Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane Std-4/ Project I/ English Practice Worksheet /october 2018/P.N

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NAME:__________________________ CLASS:____ ROLL NO:____ DATE: _________

I) Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below

Sameer was nine years old. He had dark eyes and curly hair. One day, when his
parents were away, the doorbell rang. He peeped through the keyhole and saw a man
with the gas cylinder. Sameer even asked him, “ Tell me, what do you want?” The
stranger replied, “ Open the door. I have come to deliver your LPG cylinder.”

Sameer was about to open the door, when it struck him that the man was not in his
uniform. Gas agencies always provide uniform to their staff. The man knocked
repeatedly. Sameer told him, “ I cannot open the door. Please wait patiently.”

Sameer hurriedly called up his mother. She told him that she had not booked any
cylinder. She instructed him not to speak anymore to the stranger. She further told
him, “Don’t panic. Call up our neighbours and I will reach within fifteen minutes with
your father.” Sameer called up Mrs. Mehta and Mrs. Verma. They assured him that
they would reach him within minutes.

Now Sameer was breathing heavily. The doorbell rang again and again. Sameer wiped
his brow...... then he heard a thud...... Sameer screamed, “ The man is about to break
open the door.” He leaned against the door for support , heard a thud and a creaking
sound. Suddenly there was a lot of noise...... women shouting and men struggling.......
Sameer was shivering with fright and thinking aloud...... “ What if the man is armed?”
At this moment he heard his mother’s voice,” Sameer, open the door.” Sameer
rushed outside and hugged his mother.

Everybody praised Sameer’s presence of mind and right decision to call up his
Answer the following questions
1) Who was Sameer? Describe his appearance.
2) What happened one day when Sameer was alone?
3) What stopped Sameer from opening the door?
4) What did Sameer’s mother tell Sameer to do when she came to know about the

II) Fill in the blanks with correct personal pronouns

1) Reena usually comes to my house and _______ go to her house. ( I, me)
2) _______ own that big farm. ( them, they)
3) Tell that man that ______ must bring his documents tomorrow. ( she, he)
4) _________ are a cute girl. ( she, you)
5) ________ themselves admitted their guilt. ( they, we)

III) Identify the adjectives and mention their kind ( adjective of quality or adjective of
1) There are twenty two girls in my class.
Ans: ________________________________________
2) Few people came to watch the movie.
Ans: ________________________________________
3) A barking dog seldom bites.
Ans: _______________________________________
4) Arav made several mistakes while solving the sums.
Ans: _______________________________________
5) Steel is cheap but copper is expensive.
Ans: ______________________________________
IV) Complete the following table
1) host ____________________
2) _______________ goose
3) peacock ____________________
4) heir ____________________
5) __________________ duchess

V) Complete the following table

1) sheep _________________
2) goose __________________
3) calf _________________
4) ______________ bamboos
5) dwarf _________________
VI) Answer the following questions
1) What did the poet find on every buttercup one morning?
2) After the sinking of the ‘ Titanic’, what was decided in 1913 regarding all the ships
that sail across oceans?
3) Which games were held together in Rome and what did the authorities begin to
call it?
4) What is the message conveyed through the lesson, ‘The Unsinkable Ship?’

VII) Reference to context

‘ Yes, his event is at 2:30 pm. So you can see him on T.V.’
1) From which lesson is the above line taken?
2) Who was going to be seen on T.V. at 2:30 pm?
Ans: _________________________________________________________________
3) What was he taking part in and where?
4) Which medal did his team win for the swimming relay?
Ans: _________________________________________________________________

VIII) Write the meaning of the following words/phrases

1) triumphant moments
2) on board
Ans: _______________________________________________
3) icebergs
Ans: __________________________________________________________________
4) notion
Ans: _______________________________
5) arrant
Ans: _________________________________________________________________
6) set out
Ans: ________________________________________________
IX) Write synonyms of the following words
1) upright- ________________________________
2) coward- ________________________________
3) encourage- _____________________________
4) organize- ______________________________

X) Write the antonyms of the following words

1) comfortable - ______________________________
2) receive - __________________________________
3) behind - _________________________________
4) ordinary - _______________________________

XI) Look at the following picture carefully and write a paragraph about it (10 to 12
sentences) Give a suitable title to it.


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