitant helminth infection
area of Brazil. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. in Lao PDR. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2012;
2010;4(7):e749. 6(1):e1417.
Hotez PJ, Bethony J, Bottazzi ME, Brooker S, Utzinger J, Rinaldi L, Lohourignonc LK,
Diemert D, Loukas A. New technologies for Rohnerd F, Zimmermann MD, Tschannene,
the control of human hookworm infection. et al. FLOTAC: a new sensitive technique
Trends Parasitol. 2006; 22(7):327–31. for the diagnosis of hookworm infections
Hotez PJ, Brown AS. Neglected tropical disease in humans. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg.
vaccines. Biologicals. 2009;37:160–4. 2008;102:84–90.
Hotez PJ, Ferris MT. The antipoverty vaccines. Velasquez CC, Cabrera BD. Ancylostoma
Vaccine. 2006;24:5787–99. ceylanicum in a Filipino woman. J Parasitol.
Inês Ed, Souza JN, Santos RC, Souza ES, 1968;54:430–43.
Santos FL, Silva ML, et al. Efficacy of World Health Organization. Bench aids for the
parasitological methods for the diagnosis diagnosis of intestinal parasites. Geneva:
of Strongyloides stercoralis and hookworm in World Health Organization; 1994.
152 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Strongyloides stercoralis
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Percy G. Balderia

T his group of nematodes is characterized

by free-living rhabditiform and parasitic
filariform stages. Strongyloides stercoralis or
than the parasitic female. It has a muscular
double-bulbed esophagus, and the intestine is
a straight cylindrical tube. The free-living male,
threadworm is the only species of this genus measuring 0.7 mm by 0.04 mm, is smaller
which is naturally pathogenic to humans. than the female, and has a ventrally curved tail,
Several species have been reported in mammals two copulatory spicules, a gubernaculum, but
and in birds. no caudal alae. Parasitic males have not been
reliably identified.
Parasite Biology
The rhabditiform larva measures 225 μm
The parasitic or filariform female is 2.2 mm by 16 μm. It has an elongated esophagus with
by 0.04 mm, colorless, semi-transparent, with a a pyriform posterior bulb. This species differs
finely striated cuticle. It has a slender tapering from the hookworm in being slightly smaller
anterior end and a short conical pointed tail. and less attenuated posteriorly. It also has a
The short buccal cavity has four indistinct shorter buccal capsule and a larger genital
lips. The long slender esophagus extends to the primordium.
anterior fourth of the body, and the intestine is The infective filariform larva is non-
continuous to the subterminal anus. The vulva feeding, slender, and about 550 μm in length.
is located one-third the length of the body from It is similar to the hookworm filariform larva
the posterior end. The uteri contain a single file but is usually smaller, with a distinct cleft at the
of 8 to 12 thin-shelled, transparent, segmented tip of the tail.
ova, 50 to 58 μm by 30 to 34 μm. Eggs have a clear thin shell and are similar
The free-living female (Plate 3.12) to those of hookworms except that they measure
measures 1 mm by 0.06 mm and is smaller only about 50 to 58 μm by 30 to 34 μm.
Free-living forms of Strongyloides are found
in the soil. The female worm lays embryonated
eggs, which develop into rhabditiform larvae
after a few hours. These larvae feed on
organic matter and transform into free-living
adults. When conditions in the soil become
unfavorable, rhabditiform larvae develop into
filariform larvae, which are infective to humans.
The parasitic life cycle begins when
filariform larvae infect humans through the
skin. The parasites enter the circulation, pass
through the lungs, and migrate to the larynx
where they are subsequently swallowed. Larvae
develop into adults in about a month while in
the duodenum. Females generally reproduce
Plate 3.12. Strongyloides stercoralis rhabditiform
larva (Courtesy of the Department of
by parthenogenesis. They invade the intestinal
Parasitology, UP-CPH) mucosa where they deposit their eggs. Eggs
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 153

Figure 3.7. Life cycle of Strongyloides stercoralis

(Accessed from

hatch into rhabditiform larvae, migrate into the intestinal mucosa by adult females may occur
lumen, and pass out in the feces. simultaneously, particularly in hyperinfection.
Autoinfection occurs when rhabditiform In the first phase of acute infection,
larvae pass down the large intestine and develop larval invasion of the skin produces erythema,
into filariform larvae. Being the infective stage, and pruritic elevated hemorrhagic papules.
these filariform larvae may invade the mucosa During the larval migration phase, the lungs
and enter the circulation to start another are destroyed causing lobar pneumonia with
parasitic cycle without leaving the body of the hemorrhage. Cough and tracheal irritation may
host (Figure 3.7). also occur, mimicking bronchitis. In the third
phase, adult female worms may be found in
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
the intestinal mucosa from the pylorus to the
There are three phases of acute infection rectum, but the greatest numbers are found in
in strongyloidiasis: (a) invasion of the skin by the duodenal and upper jejunal regions.
filariform larvae, (b) migration of larvae through Light infection does not cause intestinal
the body, and (c) penetration of the intestinal symptoms. Moderate infection causes diarrhea
mucosa by adult female worms. The migration alternating with constipation. Heavy infection
of larvae through the body and penetration of produces intractable, painless, intermittent
154 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

diarrhea (Cochin China diarrhea) characterized The culture technique is practical, low-
by numerous episodes of watery and bloody cost, and suited for mass screening as well as
stools. Hyperinfection is a syndrome of individual diagnosis. The modified Harada-
accelerated autoinfection which usually, but not Mori culture method makes use of polyethylene
invariably, occurs in the immunocompromised. plastic bags or tubes instead of glass tubes.
It manifests with exacerbation of gastrointestinal Plastic bags and tubes are unbreakable, lighter
and pulmonary symptoms and increased to transport, and do not occupy much space.
numbers of larvae in the stool and/or sputum. These are therefore recommended for use in the
Chronic strongyloidiasis is often field. On the other hand, the main advantage
asymptomatic. However, intermittent vomiting, of serologic testing is the rapidity and ease of
diarrhea, constipation, and borborygmi may performance of the procedure.
be observed. Anal pruritus, urticaria, and larva
currens rashes are also common. Recurrent
asthma and nephritic syndrome have also been All infected individuals should be treated.
reported in cases of chronic infection with S. Treatment was previously based on albendazole
stercoralis. or thiabendazole. However, recent studies show
Complications include edema, emaciation, that ivermectin also provides the best results in
loss of appetite, anemia, lobar pneumonia, ileus, chronic uncomplicated strongyloidiasis with
intestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal bleeding, regard to efficacy and tolerability. Higher doses
and malabsorption leading to cachexia. given for longer periods may be necessary.
Prognosis is good in light infections, Strongyloides stercoralis is quite sensitive to the
but moderate and heavy infections have high ovicidal and larvicidal actions of the drugs.
mortality rates due to the massive invasion Albendazole, thiabendazole, and ivermectin
of tissues by adults and larvae. Disseminated have been used to treat hyperinfection or
infection occurs among patients with cancer, disseminated disease singly or in combination,
malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, HTLV-1, or those but data are limited to case reports or case series.
using immunosuppressive drugs after organ Albendazole and thiabendazole are
transplantation. contraindicated in pregnant women and in
those with known hypersensitivity to the
drugs. Thiabendazole may give rise to dizziness,
The finding of unexplained eosinophilia gastrointestinal irritation, drowsiness, pruritus,
in a patient may be a clue pointing to and headache lasting for several hours. Adverse
strongyloidiasis. The application of repeated reactions with albendazole are transient
concentration techniques, like the Baermann gastrointestinal discomfort and headache.
funnel gauze method, usually leads to detection Egg reduction rate cannot be determined
of the infection. Harada-Mori culture is because eggs are not passed out in the feces
considered one of the most successful methods but are oviposited in the intestine and other
in parasite identification. At present, using the tissues of the host. Reinfection rate is difficult
nutrient agar plates is also recommended. Other to calculate because of autoinfection.
laboratory methods that can be done are Beale’s
string test, duodenal aspiration, and small bowel
biopsy. In disseminated strongyloidiasis, larvae Strongyloides stercoralis is found throughout
may be found in sputum or urine. Serology may the world and follows a distribution pattern
not be useful in filariasis endemic areas since similar to hookworm in the tropics and
there are cross-reactions between Strongyloides subtropics, as well as in Europe and the USA.
and filarial worm antigens. Some 50 to 100 million people are estimated
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 155

to be infected with this parasite. Strongyloides and mortality. People with cancer, debilitating
is a soil-transmitted helminth. diseases like pulmonary tuberculosis, and
In the Philippines, strongyloidiasis is malnutrition, and those about to undergo
relatively rare. Local data on the prevalence of organ transplantation should be cleared of
Strongyloides stercoralis reveal that out of 4,208 Strongyloides infection. This important step is
stools examined using Harada-Mori culture, taken to prevent the occurrence of disseminated
only 50 samples or 1.2% were found positive strongyloidiasis, which is almost always fatal
for the worm. If all studies on prevalence were because larvae invade vital organs.
included, out of 294,176 stools examined, only
148 or 0.05% were found positive. Prevalence
rates have been described to fluctuate between Bon B, Houze S, Talabani H, Magne D, Belkadi
0 to 2.3%, depending on the area selected. This G, develoux M, et al. Evaluation of a rapid
infection is more frequent in male children 7 to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
14 years old, than among females and adults. for diagnosis of strongyloidiasis. J Clin
Infection and disease rates as well as Microbiol. 2010;48(5):1716–9.
morbidity and mortality figures are not Cabrera BD. Prevalence of Strong yloides
well documented. The factors that affect stercoralis infection in selected areas in the
transmission include poor sanitation and Philippines using a modified Harada-Mori
indiscriminate disposal of human feces that culture technique. Acta Med Philipp.
may contain Strongyloides larvae. Autoinfection 1981;17(3):19–26.
explains how some people remain infected Gann PH, Neva FA, Gam AA. A randomized
for more than 30 years even after leaving the trial of single- and two-dose ivermectin
endemic area. This phenomenon has been seen versus thiabendazole for treatment
in American veterans who returned from the of strongyloidiasis. J Infect Dis.
Korean and Vietnam wars. 1994;169(5):1076–9.
Igual-Adell R, Oltra-Alcaraz C, Soler-Company
Prevention and Control
E , Sánchez-Sánchez P, Matogo-Oyana J,
Prevention and control measures for this Rodríguez-Calabuig D. Efficacy and safety
disease are similar to those for hookworm of ivermectin and thiabendazole in the
infection. Both worms use the soil for further treatment of strongyloidiasis. Expert Opin
development and maintain their endemicity in Pharmacother. 2004;5(12):2615–9.
areas where environmental sanitation is poor and Keiser P, Nutman T. Strongyloides stercoralis
human feces is deposited indiscriminately in the in the immunocompromised population.
soil by infected people. Infection is acquired by Clin Microbiol Rev. 2004;17(1):208–17.
individuals who usually walk barefoot. There is Segarra-Newnham M. Manifestations,
a need to provide health education on personal, diagnosis, and treatment of Strongyloides
family and community hygiene to change stercoralis infection. Ann Pharmacother.
behavior and practices. Infected individuals 2007;41(12):1992–2001.
should be treated in order to prevent morbidity
156 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Enterobius vermicularis
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Percy G. Balderia

E nterobius vermicularis or human pinworm

causes enterobiasis or oxyuriasis. The
infection is typically characterized by perianal
posterior esophageal bulb. The small adult
female worm measures 8 to 13 mm by 0.4 mm
and has a long pointed tail. The uteri of gravid
itching or pruritus ani. Although not a usual females are distended with eggs. The male,
cause of significant morbidity or mortality, measuring 2 to 5 mm by 0.1 to 0.2 mm has a
migrating worms may go beyond the perianal curved tail and a single spicule. Males are rarely
region and can occasionally cause complications seen because they usually die after copulation.
in ectopic areas. The rhabditiform larva, measuring 140
This intestinal nematode is classified as to 150 μm by 10 μm, has the characteristic
meromyarian, based on the arrangement of the esophageal bulb, but has no cuticular expansion
somatic muscles where there are two to five cells on the anterior end.
per dorsal or ventral half. Eggs (Plate 3.14) are asymmetrical, with
The human pinworm is the most common one side flattened and the other side convex,
helminth parasite identified in temperate and range from 50 to 60 μm by 20 to 30 μm
regions, where environmental sanitation is in size averaging 55 by 36 μm. The translucent
in place. Less attention is given to pinworm shell consists of an outer triple albuminous
infection in tropical areas, likely due to the covering for mechanical protection and an inner
presence of other, more clinically significant embryonic lipoidal membrane for chemical
parasites. protection. Inside the egg is a tadpole like
embryo that becomes fully mature outside the
Parasite Biology
host within 4 to 6 hours.
Adult worms have cuticular alar expansions Adult worms are found in the cecum
(Plate 3.13) at the anterior end and a prominent and adjacent portions of the small and large

Plate 3.13. Enterobius cephalic alae Plate 3.14. D-shaped eggs of Enterobius
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, vermicularis (Courtesy of the Department of
UP-CPH) Parasitology, UP-CPH)
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 157

intestines. Gravid female worms migrate down usually dies. Eggs on the perianal region become
the intestinal tract and exit through the anus to fully embryonated within 6 hours. When
deposit eggs on the perianal skin. Adult female ingested, eggs containing the 3rd stage larvae
worms migrate to the perianal area, usually in hatch in the duodenum, pass down the small
the evening hours. A single female lays from intestines to the cecum, and develop into adults
4,672 to 16,888 eggs per day with an average (Figure 3.8). Eggs are resistant to disinfectants
of 11,105 eggs. After egg deposition, the female but succumb to dehydration in dry air within

Figure 3.8. Life cycle of Enterobius vermicularis

(Accessed from
158 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

a day. However, in moist conditions, these eggs relieved only by vigorous scratching. Diagnosis
can remain viable for up to 13 days. The eggs is confirmed by finding adult worms or eggs on
remain viable longest under conditions of fairly microscopic examinations. Adult worms may
high humidity and moderate temperature. The be seen in the feces or in the perianal region.
eggs may survive for some days in dry dust, and Eggs are found in the feces in only about 5%
airborne eggs can infect persons at a distance of infected persons. The method of laboratory
via inhalation. diagnosis is the Graham’s scotch adhesive tape
swab (perianal cellulose tape swab), which gives
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
the highest percentage of positive results, and
Enterobius vermicularis is a relatively the greatest number of eggs seen. This low-cost
innocuous parasite and rarely produces any diagnostic method is easy to perform and is very
serious lesions. Mild catarrhal inflammation sensitive and specific.
of the intestinal mucosa may result from
the attachment of the worms. Mechanical
irritation and secondary bacterial invasion The drugs of choice are mebendazole 100
may lead to inflammation of the deeper layers mg PO single dose or albendazole 400 mg PO
of the intestines. Invasion of the appendix is single dose. Pyrantel pamoate 11 mg/kg base
not unusual, but whether this invasion is a PO single dose (max. of 1 g) is considered a
significant cause of appendicitis is not known. secondary drug of choice. E. vermicularis is
Migration of egg-laying females to the anus quite susceptible to these drugs, with reported
causes irritation of the perineal region. Intense cure rates of over 90%. Moreover, since family
itching leads to scratching, and may give rise to members are usually infected, treatment of
secondary bacterial infection. Children infected the entire household is recommended. Cure
with this parasite may suffer from insomnia due can only be considered after seven perianal
to the pruritus. Other signs of infection are smears, on consecutive days using scotch-tape
poor appetite, weight loss, irritability, grinding swab method, are all found to be negative.
of teeth, and abdominal pain. The egg reduction rate is difficult to determine
Complications such as appendicitis, because eggs are collected from the perianal
vaginitis, endometritis, salpingitis, and area instead of from the feces using Kato-Katz.
peritonitis are all due to aberrant adult worm Mebendazole, albendazole, and pyrantel are
migration. Entry into the peritoneal cavity via contraindicated in individuals with known
the female reproductive system may result in the hypersensitivity. Adverse effects of these
formation of granuloma around eggs or worms. drugs include mild, transient gastrointestinal
Pinworms or their eggs have occasionally been disturbance, and headache.
reported from other ectopic sites such as the
liver and lung.
The prognosis of enterobiasis or oxyuriasis Enterobiasis occurs in both temperate and
is good. This parasitic disease is extremely tropical regions of the world, and has a high
contagious and can easily spread among prevalence in both developed and developing
members of a family or in institutions. Hence, countries. It is the only intestinal nematode
it has been described as a familial or a group infection that cannot be controlled through
disease. sanitary disposal of human feces, because
the eggs are deposited in the perianal region
instead of the intestinal lumen. Eggs usually
Enterobiasis should be suspected in contaminate underwear and beddings. The
children and adults who show perianal itching route of infection is through the mouth, the
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 159

respiratory system (by inhalation of dust opportunities for health education of teachers
containing Enterobius eggs), and through the and school children regarding measures on
anus (wherein the hatched larvae enter the anus control and prevention of intestinal helminth
and cause retroinfection when they go back into infections, including pinworm infections.
the large intestine). Risk factors for infection
include overcrowding, thumb-sucking, nail-
biting, and lack of parental knowledge on Cabrera BD, Garcia EG, Cruz TA, Salazar NP,
pinworms. Jueco NL. Studies on enterobiasis in the
There are around 208.8 million infected Philippines. I: Frequency of enterobiasis
persons in the world, with 18 million in among schoolchildren in the city of Manila.
Canada and the United States of America. J Philipp Med Assoc. 1961;37(12):1032–
Prevalence is 12 to 41% in Washington, D.C. 45.
In the Philippines, prevalence levels have been Cabrera BD, Garcia EG, Cruz TA, Salazar
found to be 29% among schoolchildren from NP, Jueco NL. Studies on enterobiasis
exclusive private schools, and 56% among in the Philippines. II: The occurrence
those from public schools. Locally, prevalence is of Enterobius ova in the fingertips and
consistently higher in females (16%) compared fingernails of infected schoolchildren. J
to males (9%). Eggs were found in nail clippings Philipp Med Assoc. 1961;37(12):1032–45.
of school children. Crompton DW, Montresor A, Neishem MC,
Local data on infection and disease rates, Savioli L. Controlling disease due to
as well as morbidity and mortality figures are helminth infections. Geneva: World Health
inadequate. Organization; 2003.
Djakovic A, Tappe D, Dietl J. Diagnosis of
Prevention and Control
and anthelminthic therapy for Enterobius
Personal cleanliness and personal hygiene vermicularis infections during pregnancy:
are essential. Fingernails should be cut short review of the literature and case report. Z
and hand washing should be done after using Geburtshilfe Neonatol. 2006;210(4):147–
the toilet, as well as before and after meals. 52.
The use of showers rather than bathtubs is Jong EC, Sanford C, editors. The travel and
suggested, and infected persons should sleep tropical medicine manual. Philadelphia:
alone until adequately treated. Underwear, Saunders Elsevier; 2008.
night clothes, blankets, and bed sheets should Kim DH, Son H, Kim JY, Cho MK, Park
be handled with care and washed in hot soapy MK, Kang SY. Parents’ knowledge about
water. Vacuum cleaning around beds and enterobiasis might be one of the most
contaminated areas will be useful. Being a important risk factors for enterobiasis
familial disease, chemotherapy of the entire i n c h i l d re n . Ko re a n J Pa r a s i t o l .
family is recommended, and will help in the 2010;48(2):121–6.
control of the disease. Markell EK, John DT, Krotoski WA. Medical
The implementation of mass drug Parasitology. 8th ed. Philadelphia: W. B.
administration targeting soil-transmitted Saunders Company; 1999.
helminthiases is expected to have an impact St. Georgiev V. Chemotherapy of enterobiasis
on the prevalence of enterobiasis as well. (oxyuriasis). Expert Opin Pharmacother.
Control efforts in elementary schools provide 2001;2(2):267–75.
160 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Sung JC, Lin RS, Huang KC, Wang SY, Lu

YJ. Pinworm control and risk factors of PDF_Files/MedLetter/Enterobius_
pinworm infection among primary-school vermicularisInfection.pdf.
children in Taiwan. Am J Trop Med Hyg. World Health Organization. First WHO
2001;65(5):558–62. report on neglected tropical diseases 2010:
The Medical Letter. The medical letter report working to overcome the global impact of
for drugs for parasitic infections [Internet]. neglected tropical diseases. Geneva: World
2010 [cited 2012 Mar 3]. Available from Health Organization; 2010.
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 161

Capillaria philippinensis
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Francis Isidore G. Totañes

C apillaria philippinensis is one of four

Capillaria species that are known to
infect humans. Human infection with C.
intestinal malabsorption. Severe disease can
result in death. Fish-eating birds are the natural
hosts of the nematode.
philippinensis was first reported by Chitwood et
Parasite Biology
al. in 1963 in a 29 year old male from Northern
Luzon. Intestinal capillariasis, a zoonotic Capillaria philippinensis is a nematode
disease, is characterized by abdominal pain, from the superfamily Trichinelloidea, to which
chronic diarrhea, and gurgling stomach. The Trichuris and Trichinella belong. The parasites
disease may also be associated with protein- in this superfamily characteristically have a thin
losing enteropathy, electrolyte imbalance, and filamentous anterior end and a slightly thicker
and shorter posterior end. The male worms
(Plate 3.15) are about 1.5 to 3.9 mm in length,
while females (Plate 3.16) are 2.3 to 5.3 mm
long. The male spicule is 230 to 300 μm long
and has an unspined sheath. The esophagus
has rows of secretory cells called stichocytes,
and the entire esophageal structure is called a
stichosome. The anus is subterminal, and the
vulva in females is located at the junction of
anterior and middle thirds.
Female worms produce characteristic
eggs, which are peanut-shaped with striated
shells and flattened bipolar plugs (Plate 3.17).
Plate 3.15. Male Capillaria philippinensis These eggs, which measure 36 to 45 μm by 20
(Courtesy of Dr. John Cross)
μm, are passed in the feces and embryonate in

Plate 3.17. Capillaria philippinensis egg

Plate 3.16. Female Capillaria philippinensis (Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
(Courtesy of Dr. John Cross) UP-CPH)
162 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

the soil or water. They must reach the water The eggs hatch in the intestines of the fish and
in order to be ingested by small species of grow into the infective larvae. When the fish
freshwater or brackish water fish (Figure 3.9). is eaten uncooked, the larvae escape from the

Figure 3.9. Life cycle of Capillaria philippinensis

(Accessed from
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 163

fish intestines and develop into adult worms in Endoscopic finding may reveal non-specific
human intestines. segmental erythematous inflammation in the
The first generation of female worms small bowel with superficial erosions with
produces larvae to build up the population. exudation.
Subsequent generations predominantly produce Histologically, the intestines also show
eggs, although there are always a few female flattened and denuded villi, and dilated mucosal
worms that produce both larvae and eggs, or glands. The lamina propria is infiltrated with
larvae only. Some of these larvae are retained plasma cells, lymphocytes, macrophages, and
in the gut lumen and develop into adults. This neutrophils.
leads to hyperinfection and autoinfection,
which result in the production of very large
numbers of worms. In one autopsy, as many as Diagnosis is based on finding characteristic
200,000 worms were recovered from one liter eggs in the feces by direct smear or wet mount,
of bowel fluid. as well as by stool concentration methods. There
Fish-eating birds are believed to be the may also be various larval stages of the parasites,
natural hosts of C. philippinensis, and humans as well as adult worms in the feces. The uterus
are considered incidental hosts. of the female worms may contain developing
eggs and sometimes larvae (Plate 3.18). The
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
parasites can also be recovered from the small
Persons with C. philippinensis usually have intestines by duodenal aspiration.
abdominal pain and borborygmi. Patients
initially experience intermittent diarrhea, which
progresses to passing out 8 to 10 voluminous
stools per day. After a few weeks, there is
noticeable weight loss, malaise, anorexia,
vomiting, and edema. Laboratory findings
show severe protein-losing enteropathy and
hypoalbuminemia; malabsorption of fats and
sugars; decreased excretion of xylose; low serum
potassium, sodium and calcium; and high levels
of immunoglobulin E. If the disease is not
treated soon after the symptoms occur, severe Plate 3.18. Capillaria philippinensis second stage
larva from the feces of a person with intestinal
manifestations of the disease develop with a capillariasis (Courtesy of Dr. John Cross)
potentially fatal outcome.
The large number of worms that A study done in Egypt demonstrated
develop in humans is responsible for the high specificity of sandwich enzyme-linked
severe pathology. The parasites do not invade immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in the detection
intestinal tissue, but they are responsible of coproantigen prepared from stool samples of
for micro-ulcers in the epithelium, and the patients with capillariasis. This technique did
compressive degeneration and mechanical not show cross-reaction with coproantigen from
compression of cells. Homogeneous material is patients with Fasciola gigantica and Schistosoma
seen at the anterior end of the worm by electron mansoni. Another study demonstrated cross-
microscopy. The ulcerative and degenerative reaction of capillariasis patient antibodies with
lesions in the intestinal mucosa may account for Trichinella spiralis antigen in immunoblot
malabsorption of fluid, protein, and electrolytes. assay, suggesting the prospective use of T.
164 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

spiralis antigen for the immunodiagnosis of towns and resulted in more than 1,000 cases
capillariasis. ELISA using T. spiralis antigen and 77 deaths. Cases of human capillariasis have
has been tested and shown to have a sensitivity been subsequently reported in Thailand, Iran,
of 100% in the diagnosis of capillariasis (43 Japan, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, South
positive cases) and a specificity of 100% (57 Korea, India, Taiwan, Egypt, and Lao People’s
negative cases). Democratic Republic. A review of data from
local hospitals throughout Taiwan from 1983
to 2003 revealed a total of 30 capillariasis cases,
In severe cases with electrolyte and protein 21 of whom were from two major Taiwanese
loss, patients should be given electrolyte aboriginal tribes.
replacement and a high protein diet (Plate In the Philippines, nearly 2,000 cases have
3.19). Anthelminthic drugs should also be been documented from the Northern Luzon
given. The drug of choice for the treatment provinces from 1967 to 1990. Cases have also
of intestinal capillariasis is mebendazole, 200 been documented in Zambales and Southern
mg twice a day for 20 days. Alternatively, Leyte. Infections are acquired by eating
albendazole 400 mg may be given once daily uncooked small freshwater/brackish water
for 10 days. Relapses may occur if the treatment fish. Ilocano people enjoy eating bagsit and
regimen is not followed and completed. other fishes found in the lagoons. In Monkayo,
Compostela Valley Province, an outbreak
described as a “mystery disease” in 1998 resulted
in the death of villagers due to misdiagnosis.
Intestinal capillariasis was diagnosed in 17%
of the cases presenting with chronic diarrhea.
A more recently described endemic area in the
Philippines involved Zamboanga del Norte,
where more than 70 deaths were recorded and
4.9% of those examined in a parasitologic survey
were confirmed to have capillariasis. A few cases
have also been confirmed in Zamboanga del
Sur, Agusan del Sur, and Misamis Occidental.
Prevention and Control

It is believed that the 1967 to 1968

Philippine epidemic was due to washing of
fecally contaminated bed sheets in lagoons in the
Plate 3.19. 31-year old female with intestinal Tagudin area of Ilocos Sur. Efforts to improve
capillariasis before treatment (left) sanitation and health educational programs to
and 1 year after treatment (right) prevent indiscriminate disposal of human waste
(Courtesy of Dr. Vicente Belizario, Jr.)
and to discourage eating raw fish are important
in controlling the spread of infection (Plate
3.20). Capacity building for health personnel in
Intestinal capillariasis was first recorded in the field, including laboratory staff, for early and
Northern Luzon in the Philippines. In 1966, accurate diagnosis and treatment is important in
an epidemic in Pudoc West, Tagudin, Ilocos preventing mortality. Health education can also
Sur was reported, that spread to neighboring help improve patient health-seeking behaviors.
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 165

infectious diseases. New York: Academic

Press; 1983. 103–36.
Cross JH, Basaca-Sevilla V. Biomedical surveys
in the Philippines. Manila (Philippines): US
Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2; 1984.
Cross JH. Intestinal capillariasis. Clin Microbiol
Rev. 1992;5:120–9.
The Medical Letter. Drugs for Parasitic
Infections [Internet]. 2010 [cited 2012 Mar
3]. Available from
El Dib NA, Sabry MA, Ahmed JA, El-
Plate 3.20. Proper excreta disposal is important Basiouni SO, El-Badry AA. Evaluation
for prevention and control of intestinal of Capillaria philippinensis coproantigen
helminthiases including capillariasis
(Courtesy of Dr. Vicente Belizario, Jr.) in the diagnosis of infection. J Egypt Soc
Parasitol. 2004;34:97–106.
Intapan PM, Maleewong W, Sukeepaisarnjaroen
References W, Morakote N. An enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay as screening
Bair MJ, Hwang KP, Wang TE Liou TC, Lin SC, tool for human intestinal capillariasis.
Kao CR, et al. Clinical features of human Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health.
intestinal capillariasis in Taiwan. World J 2010;41(2):298–305.
Gastroenterol. 2004;10(16):2391–3. Intapan PM, Maleewong W, Sukeepaisarnjaroen
Belizario VY, de Leon WU, Esparar DG, Galang W, Morakote N. Potential use of Trichinella
JM, Fantone J, Verdadero C. Compostela spiralis antigen for serodiagnosis of human
Valley: a new endemic focus for capillariasis capillariasis philippinensis by immunoblot
philippinensis. Southeast Asian J Trop Med analysis. Parasitol Res. 2006;98:227–31.
Public Health. 2000;31(3):478–81. Lu LH, Lin MR, Choi WM, Hwang KP, Hsu
Belizario VY, Totañes FI, de Leon WU, Migriño YH, Bair MJ, et al. Human intestinal
JR, Macasaet LY. Intestinal capillariasis, capillariasis (Capillaria philippinensis)
Western Mindanao, the Philippines. Emerg in Taiwan. Am J Trop Med Hyg.
Infect Dis. 2010;16(4):736–8. 2006;74(5):810–3.
Canlas BC, Cabrera BD, Dauz U. Human Sangchan A, Wongsaensook A, Kularbkaew C,
intestinal capillariasis, II. Pathological Sawanyawisuth K, Sukeepaisarnjaroen W,
features. Acta Med Philipp. 1967;4:84–91. Mairiang P. The endoscopic pathologic
Chitwood MB, Velasquez C, Salazar NG. findings in intestinal capillariais: a case
Capillaria philippinensis. (Nematoda: report. J Med Assoc Thai. 2007;90:175–8.
Trichinellida) from intestine of man in the Singson CM. Recurrences in human intestinal
Philippines. J Parasitol. 1968; 54:368–71. capillariasis. Phil J Microbiol Infect Dis.
Cross JH, Banzon TC, Singson CM. Further 1974;3:7–13.
studies on Capillaria philippinensis: Soukhathammavong P, Sayasone S, Harimanana
development of the parasite in the AN. Case report: three cases of intestinal
Mongolian gerbil. J Parasitol. 1978; capillariasis in Lao People’s Democratic
64:208–13. Re p u b l i c . A m J Tro p Me d Hy g .
Cross JH, Bhaibulaya M. Intestinal capillariasis 2008;79(5):735–8.
in the Philippines and Thailand. In: Whalen GE. Intestinal capillariasis—a new
Croll N, Cross JH. Human ecology and disease in man. Lancet. 1969;1:13–6.
166 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Tissue Nematodes
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Timothy M. Ting

Lymphatic Filariasis Parasite Biology

Adult Wuchereria worms are creamy white,

Wuchereria bancrofti long, and filiform in shape. The male worm
Brugia malayi measures 20 to 40 mm in length, while the
female measures 80 to 100 mm. Microfilariae
T here are eight known species of filarial
nematodes that use humans as their
definitive host. These are subdivided into three
in fresh specimens appear as minute snake-like
organisms constantly moving among the red
blood cells. A microfilaria measures 270 to
groups based on the anatomic location from
290 µm and is enclosed in a hyaline sheath
which they cause pathology: subcutaneous,
which is much longer than the microfilaria
serous cavity, and lymphatic filariasis. Mansonella
itself (Figure 3.22). When stained, the central
causes serous cavity filariasis in the abdomen.
axis shows dark-staining nuclei, which serve as
Filarial worms that live in the subcutaneous
an important identifying feature. The column
fat under the skin include Loa loa (African eye
of nuclei is arranged in two or three rows and
worm), Mansonella streptocerca, and Onchocerca
is distinctly conspicuous. Microfilariae have
volvulus. Lymphatic filariasis is caused by
several curvatures and a graceful appearance.
Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and
The Brugia male measures 13 to 23 mm
Brugia timori. With adults that become lodged
in length while the female measures 43 to
in the lymphatic system, these worms cause
55 mm. Adult females of B. malayi and W.
lymphedema, lymphangitis, and in chronic
bancrofti are indistinguishable. The Brugia
cases, elephantiasis. Disease is transmitted
microfilariae measure 111 to 230 µm in length
by blood-feeding arthropod vectors, mainly
(Plate 3.21). In stained blood smears, they can
mosquitoes and black flies.
Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is one of the most
debilitating diseases plaguing many tropical
countries. Next to psychiatric illness, LF is the
second leading cause of permanent and long-
term disability, affecting both physical and
psychological aspects of the victim. The social
stigma and associated economic consequences
result in a poor quality of life to the afflicted.
The two most common mosquito-borne
causative agents of LF are Wuchereria bancrofti
or Bancroft’s filarial worm, which is the
causative agent of Bancroftian filariasis; and
Brugia malayi or the Malayan filarial worm,
which causes Malayan filariasis. Plate 3.21. Brugia malayi microfilaria
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 167

be seen enclosed in a sheath, and having angular damage, and migrate towards the mosquito’s
curvatures with secondary kinks, and two nuclei head and proboscis. During a blood meal, larvae
at the tip of the tail. The column of indistinct emerge from the proboscis onto the skin of the
and confluent nuclei is composed of two rows. susceptible host and actively penetrate the skin
Adult male and female W. bancrofti worms through the bite wound to reach the lymphatic
are found tightly coiled in nodular dilated vessels and nodes where they develop into adult
nests (lymphangiectasia) in lymph vessels and worms. They are usually localized in the lymph
in sinuses of lymph glands. Adult females vessels of the lower extremities, inguinal lymph
produce microfilariae, which gain entrance to nodes, epididymis of males, and labia of females.
the peripheral blood circulation where they are Microfilariae migrate from the parent worm,
picked up by the appropriate mosquito vector through the walls of the lymphatics, and into
during a blood meal (Plate 3.22). Mosquitoes the neighboring blood vessels.
belonging to the genera Aedes, Culex, and The life cycle of B. malayi generally follows
Anopheles have been shown to be biologic the same pattern as that of W. bancrofti with a
vectors of Wuchereria. Microfilariae ingested few exceptions (Figure 3.10). Mosquito vectors
by the mosquito migrate to its muscles where of B. malayi belong to the genus Mansonia.
they develop into first (L1), second (L2), and Development of the microfilariae to the
third (L3) stage larvae. After 6 to 20 days infective stage in the mosquito takes about 2
of development, 3rd stage larvae force their weeks. Maturation time for the 3rd stage larvae
way out of the muscles, causing considerable to become adults takes about 3 to 9 months.
Thereafter, microfilariae are produced and may
be seen in the circulation.
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations

LF is characterized by a wide spectrum

of clinical manifestations, with signs and
symptoms different from one host to another.
The infection is usually acquired in childhood
but may take years to manifest itself. The clinical
course may be divided into asymptomatic,
acute, and chronic stages, generally progressing
in that order. In an endemic community, the
different stages of the disease frequently overlap,
and in certain groups of people from non-
endemic areas, the disease may be characterized
by an initial acute stage followed directly by a
chronic stage in a relatively short period of time.
Individuals who grew up outside regions
endemic for these filarial parasites and who get
infected by them after migration to the endemic
regions may clinically present with “Expatriate
Syndrome.” The syndrome is characterized by
Plate 3.22. Wuchereria bancrofti microfilaria clinical and immunologic hyper-responsiveness
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, to the mature or maturing worms. Together with
UP-CPH) the usual acute manifestations of lymphadenitis
168 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 3.10. Life cycle of Wuchereria bancrofti

(Accessed from

and lymphangitis, individuals with this lymphatic endothelial cell proliferation and
syndrome also present with allergic reactions differentiation leading to collateralization.
such as hives, rashes, and blood eosinophilia. These lymphatic dysfunctions have been shown
Lymphatic localization is important to predispose infected individuals to secondary
in parasite survival because lymph is a less bacterial infections and trigger inflammatory
aggressive medium than blood: no platelets, no reactions in the skin and subcutaneous tissue,
complement system, incomplete coagulation leading to lymphedema and elephantiasis.
system, and no granulocytes; in addition, its A characteristic feature of chronic LF
flow is much less violent. Filarial adult worms infection is fibrosis and cellular hyperplasia
cause parasite-induced lymphatic dilatation in and around the lymphatic walls; these
(lymphangiectasia); this is a common feature changes are postulated to render lymphatic
of patent infection, though clinically apparent endothelial cells less effective at transporting
lymphedema is rarely seen. Another cardinal interstitial fluid, thereby contributing to the
feature of LF is lymphangiogenesis, where edema and collagen accumulation. Dead
live filarial parasites or filarial antigens induce and decalcifying adult worms elicit immune
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 169

responses leading to lymphatic blockage by several immune regulatory processes driven

and gross pathological lesions; it invokes by living parasites to ensure their long-term
lymphangitis and lymphadenitis with localized survival. Co-infection with other parasites
pain and swelling. The amount of exposure and infectious disease is common, and the
to secondary bacterial infections and the suppressive immunomodulatory mechanisms
magnitude of host immunity to infective or by the worm can modulate protective immune
developing larvae, or to Wolbachia increase responses for malaria and tuberculosis. Though
the risk of development of chronic disease. no clinical manifestations are seen and they
Lymphatic insufficiency leads to increase appear outwardly healthy, these individuals
susceptibility to opportunistic infections, and may actually have hidden lymphatic pathology
result in acute dermatolymphangioadenitis and kidney damage. Recent studies in animals
(ADLA) (Plate 3.23). Another potent inducer show direct evidence that infection with Brugia
of inflammation is exposure to Wolbachia that can selectively induce CD4+ lymphocyte
is released by dead or dying worms. apoptosis, which may contribute to immune
unresponsiveness to filariasis. The asymptomatic
stage may also be seen in those individuals who
are called “endemic normals,” who harbor in
their blood the parasite antigen instead of the
ADLA is the most common acute
manifestation of LF, defined as localized pain,
lymphadenitis and/or lymphangitis and/or
cellulitis and local warmth, with or without
systemic manifestations of fever, nausea, and
vomiting. Clinical descriptions are remarkably
Plate 3.23. Dermatolymphangioadenitis similar to those of erysipelas and cellulitis. The
(acute lymphatic filariasis) attacks are recurrent, and among patients in
(Courtesy of Dr. Vicente Belizario, Jr.) LF-endemic areas, the mean annual reported
incidence ranges from 1.5 to more than 7
The clinical spectrum of LF includes episodes per patient. The duration of symptoms,
(a) asymptomatic microfilaremia, (b) acute based on patient self reporting, ranges from 1
dermatolymphangioadenitis (ADLA) also to 16 days, which result in significant short
previously called adenolymphangitis (ADL), term disability, where the number of workdays
(c) acute filarial lymphangitis (AFL), (d) lost may exceed the duration of the ADLA
lymphedema and elephantiasis, (e) genito- episode itself. Studies indicate that the rate
urinary lesions (e.g., hydrocele), and (f ) tropical of ADLA is higher in persons with chronic
pulmonary eosinophilia (TPE). disease, particularly lymphedema. Among those
One of the most striking features of LF is with lymphedema, the risk factors for ADLA
that individuals with thousands to millions of include increasing patient age, poor hygiene,
vigorously motile microfilariae in the peripheral and illiteracy. Studies from Brazil, India, and
blood often show no obvious clinical signs of Guyana show that the presence and number
disease, known as asymptomatic microfilaremia. of interdigital skin lesions are very strong risk
These individuals serve as the main reservoir for factors for attacks of ADLA.
mosquito vectors which acquire microfilariae Current evidence shows that ADLA is
during a blood meal. This stage is characterized of bacterial etiology, based on clinical signs
170 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

and symptoms (erysipelas or cellulitis-like),

and isolation of bacteria at the time of the
acute episode. The bacteria most frequently
associated with ADLA episodes are Group A
Streptococcus, although other bacteria are often
found in cultures, including non-pathogenic
strains. Thus, secondary bacterial infections
from neglected skin lesions (reduced sensation
predisposes to trauma, and poor hygiene)
precipitate attacks of ADLA, and repeated
ADLA episodes are deemed the most important
factor in lymphedema progression.
AFL is a rare manifestation directly caused
by adult worms that died spontaneously, or
commonly observed following treatment
with diethylcarbamazine (DEC), the latter is
considered evidence of the drug’s macrofilaricidal
efficacy. AFL is characterized by lymphangitis
that progresses distally along the lymphatic Plate 3.24. Elephantiasis
vessel, producing a palpable “cord.” AFL may (Courtesy of Dr. Vicente Belizario, Jr.)
be accompanied by mild fever, headache, and
malaise. Distal lymphedema may occur, but it acute attacks. The main feature of stage 3 is the
is usually mild and reversible. The symptoms presence of shallow skin folds, these are folds
are self-limited or generally subside without where the base can still be seen when the patient
treatment. moves the leg or foot and the fold “opens up.”
The most common chronic manifestation Lines or creases not seen in the normal leg are
of LF is lymphedema, which on progression already considered shallow folds. In stage 4,
leads to elephantiasis (Plate 3.24). The lower there are knobs present in the affected area;
limbs are commonly affected, but upper limb these are lumps or protrusions in the skin that
and male genitalia may be involved. In females, predispose the area to trauma. A patient in
breasts and genitalia may be affected, but this is stage 5, has deep skin folds, where the base
relatively uncommon. Repeated ADLA episodes can no longer be seen when the patient moves
are responsible for lymphedema progression the leg, but only when the folds are actively
and elephantiasis. Literature on lymphedema in “opened” by hand. In stage 6, mossy lesions
filariasis-endemic areas lack standardization in are present, brought about by the clustering
terms of terminology, agreed-upon criteria for of small elongated or rounded growths. These
diagnosis, and case definition. Many authors usually leak translucent fluid, putting the area
use the term ‘elephantiasis’ for all forms of at risk for secondary bacterial infection. In
lymphedema. stage 7, the patient is unable to adequately or
Dreyer et al. in 2002 proposed a staging independently perform activities of daily living
system for chronic lymphedema. In stage 1, due to the extent of the patholgy. The infected
the swelling increases during the day but is area is foul-smelling and the affected individual
reversible once the patient lies flat in bed. In frequently experiences acute attacks.
stage 2, the swelling is no longer reversible Hydrocele or chylocele results in the
overnight, and the patient may still experience obstruction of the lymphatics of the tunica
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 171

vaginalis (Plates 3.25–3.26). Clear or straw- Although Malayan filariasis occasionally

colored hydrocele fluid typically accumulates presents with groin involvement, hydroceles
in the closed sac of the testis, and rarely, the are rare. Deformities resulting from Malayan
fluid may have a milky appearance caused filariasis are not as severe as in Bancroftian
the presence of lymph—a condition known filariasis. There may be enlargement of the
as chylocele. Hydrocele is a common chronic epitrochlear, inguinal, and axillary lymph
disease manifestation of Bancroftian filariasis nodes. More advanced cases may either
since W. bancrofti worms have been shown be asymptomatic, or may manifest with
ultrasonographically to prefer localization in elephantiasis of one or more limbs, usually
scrotal lymphatics. These cases usually occur involving the area below the knee or below
after puberty, and the prevalence increases the elbow.
with age. Chronic epididymitis, funiculitis, Rupture of lymphatics in the kidney
lymphedematous thickening of the scrotal skin, may produce chyluria. This results from the
and thickening of the spermatic cord are also blockage of retroperitoneal lymph nodes
genital manifestations of chronic Bancroftian below the cisterna chyli. There is consequent
filariasis. The thickened cord can usually be reflux and flow of the intestinal lymph directly
palpated during physical examination. In into the renal lymphatics, which may rupture
females, lymphedema of the vulva may occur. and allow the flow of chyle into the urinary
tract. The “milky urine” contains considerable
quantities of lymph originating from the
gastrointestinal tract. There are several reports of
glomerulonephritis in patients with Bancroftian
filariasis. Microscopic hematuria may also occur
in microfilaremic persons.
Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia (TPE) is a
classic example of occult filariasis in which the
typical clinical manifestations are not present,
and microfilaria are not found in the blood but
may be found in the tissues. The syndrome,
which is brought about by immunologic
hyper-responsiveness to filarial infection, is
Plate 3.25. Hydrocele
(Courtesy of Dr. Vicente Belizario, Jr.) characterized by paroxysmal nocturnal cough,
hypereosinophilia (3,000-5,000 cells per mm3
of blood, levels unrelated to the severity of
symptoms), elevated erythrocyte sedimentation
rate, evidence of diffuse miliary lesions or
increased bronchovascular markings, extremely
high titers of filarial antibody (IgE), and good
therapeutic response to DEC. In most cases,
lung function is impaired, with a reduction in
vital capacity, total lung capacity, and residual
volume. It is commonly misdiagnosed as asthma
or tuberculosis. Chronic symptoms may delay
Plate 3.26. Small and big hydroceles in two diagnosis, and if untreated, TPE progresses to
patients suffering from filariasis chronic pulmonary fibrosis and respiratory
(Courtesy of Dr. Vicente Belizario, Jr.)
172 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Diagnosis microfilariae into coming out to the peripheral

circulation, allowing blood smear collection
The microscopic finding of characteristic
even during daytime.
microfilaria in the blood is the traditionally
Although these methods are still widely
accepted procedure. Due to the nocturnal
used, their low sensitivity and poor acceptability
periodicity of most W. bancrofti strains, wet
necessitate alternative approaches that fulfill the
smears or thick blood smears are taken between
requirements for control program mapping,
8 p.m. and 4 a.m. In many chronic infections,
monitoring and assessment, and endpoint
microfilariae may not be demonstrable in the
decision criteria and surveillance. Detection
peripheral blood. This may be brought about
of circulating filarial antigens (CFA) is now
by the following factors: (a) low intensity of
the preferred method since it also detects
infection, (b) dead worms, and (c) obstructed
latent infections. This is mainly done with
lymphatics. In cases of low intensity infections,
immunochromatographic card tests. These
filtration using a nucleopore filter or the Knott’s
simple card tests that detect CFAs are very
method for concentration may be used. Table
sensitive and specific, thus eliminating the
3.3 summarizes the main distinguishing features
need for laboratory facilities. Other diagnostic
of the microfilariae of W. bancrofti and B. malayi
approaches include molecular xenomonitoring
which may be appreciated microscopically in
of parasites in pools of mosquitoes, and
stained thick blood films. The DEC provocative
detection of exposure to transmission in
test (3 mg /kg DEC single dose) stimulates
children with antibody detection.

Table 3.3. Comparison of microfilaria of Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi

Wuchereria bancrofti Brugia malayi

Mean length (µm) 290 222
Cephalic space : breadth 1:1 2:1
Sheath in Giemsa Unstained Pink
Nuclei Regularly spaced, separately situated Irregularly spaced, and overlapping
Tail Single row of nuclei that does not reach the Single row of nuclei that reaches the tail’s
tail’s end end
Terminal nuclei None 2 nuclei, which bulge the cuticle,
conspicuously placed
Appearance in blood film Smoothly curved Kinky
Innenkôrper length (µm) 34 30.7
Source: World Health Organization. Control of lymphatic filariasis: a manual for health personnel. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1987.

Treatment and is the basis of preventive chemotherapy for

the interruption of transmission in elimination
DEC has been the drug of choice for
programs. A single optimum dose of DEC does
the treatment of lymphatic filariasis since its
not clear all microfilariae and does not kill all
discovery in 1948. It is effective against both
adult worms. A regimen of 6 mg/kg for 12
microfilaria and adult worms; however, some
consecutive days is better than the single dose,
strains of adult worms may not be sensitive to
and can be given to individuals if supervised
the drug. It markedly lowers blood microfilaria
by a medical practitioner, preferably in divided
even in single once-a-year doses of 6 mg/kg.
doses after meals.
This reduction is sustained for about one year,
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 173

The drug’s mechanism of action is not well ivermectin alone. There is probably no added
understood, but it is clear that host components effect against adult worms in LF. DEC or
are necessary, such as the arachidonic acid ivermectin in combination with albendazole
pathway and the 5-lipoxygenase pathway. used in LF elimination programs has the added
Recent trials show that DEC has no role in the benefit of clearing soil-transmitted helminth
treatment and prevention of ADLA attacks in (STH) infections.
lymphedema. DEC is the treatment of choice Doxycycline and related antibiotics kill the
for the treatment of TPE and is given for 3 to endosymbiont Wolbachia, which is essential
4 weeks. for growth, development, embryogenesis, and
Adverse events (AEs) include fever, myalgia, survival of filarial worms. Treatment of LF with
headache, and sore throat or cough lasting 24 a course of doxycycline at 200 mg daily for 4 to 6
to 48 hours. These are mild and self-limiting, weeks results in long-term sterility and eventual
and may be treated symptomatically. These death of adult worms. Anti-Wolbachia therapy
AEs represent an immune response that is showed significant improvements in lymphatic
mainly due to the destruction of microfilaria pathology and a decrease in the severity of
that is similar to the Mazzotti reaction seen lymphedema and hydroceles. Studies have also
in onchocerciasis. There may also be AEs shown that prior treatment with doxycycline
associated with rapid killing of adult worms reduces the frequency and severity of AEs to
(AFL), which can lead to scrotal pain in men, DEC-albendazole. This relatively good safety
and systemic inflammation due to the release profile is due to the avoidance of parasite-
of Wolbachia. Direct adverse events due to the mediated or Wolbachia-mediated inflammatory
drug are rare. adverse reactions. Although anti-Wolbachia
Ivermectin is a drug primarily used in chemotherapy has many benefits especially in
the treatment of onchocerciasis, loiasis, and the treatment of individual patients, its use
strongyloidiasis. It is also effective against in community-based control and elimination
ectoparasites such as lice and scabies. Used in programs is hindered by the logistics of the
LF, it is highly effective and well tolerated at length of treatment and contraindications in
doses of 100 to 200 µg/kg for the reduction children and pregnant women.
of microfilaremia for up to 1 year. Ivermectin The treatment recommendations for
leads to hyperpolarization of glutamate-sensitive ADLA include bed rest, cooling the affected area
channels and immobilization of microfilaria. to relieve the pain, analgesics and antipyretics
AEs are similar to DEC but milder due to its for pain and fever, topical antibiotics and
relatively slower parasite clearance. It has no antifungals for superficial bacterial and fungal
proven action against adult worms and TPE. infections, systemic antibiotics (e.g., penicillin)
Albendazole is a broad-spectr um for moderate to severe cases, and elevation of
anthelminthic given orally that is effective the involved extremity. Enrollment in a hygiene
against nematodes, cestodes, and flatworms. education program dramatically reduces the
Its mechanism of action is via inhibition of incidence of ADLA and the progression of
polymerization of -tubulin and microtubule lymphedema to elephantiasis. A proper “foot
formation. A low dose of 400 mg used for care program” includes: (a) washing the affected
the treatment of most intestinal helminth limb twice a day with soap and water especially
infections decreases W. bancrofti microfilaremia the webs of toes and skin folds, and drying
progressively for 6 to 12 months. Based on with a clean cloth to remove moisture; (b)
current studies, combination with DEC or clipping nails often and keeping them clean; (c)
ivermectin reduces microfilarial loads in the preventing and promptly treating local injuries
periphery longer than treatment with DEC or and infections with topical agents; (d) regular
174 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

use of properly fitting footwear; and (e) raising effects, and have not been adequately evaluated
the affected limb at night to reduce the swelling. in filariasis-endemic areas. Current WHO
In the setting of severe lymphedema and guidelines call for the complete surgical removal
elephantiasis, the hygiene education program of the tunica vaginalis to minimize or prevent
stated above may be supplemented with the recurrence.
use of compressive bandages, stockings, manual
lymphatic drainage (massage), heat therapy,
and, in refractory cases, surgical procedures. About 120 million people worldwide
An estimated 27 million males suffer are affected by the disease, and more than
from hydroceles, and the prevalence is strongly 1 billion people are at risk (one-fifth of the
associated with the intensity of parasite world’s population), mostly in the poorest
transmission (microfilaremia prevalence). areas. Bancroftian filariasis accounts for 90%
Recent observations from Brazil, Egypt, and of cases in 83 endemic countries while the
Haiti indicate that many acute hydroceles Malayan filarial worm (and B. timori) causes
resolve spontaneously, and about 24% persist to the remainder. W. bancrofti affects more than
become chronic. Surgery is the recommended l00 million people in the tropical areas of India,
treatment for hydrocele, and if done properly, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, Africa, and
is deemed curative. Other methods such as South and Central America. India has the largest
aspiration of fluid and injection of sclerosing number of cases. B. malayi and B. timori affect
substances are less effective, are associated with 12.5 million people in Southeast Asia (Figure
hydrocele recurrence, have unacceptable side 3.11). The prevalence of infection continues to

Figure 3.11. Distribution and status of preventive chemotherapy for lymphatic filariasis, worldwide, 2010
(Accessed from
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 175

rise in tropical and subtropical countries due

to rapid growth of cities. This creates more
breeding sites for mosquitoes to transmit the
disease in areas where Culex is the vector.
In rural areas, particularly in Africa,
W. bancrofti is transmitted by the Anopheles
mosquito, which includes species that transmit
malaria. In urban areas, the major vectors are
Culex mosquitoes which can breed in latrines,
sewage, and ditches. In the Pacific region,
mosquito vectors belonging to the genus Aedes
can breed in tiny areas of clean water in the axils
of plants (Plates 3.27–3.28), empty containers, Plate 3.28. An axil of abaca:
or old tires. a breeding site of Aedes poecilus
(Courtesy of Dr. Vicente Belizario, Jr.)
In the Philippines, 45 provinces are
endemic for LF: (Region IV) Quezon Province,
Leyte, Southern Leyte, and Western Samar;
Marinduque, Oriental Mindoro, Occidental
(Region IX) Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga
Mindoro, Palawan, and Romblon; (Region
Sibugay, and Zamboanga del Sur; (Region X)
V) Albay, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur,
Bukidnon, Misamis Occidental, and Misamis
Catanduanes, Masbate, and Sorsogon; (Region
Oriental; (Region XI) Compostela Valley,
VI) Aklan, Antique, Capiz, and Iloilo; (Region
Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, and Davao
VII) Negros Oriental; (Region VIII) Biliran,
Oriental; (Region XII) North Cotabato,
Eastern Samar, Northern Samar, Northern
Saranggani, South Cotabato, and Sultan
Kudarat; (CARAGA) Agusan del Norte,
Agusan del Sur, Dinagat Islands, Surigao del
Norte, and Surigao del Sur; (ARMM) Basilan,
Maguindanao, and Sulu (Figure 3.12).
Aedes poecilus, which breeds in water
accumulated in the axils of abaca and banana
plants, is the mosquito vector in most provinces
of the Philippines. Anopheles minimus var.
flavirostris, the principal vector for malaria in
the Philippines is also the vector of W. bancrofti
in Sulu and Palawan. Malayan filariasis has been
described in Palawan, Eastern Samar, Agusan
del Sur, and Sulu. In these places, W. bancrofti,
co-exists with B. malayi. The mosquito vectors
are Mansonia bonnae which breeds in freshwater
swamps, and Mansonia uniformis which breeds
in rice fields. These mosquitoes are night biters
and they usually start biting as early as 5 p.m.
until 11 p.m. The reported prevalence is less
than 3%. Cats are important reservoir hosts
Plate 3.27. Farmer in abaca plantation and may transmit the infection to humans by
(Courtesy of Dr. Vicente Belizario, Jr.) means of the cat-mosquito-man cycle.
176 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

infected males than females. This may be due

to economic activities (e.g., abaca farming) that
increase exposure of adult males to mosquito
vectors. In the Bicol region, hydroceles are more
frequently encountered than elephantiasis of
the extremities.
Prevention and Control

The World Health Organization (WHO)

in the 50th World Health Assembly has targeted
LF for elimination by the year 2020. The Global
Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis
(GPELF) has two major goals: to interrupt
transmission of the parasite via preventive
chemotherapy, and to provide care for those
who suffer from the clinical manifestations
of LF through hygiene education programs.
The development of safe, effective, and well-
tolerated single dose microfilaricidal regimens
Figure 3.12. Map of lymphatic filariasis-endemic
provinces in the Philippines, distribution in the has resulted in effective and sustainable drug
three major island groups, and provinces delivery in endemic areas. DEC-medicated table
declared lymphatic filariasis-free by the or cooking salt has been used successfully in
Department of Health eliminating LF in some endemic areas. Besides
(Adapted from
national-filariasis-elimination-program) the commonly used filaricidal drugs, drug
development is continuously being undertaken.
The national microfilaria rate (MFR) Moxidectin has been proven in recent animal
in 1998 was 9.7%. Although the reported trials to be a very effective macrofilaricide.
prevalence rates appear to be generally low— The goal for endemic communities is to
below 3%, studies in Sorsogon have shown eliminate the presence of microfilariae in the
that microfilaria rates may be as high as 15% blood in order to prevent transmission of the
in endemic villages. In a village in Sorsogon, disease by vectors. According to the WHO,
hydrocele was present in 4% of males, while single doses of DEC in combination with
incidence of ADLA over a 1-year follow-up another drug such as albendazole or ivermectin
period was 100 cases per 1.000 population. is 99% effective in removing microfilariae
Recent studies show that Romblon province has from the blood for up to one year from
the highest CFA rate of 18.8%, and Oriental treatment. Proper control of transmission in
Mindoro has the highest microfilaria prevalence communities therefore entails the identification
rate of 12.6%. of endemic areas and implementation of mass
In the Philippines, areas endemic for LF are treatment programs using an albendazole/
in regions with the highest incidence of poverty. DEC combination; or a DEC/ivermectin
Out of a total of 80 provinces, 39 have a higher combination in areas where onchocerciasis or
poverty incidence than the national average and loiasis is prevalent. The use of albendazole/
30 of these 39 provinces are endemic for LF. DEC or albendazole/ivermectin combinations
In general, adults are more frequently offers opportunities for integrated control of
infected than children, and there are more STH and LF.
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 177

In the Philippines, the four provinces in Anitha K, Shenoy R. Treatment of lymphatic

Panay Island as well as the province of Quezon filariasis: current trends. Indian J Dermatol
were recently found to be endemic. The Venereol Leprol. 2001;67:60–5.
Department of Health (DOH) is currently Bain O, Babayan S. Behaviour of filariae:
implementing MDA activities in those morphological and anatomical signatures
provinces. According to the DOH, nine of their life style within the arthropod and
provinces have reached elimination level: vertebrate hosts. Filaria J. 2003;2:16.
Southern Leyte, Sorsogon, Biliran, Compostela Belizario V, Lariosa T, Pesigan A, Leonardia
Valley, Bukidnon, Romblon, Agusan del Sur, W, Llanto R. The clinical epidemiology of
Dinagat Islands, and North Cotabato. The lymphatic filariasis in an endemic village
criteria for a province to be declared LF-free in Sorsogon. Acta Med Philipp. 1995;
are: (a) MFR of <1%; (b) no true positives in 31(2):61–9.
children ages 2 to 4 years old; and (3) no true Belizario V, Reyes L, Solon J. Rapid assessment
positives among new school entrants. MDA methods for lymphatic filariasis in two
coverage rates for the monitoring and evaluation municipalities in Sorsogon, Philippines.
of elimination programs should be used with Final report 1998. Geneva: Special
caution. A study by Amarillo, et al. in 2008 Programme for Research and Training
revealed over-reporting, where the proportion in Tropical Diseases, World Health
of the sampled population that received and Organization.
ingested the antifilarial drugs was much lower Bennuru S, Nutman T. Lymphatics in human
than the reported coverage. lymphatic filariasis: in vitro models of
Personal protective measures may help parasite-induced lymphatic remodeling.
prevent contact with mosquito vectors. The use Lymph Res Biol. 2009;(4):215–9.
of mosquito nets as well as insecticide residual Bennuru S, Nutman T. Lymphangiogenesis and
spraying may help decrease the number of lymphatic remodeling induced by filarial
mosquito vectors at home. In addition, advances parasites: implications for pathogenesis.
in vector control include the development of PLoS Pathogens. 2009;5(12):e1000688.
Bacillus sphaericus sprays and polystyrene beads Bockarie M. Deb R. Elimination of lymphatic
to seal latrines in order to eliminate or reduce filariasis: do we have the drugs to complete
Culex vector populations. Health education the job? Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2010;3:617–
may also benefit those who, living in endemic 20.
areas which may lack awareness on the etiology, Cabrera B, Arambulo P. Human filariasis
prevention, and control of LF. in the Philippines. Acta Med Philipp.
Das PK, Ramaiah KD, Vanamail P, Pani SP,
Adiss D, Brady M. Morbidity management Yuvaraj J, Balarajan K, et al. Placebo-
in the global programme to eliminate controlled community trial of four cycles
lymphatic filariasis: a review of the scientific of single-dose diethylcarbamazine or
literature. Filaria J. 2007;6:2. ivermectin against Wuchereria bancrofti
Amarillo M, Belizario V, Sadiang-abay J, Sison infection and transmission in India. Trans
S, Dayag A. Factors associated with the R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2001;5(3):336–41.
acceptance of mass drug administration Department of Health. National filariasis
for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis in elimination program [Internet]. 2011 [cited
Agusan del Sur, Philippines. Parasit Vectors. 2012 Mar 3]. Available from http://www.
178 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Dreyer G, Addiss D, Dreyer P, Noroes L. Basic compression for filarial lymphoedema. Nat
lymphedema management: treatment and Med J India. 2002;15(4):192–4.
prevention of problems associated with Taylor M, Hoerauf A, Bockarie M. Lymphatic
lymphatic filariasis. New Hampshire: filariasis and onchocerciasis. Lancet.
Hollis Publishing Company; 2002. 2010;376:1175–85.
Galvez Tan, J. The elimination of lymphatic The Global Alliance to Eliminate Lymphatic
filariasis: a strategy for poverty alleviation Filariasis. Lymphatic filariasis [Internet].
and sustainable development—perspectives 2010 [cited 2012 Mar 3]. Available from
from the Philippines. Filaria J. 2003; 2:12. http ://www.filariasis. org/
Hernandez L. Current status of filariasis in the World Health Organization. Control of
Philippines. Southeast Asian J Trop Med lymphatic filariasis: a manual for health
Pub Health. 1993;24:8-9. personnel. Geneva: World Health
Hoerauf A. Filariasis: new drugs and new Organization; 1987.
opportunities for lymphatic filariasis and World Health Organization. WHO technical
onchocerciasis. Curr Opin Infect Dis. report series 821, lymphatic filariasis: the
2008;21:673–81. disease and its control, fifth report of the
Houston R. Salt fortified with diethylcarbamazine WHO expert committee on filariasis.
(DEC) as an effective intervention for Geneva: World Health Organization; 1992.
lymphatic filariasis, with lessons learned World Health Organization. Tropical disease
from salt iodization programmes. Parasitol. research progress 1975–94, Highlights
2000;121(suppl):S161–73. 1993–1994, Twelfth programme report of
Jenson J, O’Connor R, Osborne J, Devaney the UNDP/World Bank. WHO Special
E. Infection with Brugia microfilariae Programme for Research and Training in
induces the apoptosis of CD4+ T Tropical Diseases (TDR). Geneva: World
lymphocytes: a mechanism of immune Health Organization; 1995.
unresponsiveness in filariasis. Euro J World Health Organization. WHO fact sheet
Immunol. 2002;32(3):858–67. on lymphatic filariasis. Geneva: World
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Libranda-Ramirez B. Lymphatic filariasis World Health Organization. The global
in the Philippines. Parasitol Today. elimination of lymphatic filariasis: the
2000;16(8):329–33. story of Egypt. global elimination of
Manjula Y, Kate V, Ananthakrisnan N. Evaluation lymphatic filariasis. Geneva: World Health
of sequential intermittent pneumatic Organization; 2003.
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 179

Parastrongylus cantonensis
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Francis Isidore G. Totañes

P reviously classified under the genus

Angiostrongylus, Parastrongylus cantonensis,
or the rat lungworm, was first described
intestine. This arrangement is usually described
as the “barber’s pole” pattern. The morphologic
features may be observed through the worm’s
by Chen in 1935 from domestic rats in transparent cuticle. The posterior end of the
Canton, China. The nematode, which normally female worm is blunt shaped. A single female
lives in rat lungs, has been known to cause worm can lay up to 15,000 eggs daily.
eosinophilic meningoencephalitis in man. The elongated ovoidal eggs have delicate
Human infection was first reported in Taiwan hyaline shells. They measure 46 to 48 μm by
in 1945. Parastrongyliasis outbreaks in the 68 to 74 μm and are unembryonated when
Pacific islands have been documented since oviposited. The 1st stage larva, found in the
then, and more than 2,800 cases have already lungs of the rodent host, has a distinct small
been reported worldwide. knob near the tip of the tail. Two well-developed
chitinous rods below its buccal cavity identify
Parasite Biology
the third stage larva. These rods have expanded
The adult worm, which is pale and filiform, knob-like tips.
has a length of 17 to 25 mm (Plate 3.29). Male Rats are the definitive hosts of P. cantonensis.
worms measure 16 to 22 mm in length and Rats are infected through ingestion of the third
0.25 to 0.35 mm in diameter. They have a well- stage larvae. The larvae penetrate the stomach
developed caudal bursa, which is kidney-shaped wall and travel in the bloodstream until they
and single-lobed. Female worms measure 19 reach the central nervous system. They undergo
to 33 mm in length and 0.28 to 0.50 mm two molts, which take about 2 weeks, before
in diameter. The female worms have uterine they reach maturity. Early development occurs
tubules that are wound spirally around the in the brain. After the final molt in rats, the
young adults migrate to the pulmonary arteries
to complete their development. After 2 weeks,
the adult females start laying eggs.
Adult worms live in the two main branches
of the pulmonary arteries of the rat. In the
bloodstream, gravid females lay eggs, which are
transported into the smaller vessels of the lungs.
After 6 days, eggs hatch and release the first
stage larvae that penetrate into the respiratory
tract. The larvae then migrate up to the trachea
and reach the oropharynx where they are then
swallowed and eventually expelled in the feces.
It takes about 6 to 8 weeks from infection before
the rat excretes 1st stage larvae (Figure 3.13).
The first stage larva is the infective stage
Plate 3.29. Parastrongylus adults for the molluscan intermediate host. In the
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, Philippines, the known intermediate hosts
180 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 3.13. Life cycle of Parastrongylus cantonensis

(Accessed from

include the following slugs and snails: Achatina Although the mechanism by which humans
fulica (Plate 3.30) or giant African snail, get infected is not yet entirely clear, transmission
Hemiplecta sagittifera, Helicostyla macrostoma, is usually attributed to: (a) ingestion of the raw
Vaginilus plebeius, and Veronicella altae. Its mode mollusk intermediate host infected with the
of infection is by ingestion or active penetration. third stage larva; (b) ingestion of leafy vegetables
In the mollusk, larva eventually develops into contaminated with mucus secretions of the
the 3rd larval stage in about 12 days. mollusk carrying the infective stage (3rd larval
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 181

worms may also be seen in the cerebrum and

cerebellum. Eosinophils, monocytes, and
foreign body giant cells in the spinal cord or
in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are usually
associated with the infection. The CSF usually
contains 100 to 1,000 leukocytes per μL. Adult
worms have also been recovered from the eyes
and pulmonary arteries of patients. Large
numbers of Charcot-Leyden crystals have also
been demonstrated in the meninges. Dead
worms can also result in inflammatory reaction
and local tissue necrosis.
Plate 3.30. Achatina fulica, the intermediate host Prognosis is usually good. In most cases,
of Parastrongylus cantonensis the disease is mild and no hospitalization is
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, necessary. The infection is self-limited and
UP-CPH) symptoms gradually disappear with recovery.
Meningeal symptoms are often the first to
stage) of the parasite; (c) ingestion of a paratenic subside, followed by improvements in vision,
host, such as freshwater prawn or crab harboring and relief from paresthesia. Cranial nerve
the infective stage of the parasite; or (d) drinking involvement is the last to recover. Permanent
of contaminated water. neurologic deficits have been documented, and
When humans get infected, the larvae pass in rare cases, the disease may result in death.
through the stomach into the intestine, enter
the circulatory system and migrate to the brain
or spinal cord, or occasionally migrate into the Diagnosis of parastrongyliasis in humans
eye chamber. In humans, however, the larvae is relatively difficult, since the primary site of
probably remain in the brain for a longer period infection is the brain. Presumptive diagnosis
of time and do not develop to the adult stage. may be made based on travel and exposure
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
history, correlated with clinical symptoms,
medical history, laboratory findings, brain
In most cases, the incubation period is imaging results, and serological tests.
around 6 to 15 days, but may vary from 12 to 47 Examination of blood may reveal a high
days. The chief complaint in many cases is acute, proportion of eosinophils, comprising 7 to
severe, intermittent occipital or bitemporal 36% of the white blood cell (WBC) count.
headache. Other common symptoms include Examination of CSF may contribute to increased
stiffness of the neck, paresthesia, vomiting, sensitivity in the diagnosis of parastrongyliasis.
fever, nausea, blurred vision or diplopia, CSF eosinophilia of greater than 10% in
body or muscle pain, and fatigue. Confusion, proportion to WBC will exclude other common
incoherence, disorientation, memory lapses, causes of meningitis. The CSF protein level in
or coma have also been observed during most patients is mildly elevated, while the CSF
illness. Intraocular hemorrhage and retinal glucose is normal. However, other infections
detachment as associated complications have (e.g., cysticercosis, trichinosis, visceral larva
also been reported. Postmortem examination migrans, schistosomiasis, paragonimiasis, and
may show leptomeningitis, encephalomalacia gnathostomiasis) involving the central nervous
and moderate ventricular dilation. Immature system must first be ruled out.
182 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Meningeal lesions may be appreciated Further studies showed that its prevalence
with the use of computed tomography (CT) in rats is less than 7%. The presence of P.
scan. CT scans may also reveal non-specific cantonensis as a parasite of rats and/or snails
cerebral edema and ventricular dilatation. has been reported in the following provinces
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may show of Luzon: Batangas, Bulacan, Cavite, Ilocos
lesions with hyperintense T2 signal. Although Norte, Laguna, Mountain Province, Nueva
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) Ecija, Pampanga, Pangasinan, Quezon, Rizal,
for the diagnosis of parastrongyliasis is still not Sorsogon, Tarlac, and Metro Manila. Two cases
commercially available, a dot-blot ELISA that of ocular parastrongyliasis have been reported
tests blood has been demonstrated to be 100% from the East Avenue Medical Center. The
sensitive and specific for use in epidemiological patients were blood relatives coming from
surveys. In addition, serum antigens from P. Isabela who have eating history of improperly
cantonensis can also be detected by immuno- cooked snails. The worms were identified at
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). the College of Public Health, University of the
Philippines Manila.
Prevention and Control
No a n t h e l m i n t h i c t r e a t m e n t i s
recommended at present, although mebendazole The main preventive strategy against
and albendazole have been demonstrated to parastrongyliasis is through awareness and
effectively treat parastrongyliasis in China, education on proper eating habits and safe
Taiwan, and Thailand. Anthelminthic therapy food preparation. The public should be
has been shown to relieve symptoms and discouraged from eating raw or poorly cooked
reduce the duration of the disease. Ocular mollusks or unwashed vegetables. Hand
parastrongyliasis may require surgical removal washing after gardening should also be advised.
of worms from the eyes. Symptomatic treatment Farmers occasionally use molluscicides, such
with the use of analgesics and lumbar puncture as metaldehyde or iron phosphate food bait
can relieve the headaches experienced by the pellets to control intermediate hosts. Copper
patient with eosinophilic meningitis. Prednisone barriers against snails and slugs are also
30 mg daily is recommended, particularly in utilized by farmers to prevent contamination
severe cases with cranial nerve involvement. of vegetable and fruit crops. Health workers in
The anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive endemic areas should also be educated on the
effects of steroids are helpful in mitigating the diagnosis, treatment, control, and prevention
disease process. of parastrongyliasis.
Epidemiology References

Human infection with P. cantonensis was Chen ER. Angiostrongyliasis and eosinophilic
first reported in 1945 by Nomura and Lin in meningitis in Taiwan: a review.. In: Cross
Taiwan. As a human parasite, P. cantonensis has JH, editor. Studies on angiostrongyliasis
also been documented in approximately 30 in East Asia and Australia. Taipei, Taiwan:
countries including Thailand, China, Tahiti, U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2,;
French Polynesia, USA, Cuba, New Caledonia, 1979. p. 57–73.
Japan, Australia, Vanuatu, India, and the Cross JH. Public health importance of
Philippines. Angiostrongylus cantonensis and its relations.
In the Philippines, Nishimura and Yogore Parasitol Today. 1987;367–9.
reported the presence of Parastrongylus in rats.
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 183

Eamsobhana P, Yoolek A, Kreethapon N. meningitis. J Clin Microbiol. 1979;9:629–

Blinded multi-laboratory evaluation of an 30.
in-house dot-blot ELISA kit for diagnosis of Lu S, Zhang Y, Steinmann P, Zhou XN.
human parastrongyliasis. Southeast Asian J Emerging angiostrongyliasis in Mainland
Trop Med Public Health. 2003;34(1):1–6. China. Emer Infect Dis. 2008;14(1):161–
Hollyer JR, Troegner VA, Cowie RH, 4.
Hollingsworth RG, Nakamura-Tengan Manson-Bahr PE, Bell DR. Manson’s tropical
LC, Castro LC, et al. Best on-farm food diseases. 19th ed. London: Bailliere Tindall;
safety practices: reducing risks associated 1987. p. 564–7.
with rat lungworm infection and human Peters W, Pasvol G. Atlas of Tropical Medicine
eosinophilic meningitis. Honolulu and Parasitology. 6th ed. Philadephia:
(Hawaii): College of Tropical Agriculture Elsevier Ltd.; 2007. p. 242–4.
and Human Resources, University of Punyagupta S. Angiostrongyliasis: clinical
Hawaii; 2010. features and human pathology. In: Cross
Jitpimolmard S, Sawanyawisuth K, Morakote JH, editor. Studies on angystrongylosis in
N, Vejjajiva A, Puntumetakul M, East Asia Australia. Taipei (Taiwan): US
Sanchaisuriya K, et al. Albendazole therapy Naval Medical Research Unit No.2; 1979.
for eosinophilic meningitis caused by p. 138–50.
Angiostrongylus cantonensis. Parasitol Res. Theravanij S. Immmunology of
2007;100:1293–6. angiostrongyliasis. In: Cross JH, editor.
Koo J, Pien F, Keiks MM. Angiostrongylus Studies on angiostrongyliasis in Eastern
eosinophilic meningitis. Rev Infect Dis. Asia and Australia. Taipei (Taiwan): US
1988;10:1155–62. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2; 1979.
Kuberski T, Bart RD, Briley JM, Rosen L. p. 151–64.
Recovery of Angiostrongylus cantonensis Wang QP, Lai DH, Zhu XQ, Chen XG, Lun
from spinal fluid of a child with eosiniphilic ZR. Human angiostrongyliasis. Lancet
Infect Dis. 2008;8:621–30.
184 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Trichinella spiralis
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Francis Isidore G. Totañes

T richinella was first described by Tiedemann

in 1822. In 1835, James Paget and Richard
Owen demonstrated Trichinella in human
the body. In addition, the female worm has an
oviduct, a seminal receptacle, a coiled uterus,
a vagina, and a vulva. The vulva is situated in
cadavers in London. Before the turn of the the anterior 5th on the ventral side of the body.
century, German investigators were able to The viviparous female lives for 30 days and is
prove that raw or insufficiently cooked meat capable of producing more than 1,500 larvae
(i.e., pork) was responsible for trichinellosis in in its lifetime.
humans. Trichinellosis was initially attributed to The larva measures 80 to 120 µm by
a single species, T. spiralis, but the discovery of 5.6 μm at birth, but reaches the size of 0.65
marked strain differences in Trichinella isolates to 1.45 mm in length and 0.026 to 0.040
have led to the identification of new species. mm in width after it enters a muscle fiber. It
There are eight recognized species and has a spear-like, burrowing anterior tip. The
three genotypes under the genus Trichinella. digestive tract of a mature larva encysted in a
Trichinella spiralis is the most important cause muscle fiber resembles that of the adult worm.
of trichinellosis in humans, and is the species The reproductive organs, at this stage, are not
that is most adapted to domestic and wild yet fully developed but even then, it is already
pigs. Trichinella britovi, on the other hand, possible to identify the sex of the parasite.
is the most widely distributed species among In Trichinella infection, the host (i.e.,
wild animals in Asia, Europe, Northern humans, rats, dogs, cats, pigs, bears, foxes,
Africa, and Western Africa, although it can walruses, or any other carnivore or omnivore)
also infect domestic pigs. T. britovi is the 2nd serves as both the final and intermediate host by
most common Trichinella species affecting harboring both the adult and the larval stages.
humans. Trichinella nativa infects primarily Infective larvae are usually encysted in the
wild carnivores in the frigid zones of Asia, North muscle fibers of the host (Plate 3.31).
America, and North Eastern Europe. Other
species that have been known to cause human
trichinellosis include T. murrelli, T. nelsoni, T.
papuae, and T. pseudospiralis.
Parasite Biology

The adult male, which measures 0.62 to

1.58 mm by 0.025 to 0.033 mm, has a single
testis located near the posterior end of the body,
and is joined in the mid-body by the genital
tube which, in turn, extends back to the cloaca.
The posteriorly-located cloaca has a pair of
caudal appendages and two pairs of papillae.
The adult female measures about 1.26 to 3.35 Plate 3.31. Trichinella spiralis larvae in muscle
mm by 0.029 to 0.038 mm, and has a single (Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
ovary which is situated in the posterior part of
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 185

The infective encysted larvae enter the After a few days, the female worm deposits
host through ingestion of raw or insufficiently larvae in the mucosa. The larvae penetrate the
cooked meat. The cysts are digested in the mucosa, pass through the lymphatic system into
stomach, and the larvae excyst either in the the circulation, and finally into striated muscles
stomach or in the small intestine. The larvae (Figure 3.14). In the muscles, the larvae grow
then burrow into the subepithelium of the villi and develop. After about 3 weeks, they start
where they undergo four molts. Maturation to coil into individual cysts. Encapsulation is
takes about 2 days, and adult worms begin to completed 4 to 5 weeks after infection. The larva
mate 5 to 7 days post infection. The female in the cyst remains viable for many years. The
produces eggs that grow into larvae in its uterus. average lifespan of the encysted larva is about 5

Figure 3.14. Life cycle of Trichinella spiralis

(Accessed from
186 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

to 10 years, and can survive for up to 40 years in dyspnea, dysphagia, and difficulty in chewing.
humans. In humans, calcification of the collagen Occasionally, there is paralysis of the extremities
capsule in the infected muscle cell and the larva and splenomegaly. In severe cases, there may be
may occur. This process may be observed 6 to gastric and intestinal hemorrhages.
12 months after infection and may lead to the Larval migration into the heart muscle
destruction or death of the larva. can result in pericardial pain, tachycardia, and
electrocardiogram abnormalities. Pericardial
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
effusion, congestive heart failure, and other
The severity of symptoms depends on chronic heart abnormalities have also been
the intensity of infection. Patients with light observed. Neurological complications, which
infection, i.e., harboring up to 10 larvae, are are caused by small subacute cortical infarcts,
usually asymptomatic, while patients with may occur in chronic infections. Meningitis
moderate infection (50-500 larvae) show and meningoencephalitis may also develop.
symptoms. Infection with a few hundred In heavy infections, ocular disturbances,
larvae can result in gastroenteritis, diarrhea, diplegia, deafness, epileptiform attacks, and
and abdominal pain approximately two days coma may occur. In the convalescent phase,
post infection. Infection with 100 to 300 larvae fever, weakness, pain, and other symptoms
may lead to symptomatic trichinellosis, while start to abate. Full recovery is expected since
more than 1,000 to 3,000 larvae can result in trichinellosis is a self-limiting disease. However,
severe disease. protean neurologic signs arising from brain
Clinical manifestations vary depending on damage may persist.
the stage of the parasite. The clinical conditions Prognosis is good, especially in mild
are divided into three phases, namely: enteric infections. Death is uncommon except in
phase, invasion phase, and convalescent phase. cases of heart failure, encephalitis, or other
These correspond to the stages of: (a) incubation complications such as pneumonia or septicemia.
and intestinal invasion, (b) larval migration Low-grade or absent peripheral blood
and muscle invasion, and (c) encystment and eosinophilia is indicative of poor prognosis.
Symptoms in the enteric phase may
resemble those of an attack of acute food The most definitive diagnostic examination
poisoning, including diarrhea or constipation, is the demonstration of the larva through
vomiting, abdominal cramps, malaise, and muscle biopsy. Muscle biopsy is done through
nausea. During the invasion phase, the histological examination of 0.2 to 0.5 g of
migrating larvae and resulting metabolites lead muscle tissue. Digestion of muscle samples with
to immunological, pathological, and metabolic pepsin and hydrochloric acid can also be done
reactions. Inflammatory reaction to the infection to determine the number of larvae per gram
results in eosinophilia, which results in the of muscle, or to isolate larvae for molecular
release of histamines. Histamines, serotonins, characterization. The digestion technique,
bradykinins, and prostaglandins contribute to however, is limited to muscle larvae that are
an increase in vascular permeability, resulting about 10 to 12 days old (about 2-3 weeks post
in tissue edema. The cardinal signs and infection) since younger larvae may be destroyed
symptoms of trichinellosis include severe by the digestion fluid.
myalgia, periorbital edema, and eosinophilia. Non-specific laboratory tests to detect
Other typical signs and symptoms include eosinophilia, muscle enzymes (creatine
high remittent fever and chills, headache, phosphokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 187

myokinase), and total IgE in serum may be children 2 years and older, albendazole should
useful in diagnosis. An algorithm for the be given at 10 mg/kg body weight. A treatment
diagnosis of individual cases is shown in Table cycle may be repeated five days after the initial
3.4. cycle in case of severe infection. Thiabendazole
is no longer used due to its associated adverse
Table 3.4. Algorithm for the diagnosis of the drug reactions.
probability of acute trichinellosis in humans Supportive treatment through analgesics
and antipyretics is commonly used to control
Group Symptom symptoms. Corticosteroids may be given with
A Fever, eyelid and/or facial edema, myalgia anthelminthics to control hypersensitivity
B Diarrhea, neurological signs, cardiac signs, reactions to the larvae, and may also be given
conjunctivitis, subungual hemorrhages,
cutaneous rash to treat acute vasculitis and myositis.
C Eosinophilia (>1,000 eosinophils/ml) and/ Epidemiology
or increased total IgE levels, increased
levels of muscular enzymes
Trichinella infections in humans have
D Positive serology (with a highly specific test),
seroconversion, positive muscular biopsy already been documented in 55 countries
worldwide. There are about 10,000 cases
reported each year, 0.2% resulting in mortality.
The diagnosis of trichinellosis is very Human trichinellosis occurs wherever meat
unlikely in the occurrence of only one symptom is a part of the diet. Outbreaks have been
from group A, B or C. Trichinellosis may be reported in Argentina, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
suspected in the presence of one symptom China, France, Laos, Romania, Spain, Sweden,
from group A or two from group B, and one Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and
from group C, while a diagnosis is probable Vietnam. Trichinella infection has never been
when there are three group A and one group documented in a small number of island
C symptoms. Diagnosis is highly probable in countries, including the Philippines.
the presence of three group A and two group Trichinellosis is primarily a zoonosis.
C symptoms. A diagnosis is confirmed in case Humans get infected after ingestion of raw
of three group A, two group C, and one group or insufficiently cooked meat from infected
D symptoms; or any of symptom from group animals. The infection is usually maintained in
A or B, and one from group C and one from a pig-to-pig or pig-to-rat-to-pig cycle.
group D.
Prevention and Control
Currently, enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay (ELISA) is recommended for the diagnosis Health education is an important
of trichinellosis. Confirmation of ELISA- component of prevention and control
positive samples may be done through Western measures against this parasitic infection. It
blot technique. Latex agglutination technique is recommended that meat be cooked at a
may be utilized for rapid (<1 hour) confirmation minimum of 77°C (170°F). Freezing is another
of trichinellosis. way to kill larvae. Storage at –15°C for 20 days
or –30°C for six days is suggested. Smoking,
salting, or drying meat is not effective. Other
The treatment of choice for trichinellosis control measures include regular animal
is mebendazole 5 mg/kg body weight daily, or monitoring (meat inspection or detection of
albendazole 15 mg/kg body weight per day circulating antibodies), keeping pigs in rat-free
in two divided doses, for 10 to 15 days. For pens, and proper disposal of suspected carcasses.
188 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

References Gottstein B, Pozio E, Nockler K. Epidemiology,

diagnosis, treatment, and control of
Beaver PC, Jung RC, Cupp EW. Clinical
trichinellosis. Clin Microbiol Rev.
parasitology. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Lea and
Febiger; 1984.
Murrell KD, Lichtenfels RJ, Zarlenga DS,
Blaga R, Durand B, Antoniu S, Gherman C,
Pozio E. The systematics of the genus
Cretu CM, Cozma V, et al. A dramatic
Trichinella with a key to species. Vet
increase in the incidence of human
Parasitol. 2000;93(3-4):293–307.
trichinellosis in Romania over the past
Nockler K, Kapel CM. Detection and
25 years: impact of political changes and
surveillance for Trichinella: Meat inspection
regional food habits. Am J Trop Med Hyg.
and hygiene, and legislation. In: Dupouy-
Camet J, Murrell KD, editors. FAO/
Dupouy-Camet, J, Bruschi F. Management
WHO/OIE guidelines for the surveillance,
and diagnosis of human trichinellosis. In:
management, prevention and control
Dupouy-Camet J, Murrell KD, editors.
of trichinellosis. Paris (France): World
FAO/WHO/OIE guidelines for the
Organisation for Animal Health Press;
surveillance, management, prevention and
2007. p. 69–98.
control of trichinellosis. Paris (France):
Pozio E. World distribution of Trichinella spp.
World Organisation for Animal Health
infections in animals and humans. Vet
Press; 2007. p. 37–68.
Parasitol. 2007;149:3–21.
Goldsmith R, Heyneman D. Tropical medicine
and parasitology. Connecticut: Appleton
and Lange; 1989.
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 189

Anisakis spp.
Winifreda U. de Leon

A nisakids are nematode parasites of whales,

dolphins, porpoises, walruses, seals,
sea lions, and other deep marine mammals.
ingestion by marine mammals, the 3rd stage
larvae molt twice and develop into adult worms.
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
Like any nematode, anisakids have elongated
vermiform bodies without segmentation. They Humans may ingest the 3rd stage larvae
have a complete digestive tract, and the sexes are from raw or improperly cooked infected fish.
separate. Although they are parasites of marine The 3rd stage larvae, however, do not develop
mammals, they can cause gastrointestinal into the adults in the human gut. Larval
infections and allergic reactions in humans infection with anisakids is called anisakiasis
with the consumption of raw and undercooked or, more recently, anisakidosis. It may result
squid and fish containing the 3rd stage larvae in gastric and intestinal pathology. A second
of the parasite. Commonly involved infective manifestation of morbidity brought about
species are Anisakis simplex and Pseudoterranova by the parasites is an allergic reaction to the
decipiens. Related species include Contracaecum chemicals secreted by the worms.
sp. and Hysterothylacium sp. Ingested larvae invade the submucosa
of the stomach or the intestines, resulting in
Parasite Biology
hemorrhage and inflammation. The larvae may
The adult worms embedded in the gastric die and detach. However, if the penetration is
wall of the marine mammal host discharge deep, a tumor-like granuloma surrounded by
unembryonated eggs into the sea. The 1st stage inflammatory cells and eosinophils will develop.
larvae that develop inside the eggs molt into the Gastric anisakidosis is usually less acute and less
2nd stage larvae that hatch out of the egg. The exudative than the intestinal form.
free swimming 2nd stage larvae are ingested by Gastric anisakidosis has an acute
micro-crustaceans, where the 3rd stage larvae presentation, occurring within 1 to 12 hours
develop. Going up the predatory food chain, after ingestion of infective larvae. Most
the third stage larvae are transported to various patients complain of severe abdominal pain
paratenic hosts, like squid and several species accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The
of fish. Usually, the 3rd stage larvae are more acute symptoms may eventually subside, with
concentrated in fish viscera but may occasionally vague but persistent abdominal pain and
be found in the fish muscles (Figure 3.15). intermittent bouts of nausea and vomiting.
The 3rd stage larvae of Anisakis simplex are Occasionally, the larvae may be regurgitated.
milky white in color, measuring 19 to 36 mm Symptoms may be mistaken for peptic ulcer
in length, with a long stomach, and a blunt disease, cholecystitis, or even gastroenteritis.
tail with mucron, and are referred to as Type I When the larvae pass into the intestines, a
larvae. Other species of Anisakis have third stage severe eosinophilic granulomatous response may
larvae with shorter stomachs and blunt tails, and occur 1 to 2 weeks following infection. Intestinal
are called Type II larvae. The 3rd stage larvae anisakidosis usually mimics appendicitis,
of Pseudoterranova are yellowish brown in color Crohn’s disease, intestinal obstruction, or
measuring 25 to 50 mm in length. Following diverticulitis.
190 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 3.15. Life cycle of Anisakids

(Accessed from

Outside of these more common locations, When the oropharynx is involved, the
the larvae have been found invading the presentation is commonly known as “tingling
oropharynx, esophagus, and colon. This throat syndrome.”
condition is referred to as ectopic anisakidosis.
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 191

Acute allergic reactions have been reported There have been reported cases from Egypt as
in anisakidosis, when biochemical substances well. The condition is more common in the
are released by the parasites into the flesh of the coastal population of these countries due to the
host fish. Urticaria, asthma, conjunctivitis, and consumption of raw and inadequately cooked
contact dermatitis have been observed among fish. In the Philippines, anisakidosis has not yet
workers in fish and marine products processing been documented.
factories and are forms of occupational Considered to be high risk for anisakidosis
hypersensitivity. are fish dishes such as Japanese sushi and
sashimi, pickled anchovies, gravlax, salted and
smoked herring, and possibly fish bagoong as
Anisakidosis should be highly suspected well as fish kinilaw in the Philippines. Salting,
if there is a recent history of eating raw marinating, pickling, smoking, and other curing
or improperly cooked fish or squid prior techniques are effective against some foodborne
to the acute onset of symptoms. Through pathogens, but not for anisakid larvae.
gastroscopic/endoscopic examination, the larvae Several species of marine fish and
can be visualized and removed for identification. cephalophods (squid) have been found to be
Intestinal anisakidosis is more difficult to infected with anisakid larvae. Mostly involved
establish, and may be diagnosed only after are the Pacific/Atlantic cod, Pacific halibut, red
surgery. Serological procedures to detect specific snapper, mackerel, eels, salmon, and anchovies.
antibodies have been employed with good In the Philippines, anisakid larvae have been
results, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent found in blue mackerel scad (galunggong), but
assay (ELISA), and radioallergosorbent test the prevalence and density of the larvae seems
(RAST). to be seasonal. Infected eels (palos) have been
found in Cebu, Mactan, and Leyte.
The increasing number of cases is believed
The main approach is to mechanically to be due to multi-factorial causes. Deep
remove the larva using endoscopic forceps. sea marine mammals are currently being
It is strongly recommended that endoscopic protected. Therefore, there has been an
removal be done early to avoid invasion of increase in the population of the definitive
the gastric submucosa. Corticosteroids have hosts. The worldwide distribution of the
been used in cases of allergic anisakidosis but anisakid nematodes may result in widespread
clinical trials have not been performed. A contamination of marine fish and squid. The
possible therapeutic benefit from albendazole increasing popularity of the consumption of
for intestinal anisakidosis has been reported sushi and sashimi globally may also contribute
in Spain. to the increase in cases.
Epidemiology Control and Prevention

Human anisakidosis is not a very common In order to best control and prevent
infection, but it has been reported from all anisakidosis, marine fish, squid, and
over the world. In Asia, the majority of reports shellfish must be thoroughly cooked prior
have come from Japan and Korea, while in to consumption. For raw or undercooked
Europe, human cases have been identified preparations, fish and shellfish must undergo
in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, blast freezing at –35°C for at least 15 hours.
Spain, and the United Kingdom. It has also Freezing at –20°C for 7 days has also been
been reported in North and South America. found to be effective. Furthermore, raising the
192 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

awareness of both producers and consumers of Kliks MM. Anisakiasis in the western United
potentially infectious products through health States: four new case reports in Calufornia.
education may be helpful. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1983;32:526.
Oshima T. Anisakiasis—is sushi bar guilty?
Parasitol Today. 1987;3:44.
Amato Neto V, Amato JG, Amato VS. Probable Pacios E, Arias-Diaz J, Zuloaga J, Gonzalez-
recognition of human anisakiasis in Armengol J, Villarroel P, Balibrea JL.
Brazil. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo. Albendazole for the treatment of anisakiasis
2007;49(4):261–2. ileus. Clin Infect Dis. 2005;41(12):1825–
Audicana TM, Kennedy MW. Anisakis simplex 6.
from obscure infectious worm to inducer Petersen F, Palm H, Cuzi MA. Flesh parasites
of immune hypersensitivity. Clin Microbiol of fish in Central Philippine Waters. Dis
Rev. 2008;21(2):360–79. Aquat Org. 1993;15:81–6.
Jueco NL, Bobis TA , Ramirez LM. Seasonal Sakanari JA, Mckerrow JH. Anisakiasis. Clin
prevalence and density of Anisakis larvae Micro Rev. 1989;2:278.
in fish (galunggong) sold in public Velasquez CC. Resume of findings on Anisakis
markets in Manila. J Philipp Med Assoc. larvae. Philipp Zool Soc. 1976;4:17.
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 193

Toxocara canis
Toxocara cati
Ernesto C. Balolong, Jr., Winifreda U. de Leon

T oxocariasis is a zoonotic disease which may

present as a public health problem with
stray dogs and cats common in urban areas. The
Parasite Biology

Toxocara canis completes its life cycle in

dogs (Figure 3.16). Following ingestion by the
disease is caused by larvae of Toxocara canis and
canine hosts, the larvae emerge from the eggs,
Toxocara cati, roundworms found in dogs and
penetrate the gut wall, and migrate into various
cats, respectively. When infective eggs of these
tissues, where they encyst. In younger dogs,
roundworms are ingested by humans, larvae
the larvae, after hatching, migrate through the
are released and penetrate the intestinal wall
circulatory system to the lungs and trachea.
then migrate via the veins into the liver and the
They eventually are coughed out, swallowed,
rest of the body, where they remain as larvae.
and then develop into the adult stage in the
Toxocara spp. belong to the Family Toxocaridae
small intestine in about 60 to 90 days after
and Order Ascaridida.

