Hunt V Spotlight 3

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Conspiracy buffs weaving

theories at Hunt libel trial

By STEPHEN K. DOIG der. anti-Castro Cubans. The clues, be
Herold Staff Writer But as far as the small cadre of says, are "uncanny, mind-bog-
Richard MacaJoon walked ea- conspiracy hobbyists watching gling."
gerly into Miami federal court In the gallery are concerned, It is "You know, Hunt Is really an
last week Hunt who is on trial now. interesting man," Morrissette
with dark "It's a vertigo of horror," adds. "If he confessed on the
glasses over Macaloon says of what he bas stand in there, I wouldn't hold it
his eyes, a spy heard over the years about against him now. It's been so
novel tucked Kennedy's death. long."
under his arm For instance, he says, "not Jim Hatcher, however, is less
and conspira- ~ · very many people know" that forgiving.
cy racing .. then-Vice President Lyndon Hatcher, a longtime subscriber
through his Johnson also was shot in Texas to Liberty Lobby's Spotlight
brain. that day by the conspirators, but tabloid, says heatedly that Spot-
Macaloon is that Johnson's wound was kept light and Lane are the only ones
a self-de- secret. Nor do people know, he in America telling the truth.
scribed stu- says, that someone has altered "The CIA is handling Hunt's
dent of the most microfilm copies of the first defense here," Hatcher insists,
swirl of dark New York Times stories about apparently forgetting that Hunt
theories about the assassination. is the one who sued. "They're
the assassination of John F. Bob Morrissette, a square- crooks and thieves just trying to
Kennedy. He. and several others jawed ex-Marine and Fort Lau- destroy Liberty Lobby."
like him, were in court to watch derdale police detective sergeant. Through much of the trial,
American conspiracy buffs' is less credulous but equally Hatcher and a companion mutter
dream confrontation. fascinated by Hunt and Lane. in stage whispers whenever U.S.
In one corner ls attorney Mark When he beard about the trial District Judge Jame Kehoe over-
Lane, the controversial author of last weekend, Morrissette imme- rules an objection from Lane.
the most widely read critique of diately took vacation to go watch "It's a kangaroo court," Hatcher
the Investigation into Kennedy's the first week of the trial. complained outside. "The judge
death. "At home I have 68 books on is intimidating the jury."
In the other is convicted the Kennedys, and 31 on the Each day, the small gallery has
Watergate figure E. Howard assassination," Morrissette says. been largely empty, other than
Hunt, whose notoriety and one- He brought with him a couple of the handful of buffs and a few
time CIA career has made him a Hunt's spy novels, which Hunt reporters and courtroom artists.
prime target of opportunity for autographed for him during a "Where are the people?"
conspiracy theorists. court recess. . Hatcher demands. "They're be-
Hunt Is suing Lane's client, the Morrissette won't say whether ing kept away by the CIA."
ultra-conservative Liberty Lob- be suspects Hunt. But he Is He dismisses the idea that. 21
by, for publishing a 1978 article convinced there was a plot years after the fact. only Hunt,
suggesting that Hunt was about Involving the combined efforts of Lane and a few conspiracy
to be linked to Kennedy's mur- the CIA, organized crime and hobbyists really care anymore.

Watergate figure enies JFK murd
By STEPHEN K. DOIG As the first witne s, Hunt spent his first day Though Lane's own credibility
Herald Staff Writer on the stand in a t down memory lane. questioned over the years, he
Conspiracy author and attorney Mark Lane He reminisced calldldly about the burglary Monday to link Hunt to the murder.
entered a Miami courtroom Monday to prove of the Watergate office complex for President says grew out of the failure of the
that Watergate figure E. Howard Hunt and the Nixon. He talked about rifling the files of invasion of Cuba.
CIA assassinated John F. Kennedy. Daniel Ellsberg's p[chiatrist. He mentioned
Lane's star witness swears that she and covert "black bag' break-Ins at foreign "The whole CIA blamed John
other conspirators met Hunt in Dallas the day embassies for the Cl He blandly described his Lane told the six-member jury. "Ke
before Kennedy was shot. plan to put cyani e In columnist Jack (CIA director) Allen Dulles, and th
But she won't come to Miami to testify. Anderson's aspirin bdttle. was killed.h
Lane's key piece of evidence Is a CIA memo But he resolutely denied having any part in Despite Hunt's denials, various au
that suggests that Hunt was in Dallas and any conspiracy to asSflSsinate Kennedy. claimed that Hunt and fellow
involved In the murder. "Venomous libel,'~ Hunt says acidly of burglar Frank Sturgis were t
But he doesn't have the fabled memo. claims that he played a role in Kennedy's never-identified "three bums" ph
• The trial before U.S. District Judge James death. near where Kennedy was shot.
Kehoe is Hunt's libel suit against the ultra-right He testified that he was in Washington that
Liberty Lobby In 1978, the group's "Spot- day, buying Chinese fQod with his wife, when ' Lane has a sworn deposition f
light" tabloid printed an article Implying that he heard of the tragedy in Dallas. And unlike Lorenz, a onetime mistress of Fidel
Hunt was an active participant in Kennedy's
murder when he was a CIA agent.
Lane. Hunt's lawyers say, they will offer later a CIA agent. Lorenz claims th
witnesses and evidence to prove their case. to from Miami to Dallas with
ln 1981, Hunt won a $650,000 verdict Lane is perhaps the nation's most notorious several Cubans the day before K
against Liberty Lobby, but the judgment was conspiracy buff. His best-selling Rush To shot. She says they met Hunt ther
overturned on a legal technicality. He is back Judgment criticized the Warren Commission's
in court this week to try again, with Lane conclusion that Kennedy was shot by a lone But Lorenz's story won't be tol
representing the defense. assassin. "She is afraid to come to Miami,


Ex-CIA officials testify on Hunt

.... Two former directors of the CLA supposedly stated: "Someday. we
testified in depositions. read will have to explain Howard
Thursday in Miami federal court, Hunt's presence in Dallas on Nov.
that they had no knowledge of a 22, 1963."
purported 1966 CIA memo linking The article, published by the
Watergate figure E. Howard Hunt Liberty Lobby's Spotlight tabloid,
with the assassination of John F. bad a headline that said "CIA to
Kennedy. nail Hunt for Kennedy killing;"
Hunt, a former CIA agent, is and said the memo had been given
suing the Liberty Lobby for pub- to a House committee investigat-
lishing a 1978 article suggesting ing the murder. The committee
that the CIA was about to provide reported later that no such memo
evidence that Hunt was involved was produced and that there was
in a plot to kill Kennedy. no evidence to show that Hunt
Former CIA directors Richard was in Dallas or part of a plot.
f!elms and Stansfield Turner both Ia another deposition read
testified in depositions last year Thursday, Liberty Lobby president
that they had no knowledge of a Willis Carto testified that "every-
1966 internal CLA memo which thing in The Spotlight is true."
20 The Miami Herald I Tue. day, February .;, 1!JSS F-2

Castro's was Ill Dallas
By STEPHEN K. DOIG CIA-sponsored anti-Castro operation.
Herald Staff Writer o's ex-mistress, in a depositio , claims she knew "He wanted to be part of the mission,"
she said, calling Oswald "Ozzie."
In a deposition read Monday in Miami
federal court, Fidel Castro's one-time mis· Lee Harv Oswald and drove with him to Dallas along with Lorenz said that in late November 1963.

