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Traineeships and study skills

Study Skills for Higher Education

In order to do well on your higher education course you’ll need to develop a range of effective study skills
and strategies. These include things such as note taking, time management, critical thinking, library and
research skills, structuring and writing essays, preparing presentations, revising for exams … to name but
a few!
You can develop most of these skills through practice, trial and error and from feedback from tutors and
your peers – however, most universities and colleges provide useful information on study skills to help get
you started. Ask at the library or try typing ‘study skills’ into the search facility on your university/college
The following links provide a wealth of study skill information to help you along the way: - Information on student life, being a student and studying.

The Internet Detective - How to evaluate Internet sources once you’ve found them. - Facts about plagiarism, how to avoid it, technology used to detect plagiarism, and
guidelines to proper citation.
University College London - A collection of useful leaflets covering topics such as ‘Critical and analytical
thinking’, ‘Reading and research’, ‘Structuring essays’, ‘How do I learn’, ‘Time Management’ and
University of Loughborough - A collection of study skills leaflets including ‘Oral presentations’, ‘Taking
notes’, ‘Working in groups’, 'Questionnaire design' and ‘Developing maths skills’.
Open University: Learning Space - A freely available range of study skills modules from the Open
University's Open Learning Scheme. (Select ‘Study skills’ then choose the skill you’re interested in.)

Entrust Careers Website > Traineeships and Study Skills

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