Python TOC

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Python Course

Duration of the course: 5 days

Knowledge of one programming language is appreciated. However knowledge of general
programming concepts would be enough to start

Lab Set-up
All systems should have preferably python3 installed and should have internet connection.
This is where from we can get the latest versions of python

Preferably install version 3.x

Python 2.x is legacy, Python 3.x is the present and future of the language

Please go through the below link to get to know more on why you should install version 3

At the end of the course the participants should be able to develop small to medium sized
applications in Python using both built-in modules and third party modules. The participants
will also be able to understand and debug existing applications

Outline of the course

Day 1
Introduction to Python
The dynamic typing nature of Python
Basic Data Structures
Functions in Python
Overloading and keyword arguments

Overview of modules in python

Built-in modules and third party modules

Building applications using built-in modules

Downloading and Installing third party modules
Building Applications using third party modules

Case Study 1

Day 2
Object Oriented Coding
Classes and Objects
The special method – init,
Data hiding in Python

Functional Programming tools in Python

Using map and filter
Creating lambda expressions
Working with list comprehensions

Using module String and Regular Expressions

Crafting a regular expression
Matching and Searching for a pattern
Substituting a pattern
Compiling a regular expressions

Compiling a regular expressions

Understanding modules in python
The import statement and how it works
The attributes of a module
Documenting a module
Creating an importable module

Working with xml

Building an xml using the xml.dom.minidom module
Parsing the xml using the xml.sax module

Building network applications using socket module

Creating a socket server
Creating a socket client

Case study 2

Day 3

The problem of starvation in network applications

Making the server multi-threaded
Using the threading module
The run and the start method

Parsing the command line arguments

Using the argparse module or framework
Adding the options
Accessing the arguments

The subprocess module

Connecting the processes using pipes

Case study 3
Day 4

The os module
The os.path module
Walking the directory tree
Files and directories

More on object oriented programming

Static and Class methods
Inheritance and polymorphism
Operator overriding

Working with exceptions

Raising an exception
Understanding the except, else and finally block
Creating your own exceptions

Iterators and generators

Case study 4

Day 5
Web application development
Introduction to web
Understanding web development frameworks
Installing and testing Flask
Writing and testing our first web application
Understanding models and templates
Using a templating engine
Implementing REST web services
What is REST and why its important?
Implementing the get, post, put and delete verbs
installing the requests module
Consuming the REST services

Working with databases

Connecting to a database
Creating a table
Populating a table
Retrieving the records
Understanding ORMs

Understanding debugging in Python

Testing in Python
The unittest module in Python
Writing test cases
Using the setup and teardown method

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