tress claimed that she and Lee Harvey
Oswald, and seven anti-Castro Cubans,
anti-Cast Cubans in a car loaded with weapons just before Frank Sturgis, who along with Hunt would
become a Watergate figure a decade later,
drove with weapons in two cars from John F. nnedy was assassinated. told her to come with him and Oswald to
Miami to Dallas just before John F. Kennedy Dallas to act as a decoy.
was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1'963.
While in Dallas, she say~. she met Lorenz said that Hunt came to their
then-CIA agent E. Howard Hunt, who later Committee on ssassinations in 1977; the Lorenz di4n't give her testimony in Dallas motel, the name or location of which
would become infamous as ~ne of the committee's fi I report ignored her ac- person Monda~. Attorney Mark Lane, who she couldn't recall, to give Sturgis an
Watergate conspirators. count and dism sed any involvement by the is defending the Liberty Lobby's Spotlight envelope full of cash. Sturgis and other
The testimony by Marita Lorenz, now CIA or Hunt. tabloid against Hunt's suit, says that Lorenz supposed conspirators named by Lorenz
living in New York City, was roughly the Hunt, who i ear the end of his libel suit is "afraid to dome to Miami." also have denied her story.
same story she has been telling publicly against a tabl that suggested he was In her deposition, taken early last month, Lane rested his defense late Monday
since at least the mid-1970s, to widespread about to be link to Kennedy's murder, has Lorenz said she first met Oswald in Miami afternoon. Both sides are expected to give
disbelief. denied being i Dallas and has produced in the early 1960s while working for ~he their final arguments to the six-member
Lorenz told the story to the House Select witnesses to ba his story. "Forty Group," which she indicated was a jury this morning.


Ex-CIA chief wrong, Hunt testifies :

Former CIA director Richard CIA plot, the day before Kennedy
Helms was mistaken when he said died.
in a deposition last year that "to But Hunt, who finished bis
the best of my recollection" Wa- second full day on the witness
tergate burglar Frank Sturgis once stand, stated flatly that Sturgis
was a contract agent with the never worked with the CIA "Mr.
CIA, fellow Watergate figure E. Helms ls a truthful man, but be is
Howard Hunt testified Wednesday not infallible," Hunt said. "His
in Miami federal court. recollection is faulty."
Attorney Mark Lane, who is Hunt pointed out that a 1978
trying to link Hunt and Sturgis to House investigation of Kennedy's
the assassination of John F. Ken- murder also concluded that Sturgis
nedy as the defense in a libel suit never was an agent, and that there
brought by Hunt, read Helms' was no evidence that either Hunt
deposition to the six-member jury. or the CIA was involved in a
Lane says be intends to present conspiracy to kill Kennedy.
testimony later that Hunt, a for- The trial will continue this
mer CIA agent, and Sturgis were morning before U.S. District Judge
in Dallas, probably as part of a James Kehoe. I, J 1 / ~ {'
Liberty Lobby Appeals Verdict
By William Carmichael an opportunily to file a brief arguing
Having had all post-trial motions against Liberty Lobby 's position, and
denied by the trial judge, Liberty Liberty Lobby will answer Hunt's at-
Lobby will appeal the libel verdict torneys.
brought against the institution on According to Lee, some of Lhe things
December 17, 1981. In the Miami, Liberty Lobby will point out in its ap-
Florida trial, presided over by Judge peaJ include the argument that the ver-
dict was not in acco rdance with libel law
J. W. Kehoe, Liberty Lobby was
as interpreted by the Supreme Court.
found guilty of "damaging" Water- Liberty Lobby will argue that the case
J gate figure E. Howard Hunt Jr· and should never have gone to the jury in the
--ordered- to pay $100,000 in- actual first place.
damages and $550,000 in punitive The basis of the suit by Hunt was a
damages . story authored by Victo r Marchetti, a
In a decision without comment, Judge former CIA operative, which was pub-
Kehoe denied all of Liberty Lobby's lished by The SPOTLIGHT. The story
post-trial motions which were: to dis- alleged that the C IA planned to im-
miss for lack of jurisdiction, to amend plicace Hunt in the assassination of John
the judgment , for judgment notwith- F. Kennedy.
standing the verdict and for a new trial. There was absolutely no evidence that had never been accused of not telling the
" Nothing ... persuades the court to Liberty Lobby knew or even thought truth. Instead, he was accused of telling
alter or amend the judgment in any that the article was false . There was an too much of the truth."
way," wrote Judge Kehoe in denying the equal lack of evidence that anyone at When the story had been published
motions. Kehoe's expected denial was Liberty Lobby had any doubts as to the and Hunt complained about it through
filed on February 18 and received by truth of the article. his attorney, Liberty Lobby wanted to
Liberty Lobby on February 25. Liberty Lobby, in publishing the arti- be eminently fair, so it offered Hunt as
"This isn 't the end of the post trial cle, accepted the word of its author, a much space in The SPOTLIGHT as he
process ," Liberty Lobby General high -ranking, 15-year veteran of the needed in order to tell his side of the
Counsel Fleming Lee explained. "The CIA who was nationally known for his story . He refused and elected to sue.
next step is the appeal." published works on the subject. While According to Lee, the appeals process
Liberty Lobby is curr_e_n-.
h_e _p-ro
- -- --=
E. Howard Hunt testified in Miami that is often a long o ne, and he does not ex-- -
cess of filing an appeaJ with the l lth he had previously lied under oath, the peel an immediate answer from the
Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in author of The SPOTLIGHT article court.
Atlanta, Georgia. stood in high repute and had never been "Whatever decision is made by the
A notice of appeal is being filed in charged with anything other than blow- Appeals Court," Lee explained, "it will
Miami, the site of the trial. A supporting ing the whistle on improper practices be based on the law, the facts as pre-
brief (explanation and argument) will be within the C IA. sented in the Miami trial and the de-
fi led by Liberty Lobby at the appellate "As I argued in Miami," Lee said, cisions handed down by the jury and
court. Attorneys for Hunt will be given "the author of The SPOTLIGHT a rticle Judge Kehoe." ~