Figure 3.16. Life cycle of Toxocara canis

(Accessed from
194 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

hatching. The female nematode produces Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations

about 200,000 eggs per day which are shed
At least three clinical forms of TC had been
in an unembryonated form but become
reported in humans; these include visceral larva
infective after 2 weeks to several months.
migrants (VLM), ocular larva migrants (OLM),
These non-infective eggs need several weeks of
and covert toxocariasis (CoTOX). VLM and
optimal environmental conditions (10-35°C,
OLM, although presented as independent
high soil humidity) to develop into infective
clinical manifestations, can coexist.
embryonated eggs. The embryonated eggs are
The VLM is the result of migration
resistant to freezing, moisture, and extreme pH
and subsequent death of the larvae in the
levels for at least a year. Meanwhile in older
different tissues and organs, producing an
female dogs, the encysted stages are reactivated
intense inflammatory response manifested
during pregnancy, and infect their puppies
as eosinophilic granulomas. It is observed
through the transplacental and transmammary
that the liver, lungs, central nervous system,
routes, with the adult worms establishing in the
and eyes are the most sensitive. Wheezing is
small intestine. Eggs therefore are excreted both
a common sign of VLM, along with other
by infected lactating females and puppies. In
lower respiratory symptoms, more commonly,
most adult dogs with some degree of acquired
bronchospasm. Progression to eosinophilic
immunity, the larvae undergo larval migration
pneumonia and respiratory failure has been
to tissues and remain encysted. These encysted
reported. Isolated reports describe diffused
larvae may then be released after predation.
non-cavitating pulmonary nodules and pleural
Toxocara canis can also be transmitted to non-
effusions. VLM is usually associated with liver
canid mammals (e.g., rabbits, chicken, cattle,
enlargement and necrosis. Histopathology
sheep) or carried by earthworms, ants, and other
studies usually reveal granulomatous hepatitis.
soil-dwelling invertebrates through ingestion
The spleen is enlarged less often than the
of organs and muscle tissue of paratenic hosts
liver. Generalized lymphadenopathy is an
containing parasite egg or larvae.
infrequent manifestation of toxocariasis.
The cat roundworm, T. cati, follows a
Although infrequently involved, the heart
life cycle similar to that of T. canis except that
can be affected, with myocarditis as the most
vertical transmission is attributed more to
common problem. Loeffler endomyocarditis
lactation than transplacental transmission. T.
has also been reported.
cati causes fewer cases of human infection than
The OLM is expressed with signs and
T. canis, most likely because of the defecation
symptoms manifested in the eyes, and occurs
patterns of cats, which make environmental
usually in children 5 to 10 years old. Unilateral
contamination­­ less frequent.
visual impairment sometimes with strabismus
Humans are accidental hosts and become
is common. It is considered to be the result
infected by ingesting infective eggs from
of a very few larvae. Occasionally, one larva is
contaminated soil. After ingestion, the eggs
able to invade and affect almost all the ocular
hatch and release larvae that penetrate the
structures. The most serious consequence is
intestinal wall and are carried by the circulation
the invasion of the retina. Other ocular lesions
to different organs (e.g., liver, heart, lungs,
include posterior pole granuloma, peripheral
brain, muscle, and eyes). While the larvae do
granuloma, or a condition similar to chronic
not develop into adult worms in the human
endophthalmitis. Blindness is also common.
host, they can cause severe local reactions that
CoTOX is the medical term used to identify
may result in significant damage.
a less specific syndrome where most patients are
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 195

asymptomatic and eosinophilia is less frequent. In addition to the blood test, diagnosis of
Usual symptoms may include: coughing, toxocariasis includes identifying the presence
wheezing, chronic or recurrent abdominal pain, of typical clinical signs of OLM or VLM and a
hepatomegaly, sleep disturbances, headache, history of exposure to cats and dogs.
malaise, and anorexia. Manifestations such Medical imaging techniques can be used
as polyarthralgias, monoarthritis, migratory to detect and localize granulomatous lesions
cutaneous lesions, and small-vessel vasculitis due to Toxocara larvae. Abdominal ultrasound
may coincide with VLM. had shown multiple hypoechoic areas in
A n o t h e r re c o g n i z e d s y n d r o m e i s livers of patients who initially presented with
neurological toxocariasis, which is also one of hepatomegaly, eosinophilia, and a positive
the causes of encephalitis. Larvae may migrate Toxocara serology. Using computed tomography
to the brain, meninges, and may be found (CT), hepatic lesions appear as low-density
present in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Solitary areas. In the CNS, more sensitive magnetic
mass lesions may be observed in the brain resonance imaging (MRI) may reveal granulomas
tissue causing seizures, static encephalopathy, appearing as hyper-intense areas.
arachnoiditis, spinal cord lesions, optic neuritis,
and eosinophilic meningitis, a form of aseptic
meningitis in which the WBCs in the CSF Visceral toxocariasis can be treated with
mainly consist of eosinophils. antiparasitic drugs such as albendazole or
mebendazole, usually in combination with
anti-inflammatory medications. Although
Toxocariasis in human is difficult to most patients with toxocariasis recover without
diagnose because the symptoms of toxocariasis therapy, for those patients with neurological
are similar to the symptoms of other infections. toxocariasis or lung or cardiac complications,
Fecalysis cannot be utilized in the evaluation of anthelminthic treatment is mandatory. Patients
human toxocariasis as eggs are not produced or presenting with inflammatory reaction due to
excreted. Definitive diagnosis of toxocariasis is higher doses of praziquantel or albendazole
based on the detection of larvae from biopsy were found to respond very well to steroids.
tissues, but this test is time-consuming and Treatment of ocular toxocariasis is more difficult
difficult to perform. Currently, diagnosis is and usually consists of measures to prevent
commonly based on clinical and serologic progressive damage to the eye.
tests. Commercial immunoglobulin G (IgG)
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
kits are available wherein Toxocara excretory- Human toxocariasis is primarily a soil-
secretory (TES) antigens are used to detect transmitted zoonosis with the infection
IgG antibodies against the larvae. In general, more commonly found in children than
however, these assays do not have adequate adults. Children are more at risk because
specificity for use in countries where other soil- of their tendency to play in soil and exhibit
transmitted helminths are endemic. Western geophagia or soil eating, thus increasing the
blot is more specific but is unable to differentiate risk of toxocariasis. Cases are more frequently
between new and old infections. Polymerase seen in children living in homes and in
chain reaction (PCR) has good results in the neighborhoods where dogs and puppies are not
identification of Toxocara species in tissues using dewormed. Poor personal hygiene as well as
animal models. consumption of inadequately washed vegetables
196 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

grown in contaminated gardens may result in minimize environmental contamination with

chronic low-dose infections. Less commonly, eggs. Adult cats and dogs should be treated
zoonotic toxocariasis infection is associated every 6 months. Treatment of female dogs is
with consumption of raw meat from potential also indicated after each estrus cycle.
paratenic hosts, such chickens, lambs or Gardens should be fenced to prevent fecal
rabbits. The seroprevalence of toxocariasis was contamination by dogs and cats. Vegetables
significantly higher among persons frequently gathered from possibly contaminated gardens
eating raw or undercooked liver than in persons should be thoroughly washed, and the
who ate their meat that has been sufficiently consumption of raw or undercooked meat that
cooked. This suggests that infective larvae can could harbor Toxocara larvae should be avoided.
be released from animal tissues during digestion Hand washing, especially prior to eating, should
and subsequently cause human toxocariasis. be encouraged, while hand to mouth activity
A number of surveys around the world should be discouraged at all times. Municipal
demonstrated high rates of contamination of ordinances to prevent pet dogs from entering
soil with the parasite eggs in parks, playground, parks and playgrounds and to require owners
and other public places (10-30%). In western to remove their pets’ feces from public areas
countries, the prevalence of infection in dogs should be considered.
was reported to be about 25%, but may be
as high as 30 to 60%. The prevalence of
infection tends to be lower in older animals Despommier D. Toxocariasis: clinical aspects,
in addition to well-cared pet dogs, and higher epidemiology, medical ecology, and
in stray or pound dogs. This high prevalence molecular aspects. Clin Microbiol Rev.
together with the high fecundity of Toxocara, 2003;16(2):265–72.
and the increasing number of pet animals in Foyaca-Sibat H, Ibañez-Valdés L, Moré-
western countries explain the high level of soil Rodríguez J. Parasitic zoonoses of the
contamination with Toxocara eggs. Studies brain: another challenger [Internet].
have also demonstrated contamination of soil Internet J Neurol. 2010 [cited 2012
samples taken from gardens of homes where a Jun 5];12(2). Available from http://
clinical case of toxocariasis is found. Toxocara
eggs have been recovered from salads and other journal-of-neurology/volume-12-number
raw vegetables taken from such gardens. 2/parasitic-zoonoses-of-the-brain-another-
Prevention and Control
Gomez L, Rueda T, Pulido C, Sanchez-Roman
Toxocara control aims to prevent infection J. Ocular toxocariasis. A case report. Arch
in both man and animals. Contamination of Soc Esp Oftalmol. 2007;83:49–52.
soil and environment can be greatly reduced Macpherson C, Meslin F, Wandeler A. Dogs,
with the control and capture of stray dogs and zoonoses and public health. New York:
cats, cleaning up feces from soil and pavements, CABI Publishing; 2000.
closing of potentially contaminated areas Magnaval JF, Glickman L, Dorchies P, Morassin
to animals and children, and implementing B. Highlights of human toxocariasis.
strategic anthelminthic treatment of dogs Korean J Parasitol. 2001;39(1):1–11.
and cats. As dogs and cats are the sources of Mohamad S, A zmi NC, Noordin R.
infection, treatment program starting at 2 to Development and evaluation of a sensitive
3 weeks of age should be implemented, and and specific assay for diagnosis of human
repeated every 2 weeks until 12 weeks of age to toxocariasis by use of three recombinant
Chapter 3: Nematode Infections 197

antigens (TES-26, TES-30USM, and TES- Vidal J, Sztajnbok, Seguroa AC. Eosinophilic
120). J Clin Microbiol. 2009;47(6):1712– meningoencephalitis due to Toxocara canis:
17. a case report and review of literature. Am J
Rai SK, Uga S, Kataoka N, Matsumura T. Trop Med Hyg. 2003;69(3):341–43.
Atlas of medical parasitology. 1st ed. Kobe
(Japan): Kyokuseisya Co., Ltd.; 1996.
Chapter 4

Cestode Infections

Intestinal Cestodes
Winifreda U. de Leon

Taenia spp.
Taenia saginata

T aenia saginata is known as the beef

tapeworm of humans. It is cosmopolitan
in distribution. Humans serve only as definitive
host and never as intermediate hosts. Therefore,
human cysticercosis due to this species does
not occur. The epidemiology, prevention, and
control of T. saginata will be considered jointly
under the section on T. solium.
Parasite Biology

The adult worm inhabits the upper

jejunum and can live for up to 25 years. It
derives nourishment from intestinal contents.
Adults measure 4 to 10 m in length and may
have 1,000 to 4,000 proglottids. There have
Plate 4.1. Taenia saginata scolex
been reports of worms reaching 25 m in (Courtesy of Department of Parasitology, UP-CPH)
length. The cuboidal scolex measures 1–2 mm
in diameter and has four prominent acetabula
(Plate 4.1). vagina of T. saginata has a sphincter. Gravid
It is devoid of hooks or a rostellum. proglottids are longer that they are wide (16-
Attached to the scolex is a short neck from 20 mm by 5-7 mm) and are most distal from
which a chain of immature, mature, and gravid the neck (Plate 4.2). The uterus is distended
proglottids develop. with ova and has 15 to 20 lateral branches.
Mature proglottids are approximately The genital pores of proglottids are irregularly
square in shape, and they contain mature male alternate.
and female reproductive organs. There are two Taenia spp. ova are spherical or subspherical
large lobes of ovaries and a median club-shaped in shape, measuring 30 to 45 µm in diameter
uterus. Follicular testes numbering 300 to 400 (Plate 4.3). The original thin outer membrane
are scattered throughout the proglottid. The surrounding the egg is rarely retained after

Chapter 4: Cestode Infections 199

pits. Inside the eggshell is the oncosphere or

embryo provided with three pairs of hooklets.
The gravid proglottid contains 97,000 to
124,000 ova. Annually, a worm may pass out
594,000,000 ova. Gravid proglottids undergo
apolysis and are either passed out with the feces
or actively crawl out of the bowel to the external
environment. With apolysis of gravid segments,
eggs are released and they remain viable in the
soil for weeks.
Upon ingestion of the T. saginata eggs
by cattle, the oncosphere is released. The
oncosphere actively penetrates the intestinal
mucosa, enters a venule, and is carried to other
parts of the body. It typically enters a muscle
fiber and develops into an infective stage called
Cysticercus bovis in 2 months. The cysticercus
is ovoidal, milky white, about 10 mm in
diameter, and has a single scolex invaginated
into a fluid-filled bladder. Humans readily
become infected when these encysted larvae are
ingested from raw or improperly cooked beef.
The larva is digested out of the meat, and the
scolex evaginates to attach to the mucosa of the
small intestines where it will become mature
Plate 4.2. Taenia saginata gravid segment in about 12 weeks (Figure 4.1). Usually, only
(Courtesy of Department of Parasitology, UP-CPH) one adult tapeworm is present in T. saginata
infections. The adult seems to be irritated by
alcohol, and passage of proglottids sometimes
results after a drinking bout. While humans are
suitable intermediate hosts for T. solium, they
are not for T. saginata.
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations

Among patients seen at the Department

of Parasitology, College of Public Health,
University of the Philippines Manila, the most
common chief complaint is the passage of
proglottids or segments in the stool. T. saginata
Plate 4.3. Taenia egg causes mild irritation at the site of attachment.
(Courtesy of Department of Parasitology, UP-CPH) Patients with taeniasis may experience non-
specific symptoms, such as epigastric pain,
passage from the proglottid. The ova are vague discomfort, hunger pangs, weakness,
brownish in color, with a thick embryophore weight loss, loss of appetite, and pruritus ani
which appears striated because of numerous (perianal itching). Rarely, entangled proglottids
200 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 4.1. Life cycle of Taenia spp.

(Accessed from

may result in intestinal obstruction. Individual Gravid proglottids are pressed or flattened in
T. saginata proglottids are actively motile between two glass slides and are examined
and they have been documented to cause against the light. This will allow one to have
obstruction in the bile and pancreatic ducts, a rough count of the lateral branches from the
as well as the appendix. The sight of actively main uterus. Injection of India ink through
motile proglottids in the perianal area and in the genital pore will help one make an accurate
the undergarments may result in anxiety and count of the lateral branches of the uterus
distress. (15-20 for T. saginata and 7-13 for T. solium).
Mature segments can be stained to demonstrate
the vaginal sphincter for T. saginata and the
Specific diagnosis rests on identifying the accessory ovarian lobe for T. solium.
characteristic proglottids, eggs or scolex. The Examination of the stool can be done for
first specimen usually brought in by patients are the presence of eggs, but eggs are irregularly
the gravid proglottids, either single or in chains. passed out with the stools. Concentration
They are passed out with the feces or may techniques like the formalin-ether/ethyl
be recovered in the patient’s undergarments. acetate concentration technique will be useful
Chapter 4: Cestode Infections 201

in increasing the chance of demonstrating the

eggs. Perianal swabs may also be useful because
eggs are left in the perianal skin as the gravid
segments squeeze out of the anal opening.

The drug of choice is praziquantel.

Praziquantel is given at a dose of 5 to 10 mg/
kg as a single dose for both adults and children.
It is not necessary to recover the scolex unless
species-specific diagnosis is needed. Criteria for
the cure include the following: (a) recovery of
the scolex, or (b) a negative stool examination
3 months after treatment.
Taenia solium Plate 4.4. Taenia solium scolex
(Courtesy of Department of Parasitology, UP-CPH)
Taenia solium is known as the pork
tapeworm of man. It has a cosmopolitan branches of T. saginata. T. solium proglottids
distribution. Man may serve as both a definitive are relatively less active than the proglottids of
host and an intermediate host. Therefore, both T. saginata. They have not been observed to
intestinal and tissue infections occur in man. actively crawl about.
The gravid proglottid contains
Parasite Biology
approximately 30,000 to 50,000 ova. The gravid
The adult worm inhabits the upper small proglottids also undergo apolysis to eventually
intestines. Like other intestinal cestodes, it release eggs, which remain viable for weeks.
derives nourishment from intestinal contents of The eggs of T. solium are indistinguishable from
the host. It is shorter than T. saginata and has that of T. saginata. They measure 30 to 45 µm
less number of proglottids. The adults measure 2 and have a thick brown striated embryophore
to 4 m in length and may have 8,000 to 10,000 surrounding a hexacanth embryo. The eggs
proglottids. The scolex of T. solium has four are ingested by hogs and the oncospheres are
acetabula, but it is smaller (1 mm) and more released in the intestines (Figure 4.2).
spherical that that of the beef tapeworm (Plate The oncosphere penetrates the intestinal
4.4). The scolex carries a cushion-like rostellum mucosa to typically encyst in muscles as
with a double crown of 25 to 30 large and small cysticercus cellulosae (Plate 4.5). The cysticercus
hooks, which are absent in T. saginata. After may be found in all tissues. Commonly, infected
the scolex, comes the neck from which the are the muscles, tongue, heart, diaphragm,
proglottids develop. liver, spleen, and mesentery. Infected meat is
The general morphology of the proglottids often called “measly pork.” Upon ingestion of
resembles that of T. saginata. The difference improperly cooked infected meat, the larva is
lies in the presence of an accessory ovarian liberated and the scolex attaches to the intestinal
lobe, the absence of a vaginal sphincter, and mucosa. Maturity is attained in approximately
the smaller number of follicular testes (100- 12 weeks from the time of ingestion of the
200) in the mature proglottid of T. solium. The cysticercus.
gravid proglottid characteristically contains 7 Man may also be an intermediate host of T.
to 13 lateral branches as opposed to 15 to 20 solium. Taenia eggs are very resistant and when
202 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 4.2. Life cycle of Taenia solium (cysticercosis)

(Accessed from
Chapter 4: Cestode Infections 203

they are located in striated muscle and in the

brain, but the subcutaneous tissues, eye, heart,
lung, and peritoneum may be involved. The
living cyst may produce inflammation. Cysts
may survive up to 5 years. Upon death, cystic
fluid increases and there is a pronounced
tissue response to the parasite. The parasite is
eventually calcified.
Symptomatology is dependent on the
number, size, and location of the lesion.
One of the most serious manifestations is
neurocysticercosis (NCC), which is considered
Plate 4.5. Cysticercus cellulosae from pork
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, as one of the most serious zoonotic diseases
UP-CPH) worldwide. Cysticerci containing a scolex may be
found in the brain parenchyma or floating freely
in the ventricles. Cysticerci may also appear
the eggs are ingested, development to cysticerci
as large vesicular structures devoid of a scolex
ensues as it does in pigs. The oncosphere hatches
and are usually located in the basal cisternal
in the duodenum, and spreads to different
spaces. NCC is divided into two general forms,
organs through the bloodstream. This results in
parenchymal and extraparenchymal, which, in
human cysticercosis. The mature cysticercus is
turn, is further divided into subarachnoid or
oval, translucent, and has an opaque invaginated
meningitic, intraventricular, and spinal. Clinical
scolex with four suckers and a circlet of hooks.
manifestations and corresponding management
It is usually encapsulated with adventitious host
depend on the form of NCC present in the
tissue. However, in the vitreous humor and in
patient. Focal neurologic deficits are usually
the brain, it may be unencapsulated. A full size
encountered in parenchymal NCC. They would
of 5 mm may be attained in 10 weeks.
depend on the location of the cysts. Focal or
Human infection with cysticercus cellulosae
generalized seizures are observed when cysts
can be acquired through fecal-oral route by
are located in the cortex. The subarachnoid
ingesting Taenia solium eggs from contaminated
form may lead to an aggressive form of NCC
food or drink. Individuals harboring the
called racemous cysticercosis. In this form,
adult Taenia solium can infect themselves
there is a proliferation of cysts in the base of the
(autoinfection) due to poor hygienic practice.
brain. This form has a poor prognosis. In the
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations intraventricular form, cysts are usually present
A. Intestinal infection
in the third or fourth ventricle and often lead
to obstructive hydrocephalus. The spinal form
T. solium intestinal infection results in mild is rare.
non-specific abdominal complaints. Unlike in T. The death of the larva leads to inflammation
saginata infections, proglottids are not as active of the affected region. Calcification is the end-
and, therefore, obstruction of the bile duct, result of the cellular reaction. Convulsions
pancreatic duct, or the appendix is unlikely. are the most common manifestations of
B. Cysticercosis
cerebral cysticercosis. Visual and motor
deficits, headache, and vomiting may occur.
The cysticerci are often multiple and can Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tap results may show
develop in any organ or tissue. Most commonly, an increased opening pressure, elevated protein,
204 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

decreased glucose, and increased mononuclear Ophthalmic cysticercosis can be diagnosed

cells. Half of the cases may present with through the visualization of the cysticerci using
CSF eosinophilia without peripheral blood ophthalmoscopy but the procedure may induce
eosinophilia. movement and/or evagination of the scolex.
In the eyes, cysticerci are often retinal or Muscular and subcutaneous cysticerci are
subretinal in location. They may float freely usually palpable and can be recovered through
in the vitreous or aqueous humors. Vision tissue biopsy for histopathologic processing.
is usually affected due to chorioretinitis and Serologic tests include serum and CSF
vasculitis. Detachment of the retina has also enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
been reported. The patient may complain of and electro-immuno transfer blot (EITB)
intraorbital pain, photopsia, and blurring or or Western blot for specific IgG and IgM
loss of vision. anticysticercal antibodies. These tests have
a sensitivity of 75 to 100% using a partially
purified glycoprotein antigen to detect
A. Taeniasis antibodies. Dot-ELISA test is a very good
screening test for cysticercosis. It uses crude
Specific diagnosis of taeniasis rests on
antigen from the cysticerci obtained from
identifying the characteristic proglottids, eggs,
pigs. Recent studies are looking into the use of
or scolex as described in the T. saginata sub-
antigen B of cysticercus cellulosae as a useful
adjunct in diagnosis.
B. Cysticercosis
Neurocysticercosis may be suspected in
A. Taeniasis
a patient coming from an endemic area with
epileptic seizures without associated systemic The drugs of choice are praziquantel
symptoms. Concomitant infection with T. and niclosamide. Because of the theoretical
solium adult occurs only in 25% of cases. If a possibility of autoinfection and subsequent
patient has subcutaneous cysticerci concomitant cysticercosis, treatment should not be delayed.
with neurologic symptoms, this provides Praziquantel is given as 5 to 10 mg/kg, single
presumptive evidence for neurocysticercosis. dose for both adults and children. Niclosamide
CSF abnormalities such as an elevated protein, is not available locally. Criteria for cure include
reduced glucose, and increased mononuclear the following: (a) recovery of the scolex, or (b)
cells may be seen. Computed axial tomography a negative stool examination 3 months after
(CAT) scans and nuclear magnetic resonance treatment.
imaging (MRI) are useful for localizing
B. Cysticercosis
cysticerci and evaluating the pathology before
and after treatment. Management of NCC depends on the form
There are three main CAT scan patterns: (a) present in the patient. Multiple parenchymal
a round low-density area without surrounding cystic lesions are treated by giving praziquantel
enhancement after administration of contrast at a dose of 50 to 75 mg/kg divided into
dye, (b) ring-like enhancement after injection three doses for 30 days or albendazole at a
of contrast dye, and (c) a small calcified area dose of 400 mg twice daily for 8 to 30 days.
within a cystic space. The first pattern shows a Corticosteroids are then given (either 80 mg
viable larva with no inflammation; the second, of prednisone or 10 mg of IM dexamethasone)
a dead larva; and the third shows a dead scolex. 4 hours after the last dose. Parenchymal
Chapter 4: Cestode Infections 205

forms presenting as cysticercotic encephalitis Taenia asiatica

or those with massive parasitic infection are
Taenia asiatica, a third Taenia species, has
given high dose corticosteroid therapy and
been reported in Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, and
mannitol in cases of increased intracranial
Indonesia. This parasite was initially believed to
pressure. Many experts do not recommend
be closely related to Taenia saginata. In contrast
giving praziquantel or albendazole in these
to Taenia saginata, however, the cysticercus
cases. For the subarachnoid form, some experts
larvae of Taenia asiatica were found in the liver
recommend surgical removal of the lesions,
of variable intermediate hosts that include
while others recommend albendazole therapy
pigs, cattle, goats, wild boars, and monkeys,
in which albendazole is given at a dose of 10 to
hence the term cysticercus viscerotropica. The
15 mg/kg/day for 8 days. Although albendazole
cysticercus has wart-like protuberances on the
therapy has been shown to have several benefits,
external surface and contains an invaginated
there are reports of associated meningeal fibrosis
scolex armed with vestigial hooklets.
and hydrocephalus. Ventricular forms are best
The length of the adult may vary between 4
treated with surgical removal of the cyst.
to 8 m with 300 to 1,000 segments. Similar to
Ocular cysticercosis should be treated
Taenia saginata, the scolex is devoid of hooklets
surgically before praziquantel or albendazole
but there is a prominent rostellum. The gravid
is given because ocular inflammation cannot
proglottids have posterior protuberance with
be controlled with steroids. Symptomatic cysts
11 to 32 lateral branches arising from the main
outside the CNS may be surgically removed.
uterus. The mature segments, on the other
Epidemiology hand, were found to carry a vaginal sphincter.
Due to the number of uterine branches and the
The distribution of T. solium and T. saginata
presence of vaginal sphincter, Taenia asiatica
infections is highly related to the habit of eating
may be misidentified as Taenia saginata.
raw or improperly cooked meat. Abstinence
A collaborative work with Japanese scientists
from beef as part of the religious beliefs among
was undertaken by the College of Public Health,
the Hindus prevent T. saginata infections, while
University of the Philippines Manila. Gravid
among the Moslems, prevention of T. solium
segments from six patients, identified earlier
infections happens because of abstinence from
as Taenia saginata were subjected to genetic
pork. Both tapeworms have a cosmopolitan
studies and the mitochondrial RNA of five out
distribution, although T. solium is especially
of the six samples were found compatible with
common in Slavic countries, Latin America,
Taenia asiatica. Further studies of this kind will
Southeast Asia, China, and India. T. saginata
establish the prevalence and the magnitude of
has high endemicity in Ethiopia and East Africa.
the problem regarding this parasite.
It has also been reported in Japan, Europe,
In the Philippines, T. saginata infection is
Australia, Canada, and the United States of
more common than T. solium infection. Surveys
of animal intermediate hosts however showed
Maintenance of the life cycle in nature
that pigs are infected more than cows or cattle.
is dependent on the level of environmental
The overall prevalence of taeniasis is only 0.56%
sanitation practiced in the area. Animal
in selected areas. In isolated foci, a prevalence
intermediate hosts, especially pigs should be
of 11 to 15% for T. saginata has been reported.
kept in pens to avoid access to human feces.
Many of the identified cases were adult males
Contamination of the grazing fields with human
who came from the Northern Luzon provinces,
feces favors infection of the intermediate hosts.
where eating raw or undercooked meat while
206 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

drinking alcohol is a delicacy. Neurocysticercosis Eom KS, Rim HJ. Morphologic description of
has been reported in local literature. There has Taenia asiatica. Korean J Parasitol. 1993;
been one report of ocular cysticercosis. 31:1.
Flisser A. Neurocysticercosis in Mexico.
Prevention and Control
Parasitol Today. 1988;4:13l.
Prevention and control of taeniasis may G a r g R K . Me d i c a l m a n a g e m e n t o f
appear simple but may be difficult to implement. n e u r o c y s t i c e r c o s i s . Ne u r o In d i a .
Thorough cooking of meat is a primary 2001;49:329–337.
measure. Freezing at –20°C for 10 days kills the Mahmoud AA. Tropical and geographical
cysticerci. Sanitary inspection of all slaughtered medicine companion handbook. 2nd ed.
pigs, cows, and cattle should be done. Meat Singapore: McGraw Hill Book Co.; 1993.
inspection should include examination of the McManus DP, Bowles J. Asian (Taiwan)
liver as well. Taenia species or strain? Parasitol Today.
Jubelt B, Miller JR. Parasitic infections. In:
Arambulo PV, Cabrera BD, Cabrera MG. The Rowland LP, editor. Merritt’s Neurology.
use of mebendazole in the treatment of 10th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams
Taenia saginata taeniasis in an endemic and Wilkins; 2000.
area in the Philippines. Acta Trop. Pawlowski ZS. Perspectives on the control of
1978;35(3):281–286. Taenia solium. Parasitol Today. 1990;6(12):
Arambulo PV, Cabrera BD. Studies on the 311–313.
zoonotic cycle of Taenia saginata taeniasis Quimosing EM, Conde BJ, Ranoa CP, Cross
and cysticercosis in the Philippines. Int J JH. A case of subcutaneous and cerebral
Zoonosis. 1976;3:77–108. cysticercosis treated with praziquantel. Phil
Beaver PC, Jung RC, Cupp EW. Clinical J Microbiol Infect Dis. 1984;13(l):25–35.
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Febiger; 1984. parasitology. 5th ed. Dubuque: Wm. C.
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1965. and emerging infectious diseases. 8th ed.
Bengzon AR, Perlas AP, Reyes VA. Cysticercosis Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders; 2000.
cerebri in the Philippines. Acta Med Tsang VC, Brand JA, Boyer AE. An enzyme
Philipp. 1965;27(l–4):1. linked immunoelectrotransfer blot assay
Cabrera BD. Case report: Multiple infection and glycoprotein antigens for diagnosing
with adult Taenia solium. Acta Med Philipp. human cysticercosis (T. solium). J Infect
1965;1(3):147–150. Dis. 1989;159:50.
Corona T, Lugo R, Medina R, Sotelo J. Single-day Urbina EC. Ocular cysticercosis. Phil J
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N Engl J Med. 1996;334:125. White AC Jr. Neurocysticercosis: a major cause
of neurological disease worldwide. Clin
Infect Dis. 1997;24:101–113.
Chapter 4: Cestode Infections 207

Hymenolepis nana

H ymenolepis nana, commonly known as

the dwarf tapeworm, is a cyclophyllidean
tapeworm and is the smallest tapeworm
Mature proglottids contain three ovoid
testes and one ovary in a more or less straight
pattern across the segment. When segments
infecting humans. It is found worldwide, mainly become gravid, the testes and the ovary
among children. The parasite is the only human disappear while the uterus hollows out and
tapeworm, which can complete its entire life becomes filled with eggs. Gravid segments
cycle in a single host, indicating that it does not (Plate 4.7) are separated from the strobila and
require an obligatory intermediate host. Man disintegrate as they pass out of the intestines,
can harbor both the adult and the larval stages releasing eggs in the stool.
of the parasite. Eggs are spherical or subspherical, colorless
or clay-colored, measuring 30 to 47 μm in
Parasite Biology
diameter (Plate 4.8). The oncosphere has a thin
The adults, with a delicate strobila outer membrane and a thick inner membrane
measuring from 25 to 45 mm in length and 1 with conspicuous bipolar thickenings, from
mm in width, reside in the ileum. The scolex each of which arise four to eight hair-like polar
is subglobular with four cup-shaped suckers filaments embedded in the inner membrane.
(Plate 4.6). There is a retractable rostellum These eggs, however, die immediately once
armed with a single row of 20 to 30 Y-shaped passed out into the environment.
hooklets. The neck is long and slender. The The life cycle has a dual pathway: a direct
anterior proglottids are short and the posterior and an indirect development (Figure 4.3). In
ones are broader than long. No more than 175 the direct cycle, the host ingests eggs, which
to 220 segments compose the entire length of hatch in the duodenum. The liberated embryos
the strobila. The proglottids measure 0.15 to penetrate the mucosal villi and develop into the
0.3 mm in length and 0.8 to 1.0 mm in width.
The genital pores are found along the same side
of the segments.

Plate 4.6. Hymenolepis spp. scolex Plate 4.7. Hymenolepis spp. gravid segment
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, (Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
208 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

infective cysticercoid larvae. After 4 to 5 days,

the larvae break out of the villi and attach to
the intestinal mucosa to develop into adults.
Infection through the indirect cycle is usually via
the accidental ingestion of infected arthropod
intermediate hosts like the rice and flour beetles
(Tenebrio sp.) and sometimes through fomites,
water, or food contaminated with the larvae.
The cysticercoid larvae are released and will
eventually develop into the adult tapeworms
in the intestines of the host. It takes 20 to 30
days from the time of ingestion for the eggs to
appear in the feces. Eggs are optimally viable
immediately after discharge from the bowel.
Plate 4.8. Hymenolepis nana egg Autoinfection can occur through the fecal-oral
(From World Health Organization. Bench Aids for
route or within the small bowel. Oncospheres
the diagnosis of intestinal parasites. Geneva,
Switzerland: WHO Publications; 1994.) from the eggs are released and they invade the
host villi to start a new generation.

Figure 4.3. Life cycle of Hymenolepis nana

(Accessed from
Chapter 4: Cestode Infections 209

Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations of abnormal cysticercoids in the viscera that

occurs in an immunosuppressed condition. This
Symptoms are generally produced because
may suggest that the parasitic condition should
of the patient’s immunological response to
be treated first before any immunosuppressive
the parasite. Light worm burden is generally
therapy is given.
asymptomatic. Clinical manifestations include
headache, dizziness, anorexia, pruritus of nose Epidemiology
and anus, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal
Hymenolepis nana is found in areas with
pain, pallor, and weight loss. Some infected
warm climate like Southern USA, Latin
children are restless, irritable, and exhibit sleep
America, the Mediterranean, East Asia, and the
disturbances. Rarely, convulsions occur. Heavy
Philippines. An estimated 20 million people are
infections may result in enteritis due to necrosis
infected. Transmission generally occurs where
and desquamation of the intestinal epithelial
there is poor sanitation, overcrowding, and
cells. With time, regulatory immunity may
poor personal hygiene practices. Direct contact
limit or eventually clear the H. nana population
plays an important role because the eggs cannot
spontaneously. Infections in children resolve
survive long outside the host. It is a familial and
spontaneously in adolescence.
institutional infection common in orphanages,
Diagnosis day care centers, and mental institutions.
Prevalence varies from 5 to 20% among children
Specific diagnosis is made by demonstration
and young adults in communities where direct
of the characteristic eggs in the patient’s stool.
transfer of embryonated eggs from hand to
In light infections, concentration of the stool
mouth is likely to occur.
specimens on alternate days is useful. Generally,
This human tapeworm is also found among
proglottids are not recovered because they
the mice and less frequently among the rats. The
undergo degeneration prior to passage with
species in mice and rats is considered to be a
distinct subspecies called H. nana var. fraterna.
Treatment Although very rare, some strains were found
to be infectious to humans as well. Therefore,
The drug of choice is praziquantel given
infected mice and rats may be potential sources
as a 25 mg/kg single dose. Praziquantel causes
of infection.
vacuolization and disruption of the tegument
In the Philippines, two independent
in the neck region. The drug dosage for
surveys of Jueco in 1983 and Cross, et al. in
hymenolepiasis is higher than that for taeniasis
1984 showed a prevalence of less than 1% in
because of the relatively resistant cysticercoids
humans. Infection among rodents was found
in the intestinal tissue. Stool examination
to be low as well.
may be repeated after 2 weeks. Treatment is
usually repeated after 2 weeks to cover for the Prevention and Control
worms emerging from the remaining viable
The life cycle involves a single host and
cysticercoids. Treatment is considered successful
transmission is direct. This makes prevention
if stools are negative for H. nana eggs at one
more difficult, especially in crowded dwellings.
month post treatment. Nitazoxanide (500 mg
Emphasis should be placed on personal hygiene
orally for 3 days) may be used as an alternative
and environmental sanitation. Infected cases
should be thoroughly treated. Rodent control
Evidence in mice has shown that infection
must be observed. Food must be properly stored
is influenced by steroid treatment or by T-cell
and protected from possible infestation with
deprivation allowing an increased multiplication
grain beetles.
210 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Hymenolepis diminuta

H ymenolepis diminuta is a cosmopolitan

parasite primarily of rats, hence the
common name, rat tapeworm. Accidental
human infections do occur resulting in
hymenolepiasis. Aside from morphological
differences with H. nana, H. diminuta differs
in that it requires an intermediate host.
Parasite Biology

The adult tapeworm is larger than H. nana.

The worm measures about 60 cm in length.
The scolex differs from that of the H. nana by
having a rudimentary unarmed rostellum. As in Plate 4.9. Hymenolepis diminuta egg
H. nana, mature proglottids are broader than (Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
they are long, and the arrangement and number UP-CPH)
of sexual organs are similar: three ovoid testes
and one ovary in a more or less straight pattern
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
across the segment. The proglottids are larger
and may reach 0.75 mm in length and 3.5 mm The worm burden in rodents is relatively
in width. The genital pores are unilateral. Each low. In man, the highest number recorded is 19
gravid proglottid contains a sac-like uterus filled worms. Clinical manifestations are minimal and
with eggs. non-specific. The life span of H. diminuta in
H. diminuta eggs are circular, about 60 to humans is short, which possibly explains why
80 μm in diameter and are bile-stained (Plate human infections are usually light.
4.9). The oncosphere is enclosed in an inner
membrane, which has bipolar thickenings but
lacks the bipolar filaments. The hooklets usually Diagnosis is based on the identification
have a fan-like arrangement. of eggs from the stool. H. diminuta eggs are
The gravid proglottids separate from the distinguished from H. nana eggs by their more
main body of the worm, disintegrate, and release circular shape, larger size, and lack of bipolar
eggs into the feces. Eggs, when ingested by a filaments. At times, the whole worm is expelled
wide range of adult and larval insects like fleas, and the morphology of the scolex may be used
beetles, cockroaches, mealworms, and earwigs, as an aid in diagnosis.
develop into the infective cysticercoid larvae.
When these infected insects are ingested by the Treatment
rat or accidentally ingested by man, the larva is Treatment is similar to Hymenolepis nana.
released and develops into the adult worm in Praziquantel is given as a 25 mg/kg single dose.
about three weeks (Figure 4.4).
Chapter 4: Cestode Infections 211

Figure 4.4. Life cycle of Hymenolepis diminuta

(Accessed from

Epidemiology Prevention and Control

Human infection occurs worldwide but Prevention and control measures include
is more common among children than adults rodent control, elimination of the insect
in poor communities with rat infestation. It intermediate hosts, protection of food, especially
probably occurs by accidental ingestion of grain the precooked cereals from such insects, sanitary
beetles infesting dried grains, dried fruits, flour, disposal of human waste, and treatment of
and cereals. In a nationwide survey of rats in human cases.
the Philippines, prevalence of H. diminuta was
found to be about 8%.
212 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Dipylidium caninum

D ipylidium caninum is a very common

intestinal parasite of dogs and cats
worldwide, especially in dog populations where
ectoparasitism is high. Dipylidiasis in humans is
accidental and is observed to be more common
in children than in adults.
Parasite Biology

The pale reddish adult worm measures

10 to 70 cm in length. The scolex is small
and globular with four deeply cupped suckers
and a protrusible rostellum, which is armed
with one to seven rows of rose thorn-shaped
hooklets. The proglottids are narrow with two
sets of male and female reproductive organs and
bilateral genital pores, earning for this parasite
the common name double-pored tapeworm.
The gravid proglottids have the size and shape
of a pumpkin seed and are filled with capsules
or packets of about 8 to 15 eggs enclosed in
an embryonic membrane (Plate 4.10). When
the gravid segments are detached, they either
migrate out of the anus or are passed out with
the feces. The ova are released by contraction Plate 4.10. Dipylidium caninum gravid segment
of the proglottid or by its disintegration outside (Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
the host. Eggs are spherical, thin-shelled with a UP-CPH)
hexacanth embryo (Plate 4.11).
Some of the egg capsules may remain in
the fur of the host or in the host’s resting place.
Here, larval fleas ingest the ova as they feed
on epidermal debris. Among the intermediate
hosts are the larval stages of Ctenocephalides canis
(dog flea), Ctenocephalides felis (cat flea), and/
or Pulex irritans (human flea). Trichodectes canis
(dog louse) has also been involved. In the body
cavity of the arthropod, the hexacanth embryo
develops into the cysticercoid larvae, which is
able to survive the flea’s development. When the
insect is ingested by mammalian hosts (dogs, Plate 4.11. Dipylidium caninum egg capsule
cats, humans), the cysticercoid is liberated and (Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
becomes an adult in 3 to 4 weeks (Figure 4.5).
Chapter 4: Cestode Infections 213

Figure 4.5. Life cycle of Dipylidium caninum

(Accessed from

Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations of the egg capsules is not recommended, since
the gravid proglottids do not disintegrate in the
Infection is rarely heavy and symptoms
intestines but in the environment. Egg capsules
are minimal. Slight intestinal discomfort,
are rarely recovered from the stool.
epigastric pain, diarrhea, anal pruritus, and
allergic reactions have been reported. While Treatment
most patients are asymptomatic, moderate
Treatment consists of praziquantel 5 to 10
eosinophilia has been reported.
mg/kg given as a single dose.
Diagnosis is established upon recovery
Human infection is rare but has been
of the characteristic gravid proglottids passed
reported in European countries, USA, Argentina,
out singly or in chain. Gravid proglottids may
Rhodesia, China, and the Philippines. Infants
crawl out of the anus, and may be passed out
and very young children are usually infected
involuntarily. Proglottids should be pressed
because of their close contact with their pet
or flattened between two glass slides for
cats and dogs. Likely, transmission could have
examination. Stool examination for the presence
214 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

occurred through hand to mouth contamination city of Manila showed a prevalence of 5.19 to
or accidentally swallowing the arthropod hosts 36.0%, while dissection of dog and cat fleas for
when hugging and kissing the animal. Parents cysticercoids showed only a prevalence of 2.4%.
usually observe the presence of actively motile
Prevention and Control
proglottids in children feces or underwear.
Adults are not commonly infected possibly Periodic deworming of pet cats and dogs is
because of age tolerance against the parasite. recommended. Insecticide dusting of dogs and
In the Philippines, the first human infection cats are effective against fleas. The potential
was reported as early as 1912 by M.P. Mendoza- danger of playing with pets must be included
Guanzon in a child. Surveys of dogs in the in the health education of children.
Chapter 4: Cestode Infections 215

Raillietina garrisoni

R aillietina garrisoni belongs to the Family

Davaineidae. Raillietina madagascariensis
was first reported by Garrison to be present in
membranes: an outer elongated membrane
and an inner spherical membrane. The gravid
segments detach from the rest of the strobila
an adult Filipino in 1911. R. garrisoni was later by apolysis and may be passed out in the feces.
documented in three children. It is generally The segments are motile, white, and appear like
believed that the species are identical. Tubangui grains of rice when passed out with the feces.
further showed that this was a common Gravid segments may be ingested
tapeworm of rats. Almost all human infections by the insect intermediate host, the flour
in the Philippines have involved children. beetle Tribolium confusum (Plate 4.13). The
development from egg to the cysticercoid larval
Parasite Biology
stage takes about two weeks. Infected insects are
The tapeworm (Plate 4.12) is about 60 accidentally ingested and the cysticercoid larva
cm in length with a minute, subglobular scolex attaches to the intestinal villi to develop into an
with four acetabula. The rostellum is armed adult in about 8 weeks. Direct infection does
with two alternating circular rows of 90 to not occur if eggs are ingested by the mammalian
140 hammer-shaped hooks. Several rows of host; therefore, there is no autoinfection in R.
spines also surround the rostellum. The mature garrisoni infection.
proglottid has a bilobed ovary surrounded by
36 to 50 ovoid testes. The genital pore opens
on the side near the anterior lateral border of
the segment. The fully gravid proglottids are
about 2 mm in length containing 200 to 400
egg capsules with one to four spindle-shaped
eggs. The oncosphere is enclosed in two thin

Plate 4.13. Flour beetle (Tribolium spp.), the

intermediate host of Raillietina garrisoni
(Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)

Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations

Patients are usually asymptomatic. Children

are brought for medical consultation when
proglottids are passed out with their feces.
Plate 4.12. Raillietina garrisoni adult
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, Diagnosis is made by finding the
UP-CPH) characteristic proglottids or ova in stools.
216 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Treatment Cross JH, Basaca-sevilla V. Biomedical surveys

in the Philippines. Manila (Philippines):
Sometimes, long strobila or the complete
US Naval Medical Research Unit-2; 1984.
tapeworm may be expelled by the child
Hinz E. Human helminthiases in the Philippines.
spontaneously without treatment. Praziquantel
Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1984.
may be given to expel the worm.
Jueco NL. Raillietina (A rat tapeworm): Infection
Epidemiology in young children in the Philippines. Acta
Med Philipp. 1975;11(2):49–50.
Raillietina garrisoni is a common intestinal
Jueco NL. Rodent diseases transmissible to man.
cestode of rodents in the Philippines. More
Acta Med Philipp. 1983;19:164.
than 20 human infections have been reported
Macpherson C, Meslin F, Wandeler A. Dogs
in Philippine scientific journals. Almost all
zoonoses and public health. New York:
infections occurred in children who were below
CABI Publishing; 2000.
three years of age. In Thailand, the first human
McPhee SJ, Papadakis MA, Tierney LM,
case was reported as early as 1891, and another
editors. Current medical diagnosis &
11 cases, all children, were reported from 1960
treatment. 46th ed. McGraw-Hill; 2007.
to 1970. Raillietina infections have also been
Mirdha BR, Samantray JC. Hymenolepis nana:
reported in Tokyo, Taiwan, Australia, Ecuador,
A common cause of paediatric diarrhoea
and North Iran. In all cases, the infections were
in urban slum dwellers in India. J Trop
confined to children usually 5 years and below.
Pediatrics. 2002;48:331–4.
Prevention and Control Rai SK, Uga S, Kataoka N, Matsumura T.
Atlas of medical parasitology. 1st ed. Kobe
Elimination of rodents from households, (Japan): Kyokuseisya Co., Ltd.; 1996.
proper storage of grain products, and sanitary Schenone H. Praziquantel in the treatment of
waste disposal can help preventive infection. Hymenolepis nana infection in children. Am
References J Trop Med Hyg. 1980;20:320.
Wijesundera M. The use of praziquantel in
Arambulo PV, Sarmiento RV. The occurrence human infection with dipylidiasis. Trans R
of some important zoonotic helminths of Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1989;83:383.
the gastrointestinal tract of dogs in Manila. World Health Organization. Bench Aids for the
Phil J Vet Med Assoc. 1970;2:3–11. diagnosis of intestinal parasites. Geneva:
Biswash H, Arora RR, Sehgal S. Epidemiology World Health Organization; 1994.
of Hymenolepis nana infection in a selected Yutuc LM. The cat flea unknown to sustain
rural community. J Commun Dis. the larva of Dipylidium caninum from the
1978;10:170. Philippines. Phil J Sci. 1968;97(3):285.
Chapter 4: Cestode Infections 217

Diphyllobotrium latum

D iphyllobothrium latum belongs to the Order

Pseudophyllidea. It is just one of the 13
species of Diphyllobothrium that infects human.
found at the midventral common genital pore.
The dark, rosette-like, coiled uterus located
in the middle of the gravid proglottid extends
It is commonly called the fish tapeworm or the from the ootype and opens through a uterine
broad tapeworm. Diphyllobothriasis refers to pore in the midventral line behind the common
the intestinal infection with the adult worm. genital pore. A symmetrical bilobed ovary is
present at the posterior third of the proglottid
Parasite Biology
immediately above the Mehlis’ gland. From
The adult tapeworm measures from 3 to 10 the common genital pore, the vagina extends
m in length and may have 4,000 proglottids. up to join the oviduct and the vitelline duct.
The scolex is spatulate and measures 2 to 3 Unlike in Taeniidae, the proglottids of D.
mm in length by 1 mm in diameter (Plate latum disintegrate only when the segment has
4.14). It has two bothria or sucking grooves, completed its reproductive function.
which are located dorsally and ventrally. The With distention of the uterus, the uterine
neck is long and attenuated, and is followed pore is relaxed and unembryonated ova are
by immature proglottids. The terminal four- discharged from the proglottid. Approximately
fifths of the worm is composed of mature and 1,000,000 ova may be released daily. The ova
gravid proglottids. The mature proglottid has (Plate 4.15) are usually yellowish brown, with
a longer width than its length. It measures 2 to a moderately thick shell and an inconspicuous
4 mm in length by 10 to 12 mm in width, and operculum. Opposite the operculum is a small
contains one set of reproductive organs. The knob-like thickening. The mean size of the eggs
testes are located in the dorsolateral part of the is 66 by 44 μm, with a range of 58 to 76 μm in
proglottid. The vas efferens converge to form length and 40 to 51 μm in width.
a vas deferens and this enlarges into a seminal The ova complete their development in
vesicle and terminates in a muscular cirrus water and release the free-swimming coracidium

Plate 4.14. Diphyllobothrium latum scolex Plate 4.15. Diphyllobothrium latum egg
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, (Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
218 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 4.6. Life cycle of Diphyllobothrium latum

(Accessed from

(Figure 4.6), a ciliated embryo, which is ingested intestinal wall and reaches maturity in about
by freshwater copepods of the genera Cyclops and 3 weeks.
Diaptomus. A procercoid larva develops in the
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
copepod. The procercoid measures 550 μm and
still retains the three hooklets in the cercomer, Infections are usually limited to one worm,
a caudal attachment organ. The copepod is although there have been reports of mechanical
in turn ingested by fish. The procercoid larva obstruction due to a large number of worms.
migrates through fish tissues and develops into Infected individuals may show no signs of
a plerocercoid larva in the muscles and viscera. disease. Some, however, may experience nervous
The plerocercoid larva or sparganum measures disturbances, digestive disorders, abdominal
20 mm or more and appears glistening, opaque discomfort, weight loss, weakness, and anemia.
white, and unsegmented. Fish with the infective Symptoms may be due to absorbed toxins or
plerocercoid larva is ingested raw by a definitive by-products of degenerating proglottids, or due
host like man, dog, cat, and other mammals. to mucosal irritation.
Carnivorous fish may serve as paratenic or D. latum infection results in
transport hosts as well. Among fish intermediate hyperchromic, megaloblastic anemia with
hosts are perch, trout, salmon, and pike. In the thrombocytopenia and leukopenia. Anemia
definitive host, the plerocercoid attaches to the seen in diphyllobothriasis is typically similar to
Chapter 4: Cestode Infections 219

that seen in Vitamin B12 deficiency and could be for the propagation of the infection in the
mistaken for pernicious anemia. Worms located endemic areas.
high up in the jejunum compete effectively with D. latum is prevalent in the temperate zones
the host for the Vitamin B12 in the diet. If worms where the population has a habit of eating raw
are pushed further down the intestines, with or improperly cooked fish. It is present in the
treatment, anemia is relieved. The vitamin B12 Baltic countries, Switzerland, Romania, and
content of D. latum is approximately 50 times the Danube Basin. In Asia, it can be found in
that of T. saginata. Russia, Turkistan, Israel, Northern Manchuria,
and Japan. In the Americas, it can be found in
Chile, Argentina, and in some North American
Residence in or travel to an endemic area, states and Canada. Seven human infections have
a raw-fish diet, and a pernicious type of anemia been documented in the Philippines.
may be suggestive of diphyllobothriasis. Definite
Prevention and Control
diagnosis is made on finding the characteristic
operculated eggs or on occasion, proglottids in All freshwater fishes should be thoroughly
stools. Sometimes, proglottids may be vomited. cooked. Freezing for 24 to 48 hours at a
Since eggs are usually numerous, direct fecal temperature of –18°C kills all plerocercoids.
smears usually suffice. The Kato technique is In endemic areas, prevention should center
also useful in demonstrating eggs. on controlling the source of infection, proper
To d i f f e r e n t i a t e a n e m i a d u e t o disposal of sewage and marketing of fish.
diphyllobothriasis from pernicious anemia,
examination of the gastric juice for the presence
of free hydrochloric acid is useful. Pernicious Beaver PC, Jung RC, Cupp EW. Clinical
anemia is associated with achlorhydria. parasitology. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Lea &
Febiger; 1984.
Belding DL. Textbook of parasitology. 3rd
The drug of choice is praziquantel as 5 to ed. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts;
10 mg/kg single dose. The criterion for cure is 1965.
recovery of the scolex in feces after treatment. Garcia EY, Africa CM. Diphyllobothrium latum
If the scolex is not recovered, a repeat stool (Linnaeus, 1758) Luhe, 1910 in a native
examination is done after 3 months to be certain Filipino. Phil J Sci. 1935;57:451–7.
that the patient is no longer infected. Hinz E. Human helminthiases in the Philippines.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1984.
Mahmoud AA. Tropical and geographical
Human infection is dependent on the medicine companion handbook. 2nd ed.
presence of human or animal definitive hosts, Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book Co.; 1993.
the presence of suitable intermediate hosts, Neva FA, Brown HW. Basic clinical parasitology.
dietary habits, and amount of pollution of fresh 6th ed. Connecticut: Appleton & Lange;
waters. The preference for eating raw fish and 1994.
the lack of sanitary toilet facilities contribute Roberts LS, Janovy J. Foundations of
to the transmission of the parasite. Although parasitology. 5th ed. Dubuque: Wm. C.
other mammalian hosts like dogs, cats, and Brown Publishers; 1996.
bears exist as reservoir hosts, man is responsible
220 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Extraintestinal Cestodes
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Francis Isidore G. Totañes

Echinococcus spp. The larval stage, called hydatid cyst, is

formed through central vesiculation. Cysts

H uman echinococcosis is regarded as an

emerging/re-emerging zoonotic disease.
The disease is caused by the larval stage of
may grow at rates ranging from 1 to 5 cm in
diameter per year. Numerous protoscolices
may be found within the cyst. Development is
Echinococcus spp., which is acquired when the completed when the cysts in tissues are ingested
eggs of this parasite are ingested. Echinococcus by carnivores or omnivores. Once inside the
spp. belong to the Family Taeniidae, Order definitive host, the protoscolices evaginate and
Cyclophyllidea. There are six recognized attach to the intestinal wall where they develop
Echinococcus species, four of which are of into adults. They reside in the small bowel of
public health importance. E. granulosus and E. the host where they start to release eggs that are
multilocularis cause cystic echinococcosis and then passed out in the stool (Figure 4.7).
alveolar echinococcosis, respectively, while E. The hydatid cysts usually measure 1 to 7
vogeli and E. oligarthrus both cause polycystic cm in diameter. The cyst has an outer laminated
echinococcosis. E. multilocularis, E. vogeli, and hyaline layer and an inner nucleated germinal
E. oligarthrus are less common because their life layer. Protoscolices may be found in brood
cycles are sylvatic. capsules, which contain only the germinal
layer, and daughter cysts which are replicas
Parasite Biology
of the mother cysts. The brood capsule may
The adult worm inhabits the small rupture and release protoscolices. Protoscolices
intestines of canines. It measures 3 to 6 mm in and brood capsules that lie free in the cyst are
length and possesses a pyriform scolex, a short referred to as hydatid sand (Plate 4.16). Up
neck, and three proglottids: one immature, one to 2 million protoscolices may be found in an
mature, and one gravid. The scolex is typically average cyst.
taeniid in that it has four acetabula. It is armed
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
with 30 to 36 hooks. The gravid proglottid is
usually the widest and the longest proglottid. Pathology of human cystic echinococcosis is
The uterus is midline, with lateral evaginations, caused by the developing larval cyst in the tissues
and is filled with eggs which resemble those of the intermediate host. The most common
of other taeniid worms. Eggs may be released and most important site of involvement is the
inside or outside the host. liver, which is seen in 70% of the cases, 85%
The eggs are swallowed by suitable of which is located in the right lobe. The lungs
intermediate hosts, such as goats, horses, camels, are involved in 20 to 30% of cases, while other
and sheep. Man may also accidentally ingest organ involvement, such as the brain and the
the eggs. The eggs hatch in the duodenum and orbit, make up 10% of cases. Cysts are less
release oncospheres that penetrate the intestinal commonly seen in the spleen, kidneys, heart,
wall of the intermediate host. The oncospheres bone, and central nervous system. The cysts
then migrate into the mesenteric venules which of E. granulosus are called unilocular hydatid
lead them to various organs and tissues where cysts, while those of E. multilocularis are
they eventually lodge and develop into cysts. considered alveolar cysts. As the unilocular cyst
Chapter 4: Cestode Infections 221

Figure 4.7. Life cycle of Echinococcus spp.

(Accessed from

develops, inflammatory reactions may occur in

surrounding tissues. Recent studies in mice have
shown that infection with E. granulosus leads to
down-regulation of inflammatory cytokines,
resulting in local immunosuppression. This
may be the mechanism by which the parasite is
able to escape host cell-mediated response. Mass
effect brought about by the enlarging cyst results
in organ impairment as the neighboring tissues
undergo atrophy and tissue necrosis.
Although echinococcal infection may be
acquired during childhood, infections involving
the liver and the lungs are often diagnosed in
adults due to the cysts’ slow growing nature.
Plate 4.16. Hydatid sand Simple or uncomplicated cysts may not produce
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, any symptoms, and patients may harbor the
UP-CPH) cysts for years. In some cases, the presence of
the cyst is only an incidental finding in routine
222 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

radiographic examination. Once symptoms of residence in an endemic area, and close

start to occur, they typically reflect the site of association with dogs are important in the
involvement. Hepatic cysts are mostly found diagnosis of echinococcosis. The World
in the inferior right lobe, and may present as Health Organization (WHO) has developed
hepatic enlargement, right epigastric pain or a standardized classification system for hepatic
jaundice. Abdominal cysts may cause discomfort cysts detected by ultrasonography, as shown in
when the cysts are large enough. Cysts may Table 4.1.
rupture from coughing, muscle strain, trauma, Positive serologic tests, such as the use
aspiration, and operative procedures. When this of indirect hemagglutination (IHA), indirect
happens, the protoscolices, brood capsules, and fluorescent antibody (IFA) test, and enzyme
daughter cysts may metastasize and reach other immunoassays (EIA) are adjunct to radiologic
tissues to develop into secondary cysts after 2 to
Table 4.1. WHO classification for hepatic
8 years. Cysts may also become intrathoracic if echinococcal cysts
they are located in the superior lobe of the liver
and rupture into the thoracic region. Classification Description
The rupture of a hepatic cyst into the Type CL Unilocular cystic lesion(s) with uniform
biliary duct produces a characteristic triad anechoic content without
pathognomonic signs
of findings: intermittent jaundice, fever, and
Type CE1 Unilocular cysts with uniform anechoic
eosinophilia. Peribronchial cysts may discharge content and with pathognomonic
into a bronchus and result in sudden coughing signs that include visible cyst wall
and ‘snow flake sign’
accompanied by allergic symptoms. Sputum
Type CE2 Multivesicular, multiseptated cysts
may contain frothy blood, mucus, hydatid fluid,
Type CE3 Anechoic content with detachment of
and bits of membrane. Involvement of the brain laminated membrane from the cyst
may cause increased intracranial pressure and wall visible as floating membrane or
as ‘water-lily sign’
Jacksonian epilepsy. Renal involvement may
Type CE4 Heterogeneous hypoechoic or
cause intermittent pain, hematuria, kidney hyperechoic degenerative
dysfunction, and hydatid material in the urine. contents, no daughter cysts present
Secondary infection of the cyst may also occur. Type CE5 Cysts characterized by thick calcified
Bacteria may enter the cyst and lead to pyogenic wall which is arch-shaped,
producing a cone-shaped shadow,
abscess formation. A patient with this condition the degree of calcification may
usually presents with chills and high fever. vary from partial to complete

Secondary cysts and infected cysts result in

higher mortality rates. In cases where primary diagnosis. These tests have sensitivities ranging
cysts rupture, serious anaphylaxis may result from 60 to 90% and may be used as screening
from a large amount of hydatid material tests. Although serology may be useful to
entering the bloodstream. Multiple cysts on confirm presumptive diagnoses, one must be
different major organs, seen in 20 to 40% of wary of false positive findings which may occur
infected individuals, may consequently result if the patient is infected with other helminths,
in multiorgan failure. Intrabiliary rupture of or if he has a chronic immune disease. A
the cyst is the most common complication, negative finding, on the other hand, will also not
followed by suppuration. completely rule out the disease since some cyst
carriers have undetectable antibodies. Serology
may have a relatively high sensitivity (80-100%)
Radiographic findings and/or and specificity (88-96%) if cysts are located in
ultrasonography, combined with a history the liver, but when cysts are located in other
Chapter 4: Cestode Infections 223

organs such as the lungs and the brain, the worldwide. Cystic echinococcosis is most
serodiagnostic reactivity is lowered, decreasing prevalent in countries in the temperate
the reliability of this adjunctive diagnostic test. zones, such as southern South America, the
Detection of IgG antibodies to hydatid cyst Mediterranean, southern and central parts of
fluid-derived native or recombinant antigen B Russia, Central Asia, China, Australia, and
subunit, through ELISA or immunoblot, is the parts of Africa. Reemergence of cases have
current gold standard serology for human cystic been reported in Bulgaria, where the incidence
echinococcosis. of echinococcosis in children increased from
0.7 to 5.4/100,000 between the 1970s and the
mid-1990s. Similarly, prevalence of infected
Surgical resection is still considered canines in Wales doubled between 1993 (3.4%)
the preferred treatment for echinococcosis and 2002 (8.1%).
presenting with a large (>10 cm in diameter) Filipinos who have traveled to or worked
liver cyst, secondary infection, or cysts in in endemic areas may get infected. A 35-year
extrahepatic sites. Small (<7 mm in diameter), old Filipino overseas contract worker in the
isolated cysts, uncomplicated cysts, and Middle East presented with a right hilar mass
patients with negative serology respond best to on routine chest x-ray. Thoracotomy showed a
chemotherapy with benzimidazole compounds. 10 cm by 6 cm cystic mass containing hydatid
Treatment with albendazole (10-15 mg/kg/ sand. Another Filipino overseas contract worker
day) or mebendazole (40-50 mg/kg/day) from Iraq presented with a growing mass in
for a minimum of three months has been the hip area. Biopsy results showed presence of
demonstrated to be effective. Percutaneous hydatid sand. More recently, a Filipino female,
aspiration, injection, re-aspiration (PAIR) with no apparent history of travel to an endemic
technique may be indicated for patients with area, consulted her physician for neurologic
single or multiple cysts in the liver, abdominal symptoms. Histopathologic findings of tissue
cavity, spleen, kidney, or bones, who cannot obtained during neurosurgery also showed the
undergo surgery. This technique involves: (a) presence of hydatid sand.
ultrasound-guided percutaneous puncture, (b)
Prevention and Control
aspiration of substantial amounts of cystic fluid,
(c) injection of a protoscolicidal agent (e.g., Prevention is achieved by reducing the
95% ethanol or hypertonic saline) for at least 15 infected populations and by minimizing
minutes, and (d) re-aspiration. Treatment with opportunities for transmission. Regular testing
PAIR plus albendazole or mebendazole has been and quarantine, and treatment of dogs with
shown to have greater efficacy and lower rates praziquantel in endemic areas are important
of morbidity, mortality, and disease recurrence. control strategies that have resulted in the
reduction of echinococcosis cases. To minimize
transmission, dogs should not be allowed in
Cystic echinococcosis is the most common slaughterhouses, and refuse from these facilities
presentation of echinococcal infection in should be sterilized or properly disposed. Health
humans, accounting for >95% of global cases, education should include knowledge on the
with a burden of disease of about one million mode of transmission, and should emphasize
disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). There the danger of intimate contact with dogs.
are approximately 2 to 3 million cases of New strategies for the control and prevention
human cystic echinococcosis, and 0.3 to 0.5 of echinococcosis include vaccination of
million cases of human alveolar echinococcosis livestock, which has been proven to provide
224 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

>95% protection against E. granulosus, as well Ito A, Sako Y, Ishikawa Y, Nakao M, Nakaya
as the development of more sensitive diagnostic K. Differential serodiagnosis of cystic
techniques for definitive and human hosts. and alveolar echinococcosis using ntrtive
and recombinant antigens in Japan.
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health.
Ahluwalia BK, Khurana AK, Gupta NC, 2001;32(Suppl2):111–5.
Mehtani VG. Hydatid cyst of the orbit. Lightowlers MW, Flisser A, Gauci CG, Heath
Philipp J Ophthalmol. 1989;18(4):145–6. DD, Jensen O, Rolf R. Vaccination against
Akkiz H, Akinoglu A. Colakoglu S, Demirytirek cysticercosis and hydatid disease. Parasitol
H, Yagnrur O. Endoscopic management Today. 2000;16(5):191–5.
of biliary hydatid disease. Can J Surgery. Mondragon-dela Pena C, Ramos-Solis S,
1996;39:287–92. Barbosa-Cisneros O, Rodriguez-Padilla
Budke CM. Global socioeconomic impact of C, Tavizon- Garcia P, Herrera-Esparza R.
cystic echinococcosis. Emerg Infect Dis. Echinococcus granulosus down regulates
2006; 12:296–303. the hepatic expression of inflammatory
Canete R, Escobedo AA, Almirall P, Gonzalez cytokines IL- 6 and TNF alpha in BALB/c
ME, Brito K, Cimerman S. Mebendazole in mice. Parasite. 2002;9(4):351–16.
parasitic infections other than those caused Moro PL, Schantz PM. Echinococcosis:
by soil-transmitted helminths. Trans R Soc historical landmarks and progress in
Trop Med Hyg. 2009;103:437–42. research and control. Ann Trop Med
Center for Disease Control and Prevention— Parasitol. 2006;100:703–14.
Division of Parasitic Diseases. Echinococcosis Moro PL, Schantz PM. Echinococcosis: a
[Internet]. 2011 [cited 2012 Mar 3]. review. Int J Infect Dis. 2009;13:125–33.
Available from Romig T, Dinkel A, Mackenstedt U. The
dpdx/html/Echinococcosis.htm present situation of echinococcosis in
Craig PS, McManus DP, Lightowlers MW, Europe. Parasitol Int. 2006;55:S187–91.
Chabalgoity JA, Garcia HH, Gavidia Schantz PM, Gottstein B, Ammann R, Lanier
Cm, et al. Prevention and control of A. Hydatid and the Arctic. Parasitol Today.
cystic echinococcosis. Lancet Infect Dis. 1991;7:35–6.
2007;7:385–94. Wang Y, Bradshaw I, Rogan MT, Craig PS.
Dalisay JS. Pulmonary echinococcosis (a case Rapid dot-ELISA for the detection of
report). Chest Dis. 1985;14(4):148–51. specific antigens in the cyst fluid from
Ito A, Wandra T, Sato MO, Mamuti W, Xiao human cases of cystic echinococcosis. Ann
N, Sako Y, et al. Towards the international Trop Med Parasitol. 2002;96(7):691–4.
collaboration for detection, surveillance World Health Organization. International
and control of taeniasis, cysticercosis and classification of ultrasound images in cystic
echinococcosis in Asia and the Pacific. echinococcosis for application in clinical
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. and field epidemiological settings. Acta
2006;37(suppl 3):82–90. Trop. 2003;85:253–61.
Chapter 4: Cestode Infections 225

Spirometra spp.
Winifreda U. de Leon

S parganosis refers to the larval infection

with the plerocercoid larvae, also known
as spargana, of pseudophyllidean tapeworms
Parasite Biology

The gravid proglottids of Spirometra sp.

have a spiral uterus, in contrast to the rosette
falling under the Genus Spirometra. There
uterus observed in Diphyllobothrium sp.
are many species of Spirometra, but those
Spirometra eggs are operculated and immature,
commonly involved in human sparganosis are
similar to those of Diphyllobothrium, although
Spirometra mansoni, Spirometra erinacei, and
Spirometra ranarum. Adults of these worms
Spirometra eggs are passed out with the feces
are intestinal parasites of cats, dogs, and other
of the definitive hosts and become embryonated
in water (Figure 4.8). The coracidium, once

Figure 4.8. Life cycle of Spirometra spp.

(Accessed from
226 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

released, infects Cyclops and develops into the cm in length. When the larvae are flattened, a
procercoid larva. Once the infected Cyclops spatulate scolex can be appreciated, together
are ingested by the secondary intermediate with pseudosegmentation, and a slit like
hosts such as frogs, snakes, and chickens, the invagination at the anterior end. Species
procercoid larva develops into the plerocercoid identification, however, can only be done
larva which is also known as sparganum (pl. through experimental animal infection.
spargana). If the infected tissues of the second
intermediate host are ingested by the definitive
host (cats and dogs), the plerocercoid larva The main form of treatment is surgical
develops into an adult worm. These adults are removal of the larvae from the infected tissues.
usually mistaken for adult Diphyllobothrium Praziquantel has been recommended, but its
latum, although Spirometra sp. adults are efficacy in humans has not been proven.
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
Cases of sparganosis have been reported
Humans may be infected through: (a) worldwide: in Africa, India, Holland, Australia,
drinking water containing Cyclops or copepods and South America. In Asia, the majority
infected with procercoid larvae; (b) eating of cases came from Japan, Korea, Thailand,
infected second intermediate hosts like frogs, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
toads, or snakes containing the plerocercoid The first case reported in the Philippines
larvae; (c) applying plerocercoid infected flesh was in 1935, when a sparganum was recovered
of frogs and snakes as poultices on sores on the from the abdominal wall of a seminarian
eye, vagina, and skin resulting in subsequent originally from Pulilan, Bulacan. The second
penetration into cutaneous tissues; and (d) case, reported in 1950, was that of a fisherman
consumption of infected flesh of paratenic hosts from Libon, Albay, presenting with a 4 cm lower
like wild pigs. The resulting condition is called chest lump. The third case, reported in 1953,
sparganosis. was that of a 50-year old nun, also from Pulilan,
The larvae may be found in any part of Bulacan, complaining of an erythematous,
the body. Most commonly, they are found in slightly painful, pruritic mass in the inner aspect
and about the eyes, in the subcutaneous and of the thigh. Although two of the cases were
muscular tissues of the thorax, abdomen, thighs, from the same place, it was possible that the
inguinal region, and in the viscera. Patients may nun got infected during her stay as a missionary
complain of painful edema due to migrating in Mindanao. A fourth case, reported in 1962,
larvae, hence, the condition is also known as was that of a 46-year old female with a slightly
migrating tumor. Local indurations, periodic painful, subcutaneous nodule at the base of the
giant urticaria, edema, and erythema with neck. In the late 1970’s, and the early 1980’s,
chills, fever, and high eosinophilia may be seen two more cases of human sparganosis were
in patients. confirmed at the Department of Parasitology,
College of Public Health, University of the
Philippines Manila.
Sparganosis is diagnosed through the In all six cases, the spargana were motile
recovery of the plerocercoid larvae from upon excision of the mass. With the last two
infected tissues. The larvae that are opaque cases, the spargana showed the typical solid
and glistening white usually measure about 3.5 body with worm-like appearance. There
Chapter 4: Cestode Infections 227

was pseudosegmentation with a slit-like References

invagination at the head end. None of the
Ahluwalia BK, Khurana AK, Gupta NC,
patients gave a history of consuming raw frogs,
Mehtani VG. Hydatid cyst of the orbit.
birds, or snakes, nor did they admit having
Philipp J Ophthalmol. 1989;18(4):145–6.
applied the flesh of such animals as a poultice.
Akkiz H, Akinoglu A, Qolakoglu S, Demirytirek
Presumably, transmission may have occurred
H, Yagnrur O. Endoscopic management
through drinking water with Cyclops containing
of biliary hydatid disease. Can J Sugery.
To date, there have been other cases
Beaver PC, Jung RC, Cupp EW. Clinical
of human sparganosis encountered in the
parasitology. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Lea &
Philippines. One interesting case was the
Febiger; 1984.
involvement of the central nervous system
Belding DL. Textbook of parasitology. 3rd
of an adult female Filipino complaining of
ed. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts;
headache, seizures, confusion, and hemiparesis.
On computed tomography scan, an area of
Garcia EY. Toxoplasmosis and sparganosis in
low density, distinct from other brain lesions,
native Filipinos (clinical reports). J Philipp
was detected. Multi-Dot ELISA technique on
Med Assoc. 1950;26:227.
the serum and the cerebrospinal fluid of the
Garcia OP, Reyes Al. Sparganosis in Filipinos.
patient was positive for Spirometra antigen, but
With a review of reported cases in
not for cysticercus or Paragonimus antigens.
the Philippines. J Philipp Med Assoc.
The positive reaction was confirmed using the
MicroPlate ELISA procedure. The infection
Hinz E. Hunman helminthiases in the
may have been acquired through drinking of
Philippines. Berlin: Springer-Veriag; 1984.
water contaminated with infected Cyclops.
Jeong SC, Bae JC, Hwang SH, Kim HC, Lee
Infection can be prevented by drinking
BC. Cerebral sparganosis with intracerebral
boiled or filtered water, by cooking possible
hemorrhage: a case report. Neurology.
intermediate and paratenic hosts thoroughly,
and by avoiding the practice of applying the
Mastura AB, Ambu S, Hasnah O, Rosli R.
flesh of frogs to inflamed areas.
Spargana infection of frogs in Malaysia.
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health.
Chapter 5

Trematode Infections

Blood Flukes
Edsel Maurice T. Salvaña, Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr.

