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1. An onion is quartered.

2. Green tomatoes are prepared.

3. Celery is minced.
4. Cheese is gratered.
5. Tortillas are cut into strips.
6. Chicken is cooked with a little water. A pinch of salt, a
quartered onion and two cloves of garlic hace to be added.
7. Chicken should be covered and slowly cooked.
8. Cooked chicken is put on a plate for a while, to let it cool.
9. Chicken is shredded in very small pieces by hand or by a fork.
Making green tomato sauce.

10. A quartered onion, a garlic, green tomatoes, chili and cilantro

are cooked in a pot with water.
11. When ingredients are finally cooked, they are liquated, water
from the pot is added until a green sauce is made, salt is added
at taste.
12. Strips of tortilla are fried.
13. Green sauce and strips of tortilla are put in a casserole and
are slowly cooked until sauce is absorbed by strips of tortilla.
14. When chilaquiles are finally served; shredded chicken, sheese,
cream and onion rings are added.
15. Have a good meal!
(words 183)

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