HERALD Wednesday, May 7, 1980 ~

Hunt Sues, Claims He's 'B(!in 'Fraffted' 1

By MARY VOBORIL by a Page I banner headline that said, "CIA invo lved in any v a~ with any ullegPd co to gi ve emplo)"ment to u man who might in
Herald Slaff Wrller to Nail Hunt for Kennedy Killing." A second sp1racy" to kill Kennedy or cover up t the least degree have had anything to do
Saying the "eight-year agony of Water- headline said, "CIA to 'Admit' Hunt Involve- crime . with the assas~lnation of John F. Kennedy."
gate" is enough for any man to endure, Wa· ment in Kennedy Slaying." "To prolong th eight-year agony of W A related $2.5 million libel suit is pending
tergate burglar E. Howard Hunt filed a Marchetti's co-defendant is Llbnty Lobby. lergate" by plugg ng him into Kennedy co In Miami fede ral court before U S District
multi-million dollar libel s uit Tuesday against which circulates Spotlight. spiracy theories " is unbearable." he said. Judge Edward; Davis. The second suit names
a "CIA renegade" he claims linked him to the The suit asks for $3.5 million damages. It The former Cl careerist now Is trying different def1,>ndants, but the charges are •
assassination of President John F. Kennedy. was filed in U.S. District Coui·t in Miami. make a living by lecturing and writing. I similar: that lunt took part in what Ellis
Hunt said Victor Marchetti, best known "IT'S BECOME an article of faith that I said he has suffered "a serious loss of Rubin, Hunt's attorney, calls "the mosr hei-
for the book The CIA and Lite Cu/L of /11Lelli had some role in the Kennedy assassination," come" because of the allegations. nous crime in he 20th Century."
gence. libeled him in the Aug. 14, 1978 issue Hunt said during a news conference Tuesday. "Circulation of libels aod slanders c Hunt said h won a JUdgment in yet a third
or Spotlight, a Washington weekly news- •Assassination buffs, Nixon haters and others cerning me have damaged me economica libel suit against Nationul rattler, a now-de-
ppper with a circulation of more tha n "erected a frame and set me in it." by closing many doors m the publishing 1- funct tablqid, In a related Baltimore case. He
200,000. . In a prepared statement, he said he "had dustry and lecture circuit," Hunt said. nt>ver colljJcted his money. He couldn't recall
Marchetti's freelance 11tory was promoted nothing whatsoever to do with and wus not "NOBODY in hls right mind would w 1\t how larf~ the judgment was. ( .
· Watergate burglar de. ies assassination role
By ALICE KLEMENT ry," Hunt's attorney. Ellis Rubin• which was investigating conspiracy ring him from wnung anything
H"ald Staff Wrttl'r told the jury in his opening slate• theories. about the agency without first
Tales of clandestine CIA missions ment. Marchetti wrote that Hunt - clearing it with CIA officials. The
unwound in Miami federal court "We're not going to prove Hunt who has written 56 books, many of agency never exercised its censor·
Tuesday as Watergate burglar E. was involved in a conspiracy to kill them about covert escapades - ship rights in the Spotlight article,
Howard Hunt attacked the publish- Kennedy. There is no question he was to be offered up as a scapegoat according to Liberty Lobby attor·
ers of a weekly tabloid that he says was not involved," countered Liber- to protect CIA clandestine efforts. neys.
linked him to the assassination of ty Lobby's Miami attorney, Miles The target of Hunt's libel suit is Hunt's testimony Tuesday mark·
President John F. Kennedy. McGrane. "What the article said is Liberty Lobby, described by its ed his first court appearance since
Hunt, 63, is seeking $3.5 million he was going to be made a scape- lawyers in court as a "supporter of he pleaded guilty to Watergate-re-
from Liberty Lobby for an allegedly goat by the CIA." patriotic causes," but previously lated charges in January 1973.
libelous 1978 article in its news- In a twist as bizarre as a spy characterized by the Anti-Defama- Now semi·retired in Miami, Hunt
• paper The Spotlight, under the novel. the legal dispute pits an ex- tion League as anti·Semitic and rac· served 33 months for his role in
heaGllne "CIA to Nail Hunt for Ken- CIA agent against another ex-CIA ist. wiretapping and burglarizing Dem·
nedy Killing." agent over an alleged CIA plot. Filed in 1979, the suit alleges the ocratic National Headquarters in
In several hours or testimony The writer of the allegedly libel- CIA story was "flagrantly false and June 1972. He was released in early
Tuesday, Hunt admitted his part in ous article is Victor Marchetti, a maliciously written." Liberty 1977.
the 1972 Watergate break-in that 14-year CIA veteran who draws on Lobby published the article either '"P"!"!"'!!l!'li!lllll!l!~ll!l'!~-....-ml!I--.
toppled the Nixon presidency. But his experience to write books and knowing the assertions were false
he repeatedly denied any role in the freelance stories. or recklessly disregarding whether
1963 Kennedy murder. In his 1978 article, Marchetti they were true or false, according
"'Just because he pleaded guilty claimed the CIA was going to link to the suit.
to Watergate doesn't give publish- Hunt to the Kennedy assassination A book Marchetti wrote in the
ers the license to accuse him of the in testimony before the House Se- mid· l970s prompted the CIA to go
most heinous murder of the centu- lect Committee on Assassinations. to court and win an injunction bar·

Yal day dishes, ·dishes, and

Federal jury continues
Hunt libel deliberations·
By STEPHEN K. DOIG Lane told the jury. "You are a
Herald Slaff Writer piece of American history."
A Miami federal jury will con- Lane reiterated the stream of
tinue this morning trying to decide charges be had raised during the
whether Watergate figure E. seven-day trial: The investigations
Howard Hunt was libeled in 1978 were flawed, imponant facts were
by a Washington tabloid that covered up, Hunt is a confessed
claimed Hunt was about to be perjurer, Hunt and the CIA hated
linked to the assassination of John Kennedy, Hunt can't prove where
F. Kennedy. be was that day, Hunt's alibi
The slx jury members deliberat· witnesses were CIA liars, and so
ed for two hours Tuesday after- on.
noon before U.S. District Judge "Why can't be leave us alone?"
James Kehoe sent them home to Lane said loudly, pointing at Hunt.
start fresh in the morning. "I don't mean my client. I mean Mark Lane: Calls jury a
Controversial defense attorney us!" 'people's commiuion.'
Mark Lane, a vocal critic of the After proclaiming the truth of
various investigations into Kenne- the article, printed ln the ultra- of Baltimore, in turn recalled the
dy's murder, was at his thunder- conservative Liberty Lobby's testimony of ex-CIA employee
ous best in his final argument, Spotlight tabloid, Lane hedged bis Victor Marchetti, who wrote the
calling the jury a "people's com- bets by arguing that it was only article and who admitted on the
mission" investigating the assassi- the author's opinion and predic· stand that his source was a
nation. lions and hence not libelous even if Washington rumor told by a
..You are going to tell your utterly false. Penthouse columnist - who since
grandchildren about this one," Hunt's lawyer, William Snyder has denied telling it to Marchetti.

'Hunt-JFK article 'trash'
hut not libelous, jury finds
By STEPHEN K. DOIG Hunt didn't demonstrate by clear
Herald S taff \Vriter and convincing evidence that Lib-
A 1978 tabloid article that erty Lobby president Willis Carto
linked Watergate figure E. How- had published the story with
ard Hunt to the murder of John F. "reckless disregard for the truth."
Kennedy was "sloppy" and That legal standard for malice
"trash" - but not libelous because must be met for a public figure
it was published without malice, like Hunt to prove libel. U.S.
two of the jurors :ho decided District Judgl! James Kehoe cold
against Hunt said Wednesday. the jurors before they began their
"We were very disgusted and three-hour deUberation .
felt it was trash," explained " It's a very high standard,"
Suzanne Reach, one of the six Kevin Dunne, one of Hunt's attor-
jurors on the panel, about the neys, said afterwards.
article in the ultra-conservative Dunne said he will have to
Liberty Lobby's Spotlight tabloid. confer with Hunt before decidi ng
"The paper published material whether to appeal the verdict.
that was sloppy - but it wasn't A visibly dismayed Hunt refused
malicious.·· to comment and left the Miami
United Press fnternatiional federal courthouse immediately
Hunt lost his case, according to
E. Howard Hunt leaves courthouse with bis Reach and a second juror who
attorney's secretary, Barbara Henler. refused to be identified, because Please tum to HUNT I lOA

.' .