S chistosoma is a genus of parasitic blood flukes

that infect birds and mammals, including
humans. Five species of medically important
pathogenicity, and immunogenicity. Injection
of irradiated cercariae of the Chinese strain
confers resistance against the homologous strain
Schistosoma have been identified: S. japonicum, but not against the Philippine strain. The mouse
S. mansoni, S. haematobium, S. mekongi, and S. pathogenicity of the Chinese strain is less than
intercalatum. S. japonicum is the predominant that of the Philippine strain.
species in the Philippines and will be discussed Differences also seem to exist among the
in detail in this chapter. various island strains (Mindoro, Leyte, Sorsogon,
Schistosoma japonicum or the Oriental and Mindanao) in the Philippines. However,
blood fluke causes schistosomiasis japonica. no studies have definitively showed variations
It is endemic in China, the Philippines, and and similarities in host range, pathogenicity,
Indonesia. It was first described in Japan but susceptibility to chemotherapeutic agents, and
has been eliminated, with the last human case other characteristics among these strains. Most
reported in 1977. For centuries, schistosomiasis studies on different aspects of the biology of S.
has caused significant morbidity and mortality. japonicum have been done on the Leyte strain,
S. japonicum eggs have been identified in a with the findings extrapolated for other island
female corpse from the Western Han Dynasty, strains.
2,000 years ago. While the disease was described
Parasite Biology
as early as 1847 by Fuji, the adult S. japonicum
was first described by Katsurada only in 1904. The S. japonicum life cycle involves
The first Chinese case was diagnosed by an intermediate snail host and a definitive
Logan in 1905, and Wooley reported the first mammalian host, with free-living stages in
case in the Philippines in 1906. Strains of S. between (Figure 5.1). Embryonated eggs from
japonicum from the different geographic regions the stool of a definitive host come into contact
are genetically distinct but all require snails with fresh water and hatch within 2 to 4 hours
of the species Oncomelania as intermediate into free-swimming miracidia. Miracidia
hosts. Phenotypic variations include minor seek out and infect the snail intermediate
morphological characteristics, infectivity host, Oncomelania hupensis quadrasi, and
to Oncomelania snails from different areas, develop into sporocysts. Sporocysts are able to
periodicity of cercarial emergence, ability to reproduce asexually and can later give rise to
develop in different definitive hosts, growth free-swimming cercariae after 60 to 70 days.
rates, egg production, pre-patency periods, The cercariae penetrate the skin of the definitive

Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 229

Figure 5.1. Life cycle of Schistosoma spp.

(Accessed from

host when the host comes into contact with to 2,000 immature eggs/day in the branches
infested fresh water. Cercariae then lose their of the portal vein. These require 10 to 12 days
tails and transform into schistosomula and enter to mature and embryonate. Eggs deposited
superficial lymphatic vessels or subcutaneous
veins and reach the lungs. Most authors believe
that from the pulmonary circulation, the
schistosomules migrate intravascularly to reach
the portal vein where they mature. However,
there is some evidence that schistosomules can
escape from the lungs into the pleural cavity and
pass through the diaphragm into the liver to
reach the portal vein. In the portal circulation,
schistosomules differentiate into male and
female forms and pair up, with the larger female Plate 5.1. Schistosoma japonicum male (left)
occupying the gynecophoric canal on the adult and female (right) (Courtesy of the Department
male (Plate 5.1). Each female fluke deposits 500 of Parasitology, UP-CPH)
230 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

in mucosal or sub-mucosal terminal veins or

capillaries escape through ulcerations into the
intestinal lumen and are subsequently exported
with the feces. Egg deposition usually begins
from the 24th to the 27th day after cercarial
While the intermediate snail host is specific
for each schistosome species, S. japonicum
has a wide range of definitive hosts including
domestic mammals such as dogs, pigs, cats,
carabaos, and cows, along with sylvan reservoirs
such as rodents and monkeys. Susceptibility to Plate 5.2. Schistosoma japonicum egg
infection can vary among different definitive (Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
hosts. Some hosts are considered permissive, UP-CPH)
i.e., S. japonicum matures and oviposits over
an extended period (e.g., humans, monkeys, 5.2). Eggs are in the multicellular stage when
rabbits, and mice); while others are non- released from the adult female and require 10 to
permissive wherein schistosomes are stunted 12 days to embryonate and mature. Immature
or they may mature but die out prematurely. eggs passed out with feces no longer mature in
Infection rates can also vary between the soil and are not viable. Mature eggs in feces
individuals of the same species. This is likely can survive and still hatch for up to a week if
due to variations in immune activation and desiccation is slow. In view of the nature of the
response, and has been demonstrated in rainfall distribution in endemic areas of the
different genotypes (e.g., inbred strains of mice). Philippines, the prolonged survival time of the
Some evidence suggests that in a particular ovum increases the probability that the eggs
endemic island of the Philippines, only one will be washed down to a water course where
strain is common to the different definitive snails are present.
hosts. A large series of experimental crosses of Eggs hatch only in clean fresh water with
cercariae originating from a single miracidium sufficient oxygen. They will not hatch in
obtained from different naturally infected salinity greater than 0.7% or at mammalian
mammalian hosts from Leyte was made between body temperatures. A temperature of between
1954 and 1957. All of the crosses of flukes of 25 to 31°C in slightly alkaline water is ideal.
different vertebrate origin were successful. It is Hatching occurs almost instantaneously upon
easy to presume that these crossings occur in immersion in water. Most viable eggs will hatch
the transmission sites in nature and that only within 2 to 4 hours. Many miracidia can survive
one strain of S. japonicum exists in this endemic overnight. Essential morphological features
island. of the miracidium include an apical papilla,
S. japonicum egg is ovoid, round or pear- epidermal plates covered with cilia, a primitive
shaped, and is pale yellow in color. The longer gut, a pair of cephalic unicellular penetration
diameter ranges from 46 to 110 µm, while the glands opening by a duct at the base of the apical
shorter diameter ranges from 37 to 90 µm. It papilla, two pairs of flame cells, and germinal
has a thin shell onto which residual tissue or red cells. The miracidia are phototactic and swim
cells may be adherent. A curved hook or spine actively in surface water. They remain infective
may be observed near one of the polar ends, for snails for 8 to 12 hours, but infectivity
but only if the egg is properly oriented (Plate diminishes with time.
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 231

The mechanism by which snail intermediate shed cercariae. Mortality among infected snails
hosts are located and infected by miracidia, as is increased in comparison with uninfected
well as what may divert them from infecting snails. Infected Oncomelania have decreased
snails has not been well-elucidated. Although egg-laying capacity.
it is postulated that secretions or excretions Mature cercariae emerge from daughter
of O. h. quadrasi attract the miracidia, but sporocysts and escape from the snail into fresh
these chemotactic molecules have not yet been water. The cercaria has a body and a forked tail.
identified. In early experiments performed The main body measures from 100 to 500 µm
in Leyte, initial contact between a single in length and 40 to 60 µm transversely. The
miracidium placed equidistant from O. h. tail trunk is 140 to 150 µm by 20 to 35 µm;
quadrasi and other snails was purely random. and the fork is 50 to 70 µm long. The cercaria
After contact with soft parts of the snail, has an oral sucker, which occupies the anterior
miracidial penetration is effected by movement end of the body, and a small ventral sucker.
and the lytic action of cephalic gland secretions. Cercarial penetration is mediated by lytic
Factors that influence the infection of snails by enzymes secreted by cephalic glands and aided
miracidia include the age of the snails and the by muscular activity.
miracidia, the number of miracidia per snail, There are several ways by which cercariae
the length of contact time, water flow, and emerge from snails infected by miracidia. Singly
turbulence. infected snails may shed cercariae as early as the
The ciliated surface of a miracidium 42nd day after miracidial penetration, although
disappears once penetration is completed. the average time is 62 days. Multiply infected
Within several days, the miracidium develops snails take somewhat longer, but shed more
into a first generation or mother sporocyst near cercariae and have a longer shedding period.
the point of entry. At 96 hours after penetration, The total number of cercariae shed during the
it transforms into an elongated sac filled with whole length of infection is about 230 for singly
germinal cells. On the 8th day, germ cells bud off infected snails and 280 for snails with multiple
the epithelial lining and develop into daughter infections. On the average, a snail sheds only
sporocysts. These migrate through loose about two cercariae per day. Snails may climb
connective tissue to the liver. In the connective vegetation above the water line or get stranded
tissues of the liver, further development of germ on the dryer portion of the snail habitat for
balls into daughter sporocysts takes place. Free several days. Because O. h. quadrasi can easily
swimming cercariae are ultimately produced. withstand drying for 7 to 10 days because of
Thus, from a single miracidium, through its operculum, it may shed scores of cercariae
the process of asexual multiplication within upon re-entry into water. This phenomenon
the mother and daughter sporocysts, scores is exploited in the laboratory to recover more
of cercariae of a single sex are produced. The cercariae. Snails are taken out of the aquaterraria
limiting factor for the number of cercariae that for 2 to 4 days before these are crushed or made
develop from one miracidium is the size of the to shed the parasites.
snail host. In S. mansoni and S. haematobium, Studies done in Leyte indicate that cercariae
thousands of cercariae are produced since their are most abundant in the field during the early
snail hosts are much larger. evening hours. These observations parallel those
Only a relatively small proportion of the of Bauman et al. who also found that the natural
miracidia that enter snails eventually produce release of cercariae is nocturnal, occurring from
cercariae. Only 6 to 10% of exposed O. h. early evening to midnight. Two factors have
quadrasi found in a study done in Mindoro been proposed to explain this occurrence: the
232 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

negative effects of exposure to sunlight, and intrahepatic portions of the portal vein. This is
the fact that O. h. quadrasi is more active and likely the more common path of migration to
mobile at night, allowing it to reach water the portal circulation, while the vascular route
sources more often in the evening. Cercariae via the arterial circulation may be a secondary
can survive for up to 24 hours after release, and pathway.
so infested water can be infectious at any time Unlike other trematodes, schistosomes are
during the day. dioecious. Adults have a large sucker capping the
Cercariae swim on the surface of the water, anterior end, a ventral sucker, and a gonophore,
which facilitates contact and attachment to located slightly posterior to the ventral sucker.
the skin of the host. Host identification by S. The suckers aid in movement and enable the
japonicum seems to be non-specific, although flukes to maintain their position inside veins.
in thermal gradients they show a preference to The male is the shorter but sturdier sex and
a temperature of 35°C ± 3°C. Penetration is measures 12 to 20 mm in length by 0.4 to 0.5
stimulated by skin lipids. Some chemicals like mm in diameter. It has a gynecophoral canal
dimethylate and niclosamide repel cercariae where the longer and more slender female is
when applied to the skin. However, routine held (Plate 5.3). Females measure 15 to 26 mm
use is impractical due to the need for frequent by about 0.3 mm. They can live for up to 30
reapplication. years but the mean life span is much shorter
After skin penetration, the cercaria loses (3-8 years). In the male, the testes are arranged
its tail and transforms into a schistosomule. in one row above the ventral sucker, while in
Schistosomules have adapted to survive in serum the female, a single pyramidal ovary is located
or physiologic saline at 37°C. The cercarial in the midline.
tegument is replaced by a five to seven-layered Schistosomes have an incomplete digestive
membrane. In the laboratory, a cercaria can be system and an excretory system made up
transformed into a schistosomule by repeated of flame cells. These internal structures are
passage through small bore syringe needles surrounded by circular and longitudinal
resulting in shearing off of the tail, by passage muscles. The worms ingest red blood cells
through isolated skin, and by application to a and possess a protease (hemoglobinase) that
surface with skin lipids or crude egg lecithin. breaks down globulin and hemoglobin. They
One study showed that schistosomules can be
found in the pleural cavity on the 2nd day of
infection, in the parenchyma of the diaphragm
on the 4th day, in the liver parenchyma on the
6th day, and in the intrahepatic branches of the
portal vein afterwards. There was a very close
correlation between the number of superficial
lung petechiae on the 4th to 6th day after
cercarial penetration, and the number of flukes
recovered at day 30 from the portal system by
perfusion. These observations seem to indicate
that schistosomules break out of the pulmonary
microvasculature and traverse the lungs to
escape into the pleural cavity. They later go Plate 5.3. Schistosoma japonicum adults
through the diaphragm, enter the peritoneal in copula (Courtesy of the Department of
space and penetrate the liver to reach the Parasitology, UP-CPH)
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 233

utilize glucose at a rapid rate and likely absorb the host and mature to lay eggs determine the
nutrients through the body wall. More research severity of infection, with repeated infection
is needed to elucidate the mechanisms for from continuing exposure causing the most
nutrient uptake and metabolism including severe burden of disease. Correlations between
enzyme systems. excretal egg-output, number of resident flukes,
and egg counts in the liver have been shown in
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
experimentally infected monkeys.
Cercarial penetration of skin is usually Egg deposition can occur in any organ, but
accompanied by dermatitis with pruritus and those most commonly involved are the liver,
localized reaction known as “swimmer’s itch.” intestines, lungs, and much less frequently,
This is similar to that seen from non-japonicum the central nervous system. In whatever organ
and non-schistosome cercariae that do not lead the eggs are entrapped, the primary lesion is a
to chronic disease in humans. The manifestation granulomatous hypersensitivity reaction around
is self-limited and repeated cercarial exposure a single egg or egg cluster. Since S. japonicum
causes these acute reactions to wane over time. typically deposits eggs in clusters, very large and
Non-endemic travelers to endemic areas are the destructive granulomas are formed. After initial
most likely to experience this phenomenon. egg deposition, there is an accelerated formation
Typically after 2 to 12 weeks following of larger and more destructive granulomas.
cercarial penetration, schistosomule migration However, as the infection becomes chronic,
can give rise to a syndrome characterized by easy granulomas become smaller or modulated.
fatigability, respiratory symptoms, arthralgias, Appreciation of the immunologic basis of this
myalgias, malaise, eosinophilia, fever, and phenomenon raises the question of vaccination
abdominal pain, which has been termed against the disease. Immunization to promote
“snail fever,” Katayama fever, or Katayama a modulated granuloma response could lead
syndrome. The latter term is currently preferred to a reduced likelihood of developing severe
since not all patients may present with fever. hepatosplenic disease.
Hepatosplenomegaly is not uncommon and In view of the collateral circulation
can be quite debilitating during this period of established, eggs are shunted into the systemic
infection, and in rare cases may lead to severe circulation and filtered in the pulmonary
hepatic dysfunction and death. Migration microvasculature, eventually causing pulmonary
through the pulmonary circulation can cause hypertension.
wheezing and coughing. Aberrant migration The clinical course of infection is arbitrarily
of maturing schistosomules may occlude the divided into three stages, namely: (a) incubation
circulation of the brain and the spinal cord (corresponding to the period from cercarial
precipitating seizures, paresthesias, transient penetration and schistosomular migration to
ischemic attacks, and strokes. While most the time the flukes mature); (b) period of early
patients will get better without medication, egg deposition and extrusion; and (c) period of
treatment with anthelminthics usually leads to tissue proliferation. Since there is a significant
faster resolution of symptoms. overlap of the second and third stages of the
The main pathology and chronic disease disease due to repeated infection, it is usually
manifestations of schistosomiasis japonica are more useful to refer to organ involvement as the
due to the host granulomatous reaction to eggs basis for clinical classification or description.
deposited in the liver and other organs. Since American soldiers who landed in Leyte
S. japonicum does not multiply in the definitive in 1944 and acquired schistosomiasis became
host, the initial quantum of cercariae that infect subjects for the study of early manifestations.
234 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Among 42 soldiers studied, itching soon after

exposure was noted in four cases. In another
series of 41 patients, only one experienced
itching. The majority of subjects had chills,
fever or non-productive cough during the
period corresponding to larval or schistosomular
migration. Another longitudinal study involving
337 cases established that the pre-patent period
ranged from 42 to 52 days.
Colonic involvement in schistosomiasis
japonica starts during the early period of egg
deposition. Ulcerations caused by eggs result
Plate 5.4. A boy from Leyte with portal
in dysentery or diarrhea, depending on the hypertension and ascites secondary to
worm burden. In the chronic stage, colonic schistosomiasis (Courtesy of Dr. Edito Garcia)
schistosomiasis is usually asymptomatic,
although there may be occasional bouts of porto-systemic collateral circulation. Jongco and
diarrhea. Chronic colonic schistosomiasis has Flaminiano reported in 1961 that pulmonary
been observed as an incidental finding with schistosomiasis is the most common cause of cor
some malignancies, but a causal relationship pulmonale in Filipino children. Cor pulmonale
has not been established. may become symptomatic before portal
Hepatosplenic disease is the most serious hypertension is clinically apparent and may
consequence of chronic schistosomiasis. It is lead to a delay in diagnosis of schistosomiasis.
characterized by hepatosplenomegaly, portal Cerebral schistosomiasis (Plate 5.5) is
hypertension, ascites, and development of estimated to occur in 1.7 to 4.3% of infections.
collateral circulation, which can lead to Among the Americans that landed in Leyte
esophageal and gastric varices. An analysis by in 1945, 2% had cerebral manifestations.
Pesigan et al. of 2,540 cases of schistosomiasis Cerebral manifestations may present as motor
japonica detected by stool examination during or sensory disturbances depending on the site
surveys of Department of Health teams in 1950 of egg deposition and granuloma formation.
and 1951 showed that 31% had developed mild
hepatosplenic disease, 9.1% had definite signs of
ascites, and 1.4% had severe portal hypertension
with prominent ascites (Plate 5.4). Cinco et al.
reported that 14% of cases of schistosomiasis
had a history of hematemesis and/or melena.
Pulmonary involvement may initially
occur during the period of larval migration,
which can result in coughing, wheezing,
and other respiratory symptoms. In chronic
schistosomiasis, the lungs follow the liver
and intestines in having the most number of
schistosomal lesions. Cor pulmonale can result
from obstruction of the pulmonary vasculature Plate 5.5. Schistosoma egg in the brain
due to granuloma formation and fibrosis. Eggs (Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
likely reach the pulmonary circulation via the UP-CPH)
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 235

Early neurologic involvement is brought about kept indefinitely. Processing can therefore be
by the parasite’s transition from the portal resumed in the laboratory or at some later
vein via mesenteric and pelvic veins to the convenient time. Protozoans are also preserved
spinal veins. Acute cases usually present with and stained in the preparation allowing
fulminating meningoencephalitis with fever, diagnosis of polyparasitism.
headache, confusion, lethargy, and coma, while The Kato-Katz technique is the preferred
chronic cases give a clinical picture of a tumor egg-counting technique and is considered the
with localizing signs and increased intracranial most suitable for quantification of eggs. It is
pressure. the most commonly used stool examination
technique for evaluating epidemiology, effect
of control measures, and drug trials. The
Because S. japonicum is primarily a parasite Kato-Katz preparation can be kept for at least
of the portal vein and its branches, eggs are 2 weeks for later examination depending on the
not immediately demonstrable in the feces workload. There is practically no loss of eggs
unless they are deposited in the terminal during storage and processing which makes
vein or capillaries of the intestinal mucosa or the technique satisfactory for determining
submucosa, and subsequently escape to the fecal egg density. Specimens with less than 20
intestinal lumen. In infections where there eggs per gram of feces require examination of
is scarring or fibrosis of sites of ulcerations, at least three Kato-Katz preparations to have
passage of eggs into the intestinal lumen can 92% sensitivity.
be impeded. In these cases, stool examinations Rectal snips and imprints require specialized
can give negative results even in active infection. equipment and personnel, but are among the
Schistosome eggs can also be recovered by rectal most sensitive techniques. It is also the most
or liver biopsy. However, these procedures invasive since biopsy specimens are required.
require specialized equipment and are not Another drawback is the inability to distinguish
practical for mass screening or field surveys. between untreated and treated infection since
Moreover, tissue diagnosis cannot reliably eggs can persist in rectal tissue long after active
distinguish active from treated infection. infection has been eradicated. Some techniques
Microscopic examination techniques are such as vital staining and egg morphology
the most specific since these directly visualize and embryo motility have been proposed to
the parasite egg. Microscopic techniques distinguish viable from nonviable eggs, but none
include stool examination and rectal imprint. of these are consistently reliable.
S. japonicum eggs tend to clump together, so a The intimate tissue contact between
small stool sample may turn out falsely negative. parasite and host during cercarial penetration,
This may also occur in cases of light infection. schistosomular migration, intravascular growth
To establishing a diagnosis, the merthiolate- and development of adults, and deposition of
iodine-formalin concentration technique eggs in the tissues stimulate and provoke specific
(MIFC) has sufficient sensitivity for moderate immune responses which can be demonstrated
and heavy infections, but it is not adequate as evidence of infection.
for very light infections (<10 eggs per gram of Locally evaluated immunodiagnostic
feces). This technique has certain advantages tests include the following: (a) intradermal
over other stool concentration techniques test for immediate cutaneous hypersensitivity
making it suitable for field surveys. Fecal using adult worm extracts; (b) indirect
samples mixed with merthiolate-formalin hemagglutination using adult worm and egg
(MF) solution in screw-capped vials can be antigens; (c) circumoval precipitin test (COPT);
236 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

and (d) the enzyme-linked immunosorbent 55 to 91% (n=14). Urine and serum tests on
assay or ELISA using soluble antigens of other schistosome species in Africa and Brazil
adults and eggs. A multicenter evaluation of S. have so far shown disappointing sensitivity and
japonicum diagnostics conducted by the World specificity for antigen based tests. A variety of
Health Organization, in which the Philippines the currently available antibody and antigen
participated, showed that crude egg antigens tests should be compared using sera collected
were most specific. In view of this, only the from low endemic areas. This will determine
COPT, ELISA, and indirect hemagglutination which assays are practicable for field use in
using egg antigens are recommended for use. endemic areas. The method of choice will
There are inherent problems with depend on cost, simplicity, and sensitivity.
parasitological diagnosis especially in low The COPT demonstrates the formation
endemic areas. Thus, there may be a role for of bleb-like or septate precipitates attached to
antibody or antigen detection that may have one or more points on the egg surface after
advantages over parasitological diagnosis. In the incubation of schistosome eggs in a patient’s
Philippines, a proportion of COPT positive but serum. It is currently regarded as the method of
single Kato-Katz negatives were shown to have choice for definitive diagnosis of this infection
eggs on repeated sampling. in the Philippines. The sensitivity of COPT is
The intradermal test is highly sensitive due to the fact that it is a microprecipitation
but nonspecific for infection. It cannot reliably reaction visualized under the microscope with
distinguish active from old infection. It is no sensitivity comparable to passive or indirect
longer used routinely as other immunodiagnostic hemagglutination.
tests have replaced it. The COPT may take more than two
Indirect hemagglutination has been shown years to become negative. The time spent
to be highly sensitive. However, it does require in examining is very much reduced with
specialized reagents and training but can be standardized egg preparation obtained from
performed with minimal equipment in the field. 50 to 60-day old S. japonicum infections of
ELISA formats are among the most sensitive rabbits. During this period of infection, there
tests but the need for laboratory equipment is a maximum proportion of mature eggs from
and trained personnel limits its use to banked the liver, which can be used as antigens for the
specimens and cannot be a point of care test. test. At least 25% of the eggs can be visualized
New lateral flow assays, which use card tests with precipitates after incubation with a positive
with visually apparent results, harness ELISA serum, so examination of the slide requires a
technology for point of care and field use minimum amount of time.
and have been validated extensively in China. Epidemiological studies in Barrio San
Lateral flow assays are likely the best suited for Antonio in the town of Basey, Samar, where the
elimination programs. However, the biggest whole population was examined using MIFC
drawback for antibody detection tests remains and COPT, indicated that many infections,
the persistence of antibodies long after active particularly of the population above 10 years old
infection has been treated. were not detected by a single stool examination.
Antigen detection reflects active infection. Seventy percent of the population tested positive
In more recent studies, adult worm antigens by COPT, while only 40% tested positive with
were found to be better than egg antigens for a single stool examination.
detecting low level infections (<100 eggs/g). Because COPT is technically demanding
Egg antigens detected only 65 to 85% of cases and requires specialized equipment, it is not
(n=7), while adult worm antigens detected routinely used for field testing. Moreover, it
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 237

cannot distinguish active from past infection. intervals of several hours. Even if the patient
Currently, COPT is used as an adjunct tool for is not fully cured, the passage of eggs becomes
diagnosis in patients who are stool negative but significantly reduced. Improvement after
remain highly suspicious for schistosomiasis. It treatment is clinically apparent. There is a
is not recommended for use as a screening tool reduction in the degree of portal hypertension,
in the Philippines. hepatosplenomegaly, and cerebrospinal
manifestations. In local studies, egg reduction
rates have ranged from 80 to 96% in patients
Praziquantel, a heterocyclic who received treatment with praziquantel 60
prazinoisoquinoline compound, represents mg/kg in two divided doses.
a major breakthrough in the treatment of The frequency of side effects varies in the
schistosomiasis. It is safe and highly effective different treated groups but these are generally
in single or divided doses against all the major mild and transitory. In a retrospective study
species of schistosomes. The active substance of 25,693 S. japonicum patients treated with
is a hygroscopic, colorless, almost odorless, praziquantel in China, only 0.4% of patients
crystalline powder with a bitter taste, which were reported to have serious adverse effects.
is stable under normal conditions but melts In local studies involving more than 6,000
and decomposes at 136 to 140°C. It is very patients, praziquantel given at 60 mg/kg in
soluble in chloroform and dimethyl-sulfoxide, two divided doses resulted in mild to moderate
sparingly soluble in ethanol and very slightly side effects in 68% while severe reactions were
soluble in water. Praziquantel is active against recorded in 1.2%. The most frequent adverse
adult schistosomes both in vitro and in vivo. In effects are epigastric or diffuse abdominal pain
vitro experiments have shown that schistosomes or discomfort, nausea, anorexia, dizziness,
instantly become immobile and undergo headache, and fever. Most of these were noted
contraction on contact with the drug. to be mild and transient.
Acute toxicity studies conducted in Artemisinins including artemether have
rats, mice, and rabbits have shown that in recently been shown to be effective in decreasing
comparison with other anti-schistosomal drugs, S. japonicum infections when used as pre-
praziquantel has a very low acute toxicity profile. exposure prophylaxis during the planting season
Rats tolerated daily doses of up to 1 mg/kg for 4 in China. Artemether is effective against
weeks, and dogs tolerated daily dosages of up to the juvenile stages of the worm and so this
180 mg/kg for 13 weeks without organ damage. drug is ideal for the non-endemic traveler.
No effects were seen on the whole reproductive However, routine use for endemic natives may
process in rats. Teratogenic effects were not be problematic in areas where malaria is co-
observed in mice, rats or rabbits. endemic since this may give rise to resistance.
A single dose of 40 to 50 mg/kg, or 25 mg/ Combination therapy with praziquantel has
kg in two doses or three doses of 20 mg/kg given shown high cure rates in laboratory animals
every 4 hours or even a dose as low as 10 mg/kg and may be an option in areas with high worm
given three times a day for 2 days provide high burden or emerging drug resistance.
cure rates. A dosage of 30 mg/kg given after
breakfast and repeated after lunch has been used
in trials involving more than 6,000 patients with Transmission dynamics vary considerably
light to moderate S. japonicum infections with in the different endemic areas due to the
a cure rate of almost 90%. many factors that influence the common
Generally, a single large dose has the environment, the behavioral patterns of the
same efficacy as several smaller doses at definitive host, and the bionomics of the
238 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

snail host. Extrapolation of data, whether

in snail populations, animal populations, or
socioeconomic activities, may not completely
capture the true situation. Understanding the
epidemiology of schistosomiasis requires the
study of the effects of rainfall, socioeconomic
activity, cultural and behavioral patterns, and
demographic characteristics of the human
population and animal reservoir hosts in the
transmission of S. japonicum. Occurrence of
disease in the community should be described in
relation to prevalence and intensity of infection.
In the Philippines, schistosomiasis remains
endemic in 12 regions covering 28 provinces,
190 municipalities, 15 cities, and 2,222
barangays. Two additional municipalities of
Gonzaga, Cagayan (Region 2) and Calatrava,
Negros Occidental (Region 6) were recently
identified as schistosomiasis endemic areas
in 2004 and 2006, respectively, through
the identification of indigenous cases, and
infected O. h. quadrasi snail vector (Figure
5.2). More recent surveys conducted through
active surveillance by field schistosomiasis
teams revealed a national average prevalence
Figure 5.2. Map of Schistosoma japonicum-
of 2.5% (Table 5.1). The at-risk population endemic provinces in the Philippines
is approximately 6.8 million. The highest
prevalence of infection is in children 5 to 15
Table 5.1. Prevalence of schistosomiasis stratified
years of age. by province (2005-2007)
A cross-sectional survey done in Western
Samar that covered 1,425 households in 50 Provinces Prevalence (%)
barangays revealed a schistosomiasis prevalence Agusan del Sur 3.95
rate of 18%, with 3.2% having moderate to Northern Samar 2.45
heavy infection. Epidemiological surveys have Eastern Samar 1.79
demonstrated 10% disease prevalence for Bukidnon 1.66
Cagayan in 2004 and 69% disease prevalence Surigao del Sur 1.30
for Calatrava, Negros Occidental in 2006. Leyte 0.91
A study involving 1,848 school-age children
Lanao del Norte 0.81
described a resurgence of schistosomiasis in
Davao del Norte 0.78
Agusan del Sur with an overall prevalence at
Western Samar 0.77
31.8% and proportion of moderate to heavy
Compostela Valley 0.68
intensity infections at 19.3%.
Mindoro Oriental 0.63
Pre-control assessment of the problem of
Cotabato – Kidapawan 0.54
schistosomiasis is essential for evaluation of the
effectiveness of control measures. The more Marawi City 0.12

useful epidemiologic indices are: (a) prevalence, Sorsogon 0.36

Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 239

Provinces Prevalence (%) Information Systems (GIS) might allow the

Surigao del Norte 0.29
number of individuals to be monitored for
South Cotabato 0.28
ongoing transmission. New foci of transmission
may also be shown reflecting changes in
Sultan Kudarat 0.24
geographical location of transmission foci.
Iloilo City 0.20
S. japonicum is naturally transmitted
Davao del Sur – Digos 0.09
between humans and other mammalian hosts,
Agusan del Norte 0.08
with either humans or animals alone being
Cagayan 0.04
able to maintain the infection cycle. Prior to
Source: Leonardo L, Rivera P, Saniel O, Villacorte E, Crisostomo
B, Hernandez L, et al. Prevalence survey of schistosomiasis application of intervention measures like mass
in Mindanao and Visayas, The Philippines. Parasitol Int.
chemotherapy or a program of sanitation, it is
important to have a measure of how much of
the contamination of the environment with
(b) incidence, and (c) intensity or worm schistosome eggs is attributable to human
burden estimated according to the number of and animal reservoirs. This will be of value in
eggs per unit of weight of feces. It is essential predicting the success of sanitary disposal of
that these indices are determined before the human feces and chemotherapy in reducing
implementation of the control program to have transmission and complementary measures of
baseline data for evaluation. control. The prevalence and egg output should
The magnitude of the problem is reflected be determined for all possible egg sources.
by the prevalence with an expression of the In the human population, these indices
worm burden. Determination of the incidence may vary among age groups. Some groups will
rate in the younger ages is a more accurate and contribute more than others to contamination.
a more sensitive measure for assessing effects In areas of high prevalence, children aged 5 to
of intervention measures that aim to reduce 14 years old usually contribute more, whereas
transmission since schistosomiasis is a chronic in lower prevalence areas, older children and
infection. adults are responsible for the bulk of the
A measurement of worm burden or contamination.
intensity of infection is done through excretal Transmission of infection requires contact
egg counts. The incidence may not be reduced between humans and other animal hosts with
but the quantum of infective cercariae per the breeding sites for snails. As part of pre-
exposure may be reduced after therapy so that control studies, the most common water sites,
there is a corresponding decrease in worm and the reasons for water contact and their
burden. In all endemic communities, the relative importance should be determined and
distribution of excretal egg count per unit of ranked according to relative importance. This
weight of feces is not normal or random so should lead to the provision of appropriate
that a geometric and not an arithmetic mean is alternate facilities (such as protected laundry
a better expression for community egg count. areas or footbridges) to reduce water contact
For example, in a study in Irosin, Sorsogon, and determine priorities for snail control.
only a small proportion of the study population Prevention and Control
(4.1%) excreted 50% of the eggs counted in the
study. Excretal egg counts are therefore useful In areas of high prevalence and transmission,
in determining priority of treatment. mass chemotherapy to reduce morbidity remains
Use of mapping of “hot spots” of infection/ the main control strategy. School-age children
transmission by the use of Geographic have been identified as a target group for regular
240 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

chemotherapy against schistosomiasis since the to improve knowledge, attitudes, and perception
WHO Expert Committee on Bilharziasis first with respect to transmission, diagnosis, and
met in 1953. Treatment in this age group has control of schistosomiasis. Since behavior
been shown to reduce significant morbidity is influenced by local culture, knowledge,
in the short-term and prevent the long- attitudes, and practices (KAP) of the target
term sequelae in adulthood associated with area should be taken into consideration. This
chronic infection. Continued transmission of will permit the design of a more applicable and
schistosomiasis will depend on how rigorously relevant educational program. Health education
chemotherapy can be applied, as well as on programs should not only be concerned with
epidemiological factors. In order to achieve a modifying KAP but should also encourage
sustainable reduction in transmission, health and promote community participation in
education, attention to the water supply and contributing to schistosomiasis control.
sanitation, environmental management, and O. h. quadrasi is an operculated fresh water
where appropriate, snail control need to be amphibious snail (Plate 5.6) with separate male
part of an overall strategy from the very start. and female sexes. These attain sexual maturity
The primary objective of chemotherapy using by the time the snails measure 3.5 mm. A single
praziquantel is the reduction and prevention of copulation will allow the fertilized female to lay
morbidity. Since it is inevitable that prevalence two eggs every 5 days for 1 month. The usual
will decrease following treatment, it is important snail habitats are small clear water streams,
to measure the effect of chemotherapy on water-logged rice fields, swamps, and water
incidence, worm burden, and morbidity of new seepage areas along mountains or foothills.
cases. The use of an effective chemotherapeutic In a stream or small swamp, snails are found
agent like praziquantel requires efficient case both in the water and on the banks. Snails are
detection systems and diagnostic tests in order most numerous in areas where the soil is moist.
to optimize priorities for treatment where Those in the water are found in shallower areas,
resources will not permit treatment of all on protruding rocks, or on floating leaves and
infected individuals. branches.
Chemotherapy using praziquantel to Two general strategies for snail control are
reduce morbidity is the principal thrust of in use: focal and area-wide. The focal approach
the Philippine program for schistosomiasis
control. However, it should be stressed that
equal emphasis should be placed on control
of transmission and eventual elimination of S.
japonicum, O. h. quadrasi, or both, as has been
achieved in Japan and in extensive portions of
While effective and safe chemotherapy,
improved environmental management, and
snail control all contribute to the control of
schistosomiasis, the long term solution to this
problem requires sustained and appropriate
health education and strong community
Plate 5.6. Oncomelania h. quadrasi,
participation. Consequently, health education intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum
must be recognized as an integral part of the (Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
control program. Strong effort should be made UP-CPH)
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 241

may be more feasible where transmission sites implement the necessary environmental changes
and resources are limited, but area-wide control without resorting to large capital expenditure.
is more pragmatic if transmission is spread over a In the Philippines where there is a perennial
watershed or an irrigation system. Focal control shortage of funds, increased community
requires water contact studies to identify the participation is needed to ensure the success
most common transmission sites. To control an of snail control programs. The advantages of
entire area or watershed unit, all snail habitats snail control by environmental methods include
should be identified and treated. Area-wide the following: (a) it can be incorporated or
control is more difficult and expensive, but it integrated into regional agricultural and other
is also likely to be longer lasting and ultimately rural development projects; (b) the results can
more cost-effective than focal measures. be made permanent or persistent provided
Environmental control methods involve adequate maintenance is done regularly; (c) it
alteration of the snail habitat to reduce survival results in increased agricultural productivity; (d)
and prevent or deter snail reproduction. in the absence of adequate funding, the control
Control of breeding has a more lasting effect measures can be done on a focal basis by the
than killing snails. The more radical the people themselves; (e) it results in increased land
intervention, the more profound the effect of value; and (f ) it does not require foreign aid and
the control measure on the snail population. technology, unlike chemical control.
Methods of control are based on removal of the No outstanding novel molluscicide or
environmental requirements of Oncomelania. chemical for killing snails has been developed
These include: (a) drainage of breeding sites in the past decade. Interest in such research
and proper management of irrigation systems; by industry has diminished because of high
(b) removal of shade or shelter from the sun research and development cost and the lack
by clearing vegetation around bodies of water; of an assured market. Most countries that
(c) prevention of breeding on the banks of have schistosomiasis cannot afford the cost
streams or irrigation canals by lining these with of deploying molluscicides, and there is
concrete or making them more perpendicular; increasing concern about the consequent
(d) acceleration of flow of water by proper environmental pollution with pesticides that are
grading and cleaning of the stream bed and not biodegradable or have long half-lives. The
removal of debris; (e) construction of ponds future role of molluscicides may be determined
if the area cannot be drained; and (f ) covering by economic considerations and the priority
snail habitats with landfills. afforded schistosomiasis in relation to other
The effectiveness of these alterations public health problems.
is lasting if there is proper maintenance. The objective of sanitary disposal of
Although snail control is usually done on a human feces is to prevent contamination of
focal basis, when possible, it should include watercourses inhabited by snails. However, this
entire watershed. All of these methods have has limited value in S. japonicum transmission
been found to be effective experimentally as if animal reservoir hosts represent a significant
early as 1958 in the Philippines. One of the rate source of miracidia for infecting snails.
limiting factors of environmental modification The use of properly constructed and
of habitat is the cost involved. Japan was able hygienic latrines should be encouraged as this
to afford the large capital expenditure needed contributes to the control of water and fecal-
for cementing canals, reclaiming swampy areas, borne viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections.
and sustaining the control program. In China, Latrines for use in rural areas have been regarded
the socio-political structure made it possible to as unsatisfactory because of flies, mosquitoes,
242 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

and maintenance problems. These issues should operational efficiency so that evaluation of the
be resolved to increase toilet utilization. effects of control operations will be valid and
The simplicity of diagnostic techniques, will truly reflect the epidemiologic profile of
the safety of praziquantel, the relative facility the disease.
of focal control of snails, and the availability of A transmission blocking vaccine has been
epidemiologic information for some endemic developed for water buffaloes in China and
areas permit adoption and integration of represents a major breakthrough in controlling
schistosomiasis control into primary health animal reservoirs. However, domesticated
care. This stimulates active involvement of animals seem to be the minority reservoir
the community and facilitates the entry into in the Philippines in comparison to sylvan
endemic communities of support services and reservoirs and human sources of infection.
schistosomiasis teams of the Department of Development of a human vaccine has proven
Health. difficult since Schistosoma is well-adapted to
Primary health care workers in endemic evading the immune system in its niche as an
areas should have some basic knowledge of intravascular parasite. Several parasite antigens
schistosomiasis, including major clinical are promising vaccine candidates, including
manifestations, method of diagnosis, treatment, paramyosin, which has generated immunity
transmission, and control. They should be to repeated infection in pilot studies. The
involved in stool collection, surveys, and mapping of the schistosome genome will enable
treatment of patients. They should also the identification of more vaccine candidate
be utilized as health educators, and asked molecules and other possible novel mechanisms
to encourage community participation, for the treatment and control of this parasite.
particularly in sanitation and snail control.
The effectiveness of intervention measures
must be monitored and evaluated to ensure Belizario VY, Amarillo ML, Martinez RM,
that the approaches are effective and properly Mallari AO, Tai CM. Resurgence of
implemented to detect any resurgence, and to schistosomiasis japonicum in school
justify costs. The thrust and components of the children in Agusan del Sur, Philippines:
control program determine the indices that will opportunities for control in the school
be measured as basis for evaluation. It is essential setting. Acta Med Philipp. 2007;41(2):9–
to have adequate baseline data, especially 14.
for pilot areas, prior to the implementation Belizario VY, Martinez RM, de Leon WU,
of control operations to allow for adequate Esparar DG, Navarro JR, Villar LC, et al.
assessment. Cagayan Valley: a newly described endemic
Control programs should have operational focus for schistosomiasis japonicum
targets and corresponding timetables for each in the Philippines. Phil J Intern Med.
endemic area. For example, there should be 2005;43:117–22.
targets for social preparation of the population Department of Health. Schistosomiasis in the
for awareness building and participation. Philippines: conference/workshops on
The coverage and timetable for parasitologic schistosomiasis. Manila. 2007.
examination and chemotherapy should be Gryseels B, Polman K, Clerinx J, Kestens
ascertained. Snail colonies or areas to be treated L. Human schistosomiasis. Lancet.
should be identified. Equally important is 2006;368:1106–18.
the standardization of techniques to be used. Legesse M, Erko B. Field-based evaluation
Monitoring and supervision should ensure of a reagent strip test for diagnosis of
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 243

schistosomiasis mansoni by detecting Ross AG, Vickers D, Olds GR, Shah SM,
circulating cathodic antigen (CCA) in McManus DP. Katayama syndrome. Lancet
urine in low endemic area in Ethiopia. Infect Dis. 2007;7:218–24.
Parasite. 2008;15:151–5. Salvana EM, King CH. Schistosomiasis in
Leonardo LR, Rivera P, Saniel O, Villacorte travelers and immigrants. Curr Infect Dis
E, Crisostomo B, Hernandez L, et al. Rep. 2008;10:42–9.
Prevalence survey of schistosomiasis in Steinmann P, Keiser J, Bos R, Tanner M,
Mindanao and the Visayas, The Philippines. Utzinger J. Schistosomiasis and water
Parasitol Int. 2008;57(3):246–51. resources development: systematic review,
Li YS, Chen HG, He HB, Hou XY, Ellis M, meta-analysis, and estimates of people at
McManus DP. A double-blind field trial risk. Lancet Infect Dis. 2006;6:411–25.
on the effects of artemether on Schistosoma Stothard JR, Sousa-Figueiredo JC, Standley C,
japonicum infection in a highly endemic Van Dam GJ, Knopp S, Utzinger J, et al.
focus in southern China. Acta Trop. An evaluation of urine-CCA strip test and
2005;96:184–90. fingerprick blood SEA-ELISA for detection
Lin DD, Xu JM, Zhang YY, Liu YM, Hu F, Xu of urinary schistosomiasis in schoolchildren
XL, et al. Evaluation of IgG-ELISA for the in Zanzibar. Acta Trop. 2009;111:64–70.
diagnosis of schistosoma japonicum in a Utzinger J, N’Goran EK, N’Dri A, Lengeler
high prevalence, low intensity endemic area C, Xiao S, Tanner M. Oral artemether
of China. Acta Trop. 2008;107:128–33. for prevention of Schistosoma mansoni
McGarvey ST, Carbin H, Balolong E, Belisle infection: randomised controlled trial.
P, Fernandez T, Joseph L, et al. Cross- Lancet. 2000;355:1320–5.
sectional associations between intensity World Health Organization. Review on the
of animal and human infection with epidemiological profile of helminthiases
Schistosoma japonicum in Western Samar, and their control in the Western Pacific
Philippines. Bull World Health Organ. Region, 1997-2008. Geneva: World Health
2006;84(6):446–52. Organization; 2008.
McManus DP. Prospects for development of Van Dam GJ, Wichers JH, Ferreira TM,
a transmission blocking vaccine against Ghati D, van Amerongen A, Deelder AM.
Schistosoma japonicum. Parasite Immunol. Diagnosis of schistosomiasis by reagent
2005;27:297–308. strip test for detection of circulating
Mott KE, Dixon H, Carter CE, Garcia E, cathodic antigen. J Clin Microbiol.
Ishii A, Matsuda H, et al. Collaborative 2004;42:5458–61.
study on antigens for immunodiagnosis Zhou YB, Yang MX, Tao P, Jiang QL, Zhao
of Schistosoma japonicum infection. Bull GM, Wei JG, et al. A longitudinal study
World Health Organ. 1987;65:233–44. of comparison of the Kato-Katz technique
Ohmae H, Sy OS, Chigusa Y, Portillo GP. and indirect hemagglutination assay
Imaging diagnosis of schistosomiasis (IHA) for the detection of schistosomiasis
japonica—the use in Japan and application japonica in China, 2001-2006. Acta Trop.
for field study in the present endemic area. 2008; 107:251–4.
Parasitol Int. 2003;52:385–93. Zhou YB, Yang MX, Wang QZ, Zhao
Richter J. The impact of chemotherapy on GM, Wei JG, Peng WX, et al. Field
morbidity due to schistosomiasis. Acta comparison of immunodiagnostic and
Trop. 2003; 86:161–83. parasitological techniques for the detection
244 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

of schistosomiasis japonica in the People’s Zhu YC, Socheat D, Bounlu K, Liang YS, Sinuon
Republic of China. Am J Trop Med Hyg. M, Insisiengmay S, et al. Immunodiagnosis
2007;76:1138–43. and its role in schistosomiasis control in
China: a review. Acta Trop. 2005;96:130–6.
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 245

Lung Flukes
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Alexander H. Tuliao

Paragonimus westermani

P aragonimiasis is an infection of humans

and other mammals by trematodes of the
genus Paragonimus. There are 40 known species
of Paragonimus, and six are reported to cause
infections in humans. Paragonimus westermani
or the Oriental lung fluke causes 90% of
paragonimiasis in Asia. In the Philippines, P.
westermani is also the major species that causes
paragonimiasis in humans. The only other
species in the Philippines is P. siamensis, which
has only been identified in cats.
In 1879, Ringer observed the first case of
pulmonary paragonimiasis in humans during Plate 5.7. Paragonimus westermani adult
an autopsy in Formosa. A year later, Baelz (Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
(1880) in Japan and Manson (1880) in Formosa UP-CPH)
identified Paragonimus ova in human sputum.
Musgrave (1907) described the first case of The cercaria is covered with spines, has
human paragonimiasis in the Philippines. an ellipsoidal body, and a small tail. A stylet
In 1915, Nakagawa discovered that crabs is present at the dorsal side of the oral sucker.
act as a second intermediate host. Two years The metacercaria is round and measures from
later, Nakagawa succeeded in infecting the snail 381 to 457 µm. The oval, yellowish-brown,
Melania libertine with Paragonimus miracidia. thick-shelled egg measures 80 to 118 µm by 48
Parasite Biology to 60 µm, and has a flattened but prominent
operculum. Opposite the operculum is a
The adult lung fluke (Plate 5.7) is reddish- thickened abopercular portion (Plate 5.8). It is
brown and measures 7 to 12 mm in length, 4 to unembryonated at oviposition.
6 mm in width, 3.5 to 5 mm in thickness, and The immature egg embryonates in water,
resembles a coffee bean. It is rounded anteriorly moist soil, or leached feces (Figure 5.3). A
and slightly tapered posteriorly. The tegument miracidium develops within 2 to 7 weeks. It
is covered with single-spaced spines. The two subsequently pushes open the operculum and
testes are deeply lobed and are situated opposite swims freely in search of its appropriate snail
each other, almost midway between the ventral host. In the Philippines, the 1st intermediate
sucker and the posterior border of the body. hosts are Antemelania asperata and Antemelania
The ovary is located anterior to the testes and dactylus, the former previously known as
posterior to the ventral sucker, and has six long Brotia asperata (Plate 5.9). Inside the snail, the
unbranched lobes. The vitellaria are branched miracidium passes through one sporocyst and
extensively. two redial stages of development. Cercariae
246 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Plate 5.8. Paragonimus westermani egg; note Plate 5.9. Antemelania asperata, first
the flattened operculum and the abopercular intermediate host of Paragonimus westermani
portion (Courtesy of the Department of (Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
Parasitology, UP-CPH) UP-CPH)

Figure 5.3. Life cycle of Paragonimus westermani

(Accessed from
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 247

subsequently emerge from the snail to seek Following the ingestion of infected
and infect the second intermediate host, the crustacean tissue by the host, the metacercariae
mountain crab Sundathelphusa philippina of Paragonimus excyst in the duodenum of
(Plate 5.10), formerly known as Parathelphusa the host. The immature worm then traverses
grapsoides. The cercaria penetrates the soft parts through the intestinal wall into the peritoneal
of the crustacean and encysts as a metacercaria cavity, where it wanders about for several days
in the gills, body muscles, viscera or legs (Plate and embeds itself in the abdominal wall. The
5.11). The crab may also be infected by eating parasite then returns to the coelom and migrates
infected snails. The definitive host acquires through the diaphragm into the pleural cavity.
the infection by ingesting raw or insufficiently A juvenile diploid worm wanders in the pleural
cooked crabs harboring metacercariae. spaces until it finds one or several diploid
worms. The pair or group then migrates into
the lung parenchyma to develop into adults in
about 6 weeks, where they mate and lay eggs.
Juvenile triploid worms in Japan, Korea, and
Taiwan can establish themselves in the lung
parenchyma without a mate. Groups of diploid
and triploid parasites have also been observed.
In the lung parenchyma, a fibrotic capsule
forms around the parasite or their group. The
fibrotic capsule has openings that allow the eggs
to escape into the respiratory tract where they
are moved up and out by the ciliary epithelium
along with lung exudates. In the pharynx,
they are either coughed out or swallowed into
Plate 5.10. Sundathelphusa philippina, the
the alimentary canal to be passed out with
second intermediate host of Paragonimus
westermani (Courtesy of the Department of the feces. The completion of development in
Parasitology, UP-CPH) the definitive host takes 65 to 90 days. Adult
worms are known to persist in humans for 20
years or longer.
Cysteine proteases have been found to
play an important role in the development of
young parasites because of their involvement in
the metacercarial excystment, tissue invasion,
and immune modulation of the host. Cysteine
proteases with masses of 27 and 28 kD are
released from the excretory bladder of the
metacercariae during excystment. The proteases
are most abundant in the tegmentum of
newly excysted worms, facilitating migration
through the tissues of the host. The 27 and 28
kD cysteine proteases are also found to cleave
Plate 5.11. Paragonimus westermani
metacercaria in crab heart muscle human immunoglobulin G, thereby creating
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, a zone of immune privilege around the worm.
UP-CPH) As the juvenile parasite moves actively towards
248 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

the lungs, additional proteases of 15, 17, and result in exudative aseptic inflammation,
53 kD are expressed. Protease activity decreases infarction, hemorrhage, and necrosis in the
as worm matures. subcortical areas. After invasion, multiple,
conglomerated, and interconnected granulomas
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
form around the parasite, containing abscess
In the lungs, Paragonimus worms provoke material and eggs. In the chronic stage,
a granulomatous reaction that gradually gives liquefaction necrosis and fibrinous gliosis occur,
rise to the development of a fibrotic cyst and these may lead to cortical or subcortical
containing blood-tinged purulent material, atrophy, and secondary ventricular dilatation.
adult worms, and eggs. The most common Cerebral paragonimiasis may present with
symptoms of paragonimiasis are chronic cough headache, meningismus, seizures, hemiparesis,
and hemoptysis. Chest pain, dyspnea, low-grade blurring of vision, diplopia, homonymous
fever, fatigue, and generalized myalgia may also hemianopsia, and aphasia.
Since it takes several weeks for the parasite
to migrate and mature, the early stages of the Microscopy is the most basic and
infection are usually asymptomatic. Clinical most readily available diagnostic tool for
symptoms are less severe after 5 to 6 years. paragonimiasis. Definitive diagnosis is based
Occasionally, the disease can have serious on the detection of the characteristic eggs in
sequelae, such as chronic bronchiectasis and sputum, stool, or, less frequently, in aspirated
pleural fibrosis, secondary to severe parenchymal material from abscesses or pleural effusions.
and pleural damage. However, the sensitivity of microscopy is
The circuitous route of migration allows the suboptimal, with ova detection in sputum
worms to lodge and mature in different ectopic ranging from 37 to 88%. If initial findings are
locations. These aberrant worms may localize negative, repeat examinations may be helpful.
in the lung pleura, pericardium, myocardium, Sputum concentration with 3% sodium
abdominal wall, omentum, liver, mesenteric hydroxide, with repeated sputum examinations
lymph nodes, adrenals, urogenital organs, and up to three times on different days, provides the
eyes. Heavy intensity infections can cause both best sensitivity for microscopic diagnosis.
pulmonary and ectopic paragonimiasis. Worms Chest radiographs may aid in the diagnosis
that fail to find a mate in low intensity infections of pulmonary paragonimiasis when combined
may end up in ectopic locations as well. with a high index of suspicion. Pulmonary
Cutaneous and cerebral paragonimiasis are paragonomiasis usually presents as lung
the classic known forms of ectopic infection. parenchyma lesions which may be infiltrative,
In cases of cutaneous paragonimiasis, a slow- nodular, cavitating, or a combination of
moving, nodular lesion in the subcutaneous these. Pleural effusions occur in almost half of
tissue on the abdomen or chest is the patients. These radiographic findings are not
characteristic symptom. specific, and may also be seen in other diseases,
Cerebral involvement is the most serious particularly pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB),
complication of human paragonimiasis. A lung cancer, and fungal infections. Since PTB
juvenile P. westermani may migrate from the and paragonimiasis are usually co-endemic,
pleural cavity into the cranial cavity through PTB should always be ruled out.
the soft tissues along the internal jugular vein. The peripheral blood count for
The migration worm can cause congestion, paragonimiasis frequently reveals eosinophilia
vasculitis, and capillary rupture, which may and elevated levels of IgE, which is typical for
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 249

parasitic infections. The total white blood cell In cerebral paragonimiasis, the most
count may be in the normal to elevated range. characteristic finding in either cranial Computer
Eosinophilia is more common in the acute stage Tomography (CT) scan or Magnetic Resonance
of paragonimiasis, whereas IgE levels have no Imaging (MRI) are conglomerated, multiple,
correlation with the stage of the disease. ring-enhancing lesions (“grape-cluster”
Va r i o u s i m m u n o l o g i c a l m e t h o d s appearance) with surrounding edema, typically
have been developed for the diagnosis of in one cerebral hemisphere, most commonly
paragonimiasis. Classic methods include the in the posterior part of the brain. On skull
complement fixation (CF) test, intradermal radiographs, patients with chronic disease may
test, double diffusion in agarose gel, and present with specific soap-bubble calcifications.
immunoelectrophoresis. CF has high sensitivity
for both diagnosis and assessment of cure after
therapy. The intradermal test is simple, rapid, Praziquantel is the drug of choice. It is
cheap and highly sensitive, although it may still highly effective in the treatment of trematode
yield positive results several years after successful infections, particularly lung fluke infection. It
treatment. induces rapid contraction of trematodes and
The classic methods for serodiagnosis of alters the tegmental surface (e.g., vacuolization).
paragonimiasis have been gradually replaced These changes are thought to be linked to
by more sensitive and specific tests, like the drug-dependent disruption of calcium
immunoblotting (IB) and enzyme-linked homeostasis. Praziquantel is suitable for
immunosorbent assay (ELISA). IB has a treatment of adults and children over 4 years of
sensitivity of up to 99%, and has been used age. Usual dose for treatment is 25 mg/kg, three
since 1988. ELISA has a sensitivity ranging times a day, for 2 to 3 days. A higher dose may
from 96% to 99%, and has been employed be required in cases of ectopic paragonimiasis.
widely in various parasitic and non-parasitic Praziquantel is currently not recommended
infections. For paragonimiasis, most ELISA for the treatment of paragonimiasis during
systems were developed to detect Paragonimus- pregnancy and lactation, although current
specific IgG antibody. Attempts have also literature has not proven the drug to have
been made to detect specific IgE, IgM, and mutagenic, teratogenic, or embryotoxic effects.
circulating antigens. The multiple-dot ELISA Treatment should preferably be given after
was developed for field use in developing delivery unless immediate intervention is
countries. deemed essential. Breastfeeding should be
The loop-mediated isothermal avoided during and 72 hours after treatment.
amplification (LAMP) test is a simple, rapid, Adverse effects of praziquantel are generally
and cost-effective method currently being mild, and these include abdominal discomfort,
developed for field use in epidemiologic surveys nausea, headache, dizziness, and rarely, fever,
in developing countries. LAMP allows the urticaria, drowsiness, and tachycardia.
rapid amplification of deoxyribonucleic acid Triclabendazole is a benzimidazole that was
(DNA) with high specificity under isothermal originally used for the treatment for Fasciola
conditions, using DNA polymerase with hepatica infections. Recently, triclabendazole
strand-displacement activity. Magnesium has been demonstrated to be an effective drug
pyrophosphate, the reaction by-product, is against human paragonimiasis. Triclabendazole
visible to the naked eye. Only warm water is probably binds to B-tubulins of trematodes,
required to perform the assay. leading to depolymerization and disruption of
250 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

microtubule-based processes. These result in meat in Japan. Unhygienic food preparation also
damage to the external plasma membrane and contributes to the transmission of the disease.
nuclear membrane, with dissolution of some Cultural beliefs and traditions influence the
heterochromatin, mitochondria, and Golgi age and sex distribution of paragonimiasis. In
complex. The cure rate with triclabendazole is Japan, during the 1950s and 1960s, the majority
comparable with that of praziquantel, and may of those infected were children because of the
result in better patient compliance since the practice of using raw crayfish juice as a treatment
treatment regimen consists only of a single dose. for various cutaneous ailments. Similar practices
Bithionol can be used as an alternative also existed in Korea during the same period.
drug. It is given orally at a dose of 15 to 25 Currently, middle-age Japanese men have the
mg/kg, twice daily on alternate days, for 10 to highest prevalence due to their conservative
15 days. affinity for traditional dishes. In adolescent
girls in Cameroon, a popular belief existed
once among the Bakossi people that crabs aid
Paragonimiasis has a focal distribution in in fertility, leading to disproportionately high
limited parts of Asia, Latin America (Peru and infection rates in this group.
Ecuador), and Africa (Nigeria and Cameroon). PTB overlaps with paragonimiasis in
According to recent estimates, 20.7 million paragonimiasis endemic areas in the Philippines
people worldwide are infected, and 292.8 and other developing countries. Since PTB
million are at risk. and pulmonary paragonimiasis share the same
In the Philippines, paragonimiasis is symptoms, misdiagnosis and mismanagement
endemic in Mindoro, Camarines, Sorsogon, are not uncommon. Further studies are needed
Leyte, Samar, Zamboanga del Norte, Davao to elucidate the impact of misdiagnosis of
Oriental, Basilan, and Cotabato. Prevalence pulmonary paragonimiasis and PTB.
rates vary among the endemic provinces.
Prevention and Control
Infection rates in Sorsogon ranged from 16 to
25% in 1997. In more recent epidemiologic The most practical way to prevent
studies done in the municipality of Pres. Manuel acquisition of human paragonimiasis is to
Roxas in Zamboanga del Norte, the prevalence avoid ingestion of raw or insufficiently cooked
was 14.8% in 2005. crabs and other crustaceans, as well as meat
Paragonimiasis has a focal distribution, from paratenic hosts like wild pigs. Safe food
largely determined by local patterns preparation helps reduce the infectivity of food.
of consumption of inadequately cooked Furthermore, it is believed that changing the
crustaceans and paratenic hosts. Examples risky dietary habits of the population, through
of dishes that can transmit disease include health education and promotion, can control
kinagang (crab in coconut milk), sinugba (grilled this parasitic infection. Elimination of reservoir
crab), and kinilaw (raw crabs in vinegar) in the and intermediate hosts of Paragonimus may not
Philippines, nam prik poo (crab and chilli paste) be feasible. Capacity building of local health
in Thailand, crabs in brine, soy sauce or alcohol staff on the diagnosis and treatment of this
(drunken crabs) in China, kejang (raw crabs in disease is important for early case detection
soy sauce) in Korea, ceviche (raw crabs in lemon and treatment.
sauce) in Peru, and sashimi of wild boar and bear
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 251

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Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 253

Intestinal Flukes
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Percy G. Balderia

Fasciolopsis buski duodenum and attaches to the intestinal wall,

where it becomes sexually mature in about 3

T his fasciolid digenetic trematode is the

largest intestinal fluke of humans and pigs.
months. The adult worm lives in the duodenum,
attached to the intestinal mucosa by its suckers
(Figure 5.4). In heavy infections, the worms
Parasite Biology
may be found throughout the intestinal tract.
The mode of transmission of Fasciolopsis Immature eggs are released together with feces
buski is by ingestion of encysted metacercariae into the water. The egg, which embryonates in
from aquatic plants. This can occur when the water, gives rise to a miracidium in 3 to 7 weeks.
plant itself is eaten, or when the hull or skin of The miracidium then seeks out and infects
the fruits of these plants is peeled off between its first intermediate host, a snail belonging
the teeth. The viable metacercaria excysts in the to either the genus Segmentina or Hippeutis.

Figure 5.4. Life cycle of Fasciolopsis buski

(Accessed from
254 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Inside the snail, the miracidium transforms The egg is large, operculated, unembryonated
into a sporocyst, which subsequently produces when first passed, and indistinguishable from
mother rediae, daughter rediae, and finally, eggs of F. hepatica and F. gigantica. It measures
cercariae. Cercariae leave the daughter rediae 130 to 140 μm by 80 to 85 μm.
and undergo further development in the snail
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
tissues. Seven weeks after infection, cercariae
emerge from the snails into water. Cercariae Pathological changes caused by the
attach themselves and encyst as metacercariae on worms are traumatic, obstructive, and toxic.
the surfaces of seed pods, bulbs, stems, or roots Inflammation and ulceration occur at the site
of various aquatic plants such as Trapa bicornis of worm attachment, producing an increase
(water caltrop) (Plate 5.12), Eliocharis tuberosa in mucus secretion, and minimal bleeding.
(water chestnut), Ipomea obscura (morning glory Gland abscesses are occasionally formed in the
or kangkong), and Nymphaea lotus (lotus). These mucosa. In heavy infections, the worms may
plants serve as the second intermediate hosts of cause intestinal obstruction. Intoxication results
the parasite. Pigs and humans are the important from the absorption of worm metabolites by the
definitive hosts. host. The patient experiences generalized toxic
and allergic symptoms, such as edema of the
face, abdominal wall, and lower limbs. Profound
intoxication can result in death of the host.

Diagnosis is by detection of parasite eggs

in the stool. Fasciolopsis buski eggs resemble
Fasciola eggs under the microscope.

Praziquantel is given in three doses of 25

mg/kg over 1 day. Minimal side effects are
associated with the drug. There may be episodes
of epigastric pain, dizziness, and drowsiness,
which typically disappear within 48 hours. In
Plate 5.12. Trapa bicornis, second intermediate
host of Fasciolopsis buski (Courtesy of the a study carried out in Central Thailand, 100%
Department of Parasitology, UP-CPH) cure rates were demonstrated for regimens
of 15, 25, and 40 mg praziquantel per kg
F. buski is elongated, oval in shape, and body weight. Until further studies show the
measures 20 to 75 mm in length, and 8 to 20 efficacy of the 15 mg/kg regimen, the authors
mm in width. Compared to Fasciola hepatica still recommend a dose of 25 mg/kg for the
and F. gigantica, it does not have a cephalic treatment of fasciolopsiasis.
cone, and its intestinal ceca are unbranched and Epidemiology
reach up to the posterior end. The two testes
are dendritic, and are arranged in tandem in the Fasciolopsiasis is endemic in the countries
posterior half of the body. The branched ovary of Southeast Asia, China, Korea, and India.
lies to the right of the midline. Fine vitelline Its endemicity in the Philippines has not
follicles are situated throughout the lateral yet been demonstrated. No locally acquired
margin of the body. fascioliopsiasis in humans or pigs has been
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 255

reported. Fasciolopsiasis in Filipinos were and consumption could also be prolonged to

probably acquired abroad. prevent infection. Washing of the plants to
remove metacercariae, or boiling them to kill
Prevention and Control
the parasites can also prevent infection. Swamps
Since metacercariae are very sensitive to or ponds where aquatic plants are cultivated
dryness, soaking of aquatic plants in water should be protected from pollution by untreated
should be avoided. The time between harvest human or pig excreta.
256 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Echinostoma ilocanum
Artyfechinostomum malayanum

T he echinostomids are digenetic trematodes

characterized by a collar of spines around
their oral suckers. There are several species
wall of the small intestine, where they develop
into sexually mature adult worms.
The adult worms live in the small intestine
which infect humans. Two species have been of the definitive host (e.g., humans, dogs, cats,
documented in the Philippines. rats, and pigs). Immature eggs released by the
parasite are transported to the environment with
Parasite Biology
the feces. The egg matures in water, and after 6
The mode of transmission of Echinostoma to 15 days, a miracidium hatches from the egg
ilocanum and Artyfechinostomum malayanum is to infect the first snail intermediate host. Inside
by ingestion of metacercariae encysted in snails, the snail, the E. ilocanum miracidium develops
the second intermediate hosts of the parasites. into mother rediae, which subsequently
When the metacercariae reach the duodenum, produce daughter rediae and cercariae after 42
they excyst and the juvenile fluke attaches to the to 50 days. The A. malayanum miracidium first

Figure 5.5. Life cycle of Echinostoma spp.

(Accessed from
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 257

develops into a sporocyst, which subsequently

produces mother rediae, daughter rediae, and
cercariae. After escaping from the snail, cercariae
swim in water to seek out and infect the second
snail intermediate host, in which they transform
into metacercariae. The metacercaria is the
infective stage to the definitive host (Figure 5.5).
In the Philippines, the first snail
intermediate host species of E. ilocanum
are Gyraulus convexiusculus and Hippeutis
umbilicalis. The second snail intermediate
Plate 5.14. Echinostoma ilocanum adult
hosts are Pila luzonica (kuhol) (Plate 5.13) and (Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
Vivipara angularis (susong pampang). The fisrt UP-CPH)
snail intermediate host species of A. malayanum
in the Philippines has not yet been identified, quarter of the body. The ovary is located just in
but is suspected to be the same as that of E. front of the anterior testis. Follicular vitellaria
ilocanum. However, it has been confirmed that are located in the posterior half of the body, and
the second snail intermediate hosts are either uterine coils are found between the ovary and
Lymnaea (syn. Bullastra) cumingiana (birabid) or the ventral sucker. The intestinal ceca are simple.
Ampullarius canaliculatus (golden apple snail). A. malayanum measures 5 to 12 mm in
length and 2 to 3 mm in width. It has a rounded
posterior end and has 43 to 45 collar spines.
The two testes are large, each with six to nine
lobes arranged in tandem. The ovary is small,
rounded or oval, located anterior to the testes,
and pre-equatorial (Plate 5.15).
The E. ilocanum egg is straw-colored,
operculated, and ovoid, measuring 83 to 116
μm by 58 to 69 μm, whereas the A. malayanum
egg is larger, golden brown in color, operculated,
and measures 120 to 130 μm by 80 to 90 μm.

Plate 5.13. Pila luzonica, second intermediate

host of Echinostoma ilocanum
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,

E. ilocanum (Plate 5.14) is reddish-gray

and measures 2.5 to 6.6 mm in length and 1 to
1.35 mm in width. The worm is tapered at the
posterior end and has 49 to 51 collar spines. The
oral sucker lies in the center of the circumoral
disk, and the ventral sucker is situated at the Plate 5.15. Artyfechinostomum malayanum
anterior fifth of the body. The two testes are adult (Courtesy of the Department of
deeply bilobed, arranged in tandem in the third Parasitology, UP-CPH)
258 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations The endemicity of both parasites is related to

the eating habits of the population. E. ilocanum
In heavy infections, inflammation develops
infection is endemic in Northern Luzon, Leyte,
at the site of attachment of the adult worm to the
Samar, and the provinces of Mindanao. A.
intestinal wall. Ulceration, and consequently,
malayanum infection in the Philippines was first
diarrhea, which is sometimes bloody, as well
documented in humans in 1987, and has since
as abdominal pain may also develop. The
been reported in Northern and Central Luzon.
absorption of metabolites from the worms may
In 2005, a study in Siargao Island, Surigao
result in general intoxication.
del Norte, showed A. malayanum in 11.4%
Diagnosis of individuals suffering from gastrointestinal
disturbance. All infected patients had a history
Diagnosis is by detection of eggs in the
of having eaten snails (kuhol and kiambuay)
stool. Notably, the eggs of echinostomes,
prepared raw with coconut milk and lime juice.
Fasciola, and Fasciolopsis buski look very much
The second snail intermediate hosts are
alike, although the latter two are bigger in size.
abundant in rice fields especially during the
Treatment wet months. The rat is probably an important
reservoir host of both echinostomes.
Three doses of praziquantel may be given
at 25 mg/kg per dose over 1 day. Prevention and Control

Epidemiology Preventive measures involve mainly

avoiding ingestion of raw or improperly
These two parasites have been reported in cooked second intermediate snail hosts of these
other Southeast Asian and East Asian countries. parasites.
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 259

Heterophyid Flukes

T here are many species of heterophyids that

live in the intestines of fish-eating hosts.
The major species are Heterophyes heterophyes,
The adult worm inhabits the small intestine
of the definitive host. Large numbers of
eggs are produced and passed out into the
Metagonimus yokogawai, Haplorchis taichui, and environment together with feces. The eggs
Haplorchis yokogawai. hatch into miracidia after ingestion by the first
snail intermediate host. Inside the snail, the
Parasite Biology
miracidia develop further into sporocysts, which
The mode of transmission of heterophyids eventually develop into one or two generations
is by ingestion of metacercariae encysted in fish of rediae that give rise to cercariae.
(Figure 5.6). When the metacercariae reach the Cercariae that are liberated from the
duodenum, they excyst, liberating young larvae snail encyst as metacercariae on or under the
that attach to the intestinal wall. The larvae scales, in the muscles, fins, tails, or gills of fish
subsequently develop into sexually mature adult species that serve as second intermediate hosts.
worms that have a typically short life span of Metacercariae are frequently found in the
less than 1 year. muscles at the base of the fin.

Figure 5.6. Life cycle of heterophyids

(Accessed from
260 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

The snail hosts can be freshwater, brackish

water, or marine species. In the Philippines,
the snail hosts of H. taichui and Procerovum
calderoni are the brackish water snails, Melania
juncea, and Thiara riquetti, respectively. The
local snail intermediate host species of other
heterophyid parasites have not yet been
In the Philippines, there are at least 30
known species of fish harboring metacercariae
of 21 heterophyid species (Table 8.2). The
adult fluke is elongated, oval or pyriform,
Plate 5.17. Heterophyid egg
and it measures less than 2 mm in length.
(Courtesy of Prof. Winifreda U. de Leon)
The tegument has fine scale-like spines. Some
species have a gonotyl or a genital sucker that
is located near the left posterior border of the Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
ventral sucker. Testes, variously arranged, are in There is usually inflammation at the sites
the posterior end of the body; and the ovary, where the worm is attached to or burrowed
globular or slightly lobed, is located in the in the mucosa. Excessive mucus production
submedian, pre- or post-testicular area (Plate and sloughing off of the superficial layers may
5.16). occur. In a study done in Compostela Valley
in Southern Mindanao, the most common
clinical manifestations observed were consistent
with peptic ulcer disease (PUD) or acid peptic
disease (APD). These included upper abdominal
discomfort/pain, reported by 42.2% of patients,
and gurgling abdomen, which was found in
24.1% of patients. Colicky abdominal pain and
mucoid diarrhea may also be present.
A report by Africa in 1931 showed that
worms tend to burrow deep into the intestinal
wall, where they become trapped and eventually
Plate 5.16. Heterophyid fluke adult
die. Eggs of degenerating worms may be
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology, filtered through the intestinal lymphatics and
UP-CPH) blood vessels and may be deposited in various
tissues. Eggs and adults of heterophyids
The egg is light brown in color, ovoid in have been observed in the heart and brain of
shape, operculated, and measures 20 to 30 μm Filipino patients who died of heart failure and
by l5 to 17 μm (Plate 5.17). A fully developed, intracerebral hemorrhage. Eggs lodged in the
symmetrical miracidium is already present spinal cord may result in sensory and motor
within the egg when it is deposited by the adult losses at the level of the lesion.
worm. The operculum fits into the eggshell Diagnosis
smoothly, and it does not have an abopercular
protruberance, in contrast to Clonorchis and Considering the similarity in presentation
Opisthorchis eggs. of heterophyidiasis with APD, it is important
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 261

to consider intestinal fluke infection when Haplorchis taichui. Infection rates were high in
dealing with bowel disturbance and a history of both males and females, and in all age groups,
consumption of raw fish. Definitive diagnosis especially the working age group. Children
is by detection of eggs in the stool using the and the elderly were not spared of infection.
modified Kato thick method, which has a higher Intestinal heterophyidiasis has since then
sensitivity compared to formalin-ether/ethyl been recognized as an emerging public health
acetate concentration technique (31.0% vs. concern in the southern part of the Philippines.
13.6%). The eggs of the different heterophyid Altogether, eight provinces in two regions of
species are difficult to distinguish. Care must Mindanao have reported thousands of cases to
be taken to distinguish them from Clonorchis date. High prevalence levels were detected in
and Opisthorchis eggs. Heterophyid eggs have areas where investigations for an outbreak of
also been referred to as Opisthorchid-like eggs intestinal capillariasis were being conducted.
where the liver fluke is endemic.
Prevention and Control
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) may be
useful as a sensitive diagnostic tool, particularly Preventive measures include avoiding
for low-intensity heterophyid infections. ingestion of raw or improperly cooked fish.
It may be difficult to change eating habits.
Capacity building of laboratory staff will help
Praziquantel is the drug of choice, given at in early diagnosis when doing routine stool
25 mg/kg per dose, three doses in 1 day. examination. This will facilitate provision of
appropriate treatment. Surveillance in other
regions where raw fish (kinilaw) is eaten should
The parasite has been reported in Egypt, be considered.
Greece, Israel, Western India, Central and
South China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the
Philippines. Its worldwide distribution may be Africa CM. Evidence of intramucosal
due to the fact that heterophyids have adapted invasion in the life cycle of Haplorchis
to snails belonging to various families, and are yokogawai (Katsuta, 1932) Chen, 1936
not very specific with respect to their second (Heterophyidae). J Philipp Med Assoc
intermediate hosts. Both intermediate hosts 1937;17:737–43.
may be found in different habitats (fresh, Africa CM, Garcia EY. Intestinal heterophyidiasis
brackish, and salt waters), and in different with cardiac involvement. Phil J Public
climates. Reservoir hosts include dogs, cats, Health. 1935;2:1–22.
and birds. Belizario VY Jr, Geronilla GG, Anastacio MB,
In the Philippines, the prevalence was de Leon WU, Suba-an AP, Sebastian AC,
previously considered low, and its distribution et al. Echinostoma malayanum infection,
spotty, as shown by previous parasitologic the Philippines. Emerg Infect Dis.
surveys. In the 1980s, less than 1% of 30,000 2007;13(7):1130–1.
stools examined in surveys done nationwide Belizario VY Jr, Bersabe MJ, de Leon WU,
were found positive for heterophyid ova. A more Hilomen VV, Paller GV, de Guzman AD
recent parasitologic survey done in 1998 in Jr, et al. Intestinal heterophyidiasis: an
Monkayo, Compostela Valley, however, revealed emerging food-borne parasitic zoonosis in
31% prevalence with a majority of those Southern Philippines. Southeast Asian J
infected having moderate to heavy intensities Trop Med Public Health. 2001;32(Suppl
of infection. The species was identified as 2):36–42.
262 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Centers for Disease Control and infections in a Lao community in an area of

Prevention. Laboratory identification endemicity and comparison of diagnostic
of parasites of public health concern methods for parasitological field surveys.
[Internet]. 2011 [cited 2012 Mar 3]. Clin Microbiol. 2009;47(5):1517–23.
Av a i l a b l e f r o m h t t p : / / w w w. d p d . Malek, E.A. Snail-transmitted parasitic diseases. Philadelphia: CRC Press; 1980.
Cross JH, Basaca-Sevilla V. Biomedical surveys Markell EK, John DT, Krotoski WA. Markell
in the Philippines. Manila (Philippines): and Voge’s Medical Parasitolgy. 8th ed.
US Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2; Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company;
1984. 1999.
Drugs for Parasitic Infections. Published by The Monzon, RB, Kitikoon V. Lymnaea (Bullastra)
Medical Letter, Inc [Internet]. 2010 [cited c u m i n g i a n a P f e i f f e r ( Pu l m o n a t a :
2012 Mar 3]. Available from: http://www. Lymnaeidae): second intermediate host of Echinostoma malayanum in the Philippines.
Harinasuta T, Bunnag D, Radomyos Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health.
P. E f f i c a c y o f p r a z i q u a n t e l o n 1989;20:453–60.
fasciolopsiasis. Arzneimittelforschung. Tangtronghitr A, Monzon RB. Eating habits
1984;34(9B):1214–5. associated with Echinostoma malayanum
Lovis, L, Mak TK, Phongluxa K, infection in the Philippines. Southeast Asian
Soukhathammavong P, Sayasone S, J Trop Med Public Health. 1991;22:212–6.
Akkhavong K, et al. PCR diagnosis of
Opisthorchis viverrini and Haplorchis taichui
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 263

Liver Flukes
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Raezelle Nadine T. Ciro

Fasciola spp. The adult worm lives in the biliary

passages of the liver. Unembryonated eggs

T hese large digenetic trematode species

belong to family Fasciolidae. They are
parasites found in the liver and biliary passages
are carried by the bile through the sphincter
of Oddi into the intestine and subsequently
voided with the feces. The eggs mature in
of humans and herbivorous mammals, especially water within 9 to 15 days optimally at 15 to
ruminants. Fasciola hepatica (temperate liver 25°C, forming a viable miracidium that escapes
fluke) and F. gigantica (tropical liver fluke) through the operculum of the eggshell to seek
are the causative agents of fascioliasis. Reports out and infect the first intermediate host, a
of fascioliasis date back to 1379, and the snail belonging to family Lymnaeidae. Snail
first detailed descriptions of F. hepatica were hosts for F. hepatica are amphibious which
published in 1523. The presence of F. hepatica are usually found living on mud. Snail species
flukes in humans was first documented in include Lymnaea truncatula (Europe and North
1760, during an autopsy of a female in Berlin, Asia), L. bulmoides (North America), and
Germany. L. tomentosa (Australia). Snails from family
Infections in ruminants result in significant Planorbidae also act as an intermediate host
economic loss estimated at 3.2 billion US dollars of F. hepatica sporadically. On the other hand,
per annum to rural agricultural communities the first intermediate hosts for F. gigantica are
and commercial producers. In tropical countries, aquatic snails, living in slow-moving bodies
fascioliasis is considered the most important of water, which include L. auricularia (Asia),
helminth infection of cattle with a reported L. acuminata (Indian Subcontinent), and L.
prevalence ranging from 30 to 90%. natalensis (Africa). In the Philippines, the snail
hosts of Fasciola spp. are L. philippinensis and
Parasite Biology
L. auricularia rubiginosa.
The mode of transmission of F. hepatica Inside the snail, the miracidium develops
and F. gigantica is through the ingestion of into a sporocyst, followed by one or two
metacercariae encysted on edible aquatic plants generations of rediae which produce cercariae.
or by drinking water with viable metacercariae. Cercariae leave the snail about 5 to 6 weeks after
Upon ingestion, the metacercaria excysts in the the miracidium entered. After escaping from the
duodenum or jejunum, liberating the juvenile snail host, usually at night, the cercaria swims in
fluke, which, in turn, penetrates the intestinal water, detaches its tail, and encysts in surfaces
wall to reach the peritoneal cavity where it of aquatic plants forming a metacercaria. The
wanders over the viscera until it penetrates aquatic plants serve as the second intermediate
the capsule of Glisson and enters the liver. hosts of the parasite. These include Ipomea
The parasite then burrows through the liver obscura (morning glory or kangkong) and
parenchyma, feeding and growing until it finally Nasturtium officinale (watercress). Cercariae
enters the bile ducts where it becomes sexually can also encyst freely in water. The metacercaria
mature in 3 to 4 months (Figure 5.7). The life is the infective stage to the definitive hosts.
span of the adult worm is 9 to 13 years. In the presence of sufficient moisture, the
264 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 5.7. Life cycle of Fasciola spp.

