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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

First of all, let us praise and gratitude prayed to allah SWT presence. Because of the
grace and guidance we are given his health to come together on this day. Also to our prophet
Muhammad SAW. My friends and teachers all of whom I respect. On this occasion I will
give a speech with the theme of the environment.

Environment is one thing that is very important for the survival of mankind and
should for us to take good care. Our country is a country that has tremendous natural wealth.
Indonesian forest long ago have became one of the foundations of the environmental balance
in the entire world. When developed countries smoke because their industries, then our
country clean up the pollution with green forests that exist in many areas.

However, now we have to take an action to save our forests. Lungs of the world that
we have is being lost due to illegal logging and forest fires if the deforestation continues, it is
nit ompossible if we are going to lose the forest and eventually global warming will continue
to increase.

When the forest we have started getting damaged. I believe that one day we no longer
could feel the fresh air and the cool breeze at noon time. Our country will turn into a very hot
country and tortured. Weather changes are present in this country can not be predicted and
the arrival of the dry season would be more quickly and last longer. Are we willing to lose if
the Indonesian forest and tufn into like that? Of course not.

For that always let us always keep our environment especially keeping our
environment. Thank’s for attention, I desist Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.



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