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Environmental Technology
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Mercury (II) removal from water by coconut

shell based activated carbon: Batch and
column studies
a a a
Jyotsna Goel , K. Kadirvelu & C. Rajagopal
Centre for Environment and Explosive Safety (CEES) , Defence Research
and Development Organisation (DRDO) , Metcalfe House, Delhi, 110054,
Published online: 17 Dec 2008.

To cite this article: Jyotsna Goel , K. Kadirvelu & C. Rajagopal (2004) Mercury (II) removal from water by
coconut shell based activated carbon: Batch and column studies, Environmental Technology, 25:2, 141-153,
DOI: 10.1080/09593330409355447

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09593330409355447


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Environmental Technology, Vol. 25. pp 141-153
© Selper Ltd, 2004




Centre for Environment and Explosive Safety (CEES), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO),
Metcalfe House, Delhi-110054, India

(Received 24 July 2003; Accepted 19 November 2003)

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This study was undertaken to investigate adsorption behavior of Hg (II) from aqueous systems on activated carbon in static
and dynamic mode by varying initial Hg (II) concentration, adsorbent dose and pH. Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption
isotherm were applied to model the adsorption data. Removal of mercury obeyed the Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption
isotherm models. The extent of removal of Hg (II) was found to be dependent on sorbent dose, pH and initial Hg (II)
concentration. Mercury uptake increased from 72 to 100 percent with increasing pH from 2 to 10. A set of desorption studies
was also performed for the metal ions with the aim of investigating the mechanism involved. Moreover, the competing
effects of various ions like Pb (II) and Cu (II) is also described. The column capacity for a column diameter of 20 mm, bed
height of 0.4 m, hydraulic loading rate of 7.5 m3h-1m-2 and a feed concentration of 3 mg I-1 were found to be 3.02 mg g-1.
Breakthrough curves were plotted for the adsorption of mercury on the adsorbent using continuous-flow column operation
by varying different operating parameters like hydraulic loading rate (3-10.5m3h-1m-2),bed height (0.3-0.5 m), and feed
concentrations (2-6 mg I-1). The aim was to assess the effect of bed height, hydraulic loading rate and initial feed
concentration on breakthrough time and adsorption capacity, which helped in ascertaining the practical applicability of the
adsorbent. At the end an attempt has been made to develop empirical relationship from the data generated from column
studies for designing the adsorption column, based on the Bohart -Adams model.

Keywords: Activated carbon, Hg (II), batch studies, adsorption isotherms, column studies, bohart -adams model

INTRODUCTION long period. Ingestion of other common forms of mercury,

such as the salt HgCl2, damages the gastrointestinal tract and
The presence of heavy metals in the environment is of causes kidney failure [3]. These toxic effects of mercury
major concern because of their toxicity and threat to human necessitate its removal from wastewater before its transport
life and environment. Mercury is a highly toxic element that is and cycling into the environment.
found both naturally and as an introduced contaminant in the A number of technologies have been developed over
environment. The major sources of mercury pollution in the the years to remove toxic metal ions from water. Such
aquatic environment are industries such as chlor-alkali, paint, methods include chemical precipitation, electrodeposition,
pulp and paper, oil refining, electrical, rubber processing and ultra filtration, ion-exchange, activated carbon adsorption,
fertilizers [1]. According to the Bureau of Indian Standards and biological process. Adsorption, compared to other
(BIS), the tolerance limit for Hg for discharge into inland methods, appears to be a simple attractive process in view of
surface water is O.Olmg I"1 and for drinking water, O.OOlmg I"1 its high efficiency, easy handling and cost-effectiveness as
[2]. well as the availability of different adsorbents. In addition, the
Severe mishaps like "Minamata tragedy" due to recoveries of pure metal for recycle as well as reuse of the
mercury poisoning have increased the awareness about adsorbent are the added advantages.
mercury toxicity. The toxic effects of mercury depend on its The search for an effective and economical removal of
chemical form and the route of exposure. Methylmercury Hg (II) from wastewater resulted in the use of non-
[CH3Hg] is the most toxic form and it affects the immune conventional adsorbents like fly ash [4], waste rubber [5],
system, alters genetic and enzyme systems, and damages the polymerized onion skin [6], polymerized sawdust [7],
nervous system. Methylmercury is particularly damaging to cellulose [8] and 'waste' Fe (III)/ Cr (III) hydroxide [9].
developing embryos. Elemental mercury causes tremors, The majority of these (above reported) adsorption
gingivitis, and excitability when vapors are inhaled over a studies were conducted in the batch mode. Although batch