(Accessed from

metacercariae will remain alive for many weeks, to the whole lateral field of the hind body. The
depending on the temperature. They survive intestinal ceca are long and highly branched,
longer at a temperature below 20°C; higher extending to the posterior end of the body.
temperatures and desiccation will destroy the Compared to F. hepatica, the F.gigantica
metacercariae in a short time. adult worm is longer (25-75 mm), with about
F. hepatica has a large, broad, and flat body the same width (3-12 mm), with less developed
which measures 18 to 51 mm in length and 4 shoulders, and a shorter cephalic cone. The
to 13 mm in width (near the mid-body). A ceca are more branched especially towards the
distinguishing feature is the cephalic cone which midline of the body and the branches of the
has a marked widening at the base of the cone ovary are longer and more numerous. The
(“shoulder”). The suckers are comparatively average distance between the posterior testes
small and are located close to each other in the and the posterior border of the body is longer.
conical projection. The two testes are highly The F. hepatica egg (Plate 5.18) is large,
branched occupying the second and third ovoidal, operculated, and yellowish to brownish
quarters of the body. The ovary is dendritic and in color. It measures 140 to 180 µm by 63 to 90
situated in front of the anterior testis. The uterus µm in size and is released from the worm still
is coiled and relatively short. Vitellaria extend immature, containing a large unsegmented mass
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 265

worm causes obstruction and stimulates

inflammation in the biliary epithelium which
subsequently causes fibrosis. The thickened
fibrous ducts, in turn, cause less bile to be
passed out building up back pressure. In heavy
infections, atrophy of the liver parenchyma and
concomitant periductal cirrhosis ensue. The
wall of the bile duct may be eroded allowing
the worms to re-enter the liver parenchyma
and cause large abscesses to develop. Other
Plate 5.18. Fasciola egg complications include obstructive jaundice,
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
UP-CPH) hemobilia, and biliary cirrhosis. Associated
lithiasis of the bile ducts or gallbladder is also
common, as the eggs or fragments of dead
of vitelline cells. The F. gigantica egg is slightly parasites can form nuclei for calculi. Another
larger than the F. hepatica egg (160-190 µm by rare complication of fascioliasis is acute
70-90 µm). pancreatitis. In some cases, this phase is only
diagnosed during a surgery.
Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
During the migration from the intestine to
Two clinical stages are recognized in human the liver, the parasite may wander or be carried
fascioliasis. An acute stage, which coincides hematogenously (after it had penetrated a
with larval migration and worm maturation in blood vessel) to ectopic sites such as the lungs,
the hepatic tissue, and a chronic stage, which subcutaneous tissue, the brain, and the orbit
coincides with the persistence of Fasciola worms where abscesses or fibrotic lesions may also
in the biliary ducts. result.
The acute or invasive phase of human Another unusual form of fascioliasis can
fascioliasis corresponds to the migration of occur after ingestion of raw Fasciola-infected
the juvenile parasite from intestine to the liver liver. Flukes surviving mastication attach to
where it burrows into the liver parenchyma. the posterior pharynx, causing hemorrhagic
The damage caused by the parasite penetrating nasopharyngitis and dysphagia, known as
through the intestinal wall and migrating halzoun in Lebanon and marrara in Sudan.
towards the liver is not significant. However,
traumatic and necrotic lesions are produced
when the parasite burrows through the liver In majority of cases, diagnosis of the
parenchyma. The severity of the injury depends infection, whether in the acute or chronic phase
on the number of metacercariae ingested by is difficult because of overlapping symptoms,
the host. Though this invasive phase can be or because of lack of symptoms. This is
asymptomatic, patients have been known to compounded by the intermittent passage of eggs
experience dyspepsia, fever, and right upper by the adult worm. Determining the phase of
quadrant abdominal pain. Sudden onset of high infection will therefore depend on the clinical
fever, hepatomegaly, and marked eosinophilia suspicion. A history of eating raw, improperly
form a triad of diagnostic significance. cooked freshwater vegetation or of living in
The chronic or latent phase is asymptomatic or travel to an endemic area is suggestive of
and corresponds to the period when the parasite infection. Selection of adequate serological and
has already reached the bile ducts. The adult coprological methods can help determine the
266 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

phase of infection when applied to the acute nodules and tunnel-like branching hypodense
or chronic stages, respectively. tracts. Hepatic sonographic findings have been
Differentials for human fascioliasis described as small clustered hypoechoic lesions
include diseases which may present with with poorly defined contours and hypoechoic
similar symptoms such as acute viral hepatitis, nodular lesions. The biliary phase of the disease
schistosomiasis, visceral toxocariasis, biliary occurs in the presence of parasites in the biliary
tract diseases, and hepatic amebiasis. system. Sonography is the useful method in the
Parasitological diagnosis may be made detection of biliary lesions. The oval shaped,
through the identification of eggs in stool, leaf-like, or snail-like echogenic structures
duodenal contents, or bile, or the recovery of with no acoustic shadowing in the gall bladder
adult worms during surgical exploration, after or common bile duct have been described
treatment, or at autopsy. However, the eggs may as characteristics of fascioliasis. Endoscopic
be present in very small numbers at irregular retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
intervals and thus may be difficult to find. Eggs can also be used in diagnosing fascioliasis in the
may also be transiently present in the stool after biliary phase, since it can demonstrate biliary
ingestion of poorly cooked liver from infected obstruction or filling defects.
animals (spurious or false fascioliasis). This
situation, with its potential for misdiagnosis,
can be avoided by having the patient follow a Triclabendazole is the drug of choice
liver-free diet several days before a repeat stool for treating fascioliasis because of its efficacy,
examination. safety, and ease of use. The first report of
Although techniques for showing the successful treatment of human fascioliasis
presence of eggs in stools have long been used with triclabendazole dates back to 1986. The
to confirm the diagnosis, these methods have recommended treatment is a single 10 mg/
limitations in determining human fascioliasis kg oral dose of triclabendazole following food
because parasite eggs are not found in feces until intake. For individuals with heavy infections,
three to four months after infection, and due the recommended treatment is two doses
to low sensitivity in low-intensity infections. of 10 mg/kg spaced by 12 hours. Mild and
Because the release of Fasciola coproantigens transient abdominal pain, biliary colic, fever,
takes place before egg shedding, immunologic nausea, pruritus, vomiting, weakness, liver
methods are preferable to egg examination for the enlargement, and mild, limited disturbances
detection of acute infections. Immunodiagnosis in liver function have been observed as adverse
including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay events associated with the drug. Liver flukes
(ELISA) and Western blot are now widely resistant to triclabendazole have been found
applied as alternative methods of confirming in livestock, probably due to the widespread
early and extrabiliary human fascioliasis. use of the drug. Resistant F. hepatica have been
Radiological examinations may also help reported in Australia, Ireland, the Netherlands,
in the diagnosis of fascioliasis. Radiological Scotland, and recently, in Spain. No resistance
findings of fascioliasis, mainly on sonography in Fasciola infecting humans has been reported
and computed tomography (CT), have been so far.
described in several reports. In the hepatic Bithionol may also be used to treat
phase of the disease, parenchymal lesions are fascioliasis. The fasciolicidal activity of bithionol
due to migration of the parasites through the was first described in the early 1960s. Cure
liver. The characteristic features on CT are rates ranging from 58 to 100% have been
described as multiple confluent, hypodense reported. Although bithionol is no longer
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 267

commercially available for human use in many patients are estimated to require treatment each
countries, it is still used for the treatment of year. There has been an increase in the number
fascioliasis (e.g., in the United States by the of cases reported, in response to the availability
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) of treatment. Transmission to humans is highly
because the drug is often more readily available linked to eating raw water-grown vegetables
than triclabendazole. Adverse events including that harbor F. gigantic metacercariae. Washing
anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal vegetables with water, vinegar, or lemon
pain are mild and transient. A key drawback juice is not sufficient to remove the encysted
of bithionol is that long treatment duration is metacercariae. Use of contaminated kitchen
necessary. Bithionol is given at 30 to 50 mg/kg tools in preparing other foods can also cause
body weight on alternate days to complete 10 the metacercariae to be transmitted.
to 15 doses. In Asia, most human cases have been
Peroxidic compounds, such as semi- reported in Iran, especially in Gilan Province,
synthetic artemisinins and synthetic trioxolanes, on the Caspian Sea. In parts of eastern Asia,
which are known for their antimalarial and human fascioliasis appears to be sporadic. Few
antischistosomal properties, have been reported cases have been documented in Japan, Korean
to show trematocidal activities. Single 200 peninsula, and Thailand. In the Philippines, no
to 400 mg/kg oral doses of artesunate and case of human fascioliasis has been documented.
artemether completely cured chronic F. hepatica In Europe, human fascioliasis mainly occurs
infections in rats. in France, Spain, Portugal, and the former
USSR. France is considered an important
human endemic area. A total of 5,863 cases
Fascioliasis has a worldwide distribution have been recorded from nine French hospitals
and is of great economic importance in from 1970 to 1982.
livestock-raising countries. The prevalence in
Prevention and Control
animals in Central and Latin America is about
25% but may reach 70% in cattle, goats, and Preventive measures include thorough
sheep in other countries. In the Philippines, washing or cooking of vegetables, and boiling
the dominant species affecting cattle and of water in areas where the infection is endemic.
water buffaloes is F. gigantica. Examination of Cilla et al. in 2001 reported the decrease in
cows, carabaos, and horses in South Cotabato infection over the years in Gipuzkoa, Spain
in 2007 showed a fascoliasis prevalence of which is probably related to a change in dietary
89.5%. Human fascioliasis is typically sporadic. habits. Control measures include elimination
However, clinical cases and some outbreaks have of the snail intermediate host through the
recently occurred. The estimated number of application of copper sulfate, and killing the
people with fascioliasis is 360,000 in Bolivia, parasite in the reservoir host by chemotherapy.
830,000 in Ecuador, 10,000 in Islamic Republic Spitfill and Dalton in 1998 demonstrated
of lran, 742,000 in Peru, and 37,000 in Yemen. that animals can be significantly protected
The total estimated number of people infected against infection by vaccination with defined
is 2.4 to 17 million, in 51 countries, from five Fasciola antigens. These include a fatty-
continents. The number of persons at risk is acid binding protein (FABP) termed Fh12,
more than 180 million worldwide. glutathione-S-transferase (GST), cathepsin
Fascioliasis due to F. gigantica is typical of L (CatL) proteinase, and hemoglobin (Hb).
rural areas of Vietnam, but is not infrequent in Apart from reducing fluke burden, some
areas around urban centers as well. About 5,000 vaccines have elicited concurrent reductions
268 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

in parasite egg production. It was also noted Haridy FM, Morsy TA, Gawish NI, Antonios
that in those vaccinated with cathepsin L2-Hb, TN, Abdel Gawad A. The potential reservoir
>98% of the eggs recovered did not embryonate role of donkeys and horses in zoonotic
to miracidia. A juvenile protease known as F. fascioliasis in Gharbia Governorate, Egypt.
hepatica cathepsin B2 (FhCB2) was also recently J Egypt Soc Parasitol. 2002;32(2):561–70.
validated as a vaccine for fascioliasis using the Ishii Y, Nakamura-Uchiyama F, Nawa Y. A
rat model. The FhCB2 vaccine was shown to be praziquantel-ineffective fascioliasis case
highly immunogenic, induced a 60% reduction successfully treated with triclabendazole.
in fluke burden, and a 63% reduction in the size Parasitol Int. 2002;51(2):205–9.
of the recovered flukes. Vaccination with FhCB2 Kabaalioglu A, Ceken K, Alimoglu E, Saba R,
also led to significantly reduced liver damage Cubuk M, Arslan G, et al. Hepatobiliary
(61%), suggesting a killing effect on young fascioliasis: sonographic and CT findings
parasites before extensive damage occurs in the in 87 patients during the initial phase and
liver. A commercially feasible vaccine that might long-term follow-up. Am J Roentgenol.
also reduce parasite transmission and reduce the 2007;189:824–8.
chances of liver damage in the field is a realistic K a b a a l i o l u A , Cu b u k M , Se n o l U ,
goal. Alternative adjuvants, routes of delivery, as Cevikol C, Karaali K, Apaydin A, et al.
well as the production of a recombinant protein Fascioliasis: US, CT, and MRI findings
that mimics the protection of the native protein with new observations. Abdom Imaging.
are among the latest developments. 2000;25:400–4.
Keiser J, Utzinger J. Emerging foodborne
trematodiasis. Emerg Infect Dis.
Alvarez-Sánchez MA, Mainar-Jaime RC, Pérez- 2005;11:1507–14.
García J, Rojo-Vázquez FA. Resistance of Keiser J, Utzinger J. Food-borne trematodiasis:
Fasciola hepatica to triclabendazole and current chemotherapy and advances with
albendazole in sheep in Spain. Vet Rec. artemisinins and synthetic trioxolanes.
2006;59(13):424–5. Trends Parasitol. 2007;23(11):555–62.
Cosme A, Ojeda E, Poch M, Bujanda L, Castiella Mas-Coma S, Bargues MD, Valero MA.
A, Fernandez J. Sonographic findings of Fascioliasis and other plant-borne
hepatic lesions in human fascioliasis. J Clin trematode zoonoses. Int J Parasitol.
Ultrasound. 2003;31:358–63. 2005;35(11–12):1255–78.
Dreyfuss G, Vignoles P, Abous M, Rondelaud Mezo M, Gonzalez-Warleta M, Carro C,
D. Unusual snail species involved in the Ubeira FM. An ultrasensitive capture
transmission of Fascioliasis hepatica in ELISA for detection of Fasciola hepatica
watercress bed in central France. Parasite. coproantigens in sheep and cattle using
2002;9(2):113–20. a new monoclonal antibody (MM3). J
Esteban JG, González C, Bargues MD, Angles Parasitol. 2004;90:845–52.
R, Sánchez C, Náquira C, et al. High Richter J, Freise S, Mull R, Millan JC.
fascioliasis infection in children linked to Fascioliasis: sonographic abnormalities
a man-made irrigation in Peru. Trop Med of the biliary tract and evolution after
Int Health. 2002;7(4):339–48. treatment with triclabendazole. Trop Med
Graham CS, Brodie SB, Wellea PF. Imported Int Health. 1999;4:774–81.
Fasciola hepatica infection in the United Rondelaud D, Vignoles P, Abrous M, Dreyfuss
States and treatment with triclabendazole. G. The definitive and intermediate host
Clin Infect Dis. 2001;1(1):331–5. of Fasciola hepatica in natural watercress
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 269

beds in central France. Parasitol Res. Vignoles P, Dreyfuss G, Rondelaud D. Larval

2001;87(6):475–8. development of Fasciola hepatica in
de Souza CP, Magalhaes KG, Passos LK, Pereira experimental infection: variation with
dos Santos GC, Ribeiro F, Katz N. Aspect populations of Lymnaea truncatula. J
of the maintenance of the life cycle of Helminthol. 2002;76(2):179–83.
Fasciola hepatica in Lymnaea coluntella in Vignoles P, Dreyfuss G, Rondelaud D. Redial
Minas Gerais, Brazil. Men Inst Oswaldo growth and cercarial productivity of Fasciola
Cruz. 2002;97(3):407–10. hepatica on three species of young lymnaeid
Tran VH, Tran TK, Nguye HC, Pham HD, snails. J Helminthol. 2002;76(3):269–72.
Pham TH. Fascioliasis in Vietnam. Vignoles P, Menard A, Rondelaud D, Chauvin
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. A, Dreyfuss G. Fasciola hepatica: the
2001;32(2):48–50. characteristics of experimental infection in
Valero MA, Ubeira FM, Khoubbane M, Lymnaea truncatula subjected to miracidia
Artigas P, Muiño L, Mezo M, et al. differing in mammalian origin. Parasitol
MM3-ELISA evaluation of coproantigen Res. 2001;87(11):945–9.
release and serum antibody production WHO Western Pacific Regional Office.
in sheep experimentally infected with Review on the epidemiologic profile of
Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica. Vet helminthiases and their control in the
Parasitol. 2009;159:77–81. Western Pacific Region 1997–2008. 2008.
270 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Clonorchis sinensis

Opisthorchis felineus Parasite Biology

Opisthorchis viverrini The liver flukes, C. sinensis, O. felineus, and
O. viverrini, have similar life cycles (Figures
T hese small digenetic trematodes belong to
family Opisthorchiidae, and are parasites
of the bile duct and gallbladder of humans and
5.8–5.9). The usual mode of transmission is
via ingestion of the metacercaria of the parasite
present in infected raw or undercooked fish.
fish-eating mammals. Infections of humans by
Viable encysted metacercariae have been
Opisthorchis felineus and O. viverrini were first
reported in salted, dried, or pickled fresh
recorded in 1892 and 1911, respectively. The
water fish. Metacercariae from decomposing
liver fluke Clonorchis sinensis was first reported
fish could potentially be ingested by drinking
in India in 1874, during an autopsy of a 20-year
contaminated water.
old Chinese patient.

Figure 5.8. Life cycle of Clonorchis sinensis

(Accessed from
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 271

Figure 5.9. Life cycle of Opisthorchis spp.

(Accessed from

The metacercaria excysts in the duodenum, the feces. The miracidium hatches only after the
and the young fluke moves through the ampulla egg is ingested by the first intermediate host.
of Vater to the common bile duct, and then to The first snail intermediate host of C. sinensis
the distal biliary capillaries where it matures belongs to the following genera: Parafossarulus
into an adult worm. The adult fluke attaches (P. manchouricus, P. anomalospiralis, and P.
itself to the mucosa of the bile duct by using stratulus), Bulinus (B. striatulus), Semisulcospira,
its suckers, and by embedding itself in sticky Alocinma (A. longicornis), Thiara (T. granifera),
mucus without causing permanent ulceration and Melanoides (M. tuberculatus). On the other
of the epithelial lining. The flukes may also be hand, O. felineus and O. viverrini require snails
found in the pancreatic duct and the gallbladder. belonging to the genus Bithynia.
The worm feeds on tissue fluids, red blood cells, Upon entry into the snail host, the
and mucus. miracidium transforms into a sporocyst, which
The egg is fully mature when it is released subsequently produces rediae. Each redia, in
from the worm. It passes with the bile to the turn, produces cercariae that are released into
intestine, and escapes into the environment with the surrounding water. Upon contact with the
272 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

second intermediate host, a fresh water fish, the

cercaria attaches itself to the host epithelium
with its suckers, and encysts as metacercaria
under a scale or in a muscle.
There are many fish species that serve as
intermediate hosts of these parasites, but the
majority belongs to family Cyprinidae. A total
of 31 species in seven families of freshwater fish,
and one species of freshwater shrimp, have been
recorded as second intermediate hosts of C.
sinensis. Metacercariae of Opisthorchis spp. have
been recorded in 23 species and 2 subspecies of
Cyprinidae family, and 11 species of Cobitidae
family. Plate 5.19. Opistorchis viverrini adult
(Courtesy of the Department of Parasitology,
The metacercaria is the infective stage to UP-CPH)
the definitive host. One study in northeast
Thailand showed that seasonal variations in
metacercariae was a common phenomenon in Eggs of these parasites are yellowish brown,
areas with both high and low endemic infection. ovoid, and measure 26 to 30 µm by 15 to 17
The metacercarial load in fish was shown to µm. There is a distinctly convex operculum that
be positively associated with infection levels fits into the thickened rim of the eggshell, and
among humans. a small protuberance at the abopercular end.
Adult worms are also found in the bile Inside the egg is a well-developed miracidium
ducts of cats, dogs, pigs, and six other species that has asymmetrical features. Eggs of the
of mammals, which can act as reservoir hosts. three species of liver flukes are difficult to
Adults of the three parasites are leaf-like in differentiate.
shape, with transparent tegument. The C. Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations
sinensis adult is 10 to 25 mm long and 3 to 5
mm wide, while Opisthorchis adults are slightly In clonorchiasis, metacercariae reaching the
shorter, being 8 to 12 mm long and 1.5 to 3 mm biliary system mature and provoke pathological
wide. The main similarity between C. sinensis changes as a result of local trauma and irritation.
and Opisthorchis spp. is the location of the Although the morphologic features vary with
vitellaria, which are found in the middle third duration and severity of the infection, they
of the body at the level of the uterus; whereas are sufficiently distinctive and characteristic to
the main differences are in the morphology allow classification into phases. These phases are
and arrangement of their testes. C. sinensis as follows: (a) desquamation of epithelial cells;
adults have two large, highly branched testes (b) hyperplasia and desquamation of epithelial
arranged in tandem in the posterior half of the cells; (c) hyperplasia, desquamation of epithelial
body. Opisthorchis adults, however, have lobate cells, and adenomatous tissue formation; and
testes, which are arranged obliquely. The O. (d) marked proliferation of the periductal
viverrini adult can be differentiated from the O. connective tissue with scattered abortive acini
felineus adult on the basis of testes morphology. of epithelial cells, and fibrosis of the wall of the
The testes of O. viverrini, which are positioned biliary duct.
close to each other, are more deeply lobulated In general, light infections with C. sinensis
(Plate 5.19). (­<100 flukes) are asymptomatic, or have few
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 273

non-specific clinical signs, such as diarrhea and upper quadrant abdominal pain, nausea, and
abdominal pain. Infections with a moderate emesis have been reported. Chronic symptoms
parasite load (101-1,000 flukes) may cause fever, include biliary tract obstruction, inflammation,
diarrhea, loss of appetite, rash, edema, night and fibrosis, as well as liver abscess formation,
blindness, swollen abdomen, and enlargement of pancreatitis, and suppurative cholangitis.
the liver. Patients with a very high worm burden
A. Correlation of Opisthorchiasis and
(up to 25,000 flukes) may also present with Clonorchiasis with Cholangiocarcinoma
acute pain in the right upper quadrant. Often,
the acute symptoms subside after a few weeks, Opisthorchis and Clonorchis parasitize the
and are followed by chronic complications. In bile ducts of millions of individuals in the Far
the chronic stages, liver malfunction can occur. East. The most important aspect of infection
Calculi, acute suppurative cholangitis, recurrent with these flukes is their role in carcinogenesis.
pyogenic cholangitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, Numerous studies have shown that these flukes
and pancreatitis are among the more severe late are closely associated with the development
complications. of cholangiocarcinoma. The link between C.
An increased risk of developing hepatocellular sinensis and cholangiocarcinoma is supported
carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma are among by epidemiological data. In 1956, it was
the most significant sequelae. C. sinensis has estimated that 15% of primary liver cancers
been classified by the International Agency in Hong Kong were cholangiocarcinomas
for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a probable associated with C. sinensis. A study of 2,635
carcinogen (group 2A). necropsy cases in Thailand showed that
Infections with O. viverrini are often 78% of cholangiocarcinomas were associated
asymptomatic, particularly those of light with liver fluke infection. In certain areas
intensity. Flatulence, fatigue, dyspepsia, right of Korea with an extremely high prevalence
upper quadrant abdominal pain, anorexia, and of Clonorchis, fluke infection increased the
mild hepatomegaly occur in approximately 5 relative risk of cholangiocarcinoma six-fold.
to 10% of infections. Severe infections, which Experimental studies in animals have confirmed
are rare, might cause obstructive jaundice, the carcinogenic potential of these parasites.
cirrhosis, cholangitis, acalculous cholecystitis, Studies carried out in the northeastern
or bile peritonitis. part of Thailand found a positive correlation
Cholangiocarcinoma is the most serious between the endemicity of opisthorchiasis
complication of infection with O. viverrini. and the frequency of cholangiocarcinoma.
Studies carried out in the northeastern part The highest incidence of cholangiocarcinoma
of Thailand found a positive correlation has been reported for areas where O. viverrini
between the endemicity of opisthorchiasis is highly endemic. Sakol Nakhon (upper
and the frequency of cholangiocarcinoma. Northeast Thailand) has the highest national
Although the pathophysiology is not entirely mortality rate of liver and bile duct cancer, at
understood, many factors are likely involved 61.4 attributed deaths per 100,000 people. A
in carcinogenesis, including mechanical and similar association between opisthorchiasis and
chemical irritation of the tissue by the flukes, bile duct cancer has been observed in Lao PDR,
and host immune responses. where the prevalence of O. viverrini is high.
In contrast to infections with C. sinensis The pathogenesis of Clonorchis and
and O. viverrini, many patients infected with Opisthorchis-associated cholangiocarcinoma
O. felineus suffer from fever and hepatitis-like involves several mechanisms. Chronic irritation
symptoms in the acute stage of infection. Right and inflammation caused by the fluke can result
274 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

in hyperplasia and adenomatous changes of and coproovoscopy are concurrently used to

the biliary epithelium. Hyperplastic cells are define the spread of clonorchiasis in certain
vulnerable to carcinogens that can easily induce regions in Russia. It shows the efficiency of
DNA damage during active cell proliferation. EIA in seroepidemiological surveys and the
Liver fluke infection results in endogenous possibility of its use in endemic areas. The
formation of N-nitroso compounds in the area assay is recommended for wide application in
around the bile ducts, which in turn may lead clinical and epidemiological practice in the foci
to neoplastic transformation. Furthermore, of the disease.
macrophages and other inflammatory cells, A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method
activated by parasite-specific T-cells, synthesize developed with 100% sensitivity has been
nitric oxide, which is a potential carcinogen. It used for detecting a single O. viverrini egg
is likely that several of the above mechanisms are in artificially inoculated feces. The method is
involved in the carcinogenesis process. useful for specific identification of O. viverrini
Mucin-producing activity is also a frequent eggs in stool samples without the risk of false
feature reflecting the neoplastic transformation positives. A single, one-step multiplex PCR,
of goblet cells in the bile duct lining. Application targeting mitochondrial DNA, permits the
of various carcinogens to liver fluke-infected detection and discrimination of Clonorchis
animals has been shown to increase the sinensis and Opisthorchis viverrini in different
incidence of cholangiocarcinoma. life-stage forms, from fish intermediate hosts,
and from infected patients. This multiplex
PCR technique produced no cross reaction
Diagnosis is by detection of the parasite between C. sinensis and O. viverrini, or with
egg in the stool. Clonorchis, Opisthorchis, and metacercariae of other trematodes commonly
heterophyid eggs are difficult to differentiate found in fish, or eggs from mixed infections
under an ordinary light microscope. Eggs, in humans.
when stained with potassium permanganate
and examined under 400x magnification, show
distinct melon-like ridges on the surface of O. Praziquantel is given at 25 mg/kg, three
viverrini eggs, while there is a light striae pattern times a day for 2 days. It may also be given at
on Haplorchis taichui (heterophyid) eggs. 60 mg/kg in three doses for 1 day. The latter
Cholangiography is a very useful diagnostic regimen has been found to have a 96% cure rate
tool. Several radiological features of biliary and 99% egg reduction rate.
clonorchiasis have been described, including The therapeutic effect of albendazole is
saccular dilations of the intrahepatic bile comparable to praziquantel. It has the advantage
ducts, and rapid ductal tapering toward the of clearing various intestinal helminthiasis
periphery (referred to as the “arrowhead sign”). simultaneously, with very low toxicity, excellent
Less dramatic ductal wall irregularities may tolerance, and relatively low cost. However, the
also be seen, such as indentations, a scalloped seven-day treatment course is longer than the
appearance, and, occasionally, linear or elliptical course for praziquantel.
filling defects representing free-floating worms. A study has shown that in cases of light to
ELISA with crude extracts of adult C. moderate infection, a praziquantel-albendazole
sinensis has been reported to have a high combination is more effective than praziquantel
degree of sensitivity and a moderate degree alone. The combination was also found to be
of specificity for the serodiagnosis of highly effective for treating cases of co-infection
clonorchiasis. Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) with Ascaris, Trichuris, and hookworm.
Chapter 5: Trematode Infections 275

Agents and biologically active fractions Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and India; and O.
derived from medicinal plants grown in viverrini in Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, and
Siberia have been tested in vitro and in vivo. in immigrants to North America. A case of
The extract from the aspen bark displayed the a Chinese immigrant with clonorchiasis in
highest activity against Opisthorchis. The results Australia has been reported. The patient was
of chemical and chromatographic studies have said to have harbored the parasite for 26
indicated that active fractions contain salicin years without developing neoplasia. A case
and its derivatives. The aspen bark produces of opisthorchiasis has been reported from the
no substantial toxic effect in laboratory animals Davao Medical Center in the Philippines.
and belongs to the class “low toxic substances.” The parasite was recovered during a surgical
The artemisinins and synthetic peroxides operation of the bile ducts.
(i.e., OZ78) also possess trematocidal properties O. viverrini infections remain a major public
against schistosomes, C. sinensis, and Fasciola health problem in Northeast Thailand, where
hepatica in vivo. Tribendimidine also shows approximately one-third of the population
activity against the intestinal trematode is infected. The northeast region is largely
Echinostoma caproni, C. sinensis, and O. populated by Thais and people of Laotian
viverrini. A single 150 mg/kg of body weight descent who eat raw fish, which harbor the
oral dose of either artemether, artesunate, infective stage of the fluke.
or tribendimidine resulted in worm burden The distribution of liver fluke disease
reductions of 99 to 100% in rats harboring is related, in part, to the distribution of
adult C. sinensis. OZ78, at a single 300 mg/kg intermediate hosts and animal reservoir hosts.
oral dose, achieved a worm burden reduction of Traditional consumption of improperly cooked
98.5% against adult C. sinensis in rats. fish, and indiscriminate defecation habits
among rural inhabitants are significant factors
that determine the high prevalence of liver fluke
Transmission of clonorchiasis and infection in an area.
opisthorchiasis is by consumption of raw,
Prevention and Control
undercooked, salted, dried, or pickled freshwater
fish that harbor encysted metacercariae. The main strategies for liver fluke control
Reservoir hosts are fish-eating mammals such consist of three interrelated approaches, namely:
as dogs, cats, and rats. (a) stool examination and treatment of positive
Current global estimates for C. sinensis cases with praziquantel in order to eliminate
infection is 35 million, with 601 million people human host reservoir, (b) health education for
at-risk of acquiring the infection. The estimated the promotion of cooked fish consumption
number of persons infected with O. viverrini is in order to prevent infection, and (c) proper
9 million, with 68 million people at-risk, while human waste disposal in order to interrupt
about 1.2 million are estimated to be infected transmission.
with O. felineus, and 12.5 million at-risk. An alternative approach to control
O. viverrini and C. sinensis chronically transmission is by making the fish intermediate
infect over 30 million people in Southeast host safe for consumption. A study suggested
Asia, resulting in significant morbidity and that irradiating fish at a dose of 0.15 kGy
predisposition to cholangiocarcinoma. C. could control the infectivity of C. sinensis
sinensis is endemic in China, Korea, Japan, metacercariae. Freezing or storing infected
and Vietnam; O. felineus has been reported in freshwater fish in heavy salt may not be effective
Europe, Turkey, the former USSR countries, in the prevention of clonorchiasis. Acetic acid
276 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

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against Clonorchis sinensis: a comparative (Mosk). 1997(1):9–12.
in vivo study. Acta Trop. 2006;106:54–9.
Chapter 6

Arthropods and Mollusks

of Medical Importance
Introduction to Arthropods of Medical Importance
Lillian A. de las Llagas

O f all the major divisions or phyla

which make up the animal kingdom,
Phylum Arthropoda is certainly one of the
There are two types of metamorphoses:
• Gradual or incomplete metamorphosis.
In this type of metamorphosis, an
most important. Eighty-five percent of all
arthropod undergoes three stages:
known animals are arthropods. These are
egg, nymph, and adult. The young
bilaterally symmetrical invertebrate animals
resembles the adult except for the
with segmented bodies, jointed appendages,
smaller size and sexual immaturity.
and hard outer coverings or exoskeletons. No
Examples of arthropods exhibiting
other animal group demonstrates such a great
this include cockroaches, grasshoppers,
diversity in structure, life cycle, and habits. The
lice, and bugs.
arthropods range in size from the Atlas moth
• Complete metamorphosis. In this type
with a wingspread of 12 inches, to the small
of metamorphosis, an arthropod
follicle mite, less than l/250 of an inch long.
undergoes four stages: egg, larva, pupa,
Some arthropods are parasitic, while most
and adult. There is a great difference
are non-parasitic. Some prefer to live in highly
between the immature stages and
organized and complex environments in which
the adults. Examples of these are
each member contributes something to others
mosquitoes, flies, butterflies, moths,
in a symbiotic relationship.
ants, bees, wasps, fleas, and beetles.
Many arthropods have complicated life
histories. In some, the entire life cycle is not Arthropods are found everywhere, whether
completely known. Some demonstrate little it is in mountains, swamps, deserts, cities, or
change in morphology throughout the different countryside. Their presence in any environment
life stages, while others pass through a complete reflects their capability to adapt, propagate, and
metamorphosis having egg, larval, pupal, and establish colonies.
adult stages. Arthropods are provided with special
Metamorphosis refers to the change in form mechanisms which they use against their
or structure of an arthropod that occurs during enemies: the chitinized exoskeleton, primarily
the period of development. A few primitive a nitrogenous polysaccharide which makes the
insects develop without metamorphosis. In integument impervious to water; appendages
these insects, the young is the exact replica of which may be lost and later regenerated; hairs,
the adult differing only in size. scales or spines; and body fluids which may be
used effectively for their survival.

Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 279

Classification of Arthropods

Phylum Arthropoda comprises at least

740,000 species. The majority of medically
important arthropods can be grouped into two
classes: Insecta and Arachnida. Other classes,
which are also important, are Chilopoda,
Diplopoda, Crustacea, and Pentastomida
(Table 6.1).

Table 6.1. List of immediate diagnostic features

of arthropods
Figure 6.1. A generalized diagram of an adult
Class Antennae Legs
Cyclorraphan fly (From Baltazar CR, Salazar NP.
I. Crustacea 2 pairs 5 or more Philippine insects: an introduction. Quezon City:
(crabs, lobster, pairs of
University of the Philippines Press; 1979.)
shrimps, walking
copepods) legs
II. Arachnida 0 4 pairs (adult A. Head
(mites, ticks, stage)
scorpions, spiders) The head bears the eyes, antennae, and the
III. Hexapoda/Insecta 1 pair 3 pairs (adult mouthparts. The antennae are located in the
(mosquitoes, flies, lice, stage)
bugs, etc.)
front portion of the head between the eyes. They
IV. Chilopoda 1 pair 1 pair per
are greatly modified, often having characteristic
(centipedes) body shapes, and are provided with chemoreceptors
(Figure 6.2).
V. Diplopoda 1 pair 2 pairs per
(millipedes) body
VI. Pentastomida 0 0
(tongue worms)

Class Insecta (flies, mosquitoes, bees,

wasps, butterflies, bugs, etc.) is considered the
largest, representing approximately 70% of the
phylum. It also typifies the arthropod’s external
and internal structures. Class Insecta is the
most important group of arthropods from the
medical viewpoint. It includes many species that
directly and indirectly affect humans.
Figure 6.2. Parts of an insect head
External Anatomy (From Baltazar CR, Salazar NP. Philippine insects:
an introduction. Quezon City: University of the
The body of an insect is divided into Philippines Press; 1979.)
three major regions: the head, thorax, and
abdomen (Figure 6.1). In many insects, these Two types of eyes occur in insects: simple
parts are clearly well-differentiated, as in flies and compound. Simple eyes or ocelli consist of
and mosquitoes, whereas in some, they are less single eye units or facets. Compound eyes are
distinct as in fleas. usually very large and maybe round, oval, or
280 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

kidney-shaped. The outer face of the compound soluble foods. The mandibles are absent, and
eye is composed of many small six-sided lenses the maxillae are represented only by the palps.
called facets. In general, the active flying insects The labrum and labium fuse to form a proboscis
have large eyes with many facets, while the with a spongy tip called the labellum. The insect
walking types have fewer facets. Some parasitic regurgitates saliva to dissolve the food. Then,
insects have poorly developed eyes, as in some the capillary grooves at the base of the labellum
fleas. carry the liquefied food to the food canal inside
Insects have an upper lip or labrum, a lower the proboscis (Figure 6.4).
lip or labium, a pair of maxillae or upper jaw,
and a pair of mandibles or lower jaw. The shapes
and sizes of these structures vary according
to the insects’ feeding habits. There are four
principal types of mouthparts:
1. Chewing mouthparts

These are exemplified by cockroaches and

silverfish, which use their mouthparts to grind
solid food. The mandibles are useful in cutting
or tearing food apart. The maxillae, labrum, and
labium are used in handling food before it is
swallowed. The palpi are used to feel, smell, and Figure 6.4. Sponging type of mouthparts
taste food. These appendages are provided with (From Baltazar CR, Salazar NP. Philippine insects:
hairs where the various senses are concentrated an introduction. Quezon City: University of the
(Figure 6.3). Philippines Press; 1979.)

3. Piercing-sucking mouthparts

These are exemplified by mosquitoes,

biting flies, sucking lice, fleas, and kissing bugs.
The mandibles, labrum, and maxillae are long
and slender. The labium forms a stout sheath,
which holds these structures, and the entire
structure is called the proboscis (Figure 6.5).

Figure 6.3. Chewing type of mouthparts

(From Baltazar CR, Salazar NP. Philippine insects:
an introduction. Quezon City: University of the
Philippines Press; 1979.)

2. Sponging mouthparts Figure 6.5. Piercing-sucking type of mouthparts

(From Baltazar CR, Salazar NP. Philippine insects:
This type, as exemplified by houseflies, an introduction. Quezon City: University of the
is adapted for sucking up liquid or readily Philippines Press; 1979.)
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 281

4. Chewing-lapping mouthparts Wing veins running from the base to the

apex of the wings are called longitudinal veins.
An example of an insect having this type
Cross veins connect the longitudinal veins. The
of mouthparts is the honeybee. Mandibles and
arrangement and number of these veins are
maxillae are of the chewing type and are used
important in the classification of insects. Areas
for grasping prey or for molding wax or nest
in between veins are called cells. Some veins
material (Figure 6.6).
may be closed. Each vein contains a nerve cord,
trachea, and hemolymph. The leading edge is
called the costa, and short subcostal veins are
numbered 1, 2, 3 and so on.
2. Leg

The leg is divided into the coxa, trochanter,

femur, tibia, tarsus, and pretarsus (Figure 6.7).
The femur and tibia correspond to the human
thigh and shin, and the tarsus has a function
similar to that of the foot. The last tarsal
segment usually terminates into a pair of claws
or pulvilli, which help the insects in walking on
smooth surfaces.

Figure 6.6. Chewing-lapping type of mouthparts

(From Baltazar CR, Salazar NP. Philippine insects:
an introduction. Quezon City: University of the
Philippines Press; 1979.)

B. Thorax

This is the second main body region which

is connected to the head by a membranous
region, called the neck or cervix. This part bears
three segments, namely: prothorax, mesothorax,
and metathorax. Each segment bears a pair of
walking legs. Wings, when present, are attached
to the mesothorax and metathorax.
1. Wings

These are membranous extensions of the

body wall and consist of an upper and lower
Figure 6.7. Walking leg of an insect
layer. These layers are supported by reinforcing (From Baltazar CR, Salazar NP. Philippine insects:
structures, which appear as distinct lines called an introduction. Quezon City: University of the
veins. Philippines Press; 1979.)
282 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

C. Abdomen Internal Anatomy

The third body region, which bears the A. Circulatory System

spiracles and the external reproductive organs,
Insect blood is usually colorless and is called
is made up of 11 segments. The spiracles (Figure
hemolymph. It contains hemocytes, which are
6.8) are the external openings of the respiratory
blood cells that are mainly phagocytic. Blood
system, and some insects have a pair on each
circulation is maintained by the hemolymph
abdominal segment. The 8th and 9th segments
which flows through small valve-like openings
bear the external sex organs used for copulation
called ostia (Figure 6.10). The heart is located
in the male and serve as an egg-laying device or
dorsally and blood from the heart is forced
ovipositor for the female. Some bear a pair of
forward through the aorta to the brain. The
finger-like processes called cerci (Figure 6.9) on
main function of the heart is to carry nutrients
the 11th segment which are more conspicuous
to the tissues, and waste products to the
in females.
Malphigian tubules for excretion (excretory
organ). The entire body cavity is called the

Figure 6.8. Spiracle

(Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)

Figure 6.10. Diagram of an insect showing the

arrangement of the circulatory system
(From Baltazar CR, Salazar NP. Philippine insects:
an introduction. Quezon City: University of the
Philippines Press; 1979.)

B. Respiratory System

Oxygen reaches the tissues by direct gaseous

exchange. The spiracles, which are circular
openings in the cuticle, allow air to enter the
body (Figure 6.11). Spiracles are located on
the mesothorax, the metathorax, and the first
eight abdominal segments. Air passes through
Figure 6.9. Cercus
(From Baltazar CR, Salazar NP. Philippine insects: a small tube called the trachea. Oxygen diffuses
an introduction. Quezon City: University of the across the tracheoles into the cells, while carbon
Philippines Press; 1979.) dioxide from the cells enters the tracheoles and
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 283

the body, especially sensory organs like the

compound eyes, ocelli, antennae, halteres, palpi,
and hairs, serving as sensory receptors.
D. Digestive System

The foregut starts with the mouth

and includes the pharynx, esophagus, and
proventriculus (Figure 6.13). The posterior
part of the esophagus, called the crop, serves
as an area for temporary storage of food
before it is passed to the midgut for digestion.
The muscular proventriculus acts as a valve
preventing the food from being regurgitated
and may have teeth or spines to aid in the
disintegration of food particles. A pair of
Figure 6.11. Diagram showing an insect spiracle
and trachea (From Baltazar CR, Salazar NP.
salivary glands is situated in the thorax. The
Philippine insects: an introduction. Quezon City: composition of saliva varies according to the
University of the Philippines Press; 1979.) type of insect. In blood-sucking ones, it often
contains anticoagulins, which may be allergenic.
goes out via spiracles. This tracheal system also The midgut or stomach serves as an area
regulates water. for food storage in the process of digestion
and may become greatly distended. It secretes
C. Nervous System
enzymes necessary for insect meal digestion.
The central nervous system consists of a The beginning of the hindgut is marked by the
brain connected to a nerve cord, with ganglia presence of opaque tubules called Malphigian
occurring at intervals, often one ganglion per tubules. The anterior part is called the ileum,
body segment (Figure 6.12). Nerves arising while the more distal part is called the rectum,
from these ganglia reach various parts of which terminates in the anus.
E. Excretory System

Malphigian tubules act as excretory filters

and discharge waste products (Figure 6.13).

Figure 6.12. Diagram of an insect showing

the arrangement of the nerve cord Figure 6.13. The digestive and excretory systems
(From Baltazar CR, Salazar NP. Philippine insects: (From Baltazar CR, Salazar NP. Philippine insects:
an introduction. Quezon City: University of the an introduction. Quezon City: University of the
Philippines Press; 1979.) Philippines Press; 1979.)
284 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

They are milky white to opaque in appearance Because of the chitinized cuticle, the
due to deposition of waste products within insect’s skin is not sensitive to contact. The
their cells. sense of touch is made possible by sensory
hairs connected to a nerve (sensory nerve cell),
F. Reproductive System
which is stimulated if hairs are disturbed.
Insects are dioecious; the male and female Nerve endings are usually concentrated in the
must mate before eggs are produced. Insects mouthparts, antennae, and tarsi.
which lay eggs are called oviparous, while those Taste is usually perceived by the mouth and
which deposit larvae are called viviparous. mouthparts, by the palpi or even by the protarsi.
The reproductive organs of the female Palps also bear olfactory organs. The sense of
(Figure 6.14A) consist of a pair of ovaries which smell is highly developed in insects and is used
produce eggs and pass them into the oviduct, for locating food, finding a mate, and locating
where they may be fertilized by sperm cells a suitable oviposition site.
stored in the spermatheca. Some species have Insects generally respond only to specific
accessory glands which secrete an adhesive noises, such as the sound made by the wings of
coating for the eggs. a female mosquito. Sound waves may be picked
The male reproductive organs (Figure up by fine sensory hairs or by an auditory drum
6.14B) consist of a pair of testes in which sperm located on the lower part of the insects’ front
cells are developed. The seminal vesicle serves legs. Only some insects, like grasshoppers,
as storage for spermatozoa until mating occurs. cicadas, crickets, and other species of moths
The accessory glands secrete a liquid substance have “ears” or tympanic membrane. Flies and
to serve as a vehicle for the sperm cells, which mosquitoes are believed to hear by means of a
are then passed into the vas deferens and into cup-like organ on the second antennal segment,
the penis or ejaculatory organ. which responds to sound waves picked up by
the rest of the antennae.
The principal organs of sight are the
compound eyes and ocelli. Insects cannot move
nor focus their eyes. It is not possible for insects
to see a sharp clear image, and they are only able
to see blurred images. These eyes are provided
with nerves, which transmit stimuli to the brain.
Because of these different senses, insects
are able to react to their environment. Their
responses arise from simple stimuli, such as
Figure 6.14. Reproductive systems of an insect
light, heat, gravity, hunger, and smell. Their
(From Baltazar CR, Salazar NP. Philippine insects:
an introduction. Quezon City: University of the reactions consist of more or less fixed behavioral
Philippines Press; 1979.) patterns and they react similarly to the same
stimulus. This is called automatic behavior,
G. The Senses
which does not involve reasoning. With insects,
behavioral reactions are usually immediate.
Insects also possess the senses of touch, Although the brain is located in its head, each
taste, smell, hearing, and sight. They also of the body regions act independently, or in
possess other auxiliary senses such as the sense a semi-autonomous manner, because pairs of
of balance, and possibly orientation. nerve centers called ganglia are located along
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 285

the bottom side of the insect’s body and are D. Class Chilopoda (centipedes or hundred-
connected to the brain by a nerve cord. legged worms)
Arthropods can cause direct and indirect These arthropods are terrestrial, elongated,
injuries to humans. Below is the list of medically and have many segments. The body is
important classes and orders under Phylum dorsoventrally flattened with a pair of legs on
Arthropoda. Discussion of their important each body segment. The appendages of the first
features and roles in human disease are given body segment are modified to serve as poison
in the next two sections. claws.
A. Class Insecta
E. Class Diplopoda (millipedes or thousand-
Order Diptera (mosquitoes and flies) legged worms)
Order Siphonaptera (fleas) These are terrestrial, elongated and have
Order Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, and ants) many segments. The body is cylindrical with
Order Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) two pairs of legs per body segment. There are
Order Hemiptera (bed bugs and kissing no poison claws. They do not bite humans, but
bugs) secrete substances that are irritants to human
Order Anoplura (sucking lice) skin.
Order Coleoptera (beetles)
F. Class Pentastomida (tongue worms)
B. Class Crustacea
Adults have elongated bodies which are
These arthropods are aquatic in nature. either flattened (e.g., Linguatula in dogs) or
Their bodies are divided into two: cephalothorax cylindrical (e.g., Armillifer in pythons). In
(head and thorax fused together) and abdomen. Armillifer, the body is divided into a series of
Respiration is either by means of true gills or unusually conspicuous rings, which are not true
directly through the body wall. segments. This characteristic raises questions
There are two orders of medical importance: on whether this class should be under Phylum
Order Copepoda (cyclops) Arthropoda. The larval stage, however, is
Order Decapoda (macrocrustaceans, e.g., segmented. The adults usually live in the lungs
crabs, lobsters, and shrimps) or air passages of their hosts, while larvae live
free or encysted in the viscera of some other
C. Class Arachnida hosts.
These arthropods are both aquatic and References
terrestrial in nature. Their bodies are divided
into a cephalothorax and abdomen. The Baltazar CR, Salazar NP. Philippine insects: an
cephalothorax bears six pairs of appendages: introduction. Quezon City: University of
anterior chelicerae, pedipalps, and four pairs the Philippines Press; 1979.
of walking legs. de las Llagas LA. Study guide in medical
There are three orders of arachnids which entomology. 1987. Located at: College of
are of medical importance: Public Health Library, University of the
Philippines Manila.
Order Scorpionida (scorpions) de las Llagas LA, Abong J. Identification and
Order Araneida (spiders) characterization of local house dust mites:
Order Acarina (mites and ticks) potential for native allergen production for
286 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

experimental, diagnostic, and therapeutic Philippine Islands. San Francisco: USAF

use in the local setting. 2003. Located Fifth Epidemiological Flight, PACAF,
at: College of Public Health Library, technical report 70-l; 1970.
University of the Philippines Manila. Service MW. A guide to medical entomology.
Borror DJ, Delong DM, Triplehorn CA. An 1st ed. Hongkong: The MacMillan Press
introduction to the study of insects. 4th ed. Ltd.; 1980.
USA: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1976. Taboada O. Manual of medical entomology.
Cagampang-Ramos A, Darsie RF Jr. Illustrated USA: US Government Printing Office;
keys to the Anopheles mosquito of the 1968.
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 287

Arthropods as Direct Causes of Injury

Lilian A. de las Llagas

Ways by which Arthropods Affect Humans follow repeated exposure to various venomous
arthropods. Arthropods that cause direct injury
T he direct effects of arthropods on humans are
generally classified as: (a) envenomization;
(b) ectoparasitism; (c) ingestant and inhalant
through envenomization are described below.
A. Order Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, and
allergens; (d) food, water, and house pests; (e) ants)
myiasis; and (f ) entomophobia and delusory The name of the order comes from the
parasitoses (Table 6.2). Greek word hymen meaning membrane and
ptery meaning wing. These are, therefore,
Table 6.2. Specific injuries and their causative membranous-winged arthropods. Their
agents mouthparts have strong jaws, which are
adapted for biting. Typically, there are two
Injury Agents
pairs of wings, with the hind pair being smaller
Envenomization Venomous arthropods: bees,
wasps, kissing bugs, ants, than the front pair. The wings are folded back
caterpillar, centipede over the abdomen when at rest. The body is
spider and scorpion
divided into three segments: head, thorax, and
Ectoparasitism Non-venomous arthropods:
mosquito, flea, lice, mite
abdomen. The abdomen is further divided into
and ticks abdominal segments, but usually only six or
Inhalant allergens Dead/decomposing bodies of eight are evident. The last abdominal segment
insects: cockroach feces,
hairs and spines, house dust
is a modified ovipositor, the stinging apparatus
mites (HDM) of a female hymenopteran. This modification
Ingestant allergens Mites, cockroach feces, larval of the egg-laying tube enables it to function as
stages of small beetles a very efficient weapon for both offense and
Contact allergens Urticating caterpillar hair, blister defense. The sting is withdrawn into the body
beetle, millipede
when not in use. The presence of an ovipositor
Food and water pests Moth, beetle, mites,
chironomids, maggots serves to identify the female since the sting is
House pests Mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches absent in the male.
Myiasis Fly maggots feeding on
The stinging hymenopterans are divided
human wounds into two distinct groups: those that kill their
prey by stinging, and those that sting only to
paralyze their prey.
Formic acid, which causes the paralysis,
Venoms are poisonous substances, which can be found at the base of the stinger of
certain animals secrete and introduce by biting some hymenopterans. The apparatus of the
or stinging. Arthropod venoms are usually hymenopteran that kills has an acid gland
poisonous when they are injected through the opening directly into the poison sac, and an
integument, or come in contact with injured alkaline gland, which is comparatively small.
skin. The toxic effect of the injected venom It is the combination of these acid and alkaline
depends upon its chemical composition and fluids that results in the death of the prey or
the amount injected. Allergic reactions may causes extreme pain.
288 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Stinging hymenopterans, which have 1. The Stinging Apparatus (modified ovipositor)

been found responsible for adverse reactions in
The venom apparatus consists of three
humans, are members of superfamilies Apoidea
parts: the piercing apparatus, the lateral plate
(bees) (Plate 6.1), Vespoidea (wasps, hornets,
and appendages, and the poison sac and glands.
and yellow jackets) (Plate 6.2), and Formicoidea
If the ovipositor stinger stays in the wound, one
can be sure it is from a honeybee. The stinger of
the honeybee is barbed; when it is pulled from
the insect, the honeybee dies. The honeybee,
therefore, is not capable of multiple stings,
unlike the hornets, wasps, and bumblebees,
which all have unbarbed stingers (Plate 6.3).

Plate 6.1. Bee (Bombus sp.)

(Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)

Plate 6.3. Bee stinger

(Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)

Among ants, the bite may be supplemented

by the sting. Formic acid of the formicine ants
may reach intra- or sub-dermal tissues only
through wounds made by the mandibles. Some
ants bite and sting simultaneously. The bite is
a necessary mechanical advantage for inserting
the sting. Salivary secretions are not introduced.
2. The Nature and Action of the Venom

Venom secretion in worker honeybees

begins just prior to emergence and increases
slowly toward a maximum amount between
the 10th and 16th day. This amounts to 0.3
mg of liquid or 110 pg of venom. Secretions
cease after 20 days. Protein food, mostly pollen,
Plate 6.2. Wasp is required for the full production of venom.
(Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas) Electrophoretic and chromatographic studies
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 289

have shown that bee venom contains histamine,

which is released in the tissues. Histamine,
however, is not the major pharmacological
component. Bee venom appears to contain no
cholinesterase or 5-hydroxytryptamine, but it
does contain low molecular weight ninhydrin-
reacting compounds, the action of which is not
completely understood.
Toxic effects of bee venom result from the
combined actions of mellitin, phospholipase
A, and hyaluronidase. These account for
both the local and general reactions such as
pain, inflammation, swelling, and redness.
Phospholipase is also known to indirectly cause
hemolysis of red blood cells.
The initial response to the venom is a wheal
and flare at the site of the sting, then itching Plate 6.4. Kissing bug (Triatoma sp.)
and flushing follows. As the venom circulates (Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)
in the blood, more widespread symptoms
occur. Vascular effects (hypotension), and then bloodsuckers. Members include the genera
pulmonary effects, with asthma or angioedema Arilus and Reduvius.
in the airways, are observed. Triatomines are differentiated by the
The effects of stings are two-fold: the direct position of antennal insertion. In Rhodnius,
toxic effect, and the anaphylactic shock, which the insertion is at the top of the head. In
may develop in those who become sensitized Triatoma, the insertion is midway between
to it. Many beekeepers become desensitized the compound eyes and the tip of the head,
to bee venom as a result of repeated stings. while in Panstrongylus, the insertion is near the
The sera of beekeepers contain antibodies to compound eyes.
phospholipase A. Genus Triatoma has been reported to inflict
B. Order Hemiptera
painful bites (Plate 6.4). Triatoma rubrofasciata
bite was first reported in the Philippines by
Family Reduviidae consists of insects Africa in 1934. There have been periodic
described as “cone-nosed” because they have complaints from patients bitten by this bug.
narrow pointed, cone-shaped heads. They are Major complaints include swelling in the area of
known as “assassin” bugs or “cannibal” bugs the bite, nausea, vomiting, irritation, and pain.
which prey upon soft-bodied insects, and The extent of reaction to these bites appears to
“kissing” bugs because some biting species depend on the sensitivity of the host and on
attack the face. the amount of antigen injected. Symptomatic
Subfamily Triatominae feeds on the blood reactions are probably due to the phenomenon
of vertebrates, including humans. Members of sensitization rather than a response to a
of this subfamily include the genera Rhodnius, primary irritant. Bugs usually bite at night and
Triatoma, and Panstrongylus (Plate 6.4). the lesions are usually in the exposed parts of
Subfamily Haspactorinae also inflict the body. The venom is probably the same as
painful bites, but they are not necessarily the venom of bees and wasps.
290 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Arilus is called the wheel bug because of

a cog-like crest found on its thorax, which is
its distinct feature. The proboscis has three
long and stout joints. When not in use, the
proboscis is bent ventrally under the head. This
bug is usually found in vegetation, near rocks,
other outside debris, and inside buildings when
raining. This bug is known to feed on other
The wheel bug attacks humans as a form
of defense, particularly when its resting place is
disturbed. Its bite inflicts severe and immediate
C. Order Lepidoptera

The larvae of moths and butterflies are Plate 6.6. Caterpillar head and thorax, lateral
called caterpillars (Plates 6.5–6.6). They usually view (Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)
have a cylindrical, worm-like body which is
divided into 12 segments: the first three make mechanical effect, similar to that of glass fibers.
up the thorax, and the other nine the abdomen. The hairs are of several kinds and many of them
The well-developed head bears a mouth, 12 are barbed, so that they tend to stick to the skin.
tiny eyes and two very short antennae. The Upon contact, the susceptible individual may
mouthparts of the larvae consist of strong biting experience a burning sensation on the affected
jaws and mandibles adapted for biting. This skin, which may show redness or inflammation.
differs from the adults, which have sucking Other areas may show urticarial wheals.
mouthparts. Some larval species have spines If the hairs get into clothing, widespread
or hairs, which may contain toxin. In some dermatitis may occur. Wind-blown hairs in
instances, irritation seems to be largely due to a drinking water can also cause inflammation of
the mucous membrane of the mouth.
D. Class Chilopoda

Centipedes are terrestrial arthropods that

are dorsoventrally flattened, and have one
pair of legs per body segment (Plate 6.7). The
head bears a pair of long antennae, a pair of
mandibles, and two pairs of maxillae (Plate 6.8).
The first body segment bears a pair of
modified legs found just ventral and lateral to
the mouth. These modified legs form claws,
the terminal joints of which are curved, sharply
pointed, horn-like fangs that connect to the
venom glands.
Plate 6.5. Caterpillar, dorsal view Large species of centipedes can grow up to
(Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas) 25 cm in length and are considered venomous.
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 291

brain where marked congestion was observed

indicating the concentration effect of the
poison, and (b) thinness of the skin in the region
of the bite, which allowed the deep injection of a
large amount of poison and its rapid absorption.
E. Order Scorpionida (scorpions)

The body is divided into a cephalothorax

and an abdomen. The cephalothorax is
unsegmented and covered by a dorsal plate,
called a carapace which contains 2 to 12 eyes.
The abdomen is segmented with the terminal
five segments ending in a bulbous sac and a
conspicuous stinger. The sac contains two
poison glands which are connected to the
terminal stinger by ducts. Scorpions have no
Plate 6.7. Centipede
(Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)
antenna but their bodies and legs are covered
with sensory hairs (Plate 6.9).
Scorpions are nocturnal creatures. During
the day, they remain hidden under stones, logs,
piles of lumber, closets, shoes, folded blankets,
folded papers, and other debris. They come out

Plate 6.8. Centipede head

(Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)

Small types, about 2 to 5 cm long, are harmless,

since they do not have well-developed fangs
for biting. The amount of venom introduced
depends on the size of the centipede.
The bite is characterized by local pain at
the site of puncture, hardening of the skin,
formation of papules, rash, swelling, and
purple patches. However, each sign or symptom
subsides within 24 hours if the wound remains
Pineda, in 1934, reported a death due
to a centipede bite in the Philippines. The
immediate reactions noted after the bite were
pain, numbness of the affected area, and a
minute, reddish puncture wound. Noteworthy Plate 6.9. Scorpion
were the following: (a) proximity of bite to the (Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)
292 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

of their hiding places at night to obtain food, and Loxosceles (brown widow/recluse spider).
consisting mainly of insects and other arachnids. The females of both spiders destroy or kill the
Although scorpions rarely sting humans, males after mating. Thus, they are called “widow
they are considered dangerous since they spiders.”
produce hemolytic and neurotoxic venom.
1. Latrodectus
Investigators have described the venom to be
protein in nature, and its toxicity is dependent The mature female black widow spider is
on sulfhydryl groups. Hemolytic venom causes deep black in color. It has red markings in the
painful swelling at the site of the sting, which form of an hourglass on the underside of its
diminishes within 30 minutes. Neurotoxic abdomen. It is approximately 1.2 to 5.1 cm in
venom may produce numbness at the sting size (Plate 6.10).
site, profuse sweating, salivation, nausea, and
paresthesia of the tongue. Drowsiness may
follow the immediate sharp pain. It has been
observed that if the victim is alive for three hours
after the sting, survival is probable. No other
arthropod produces these symptoms.
A. Order Araneida (spiders)

The body is divided into a cephalothorax

and an abdomen joined by a slender “waist,”
called a pedicel or stalk. The cephalothorax
commonly has eight simple eyes and six pairs
of appendages. The first pair of appendages, the
chelicerae or fangs, are claw-like and utilized by
Plate 6.10. Black widow spider (Latrodectus
the spider to capture its prey. The second pair hasselti) (Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)
of appendages is a pair of six segmented palpi
or pedipalps, which are found in front of the A bite from the black widow spider is often
legs and are sometimes mistaken for legs. The inconspicuous. Slight local swelling and two
other four pairs of appendages are walking legs. tiny red spots may appear, with local redness
The chelicerae are segmented appendages usually evident at the point of attack. Within
and have hollowed tips, through which the a few minutes after the bite, latrodectism
venom is injected from the modified salivary develops, characterized by severe pain which
or poison glands. spreads throughout the extremities and the
The spinning organs are located near the trunk. Within a few hours, chills, vomiting,
back of the abdomen and on the underside. cramps, delirium, and spasms may occur.
There are usually six spinnerets used for Abdominal pains are frequently severe. These
spinning the web. symptoms may be mistaken for appendicitis,
Spiders are cosmopolitan in distribution colic, or food poisoning. In 1987, Grace and
and nocturnal in habit. They prefer quiet, cool DaÔgo reported a case of spider bite by a spider
shelters and dimly lit areas. popularly known as “gagambang gubat.” The
Most spiders are harmless. Few have patient exhibited contraction of leg muscles,
chelicerae that are strong enough to penetrate high fever, hemoglobinuria, and jaundice.
human skin. Among the dangerous species are The venom apparatus consists of two
Latrodectus (black widow spider or “katipo”) glands, located on the cephalothorax, which are
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 293

connected by ducts to two curved fangs, located a. Family Culicidae (Mosquitoes)

on the distal segments of the chelicerae. The
Among the mosquitoes, only females bite,
venom is a complex protein with a neurotoxic
but both sexes feed on nectar and juices. The
lipoprotein fraction.
sexes can be easily differentiated by looking at
2. Loxosceles the antennae. The male has a hairy or plumose
antenna, while the female has pinnose antennae
This species may be distinguished from
with less hair.
other forms by its three pairs of eyes arranged
Mosquitoes have scaly wings, the third vein
in a semi-circle fashion on the forepart of
of which is simple, while the second and fourth
the head, and a dark violin-shaped marking
veins are branched. The mouthparts belong to
immediately behind the simple eyes. This is
the piercing-sucking type. Mosquitoes are about
more commonly found inside houses than the
4 to 6 mm in length. Some small-sized species
black widow spider.
measure about 2 to 3 mm in length, while the
Loxoscelism is caused by this spider’s bite.
larger-sized species can be as long as 10 mm.
Although symptoms are localized, it differs from
Mosquitoes have two compound eyes that are
the bite of the black widow in that the initial
made up of many facets. Just below the antennae
thick wheal may become necrotic. In 1987,
is a pair of palps, dilated or pointed at the tips,
Barrion reported two cases of loxoscelism. Two
depending on the species.
boys were bitten on their hands by a spider
The thorax is slightly humped and is
while climbing a mango tree. The immediate
covered dorsally and laterally with scales. The
reactions were localized swellings at the bite
abdomen is composed of 10 segments but
sites, high fever, and contractions of leg muscles.
only the first 8 are visible. The last abdominal
Later, necrosis and gangrene were observed on
segment of female mosquitoes terminates in
the bitten areas. The venom of Loxosceles may
a small pair of cerci, whereas, in the males, a
contain a spreading factor and this may be
prominent pair of claspers is present.
responsible for the necrotic effect.
Two major divisions of Family Culicidae
Ectoparasitism and lesions due to arthropod are Anophelinae and Culicinae. Anophelines
bites include the Anopheles mosquito, whereas Aedes,
A. Order Diptera (Class Insecta: mosquitoes Culex, Mansonia, and Armigeres mosquitoes are
and flies) culicines.

This order is characterized by the presence i. Mechanism of Bite Reaction

of a single pair of wings. The second pair is Some species bite during the day, while
reduced to small knob-like structures called others hide and become active at night, dusk
halteres, which are used during flight as or dawn. Bites are usually inflicted on exposed
balancers. There are three suborders of medical body surfaces. The reaction to these bites may
importance: either be immediate or delayed or sometimes
1. Suborder Nematocera (e.g., mosquitoes, both, depending on the frequency of contact.
blackflies, midges, and sandflies). There are three general types of reactions:
Insects under this suborder possess a pair of • Hemorrhagic macule. There is a
thread-like antennae of similar segments. There punctum seen at the site of the bite,
are about 11 to 15 segments for the long type of which may develop without symptoms
antennae. These antennae are longer than the of irritation; in the course of several
head and thorax combined. The mouthparts are days, these marks become darker and
adapted for sucking blood. eventually disappear.
294 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

• Delayed reaction papule. This may c. Family Ceratopogonidae (Leptoconops,

be observed from a few hours up to 2 Culicoides, midges, “nik-nik”)
weeks after the bite; there is swelling These insects are small, about 1.5 to 5
accompanied by intense irritation. mm long. The antennae are long, consisting of
• Immediate reaction wheals. These about 15 segments. The wings are spotted and
appear within a few minutes of the covered with hairs. The mouthparts are short,
bite, but do not last long, usually less relatively inconspicuous, and are not projected
than an hour; these cause moderate forward (Plate 6.12). Males do not take blood
irritation. meals. Females stay around vegetation, cow
The reactions to mosquito bites are sheds, muddy debris, and shaded trees. The
associated with the trauma produced by the eggs are laid on the surface of mud, wet soil,
mechanical insertion of the proboscis by the cow dung, and other habitats that are moist or
mosquito. The initial cutaneous reaction is partially submerged in water. Midges usually
due to the sensitizing effect of the saliva. The swarm over the head, biting the face and neck,
saliva chemically consists of histamines and and exposed body parts. Lesions are usually in
5-hydroxytryptamine, or kinin. the form of multiple vesicles, which produce
intense itching.
b. Family Simulidae (Simulium or “black flies”)

These are humpback dipterans measuring

1.5 to 4.0 mm long. They are usually black in
color, but may sometimes be gray. They have
short legs and short antennae. The mouthparts
are short and relatively inconspicuous (Plate
6.11). Only the females bite, though their
mouthparts do not penetrate the host’s deeper
tissues. These dipterans usually stay near
vegetation. Its intermediate stages breed in fast
flowing streams.
Plate 6.12. Midge (Culicoides spp.)
The lesions produced are characterized (Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)
by localized swelling and inflammation,
accompanied by an intense irritation, which d. Family Psychodidae (Phlebotomus, sandfly,
lasts for several weeks. mothfly)

These flies are small, about 2 to 5 mm

long. The body and wings are entirely covered
with hairs, thereby giving them the appearance
of small moths. The wings are lanceolate in
shape and have simple wing venation. The
antennae have 12 to 16 segments. The legs are
long and slender. The mouthparts are short and
inconspicuous (Plate 6.13). Only the females
bite, feeding at night. They hide in dark corners
during the day. They usually attack the face and
the neck, and produce vesicles or wheals. Intense
Plate 6.11. Blackfly (Simulium sp.) itching, pain, heat, and swelling occur. A blue
(Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas) scar often remains.
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 295

Plate 6.13. Sandfly (Phlebotomus spp.) Plate 6.14. Horsefly (Tabanus spp.)
(Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas) (Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)

Eggs require a moist environment with habitat, where the environment is moist. Most
high humidity, such as holes in the ground and species are aquatic or semi-aquatic.
leaf litters. Because of their mouthparts, these flies
inflict very painful bites, resulting in erythema
2. Suborder Brachycera (e.g., horseflies and
deerflies) and swelling. Their attacks are usually persistent,
producing multiple painful non-pruritic lesions
The antennae are shorter than the head on exposed areas.
and thorax combined, and is composed of
3. Suborder Cy clorrapha/Or thorapha
three segments. The third segment is enlarged
(e.g., houseflies, Stomoxys, “biting housefly,”
and bears a terminal bristle called the style. The and other biting flies)
mouthparts belong to the cutting-sponging
type. The antennae consist of three segments.
The third segment is enlarged and carries
a. Family Tabanidae (Tabanus and Chrysops)
a conspicuous bristle called the arista. The
These flies vary in size depending on the mouthparts are of the sponging and piercing
species. They can be smaller than a housefly, or types.
they can be very large, measuring 5 to 25 mm. This fly resembles the housefly (Musca)
Tabanus (horse fly) is uniformly black but has very closely, but differs from the housefly by
whitish markings on the thorax and abdomen. having a piercing-sucking type of mouthparts.
Its wings are clear (Plate 6.14). Chrysops (deer It has four brown-black longitudinal bands on
fly) is smaller than the horse fly and has a more its thorax, and its antennae are of the aristate
rounded head. The middle part of its wing is type. It breeds in moist, rotting, and fermenting
patterned with a brown coloration. Males of vegetable matter, such as grass, hay, or horse
these flies do not bite. Eggs are deposited on manure. Both males and females suck blood.
the underside of leaves, twigs, stems, stones, They are active at daytime and bite outdoors.
and rocks overhanging or adjacent to their larval They inflict very painful bites.
296 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

B. Order Anoplura (sucking lice) further development. Severe infestations may

result in the hair becoming matted with eggs.
These are wingless permanent ectoparasites
Itching is usually the predominant symptom.
of mammals. They measure 1.5 to 3 mm in
The itching is attributed to the injection
length. The body is dorsoventrally flattened
of the saliva, and may also be a reaction to lice
and usually gray in color. Lice are strictly
feces. The intensity of itching varies from one
host-specific. Head lice and genital lice, for
person to another, and this is highly correlated
example, are seen only in humans. They do
with the degree of infestation.
not infest domestic household pets and other
Phthirus pubis (genital louse, pubic/crab
animals. Both species belong to the family
louse) has a crab-like body. It is nearly as broad
Pediculidae, having mouthparts adapted for
as it is long and measures about 1.5 to 2 mm.
The middle and hind legs are stouter than the
Pediculus humanus capitis is also called the
first pair. Pubic lice infestation is more common
head louse. The male measures 2 to 3 mm and
in adults rather than in children (Plate 6.16).
the female 3 to 4 mm in length. Its head is
Transmission usually results from intimate
small compared to its body size. It is narrow and
contact. Ordinarily, the pubic louse confines its
pointed in front, and has antennae with four to
activities to pubic hairs, but it may also be found
five segments. Its legs are of the clinging type
in other parts of the body where hair is coarser,
and are of equal size. It is found on the scalp
such as axillary hair, eyebrows, or eyelashes.
(Plate 6.15).
Patients with pubic lice infestation
Head lice infestation is very common in
were found to be concomitantly infected
the Philippines. Children are most commonly
with sexually-transmitted infections (e.g.,
affected. This condition is very much associated
gonorrhea). Infestation with this louse is
with warm weather, as the lice require this for
commonly associated with complaints of
intense pruritus in the affected region due to
the presence of nits or eggs.
Other lice include Haematopinus (hog
louse), Trichodectes canis (dog biting louse),

Plate 6.15. Louse (Pediculus humanus capitis) Plate 6.16. Pubic louse (Phthirus pubis)
(Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas) (Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 297

Linognathus (cattle louse), Menopon (chicken time. Any change in humidity, temperature, or
louse), and Columbicola (pigeon louse). These vibration stimulates the pupae to escape from
are lice of domestic animals, and they do not their cocoons and enable them to emerge as
attack or infest humans. adults. As fleas suck blood from their hosts, they
All lice have similar life histories. The adult inject saliva to prevent the host’s blood from
lays eggs, which are called nits. These appear as clotting. This secretion contains amino acids,
white or gray oval bodies which are glued to the peptides, ketones, low molecular weight sugars,
hair by the head, or by the gonopod, as seen polyhydric alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, and
in pubic lice. The young resemble the adults, phosphates, all of which are capable of inducing
except in size. They require at least 1 week to sensitivity in the host.
complete development. Bites appear as small punctures, which
represent areas probed by the fleas. Initially, the
C. Order Siphonaptera (fleas)
flea explores the exposed skin area completely,
These are wingless insects measuring less frequently stopping to probe the surface without
than 4 mm, usually l.4 to 2 mm in length. necessarily feeding at each probe site. Once a
The body is laterally compressed and covered suitable site is selected, the flea bites and remains
with spines which enable them to move freely. attached. It then moves along, biting and feeding
The antennae are short, three-segmented, in a grouped but irregular pattern, resulting in
club-shaped, and embedded in a deep groove. multiple lesions. Grouping, therefore, is one
The legs are adapted for jumping, allowing of the most distinct descriptions of the lesions.
them to jump as far as 28 cm vertically or 32 Appearing immediately around the probe
cm horizontally. On smooth surfaces, they site is a wheal with or without accompanying
progress by means of short jumps and running. erythema. Aside from the presence of multiple
Both sexes feed on blood. The mouthparts are zigzag lesions, the diagnosis of flea bites is also
adapted for piercing and sucking. Compound confirmed by previous exposure to animal hosts.
eyes are lacking. Some species, however, possess
D. Order Hemiptera (bed bugs)
degenerate eyes without distinct facets, while
others are completely blind. In some species, Cimex hemipterus is common in tropical
a conspicuous row of spines or a “comb” climates. Bed bugs inflict very irritating and
is present. This is useful in recognizing the itchy bites. On examination, multiple bite
different species of fleas. lesions are found with erythematous wheals
The most common species are Ctenocephalides of uniform size with red punctate centers that
canis (dog flea), C. felis (cat flea), Pulex irritans persist for many days. The skin condition caused
(human flea), and Xenopsylla cheopis (rat flea). by a Cimex bite is called cimicosis. Bed bugs are
Although Ctenocephalides preferably feed on generally nocturnal feeders (Plate 6.17).
dogs and cats, they can also bite humans when The bug uses its beak-like proboscis,
their preferred hosts are not around. with its mandibles and maxillae, to pierce or
Fleas remain on their hosts less constantly puncture the skin of the host. It feeds directly
than lice do. Female fleas, after blood feeding, from the capillaries. The combination of initial
lay their eggs on the fur of the hosts, in dust, skin piercing, and the subsequent probing for
on debris, in floor cracks, and under rugs and blood, results in swelling and irritation. It is
carpets. The larvae feed on organic debris. They reported that the amount of saliva injected
usually avoid light. Pupae emerge after 10 to by the bed bug is around 0.16 µL. This saliva
12 days and may remain inactive for some contains an anticoagulant.
298 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

1. Mites

a. Chigger infestation

Chigger infestation is caused by the larval

stage of Leptotrombidium species. The larvae
feed on the host’s epidermal cells. Infestation
usually occurs when one walks through long
grass, or when one sits or lies on infested
ground. Chigger bites cause intense pruritus
and severe reactions may also occur.
The larval chigger is very small, about 0.15
to 0.3 mm long depending on the species. The
larva may increase its size six-fold after feeding.
It is usually reddish-orange, but may be pale
or yellow. There are three pairs of legs covered
with fine hairs. It does not burrow into the host
Plate 6.17. Bedbug (Cimex sp.)
(Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas) skin; but merely attaches itself using its large,
segmented palps and blade-like chelicerae. It
E. Order Acarina (mites and ticks) secretes powerful digestive enzymes, which
liquefy epidermal cells, and the resultant fluid
The majority of mites and ticks (Table serves as its main diet.
6.3) are round or oval, dorsoventrally depressed Although the chigger larva drops off the
forms with the head, thorax, and abdomen host soon after feeding, the host response may
fused together, lacking visible segmentation. persist for weeks. Itching begins a few hours
The anterior portion is modified to form a after the chigger has attached itself to the
capitulum, made up of a central hypostome, and skin, which transforms the affected area into
paired chelicerae and palpi, used for attachment a wheal. In heavy infestations, a patient may
and obtaining food. find it almost impossible to sleep because of the
intense pruritus, since the heat of a warm bed
Table 6.3. Principal differences between mites
and ticks
may intensify the itching. Pruritus gradually
decreases and resolves after 5 to 14 days. The
Parameter Mites Ticks chigger usually attacks the legs, or attaches itself
Body With long hair With short hair, or to skin in areas where skin meets clothing, such
may be bare as the edges of a brassiere, the waistband of
Hypostome Hidden and Exposed with teeth underwear, and the tops of socks.
Diagnosis of chigger infestation can usually
Size Usually small Large (macroscopic)
(microscopic) be made on the basis of a history of previous
Body texture Membranous in Leathery in
outdoor exposure, and typical skin lesions in
appearance appearance areas where clothing is snug.
Pedipalps Almost lacking in Prominent and
segmentation distinctly b. Scabies
Scabies (“galis-aso”) is caused by Sarcoptes
Chelicerae Reduced to Heavily chitinized,
blades and bearing teeth at scabiei. It is a contagious skin infection.
rods their distal ends Infestation with this mite is seen in all age
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 299

groups, and is very common in crowded stumpy legs, and the abdomen is annulated.
dwellings. The usual transfer of the mite is by Other than Demodex, infestation may also
direct contact. The variety of S. scabiei that be caused by Dermanyssus (red poultry mite),
causes sarcoptic mange in dogs can also burrow Ornithonyssus (tropical rat mite), Pyemotes (grain
in human skin but stays only for a limited itch mite), and Acarus (cheese mite).
duration. The mite causes intense pruritus
• Dermanyssus. This mite is known
that is more severe at night and may persist for
to attack humans, but is actually a
some time.
common parasite of wild birds. It
The female mite is 0.3 to 0.45 mm
feeds on blood, causing irritation
in length. It is whitish, disc-shaped, and
and discomfort. Its common name
flattened ventrally. The mite is covered with
is derived from its ability to thrive in
membranous, small, peg-like protuberances, has
poultry houses. The adult is about 1
a few bristles, both dorsally and ventrally. The
mm long and its red color is due to
mite has a few lines across the body, giving it a
ingested blood. The mouthparts are
striated appearance.
modified for piercing and sucking.
The female mite favors places on the body
• Ornithonyssus. This mite attacks people
where the skin is wrinkled, such as wrists,
living in rat-infested buildings, like
elbows, feet, penis, scrotum, breasts, axillae,
dormitories, restaurants, warehouses,
and in between fingers. Using its short, stout,
and granaries. It is capable of inflicting
sharp pincer-like chelicerae, the mite digs and
a bite that is irritating and painful.
eats its way through the surface of the stratum
Ornithonyssus generally resembles D.
corneum. It buries itself, excavates, and creates
gallinae, and is also red after a blood
a tunnel then feeds on liquids oozing from
dermal cells. During the mite’s progress along
• Pyemotes. People handling infested
the tunnel, it lays about four to six eggs and
grain, cotton, and hay may develop
sometimes defecates while feeding.
dermatitis due to this mite. The adult
Definitive diagnosis is by demonstration
is about 0.2 to 0.3 mm, and is whitish
of the female mite. Physical examination of the
or yellowish. The female has a pair of
patient reveals mite burrows. In chronic cases,
club-shaped setae between its first and
the skin becomes eczematoid.
second pair of legs. The male is about
c. Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis 0.16 mm, has a broader body, and has
no club-shaped setae on its thorax.
Demodex folliculorum (on face) and
• Glycyphagus, Acarus, Tyrophagus.
Demodex brevis (on face and trunk) cause
These stored product mites cause
follicle mite infestation. These mites are found
dermatitis in humans often called
in the hair follicles and sebaceous secretions of
miller’s, grocer’s, copra, or worker’s
humans. They are sometimes present on the skin
rash, depending on the material
and usually cause no severe symptoms. These
being handled. These parasites can
mites, especially D. folliculorum, are associated
also precipitate an attack of bronchial
with “black heads.” On rare occasions, the mites
asthma. These mites are about 0.4 to
produce an erythematous follicular eruption in
0.5 mm long. They are whitish or pale
the beard area of men.
yellow in color and resemble Pyemotes
The adult mite is usually less than 0.5 mm
mites, though their chelicerae are large,
in length, and is worm-like and elongated in
and the setae on their bodies are longer
appearance. The thorax bears eight very short,
and more conspicuous.
300 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

2. Ticks Inhalant Allergens

Two types of ticks bite humans: soft Decomposed and pulverized arthropods,
or Argasid, and hard or Ixodid ticks. Hard cast skin, scales, hairs, spines, cocoons, and webs
ticks, which are difficult to remove, are more permeate the air via upward air streams and
frequently encountered. Ticks are readily convection currents, and are thus considered
distinguished from insects by their strongly inhalant allergens of humans (Plate 6.18). Their
fused thorax and abdomen. The body is ovoidal relationship to inhalant-respiratory allergic
and is capable of great expansion, particularly in disease has been the subject of interest of many
females. There are six legs in the larval stage, and workers in the field of allergology.
eight in the nymphal and adult stages. Ticks are
bigger than mites and are usually more than 1
mm in length. The head bears the mouthparts,
which consist of two small, retractile mandibles
or chelicerae, a pair of short palpi, and a well-
developed hypostome armed with teeth.
Generally, ticks pass through the egg, larval,
nymphal, and adult stages over months or years.
Eggs are usually laid on the ground in batches
of 100 to 18,000. The larvae emerge and climb
up any available object in order to reach passing
hosts. Ticks of some species remain on the same
host until they reach maturity, but others find
two or more hosts for their blood meal. Females
take prolonged blood meals lasting for 8 to 10
days. Males, however, remain attached to the
host only for a few hours in order to mate with
Once the tick comes in contact with a host, Plate 6.18. Butterfly scales
(Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)
the hypostome and chelicerae are inserted into
the skin. Using their recurved teeth, a firm
hold is maintained, reinforced by a cement-like Despite the close association between
secretion. The tick can detach quickly once it arthropods and respiratory allergy, there is
is fully engorged without the host noticing still no direct evidence available to justify this.
it. Forceful removal of the tick may result in Evidence has stemmed from positive skin tests
granuloma formation which may persist for days utilizing arthropod extracts, the inability to find
or even months after the bite. This granuloma other etiological factors to explain respiratory
may be due to either a reaction to mouthparts, symptoms, and the presence or abundance
or to injected salivary secretions. The granuloma of arthropods in the immediate environment
measures 0.5 to 2 cm. coinciding with the patients’ allergic symptoms.
Tick paralysis is an acute disorder of the The work of Agbayani et al. in 1989 showed
central nervous system, and is believed to be this relationship.
caused by a neurotoxin secreted by the salivary House dust mites (Dermatophagoides) have
gland of many species of ticks in the process of also been implicated as a source of allergens
prolonged feeding. by some investigators. A study on house dust
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 301

mites (HDM) by de las Llagas and Abong spp., Cheyletus malaccensis, and Suidasia
(2002) on the association between mites and pontifica (Plates 6.19–6.22).
respiratory allergy showed the presence of six Wi n g e d i n s e c t s s u c h a s m a y f l i e s
species of HDM in dust samples collected from (Order Ephemeroptera), caddisflies (Order
houses of patients with a history of bronchial Trichoptera), moths and butterflies (Order
asthma and allergic rhinitis. These mites Lepidoptera), and aphids (Order Hemiptera),
are Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Blomia have been observed to be the most common
tropicalis, Glycyphagus spp., Austroglycyphagus arthropods inducing respiratory allergy.

Plate 6.19. Dust mite (Blomia tropicalis) Plate 6.20. Dust mite (Glycyphagus sp.)
(Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas) (Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)

Plate 6.21. Dust mite (Dermatophagoides Plate 6.22. Dust mite (Cheyletus malaccensis)
pteronyssinus) (Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas) (Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)

Ingestants pathogenic to humans. Diarrheal diseases have

long been associated with these arthropods.
The feces of cockroaches and the vomitus of
Various mites and their eggs, either living
non-biting flies are the best examples of harmful
or dead, have been found in various parts of the
ingestants of man. These ingestants are highly
human body, such as the alimentary canal and
contaminated with microorganisms, which are
urinary tract. The presence of mites has been
302 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

found to be contributory to various conditions

including enteritis, nocturnal enuresis, and
hematuria. The evidence, however, is not direct
because in many cases, the mites are quite
The most common mites present on food
include species in the genera Tyrophagus, Acarus,
and Glycyphagus.
Food and Water Pests

Food and water adulteration/contamination

due to insects and mites may be incurred in any
of six stages: storage, transport, preparation,
processing, packaging, and serving. The insects Plate 6.23. Maggots
and mites discussed in this chapter are classified (Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)
as pests because of the damage done on food and
water and the potential risk to humans upon this occurs accidentally, but for some species,
consumption (Table 6.4). parasitism is necessary. Obligatory myiasis is
the condition wherein larvae need a host to
Table 6.4 Arthropods as pests of stored products, complete their development. Facultative myiasis
food and water sources identified at the
Medical Entomology Laboratory, UP-CPH
occurs when free-living larvae become parasitic.
Clinically, myiasis may be classified
Food products/water according to the part of the body invaded.
sources/places infested Aural, nasal, ophthalmic, cutaneous, and
Chironomid larva or blood Water tanks, hospital intestinal myiases have been reported. In the
worm faucet
Philippines, myiasis is caused by the following
Moth caterpillar Chocolate candies
species of fly larvae.
Moth pupa Chocolate bars
Moth adult Chocolate rice crispies • Obligatory
(Plodia interpunctella) (Chrysomya, Boopunus, Stomoxys,
Beetle adult Hospital bed Lyperosia)
Beetle (grain) adult Raisins
Animals primarily affected include
Mites Pancake mix
Bakery products carabaos, cattle, and other domestic
Fly larvae Stuffed milkfish animals.
(Sarcophaga spp.)
Phorid fly Bread with sugar coating
• Facultative
Centipede adult Pancit
(Scolopendra spp.) Lucilia
Cockroach adult Dimsum from a Chinese
(Blatella germanica) restaurant • Accidental
Identification of Myiasis-Producing Larvae
Myiasis is the infestation or invasion of
tissues or organs of humans and animals by The identification of fly larvae is important
dipterous larvae (Plate 6.23). Sometimes, for prevention and control. In forensic medicine,
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 303

identification of the species and age of the References

larvae can help establish the time of death of a
Baltazar CR, Salazar NP. Philippine insects: an
victim. Identification is done by examining the
introduction. Quezon City: University of
morphology of the posterior spiracles and the
the Philippines Press; 1979.
cephalo-pharyngeal skeletons.
de las Llagas LA, Abong J. Identification and
Maggots, the larvae of muscoid diptera, are
characterization of local house dust mites:
legless, worm-like and more or less cylindrical.
potential for native allergen production for
They are usually tapered anteriorly and broad
experimental, diagnostic, and therapeutic
posteriorly. The spiracles are situated on the
use in the local setting. 2003. Located
posterior end (Table 6.5).
at: College of Public Health Library,
University of the Philippines Manila.
Table 6.5. Identifying characteristics of some
myiasis-producing larva Borror DJ, Delong DM, Triplehorn CA. An
introduction to the study of insects. 4th ed.
Larva Characteristics USA: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1976.
Musca Posterior spiracles: D-shaped, Cagampang-Ramos A, Darsie RF Jr. Illustrated
with spiral slits and a keys to the Anopheles mosquito of the
complete peritreme
Philippine Islands. San Francisco: USAF
Chrysomya Body: with bands of spines
Fifth Epidemiological Flight, PACAF,
Stomoxys Posterior spiracles: with a black
peritreme and a spiral slit technical report 70–1; 1970.
Lucilia and Phaenicia Posterior spiracles: lower Jueco N, de Leon W. A case of aural myiasis.
spiracular slits oriented Acta Med Philipp. 1984;20(2):18–20.
upward and not horizontal
Service MW. A guide to medical entomology.
Sarcophaga Posterior spiracles: lie in a
deep slit, slits not pointing
1st ed. Hongkong: The MacMillan Press
towards the opening of the Ltd.; 1980.
Anterior spiracles: with 12
Taboada O. Manual of medical entomology.
processes, accessory oral USA: US Government Printing Office;
hook absent
304 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Arthropods as Vectors of Disease

Lillian de las Llagas

Arthropods as Transmitters of Pathogenic their bodies. Some vectors (e.g., fleas, beetles,
Agents crabs, and copepods) serve as intermediate hosts
to some parasites.
A rthropods which are capable of acquiring
and transmitting pathogens that cause
diseases are called vectors. There are two types
Most of the arthropods which are classified
as vectors of diseases belong to Class Insecta,
subclass Pterygota (winged insects such as
of vectors: biological vectors and mechanical
mosquitoes, flies, and cockroaches) and Order
or passive vectors. Biological vectors, (e.g.,
Acarina (mites and ticks).
mosquitoes and biting flies), acquire pathogenic
Several arthropod-associated diseases in
agents in the act of blood-feeding. These
the Philippines are summarized in Table 6.6.
agents undergo multiplication, propagation,
The diseases listed have varying degrees of
and development inside the arthropod’s body.
importance. Based on morbidity and mortality,
After some time, the pathogens assume their
the most important diseases are the mosquito-
infective form and are then transmitted from
borne diseases. Others do not rank high among
one host to another. Mechanical vectors, on
national health care priorities, but they have
the other hand, transmit pathogens by way of
significant public health implications. Diseases
their oral secretions (vomitus of flies) and the
associated with cockroaches and non-biting flies
contaminated external surfaces of their body
(e.g., diarrhea and amebiasis) are important,
(feet, wings, etc.). Mechanical vectors serve
although evidence linking diseases to the
as mere contaminators; the pathogens do not
filthy behavior of these arthropods is purely
undergo multiplication or development inside

Table 6.6. List of arthropod-associated diseases and their corresponding agents and vectors

Disease Agent Vector

Malaria Plasmodium Mosquito
Filariasis Wuchereria and Brugia Mosquito
Dengue/Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Dengue virus Mosquito
Japanese Encephalitis JE virus Mosquito
Scrub typhus Rickettsia Chigger Mite
Babesiosis Babesia Tick
Paragonimiasis Paragonimus Crab
Diphyllobothriasis Diphyllobothrium Copepod
Dracunculiasis Dracunculus Copepod
Hymenolepiasis Hymenolepis Flea
Dipylidiasis Dipylidium Flea
Raillietiniasis Railletina Flour or Rice Beetle
Amebiasis Entamoeba Flies and Cockroaches
Diarrheal Disease Enteric pathogens Flies and Cockroaches
Miscellaneous Intestinal Parasitoses Ascaris, Trichuris Flies and Cockroaches
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 305

The succeeding topics describe the most organ called the siphon, which extends from
important vectors of tropical diseases in the the eighth abdominal segment. The culicine
Philippines: mosquitoes, flies, and cockroaches. larva therefore hangs down from the surface of
the water by the tip of the siphon in order to
breathe. The Culex larva has a long and slender
There are two important divisions or siphon, with many ventral hair tufts. Aedes has
tribes of mosquito vectors. The anopheline a short and stout siphon with only one pair of
mosquitoes, consisting of Genus Anopheles, hair tufts. Mansonia breathes through a siphon
which are vectors of human malaria and human modified for piercing and adhering to stems of
filariasis; and the culicine mosquitoes, vectors aquatic plants.
of dengue, Japanese encephalitis, and human C. Pupa
filariasis, which includes the genera Aedes,
Culex, and Mansonia. Mosquitoes undergo a This is the non-feeding stage, found on the
complete type of metamorphosis. Fertilized surface of the water sources. The pupa is mobile
eggs go through four larval stages, develop into and is able to dive rapidly when disturbed. It
the comma-shaped pupae, and then emerge as breathes through a pair of respiratory trumpets.
adults. The immature stages require an aquatic Culicine pupae have longer trumpets than
environment, while the adult, an aerial and anophelines.
terrestrial one. D. Adult
A. Egg
Generally, the wings of anophelines have
Anophelines lay their boat-shaped eggs dark and pale areas, whereas culicines have
individually over the surface of water, each unpatterned wings. Another visual distinction is
having lateral air floats to keep it buoyant. that, at rest, the body of an anopheline mosquito
Culex lay their eggs in rafts. Each Culex egg is forms an angle nearly vertical with the surface
cigar-shaped, and is provided with a corolla at (i.e., the head, thorax, and abdomen are in a
the end. Mansonia lay their eggs under leaves of straight line). The culicine mosquito, on the
aquatic plants. Aedes eggs are laid individually, other hand, lies almost parallel to the surface,
often in artificial containers, and dry hollows, sometimes appearing as “hump-backed.”
which become flooded after the rain. These The abdominal tip is pointed in the
“dry-laid” eggs are able to retain their viability female Aedes, and blunt in Culex. Mansonia has
for long periods without water. speckled legs with asymmetrical brown, yellow,
and gold scales.
B. Larva
Palpi of female Anopheles are as long as the
Eggs of mosquitoes generally hatch after 2 proboscis. Palpi of its males are club-shaped,
to 3 days of contact with water. They are about each with rounded scutellum. Palpi of female
1 to 1.5 mm long when newly hatched and grow culicines are not as long as the proboscis (usually
to a full length of about 8 mm. The larva casts a quarter of the proboscis); male culicine palpi
its skin four times. The stages between molts are are not clubbed, and the scutellum is trilobed.
known as instars. The mosquito larva breathes E. Mosquito Bionomics
through two openings called spiracles. The
spiracles of the anopheline larvae are situated Bionomics deals with the relationship
on the eighth abdominal segment so that in between a species and its environment. An
order to breathe, the larva rests in a horizontal understanding of mosquito bionomics is
position at the surface of the water. In culicines, important in the epidemiology of mosquito
the spiracles are situated at the end of a tubular borne diseases, and in planning methods of
306 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

mosquito control. The environment consists F. Seasonal Prevalence

of the climate, the water habitat of immature
In tropical countries, such as the
stages, and the hosts for the adults. The
Philippines, where there are no extreme
environment of immature and adult mosquitoes
fluctuations in temperature and humidity,
is interdependent, because the female mosquito
rainfall is the most important factor affecting
must have access to water for egg-laying.
the mosquito population. The rise and fall of the
The adult environment is largely aerial and
mosquito density, called seasonal fluctuation,
terrestrial, the former for mating and dispersal,
is dependent on the availability of suitable
and the latter for feeding and resting.
aquatic environments, which can support the
The Environment and Habits of the Adult multiplication of the mosquito.
Mosquito The Philippines has four types of climate
A. Mating based on monthly rainfall. Type I areas have two
pronounced seasons, dry and wet; Type II areas
Mating usually occurs within 24 to 48 have no dry season, but with a very pronounced
hours after emergence. In some species, the rainfall; Type III areas have seasons not very
males form a swarm, usually at dawn or in the pronounced; and Type IV, where rainfall is more
evening. Females entering the swarm are seized, or less evenly distributed throughout the year.
and the resulting pairs drop out of the swarm. With these types of climate, it is possible
Insemination then follows. to expect the following:
B. Dispersal • In Type I areas, it is possible to
The male is a much weaker flyer than the have two density peaks: one during
female. Most mosquitoes fly within a range of 1 intermittent rains and the other before
to 2 km. Strong winds carry mosquitoes along the onset of heavy rains.
greater distances. • In Type II areas, more breeding
grounds are expected
C. Biting Habits • In Types III and IV areas, there will
Host seeking and feeding generally take be no peak months; thus, mosquito
place in a warm, humid environment. Biting populations are maintained at certain
hours vary from one species to another. Culex, levels.
Mansonia, and Anopheles prefer to bite at night G. Extrinsic Incubation Period and Longevity
while Aedes during daytime. Mosquitoes which
feed while inside human dwellings are described The climate in which the mosquito lives
as endophagic, while those that feed outdoors dictates its capability for disease transmission.
are called exophagic. The climate influences the rate of development
of the parasite within the vector, and the
D. Resting Habits longevity of the mosquito.
After feeding, adult mosquitoes may rest The period between the mosquito’s
inside dwellings, referred to as endophily or may infected blood meal and its transmission of
rest outdoors, referred to as exophily. the infective agent in a subsequent feeding is
called the extrinsic incubation period. It varies
E. Host Preference in length in response to the temperature of the
Mosquitoes that feed on humans are called host mosquito’s environment. For example,
anthrophilic, whereas those that feed on animals the development of the malaria parasite,
are zoophilic. Plasmodium is retarded at 19°C down to 15°C
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 307

and below, but completed at 20 to 30°C. Also, outside human dwellings. This may indicate
the growth of the filarial parasite Wuchereria that An. flavirostris exhibits certain degrees of
in Culex quinquefasciatus is inhibited at mean exophily and exophagy. These observations
temperatures below 24°C and above 34°C. deserve serious attention, as the current indoor
Temperature and humidity affect the residual spraying of insecticide may no longer
survival of mosquitoes. At extremely high or low be effective.
humidities, mosquitoes are unable to regulate Deviations in the characteristics of this
their water loss. They thrive best at 70 to 80% mosquito have been observed, and this may
relative humidity and at a temperature of 20 disqualify the claim that Anopheles flavirostris
to 30°C. is made up of one or two species.
Major Mosquito-Borne Diseases 2. Anopheles litoralis

A. Malaria This small- to medium-sized mosquito

is a secondary vector (supplementary role in
The vectors of malaria in the Philippines
transmission but would be unable to maintain
include: Anopheles flavirostris, the primary
an epidemic in the absence of primary vector) of
vector of malaria; Anopheles litoralis and
malaria. It has palps with three pale bands: the
Anopheles balabacensis. Anopheles flavirostris is
pale band at the tip is broad, the next is narrow,
found in the entire national territory, except
and the third very narrow. Its legs are speckled,
in areas with elevations of more than 4,000 ft.
the hind tarsi possessing apical distinct narrow
Anopheles litoralis has been described in Basilan,
pale bands. They prefer to breed in water with
various Luzon provinces, Southern Samar, Sulu,
a salinity of 2.5 to 3.0%.
Surigao, and Zamboanga. Anopheles balabacensis
has been reported only in Palawan. 3. Anopheles balbacensis

Morphological Characteristics, Breeding This is also a secondary vector of malaria.

