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KEYWORDS: Samanea saman, Ananas comosus, Albino mice, Type II Diabetes,

Blood Sugar Levels

LEVEL OF ALBINO MICE Commented [t1]: Suggested title: EFFICACY OF ACACIA
LEAVES (Samanea saman) AND PINEAPPLE (Ananas

Grade 12- Curie

Group no. 1

Krist Christopher A. Escala

Jayson U. Galos

John Patrick L. Oliveros

Carl Kennan F. Padama

Adrian Diego DG. Prado

John Michael R. Rivera

Darius L. Fajardo and Juliet Escalona

December 13, 2018

KEYWORDS: Samanea saman, Ananas comosus, Albino mice, Type II Diabetes,
Blood Sugar Levels
Chapter 1


This chapter includes the background of the study, objectives of the study, scope

and limitations of the study and significance of the study Commented [t2]: Review according to guidelines.

Background of the Study

Bad eating habits, stress and lack of exercise often lead to heart disease, stroke,

cancer, and diabetes. Diabetes is a long term condition that is caused by high blood sugar

level. According to the Department of Health (2017), diabetes is one of the leading

causes of death among Filipinos based on the data from 2013 Philippine Health Statistics,

and the number of Filipinos that were diagnosed to have diabetes in 2016 according to

the Philippine Center for Diabetes Education Foundation is over 6 million, mainly

because of unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles.[1] The type 2 diabetes is common in

the people who did not take care of their health. According to Mayo Clinic (2018),Type 2 Commented [t3]: Reference 2. Identify the type of
reference (e.g. book, journal, report, etc.) then follow the
Vancouver style of referencing.
diabetes is a type of diabetes that can get when your body cannot provide enough insulin

and it is the most common form of diabetes.[2]There are many commercialized

supplements that are sold in markets that can lower blood sugar level but not everybody

can afford it.

One of the most useful trees in the world is Acacia. It is very common throughout

all tropical areas and can be described as tall tree with rough wrinkled bark and umbrella

shaped crown. The leaves of this tree are locally known as herbal medicine that helps

KEYWORDS: Samanea saman, Ananas comosus, Albino mice, Type II Diabetes,
Blood Sugar Levels
lower the blood sugar level of a person. It is known as a good source of dietary fiber

because it contains 90 percent soluble fiber. It helps the digestive system run smoothly

and reduces the risk of diabetes.[3]Also, leaves fall to the ground and become waste, Commented [t4]: Reference 3. Identify the type of
reference (e.g. book, journal, report, etc.) then follow the
Vancouver style of referencing.
according to the Environmental Management Bureau of theDepartment of Environment

and Natural Resources (2015), the National Solid Waste Management Report (2008-

2014) declared that 13.8% of compostable waste come from leaves and twigs.[4]On the Commented [t5]: [Add more literature about waste
management of acacia leaves to support what you have
mentioned in the statement of the problem.]
other hand, the nutrients found on Pineapple juice are also important part of a healthy

diet. It is also rich in fiber, however, it also contains significant amount of sugar so

moderate consumption of fruit juice is advised.[5]

Statement of the Problem

This study will address the problem concerning the risk of having diabetes,

particularly type II. Diabetes is a health disorder which is caused by high blood sugar

level that is commonly inherited by genes or to the food intake of a person. The study

will determine an alternative remedy that the researchers thought of that can lower the

risk of having type II diabetes. With thorough researches, the researchers found out that

Pineapple and Acacia leaves have the potential in lessening the risk of diabetes. These are

widely used among people who are concerned with their health not only in the

Philippines, but also worldwide. The Acacia tree is an abundant tree in the Philippines,

and commonly seen in the City of Dasmariñas. In addition, Pineapple is a kind of fruit

that is also abundant in the Philippines. The researchers have chosen Acacia leaves and

Pineapple because of their availability and affordability. Furthermore, there are clinical

KEYWORDS: Samanea saman, Ananas comosus, Albino mice, Type II Diabetes,
Blood Sugar Levels
evidences which support that dietary fiber which is present in Acacia leaves and

Pineapple is essential in blood sugar level regulation.