Jury: Article linking
Hunt to JFK death
'trash,' not libelous
HUNT I from I A
after the verdict. ' .. . there's no doubt
Much of the seven-day trial was
spent on defense claims that Hunt,
in my mind that the
then a CIA agent, actually was in CIA was involved. And
Dallas and involved In a plot to kill
Kennedy. Hunt was a CIA
But Reach said the conspiracy agent.'
theories offered by defense attor-
ney Mark Lane were "absolutely Lawyer Mark Lane,
not" the reason for the verdict. on Kennedy assaSBination
"We were worried that our
verdict might give the wrong
Impression to the public," Reach
said. verdict against Liberty Lobby by
The second juror called the using largely the same evidence.
conspiracy theories "so much ex- But on appeal, the case was sent
traneous matter," but added that back for a new trial because of a
the trial was "a good lesson in faulty jury instruction.
American history." In the earlier trial. Liberty
A third juror refused to com- Lobby's first attorney had agreed
ment; the other three couldn't be that Hunt was in Washington.
reached. This time, Lane forced Hunt to try
Hunt sued Spotlight in 1980 for to prove that he wasn't in Dallas,
pdntlng the article, written by 21 years after the fact.
ex·CIA employee Victor Marchel· Through the second trial, Lane
ti. The article stated that the CIA defended Marchetti's article as
was about to "nail" Hunt for true. Afterwards, he backed off
involvement in Kennedy's murder only slightly from his strong
and that House investigators bad a closing-argument claims that Hunt
1966 internal CIA memo saying was involved in a plot.
that Hunt was in Dallas Nov. 22, "I don't know," Lane said when
1963. asked if he really believed that
On the stand, Marchetti admit· Hunt had anything to do with
ted that his lone original source Kennedy's death . "But there's no
for the story was a Washington doubt in my mind that the CIA
rumor he said he heard from was involved. And Hunt was a CIA
Penthouse columnist Bill Corson, agent."
who later denied talking to Mar· Lane, controversial author of a
chetti about the story. best-selling 1966 critique of the
Hunt testified that he was In Warren Commission Investigation
Wuhlngton that day. He produced Into Kennedy's murder, had called
three witnesses, all coworkers at the jury a "people's commission"
Hunt's CIA office, t<> back his to examine the facts behind Ken·
story. Lane, the nation's best· nedy's death. Actually, the jury
known conspiracy theorist, count· was presented only a tiny fraction
--erediJy<lrguing--that-CIA----employ--"-of ire=vohrm tac and
ees are "trained liars." testimony that have been gathered
The special House Assassina· in the two decades since the
tions Committee rejected the theo- assassination .
ry that Hunt or the CIA was part Even Lane, his owo strongest
of a Kennedy conspiracy, and said advocate, conceded that he hadn't
there was no evidence that the proved his theory of Hunt's role in
rumored memo - which wasn't a Kennedy plot.
produced at the Miami trial - "Based on the evidence they
actually existed. saw, he couldn't be convicted,"
In 1981, Hunt won a $650,0IYO Lane said. •
Hunt den s he was in Dalla when JE
By STEPHEN K. DOIG cle accusing Hunt of being agreed each time Lane would read months in prison for his part In the
Herald Staff Writer olved in the assassination of a passage. White House conspiracy and cov-
In a long day of cross-examina- n F. Kennedy. Hunt was alter- "That was fal&e, and I knew It erup. .. ..
tion, defense attorney Mark Lane ly amused and angered as to be false at the time," Hunt said , The Plumbers were the group
got E. Howard e, author of a book challenging repeatedly Tuesday 1 of men who in 1972 wer~ caught
Hunt to ac- findings of the investigations · breaklng in to Democratic Party
k now ledge Kennedy's murder, rehashed a But Hunt, who now lives in headquarters In the Watergate, the
Tuesday what history that Hunt says Js long Miaml, pointed out that he finally crime that spawned the scandal
the nation has ndhim. recanted the lies, told the truth that forced President Nixon to
known for at wish I had never heard of about his activities with the infa· resign.
least a decade: rgate, and I wish I had never mous "Plumbers," and served 33 "This ls very embarrassing
that Hunt once employed by the White
was a career ," Hunt blurted at one point
• CIA agent and ne pressed him about his
he later took an Setting Iba Record Sbalgbt
active part in e, hoping to undermine
the Watergate s insistence that he knew I
conspiracy. g of the Kennedy snooting, A story in Tuesday's Herald lpcorrectly reported that E. How•d
It was Hunt's much of the day reading Hunt had testified in Miaml federjll court Monday that he once d
second day on anscripts of Hunt's testimo- discussed a plot to poison column~t Jack Anderson. Instead, opp g
the stand in Miami federal court in ng the early investigations lawyer Mark Lane told jurors a ut the poison plot in his op ng

his libel trial against the Liberty
Lobby, which published a 1978
e Watergate burglary. Key
rs were perjured, Hunt

statement. Hunt denles any parti pation In such a plot. The H Id
regrets the error.
authnrit.v memhei' Les 'Feldman.

;,I( was shot down

listen to that stuff_.'' Hunt said Cuba and Guatemala. Hunt added
with a nervous chuckle as Lane that he had no personal knowl·
described several "dirty tricks" edge, however, of CIA plots to kill
schemes proposed to Hunt by Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
fellow conspirator G. Gordon Lid· "You don't doubt that there
dy. were such plans, do you?" Lane
asked. m•
One of the statements in the 101
article is that Hunt tried to Hunt smiled. "WeJI, I would ;,
blackmail the CIA, with which he have hoped there were such Cl
served from 1949 to 1970. After plans.'' on
describing Hunt's demands for Late Tuesday, Lane started
payments from senior Nixon aides, questioning Hunt about his activi· ha
Lane tried to get Hunt to admit the ties the day Kennedy was shot.
Hunt testified again that he was in lt ~
statement in the article was true.
But Hunt, though momentarily Washington, shopping with his lit.I
flustered, then reminded Lane, and wife and children, when he heard Je
the jury, that his demands were of the assassination. Hunt's law-
made to the White House and not yers say they will offer witnesses
who wiJI testify having seen Hunt s
the CIA. in Washington that day. nil
Hunt also agreed with Lane that
The trial, before U.S. District
while in the CIA he had conducted
psychological warfate operations
against communist regimes in
Judge James Kehoe, is expected to
last through the week.
p "'

_........ • a res • •Ill!! aa a

Libel award gave ex-ag_ent
something to cry about
Mloml Nows Reporter

Watergate conspirator E. How-

ard Hunt broke down and cried yes-
terday after a jury agreed that he
had been libeled by a newspaper ar-
ticle linking him to the assassina-
tion of President John F. Kennedy.
The federal jury awarded Hunt
$650,000 in damages for a 1978 ar-
ticle that appeared In Spotlight, a
weekly newspaper owned by Liber-
ty Lobby .
"I didn 't care if the verdict was
$10 or a million," said Hun t. "Noth·
ing really good, except my mar-
riage, has happened to me in the
last 10 years since Watergate."
The former CIA agent, who Ji ves
in Miami with his w ife, Laura, had
asked for $3.6 million from Liberty
Lobby. His attorney, Ellis Rubin,
said Hunt's income dropped by
$27,000 in the year after publica- E. Howard Hunt
tion of the Aug. 14, 1978 story,
headlined "CIA to Nail Hunt for a stern warnJng to others tempted
Kennedy Killing." to publish further libels against
The article was written for a fee me, " Hunt said.
or $500 by Victor Marchetti , anoth- Rubin said the jury "rejected
ER er former CIA agent. Marchetti was open season on Watergate bur-
not a defendant in the case. glars" and "agreed that Hunt's
Hunt said that by their verdict, name and reputation are just as val-
the jury indicated that " Watergate uable to him as anyone else."
is over" for him, and that he has Of the accusation of involvement
been punished enough for what he with Kennedy's assassination, Hunt
did I 0 years ago. Hunt served 33 said, "It has been a dreadful sen·
months in federal prison for his role tence to live under. standing
in the Watergate break-in. "The
findings or the jury should stand as Pie••• ••• HUNT, 9A I
H ::\NT
1 from 5A
ch~ with no way to prove my
innocence, accused of the murder of
President Kennedy . . . a heinous
crime. Someone not accused of it
can't understand what It was Uke
from day to day." He said when he
heard the verdict "I choked up . • . I
feel a great sense of relief.''
The Marchetti article quoted a
CIA memo as saylng the agency
..wm have to explain Hunt's pres-
ence in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963 -
the day Presiden~ Kennedy was
Hunt testified that he was in
Washington when Kennedy was
shot and that he knew nothlng of
the assassination beforehand.
In closing arguments, Rubin said
the Marchetti article was written
with malice and in reckless disre-
gard of the truth. He sald the pub-
lisher refused to print a retraction
requested by Hunt.
Spotlight, which bas 300,000
subscribers, calls itself in each issue
" the paper you can trust" and
promises to "retract or correct any
meaningful error.''
Miami attorney Miies McGrane,
representing Liberty Lobby, argued
that the Spotlight article was not
written with malice toward Hunt
but rather "in the belief that the
CIA was out to get Mr. Hunt and
make him a sctpegoat." McGrane
said that Hunt "never supplied
(Spotlight) the Information for a
factual retraction."
McGrane said he has told his
clients that an appeal in the case
"would be well-taken" but said no
decision about an appeal has been