Places, and Habits of Vectors of Malaria It is a small- to medium-sized mosquito having
1. Anopheles flavirostris palps with narrow pale bands. It has a dark
proboscis and wings with multiple dark spots.
This is the most important vector of It also has speckled legs, with wide bands on the
malaria in the Philippines. It is a small- to tibiotarsal joint of the hind legs. This mosquito
medium-sized mosquito, measuring 2 to 6 mm breeds in clear ponds and pools in deep forests
in length. It has a proboscis with a pale golden and jungles.
patch that is usually confined to its apical half.
The basal third of its costal vein is usually dark B. Filariasis
or has a single pale spot. The vectors of Bancroftian filariasis in
An. flavirostris usually breeds in slow the Philippines include Aedes poecilus, which
flowing, clear, partially shaded streams with breeds in abaca-raising areas, and Anopheles
vegetation. It also breeds in foothills and in flavirostris, which breeds in clear mountain
wells. During the rainy season, it is possible to streams. The vectors of Malayan filariasis in
collect the larvae from rice fields and trapped the Philippines include Mansonia bonneae and
waters. Mansonia uniformis, which breed in swampy
This mosquito is widespread in and forested areas.
distribution. It has been reported to be Aedes poecilus has been reported in the Bicol
endophagic, endophilic, and anthrophilic. region, Masbate, areas of Mindanao, Mindoro,
Recent observations by field entomologists Quezon and Sulu. Anopheles flavirostris has been
showed that female mosquitoes prefer to rest shown to transmit the parasite in Mt. Province
308 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

(Bontoc), Palawan and Sulu. Mansonia has to golden in color. Its legs have many pale
been found in Agusan del Sur. Eastern Samar, markings, and its wings have white and dark
Palawan, and Sulu. broad scales, many of which are asymmetrical.
Morphological Characteristics, Breeding C. Dengue/Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Places, and Habits of Vectors at Filariasis
The vectors of dengue in the Philippines
1. Aedes poecilus include Aedes aegypti, which is associated with
This mosquito is associated with urban dengue, and Aedes albopictus, which
Bancroftian filariasis. It breeds in the axils is associated with rural dengue. There is a
of plants like abaca (Musa textiles), banana widespread distribution of these vectors in the
(Musa sapientum), pandanus, gabi (Colocasia Philippines.
esculentum), and biga (Alocasia macrorrhiza). Morphological Characteristics, Breeding
The adult Aedes poecilus has scutellar scales Places, and Habits of Vectors of Dengue
that are mostly broad and white. The dark scales
1. Aedes aegypti
are found on the mid-lobe and form a distinct
dark central patch. A variable number of white This is primarily known as the “tiger
scales are also present at the base of the first four mosquito.” It is black in color, and small to
tarsal segments. medium in size. It has characteristic lyre-shaped,
This mosquito is a nocturnal feeder. silvery markings on its mesonotum. The fore-
However, it is possible to find it seeking a blood and mid-pairs of legs have white narrow bands
meal during the day. It is highly anthrophilic but at the base of the tarsi. The hind pair of legs has
it may feed on animals like birds, bovids, and five broad white bands, hence the name “tiger
dogs. The highest density of these mosquitoes mosquito” (Plate 6.24).
is observed from 10 p.m. to 12 a.m., which This mosquito breeds in clear water
coincides with W. bancrofti periodicity. The collecting in indoor and outdoor containers
density of these mosquitoes is also related such as old tires, vases, jars, and bottles.
to rainfall patterns in endemic areas. This
mosquito is endophilic and partially exophilic.
2. Mansonia

A vector of the Malayan type of filariasis,

Ma. bonneoe, is a forest swamp mosquito. It
prefers fresh water swamps with an extensive
growth of giant pandanus. Ma. uniformis also
breeds in swamps containing other aquatic
These mosquitoes are exophagic and
exophilic. The peak of biting is observed at 1:00
a.m. to 2:00 a.m.
The population density of Aedes mosquitoes
and Mansonia is related to rainfall patterns.
3. Adult Mansonia

It is a medium-sized, robust-built mosquito, Plate 6.24. Aedes aegypti mosquito

usually light to dark brown, or light yellow (Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 309

2. Aedes albopictus human food. Anatomically, these flies are well

adapted to carry and disseminate pathogenic
The most important diagnostic
agents because of the following structures:
characteristic of this mosquito is the presence
of a single, longitudinal, silvery stripe on 1. Sponging mouthparts. The expanded
the mesonotum. This mosquito breeds in labellum has hairs that are capable of
clear water collecting in indoor and outdoor sweeping or picking up the agents.
containers such as bamboo stumps, empty 2. Manner of ingesting food. A drop of
coconut shells, some artificial containers, and saliva is regurgitated in the process and
tree holes. It is not unusual, therefore, to see this contaminates the food.
both Aedes species sharing a common habitat. 3. Hairy body and appendages.
D. Japanese Encephalitis (JE)
4. Foot pads. These are also contributory
to their pathogen-carrying potential
The proven vector of Japanese encephalitis because of their sticky secretion.
in the Philippines is Culex tritaeniorynchus.
Potential vectors include Culex vishnui, Culex Pathogenic agents acquired and carried
gelidus, and Culex fuscocephalus. The vectors are by these flies include Ascaris, Trichuris
widely distributed in ricefields. Most cases of JE and hookworm ova. The extent of disease
are from Luzon, particularly from Nueva Ecija. transmission by adult flies under natural
conditions is difficult to determine. The larvae
Morphological Characteristics, Breeding Places of flies may also affect humans. These larvae
and Habits of Vectors of Japanese Encephalitis or maggots invade living tissues, producing a
1. Culex tritaeniorynchus condition called myiasis.
This is a small mosquito. The mesonotum A. Musca domestica (The common housefly)
is uniformly covered with dense, very small, This fly is dark gray in color and measures
brown to dark brown scales, which are curved about 6 to 9 mm in length. It has four
and narrow. Its proboscis has a pale band. This conspicuous longitudinal black bands or stripes
mosquito is usually associated with rice fields. on its thorax. The arista has dorsal and ventral
Activity is greatest from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 hairs. The wing venation is characterized by
p.m. The mosquito feeds on man and animals, Vein 4 (V4) bending sharply at the end of Vein
specifically pigs. Pigs serve as amplifying hosts. 3 (V3). The two veins are therefore very close
Flies at the edge of the wing.
The eggs of the common housefly are laid
There are different species of non- in masses of about 75 to 150 eggs. A single
bloodsucking flies that are commonly female is able to lay as many as 21 batches
encountered in our environment. These flies within a month after emergence. Hatching
that coexist with humans over an extended takes place in about 20 to 24 hours under warm
period of time are described as synantrophic conditions, and the resulting legless, headless,
species. The most common representative is the and eyeless larva, or the maggot, undergoes three
common housefly (Musca domestica). stages of development. The maggot completes
Synantrophic flies are associated with its development in about 5 to 9 days then it
gastrointestinal diseases such as amebiasis, migrates to drier habitats and changes into a
salmonellosis, and shigellosis. This association pupa. The pupal state requires 4 to 7 days before
stems from their filthy habits; they feed on an adult emerges, making a total of about 10
human and animal excreta, then freely feed on to 17 days of development from egg to adult.
310 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Other species of synantrophic flies include: Cockroaches

Sarcophaga (flesh fly), Calliphora (blue-bottle
Cockroaches, like non-blood sucking flies,
fly), Lucilia (green-bottle fly), Muscina (non-
are also carriers of some pathogenic organisms.
biting stable fly), and Fannia (latrine fly).
The best example of their filthy habits is feeding
B. Sarcophaga on human feces and then on human food.
At least 16 species of cockroaches are
The adult fly measures 11 to 15 mm long
considered carriers of pathogenic agents. The
and is gray in color. It has three prominent black
three most common are Periplaneta Americana,
longitudinal stripes on the dorsum of its thorax.
Blatella germanica, and Blatta orientalis.
The abdomen is distinctly marked with squarish
Cockroaches are nocturnally active, but they
dark patches on a gray background, giving it a
may be seen crawling at daytime. Cockroaches
“chess-board” appearance. Adults do not lay
are much bigger than flies and thus enabling
eggs. Larval development is about 3 to 4 days,
them to carry more pathogens. Transmission of
while stage lasts about 7 to l4 days.
pathogens is facilitated by their hairy chewing
C. Calliphora mouthparts, which enable them to pick up
pathogens easily, and their habit of dropping
The face or genae of the adult is covered
their feces while walking or feeding. A study
with yellow hairs. The fly is bluish in color, and
conducted in the University of the Philippines
its thoracic hairs are well-developed. The life
Manila-College of Public Health in 1981
cycle of this fly requires 16 to 35 days, usually
recovered the following parasites and pathogens
22 days.
from Periplaneta americana: Ascaris, Trichuris,
D. Lucilia and parasites under Family Thelastomatidae and
Superfamilies Spiruroidea and Tylenchoidea.
This fly is greenish in color and has white
Other pathogens include Proteus, Escherichia,
genae. Its thoracic bristles are well developed,
Salmonella, and Citrobacter.
and there are two pairs of acrostichal bristles on
The extent of disease transmission by
its mesothorax. The life cycle of this fly is similar
cockroaches under natural conditions is not
to that of Calliphora. A very similar species is
clearly known.
Phaenicia (bronze-bottle fly).
A. Periplaneta americana (American
E. Muscina
This fly is slightly larger and more robust This cockroach is chestnut brown to dark
than the housefly. It is dark gray to almost black reddish-brown in color. It is the largest species
in color. It has four longitudinal black bands on among the three most commonly encountered
the thorax, and its arista bears setae. Vein 4 (V4) domestic cockroaches. It measures up to 40
is not much angled, and is clearly separated from mm in length, and both male and female adults
Vein 3 (V3) at the wing margin. have fully developed wings. The female, in her
F. Fannia lifetime, lays about 50 egg capsules or ootheca,
each containing about 15 eggs. The length of
This fly resembles Musca domestica very the life cycle is from 6 months to a year (Plate
closely but it is smaller and more slender. The 6.25).
arista is bare; V3 and V4 are broadly open.
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 311

Plate 6.25. American cockroach (Periplaneta Plate 6.27. Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis)
americana) (Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas) (Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)

B. Blatella germanica (German cockroach) The Oriental cockroach measures 22 to 27

mm long. It is dark brown to black in color, and
The German cockroach measures 10 to
both sexes show wings that are very short. The
15 mm in length. It is pale yellowish-brown in
length of its life cycle is l2 months (Plate 6.27).
color. It has two prominent longitudinal dark
bands on its pronotum. The female carries the References
ootheca, which protrudes from the tip of the
Borror DJ, Delong DM, Triplehorn CA. An
abdomen, until hatching time. Its life cycle takes
introduction to the study of insects. 4th ed.
from 2 to 3 months (Plate 6.26).
USA: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1976.
Cagampang-Ramos A, Darsie RF Jr. Illustrated
keys to the Anopheles mosquito of the
Philippine Islands. San Francisco: USAF
Fifth Epidemiological Flight, PACAF,
technical report 70–l; 1970.
Service MW. A guide to medical entomology.
1st ed. Hongkong: The MacMillan Press
Ltd.; 1980.
Taboada, O. Manual of medical entomology.
USA: US Government Printing Office;

Plate 6.26. German cockroach (Blatella

germanica) (Courtesy of Dr. Lilian de las Llagas)
312 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Medical Malacology
Lydia R. Leonardo

M ollusks are the second most numerous

animals on earth. They include snails,
slugs, clams, oysters, chitons, squids, octopods,
The medically important snails belong to
Class Gastropoda. They are distributed into
two subclasses, namely, Prosobranchiata and
and nautili. One class, the Gastropoda, contains Pulmonata. The prosobranchs are operculate
groups that are directly injurious to man, or snails with well-formed shells and gills. They
are essential intermediate hosts of helminth have a snout-like head-foot, one pair of retractile
parasites. The poison cone shells have stinging tentacles, and one pair of eyes. The sexes are
apparatus that are capable of discharging highly separate, and eggs are usually laid in capsules.
toxic substances. Trematodes require specific Some are ovoviviparous. On the other hand,
species of mollusk as their intermediate hosts. pulmonates are air-breathing snails and slugs
The astrongyliid nematodes use the ordinary with shells that are reduced or even absent,
garden snails and slugs as intermediate hosts and with a head-foot that bears two pairs of
to complete their life cycle. Some 350 snail tentacles. All pulmonates are monoecious, and
species are estimated to be of possible medical most are oviparous.
or veterinary importance because of their The distribution of the medically important
involvement in the life cycle of human parasites. snails in the two subclasses is as follows:
Medical malacology deals with the biology,
A. Subclass Prosobranchiata
ecology, and taxonomy of snail groups that are
of medical and public health importance. This 1. Order Neogastropoda
fundamental knowledge is an important basis
Family Conidae – species Conus
for designing control and prevention programs
for helminth parasites with snail intermediate 2. Order Mesogastropoda
hosts. This section provides a list of snails of
a. Family Thiaridae – Thiara spp.
medical importance, including their taxonomic
(intermediate host of Paragonimus
classification, their biology, and ecology. The
westermani, Metagonimus yokogawai,
effect of parasites on snail intermediate host
and other heterophyid flukes in the
is also given. Lastly, snail control in relation
to the control and prevention program for
b. Family Pleuroceridae – Semisulcospira
schistosomiasis is discussed.
spp. (intermediate host of Paragonimus
Taxonomy of Snails of Medical Importance westermani in the Orient) and Goniobasis
plicifera silicula (intermediate host of
Mollusks are divided into six classes, namely: Troglotrema salmincola in the Pacific
the Class Monoplacophora represented by only Northwest in the United States)
one living genus Neopilina, with a few species; c. Family Potamidae – Pironella conica,
the Class Amphineura, the chitons; the Class Cerithidia cingulata, and Pyrazus
Gastropoda, the most numerous, represented ebeninus (intermediate hosts of
by snails and slugs; the Class Cephalopoda, the Heterophyes heterophyes and hosts
squids, cuttlefish, the octopods, and the nautili; of cercariae causing schistosome
the Class Scaphopoda, the marine tooth or tusk dermatitis)
shells; and the Class Pelecypoda, the bivalves.
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 313

d. Family Pilidae – Pila spp. (intermediate in the United States and Mexico)
host of Parastrongylus cantonensis and and Planorbarius metidjensis
Echinostoma ilocanum) (intermediate host of Schistosoma
e. Family Synceridae – Syncera luteola haematobium in Portugal and
(intermediate host of Paragonimus Morocco)
iloktsuenensis in rodents in China) iii. Subfamily Segmentininae –
f. Family Hydrobiidae Segmentina spp. and Hippeutis
spp. (both intermediate hosts of
i. Su b f a m i l y Hy d r o b i i n a e –
Fasciolopsis buski and Echinostoma
Oncomelania spp. (intermediate
ilocanum in the Orient)
host of Schistosoma japonicum)
iv. Subfamily Bulininae – Bulinus spp.
a n d Po m a t i o p s i s l a p i d a r i a
(intermediate host of Schistosoma
(intermediate host of Paragonimus
haematobium in Africa, Near East,
Middle East) and Indoplanorbis
ii. Subfamily Buliminae (syn.
exustus (intermediate host of
Bythiniinae) – Parafossarulus spp.
Schistosoma spindale, S. nasale in
and Bulimus spp. syn. Bythinia
India, Malaysia, and Sumatra)
and Bithinia (intermediate hosts
c. Family Ancylidae – Ferrissia tenuis
of Opisthorchis felineus, Clonorchis
(intermediate host of Schistosoma
sinensis, Metagonimus yokogawai,
haematobium in India)
and Echinochasmus perfoliatus)
d. Family Physidae – Physa spp.
B. Subclass Pulmonata (intermediate host of Echinostoma
re v o l u t u m i n t h e O r i e n t a n d
1. Order Basommatophora
schistosome cercariae producing
a. Family Lymnaeidae – Lymnaea, dermatitis from freshwater and marine
Fossaria, Pseudosuccinea, Radix, shoreline snails)
Stagnicola (first intermediate hosts of
2. Order Stylommatophora
Fasciola hepatica, Fasciola gigantica,
several species of Echinostoma, a. Family Achatinidae – Achatina fulica,
Plagiorchis, and freshwater dermatitis- also known as giant African land snail
producing schistosome cercariae) (intermediate host of Parastrongylus
b. Family Planorbidae
b. Family Helicellidae – Helicella
i. Su b f a m i l y P l a n o r b i n a e – candidula (intermediate host of
Biomphalaria spp. (intermediate Dicrocoelium dendriticum in Europe
host of Schistosoma mansoni in and Western Asia)
Africa and Near East and in c. Family Cionellidae – Cionella lubrica
tropical America) and Gyraulus (intermediate host of D. dendriticum
spp. (intermediate host of in the United States)
Echinostoma ilocanum in the d. Family Limacidae – common slugs
Orient) Limax and Deroceras (intermediate
ii. Subfamily Helisomatinae – hosts of lungworms of domestic
Helisoma spp. (intermediate mammals and experimentally of
host of Echinostoma revolutum Parastrongylus cantonensis)
314 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

3. Order Systellommatophora status. Further and more distinct classification

of Oncomelania spp. will require advanced
a. Family Veronicellidae – several species
genetic, morphological, and biochemical
in South Pacific Islands, China Sea
studies. Snail intermediate hosts of S. mansoni
area, Australia, and Cuba, and are hosts
and S. haematobium are also reported to
of Parastrongylus cantonensis; species in
possess physiological differences affecting host-
American tropical areas are hosts of
parasite relationship. Similarly, the alpha race
Parastrongylus costaricencis.
and gamma race differ from one another in
The specific identity of gastropod morphology of the x-chromosome of Neotricula
intermediate host is important, especially aperta.
in appreciating the susceptibility and non- Efforts to clarify the taxonomy and
susceptibility of snail hosts and various aspects of phylogeny of the genus Schistosoma and its snail
host-parasite relationships. Malek suggested that intermediate host, one of which is the genus
the only way to understand issues in taxonomic Oncomelania, continue. In the Philippines,
identification is to be aware that species vary in research on the proper classification of S.
space and time; hence, intraspecific variations japonicum and O. quadrasi are sporadic and
as evidenced by discrepancies in susceptibility sketchy.
to infection is observed between certain local Distribution of Snail Intermediate Hosts
races of snails and races of parasites.
Snail identification based on shell features Snail intermediate hosts are found in
and soft parts has been fraught with problems, almost all types of habitats. These range
since the shell varies with age, the type of habitat, from small temporary ponds and streams to
and even the quality of water in aquatic habitat. large lakes and rivers. There are important
In addition to morphology, new approaches factors that influence these habitats, such as
to resolve issues in taxonomy and systematics the amount of sunlight that penetrates the
have involved cytological studies, biochemical water, food availability, strength of the current,
studies, serological methods, and molecular nature of the substratum, ionic composition of
means. These studies have focused mainly on the water, extent of growth of aquatic weeds,
snail intermediate hosts of schistosomes found and the presence or absence of parasites and
in endemic countries in Asia, South America, predators. Ponds, pools, swamps, ditches, and
and Africa. For the main Asian schistosome, the canals are usually shallow enough for the snails,
snail includes various species of Oncomelania. and allow sunlight, favoring photosynthesis of
In the past, the amphibious snail phytoplankton and plant organisms. Water
intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum currents and other movements may aerate
was considered to be one species, Oncomelania water, but could also detach snails from their
hupensis, with six subspecies with separate anchorage. Members of families Pleuroceridae
geographic distribution. These are O. h. hupensis and Thiaridae are able to hold up in swift, but
from mainland China; O. h. formosana and not torrential water, better than members of
O. h. chiui from Taiwan; O. h. nosophora from the family Hydrobiidae. Buliniids are stronger
Japan; O. h. quadrasi from the Philippines; than the biomphalariids when it comes to
and O. h. lindoensis from Sulawesi, Indonesia. withstanding water currents. Larger snails are
Results of biochemical, antigenic and genetic better anchored compared to smaller snails,
studies suggest that O. hupensis, O. formosana, while those snails with larger aperture are
O. nosophora, O. quadrasi, and O. lindoensis observed to fare better than those with smaller
should be elevated to independent species aperture.
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 315

Temperature and altitude affect snail protection from increased water velocities and
habitats by changing the rate of photosynthesis predators, such as fish and birds, and maintains
and the rate of decomposition, as well as the a suitable temperature and humidity. Aquatic
rate of reproduction of the resident snails. species die when they get trapped on dry land
Permanence and stability of the habitat are during the dry season. Amphibious species
critical factors affecting the presence of snails. like the oncomelanids can survive dessication
Water levels affect the balance in the ecosystem, by burying themselves in mud while sealing
particularly those involving the producers, their apertures with their operculum. They
consumers, and reducers. Small- or medium- can withstand longer periods of drought
sized habitats are less stable than the bigger ones. in the temperate zone than in the tropics.
Snails naturally prefer to build large populations Oncomelanids are found both in and out of
in permanent habitats where they can reproduce the water in moist areas, such as poorly tilled
and establish more secure colonies. Snails that rice fields, sluggish streams, secondary and
find themselves in non-permanent habitats take tertiary canals of irrigation systems, swamps,
advantage of favorable periods by reproducing and roadside ditches.
rapidly. They also resort to estivation to survive
Snail-Parasite Interaction
adverse conditions of drought.
Aside from physico-chemical factors, there Host specificity is noted to be very high
are biological factors that affect snail distribution in the choice of snail intermediate hosts by the
in a potential habitat. Aquatic vegetation can digenean parasites. Out there in the aquatic snail
serve as anchorage, and microflora provide habitat, a schistosome miracidium can most
food sources. Bacteria and fungi are pathogens likely penetrate other species of snails, but its
that may be detrimental to snails. Predators biochemical adaptation to its compatible snail
such as insects, crabs, crayfishes, other snails, species will determine its fate in the tissues of
fishes, amphibians, birds, and mammals can the snails. In a compatible snail species, the
feed on the snails. Lastly, snails are susceptible miracidium is able to develop with the slightest
to parasites like digenetic trematodes and of problems into the cercariae. There might be
nematodes. Snail distribution is usually patchy; slight or restricted encapsulation, which causes
therefore, habitats should be examined at little damage to the parasite. In other species
different sites. Seasonal variations also affect however, they are walled off and unable to
snail densities. develop further as a result of the strong host
Aquatic snail hosts of schistosomes inhabit reaction brought about by the innate cellular
shallow water near the margins of lakes, ponds, defense mechanisms. These capsules that trap
marshes, streams, and irrigation canals. They are the parasites eventually result in the latter’s
found creeping on water plants and mud that destruction.
is rich in decaying organic matter, or on rocks, While the chemical basis for the death of
stones or hard objects covered with algae, or on the parasites in incompatible snail hosts remains
various types of debris. They abound in waters unclear, encapsulation by leukocytes and/or
where water plants thrive, and where the water fibroblasts resulting in death is the simplest way
is moderately polluted with organic matter, of explaining the most effective form of innate
such as feces and urine, as is often the case near resistance in mollusks against incompatible
human habitations. trematode larvae. This shows that susceptibility
Vegetation is an important component of or resistance of snail to infection is a hereditary
the habitat since this provides not only a food character.
source, but also substrates for oviposition and
316 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Cross et al. proposed that the snail- consumed by the parasites. There is an overall
trematode compatibility is a highly specific reduction in proteins and free amino acids,
relationship often at the population or strain level especially the methionine and heme-containing
for both participants. In the course of millions moiety of hemoglobin, which is eaten up by the
of years of selection and adaptation, the authors parasites. Furthermore, there is an increase in
proposed that the vector-parasite compatibility the activities of acid and alkaline phosphatases
has reached its optimum condition, particularly resulting in increased intracellular activities, and
between the local species of Oncomelania and in exchange of polysaccharides between host
the local strain of S. japonicum. and parasite. Significant reduction in glycogen
After the miracidium settles in a compatible reserve weakens the host tolerance to anaerobic
snail host and starts the intramolluscan conditions.
development, the pressure effects manifest as The presence of parasites affects growth,
congestion of the blood sinuses due to migration fecundity, life span, heart rate, respiration, and
and maturation of the sporocysts. Other general thermal tolerance of the snail host. Growth
effects include toxic effects that may lead to rate is reduced among infected snails, especially
destructive changes in organs, particularly the among younger snails. Reduction in size and
digestive glands, starvation as nutrients are degeneration of the albumen gland result
drained by the parasites, and tissue reaction in lowered egg production. Ohmae et al. in
particularly noted as marked generalized 2003 reported that oogenesis was abnormal
proliferative tissue reaction around dead and in infected snails, as shown by fewer eggs laid
trapped cercariae. and poor hatching ability. Declining heart
The most affected organ, the digestive rate and oxygen uptake have an effect on the
gland or the hepatopancreas, shows radical metabolic rate. Other physiological changes
histopathological modifications such as include lowered maximum thermal tolerance
displacement of tubules and loss of branched limit and hemolymph osmolarity. Snails with
nature, erosion of the tubules’ epithelium, heavy infection have been shown to have higher
rise in the number of cytoplasmic vacuoles, mortality. In general, infected snails are less
overall destruction of gland epithelium and mobile and migrate more slowly.
neighboring tissues, and significant reduction
Snail Control
in the size of the glands.
At the cellular level, marked changes Snail control is an integral component
are noted, such as: cristolysis and reduction in the control and prevention of digenean
in size and number of mitochondria; slight parasites, especially schistosomes. Elimination
atrophy of the Golgi apparatus in the secretory of schistosomiasis through chemotherapy
cells of the epithelium and digestive glands; alone is difficult. Japan is credited with having
irregular outline of secretion granules; myelin eliminated schistosomiasis in the absence of a
figures and electron dense material filling up well-accepted drug of choice (i.e., praziquantel),
vacuoles; and connective tissue matrix becoming mainly relying on measures that targeted the
more electron dense and filled, accumulating snail intermediate host with considerable
collagen-like fibers. success.
Marked alterations in the biochemistry Physical control by handpicking may
of the parasitized snails are shown by the be suitable for large terrestrial snails, but in
decreased level of host glycogen and blood the early phase of schistosomiasis control,
proteins, including fluctuations in lipid the Japanese government resorted to massive
content suggesting that food reserves are being collection of O. nosophora by residents in
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 317

endemic areas, providing various incentives to Ecological control focuses on the alteration
promote this campaign. This method may be of snail habitats to reduce survival of the snails
hard to implement in the Philippines because of and to slow down or prevent their breeding.
the extreme difficulty in locating and collecting This includes radical modification of the
the local species of snail intermediate host, environment to destroy snail habitats and their
which are usually found underneath leaf litter residents. It may be as extreme as removal
and mud. of water by drainage, and proper water
Chemical control using molluscicides management in irrigation systems that may
can wipe out huge populations of snails and involve stream channelization, seepage control,
should be done using appropriate strategies. and construction of diversion and intercepting
Chemical molluscicides include potassium channels. This can be very expensive and will
aluminum sulfate, calcium arsenate, NaPCP require participation of the local irrigation
(sodium pentachlorophenate), Yuramin agency.
(3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxy-4-nitroazobenzene), Removal of shade or shelter from the sun
B-2 (sodium 2,5-dicholoro-4-brompophenol), by clearing of vegetation exposes the snails
and niclosamide (2’,5-dichloro-4- with deleterious effects. Although this method
nitrosalicylanilide). Niclosamide has been produces favorable results, sustainability is
proven to be the most versatile and most a major problem since this has to be done
effective of these synthetic molluscicides, and regularly and is labor-intensive. Cementing
has become the molluscicide of choice. In recent linings of irrigation canals or making them
years, however, the use of niclosamide has been more perpendicular prevents snails from
restricted following claims of its deleterious breeding on the banks or margins of streams
effect on the environment and non-target and irrigation canals. This was one of Japan’s
organisms. Plant derivatives have been shown ways of controlling O. nosophora, and to date,
to have molluscicidal properties. Endod fruits this is seen also as evidence of better agricultural
(Phytolacca dodecandra) are used in Africa management.
to kill snail intermediate hosts of S. mansoni Velocity of water can be accelerated to
and S. haematobium. In the Philippines, dislodge snails by proper grading and cleaning
Croton tiglium, Jatropha curcas, and Entada of the stream bed and removal of debris. If the
phaseoloides have been proven to have promising area cannot be drained, the depth of the water
molluscicidal efficacies. may be increased rendering it uninhabitable
When resources are limited and snail to snails. Snail habitats may be simply covered
colonies are confined to limited areas, with landfill.
focal mollusciciding is effective. Area-wide Japan’s success in eliminating snails in
mollusciciding is recommended in endemic Kurume can be attributed to conversion of the
areas where transmission is spread over a marshy lands into extensive golf courses and
watershed or an irrigation system. Repeated orchards. Constant monitoring and surveillance
applications of molluscicides are needed and of the once endemic area has consistently failed
must be accompanied by vegetation clearing to yield O. nosophora.
to make sure that repopulation of snails is Ecological control methods can be
prevented. The use of chemical molluscicide has incorporated into agricultural programs. Results
been banned in the Philippines in compliance can be permanent if adequately maintained, as
with a widespread campaign because of its shown by the experience in Kurume, Japan.
harmful effects on non-target organisms and Increased agricultural productivity is assured.
accumulation in the environment. The activities can be locally initiated and do
318 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

not require foreign exchange, unlike the use of The successful elimination of schistosomiasis in
chemical molluscicides. Japan emphasizes the fact that there can be snails
Corollary to ecological control is proper rice even without the disease, and that the snails
cultivation, which brings about environmental can be eliminated by radical transformation
changes and increased productivity. With of the environment resulting in widespread
rice fields serving as important snail habitats, destruction of the snail habitats. Molluscicides,
measures such as deep plowing that turns over may result in large scale mortality of snails but
the soil and buries the snails, harrowing that may not be enough to kill them all. Altering
removes the weeds which provide cover, spacing the environment to make it uninhabitable to
that exposes them to sunlight, and weeding snails is effective, but the cost and effect on the
that removes vegetation, are surefire ways of environment are still uncertain.
destroying the snails. Pesticides used by farmers
may even be molluscicidal. The stoppage of
flow of irrigation water between harvesting Bao-Zhen Q, Thomas K, Bogh HE. Allozyme
and planting can certainly interrupt breeding. variation among six populations of the
Drainage makes sure that waterlogged areas are freshwater snail Oncomelania hupensis in
prevented from becoming transmission sites. Zhejiang, China. Southeast Asian J Trop
There have been efforts in some endemic areas Med Public Health. 1996;27(2):400-5.
in the Philippines to coordinate snail control Cross JH, Lo CT. Susceptibility of new
with the local agriculture agency, especially Taiwan foci of Oncomelania hupensis to
where farming methods and irrigation are geographic strains of Schistosoma japonicum.
involved. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health.
In evaluating the effectiveness of the snail 1980;11:374-7.
control program, certain parameters should Dewitt WB. Susceptibility of snail vectors to
be measured, such as reduction in size of area geographic strains of Schistosoma japonicum.
inhabited by snail population, reduction in snail J Parasitol. 1954;40:453-6.
density, change in population structure, and Hsu SYL, Hsu HF. Infectivity of the Philippine
mortality or percentage of dead snails as a result strain of Schistosoma japonicum in
of mollusciciding. Monitoring should include Oncomelania hupensis, O. formosana and
regular checks of snail density and population O. nosophora. J Parasitol. 1960;46:793-6.
structure. Ishi A. Successful parasite controls in Japan:
eradication of schistosomiasis. Asian
The Future of Snail Control
Parasitol. 2005;5:184-276.
Experience in many endemic countries Iwanaga Y, Santos MJ, Blas BL. The
shows that snail control is an integral part in determination of the Oncomelania hupensis
any program to eliminate snail-borne parasitic quadrasi population density using the
diseases, foremost of which is schistosomiasis. banana leaf method in four municipalities
Since the discovery of praziquantel, control of Eastern Leyte, Philippines. Hiroshima J
programs have focused mainly on control of Med Sci. 1977;26:19-27.
morbidity by chemotherapy. Japan eliminated Leonardo L, de Lara A, Regadio A, Estores M,
schistosomiasis even before the advent of Vicente IM, Victoria MV. Molluscicidal
praziquantel primarily through snail control. To activities of four botanical extracts against
date, O. nosophora still thrives in rice fields and Oncomelania hupensis quadrasi, snail
other habitats in the Kofu Basin but has been intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum.
eradicated in Kurume along the Chikugo River. Acta Med Philipp. 2007;41(2):37-44.
Chapter 6: Arthropods and Mollusks of Medical Importance 319

Malek EA. Snail-transmitted parasitic diseases. Sturrock RF. Current concepts of snail control.
New Orleans: University Book Publishing Mem Int Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro.
Company; 1980. 1995;90(2):241–8.
Minai M, Hosaka Y, Ohta N. Historical view Takahiro T, Hirai H, Upatham S, Agatsuma
of schistosomiasis japonica in Japan: T. Sex chromosome differences among
implementation and evaluation of disease the three races (alpha, beta, gamma) of
control strategies in Yamanashi prefecture. the snail intermediate host of Schistosoma
Parasitol Int. 2003;52:321–6. mekongi, Neotricula aperta. Parasitol Int.
Nihei N, Kanazawa T, Blas BL, Saitoh Y, 2000;49:267–72.
Itagaki H, Pangilinan R, et al. Soil factors Tanaka H, Santos MJ, Matsuda H, Yasuraoka
influencing the distribution of Oncomelania K, Santos AT Jr. A quantitative sampling
quadrasi, the intermediate host of method for Oncomelania quadrasi by filter
Schistosoma japonicum, on Bohol Island, paper. Jpn J Exp Med. 1975;45:255–62.
Philippines. Ann Trop Med Parasitol. 1998; Woodruff DS, Staub KC, Upatham S,
92(6):699–710. Viyanani V, Yuan HC. Genetic variation
Ohmae H, Iwanaga Y, Nara T, Matsuda H, in Oncomelania hupensis: Schistosoma
Yasuraoka K. Biological characteristics japonicum transmitting snails in China
and control of intermediate snail host and the Philippines are distinct species.
of Schistosoma japonicum. Parasitol Int. Malacologia. 1988;29(2):347–61.
2003;52:409–17. Woodruff DS, Carpenter MP, Upatham S,
Sobhon P, Upatham S. Snail hosts, life cycle Viyanant V. Molecular phylogeography
and tegumental structures of Oriental of Oncomelania lindoensis (Gastropoda:
schistosomes. UNDP/World Bank/WHO; Pomatiopsidae), the intermediate host of
1990. Schistosoma japonicum in Sulawesi. J Mol
Studies. 1999;65:21–31.
Chapter 7

Diagnostic Parasitology

Examination of Stool and Body Fluids

Winifreda U. de Leon

Laboratory Diagnosis cysts, oocysts, trophozoites, and antigen) or

by the detection of host immune response
M ost parasitic diseases cannot be established
based on clinical signs and symptoms
alone. Confirmation of a suspected parasitic
to the parasites (e.g., antibodies). It must be
emphasized that demonstration of the parasite
and/or the parasitic antigen provides a definitive
condition generally depends on the result
diagnosis, while detection of the humoral
of proper laboratory examination. Correct
immune response provides only presumptive
diagnosis can likewise provide prompt treatment
evidence of infection.
thus preventing possible complications that may
Demonstration of parasites is possible only
arise. Correct diagnosis of parasitic infections
during the patent stage of the infection. There
can also provide accurate prevalence and
are cases where the parasite is not demonstrable
incidence that are important in the surveillance
even in active infection, as in schistosomiasis.
and monitoring of diseases. A parasitology
In light infections and when parasites are still
laboratory should be able to:
immature, recovery of parasites from infected
• confirm a clinical impression that the individuals may not be possible. In such cases,
condition has a parasitic nature; immunoassays may become useful.
• rule out differential diagnoses; Among the specimens available for parasitic
• aid a clinician in the choice of proper examinations, the stool is most commonly
medication; and utilized. Other specimens like urine, blood,
• help in monitoring the effect of a sputum, cerebrospinal fluid, tissue aspirate,
treatment regimen. tissue biopsies, and orifice swabs are also used
for diagnosis. Fresh specimens in sufficient
The ability of a parasitology laboratory to amounts are valuable in most instances.
generate reliable results is dependent on the The proper procedure can be determined if
proper collection, handling, and processing of the diagnostician has a basic knowledge of the
specimens prior to examination, the skill of the biology of the parasite. The life cycle will help in
laboratory analyst (examiner), and the quality deciding which specimen to be collected, as well
of equipment used in the examination. as the frequency and timing of collection. The
Diagnosis of parasitic infections is done parasite species and stage of development in the
either by the demonstration of parasite or life cycle are also important factors to consider.
parasite components (e.g., adults, eggs, larvae,

Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 321

Examination of Stool or Fecal Sample C. Amount of stool to be collected is

dictated by the techniques that will
The most common method of diagnosis of
be used. A routine stool examination
intestinal parasites is through the demonstration
usually requires a thumb-sized
of eggs, larvae, adults, trophozoites, cysts, or
specimen of formed stool or about 5
oocysts in the stool. Techniques are available
to 6 tablespoons of watery stool.
where recovery of both helminthic and
D. Contamination with toilet water, urine,
protozoan parasites is possible.
or soil must be prevented since these
The fecal specimen is best collected in
can destroy protozoan trophozoites. In
clean, wide-mouthed containers made of waxed
addition, soil and water may contain
cardboard or plastic with a tight-fitting lid to
free-living organisms that would
ensure retention of moisture and to prevent
complicate diagnosis of infections.
accidental spillage.
E. Age of the stool sample is very
The stool specimen should be submitted
important for diarrheic specimens
with the following information:
since the trophozoites it may contain
1. patient’s name are likely to die within 30 minutes to
2. age 1 hour after passage. Therefore, stools
3. sex must be examined within that period
4. date/time of collection of time.
5. requesting physician F. Delay in examination of specimens
6. requested procedure may require preservation to ensure that
7. presumptive diagnosis parasites are present in the identifiable
8. prior infections stage.
9. travel history G. Temporary storage of fecal samples in
a refrigerator (3-5°C) is acceptable,
For stool materials to be useful in parasitic but prolonged refrigeration can bring
diagnosis, there are important factors to about desiccation. Trophozoites are
consider: killed by refrigeration, although
A. Intake of drugs/medicinal substances helminth eggs and protozoan cysts are
usually not damaged.
2. anti-diarrheals SAMPLES. NEVER KEEP THEM
3. barium IN INCUBATORS.
4. bismuth
5. laxatives Stool Preservatives

All of these drugs have been found to leave Appropriate fixation of parasites in the stool
crystalline residues that can interfere with the will preserve protozoan morphological features
identification of parasites. Stool samples should and prevent possible destruction of helminth
be collected a week after the last intake of any eggs and larvae. Several stool preservatives are
of these drugs. available, but only the more common ones will
be discussed here. When selecting a fixative, the
B. Intake of antibiotics usually decreases possibility of preparing a permanently stained
the number of protozoans for several slide should be considered. Stool samples
weeks. must be adequately mixed with the selected
322 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

preservative in a proportion of one part stool stools can be examined through the
to three parts preservative. Any of the following wet mount, but difficulty in the
stool preservatives can be used: specific identification of protozoans
may be encountered. The Lugol’s
1. Formalin is an all purpose fixative. A
iodine component should always be
5% concentration is recommended
freshly prepared since it is unstable.
for protozoan cysts, while a 10%
Staining of preserved stools in MIF
concentration is recommended
yields unsatisfactory results.
for helminth eggs and larvae. The
5. Sodium acetate-acetic acid formalin
solution may be buffered with
(SAF) has the advantage of not
sodium phosphate to preserve the
containing mercuric chloride. Images
morphological characteristics of the
of organisms fixed in SAF, however, are
organisms. Preserved stool can be
not as sharp after staining compared
concentrated using formalin-ether/
with those fixed in PVA or Schaudinn’s
ethyl acetate concentration technique
solution. It is a liquid fixative with a
long shelf-life.
2. Schaudinn’s solution is used to
preserve fresh stool in preparation for Methods of Examination
staining the stool smears. It contains
Stool samples are submitted to the
mercuric chloride which is highly
laboratory in the fresh state or as preserved
toxic to humans. Problems of mercury
samples. If stools are fresh, the laboratory can
disposal may therefore arise.
classify the consistency of the stools as formed,
3. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a plastic
semi-formed, soft, loose, or watery. The
resin which serves to adhere a stool
consistency can give an indication of the stage of
sample onto a slide. It is normally
the organism that may be present in the sample.
incorporated into the Schaudinn’s
Protozoan trophozoites are generally observed
solution, therefore the actual fixation
in soft or liquid stool, while the cysts are often
is done by the Schaudinn’s. The main
found in formed or semi-formed samples.
advantage of using PVA is related to
On the other hand, helminth eggs and
the preservation of protozoan cysts and
larvae can be found in any type of consistency. In
trophozoites for permanent staining.
watery samples, there may be a reduction in the
Stools preserved in PVA can be
number of eggs and larvae due to the dilution
concentrated using FECT and can be
factor. Some authorities recommend the use
shipped to any laboratory for further
of purged stools to increase the chances of
examination. One major drawback of
recovering the protozoan trophozoites. Purged
PVA is the use of mercuric chloride.
samples should be examined immediately after
Some laboratory technologists have
suggested replacing this compound
The color of the stool can be indicative of
with cupric sulfate.
the presence of the parasite. Presence of blood
4. Merthiolate-iodine-formalin (MIF)
should always be reported. Dark-colored blood
contains merthiolate (also called
suggests bleeding high up in the gastrointestinal
thimerosal) and iodine which act as
tract, while bright red blood means bleeding
staining components, while formalin
from a more distal location. Blood and mucus
acts as the preservative. It is useful for
in soft or watery stools may possibly yield the
the fixation of intestinal protozoans,
presence of trophozoites. Ingestion of some
helminth eggs, and larvae. Preserved
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 323

compounds may impart a characteristic color 8. Elements of plant origin which

to the stool (e.g., black color with iron intake). resemble some parasites include:
By gross examination of the stools,
a. plant cells/fibers
tapeworm proglottids or adult nematodes
b. pollen grains
like Ascaris or Enterobius may be found on or
c. starch granules
beneath the surface of the sample.
d. vegetable spirals
A. Microscopic Examination
9. Plant and animal hairs may look like
Microscopic examination can reveal many helminth larvae.
elements present in the intestinal tract aside
from parasites and normal fecal constituents.
It is therefore highly recommended that a A. Direct Fecal Smear (DFS)
parasitology diagnostician be able to identify
parasites apart from artifacts. About 2 mg of stool (amount forming a
The following are elements that may low cone at the tip of an applicator stick) is
be found in stool specimens in addition to comminuted thoroughly with a drop of 0.85%
parasites: sodium chloride solution (NSS) and then
covered with a cover slip.
1. White blood cells: This is a routine method of stool
examination primarily useful in the detection
a. Polymorphonuclears (PMNs),
of motile protozoan trophozoites. In this
which may indicate inflammation
preparation, the trophozoites appear very pale
b. Eosinophils, which may indicate
and transparent. Trophozoites can be stained
an immune response to a parasitic
to demonstrate the nuclear morphology using
Nair’s buffered methylene blue (BMB) solution.
2. Red blood cells, which may indicate Entamoeba cytoplasm will stain pale blue and
ulcerations or bleeding the nucleus, darker blue.
3. Macrophages are usually present in Protozoan cysts can also be seen in a DFS.
both bacterial and parasitic infections. A weak iodine solution (Lugol’s solution or
In actual practice, one can mistake D’Antoni) can be used as a temporary stain
the active macrophages for amebic to demonstrate nuclei. Alternatively, a new
trophozoites. mount can be prepared with iodine alone. The
4. Charcot-Leyden crystals are released cytoplasm will stain golden yellow, the nucleus
with the disintegration of eosinophils. will be pale and refractile, and the glycogen will
They may indicate presence of be deep brown. Helminth eggs and larvae can
hypersensitivity or parasitic infections, also be detected using this preparation. Because
especially amebiasis. the amount of stool used in DFS is very small,
5. Epithelial cells from the intestinal tract light infections may not be detected.
can also be recovered. Micrometry, as a tool to measure cysts
6. Eggs of arthropods, plant nematodes, and ova, will be useful in specific species
and other spurious parasites may be identification.
mistaken for human parasites. B. Kato Thick Smear
7. Fungal spores coming from Candida
spp., yeast, and yeast-like fungi may About 50 to 60 mg of stool (approximately
also be mistaken for parasites. the size of two mung beans) is placed over a glass
324 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

slide and covered with cut cellophane paper of Trichuris, Capillaria, and trematode eggs,
soaked in a mixture of glycerine and malachite especially Schistosoma. This is also the choice if
green solution. Glycerine is a clearing solution stool material comes from animals like cats and
and malachite green is used to give color to dogs. Drawbacks in the use of this technique
the cellophane in order to give a pale green include: loss of parasite to the plug of debris and
background to the eggs and to minimize the possible destruction of protozoan cysts.
brightness of the microscopic field. If malachite
b. Formalin-Ether/Ethyl Acetate Concentration
green is not available, green cellophane soaked Technique (FECT)
in glycerine may be used. The preparation is best
examined within 10 to 20 minutes. This procedure makes use of 10% formalin
The technique is simple and economical, which is an all purpose fixative, and ether, which
and is therefore useful in mass stool examinations. can dissolve neutral fats in the stool. This is
It is very good in detecting eggs with thick shells useful in the recovery of both helminth eggs and
(e.g., Ascaris and Trichuris) but not eggs with protozoan cysts. FECT can also be done with
thin shells (e.g., hookworm). In many instances, formalin-preserved and PVA-preserved stools.
if the preparation is kept too long before More parasites can be recovered from formalin-
examination, hookworm eggs become too preserved samples. Parasite morphology is also
transparent or distorted, making identification better preserved in formalin than in PVA.
very difficult. Usefulness is limited if stools are Sediments from FECT can be stored for a long
diarrheic or watery. Likewise, it is not able to period of time.
detect protozoan cysts and trophozoites. The use of ether has been a cause for
concern in the laboratory sector because of
C. Concentration Techniques
problems in storage and handling of this
Concentration techniques can separate explosive and flammable compound. In
protozoan cysts and helminth eggs from a place of ether, ethyl acetate may be used in
larger amount of stool (usually 1 g in amount) sedimentation procedures. Those who have
based on differences in specific gravity. In tried ethyl acetate claim that it is more efficient
cases of light infections, or if there is a need than ether in the recovery of cestode eggs and
to recover more parasites, stool concentration Giardia cysts. However, ethyl acetate is not
procedures are recommended. These procedures as efficient as ether in the extraction of fat or
are based either on sedimentation or flotation. mucoidal material from the stool.
In sedimentation techniques, a parasite that 2. Flotation Procedures
has a higher specific gravity than the reagent
will sink to the bottom of the preparation, a. Zinc Sulfate (ZnSO4) Flotation
while a parasite with a lower specific gravity The main reagent is a 33% zinc sulfate
will float to the surface. Mounts prepared from solution. Before use, the specific gravity should
flotation techniques are cleaner than those from be checked. The ideal specific gravity ranges
sedimentation. from 1.18 to 1.20. If parasites are exposed to
1. Sedimentation Procedures high specific gravity, distortion and shrinkage
of protozoan cysts and thin-walled nematode
a. Acid Ether Concentration Technique (AECT)
eggs may occur.
The main reagents are 40% HCl, which b. Brine Flotation
can dissolve albuminous material, and ether,
which can dissolve neutral fats in the stool. This This makes use of a saturated table salt
technique is recommended for the recovery solution. Stools are directly mixed with the brine
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 325

solution. There is no need for centrifugation environmental conditions in nature. Larvae

since helminth eggs rise to the surface of are harvested using the Baermann procedure.
the solution. This technique is low-cost and
2. Harada-Mori or the Test Tube Culture
simple but helminth eggs like hookworm and Method
Schistosoma become badly shrunken. This is
not useful for operculated eggs like Clonorchis, This technique makes use of test tubes
Opistorchis, and heterophyids because these do and filter paper strips. Positive stool is applied
not float in brine solution. to the filter paper and placed into a test tube
with about 7 mL of boiled or distilled water.
c. Sheather’s Sugar Flotation
Filariform larvae will generally move downwards
Boiled sugar solution preserved with against the upward capillary movement of water
phenol is used in this method. This technique is and can therefore be recovered from the water
considered the best for the recovery of coccidian at the bottom of the tube. On the other hand,
oocysts, mainly Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, and Strongyloides larvae may instead move upwards
Cystoisospora. With this procedure, visualization and accumulate at the upper end of the filter
of oocysts can be better appreciated through the paper strip.
use of a phase microscope. Filariform larvae are infective and caution
must be observed in handling stool cultures.
D. Stool Culture Methods
Stools for culture should not be refrigerated
Ova of all hookworm species are similar, because some species fail to develop when
and speciation is therefore impossible to make exposed to cold temperature.
species identification. Larval differentiation Culture media are also available for the
between hookworm and Strongyloides at the cultivation of the intestinal protozoan; however
rhabditiform stage is possible but difficult. very few laboratories offer this service. Intestinal
At the filariform stage, however, species protozoans have been successfully cultivated in
identification can be done. the laboratory but these culture methods are
Stools positive for hookworm ova and/or not recommended as substitutes for routine
Strongyloides rhabditiform larvae can be cultured microscopic examination.
until filariform larvae develop. This technique E. Egg Counting Procedures
can also be used for Trichostrongylus sp.
Egg counting procedures may help correlate
1. Copro Culture
the severity of clinical disease with the intensity
Positive stools are mixed with moistened of infection or worm burden (Table 7.1). It is
soil or granulated charcoal. This simulates also done to assess the efficacy of anthelminthics

Table 7.1. WHO classification of intensity of infections with soil-transmitted helminths

and Schistosoma spp.

Organism Light intensity Moderate intensity Heavy intensity

Ascaris lumbricoides 1 – 4,999 epg 5,000 – 49,999 epg ≥ 50,000 epg
Trichuris trichiura 1 – 999 epg 1,000 – 9,999 epg ≥ 10,000 epg
Hookworm 1 – 1,999 epg 2,000 – 3,999 epg ≥ 4,000 epg
Schistosoma japonicum
1 – 99 epg 100 – 399 epg ≥ 400 epg
Schistosoma mansoni
326 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

and the reduction of worm burden following constant, there may be a need for a correction
treatment. factor in computing for the egg count taking
into consideration stool consistency.
1. Kato-Katz Method or the Cellophane
Covered Thick Smear F. Staining of Stool Specimen

This procedure uses a measured amount of Staining of stool specimen can also be done
stool which has been sieved through a wire mesh specifically in the examination of the nuclear
and pressed under cellophane paper soaked in characteristics of amebae. These are also useful
glycerine-malachite green solution. A uniform in the identification of the other intestinal
amount of stool is examined through the use protozoans like Balantidium and Giardia.
of a template with a uniform-sized hole in the Techniques available include:
middle. All eggs seen in the whole preparation
are counted. The total egg count is multiplied 1. Iron-Hematoxylin
with a factor depending on the amount of 2. Trichome
stool used. 3. Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS)
The procedure is useful for assessing the 4. Chlorazol Black E
intensity of infection with Schistosoma and The abovementioned techniques are not
common soil-transmitted helminths like Ascaris, very useful for the identification of coccidian
Trichuris, and hookworm. oocysts like Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, and
Consistency of the stool is the main Cystoisospora. For these parasites, Kinyoun’s
determinant for the sensitivity of this technique, method of acid-fast staining is recommended.
since well-formed stools yield higher egg counts Acid-fast staining of stool specimen
than moist ones. The technique can only be requires spreading a thin layer of stool on a
done on fresh formed stools and not on liquid glass slide. The oocysts of the three coccidian
and preserved samples. parasites stain pink to red with a blue or green
For the identification of Schistosoma ova, background. The background actually depends
1% eosin solution can be layered over the on the counter stain used. For Cryptosporidium
cellophane paper. This method can help in the and Cyclospora, oocysts are spherical, although
visualization of the miracidium. Cryptosporidium has a diameter of 4 to 6 μm,
2. Stoll Egg Count while Cyclospora are 8 to 10 μm in diameter. On
the other hand, Cystoisospora oocysts are more
This technique makes use of 0.1 N NaOH ovoid than spherical.
and a stool displacement flask calibrated at 56 Generally, these organisms are recovered
mL and 60 mL. The sodium hydroxide acts as a better from diarrheic and watery samples.
stool diluent. It saponifies fat and frees eggs from
fecal debris. The amount of diluted stool used Perianal Swab
for egg counting is measured by Stoll pipettes The perianal swab can be used to recover
calibrated at 0.075 mL and 0.15 mL. The eggs of Enterobius vermicularis and Taenia spp.
constant used to multiply the total egg count The Enterobius gravid female migrates out
depends on the amount of stool examined. through the anus at night time, and deposits
Like the Kato-Katz method, sensitivity eggs on the perianal skin. Taenia spp. gravid
is determined by the consistency of the stool segments can crawl out of the anus and in the
since formed stool can displace more sodium process, ova are squeezed out of the segment and
hydroxide than liquid stool. Aside from the are deposited on the perianal skin.
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 327

A. Cellulose Tape or Scotch Tape Method an area which is about 2 cm in diameter.

Films are then thoroughly dried and then
This is done by sampling the perianal skin dehemoglobinized prior to staining.
using a strip of cellulose tape attached onto
b. Thin smears are prepared in such a way
a glass slide. The sticky side is applied to the
that they are thick at one end, and thin
skin. The specimen can be collected early in and feathery at the other end. Streaks and
the morning before the patient has taken a bath holes should be avoided in the film. Clean
or before the patient has washed the perineum. slides and spreaders are used. After air-
Positive results have also been obtained from drying, slides are fixed with methanol before
swabs collected late at night when patients have staining.
already slept for several hours. Thick smears are used in the demonstration
Collected specimens are then examined of microfilariae and rapid diagnosis of malarial
under the microscope for the presence of eggs infection. Thin smears are most useful in species
or the adult Enterobius. In some laboratories, a identification of malarial parasites.
drop of toluene or xylene solution helps in the Stains that are usually used for blood
visualization of eggs. parasites include: Giemsa stain, Wright’s stain,
Repeat examinations are recommended if and Delafield hematoxylin stain.
results are negative. • Giemsa stain may be prepared from
Examination of Blood powder or may be commercially
purchased as concentrated stock
Several species of helminthic parasites solution. With this stain, red cells
(e.g., filariae) and protozoan parasites (e.g., stain pale red, white cell nuclei stain
Plasmodium, trypanosomes, and Babesia) are purple, eosinophils stain bright purple
in the blood at some stage of their life cycle. red, and neutrophils stain deep pink
There are several techniques utilized for blood purple.
preparation and examination. Glass slides for • Wright’s stain already contains
blood examination must be absolutely clean alcohol, so fixation is not needed
and grease-free. before staining. Stained smears
Methods show light red erythrocytes, bright
blue nuclei of leukocytes, bright
A. Finger-prick blood sample must be free- red eosinophilic granules, and pink
flowing to prevent dilution of blood with
tissue fluid, which decreases the number
neutrophilic granules.
of parasites. • Delafield hematoxylin stain is
mainly useful in demonstrating the
1. Wet/fresh Preparation detailed structures of microfilariae.
Microfilariae and trypomastigotes are large In this method, thick films are
and motile in fresh blood preparations. Their dehemoglobinized in 2% formalin
presence in the sample can therefore be easily with 1% acetic acid. The main stain
detected. Species identification, however, is not is a mixture of hematoxylin and
possible with the wet mount. ammonium alum which enhances
nuclear detail and morphological
2. Stained Smears features. Another advantage of this
a. Thick films are prepared from two to three method is that stained smears could
small drops of blood which are mixed and be permanently mounted with Canada
spread with continuous movement over balsam or permount.
328 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

3. Capillary Tube Method 2. Membrane Filtration

Finger-prick blood sample is collected Like Knott’s concentration, this method is

using a heparinized capillary tube. The tube is also very useful when the density of microfilariae
sealed at one end and then centrifuged. After is low. This technique makes use of a syringe
centrifugation, there will be three layers. At attached to a Swinney filter holder. One mL
the bottom is the red cell layer, followed by the of fresh or anticoagulated blood is drawn up
white cell layer called the buffy coat, and on top into the syringe and lyzed by adding 10 mL
is the plasma. Microfilariae and trypanosomes of distilled water. The lyzed blood is then
can be readily visualized at the buffy coat area passed through the Swinney membrane filter
when the capillary tube is examined under a where microfilariae will be recovered. The
microscope. membrane filter can be examined like a wet
smear preparation or may be dried, fixed, and
a. Buffy Coat Films
then stained.
The capillary tube can be broken at the
Examination of Sputum
area of the white cell layer after centrifugation
of the capillary tube. The white cell layer can There are several parasites that may be
be spread and stained either with Giemsa or recovered from the sputum. These include:
Wright’s stain. Trypanosomes and Leishmania
are concentrated at the buffy coat portion. A. M i g r a t i n g l a r v a e o f A s c a r i s
lumbricoides, Strongyloides stercoralis,
b. Quantitative Buffy Coat (QBC) and hookworms
This method makes use of a capillary tube B. Paragonimus ova
which is precoated with acridine orange and C. Echinococcus granulosus hooklets from
potassium oxalate. A cylindrical float is inserted pulmonary hydatid cysts
to enlarge the layers. After centrifugation, the D. Protozoa such as:
tube is read using an ultraviolet microscope. 1. Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites
The DNA of the parasites takes up the acridine from pulmonary amebic abscess
orange stain causing fluorescence among the 2. Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts,
non-fluorescing red blood cells. This method is although very rare
useful in the demonstration of malaria parasites, 3. Non-pathogenic Entamoeba
microfilariae, trypanosomes, and Babesia. gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax
B. Venous blood may be concentrated in For most sputum examinations, the first
order to detect microfilariae. Aseptic
technique must be observed in the
morning specimen is considered the best
collection of the sample. specimen to examine. If the patient cannot
expectorate, inductants like 10% sodium
1. Knott’s Concentration chloride or hydrogen peroxide may increase the
In cases of low microfilaremia, 1 mL of amount of sputum collection. The specimen
blood can be mixed with 10 mL of 2% formalin must be collected in disposable, impermeable,
and then centrifuged. The supernate is discarded tightly covered containers and must be sent to
and the sediment is studied. Part of the sediment the laboratory immediately.
can be spread like a thin blood film and stained.
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 329

Methods Aside from Trichomonas vaginalis,

A. Gross or Macroscopic Examination
some laboratories have reported recovery of
Wuchereria bancrofti microfilariae from chyluric
1. Consistency of the sample as to samples. With massive labor exportation to the
serous, mucoid, purulent, bloody or Middle East, it is worth mentioning that the
combination, should be reported; and Filipino overseas contract workers may acquire
Schistosoma haematobium. Eggs of this parasite
2. Color may be indicative of cellular
are passed out with urine.
composition such as:
Examination of Tissue Aspirates
Yellow color may indicate pus;
greenish tint may indicate Pseudomonas Samples aspirated from the following
infection; while bright red color organs have been found to yield some parasites.
may indicate a recent bleeding rust
1. Liver
color may indicate breakdown of
2. Duodenum
3. Bronchial
B. Microscopic Examination 4. Lymph node
5. Skin
1. Wet mount using saline or iodine is
useful when searching for protozoan In the Philippines, the most common
trophozoites; and aspirate submitted for parasite diagnosis comes
from the liver. It is usually requested to rule
2. Sputum Concentration
out hepatic amebic abscess. Demonstration of
If the sputum is thick or viscous, Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites is not easy
an equal amount of 3% NaOH especially in cases when the submitted material
is added, thoroughly mixed, and is aspirated from the center of the abscess where
then centrifuged. The supernate is there is necrosis. The best material for this
discarded, and the sediment is studied purpose is aspirate coming from the margin or
as a wet mount. the wall of the abscess.
In endemic countries, liver aspirate can
Examination of Urine
be used in the recovery of hydatid sand,
Parasites have been reported from urine. composed of intact and degenerating scolices
Considered best for parasite recovery is urine of Echinococcus granulosus. While the parasite
collected first thing in the morning, since there is generally believed to be absent in the
could have been concentration of parasites Philippines, there are a few reported cases of
overnight. infection in Filipino overseas contract workers
Urine is a very good specimen to study assigned to endemic countries.
for the diagnosis of trichomoniasis vaginalis. A. Duodenal Aspirate
The sample is centrifuged and the sediment is
studied under the microscope. The organisms There are occasions when duodenal
appear as rounded, globular, and transparent aspirates are better specimens to use in the
structures exhibiting jerky tumbling motion. diagnosis of the following:
Vaginal and urethral discharges are also used
1. Giardia lamblia
in the diagnosis of trichomoniasis.
2. Strongyloides stercoralis
330 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Duodenal aspiration may be done through 20 minutes, while the morphology and motility
intestinal intubation but there is a simple and of Naegleria trophozoites are also affected
convenient procedure now available in the within the same time period. The CSF must
collection of duodenal contents. This is done be centrifuged at 7,000 g for 10 minutes, the
through the “Entero Test,” also known as the supernatant fluid discarded, and the parasites
String test, where a capsulated yarn is swallowed visualized from the sediment.
by the patient. The yarn is expected to reach
Examination of Tissue Biopsy Material
the duodenum. After about 4 hours, the yarn
is retrieved and the mucoidal material clinging A. Muscle Biopsy
to the yarn is examined for the presence of the
This specimen is very useful in the diagnosis
above mentioned parasites.
of Trichinella spiralis infection, where small
B. Cutaneous or Skin Aspirates pieces of muscles are pressed between two glass
slides and the preparation is examined under
In very rare occasions, there may be
the microscope. Encapsulated larvae may be
requests to examine aspirates taken from
appreciated. While Trichinella spiralis is not
cutaneous ulcerations, like in cases of cutaneous
present in the Philippines, larval infection with
leishmaniasis. Like some of the parasites
Taenia solium can result in cysticercosis, or a
mentioned in other sections of this chapter,
larval infection with Spirometra spp. can result
leishmaniasis is not supposedly endemic in the
in sparganosis. In both cases, muscle biopsy
Philippines but due to exposure in endemic
will be useful in the diagnosis of the conditions.
countries, there are reported leishmaniasis cases
locally. B. Rectal Biopsy
One clinical form of leishmaniasis is
A more common biopsy material
cutaneous, otherwise known as an Oriental sore.
submitted for parasitic diagnosis is rectal
The recommended specimen is an aspirate taken
biopsy. Examination of the rectal tissues can
from below the ulcer bed using a sterile needle.
reveal the presence of deposited Schistosoma
Smears are prepared and stained with Giemsa
japonicum eggs.
when dried. Positive samples will show the
presence of amastigotes. In endemic countries, References
part of the needle aspirate can be inoculated
Ash L, Orihel TC. Parasites: a guide to
into a culture medium.
laboratory procedures and identification.
Examination of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Chicago: SCP Press; 1987.
Garcia LS, Buckner DA. Diagnostic medical
Trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi,
parasitology. New York: Elsevier; 1989.
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, and Trypanosoma
Goldsmith R, Heyneman D. Tropical medicine
brucei gambiense may be demonstrated in
and parasitology. Connecticut: Appleton
the CSF. Likewise, trophozoites of Naegleria
and Lange; 1989.
may also be found in the CSF. In cases of
Heinz M. Parasitology in focus: facts and trends.
parastrongyliasis, CSF eosinophilia is a common
Germany: Springer-Verlag; 1988.
finding, although there were reports that among
Manson-Bahr PE, Bell DR. Manson’s tropical
infected children, Parastrongylus larvae have
diseases. 19th ed. London: Bailliere Tindall;
been recovered.
Immediate examination of the CSF is
Parzy D, Raphenon B, Martet G, Nicolas P, Touze
required since trypomastigotes perish within
JE, Baudon D, et al. Quantitative buffy
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 331

coat test kit for falciparum comparative Schmidt GD. How to know the tapeworms.
value in the rapid diagnosis of malaria. Med Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers;
Tropicale. 1990;50(1):98–101. 1987.
Rickman L, Oberst R, Sangalang R, Chulay Valencia CI, Abear RF. A modification of
J, Long G, Cabanban A, et al. Rapid the quantitative thick smear method for
diagnosis of malaria by acridine orange Schistosoma japonicum. Southeast Asian J
staining of centrifuged parasites. Lancet. Trop Med Public Health. 1981;12:280–3.
1989;8629(1):3–9. World Health Organization. Basic laboratory
methods in medical parasitology. Geneva:
World Health Organization; 1991.
332 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Examination of Tissues
Elia G. Paulino-Cabrera

P arasites may be an unexpected finding in

tissues. A 60-year old male with headache
thought to have a primary brain tumor was
with some other pathology. Schistosoma ova
were incidentally found in the ovary and
fallopian tube of a patient operated on for
found to have cysticercosis (Plate 7.1). A 2-week uterine leiomyoma (Plates 7.2 and 7.3). A
old female with respiratory difficulty attributed hemicolectomy specimen with adenocarcinoma
to herpes turned out to have Trichomonas also had Schistosoma ova (Plate 7.4).
vaginalis of the nasopharynx. There are instances, however, when tissues
In other cases, parasites may not be the are deliberately biopsied for the diagnosis
cause of the symptoms but are seen together of parasitic diseases. Because of the ease of

Plate 7.1. Cysticercus in brain Plate 7.2. Ovary with incidental finding of
(Courtesy of Dr. Elia Paulino-Cabrera) Schistosoma japonicum ova
(Courtesy of Dr. Elia Paulino-Cabrera)

Plate 7.3. Fallopian tube with incidental finding of Plate 7.4. Colon with adenocarcinoma and
Schistosoma japonicum ova Schistosoma ova
(Courtesy of Dr. Elia Paulino-Cabrera) (Courtesy of Dr. Elia Paulino-Cabrera)
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 333

obtaining other specimens like blood or stool for factor. It is more practical to biopsy a skin mass
detection of parasites, tissues are usually not the than a visceral mass to document cysticercosis.
initial specimens sent for diagnostic purposes. A fourth factor is the possible complications
Biopsies are done when other specimens yield of the procedure. A hepatic puncture is more
repeatedly negative results or when other tests likely to have complications than a lymph node
are equivocal. For example, clinically suspected biopsy in the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis.
ameba cases with negative stool examinations Examples of commonly biopsied organs
may be definitely diagnosed by a direct smear and parasites which may be found therein are
or biopsy of the intestine. A biopsy may also be shown in Table 7.2.
needed in the case of chronic schistosomiasis
when the patient no longer excretes ova. Some Table 7.2. Organs and parasites isolated
parasites are found only in tissues, and biopsy
is the best means of diagnosis. The presence of Organ Parasite
Trichinella spiralis larva in muscle, for instance, Skin and Ancylostoma Gongylonema
subcutaneous braziliense Loa loa
provides a definitive diagnosis of trichinellosis. tissue (larva) Onchocerca
Virtually any organ of the body can be Ancylostoma Sparganum
caninum Strongyloides
examined. Ova, larvae, adult forms, cysts, and (larva)
trophozoites may all be seen. Before doing a Cysticercus
biopsy, several factors should be considered. Dracunculus
First is the nationality and travel history of the Gnathostoma
patient. Leishmaniasis, which is not endemic Lymph node Filaria Trypanosoma
in the Philippines, should be a differential
Brain Cysticercus Schistosoma
diagnosis in a patient with hepatosplenomegaly, cellulose
lymphadenopathy, and a history of travel to Hydatid cyst
the Middle East. The second factor is the life Lung Hydatid cyst Paragonimus
cycle and tissue trophism of the parasite. An Liver Entamoeba Leishmania
adult nematode in a lymph node, for instance, Hydatid cyst Schistosoma

is almost certainly a filarial worm (Plate 7.5). Small intestine Cryptosporidium Microsporidia

The accessibility of the biopsy site is a third Rectum Balantidium Schistosoma

Muscle Cysticercus Trichinella
Eye Cysticercus Toxocara
cellulose Toxoplasma
Loa loa
Placenta Malaria Trypanosoma
Bone marrow Leishmania Trypanosoma

Definitive diagnosis depends on the

identification of the parasites. The morphology
of the ova, cysts, and trophozoites in tissues
Plate 7.5. Adult filaria with microfilaria in an
are similar to those in other specimens, such
inguinal lymph node as stool. Diagnosis of metazoans in tissues is
(Courtesy of Dr. Elia Paulino-Cabrera) based on the demonstration of the following
334 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Plate 7.6. Adult Trichuris identified by ova in Plate 7.7. Cysticercus with calcareous corpuscles
genital tract (Courtesy of Dr. Elia Paulino-Cabrera) (Courtesy of Dr. Elia Paulino-Cabrera)

characteristics: (a) integument, (b) musculature, to them. Grossly, organs may appear normal,
(c) body cavity, (d) digestive system, (e) enlarged, necrotic, or inflamed. Lesions may
reproductive organs and ova present (Plate 7.6), present as tumorous masses such as in an
and (f ) special glands or structures. ameboma of the colon or echinococcosis of the
The integument may be chitinized liver or kidney. Fibrosis may cause hardening of
(arthropods), striated (acanthocephala), spiny the parenchyma, such as pipestem fibrosis in
(platyhelminths), or smooth (nematodes). schistosomiasis. Microscopic findings may be
Muscles are described either as striated or varied as well. In some instances, no pathologic
smooth, and circular or longitudinal. Points of changes are evident. Intestines of patients with
muscle attachment to the body and the number giardiasis and uncomplicated hookworm disease
of cells per circumference are also noted. typically show normal-looking mucosa.
Meromyarian pertains to few cells (four or Acute reactions are present when there is
less), while polymyarian pertains to numerous tissue necrosis. These are exemplified by early
cells per circumference. The body cavity is amebiasis, ulcerated cutaneous leishmaniasis,
described according to content, which may be trichomoniasis, and strongyloidiasis. Chronic
parenchymatous matrix, mesenchyme cells, or inflammation is seen in any long-standing
fluid. Of interest in the digestive tract are the infection. A specific type of chronic infection
pharynx and intestines. The number of branches is characterized by granuloma formation. Dead
of the pharynx and the number of intestinal cells or degenerating parasites form the center of
should be noted. For the reproductive system, the lesion and are surrounded by lymphocytes,
it should be determined whether the sexes are plasma cells, macrophages, multinucleated giant
separate and whether the gonads are paired and cells, and fibroblasts. Hyaline or eosinophilic
tubular or sac-like. Special copulatory structures material may be present. Several parasitic
may be present. Examples of special structures diseases show this reaction. Schistosomiasis
which serve as diagnostic aids are the calcareous and ascariasis lesions exhibit the characteristic
corpuscles (Plate 7.7) seen in cestodes, and Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon. In filariasis,
reduplication of esophageal glands as seen in granulomas are known as Meyers-Kouvenaar
the group Trichinellina. bodies.
Tissue specimens may show not only the There are findings that are pathognomonic
parasites themselves but also the body’s reaction for some parasitic diseases. Lymph nodes in
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 335

toxoplasmosis are characterized by the presence Trichrome stain has been found to be useful in
of epithelioid histiocytes in the perifollicular differentiating the trophozoites of ameba and
zone. Malaria is characterized by the presence Giardia from host tissue. It also emphasizes
of hemozoin pigment in parasitized red blood structures such as flagella. Giemsa is used for
cells. In the brain, the characteristic finding different protozoa. Table 7.3 summarizes the
is Durck’s granuloma, which consists of glial parasites and special stains used for them.
proliferations around capillaries.
Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) may Table 7.3. Special stains and corresponding
be done prior to or in lieu of a formal biopsy. parasites
Parasite identification and host tissue response
evaluation may be achieved with this method. Stain Parasite
Aspiration may be done on palpable lesions or Acid-fast Cryptosporidium Isospora
under the guidance of ultrasound or computed
PAS Entamoeba Toxocara
tomography. Giardia Toxoplasma
Biopsy specimens are placed in 10% Microsporidia (bradyzoites)
(polar Trichomonas
buffered formalin for fixation. Many laboratories granule)
have automated tissue processors which allow Giemsa Giardia Toxoplasma
slides to be completed the next day. Processing Malaria
can also be done manually. Tissues are usually GMS Microsporidia Toxoplasma
(cyst wall)
cut 3 µm thick. Examination of serial sections
Gram stain Microsporidia Trichomonas
may be needed before a diagnosis is made.
Sometimes the parasite is simply too big that Luxol Fast Blue Microsporidia

step sections are required to demonstrate Reticulum Leishmania

different levels of organ systems. Trichrome Balantidium Entamoeba

Dirofilaria Giardia
Aspirates are smeared like peripheral blood
smears. In aspirates which yield abundant
fluid, a few smears should be made first. The Immunohistochemistry can be used as
rest of the specimen is preserved in an equal an adjunct in difficult cases. Immunologic
volume of 95% ethyl alcohol for cell block techniques and principles are applied. Parasite
preparation. Touch imprints may be made on protein is identified using anti-parasite
some specimens before fixation. Excess blood or monoclonal or polyclonal antibody.
fluid is blotted off from the surface before the An ordinary light microscope is used to
specimen is pressed against a clean slide. Smears examine tissue slides. Sometimes, polarizing,
and imprints are fixed by placing slides in 95% phase contrast, immunofluorescent and
alcohol for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Examples electron microscopy are used as well. Ova of
of parasites which may be demonstrated on Paragonimus, spores of Microsporidia, and
touch imprints are Toxoplasma in placental hooklets of Echinococcus are birefringent and
tissues and Leishmania in lymph nodes. are demonstrable under polarizing light.
Histopathologic slides are routinely stained Polarization microscopy also increases detection
with hematoxylin and eosin (H & E). Special of hemozoin pigment in placentas.
stains may be needed to provide contrast Trichomonads and microscoporidians
between parasite and the background, or to a r e e n h a n c e d b y p h a s e m i c r o s c o p y.
highlight special structures. Periodic Acid Immunofluorescent microscopy is used in
Schiff (PAS) will demonstrate the cyst wall Trichomonas infection. With acridine orange as
of Toxoplasma and the larva of Toxocara. the stain, fluorescent microscopy is more reliable
336 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

than wet mount or culture. It has also been used References

as an adjunct in the diagnosis of Chagas disease.
Carter JE, Whithaus KC. Neonatal respiratory
Ultrastructure of human parasites, especially
tract involvement by trichomoniasis
of protozoa, has been described. Electron
vaginalis: a case report and review of the
microscopy is employed for the definitive
literature. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2008;
diagnosis and speciation of microsporidiosis.
The first case of cyclosporiasis was demonstrated
Chandler FW, Watts JC. Immunofluorescence as
by light microscopy. However, sporozoite,
an adjunct to the histopathologic diagnosis
trophozoite, schizont, and merozoite stages were
of Chagas’ disease. J Clin Microbiol.
identified by electron microscopy. Specimens
for electron microscopic studies are fixed in 3%
Chitwood M, Lichtenfels JR. Parasitology
glutaraldehyde in phosphate buffer.
review-identification of parasitic metazoa
A tissue sample with parasites may also be
in tissue sections. Exp Pathology.
sent for frozen section diagnosis, usually with an
initial or a working impression of malignancy.
Eapen M, Matthew CF, Aravindan KP. Evidence
Preliminary diagnosis of the presence of a
based criteria for the histopathological
parasite is usually satisfactory for surgeons.
diagnosis of toxoplasmic lymphadenopathy.
Definitive diagnosis can be made after routine
J Clin Pathol. 2005;58(11):1143–6.
Gupta E, Bhalla P, Khurana N, Singh T.
Tissues from autopsy cases are treated in the
Histopathology for the diagnosis of
same way as biopsy specimens. Representative
infectious diseases. Indian J Med Microbiol.
sections from organs are taken, fixed, processed,
and stained as in biopsy specimens. Whole
Kenner JR, Aronson NE, Bratthauer GL,
organs may be kept in jars for future references
Turnicky RP, Jackson JE, Tang DB. et al.
or as museum materials.
Immunochemistry to identify Leishmania
There are limitations to tissue diagnosis of
parasites in fixed tissues. J Cutan Pathol.
parasites. Parasites may degenerate, fibrose or
calcify. Severe inflammation or necrosis may
Ndao M. Diagnosis of parasitic diseases: old
mask them. Artifacts may render identification
and new approaches [Internet]. Interdiscip
difficult. For instance, formalin pigment may be
Perspect Infect Dis. 2009 [cited 2010
difficult to differentiate from hemozoin. Tissues
Dec 30];2009:278246. Available from
may also be contaminated by bacteria or fungi
which may show up in the slides. In such cases,
other diagnostic modalities like immunoassays,
Romagosa C, Menendez C, Ismail MR, Quintó
molecular-based techniques and proteonomics
L, Ferrer B, Alonso PL, et al. Polarisation
using mass spectrometry may be useful.
microscopy increases the sensitivity of
Criteria for the histopathologic diagnosis of
hemozoin and Plasmodium detection in the
parasitic diseases like toxoplasmosis have been
histological assessment of placental malaria.
proposed in the absence of parasites. These
Act Trop. 2004;90(3):277–84.
need further evaluation and correlation with
Sahai K, Kapila K, Verma K. Parasites in
serologic findings.
fine needle breast aspirates-assesment
of host tissue response. Postgrad Med J.
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 337