This researchers aim to determine the effectiveness of Acacia leaves and

Pineapple herbal juice in lowering the risk of diabetes. This will lessen the risk of type II

diabetes to the people who may suffer from it. It will be tested to albino mice for the trial

purposes. It will also help the community to lessen the garbage that is being produced by

Acacia tree.

Objectives of the Study

Generally, the study aimed to determine the level of efficacy of Acacia leaves and

Pineapple herbal juice in lowering the risk of diabetes.

Specifically, the study also aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of efficacy among the followingconcentrationsof Acacia

leaves and Pineapple herbal juice: 100% Acacia, 50% Acacia 50% Pineapple,

100% Pineapple in lowering the risk of diabetes in terms of blood sugar level?

2 Is there a significant difference on the blood glucose level before and after

drinking the developed herbal juice twice a day for 3 days?

3.What are the different side effects to the physical health of the albino mice after

drinking the treatments twice a day for 3 days?

KEYWORDS: Samanea saman, Ananas comosus, Albino mice, Type II Diabetes,
Blood Sugar Levels
Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study will be conducted at Technological University of the Philippines-

Cavite Campus in Dasmariñas City, Cavite. It will focus on determining the level of

efficacy of Acacia leaves (Samanea saman) and Pineapple (Ananas comosus) in lowering

the blood glucose level. Also, the study will also focus on determining the level of

efficacy among the differentconcentrations of Acacia leaves and Pineapple herbal juice:

100% Acacia, 50% Acacia 50% Pineapple, 100% Pineapple that can control the blood glucose

level of Albino mice. Pineapples will be purchased from the local market while

Acacialeaves will be obtained from tress present around the City of Dasmariñas. In order

to produce the sample herbal juice that will be used for the experiment, the following

processes are involved : First, the gathering of materials such as acacia leaves, pineapple

fruit, containers, and equipment needed. The juicer and containers must be thoroughly

washed and sterilized. After this, the acacia leaves and pineapple will be put in the juicer

in order to get its juice. Then, the acquired juice will be divided according to the 3

concentrations needed : 100% Acacia Juice, 50% acacia and 50% Pineapple juice, and

100% Pineapple Juice. Lastly, each container will be properly labeled and tested into the

albino mice.

The study will be limited to testing the concentrations with the Albino miceand

the blood sugar level will be observed for three days. The albino mice will undergo

acclimatization in which the mice will adjust to a change in its environment, allowing it

to maintain performance across a range of environmental conditions. The mice will

intake soda for a week before the experimentation in order to elevate its blood sugar

level. The herbal juice samples will only be used on the male albino mice. The testing

KEYWORDS: Samanea saman, Ananas comosus, Albino mice, Type II Diabetes,
Blood Sugar Levels
will be done by an authorized veterinarian. From January 10 to January 12, 2019. Prior to

experimentation, the sample product will be tested in a laboratory for toxicity and the

sterility. The side effects of the said sample product will also be observed on the mice. It

will be done in the Adamson University Research and Development Center. There will be

a total of 6 mice that will be tested on this study, 2 mice per concentrations will be

observed throughout the experiment process. The pre-test and post-test examination of

the blood sugar level will be executed before and after the whole experiment. The data

gathered will be analyzed using the statistics method of T- Test and Mean.

Significance of the Study

The study benefits many people and constituents; First are the people and the

community. The results of this study will provide some insights and information on how

people can control their blood glucose levels by using Acacia leaves and Pineapple. This

study will inform the community to know the health benefits of Acacia and Pineapple in

controlling blood glucose which could help people in the community suffering from

diabetes. For the environment, the usage of the said Acacia leaves will utilize the leaves

with a better use. Lastly, this study would also serve as a basis in the study of plants that

can control blood glucose. The product can be used as a reference material for the study

of students and the researchers.

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