A Project Report On: Practical Attendance and Assessment System

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Project Report

Practical Attendance and Assessment System


Society for Computer Technology & Research’s

Dhankawadi, Pune – 411043.

1. Ajay Krishnan (3602)
2. Parag Amritkar (3604)
3. Aliasgar Batterywala (3611)

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Emmanuel M.


1.Synopsis 1
2.Software development life cycle:

1.1 Requirements Gathering 3

1.2 Feasibility Study 4
1.3 Designing 4
1.3.1 E-R diagram 5
1.3.2 Schema diagram 6
1.3.3 Procedures 7
1.4 Scope 11
1.5 Development (Implementation) 12
1.6 Testing 13

2. Snapshots

3. References 62

Title of the Project: Practical Attendance and Assessment System (PAAS)

Project Members:
Mr. Ajay Krishnan (3602)
Ms. Parag Amritkar (3604)
Mr. Aliasgar Batterywala(3611)

Project Description:
This system will be used for the term work marks calculation for the practical subjects
based on the attendance and performance of the students. Basically there are two modules each
for attendance and assessment. Admin has to manage the student, faculty, subject, assignment
information i.e. add, update or delete.
To provide the tool for automated tool for attendance and assessment of practical subjects for
the students in error free manner.

The project is developed for IT department and classes SE,TE and BE Only. The attendance
and assessment is also done only for respective practical sessions only. The system will also
provide facility to add, update or delete the students, subjects and faculties of the department.

Highlighting Points of our Project:

• User Authentication:
o Separate logins for faculties and administrator. Only admin has the authority to
add update or delete the sensitive information.
• Attendance:
We are providing the attendance facility for the lab sessions.
• Assessment:
Students will be assigned term work marks on the basis of theory attendance,
test performance and per assignment marks.

Feasibility Study:
It becomes easy to connect with the User-Friendly Modules in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
and is Portable throughout the Windows Versions. Oracle supports Machine Independency and
provides Virus-free atmosphere making the database Robust.

The System will be used for assessment of IT department only.
Resources & Requirements:

Front End:
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
Back End:
Oracle 9i

Site Hardware Requirements:

Windows Based System with
Minimum 256 MB RAM
1.0 GHz of Processor System

Commercial Capability of the Project:

The project can effectively used in other departments and colleges with some changes into
existing system.
Software development life cycle:-

1.1 Requirements gathering :

The system will be used for the assessment of students for the term work
marks. It can be used for recording the student’s attendance for a particular lab
session. This system also has a superuser(admin) who manages the database of
students,faculty as well as subjects and faculty uses a assessment stuff after

1.2 Feasibility Study :

The system proposed can be implemented efficiently using front end like
Visual Basic and backend as Oracle.

1.3 Designing :

1.3.1 E-R diagram:

E-R diagram of the proposed system can be given as:

E-R diagram for Practical Attendance and Assessment System
1.3.2 Schema diagram:

Rno Fname Mname Lname Batch Test_performance Th_attendance

Fid Ffname fmname Flname Password qualification

Subid Subname Marks_out_of No_of_asssgns

Rno Fid Subid Tw_marks

Assgn_no Sub_id Title Perf_sch_date Perf_act_date

Assgn_no Rno Sub_id Perf_act_date Sub_act_date Rpp Spo

Fid Batch Sub_id

Rno Date_time_Batch

Rno Sub_id Date Time Status

This table will have many redundant values which will be equal to:
No. of students * No. of practical sessions in each Subject conducted

To prevent this we have made a table for each batch for taking the attendance.
This table has the roll no of the student as the primary key. When the
attendance of a session is taken by the respective faculty, a new column to the
respective table is added ,whose column name is the date and time of the
current session and subject id of the subject with which the faculty has logged
in, and the status of the student whether present or absent is stored in the
In this case the total number of records will be equal to the number of

Studtemp1 and Studtemp2 are two temporary tables which have been used for
sorting the students according to their names, assigning them roll numbers and
inserting them to the main table.
1.4 Scope:

The project is developed for IT department and classes SE,TE and BE

Only. The attendance and assessment is also done only for respective practical
sessions only.

1.5 Development (Implementation):

The development environment for front end used was Visual Basic 6.0 and
the backend used was Oracle 9i.

1.6 Testing:

The testing was done in two phases:

a) Black Box Testing:

In this phase the internal code details were examined for any errors.
Here the main focus was to check for database connectivity.

b) White Box Testing:

Here the application was tested for validations and the other errors
that commonly occur due to wrong inputs.

1. Visual Basic 6 Black Book

2. Database System Concepts,by Henry Korth, K. Sudarshan, A. Silberschatz
3. Programming in PL/SQL, by Ivan Bayross
4. Fundamentals of Database Systems ,by R. Elmsari, S. Navathe

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