Song SM, Park JH, Kim J, Kim SI, Hong B. Fine needle aspiration of toxoplasmic
YC, Kong HH, et al. Identification and (Piringer-Kuchinka) lymphadenitis:
characterization of Paragonimus. Parasitol acytohistologic correlation study. Acta
Int. 2008;57(3):334–41. Cytol. 2005;49(2):139–43.
Sun T, Ilardi CF, Asnis D, Bresciani AR, Wong MT, Goh L, Chia KH. Intestinal
Goldenberg S, Roberts B, et al. Light and schistosomiasis manifesting as colonic
electron microscopic identification of intussuception arising from a mucocele of
Cyclospora species in the small intestines. the appendix: report of a case. Surg Today.
Am J Clin Path. 1996;105(2):216–20. 2008;38(7): 664–7.
Vega-Lopez F. Diagnosis of cutaneous Warton A. Diagnostic ultrasound of human
leishmaniasis. Curr Opin Infect Dis. parasites. In: Papadimitriou JM, Henderson
2003;16(2):97–101. DW, Sagnalo DV. Diagnostic ultrasound
Viguer JM, Jimenez-Heffernan JA, Lopez- of non-neoplastic diseases. Edinburgh:
Ferrer P, Gonzalez-Peramato P, Vicandi Churchill Livingston; 1992. p. 203–11.
338 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Advances in Diagnostic Parasitology

Maria Cielo J. Pasay

D iagnosis of parasitic diseases relies on

laboratory diagnosis to complement
clinical symptoms, clinical history, and travel
the sensitivity of microscopic diagnosis of
parasitic diseases, an experienced microscopist
is required. The sensitivity of microscopic
history of the patient. While microscopic diagnosis is highly dependent on the level
demonstration of parasites remains the only of training and experience of a microscopist
tool available in resource poor settings, recent for accurate identification of the parasitic
developments in the diagnosis of parasitic agent. Specimen preparation for microscopic
infections provide promising alternatives. This examination can also be laborious and tedious
chapter will highlight new developments in when a lot of samples need to be examined
diagnostic parasitology. during epidemiologic investigations. Therefore,
in parasite endemic regions with limited
resources, misdiagnosis using the microscope
Microscopy as a tool to diagnose parasitic may compromise patient care.
diseases remains as the gold standard in most
laboratories especially in the diagnosis of
common helminth and protozoan infections. To o v e r c o m e p r o b l e m s r e l a t e d
It is simple as it allows direct detection of to microscopic examination of parasites,
parasites, and informative as morphologically immunodiagnostic techniques provide useful
distinct parasites are readily differentiated. alternatives. A number of immunodiagnostic
However, to achieve a good level of sensitivity, tests for parasitic infections are available that
microscopy requires high parasite density in detect either antigen or antibodies in clinical
the clinical specimen being examined. Parasites specimens. These include immunofluorescent
can be low in numbers during pre-patent and assay (IFA), enzyme-linked immunosorbent
chronic periods of infection, hence, microscopic assay (ELISA), hemagglutination test (HA),
examination may yield false negative results. and immunoblotting (dot blot). These methods
Parasite concentration techniques such as are also useful in monitoring response to
the FLOTAC method can be used prior to chemotherapy.
microscopic examination, but these require
A. Detection of Antibodies
additional equipment, supplies, and reagents.
In vitro culture methods may enhance recovery Tests to detect antibodies against the
of parasites; however, a biosafety cabinet parasite in question are used when biologic
and special culture media are required, and specimens do not permit microscopic diagnosis
results are not readily available. The use of an during chronic or asymptomatic infections.
ultraviolet (UV) fluorescent microscope can also They are also recommended in parasitic
improve detection of parasites in wet mount infections where direct identification of parasites
preparations. With fluorescence microscopy, in host deep tissues is not generally possible such
Cyclospora oocyts exhibit intense blue color as in toxoplasmosis or toxocariasis. Detection
in contrast to refractile spheres with distinct of antibodies is also a useful alternative in the
oocyst wall in bright field microscopy. While the diagnosis of cysticercosis or echinococcosis
application of fluorescent techniques increases where invasive techniques to obtain specimen
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 339

for diagnosis can pose some risk to the patient. A antigens as they provide a larger repertoire of
positive antibody test can be a useful indicator of antigens recognized by the immune system.
a recent infection if the patient has no previous However, different types of antigen preparation
exposure to the parasite prior to travel in an (such as native protein, purified peptides,
endemic area. In contrast, positive antibodies and recombinant proteins) may also produce
in a resident of an endemic area may reflect variable antibody results. The use of a mixture
either past or current infection with a specific of antigens can increase antibody detection but
parasite under consideration. Therefore, cross reactivity between parasite species cannot
parasite diagnosis based on positive antibodies be ruled out leading to false positive results.
can only be indicative of infection at some Given these limitations, the results of
indeterminate time and not necessarily current antibody tests in the diagnosis of parasitic
or acute infection. In addition, antibody tests infections must be interpreted with caution.
are useful when significant levels of antibodies The greatest utility of antibody tests is in
are produced with parasitic infections. In some investigating etiology of disease outbreaks and
people, parasitic infections may not stimulate in epidemiologic investigations to map foci of
antibody response or seroconversion may be disease transmission essential to institute control
delayed with onset of clinical symptoms. measures.
Antibody detection assays use whole There are a number of antibody tests
parasites from animal models or in vitro cultures available for the diagnosis of parasitic diseases at
or soluble crude extracts as antigens. Better the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
sensitivity is achieved with the use of these (CDC), USA (Table 7.4). There are only a few

Table 7.4. Antibody detection tests offered at CDC

Disease Organism Test

Amebiasis Entamoeba histolytica Enzyme immunoassay (EIA)
Babesiosis Babesia microti Immunofluorescence (IFA)
Babesia spp. WA1
Chagas disease Trypanosoma cruzi IFA
Cysticercosis Larval Taenia solium Immunoblot (Blot)
Echinococcosis Echinococcus granulosus EIA, Blot
Leishmaniasis Leishmania braziliensis IFA
L. donovani
L. tropica
Malaria Plasmodium falciparum IFA
P. malariae
P. ovale
P. vivax
Paragonimiasis Paragonimus westermani Blot
Schistosomiasis Schistosoma spp. FAST-ELISA
S. japonicum Immuno Blot
S. haematobium
S. mansoni
Strongyloidiasis Strongyloides stercoralis EIA
Toxocariasis Toxocara canis EIA
Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasma gondii IFA-IgG, EIA-IgM
Trichinellosis (Trichinosis) Trichinella spiralis EIA
(Source: Division of Parasitic Diseases, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
340 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

commercially available antibody detection tests available kits range from 93 to 100% when
to diagnose blood-borne parasitic infections used in clinical settings. Some EIA tests come
such as malaria and filariasis, intestinal parasitic in microplate format and are robust enough
diseases such as giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis, to detect Cryptosporidium antigens either
schistosomiasis, and cysticercosis. from fresh, frozen or preserved stool samples
B. Detection of Antigen
in either formalin or sodium acetate-acetic
acid-formalin (SAF). However, concentrated
A more sensitive and specific or polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-treated samples are
immunodiagnostic test to determine the not suitable for EIA testing. Combined antigen
disease status of patients is the detection of detection of either Cryptosporidium and Giardia
specific parasite antigens. Antigen detection or Cryptosporidium, Giardia and E. histolytica
in serum or whole blood (for blood parasites) are also commercially available as rapid
and in feces, urine, duodenal fluid or biopsy immunochromatographic assays in fresh or
specimens from the small intestine or urine preserved stool specimens. As the name implies,
(for intestinal parasites) is commonly achieved rapid tests have the advantage of quickest
by immunocapture utilizing two antibodies. turnaround time and the least requirement
The first antibody (either monoclonal or for an experienced laboratory personnel. They
polyclonal) is immobilized in a solid phase such also offer the convenience of multiple results
as a microtiter plate or nitrocellulose membrane. in one reaction device without the need for
This will capture the parasite antigen which special equipment. Both EIA and rapid test
is detected by the second antibody, usually a kits show good correlation with DFA, which is
monoclonal antibody labeled with an enzyme. reported to be the most sensitive and specific
A colored reaction is observed after the addition test in the diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis. It uses
of an enzyme substrate. Antigen detection a fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled
tests have quicker turnaround times than monoclonal antibody which detects antigens on
microscopy and do not require experienced the surface of Cryptosporidium oocysts in either
microscopists. To date, much research work concentrated or unconcentrated fecal samples.
has been achieved towards development and Pathogenic E. histolytica and commensal E.
optimization of parasite antigen tests that dispar are morphologically identical. Antigen
resulted in commercially available reagents/kits detection tests that differentiate the two species
for intestinal parasites such as Cryptosporidium eliminate unnecessary treatment of patients.
spp., E. histolytica, Giardia intestinalis, and Commercially available diagnostic kits are
Trichomonas vaginalis (Table 7.5). mostly enzyme-based assays using monoclonal
Several commercially available kits for antibodies that detect galactose adhesins of
the detection of Cryptosporidium antigens the pathogenic E. histolytica. The Techlab E.
come in different formats such as enzyme histolytica II specific for E. histolytica was found
immunoassay (EIA), direct immunofluorescence to be highly sensitive and specific by several
(DFA), or IFA. These kits detect either studies conducted in at least five countries in
Cryptosporidium alone, or combinations the world. A major drawback in using this kit
involving Cryptosporidium and Giardia or in the diagnosis of intestinal amebiasis is the
Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and E. histolytica. The requirement for fresh, unpreserved fecal sample.
choice of test will depend on particular need for Extraintestinal manifestations of amebiasis such
single tests in clinical settings or batch testing as amebic liver abscess (ALA) on the other hand
in epidemiological investigations or research. can be diagnosed by serology. Detection of Gal/
Sensitivities and specificities of commercially GalNac lectin antigen in serum provides early
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 341

Table 7.5. Commercially available parasite antigen detection tests

Organism Kit name Manufacturer-distributor Type of test

Cryptosporidium spp. Crypto CELISA Cellabs EIA
PARA-TECTTM Medical Chemical Corporation EIA
Cryptosporidium Antigen 96
ProSpect Rapid Remel EIA
ProSpect Remel EIA
Cryptosporidium Techlab EIA
Cryptosporidium Wampole EIA
Crypto CEL Cellabs IFA
XPect Crypto Remel Rapid
Cryptosporidium spp./ PARA-TECTTM Medical Chemical Corporation DFA
Giardia lamblia Cryptosporidium/ Giardia DFA 75
Merifluor Meridian DFA
ProSpectT Remel EIA
Crypto/ GiardiaCEL Cellabs IFA
ColorPAC* Becton Dickinson Rapid
ImmunoCard STAT!* Meridian Rapid
XPect Remel Rapid
Cryptosporidium spp./ Triage BioSite Rapid
Giardia lamblia/
Entamoeba histolytica/
Entamoeba dispar
Entamoeba histolytica Entamoeba CELISA Cellabs EIA
E. histolytica Wampole EIA
E. histolytica II Techlab EIA
Entamoeba histolytica/ ProSpect Remel EIA
Entamoeba dispar
Giardia duodenalis Giardia CELISA Cellabs EIA
Medical Chemical Corporation EIA
Antigen 96
Giardia II Techlab EIA
Giardia Wampole EIA
GiardiaEIA Antibodies, Inc EIA
Giardia CEL Cellabs IFA
ProSpecT Remel Rapid
Simple-Read Giardia Medical Chemical Corporation Rapid
Trichomonas vaginalis DFA
Latex Agglutination
Wuchereria bancrofti Filariasis CELISA Cellabs EIA
ICT Filariasis Binax Rapid
(Source: Division of Parasitic Diseases, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
342 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

diagnosis of ALA and can be used as a test of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET),
treatment efficacy. Additionally, the presence of and Scorpion primers.
lectin in saliva can also be used as a predictor The principle of real-time PCR using two
for invasive disease with the advantage of fluorescence chemistries is illustrated below:
noninvasive sample collection. The principle of SYBR Green detection
Commercially available immunodiagnostic in real-time PCR is outlined in Figure 7.1.
tests for diagnosis of giardiasis are in the The fluorescent dye SYBR Green is added to
same format as the diagnostic test kits for the the PCR mixture (1). SYBR Green is a DNA
diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis and amebiasis. binding dye that fluoresces strongly when
The same requirement for unpreserved stool bound to double-stranded DNA. At the start of
specimen applies for enzyme-based assays for the reaction, very little double-stranded DNA is
the diagnosis of giardiasis. Detection of Giardia present, and so the fluorescent signal detected
cysts by DFA assay employs FITC-labeled by the thermocycler is low (3). As the reaction
monoclonal antibody which is highly sensitive proceeds and PCR product accumulate, the
and specific compared to microscopy. amount of double-stranded DNA increases
and with it the fluorescence signal (4-5). The
Molecular Diagnosis
signal is only detectable during annealing and
Nucleic acid-based assays offer greater extension, since the denaturation step contains
sensitivity and specificity than the above predominantly single-stranded DNA (6).
mentioned tests. They allow for direct detection
of parasites in samples including those with
very low parasite load from asymptomatic
patients. The use of gene amplification
technology by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
detects nucleic acid sequences specific to the
parasite in question. This technique uses two
oligonucleotide primers which flank the parasite
target sequence and Taq polymerase. The process
involves successive cycles of DNA denaturation,
annealing of primers, and extension to generate
an exponential number of copies of the target
sequence using a thermocycler. The amplified
target is then analyzed by gel electrophoresis
or alternatively, by ELISA methods. Several
variations of the traditional PCR have been
developed to increase sensitivity such as nested
PCR where a second round of amplification
is introduced using a set of primers internal
to the target sequence; multiplex PCR using
parasite/species-specific primer sets to detect/
differentiate parasite/species simultaneously
in one reaction tube; and real-time PCR to Figure 7.1. SYBR Green detection in real-time PCR
(From da Silva A, Pieniazek N. Latest advances
quantify original template concentration by and trends in PCR-based diagnostic methods.
using various fluorescence chemistries such as In: Dionisio D, editor. Textbook-Atlas of Intestinal
SYBR Green, sequence-specific TaqMan probes, Infections in AIDS. Springer; 2003. p. 397-412.)
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 343

The principle of TaqMan real-time PCR Real-time PCR assays using SYBR Green
is depicted in Figure 7.2. The TaqMan probe are simpler and less expensive than TaqMan
is designed to be complementary to a specific probe assays. However, all fluorescence bound to
sequence spanned by the PCR primers. The double-stranded DNA are detected, including
TaqMan probe has a reporter dye at its 5’ end and primer-dimers and other PCR artifacts. Caution
a quencher dye at its 3’ end. As long as the probe should be exercised when analyzing data
is intact and the reporter and the quencher dyes resulting from this assay. To improve specificity,
are in close proximity, no fluorescence signal a melt/dissociation curve analysis should be
is emitted due to the quenching effect (black included to distinguish real PCR products
arrow in 1, 2, and 3) (1). After the annealing of from artifacts. Probe-based assays on the other
the TaqMan probe (2) and the primers (3), the hand, are highly specific and can detect multiple
primers are extended by the DNA polymerase. targets in one tube.
As the polymerase reaches the TaqMan probe, it Other new molecular approaches in the
uses its exonuclease activity to remove the probe diagnosis of parasitic diseases such as loop-
one nucleotide at the time (4). This releases the mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and
reporter from the proximity of the quencher and Luminex-based technologies are also currently
allows for the release of a fluorescence signal available. LAMP reactions are easier to set up
from the reporter (5). as they do not require extraction of parasite
DNA. The specimen of interest is mixed with
diagnostic primers, substrates, and DNA
polymerase capable of strand displacement
in a microcentrifuge tube. Large quantities
of pyrophosphate ions are produced during
the reaction forming white precipitates. The
resulting turbidity is proportional to the
amount of DNA synthesized which can be
measured in real-time or by the naked eye.
Unlike a conventional PCR, LAMP is carried
out at a constant temperature (usually 60-
65°C) therefore eliminating the need for a
thermocycler. LAMP can also be multiplexed
for simultaneous detection and differentiation
of parasite species. Because of its simplicity,
the use of LAMP technology in the diagnosis
of parasitic diseases in peripheral laboratories
shows promise.
The Luminex xMAP Technology is another
new method that allows for high throughput
diagnosis of parasitic diseases in large scale
studies, but is applicable only in central
laboratories. It is a bead-based flow cytometry
assay that allows for simultaneous detection of
Figure 7.2. TaqMan real-time PCR
(From da Silva A, Pieniazek N. Latest advances
different targets (parasite species or genotypes)
and trends in PCR-based diagnostic methods. in the same reaction using very low volumes.
In: Dionisio D, editor. Textbook-Atlas of Intestinal The microsphere beads are covalently bound
Infections in AIDS. Springer; 2003. p. 397-412.) to antigens, antibodies or oligonucleotides and
344 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

used as probes in the assay. This assay is very primers and TaqMan probes for E. histolytica
useful in parasite genetic diversity and drug and Giardia intestinalis were designed on a
resistant allele studies. small subunit ribosomal RNA gene, while
those of Cryptosporidium spp. were designed on
Molecular Diagnosis of Stool Specimens
Cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein (COWP).
At the CDC, both conventional and real- This assay was found sensitive and specific when
time PCR analysis are currently used to detect validated with clinical specimens.
Cryptosporidium spp., Cyclospora cayetanensis, Another multiplex real-time PCR assay
E. histolytica, and E. dispar, while conventional using primers and probes targeting the
PCR is used to detect Giardia duodenalis and cytochrome C oxidase gene of Schistosoma can
microsporidia. DNA is extracted from fecal detect and quantify two important species (S.
samples and diagnostic primers are used to mansoni and S. haematobium) in fecal samples.
amplify target gene or sequence. Amplification Real-time PCR cycle threshold (CT) values
products of conventional PCR are loaded in representing parasite/species DNA extracted
agarose gels and analysed. Real-time PCR, on from fecal material show good correlation with
the other hand, measures the fluorescence signal egg counts of S. mansoni in stool and egg counts
in the reaction tube per cycle and is proportional of S. haematobium in urine.
to the amount of accumulated amplified Recently, a rapid diagnostic multiplex PCR
product. The concentration of amplified DNA (RD-PCR) to distinguish S. haematobium,
is measured by comparing it to a standard curve. causing human schistosomiasis from S. bovis,
A TaqMan-based real-time PCR has been causing schistosomiasis in cattle was developed.
developed and validated at the CDC which There is a sympatric occurrence of these two
differentiates Cryptosporidium hominis from species in Africa and they have the ability to
Cryptosporidium parvum. The assay combines infect the same intermediate snail host, Bulinus,
a generic TaqMan assay which targets the 18S thus, there is a need for a reliable method to
rRNA to detect Cryptosporidium species and differentiate the larval stages of the parasite.
two other TaqMan assays to identify C. hominis This assay uses a single forward primer and
and C. parvum. The generic TaqMan assay two species-specific reverse primers targeting
can detect one to 10 oocysts in a 300 µL stool the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COX 1)
specimen, and the two species-specific TaqMan mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) which gives a
assays are ten-fold more sensitive. These are 306 bp PCR product for S. bovis and 543 bp
valuable tools in outbreak investigations of PCR product for S. haematobium.
cryptosporidiosis. Several molecular methods of detection
A single-tube multiprobe real-time PCR and differentiation of Taenia species in stool
assay can simultaneously detect the pathogenic samples have been developed. These include
E. histolytica and the non-pathogenic E. dispar. PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism
The assay uses two species-specific probes (PCR-RFLP), multiplex PCR targeting
encompassing new SSU RNA regions of the mitochondrial DNA, and nested PCR method
ribosomal DNA-containing episome. It is a targeting Tso31 gene encoding the T. solium
highly sensitive assay capable of detecting one oncosphere-specific protein. A simple but highly
Entamoeba per mL of feces and is therefore sensitive and specific LAMP technology, on the
more sensitive than a conventional nested other hand, targets COX 1 and cathepsin L-like
PCR method. A multiplex real-time PCR cysteine peptidase (clp) genes for differential
assay can simultaneously detect E. histolytica, detection of Taenia species. This method utilizes
Giardia intestinalis and Cryptosporidium spp. a Bst DNA polymerase with strand replacement
in one tube using parasite-specific probes. The activity and four primers that recognize six
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 345

sequences on the target DNA under isothermal filarial antigens are detected by either ELISA
conditions. DNA prepared from proglottids, or immunochromatographic test (ICT). Several
cysticerci, and fecal samples of taeniasis patients PCR-based assays are available to diagnose
can be used for this assay. malaria or Bancroftian filariasis separately. In
areas where the two parasitic diseases are co-
Molecular Diagnosis of Blood Specimens
endemic, a multiplex PCR assay can be used
A highly sensitive multiplex real-time PCR to simultaneously detect P. falciparum and W.
assay has been shown to detect the five human bancrofti in humans and a real-time multiplex
Plasmodium species (P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. quantitative PCR assay to detect P. falciparum
malariae, P. ovale, and P. knowlesi) in a single and W. bancrofti or P. vivax and W. bancrofti in
reaction tube even in samples with very low mosquitoes. Recently, a multiplex, post-PCR
parasitemia. This method has been optimized oligonucleotide ligation detection reaction-
for the detection of mixed infections with the fluorescent microsphere assay (LDR-FMA)
increased sensitivity of detecting minor species was developed for simultaneous detection of
by using species-specific forward primers in four Plasmodium spp. and W. bancrofti in
combination with a conserved reverse primer. blood samples. This methodology is very useful
It also provides great advantage over standard in the conduct of large scale epidemiologic
microscopy as it allows quick turnaround investigations in areas where malaria and
time and reduces cost per assay in large scale Bancroftian filariasis are co-endemic.
investigations. Multiplex real-time PCR can also PCR-based assays are capable of detecting
be used in differentiating drug-sensitive from very low parasite loads, making them more
drug-resistant strains of Plasmodium, important sensitive methods of diagnosis. Their quick
in instituting malaria treatment. turnaround times offer the benefit of early
LAMP technology was recently used in diagnosis and treatment of patients. Efficacy
the diagnosis of malaria by targeting the 18S of treatment can be monitored as a decrease in
rRNA gene to simultaneously detect the four parasite DNA concentrations by quantitative
human Plasmodium species. When compared to real-time PCR; however, results should be
nested PCR in the diagnosis of malaria, LAMP interpreted with caution as they may not
demonstrated a similar level of sensitivity, necessarily mean non-viability of the parasite in
greater specificity, and a faster turnaround time. question. The chances of false negatives due to
Three LAMP assays based on SAG1, presence of PCR inhibitors that may be present
SAG2, and B1 genes of Toxoplasma gondii are in blood and other clinical specimens and false
highly specific and sensitive, and allow rapid positives due to carry-over contamination
detection of active toxoplasmosis compared should not be overlooked. In this regard, proper
to conventional nested PCR. The lowest standardization procedures are needed for more
limit of detection of these LAMP assays is 0.1 reliable and reproducible results. Without these,
tachyzoite, and they do not cross react with PCR-based assays cannot be routinely used and
DNA of other parasites. may be limited to in-house research use only.
Malaria and lymphatic filariasis are co-
Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs)
endemic in many tropical and sub-tropical
regions such as Southeast Asia, Western Pacific, While molecular-based assays show
Africa, South and Central America. As such, excellent sensitivity, specificity, and rapidity
other diagnostic tests have been developed than other methods of diagnosis of parasitic
to complement microscopic examination of diseases, their use is still uncommon in daily
stained blood smears to detect Plasmodium laboratory practice especially in rural endemic
spp. and Wuchereria bancrofti. Circulating areas where cases of parasitic infections are
346 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

concentrated. Early diagnosis and treatment of stool, urine or other body fluids. These assays
any parasitic disease are essential components employ immunochromatographic methods in
of control programs, hence the continued lateral flow devices where results are available
development of diagnostic tests that can within 15 minutes. They do not require skilled
be performed on site without the need for microscopists but provide accurate diagnosis
electricity, sophisticated equipment, or extensive in a timely manner important for prompt and
training of laboratory personnel. The use of appropriate treatment.
Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) therefore has
A. RDTs for malaria
great potential in improving diagnostic accuracy
of parasitic infections in field settings that still A malaria RDT (Figure 7.3) is a lateral flow
rely on the microscope. immunochromatographic device that detects
RDTs use antibodies (monoclonal or protein [antigen (Ag)] derived from the blood
polyclonal) to detect parasite antigens in blood, stage of malaria parasites. Blood is usually

Figure 7.3. Mode of action of antigen-detecting malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs)
(From Bell D, Wongsrichanalai C, Barnwell JW. Ensuring quality and access for malaria diagnosis: how
can it be achieved? Nat Rev Microbiol. 2006 4(9 Suppl):S7-20.)
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 347

obtained from a finger prick, in a similar way test kits detect pLDH from all four species of
to that usually used for malaria microscopy. A Plasmodium and can differentiate falciparum
small sample of blood, usually 5 to 20 μL, is from non-falciparum species but not between
placed on the RDT strip, or in a well of the P. malariae, P. vivax, and P. ovale. Newer RDTs
cassette or card test device, and lysed to release developed can detect both PfHRP-2 and pLDH
the Ag from within red blood cells and parasites at the same time.
from within these cells (a variable amount of To date, over 50 brands of malaria RDTs
Ag is also present in the serum). After several are manufactured, and over 150 products are
minutes, the test produces a series of visible commercially available. RDTs for malaria are
lines to signal the presence or absence of Ag in easier to perform than the standard microscopy
the blood sample by the mechanism outlined and have great potential to accurately diagnose
below. (a) Dye-labelled antibody (Ab), specific malaria in endemic areas. Several malaria
for the target Ag, is present on the lower end RDTs have been tested in the field, and good
of the nitrocellulose strip, or in a well provided levels of sensitivity have been achieved with
by a casing covering the strip. Ab, specific for parasitemia levels of >100 parasites/µL blood.
another epitope on the target Ag, is bound to However, sensitivity drops when parasitemia is
the strip in a thin (test) line, and Ab specific for <100 parasites/µL. Failure to detect cases with
the labelled Ab is bound at the control line; (b) very high parasitemias have been reported.
Blood and buffer, which have been placed on Variability in performance of commercially
the strip or in the well, are mixed with labelled available RDTs in the field have been found
Ab and are drawn up the strip across the lines to be influenced by several factors such as kit
of bound Ab; (c) If Ag is present, labelled Ab transport and storage conditions (sensitive to
will be trapped on the test line. Other labelled extreme temperature and humidity), quality of
Ab is trapped on the control line. If sufficient manufacture, and variability in interpretation
labelled Ab accumulates, the dye labels will of results by laboratory personnel. Generally,
become visible to the naked eye as a narrow line. HRP-2 based assays demonstrate comparable
RDTs for malaria detect either P. falciparum sensitivity to good quality microscopy, and
histidine-rich protein 2 (PfHRP-2), a water other factors affecting their performance have
soluble protein specific to P. falciparum, been recently investigated. Genetic diversity
or parasite lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH) of PfHRP-2 gene was determined and it was
produced by all four Plasmodium species. found that the deduced amino acid sequences
PfHRP-2 is synthesized throughout the asexual are highly polymorphic in different isolates. The
life cycle of the parasite and identified as a number and sequence of specific repeats present
surface-exposed protein in infected red blood in PfHRP-2 vary widely; therefore, the epitopes
cells. It is also found circulating in the peripheral recognized by the monoclonal antibodies
blood of infected individuals, hence a good specific to HRP also vary between isolates.
target for the diagnosis of P. falciparum. HRP-2 Additionally, it was found that monoclonal
based kits however, cannot be used to monitor antibodies raised against PfHRP-2 can also
treatment efficacy as HRP-2 stays in circulation bind to PfHRP-3 which raises its potential
for as long as two weeks after parasite clearance. role in the performance of HRP-based RDTs.
While pLDH (an intracellular metabolic Despite extensive global sequence variation in
enzyme produced by both asexual and sexual PfHRP-2, no statistically robust correlation
stages of malaria parasites) does not persist in between gene structure and RDT detection rate
the blood, it may provide a good indication of for P. falciparum parasites at 200 parasites/µL
parasite clearance following treatment. Current blood was identified. However, a more recent
348 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

investigation in the Amazon region of Peru disease is endemic. Evaluation of ES33-MICT

found that a large proportion of P. falciparum showed 94.5% sensitivity and 96% specificity in
isolates lack PfHRP-2 and PfHRP-3. This detecting taeniasis, while ES38-MICT showed
finding implies that HRP-2 based RDTs will 93.9% sensitivity and 98.9% specificity in
fail to detect a significant proportion of P. detecting cysticercosis.
falciparum in malaria endemic areas in Peru Diagnosis of schistosomiasis relies heavily
and should therefore not be used. Instead, on stool Kato-Katz technique which can
pLDH-based RDTs and quality microscopy be cumbersome when performing disease
are recommended for the diagnosis of malaria surveillance and mapping for large scale
in the area. control programs. The use of RDT as an
In malaria endemic areas, mixed infections alternative method to estimate prevalence
with P. falciparum and P. vivax are not and intensity of infection is now undergoing
uncommon; therefore a combination RDT field evaluation. One commercially available
kit is a more appropriate diagnostic method. RDT to diagnose schistosomiasis detects the
The Care StartTM Malaria-HRP-2/pLDH presence of circulating cathodic antigen (CCA)
(Pf/Pan) Combo Test is a three-band RDT in urine. This method eliminates the need for
that can detect both PfHRP-2 and pan-pLDH a fecal sample which is more difficult to collect
from infected blood. It is a lateral flow antigen from patients. A positive association between
detection test in a cassette format. The presence increasing intensity of CCA urine-dipstick test
of an HRP-2 line indicates infection with P. band and fecal egg count was observed; however,
falciparum, and the presence of a pan-pLDH difficulty in assigning trace reactions as putative
line indicates infection with one or more of negative or putative positive infection was
the non-P. falciparum species. The presence of encountered. Overall diagnostic sensitivity of
both HRP-2 and pan-pLDH lines indicates this CCA urine-dipstick is 87.7% and specificity
mixed infection with P. falciparum and one is 68.1%, a useful supplement to Kato-Katz
or more of the non-P. falciparum species. A examination for the rapid detection of intestinal
recent evaluation of this improved RDT against schistosomiasis.
microscopy and PCR-diagnosed blood samples Visceral leishmaniasis is commonly
showed good levels of detection for P. falciparum diagnosed by microscopic identification of
and P. vivax and poor levels of detection for P. the parasite in bone marrow, spleen, or lymph
malariae and P. ovale. node aspirates. In field settings, this method
is unsuitable. The development of a rapid
B. RDTs for other parasites
diagnostic test using rK39 antigen to detect
A magnetic immunochromatographic Leishmania antibodies revolutionized the
test (MICT) to detect taeniasis caused by the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis in the Indian
adult worm of the cestode Taenia solium and subcontinent. However, the same high level of
neurocysticercosis caused by the larval forms sensitivity and specificity of the rK39-based
has been developed based on two specific T. RDT cannot be achieved when the test was
solium excretory-secretory proteins, ES33, used in the African subcontinent. To address this
and ES38. This test detects antibodies against issue, another rK38 polyprotein-based RDT
human T. solium and can be used as a point-of- was developed which when tested in Sudan and
care case detection or confirmation. This assay Bangladesh demonstrated a much improved
is also a useful tool in identifying tapeworm performance than the rK39-based RDT.
carriers that must be treated to ensure success This new RDT was found to be an excellent
of control programs in communities where the serodiagnostic tool and has great potential in
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 349

simplifying diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis technology in the diagnosis of several parasites

at the point-of-care. such as Entamoeba, Trypanosoma, Taenia,
Plasmodium, and Cryptosporidium, and current
C. Towards New and Improved Technologies
studies show very promising results.
Previous experiences in the use of RDTs Development of new and improved
for malaria diagnosis have documented diagnostics is a fast evolving field; therefore, it is
thermostability as one critical factor affecting expected that in the very near future, diagnosis
variability of their performance in the field. of parasitic diseases can be done with ease
Majority of commercially available RDTs were and confidence at the point-of-care requiring
developed for storage and use at 25-30°C, minimal training.
but are used in malaria endemic areas where
ambient temperatures are much higher. As a
result, thermolabile reagents such as antigen- Baker J, Ho MF, Pelecanos A, Gatton M, Chen
detecting antibodies in RDT kits are degraded N, Abdullah S, et al. Global sequence
resulting in poor performance. To overcome variation in the histidine-rich proteins 2
these problems, research is currently on-going and 3 of P. Falciparum: implications for
to find alternative thermostable reagents. The the performance of malaria rapid diagnostic
feasibility of using a shark antibody platform tests. Malar J. 2010;9:129.
to develop diagnostic reagents that are robust Belizario VY Jr, Pasay CJ, Bersabe MJ, de Leon
in higher ambient temperatures is currently WU, Guerrero DM, Bugaoisan VM. Field
under investigation. Shark antibodies consist of evaluation of malaria rapid diagnostic
only one variable domain, unlike mammalian tests for the diagnosis of P. falciparum and
antibodies, but they are fully functional. The non-P. falciparum infections. Southeast
single domain is a stable polypeptide harboring Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2005;
a full antigen-binding capacity comparable to 26(3):552–61.
more common antibody types. Shark antibodies Bell D, Wongsrichanalai C, Barnwell JW.
show high target specificity and high affinity Ensuring quality and access for malaria
for their target. But more importantly, they diagnosis: how can it be achieved? Nat Rev
are extremely stable and could possibly be the Microbiol. 2006;4(9 Suppl):S7–20.
ultimate solution to overcome the problems da Silva A, Pieniazek N. Latest advances and
encountered with thermolabile antibodies trends in PCR-based diagnostic methods.
currently used in many RDTs. In: Dionisio D, editor. Textbook-atlas of
Another promising molecular diagnostic intestinal infections in AIDS. Milan (Italy):
tool in the diagnosis of parasitic diseases is Springer; 2003. p. 397–412.
the LAMP assay which is a highly sensitive Foundation for New and Innovative Diagnostics
and specific test that does not require purified (FIND) [Internet]. 2011 [cited 2012
DNA (permits diagnosis directly on patient’s Mar 3]. Available from http://www.
sample), can be ran in a single temperature
(eliminates the need for a thermocycler), allows Gamboa D, Ho MF, Bendezu J, Torres K,
simultaneous detection of parasites in a single Chiodini PL, Barnwell JW, et al. A large
tube when multiplexed (reduces chances of proportion of P. falciparum isolates in the
contamination), rapid (results in less than 40 Amazon region of Peru lack pfhrp2 and
minutes), and results can be read with the pfhrp3: implications for malaria diagnostic
naked eye (user friendly and applicable in the tests. PLoS ONE. 2010;5(1):e8091.
field). Recently, parasitologists have adapted this
350 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Han ET, Watanabe R, Sattabongkot J, Mehlotra RK, Gray LR, Blood-Zikursh MJ,
Khuntirat B, Sirichaisinthop J, Iriko Kloos Z, Henry-Halldin CN, Tisch DJ, et
H, et al. Detection of four Plasmodium al. Short report: Molecular-based assay for
species by genus- and species-specific loop- simultaneous detection of four Plasmodium
mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) spp. and Wuchereria bancrofti infection.
for clinical diagnosis. J Clin Microbiol. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2010;82(6):1030–3.
2007;45(8):2521–8. Ndao M. Diagnosis of parasitic diseases: old
Handali S, Klarman M, Gaspard AN, and new approaches [Internet]. Interdiscip
Dong XF, Laborde R, Noh J, et al. Perspect Infect Dis. 2009 [cited 2012
Development and evaluation of a magnetic Mar 3];2009:278246. Available from
immunochromatographic test to detect
Taenia solium, which causes taeniasis and ipid/2009/278246.html.
neurocysticercosis in humans. Clin Vac Nkouwa A, Sako Y, Nakaao M, Nakaya K, Ito
Immunol. 2010;17(4):631–7. A. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification
Haque R, Shantanu R, Siddique A, Mondal U, method for the differentiation and rapid
Rahman SM, Mondal D, et al. Multiplex detection of Taenia species. J Clin Micro.
real time PCR for the detection of 2010;47(1):168–74.
Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia intestinalis Oddoux O, Debourgogne A, Kantele A,
and Cryptosporidium spp. Am J Trop Med Kocken CH, Jokiranta TS, Vedy S, et al.
Hyg. 2007;76(4):713–7. Identification of the five human Plasmodium
Jothikumar N, da Silva AJ, Moura I, species including P. knowlesi by real-time
Qvarnstrom Y, Hill VR. Detection polymerase chain reaction. Eur J Clin
and differentiation of Cryptosporidium Microbiol Infect Dis. 2011;30(4):597–601.
hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum by Pattabhi S, Whittle J, Mohamath R, El-Safi S,
dual Taqman assays. J Med Microbiol. Moulton GG, Guderian JA, et al. Design,
2008;57(Pt 9):1099–105. development and evaluation of rK28-based
Lau YL, Meganathan P, Sonaimuthu P, point-of-care tests for improving rapid
Thiruvengadam G, Nissapatorn V, Chen diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis. PLoS
Y. Specific, sensitive and rapid detection Negl Trop Dis. 2010;4(9):e822.
of active toxoplasmosis in patients by loop- Shokoples SE, Ndao M, Kowalewska-
mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) Grochowska K, Yanow SK. Multiplexed
method in blood samples. J Clin Microbiol. real-time PCR assay for discrimination
2010;48(10):3698–702. of Plasmodium species with improved
Liang SY, Hsia KT, Chan YH, Fan CK, Jiang sensitivity for mixed infections. J Clin
DD, Landt O, et al. Evaluation of a new Microbiol. 2009;47(4):975–80.
single-tube multiprobe real-time PCR for Standley C, Lwambo N, Lange C, Kariuki
the diagnosis of E. histolytica and E. dispar. H, Adiko M, Stothard J. Performance of
J Parasitol. 2010;96(4):793–7. circulating cathodic antigen (CCA) urine-
Maltha J, Gillet P, Bottieau E, Cnops L, van dipsticks for rapid detection of intestinal
Esbroeck M, Jacobs J. Evaluation of a rapid schistosomiasis in schoolchildren from
diagnostic test (CareStartTM Malaria HRP- shoreline communities of Lake Victoria.
2/pLDH (Pf/pan) Combo Test for the Parasit Vectors. 2001;3(1):7.
diagnosis of malaria in a reference setting.
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ten Hove RJ, Verweij JJ, Vereecken K, Polman Senegal. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg.
K, Dieye L, van Lieshout L. Multiplex 2008;102(2):179–85.
real-time PCR for the detection and Webster BL, Rollinson D, Stothard JR,
quantification of Schistosoma mansoni Huyse T. Rapid diagnostic multiplex PCR
and Schistosoma haematobium infection (RD-PCR) to discriminate Schistosoma
in stool samples collected in Northern haematobium and S. bovis. J Helminthol.
2010; 84(1):107–14.
352 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Quality Assurance in a Parasitology Laboratory

Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Winifreda U. de Leon,
Serafin O. Malecosio, Jr., June Rose A. Naig

Q uality assurance (QA) refers to a system in

which there is a continuous improvement
in reliability, efficiency, and utilization of
testing, and the results are compared
to the standard. It gives an objective
measure of the laboratory performance
laboratory services. It encompasses all factors and it is cost-effective.
that affect laboratory performance such as 2. Rechecking or retesting, in which
procedure manuals; quality control for tests the slides that have been read are
reagents, and equipment; workload; work rechecked or samples that have been
place conditions; training and laboratory staff analyzed are retested by the reference
support. It is an important part of the operations laboratory. It is useful when it is
in clinical laboratory practice, which could be difficult to prepare samples to test all
attained through: of the testing process. It is expensive
and uses considerable staff time.
A. Internal Quality Control (IQC), in
3. On-site evaluation is done when it
which a set of procedures is utilized by
is difficult to conduct traditional
laboratory personnel in the assessment
proficiency testing or to use the
of their laboratory work. Internal
rechecking/retesting method. It is
quality control allows the laboratory
expensive, and requires staff time and
to look at its own processes, ensures
travel time.
that the staff performed the test to the
best of their ability with utmost care. QA in a diagnostic parasitology laboratory
It can be done frequently as needed, is a guarantee of reliability of the results obtained
and it is more economical compared in the diagnosis of parasitic infections. Its main
to external quality control. objective is to make sure that the laboratory
B. External Quality Assessment (EQA), produces reliable, relevant, and reproducible
in which there is an objective and results based on generally agreed principles
periodic assessment of the laboratory and using accepted criteria. Accurate laboratory
performance by an outside party diagnosis of parasitic infections provides a sound
or agency. External quality control basis for the provision of appropriate treatment,
provides early warning for systematic as well as a basis for formulation of health policy
problems in laboratory processes, (Figure 7.4).
indicates areas that need improvement, The components of quality assurance,
identifies training needs, provides which are important in producing reliable
objective evidence of testing quality, results, include the proficiency of laboratory
and allows comparison of performance personnel and the use of standardized
and results among different test sites. techniques. The standard techniques start from
the choice of procedure and reagents, collection
The three types of external quality
of parasitologic samples (stool, urine, blood,
assessment are:
orifice swabs, aspirates, etc.) to the proper
1. Proficiency testing, in which unknown processing of the specimen, accurate reading,
samples are sent to the laboratory for and correct reporting of results.
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 353

Proficiency in the diagnosis of of the hierarchical status, should strive and

parasitic infections be responsible in achieving quality. Current
laboratory status should be made, deficiencies
Accurate diagnosis and identified, and appropriate steps initiated.
reporting On the other hand, in the External QAP, a
clinical laboratory is required to participate
Quality data and evidence in the National External Quality Assessment
Appropriate treatment
for policy planning Scheme (NEQAS) administered by designated
National Reference Laboratories (NRLs). The
NEQAS is a schematic quality assessment
Control and prevention of parasitic diseases
of laboratory processes using materials of
known but undisclosed results through an
Figure 7.4. A flowchart showing the importance
of ensuring quality of laboratory diagnosis of external agency. It is conducted to ensure that
parasitic infections laboratory procedures are done in accordance
with standards, and that laboratory results are
Quality Assurance Program for Parasitology
accurate and within the standard range for
quality health care. The Research Institute of
A number of quality assurance programs Tropical Medicine (RITM) is the reference
for parasitology have been established in laboratory designated to conduct NEQAS in
different countries, and one good example parasitology laboratories.
is the United Kingdom National External
Three Stages of Quality Assurance in a
Quality Assurance Scheme (UKNEQAS) for
Parasitology Laboratory
Parasitology. It has raised the level of awareness
on parasitic infections in UK laboratory practice The QA in a clinical laboratory encompasses
by highlighting problem areas and providing the entirety of the testing process beginning with
focused teaching/training. The UKNEQAS was a clinician ordering a test and ending with the
designed to improve the diagnosis of parasitic clinician interpreting the results. All activities
disease by examination of samples from patients necessary to produce accurate results are part
with parasitic infections, to provide teaching of quality assurance. It is divided into three
material illustrating unusual or uncommon stages, namely, pre-analytical, analytical, and
parasites, and to target areas where a particularly post-analytical stage. The pre-analytical stage
poor performance was noted. At present, the includes activities performed before the actual
UKNEQAS has the following sub-schemes: laboratory procedure that influence the quality
(a) fecal parasitology, including extra-intestinal of laboratory results. These activities include:
parasites; (b) blood parasitology, including the training of personnel conducting the
tissue parasites; (c) Toxoplasma serology; and test; preparation of a patient before specimen
(d) the teaching sub-scheme. collection; specimen collection; specimen
In the Philippines, every clinical laboratory quality and volume; and specimen handling and
is required to have a quality assurance program labeling. The analytical stage includes technical
(QAP) as a requirement for procurement of or laboratory procedures performed to produce
license. The QAP shall include an Internal accurate test results. It covers routine work
and External Quality Assessment Program. In organization, the type of test and reagents, the
the Internal QAP, implementation of internal state of the equipment, and standard operating
quality control measures should be ensured in procedures. It also includes all aspects of quality
each laboratory. Laboratory staff, regardless control including corrective measures to be done
354 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

when inaccuracies in the results are identified. Procedure Manual

The post-analytical stage includes proper
A procedure manual must be made available
and accurate reporting of results. It includes
to the laboratory personnel for reference. This
organization of recording, reporting, and
should contain the following information:
interpretation of results, and speed of reporting.
Personnel 1. Instructions for proper collection and
handling of samples
The laboratory supervisor has overall 2. Information on when to reject
responsibility for QA in a diagnostic parasitology parasitologic sample (e.g., inadequate
laboratory. The qualifications of the supervisor amount of specimen, specimen not
must be consistent with the existing policies labeled with full name or ID number,
on the operation of a clinical laboratory. The improperly preserved specimen, etc.)
supervisor should ensure that: 3. Preparation of reagents and solutions
4. Detailed description of techniques
1. A procedure manual is available
5. Criteria for identification of parasites
2. Records are properly kept
6. Quality control procedures
3. Controls are available for diagnostic
7. Reporting and interpretation of results
8. General safety precautions (e.g.,
4. Equipment and instruments (e.g.,
use of gloves, laboratory gown,
microscopes, incubators, centrifuges,
proper disposal of specimens, and
etc.) are properly functioning and
proper handling of inflammable and
hazardous reagents, etc.)
5. Clerical and analytical errors (if
committed) are corrected In a study that assessed the quality assurance
6. Unusual laboratory results (e.g., of a number of clinical laboratories in Iloilo,
uncommon parasites, unusual Philippines, 65.5% of laboratories visited were
antibody titers, etc.) are checked shown not to have any manual of procedures
7. Standardized procedures are being available as reference.
followed in the laboratory
Instruments and Equipment
All laboratory personnel should be trained
A diagnostic parasitology laboratory must
on the different aspects of running a parasitology
be adequately equipped in order to guarantee
laboratory. The person in charge of providing
efficiency. As in any laboratory, preventive
instructions to the patient must be familiar with
maintenance of instruments and equipment
all aspects of specimen collection including
must be routinely done. This will ensure that
preparation of the patient, specimen collection
all instruments and equipment are in good
times, sample quality and volume, condition
condition and are properly functioning.
of specimen container, use of preservatives,
The most important instrument used
and proper labeling. Laboratory staff must
in a diagnostic parasitology laboratory is the
be familiar with the appropriate diagnostic
microscope. It needs constant care to keep it
procedures to be used for each type of specimen
in good working condition. The alignment
and parasite, and must be competent in
of the condenser must be regularly checked.
morphologic recognition and differentiation
The microscope must be protected from dust,
of parasites.
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 355

vibration, and moisture. Heat and humidity can Reagents

lead to fungal growth, which can damage the
In practice, not all reagents in a parasitology
lenses. The lenses should be cleaned regularly
laboratory require periodic review; however,
using lens tissue and not other types of tissues
antigens, stains, and fixatives should be checked
that may scratch the lenses. Desiccants should
prior to use. Reagents for concentration
be placed in the microscope cabinets to prevent
techniques like zinc sulfate solution may require
accumulation of moisture.
checking of specific gravity, while the pH of
In the identification of protozoan cysts
buffer reagents may also have to be checked.
in particular, size is taken into consideration.
All reagents must be properly labeled, and
It is recommended that microscopes should
must have preparation and expiration dates. It
be calibrated using an ocular and a stage
is also wise to remember which reagents must
be kept in sealed containers or dark bottles
A stereoscopic microscope should also be
to prevent degradation. Special precautions
available in a diagnostic parasitology laboratory
must be observed in handling and storing of
for easier examination of large specimens such
explosive chemicals like phenol crystals, as
as adult worms and worm segments, as well as
well as flammable solvents like xylene, ether,
and acetone.
In most concentration techniques,
If reagents are purchased commercially, lot
centrifugation is necessary. Centrifuges must
and/or batch numbers must be properly noted.
also be calibrated for appropriate speed.
Overstocking of commercially prepared staining
Properly calibrated balancing tubes at opposite
solutions for blood parasites must be avoided.
buckets are strongly recommended to prevent
The quality of the stain can be checked by using
damage to the centrifuge and breakage of test
a positive slide as control at least once with
tubes. The inner walls of the centrifuge must be
every new batch of stain. The use of control
wiped with antiseptic after each use.
reagents is strongly recommended particularly
Temperature of refrigerators, incubators,
in seroimmunodiagnosis.
water baths, and freezers must be regularly
checked using a standard thermometer. A good Appropriate Parasitologic Techniques
diagnostic parasitology laboratory should also
The use of appropriate parasitologic
have a fume hood where the use of volatile or
techniques in the laboratory will help ensure
toxic chemicals for diagnostic procedures such
accuracy of results from diagnostic procedures.
as ether and formalin should be done.
The choice of laboratory technique may
Additional items that may be needed in
depend on what is being considered as part
a parasitology laboratory include pH meter,
of differential diagnosis and what particular
differential counter, and glassware (e.g.,
purpose the laboratory examination is being
microscope slides, volumetric flasks, beakers,
requested for. For instance, diarrheic stools that
funnels, drop bottles, pipettes, test tubes).
might contain Entamoeba histolytica or Giardia
Chipped glassware must be properly discarded.
duodenalis may be best examined using direct
With the increasing problem on parenterally-
fecal smear. A number of intestinal helminths
transmitted organisms (e.g., Hepatitis B virus,
are better demonstrated using modified Kato
HIV, malaria), the use of disposables like gloves,
thick smear method than by direct fecal smear.
syringes, and needles is also recommended.
Routine parasitologic screening and diagnosis
356 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

in health centers and hospitals may make use Reporting

of combined direct fecal smear and modified
Results of an examination done in the
Kato thick smear method to increase the
laboratory must be regarded as confidential
chances of catching true intestinal parasitic
information between the laboratory and the
infections. Food handlers are best screened using
requesting physician. All laboratory requests
formalin-ether/ethyl acetate concentration
together with the results must be properly
technique (FECT) than by direct fecal smear or
kept in a logbook or a worksheet which can
modified Kato thick smear method. Modified
only be accessed by authorized personnel. The
Kinyoun stain may better demonstrate intestinal
date of examination and reporting of results
coccidian infections. A clinical trial using
should also be properly recorded. Qualifying
new anthelminthics against soil-transmitted
statements regarding the quality of specimen
helminth or schistosome infections benefits
such as “inadequately preserved when received
most from the use of Kato-Katz method that
in the laboratory” or “contaminated with water
allows quantitative diagnosis in terms of egg
and urine” should also be noted.
counts. Control programs for soil-transmitted
In the reporting of results, the complete
helminth and schistosome infections may utilize
name (i.e., genus and species) of the parasite
Kato-Katz method to demonstrate baseline and
must be mentioned and specific stage/s (e.g.,
follow-up parasitologic parameters (Table 7.6).
ova, larvae, adults, cysts, trophozoites, etc.)
All the health center laboratories in Iloilo,
must also be indicated. The presence of
Philippines utilize direct fecal smear (DFS)
Charcot-Leyden crystals (CLCs) and budding
technique for parasitological diagnosis, while
yeast cells must be noted. CLCs indicate an
only 3.7% of health center laboratories made
eosinophil response and are usually associated
use of Kato thick smear method, Kato-Katz
with allergic or parasitic disease. There is no
method or FECT.
common convention for the reporting units
Table 7.6. Recommended stool examination of CLCs. It is reasonable to report them on
techniques for specific situations presence/absence basis only. Likewise, the
presence of macrophages, eosinophils, and
Recommended stool polymorphonuclears is important information
Specific situation
examination technique
for a clinician. Quantitative reporting of fecal
Routine clinic/hospital Direct fecal smear and
stool examination modified Kato thick method
leukocytes per high power field is recommended
Examination of Direct fecal smear
(WBC/HPF). However, caution must be taken
diarrheic stools because fecal leukocytes could be mistaken for
Screening of food Formalin-ether/ethyl acetate amebae.
handlers concentration technique
Screening of Formalin-ether/ethyl acetate
Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Parasitic Infections
Overseas Filipino concentration technique
Workers Laboratory diagnosis of parasitic infections
Soil-transmitted Kato-Katz technique plays an important role in the early detection
helminthiasis / of disease. In the Philippines, the diagnosis of
surveillance parasitic infections is still much dependent on
Epidemiologic Direct fecal smear, modified the ova and parasite (O and P) examinations.
investigations Kato thick method, In some instances, artifacts such as fungal
Kato-Katz technique, and
formalin-ether/ethyl acetate spore, mite egg, plant cell, and pollen grain are
concentration technique mistaken as parasite ova. Other artifacts like
(depending on the
parasitic infections being plant hair can be confused as helminth larvae.
investigated) Howell-Jolly bodies and nucleated red blood
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 357

cells are sometimes misidentified as malaria 7.8–7.15). These practices lead to inaccurate
parasites. Fungal spores of Helicosporium diagnosis of parasitic infections (false positives)
may also be mistaken as microfilariae (Plates and inappropriate treatment of patients.

Plate 7.8. A fungal spore in a wet mount stool Plate 7.9. A mite egg in a formalin-concentrated
may look like a cyst of Entamoeba spp. stool specimen may look like a hookworm egg.
(Accessed from (Accessed from

Plate 7.10. A plant cell in a concentrated wet Plate 7.11. A pollen grain in a concentrated wet
mount of stool may look like a helminth egg. mount of stool may look like a fertilized egg of
(Accessed from Ascaris lumbricoides.
(Accessed from
358 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Plate 7.12. Plant hair in a concentrated wet Plate 7.13. Howell-Jolly bodies in a thin blood
mount of stool may look like a hookworm or smear stained with Giemsa
Strongyloides stercoralis larva. may look like malaria parasites.
(Accessed from (Accessed from

Plate 7.14. A nucleated red blood cell Plate 7.15. Fungal spores of Helicosporium may be
may look like a schizont of Plasmodium spp. mistaken as microfilariae in stained blood smears.
(Accessed from (Accessed from

Quality Assurance in Parasite Microscopy differ in terms of basic training and skills.
A physician, health manager, or a scientific
For many parasitic conditions as in
investigator should be assured of the quality
helminth infections and malaria, microscopic
of the microscopic examination. On some
examination is still considered to be the “gold
occasions, the requesting party may also be
standard” procedure. Microscopists, however,
interested to know the burden of infection
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 359

of the patient. This can be determined by • Poor quality of microscopy, particularly

counting the number of parasite or parasite at the peripheral level
ova in a predetermined amount of sample, and • Difficulties in maintaining microscopy
reporting the intensity as number of parasite/ facilities in good order
ova per volume or weight of sample. In practice, • Logistic problems and high costs of
quantification of malarial parasites in blood maintaining adequate supplies and
is more commonly requested. The result is equipment
reported as the number of malaria parasites per • Lack of adequate training and
microliter of blood. Quantifying the parasites retraining of laboratory staff
also helps in the assessment of the efficacy • Delays in providing results to clinical
of interventions (e.g., chemotherapy) in the staff
control of specific parasitic infections. • Lack of quality assurance and
The reliability of results depends on the supervision of laboratory services
ability of the microscopists to identify and count • Inability to cope with the workload of
stages of the parasites. This can be assured by traditional systems for cross-checking
cross-checking of the same samples, whereby the of routinely taken malaria slides
reading of the initial microscopist is compared
These limitations can only be overcome
to the reading of a reference microscopist. The
by new health policies that acknowledge
reference microscopist must be “blinded” or
the importance of strengthening laboratory
must have no prior knowledge of the reading
services, the need for adequate funding, and the
of the initial microscopist.
implementation of a QA system. Such policies
For malaria microscopy, quality control
should ensure the following:
may be done in a laboratory through “blinded”
cross-checking of a minimum of 10 randomly • Adequate staff and resources
selected slides (five reported as low-density, five • Regular training and supervision of
reported as negative). This is done by a trained staff, and quality control of their tasks
validator/cross-checker at the end of each • Accurate and timely slide collection,
month. When the number of tests performed staining, and reading, linked to clinical
in one month is less than the minimum sample diagnosis
size, all slides must be cross-checked. • Reliable results quickly provided to
For the soil-transmitted helminth infections clinicians
and schistosomiasis, all negative slides and 10% • Provision of logistic support for quality
of the positive slides may be reread by a reference supplies and equipment
microscopist. The main drawback of this
procedure is that the technique may be laborious At present, a QA program designed by the
and not be feasible in many settings, such as World Health Organization is used to assist
in large-scale examination in surveillance and managers of national malaria control programs
monitoring of the impact of control programs. and laboratory services to develop and maintain
It has been difficult to maintain good a sustainable malaria microscopy QA program.
quality for malaria microscopy especially in This program outlines a hierarchical structure
peripheral laboratories. Current challenges in based on re-training, validation, and the
malaria microscopy include: development of competency standards designed
to ensure the quality of diagnosis necessary for
• Lack of political commitment a successful malaria program.
to support the development and When validation of results is not feasible
expansion of laboratory services through slide cross-checking, a certification
360 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

scheme for microscopists may be considered. D e p a r t m e n t o f He a l t h . D e p a r t m e n t

Microscopists will initially undergo training to memorandum no. 2009-0086.
enhance their basic knowledge on the parasites. Implementation of external quality
An intensive training on microscopic diagnosis assessment program as a regulatory
of parasitic infections will provide basic requirement for licensing of clinical
competency, which will be assessed through laboratories. 2009.
theoretical and practical examinations, the latter Garcia LS, Bruckner DA. Diagnostic medical
using prepared control slides. Sensitivity and parasitology. New York: Elsevier; 1988.
specificity scores of the microscopists will be Kettelhut MM, Chiodini PL, Edwards H,
determined. A certificate will then be awarded Moody A. External quality assessment
to the microscopists who passed the theoretical schemes raise standards: evidence from
and the practical examinations administered by the UKNEQAS parasitology subschemes.
a panel of experts. After certification, possible J Clin Pathology. 2003;56:927–32.
questions on the veracity of results issued by the MMWR. Epidemiologic notes and reports
microscopist may be minimized. The certified pseudo-outbreak of intestinal amebiasis—
microscopists will also develop a higher level of California. 1985;34(9):125–6.
confidence in performance of their laboratory Montressor A, Crompton DW, Bundy DA,
work. Hall A, Savioli L. Guidelines for evaluation
of soil-transmitted helminthiases and
schistosomiasis at community level.
Belizario VY. Quality assurance in laboratory Geneva: World Health Organization; 1998.
diagnosis of parasitic infections lecture. Paris L. Microscopists’ accuracy in the
College of Public Health, University of the diagnosis of intestinal parasitosis and the
Philippines Manila; 2000. current state of diagnostic parasitology
Belizario VY, Barcus M. Quality assurance laboratories of government hospitals and
in malaria microscopy lecture. Training main health centers in the province of
sponsored by US-NAMRU, DOH and Iloilo: Implications for standardization
UP-CPH. 2001. and quality improvement [dissertation].
Butler K, Guy R. Development of standards [Manila]: College of Public Health,
in malaria microscopy. World Health University of the Philippines Manila; 2005.
Organization; 2002. Shimizu RY. Parasitology. In: Garcia LS. Clinical
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, microbiology procedures handbook. 2nd
Division of Parasitic Diseases. Laboratory ed. Washington DC: ASM Press; 2007.
identification of parasites of public health Tetrault G. Clinical laboratory quality assurance
concern. Image library: Artifacts [Internet]. in clinical laboratory diagnosis and
2011 [cited 2012 Mar 3]. Available from laboratory management. 20th ed. 2001. UK NEQAS. Parasitology EQA scheme
Im a g e L i b r a r y / A F / A r t i f a c t s / b o d y _ [Internet]. 2007 [cited 2010 Jun 5].
Artifacts_il9.htm. Available from http://www.btinternet.
Cline BL, Habib M, Gamil F, Abdel-Aziz F, Little com/~ukneqas.parasitologyscheme
MD. Quality control for parasitologic data. Vlad JL. Quality assessment and control in
Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2000;62(2)S:14-6. the research microbiology laboratory. Ann
De Leon WU. Pitfalls in the diagnosis of Fundeni Hosp. 2006;11(3–4):98–103.
parasitic infections lecture. College of World Health Organization. Manual of basic
Public Health, University of the Philippines techniques for a health laboratory. Geneva:
Manila; 2000. World Health Organization; 1980.
Chapter 7: Diagnostic Parasitology 361

World Health Organization Regional Office for New Delhi: World Health Organization;
South-East Asia. Guidelines on standard 2003.
operating procedures for microbiology World Health Organization. Malaria microscopy
and parasitology. Geneva: World Health quality assurance manual. Geneva: World
Organization; 2000. Health Organization; 2008.
World Health Organization Regional Office World Health Organization. Laboratory quality
for South-East Asia. Quality assurance in management system (handbook). Geneva:
health laboratory services: a status report. World Health Organization; 2011.
Chapter 8

Special Topics in Parasitology

Parasitic Zoonoses
Salcedo L. Eduardo

Z oonoses as defined by the World Health

Organization (WHO) are “those diseases
and infections which are naturally transmitted
and control measures of the causative agent are
dependent on the knowledge of its life cycle.
The groupings are presented in more detail with
between vertebrate animals and humans.” examples and illustrations in succeeding parts
Zoonotic parasites therefore are protozoan, of this section.
helminth, and arthropod agents transmitted
Parasitic Zoonoses
between these mentioned hosts.
Zoonoses include a wide assemblage Only zoonotic agents that have been
of diseases with varied epidemiological and reported in the Philippines, either in humans
clinical features. Thus, attempts have been or in animals or both, are considered in this
made for their groupings. Zoonoses have section. These are arranged according to the
been classified based on reservoir host of life cycle of the agent. As majority of these are
the causative agent, whether humans or already presented in detail in other sections
lower vertebrate animals. Those that are of this book, the information given here are
transmitted: to humans from lower vertebrates those of the animal hosts and the mode of
are anthropozoonoses, to lower vertebrates from transmission to humans. The assignment of
humans are zooanthropozoonoses, and in either some to a particular group (e.g., intestinal
direction and maintained in both humans capillariasis) is temporary until the life cycle in
and lower vertebrates are amphixenoses. This nature is exactly known.
classification however has caused confusion
A. Direct Zoonoses
and sometimes, has been used indiscriminately.
A more acceptable classification is that In this group are those infections that
of Schwabe in 1984, which is based on the are transmitted from an infected vertebrate
life cycle of the etiologic agent. The zoonoses host to another vertebrate host by contact,
are grouped as follows: (a) direct zoonoses, fomite, or mechanical vector with little or no
(b) cyclozoonoses, (c) metazoonoses, and (d) developmental change in the causative agent
zaprozoonoses. This classification is convenient during transmission (Figure 8.1).
for use for teaching purposes since prevention

Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 363

2. Cryptosporidiosis

A number of species of the genus

Animal Cryptosporidium has been recorded but only
(definitive host) Cryptosporidium parvum is known to cause
zoonotic infections. This species has been
recorded in a wide range of domestic and
wild animal hosts. It is one of the causes of
diarrhea in lambs and calves. In the Philippines,
Cryptosporidium has been recorded in cattle,
water buffaloes, pigs, and chickens.
Human infection results from ingestion of
By Contact or through fomite or infective oocyst through contaminated food and
mechanical vector with no or little water from infected persons or animals. Infection
change in the agent
is usually severe in immunocompromised
persons. Human cases of cryptosporidiosis
Figure 8.1. Direct zoonoses
have been recorded in the Philippines both
1. Balantidiasis
in urban and rural areas and in diarrheic and
cancer patients, with a prevalence rate of 1.9%
The causative agent of this disease is in the latter.
Balantidium coli (Plate 8.1), which is a
3. Amebiasis
cosmopolitan parasite of pigs. Infection occurs
when cysts from feces of infected animals are The disease is caused by Entamoeba
ingested through contaminated food and water. histolytica and human is its principal host.
Human infection is sporadic but common It is however widespread in non-human
among workers in piggery establishments. primates. It is cosmopolitan in distribution but
more common in the tropics and subtropics,
especially in areas with low economic status
where poor hygienic conditions occur and favor
transmission. Food, especially raw vegetables
and fruits, as well as water contaminated
with cysts from feces are important sources of
infection. Transmission through infected food
handlers also exists.
4. Giardiasis

More than 50 species of the genus Giardia

have been described but only five are currently
recognized as distinct, including Giardia
duodenalis (also known as Giardia intestinalis
and G. lamblia). G. duodenalis affects human
and a wide host range of animals including
numerous mammalian species. Giardia is
highly prevalent in domesticated animals.
Fecal-oral transmission is common especially
Plate 8.1. Balantidium coli from pig
(Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo) among inmates in institutions and prisons,
364 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

and in animals in close confinement aggravated (one definitive and the other intermediate hosts)
by coprophagy. Humans become infected and no invertebrate hosts in the completion of
by ingesting cysts directly through fecal-oral the life cycle. Humans may be obligatory or
transmission or contaminated food or water. non-obligatory hosts. There are two subtypes.
5. Scabies (human) and mange (animals) Subtype 1: Human as an obligatory definitive
host (Figure 8.2)
Aside from Sarcoptes scabiei, Sarcoptes spp.,
and Demodex spp. from other animals, as well
as Notoedres cati of cats affect humans. These
mites are the cause of mange in animals. Lesions
are usually found on the hands and forearms
of pet owners. Sarcoptes spp. from cattle, water Man
buffaloes, horses, pigs, and S. scabiei of human (definitive host)
and Notoedres cati of cats have been recorded in
the Philippines.
6. Trombiculidosis

T h e m i t e f a m i l y Tr o m b i c u l i d a e
(chigger mites) is an assemblage of several
genera whose adults and nymphal stages
are free living but whose larvae normally
attack rodents, insectivores, and ground
dwelling birds causing dermatoses. Given Vertebrate
the opportunity, they will feed on human, Animal
(intermediate host)
livestock, and poultry. In the Philippines,
the following trombiculid genera have been
recorded: Eutrombicula, Leptotrombidium,
Neoschoengastia, Schoengastiella, Trombicula,
Toritrombicula, and Walchiella. Figure 8.2. Cyclozoonoses subtype 1:
human as an obligatory (definitive) host
Eutrombicula wichni is the cause of
human trombiculidosis. Leptotrombidium 1. Sarcocystosis
akamushi is a known vector of scrub typhus
or tsutsugamushi disease in humans caused by Members of the genus, Sarcocystis, which
Orientia tsutsugamushi. Scrub typhus has been has an obligatory prey-predator two-host cycle,
reported in China, Japan, Southwest Pacific cause this condition. Asexual and sexual stages
to Siberia, and Pakistan. Cases of human develop in the intermediate and definitive hosts,
infestation in the Philippines have occurred respectively. Intermediate host becomes infected
especially among soldiers during World War II through ingestion of oocysts in food and water
and cases of infestation in the navel and scrotum contaminated with feces of the definitive host.
among children playing on areas where rat nests Definitive host becomes infected through
abound. ingestion of mature sarcocysts (Plate 8.2) from
tissues of infected intermediate host.
B. Cyclozoonoses
Humans serve as definitive hosts for
To this group belong those infections whose two species, namely, Sarcocystis hominis and
causative agents require only vertebrate hosts S. suihominis. Cattle and swine serve as the
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 365

Plate 8.2. Sarcocyst in sectioned esophageal

muscle of water buffalo
(Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo) Plate 8.3. Cysticercus cellulosae freed from
muscle of pig
intermediate hosts, respectively. Humans can (Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo)
also serve as accidental intermediate hosts
of a number of species occurring in animals. Human cases of cysticercosis have been
Sarcocystis species have been reported from the reported in the Philippines and were diagnosed
muscles of cattle (S. cruzi), water buffaloes (S. to be, or highly suggestive of T. solium. In
fusiformis, S. levinei), goats (S. capracanis), and animals, cysticercosis is more common in
swine (S. mieschieriana) in the Philippines. swine (1.67%) than
2. Taeniasis/Cysticercosis
in cattle (0.02%)
or water buffalo
Taenia solium and T. saginata asiatica are (0.03%).
the causes of human taeniasis in the Philippines. A n o t h e r
What was previously referred to in literature species that can
as Taenia saginata or Taenia saginata-like in cause taeniasis in
Taiwan, Korea, China, Thailand, Indonesia, humans is Taenia
and the Philippines is in fact Taenia saginata taeniaefor mis, a
asiatica. Taenia solium requires pig as the common intestinal
intermediate host and the cysticerci (Plate tapeworm of
8.3) are found in the host’s muscles. The cats. Rodents and
true Taenia saginata requires cattle and water rabbits ser ve as
buffaloes as intermediate host and its cysticerci intermediate hosts
are also found in the muscles. Taenia saginata for the larval stage
asiatica, on the other hand, requires pig as called Strobilocercus
the intermediate host and its cysticerci occur fasciolaris (Plate
mainly in the liver. Examination of slaughtered 8.4), which is found
pigs during meat inspection should therefore in their liver. In the
include the liver and not only the muscles as is Philippines, the
currently practiced. Between the two species, T. prevalence in rats Plate 8.4. Strobilocercus
fasciolaris freed from
saginata asiatica is more common than T. solium. may range from liver of field rat
The former species is endemic in Leyte with a 21.4% to as high as (Courtesy of
prevalence of 10%. 97.0%. Rice field Dr. Salcedo Eduardo)
366 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

rats (Rattus tanezumi) examined in Bay, Laguna contaminated food and water. Transplacental
revealed 37.4% infection with S. fasciolaris infection occurs when previously non-infected
(unpublished). Cats become infected through hosts become infected during pregnancy. The
ingestion of infected rat liver where the larva is organism multiplies in the placenta and spreads
released in the intestine, attaches to the mucosa to the fetal tissues. Cats play an important role
to grow to maturity. Similarly, infection in in the transmission of T. gondii. The disease is
human can result from ingestion of raw or a major public health concern because of the
improperly cooked liver of infected rodents. risk of transplacental transmission when cats (as
Although human infections with this species the source of infective oocysts) are in the same
have been reported in other parts of the world, households with pregnant women. Oocysts are
none has been recorded in the Philippines. resistant to most disinfectants and can survive
up to two and a half years even in unfavorable
Subtype 2: Human as a non-obligatory (optional)
host (Figure 8.3) environmental conditions. In the Philippines,
serological surveys revealed prevalence rates to
be as high as 52.7% in cats, and 19.0%, 8.1%,
1.9%, and 2.4%, in pigs, rats, water buffaloes,
and humans, respectively.
Vertebrate Man 2. Echinococcosis/Hydatidosis
(definitive host) The species involved is Echinococcus
granulosus. The dog and wild canids are the
definitive hosts where the adults occur in the
intestine. Mammals, including humans, serve
as the intermediate host where the metacestode
(Echinococcus or hydatid cyst) develops.
Humans become infected by ingestion of the
egg from infected definitive hosts.
Vertebrate While the disease is common in other
Man parts of Asia, there are only very few reports in
(intermediate the Philippines. There is only one record of E.
host) granulosus in a dog, one report of Echinococcus
cyst in water buffalo, and a few cases of human
Figure 8.3. Cyclozoonoses subtype 2: human as
a non-obligatory (optional) host 3. Anisakiasis

This condition is caused by the larval

1. Toxoplasmosis
stages of anisakine nematodes persisting in
This disease, caused by Toxoplasma gondii, the alimentary canal or penetrating the tissues
is widespread among warm-blooded animals, of humans after consuming raw or semi-raw
including humans. Cats and other wild felids infected fish. A variety of fish species acts as
serve as the definitive hosts. Transmission intermediate/transport hosts for the larva
occurs through the placenta and ingestion of (Plate 8.5), which mature to adult in warm-
the infective forms found encysted in tissues blooded marine mammals. Human cases of
(bradyzoites or cystozoites) of infected animals anisakiasis have been reported in the Americas,
or in cat feces (sporulated oocysts) by way of Europe, and Japan. Each year, 1,000 cases are
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 367

sushi, sashimi, etc.) are gaining acceptance

among Filipinos. It is possible that there may
have been unreported human cases of anisakiasis
in the Philippines due to lack of awareness by
health workers.
4. Capillariasis

The cycle of C. philippinensis in nature

has not been fully determined. Experimental
evidence, however, points to fresh and brackish
water fishes as the sources of infection. Hypseleotris
bipartita has been found to be a natural source
of infection in Ilocos Sur. Other species of fish,
Plate 8.5. Anisakis larva from fish namely, Chonophorus melanocephalus (bukto,
(Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo) biyang bato), Ambassis miops (bagsang), Eleotris
melanosoma (birut), Sicyopterus sp. (ipon), and
reported in Japan where consumption of raw Poecilia reticulata (guppy), found in endemic
fish is common. While no human case has areas in Northern Luzon, have been successfully
been reported so far in the Philippines, a wide infected experimentally. With the exception of
range of fish species have been found to harbor P. reticulata, the rest are often eaten uncooked
anisakine larvae (Table 8.1). The potential of and gravid H. bipartita is especially relished in
human infection in the Philippines therefore, the raw state. Human infection may result from
is great especially now that many Japanese food consumption of raw or semi-raw fish infected
preparations of raw and semi-raw fish (e.g., with larvae.

Table 8.1. Philippine fishes found harboring anisakine larvae (from various authors)

Scientific name (Local name)

Acanthopagrus berda (bakoko) Leiognathus sp. (sapsap, tambong) Rastrelliger brachysoma, R. kanagurta
Alectis sp. (pampanong puti) Lutjanus malabaricus (maya-maya) Sardinella abella (bagasbas)
Amblygaster sirm (tonsoy) Lutjanus vita (dayang-dayang) Sardinella longiceps (tamban)
Apogon ellioti (dangat) Megalaspis cordyla (oriles) Saurida tumbil (kalaso)
Caesio lunaris (dalagang bukid) Mene maculate (hiwas) Scatophagus argus (kalaso)
Carangoides armatus (lawayan) Muraenesox cinereus (pindanga) Scomberomorus commerson
Caranx sp. (talakitok) Nemipterus sp. (bisugo) Selar crumenophthalmus (matang-
Decapterus sp. (galunggong) Otolithes ruber (alakaak) Selaroides leptolepis (salay salay)
Eleutheronema tetradactylum Oxyuricthys microlepis (talimusak) Siganus sp. (samaral)
Epinephelus sp. (lapu-lapu) Pennahia aenea (alakaak) Stolephorus sp. (dilis)
Euthynnus affinis (kutsarita) Pinjalo pinjalo (sulid) Sypnatura sorsogonensis (dapa)
Gerres filamentosus (malakapas) Poecilia latipinna (bubuntis) Sphyraena langsar (tursilyo)
Lactarius lactarius (pagapa) Priacanthus tayenus (bisugong tsina) Terapon jarbua (bagaong)
Leiognathus equulus (lawayakan) Psettodes erumei (dapa) Trichiurus lepturus (espada)
368 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Fish-eating birds are believed to be

the natural host and are responsible for
disseminating infection along their migratory
path. Experimental studies showed susceptibility
of some birds to infection with the parasite. In
the Philippines, Ixobrychus sp. (bittern) has been
found to harbor a male specimen of the parasite.
Other species of fish may be more commonly
infected. Autoinfection is a part of the cycle in
mammals as evidenced by embryonated eggs
and larvae produced by female worms.
C. Metazoonoses

This group includes those infections whose

causative agents are transmitted biologically
or cyclically by invertebrates, which serve
as intermediate hosts and where the agent
multiplies. There are three subtypes.
Subtype 1: One vertebrate host (definitive host)
and one invertebrate host (intermediate host)
(Figure 8.4)

Plate 8.6. Fasciola gigantica and F. hepatica

Man from water buffalo
Animal (Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo)
(definitive host)

Philippines but recent investigations based on

previous and current collections have shown
that the former is the predominant if not the
only species now occurring in the country. The
prevalence of Fasciola infection in domestic
Invertebrate Animal ruminants is estimated at 45%, but in endemic
(Intermediate Host) areas, it may reach as high as 95%. The snail
intermediate hosts in this country are Lymnaea
philippinensis and L. auricularia rubiginosa,
which are likewise distributed throughout the
Figure 8.4. Metazoonoses subtype 1: one islands. Animals become infected through the
vertebrate host (definitive) and one invertebrate
host (intermediate) ingestion of metacercariae (Plate 8.7) encysted
on grass and other water plants, or drinking
1. Fascioliasis (also a zaprozoonoses) contaminated water.
From literature, cases of human fascioliasis,
Two species, Fasciola gigantica and F. hepatica recognized as an emerging human infection,
(Plate 8.6), have been reported in animals in the have been increasing especially in developing
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 369

levels of transmission
between humans and
dogs. Infection is
through penetration of
the skin by the cercaria
(Plate 8.8) when the
host comes in contact
with infected water.
3. Dipylidiasis

caninum (Plate 8.9)
infection is common in
dogs and cats worldwide.
In the Philippines, the
Plate 8.7. Fasciola metacercaria prevalence rate especially Plate 8.8.
(Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo) among stray dogs may Schistosoma
range from 5 to 81%. cercaria
(Courtesy of
The cat (Ctenocephalides Dr. Salcedo
countries. It has been estimated that 2.4 felis) and dog flea Eduardo)
million people are infected with this trematode
and another 180 million are at risk. In the
Philippines, only two cases of human infection
with Fasciola have been recorded. The exact
origin of the infection could not be traced but
it probably resulted from the partly cooked
edible water plant, Ipomea (kangkong) or the
accidental ingestion of other water plants
harboring metacercariae of the fluke. The high
prevalence in animals in endemic areas puts the
local human population at risk to infection.
2. Schistosomiasis

Schistosoma japonicum is the only species of

the genus which causes human schistosomiasis
in the Philippines. It is endemic in Sorsogon,
Mindoro, Leyte, Samar, Bohol, and Mindanao.
The amphibious snail, Oncomelania quadrasi,
serves as its intermediate host in the country.
A variety of domestic and wild animals serves
as important reservoir hosts. Recent studies in
an endemic area (Samar) in the Philippines,
revealed infection in dogs, rats, cats, pigs,
and water buffaloes with high prevalence
and intensities of infection in dogs and rats. Plate 8.9. Dipylidium caninum from dog
A study in the same province suggested high (Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo)
370 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

(Ctenocephalides canis), and the dog louse In the Philippines, land snails (Achatina fulica,
(Heterodoxus longitarsus) serve as intermediate Hemiplecta sagittifera, Helicostyla macrostoma,
hosts that harbor the cysticercoid stage. Chlorea fibula, and Cyclophorus spp.), garden
Humans, especially children, become infected slugs (Imerina plebeia, Laevicaulus alte) serve
when fleas and lice containing cysticercoid are as primary intermediate hosts of the parasite.
accidentally ingested. In the rice field, A. fulica and other snails have
been observed to be important sources of food
4. Hymenolepiasis
of rodents and especially when grains become
Two species with cosmopolitan distribution, scarce. This snail and infected rats contributed
Hymenolepis nana (previously known as to the spread and its introduction to many
Vampirolepis nana and also known as the dwarf regions of the world.
tapeworm) and H. diminuta are involved in Humans are accidental hosts. Infection
this infection. The adult form occurs in rats results from ingestion of infective larvae
and humans. Completion of their life cycle frequently through the paratenic hosts (e.g.,
requires intermediate hosts, but for H. nana, fresh water prawns) which are eaten raw
this is optional. Intermediate hosts include and whose juices are used in the preparation
flour beetles, and other arthropods where of local dishes, or ingestion of vegetables
the metacestode (cysticercoid) is formed. H. contaminated with larvae from infected obligate
diminuta is widely distributed among rats with intermediate hosts. Parastrongylosis in humans
a prevalence rate of 10.8%. In humans, the affects the central nervous system where the
prevalence is 1%. Human infection results from migrating larvae cause a condition called
ingestion of uncooked food contaminated with tropical eosinophilic meningitis. Human cases,
infected intermediate hosts or their accidental including cases of ocular parastrongylosis, which
ingestion. The infection is prevalent among are all non-fatal and presumably due to larvae of
children. P. cantonensis, have been reported locally.
5. Raillietiniasis 7. Dirofilariasis/Human Pulmonary Dirofilariasis

The genus Raillietina is well represented in Dirofilaria immitis (Plate 8.10), the
domestic and wild birds in the Philippines with heartworm of dogs, is common and widely
at least 19 species reported. Only one species, distributed in dogs in the Philippines and
R. madagascariensis, also known as R. garrisoni, transmitted by mosquitoes. Latest data showed
has been involved in human infection, and its an incidence rate of 20% among client owned
prevalence rate among rodents may range from dogs from the Greater Metropolitan Manila.
22% to as high as 86%. It has been shown that The dog therefore is an important source for
beetles and ants serve as intermediate hosts. human infection through the bites of infected
Human infection results from ingestion of the mosquitoes.
intermediate host infected with cysticercoid. Human infection with this species usually
involves the lungs, thus the term pulmonary
6. P a r a s t r o n g y l o s i s o r E o s i n o p h i l i c
Meningoencephalitis dirofilariasis. However, the involvement of other
organs such as the eye, posterior vena cava,
Parastrongylus cantonensis is the cause abdominal cavity, spermatic cord, and possibly
of the condition and the only species of the the meninges has been reported. Although no
genus reported in the Philippines. This species human case so far has been reported in the
occurs as adults in the lungs of rats (Rattus Philippines, several cases have been recorded in
spp.) with prevalence ranging from 3 to 10%. Australia, Japan, Spain, and the United States.
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 371

of the infective larva by the insect vector feeding

on eye secretions.
9. Acanthocephalosis (Macracanthorhynchosis
and Moniliformosis)

Two species of acanthocephala of animals

can cause this condition in humans. These
are Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus (Plate
8.11) of pigs and Moniliformis moniliformis
of rats, which are common in the tropics and
subtropics. In the Philippines, both species are
present. The former is more common among
free-roaming backyard-raised pigs than those
raised in commercial farms. The latter species is
common in both field and laboratory rats. May
beetles, Phyllophaga rugosa, and cockroaches
serve as the intermediate host for the former
and the latter, respectively. Cases of human
infection have been reported in other countries
resulting from accidental ingestion of infected
intermediate host, but no case has been recorded
Plate 8.10. Dirofilaria immitis from dog so far in the Philippines.
(Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo)

8. Cutaneous Parafilariasis in Animals/Ocular

Parafilariasis in Humans

Parafilaria bovicola, a nematode, is the

causative agent of this condition. First reported
in cattle in the Philippines causing hemorrhagic
cutaneous lesions, it occurs now in other parts
of Asia, Africa, and parts of Europe affecting
cattle and water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis).
In the Philippines, 3% of water buffaloes have
been found infected with this species. Flies of
the genus Musca spp. have been incriminated as
vectors. Flies become infected by feeding on the
bleeding sores of infected animals containing
eggs or larvae, and eventually develop into the
infective larvae. Flies introduce infective larvae
to the same or another animal by feeding on
wounds or ocular secretions.
The first human infection with this species
has recently been reported in Thailand, the
worm infecting the eye of a 72-year old man. Plate 8.11. Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus
Infection probably resulted from introduction from pig (Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo)
372 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Subtype 2: More than one invertebrate hosts conica. Filipinos eat the
(first and second intermediate hosts) and one latter species, which is
vertebrate host (Figure 8.5) considered the primary
source of infection. The
Ilocanos of Northern
Luzon are known to
Vertebrate consume partly cooked
Man Pila conica (locally called
(definitive host) bisukol), hence human
infection is highest in
this region.
lindoense (Plate 8.12)
Invertebrate Invertebrate is another cause of
Animal Animal human intestinal
(2nd Intermediate (1st Intermediate
Host) Host) echinostomiasis. It has
been first described
and reported as a
Figure 8.5. Metazoonoses subtype 2: more
human infection in
than one invertebrate host (first and second
intermediate hosts) and one vertebrate host Indonesia and later in
other Southeast Asian
countries (Indonesia, Plate 8.12.
1. Echinostomiasis Echinostoma
Malaysia, and Thailand) lindoense from field
Human echinostomiasis in the Philippines and Brazil in both rat (Courtesy of Dr.
is caused by Echinostoma ilocanum. The adult animals and humans. Salcedo Eduardo)
fluke is found in the small intestines, thus It has recently been
the disease condition is also called intestinal recorded in rice field rats
echinostomiasis. It is widespread with a in the Philippines, although no human case has
prevalence of 3%, but it is more commonly been reported locally. The life cycle of this species
found in Northern Luzon where prevalence follows the same pattern as that of Echinostoma
reached as high as 44%. ilocanum and Artyfechinostomum malayanum,
Rattus spp. are important animal hosts but in addition, daughter sporocyst is produced.
but dogs and cats may equally be important. The first intermediate hosts are freshwater snails:
However, no data are available on the prevalence Gyraulus convexiusculus and G. sarasinorum.
of natural infection especially on the last two The second intermediate hosts are snails
hosts. A variety of laboratory animals especially (Gyraulus convexiusculus, Lymnaea rubiginosa,
rats, mice, and hamsters are the most susceptible L. exustus, and Biomphalaria glabrata), mussels
experimental hosts. (Corbicula lindoensis, C. subplanata), and
E. ilocanum requires fresh water snails as tadpoles (Rhacophorus leucomystax). The
intermediate host to complete its life cycle. intermediate hosts in the Philippines are not
Locally, the freshwater planorbid snail, Gyraulus yet known but Gyraulus and Lymnaea abound
phrasadi serves as the first intermediate host. The in the country. Human infection results from
second intermediate hosts include a variety of ingestion of viable metacercaria contained in
freshwater snails including G. phrasadi and Pila the second intermediate hosts.
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 373

2. Artyfechinostomosis

Artyfechinostomum malayanum is the cause

of this condition and it is found in the intestines
of the infected host. This species is distributed
in many East Asian countries, as well as in the
Philippines. Pigs, rice field rats, and a monkey
have been found naturally infected, and human
infections with this species have been reported
from Isabela and Tarlac provinces in Luzon, and
recently in Siargao Island, Surigao del Norte in
This species requires freshwater snails as
intermediate hosts to complete its development.
The snails, Bullastra cumingiana, Radix quadrasi,
and Physastra hungerfordiana are naturally
infected in the Philippines and therefore serve
as the second intermediate host. The source of
human infection, however, is B. cumingiana,
which is eaten by some Filipinos. All human
cases in Isabela had a history of eating B.
cumingiana, which is locally known as birabid. Plate 8.13. Eurytrema pancreaticum from cattle
(Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo)
3. Carneophallosis

Carneophallus brevicaeca is the etiologic buffaloes, sheep). The prevalence of the first
agent for this condition. In the Philippines, it has three species in cattle and water buffaloes
been reported in birds (Sterna albifrons sinensis), locally is 11.4%, 2.6%, 4%, and 5.3%, 0.66%,
fish (Glossogobius giuris), and in humans where it 1.33%, respectively. The first three species
is particularly associated with lesions in the heart occur in the pancreas, while the last species in
and spinal cord. Snails serve as first intermediate the perirectal fat in sheep. This group requires
hosts, while shrimps (Macrobrachium sp.) have two intermediate hosts: land snails (first),
been found to harbor metacercariae thus serving and grasshoppers and crickets (second). The
as second intermediate hosts for the parasite. second intermediate hosts contain the infective
Infection occurs through ingestion of raw or metacercarial stage.
partly cooked shrimps. Other invertebrate Grasshoppers and crickets are among
intermediate and vertebrate definitive hosts still the many insects eaten in many parts of the
remain to be known. world. This is especially true in Africa and Asia
where these are prepared in a variety of ways
4. Eurytremiasis
as good sources of protein. Human infection
Members of the genus Eurytrema are the results from ingestion of grasshoppers and
etiologic agents of this condition which are crickets containing live metacercariae of the
parasites of ruminants. Four species namely Eurytrema. Two cases of human infection with
E. pancreaticum (Plate 8.13), E. coelomaticum, E. pancreaticum have been recorded in Japan.
E. escuderoi, and E. ovis have been recorded No human infection with Eurytrema so far has
in Philippine ruminants (cattle, goats, water been reported in the Philippines.
374 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

5. Paragonimiasis

Members of the genus Paragonimus

are responsible for this condition. In the
Philippines, it is Paragonimus westermani
filipinus. Paragonimus infection is endemic in
certain areas in the Philippines and most human
cases were from Sorsogon, Samar, Leyte, and a
few other provinces in Mindanao. Prevalence
in endemic areas may reach 4.6 to 12.5%.
Rats, dogs, and cats serve as reservoir hosts but
the foremost may play an important role in
maintaining the cycle in nature. The prevalence
in rats may reach 9.4 to 11.1%.
This species requires freshwater snails and
crabs as first and second intermediate hosts,
respectively, to complete its cycle. Wild boars
may serve as paratenic host. In the Philippines, Plate 8.14. Philophthalmus gralli from duck
the snails, Antemelania asperata and A. dactylus, (Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo)
and the mountain crab, Sundathelphusa
philippina, serve as first and second intermediate cercaria in water released by infected snail
hosts, respectively. intermediate host during bathing in areas where
Human infection results from consumption these snails abound, or when washing the face
of infected crabs, raw or partly cooked. In with contaminated water.
endemic areas, inhabitants are known to 7. Plagiorchiosis
consume crabs raw. A preparation with fresh
crab juice known as kinagang is considered a Plagiorchis species are the causes of this
local delicacy in the Bicol Region. condition especially those occurring in rats,
which serve as definitive hosts in nature.
6. Philophthalmosis
The species involved are Plagiorchis muris, P.
Members of the genus Philophthalmus philippinensis (Plate 8.15), and P. potamonides.
are responsible for this condition. Birds and All three species have been recorded in rats in
mammals are hosts to a number of species of the Philippines with prevalence rates of 0.42 to
Philophthalmus inhabiting the eyes (conjunctiva 6.86%, 1.27%, and 6.86 to 14.5%, respectively.
under the nictitating membrane) of their Human infection occurs from accidental
host. Three species namely: Philophthalmus ingestion of the second intermediate host
palpebrarum, P. gralli, and P. luzonensis have (aquatic insects and crustaceans) containing the
been recorded in avian hosts in the Philippines. infective metacercaria. P. philippinensis was first
Human infections with Philophthalmus reported as infective to humans before it was
have been reported in various parts of the reported in rice field rats locally. For P. muris,
world and the species involved were those cases of human infection have been reported
found in birds as follows: P. gralli (Plate 8.14), in Japan and Korea, but no human case so far
P. lucipetus, and P. lacrymosus. One case of for this species and P. potamonides have been
human infection (with P. gralli) so far has been reported in the Philippines. The potential risk of
recorded in the Philippines. Humans become human infection with the latter species remains
accidentally infected through the eyes with high because its metacercariae have been found
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 375

1. Heterophyidiasis

Members of the trematode family

Heterophyidae are the causes of this condition.
In the Philippines, infection by several species of
the family has been recorded in carnivores and
birds. Many of these species are known to be
transmissible to humans. Four species, namely,
Haplorchis taichui, H. yokogawai, Procerovum
calderoni, and Stellanthchasmus falcatus, also
known as S. pseudocirrata, have actually been
recorded in human infections locally, and
these were associated with lesions in the heart,
brain, and spinal cord. Unspecified heterophyid
infections of humans detected through fecal
examination have also been reported.
There are no data available yet on the
Plate 8.15. Plagiorchis philippinensis from rat prevalence of infection in animals. In humans,
(Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo) less than 1% of 3,000 stool samples examined
from various places in the country were found
in the same crab which serve as intermediate positive for heterophyid ova. In Mindanao,
host for Paragonimus westermani in the country. however, a high prevalence rate of 36% has been
reported for H. taichui.
Subtype 3: One invertebrate host (2nd Heterophyids require freshwater snails and
intermediate host) and two vertebrate hosts
(one definitive host and the other as 1st
fishes as first and second intermediate hosts,
intermediate host) (Figure 8.6) respectively, to complete their cycle. A variety of
freshwater and marine fishes, have been found
infected with the metacercariae of heterophyid
species. Philippine fishes found infected with
heterophyid metacercariae are enumerated in
Vertebrate Table 8.2. Infection therefore occurs when
Animal Man raw or partly cooked fish containing the
(definitive host) metacercaria are consumed. The life cycle of
only two species, H. taichui and P. calderoni are
known in the Philippines. The snail hosts are
Melania juncea and Thiara riquetti, respectively.