laboratory adsorption studies provide useful information on [11]. Determination of C, H, N, S and O (by difference) was
the application of adsorption to the removal of specific waste performed with an Elementar Analyse Systeme (GmbH). The
constituents, continuous column studies provide the most surface area was determined using nitrogen gas at 77 K. The
practical application of this process in wastewater treatment. surface functional groups on the adsorbent were measured by
The reason for this is that the high adsorption capacities in using Boehm Method [12]. The surface morphology of
equilibrium with the influent concentration rather than the activated carbon and activated carbon loaded with metal ion
effluent concentration can be achieved [10]. Therefore, in Hg (II) at pH 5.0 were visualized by using a scanning electron
order to study the viability of the adsorbent, additional microscope (SEM). The micrographs of SEM for the sample
information on its efficiency in the column mode has been were obtained with a JSM-840 Jeol microscope at 2500X
gathered. magnification. Energy dispersive analysis of X-ray (EDAX) of
the carbon sample loaded with metal ion was also carried out
METHOD AND MATERIALS using ISIS-200 energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS)
technique for qualitatively analysing the elemental
Adsorbent constitution of the sample.

Coconut shell based granulated activated carbon named Adsorbate

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ACG-50 was procured from Active Carbon Ltd., Hyderabad,

India and used throughout the study. The physico-chemical Stock solution of Hg (II) was prepared (1000 mg 1"1) by
characteristics of carbon are summarized in the Table 1. The dissolving 1.353 g of mercuric chloride (AR Grade) HgCl2, in
carbon was washed with distilled water to remove fines, oven acidified double distilled water. The stock solution was
dried at 110°C for 6 h, and, then stored in moisture-free plastic diluted with distilled water to obtain standard solution
bottles for further use. containing 5 to 70 mg I 1 of Hg (II).
The adsorbent was characterized with the aim of
assessing its various physical and chemical properties, so that Analytical Method
a better interpretation of the mechanism involved during the
adsorption process can be provided. Carbon was analyzed for Mercury concentration was analyzed using atomic
various parameters like pH, conductivity, moisture content, absorption spectrophotometer (AAS; model GBC 935) at 253.7
volatile matter and ash content by using standard methods

Tablel. Main characteristics of the adsorbent.

Parameters Value
Raw material Coconut Shell
Surface area, m2g-1 (Based on BET) 1000
Bulk density, g ml"1 0.5
Iodine number, mg g 1 950
CCL, adsorption, % 50.0
Hardness number, % 95.0
Ash content (on dry basis), % 3.59
Moisture content, % 5.0
pHzpc 5.3
Conductivity, \iS cm"1 94.0
Particle size 8 to 20 mesh
Elemental analysis, %
C 66.0
H 3.5
N 0.331
O 29.1
S 0.56
Acidic surface functional groups, meq g"1
Carboxylic 0.105
Phenolic 0.006
Lactonic 0.003
Carbonyl Nil

Batch Mode Adsorption Studies were desorbed by agitating for 1 h with different strengths of
dilute HC1 (0.1-0.5N) solution
Stock solution of the adsorbate was diluted as required
to obtain standard solutions containing 5 to 70 mg I"1 of Hg Effect of Competing Ions
(II). 100 mg of adsorbent was added to 50 ml of Hg (II)
solution of a desired concentration at pH 5.0 in 125 ml reagent In the batch process, 50 ml of solution, either single
bottles and was agitated at 120 rpm for 20 h at room metal as Hg (II) or a mixture of it with lead (II) and copper
temperature (37±2°C) in a mechanical shaker. At the end of (II), were transferred into 125 ml reagent bottles. The mixture
agitation, suspensions were filtered and analysed by AAS. was prepared by solubilising a combination of either Pb+a -
The final (residual) metal concentrations Ce (mg I1) for Hg+2 or Hg*2-Cu*2 or Cu+2-Pb+2 -Hg*2 systems with each metal
different metal systems in test solution were analyzed, leading in concentration range 5-70 mg I"1. All the experiments were
to the respective calculated values for adsorbent metal carried out at initial pH 5.0, adjusted using either HNO3 or
uptakes or surface loading, q, (in mg of metal per g of carbon) NaOH solutions, where the adsorption is significant but
for in each Sorption system, calculated using the equation: below the pH, where metal hydroxide occurs. After that 100
mg adsorbent was added and bottles were agitated at 120 rpm
for 20 h at room temperature (37± 2°C) in a mechanical shaker.
Downloaded by [University of North Dakota] at 11:08 21 December 2014

