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Subject: English Subject Teacher: Jeneva B.

Grade Level and Sec: Grade 1 Rose Class Schedule:
and Daisy

Date: July 27- August 2

Monday: Recognizing Short and Long /i/ Sound.

The teacher will demonstrate how to identify a short and long /i/
sound. The students will then answer an activity wherein they are going to draw
a heart on the blank if the pair of words has the same /i/ sound and put a cross
mark if the words has different /i/ sounds.

Tuesday: Identifying the Gender of Nouns

The teacher will discuss the different gender of nouns and the
students must use it in the sentence.

Wednesday: Using Articles

The teacher will discuss how to use articles properly in the
sentence. The teacher will give examples and the students must apply it.

Thursday: Recognizing Long /o/ Sound

The teacher will demonstrate how to identify long /o/sound. The

students will then classify words that have long and short /o/ sound.

Friday: The teacher will give a long quiz about the previous topics.
Subject: English Subject Teacher: Jeneva B. Tawagan
Grade Level & Section: Grade 3 Tulip Class Schedule:
& Cattleya

July 29- August 2, 2019

Monday: Getting the Main Idea of a Paragraph

The teacher will discuss how to identify the main idea in a paragraph.
The students will then identify the main idea in a paragraph given and its
supporting details.

Tuesday: Gender of Nouns

The teacher will discuss the different gender of nouns and the
students will be given words and they must classify them.

Wednesday: Expressing Ideas through a Skit

The teacher will discuss or demonstrate how to do a skit. The
teacher will show examples. The students will then form a group and construct a
very short skit.

Thursday: The students will present the skit.

Friday: The students will make a 1 day journal.

Subject: English Subject Teacher: Jeneva B. Tawagan
Grade Level and Section: Grade 1 Class Schedule:
Rose & Daisy

Date: July 27- August 2, 2019.

Monday: Recognizing Short and Long /i/ Sound

The teacher will demonstrate how to identify a short and long /i/
sound. The students will then answer an activity wherein they are going to
draw a heart on the blank if the pair of words has the same /i/ sound and put a
cross mark if the words has different /i/ sounds.

Tuesday: Identifying the Gender of Nouns

The teacher will discuss the different gender of nouns and the
students must use it in the sentence.

Wednesday: Using Articles

The teacher will discuss how to use articles properly. The teacher
will give examples and the students will apply through a short quiz.

Thursday: Recognizing Long /o/ Sounds

The teacher will demonstrate how to identify long /o/ sound. The
students will then classify a word that has long & short /o sound.

Friday: The teacher will give long quiz about the previous topics.

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