Psychology Motivation

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The organization that I’m working currently is that I’m a part of my History Department and
currently the sub-head of the creativity committee.
So, our committee plays one of the main part. Our organization makes sure that we have efficient
number of people to work for the upcoming events as it’s all the team work that makes the event
to its best. We make sure before any event such as Teacher’s Day, Fresher’s, all decoration is
been done prior to avoid the last minute chaos. An application is been made by the President for
all the 1st,2nd, 3rd to choose their committees they would like to work with example : Refreshment
Sponsorship, Creativity, Social Media etc. We then have meeting with the new core team who
will lead the event and we sit and decide and share our ideas for decoration, how it should be
done, who will buy the material and divide the group and the work equally. We make sure that
every individual participates and share their options be it NO also. Even in what’s app group we
share ideas for decoration ask for options, suggestions and clarify all their doubts and problems.
We don’t like to work under any sort of pressure or stress. Everyone works together, even though
there are conflicts between the ideas we find a way out of it.


As I have already mentioned, I’m the sub-head of creativity in my department. It’s a big
responsibility given to me to lead the committee without any chaos. As I’m not the only one
leading it we are headed by our senior. I make sure that meeting takes place and everyone takes
up the equal responsibility for the department and work together without any favourism. It’s my
responsibility to buy all the material required for decoration, listen to everyone’s ideas and trying
to combine them and make it a hit.


Since childhood I was always into craft, décor, drawing. As time passed by due to studies I kept
that side of mine hidden. Now college gave me again the other side which I was really passionate
about back. I have always loved to be a part of this organization. Through this organization every
day I get to know new things, new ideas, new things to make, how to handle pressure, how to
tackle with different problems, listening to all creative minds ideas, how to take risks, listen
appreciation and sometimes not getting appreciation also gives me a good teaching. Most
importantly for me it’s working all together although all have different styles and tastes still
working. It never leads be demotivated or any sort of felling under stress or pressure even though
there is when the date of the event gets closer. But everyone’s hard work is shown later
beautifully. It’s not only my work but every individuals work is shown that’s what’s always
motivates me.

Using the Motivational Theories –
 Hertzberg's Two-Factor Theory:
‘This theory considers two factors: motivation and hygiene. Motivation factors include receiving
recognition for good efforts, enjoying work and having a career path.
Hygiene factors include salary, benefits and relationships with co-workers and managers.’
From Hertzberg’s Theory, we can say that it’s really important to love one work being done as
the work reflects it. Unless and until once love doing craft it’s really difficult to work on it. Each
and every effort hard work is shown in the final work. Working in a team, enjoying working
together with full efforts makes even the smallest of the thing most beautiful
 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
‘Maslow's theory talks about meeting the basic needs of employees, which include psychological
wellbeing, safety, belonging and esteem.’ From this theory, we make sure we listen to every
individuals ideas and accept it without any hesitation. We provide them all the needs, comfort, so
they feel not left out. Try to provide them with all basic needs they require.
 McClellsnd’s Needs Theory
David McClelland's Human Motivation Theory gives us a way of identifying people's motivating
drivers. This can then help us to give praise and feedback effectively, assign them suitable tasks,
and keep them motivated.
McClelland's motivators:
Achievement ‘People motivated by achievement need challenging, but not impossible.’ Eg:
when I got to know I’m the sub-head I was really happy on the same time nervous. On that day I
was told about the fresher’s and teacher’s day thing’s how to handle. I wasn’t that nervous but
when I got to know our head won’t be here as she had to go somewhere I was so nervous but I
somehow handled my emotion and took the thing as a challenge that I will try and do my best
and I did my best to make the day special for them and teachers and juniors felt so happy that
was my treat.
Affiliation ‘People motivated by affiliation work best in a group environment, so try to integrate
them with a team.’ As I have already mentioned it’s always best to work in a group. When we
have meetings it’s for all so it’s from that day we all try to talk know each other. So from that
point we get to know each other more better, their ideas etc.
 Expectancy Theory
‘Expectancy theory simply states that people will perform based on what they expect the result
will be.’ From this theory, in our organization more than having our own expectation it’s more of
the other people, teachers their expectation. It’s extremely important to fulfil everyone’s
expectation and do more than what they have even thought off. We just have our own level of
expectancy of the decoration and we try to do more than it and what people are expecting form
us. After all it’s all basis on the decoration the fest looks more attractive. So, we follow the
Expectancy Theory.

 Goal Setting Theory

‘Goal-setting theory refers to the effects of setting goal son subsequent performance.’ In any
organization for most one sets is- Goal setting. It’s extremely important to have a proper goal
because one can work accordingly only. Even in the organization I work in, we have set some
goal /aim which we have to accomplish.


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