q e =V(C;-C c )/W (i) At the end of agitation, suspensions were filtered and
analysed by AAS at the wavelengths corresponding to
where Q is the initial metal concentration in solution of different metal ions that is, at 324.2 and 217 nm for Cu (II) and
volume V and W is the mass of adsorbent. Effect of carbon Pb (II) ions, respectively.
dose on percent removal was studied using Hg (II)
concentration of 20 mg I1. Dynamic Column Study Experimental Details

Desorption Studies The experimental arrangement used for the dynamic

column studies was the same as used by Rajagopal and
Desorption studies were carried out as follows: After Kapoor [13] in their study for adsorptive removal of explosive
adsorption experiment with 20 mg I'1 Hg (II) metal ions, and contaminated wastewater using granulated activated
100 mg of GAC, the metal-loaded carbon, after agitating for 4 carbon. The experimental arrangement is shown in Figure 1
hrs at 120 rpm, was separated and gently washed with and it consists of a column of borosilicate glass of 20 mm
distilled water to remove any unabsorbed metal ions. Several diameter. Sampling points before and after the column were
numbers of such spent adsorbent samples were prepared for also provided for drawing the effluent samples at regular
mercury metal ion. The metal ion-loaded adsorbent samples intervals. Effluent after passing though the columns was

OT-Overhead Tank
ST- Storage Tank
CV- Control valve
F- Filter
OT R-Rotameter
CV C-Colnmn
FT-Flow transducer
DT-Draln tray
S- Sampling point
NRV-Non-return valve


DT Treated effluent to drain

Figure 1. Experimental set up for column studies.

discharged into a sump below the column. Previously wetted QpbCe
and degassed GAC is packed up to desired bed height (cm) in (ii)
a water-filled column of 20 mm (internal diameter) and was
kept submerged throughout the runs to avoid air entrapment
in the bed. Columns are mounted vertically and the GAC bed where Ce is the equilibrium concentration (mg I'1), qe is the
is supported on perforated plate. The operation is in amount of mercury adsorbed at equilibrium (mg g"1) and Qo
downflow plug mode. (mg g"1) and b (1 mg"1) are Langmuir constants related to
A control valve to regulate the flow and a rotameter to adsorption capacity and energy of adsorption respectively.
monitor hydraulic loading rate is incorporated in the feed line The linear plot of C e /q e vs. Ce shows that adsorption
of the column. Effluent and influent samples are collected obeys Langmuir isotherm model with correlation coefficient
after a regular interval. All the Sorption experiments were of 0.9635. The values of Qo and b were found to be 15.19 mg
carried out at the room temperature of 37± 2°C and initial pH g "' and 0.214 1 min"1 respectively, which are calculated from
of 5.0. The breakthrough time (tb) for each of the columns the slope and intercept of the Langmuir plot. Values of
operation was defined as the time when the effluent adsorption capacity Q o (mg g"1) of the other adsorbent are
concentration (Ce) of Hg (II) reached 50% of the feed given in Table 2 for comparison.
concentration (C(). The residual concentration of mercury in
Downloaded by [University of North Dakota] at 11:08 21 December 2014