Invertebrate 2. Opisthorchiasis
Animal Animal
Opisthorchis (Clonorchis) sinensis, the
host) host) etiologic agent of this condition, has been
reported in humans in the Philippines during
routine stool examination. In a survey of 30,000
Filipinos, ova similar to that of Opisthorchis
Figure 8.6. Metazoonoses subtype 3: one
invertebrate host (intermediate) and two sinensis were detected in 135 stool samples.
invertebrate hosts (one definitive and one This parasite requires snails and a variety of
intermediate) freshwater fishes as intermediate hosts, but for
376 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Table 8.2. Philippine fishes found harboring metacercariae of heterophyid species

Heterophyid Heterophyid
Scientific name (local name) Scientific name (local name)
species* species*
Acentrogobius janthinopterus PC Liza subviridis (banak) HT, HY, PC, SF
(biyang sapa) Mugil dussumieri (talilong)
Ambassls buruensis (lañgaray) HY, PC Mugil sp. (banak) HY, PC, SF
Anabas testudineus (martiniko) PC, SF Oreochromis niloticus (tilapia) HT
Arius manillensis (Manila kanduli) HY Pelates quadrilineatus (agaak) HY, PC, SF
Atherina balabacensis (guno) PC Platycephalus indicus (sunog) PC
Butis amboinensis (biyang sunog) PC Poecilia latipinna (bubuntis) PC
Channa striata (dalag) HT, HY, PC Puntius binotatus (pait) HT
Chanos chanos (bangus) PC Rhynchorhamphus georgii (buging) HY, PC
Clarias batrachus (hito) HY Scatophagus argus (kitang) PC
Eleutheronema tetradactylum (mamali) PC Siganus canaliculatus (barangan) HY, PC
Epinephelus corallicola (lapu-lapu) HT, PC Siganus gutatus (barangan) HT, HY
Gerres filamentosus (malakapas) PC Siganus javus (barangan) HY, PC
Gerres kappas (malakapas) HY Spratellicypis palata (manobud) HT
Glossogobius giuris (biya) PC Terapon jarbua (bagaong) HT, HY, SF
*Legend: HT-Haplorchis taichui; HY-Haplorchis yokogawai; PC-Procerovum calderoni; SF-Stellantchasmus falcatus

species involved in the Philippines, intermediate persons examined

hosts are not yet known. Data on animal host in various places
infection, especially in carnivores, are still in the Philippines.
needed. Human infection results from ingestion Prior to
of live metacercariae from infected fish. 1963, only four
human cases of
3. Spirometrosis/Sparganosis
sparganosis have
Spirometra species and their spargana have been reported
been reported in animals in the Philippines. locally and since
Sparganum (Plate 8.16) is widespread in then, no other case
tadpoles and frogs and has been found in a has been reported.
bird (Ixobrychus cinnamomeus), a lizard (Gecko As all cases gave no
gecko), and several species of snake (Lapemis history of having
hardwickii, Boiga dendrophila, Ahaetulla eaten fresh meat
ahaetulla, A. caudolineata, and Natrix chrysarga). of frogs, reptiles,
Adult Diphyllobothrium latum has been and birds, or used
reported locally from a boy who died of anemia. them as poultices,
Since D. latum is only found in temperate the mode of
countries of the Northern Hemisphere, this transmission was
identification is doubtful. It is possible that attributed to the
the species in question is Spirometra erinacei Plate 8.16. Sparganum of drinking water
Spirometra from muscle of
or S. mansonoides. Stool survey showed frog (Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo with infected
diphyllobothrid ova in less than 1% of 30,000 Eduardo) copepods.
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 377

4. Gnathostomiasis human gnathostomiasis have been reported

in China, Japan, and Thailand due to these
Members of the genus Gnathostoma cause
two species. Gnathostoma doloresi is currently
this condition. The genus is represented in
recognized as an important cause of clinical
the Philippines by three species namely, G.
human gnathostomiasis in Japan.
spinigerum, G. hispidum, and G. doloresi. All three
Cases of human gnathostomiasis due to
species have been recorded in humans in other
G. hispidum in Japan have been attributed
Asian countries but only G. spinigerum has been
to the consumption of the fish, Misgurnus
reported in humans locally. Gnathostoma spp.,
anguillicaudatus. It is interesting to note that
in order to complete their development, require
this fish now abounds in the rice terraces of
aquatic copepods and fishes as intermediate
Ifugao. The Ifugao call it jojo, which probably
hosts, and a wide range of paratenic hosts may
is derived from the Japanese name dojo for
intervene as “extension host” in the cycle.
the fish. How the fish found its way to the
G. spinigerum has been reported locally
Cordillera is not exactly known. It is postulated
in dogs, cats, flying lemurs, and palm civets.
however that Japanese soldiers during World
Copepods (Cyclops serrulatus, C. bicolor)
War II brought it as a protein supplement for
and freshwater fishes (Glossogobius giurus,
their diet. This is a case of the introduction of
Ophicephalus striatus, Therapon argenteus)
a new suitable intermediate host for a parasite
serve as first and second intermediate hosts,
already existing in a country. The introduction
respectively. Water snakes (Hurria rynchops)
increased the range of suitable intermediate
and frogs (Rana limnocharis) may serve as the
host available locally and hence ensured further
paratenic hosts locally.
dissemination and continued survival of the
Both G. hispidum and G. doloresi (Plate
parasite concerned.
8.17) have been recorded in pigs in the
In Japan, wild boars, salamanders, frogs,
Philippines, but no case of human infection
and snakes have been reported to harbor larvae
has been reported locally. However, cases of
of G. doloresi. In the Philippines, the larvae
(Plate 8.18) of G. doloresi have been found in

Plate 8.17. Gnathostoma doloresi from pig Plate 8.18. Gnathostoma larva from frog muscle
(Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo) (Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo)
378 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

frogs and Ophicephalus striatus (dalag) from A number of animal hookworms (Ancylostoma
Laguna Lake, suggesting that this fish serves as braziliense, A. caninum, and Bunostomum
the intermediate host. spp.) and threadworms (Strongyloides spp.)
Human infection may result from are involved in cutaneous larva migrans. The
consumption of improperly cooked infected first two species occur in dogs and cats, while
fish or paratenic host, or through drinking water the third occurs in ruminants. Threadworms
contaminated with infected copepods. The larva are common intestinal parasites of mammals
migrates to the subcutaneous tissues, central including humans, and many of the nonhuman
nervous system, and other tissues. species can cause larva migrans in humans. A.
braziliense is the cause of creeping eruption.
D. Zaprozoonoses
Human acquires the infection through contact
In this group, the causative agent of the with soil containing infective larvae. Normally
infection develops from a non-infective to an larvae are restricted to and die in the skin but
infective stage in an environment containing may also migrate to the lungs.
organic matter including food, soil, or plant, or Toxocara canis (Plate 8.19), a common dog
a reservoir before transmission to the vertebrate Ascaris is the main causative agent of visceral,
host (Figure 8.7). ocular, and even covert larva migrans in human.
Other ascarids like T. cati of cats and other
felids, and T. vitulorum of cattle and water
buffaloes may also be involved, but their role
is limited due to the infrequency of human
Vertebrate contact with their eggs. Puppies are infected
Animal Man with T. canis as early as the fetal stage or at
(definitive host) birth due to transplacental and transmammary
transmission from the infected bitch, and

infective non-infective
stage stage

Site of development (organic matter

including food, soil, plant)

Figure 8.7. Zaprozoonoses

1. Larva migrans

This condition is caused by a wide range of

nematode parasites of animals, the larva of which
may invade skin (cutaneous larva migrans),
viscera, and other organs (visceral larva migrans) Plate 8.19. Toxacara canis from dog
of human, where they do not normally mature. (Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo)
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 379

are therefore the important source of eggs.

Female T. canis are highly fecund and infected
puppies may shed 100,000 eggs per gram of
feces. Human becomes infected by ingestion
of embryonated eggs (Plate 8.20) through
contaminated food and water. Larvae migrate
to all parts of the body including the eyes and
brain. Other mammals and birds may serve as
paratenic hosts. All the above species are present
in the Philippines. Plate 8.21. Mammomonogamus laryngeus in
copula from water buffalo
(Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo)

of human infections have been recorded from

the Caribbean Islands, Brazil, Korea, Thailand,
and the Philippines.
The Role of Eating Habits and Practices in
the Transmission of Parasitic Zoonoses

The important role played by food habits

and practices in the epidemiology of a number
of these zoonoses is evident from the above
Food dishes prepared as raw or partly
cooked are relished in some areas in the
Philippines. Kilawen is a term given to any
preparation of raw meat, fish, snail, shrimp, or
crab, usually with salt, vinegar, and spices. This
Plate 8.20. Toxocara canis embryonated egg
kind of preparation is considered a delicacy in
(infective) (Courtesy of Dr. Salcedo Eduardo)
some parts of the country. Thus, human cases
of echinostomiasis, artyfechinostomosis, and
2. Mammomonogamosis
intestinal capillariasis have been described in
Mammomonogamus laryngeus (Plate 8.21) such areas. In Isabela, where human cases of
is the causative agent of this condition and is artyfechinostomosis have been reported, the
a common parasite of ruminants (e.g., cattle, snail second intermediate host is eaten raw or
water buffaloes) in some parts of the world. In partly fermented. It is prepared by shaking the
the Philippines, 23% of slaughtered cattle in snail with salt to remove mucus secretion, then
Cagayan de Oro City were found infected with salt, ginger, onion, vinegar, pepper, and other
this parasite. M. laryngeus has been recovered spices are added and eaten or left overnight
from the trachea of water buffaloes slaughtered to ferment before being consumed. This is in
in Bayog, Los Baños, Laguna (unpublished). contrast with another place, San Pablo, Laguna
Human infection results from ingestion of in Southern Luzon, where the same snail has
embryonated ova or infective larvae through been found to have even higher percentage of
contaminated food and water, or accidental infection than in Isabela, but no case of human
ingestion of transport hosts such as earthworms, infection has occurred since this snail is not
snails, or arthropods. To date, about 100 cases eaten by the local population. Instead, it is
380 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

detested due to its slimy texture. Even the local Some maintain that cooking not only destroys
term, susong linta, meaning “leech-like” snail, the flavor they relish, but also the nutritive
sounds unpleasant to the ear. value of the food. Nevertheless, with a more
Kilawen is also popular among folks in aggressive health education campaign, together
Leyte. Pig liver is cut into thin slices, soaked with programs directed to the improvement of
in vinegar with salt and condiments and eaten the living condition of the inhabitants in these
raw. Pig meat, partly cooked and prepared as areas, preventive measures against many of these
above, is also eaten. Cysticercus (larva) of Taenia zoonotic diseases can be achieved successfully.
solium and T. saginata asiatica are found in the
Zoonotic Parasites as Indicators of Fecal
muscle and liver respectively of pigs, which serve Pollution of the Environment
as intermediate hosts. Human infection occurs
through consumption of raw or partly cooked Many of the protozoa and helminth
infected organs. agents causing zoonoses described in this
Pila conica (kuhol, bisukol) and Sundathelpusa section are associated with fecal pollution of
philippina (talangka), the second intermediate the environment, whether land or aquatic.
hosts of E ilocanum and P. westermani filipinus, Many protozoan and helminth parasites shed
respectively, are eaten practically all over cysts (Balantidium coli, Cryptosporidium spp.,
the country. However, echinostomiasis and Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia duodenalis,
paragonimiasis are prevalent or endemic Toxoplasma gondii, Sarcocystis spp.) and eggs/
only in certain areas. In Northern Luzon, larvae (Toxocara canis, Ancylostoma spp.,
echinostomiasis has the highest prevalence as Strong yloides spp.), respectively, that are
the snail host is eaten sometimes raw or partly disseminated to the environment through the
cooked in this area. Similarly, paragonimiasis is feces. Furthermore, many helminth parasites
endemic in areas where inhabitants are known require intermediate hosts to complete their
to consume the crab host raw. A preparation cycle (cyclozoonoses and metazoonoses). The
with fresh crab juice locally known as kinagang is eggs/larvae of the parasites are passed out
considered a local delicacy. Males in these areas with the feces of the definitive host to the
were observed to eat raw crabs during drinking environment before they develop and gain
sessions with the local wine (basi), especially access to the intermediate host.
during festivities. The same is true for intestinal Echinostoma spp., Artyfechinostomum
capillariasis in Northern Luzon. The fish host, malayanum, Fasciola spp., heterophyids,
Hypseleotris bipartite, is especially desired when Ca r n e o p h a l l u s b re v i c a e c a , Pl a g i o rc h i s
gravid (filled with eggs), and the entire fish is spp., Schistosoma japonicum, Paragonimus
eaten raw. Another fish host, Ambassis miops, in westermani, and Capillaria philippinensis
the raw form, is bitten at the belly by some to reach their intermediate hosts through fecal
suck out the juice. Residents of endemic areas contamination of the water environment.
in Northeastern Mindanao were also noted to Sarcocystis spp. Eurytrema spp., Taenia spp., and
consume fish raw. Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceous reach their
Simply giving up the habit of eating raw intermediate hosts through fecal contamination
food of animal origin may prevent human of the pasture or direct access of the intermediate
infection with a number of these zoonoses. host (pig and cattle) to fecal matter of infected
However, as the saying goes, old habits may not definitive host (humans) in case of human
easily be given up. Furthermore, some people taeniasis. Proper disposal of fecal material,
in these areas, though properly informed about whether of humans or animals, therefore, is
this transmission, still value their food habits. everyone’s concern.
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 381

The presence of reservoir hosts in depends on agriculture, fishery, and forestry for
combination with the presence of suitable livelihood. One-third of all goods and services
invertebrate intermediate hosts also maintains produced by the economy is accounted for by
the infection in a particular area. Field rats are the agricultural/rural sector, which also employs
maintaining the cycle of zoonotic parasites such half of the country’s workers, and earns 36%
as Echinostoma spp., A. malayanum, Schistosoma of the country’s export income. An unhealthy
japonicum, Plagiorchis spp., and Paragonimus working population can only mean low or
westermani. Because of the intermediate hosts, reduced productivity, while infected animals
the potential risk of human infection is ever mean unwholesome meat such as in cases of
present. The snail, Bullastra cummingiana, fascioliasis and cysticercosis. This, in turn, can
had high prevalence of infection with A. only lead to further reduction of supplies due
malayanum in Sampaloc Lake in San Pablo to carcass condemnation of what is already an
City. It should be noted that piggeries are insufficient meat supply. In a country like the
concentrated around Sampaloc Lake, and their Philippines where poverty is widespread in rural
excreta pollute the lake. Pigs, apart from rats, are areas, these diseases can only worsen what is
known as a definitive host of the parasite and already a bad situation.
are maintaining the cycle in that area. While
Medical-Veterinary Cooperation in the
there are no human cases of infection as yet, the Control of Parasitic Zoonoses
presence of the parasite in the area still poses a
threat to human health. Animals, both invertebrates and vertebrates,
domesticated and wild, are hosts to a number
Economic Losses Resulting from Parasitic
of parasitic zoonoses as already shown in the
above discussions. Their role as definitive,
The Philippines has a fast growing human intermediate, and reservoir hosts make them
population and currently has already reached essential in maintaining the zoonotic agents
94 million. It is even projected that at a growth in nature. As paratenic or transport hosts, they
rate of 2% annually, the population may reach prolong the availability of the agent as potential
113 million by the year 2020. However, food sources of human infection, as well as increase
animal production has not increased to keep the potential of disease dissemination.
pace with the demand of the increasing human Studies to better understand the processes
population. Recent statistics revealed a slow involved in the maintenance, transmission,
growth for food animal production. A large and epidemiology of these diseases should
proportion of the human population live in involve the participation of those concerned,
the rural areas, and a much larger proportion especially physicians, veterinarians, and public
of the food animal population are raised in the health workers. In most countries including
backyard. This food animal population remains the Philippines, parasitic zoonoses are the
large compared to the number raised in large most underdiagnosed diseases in human. Some
commercial farms. This ecological profile of human infections with these diseases may
human and animal population distribution have passed unnoticed or may have been
makes a large proportion of both populations misdiagnosed, as some are difficult to detect or
at risk of infection. many simply are not aware of them.
Although it is difficult to assess exactly The control of zoonoses involves:
economic losses from zoonoses, it is evident control in animals, the veterinarian’s concern;
in the Philippine setting that these diseases are prevention and treatment in humans, the
prevalent in rural areas where the population physician’s responsibility; and the control
382 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

of vehicles of transmission, the concern of Claveria FG, Cruz-Flores MJ, de la Peña

both. For the management and control of C. Sarcosystis miescheriana infection in
zoonoses to be effective and successful, joint domestic pigs (Sus scrofa) in the Philippines.
medical and veterinary efforts are necessary. J Parasitol. 2001;87.
Medical-veterinary cooperation has been more Claveria FG, San Pedro-Lim MR, Cruz MJ,
prominent in parasitology than in any other area Nagasawa H, Susuki N, de la Peoa C.
of medicine. It should continue to flourish and Ultrastructural studies of Sarcocystis cruzi
should be fully supported. (Hasselmann, 1926) Wenyon, 1926
infection in cattle (Bos taurus): Philippine
cases. Parasite. 2001;8:251–4.
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BG, editor. Flynn’s parasites of laboratory Flores-Cruz MJ. Sarcocystis capracanis
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Laboratory Animal Medicine and Blackwell (Capra hircus); ultrastructural studies.
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Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 385

lmmunocompromised Hosts and Parasitic Infections

Edsel Maurice T. Salvaña, Evalyn A. Roxas, Mary Ann D. Peñamora

P arasites are uniquely adapted to survive

and thrive in the human host despite the
presence of a hostile immune system. In order to
than normal levels, producing more severe
disease. This opportunism can be exemplified as
infection by parasitic organisms which are rarely
defeat this protection, parasites deploy a number pathogenic (e.g., Acanthamoeba, microsporidia)
of strategies to either evade or overwhelm or those which cause increased disease severity
natural host defenses. Immunocompromised or duration (e.g., Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora,
individuals are at a distinct disadvantage Cystoisospora, Toxoplasma, Strongyloides).
in seeking to detect and control parasitic Multiple processes can predispose to
infections. Moreover, they become susceptible infection by compromising the anatomical
to otherwise non-pathogenic organisms which and physical barriers of the host. Defects in
then cause opportunistic infections. In this the inflammatory pathways and immune
chapter, we review some of the more common functions may allow infections by opportunistic
opportunistic parasitic infections and describe pathogens. Some of these defects may be
strategies to prevent and treat these diseases. related to a congenital disorder or abnormal
development, underlying acquired disease,
Etiology and Pathogenesis
drug therapy, malignancy or irradiation.
The end goal of a parasite is to reproduce Specific defects in immune components lead to
and perpetuate the species. Therefore, survival susceptibility to specific subsets of pathogens,
strategies dictate that the host survives long such that the pattern of opportunistic infections
enough for the parasite to propagate and is a clue to the underlying defect. In addition,
spread. There is evidence that the most once established, some pathogens such as
successful parasites cause little or no disease as a protozoans can further exacerbate or produce
consequence of millions of years of co-evolution other abnormalities in immunologic function
with its host. For instance, we know that the least such as in the case of T. gondii, Leishmania,
pathogenic of the malaria species, Plasmodium or Plasmodium spp. The consequences of
malariae, is the oldest human parasite among protozoan or helminthic diseases which cause
the group, and that the most pathogenic, P. malnutrition may alter immune function.
falciparum, is the most recent to cross over These alterations are not necessarily associated
to humans. Hosts, specifically human hosts, with clinical susceptibility to opportunistic
should be thought of as not just one organism pathogens per se but may contribute to a less
but as a tightly balanced environment with than ideal host response. Finally, one must
endogenous flora with unique ecological niches. consider that some immune defects may be
This milieu is a product of the interactions of mixed, with both humoral and cell-mediated
the host immune system and the microbial components; and that because there is some
flora, and perturbations in either can upset overlap between components, deficiency in one
the health of the organism. Various conditions component may still adversely impact another
which compromise the immune system will component that otherwise has all its elements
affect the balance between the pathogen and in working order.
host, and allow organisms to replicate at higher
386 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

A. Leukocyte Deficiencies due to encapsulated bacteria and protozoans.

Development of immunity to invasive
Predilection to parasitic infection in
pathogens such as Entamoeba histolytica can
leukocyte disorders depends on the type of
be impaired, and amebic disease may progress
leukocytes which are numerically or functionally
rapidly. The spleen is a major site for T-cell
affected, and on how prolonged the dysfunction
independent immune responses and large
is. The rate of decline and duration are also
numbers of B-lymphocytes, monocytes, and
important parameters that influence clinical
macrophages reside. It has a prominent role
outcome. Neutropenia (<1,000 neutrophils/
in the phagocytosis of circulating opsonized
mm³) is the most commonly encountered defect
organisms. In several reported cases, malaria
in inflammatory host defense mechanisms.
appears to be more severe after splenectomy,
Susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections,
while babesiosis, as a clinical disease seems
but not usually to protozoan, viral or helminthic
to occur with unusually high frequency.
disease, increases dramatically when the
The clinical importance of splenectomy for
peripheral neutrophil count falls below 500
other protozoans and helminths is less clear.
cells/mm³ and increases more markedly
Complement deficiencies can affect the
when the count falls below 100 cells/mm³.
clearance of organisms, but whether these
Lymphopenia in adults is defined as having
predispose towards specific parasitic infections
less than 1,000 lymphocytes/mm³. Its clinical
is less clear. Treatment with omalizumab, a
consequences depend on which lymphocyte
monoclonal antibody against IgE for asthma
subsets are affected. Regardless of the total
has led to some concern of predisposition
lymphocyte count, severe infections of various
towards helminthic infection, but at least
types may occur if profound deficiencies of
one randomized control trial has shown no
either B-lymphocytes or T-lymphocytes are
additional significant risk.
present. Substantial reductions in helper
Understanding the specific immune
T-lymphocytes have important consequences in
deficiency in an immunocompromised patient
terms of susceptibility to protozoan (Toxoplasma)
is particularly important with regard to
and helminthic (Strongyloides) infections. The
protozoans and helminthic infections since
most common causes of lymphopenia are
appropriate diagnostic tests for these diseases
hematologic malignancies, corticosteroid
may not be routinely requested or may not
therapy, anti-lymphocyte globulins, cytotoxic
be available; and empiric regimens do not
drugs, and infections with certain viruses
usually include protozoan or helminthic
such as cytomegalovirus and the human
coverage. Moreover, matching these defects
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the etiologic
with common, endemic causative organisms in
agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome
a given locale is essential.
Protozoans and Helminths of Special
B. Humoral Deficiencies
Immunoglobulin deficiencies particularly
Protozoans and helminths that are of special
those that affect IgG and IgA production
concern to immunocompromised individuals
can cause a marked increase in susceptibility
are listed and summarized in Table 8.3. Multiple
to infections caused by Plasmodium spp.,
parasitic infections are more likely to occur in
Babesia, and Giardia. Patients with significant
immunocompromised individuals as well. This
reduction in IgG (usually <200 to 300 mg/
is especially true in AIDS. HIV and AIDS have
dL) characteristically have recurrent infections
resulted in a sharp increase in the number of
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 387

Table 8.3. Protozoans and helminthic organisms between protozoans or helminths and cellular
of special importance to immunocompromised immunity. Uncontrolled enteric parasite
infection contributes to increasing malnutrition
Protozoans Helminths from malabsorption and direct damage, which
Toxoplasma gondii Strongyloides stercoralis
in turn further taxes the immune system.
Cryptosporidium spp. Filaria spp.
Metabolic derangements from HIV infection
Cystoisospora belli
itself further contribute detrimental effects to
the host.
A study by Chaisson et al. on the impact
Cyclospora spp.
of opportunistic diseases in the United States
Giardia duodenalis
among a cohort of 2,081 patients with HIV
Blastocystis hominis
infection between 1989 and 1995 revealed a
Entamoeba histolytica
total of 1,499 (49%) opportunistic diseases
Babesia spp. during follow-ups. The predominance of enteric
Leishmania spp. protozoans, especially Cryptosporidium, as causes
Trypanosoma spp. of chronic diarrhea has been reported to occur
Plasmodium spp. in 30 to 60% of AIDS patients in Haiti, Africa,
and other developing countries. Infections with
cases of life-threatening opportunistic infections microsporidia, Cystoisospora, Giardia, and other
due to bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. rarer organisms have also been reported. Enteric
protozoans are among the important etiologic
A. HIV and Parasitic Infection
agents of diarrhea in AIDS in Thailand. Of 288
HIV depletes the helper (CD4+) subset patients screened over a 10 month period in
of T-lymphocytes with drastic consequences 1999 to 2000, 55 (19.2%) had Cryptosporidium
on cell-mediated immunity. Unmodulated spp., 13 (4.5%) had Cystoisospora oocysts,
inflammation and immune activation increase 11(3.8%) had G. lamblia, 3 (0.9%) had
susceptibility to a host of illnesses and Entamoeba histolytica, and 1 (0.3%) had
malignancies, and may allow previously latent Iodamoeba butschlii infection. The prevalence
infections to become active. These latent of microsporidia was 11% in this study. Studies
infections include tuberculosis, herpes viruses, in Dakar, Senegal by Gassama, et al. among
Leishmania, and Toxoplasma. Low pathogenicity HlV-infected and non-infected patients with
organisms in immunocompetent hosts such as diarrhea revealed Microsporidium (9.4%),
Pneumocystis jirovecii and intestinal sporozoans Cryptosporidium sp. (8.2%), E. histolytica
may develop into life-threatening infections. (5.1%), and Cystoisospora belli (4.4%) to be
Finally, pathogens which may be mild or the more frequent parasites seen among the
less severe such as Babesia and Plasmodium immunocompromised individuals and were
may become more virulent as a result of the often identified in patients with low CD4+
permissive environment. count. Blastocystis hominis was identified only
The pattern and types of HIV-related among HIV-infected individuals. Additionally,
opportunistic infections throughout the world high levels of asymptomatic carriage of A.
is affected by endemic infections, general lumbricoides and T. trichiura were observed.
health, nutrition, and access to health care A follow-up study on the progression
and medical services. The dramatic frequency of HIV infection performed by Manaloto et
of parasitic infections in AIDS presents an al., in a cohort of 54 HIV-infected Filipino
important lesson about the interrelationship commercial sex workers from May 1985 to
388 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

July 1992 revealed Mycobacterium tuberculosis formation of pseudocysts and cysts that contain
and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia as a more slowly replicating stage (bradyazoites).
the initial indicators of immunodeficiency The cysts are distributed throughout the body.
following a CD4+ cell count of <200 cells/ In the central nervous system, they appear to
mm. Cryptosporidiosis and brain toxoplasmosis persist in latent form for the entire lifespan of
were also seen in two patients. Among the 145 the host, provoking little if any inflammatory
patients with HIV infection seen at the Research response. These dormant organisms can be
Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) from reactivated in immunosuppressed persons. In
1985 to 1996, cryptosporidiosis was diagnosed recent years, the importance of toxoplasmosis
in 31% of cases. G. lamblia was detected in in immunocompromised host has been
13%, Ascaris lumbricoides in 11%, E. histolytica increasingly recognized. Patients with a variety
in 9%, E. nana in 7%. B. hominis, H. nana, and of neoplastic diseases, including Hodgkin’s
T. trichiura each in 2% of the cases. Follow-up lymphoma, as well as patients receiving
of 103 symptomatic cases through 1998 did not immunosuppressive therapy are at risk of
reveal significant differences in the prevalence reactivation of this infection. The incidence
of the parasitic infections seen previously. of toxoplasmosis has raised dramatically with
Additionally, 2% of the cases revealed CNS the increasing population of AIDS patients.
toxoplasmosis and 3% had B. hominis. T. gondii is now the leading cause of space-
occupying cranial lesions in persons with AIDS.
B. Toxoplasma gondii
Infection of immunologically normal
Toxoplasma gondii is a sporozoan in persons with Toxoplasma usually results in a
parasite that infects up to a third of the persistent but asymptomatic infection in 80 to
world’s population. It infects all orders of 90% of patients. Primary disease is also usually
mammals and some birds. The domestic cat is subclinical but in some patients may present as
a definitive host and produces infective oocysts. a mononucleosis-like syndrome with cervical
Handling of cat feces is a strong risk factor lymphadenopathy and rarely with ocular
for contracting primary disease. Ingestion of manifestations.
food or water contaminated with oocysts, and Toxoplasmosis in AIDS patients usually
eating of undercooked meat is the usual means develops at CD4 counts of less than 100
of infection. Toxoplasma gondii can be passed cells/mm3. While virtually any organ may be
transplacentally to the fetus when a pregnant involved, the most common manifestations are
woman has a primary infection, leading to fetal in the central nervous system and may involve
infection leading to severe congenital anomalies. the eyes. Virtually all toxoplasmosis in AIDS
The prevalence of Toxoplasma antibodies varies patients is reactivation, and so only Toxoplasma
considerably among different populations and IgG positive patients are considered at risk.
ranges from 3 to 70% in the United States to Other underlying conditions that may give
as high as 80% in Western Europe. rise to reactivation of toxoplasmosis include
Toxoplasma is an intracellular parasite various malignancies (such as Hodgkin’s disease,
capable of invading and replicating within non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, leukemias, and
nucleated cells. Ingested oocysts enter host solid tumor collagen vascular disease, organ
cells either by rupturing the membrane or transplantation, and prolonged steroid use).
by invaginating them. After multiplication More than 50% of these patients show altered
by repeated endodyogeny, the macrophage mental status, motor impairment, seizures,
finally ruptures, liberating the replicating stage abnormal reflexes, and other neurologic
(tachyzoites) of the parasite and giving rise to the sequelae. The most common presenting
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 389

symptom is still seizure, followed by focal rise in antibody titer with serial specimens.
neurologic deficits including ocular symptoms. Since the interpretation of serological tests
Diagnosis of acute disease is through for toxoplasmosis is not uniform, it must be
detection of IgM antibodies or a four-fold rise correlated with other diagnostic techniques
in antibody titer. The presence of high titers including radiographic and other laboratory
(>1:1024) by the Sabin-Feldman dye test, direct abnormalities as well as the clinical situation.
agglutination tests, or conventional indirect The detection of Toxoplasma antigen in
immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) technique serum or other body fluids (e.g., CSF, ocular
is suggestive of acute infection. However, fluid, urine) may be particularly important in
high antibody titers may persist for years after immunocompromised patients in whom active
infection. Therefore, in patients with stable disease is not always associated with rises in
high titer and detection of IgM antibody by antibody titers. The gold standard for diagnosis
the IgM-IFA double sandwich IgM enzyme remains demonstration of the organism in
immunoassay (EIA), or immunoblot tests may tissue.
be useful. Other assays include complement- Toxoplasma gondii has been identified
fixation test and conventional IgA-EIA. A in biopsy specimens of the bone marrow,
negative IgM test essentially excludes recent myocardium, skeletal muscle, lung, and brain
infection, but a positive IgM test is difficult using both hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain
to interpret because Toxoplasma-specific IgM and immunospecific stains for Toxoplasma.
antibodies may be detected by EIA for as long Biopsy samples can also be inoculated into mice
as 18 months after acute acquired infection. or sensitive cell lines to isolate the organism.
Detection of IgG antibodies indicates However, because many individuals have
prior infection and the possible presence of been exposed to Toxoplasma and may have
tissue cysts. In the immunocompromised cysts within tissues, recovery of the organism
hosts, interpretation of serological test is from cell culture or animal inoculation maybe
dependent on understanding of the degree of misleading. Recently, the use of molecular
underlying immunosuppression, the serological technology techniques (such as PCR, DNA
status of the patient prior to the development hybridization using ABGTg7 probe) have
of symptoms indicating acute Toxoplasma been found to be sensitive, specific, and rapid
infection, and knowledge of the pathogenesis of methods for the detection of T. gondii DNA
Toxoplasma infection in the risk group to which in amniotic fluid, blood, BAL fluid, tissue
the patient belongs (e.g., transplant recipients). samples, and CSF. These are currently research
Serologic tests may reveal changes in antibody tools and are considered ancillary diagnostics
titers without necessarily being indicative of especially when only very small amount of
active infection. Therefore, serological rises in specimen is available, when the condition is
antibody titers in immunocompromised patient dubious, when the result is required urgently or
cannot be used as the sole diagnostic criterion if serological tests are inconclusive. Radiologic
of active infection with Toxoplasma, especially examinations such as computerized axial
if the clinical manifestations are non-specific. tomography (CAT) scan and nuclear magnetic
In contrast to rises in antibody titers in some resonance imaging (MRI) have been found to
immunocompromised patients without any be extremely useful in the demonstration of
definite signs or symptoms of active toxoplasmic abnormalities associated with TE in patients
infection, other immunocompromised patients with no underlying immunosuppression as
with fulminant toxoplasmosis may have low well as in immunocompromised hosts. In
or negative dye test or IFA titers and show no AIDS patients, the most significant differential
390 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

diagnosis is central nervous lymphoma, and cysts or by food contaminated with oocysts,
differentiation can be quite difficult. If the susceptible patients should not eat raw or
mass is small and there are no life-threatening undercooked meat and should thoroughly wash,
complications, empiric treatment followed by peel or blanch fresh produce. Careful hand
serial MRI’s to document improvement can washing after handling potentially contaminated
be done. However, in cases where diagnosis material including cat litter, raw meat, and fresh
is urgent and delay can lead to serious clinical produce is essential. The presence of a cat at
consequences, brain biopsy must be pursued. home is a risk for infection, and steps should
Treatment for Toxoplasma infections be taken to minimize contact between the cat
is indicated for patients who develop and the patient, and if unavoidable, the patient
acute infection during pregnancy, and for should follow strict hand washing.
immunocompromised patients with evidence
C. Cryptosporidium
of reactivation disease. The combination of
pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine is the most Cryptosporidium was initially described in
effective regimen. Empiric therapy should be mice in 1907, but it was not until 1976 that
instituted in seropositive immunocompromised it was first reported in humans. The advent
patients who present with compatible of the AIDS epidemic substantially increased
neurologic symptoms and characteristic the number of cases. Cryptosporidium is an
imaging. Asymptomatic patients may become intestinal spore forming protozoa which mainly
symptomatic and symptomatic patients may causes diarrheal illness. In otherwise healthy
briefly worsen when initiating antiretroviral individuals, Cryptosporidium sp. typically causes
therapy for HIV due to immune reconstitution. watery or mucoid diarrhea with abdominal pain
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP- lasting for several days or occasionally weeks
SMZ) when used as prophylaxis for Pneumocystis that is self-limited even without treatment.
jiroveci is effective prophylaxis for toxoplasmosis. Cryptosporidium causes far more serious disease
If TMP-SMZ cannot be tolerated, there are in immunocompromised individuals, with no
alternative prophylactic regimens which include effective treatment for those with AIDS.
clindamycin and dapsone plus pyrimethamine. The most commonly identified species
Atovaquone with or without pyrimethamine considered pathogenic for man is C. parvum.
may also be considered. Patients with a history Two genotypes of C. parvum are responsible
of central nervous system toxoplasmosis should for most human infections. These include the
be administered suppressive therapy with drugs human anthroponotic genotype 1 found almost
active against Toxoplasma to prevent relapse, exclusively in humans and the bovine or zoonotic
until the CD4 count is above 100 for over a genotype 2 found in both ruminants and
year, or the initial immunosuppresing condition human. However, studies revealing molecular
has resolved. diversity among human Cryptosporidium isolates
Immunocompromised patients should suggest that multiple subgenotypes or more
be tested for IgG antibody to Toxoplasma to than one species may be implicated in human
detect latent infection and offered prophylaxis disease.
as appropriate. Seronegative patients should Experimental-infection studies with mice
be counseled about the various sources of and calves show that immunity is dependent
toxoplasmic infections and advised appropriate on the number of CD4 T-cells generating
methods of preventing exposure especially. gamma interferon. No difference was found
Because infection is usually transmitted by between cryptosporidiosis in normal and
ingestion of undercooked meat with viable B-cell-depleted neonatal mice, suggesting that
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 391

antibody production may play a less important post outbreak period compared with four deaths
role in recovery from infection. Interleukin-12 overall in the two years before the outbreak. This
also plays a role by inducing gamma interferon represented a more than a 13-fold increase in
production. cryptosporidiosis-associated mortality.
All species of Cryptosporidium that Zoonotic and person-to-person
have been studied are obligate intracellular transmission may occur through direct or
parasites, however, unlike other coccidians, indirect contact with stool material in the
their developmental stages do not occur deep environment, day-care centers, and the hospital
within the host cells but are confined to an setting. Direct transmission may occur sexually
extracytoplasmic location. Each stage is within a during oral-anal contact. Indirect contact may
parasitophorous vacuole within the microvillous occur through exposure to positive specimens
region of the mucosal epithelium of several in the laboratory setting or from contaminated
organs including the respiratory tract and the surfaces or food or water. Studies have shown
biliary tract, but most commonly that of the that calves and other animals, including
gastrointestinal tract. Cryptosporidium differs kittens, rodents, puppies, and birds may serve
from other coccidians in its ability to undergo as potential sources of human infections.
complete development within a single host. The Cryptosporidium oocyts, are resistant to most
sporozoites, after being released from the host disinfectants, and are difficult to filter due to
cell, can penetrate the microvillous region of their small size, thus enabling them to persist
other cells and reinitiate the life cycle. Oocysts and spread in the environment.
excreted in stool are immediately infective to Cryptosporidiosis is a substantial threat to
the same host and to others. This auto-infective HIV infected individuals, who have a lifetime
capability contributes to the refractory nature risk of infection of around 10%. The most
of cryptosporidial infection in patients with common clinical feature of cryptosporidiosis
impaired immunity. is diarrhea. Among adult HIV patients,
Cryptosporidium is ubiquitous around the cryptosporidiosis is the reported cause of
world, with the highest prevalence observed in diarrhea in 15 to 40%.
less developed countries. It is transmitted via C. parvum infections are not always
contaminated food or water. Cryptosporidium confined to the gastrointestinal tract; additional
contamination of surface water is quite common. symptoms (respiratory problems, cholecystitis,
The number of ingested Cryptosporidium hepatitis, and pancreatitis) have been associated
oocysts required to cause illness is quite low, with extraintestinal infections. Chronic
with median human infective dose of 132 cough, dyspnea, and fever have been reported
oocysts. to be the major symptoms in pulmonary
Cryptosporidiosis is the most common cryptosporidiosis, with diarrhea only as an
cause of waterborne disease in the United associated symptom.
Kingdom. In the United States, the Milwaukee Diagnostic techniques include stool
cryptosporidiosis outbreak in 1993 was examination, histologic examination of intestinal
the largest outbreak of waterborne disease biopsy, and examination of duodenal aspirates.
ever reported in the United States due to Cryptosporidium oocysts in the stool range
Lake Michigan water contaminated with from 4 to 6 µm in diameter and can be very
Cryptosporidium oocysts. An estimated 403,000 difficult to identify. Stools and other body fluid
residents and visitors of Milwaukee experienced specimens (e.g., sputum) should be submitted
watery diarrhea and 54 cryptosporidiosis- as fresh material or in 5 or 10% formalin,
associated deaths occurred during the two-year sodium acetate-acetic acid-formalin (SAF),
392 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

or polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) with zinc sulfate- Cryptosporidium-infected HIV patients in India,
based Schaudinn’s fixative. Fixed specimens are the efficacy of short-term azithromycin in the
recommended because of potential biohazard management of cryptosporidiosis was studied.
considerations. Some techniques have included Short-term azithromycin (500 mg once daily for
sugar flotation, formalin sedimentation, 5 days) treatment for cryptosporidial diarrhea in
Giemsa stain, trichrome, periodic acid-Schiff AIDS patients was associated with good clinical
(PAS), silver methenamine, acridine orange, improvement but parasitological benefit was
auramine-rhodamine, iodine, modified acid- doubtful. All 13 patients, who had symptoms
fast, Kinyoun and Ziehl-Neelsen acid-fast, of cryptosporidiosis, symptomatically improved
immunofluorescence assay and immunoassay with 5 days of treatment with azithromycin and
methods. Immunoassay procedures for the became asymptomatic after 7 days of antibiotic,
direct detection of Cryptosporidium antigen but the stool sample remained positive for
or oocysts in fecal specimens have proven Cryptosporidium even after 7 days of therapy.
to be much more sensitive than the routine After 14 days of treatment with azithromycin
acid-fast stains. Enzyme immunoassays, in 13 patients, stool samples from five patient
solid-phase immunochromatographic assays, were free of cryptosporidial oocyst. The
and immunofluorescence assays, which use drug was well tolerated in all the patients.
monoclonal antibodies against the oocyst This small study suggests that short-term
wall, are currently available. A flow-cytometric azithromycin can be used as a safe and effective
method for the quantitation of Cryptosporidium treatment for symptomatic cryptosporidiosis
oocysts in stool specimens have been developed but is not effective in eradicating cryptosporidial
as an alternative method, however, the approach infection. Supportive measures are important in
appears to be somewhat impractical. PCR the management of cryptosporidial diarrhea.
technology also offers alternatives to conventional Nutritional supplements and anti-diarrheal
diagnosis and allows the differentiation of agents may be necessary for symptomatic
Cryptosporidium genotypes. Antibody assays treatment of severe disease. In the absence of
using crude extracts of disrupted oocysts or effective therapy, prevention of infection is
recombinant antigens of Cryptosporidium in paramount. Immunocompromised patients,
an ELISA format and specific Cryptosporidium especially HIV-infected persons, should be
antigens by immunoblot method have been educated and counseled about Cryptosporidium
used for the diagnosis and monitoring of acquisition and transmission. They should
Cryptosporidium infections. be advised to avoid contact with feces and to
Although many therapeutic regimens have wash their hands after handling pets or contact
been tried, there is no completely satisfactory with soil. Patients should avoid sexual practices
therapy for cryptosporidiosis in humans. A that might result in oral exposure to feces (e.g.
recent meta-analysis of trials of antiparasitic oral-anal contact). Cryptosporidiosis may
drugs in cryptosporidiosis noted significant be acquired by drinking contaminated water
improvement of non-AIDS patients with or contact with contaminated water during
nitazoxanide, but no clear evidence of efficacy recreational activities. Water from suspect
for other antiparasitic drugs in cryptosporidiosis sources should be boiled or filtered, and at risk
or for nitazoxanide in AIDS patients. Drugs patients should refrain from swimming in fresh
that have been tried in different regimens water. Since patients with cryptosporidiosis
include paromomycin plus azithromycin, eliminate large amounts of oocysts in their feces,
clarithromycin, and hyperimmune bovine they can easily contaminate the environment
colostrums. In a randomized controlled trial of and persons in contact with them. Because
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 393

of this, some experts recommend that HlV- and duodenal and colonic mucosal biopsies,
infected persons or other immunocompromised numerous Cystoisospora oocysts were detected.
patients should not share a room with a patient Extraintestinal infections, including biliary
with known cryptosporidiosis. tract, respiratory tract, lymphatic channel, and
spleen involvement, have been reported. Relapse
D. Cystoisospora belli
tends to be common and may be associated with
Cystoisospora belli is another sporozoan extraintestinal stages. Charcot-Leyden crystals
that causes diarrhea in immunocompromised derived from eosinophils have also been found
hosts. These organisms can infect both adult in stools of patients with C. belli infection.
and children, and intestinal involvement Diagnosis is made by examination of a fecal
and symptoms are generally transient unless specimen for oocysts. Wet mount examination
the patient is immunocompromised. C. either by direct smear or concentrated material
belli is thought to be the only species of allows the demonstration of very pale and
Cystoisospora that infects humans, and no other transparent oocysts. They appear long and
reservoir hosts are recognized for this infection. oval measuring 20 to 33 µm by 10 to 19 µm
Transmission is through ingestion of food or in size. One or, less commonly, two immature
water contaminated with mature, sporulated sporonts may be present as well. Similar to other
oocysts. Sexual transmission by direct oral- coccidians, acid-fast and auramine-rhodamine
anal contact has been postulated. The oocysts staining can be used to demonstrate organisms
are very resistant to environmental conditions in stool.
and may remain viable for months if kept cool Effective treatment is with TMP-SMZ,
and moist. pyrimethamine-sulfadiazine, primaquine
Schizogenic and sporogenic stages have phosphate-nitrofurantoin, or primaquine
been found in the epithelial cells of the distal chloroquine phosphate. TMP- SMZ is the
duodenum and proximal jejunum of the drug of choice. Therapy must be continued
intestines. Eventually, oocysts are passed in indefinitely for immunosuppressed or
the stool. Oocysts continue to mature within immunocompromised patients with recurrent or
48 hours after stool evacuation and are then persistent cystoisosporiasis. Since transmission
infectious. Chronic infections develop in some is via infective oocysts, meticulous hygiene and
patients and oocysts can be shed for several sanitation are essential for preventing spread of
months to years. the disease.
Patients who are immunocompromised,
E. Cyclospora cayetanensis
particularly those with AIDS, often present
with profuse diarrhea associated with weakness, Cyclospora cayetanesis is an acid-fast
anorexia, and weight loss. Bowel movements variable enteric coccidian that can infect
are watery, soft, foamy, and offensive smelling, travelers in developing countries as well as
suggestive of a malabsorption process. immunosuppressed hosts including AIDS
Aside from AIDS patients, C. belli has patients. Spherical unsporulated oocysts, 8 to
been reported to cause opportunistic diarrhea 10 μm in size (twice the size of Cryptosporidium)
in patients with Hodgkin’s disease, non- or ovoid sporocysts, 4 by 6.3 µm in size, are
Hodgkin’s, human T-cell leukemia, and passed in the stools, and sporulation occurs
acute lymphoblastic leukemia. A case report within approximately 7 to 13 days. Complete
in Iran described a patient with mediastinal sporulation produces two sporocysts that
thymoma with an eight-month history of rupture to reveal two crescent-shaped sporozoites
recurrent diarrhea. On direct fecal smear measuring 1.2 by 9.0 µm. The transmission of
394 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Cyclospora is thought to be fecal-oral, although in severely immunocompromised patients,

direct person to person transmission has not chronic suppressive therapy may be necessary
been documented and may not occur since until immune function recovers.
sporulation takes a number of days. Outbreaks
F. Sarcocystis spp.
linked to contaminated water and various types
of fresh produce such as raspberries, basil, and Sarcocystis spp. include the organism once
lettuce have been reported. known as Isospora hominis as part of their life
Cyclospora infection causes disease cycle. Two well-described species are Sarcocystis
manifestations typical of a small bowel bovihominis (bovine) and S. suihominis (porcine).
pathogen, including upper gastrointestinal When raw or poorly cooked meat from infected
symptoms, malabsorption, weight loss, and animals is ingested by a human host, gamogony
moderate to marked erythema of the distal occurs within the intestinal cells and leads
duodenum. Two to 11 days following exposure, to the production of sporocysts in the stool.
malaise and low grade fever develops and Humans who ingest meat containing mature
watery diarrhea ensues. Associated symptoms sarcocysts serve as definitive hosts. Fever, severe
include extreme fatigue, anorexia, myalgia, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and weight loss from
vomiting, and weight loss, with spontaneous infection in immunocompromised hosts have
remission of diarrhea in 3 to 4 days followed been reported, but are relatively uncommon.
by frequent relapses lasting from 4 to 7 weeks. Eosinophilic enteritis and ulcerative enterocolitis
AIDS patients may take longer to resolve may complicate the course of the disease,
(up to 12 weeks) and may develop chronic especially in severe disease. Humans can also
diarrhea if treatment is not initiated. Biliary serve as accidental intermediate hosts; however,
disease is a known complication. The clinical the sarcocysts that develop in human muscle
presentation of patients infected with this do not usually cause permanent damage. Some
organism is similar to that of patients infected patients occasionally experience fever, myalgia,
with Cryptosporidium. In clean wet mounts, weakness, and eosinophilia. Symptomatic
the organisms are seen as non-refractile spheres treatment is usually sufficient and no specific
and are acid-fast variable with the modified treatment is known to affect the muscle stages
acid-fast stains; those that are unstained appear of Sarcocystis spp. Corticosteroids have been
as glassy, wrinkled spheres. Modified acid-fast used to treat occasional allergic inflammatory
stains show the oocysts as light pink to deep reactions that occur when cysts rupture.
red, and some contain granules or have a Sporocysts recovered from stool are broadly
bubbly appearance. Oocysts will autofluoresce oval, measuring 9 by 16 µm in size and contain
bright green or intense blue under ultraviolet four mature sporozoites and the residual
light. Patients do not respond to antibiotics body. Normally, two sporocysts are contained
commonly used for diarrheal treatment within the oocyst (similar to C. belli); however,
such as fluoroquinolones, macrolides, and in Sarcocystis infections, the sporocysts are
metronidazole. In otherwise healthy individuals, usually already released from the oocyst and
the disease appears to be self-limiting and may normally are seen singly. They are larger than
not require treatment other than supportive Cryptosporidium oocysts, which contain four
remedies. In immunocompromised patients or sporozoites.
severe disease leading to dehydration, TMP- For infections in which humans serve as
SMZ, one double strength tablet four times a definitive hosts, prevention involves adequate
day is currently the drug of choice. Duration cooking of beef and pork. For infections in
of treatment depends on immune status, and which humans are intermediate hosts, careful
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 395

disposal of animal feces possibly containing in HIV-infected patients and appears to have
infective sporocysts can minimize risk of an ever expanding clinicopathologic spectrum
infection. among immunocompromised hosts. Severely
immunocompromised patients may have
G. Microsporidia
concurrent infections causing diarrhea on top
The microsporidia are obligate intracellular of microsporidia, and so reponse to empiric
parasites that have been recognized in a therapy may be blunted and misleading. To
variety of animals. The organisms found in date, nine genera have been recognized in
humans tend to be smaller, ranging from humans (Table 8.4). These are Enterocytozoon,
1.5 to 2 μm long. They are characterized Encephalitozoon, Pleistophora, Trachipleistophora,
by having spores containing a polar tubule Brachiola, Nosema, Vittaforma, Microsporidium,
which serves as the extrusion mechanism for and Septata. Enterocytozoon bieneusi and the
injecting the spore content into the host cell. three species of Encephalitozoon are the primary
Human microsporidiosis remained rare until microsporidia species associated with human
the AIDS epidemic. Microsporidiosis is an infections. Intestinal microsporidiosis due to
important emerging opportunistic infection Enterocytozoon bieneusi causes chronic diarrhea,

Table 8.4. Microsporidial infections in immunocompromised patients

Microsporidia species Underlying condition Clinical syndromes

Enterocytozoon bieneusi AIDS Diarrhea, wasting syndrome, bronchitis, pneumonia,
cholecystitis, cholangitis
Encephalitozoon cuniculi AIDS Keratoconjunctivitis, rhinosinusitis, peritonitis, fulminant
hepatitis, seizure
Encephalitozoon hellem AIDS Conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, bronchiolitis,
pneumonia, rhinosinusitis, disseminated infection
Encephalitozoon intestinalis AIDS Diarrhea, disseminated disease
Pleistophora AIDS Myositis
TrachipIeistophora hominis AIDS Myositis
Brachiola vesicularum AIDS Myositis
Nosema ocularum Non-HIV Keratitis
Vittaforma cornea Non-HIV Keratitis

malabsorption, and wasting in AIDS patients. The life cycle includes repeated divisions
Infections with the other species are rare and by binary fission (merogony) or multiple
sporadic. fissions (schizogony) and spore production
The spore is the only life cycle stage able (sporogony). Both merogony and sporogony
to survive outside the host cell (Figure 8.8). can occur in the same cell at the same time.
Acquisition of infection is through ingestion of During sporogony, a thick spore wall is formed.
the spores, and once inside the body, single cells The spores are released into the intestinal
are infected by injection of infective sporoplasm lumen and are passed out with the stool.
through the polar tubule. The microsporidia Spores are environmentally resistant and can
multiply extensively within a parasitophorous then be ingested by prospective hosts. In the
vacuole (genus Encephalitozoon) or directly immunocompromised, microsporidial infection
in the host cell cytoplasm (e.g., E. bieneusi). can lead to overwhelming disease and death.
396 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Figure 8.8. Life cycle of microsporidia

(Accessed from www.
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 397

Diagnosis of microsporidial infections octreotide, primaquine, lomotil, loperamide,

is by demonstration of spores in feces, urine, and other anti-diarrheal agents. Fumagillin, an
and other body fluids or within tissues. This antibiotic derived from Aspergillus fumigatus,
may be challenging due to the small spore has activity against microsporidia, and solutions
size and irregular spore excretion. A number applied topically have been used in corneal
of techniques for increasing yield for recovery infections. In a randomized, double-blind,
and identification of microsporidia in clinical placebo-controlled trial of fumagillin in patients
specimens are available. The organisms can be with chronic E. bieneusi infection, clearance
identified in routine histologic preparations. of microsporidia occurred in all six of the
The spores take on a refractile gold appearance patients in the fumagillin group, as compared
in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded, routine with none in the placebo group. HIV-infected
hematoxylin-and-eosin-stained sections. Spores patients should be started on highly active anti-
are occasionally seen very well by using retroviral therapy since this facilitates clearance
the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain, the of infection.
methenamine-silver stain, tissue Gram’s stain,
H. Strongyloides stercoralis
or acid-fast stains. Spores have a small, PAS-
positive posterior body, while spore coat will Strongyloides stercoralis is potentially one
stain with silver. Spores are acid-fast variable. of the deadliest helminthic parasites due to its
Microsporidia spores are difficult to ability to complete its life cycle entirely within
appreciate in stool wet mounts for ova and the human body. Autoinfection can dramatically
parasites. Chemofluorescent agents such increase the parasite burden of adult. In normal
as Calcofluor Write 2MR, Fungi-Fluor, or hosts, the autoinfection is manageable through
Uvitex 28 increase sensitivity but may bind usual immune mechanisms; but abrogation of
non-selectively to debris and cause false cell-mediated immunity unbridles this cycle,
positive results. Use of antisera conjugated allowing for overwhelming and fatal infections.
with fluorescent reporters in detecting spores Filariform larvae are the infective stage;
in clinical specimens increases specifiticy. PCR and are acquired by skin contact with fecally-
methods are available as research tools and may contaminated soil. The larva penetrates intact
be useful as adjuncts for diagnosis in persistently human skin and sequentially migrates through
negative clinical specimens when clinical the heart and lungs, passes up the trachea, is
suspicion remains high. In vitro cell culture swallowed, and finally grows to maturity in
remains the gold standard but is not practical the gastrointestinal tract. Eggs are passed out
in routine clinical diagnosis. Serologic tests in the stool, but may hatch before elimination
(carbon immunoassay, indirect IFA, ELISA, of feces. Non-infective rhabditiform larvae may
counterimmunoelectrophoresis, and Western transform to infective filariform larvae while still
blotting) have been used to demonstrate IgG in the gastrointestinal tract or on the perianal
and IgM antibodies to microsporidia, but are surface. These can then penetrate the bowel wall
of uncertain utility in demonstating active or skin and reinitiate the life cycle. This cycle
infections. can occur asymptomatically at a very low level
Treatment for ocular, intestinal, and over many years except for a mild eosinophilia.
disseminated disease is with albendazole. Immunocompromised patients who have
Itraconazole can also be used to treat ocular, previously been infected with Strongyloides
nasal, and paranasal sinus infection caused by E. or who acquire new infection are at risk for
cuniculi parasites when albendazole fails. Other hyperinfection. Development or exacerbation
agents that have been tried are metronidazole, of gastrointestinal and pulmonary symptoms
398 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

with detection of increased numbers of larvae and 99% specific, however infections with
in stool and/or sputum is the hallmark of filariae or Ascaris can lead to false-positives
hyperinfection. Among the conditions that may results and does not distinguish active from
trigger hyperinfection are AIDS, glucocorticoid past infections.
treatment, and Human T-lymphotropic virus In disseminated strongyloidiasis, filariform
type 1 (HTLV-1) infection. larvae can be found in stool samples as well as
Glucocorticoids are strongly associated sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, pleural
with transforming chronic strongyloidiasis to fluid, peritoneal fluid; and surgical drainage
hyperinfection. Aside from the decrease in cell- fluid. The typical rhabditiform larvae of S.
mediated immunity, corticosteroids increase stercoralis are characterized by short buccal
the production, mainly in the intestinal wall, capsule with an open mouth and the presence
of ecdysteroid-like substances which may act of a conspicuous genital primodial packet
as molting signals and increase production of of cells. Extreme care should be taken when
auto-infective larvae. working with materials from a patient suspected
Patients who have developed severe systemic of having strongyloidiasis because of possible
S. stercoralis infections include those with filariform larvae in the specimen. Gloves should
hematologic malignancies, connective tissue be worn to prevent skin penetration by these
disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus, larval forms.
solid organ transplant recipients, and other Thiabendazole is the drug of choice in both
underlying immunosuppresive conditions. uncomplicated and disseminated infections, but
When migrating larvae increase in numbers, due to potentially severe side effects, alternative
abdominal complaints and repeated episodes chemotherapy with ivermectin and albendazole
of unexplained bacteremia or meningitis with can be attempted. In a prospective, randomized,
enteric bacteria may occur. This is likely due open-labelled study comparing a seven-day
to larval penetration of the bowel leading to course of oral albendazole 800 mg day versus
translocation of bowel flora into the bloodstream a single oral dose of ivermectin 200 µg, cure
either from the sites of microperforation, rates were 38.1% and 76.2%, respectively. In
attached to the larva, or excreted by the larvae a different randomized trial in rural Zanzibar,
in circulation. a single dose of 200 µg/kg of ivermectin and
Diagnosis of Strongyloides infection is 400 mg/day for 3 days of albendazole in 301
best made by detecting rhabditiform larvae in children with Strongyloides stercoralis resulted
concentrates of multiple stools. Single stool in cure rates of 83% and 45%, respectively. In
exam may miss up to 70% of cases; while three another open randomized study of 60 patients
stool samples increases diagnostic sensitivity with Strongyloides stercoralis infection treated
to 50% and seven serial stool samples raises with albendazole 400 mg/day for 3 days or
sensitivity to more than 90%. ivermectin 150 to 200 µg/kg single dose,
S. stercoralis resides in the duodenum, parasitological cure with the former was 38%
making recovery of the larvae in the stool and 83% for the latter.
difficult in patients with low worm burden. The efficacy of therapy should be monitored
Ancillary techniques like the Entero-Test string with serial examinations until a negative stool or
capsule and the duodenojejunal aspiration may upper small bowel fluid is obtained. Treatment
increase yield. Other techniques for recovering failure and relapse are not infrequent. In patients
Strongyloides larvae include the Harada-Mori with the hyperinfection syndrome, case fatality
and petridish culture techniques. ELISA to rates are high (up to 87%) despite appropriate
detect Strongyloides antibody is 88% sensitive anthelminthic therapy due to the concomitant
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 399

immunosuppression and bacteremia. Detection disease with focal granulomatous lesions in

and eradication of Strongyloides infection prior the brain. Conditions associated with GAE
to initiation of immunosuppressive therapy include amebic keratitis, skin ulcers, liver
is important in preventing the occurrence of disease, pneumonitis, diabetes mellitus, renal
disseminated strongyloidiasis. failure, rhinitis, pharyngitis, and tuberculosis.
Predisposing factors include alcoholism,
Other Parasitic Infections
pregnancy, SLE, hematologic disorders, AIDS,
Entamoeba histolytica, the cause of amebic chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and steroid
dysentery and amebic liver abscess, infects a treatment. Acanthamoeba spp. are now well-
large number of people throughout the world. described as opportunistic pathogens in AIDS
Morbidity and mortality due to E. histolytica patients, particularly those with a low CD4+
varies, depending on the geographic area, cell count. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of
organism strain, and patient immune status. this rare infection requires a high index of
In patients with intestinal disease, symptoms suspicion, since both clinical and histological
range from minimal to acute or chronic amebic findings may mimic those of disseminated
colitis. Extraintestinal infection occurs when fungal or algal disease. Clinical manifestations
the organisms invade the mucosal lining and of AIDS patients infected with Acanthamoeba
are carried via the bloodstream to the liver. E. include non-specific systemic complaints
histolytica infection in an immunocompromised such as fever and chills, nasal congestion,
host can lead to a higher risk of extraintestinal neurologic symptoms, and musculoskeletal and
disease. AIDS patients in endemic areas are at cutaneous lesions. Some patients may develop
high risk for severe infection. erythematous nodules, chronic ulcerative
Blastocystis hominis, a common commensal skin lesions, or abscesses. Over 100 cases of
in the colon, is considered a non-pathogenic GAE caused by Acanthamoeba spp. have been
intestinal protozoan. However, in the absence recorded worldwide and 53 of these occured in
of other parasites, bacteria or viruses, it has been AIDS patients in the United States. Although
known to cause diarrhea, and constitutional Acanthamoeba infection typically stimulates
symptoms in immunocompromised hosts. B. granuloma formation, the response in AIDS
hominis is the most frequently detected parasite patients is minimal or absent due to severe
among adults; including immunocompromised immunosuppression.
patients, institutionalized psychiatric or elderly The leptomyxid ameba Balamuthia
subjects, immigrants from developing countries, mandrillaris is uncommon and was previously
and travelers to developing countries. In the thought to have no pathogenic potential. B.
same study population, B. hominis showed a mandrillaris is very similar to GAE and has
significant correlation with gastrointestinal an unknown incubation period. Its clinical
symptoms only when detected in subjects course tends to be subacute to chronic. There
with severe immunodepression. Its role as have been over 74 cases of B. mandrillaris GAE
an opportunistic parasite has been described reported worldwide, 11 of whom were AIDS
among HIV-infected patients, with a prevalence patients in the USA. Giardia duodenalis is a
of up to 52% among in this population. parasitic flagellate commonly found in many
Free-living ameba can cause severe parts of the world. Giardia infection generally
disease in immunocompromised individuals. manifests as intestinal diarrhea. Infection
Granulomatous amebic encephalitis (GAE) in healthy hosts is usually self-limited, but
caused by Acanthamoeba spp. and Balamuthia may contribute to morbidity from diarrhea
mandrillaris occurs as a subacute or chronic especially in malnourished children and the
400 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

elderly. Inadequate sanitation is a major risk million cases of malaria occur every year, at least
factor for acquisition of giardiasis, and drinking a million of which cause deaths. An estimated
of contaminated water is the usual mode of 30 to 36 million people are living with HIV in
infection to travelers in developing countries. Africa, resulting in more than 3 million deaths
AIDS patients presenting with diarrhea should every year. Malaria is more common and severe
be screened for giardiasis. Trophozoites can in adults with HIV, pregnant women, and
be seen on wet mounts and are better seen children.
with Giemsa staining. Lateral flow assays Guidelines for treatments of the two
that detect antigen in stool are commercially infections are often conflicting. There are also
available and are usually combined with issues around drug resistance and cross-reactions
Cryptosporidium. While treatment of giardiasis between drugs, as well as concerns that some
in healthy hosts is straighttforward with medications used to treat HIV-positive persons
metronidazole or tinidazole, those who are could be harmful for malaria treatment in
severely immunocompromised may require certain settings.
longer duration of treatment and may have HIV not only increases the incidence and
more frequent relapse. severity of malaria, it also compromises malaria
Epidemiological studies also suggest that treatment. HIV infection can decrease the
malaria is a deadly co-factor for AIDS. The response to standard antimalarial treatment. For
results of Ugandan study by Whitworth, et al. HIV-positive adults with a weakened immune
involving 484 participants making 7,220 clinic system (a low CD4 count), antimalarial drugs
visits between 1990 and 1998 did show an are less likely to be effective. Malaria contributes
increased frequency of clinical malaria (2.0%) to an increase in viral load among HIV-positive
and parasitemia (11.8%) associated with HIV- people which can potentially accelerate the
1 infection as opposed to their HIV-negative progression from HIV to AIDS.
counterparts, 0.7% and 6.3%, respectively. In a prospective, cross-sectional study, in
Lower CD4 cell counts were associated with the Central Hospital of Maputo, Mozambique
increased parasite densities and increased risk last October 2006, risk factors for fatal outcome
of clinical malaria. In addition, infants born to were determined and impact of HIV on the
mothers co-infected with HIV and malaria had accuracy of malaria diagnosis was assessed.
a four-fold higher mortality rate than infants Among 333 included patients, 15% (51/333)
born to mothers infected with either HIV or had “presumptive malaria,” 10% (28 of 285
malaria alone. tested persons) had positive malaria blood slides,
There is considerable geographical overlap while 69.1% (188/272) were HIV positive.
between malaria and HIV and increasing Seven percent (n=23) had confirmed malaria,
evidence on a direct link with one disease after the diagnosis was rejected in patients with
making the other worse and more difficult to neck stiffness or symptom duration longer than
treat. two weeks (n=5) and persons with negative
Malaria and HIV/AIDS are two of the (n=19) or unknown malaria blood slide (n=4).
most important infectious diseases worldwide, Clinical stage of HIV infection, hypotension,
accounting for almost 9% of the total burden and hypoglycemia were associated with fatal
of disease in sub-Saharan Africa (Figure outcome. The study suggests that the fraction
8.9). Malaria and HIV cause more than four of febrile illness attributable to malaria is lower
million deaths a year combined, and are both in HIV positive adults. HIV testing should be
concentrated primarily in sub-Saharan Africa, considered early in evaluation of patients with
Asia, and South America. More than 500 suspected malaria.
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 401

Figure 8.9. Distribution of malaria

(Accessed from

Superimposed endemic parasitic infections parasitic infections among HIV infected and
in tropical countries present a major health uninfected children with diarrhea in Thailand,
problem among HIV-infected individuals intestinal parasites were identified in the
and malnourished hosts. Non-opportunistic stool specimens of 27 out of 82 (33%) HIV
intestinal parasites such as hookworms, infected children and were significantly higher
Opisthorchis viverrini, and A. lumbricoides than the uninfected children [12 out of 80
are common regardless of HIV status. In a (15%)]. In Africa faster progression to AIDS
prospective observational study on intestinal and increased HIV viral load occurred in areas
402 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

highly endemic for helminths. These long- Bangkok, Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop
lasting parasitic infections cause widespread Med Public Health. 2001;32(4):770–775.
activation and dysregulation, inducing a DuPont HL, Chapelli CL, Sterling CR,
dominant Th2 cytokine immune profile and Okhuysen PC, Rose JB, Jakubowski W.
an immune hyporesponsive state. Helminths The infectivity of Cryptosporidium parvum
induce a predominantly Th2 response, and this in healthy volunteers. N Engl J Med.
has been associated with progression of HIV. 1995;332(13):855–9.
Endemic tropical non-opportunistic parasitic Farthing MJ. Clinical aspects of human
infections present a special and significant cryptosporidiosis. Contrib Microbiol.
risk in immunocompromised individuals. It 2000;6:50–74.
is important for the clinicians and laboratory Foreman EB, Abraham PJ, Garland JL. Not
personnel to be aware of the problems these your typical Strongyloides infection: a
organisms can cause and recognize their clinical literature review and case study. South Med
relevance. J. 2006;99(8):847–52.
Gassama A, Sow PS, Fall F, Camara P, Gueye-
Ndiaye A, Seng R, et al. Ordinary and
Abubakar I, Aliyu S, Arumugam C, Usman N, opportunistic enteropathogens associated
Hunter P. Treatment of cryptosporodiosis with diarrhea in Senegalese adults in
in immunocompromised individuals: relation to human immunodeficiency virus
systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J serostatus. Int J Infect Dis. 2001;5(4):192–
Clin Pharmacol. 2007; 63(4):387–93. 8.
AIDS Research Group. Biennial Report 1995– He y w o r t h M F. Pa r a s i t i c d i s e a s e s i n
1996; 1997–1998. Manila (Philippines): immunocompromised hosts:
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine, cr yptosporidiasis, isosporiasis and
Department of Health; 1999. strongyloidiasis. Gastroenterol Clin North
Essid R, Mousli M, Aoun K, Abdelmalek R, Am. 1996; 25(3):691–707.
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2008;79(5):702–5. Microbiol Rev. 2002;15(1):145–54.
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B. Falcipar um malaria and HIV- KA. Disseminated Strongyloides stercoralis
1 in hospitalized adults in Maputo, infection in an immunocompetent patient.
Mozambique: does HIV-infection Clin Infect Dis. 1996;23(3):663.
obscure the malaria diagnosis? Malaria J. Kadappu K, Nagaraja M, Rao P, Shastry
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AIDS. 1998;12:29–33. Keiser P, Nutman T. Strongyloides stercoralis in
Chokephaibulkit K, Wanachiwanawin D, immunocompromised population. Clin
Tosasuk K, Pavipok J, Vanprapar, N, Microbiol Rev. 2004;17(1):208–17.
Chearskul S. Intestinal parasitic infections Lim S, Katz K, Krajden S, Fuksa M, Keystone J,
among HIV-infected and uninfected Kain K. Complicated and fatal Strongyloides
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diagnosis and management. CMAJ. Montoya JG, Liesenfeld O. Toxoplasmosis.