'. /
MARK THI S BALLOT AND RETU RN T O: LIBERTY LOBBY 300 Independence Ave ., SE Wash., 20003
D APPEAL. Take Mr. Hunt and his lawyers to the wall! If LIBERTY LOBBY has lo lake the case to the D
Supreme Court, I will suppo rt your defense 1000/o. To help with your appeal of the Miami verdict, here is my
contribution of:
D $500 D $250 0 $100 D $50 D $25 D OTHER $ _ _ _ __

D DO NOT APPEAL. I believe that LIBERTY LOBBY can find the resources 10 satisfy the Miami verdict. Do
no t risk the existence of LIBERTY LOBBY and the ultimate closing down of The SPOTLIGHT by .wasting
money in a no-win situation .
Please make checks payable to The Committee To Defend Liberty Lobby (COLL).



l~~~~~HT~~~RT~~slRb~8A~A~~p~~~~ ~~o~~~w~~e5HA~bl~l~~5~AL

~~~~~E~~ l~s¥t~6~~a~ D~2~~~~Ssr~u~~~i!~~N~S. 0 UR GREAT

HONESTLY BELIEXIG~;R~&5Tu&~aro!t~fu~~8~~l uNcoNscioNABLY
--~rt f-frER TY l 0 BB . WOUt:fi ~ B*NKR UP 'f I AiR€-E CtQ-S--Hv.;"

~u~~c~r~~~G ~8~~o~~~RA~~HLY~~~T~sleB~~ 0 l~bG~~ AMERICAN



~ 04/ 26/82 ROBERT M. BARTELL
Writer admits he used JFK ·'rumors'
Author and ex-CIA employee Victor Marchetti
admitted Friday that key parts of his 1978 article Spotlight tabloid that printed Marchetti's article.
linking E. Howard Hunt With a conspiracy to kill
John F. Kennedy were based almost solely on In an story headlined "CIA to Nail Hunt For
Washington rumors Marchetti said he heard from a Kennedy Killing," Marchetti wrote that a House
Penthouse magazine columnist. investigations committee had received a 1966 internal
The columnist, Bill Corson, later denied in a sworn CIA memo discussing Hunt's supposed presence in
deposition even talking about the rumors with Dallas the day Kennedy died.
''I had no corroboration of Corson's story ... ," The committee later reported that no such memo
Marchetti testified, but added that he knew two other had been received, and dismissed theories of Hunt's
involvement in a Kennedy plot.
reporters who were checking into the same story.
Hunt is in the middle of a libel suit against the Hunt, who was never called by Marchetti for
ultra-conservative Liberty Lobby, publisher of The comment before the article ran, has denied being in
Dallas then and has produced witnesses who say he
was in Washington that day .

.... - -- ··----- - -
~ J¥>ward Hunt
:;,?ins $650,000
~: libel verdict
" Herald Staff Writer
1e After less than two hours' delib·
)f eration, a Miami federal court jury
Thursday awarded a $650,000 libel
IA judgment to Watergate conspirator
E. Howard Hunt.
The jury of four men and two
women found that Liberty Lobby, a
Washington-based political organi·
zation, published an article linking ...'
Hunt to the assassination of Presi·
n dent John Kennedy with reckless
disregard for the truth.
The verdict calls for Liberty
\i...Lobby to pay Hunt $100,000 as
• 'llpensation for damages the 1978
·., caused him, and $550,000 as

~ JP/ease tum to HUNT 127A


oi Herald I F1iday, Dec. 18, t9Sl ooo• .. . ..

- /

Hullt awarded $651

day Kennedy was shot. "He (Hunt]
BUNT /From lA was not involved," McGrane de-
punishment for having published it. clared.
As the verdict was announced, While admitting that the article
Hunt broke into tears, stood to re- might have been "a little blt glar-
gain his composure, and hugged his ing" and "a little bit blaring," Mc-
attorney, Ellis Rubin. Grane told the jury:
. After several deep breaths, the "The main thrust of the article
63-year-old Miamian would say was to tell readers that the CIA was
only: "It's very appropriate. I'm at it again, and that Hunt was going
pleased. This ends a long struggle to to be a scapegoat."
regain my name." In a pre-trial deposition, Spot-
But Willis Carto, Liberty Lobby light editor Tucker maintained the
treasurer, called the verdict "pre- organization did Hunt a favor by
posterous," and said the organiza- publishing the article to expose
tion would appeal. agency attempts to victimize Hunt,
Its attorney, Miles McGrane, himself a former CIA agenL
r· called the ruling "unexpected," and Hunt's attorney, however, at·
". said he found It "very surprising tacked those claims as "ludicrow
.. There are, McGrane said, "amplP.
grounds for any appeal."
that the jury found actual malice." S'lll-----l!ll!P."""°"...,.~
5306115 0
v' ""'
James Tucker, managing e<L. r:·
of The Spotlight, the Liberty Lou I
by's weekly tab-
loid where the '
article appeared,
said he was
"I fail to see
how they found
any malice what-
soever in what I
did," said Tuck·
In his original
filing in 1979,
:J:1~:ught $~~ Hunt
though $3.3 million was mentioned
in his attorney's closing arguments-
- from the self-described "patriot-
ic" organization for an article head·
lined, CIA to Nail Hunt for Kennedy
The article, written by ex-CIA
Agent Vincent Marchetti, alleged
the agency was scheming to depict ii:i
Hunt as an assassination conspira· 11
tor before the House Select Com·
mittee on Assassinations.
No such testimony was ever pre-
sented. Hunt claimed the Spotlight
article recklessly linked him to the
In closing statements Thursday,
Rubin portrayed Hunt as "an honor-
able man" struggling to come back
from the Watergate incident.
"He's sick and tired of being a
target," Rubin said. "Every time
some publicity like this occurs, he
goes down and down. He's just try-
ing to work his way up again."
Liberty Lobby attorney McGrane
had told the jury he was not out to
Dl'.OVP th:it Hunt Wll~ in n11lfllf; thP


&~ - -
- 0,000 libel verdict please put on blinders to emotion.
and arrogant."
Rubin sought to prove malice on There simply is no evidence of actu-
Spotlight's part by presenting eili- al malice."
dence that the publishers failed to Hunt pleaded guilty to wiretap-
confirm assertions the article made, ping and conspiracy charges stem-
refused to retract those claims ming from the 1972 break-In at the
when requested, and made changes Democratic National Headquarters
in the manuscript without consult- in Washington. He served 33
ing the author. months in prison, and was released
In asking for $300,000 compensa- in 1977.
tory damages, Rubin contended that Hunt has a second libel suit pend-
Hunt's income, largely from lec- ing in federal court in Miami. Filed
tures, plummeted from $798,000 in in 1976, the suit attacks as libelous
1977 to $21,000 in 1979, after the a book entitled, Coup d'Etat in
article appeared. America, and makes many of the
McGrane, however, asked jurors same allegations as The Sp<:rtlight
to read the controversial article was held to have made about Hunt's
carefully. "I can't rant or rave," he role In a Kennedy assassination con-
said. "I can't come to tears. But spiracy.


Libel trial resurrects JFI( co spi acy theory \