The essential characteristics of a Langmuir isotherm can

aqueous sample was determined as before. All the chemicals be expressed in terms of dimensionless constant called
used were of analytical reagent grade. equilibrium parameters, RL, which is defined by RL=
l/(l+bC 0 ), where b is the Langmuir constant (1 min"1), and Q
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION is the initial mercury concentration (mg I"1) [1].
R L values varied from 0.48 to 0.062 for metal
Mercury (II) Adsorption Isotherms concentration range of 5 to 70 mg I"1' Thus, the parameter
value lies between 0 and 1, indicating favorable adsorption of
Langmuir isotherm was applied for adsorption mercury onto the adsorbent.
equilibrium data. The Langmuir isotherm is based on the Freundlich isotherm is also used to explain observed
following assumptions: phenomenon [15]. Freundlich equation is used for
a. Metal ions are chemically adsorbed at a fixed number of heterogeneous surface energy term. The Freundlich equation
well-defined sites. is widely used in the environmental engineering practice to
b. Each site can hold only one ion. model adsorption of pollutants from an aqueous medium
c. All sites are energetically equivalent; and empirically. The linearized Freundlich model isotherm is
d. There is no interaction between adsorbed ions. represented by the equation:
When the initial metal ion concentration increases, adsorption
increases whilst the binding sites are not saturated. The ln(X/m)=lnKf + l/n(lnCe) (iii)
linearised isotherm allows the calculation of adsorption
capacities and the Langmuir constants and is given by the
where Ce is the equilibrium concentration (in mg 1"1),
following equation [14]:
X is the amount of mercury removed (mg), m is weight of

Table 2. Comparison of adsorption capacity of Hg (II) with other adsorbent.

Adsorbent Qo(mg g"1) Reference

Coconut shell based activated carbon 15.2 This work
Polymerized sawdust 148.0 7
Photo film industrial waste 11.8 24
Used tyre rubber 14.7 25
Ozonized activated carbon 38.6 27
Polymerized onion skin 7.1 6
Bicarbonate treated pea nut hull carbon 109.7 26
Activated carbon from coir pith 154.0 1
Sulphurised activated carbon from bagasse pith 188.7 19
Fe(in)/Cr (III) hydroxide 37.3 9
Polyethyleneimine Cellulose 288.0 8
Fly ash 0.73 4

adsorbent used (g) and K, and n are constants incorporating complications and chelation might be responsible for
all factors affecting the adsorption capacity and an indication adsorption of metal ions on the carbon. This result is in
of the favourability of Hg (II) adsorption onto carbon, accordance with metal ion desorption by other adsorbent
respectively. [1,18,19].
Linear plots of ln(X/m) vs In Ce show that the
adsorption follows Freundlich isotherm model as well as Scanning Electron Micrography
indicating average energy of adsorption with increasing
adsorption density. K( and n values were calculated from the Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) and energy
intercept and slope of the linear plot, and were found to be 4.7 dispersive spectrum of X-ray were carried out for the
and 3.3 respectively. Similar results have been observed in the adsorbent before and after equilibration. SEM of activated
adsorption of Hg (II) on sago waste carbon [16], where Kf and carbon surfaces before and after the adsorbent was
n values were found to be 3.58 and 2.0, respectively. The equilibrated with the metal ion solution clearly shows the
correlation coefficient for the linear plot was found to be 0.986 presence of Hg (II) ions. The micrographs illustrated in Figure
for Hg (II) adsorption by carbon. 6(b) display a large amount of white spots or points due to
According to Treybal, it has been shown using sorption of Hg (II) ion, which are absent from the original
mathematical calculations that n value (=3.82) lies between 1 activated carbon before loading metal ions shown in Figure
Downloaded by [University of North Dakota] at 11:08 21 December 2014

and 10 for Hg (II) adsorption onto activated carbon which 6(a). Hence, the deposition of heavy metal ions on the surface
represent beneficial adsorption [17]. of the carbon particle cannot be ruled out. EDAX spectrum for
both raw and loaded adsorbent is illustrated in Figure 7 (a)
Results from Desorption Studies and Figure 7(b). The samples equilibrated with metal ion
solutions showed a distinct peak for mercury. This was due to
Desorption studies help elucidate the nature of the fact that mercury ion was chemisorbed on the surface of
adsorption and help in the recovery of precious metals from carbon. ED AX analysis therefore provides direct evidence for
wastewater and adsorbent. An attempt has been made to specific adsorption of Hg (II) ions on the surface of activated
desorb metal ions from metal-loaded carbon using various carbon.
ionic strengths of HC1 (0.1 to 0.5 M). The maximum
desorption was found to be 5.0 percent for Hg (II) for 0.5 M pH Effect on Adsorption
HC1. The very low desorption shows that ion exchange is not
the mechanism involved in the adsorption process. It also The effect of pH on mercury uptake by carbon was also
indicates the absence of weak bond of attachment between studied. Experiments were carried out at initial pH 2 to 10
metal ions and adsorbent that is, physisorption. Other at the same initial metal ion concentration, that is, 20 mg 11.
mechanisms, namely based on chemisorption, surface The results are shown in Figure 2. The removal in mg g 1 was



g 80

1 60-J
;£ 40


0 • * -

4 6 10
Initial pH

Figure 2. Influence of solution pH on Hg (II) adsorption.

