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5 Factors That Demonstrate a Strong Work Ethic

by Kimberlee Leonard; Reviewed by Michelle Seidel, B.Sc., LL.B., MBA; Updated February 04,

Employers want to work with people who have a strong work ethic. Those who possess this trait are better
employees who get the job done, no matter what. They often require less oversight on daily activities and
managers are able to rely upon them to complete bigger tasks. Here are five factors to look for that
demonstrate a strong work ethic.

Always Behaves Professionally

Professionalism is something observed from the moment an employee walks in the office door to when he
leaves. He is professionally dressed with clean, pressed clothes. He arrives a few minutes early to settle in and
get his coffee, so that he will be ready to start his shift on time. He is courteous to other employees and doesn't
take random breaks or change lunch schedules without authorization. He understands his job and is prepared to
do it. Work ethics set the tone to develop the habits needed to be professional and consistent all day long.

Organization and High Productivity

Employees with strong work ethics tend to follow or develop daily tasks. These are often ordered and
organized so that she knows she is able to devote the required time to any one task. She might organize her day
in blocks.

For example, the first two hours might be to respond to customer calls and new orders. Then, the next two
hours might be devoted to sales calls. She could then use the afternoon to prepare new proposals and do
administrative work that is required, so her desk is cleared before she leaves for the night. Having a routine and
being organized increases productivity. Employees with this trait simply get more done.

Teamwork and Cooperation

Part of having a strong work ethic is understanding that you are part of a bigger team and that everyone has a
role. This understanding fosters teamwork and cooperation to ensure that everyone is getting the right
information to properly do their jobs. And since those with strong work ethics tend to be more productive and
efficient with their time, it frees up time to help others to get more done.

The person with a strong work ethic isn't looking at what he needs to get done; he is looking at what needs to
get done for the company to succeed. He is a team player.

Determined to Succeed

Those with a strong work ethic have an internal motivation to succeed. They will happily take money and
reward incentives. But beyond that, a manager will see a determination to succeed in everything the employee
does. It could be a simple computer issue that is causing frustration.

An employee with a strong work ethic won't wait for someone else to deal with the problem. He will call the
right resources, search online for remedies and work the problem until it is resolved. This determination to
success permeates everything an employee with a strong work ethic does.

Consistent and High-Quality Work

Because of proper scheduling, a determination to succeed and a high standard of professionalism, the work
produced by an employee with a strong work ethic is good. Not only is work presented in a neat an
professional manner, but it often goes above and beyond what was required initially.

For example, you might ask an employee to fold the new inventory of sweaters. Someone with a strong work
ethic not only folds them but organizes them by size or color and asks what is needed next. She will clean the
area where they are to be displayed so everything is orderly and neat for customers to view.
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