Sample Stakeholder Engagement Plan

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Stakeholder Engagement


Sample Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Program issue Develop plan (including M&E plan) to scale-up PMTCT programs throughout health system
Proposed activity Convene stakeholders to identify priorities based on available data and develop action plan
Date November 2006

Stakeholder organization, Potential role Engagement strategy Follow-up strategy

group or individual in the activity How will you engage Plans for feedback or
this stakeholder in the continued involvement
Government sector
Division of Maternal and Share information related Involvement in a key Will be involved as a key
Child Health, MOH to the division strategy stakeholder meeting stakeholder group during
for maternal health and aimed to sensitize annual PMTCT program
identify opportunities to stakeholders currently review meetings, help
leverage resources and involved in providing monitor the new PMTCT
promote collaboration. maternal health services. program outcomes.
National AIDS Control Facilitate the stakeholder The NACC is the lead The NACC is responsible
Committee meeting, prepares for in this activity. It will be for following up with the
meeting by identifying important for the NACC to stakeholders prioritized.
data sources and involve more specifically
preparing an agenda that the PMTCT coordinator,
allows for the sources to clinical care coordinator
be discussed. and National AIDS
Program coordinator.
Medical Statisticians Prepare data related to Identify a point person to Include point person
responsible for PMTCT, PMTCT to be presented work with in discussing in NACC discussions
HIV, MCH on the national during a preliminary NACC data needs regarding program
level stakeholders meeting. for PMTCT and the progress. Explore
Responsible for working appropriate format. formalizing a relationship
with the MOH and NACC (if there is not one)
to determine the data between the MOH
needs for designing a statistics office and
PMTCT program. the NACC. Involve as
presenters at preliminary
meeting, and in
subsequent monitoring
Medical staff from Prepare case studies in Involvement in a key Select participants that
pediatric and antenatal the form of presentations stakeholder meeting are service providers will
clinics at the regional and and facility data to aimed to sensitize be invited to subsequent
district levels represent ongoing stakeholders currently PMTCT planning
PMTCT pilots for involved in providing meetings.
stakeholders meeting; maternal health services.
participate in program
planning process.
106 Data Demand and Information Use

Political sector
Parliamentary Committee Will approve the PMTCT Involvement in key Provide updates on
on Population and Health plan as a part of a broader stakeholder meeting planning process and
Parliamentary Program to to garner interest for request review of final
address MCH. expanding PMTCT draft of PMTCT program.
Parliamentary members May serve as advocates Involvement in key Provide updates on
that advocate for MCH/ at all levels (in Parliament, stakeholder meeting planning process and
HIV Issues government, mass to garner interest for request review of final
media) for improved expanding PMTCT draft of PMTCT program.
and expanded PMTCT program.
Deputy Governor for Provide insight into Involvement in a key No planned involvement
Social Issues in State pilot project, lessons stakeholder meeting beyond initial stakeholders
where PMTCT programs learned, and advocate for aimed to sensitize meeting.
have been piloted and improved and expanded stakeholders currently
expanded PMTCT services. involved in providing
maternal health services.
Commercial sector
Private health facility Provide data and Involvement in a key Select participants that
managers information on their stakeholder meeting are service providers will
efforts to provide PMTCT aimed to sensitize be invited to subsequent
services as well as the stakeholders currently PMTCT planning
clinical protocols that they involved in providing meetings.
operate under; participate maternal health services.
in program planning
National Federation Provide any data/ Involvement in a key No planned involvement
of Women Business information the federation stakeholder meeting beyond initial stakeholders
Leaders has produced related aimed to sensitize meeting.
to PMTCT, serve as stakeholders currently
advocate for the program, involved in providing
and potentially financially maternal health services.
supplement effort.
Non-governmental sector
National Family Planning Provide data and Involvement in a key Select participants that
Association information on FP, stakeholder meeting are service providers will
including efforts to provide aimed to sensitize be invited to subsequent
FP to PLWA; participate in stakeholders currently PMTCT planning
planning process as key involved in providing meetings.
service provider. maternal health services.
PLWA Organizations Provide information to Involvement in key No planned involvement
stakeholders about PLWA stakeholder meetings. beyond initial stakeholders
and patients’ rights; serve meeting.
as watchdog to ensure
rights of PLWA seeking
PMTCT services.
Stakeholder Engagement 107

International NGOs Provide relevant data or Involvement in key Continue to engage

information produced by stakeholder meeting in planning process
the NGO to stakeholders, to garner interest for by inviting to planning
advise planning process expanding PMTCT meetings and requesting
and possibly implement program. data and other assistance.
Other civil society target audiences
Journalists Inform public using data Opportunity to cover key Provide accurate and
and information about stakeholder meeting and relevant data and
PMTCT program and process of developing information to engage
about planning process. PMTCT program. mass media.
University researchers/ Present relevant data Involvement in key Request assistance
professors or information produced stakeholder meeting and/or subcontract future
by the university to to garner interest for research efforts to inform
stakeholders; advise expanding PMTCT planning and M&E.
planning process and program.
conduct any necessary
research per request of
International donors
GFATM Observe process, provide High level of interest in Continue to engage
advice, and incorporate attending key stakeholder in planning process
plan into internal donor meeting. by inviting to planning
funding and planning meetings and requesting
cycle. data and other assistance.
USAID Observe process, provide High level of interest in Continue to engage
advice, and incorporate attending key stakeholder in planning process
plan into internal donor meeting. by inviting to planning
funding and planning meetings and requesting
cycle. data and other assistance.

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