increased very significantly from 72 to 93 percent by decrease in positive surface charge (point zero of net proton
increasing initial solution pH from 2 to 10. It is well known charge equal to 5.3) which results in a lesser columbic
that the desorption of metal ions strongly depends on the repulsion forward the Hg (II) ion [1,8,16,18].
chemistry of carbon surface and species distribution of metal
ions [20]. The surface charge is positively charged at low pH
values leading to lower removal of positively charged metal Competing Effect of Ions
cation. On the other hand, as solution pH values increases, the
carbon surface becomes more and more negative due to The purpose of these experiments has been to
dissociation of weakly acidic oxygen containing surface investigate the adsorption characteristics of mercury in
functional groups. Thus, the adsorbent surface is also able to competitive adsorption environment posed by Cu and Pb
attract and complex and /or exchange cations in solution. This onto coconut shell based activated carbon in single, binary
renders the carbon and makes it capable of adsorbing metal and tertiary systems. Figure 3 represents the equilibrium
ions from aqueous solution at pH values in excess of about adsorption curves for Hg (II) in binary and tertiary system
3.00. composed of Cu (II) and Pb (II) in order to demonstrate the
Kadirvelu et al. [20] has reported the formation of the change in performance of the adsorbent with respect to
following surface complexes when, Hg (II) is present in the mercury in different multi-metal systems. Adsorption values
Downloaded by [University of North Dakota] at 11:08 21 December 2014

solution with the functional groups present on the carbon: for Cu (II) and Pb (II) in mono-component solution on the
same adsorbent was found to be 13.49 and 20.8 mg g"1
respectively. Langmuir equation was also applied with
2(CXOH+) + Hg2* - (Cx O)2 + 2H* (iv) respective mercury isotherms in presence of Lead and Copper
for a binary and tertiary system. Qo maximum adsorption
capacity of Hg (II) was found to 9.88, 9.66 and 2.19 mg g"1 for
According to the surface complexation theory, Hg (II) binary systems [Hg (II)+ Pb (II) and Hg (II) +Cu (II)] and
removal as pH function increases can be explained on the tertiary system [Hg (II)+Pb (II)+Cu (II)] respectively. It can be
basis of a decrease in adsorption competition between proton easily seen that mercury sorption is suppressed from 15.19 mg
and metal ion species for the adsorbent surface sites by the g'by the presence of other metal ions in aqueous solution.


10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Figure 3. Equilibrium curve for Hg (II) ion in binary and tertiary system with Cu (II) and Pb (II) ions.

Adsorption Dynamic Column Studies Breakthrough capacity, Q expressed in mg of mercury
adsorbed per gm of adsorbent was calculated using equation
Column adsorption capacity (vi). Table 3 presents the column adsorption capacity for
The approach of Treybal has been adopted for mercury onto the adsorbent for varying operating variables,
calculating the column capacity for the removal of Hg that is bed height, flow rate and feed concentration. The
(II). Breakthrough curve [Figure 4(a)] was plotted - giving column capacity for Hg (II) adsorption for the bed height of
ratio of effluent and feed (influent) concentrations (Ce/ C(), 0.4 m, hydraulic loading rate of 7.5 m3h-1nY2 and the feed
and time (h) for a single column of 0.4 m bed height concentration of 3 mg I1 was found to be 3.02 mg g"1.
(containing 57 g of adsorbent) and at a constant hydraulic
loading rate of 7.5m3h'1nr2. Effect of Hydraulic Loading Rate

