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Eailhworks Sttuauon 19: Th6 crosgs€dion noteE Ehown below arB br a gDund

o 4raa.of Ear0rwod< Cl?rs;eec{onr

excavatlon for an &m wido roarrwey.

134, The cross-sedion !9iacs shown bolow ar6 for a ground ex@vation Station 32+300
for a lGm wide t/usdway. 8.2s g 4.75
Station'16+100 +2.25 +2.26 + 0.75
8.20L 0 13.85R Station 32+420
2.15 + 3.50 + S.Eo
_7.20 0 5.2?
Vvhat is lhe cmss-seclional area at Sta 16+1OO?
+ 3.20
a. 84.1125 m2 c, 5g.ll25 m2
+ 0.75 +1.23
b. 46.1 125 m2 d. 32.1125 m2 147 . Find the area ot the cross section at Sta 32+300.
135. The coss-B€ction notes of an eanhwork of an 8-m wide roadway i. 15.39 m2 c. 1g.10 m2
are shown below. b. 13.57 m2 d. 17.06 m2
6.70 0 4.75 1118. Find the area ofthe cross section al Sta 32+420.
a. 17.06 m2 c. 15.39 m2
+ 1.E0 + 1.40 + 0.50 b. 18.10 m2 d. t3.57 m2
Find the area ot the cross sec,tion.
a, 16.62 m2 c. 16.26 m2
149. Find the volume ofexcevation.
b. 12.62 m' d. 12.26 m2
a, 1,921.15 mr c. 1,879.10 m3
b. 1,940,24 m3 d. 1,982.29 m:
136. The cross-section notes of an earthwork of a 1O-m wide roadway
are shown below. Road Excav-atlon wllh Cut and Flll

9.80 0 7.40 150. The ground mak9s a uniform slope ol 4.BOyo from Sta 12+180 to
Sta 12+240. At Sta 12+180, the center height of th6 rgadway is
+2.40 y +1.20 1.20 m fill. At the other station, the cent€r height is 2.50 m cut. Find
The cross seciion has an ar6a of 31.10 m2 and side slope of 2:1 the grade of the finished road.
Find the value of y. a. 4.15% c, -1.37c4
a. 2.16 m2 c. 2.73 m2 b. .2-48o/o d. -3.260/o
b. 2.37 m2 d, 2,61m2
151. From station A with conter height of 1.40 m in fill,
he ground line
137. The c.oss-section notes oJ an earthwork of a lo-m wide roadway makes a uniform slope of 5% to station B whos€ center height is
having an area of 33.10 m2 are shown below. 2.E0 m in cut AEEumin0 both sec{ons to be level s6c{ion6 having a
e.80 g 7.40 wid$ of roaduay of 10 m and side slope of 2:1 br bolh cut and hfl,
compute lhe cro$-sedionel arBa of fill E m from stiation A. The
+2.40 y +1.20 distance from ststion A to stauon B iB 60 m.
Find the value of y. a, 9.81 m' c. 9.18 m2
a. 2.08 m c, 2.64 m b. 9.73 m2 d. 9.37 m2
b. 2.48 m d. 2.80 m
152. The ground makos I uniform slope of 4.EOo/o from Sta 14 + OE6 to
Situauon 17: The crgss ssdion notss of he ground surfaca at a given Sta 14 + 182. At Sta 14 + 086, the csnter height of the road is 4.80
statlon of a road suryey shorrs that the ground is sloping at m till. At the other stBtion b 2.80 m cut. How long is th6 excavation?
an 8% grad8 upward to the right. The difference in a. 32m c. 42m
€levaton b€tweon the ground surface and the linished
' subgrad€
b. 39m d. 35m
h€ center line of the propossd road is 2.SO m.
The width of the subgrade is 7 m with side 6lope of 2H to 153. The ground lins makes a unifom grade of.5% from Sta 16+080 to
1V' Sta 16+140. At Sta 16+080, the center height of the proposed
roadway is 1.80 m crrt At Sta 16+140, the c€nter hoight is 3.06 m
138. Find the distance of the right slope stake hom the centor of the fill. Compute ths grade of th€ proposed oadway.
road. ., 3.60% c. 2.80o/o
a. E.45 m c. 733m b. 5.40% d, 4.2Wo
b. 9.15 m d. 't0.12 m
1il. The longitudinal ground profle and gBda llne shows that the langth
139. 'A