By STEPHEN K. DOIG pressure group that publishes a weekly ennedy died. hey couldn't produce the
Herald Staff Writer tabloid called The Spotlight. emo. And the efended Marchetti's article
Mark Lane, celebrity lawyer and conspir- In 1978, The Spotlight - which bills itself s just a Warnin to Hunt that the CIA was
acy enthusiast, will ask a Miami federal jury as "The Paper You Can Trust" - published ing to make m a scapegoat.
Monday to decide that E. Howard Hunt, an article by former CIA agent Victor The Jury didn buy it and awarded Hunt
formerly of Watergate and CIA fame, was Marchetti, which among other claims cited a 50,000. But appeal, a retrial was
personally involved in the assassination of 1966 CIA memo that purportedly said Hunt o lered because a flawed jury instruction.
President John F. Kennedy in Dallas 21 years was in Dallas that day and suggested he had This time, ib r&y Lobby has hired Lane,
ago a role in Kennedy's mur4er. a or of the l 6 best seller Rush to
Pure twaddle, retort llunt and his law- Hunt, who spent 33 rIJOnt hs in prison for J ·•ment, which lambasted the Warren
yers the Watergate burglaryj sued the Liberty Co mission lnves atlon or Kennedy's mur·
The trial, to be heard this week by U.S. Lobby for libel. de Lane'J e nth lasm for charging the
District Judge James Kehoe, is a replay of At the 1981 trial, Liberty Lobby attorneys go nment with a ariety of unsavory plots
Hunt's 1980 lawsuit against the Washing· conceded that Hunt could present witnesses
Hunt ton-based Liberty Lobby, an ultraright to prove he was in Washington the day lease tum to HUNT I 3B
cr \I\

j • I
Howard Hunt trial
resurrects JF.(
conspiracy theory
HUNT /from lB "The Kennedy assassination is
an unfinished piece of American
long since has made him a folk history, and we may have a
' hero among conspiracy hobbyists. conclusion in this case," he says.
lo the late 1970s, Lane defended "We intend to present evidence
James Earl Ray, the convicted regarding the role of the CIA
killer of Martin Luther King Jr., relative to the assassination of
on the theory that King was killed Kennedy."
by the FBI. His allegations were Lane's star testimony, he indi-
unproven. cates, will come from Marita
From there, Lane went on in Lorenz, a one-time mistress of
1978 to represent Jim Jones and Fidel Castro who later was sent by
the People's Temple. After the the CIA back to Cuba to assassi-
Guyana tragedy, Lane accused a nate him. That plot supposedly
variety of government agencies of failed because her poison capsules
conspiring to drive Jones and his accidentally dissolved in the cold
followers to commit mass suicide. cream jar in which they were
Again, the allegations were un- hidden.
proven; . . According to J4me, Lorenz says
Lanes lat.est forum. is the L1ber- she drove from Miami to Dallas
ty Lobby trial. And his defense, he the day before Kennedy's death in
says. wtl!, be. to ~rov~he truth of _ a_two-_ca caravan with Lee Har-
M~ch.etti s story· . vey Oswald and several an - - .,.·
. Thts case. will ~~ tned very tro Cubans, including Frank Stur-
~tffer.~ntly t~ts time, Lane prom- gis, who also would later become
1ses. ~~st time, the d~fense w~s a Watergate burglar. In Dallas,
apologizing f~_r the article. That s Lorenz supposedly met Hunt that
not my style. day
It certainly isn't, agree Hunt's ·
Baltimore- based lawyers, William Dunne says that Lorenz's story
Snyder and Kevin Dunne. simply is incredible.
Last year, w hen Liberty Lobby "For instance, she claims she
told Kehoe that it wanted Lane to first met Oswald in 1961 in
defend it, Snyder and Dunne Florida before the Bay of Pigs
protested on the argument that invasion," Dunne says. "Well, all
Lane would turn the trial into a the evidence shows that Oswald
"Roman circus" of conspiracy was in Russia from 1959 to 1962."
theories. They attached a sheaf of Such contradictions, and the
newspaper and magazine clippings two-decade history of investiga-
criticizing Lane for making spec- tions that have discounted any CIA
tacular, scattershot accusations involvement in Kennedy's death,
that can't be proved. One 1979 don't make Lane waver.
Esquire piece said Lane has only "We'll get right in the heart of
two motives: profit andneadllnes. the Kennedy assassination," he
Even so, Kehoe finally agreed says with evident relish.
that Liberty L-0bby could hire As for Dunne and Snyder, they
whomever it liked to defend it. just plan to prove that Marchetti's
And Lane, who underwent a memo is mythical and that E.
quintuple heart bypass operation Howard Hunt was 1.200 miles
last summer shortly before the away from Dallas the day Kenne-
trial first was scheduled to begin, dy died.
now is ready to defend in full "We'll let the jury decide,"
Mark Lane fervor. Dunne says.


~.:.til'OTLIGH'I' AulJUlll 14 , 197K

CIA to 'Admit' Hunt InvolveBy Victor Marchetti

A few months ago, in March, there was a meeting at CIA headqu arters in
Langley, Va., the plush home of America 's s uper spooks overlooking the
Potomac River. It was a ttended by severa l high-level clandestine officers
and some form er top officials of the agency.
The topic of discussion was: Wh a t to do a bout recen t revela tions
associating Pres ident Kennedy's accused assassin , Lee 1lurvey Oswald,
with th e s py ~ame played between the Ll.S. an d the LISS lf ! (8 J>OTLJGI IT,
May 8, HJ7~. ) A decision was m adP, a nd a course of action deter mined. Th ey
were cakuln tcd to both fascinate a nc.1 confust• t he pu blic by s taging a clevPr
"limited ha ngo ut" when the House Specia l Comm ittee on Assassin a tions
(llSCA) holds its open hearings, beg-innin g la ter this month .
A " limited hango ut" is spy ja rg on for u fu von tc uncl frequently used
gimmick of the clandestine professiona ls. When thei r veil of secrecy is
shredded a nd they can no longer rely on a phon y cover story to misinform
the public, they resort to a dmitting-sometimes even volunteering-some
of the tr uth wh ile still ma n aging to withho ld the key a nd d a maging facts in
the case. The public, however , is us ua lly so intri g ued by the ne w
informa tion that it never thinks to pursue the m utter further.

<·m·t·r up , allwit a sophis tl l'alt·d on<.',

d t·~ i g 1wd h\' tlw(' I/\ \dth tlwassis tnnt·e
Bu i OllCl' a .~ a i11 ilw )!lllld Jo l ks or of t 111' Fii i ;I nd t ht• h lt•,....,1n g o f llw <'a l'lt•r
midd l(' .\ nw1 1<'.1 \\'il l ht> h 11od\\ink1·d II\ a cl 111 i ll i :-; t l'<l I i ' 111
t h,• .,,, 1'1'11 111 1 Ill .111.J 11-. t lli1·:- Ill t h···
t':"!l .t l1li r.h1111 111
1, \\s 11wd i11
111 •i. 1, " ' ' \ 1 .i );t i:,sw 1•\1111111)f' 1d li 1nit t-rl h.111 ;!1111[
~~~~---'='~.._~~~~~..-£,,C-.~J.-~~---·~~--l-_..~w..._1...-.-L 1 ~--...-~~~~--~~---·------~~.- --.....__--~~--..