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Cryptosporidium infection transmitted Shrikhande S, Chande C, Shegokar V, Powar
through the public water supply. N Engl J R. Pulmonary cryptosporidiosis in HIV
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commercial sex workers. J Acquir Immune Siddiqui AA, Berk, SL. Diagnosis of Strongyloides
Defic Syndr. 1994;7:1157–68. stercoralis infection. CID. 2001;33:1040–7.
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404 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Neglected Tropical Diseases

Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Amelia M. Breyre, Francis Isidore G. Totañes

N eglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) are

a biologically diverse group of chronic
diseases unified by their strong association
relatively neglected by research; (b) they have an
important impact on morbidity and mortality;
and (c) they can be prevented or possibly
with poverty. NTDs are caused by a disparate eliminated using effective and feasible strategies.
group of pathogens, including viruses, bacteria,
NTD Disease Distribution
protozoa, and helminths. Their modes of
transmission also vary tremendously; some Internationally, more than a sixth of the
are parasitic diseases that spread through hosts world’s population suffer from one or more
and vectors (e.g., fish, snails, mosquitoes, etc.), NTDs. The distribution of these diseases varies
while others are transmitted through water. All tremendously regionally. Figure 8.10 is a map
NTDs, however, share several of the following that shows the global distribution and overlap
features: (a) they affect populations with low of the most common NTDs. One-third of the
visibility and little political voice; they are global prevalence of intestinal helminthiasis, and

Figure 8.10. Global distribution of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) by number of NTDs per country
(Accessed from

a majority of foodborne trematode infections schistosomiasis are also in this region. Table 8.5
can be found in Southeast Asia and China. enumerates the NTDs targeted by the World
Approximately one-half of the active trachoma Health Organization (WHO) for control, with
infections, and a significant proportion of the a focus on those endemic to the Philippines.
number of cases of lymphatic filariasis (LF) and
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 405

Table 8.5. Neglected tropical diseases targeted year is attributable to schistosomiasis in the
by the WHO Philippines.
The concept of disability-adjusted life years
Disease in the (DALYs) was developed to quantitatively assess
Philippines the burden of individual diseases. DALYs take
Buruli ulcer into account both premature mortality (years
Chagas disease* of life lost) and disability (years of life lived
Cysticercosis* with a disability weighted by the severity of the
Dengue disability). DALYs assigned to a specific disease
Dracunculiasis (guinea-worm disease)* at a particular time gives the estimated sum of
years of potential life lost due to premature
mortality and years of productive life lost. For
Human African trypanosomiasis
example, it is estimated that 5,941,000 years of
potential life are lost globally due to lymphatic
filariasis. The use of DALYs, however, is
somewhat controversial since its design contains
Lymphatic filariasis*
inherent systematic flaws that result in under
evaluation of the importance of chronic diseases
such as NTDs. Because DALYs focus more on
Schistosomiasis* individual risk rather than the ecology of the
Soil-transmitted helminthiasis* disease, the weight of disability for chronic
Trachoma diseases in the context of poverty tend to be
Yaws underestimated.
*Diseases caused by parasites The concept of a quality-adjusted life years
(QALYs) is an alternative means to quantify
losses attributable to disease. The QALYs system
Burden of Neglect
uses estimates from preference-based health
NTDs disproportionately affect the poorest related quality-of-life interviews administered to
and most marginalized, including the rural groups of patients or to members of the general
poor, residents of urban slums, out of school population in an endemic community. QALYs
youth, women, and indigenous people whose are better able to assess the societal context
access to formal health services are limited for of disease impact that may not be accurately
cultural, social, or geographic reasons. It is captured by DALYs. Improvement of DALYs
difficult to quantify the social burden associated calculations and development of new metrics
with crippling disabilities and reductions in such as QALYs are ongoing. Such efforts are an
productivity of individuals and communities important aspect of assessment of the burden of
caused by NTDs. Nevertheless, efforts to NTDs because they provide a mechanism for
measure the social and economic impact of determining health priorities.
NTDs can provide an understanding of the Polyparasitism
extent of disease burden, and are important in
order to guide policies and prioritize disease The burden of NTDs is further compounded
control programs. Calculations of disability by the fact that infection with multiple parasite
rate, for example, estimate that a total of species, known as polyparasitism, is more often
45.4 days off-work lost per infected person/ the norm rather than the exception. Community
406 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

surveys in Cote d’Ivoire demonstrated infection (15-24 years old), and are more common in
with at least two intestinal parasites (Schistosoma males. A community parasitologic survey in
mansoni, soil-transmitted helminths and/or Cote d’Ivoire observed the highest frequency
intestinal protozoans) in 90.2% of the sampled of polyparasitism among adolescents and young
population. In Brazil, co-infection with Necator adults (15-24 years old).
americanus and S. mansoni was observed Geographic distribution, in relation to
in 41.0% of the community participants the overlapping of areas of endemicity, also
examined. In a community survey in China, contributes to the occurrence of polyparasitism.
27.8% of those surveyed were infected with at In addition, behavioral factors may also be
least two parasite species (Ascaris, Trichuris, and/ attributed to polyparasitism. Behavior related
or S. japonicum). to personal hygiene can greatly contribute to
Local sentinel parasitologic surveys on infection of parasites with similar modes of
school-age children revealed multiple infections transmission. Socioeconomic status, living
with at least two helminths (soil-transmitted conditions and access to health and sanitary
helminths, Schistosoma japonicum and/or facilities also influence the distribution of
heterophyids) in 20.4% of those examined. polyparasitism and parasitic infections in
Similarly, co-infections between different general. Individuals of lower socioeconomic
STH species and S. japonicum were observed status are less likely to have adequate water
in 13.1% of school-age children in indigenous and sanitation, and are less likely to invest in
peoples in Davao del Norte. bed nets for protection against mosquito-borne
Although there are existing data diseases. Similarly, low education levels have
on the global prevalence and burden of been associated with limited access to effective
individual parasitic diseases, there are still no treatment, and less compliance with preventive
accurate estimations on the global burden of measures.
polyparasitism. Estimates of populations at A study by Ellis et al. that looked into
risk of multiple parasitic infections have been environmental and genetic predispositions to
described by looking into co-distribution rather polyparasitism revealed that the risk of Ascaris
than co-infection. Currently, there are limited and Trichuris co-infection, and S. japonicum
studies on the epidemiology and impact of and Trichuris co-infection were significantly
polyparasitism. Research looking into the use influenced by environmental or household
of polyparasitism as a parameter for effective conditions. Data from this study also revealed
disease control needs to be explored. that there is a significant genetic component
attributed to the risk of multiple parasitic
Risk Factors for Polyparasitism
infections. This suggests that polyparasitism
The risk for polyparasitism, as with may aggregate in a familial pattern.
individual infections, is influenced by the
Combined Impact of Polyparasitism
combined effects of several factors. Intrinsic
factors are attributed to host resistance that Infection with multiple parasites intuitively
is influenced by age and sex; and linked to results in higher morbidity than the impact of
frequency of exposure to infection, as well as a single infection. Malnutrition, as exemplified
development of immunity, or a combination by wasting and stunting, arises as a result
of both. Ascaris and Trichuris infections, for of co-infections with malaria, STH, and/or
example, are most prevalent among the 5 to15 Schistosoma. Intestinal helminth infections
years old age group. Hookworm infections are cause intestinal inflammation and reduced
most prevalent among middle-aged individuals food intake, while malaria and schistosomiasis
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 407

may trigger inflammatory cytokines that cause A synergistic effect has also been demonstrated
anorexia and induce a catabolic response. between Ascaris and Trichuris infections, while
Anemia in malaria infection is from protective effects against malaria have been
hemolysis and phagocytosis, while anemia from reported as a result of Ascaris or S. haematobium
STH infections arises from chronic intestinal infections.
blood loss. A local study has demonstrated a
Strategic Approaches
significant association between anemia and
S. japonicum infection. Given the different A. Disease Surveillance
mechanisms by which these infections bring
Successful control of NTDs requires
about malnutrition and anemia, it is possible
active surveillance programs at the local level
that the effects of co-infection on malnutrition
in order to understand prevalence and disease
and anemia are additive. Studies in Kenya
distribution. Information on the burden of
revealed significantly lower hemoglobin among
NTDs is important to determine specific disease
preschool and school age children with malaria-
control and prevention strategies. On the other
hookworm co-infections, compared to those
hand, data on the geographical distribution of
with single infection. Another study done in
NTDs can help direct resources to priority areas,
Nigeria has shown lower mean hemoglobin
especially in low-income countries where NTDs
among pregnant women with co-infections with
are prevalent and resources are limited.
malaria and STH, although the difference was
Strengthening the capacity of health
not statistically significant.
professionals is important for early diagnosis
An increasing number of studies have
and treatment of cases. The local medical
demonstrated significant associations between
technologist plays a major role in the
co-infections with different helminth species.
performance of appropriate and accurate
Helminth infection has been shown to elicit
laboratory examinations. Accurate and timely
an immune response that either results in
diagnosis will not only contribute to the proper
the production of non-cytophilic antibodies
treatment and early prevention of morbidity,
allowing increased susceptibility to further
but also limit under- or over-reporting of cases.
infection, or results in effective inflammatory
This will also result in reporting of reliable data
factors that offers protection against other
for proper disease monitoring and surveillance.
parasitic infections.
A notable increase in hookworm intensity B. Preventive Chemotherapy
has been described with an increasing number of
The WHO defines preventive chemotherapy
co-infecting helminths (Ascaris and S. mansoni).
as a major strategy for the control of a number
With regard to Ascaris infection, there was a
of parasitic diseases through morbidity and
significant increase in intensity of infection in
transmission control. Preventive chemotherapy
the presence of hookworm co-infection, and a
through mass drug administration is
significant decrease in the presence of S. mansoni
recommended for the control of lymphatic
co-infection. The synergistic effect of hookworm
filariasis, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, and
infection with other helminth infections may be
soil-transmitted helminthiasis. Given the
attributed to immunomodulation resulting in
overlapping distribution of many NTDs, the
reduced cellular reactivity. T-regulatory cells
WHO recommends combined control strategies
(Tr1) that secrete cytokines may play a role
in a drug-based rather than a disease-based
in the down-regulation of the host’s immune
approach. The drug-based approach looks into
response to subsequent helminth infections,
combined control of diseases that are targeted
thus resulting in greater intensities of infection.
by the same drugs.
408 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Co-administration of praziquantel and are severely affected and underserved. For

albendazole, as well as co-administration of example, combined control of schistosomiasis
ivermectin and albendazole are recommended and STH infections may be conducted through
for use in mass treatment strategies in co- deworming of school children as part of the
endemic areas. Initial studies on the co- school health and nutrition program.
administration of albendazole, praziquantel, Recognizing the importance of local health
and ivermectin have shown no clinically systems, collaboration between the health
significant pharmacokinetic interactions when and education sectors, as well as the local
given together to healthy volunteers. These government units are important for a more
suggest that co-administration of the three unified and concerted approach to the control
drugs is not expected to yield additional adverse of parasitic infections in the community. Future
reactions; however, it is important to consider operational researches on combined control
precautionary measures when administering strategies and their impact on the prevalence
drug combinations to infected individuals. of NTDs and associated morbidities, as well
Infrastructural interventions: Since NTDs as cost-benefit studies will be important in
are strongly associated with poverty, many of establishing evidence-based guidelines for
those afflicted tend to have limited access to effective disease control.
clean water and proper sanitation facilities.
Access to clean water is necessary in order for
any control program to have a lasting impact Belizario VY Jr, Totañes FG, de Leon WU,
on reducing transmission. Improvements in Lumampao YF, Ciro RN. Soil-transmitted
infrastructure need to be supplemented with helminth and other intestinal parasitic
educational programs to increase awareness and infections among school children in
to promote habits that reduce transmission, indigenous people communities in Davao
such as proper hygiene. del Norte. Acta Trop. 2011;120S:S12–18.
C. Integrated Control
Belizario VY Jr, Totañes FG, de Leon WU,
Lumampao YF, Ciro RN. Sentinel
Because many of the NTDs are parasitic, surveillance of soil-transmitted
control of these diseases share similar helminthiasis in school children in selected
intervention strategies. They can be integrated local government units in the Philippines:
into a streamlined control program in order to follow-up assessment. Asia Pac J Public
increase efficiency and reduce costs. Integration Health. Forthcoming 2013.
of health programs should consider capitalizing Briand V, Watier L, Le Hesran JY, Garcia A,
on existing infrastructure and programs. Cot M. Coinfection with Plasmodium
Targeting groups that are at high-risk for falciparum and Schistosoma haematobium:
multiple infections, such as pre-school children, Protective effect of schistosomiasis on
school-age children, and farmers; as well as malaria in Senegalese children? Am J Trop
groups at high risk for morbidity, such as Med Hyg. 2005;72(6):702–7.
pregnant and adolescent females, should Conteh L, Engels T, Molyneux D. Socioeconomic
be considered in integrating NTD control aspects of neglected tropical diseases.
programs. These groups can be reached Lancet. 2010;375(9710):239.
through the same channels, such as existing Drake LJ, Bundy DA. Multiple helminth
health and education systems with extended infections in children: Impact and control.
community-based coverage where populations Parasitol. 2001;122:S73–81.
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 409

Ellis MK, Raso G, Li YS, Rong Z, Chen HG, Lazdins J. Assessment of pharmacokinetic
McManus DP. Familial aggregation of drug interactions and tolerability of
human susceptibility to co- and multiple albendazole, praziquantel and ivermectin
helminth infections in a population from combinations. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg.
the Poyang Lake region, China. Int J 2006;100:335–45.
Parasitol. 2007;37(10-3):1153–61. Pullan RL, Bethony JM, Geiger SM, Cundill
Egwunyenga AO, Ajayi JA, Nmorsi OPG, B, Correa-Oliveira R, Quillen RJ, et al.
Duhlinska-Popova DD. Plasmodium/ Human helminth co-infection: analysis
intestinal helminth co-infections among of spatial patterns and risk factors in a
pregnant Nigerian women. Mem Inst Brazilian community. PLoS Negl Trop Dis.
Oswaldo Cruz. 2001;96(8):1055–9. 2008;2(12):e352.
Ezeamama AE, Friedman JF, Acosta LP, Pullan R, Brooker S. The health impact
Bellinger DC, Langdon GC, Manalo DL, of polyparasitism in humans: are we
et al. Helminth infection and cognitive underestimating the burden of parasitic
impairment among Filipino children. Am diseases? Parasitology. 2008;135:783–94.
J Trop Med Hyg. 2005;72(5):540–8. Raso G, Luginbühl A, Adjoua CA, Tian-Bi
Feasey N, Wansbrough-Jones M, Mabey DC, NT, Silué KD, Matthys B, et al. Multiple
Solomon AW. Neglected tropical diseases. parasite infections and their relationship
Br Med Bull. 2009;93(1):179–200. to self-reported morbidity in a community
Hotez PJ, Ehrenberg JP. Escalating the global of rural Côte d’Ivoire. Int J Epidemiol.
fight against neglected tropical diseases 2004;33:1092–102.
through interventions in the Asia Pacific Department for International Development.
region. Adv Parasitol. 2010;72:31–53. UK and partners unite to combat tropical
Keiser J, N’Goran EK, Traore M, Lohourignon diseases [Internet]. 2011 [cited 2012 Jun
KL, Singer BH, Lengeler C, et al. 5]. Available from
Polyparasitism with Schistosoma mansoni, World Health Organization. Preventive
geohelminths, and intestinal protozoa Chemotherapy in Human Helminthiasis.
in rural Cote d’Ivoire. J Parasitol. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2006.
2002;88(3):461–6. World Health Organization. Global plan
King CH, Bertino A-M. Asymmetries of to combat neglected tropical diseases
poverty: why global burden of disease 2008-2015 [Internet]. 2012 [cited
valuations underestimate the burden of 2012 Jun 5] Available from: http://
neglected tropical diseases. PLoS Negl Trop
Dis. 2008;2(3):e209. /who_cds_ntd_2007.3_eng.pdf
Mwangi TW, Bethony JM, Brooker S. Malaria World Health Organization. Working to
and helminth interactions in humans: an overcome the global impact of neglected
epidemiological viewpoint. Ann Trop Med tropical diseases. Geneva: World Health
Parasitol. 2006;100(7):551–70. Organization; 2010.
Na-Bangchang K, Kietinunb S, Pawab KK,
Hanpitakponga W, Na-Bangchangc C,
410 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Preventive Chemotherapy
Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr., Francis Isidore G. Totañes, Paul Lester C. Chua

N eglected tropical diseases (NTDs) occur

most commonly in the setting of extreme
poverty, especially among the rural poor and
First, PCT utilizes population-based
diagnosis in assessing the burden of helminth
infections in a population through rapid
disadvantaged urban populations. Four of the community assessments and/or sentinel surveys
most prevalent NTDs are due to helminths which applied to a sample of its individuals. Surveys
are lymphatic filariasis (LF), onchocerciasis, can utilize appropriate diagnostic tests or
schistosomiasis, and soil-transmitted standard questionnaires screening for symptoms
helminthiasis (STH). Epidemiological studies or signs, or for behaviors associated with risk
reveal a broad geographic overlap among of infection. Population-based diagnosis can
these diseases, especially among impoverished also be carried out retrospectively by analyzing
populations with limited access to health existing epidemiological data. Based on results
services and sanitation. The focus of public of parasitologic assessment, an appropriate
health interventions against these helminth intervention is selected. Population-based
infections has transformed over the years; from diagnosis distinguishes PCT from the clinical
measures targeting extra-human stages of the life approach in which diagnosis is performed at the
cycle of the worms, such as vector control or individual level prior to treatment.
environmental sanitation; to measures targeting Second, PCT implements population-based
the human host, specifically through treatment treatment through large-scale delivery of single-
with the use of anthelminthics at regular administration drugs by non-medical personnel
intervals. The control of these neglected diseases (e.g., teachers, volunteers, or community drug
is considered a vital step towards achieving the distributors), and the use of non-medical
majority of the eight Millennium Development settings (e.g., schools, barangay halls, churches)
Goals, but despite the availability of low-cost as fixed points for drug distribution (Figure
and effective public health interventions, a 8.11). On the other hand, personalized case
large number of the world’s poorest individuals management treatment is performed by
remain affected with these diseases.
The main strategy, recommended by
the World Health Organization (WHO)
for controlling these infections, is the
implementation of large-scale preventive
chemotherapy (PCT) among population groups
at risk. PCT is the regular, systematic, large-scale
intervention involving the administration of one
or more anthelminthics to selected population
groups, with the aim of reducing morbidity and
transmission of selected helminth infections.
Characteristics of PCT Figure 8.11. School teachers administering
deworming tablets to students in a public
Three key characteristics determine PCT elementary school in Biñan, Laguna
as a public health intervention. (Courtesy of Dr. Vicente Belizario, Jr.)
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 411

specialized personnel on individuals reporting complete their life cycle. Consequently, direct
to health facilities. human-to-human spread is unfeasible and
Lastly, PCT is implemented at regular disease transmission becomes a slow process.
intervals based on the parasitologic status These facts suggest that the rate of increase in
as determined by the population-based number of worms within a human host that
surveillance. The intervention is repeated contributes to the intensity of infection is slow
without the need for further diagnostic depending on subsequent re-infection episodes.
interventions, although implementation of a The risk of developing morbidity and the
monitoring system is important. likelihood of disease transmission are dependent
on the individual’s intensity of infection. As
Modalities of Implementation
the intensity of infection increases slowly, the
There are three modalities by which PCT individual’s risk of developing morbidity also
interventions can be implemented. increases slowly, explaining why early-stage
manifestations associated with the targeted
• Un i ve r s a l t re a t m e n t i s t h e helminth infections are frequently overlooked.
administration of anthelminthics to Second, community diagnostic procedures are
the entire population of an area (e.g., available for each of the four diseases. Third,
state, region, province, district, sub- drug delivery strategies relying on resource
district, village) at regular intervals, persons based in schools or within communities
irrespective of the individual infection have been developed; and lastly, recommended
status. anthelminthics are low cost or given by
• Ta r g e t e d t r e a t m e n t i s t h e pharmaceutical companies as donations. All
administration of anthelminthics at these factors contribute to contain costs and
regular intervals to specific high-risk make the PCT interventions feasible for
groups in the population, defined by implementation against the four target diseases.
age, sex, or other social characteristics In addition, all anthelminthics currently
(e.g., school-age children, farmers), used in PCT interventions [albendazole (ALB),
irrespective of the individual infection diethylcarbamazine (DEC), ivermectin (IVM),
status. mebendazole (MBD), and praziquantel (PZQ)]
• Selective treatment is the are safe (i.e., adverse events are rare, mild, and
administration of anthelminthics to transient), and therefore appropriate for use
all infected individuals (confirmed or in interventions targeting infected, as well as
suspected) who are identified after a non-infected individuals. Temporary minor
regular parasitologic screening of a reactions following treatment occur mainly
population group living in an endemic as a result of the body’s response to the dying
area. worms. Thus, heavily infected individuals are
Currently Targeted Diseases expected to experience the most reactions. In
general, the number of individuals reporting
PCT targets four NTDs (LF, onchocerciasis, for adverse reactions is highest during the first
schistosomiasis, and STH) because of a number round of treatment and tends to decrease during
of reasons. First, helminths responsible for the succeeding rounds.
four diseases are unable to replicate in humans Such effective anthelminthics are also simple
and require one or more obligate passages to administer allowing the drug distribution by
outside the host (e.g., in an intermediate host, non-medical personnel possible. In the War on
in a vector, or in the environment) in order to Worms—Western Visayas approach, a local
412 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

government unit (LGU) led, school-based, in the prevalence and intensities of infection
school teacher-assisted mass drug administration among the school children after two years of
(MDA) has resulted in significant reductions implementation (Figure 8.12).

Figure 8.12. Cumulative STH prevalence and heavy intensity infections in school-age children in Aklan,
Antique, and Capiz, 2007-2009
(Courtesy of Dr. Vicente Belizario, Jr.)

The following general precautionary for individuals who may experience

measures are recommended to ensure the safe adverse reactions during rounds of
implementation of large-scale drug delivery: treatment;
• Any serious adverse reactions should
• Seriously ill individuals, who are
be carefully recorded and relayed to
unable to engage in normal activities of
the appropriate authorities;
daily living without assistance, should
• Individuals who have previously
be excluded from large-scale treatment;
suffered rare serious adverse reactions
• Program managers must ensure
caused by the drugs should be excluded
that targeted individuals for drug
from treatment;
administration are adequately
• Scored tablets should be broken
informed about the possible adverse
into smaller pieces or crushed before
reactions and necessary interventions
administration to young children to
in the event of such reactions;
prevent choking or asphyxiation; and
• Program managers must ensure the
• Program managers should be aware of
availability of medical care and support
other MDA for other diseases in the
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 413

same area. This is to minimize the risk In the Philippines, three helminth
of targeted individuals suffering from infections are targeted for control or elimination
adverse reactions due to interactions by the Department of Health through national
between drugs distributed by different programs that utilize MDA as a major strategy
programs. (Table 8.6).

Table 8.6. Target population, drug recommended, and mass drug administration frequency of health
programs in the Philippines

Health Program Target population Drug/s recommended Frequency

Expanded Garantisadong Preschool-age and school- MBD/ALB Twice a year
Pambata age children
0-14 years old
Integrated Helminth Control School-age children MBD/ALB Twice a year
Program 6-12 years old (January and July)
Schistosomiasis Control 5-65 years old PZQ Once a year
Program (in endemic areas) (July)
Filariasis Elimination Program 2-65 years old DEC plus ALB Once a year
(in endemic areas) (November)
Source: Department of Health. Intergrated helminth control program: mass treatment guide. Manila (Philippines): Department of Health; 2006.
p. 6-21.

Drug Combinations each maintaining its own planning, funding,

drug distribution system, MDA campaign,
A number of studies have investigated the
monitoring, and evaluation. Because of the
safety of drug combinations in the treatment of
similarities of program strategies, epidemiologic
helminth infections.
overlap of targeted diseases among affected
• ALB and PZQ can be safely co- populations, and the availability of drugs,
administered for STH and these NTD control/elimination programs are
schistosomiasis. suited for an integrated implementation in a
• MBD and PZQ have been widely way where coordinated MDA interventions for
co-administered in many countries multiple diseases are implemented to reduce the
and reported to be safe for STH and duplication of efforts in treating the diseases
schistosomiasis. separately. Such integration and coordination
• ALB plus DEC is also a safe of program activities among different disease-
combination in the treatment of specific programs should lead to better drug
lymphatic filariasis and STH. delivery, increased health benefits, and better
use of limited resources reaching more affected
The WHO has endorsed the co- and at-risk individuals.
implementation of MDA, also referred to as
the integrated approach to PCT. Ancillary Benefits and Advantages

Promise of Integrated PCT Sustained, large-scale PCT against helminth

infections results in a number of benefits and
Reports have revealed that many Ministries/ advantages:
Departments of Health in disease-endemic
countries have supported the control of NTDs • Relief from other NTDs (e.g.,
through independent and parallel programs, with foodborne trematode infections) and
414 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

from ectoparasitic infections (e.g., relevant government units, and donors to

scabies and lice) with commensurate maintain their interest in and support for the
health benefits; program.
• Significant increase in weight and Monitoring and evaluation should be
height among children leading to carried out with as little expense as possible so as
improvement of nutritional status and not divert resources away from implementation
general health; activities. The WHO recommends that
• Increase in school participation and approximately 5 to 10% of the program budget
improvement of school performance be allocated for monitoring activities.
in children; and Monitoring and evaluation are based on the
• Reduced maternal anemia in pregnant periodic collection and analysis of variables or
women and improved infant birth indicators with the aim of measuring changes
weight and survival. occurring during program implementation. The
suggested indicators for schistosomiasis and
Monitoring and Evaluation
STH control programs in school-age children
Monitoring and evaluation are integral can be grouped into three categories (Figure
components of any control program and are 8.13). Process and performance indicators are
vital to ensure both effective implementation used for monitoring, and performance and
and maximum benefit for infected individuals, impact indicators for evaluation (Table 8.7).
their families, and communities. An appropriate Drug coverage is the minimum indicator
evaluation system allows proper documentation for assessing the performance of large-scale PCT
of the program’s impact, updates current interventions. Coverage refers to the proportion
practices, and guides future program direction. of individuals in the target population or group
It is important that the outcome of monitoring who have actually swallowed the recommended
and evaluation activities (i.e., good practices drug/s.
and challenges) be shared with communities,

Figure 8.13. Process, performance, and impact indicators for helminth control
(From World Health Organization. Helminth control in school-age children: a guide for managers of
control programmes. 2nd ed. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011.)
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 415

Table 8.7. Categories, usage, and frequency of policy formulation for NTD control
collection of indicators and elimination.
• Difficulties encountered during
Frequency of
Category Use rounds of MDA can be revealed such
Process Determine whether At every drug as the identification of areas where
organizational administration fewer individuals receive drugs than
elements of the round
control program intended.
are in place and • Providers of drugs and funds to
are functioning
properly support drug delivery, including the
Performance Assess whether At every drug
governments of disease-endemic
coverage of the administration countries, can be assured that the
control program round
has reached its
provided support is cost-effective.
objective • Workers and volunteers involved in
Impact Assess whether the At baseline drug delivery can be informed about
health impact of and every
the program has 2-3 years
their efforts, which can contribute to
been achieved thereafter maintaining staff morale.
Source: World Health Organization. Helminth control in school-age • Advocacy for more support for NTD
children: a guide for managers of control programmes. 2nd
ed. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011. control is strengthened by knowledge
that many people in need are getting
Every effort should be made to ensure direct treatment.
observation of MDA (i.e., administration of the • Forecasting for drug supplies for future
appropriate dose in the presence of the drug treatment rounds is supported.
provider) (Figure 8.14). If actual swallowing Role of Social Mobilization
of tablets by targeted individuals cannot be
observed directly, random cluster surveys can These neglected diseases, especially
be undertaken to estimate the actual coverage. helminth diseases, do not rapidly cause death
Monitoring drug coverage has several and are more insidious in nature than many
important outcomes. diseases of acute onset. Health care providers
therefore consider NTDs a low priority.
• Reliable drug coverage rates contribute The objective of PCT interventions is to
to accurate information necessary for ensure that all eligible individuals in affected
communities swallow the recommended
drugs. This behavioral change is dependent
on the acceptance of targeted individuals for
treatment, as well as on the health care providers’
capacity to adequately inform and motivate the
community. Social mobilization is a complex
process that involves program implementation,
health care delivery services, health care
providers, and strategies for mobilization
and communication interacting to influence
behavioral change in people. Experiences with
Figure 8.14. Checking for tongue discoloration
existing health care programs have shown that
after administration of deworming tablets to
school children to ensure compliance this aspect of social mobilization is not given
(Courtesy of Dr. Vicente Belizario, Jr.) adequate priority during the planning of PCT
416 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

interventions. As characteristics of communities References

and responses to various communications
Amarillo ML, Belizario VY Jr, Sadiang-
from the health care providers differ, proper
abay JT, Sison SA, Dayag AM. Factors
understanding is essential in planning effective
associated with acceptance of mass drug
social mobilization campaigns. Investment
administration for the elimination of
in social mobilization strategies is critical in
lymphatic filariasis in Agusan del Sur,
sustaining high drug coverage throughout
Philippines. Parasit Vectors. 2008;1(1):14.
the duration of health programs (Figures
Brady MA, Hooper PJ, Ottesen EA. Projected
benefits from integrating NTD programmes
in Sub-Saharan Africa. Trends Parasitol.
Department of Health. Intergrated helminth
control program: mass treatment guide.
Manila (Philippines): Department of
Health; 2006. p. 6–21.
Gabrielli AF, Montresor A, Chitsulo L, Engels
D, Savioli L. Preventive chemotherapy
in human helminthiasis: theoretical and
operation aspects. Trans R Soc Trop Med
Hyg. 2012;105:683–93.
Figure 8.15. Former DOH Secretary Francisco
Duque III and former Antique Governor Salvacion Hotez PJ, Molyneux DH, Fenwick A,
Perez administering anthelminthics to school Kumaresan J, Sachs SE, Sachs JD, et al.
children in Pandan Central Elementary School, Control of neglected tropical diseases. N
Antique during the launch of the War on Engl J Med. 2007;357:1018–27.
Worms—Western Visayas (From War on worms
goes to Western Visayas. Philippine Star. 2007 Liese B, Rosenberg M, Schratz A. Programmes,
Nov 27;Health & Family:E-2.) par tnerships, and governance for
elimination and control of neglected
tropical diseases. Lancet. 2010;375:67–76.
Linehan M, Hanson C, Weaver A, Baker M,
Kabore A, Zoerhoff KL, et al. Integrated
implementation of programs targeting
neglected tropical diseases through
preventive chemotherapy: proving the
feasibility at national scale. Am J Trop Med
Hyg. 2011;84(1):5–14.
Loukas A, Hotez PJ. Chemotherapy of helminth
infections. In: Brunton L , Lazo J, Parker
Figure 8.16. Parade of school children and K, editors. Goodman and Gilman’s the
teachers during the launch of War on Worms—
Biñan, Laguna
pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 11th
(Courtesy of Dr. Vicente Belizario, Jr.) ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2006.
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 417

Spiegel JM, Dharamsi S, Wasan KM, Yassi Geneva: World Health Organization;
A, Singer B, Hotez PJ, et al. Which 2010. p. 1–7.
new approaches to tackling neglected World Health Organization. Working to
tropical diseases show promise. PLoS Med. overcome the global impact of neglected
2010;7(5):1–5. tropical diseases: first WHO report on
War on worms goes to Western Visayas. neglected tropical diseases. Geneva: World
Philippine Star. 2007 Nov 27;Health & Health Organization; 2010. p. 1–5.
Family:E-2. World Health Organization. Assuring safety
World Health Organization. Report on active of preventive chemotherapy interventions
surveillance for adverse events following for control of neglected tropical diseases.
the use of drug coadministrations in Geneva: World Health Organization;
the Global Programme to Eliminate 2011. p. 4–9.
Lymphatic Filariasis. Wkly Epidemiol Rec. World Health Organization. Helminth control
2003;78:315–-7. in school-age children: a guide for managers
World Health Organization. Preventive of control programmes. 2nd ed. Geneva:
chemotherapy in human helminthiasis: World Health Organization; 2011.
coordinated use of anthelminthic drugs in World Health Organization. Integrated
control interventions: a manual for health preventive chemotherapy for neglected
professionals and programme managers. tropical diseases: estimation of the number
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2006. of interventions required and delivered,
p. 1–62. 2009-2010. Wkly Epidemiol Rec.
World Health Organization. Monitoring drug 2012;87:17–26.
coverage for preventive chemotherapy.
418 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Emporiatrics for the Filipino Traveler

Edsel Maurice T. Salvaña, Arthur Dessi E. Roman

T he past years have shown an exponential

increase in the amount of local and
international travel. The United Nations’
(48%) by road (39%), rail (3%), or over water
This large increase in travel activity, coupled
World Tourism Organization reported that with the threat of various geographically-
international tourists numbered around 922 associated emerging diseases including influenza
million in 2008. This number is expected to A (H1N1), avian flu (H5N1), and the severe
exceed one billion in 2010 and 1.6 billion acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), makes
by 2020. Not only are more people traveling, emporiatrics or travel medicine increasingly
previously inaccessible areas are now being relevant. The various risks that travel poses
explored due to increased technology and urban to health can be challenging to prevent and
sprawl. Locally, the Department of Tourism identify. In general, these can be divided into
reported that tourist volume grew by 6.64% environmental hazards, physical hazards, and
in the Philippines’ top destinations during the medical hazards. There may be substantial
first quarter of 2010, with foreign tourist arrivals overlap between these categories.
increasing by 7.89%, while domestic tourism Environmental hazards are those due to
increased by 6.09%. Metro Manila remains the weather, terrain, altitude or depth, and wildlife
leading destination, while Cebu and Camarines including flora and fauna. These hazards can
Sur follow. be addressed by careful planning with attention
Several factors have contributed to the to adequate clothing, equipment, and logistics.
rise in domestic and foreign travel. Among Physical hazards include conditions which may
these are socio-cultural factors such as the cause physical harm to the traveler. Potentially
recognition that travel is a highly desirable dangerous activities such as rock-climbing,
activity which expands one’s knowledge and hang-gliding, and diving, as well as prevailing
outlook in life, more favorable economics of political and safety issues including war and
travel including lower transport and travel loose firearms, crime, drugs, safety practices,
costs, higher disposable incomes, built-in and access to appropriate medical care are
leave as part of employment benefits and considered physical hazards. Some physical
perks, simplification of logistics in terms of hazards are more difficult to address since
availability of online facilities for arranging some travelers deliberately place themselves in
travel, ecotourism, medical tourism, and all- harm’s way. Medical hazards include the risk of
inclusive packages. contracting infectious diseases such as typhoid,
In 2008, more than half of all international malaria, and dengue, as well as issues of food
arrivals were motivated by leisure, recreation, poisoning, unclean water, poor hygiene, risk
and holiday travel, while business accounted of pulmonary embolism, and exacerbation
for another 15%, and 27% was due to other of existing medical conditions. Taking into
purposes such as visiting friends and family, consideration all of these potential hazards in
religious travel, and medical tourism among the chosen destination, plus one’s own health
others. More than half (52%) arrived via air status, emporiatric medicine aims to maintain
transport, while the rest used surface transport the health and well-being of the traveler and
minimize the risk of acquiring disease.
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 419

The Pre-Travel Medical Consultation new vaccines. Allergies to food and drugs are
elicited, as well as any reactions to previous
In order to minimize the possibility of
vaccinations. Some vaccines may cause allergic
travel related illness, the traveler must gather
reactions in those who are hypersensitive to
as much information about the travel
poultry products because these may be produced
destination(s) and possible activities that
in chicken or duck eggs. Influenza vaccines in
he will engage in. A traveler should ideally
particular may give a reaction in those allergic
consult a medical practitioner with experience
to poultry. A list of current medications is also
in travel medicine at least four weeks prior to
useful to determine whether drug interactions
departure. A longer preparation period may be
may occur with those that may be prescribed for
needed if long-term travel or overseas work is
prophylaxis or treatment. An adequate supply
expected, while consults as late as the day before
of medication should be brought with the
travel may still be of benefit.
traveler since obtaining medication abroad may
Itinerary be difficult, along with the risk of counterfeit
A detailed itinerary should be made
Physiologic states such as pregnancy,
available to the travel medicine provider prior
or breastfeeding status may present special
to the consultation so that the practitioner
problems during travel. For instance, access
can adequately determine possible medical,
to birthing facilities abroad may need to
environmental, and physical risks to the
be determined when traveling during late
traveler. This includes dates of departure and
pregnancy. Certain airlines place restrictions
return, countries and cities which will be visited
on travel of pregnant women who are near
including accommodations, and whether the
term. Breastfeeding mothers may have to stop
traveler will stay within urban limits or sojourn
breastfeeding if certain prophylactic medicines
into rural and sylvan areas. Transit cities should
are used, such as doxycycline and ciprofloxacin.
also be included, as some countries have specific
vaccination requirements for visas going to and Interventions
from origin countries and entry may be denied
Patient education on avoiding food- and
on this basis.
water-borne diseases, as well as use of insect
An excellent reference that is used for risk
repellents such as N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide
assessment is the Centers for Disease Control
(DEET)-containing preparations to avoid
and Prevention (CDC) Yellow Book, which has
arthropod and other vector-borne diseases should
detailed descriptions of destinations and risks
be done. Instructions for self-medication for
therein. Commercial travel medicine websites
travel-related diarrhea (including antimicrobial
such as can be used to generate
use and oral rehydration solutions), as well as
useful information, including patient handouts
avoidance of contaminated water and ice should
to help guide the traveler during his or her trip.
be emphasized. Use of sunblock and protective
Clinic Visit clothing should be mentioned, especially
since some prophylactic medications such as
Basic demographic data along with specific
doxycycline can cause photosensitivity. Special
health data is needed by the travel physician to
instructions regarding avoidance of specific
make a complete risk assessment for the traveler.
illnesses (e.g., avoid wading in fresh water in
Aside from age, sex, and past medical history,
schistosomiasis- and leptospirosis-endemic
a good vaccination history is also imperative in
areas) should be given on a case-by-case basis.
order to determine the need for boosters and
Risks of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs),
420 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

including HIV and AIDS, should be assessed Table 8.8. Vaccines for travelers
and appropriate measures taken. Finally,
Category Vaccine
arrangements should be made regarding access
1. Routine vaccination Diphtheria, pertussis, and
to medical treatment in emergent situations. tetanus
The need for any vaccinations and Hepatitis B
Haemophilus influenzae
prophylaxis will depend on multiple factors. type b
Most travel medicine authorities will make Human papillomavirus
Seasonal influenza*
recommendations on the use of these Measles, mumps and
interventions depending on risk of exposure, rubella
Meningococcal disease**
clinical impact, potential adverse reaction to Pneumococcal disease
the medication, and quarantine and infection Poliomyelitis
Tuberculosis (BCG)
risk to others. The only consistently required Varicella
vaccine for travel purposes is yellow fever (for 2. Selective use for Cholera
travel to endemic areas), while all others are travelers Hepatitis A**
recommended in varying degrees and depend Japanese encephalitis
on the type of exposures anticipated. Tick-borne encephalitis
Typhoid fever
Vaccine-Preventable Diseases 3. Mandatory vaccination Yellow fever**
Meningococcal disease
Local recommendations for the and polio (required
immunization of adult Filipinos have been by Saudi Arabia for
pilgrims; updates are
developed by the Philippine Society for available from www.
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases with the
* Routine for certain age groups and risk factors, selective for
Philippine Foundation for Vaccination in 2009 general travelers
and are available online at **Included in the routine immunization program in several
Indications for age, exposure, risk, and specific (Adapted from WHO International Travel and Health 2010)

population are included, and travelers are urged

to keep their immunizations up to date, whether either as an individual or a combined vaccine in
or not international travel is planned. During three weeks time, rather than the more lengthy
pre-travel medical consultation, physicians standard 6-month dosing schedule. It should be
have an excellent opportunity to review the noted though that while it is certainly better to
immunization status of the traveler. Routine have vaccination than not to have vaccination,
vaccinations are listed in Table 8.8 and are accelerated schedules may offer only partial
available in the country, while Table 8.9 shows protection.
vaccine-preventable diseases for selective use
Travelers’ Diarrhea
by travelers. In cases where there is uncertainty
about vaccination status, serologic testing for The most predictable and invariably the
antibody where available may be warranted most common travel-related illness is travelers’
depending on perceived risk of exposure. diarrhea (TD), affecting 30 to 70% (up to 80%
Accelerated schedules are available for for high-risk destinations) of travelers depending
the travelers without adequate time prior on the destination and length of stay. Persons
to travel for routinely recommended travel most affected are those traveling from an area
immunizations. The U.S. Food and Drug of more highly developed standards of hygiene
Administration (FDA) has approved an and sanitation to a less developed one. However,
accelerated dosing schedule that can afford TD can still occur when traveling from a
protection against hepatitis A and hepatitis B, less developed to a more developed country

Table 8.9. Vaccines for selective use by travelers

Etiologic Transmission Nature of disease Occurrence Risk for travelers Preventive measures
Hepatitis A Fecal-oral route • Abrupt onset of fever, • Worldwide, levels of • Risk varies with living • Two vaccine doses at 0 and
malaise, anorexia, nausea, endemicity are related conditions, length of stay, 6-12 months (HAVRIX, VAQTA)
and abdominal discomfort, to hygienic and sanitary and the incidence of • Accelerated schedule of
followed within a few days by conditions in the geographic Hepatitis A infection in the the combined Hepatitis A+B
jaundice areas area visited vaccine (TWINRIX) – days 0, 7,
• Frequently acquired during • Intermediate to high • Risk increases with visit to and 21 PLUS a booster dose
early childhood and is usually endemicity throughout the rural areas, trekking in back- at 1 year
asymptomatic or mild developing world country areas, or frequent • One dose administered at
eating or drinking in settings any time before departure
of poor sanitation can provide protection
for most healthy persons,
as early as 2 weeks after
• Indication for Hepatitis A
Immunoglobulin (passive
vaccination) 0.02 mL/kg:
<1yr old, allergy to a vaccine
component; single dose
provides protection up to 3

Hepatitis B Transmission • During acute infection: • Low prevalence (<2%) in • Generally low, except for • Vaccine given in a 3-dose
through blood nausea, vomiting, abdominal Northern and Western Europe, travelers to countries with high series on a 0-, 1-, and
or blood- pain, and jaundice; rashes, North America, Australia, New prevalence 6-month schedule
derived fluids joint pain, and arthritis may Zealand, Mexico, and South • Adventure travelers, • Accelerated schedule for
occur America Peace Corps volunteers, ENGERIX and TWINRIX as
• Intermediate (2-7%) in South, missionaries, and military described above
Central, and Southwest Asia, personnel, may be at • Initiate vaccine, if indicated,
Israel, Japan, Eastern and increased risk for infection even if it cannot be
Southern Europe, Russia, completed before departure
most areas surrounding
the Amazon River basin,
Honduras, and Guatemala
• High (≥8%) in Africa;
Southeast Asia, China, Korea;
the Middle East, except Israel;
South and Western Pacific
islands; the interior Amazon
River basin; and certain parts
of the Caribbean (Haiti and
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 421

the Dominican Republic)

Etiologic Transmission Nature of disease Occurrence Risk for travelers Preventive measures
Typhoid and Fecal-oral route • Acute illness with fatigue, • South, East and Southeast • Risk is greatest for travelers to • Oral live-attenuated vaccine
paratyphoid transmission headache, relative Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, South Asia (6-30 times) higher from Ty21a “strain” of S. typhi,
fever through sexual bradycardia, anorexia, and and Central and South than all other destinations; OR a parenteral vaccine
caused by contact, fever that increases daily America also at highest risk for extracted from S. typhi strain
Salmonella especially from low-grade to as high as quinolone- or multidrug- capsule
enterica among men 38.5-40°C resistant strains • No protection against S.
serotype who have • Evanescent “rose spots” can paratyphi typhoid
typhi, S. sex with men, occasionally be seen on the • Protects only 50-80% of
paratyphi A, has been trunk recipients
B, or C documented
Cholera Fecal-oral route • An acute enteric disease • Cholera occurs mainly • Low, provided that simple • Inactivated V. cholerae
caused Cholera affects varying in severity in poor countries with precautions are taken strains in oral suspension
by Vibrio only humans; • From asymptomatic to mild inadequate sanitation and to avoid potentially available advised only for
cholerae there is no diarrhea to severe profuse lack of clean drinking water contaminated food and travelers going to areas
bacteria, insect vector watery diarrhea with nausea and in war-torn countries water with ongoing epidemics/
serogroups or animal and vomiting and rapid where the infrastructure may • Humanitarian relief workers in outbreaks
O1 and reservoir host development of dehydration have broken down disaster areas and refugee
O139 • In severe untreated cases, • Developing countries: Africa camps are at risk
death may occur within a and Asia, and to a lesser
few hours due to circulatory extent, those in Central and
collapse South America
Japanese Bite of infected • Range from asymptomatic to • JE is the leading cause of • Low, varies according to • Avoid mosquito bites
Encephalitis mosquitoes mild infections characterized viral encephalitis in Asia season, destination, duration • Vaccine available but
(JE) of the genus by febrile headache or • Occurs in almost all of Asia of travel and activities marketed outside the
caused by Culex; aseptic meningitis or • Incidence declining in • Risk is higher in long-term endemic countries
Japanese Natural reservoirs: encephalitis to severe (rapid Japan and Korea due to travelers and expatriates
encephalitis pigs and onset and progression with immunization • Risk for travelers with extensive
virus—a various wild headache, high fever and • Increasing incidence in outdoor exposure (camping,
flavivirus birds meningeal signs, permanent some regions of China, hiking, bicycle tours, outdoor
neurological sequelae) Bangladesh, India, Nepal, occupational activities,
Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

• Approximately 25% of severe Pakistan, Northern Thailand, in particular in areas

clinical cases have a fatal and Vietnam, due to flooding where flooding irrigation is
outcome and related events practiced)

Etiologic Transmission Nature of disease Occurrence Risk for travelers Preventive measures
Tick-borne Bite of infected • Influenza-like illness, with • The European subtype: • Travelers are at risk when • Avoid tick bites; if bitten,
encephalitis ticks; a second phase of fever Central and Eastern Europe, hiking or camping in rural remove tick as soon as
caused by Ingestion of occurring in 10% of cases particularly Austria, Southern or forested areas (up to an possible
a flavivirus unpasteurized when encephalitis, paralysis, Germany, and Northern altitude of about 1,400 m • Two inactivated whole cell
Three subtypes: milk; or death may develop Switzerland, the Baltic states vaccines are available in
European No direct person- • Disease is seasonal; most (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), the Europe
subtype, the to-person cases occur during April to Czech Republic, Hungary, • Outside endemic countries,
Far Eastern transmission November and Poland the vaccines may not be
subtype, • Far Eastern subtype: North- licensed and will have to be
Siberian eastern Europe to China and obtained by special request
subtype Japan
• Siberian subtype: Northern
Europe to Siberia
Yellow fever Bite of infective • Asymptomatic • Endemic in some tropical • Risk in all areas where yellow • Avoid mosquito bites
caused by Aedes and • Some lead to an acute areas of Africa and central fever is considered endemic, • Yellow fever is the only
yellow fever Haemagogus febrile illness followed by a and South America especially for visitors who disease for which the WHO
virus, an spp. second febrile phase in 15% • Transmission can occur at enter forest and jungle area requires an international
arbovirus, of mosquitoes of patients altitudes up to 2,300 m in the Certificate of Vaccination for
the Flavivirus in the forests • Associated with Americas and possibly higher travelers
genus of Africa and musculoskeletal and in Africa • The Philippines requires a
South America. abdominal pain vaccination certificate from
Monkeys are the all travelers over 1 year of
main reservoir age coming from endemic
of infection in countries
forests; • Filipinos traveling to endemic
In Africa, areas can get the vaccine
mosquitoes and certificate from the
infect both Bureau of Quarantine, Port
monkeys Area, Manila at telephone
and humans, number (632) 527-4678.
causing • Vaccine is a live-attenuated
localized virus 0.5 mL given
outbreaks subcutaneously as a single
dose, booster doses given
every 10 years
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 423
424 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

as a consequence of non-immunity to non- on the use of self-administered antibiotics.

native enteric pathogens. Associated signs and Prophylaxis using non-pharmacologic agents
symptoms include nausea, vomiting, abdominal has been suggested, including the use of
cramps, and fever. Bacterial pathogens account bismuth sulfate and probiotics, but the evidence
for 80 to 90% of cases. for these interventions is still controversial.
The most common pathogen causing TD Prophylactic antibiotics are generally not
is enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). recommended due to the possible emergence of
Enteroadherent (EAEC) and other E. coli resistance and potential side effects. However,
subtypes are also common pathogens in bacterial short-term travelers who are high-risk hosts
diarrhea. Campylobacter jejuni, Shigella spp., and (e.g., immunosuppressed) or those taking
Salmonella spp. are likewise usual pathogens critical trips during which diarrheal bouts could
but present with bloody diarrhea. Viruses, affect the purpose may be given prophylaxis.
including norovirus, rotavirus, and astrovirus, Attack rates of TD can be decreased from 40%
have been isolated in 5 to 8% of TD. Protozoal down to 4% with prophylactic antibiotics but
pathogens, whose symptoms are slower to continuing changes in the patterns of resistance
manifest and may be the cause of persistent of the various choices of antibiotics should be
diarrhea, collectively account for about 10% of considered. Fluoroquinolones have replaced
diagnoses in longer-term travelers. Giardia is the cotrimoxazole and doxycycline as effective
major protozoan pathogen found in travelers. prophylactic agents. However, Campylobacter
Entamoeba histolytica is relatively uncommon resistance to fluoroquinolone in Southeast
but can cause severe disease. Asian countries has prompted some authorities
Diarrhea from toxins, colloquially known to use macrolides instead, especially for bloody
as “food poisoning,” involves the ingestion of diarrhea.
preformed toxins in food, and present within Most diarrheal diseases are self-limited
3 to 6 hours as vomiting and/or diarrhea that and patients will recover in a few days. If
usually resolves spontaneously within 12 hours. warranted, as in bacterial TD, empiric treatment
Examples of the toxin mediated diarrhea include with an antibiotic directed at suspected
those caused by Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus bacterial pathogens are of benefit. Examples
aureus. Some more exotic and potentially deadly include single-dose or 1-day therapy with a
toxins in food include neurotoxins from algal fluoroquinolone, or azithromycin 500 mg/
blooms (paralytic shellfish poisoning or red day for 1 to 2 days. More than antibiotics,
tide), ciguatera, and scombroid. however, it is very important for patients with
The importance of prevention can never diarrhea to replace volume losses. Fluid intake
be over-emphasized especially with regard to should be maintained with safe liquids. Special
TD. For travelers to high-risk areas, education attention should be given to the use of ice in
on food and beverage food choices is key beverages, as ice may be made from unsafe
to decreasing the risk of ingesting potential water. If moderate to heavy diarrheal losses
pathogens. These include avoiding undercooked continue, oral rehydration salt (ORS) solution
and raw food, meticulous hand hygiene, should be considered especially for children
exclusive use of bottled, boiled or filtered and the elderly.
water (including water for tooth brushing),
and eating only at hygienic and sanitary food
establishments. Since a subset of travelers make Malaria has been fully discussed in a
it a point to eat indigenous cuisine from street previous chapter, but because it is preventable
vendors, these travelers should be educated in travelers, prophylaxis will be briefly discussed
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 425

in this section. Malaria is found in over plains. Plasmodium falciparum accounts for 70
100 countries, and greater than 125 million to 80% of cases, while P. vivax accounts for 20 to
international travelers are at risk every year. It 30%. P. falciparum resistant to chloroquine and
remains the most common cause of fever in sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine has been reported,
returning travelers. Many travelers continue to and so chloroquine should not be taken to
acquire malaria, and more than 10,000 reported prevent malaria when traveling to endemic
cases likely represent only the tip of the iceberg. areas (Table 8.10).
Malaria, especially falciparum malaria can be a Anophelene mosquitoes that transmit
life-threatening disease, but is quite amenable malaria are known to be night biters. Preventing
to treatment when recognized early. In the mosquito bites can be done through: wearing
Philippines, malaria risk exists throughout the long-sleeved clothing and trousers, especially at
year in areas below 600 m, except in the 22 night; use of insect repellents including DEET-
provinces declared as malaria-free: Aklan, Albay, containing and citronella-based preparations
Benguet, Bilaran, Bohol, Camiguin, Capiz, with periodic reapplication; and mosquito nets
Catanduanes, Cavite, Cebu, Guimaras, Iloilo, which should ideally be treated with insecticide.
Northern Leyte, Southern Leyte, Marinduque, Garlic, vitamin B, and ultrasound devices do
Masbate, Eastern Samar, Northern Samar, not prevent bites. Travelers should be wary
Western Samar, Siquijor, Sorsogon, Surigao of the symptoms of malaria especially fever
Del Norte, and Metropolitan Manila. No risk occurring 1 week after the possible exposure
is considered to exist in urban areas or in the and up to 2 years after the return.

Table 8.10. Recommended drugs used in the prophylaxis for malaria

Drug Dose Duration Precautions

Atovaquone/proguanil One adult tablet orally, daily Begin 1-2 days before travel • Contraindications:
(Malarone) (adult tablets contain to malarious areas; take severe renal impairment
250 mg atovaquone daily at the same time (creatinine clearance <30
and 100 mg proguanil each day while in the mL/min), children <5 kg,
hydrochloride) malarious area and for 7 pregnant women, and
days after leaving the area women breastfeeding
• Should be taken with food
or a milky drink
• Not available in the
Doxycycline 100 mg orally, daily Begin 1-2 days before travel • Contraindicated in children
to malarious areas; take <8 years of age and
daily at the same time pregnant women
each day while in the
malarious area and for 4
weeks after leaving the
Mefloquine 228 mg base (250 mg salt) Begin at least 2 weeks before • Contraindications:
orally, once a week travel to malarious areas; allergy to mefloquine or
take weekly on the same related compounds (e.g.,
day of the week while in quinine, quinidine); active
the malarious area and depression, a recent history
for 4 weeks after leaving of depression, generalized
the area anxiety disorder,
psychosis, schizophrenia,
other major psychiatric
disorders, seizures, cardiac
conduction abnormalities
426 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Specific Infectious Diseases involving Tuberculosis is highly prevalent in the

Potential Health Risks for Travelers Philippines, so no prophylaxis is needed for
residents since everyone is considered exposed.
Specific infectious diseases that pose health
Visitors from developed countries, who are not
risks to travelers have been listed and described
tuberculin test (PPD) positive, should have their
in International Travel and Health 2010
status checked shortly after returning home
published by the World Health Organization
to their native country. Influenza A (H1N1)
(WHO). Inclusion in this list is based on a high
is present, and has been reported in most of
enough prevalence in the country of travel to
the urban destinations, and so vaccination, if
pose a significant risk to visitors (e.g., malaria,
available, should be done. Hand and general
dengue), potentially fatal or severe morbidity
personal hygiene, as well as cough etiquette
resulting from exposure even if the agent is
are recommended. All four dengue serotypes
not very common (e.g., Ebola, rabies), and
are present, and the country is considered
the potential for public health threat such as
hyperendemic for dengue, with transmission
epidemics (e.g. avian influenza, HIV, influenza
occurring throughout the year. According to the
A/H1N1). The possibility of exposure is
Department of Health National Epidemiology
dependent on the presence of the infectious
Center, an increase in the number of HIV cases
agents in the country of travel, while the risk of
has been reported in Metro Manila, Cebu, and
infection will depend on the itinerary, purpose
Davao. Safe sexual practices and avoidance of
of travel, and the traveler’s behavior (Table
risky behavior, especially in these areas, are
advised. In Boracay Island in Aklan province,
Travel within the Philippines diarrhea caused by parasites and coliforms, skin
diseases, and an increase in the cases of STDs
Domestic destinations pose specific
have been reported. Malaria, food- and water-
infectious and parasitic disease risks to the local
borne and skin diseases are the major concerns
traveler. Similar to international travel, food-
in traveling to Palawan. In Cagayan Valley,
and water-borne diseases still account for most
precautions for animal-borne diseases should be
travel-related illnesses locally, and so the same
undertaken, most significantly, for leptospirosis.
precautions for these diseases should be taken.
In addition, an outbreak of anthrax was recently
The Filipino traveler has likely been
reported. Infectious risks with travel to Davao
exposed to similar enteric pathogens in his place
include STDs, parasitism such as intestinal
of origin so certain vaccinations such as that for
heterophyidiasis, leptospirosis, influenza, and
hepatitis A may not be warranted. In those with
co-morbid conditions such as HIV and hepatitis
B, serologic testing for hepatitis A antibody may The Returned Traveler
be warranted, and vaccination offered, if there
Factors that influence the risk of illness
is no immunity. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B
during travel is similar to the pre-travel
surface antigen (HBSAg) among Filipinos is
risks modified by the traveler’s adherence to
high (>8%), and so vaccination is recommended
prescribed chemoprophylaxis and vaccination
for everyone, travelers and non-travelers alike.
regimens (e.g., malaria prophylaxis), as well
Typhoid fever is endemic in the country,
as activities during travel, and actual exposure
occurring in all places all year round, causing
to infectious agents during travel. Illnesses
a morbidity rate of 30.5/100,000 population,
may begin during the travel period or may
and a mortality rate of 1.7/100,000 population.
take weeks, months, or even years after return,
Therefore, typhoid vaccination is advised.
to manifest, depending on the pathogen’s

Table 8.11. Specific infectious diseases involving potential health risks for travelers

Disease Cause Transmission Nature of disease Risk for travelers Prevention
Amebiasis Previously discussed

Avian influenza Highly pathogenic • Contact with avian • Influenza-like illness, • Only sporadic human • Contact with • Avoid consumption of
avian influenza fecal material diarrhea, and other infections have environments such as undercooked eggs,
A (H5N1) virus or • Bird-to-human, GI complaints occurred to date live animal markets poultry or poultry
other non-human possibly environment- • Pneumonia with • Between November and poultry farms, products
influenza subtypes to-human and, very radiographic infiltrates 2003 and July 2008, any free-ranging or • Hand hygiene
(e.g., H7, H9) rarely, limited, non- of varying patterns nearly 400 human caged poultry, or • Avoid contact with
sustained human-to- • Hemoptysis frequent cases of H5N1 were surfaces that might animals and dead
human transmission • Multi-organ failure, reported to WHO be contaminated migratory birds
• No evidence that sepsis-like syndromes from 15 countries in by poultry droppings • Treatment and post-
properly cooked • Fatality rate among Africa, South-East and increase risk exposure prophylaxis:
poultry or poultry hospitalized patients Central Asia, Europe, oseltamivir, zanamivir
products can be a with H5N1 high and the Middle East • Although the
source of infection (~60%) vaccines are
• Severe illness also immunogenic,
for H7N7 but mild for unknown effectiveness in
other avian influenza preventing the H5N1
subtypes (e.g., H9N2) infection or reducing
disease severity

Anthrax Bacillus anthracis • Contact with products • Acute skin infection • Sporadic cases occur • Very low for most • No prophylaxis
from infected animals (most common form) in animals worldwide travelers vaccine available
(mainly cattle, goats, • Untreated infections • Occasional outbreaks for people at
sheep), such as may spread to in Africa and Central high risk because
leather or woolen regional lymph Asia. of occupational
goods, or souvenirs nodes and to the exposure to B.
made from animal bloodstream, and anthracis not
skins may be fatal. commercially
• Contact with soil available in most
containing anthrax countries
spores • Avoid direct contact
with soil and with
products of animal
Brucellosis Several species of • Direct contact with • Generalized infection • Worldwide, in animals • Low • No prophylaxis
Brucella bacteria infected cattle with insidious onset, • Most common in • Visit to rural and • Avoid consumption
(Brucella abortus), causing continuous or developing countries, agricultural areas, of unpasteurized milk
dogs (B. canis), pigs intermittent fever and South America, intake of raw, and milk products
(B. suis), or sheep and malaise, which may Central Asia, the unpasteurized milk • Avoid direct contact
Goats (B. melitensis) last for months if not Mediterranean, and increase the risk with animals,
• Consumption of treated adequately the Middle East particularly cattle,
unpasteurized (raw) • Relapse common goats and sheep.
milk or cheese after treatment
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 427
Disease Cause Transmission Nature of disease Risk for travelers Prevention 428
Chikungunya Chikungunya virus— • Bites of Aedes aegypti • Acute febrile illness • Chikungunya occurs • Risk for travelers • No antivirals
an alphavirus from and Aedes albopictus with joint pains, in sub-Saharan Africa, in areas where • No vaccine
the Togaviridae mosquitoes bite particularly affecting South-East Asia and Chikungunya is • Treatment is
family during daylight with the hands, wrists, tropical areas of the endemic supportive.
peak activity in the ankles, and feet Indian subcontinent, • Mosquito bite
early morning and • Recovery after a few as well as islands in precaution during
late afternoon days but joint pains the South-Western both day and night
• No direct person-to- may persist Indian Ocean
person transmission • Muscle pain,
headache, rash,
leukopenia, GI,
ocular, heart
and neurologic
complaints reported
Coccidiomycosis Coccidioides spp., a • Inhalation of fungal • Diseases range from • Mainly in the • Low • No vaccine.
fungus conidia from dust asymptomatic to Americas • Risk increases • Reduce exposure,
influenza-like illness to with activities that wear well-fitted mask
disseminated disease result in exposure
to dust, e.g., dirt
biking, excavation,
Dengue Dengue virus—a • Bite of Aedes aegypti • Occurs in 3 forms: (1) • Widespread in • Significant risk for • No vaccine
flavivirus with mosquito during acute febrile illness tropical and travelers in areas • No antiviral
serotypes 1 to 4 daytime followed by severe subtropical regions where dengue is • Avoid mosquito bites.
• No person-to-person musculoskeletal of Central and South endemic
transmission pain and rash, (2) America, South and
• Monkey acts as fever followed by South-East Asia,
reservoir host in west thrombocytopenia Africa, and Oceania
Africa and South-east and hemorrhagic • The risk is lower at
Asia complications, and altitudes above 1,000
(3) acute febrile m
illness followed by
hypotension and
Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Disease Cause Transmission Nature of disease
Risk for travelers Prevention
Giardiasis Previously discussed

Hemorrhagic Fevers: Ebola and Marburg • Transmitted by • Severe acute viral • Ebola and Marburg • Low • No prophylaxis
Ebola and Marburg belong to the mosquitoes (RVF), infections, usually hemorrhagic fevers • Travelers visiting rural • Avoid mosquito bites.
hemorrhagic fevers, Filoviridae family; ticks (CCHF), rodents with sudden onset and Lassa fever or forest areas may • Avoid unpasteurized
Crimean-Congo CCHF and RVF (Lassa) or bats (Ebola, of fever, malaise, occur in parts of sub- be exposed. milk.
hemorrhagic fever belong to the Marburg) headache, and Saharan Africa.
(CCHF), Rift Valley Bunyaviridae • For Ebola or Marburg myalgia followed by • CCHF occurs in the
fever (RVF), family; Lassa fever viruses, infection pharyngitis, vomiting, steppe regions of
Lassa fever belongs to the from direct contact diarrhea, skin rash, Central Asia and in
Arenaviridae family with the body fluids and bleeding Central Europe, as
or secretions of • Outcome is fatal in well as in tropical and
infected patients, a high proportion of Southern Africa.
and less commonly, cases (more than • RVF occurs in Africa
contact with tissues 50%). and has recently
of diseased primates spread to Saudi
and other mammals Arabia.
• Lassa fever virus • Other viral
transmitted through hemorrhagic fevers
rodent excreta (via occur in Central and
aerosols or direct South America.
• Blood/body fluid
transmission for other
hemorrhagic fevers
• Consumption of
unpasteurized milk
Hantavirus diseases Hantaviruses belong • Specific viruses • Acute viral diseases • Worldwide, in rodents • Low • No prophylaxis
viral infections; to the Bunyaviridae carried by particular damaging vascular • May increase in • Avoid rodent
important examples family rodent hosts endothelium environment with exposure.
are haemorrhagic • Direct contact with increased vascular many rodents
fever with renal infected rodent feces, permeability and for adventure
syndrome saliva or inhalation of hypotension, travelers, back-
(HFRS) and hantavirus virus via the excreta hemorrhagic packers,campers
pulmonary syndrome manifestations, and
(HPS shock
• Oliguria with HFRS;
Respiratory failure
caused by acute
pulmonary edema
occurs in HPS
• The outcome is fatal
in up to 15% of HFRS
cases and up to 50%
of HPS cases.
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 429
Disease Cause Transmission Nature of disease Risk for travelers Prevention 430
Hepatitis C Hepatitis C virus, a • Parenteral • Gradual anorexia, • Worldwide, with • Risk with unsafe • No prophylaxis
hepacivirus transmission abdominal regional differences in behavior involving the • Safe sexual practices
discomfort, nausea levels of prevalence use of contaminated • Blood and body-fluid
and vomiting, needles for injection, precautions
followed by jaundice acupuncture,
in some cases piercing or tattooing,
• Most patients will blood transfusion if
develop a chronic the blood has not
infection, which may been screened for
lead to cirrhosis and/ HCV
or liver cancer. • Travelers engaged in
humanitarian relief
activities may be
exposed to infected
blood or other body
Hepatitis E Hepatitis E virus—not • Fecal-oral • Similar to Hepatitis A • Worldwide • Risk when exposed • No prophylaxis.
yet classified transmission but more severe in • Most cases, both to poor conditions • Avoid potentially
• Domestic animals as pregnant women in sporadic and of sanitation and contaminated food
reservoir hosts, e.g., their 3rd trimester epidemic occur in drinking-water control and drinking-water.
pigs countries with poor
standards of hygiene
and sanitation.
Histoplasmosis Histoplasma • Inhalation of • Most cases • Worldwide • Generally low • Avoid bat-inhabited
capsulatum, a spores from soil asymptomatic • Persons who visit caves.
dimorphic fungus contaminated with • May cause endemic areas • No vaccine available
bat guano or bird acute pulmonary and are exposed
droppings histoplasmosis (high to bird droppings
fever, headache, and bat guano are
non-productive at increased risk of
cough, chills, infection.
weakness, pleuritic • High-risk activities
chest pain and include spelunking,
Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

fatigue) mining, and

• Most people recover construction and
spontaneously, but excavation work.
patients may develop
severe disease.

Disease Cause Transmission Nature of disease Risk for travelers Prevention
Human HIV-1 and HIV-2, which • Transmission through • Acute retroviral • Worldwide, increased • Unprotected sex • No vaccine yet
Immunodeficiency are retroviruses blood and body-fluids syndrome similar with in areas such as and other high-risk • Post-exposure
virus (HIV) causing • Vertical transmission influenza-like illness Africa, prevalence behaviors prophylaxis available
Acquired • Sexual transmission • Wasting, differs in different risk- • Highly-active
Immunodeficiency • Blood transfusion lymphadenopathy groups (men having antiretrovirals
Syndrome (AIDS) products • Progressive decline in sex with men, IV drug available for
CD4+ count if without users, commercial sex treatment
treatment workers) • Safe sex
• AIDS-defining
illnesses once CD4+
significantly low
Influenza A (H1N1) Influenza A(H1N1) virus • Droplets expelled by • Similar to seasonal • Worldwide • Risk of acquiring • Vaccine available
– new reassortment coughing or sneezing influenza influenza A (H1N1) • Cough etiquette
virus not related to • Direct contact with • Mild disease now exists worldwide, • Hand hygiene
previous or current infected surfaces • High risk groups especially in areas of • Self-isolation or
human seasonal • No known instances such as elderly or overcrowding. quarantine if infected.
influenza viruses of people being children may develop • Travelers should be
infected by exposure complications. aware of sign of
to pigs or other • Acute respiratory severity and seek
animals distress syndrome has care quickly
also been seen in • Oseltamivir for
people with no known prophylaxis and
risk factors. treatment available
Legionellosis Various species • Inhalation of • Two clinical forms: • Worldwide • Generally low • No prophylaxis
of Legionella contaminated water (1) Legionnaires’ • Outbreaks • Prevention of
bacteria, sprays or mists from disease – acute occasionally occur infection depends
frequently air-conditioning pneumonia in hotels and other on regular cleaning
Legionella cooling towers, with anorexia, facilities used by and disinfection of
pneumophila, hot-water systems, malaise, myalgia, visitors. possible sources.
serogroup I. humidifiers, whirlpool headache, and • Risk factors: • Treatment with
spas and other water- rapidly rising fever elderly, smokers, azithromycin or
containing devices respiratory lung diseases, fluoroquinolones
• No direct person-to- failure and death immunocompromised
person transmission (2) Pontiac fever –
influenza-like illness
with spontaneous
recovery after 2-5
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 431
Disease Cause Transmission Nature of disease Risk for travelers Prevention 432
Leishmaniasis Several species of the • Bite of female • Three clinical forms: • Many countries • Visitors to rural and • No prophylaxis
protozoan parasite phlebotomine (1) Cutaneous – skin in tropical and forested areas in • Using insect repellents
Leishmania sandflies sores and chronic subtropical regions, endemic countries and insecticide-
• Reservoir hosts: dogs, ulcers, generally including Africa, are at risk. impregnated bednets
rodents, and other self-limiting Central and South • Bite leaves a non-
mammals, including (2) Mucosal – caused America, Asia, and swollen red ring,
humans by Leishmania the Mediterranean which can alert the
• Blood/body fluid species in Africa region traveler to its origin.
transmission also and the Americas • More than 90%
possible which affect of cutaneous
the nasal, oral leishmaniasis occur in
and pharyngeal Afghanistan, Algeria,
mucosal Brazil, Colombia,
producing a the Islamic Republic
disabling and of Iran, Peru, Saudi
mutilating disease Arabia, and Syria.
(3) Visceral – affects • More than 90%
the spleen, liver, of mucosal
bone marrow, leishmaniasis occur in
and lymph nodes, Bolivia, Brazil, Ethiopia,
producing fever, and Peru.
anemia fatal if • More than 90% of
untreated visceral leishmaniasis
occur in Bangladesh,
Brazil, Ethiopia, India,
Nepal and Sudan
Leptospirosis Various spirochetes • Direct or contact • Sudden onset of • Worldwide, common • Occupational risk for • Doxycycline 200 mg
of the genus between the skin or fever, headache, in tropical countries farmers engaged in once a week until a
Leptospira mucous membranes myalgia, chills, paddy rice and sugar week after possible
and water, wet conjunctival suffusion, cane production exposure
soil or vegetation and skin rash • Risk for visit to rural • Avoid swimming or
contaminated by • May progress to areas, contact with wading in potentially
the urine of infected meningitis, hemolytic water in canals, lakes contaminated waters
animals, notably rats anemia, jaundice, and rivers including canals,
Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

bleeding, and • High-risk activities ponds, rivers, streams,

hepatorenal failure include canoeing, and swamps.
kayaking • Avoid all direct or
• Outbreaks associated indirect contact with
with eco-sports rodents.
activities have

Disease Cause Transmission Nature of disease Risk for travelers Prevention
Listeriosis Listeria • Consumption of • May be mild • Worldwide, with • Generally low • No prophylaxis
monocytogenes contaminated except for high-risk sporadic incidence • Risk is increased • Avoid consumption
foods, particularly population: newborn by consumption of of unpasteurized milk
unpasteurized infants, pregnant unpasteurized milk and milk products.
milk, soft cheeses, women, elderly and and milk products, • Pregnant women and
vegetables, and immunocompromised and prepared meat immunocompromised
prepared meat • Meningoencephalitis products. individuals should
products such as and/or septicemia in take stringent
pâté adults and newborn precautions to avoid
• Multiplies readily • Fever, still birth, and infection.
in refrigerated abortion in pregnancy
contaminated food
• Vertical transmission
Lyme Diseases Borrelia burgdorferi, • Bite of infected ticks, • Usually has its onset in • There are endemic • Generally low • No prophylaxis
a spirochete of both adults and summer foci of Lyme • Visitors to rural areas • Avoid tick-infested
several serotypes nymphs, of the genus • Early skin lesions have borreliosis in forested in endemic regions, areas and exposure
Ixodes an expanding ring areas of Asia, particularly campers to ticks.
• Many species of form, often with a Northwestern, Central and hikers, are at risk. • If a bite occurs,
mammals can central clear zone. and Eastern Europe, remove the tick as
be infected, and • Fever, chills, myalgia and the USA. soon as possible
deer can act as an and headache are
important reservoir. common.
• Meningeal, CNS
complications, arthritis
may occur weeks
or months after the
onset of illness.
Onchocerciasis Onchocerca volvulus • Through the bite of • Chronic parasitic • Onchocerciasis • Generally low, • No prophylaxis
(nematode) infected blackflies disease adult worms occurs mainly in unless travel involves • Avoid exposure to the
are found in fibrous Western and Central extensive exposure bites of blackflies in
nodules under the Africa, also in Central to the vectors in endemic areas.
skin discharge and South America. endemic areas
microfilariae, which
migrate through
the skin causing
dermatitis, and reach
the eye causing
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 433
Disease Cause Transmission Nature of disease Risk for travelers Prevention 434
Parastrongyliasis Previously discussed

Plague Yersinia pestis • Transmitted by fleas • Three clinical forms: • Wild rodent plague • Generally low; • A vaccine effective
from rodents to (1) Bubonic plague present in Central, travelers in rural areas for high occupational
other animals and to – from the bite Eastern and Southern of plague-endemic exposure not
humans of infected fleas Africa, South America, regions may be at commercially
• No direct person-to- lymphadenitis, the Western part of risk, particularly if available in most
person transmission “buboes” North America, and in camping or hunting countries
does not occur (2) Septicemia large areas of Asia. or if contact with • Treatment:
except in the case of plague – rodents takes place tetracycline and
pneumonic plague dissemination in fluoroquinolones.
respiratory droplets the blood results • Avoid any contact
in meningitis, with live or dead
endotoxic shock rodents.
and DIC fatal
(3) Pneumonic
plague – severe
without prompt
and effective
treatment, 50-60%
of cases fatal
Rabies Rabies virus, a • Bite, penetrating • Acute viral • Rabies is present in • The risk to travelers in • No treatment
rhabdovirus of the scratch, licking of encephalomyelitis, mammals in many areas endemic for • Pre- and post-
genus Lyssavirus broken skin and which is fatal countries worldwide rabies is proportional exposure prophylaxis
mucosa of an • Initial signs • Most rapid deaths to the probability available
infected animal include a sense occur in Africa and of contact with • Modern cell-culture
• Person-to-person of apprehension, Asia. potentially rabid or embryonated egg
transmission other headache, fever, mammals. vaccine given at
than via organ malaise and sensory Days 0, 3, 7 and 28
transplant has not changes around the (post-exposure)
been laboratory- site of the animal bite. • Immunoglobulin for
confirmed. • Excitability, high-risk dog-bites
hallucinations, available
Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

aerophobia, • Local wound care

hydrophobia (due
to spasms of the
swallowing muscles)

Disease Cause Transmission Nature of disease Risk for travelers Prevention
SARS (Severe Acute SARS coronavirus • Transmission primarily • Flu-like illness, cough, • Guangdong, China • Currently, no areas • No prophylaxis
Respiratory (SARS-CoV) thought from person-to-person and fever as the most – potential zone of of the world are • Experimental
Syndrome) to be an animal occurring mainly frequently reported re-emergence of reporting transmission vaccines are under
virus from an during the second symptom SARS-CoV of SARS. development.
as–yet -uncertain week of illness • Severe cases often • Other areas with • During the height of • Follow any travel
animal reservoir, • Few subsequent evolve rapidly, human-to-human the 2003 epidemic, recommendations
perhaps bats, that cases from laboratory progressing to transmission that the overall risk to and health advice
spread to other accidents through respiratory distress. occurred from travelers was low. issued by WHO.
animals (civet cats) animal-to-human imported cases were
transmission Toronto, Hong Kong,
Taiwan, Hanoi, and
Schistosomiasis Previously discussed

Trypanosomiasis Previously discussed

Typhus fever Rickettsia prowazekii • Transmitted by the • Headache, chills, • Louse-borne typhus • Very low for most • No prophylaxis
human body louse, high fever, prostration, fever is the only travelers • Cleanliness important
infected by feeding coughing, and rickettsial disease that • Humanitarian relief in preventing
on the blood of severe muscular pain can cause explosive workers may be infestation by body
patients with acute followed epidemics. exposed in prisons, lice
typhus fever • After 5-6 days: dark • Occurs in colder refugee camps, • Insecticidal powders
• Infected lice excrete spots on the trunk and (i.e., mountainous) and other settings available for body-
rickettsia onto the to the rest of the body regions of Central characterized by louse control and
skin while feeding on but usually NOT on the and Eastern Africa, crowding and poor treatment of clothing
a second host, who face, palms of the Central and South hygiene. for those at high risk of
becomes infected by hands or soles of the America, and Asia, exposure
rubbing louse fecal feet Burundi, Ethiopia, and
matter or crushed lice • Case-fatality rate is Rwanda.
into the bite wound. up to 40% without
Chapter 8: Special Topics in Parasitology 435
436 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

incubation period. According to the CDC, in the likelihood of infection vis-a-vis an infection
terms of clinical severity, most travel-related with a bacterial etiology increases with the
illnesses are mild. Approximately 1 to 5% of duration of symptoms. Parasites may also be the
travelers become sick enough to seek medical likely etiologic agent for diarrhea unresponsive
care either during or after travel. A careful travel to antibacterials. Examples of intestinal parasites
history, therefore, should be part of the routine that may cause persistent symptoms include
medical history for every ill patient, especially Cryptosporidium parvum, Cystoisospora belli,
those with a febrile illness. Of particular concern Entamoeba histolytica, microsporidia, and
are adventure travelers and persons visiting Dientamoeba fragilis, as well as Cyclospora
friends and relatives overseas, since they are at cayetanensis. Other tests that may be requested
greater risk for becoming ill due to increased in the evaluation of patients with persistent TD
exposure to pathogens. includes stool microscopy with at least three ova
The most frequent health problems and parasite stool examinations, Clostridium
encountered by returned travelers are broken difficile toxin assay, D-xylose test, duodenal
down as follows: aspirate, or empiric treatment for Giardia.
1. Persistent gastrointestinal illness (10%) References
– diarrhea was more common for
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
travelers returning from South Central
CDC health information for international
travel 2010. Atlanta: U.S. Department of
2. Skin lesions or rashes (8%) – insect
Health and Human Services, Public Health
bites, pyoderma, scabies, allergic rash,
Service; 2009.
and cutaneous larva migrans; most
Philippine Department of Tourism. Industry
frequent diagnoses among travelers
performance statistics article: tourist
returning from the Caribbean, Central
volume in top destinations grew by
or South America
6.64% in the first quarter of 2010
3. Respiratory infections (5-13%),
[Internet]. 2010 [cited 2010 Nov 15].
depending on the season of travel
Available from
4. Fever (up to 3%) – associated with the
most serious complaints since certain
Philippine Society for Microbiology and
conditions may be life-threatening
Infectious Diseases with the Philippine
(malaria) or may pose public health
Foundation for Vaccination. Handbook
hazard (measles, tuberculosis); malaria,
on adult immunization for Filipinos
typhoid, and dengue were identified as
[Internet]. 2009 [cited 2010 Nov
the most frequent causes of systemic
1 5 ] . Ava i l a b l e f ro m h t t p : / / w w w.
febrile illness among travelers from
any region
While bacteria accounts for most TD tents%29.pdf
cases, persistent symptoms suggest protozoan World Health Organization. International travel
parasites as the etiology. In fact, in chronic and health 2010. Geneva: World Health
diarrhea, parasites are commonly isolated, and Organization; 2010.

Appendices 439
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Appendices 441
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Appendices 443
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Appendices 445
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Appendices 447
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Appendices 449
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Appendices 451
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Appendices 453
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Appendices 455
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Appendices 457
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Appendices 459
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Appendices 461
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Appendices 463
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Appendices 465
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Appendices 467
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Appendices 469
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Appendices 471
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Appendices 473
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Appendices 475
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Appendices 477
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Appendices 479
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Appendices 481
482 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines
Appendices 483
484 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines
Appendices 485
486 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines
Appendices 487
488 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines
Appendices 489
490 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines
Appendices 491
492 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines
Appendices 493
494 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines
Appendices 495
496 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Treatment of Parasitic Infections

The alternative drugs are listed in italics, infections are arranged alphabetically


Amebiasis (E. histolytica) Iodoquinol 650 mg PO tid x 20d 30-40 mg/kg/d (max. 2 g) PO
Asymptomatic 25-35 mg/kg/d PO in 3 doses in 3 doses x 20d
Paromomycin x 7d 25-35 mg/kg/d PO in 3 doses
Diloxanide furoate 500 mg PO tid x 10d x 7d
20 mg/kg/d PO in 3 doses x
Mild to moderate intestinal Metronidazole 500-750 mg PO tid x 7-10d 35-50 mg/kg/d PO in 3 doses x
disease Tinidazole 2 g once PO daily x 3d 7-10d
≥3yrs: 50 mg/kg/d (max. 2 g)
PO in 1 dose x 3d
Severe intestinal and Metronidazole 750 mg PO tid x 7-10d 35-50 mg/kg/d PO in 3 doses x
extraintestinal disease Tinidazole 2 g once PO daily x 5d 7-10d
(hepatic abscess) ≥3yrs: 50 mg/kg/d (max. 2 g)
PO in 1 dose x 3d
Ascariasis Albendazole 400 mg PO once 400 mg PO once
Mebendazole 100 mg PO bid x 3d or 500 100 mg PO bid x 3d or 500
mg mg once
Balantidiasis Tetracycline 500 mg PO qid x 10d >8 yrs: 40 mg/kg/d (max. 2 g)
PO in 4 doses x 10d
Metronidazole 750 mg PO tid x 5d 35-50 mg/kg/d in 3 doses x 5d
Iodoquinol 650 mg PO tid x 20d 40 mg/kg/d in 3 doses x 20d
Blastocystosis Metronidazole 750 mg PO tid x 10d 750 mg PO tid x 10d
Iodoquinol 650 mg PO tid x 20d 650 mg PO tid x 20d
Capillariasis Mebendazole 200 mg PO bid x 20d 200 mg PO bid x 20d
Albendazole 400 mg PO daily x 10d 400 mg PO daily x 10d
Cryptosporidiosis Nitaxozanide 500 mg PO bid x 3d 1-3yrs: 100 mg PO bid x 3d
4-11yrs: 200 mg PO bid x 3d
>12yrs: 500 mg PO q12h x 3d
Cutaneous Larva Migrans Albedazole 400 mg PO daily x 3d 400 mg PO daily x 3d
Ivermectin 200 mcg/kg PO daily x 1-2d 200 mcg/kg PO daily x 1-2d
Cyclosporiasis Trimethoprim- TMP 160 mg/SMX 800 mg TMP 5 mg/kg/d / SMX 25 mg/
Sulfamethoxazole PO bid x 7-10d kg/d PO in 2 doses x 7-10d
Cystoisosporiasis Trimethoprim- TMP 160 mg/SMX 800 mg TMP 10 mg/kg/d / SMX 50 mg/
Sulfamethoxazole PO bid x 10d kg/d PO in 2 doses x 10d
Dientamoeba fragilis Iodoquinol 650 mg PO tid x 20d 30-40 mg/kg/d (max. 2 g) PO
infection Paromomycin 25-35 mg/kg/d PO in 3 doses in 3 doses x 20d
Tetracycline x 7d 25-35 mg/kg/d PO in 3 doses
Metronidazole 500 mg PO qid x 10d x 7d
500-750 mg PO tid x 10d >8yrs: 40 mg/kg/d (max. 2 g)
PO in 4 doses x 10d
35-50 mg/kg/d PO in 3 doses
x 10d
Malaria continued… Chloroquine (CQ) 1 g (600 mg base) PO, then 10 mg base/kg (max. 600
500 mg (300 mg base) 6 mg base) PO, then 5 mg
Chloroquine-sensitive P. hrs later, then 500mg (300 base/kg 6 hrs later, then 5
vivax, P. ovale, and P. mg base) at 24 hrs and mg base/kg at 24 hrs and
malariae 48 hrs 48 hrs
Chloroquine-resistant P. Artemether- 20 mg / 120 mg tablet: 4 20 mg/120 mg tablet:
vivax, P. ovale, and P. lumefantrine tablets given twice a day 5-14 kg: 1 tablet
malariae for 3 days 15-24 kg: 2 tablets
25-34 kg: 3 tablets
>34 kg: 4 tablets
given twice a day for 3 days
Appendices 497


In pregnancy Quinine-clindamycin 600 mg / 150-300 mg q8h
Artesunate- x 7d
clindamycin 4 mg/kg/day artesunate with
150-300 mg clindamycin
q8h x 7d
Chemoprophylaxis Doxycycline 100 mg/day, 2 days before >8yrs: 2 mg/kg up to 100 mg/
and continuing for 4 wks day, 2 days before and
after last exposure continuing for 4 wks after
CQ (in CQ-sensitive 5 mg/kg (8.3 mg salt/kg) last exposure
areas only) weekly, 1 week before and 5 mg/kg (8.3 mg salt/kg)
continuing for 4 wks after weekly, 1 week before and
last exposure continuing for 4 wks after
last exposure
Microsporidiosis Albendazole plus 400 mg PO bid with fumagilin
Ocular fumagillin eye drops
Intestinal Fumagilin 20 mg PO tid x 14d
E. bineusi Albendazole 400 mg PO bid x 21d
E. intestinalis
Disseminated Albendazole 400 mg PO bid
Parastrongyliasis No drug is proven
(Parastrongylus effective. Analgesic
cantonensis) and corticosteroids
can be used for
relief. Self-limited
course with
complete recovery.
Mebendazole and
have been shown to
shorten the course
of infection.
Scabies Permethrin (5.0%) Topically once, may repeat Topically once, may repeat
Ivermectin after 10-14 days after 10-14 days
200 mcg/kg PO once 200 mcg/kg PO once
Strongyloidiasis Ivermectin 200 mcg/kg/d PO x 2d 200 mcg/kg/d PO x 2d
Albendazole 400 mg PO bid x 7d 400 mg PO bid x 7d
Tapeworm infections Praziquantel 5-10 mg/kg PO once 5-10 mg/kg PO once
Intestinal (Taenia spp., Niclosamide 2 g PO once 50 mg/kg PO once
Dipylidium sp., Praziquantel 25 mg/kg PO once 25 mg/kg PO once
Diphyllobothrium sp.)
Hymenolepis nana
498 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

Information on Some Anti-Parasitic Drugs


Albendazole Transient abdominal pain and Should not be administered during
diarrhea; tend to occur in patients the first trimester or in suspected
being treated for heavy infection; pregnancy; safe in later trimesters
headache and dizziness have
been reported
Artemisinin-derivatives Fever, cough, vomiting, and Should not be administered during the
headache first trimester
Chloroquine Transient headaches and No untoward effects demonstrated
gastrointestinal distress; intolerance but treatment best deferred, when
requiring withdrawal of treatment is possible until after first trimester of
rare; severe pruritus can occur; may pregnancy; chloroquine is excreted
precipitate a severe exacerbation in breastmilk, so a decision must
of psoriasis; immediate adverse be made by the physician whether
effects include nausea, vomiting, to discontinue breastfeeding or
uneasiness, hypotension discontinue the drug
Diethylcarbamazine Mazzotti-like reaction induced by Should not be administered until after
disintegrating microfilariae and delivery; it is not known whether DEC
dead adult worms; immediate is excreted in human breastmilk
symptoms include fever,
headache, dizziness, anorexia,
malaise, urticaria, vomiting, and
asthmatic attacks; effects usually
subsides by fifth treatment day;
risk of meningoencephalitis if
microfilaremia is heavy; proteinuria
may occur
Diloxanide furoate Mild gastrointestinal symptoms, No untoward effects have been
particularly flatulence; pruritus and demonstrated but treatment is best
urticaria may occur deferred until after the first trimester
Ivermectin Mazzotti reaction is rarely severe but Should not be administered until after
postural hypotension may occur delivery; breastfeeding mothers
in some patients; headache, should not be treated until the
pruritus, rash, arthralgia, myalgia, infant is at least 1 week old (by
lymphadenopathy, lymphadenitis, which time the blood-brain barrier
edema, nausea, diarrhea, and should be fully developed)
vomiting within three days may
occur; mild and require no more
than simple reassurance
Mebendazole Transient abdominal pain and Should not be administered during
diarrhea; tend to occur in patients the first trimester or in suspected
being treated for heavy infection; pregnancy; safe in later trimesters
headache and dizziness have
been reported
Mefloquine Generally well tolerated; nausea,
dizziness, disturbed sense of
balance, vomiting, diarrhea,
abdominal pain, and loss of
appetite; neurological side effects
include vertigo, blurred vision,
and abnormal coordination;
hallucinations, seizures, and
psychosis have been reported Evidence of embryotoxicity and
teratogenicity in animal studies;
avoid during first trimester; CDC
recommends it as drug of choice
for prophylaxis during pregnancy
during second and third trimester;
excreted in human breastmilk
Appendices 499


Metronidazole Generally well tolerated; headache, Should not be used in early
gastrointestinal irritation, and pregnancy; breastfeeding should
a persistent metallic taste be interrupted until 24 hours after
are common; less frequently, cessation of treatment
drowsiness, rashes, and darkening
of urine; serious and rare adverse
effects (extended course treatment)
include stomatitis, candidiasis,
reversible leukopenia, and sensory
peripheral neuropathy; alcohol may
induce abdominal pain, vomiting,
flushing, and headache
Praziquantel Well tolerated in dosages Has not been shown to be mutagenic,
recommended for intestinal teratogenic, or embryotoxic; delay
tapeworms; occasionally causes breastfeeding during treatment and
abdominal discomfort, nausea, 72 hours thereafter
headache, dizziness, and
Primaquine phosphate Gastrointestinal symptoms include Contraindicated in pregnancy
anorexia, nausea, and abdominal
pain; acute hemolytic anemia
may occur in patients with G6PD
Pyrantel pamoate Mild gastrointestinal disturbance, Should not be administered during first
headache, dizziness, drowsiness, trimester of pregnancy
insomnia, and rash
Quinine dihydrochloride and quinine Serious reactions infrequent provided Quinine is safe in pregnancy. The risk
sulfate plasma concentration is not of quinine-induced hypoglycemia
allowed to go above 15 mg/L; is, however, greater than in non-
mild to moderate cinchonism: pregnant women, particularly in
tinnitus, headache, blurred vision, severe disease. Special vigilance is
altered auditory acuity, nausea, therefore required.
and diarrhea; pruritus, urticaria and
erythematous rashes may occur;
dysrhythmias, hypotension, and
cardiac arrest are dose related
Sulfadoxine pyrimethamine Uncommon adverse effects Generally safe during second
include sulfonamide-induced and third trimesters; no clinical
hypersensitivity such as erythema evidence that the use of sulfa
multiforme and toxic epidermal drug-pyrimethamine combinations
necrolysis; hemolysis occurs in for malaria treatment in pregnant
G6PD-deficient patients; adverse women has any effect on the
effects due to pyrimethamine are fetus; there does not appear to
dose related and are reversible; be an increased risk of kernicterus;
includes anorexia, abdominal considered safe in breastfeeding
cramps, ataxia, tremors, and
Tetracycline Gastrointestinal irritation, teeth Contraindicated in pregnancy,
discoloration, and enamel breastfeeding, and children below
hypoplasia (permanent), transient 8 years of age
depression of bone growth,
phototoxic reactions
Tinidazole Metallic taste, nausea, vomiting, rash Contraindicated in first trimester of
pregnancy and lactation
500 Medical Parasitology in the Philippines

List of More Recent National Policies and Guidelines on Parasitic Diseases


Food- and water-borne diseases 1. DOH-Administrative Order 2006-0001
Operational Guidelines for Parasitologic Screening of
Food Handlers
2. DOH-Administrative Order 2010-0037
Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for Paragonimiasis
3. DOH-Administrative Order 2009-0021
Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for Capillariasis
Lymphatic filariasis 1. DOH-Administrative Order 2010-0009
Guidelines on the Prevention of Disabilities
due to Lymphatic Filariasis
2. Executive Order 369 s. 2004
Establishing the National Program for Eliminating
Lymphatic Filariasis and Declaring the Month of
November of Every Year as Mass Treatment for
Filariasis in Established Endemic Areas
3. DOH-Administrative Order 2004-0157
Declaring the Month of November of Every Year as the
Mass Treatment Month for Filariasis in Established
Endemic Areas in the Philippines
4. DOH-Administrative Order 1998-0025A
The National Filariasis Control Program: Strategy Shift
from Filariasis Control to the Elimination of Filariasis
Malaria 1. DOH-Administrative Order 2009-0001
Revised Policy and Guidelines on the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Malaria
Schistosomiasis 1. DOH-Administrative Order 2007-0015
Revised Guidelines in the Management and Prevention
of Schistosomiasis
2. DOH-Administrative Order 2007-0015A
Amendments to Administrative Order 2007-0015
Soil-transmitted helminthiasis 1. DOH-Administrative Order 2010-0023
Guidelines on Deworming Drug Administration and
the Management of Adverse Events Following
Deworming (AEFD)
2. DOH-Administrative Order 2006-0028
Strategic and Operational Framework for Establishing
Integrated Helminth Control Program (IHCP)
For further reading:
About the Author


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