Cell Is Like A School

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There was a girl named Nicky, she woke up early in the morning for it was the first day

of school, and she was excited because she is new to her school and she already wanted to
explore more about it. She was droved to school by her father, as they arrived, the first thing she
saw are the walls of the school building which keep it standing and it represents cell wall. Upon
entering the school campus, she finds a security guard in the main entrance whose job is to check
student’s bag and if they are wearing a complete uniform to allow students to enter the school
campus. Security guards are like the selective openings in cell membranes, which only open at
certain times and only for certain chemical signals. The hallway was crowded with students
where everyone walks through, and having a conversation with their group of friends are
comparable to the endoplasmic reticulum, which the cell uses to get information from nucleus to
other organelles. While walking in the hallway, she also saw a lot of lockers, which is like a
vacuole that also stores things. Until she has arrived to the main office where you can see the
principal’s office, which is like the nucleus, because nucleus controls all the function of the cell
just like the principal does in the school. The main office also contains all the information of the
school, like nucleus that contains DNA of the cell. The class are already starting, Nicky
immediately enter to her room. There, the teacher is having a class orientation, saying that they
are only following curriculum guidelines to provide students with knowledge and critical
thinking skills. Teachers are like ribosomes in the cell, which are tiny organelles made up of
proteins that translate information from the nucleus. The room is full of students, which is the
mitochondria of a cell. Who converts learning material into knowledge just like converting
glucose into a source of energy called adenosine triphosphate, or what we call ATP. It was
already recess time, she went to the school cafeteria that make foods for the students which is
like the chloroplasts that makes food for the cell. She was eating her snack after it she throw her
trash to the garbage bin, which is like the lysosome. Lysosomes digest and get rid of unwanted
substances, like the garbage bin that gets rid of the trashes. After a long day, the class already
ended, she was fetched to school by her father with a car. The car is used for their transportation
like a rough endoplasmic reticulum that transports protein.

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