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Course Title : Facilities Planning and Design

Rubric for Assessment of Critiques:

Summary Brief and concise Brief and concise Unclear summary Unclear
summary with summary with some with correct summary with
10 pts. correct grammar grammatical errors grammar some
9 – 10 6–8 3–5 1–2
Review of Significant Few related Very few related No related
Related number of related literatures were cited literatures cited literatures cited
Literature literatures were
8 – 10 5–7 1–4 0
30 pts. Thoroughly Moderately Only summarized Did not compare
compared and compared and the cited related or contrast to
contrasted to contrasted to cited literatures cited related
cited related related literatures literatures
16 - 20 9 – 15 1–8 0
References Provided at least No science
Provided two science Provided one
3 science journal journal reference
journal articles as science journal
articles as or internet
references article as reference
10 pts. references references/books
were used
9 – 10 6–8 3–5 1–2
Critique Showed good Only agreed or Only agreed or
Proper understanding of Showed fair disagreed with disagreed
the issues and all understanding of the limited support without support
arguments are issue and some and explanation and explanation
properly arguments are
supported properly supported
16 - 20 11 – 15 6 – 10 1-5
Criticisms Criticisms are few Criticism are few All criticisms are
presented were and valid and invalid invalid or focus
comprehensive on the writing
and valid style
16 - 20 11 – 15 6 – 10 1-5
50 pts. Sentence Sentence structure Minor problems Serious problems
structure and and grammar are with sentence with sentence
grammar are strong and mostly structure and some structure and
excellent. Correct correct. Few minor grammatical errors grammar.
use of errors in punctuation Numerous major
punctuation. No and/or spelling. spelling errors.
spelling errors.
9 – 10 6–8 3–5 1–2

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