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Degare : Security Audit

Coder : Gavin Bachman

Auditor : Chad Baswick
Owner : aryan145
Reentrancy Attack:
Because this contract uses ​transfer()​ instead of ​call.value()​ , there’s
no risk of reentrancy attacks since the transfer function only
allows to use 23.000 gas which you can only use for an event to
log data and throws on failure. That way you’re unable to
recursively call again the sender function thus avoiding the
reentrancy attack

Over and under flows:

Overflow : an amount sent would be 2**256, this would set the
value to 0.
Underflow : a value of 0 causes an underflow, an underflow
happens when you try to substract 0 minus a number bigger than
0. For example, if you substract 0 -1 the result will be = 2**256
instead of -1.

No risk as ​OpenZeppelin’s SafeMath.sol​ was used for all

mathematical functions, which ensures these problems do not
Replay attack
No Risk : Fixed by Vitalik Buterin, ETH and ETHClassic no longer

Reordering attack
No Risk : There is no Racing in this contract between users.

Release difference
Warning: Block.timestamp was used to determine the release time
of the admin locked funds. This can be influenced by Miners, and
will not be on the exact 2 months mark. This is not an issue as the
range is not second specific, therefore it will release on the day but
not on the exact second.

Gas infinite
Warning: Some functions have infinite gas warnings, this can be
safely ignored as requirements have been implemented to
mitigate such problems of not being able to transact.

Only Owner Functions

Some functions are only used by the owner and contract deployer,
if the owner account is compromised and hacked all the owner
funds can be lost.
Dangerous Functions
Implemented function of BURN, burns a person's own supply of
the token if not used carefully this will cause a person to burn all
their supply losing money. Hacked and malicious accounts could
burn the persons tokens.

Gas Deployment
Contract has ERC20 functionality and can be deployed,
recommended amount of gas needed is 5000000 to deploy this

Admin Release
A custom function was implemented in the smart contract to be
able to test the functionality of the RELEASE() by setting the time
to ZERO once a locked transaction is sent. It was then released
into the Admin Account proving functionality works. This
function is removed from the final contract as it is untrustworthy
to have such a function.

The core functionality of the contract is tested and proved to be
Fig 1. Passing all the tests proving that the core functionality works.

Summary of the audit

Overall the code is well commented and clear on what it’s
supposed to do for each function. The contract is not far from the
BOMB one, the major differences are the Buy/Sell percentages,
SimpleTransfer and Locked Funds for Admins. All functionality is
secure and shouldn’t bring any issues.

Note that this audit isn’t a legal document that verifies that the
code is secure. Nobody can 100% assure that the code won’t have
future bugs or vulnerabilities. It’s a guarantee that your code has
been revised by an expert and it’s secure.

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