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School: Şcoala Gimnazială Nicolae Titulescu

Teacher: Popa Ionut

Date: 5th of March 2019
Form: Vth grade
Level: Medium
Workbook: editura ART
Unit of learning: What do you do on Saturdays?
Topic: Present simple-revison
Skills involved: Speaking, listening, writing, reading.
Time of lesson: 50 minutes
Materials: cards, workbook, special notebook
Specific competences:
1.1 identify the global meaning of some clearly articulated simple mesages and dialogues
2.3 expressing preference
4.1 write simple , short messanges
Anticipated problems and solutions: -the teacher recaps the rules of forming the present
simple to ensure that all students know these rules, he draws a simple schema on the
Lesson aims: During and at the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
- to recognize and use correctly present simple in diferent contexts
- use words on sentences of their own.
- Pronounce corectly some expresions and words
Subsiduary aims: - to get Ss involved in the topic of the lesson
- to practice speaking
- to acquire new language regarding the use of Present simple
1.Jim Scrivener- Learning Tecahing, second edition, Macmillan, Oxford, 2005.
2.Carol Read- 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom,Macmillan,Oxford, 2007.
3.David Seymour&Maria Popova-700 Classroom activities,Macmillan, Oxford, 2005.

Activity 1. Warm –up

Aims: to make Ss feel comfortable in the classroom T does some warm up exercises using
the hands: long-short, big-small, up-down, close-open-palms, left-right , clap hands, pull your
ears, say- I don’t know-
Procedure: T enters the classroom and after greeting Ss, he tells them that they are going to
play a game called “What do you do on SaturdaysI....”and then T puts on the
blackboard what time he got up, ate breakfast, go running, do his homework . Then Ss are
asked to put down what time they got up, ate breakfast and two other activities. Then some of
them share to the class what they have written.
Interaction: T- SS
Timing: 5 minutes

Activity 2: Checking Homework

Procedure: Last time you talked about Present simple. T asks SS -did you have any
homework for today in English?
Interaction: T-ASS
Timing: 2 minutes.

Activity 3: pronouncing activity

Aims:- to get Ss involved into the new topic.
-to introduce new vocabulary related to Present simple
-to practise pronunciation
Procedure: T asks Ss to pronounce words written on some card –washes, drinks, does, uses,
passes, explodes and from ex 4/85
Interaction: T- whole class and individual
Timing: 4 minutes.
Activity 4. Recap schema
Aims:- to to recapitulate the present simple
-to recapitulate the rules for Aff., Neg. and Int. form
Procedure: T draws a schema on the blackboard and SS draws it in their notebooks and
then takes a vb and asks SS to put it in A, N and I form ex. To read, to sing and asks how to
say- in I and N: nu citesc eu,.tu, .........?
Intercation: T-Ss
Timing: 7 minutes

Activity 5. Vocabulary
Aims: to identify and name the activities
Procedure: T asks a student quietly to mimic diferent daily activities and the Ss have to
identify them and pronunce them : ex.drink, sleep, ,eat, jump, run, writes down, turn around
Interaction: T-Ss
Timing: 4 minutes

Activity 6. Writing
Aims: to translate
Procedure: T tells Ss that for this activity they are going to work in pairs. T writes down
simple sentences must translate them: Imi iubesc fratele. Ea bea cafea. Ce faci?, Ea este
profesoara. Then the teacher asks them to put those sentences in N and I form.
Interaction: pair work
Timing: 10 minutes.

Activity 7. Readind and writing

Aims: to reinforce learning done in the classroom
T asks Ss to solve ex.1,2,3,4/52 from the special notebook ,ex. 3/88 from the book and
workbooks received from the T by working in pairs
Interaction: T- PAIRS OF ss
Timing: 7 minutes
Activity 8. Readind and writing
Aims: to reinforce learning done in the classroom
the teacher asks students to associate the elements correctly by rearenge them:
A rabbit in my home
Alex and John in London
About 10 mil......lives in a palace
A kink in Canada
Four people..........lives in my yard
T puts SS to guess-
My city recycles it....
Children make airplanes out of it.......
I write on it......
Interaction: T- pairs
Timing: 5 minutes

Activity 9. Speaking and listening

Aims: to reinforce learning of Present simple
T asks a student to put questions to other stundets using a card, and then wait for their
response. They must use Preset simple.
Ex. Do you play a musical instrument?
Is the techer in class?,
Do you have a brother ?
Interaction: SS-SS
Timing: 4 minutes

Activity 10 Giving homework

Procedure: T congratulates Ss for their activity today, indeed the lesson was a pleasant one,
the Ss were very active and T thanks them for that. T tells Ss their homework for next time –
ex 6 and 7 from the sheet of paper
Interaction: T- whole class
Timing: 1 minutes

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