Corporate Law Business Sec

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Superior University Depalpur (Campus)

Business Secretary and its related duties

Course Title: Corporate Law

Level: Final Semester: 6 Date: 12 / 07 /2018

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Name: M.Ahmad Name: Mam Ayesha
Roll No.01 Lecturer: Corporate Law
COMPANY SECRETARY The word "Secretary" is derived from the Latin word "Secretarius" meaning
Confidential Officer. A secretary is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as "one whose office is to write for
another, especially one who is employed to conduct correspondence, to keep records and to transact various
other businesses for another person or for a society, corporation or public body". The Companies Act 1956, as
amended by the Amendment Act of 1988, defines a secretary as "any individual possessing the prescribed
qualifications appointed to perform the duties which may be performed by a Secretary under the Act and any
other ministerial and administrative duties". Therefore, the Secretary is one of the principal officers of the
company with the requisite qualifications to undertake secretarial work and management of the affairs of the
company as per the provisions of the Act and instructions laid down by the Board of Directors.

Section 2(45) of the companies Act of 1956,

“A company secretary is a person who is a member of the Institute of the Company individual possessing the
prescribed qualifications, appointed to perform the duties and managerial functions that are delegated to him
by the Board”

A private secretary is usually appointed by an important person such as a minister in the government,
member of parliament, manager, business magnate or professional men like doctors, lawyers, etc, ' His work is
to attend to the correspondence and other personal work or office work of the employer. Sometimes, the
private secretary may also be entrusted with certain duties of a private nature such as handling banking
transaction, arranging meeting, parties, and drafting reports and speeches.



The statutory duties of a company secretary are those prescribed by the Companies Act or by any other
legislation such as the Income Tax Act, Sales tax Act, Stamp Act, Employee state. Insurance Act, Insurance
Dispute Acts, Contract Act, Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, etc.

1. Duties in relation to Directors.
2. Duties in relation to Shareholders.
3. Duties towards Organization and Office.
4. Duties in Relation to the Public.
5. Miscellaneous or Other Duties.
1. Organizing and preparing agendas.
2. Taking minutes at board meetings and annual general meetings.
3. Filing with Companies House.
4. Maintaining company records and statutory books.
5. Dealing with stock transfers and dividends.
6. Ensure security of the company’s legal documents.
7. Ensuring compliance with all legal and statutory requirements. Contact with external and regulatory
8. Management of employee benefits such as pensions and employee share schemes.
9. Insurance administration and organization.
10. Establishing and maintaining the companies registered office as the address for any formal
11. Reporting any significant changes to the company’s structure to Companies House. How a Company
Formation Agent Can Help Company Formation Agents can: Provide company secretarial services if you
are unsure of what legal requirements you must abide by.
12. Ensure that all regulations and statutory requirements are dealt with to prevent any fines or penalties.
With the new Companies Act, the role of company secretary is even more challenging.

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