1wo·r1.1mn Ausua& 14, 111111-5

ent in Kennedy Slaying

CIA is out to accomplish through HSCA doing household errands, including a
with regard io JFK's murder. shopping trip to a g rocery store in
Chief among those to be exposed by Wehcrman a nd Canfield investigated
the new invei:iligation will be K Howard the new a libi a nd found that the grocery
Hunt, of Watergate fume. llis luck has s tore where lluntcla imed to be shopping
run out, and the ( 'JA has decided to never exis ted. At this point, Hunt offered
sucrifice him to protect, its clandestine to drop his suit for a token payment of
services. The agenc.v it' furi o us with o n e do ll a r . Hut th e authors wer e (Victor March c•tti has been in
I lunt for ha ving dragged it publicly into determi ned tu vindicate themselves, und U.S. intelliJ,fellc'' actiuities for
the Nixon mess and for having black· t hey con tinued to attack Hunt's alibi , almost 20 years. J.I years of that
mailed it after he was arrested.
Besides, Hunt is vulnerable-an easy *
.:. ultima tely complett•ly s hattering it.
Now, the CIA moved to finger 11 uni
time bein/,f urith the CIA , the last
thrC'e years of u•hwh he was a
target, as they s uy in the spy business. and tie him to lhe JFK assassination.
His reputation and integrity have been HSCA un expectedly received an inter- ::;laff assistant tu Richard Helms.
destroyed. The death of his wife, Dor· na l CIA memorandum a few wecki:; ugo He is the author of " The CIA and
othy, in a mysterious plane crash in that the agency just happened to the Cult uf lrttellixence " and " Th e
Chicago still disturbs many people, stumble a cross in its old filei:;. It was Rupe Dancer. "J
especially since there were rumors from dated 1966 and said in essence: Some
informed sources that she was about to day we will have to expla in Hunt's CIA double agent, then later surfa<;ed
leave him and (11!rhaps even turn on presence in Dallas on November 22, with the anti-Castro Cubans in vari,bus
him. 1963-the day President Kennedy was attempts to rid Cuba of the communist
In addition it is well known that Hunt killed. Hunt is going to be hard put to dictator. But there are two things in
hated JFK and blamed him for the Bay explain this memo, and other things, Hemming's past that the CIA, manip·
of Pigs disaster. And now, in recent before the TV cameras at the HSCA ulating HSCA, will be able to use to tie
months, his alibi for his whereabouts on hearings. him to the Jl''K assassination . '
the day of the shooting has come FRANK STURGIS
Hunt's reputation as a strident, f<'irst, Castro' s former mistrq1:1s,
unstuck. authors of ··coup d'etat In America," fanatical anti-communist will count Marita Lorenz (now an anti-<Jast~oite
ln the public hearings, the CIA will
publis hed pictures of three apparent against him. So will his long and herself), has identified Hemming, along
"admit'' that Hunt was involved in the
bums who were arrested at Dealy Plaza close relation:ship with the anti-Castro with Oswald and others as beingjartof
conspiracy to kill Kennedy. The CIA
just after President Kennedy's murder, Cuban s, as we ll as his penchant the secret squad assign ep 1.o kill
may go so far as to "admit" that there
but who were strangely released without for clandestine dirty tricks and his President Kennedy. And secondly,
were three gunmen shooting at Ken-
any record of the arrest having been various capers while one of Nixon's Hemming was Oswald's~~'ine ser-
nedy. The FBI, while publicly embrac·
made by the Dallas police. One of the plumbers. K Howard Hunt will be geant when he was statio d a t the
ing the Warren Commission's "one man,
tramps the authors identified as Hunt. implicated in the conspiracy, and he will CIA's U·2 base in Atsugi, Ju n-where
acting alone" conclusion, has always
Another was Frank Sturgii:;, a long-time not dare to speak out-the CIA will see to Oswald supposedly was r uited as a
privately known that there were ihree
agent of Hunt's. that. spy by the Soviets, or was eing traint•d
gunmen . 'l'he conspiracy involved many
Hunt immediately sued for millions of In addition to Hunt and Sturgis, to be a double agent by tb CIA.
more people than the ones who actually
dollars in damages, claiming he could another former CIA agent mnrked for In any event, Hema\ing's Cuban
fired at Kennl:'dy, both agencies may
prove that he had been in Washington, expm;ure is Gerry Patrick Hemming, a career and his connectiu'h with Oswald
now admit. l>.C., thatduy-ondutyatClA. ltturned hu lk of a ma n-six feet ei~ht inches tall ma ke the Lorenz story difficult fo r him
however, that this wai; not true. So, and weighing :Ui() pounds. Like Sturgis, to deny. particularly sinae the squad
' ' ..a.e:11-.U..o Q nrl J~ l)t'nmin U" n Mt •A U.11\t"L- uf'l f ,...,. f' ~t.•f .., , • 11 1 .,, . .. (0t~ntlnued on 8)

CIA to 'Admit' Hunt Involve

By Victor Marchetti
A few months ago, in March, there was a meeting at CIA headquarters in
Langley, Va., the plush home of America's super spooks overlooking the
Potomac River. It was attended by several high-level clandestine officers
and some former top officials of the age ncy.
The topic of discussion was: What to d o about recent revelations
associaling President Kennedy's accused ussassin , Lee I larvey Os wuld,
with the spy game played between the U.S. and th e USS If? (Sl'OTLIGI IT,
May 8, HJ78.) A decision was mndt', and u eourse of action determined. Th ey
were calculated to both fascin a te a nd confusp th e public by staging a c:lcver
·'limited hangout" wh en the lloui:;c Special Committee on Assass ina tions
(ll8CA) holds its open h earing~ , bcg-inninl{ later lhis mon th.
A "limited hangout" is spy jargon for a favorite and frequentl y used
gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is
shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform
the public, they resort to admitting-sometimes even volunteering-some
of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in
the ca!:le. The public, however, ii:! usually so intrigued by the new
information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.