The experiments were conducted at bed height of 0.4 m,

Breakthrough Capacity Metal adsorbed on Adsorbent Bed (mg) at constant feed concentration of 3 mgl'1, with hydraulic
Mass of Adsorbent in Bed (g) loading rate ranging from 3 to 10.5 m3 h-1m"2.
(v) Results of the experiments on effect of hydraulic
loading rate (HLR) are plotted in Figure 4(b), which shows
Downloaded by [University of North Dakota] at 11:08 21 December 2014

that breakthrough time decreases from 32 h to 15 h, as HLR

Breakthrough time x Flowrate x Feed Concentration increases from 3.0 to 10.5 m3 h^m2. The adsorption capacity,
Mass of Adsorbent in Bed



Figure 4a. Effect of feed concentration on breakthrough time at constant bed height of 0.4 m and hydraulic loading rate of


3.0 HiVm"2
4.5 m3frW2
7.5 mVm' 2

10 15 20 25 30 35

Figure 4b. Effect of hydraulic loading rate on breakthrough time at constant bed height of 0.4m and feed concentration of
3 mgl-1.


0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55

Bed Helght(m)
Downloaded by [University of North Dakota] at 11:08 21 December 2014

Figure 4c. Effect of bed height on minimum achievable effluent concentration.

Table 3. Column adsorption capacity, Q at various operating conditions.

Concentration Breakthrough HLR Bed height Adsorption column capacity

(mgl-1). time (h) (m 3 h^irf 2 ) (m) ( m g j»"1)
2 29 7.5 0.4 2.54
3 23 7.5 0.4 3.02
4 17 7.5 0.4 2.89
6 9 7.5 0.4 2.36
3 32 3 0.4 1.68
3 27 4.5 0.4 2.13
3 15 10.5 0.4 2.76
3 10.5 7.5 0.3 1.67
3 25.5 7.5 0.5 2.85


£ 25
1 20
3 15 y = 0.0525x +0.1667
R 2 = 0.9162
I io
CO 5

200 300 400 500 600

Bed height(mm)
Figure 5. Bohart-Adams plot for prediction of constants.

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Figure 6a. Scanning electron micrograph of coconut shell based activated carbon.

Figure 6b. Scanning electron micrograph of coconut shell based activated carbon loaded with mercury ion.




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10 Energy(Ke¥)
Figure 7(a). EDAX spectrum for unloaded activated carbon.





10 Energy (KeV)
Figure 7b. EDAX spectrum for mercury-loaded adsorbent.

calculated using equation (vi), accordingly shows a maximum therefore, the rate of the sorption reaction is proportional to
for 7.5 m3 lv'nV2 as shown in Figure 4(b). The variation in the the fraction of sorption capacity still remaining on the media.
slope of the breakthrough curve and adsorption capacity may According to the Bohart -Adams model, the equation to
be explained on the basis of mass transfer fundamentals. predict the performance of continuous adsorption columns is:
Increase in the hydraulic-loading rate causes increase in zone
speed, resulting in decrease in the time required to achieve
breakthrough [21]. (iii)
Effect of Bed Height
Break through experiments were conducted at bed
heights of 0.3,0.4 and 0.5 m at a constant feed concentration of t = time to break point
3 mgl'1 and at the hydraulic loading rate of 7.5 m3 h"'m"2 Co = influent concentration (mg I"1)
optimized above (as showing the maximum adsorption Cb = concentration at break through (mg I 1 )
capacity). Figure 4(c) presents the effect of Bed height on No = adsorptive capacity of the adsorbent (mg adsorbed
minimum effluent concentration, which is defined as the per litre of solution)
Downloaded by [University of North Dakota] at 11:08 21 December 2014

average concentration of the metal ion at the column outlet (or X = bed depth of column bed (m)
effluent) in initial constant phase. Experiments on effect of v = linear flow rate(m h' 1 )
bed height showed an exponential decrease in minimum
effluent concentration with bed height keeping other K = rate constant (1 mg-h 1 )
parameters constant. The minimum effluent concentration
decreases rapidly from 0.307 mgl1 for a bed height of 0.3 m to A simplified form of the Bohart-Adams Model is:
0.107 mgl"1 for 0.5m bed height. As the bed height increases,
the length of the bed through which the effluent passes t = aX + b (iv)
increases. The increase in the total adsorptive capacity of the
bed results in a decrease in the solute concentration in the where,
effluent. Beyond a bed height of 0.4 m, the curve shows no a= - (v)
appreciable change in minimum effluent concentration with CNo

further increase in bed height.