Find the distance ofthe lefr slopo stak6 ftom ihe center of he road of cllt le 040 m whib tho length of n[ iE 780 m. Tho width of the
.. 7.33 m c. 9.15m roadway is 10 m br both cut and fill. The prcfile aroal botw€on the
b. 10.12 m d. 8.45 m ground lino and the grsde line aro 4,800 m2 br cut and 5,292 m2 for
140. Find the area ofth6 cross soction. lill. Find th6 differenca bstwe€n the volumes of cut and filt if ihe side
a. 3{.E5 m2 c. 30.95 m2
8lope8 aro 1.5e1 br cut and 2:1 for fill.
!, mr
b. i 32.3s m2 d. 29.35 m2
l4r6t8.7g mr
c. 18,206.04 mi
d. 18,232.77 m3
155. From stauon A wih conter height of 1.40 m in fiil, tho ground tin6
makes a unifom Blop€ of 5% to station B wtlose center height ig
111, Two inegular 8€clions 80 rn apart haye areas irr cut of 26 m2 and E4 2.E0 m in cut l, the distBnce from rtrrtlon A to station B iE 60 m, find
m'. The bas€ widlh is E m and the side slope is 1:1. Find the tho grado of th6 frnl*hod roadway.
corrod€d volurn€ of cut behx€on the tuo statons using tho .. 3% c. 2.50%
prismoidal conGdion formula. b. tA d, 10/o
a, 4,252.2mr c. 4,24',t.5 m3
156. From stjalion 36+280 with centsr height of 1.40 m ln fill, the ground
b. 4,234.6 m3 d. 4,263.4 m3
makos a uniform clopo of 5% to statlon A6+340 whose center
142, The areas in cut of turo inegular sodions 70 m apail ars 26 m2 and height is 2.80 m ln cuL How far fiom station 30+280 wilt the fiil
84 m2. The base width is 8-m ancl tre side stopi is i:1. U8ing the ext6nd?
prismoidal conociion fomula, find the conec,tod volume oi cut r. 20m c. 21m
. betwe€n the two stiations. b. 21m d. 28m
a. 3,705.50 mr c. 3,720.82 m3
157, The center height ofitle road at Strr 5+320 is 4.25 m qrt At Sta
b. 3,715.24 mr d. 3,710.47 m3
5+420 lt ie 1.E0 m flt. The grourd stop€s unifomty at -5% from Sta
1/8. Trrr,o inegular sedions 60 m apart have areas in cut of 32 m2 and 68 5+320 to Sta 5+.120, How rar from Sta 5+320 towar& Stra 5+420
m'. The baee width is E m and the 8ide slop6 is 1:1. Find the will the excavatlon exiend?
conecied volume of cut between the tu,o stauons using lhe a. 08.35 m c. 70.25m
prismoidal coneciion formula.
b. 62.19 m d. 85.70 m
2,924.74 mr c. 3.075.20 m3
b. 3,050.(x m3 d. z,ezg.go m,
Sltuauon Ths oentsr height of the road at stration 7+4EO ls 2 m filt
while at 3tstlon 7+530 ls 1,20 m qrt Frorn st tbn 7+4EO to
Sftuaton 18: Topographic survey conducled by SALCON shows that the 7+530, the ground mak$ a uniform slopo of +4.80%.
canterline of a prop@€d road cross E€dion cross€s a
small valley betw€en ststion 10+022 (elevation 123.00 m)
158, D€tsrming th6 slope ofthe new road.
and station 10+060 (el€vation 122.50 m). The stationing at
.. 1.E0% c. 1,200/o

the bottom of the vall6y is 10+037 (elevation 111.20 m). b. 1.80% d. 1.so%
Th€ grade line ot the proposed road pass€s ihe ground 159, Hou, far rrom station 7+460 will fie fill extend?
points at tho edges ol the valley (station 10+022) and .. 31.25m c. 26.25 m
(1 0+g6p; and lhe secrion at any of these stations are three b. 25.75m d. 28.75 m
level sections. Wdth of road base ls 10 m with sidoslops ot
2:1. Assume that the sid6s of tho vattey stop6 diredly to
160. Determinothest fioningof thopdntwherethefill is€xtend€d?
th€ lolrvest point from the edges.
!. 7+506.25 c. 7+508.75
b. 7+509.75 d. 7+611.25
1/U.. Find th€ cross 3et'iuiial alea of nl at station 1OlO37.
a. .. 3!t0.{5 m2 c. 425.30 m2
Sltuatlon The c€nter height of the road et stjation 5+280 i8 4.50 m cut
while at stition 5+400 is 2.40 m fill. From 3tation 5+280 to
b. 38527 mz d. 350.62 m2
5+400, the ground makes a unitom slope of-5yo.
t4s. comnute the vffi1oJ station (10+022) to.
jl3]#ll, t6l, Findlhe gnde ot the fniehed road.
llluo, a. 0.75% c. 2.50%
b. 3,630.70 m3 d. 2,E89.fl) mr
b. 1.50% d. 1.25o/o
145. Compute the volume of fll trom station (10+037) to (10+000).
a. 4,025.43 mr c. 3,844.06 m3
b. 5,841.E4 m3 d. rt,4it0.57 mr

Dindo F. Esplana

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