c·ovl•rup, alht·it a ::;ophi:stkatc•d ont:, ul a ted - tlw ( ' h ur<'h ( 'om m1tl ":-; 1 •!:i·
d N.; i ~ lll•d hv t lw C l A \\it h th e uss ist atH"l' ti gn t1o n o lt wo.\ t•a rs ug"o. l'ht l"llll• i1t1cc
But on c e a g;\i n 1hl' g o(ld folk s 11f uf1lw Fiil ;ind llH' bl t•si-in g- o fth l· t'nrt cl" lc·u n wd 11 11thi ng 111on· a lt~ 1ut the• Ht•!;<H-!·
m1rldll· .\nw111·.1 "i ll ht· hrn1d \\ inkc·d 1,,. 0 arl mi 11 is t r;i I ion. si rial ions nl fon·1gn l1•<1cll· rs i 11 H II cl1
Llw go\ t'l" ll lll t 111 ,111d 11,.. tl J1t•:-- Il l th 1· Jll"<>,ff.1111>' Ill tlw pc IHll"Hti111i;1111h1 lll\\S
t•:-;1a h li,., h 1111•111 111 \\ ... 1ll 1·rl11 1 I 11 ··w 1, "c• lll<'drn th.111 th• 1 f.\ .tll "' d JI ''
Libel Law's Delicate Balance
HE LIBERTY Lobby is a right-wing, peal. A higher court yiay reduce the
T Washington-based organization
that publishes an extremist anti-Se-
monetary award, but it will not likely
diminish the vindication of Mr. Hunt.
mitic weekly called The Spotlight. As The verdict also vindicates the fragile
distasteful as the publication is, it is as balance that has been achieved in libel
entitled to First Amendment protection law. In order to promote vigorous di~
as any other. What it manifestly is not cussion of public issues, courts permit
entitled to do with impunity is to libel publications to say things about public
people. figures that would be libelous if said
The Spotlight libeled Watergate figure about a private person.
E. Howard Hunt by publishing an article As Mr. H-w+Cs. case shows, however,
falsely linking him with the assassina:... some rem · a
rtoe-Of President John F. Kennedy. The not been effectively abolished as it ap-
paper failed to verify the article's allega-. plies to public figures, as some of the
tions, and it refused to priint a retrac- press's critics· have alleged.
tion. Mr. Hunt sued. - ~ Rather. an exacting standard has been
~ Federal-court jury in Miami proper- established under which public figures
ly has decided that the newspaper thus who've been libeled can obtain justice.
exhibited such wanton disregard of the Such an outcome is salutary. It should
accepted standards of journalism as to help deflect outright attacks on the First
constitute '.!actual malice," a legal hurdle Amendment by persons who say that
that public figures must overcome to pub1ic officials have no recourse when
win a libel suit. libeled. It should remind all who publish
Mr. Hunt has been awarded $650,000 that the law confers on them no special
in damages. The Liberty Lobby will ap-
license for character assassination.
------· --- ··-----

~~ward Hunt


:; ·ns S6so,ooo
r: libel verdict
Herald Scaff Writer

Je After less than two hours' delib.

)f eration, a Miami federal court Jury
Thursday awarded a $650,0oo libel
IA judgment to Watergate conspirator
E. Howard Hunt.
The jury of four men and two
Women found that Liberty Lobby, a
Washington-based political organi-
zation, PUbiished an article linking
Hunt to the assassination of Pres;.
n dent John Kennedy With reckless
disregard for the truth.
\ The verdict calls for Liberty
\fobby to pay Hunt $100,ooo as
y 'llpensation for damages the 1978
· ... caused hirn, and $550,000 as
!'- ,
; ~Please tum to HUNT I 27A
I ····-.
~ 10,auo...
..., •

I H~ s~s, 1!UR .att, rney afier v~~di~

HUNT I From lA tempts to victimize Hunt, himself a contended that Hunt's income from blinder~ to emotion. There simply is
former CIA agent. lectures and book contracts plum· no evidence of actual malice."
"preposterous" and sald his organi · "We don't want favors. We meted from $79,000 In 1977 to $21,-
zatlon would appeal. want justice," retorted Hunt's attor-~ 000 In 1979, after the article ap- Hunt pleaded guilty to wire-
lts attorney, Miles McGrane ney, as he attacked such claims as ~ peared. tappln~ and conspiracy charges
called the ruling "unexpected," and "ludicrous and arrogant." _ Liberty Lobby may be hard· stemmlpg from the 1972 break-In at

said he thought It "very surprising Because he Is a public figure, pressed to pay the $650,000 total the DeJP.ocratlc National Headquar·
that the jury round actuJl! malice." " Hunt had to prove the article was award. Although Rubin claimed the ters in Washington. He served 33
There are. McGrane i;a1d, "ample If published maliciously. At trial, his organization reported total J 980 as· months In prison, and was released
arounds for any appeal." attorney presented evidence that sets of $9.6 million, defense attor· in 1977.
James Tucker, managing edi· The Spotlight's p~bllshers faHed '°'J ney McGrane placed the group's net ./' He currently has a second libel
tor of The Spotlight, the Liberty clleck assertlQ!lS in the article, re
Lobby's weekly tabloid where the tusecrfo mrna retraction when re..
article appeared, said he was quested, and made changes In the
000. · t
worth between $400,000 and $500.· suit pending In Miami federal court
Filed In 1976, the suit attacks the
In a brief closing statement, authors of the book Coup d'Etat in

"shocked." manuscript without consulting the McGrane asked jurors to read the AmeriC'1 - cited by Marchetti in
"I fail to see how they found , author. . . controversial article carefully. "I The SpQtlight artJcle - for alleged·


I any malice whatsoever in what t
did,' said Tucker.

a complaint filed from
$3.5 million in 1979,
self-described "patriotic" organlza·
Rubin asked the JUry for $300,•
000 compensatory damages. H
can't rant or rave," he said. "l can't ly libeling Hunt by linking him to
come to tears. But please put on the 1963 Kennedy assassination .
tion for an article headlined, "CIA
to Nall Hunt for Kenned}I Killing."
In closing arguments, $3.3 million
was mentioned.
The article, written by ex-CIA
agent Victor Marchetti, reported
that "the agency was scheming to

depict Hunt as an assassination con·
1 splrator before the House Select
Committee on Assassinations.
Marchetti wrote that the CIA
was planning to treat the congres-
sional probe of the Kennedy murder
to a "limited hangout," described as
"a favorite and frequently used
gimmick" in which "clandestine
professionals" admit "some of the
truth while still managing to with·
hold the key and damaging facts in
the case."
The CIA, the article reported,
"is furious with Hunt fof having
dragged It publicly Into the Nixon 1
mess and for having blackmailed It
after he was arrested."
"1 ~ tb.. nubile J
ACCOHllUi;;l.Y, .
hearing&. the ClA will 'admit' that 1"'111-~

• cy toIn killa Kennedy." =-=

bOOk entitled Coup d'Etal \
in America, Marchetti wrote, pho·
tos appeared of "three apparent

bums" arrested near the site of
J Kennedy's shooting after the inci·
'.) 1 dent, one of whom the bOOk's ali·
u... thors identified as Hunt.
, Noting that Hunt was suing
the authors tor libel and claimed he
was in Washington the day Kenne·
dy was shot, Marchetti wrote: "lt
turned out, however. that this was
\ not true."
Referring to "an internal CIA
memorandum," Marchetti wrote:
"lt was dated 1966 and said in
"Some day we will have to ex·
plain Hunt's presence in Dallas on
Nov. 22, 1963 - the day President
Kennedy was killed. Hunt is going
to be hard put to explain this memo. ·
and other things, before the TV
cameras at the HSCA hearings."
No testunony \ike that predict· I
ed by Marchetti was ever presented
to the assassinations committee.
Hunt claimed The Spotlight article . f
rec~lessly linked him to the assassi·
day. Rubin portrayed Hunt as "an 1
Mnorable man" strugg\ing to come
back from the Watergate incjdent. 1
"He's sick and tired of being a
target," Rubin said. "Every time \
some publicity like this occurs. he
goes down and down. He's just try·
· ing to work his way up again."
Liberty Lobby attorney Mc·
Grane had told the jury he was not
out to prove that Hunt was in Dal·
las the day KennedY was shot. "He
lHunt1 was not involved." McGrane
While admitting that the arti·
cle might have been "a little bit ·
glaring" and "a little bit blaring,"
McGrane told the jury: •
"The main thrust of the article
was to tell readers that the ClA was
at it again, and that Hunt was going
to be a scapegoat."
1n a deposition read at the tnal,
spo\Ulht eQttor Tucker claimed the I
tabloid did Hunt a favor by publiSh·
ing the article to expose agency at·
FBI arrests

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