and b in equation (iv) is given by
Effect of Feed Concentration

The change of the initial metal ion concentration has a -ln[C0/Cb-l]xl/[CoK (vi)
significant effect on breakthrough curve as illustrated in
Figure 4(a). The larger the initial feed concentration, the These parameters can be evaluated from the linearized
steeper is the slope of the breakthrough curve and smaller is plot of time to break point versus bed height for a constant
the breakthrough time. These results demonstrate that the flow rate. The time to reach the b r e a k p o i n t for bed of
change of concentration gradient affects the saturation rate different depths is plotted and presented in figure 5. The flow
and breakthrough time, or in other words, the diffusion rate was maintained at 7.5 nAn"2!!"1 for three different bed
process is concentration dependent. As the feed concentration heights that is, 0.3, 0.4 a n d 0.5 m w i t h the influent
increases, metal loading rate increases, but so does the driving concentration of 3.0 m g I 1 . The time at b r e a k t h r o u g h was
force for mass transfer. The increase in mass transfer driving found to be the linear function of b e d d e p t h at constant flow
force is overborne by the increase in adsorption zone length, rate and feed concentration respectively. It can be observed
which results in breaking out of adsorption zone length faster from the plot that the linearity is maintained between the bed
from the adsorbent bed and hence lower breakthrough period depth and the time. The plot gives the slope value equal to
[28]. 0.0525 and an intercept of 0.1667 with a correlation coefficient
of 0.9162. The values of constant obtained from the plot can be
As presented in Table 3, the adsorption capacity
extrapolated for other influent concentrations a n d hydraulic
decreases beyond 3 mg I 1 of feed concentration. This is due to
loading rate.
the reduction in driving force for mass transfer because of the
predominance of particle phase resistances.
Application of Bohrat-Adams model
The objective of this work was to study the dependence
Bohart -Adams model is based on the surface reaction of a d s o r p t i o n on a d s o r b e n t a n d a d s o r b a t e (Hg (II))
theory [22,23]. The assumption behind the Bohart and Adams characteristics by both batch and column studies. Conclusions
equation is that equilibrium is not instantaneous and from experimental studies are:

1. The adsorption capacity (QJ from the Langmuir was systems while that concentration is continuously
determined to be 15.20 mg g"1 at pH 5.0 in room increasing in the column system.
temperature (37±2°C ) for 8 to 20 mesh activated carbon 6. Adsorption of Hg (II) on to activated carbon depends
obtained from coconut shell. on solution pH, carbon concentration, metal ion
2. Batch mode adsorption studies followed both Langmuir concentration, hydraulic loading rate, feed
and Freundlich adsorption isotherm models. concentration and bed height.
3. Adsorption of Hg (II) was affected in the presence of 7. The constants evaluated from the Bohart- Adams model
other cations in the solution. can be employed for the design of adsorption columns
4. Increasing initial solution pH from 2 to 10, the carbon over a range of feasible flow rates and concentrations.
surface becomes progressively negative and therefore 8. Activated carbon obtained from coconut shell was
positively charged metal cation species can complex and found to be capable of removing Hg (II) effectively from
/or ion exchange with the surface functional groups. Hg (II) aqueous solution by both batch and column
5. Adsorption capacity for 3 mg I'1 feed concentration studies.
of Hg (II) at hydraulic loading rate of 7.5 m'h'^n'2 and
0.4 m bed height is found to be 3.02 mg g'1, which ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
indicates that practically adsorption capacity of
Downloaded by [University of North Dakota] at 11:08 21 December 2014

activated carbon is far less than batch mode results. This The authors would like to thank Sh.A.K.Kapoor
may be due to the potential irreversibility of the Director, Centre for Environment and Explosive Safety
sorption process and the different approaches to (CEES) for providing all facilities and encouragement to carry
adsorption equilibrium in different systems, i.e. the out this work. Thanks are also due to Sh.Satish Kumar of
solution - phase concentration is continuously CEES, for carrying out analysis of the samples by Atomic
decreasing in the adsorption isotherm and in the batch Absorption spectrophotometer.


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